#im afraid of being alone and my brother is nice
rowretro · 5 months
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WARNINGS: non I know of
✧taglist✧: @heeseung-min @jaeneohee @lovingvoidgoatee @neruishoon (anyone I may have missed)
"Babe maybe we should get something in the garden for them to play with~" y/n said with a smile "Like a big playhouse to play in?" he asked as y/n gasped "Omg that's so cute!" she smiled as she turned to the babies that were giggling at some Halloween decorations. "Babe we have to be nicer-" y/n warned as Sunghoon frowned "Im not saying anything mean, i just said the word mean, how is that not nice enough coming from me?" Sunghoon reasoned as y/n frowned at him.
"Babe look! a princess castle... Wait no- look at that one- barbie's dreamhouse!" Y/n pointed out as Sunghoon ruffled her hair. "Honestly I think it's perfect, 3 stories, big enough for the twins to spend time in, something we can work on together~" Sunghoon sang, as he smiled at the girl. "Aw Sunghoon you're so fucking cute when you're happy, why can't you be happy all the timeeee?" y/n pouted as Sunghoon rolled his eyes.
And in perfect timing, a certain someone appeared before her and Sunghoon. "Ah Sunghoon~ and if it isn't the pretty y/n~" Yeonjun complimented. Y/n nervously laughed knowing how possessive Sunghoon gets when a man compliments his y/n, his hands balling into fists, "mama~" Avaani whined, wanting to get carried, the girl smiles, picking up the baby. "Ah so you finally gave birth, wow I haven't seen you in so long then Hooners... If you're done shopping may I treat you to lunch?" Yeonjun asked with a sweet, fake smile as y/n turned to Sunghoon.
"Babe? Will you be ok with that? maybe seeing your kind brother the kids will be kind too!" y/n pointed out, still clueless about the little conflict between the 2 brothers "I see your wife says yes~" he smirked as Sunghoon held back his anger "Babe, we'll grab a quick meal and leave straight after." Sunghoon simply said not liking the idea of Yeonjun  one bit.
God all the things he was holding back from doing, feeling the girls’ eyes on him. Sunghoon watched as Yeonjun flirted lowkey, and how he checked her out so shamelessly, purposely pissing Sunghoon off by getting a little touchy with y/n. Yeonjun  was really asking for it. Watching y/n cluelessly smile and converse with his brother was pretty tough to put up with, but hearing Yeonjun mildly slip in some filthy compliments in a sugar coated manner pissed the male off more.
Sunghoon ordered himself a hot drink as he busied himself with baby Anaya who was still awake. The baby softly gripped onto Sunghoon’s finger, her curious eyes meeting Sunghoon’s. The man’s heart fluttered at how adorable his baby girl was, smiling as he let her shake his hand around. He was still keeping an eye on Yeonjun though, not trusting him one bit. “Hmm maybe you should come by my bar some day” Yeonjun randomly said as Sunghoon immediately turned to him, glaring at the smirking demon before him. Before Sunghoon could even say a word, y/n spoke up with a smile.
“I’m afraid I have to turn down your offer… me and Hoon will be busy with the babies, and any free time we get, we like to spend alone… sorry” She kindly apologize, as Sunghoon turned back to the babies, smiling. Not only did she turn down the offer, but she called him Hoon, god that girl is so cute. However, Sunghoon was still wary, what if she simply turned it down because she wanted to avoid being locked in the basement?....
"Awww look at Avaani, she's sleeping while hugging Anaya's arm" y/n cooed as baby Anaya whined softly, trying to pull out of her sister's grip. Sunghoon softly, pulled the baby away, treating them as if they were delicate little angels, as if even the tiniest mistake would snap them. "Bit of a selfish sister eh? sort of like Sunghoon" Yeonjun joked as he stared at baby Anaya.
Some joke that was. It's clear, Yeonjun hated those babies as they were a result of Sunghoon and y/n, and Sunghoon was no stranger to this greedy bitch side of Yeonjun. The nerve to even make a comment on one of his angels. Sunghoon opens his extremely hot drink and accidentally spills it on Yeonjun, with a smirk. "oops... accident my bad." He simply said as the two demons glared at each other, their red eyes glowing like a fire opal gem put in the sunlight.
"Babe- I think we should head home, babies are sleepy..." Y/n said as Sunghoon turned to her, the red in his eyes long gone. "Kay lets head home sweetheart, we can build the castle while they sleep" he said with a smile as he got up, making sure the babies were safe inside the pushchair before leaving the building, his hands on the pushchair as he forced y/n to walk in the tiny space between him and his pushchair, not liking his angels being away from him for even just a split second...
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veny-many · 1 year
STAR WARS ADVENTURES: THE CLONE WARS-BATTLE TALES ISSUE #2 is for wolfpack fans and i love it.
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Like he smiles everytime in this comics how could he smile all the time in this comics since he never ever smiles peacefully and happily in the clone wars im crying right now
He's just happy boy who likes to go along with his boys and his general. He's a good big brother and son.
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And now Comet being the most aggressive boy in wolfpack makes me cringe.
And Wolffe's like 'okay calm down little bro you can't just shoot everything like that' leader(big bro) makes me cringe more.
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Aaaaaaand Sinker casually jinxing his bros lmao
They really argue like annoying brothers. I love it so much.
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Before the malevolence I bet the Comet was the sassest and most sarcastic youngest in wolfpack bc look at this.
He's so annoyed by flying clankers.
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And now he looked like scared and desperate. Saying they can't make it alive. He has fast and realistic judgment and he knows they'll never make it
And Wolffe is just talking to his bros it'll be alright like oldest child reassure their younger siblings when they're in danger or afraid. Its nice somehow heartbreaking...
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And don't worry the General came to save his boys!
I like he was riding his starfighter before and now he's in gunship and came for Wolfpack.
Like 'Well seems like my boys in trouble my job is done and I'm gonna quickly hop out of my jet and get in gunship and search for them!'.
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And he do cares for them. He's just happy nobody hurt or died and that's all he cares and it BREAKS MY HEART BC HE DID LOST MANY FRIENDS AND FAMILIES IN MANY BATTLES BEFORE SO HE JUST HAPPY THAT HIS BOYS ALRIGHT.
And Wolffe is like 'that's my general!' And smiles happily. This is happy. And sad. Just both.
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And after malevolence and khorm he's just... sass, and cold, and annoyed by many other thing and doesn't SMILE.
Or... maybe he just smiles like... only when he talks to his wolfpack and general while relaxed, and that's why we never could see him smile??
Either way he became sad boy after so many lost brother and it always makes me sad too. I know he had big heart, being great big brother, and happy smiles, and naive but honest and good boy. But war made him devastated and angry and depressed.
It's still good that at least he had his wolfpack bros, and plo koon, even and after war he had Rex and Gregor together. He can't leave alone. He can't be lone wolf bc he's sad big brother and needs some pack that he needs to take care and live together and ever.
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weirdcat1213 · 11 months
Its time for the weekly horrors- I mean Trimax vol 3 >:3
The Thoughts:
chap 1:
-bro you are about to get into a fight can you stop thinking about your bf for 5 minutes
-fr tho, vash's words making him hesitate/angry is so dcfgjhbkml
-why everyone wants my babygirl dead :c
-now now, comparing someone with their brother isnt a nice thing to do
-oh so now we're not even making an allegory, he actually called him jeesus
-also "your soul is forced to endure the sorrow by the hundreds, suffering by the thousands, and the rage by the hundreds of thousands" im gonna throw up cuz of how that GOOD and PAINFUL that shit is
-the polar opposite of being a human huh...i mean besides something i said weeks ago about how he's further away from humanity more than he would like that point is interesting cuz most of the time we call him someone who is more human than any other person. he carries more pain than any human could endure and definitely has more patience than anyone will ever have but...hm...i want to come back to this
-ww pls dont make me cry today pls honey
-oh im gonna cry
-"your ideals will join you in the grave" i fucking hate thats the reason why we all try to be better people, thanks to that fucking wet cat of a man i cannot deal actually
chap 2:
-i dont have much to say about battles but let it be on the record that I'm enjoying ww's eyes sm
-oh page 38 is cool as hell
chap 3:
-ww stop having pretty eyes youre distracting
-meanwhile :3
-ah geesus the body horror (so good but creepy)
-so many fucking details. nightow got down even the smallest scribbles, as 98 vash would say
-oh right that....thats still upsetting
-i fucking swear people need to leave my son alone
-also fucking hate that he had to SHOOT A BABY even if it was fake
-i can feel his fucking mind breaking i cant do this
chap 4:
-"i cant do this" yet here i am lmao
-i think if vash held me like hes holding that girl a lot of my problems would be resolved ngl
-characters reciting names always get to me :c
-"why are there so many" brad you may want to sit down for this one
-..................i deadass thought "oh the doctor is here" IVE READ THIS BEFORE AND I FELL FOR IT AGAIN
-vash with his hair down :3
-nah hes not gonna kill you BUT HE FUCKING SHOULD
-oh i will kill so many people (vash is bleeding)
-hm. this reminds me of something in houseki no kuni (i wont spoil but maybe ichikawa had trigun as inspo which would be cool af)
chap 5:
-oh im yeeting myself (ww thinks about the children) -ww gives in his anger and fear when punching those weirdass faces but I'm gonna say this once: that doesn't make him weaker or worst. i haven't seen anyone think that of ww, i just feel that when he compares himself to vash he feels that way and i cant stand it :)
-vash i fucking swear-
-oh god the fingers...the fucking fingers...
-oh you are NOT talking to my vash about pain and agony
-XD my girls
no wait i need to get back to that. i thought that was emilio's dad not fucking vash himself oh my god I'm sick so sick actually wtfffffffffffff
chap 6:
-is this the chapter with the gays eyes cuz I'm not ready for that-
-oh fuck you nightow. fuck you for putting knives in the title page and the title being "families"
-i want to punch so many things but I'm at work. fuck
-also i forgot about this stampede parallel GOD WHEN DOES MY SUFFERING END
-yeah i agree this is literally the moment. like fuck. fuck actually. fuck what else is there to say.
-like hes so fucking terrified that he was afraid for him, what his journey is causing ww, but even if he wanted ww to stay away and safe he knows ww would say fuck off, but also vash would not be able to take it
-im so fucking upset cuz the last 3 chapters were basically fights. they were full of energy and shit but now that is over and they are in a rare moment of peace, and everything fucking hits.
-im gonna go outside and step into oncoming traffic
-WOLFWOOD :D pls never leave me
-i am nothing. i just remembered that.
chap 7
-maybe i dont want to read trimax anymore. maybe a little person like me isn't strong enough for a 2nd round of the pain. with that in mind, lets keep reading :D
-wolfwood what he is it doesnt matter i swear pls cant you just love him?
-i dont like vash being emotionally attached to stuff cuz that means i have to yell HES LIKE ME FR FR
-oh that....that beautiful panel...amazing
-i think my mind blocked this out because of the previous sad things that happened, so now my brain is allowing me to process more sad things :3
-"i still have so much i must do" and i see i still have many tears to cry out huh?
-ofc wolfwood would ask about redemption
-cant my man show an important part of his past and show vulnerability in front of his friends in peace? damn
-im gonna start bitting my glasses
-luida pls i want to stop crying
-oh wolfwood honey....you just fell so hard for my man didnt ya
-i just realized the chapter is called "life as a" and I THINK the idea is to complete it with "life as a 'vash the stampede'" cuz he's not human
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ill-say-this-fast · 8 months
Hi! Idk if you're still taking scarletsilver/maxicest asks but I'll just shoot my shot I guess.
Idk if I'm alone in this or not but one of my biggest maxicest headcanons is that if Wanda didn't magically create her twin babies... she still would have had them... with Pietro. (Ya know what I mean).
I know, I know, I know. There's plenty of reasons why it sounds illogical. BUT! I feel like if Wanda never loved Vision (or just said "frick it" and just elopes with her brother) or if she really really REALLY wanted to have babies (the 'traditional' way) and asked Pietro... you know that man is 1000% gonna go with whatever his beloved sister wants whether he likes it or not.
Another reason why is because I want them to raise my boys Thomas/Tommy and William/Billy. Especially our lil speed. Baby boy deserves all the nice things. We already see how Wanda interacts with her boys as their mother-not-mother. But imagine if Pietro was their actual dad and how he would interact with the boys?? So many possibilitiessss
And if Wanda and Pietro did raise them, they would also train/mentor Billy and Tommy with their powers early on which would probably make them more powerful or at least more in control in their powers.
Anyways, sorry for the rant! Just wanna know what you'd think of this headcanon of mine and anything you'd like to add really! :)))
I'm never not taking asks, thanks for sending this!
i love having them all as a family. for tommy especially. the kaplans are good parents, but tommy never got to have that and that sucks because wanda loved him so much the whole time and ughh they could have been happy. i would love more wanda and tommy stuff in canon or otherwise. but i also love pietro being more a part of tommys life. not sure if pietro is more competitive or concilliatory with him? bit of both probably. seeing himself in tommy and whether that creates friction or pride or pity.
like in 616 i feel like they have major old cat vs new hyperactive kitten energy and idk if that would be the same if pietro helped raise him from birth but i do love it. pietro's slightly put-on long suffering exasperation and tommy's overwhelming need to annoy this one guy in particular but underneath pietro's really fond of him and tommy's looking for attention and for someone to appreciate him and care that he exists. but they should also get to have stupid fun at high speeds (and together cause i imagine its usually pretty isolating).
in 616 i go with the headcanon that billy and tommy are pietros genetically, like wanda made them as if they were his, but it was still done magically and he just had to see it from afar. theyre the children she always imagined having, the ones she really wanted. so i have no qualms about just making them fully biologically his in AUs, its the way the rebirths and subsequent life experiences affect their personalities that i have to work around.
im working on (slowly) a 616 post childrens crusade fic where the two of them sort of readopt tommy. and they form this kind of nuclear family but dont talk to each other about it really because theyre all afraid the others will reject it. 100% happy ending they get the family they were supposed to have eventually.
also something i probably wont write but have as an idea. a very lighthearted fox xmen au where billy and tommy exist and theyre like 12-14 and pietro (peter i guess) has to keep juggling his job of Saving the World(tm) with dealing with whatever bullshit the boys have done. like the phoenix force is out of control and we need to do something to stop jean from destroying the world, but billy really wanted to see a dinosaur and now theres a time rift in the garden and pietro cannot let his coworkers find out about his children and their godlike powers, so he's bouncing between some really deep placatory conversation with jean and trying to find enough cages to put all the velociraptors in before wanda gets home and finds the house in a mess.
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themultifandomgal · 2 years
Chris Argent- Kates Back
Reader is 18+ by the way
"What the hell" YN's eyes widen when she walks into the Hales loft. She drops her bag on the floor staring at the now young Derek. YN's eyes dart up to Peter
"YN we need your help"
"I can see, how.. what... who..." YN splutters not being able to find the right words
"So errm your not going to believe this, but... Kates back" YN just stares at Peter
"Your kidding right? But you killed her, I watched you kill her" the door to the loft opens and in walks Chris and Allison
"Well I'm afraid she's back and not just a hunter"
"Peter what do you mean?" YN says with gritted teeth
"Well shes now a were-Jaguar and now is making berserkers" Chris walks over to where YN is standing and stands next to her. It's hard for them both to not hold hands or be wrapped in each others arms, but no one knows they're dating
"She wanted to make Derek forget what she is and what she's done. She wanted him to trust her so she can use him to make her master her own shifts" Peter finish off
"Ok right so what do you need me to do?" YN sighs
"While we're figuring this out we need you and Allison to go and protect Scott. Also Stiles will be there" Chris smiles at YN
"Fine but you lot owe me" YN points to everyone around the room before grabbing her bag and heading to the safe house where Scott is hiding with Allison.
Once they arrived YN gets out the car with Allison and they head into the safe house where Scott and Stiles are
"Guys I'll be fine" Scott tries to reassure everyone
"Yeah yeah with Stiles' cooking we will all be dead" YN jokes making fun of her younger brother while Allison greets her boyfriend
"Hey your crap at cooking as well"
"But I'm not crap at magic so shut up so I can make food. Also I'm going to put a spell on this place while we wait for the others to figure this all out" just as YN was about to chant the protection spell the doors bust open and Kate walks in with her berserkers
"To late. Nice to see you again YN" Kate evilly smiles at YN before everything suddenly goes black.
When YN wakes up she's in some kind of cave or tunnel. Kate walks up to YN smiling
"Good your awake, can't say the same for your dear brother"
"What the fuck have you done?" YN snaps
"Oh relax he will wake up. Hopefully soon because I want to give them a show" Kate walks over to a machine that YN recognises from when Kate was shocking Derek. God this woman just can't leave him alone
"Kate please stop we can help you through this you don't need to kill anyone"
"Yes I do because I need the power"
"No you don't. If you do this others will come after you. You won't ever be safe"
"Shut up" Kate yells in YNs face. Instinctively YN holds her stomach a way to protect the tiny little life that's inside her. She hasn't long found out she was pregnant with Chris' child but when she saw the 2 lines on the stick YN was ecstatic and so was Chris
"YN? Scott?" a weak voice says. YN looks across from Kate to see Stiles is waking up and so is Allison
"You wouldn't kill your own niece would you?" YN looks back at Kate who rolls her eyes and walks over to Scott kicking him awake
"Finally your all awake. Time to get this party started. Now YN I say you should go first"
"What? No no no please Kate no" YN puts up a struggle, the others move to try and help her by they are all chained down. Kate ties YN up and walks over to the electric machine
"Night night YN sweet dreams"
"KATE STOP IM PREGNANT" YN yells crying "please don't. I'm pregnant please stop don't hurt my baby"
"Oh the witch is pregnant. Now this is a fun game. Whose the daddy? Well it can't be Stiles because he's your brother, Scott's to young, Derek maybe but he's into that Braeden. Would he cheat? Hmm no I can't see it. What about Peter? he's 10 years older that you" YN doesn't say anything because the last thing she wants is for Allison to find out her father is dating her best friend
"Hmm no not Peter. You held disgust is your eye. Can't be the Sheriff because that's your father so that just leaves.... oh my. I have another niece or nephew on the way don't I? well now this is truly going to be fun" Kate puts her hand on the bar to turn the voltage on
"Nooo" YN yell and closes her eyes but instead of pain she hears a gun shot. YN opens up her eyes and sees Chris standing with a gun pointing to where Kate was standing. Chris puts the gun away and runs towards YN
"You ok?" he asks helping untie her
"Chris they know"
"Know what ?"
"Us" YN says looking into Chris' eyes
"Oh" after YN is untied they both quietly untie the others.
The silence continues until they get outside, soon learning that they were back in Mexico
"You know I'm ok with this right?" Allison suddenly says holing on to Scott's hand "you and my dad. I love you already. You've been a mother figure even if you haven't realised it and to be honest I can't wait to have a brother or sister" YN walks up to Allison and hugs her
"Thank you" next she looks at Stiles
"I guess there's worse people you could have ended up with. At least Chris doesn't want to rip my throat out"
"So how long have you been... well... erm you know doing whatever you guys are doing?" Scott awkwardly asks
"We've been dating for a year in secret" Chris answers as we get into the his car
"Of course Derek found out. Saw Chris and I kissing"
"Eww" Stiles scrunches his nose up
"I think we should get home and talk about this then. YN you should get some sleep" Chris kisses YN's forehead and pulls a blanket out from behind his seat giving it to YN to wrap up warm in.
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misssakuramochi · 7 months
Hey hey! Can I please have a male one piece match up?
Personality: I’m super chill until you mess with someone I care about or I feel overwhelmed. I’m a nerd when it comes to history (I’m a former history teacher), cultures and music. Although I’m not shy or have that much trouble making friends, I’m kind of a loner. To the point that I’ve moved to other countries by myself and often travel alone. I’m pretty adventurous and I’m an ENTP. I also try to stand up for what’s right and try to be understanding of those different from me. I’m pretty chill on the outside despite me having anxiety and I’m generally friendly to everyone which can get me in trouble sometimes when it’s looked at as flirting. I can be really impatient and easily bored when it comes to romance. I’m pretty independent too. I can talk to anyone but I have to recharge and sometimes that can take hours or sometimes days of me being alone. Im also sort of a tomboy. I’ve been told by men before that I have BDE and some have even called me daddy hahah.
Appearance: I’m a 28 year old black woman with locs where half are dyed purple. I sort of have a rockstar style but I also can look like a whimsigoth. I’ve been compared to a fairy as far as my features go since I have high cheekbones, look young for my age, feminine with sharpish features and expressive eyes. I have a really smirky smile as well. I’m also genderfluid and can dress pretty androgynous at times. I also have tattoos and a nose ring.
Interests: I love listening to music, I play bass guitar, love traveling and experiencing other cultures. I also like being in nature, roller skating and crocheting. Depending on the vibe and who I’m with I can be both a partier and a homebody.
Quirks: I’m clumsy, sometimes stutters when my thoughts are too fast and my mouth can’t keep up, I can’t hear all that well either cos of the concerts I’ve been to and loud music I listen to
Thank you!
I match you with...
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○ Sabo makes you feel safe. Not that you really need anyone to do that, but the fact that he's so protective is a good feeling. It's nice to be able to rely on someone the way they rely on you, and the two of you always have each other's backs 100%.
○ Both of you are generally chill - especially Sabo. Your overwhelmed or anxious outbursts are never taken as personal offense, and being able to let things roll off the shoulders keeps communication constant and open.
○ You're independent and need to be able to express that, and have your alone time. Sabo, while less independent than you, isn't the clingy type. He has a lot of responsibility, from the Revolutionary Army to his bond with his brother, Sabo has other priorities to attend to. That isn't to say you're ever starved for attention, but you're not smothered with it.
○ Sabo not being so clingy to you makes and keeps you invested. He's exciting and interesting, intelligent and direct, and he manages to keep you on your toes. That keeps you invested in the romance without getting bored too quickly.
○ You crochet Sabo a little cute keychain of a fire - you mean for him to keep it in his wallet or something, but it becomes his good luck charm and he has it stuck to his hat. The smile of pride on his face when people ask him about it and he gets to say his partner made it for him is so precious
○ More dominant in nature, at first glance it seems very much like you pull the strings in the relationship. While that's usually true, it's mostly because Sabo is rather relaxed and likes to see you happy. When he needs to step up for any reason, to make the decisions when you aren't up for it, or whatever it is, he reminds you that he's a high ranking commander -- he's not as passive as it's easy to tale him for.
○ Sabo loves your more tomboyish nature though. He loves being able to just treat you as 'one of the boys' so to speak and not having to feel like he needs to censor himself. Getting his hands dirty is something he's never afraid to do, and when it's all fun and games he likes to share those things with you
○ When someone takes your kindness the wrong way and tries to make a move is when Sabo gets scary. He won't let anyone risk making you uncomfortable, and while you can stand up for yourself and he's forever grateful to know you're safe when he's not around, he will ot hesitate to go full protective mode when someone pushes a little too far.
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deadlygronkle · 1 year
Chapter 9 Ancestor's Legacy part 2
First half
word count: 1148
Time was then left alone at the bar, carefully nursing his ale. He had a lot to ponder over with the information he got today and plan the next course of action. He obviously wasn’t going to let Twilight go alone, but how would he address this?
“So you're from the past?” Rusl asked, turning back to his own drink.
“From what we know, yes,” Time answered honestly.
Rusl took his drink and swirled it, “That means you are Link’s ancestor, not his father,”
Time looked over to the man startled, “How did you-”
“Your eyes. They are startlingly similar to Link’s,” Rusl interrupted, he then sighed and placed down his drink, “ I would like to apologize for the way I acted back in the room. I thought you were someone else,”
“You mentioned his father? Did you know him?” Time asked, setting down his own drink.
He had been wondering about his other descendants since Twilight snapped at him for bringing it up. Though if anyone would have any knowledge of them besides Twilight, it would have to be the people who raised him.
“No. I didn’t, but someone had to abandon him in the spring. He was lucky enough to be alive when I found ‘im,” Rusl replied, still looking down into his drink.
“What do you mean?” Time asked, looking over while tilting his head.
“Ordon Forest isn’t safe, especially at night. When I found him at the banks of the spring he was practically still a baby,” Rusl let out a fond laugh, “He had a way with animals even back then. There was a golden wolf with one eye protecting him. Left the moment I saw it,”
Time didn’t know how to respond to that. A wolf typically doesn’t care for people, especially young children. Maybe the crying reminded it of a young pup? Then again Twilight could turn into a wolf so maybe someone else could too?
“Why are you telling me all this?” Time finally asked.
“Someone needs to look over him in the desert. From what I’ve seen, you're the leader of that little group, correct?” Rusl answered finally look at Time.
Time sighed, took a drink, then said, “I’m afraid he wants to go by himself. How did you ever deal with him being that stubborn?”
Rusl chuckled, “Just have to out stubborn him. I doubt he would force ya to go back if you just left with him,”
Rusl looked back to where the Chain had been sitting before, “It was nice to see him getting to have fun with others around his age. Him and… Warriors, was it? They act more like brothers than just friends,”
Time smiled, “Yes they do, despite how much they mess with each other. I swear they are going to give me gray hair before this quest is done,”
Rusl barked out a laugh and slapped Time’s shoulder, “Welcome to being a Parent! Link and Colin have given me my fair share throughout them growing up. No doubt Hasa will as well,”
Time’s eye widened briefly. He wasn’t expecting Rusl to say that they were his kids! Granted he did scold them and kept them out of trouble. Oh, Goddesses, Time realized, he really was acting like a father to the Chain!
Rusl, seeing his expression snorted and said, “You just realized you're basically parenting those kids? Look on the bright side, you're getting practice for when you have children yourself!”
As Time was trying to come up with a response, Telma walked up behind the bar, “Rusl, I hate to do this, but have you looked at the time? You better back soon,”
Rusl glanced up and cursed, quickly draining the rest of his ale and placing his payment down, he said, “Yup, looks like I have to get going! Say Time, do ya mind doing me a favor?”
“Sure what is it?” Time asked, confused.
“There’s this big tree in the royal graveyard, you can’t miss it. Link tends to go there before missions. Can you make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep out there?” Rusl answered as he collected his things.
“I can do that,” Time promised, he was about ready to go back to the room anyway.
“Thanks, try to keep Link out of danger for me. Hylia knows he doesn’t have an ounce of self preservation,” Rusl jokes, walking out the door.
Time drained his drink a little after that. When he tried to pay for everyone's food Telma refused. She said that it was the least she could do for them making sure Twilight made it back safely. Time still couldn’t leave without remotely paying, so when Telma was turned around he dropped a red rupee on the table.
Leaving quickly after that Time headed back to the castle. Despite what the others joked about he remembered the way to the room. Going to the graveyard was a different story. After politely asking one of the soldiers for directions, Time went to the graveyard.
It was just a normal tree, big yes, but not the biggest Time had ever seen. Time found Twilight knelt in front of it, seemingly at peace. There were a couple of poppies laid out in front of Twilight, fresh enough to have picked that day.
“Pup,” Time watched as Twilight jumped and looked up in surprise, “You should be in bed. What are you doing out here?”
Twilight looked down and said, “Y’all were wondering who taught me the Mortal draw. Well this is his grave,”
Time glanced down around the tree base, “There’s no head stone,”
Twilight humorlessly laughed, “It's more to honor him than anything, there is no body buried here,”
Time was silent for a moment, “How do you know that this is his grave?”
Twilight glanced up at Time, he had been crying, “I don’t. There is a.. carving in the sewers. I’ve only been able to make out some of what it says, but it clearly says ‘The cursed Swordsman sleeps before the sacred tree’,”
Time, with a grunt, sat down next to Twilight, “Well, why don’t you tell me about him? Sharing memories is the best way to remember people,”
Twilight had a tear going down his face, “He was a stubborn man, when I first met him I couldn’t even land a hit on him. He told me that I disgraced the hero of legend whose tunic I wore. He taught me more than just ‘The mortal draw’, seven hidden skills which aided me on my journey,”
Time put one arm around Twilight trying to comfort his protege, “Why was he called ‘The Cursed Swordsman?’”
Time wondered if he was the one to teach the Hero’s Shade the skills he knew. After all, he created the move ‘Mortal Draw’ so it would have to come back to him. Those questions could wait though, right now he needed to provide comfort to Twilight.
“He… He died suddenly, wasn’t able to pass down his teaching to his descendants. He told me he regretted it so much he couldn’t pass on, until I came along,” Twilight said, with guilt written on his face.
“So you're related to him? What was his name?” Time asked gently.
“The Hero’s Shade. I thought I helped him find peace,” Twilight gave Time a watery smile, “Turns out I didn’t. That golden poe we saw was him, I failed to even make sure y-... he was properly put to rest,”
“Hey, no,” Time pulled Twilight closer to him, “I’m sure that’s not the case. You did your best, and I’m sure the Hero’s shade appreciated you learning and taking his lessons to heart. I’m sure whatever made him stay was not your fault,” Time said softly, giving Twilight a one armed hug.
Twilight gave a sad smile, “Yeah… Thanks for listening, Da– Time,”
Time got a warm feeling at the slip up, but pretended not to notice it, “No problem Pup. Say, is he going to join our group? I would like to meet my descendant who taught you those skills,”
Twilight laughed, “You already have. Now come on old man, I need to at least get some sleep tonight,”
Time wondered what Twilight meant by that. Though before he could ask Twilight had already started to walk away. Time looked back to the ancient tree, the Hero Shade had been dead a long time. He took one of the poppies that fell near his foot, and climbed the roots.
As he placed the poppy closer to the base of the tree, “I hope you’ll be able to rest peacefully soon,” Time whispered to the tree, before he followed Twilight to the room.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Hey I know this might be uncalled for and idk much about anything, but I found the last post in your personal blog talking about your trip kind of alarming. It sounds like you’re putting a lot of effort to an important friend, but from your posts, the entire situation just seems fishy. I’m sorry if I sound rude, I’m just concerned because you mentioned the other friend won’t make it and you’ll be alone with this guy far from home, and he doesn’t have any plans to take you around (which a lot of times, hanging out and sight-seeing doesn’t really require money, if any at all). I really hope that if you decide to go you’ll have an amazing time but at this point, but I’m afraid you’re kinda setting yourself up for disappointment? And I really hope I’m not rude by saying this. Again, you’re putting a lot of care and money into this trip so at this point you should think twice and consider going somewhere else and have fun by yourself.
I was wondering why you would ask over here but then I suddenly remembered I turned off anon on my main blog ages ago so that's on me 💀 you aren't being rude dont worry haha, its nice to know people care enough about me to express concern
For context for you guys who just know me over here, I recently reconnected with an old online friend I knew like 9 years ago and he kind of just invited me up for a visit with him and another online friend i knew during the same time period who also lives in his area on a whim because, life is short, the pandemic has been hell, people have died and drifted apart and all that, and I was really happy because he used to be a big pillar of support for me back in the day (the other friend too) and I thought "hey, taking a trip could be really good for me, im already super depressed lmao" but being invited up quickly turned into 1. Other friend can't make it 2. I have to provide my own lodging aka paying for motel which is expensive 3. He doesn't drive so I have to be taking a rideshare service to travel like 6 miles to his place and back to my hotel 4. I knew he was, earning a scholarship and such but he dropped on me today after I've already scheduled everything that he's been a full time student with no income so like, we really won't even be able to do basic shit like go out to eat or see a movie unless I pay for everything and that's on top of already spending like $1k on traveling and the motel alone
My mom is trying to talk me out of going and, I will be honest and say I'm really upset with his communication. He invited me in a really sincere way but this entire process has been a nightmare. Like I figured since I'm, you know, having to pay for a passport and travel to Canada, that we would be able to like sightsee and maybe check out the local food and try poutine but the only activities he has suggested so far is hiking (which is fine that sounds fun) and idk listening to music on subwoofers in his room in the house he shares with like 3 other men and doing shrooms. Like dude I love this guy like a brother but he really kind of should have told me he was quote "extremely poor" before I shelled out the cash to take 8 days out of my schedule, two of those which I'm going to be travelling the entire day, literally my departure day is gonna be 4am to 7pm nothing but travel and similar on the day back
But also like. He was there for me a lot of the times I needed it when I was younger, he supported me and did nice things for me, so I feel I owe him even if I didn't want to go, which I do like trust me I still want to see him. Yeah this isn't ideal but, it could still be something really good for the both of us. I trust him not to be creepy with me and you know, he's been through some really hard stuff too (for you followers over here, he is the same friend I mentioned the other day who basically lost use of his dominant hand in a work accident). Yeah it seems kind of iffy now but I could go and have a great time. And if not, if we don't click, and it's super awkward, then yeah I'm going to be extremely hardcore depressed by myself in a foreign country but I'll have my own hotel room so I can have my own space and do my own things until I crawl back home. I'll actually be in the Niagara Falls/St Catharines area of Ontario so, I figure, if I'm forced to make the best of a bad situation, there should be plenty of opportunities by myself due to the tourism :)
But yeah I'm still really nervous and I'm disappointed and anxious about this trip and I still have to pay for my passport and this is kind of coming at not the best time but,, I'm looking forward to this and so is he so, I think everything will be OK. And if not then I'll be super heartbroken and never want to trust anyone again because no one else will be familiar with me and accept me the way he has and if i don't have that then I might as well not even exist lol :)
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solardick · 4 months
So what cards to use?
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Serpent comes back. Dove is flying.
Mission impossible.
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Mother, i’m afraid.
It’s the cir_cle🎶 the circle of li_fe.
Is this what you need dear?
What is it that i owe?
A crow is where violence ensues. Harm. Death. The distant is closed in the now. With it all intent from the external. It means loss. Ravens well. Are a little more human. We say that its time. Prepare yourself. Its a hit. But when it happens with complexicity. You know extra attention is paying name. And i always fail. I don’t listen. The external wont leave me be. Im sorry if your trying to help me. You are the best moments of my life. And i look to you. And i know theres love. Its too bad that word is so god damned contaminated with bs. That one is afraid to say it. It not being hyped. Its always hyped. Its always spelt with a capital letter. People are stupid.
And im an alien.
As is the dragon. Not American. It’s not attached to all that sin bs that american dragons are. Its more of a Japanese dragon. A mix of creatures. As is the spirit. Here less formed to that of an image of man. Same goes for the hindu’s description of life. Foe whatever that god’s name is. I like it.
The dove is tied with the dragon here as positive social involving strong and confident eye contact. Which creates a bit of a stir between two. And engages active participation. All unease is vacant. And trust on a leaF of fate. Not knowing where the wind will blow.
All life does. Is attack it. Attack attack attack. Attack. Bleed. Attack.
Randy’s Japanese toilet.
Ok so now im changing partners. With the little effeminate foreigner. I still lose. Still on script. Ugh.
Ok fine ill go full woman.
I font need to have any initiative i can be a lazy worker.
Il’ fuck the next guy that cums on to me. Go back to beign eight again. Maybe itll be his brother. I want a strong body pressed up behind me. Take care of me. Do nice things for me. And you can own me. Its all i know anyway. Being owned. They ain’t going to stop. Might as well. You’re no stranger. Give in to the lie. Maybe they’ll leave you alone. And stop hurting you. Give up the dream of ever having a family. Theres is no mother. There is no father. There is only childhood. Thats all its been for all these last years. Being shipped around. Owed. Beaten. To insanity and then passified. And raped.
May i get off this abusive fucken script now!? How many more peoplw want to line up and take their next turn?
In all those years. All fucken twenty or so only one person ever insisted and asked me what. One person. I. A way that wasnt aggressive or violent. Sll the violence is dtillt here. By ny fucken entourage. Leave me aline i cant fucken do it. Jesus fuck raoe your families.
Oh no! I got pressed and stressed at saying soemthig. Stupid again. Punish me. Build your own excuses.
What can one inject a chromozone into some one?
So i have to sabotage. Bye bye sunshine. Your a fake summer anyway. Still covid. Get out your mask and be conditioned to avoid everyone. And live the hermit.
Now i got some more cigs to smoke. Odd’y enough my lung isnt hurting. Chain smoked a pack. Scrounging butts. Alright. Oo card lets start my new life as estranged. While i wait on the in reasing depressiob to knowck me out of functionality again. Back yo square one and 20 more years of vegetation while being mistreated. Maybe ill goninsane again and i can get raped and passified again. For the miliionth time.
So the next p’ace i go to you gonna send other girls to sexuàlly harrass me and after i take the proper steps victimize me as the villain. Its becoming repetative. Where your imagination?
No stay home. What? Look dispointed im grttingg fucked with and now im sick. Look disapoited. What the fuck ever nan.
Im going back to bed and wait to see if im a member og the health and safety commity. Its its not just an insult. To have that posted now. The second i wàk inside i start choking almost puking little poor sleep coupelf with chain smoking an fthe recent griup endeavered fucking with me. Im out. Ok. Fyck off.
Consodering the union rep. Is best froends witha drug dealee. Doesnt inspire too mych confidence or trust. Oh no! Im intimidated. Or the drug dealer spazzing out and cowering everytime i raise my gand to through a peice of paper in the trash or the hippy mexican guy eho also told me he was a drug dealer. Both freak out. And engrandize my negaitve reactions. And yet. Im the one who gets hit by them. Yeah. Ok. Fuck you. Think im going to go all full core serioal killer violent on yous. What. Ao and then i get damage for the dame behavior others have done unto my all my life? Yeha ok. Sure why not. Its the guy driving hi s wife to the hospital that gets pulled over by the cops. While the drunk driver ahead of them. Keeps going. Serrounded by criminals victimizing me into being punished. Yap. Fuck life.
Of course im being herded. Who else whould i chose to work with. Within the limited options available. Its not me choice. It was already mande for me. Fuck rhe foreigners is probably a bigger criminal than the others combined gor all i k ow.
Born in a life serrounded by criminals. No wonder my dragon gets raped.
« As wise as a serpent. And as harmless as a dove. «  the bible. Uh, isnt that cool. I just saw that on greyhound. That was good movie. I watched it twice. Today. But thatd life. You find yoru way and then they rape it. And dump it out. Reaving with hatred. And rhen you need to be corrwcted while the laugh at you. Well that’s how i was raided atleast.
Im going to go massage my prostate with the hand’e of my toilet plunger. Later.
Oh no, easter id comming another holiday. Thats means another collective fuck you to me.
No iill try and go see Mother therapist once inknow i own my own life. And aint consistently p’aced with the criminal or the degenerate.
0 notes
makahimetenshi · 1 year
Falling or not - Paladin Danse x Sole Survivor Fanfic
This is the 1 part of a series of fics im writing lately, the order will be:
Falling or not?
May I use your shower?
Volver a tener algo
Addicted to Chems
Fooling around together
Traumas at the Commonwealth
Being awake
Since im in a rampage writing with this new ship I want to make some announcements
If you are very very very delighted with one fic and want a continuation I didn’t write or post you can donate me at least $5 bucks, most of this fics have next chapters I don’t finish because lack of motivation but hey a $5 is a $5, I see a few reviews and coments that fics that are abandoned months laters receive coments of wanting to know what happends next. Here it is, I finished my handling with you all, enjoy the fic
They were travelling together since Nate joined the brotherhood, and now since they were prepairing to build the teleport machine walking around all the Commonwealth was pretty normal, to the north to direct south, no things to do in the middle, a lot of walking, they could use ventibirds but that was a privilege that Maxson give sometimes to some people and Nate as miserly as he was, didnt want to abuse of that chances afraid of running low and needing it…and it was true, even Danse wasnt permitted to travel on ventibirds as much he wishd with years of service and a life dedicated as paladin, it was okay, part of their mission was also patrol the land and help other brothers in distress. Also Nate stop to help some of his Minutemens he encounter on the way, it was fine.
Both were heading to Sanctuary Hills, Nate needed some supplies and change some guns with others he had at…home…despite everything the man said that if he started to paid a loan for that rooft it didn’t matter if the bombs fall, it was still his home.
Danse didn’t have a problem, he feeled safe around Nate and getting some supplies for an specific task was a valid reason to move a little…and he needed to stop by a power armor station too, his power armor was low in state and needed the maitenence
Its been two weeks since Nate had the wonderfull idea to flirt and joke around a bit after Danse confessed his worries about being a good squat leader.
“you gave me something to think” said the paladin making the bombs fall again inside the knights brain
What the fuck, hows that of something to think what are you meaning with it? What are you gonna do with that info? He just ask if he was going to lean his shoulder over when he need it and wont disappear or die to not let him alone because he cared and Danse took it so personally and deep…
He said it joking like bros but the first flirt took him by surprise and really messed up with his head nononono this wasn’t his intention he said it chill and why it was still such a big thing for him too….
Ah…he may be falling? Just like that? Just with a little of reciprocate interest? Nate was unsure of his feelings but knowing that the paladin wasn’t closed to it…
He had…Nora…
He will always be Noras…
Why he would have interest in anyone in the Commonwealth? They were sick, dirty, mean, low intelligence….well that sound a bit racist but besides the Cobes family who the hell have a good life in this hell of time? He was nice, of course, he wouldn’t say those things, he understanded very well that no one can cahnge the situation and make it better enought, the destruction was too much to even try to make something on large time, they didn’t chose to be born in this horrible world and cant be misjudged by that but…
He didn’t want to be here neither, he was just in a crusade to save Shaun, letting himself go forward witout thinking much just until finding him and then…well no idea but he will figure out something, for his sake.
But there he was, getting all clumbsy because a man say yes to him in a not so clear way…wow…just right there he thought about how suppressed his feelings were…to not feel…to not love…
Will Danse say yes maybe to a third flirt? Should Nate stop thinking in such things? Just the possibility make his heart ache in confussion and make a mess but…it would be so bad?
Yes, it would be, Nora was still there, in Sanctuary Hills, waiting him and Shaun to return.
-Theres some people were we are going that you should meet, and I want you to be open mind and not shoot them please –Nate said to Danse, they were close walking in Concord, passing just the place where his…veterans event should have place if the bombs didn’t fall…
-What do you mean? –hell no more surprises
-Along with human citizens of the Commonwealth there is a supermutant named Strong, my handyrobot Codsworth, a raider name Cait…
-Why the hell you choose that company to leave in your hometown where theres people you want alive
-Shup up I paid Codsworh expensive with my credit card and 200 years later it was worth every penny, Strong is there because he likes to smash things and around Sanctuary Hills theres two points that often catchs raiders attention as a pottencial base, Concord, were we are walking now  and a mine no so far away.
-But theres no raiders around here –Danse looked everywhere, he see bodies, yes, bodies of raiders, bodies he cant care any less and wouldn’t even give a look to inspect more, their lifes were worthless for him, still it wasn’t a rampage of bodies like you see next to buildings in the Commonwealth.
-That’s Strong work, if he sees leather and spikes, he smashes, same with the mine, we clean and a few weeks later some other new group appears, I honestly don’t like to kill them, I try to persuade them when im with Strong to leave, but raiders doesn’t ration, they don’t get reasons, they don’t wanna negociate…so Strong smashed –even for Danse, Nate sometimes have a dark mind about the value of life for…some people…he didn’t like to kill but he had a really quick way to decide that if someone is pissing off, bullet on the brain goes- im not always around, I cannot let some random raiders take my home, as far as I investigated with Cait the ones that often comes are non organized groups, from other parts of the Commonwealth, clearly they are not getting the news about the Supermutant doing purges on Concord and the mine...so if they are not listening to reasons when im around…let Strong smash
-Arent you afraid of the supermutant loosing control or anything? They are not very sm –Nate quickly moved his head, denying.
-Strong is a smart supermutant, the first one I know besides Virgil, a poet who lives in a post here in the commonwealth try to spread a word to educate them in philosophy an lectures…it worked just on him, the rest of his mutant family imprisioned both, knewing totally what they were doing…I came in a distress help from the poet in the radio and…we killed all his supermutant family…together…just to get out of there…-Nate sounded a bit his nose, knowing that at telling his story he zooned out a bit, sometimes, he zooned out, speaking of this horrors was good for the soul, he liked having someone to talk to that would understand the situation, like first hand, it wasn’t a fantastic tale for Danse like it was for Codsworth, sometimes he tries to express his things to some other person and it sounds like fantasy, difficult to imagine and understand, so many horrible details and non real situations…but they were very real…
And Danse understand, imagine and if he doesn’t get it he really tries, he doesn’t avoid the subject, he values his experiences at least to make a lesson or an opinion…
Danse have field experience, he see things and can perceive them as possible and sometimes even normal, unlike people, human people, normal people who just try to survive everyday and work just…understanded that this things can happen…but tries to avoid them, tries to not live and suffer them, most of them just live with the filth and the poberty, but try to avoid the danger.
Nate cant do that, he was always on the mouth of danger, at least until he find Shaun…
-Have you ever do another thing with the supermutant? Other that doesn’t involve killing or the promise of killing –even if there was always the promise of killing in every corner of the wasterlands….
It wasn’t like Danse was trowing mean vibes or wanted to discuss the man but you can keep a low intelligence individual by promising things that will offer instant gratification and it will obey as long it last…
-He does other chores, yes, sometimes the residents ask him help or I send him to other settlements –Danse noded a hmmmmmm pretty surprised-So he is one of the things I will ask you to not be mean at, Strong saved my life a lot of times, supermutand and all but he is a good partner
What a definition of good partner was that, Danse smiled, he could get jelous
-Tell me about the other two…
-Well Codsworth is a handyrobot I bought as a surprise gift for Nora when she was pregnant at home with Shaun,  I was away still on service so I wanted to…make my presence…Codsworth was the first face I see at exiting vault 111…it was a relief to see him at home but…it was all an illusion, nothing was right –Nate was talking with a shady voice again, it was hard for him to talk about the prewar most of the times…-I know in the brotherhood we are not fond of robots, since I didn’t see many on service or helpers, but Codsworth is my robot and he has an awesome personality, so please, be nice, don’t shoot, hell be respectfull with you –Danse noded, again not convinced but oh well it was just a robot…
-Then a rider? Any other surprise?
-Well not for today…as I know, I haven’t been here in three weeks…Her name is Cait, I found her in the combatzone and we had…such a strange encounter…-the paladin raise an eyebrow- I have to confess, if you wanted to shoot someone, but please do not, it would be her…she is…strange…
-What kind of strange are you talking about? A smart supermutant is strange to me
-She is always making weird sexual jokes and mocking at me…and she gets mad fast, really low tempered…we travel a few times to do some works and I didn’t like the vibes…so I gave her a house and a nice place to stay…
-That doesn’t sound smart from you, what if she is violent?
-Theres Preston and Sturges around, also Codsworth has a really nice knifes –didn’t he said he was only a handyrobot?- I think she is just weird, I cant give her a psycologist but at least good conditions to rest and chill…as I said we worked together a few times and we have each other back so…consider it a payback if she is still there…the last four times I was here she was staying, doing things around up and there for the settlement and the neightbords…so…she is a help, I just don’t like being around, you know, people some times have or not chemistry with other people
-Things can happened –said Danse, resting a bit of importance, despite the supermutant it wasn’t that bad, just a misbehaved asshole, nothing he didn’t handle before
-We are close, don’t stop by red rocket, we have our own power armor station in Sanctuary –Nate said at looking at the big red rocket at the distance, it was a very nice reference to find his hometown, Danse nodded next to him and in a few minutes they were crossing the bridge to Sanctuary, hands up.
It was strange coming up home with your hands up? It surely is but Sturge set up those torrets at the entrance to do that exact thing, it you are hands up you may not be necessary pacific but at least you cant shoot at no one, it was also a safe code for all the people that lived here that they were part of the community and not outsiders, outsiders are obliged to raise their hands and come in peace and they…just do it for practicity.
-Looks who is back –a woman voice emerged from behind a scrapped wooden door, passing trought running Dogmeat appear, jumping directly to Nates arms to hug, and lick, and jump and play around him at how happy it was.
Danse liked dogs, he liked seeing Dogmeat too, he never had a dog before but they were wonderfull creatures and the way his tail moved from happiness at seeing Nate was cute, it makes his heart happy to see that.
-Its that the way to receive the general? –Nate was on the floor caressing and playing with Dogmeat, grabbing his nose and pocking it .
-Are you going to say anything to Preston?
-I can, im the general –Danse looked at them talking…it wasn’t that bad…
-You were away from a long time!
-Well the castle is pretty far away from here…
-You know who is going to have a blast now you are here? Longfellow! I don’t know why that old gag gets so happy around you
-Because he uses every special ocation as an excuse to drinks
-Touche, lets get in
So this was the raider Cait? She wasn’t that bad.
-Well be staying here for a few days
-Who is your friend? Another one you recluted for Sanctuary?
-No, he already has a home, his name is Paladin Danse –Nate pointed at him and Danse saluted politely, the redhead came a step closer to him and took a look from toes to head.
She was cute, cute factions, cute face, very delicate.
-Theres nothing like the smell of power armor grease and testosterone –she said, making Danse smile at how occurent that comment was.
-The aroma is rather…pungent…
Nate, who was in the middle of them became…STILL…FROZEN…
Nononononononono were they flirting? Nonono he didn’t ask for that nooooo hes been daydreaming with the paladin and he make the mistake to introduce him to a hot chick he said he didn’t like…
Calm calm down…he said some nasty things he doesn’t have to like her…
That last one stay on Nates mind as he walked inside the settlement, letting them talk not wanting to be there anymore…
And what if he does? Danse wasn’t his...and he was Noras…
What a terrible mistake! He should go to another settlement! He didn’t have it clear with his own feelings to now feel bad about…loosing? Danse but…what was he loosing? He didn’t do…No…he did…but no enough. If he chooses the cute girl…well he didn’t have a chance neither in his sleep!
Oh this was bad bad bad, just a few hours ago he was wondering about that time he flirted twice with Danse asking himself if it was okay to take it to seriously and now…he enter in panic because he get jelous at the minimum interaction with someonelse suresuresure he was okay about Haylen because DANSE ITSELF said she was just a member of his squad but oh my he never thought in third parties…
He looked back, and at seeing them still talking in front of the door his hands went to his hair, taking a big sight before accelerating his steps.
-Come on boy, lets talk to Preston –he called to Dogmeat and walk away from the scene, he didn’t wanna see that anymore, cant deal with it
Danse do as Nate told him, move around, use the facilities, talk to people and feel comfortable, because why the hell not, if he invited the man to the Prydwen where all his family, reputation and life was why he cant be around his hometown? So he did, he eat some because everybody knows that Nates friend are everybodys friend and are fucking kinda obligued to be nice apparently, use the power armor station, take a look at Nate collection of power armors…
What a waste…so many scattered around the Commonwealth, repaired and everything but out of use because Nate wont find himself comfortable inside one…and because he had the power fist or GRA or something he didn’t paid to much attention…
-So you are relying on the supermutant help only? –Danse was trying to be nice, not be despitefull as he smashed some aluminium to repair his power armor chest.
-I know what you are trying to do, so im going to be patient to you –Sturges approatched him while he was repairing some turrents that went down the other day- we are still here okay?
Yeahyeahyeahyeah of course not everycorner of the Commonwealth was militarized like the Prydwen and that didn’t make them shitholes…but they were…but he cant say it because people gets offended…I mean Nate shared those thoughts but never said them loud, in fact apparently they get along because the man have high standars that right now the Prydwen have less or more to satisfy, like hot showers. Of course, high standars for him and all the habitants of the wastelands, for Nate it was basic lifestyle before the bombs fell, but right now they were highstandars, if you let the man talk he was so hatefull of life in the wastelands in general…
He had reasons tho, he understanded and was able to imagine  despite being unable to do anything about it, imagine living in one word and waking up in another totally different…
And then see your wife getting shot and kill.
And your baby kidnapped.
Nate was a hard man, difficult to understand, luckily, for him it didn’t turn out so harsh to do.
-Yes, theres Preston, you, Longfellow, Cait…some other settlers...
-Some Minutemens that often come by, we may rely a lot on Strong but we are thought too
-I don’t doubt it but neither of you have military training and the equipment you have here is…
-We scrap as much we can, this are the resources the Commonwealth  gives us, the general helps a lot too –Danse slurpred some saliva, better talk carefull around a man who respect his superior.
-Most of you all don’t know how to shoot a different type of gun, you are not gunners or an organized group
-Well we haven’t been here for a lot of time neither, it takes a lot of work to build practically from 0 with your bare hands, Preston and his old team were the ones that help us to not die when out home was attacked by gunners, now that you mention it
Danse take a breath, he wasn’t handling well the conversation.
-Im just saying that you may want all to learn some training about shooting and avoiding, not rely on the help of a supermutant
-Strong is a good fella –not like Sturges was denying his point but he will stand for the creature that was keeping their home safe.
-How can you trust that his damaged brain by the VEF will always stay like this? One day he could lost the reason and…
-We trust –Sturges said, looking back at him –We have a way to trust him, don’t expect you to understand –how could he explain a foranger that Mama Murphy told him that everything will be right with the supermutant? That she has visions that are always alright? That she wants to be constantly drugged to have that visions? It didn’t sound right to explain to an outsider, no matter how much of a friend of the general he was
Danse didn’t feel comfortable, didn’t understand the way of people who didn’t use the reason and possibilities…when there was danger in everycorner, everybody should be more carefull.
-You need to finish the wall on the river right? –Sanctuary had fences in process to be finished all around the old neighborhood
-What about i?
-Why didn’t you fence the water area?
-Oh Nate didn’t want to cut around the water, he preffer to expand that leaving the river out, I said that doing that we may have the river increasing one day in a rain and have a problem but he said that the fences we made may not be enough to seal the waters, not hermetic enough, that we need to find concrete to make real walls, dig very very down the earth to really seal…I suggested that the gunners have those kind of walls for strategic and shooting points so the proyect of finishing the fence is delayed until we figure out whats best, if stealing a camp of runners or finding a place with that much concret and cement…which I believe is difficult, is a short resource, its really a treasure to find a bag of concrete ready to make so his idea has a really difficult execution…like I said, delayed
Rest of the afternoon he repaired his power armor and went to take a bath of…cold water…they have a purified water machine so at least it wasn’t radioactive but it wasn’t a pleasant bath and the nights at the Commonwealth were cold, at least they managed to make clean beds and sheets, cleaner than in the Prydwen even.
He didn’t saw Nate until night, he was talking to the old gag Longfellow, just talking, in the settlement they all eat together in an oriel they put at the street so first, they don’t waste much wood, they don’t make much lights or smoke, they can count properly the quantity of food used each day for inventory purposes.
If they are eating in the street they can keep an eye everywhere and not be exposed to a surprise attack while they were enjoing the evening, poor? Sure, efficient? Well…not so much…the best thing they can do with the little amount of people they have? At least give them that credit to have…
The night fall, Danse see the supermutant for the first time walking around Sanctuary, according to what Cait said to him he went nearby the settlement. It was huge, and it reminded him of Cuttler, his old friend…the ticking on his hand to grab his laser rifle and shoot him were huge but…he wouldn’t do it, he was ask to not, people trusted that thing and he had no right to…impose the brotherhoods ideals…
Then he saw Nate, talking chill in a table full of diverse people, sharing a meal.
He may be dissobeing the brotherhood by letting that evening happen, by letting that supermutant alive just because a vault man ask him…
Lets just say he was in a Minuteman territory and preffer to obey and take in consideration their rules on their land to not cause a diplomatic problem…yes…that could work…after all the Commonwealth wasn’t the Brotherhood territory…there were here just to help and fight the institute…
He was getting soft around that man.
The next day Nate expend the morning in bed, rolling around looking at the open ceiling. Yes, he was tired, again it was a long trip, yes, he deserved the rest, yes, everybody will understand if he expend the day on bed and not ask him if he was sick or hurt or in pain or anything…he gave Preston the command to please not be disturbed…
His mind keep thinking about yesterday…nononono what did he do…he cant force the man to like him, he wasn’t even sure if that’s what he wanted but definetly he didn’t want to loose a chance! Even a small chance…
Why was his brain doing that to him…only a few interactions and a pinch of jelousy made him terrible unsure if he wanted to forget about the man or marry him…
It was even okay to have this kind of feelings? To let himself grow a feeling? Love was a necessary human feeling, and the Commonwealth since he wake up wasn’t a place for sentimental creatures but…to be loved and cared…Kellogg took away that possibility when Nora was shoot in front of him…he missed it…he missed her…god he was a mess..
But Danse…he didn’t plan to die on his arms and let him alone, he find him to be a good partner with experience in fighting and surviving…it was a worry less wich is a lot, of course, he worried, he cared,  but how different it was to be serene around someone you know it wouldn’t die so easy that someone you don’t know…or don’t trust on his habilities…or know his lack of habilities. He needed that calm over his shoulders to move forward in this hostile word…He needed someone strong, not to rely, but at least to trust they were going to be okay.
Ah…he may be falling? Yes yes yes hell yes he was…he falled…completely unsustented but he falled…
He wanted Danse, but there wasn’t a how or when…it just have to develop…
A heavy feeling pressed on Nates chest, making difficult to breathe even completely relaxed in his bed looking at the ceiling, this had happen before.
He sighted and went up the bed to dress, he knew how to deal with this.
Afternoon, Danse was looking for Nate not because he had a reason but its been 24 since they separated and…well it wasn’t his home he didn’t feel completely comfortable in a place he didn’t know with a people he didn’t actually like…Looked everywhere, the place wasn’t that big, looked in everysingle house, even being uncomfortable around…
There was a woman this time at the entrance of Sanctuary, Dogmeat was with her, she had a rifle and apparently was patrolling at the gate.
-Hello –Danse called, she watched at him-do you know if the general come out? –he wouldt leave him…
-He is still around here, Preston tells me when we are waiting for someone familiar, despite the minutemans –Danse saluted and went back, ok, Preston was the second in command so it was a good idea to ask him.
The man was inside the house he claimed as his, even if he made guards and watchs frequently around.
-Welcome to my place –said Preston, it make Danse a bit unconfortable they keep the illusion of doors…and windows living in a place where everything was open with a lot of leaks and seethroughts…
-Oh actually I was just looking for Nate, figured out I can ask you –Preston hold the door a moment, since he wasn’t coming inside.
-Sorry, the general isn’t avalible right now –Danse raised an eyebrow, ok he didn’t expect that
-What do you mean?
-That the general is not receiving visits right now –no kidding
-Did anything happened…? –bussy Nate? Here? The only reason he could be off is only if he was jacking off but he wasn’t on his house
-The general doesn’t need to give explaitions –so we are getting like this? My god
-There are less than 20 people here do you really wanna do this
-Do you have full access to your superiors whenever you want back there in the Brotherhood or…-touche, still, he had a secret card to play
-You know is not a good idea to leave Nate alone right? –this time, Preston raise an eyebrow
-Of his chems addiction…-the man went to press his forehead with his fingers, sighting. That surprised Danse, he didn’t know that the thing about chems was something he let the others know…but pretty much anyone worked with him so at some point it becomes noticeable
-I thought we were past this…-cool, this was cool, his secret card was basically “don’t you know the general has a problem with chems? We shouldn’t let him alone!” or…”He is lately having a lot of that problems of you know…chems…” it was a bit of testing to see which one fitted right but you can play with people knowledge or ignorance, in any case neither wanted Nate dead by his own stupid addiction…saving people from their stupid acts often unites interest.
-Yeah I noticed while we were camping…he uses two or three dosis at day whenever he thinks he is alone…
-Look im not supposed to tell you where the general is
-Its okay, whenever he is I can act all surprised like…oh you were here? I don’t know I was just exploring…to no say it was you…
-Yeah he is gonna know, when you arrive there you will get why
-Then why don’t you go?
-He was pretty clear about not wanting to be disturbed
-Clearly a chems problem
-I cant discuss what my general want to do on his spare time
-But you know he has a chems problem
-What do you want me to do? Follow him like I was his boyfriend? –Danse close his lips, he was right, but still, wanted to find the man. Preston sighted looking up, tired, he didn’t know this man well, the fact it came with Nate didn’t mean anything to him, he didn’t want to put in danger his general neither by letting him alone and vulnerable…there…-ill go just right behind you, don’t try anything weird
Danse didn’t know what that mean but okay, Preston went inside the house a moment and came back with two baseball bats
-Are we going far?
-Less than 200mts, but we are never sure when the croaches end down there, you know those fuckers bite hard
Danse didn’t know what to expect, but he followed Preston lead.
Getting inside a vault from the main door was…weird…pretty uncommon in fact, most of the times a situation like this appeared he was chased by some monsters but this vault was…abandoned but in a pretty good state actually.
-Why are you keeping an operational vault? Where does the energy comes from…
-Shhhhhh we are not being prescisely quiet! –Preston didn’t want to be here, if Nate asked him for some time he will but at the same time didn’t want the man killing himself on grieve and overdose…-listen up! Im just right behind you! Don’t try anything weird on the general!
Ok Preston was here because he didn’t trust, Danse can respect that, he was taking care of his superior, both were but Preston didn’t have any obligation to trust him and it was okay, they didn’t know each other and he didn’t have much intentions of knowing him either…
An operational, abandoned, energized and uncontaminated vault…what a gem…
Nate have a lot of excepcional secrets and things to discover really.
Unlike what everybody was thinking, Nate actually wasn’t doing drugs.
Didn’t feel like it. Not in the mood, not wanting.
Preston was the only one that know where to find him when he wanted to be isolated, hell just be right here…sometimes when he is overwhelmed this is the only places where he wants to stay in the entire world.
In front of Noras frozen body.
Hell just sit right in front of her, looking at her dead face…she didn’t even die in her sleep like everyone around, she died in pain with a bullet as the cryo chamber closed again, pausing in time her face full of pain…
Life drifted away from her.
Nate sobbed, looking at her
-Im…feeling lost again Nora…-a monologue, it was a monologue, always a monologue, never ever a response from her-still looking for Shaun like I promised you but…I feel like whenever Im lost have to come back at you –he was in this exact position all the afternoon, looking at her, trying to talk, to look for some advice or calm- it has only been months, awfull months but do you think I deserve…im allowed…might feel love for someonelse? –he laughted at himself, he didn’t know if he was in love or if he needed in his persona again a strong feeling like love to keep him carry on,  did he wanted someone or did he wanted the motivation that love gives you everyday? He bited on his lip, didn’t know-you are still here, and you always be, never think on something elsebut…its difficult to stop this feelings from growing and you know how that turned for us so…-Nate laughted low, taking a bit mouth of air-i don’t know if its possible in this world to ever be happy again…but I know I want to love again, to at least feel love…
Walk inside a clean, untouched, empty but in a good state vault was such an experience…Preston was leading the way but at somepoint he stopped, looking back at him, the man apparently know well the place.
-You heard that? That’s the general, whatever you need to tell him do it, but don’t tell him I bring you here...-Danse nooded, looking at the direction the bat of the man was ponting, it was true, there was a human voice- ill be around but not on sight, remember, don’t do anything weird or youll regret it-Danse couldn’t physically feel that as a menace since he was so much a better fighter than him but okay, he dindt plan on hurting Nate either, so he went forward, letting the man behind.
When he enter to the room he saw Nate sitting on the floor, looking down, there was no chems or alcohol around…he was just there…sitting…the man looked at him a bit confused.
-How did you get here? –Danse was about to answer, looking around –Did Preston tell you anything?
-No –he said firmly, not wanting to be a jackass to the man who was supposly watching them-nono I came here on my own –apparently Nate has been crying, his eyes were all big and irritated
-Yeah right, Preston is the only one that knows this place, I wonder if im really a general here sometimes –the paladin looked around, there was a lot of cryo pods around and the one Nate was in front of…oh god…
-I was just worried, haven’t see you in all day and you didn’t left Sanctuary neither, I went to look for you –where all this people Nates neightbords from before the bombs fell?
-This is incredible I cant fucking ask some time for myself this is a terrible lack of respect…-Ok Danse get it, he was mad, interrupted on his grieve, he looked down, embarrassed, after all it was true he didn’t have a real reason to be bothering him, he was in right to disappear for a while if he needed.
-Im sorry, but believe me it wasn’t Preston, I came here by my own –Nate rolled his eyes and put a hand on his face- I just wanted to check if you were okay –clearly he wasn’t, but not for the reasons he thought…
Nate was mad, really angry, being disturbed in this place…his body was shaking and he had such urges to get up and smash anything…being molested while Nora was there watching him…
She isn’t really there.
-I don’t need anybodys help! Im not in danger and have for far much more experience being alone that neither of you! –Danse was surprised when the man get up and approatched him, very angered, that’s it he couldn’t let this pass as a paladin and a commander officer, he had to step on and put his best mean face to gain some authority back.
-Preston is not here! I told you! I tought you were in danger and came down here…
-You are the ones in danger here! –out of nothing and completely paralyzing the paladin Nate took out a laser pistol…his heart stopped for a moment, he never even dreamed with the man poiting a gun at him and yet…this was wrong…and he…couldn’t just fight back the knight…never thought on the possibility…less with a baseball bat…-You two have no chances down here with me, go and put those sticks onto your assholes! Im fully armor to the teeth…as I always have to be! Everymoment! –the paladin wanted to react, really react, protocol and everything he was told say that this was insubordination, that menacing an officer deserved a punishment, that this wasn’t something easy to pass but…he saw the faces of all the people on the cryo pods around and them see him, crying, yelling, trembling…
Danse sighted, not moving his eyes from him, raising his hands to let him now he wasn’t a menace
-Take as long as you need soldier-said slurping saliva-Im leaving, hoping to see you for dinner
-Just fucking leave me alone
The paladin never expect this…episode…from his knight…
Danse walked all ashamed and…frightened…to the entrance…just like they walk in how he will walk back…Preston was right, he shouldn’t try to stick his nose that deep…He meet the man at the entrance,  had a sad face on, clearly heard the conversation…
-Im really sorry general, take all the time you need –said Preston as he pushed the botons to get out
-Hell have to came out eventually right? –his body still tremble at the memory of the man pointing at him, yelling…
-As far as I know, he can lock himself in the vault forever and its his right to do so…-he was gratefull that the brotherhood man  really keep his word and didn’t snicht on him, even if their intentions were good…he knew this was delicate for Nate…this was a sacred place for him.
The paladin bite his tongue, he pushed his limits this time.
This was a lesson, he learned bad way to respect the boundaries, ways and rules outside the brotherhood. Not because a place was poor executed they were less than him…you are nothing while vulnerable and the disavtange of having a baseball bat vs a real gun…really make his  spine shiver and hands tremble…
Never underestimate Nate again…deep down he knows that the knight wont shoot him but…it was scary to imagine a bullet on the head shoot by him…
The memory of the woman in the cryo pod came to his mind again.
This was a place for laments, pain, and sorrow. After all Danse cant imagine being sealed in a tomb like this for eternity.
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dweebalina · 1 year
my [gay] brother has a [straight] friend that he says is always getting his heart broken (which i think is kind of funny and cute) and the friend talks to my brother about it but my brother gives him the typical “stop bitching” talk and I feel so bad that my brother (seems to be) the only person he has to talk about these kinds of things. he’s constantly getting hurt because he cares! like that sensitivity is what we all wish for when dating straight men lol and all he has in his corner is my brother telling him to suck it up
this friend is from/ lives in France so their friendship is mostly through FaceTime and text and other social medias (they met face to face in 2018 when my brother went to Paris). My brother talks about me a lot so eventually I started to talk to him on FaceTime and we have each others numbers and text occasionally
my brother said he’s a sensitive person and i want to tell him that being sensitive is special but we’re not on that level of friendship for me to be giving advice or getting emotional with him
my brother is so emotionally stunted and afraid of intimacy he would never understand how his friend feels. my brother is a funny guy and quite the comedian but i think he hides behind comedy to avoid being real with people. i’m sure he has some real/ personal conversations with his friends but 90% of his conversations i overhear is just calling somebody big/something about double chins like he literally neverrr says anything nice or normal to his friends and i hate it lol it gets old real fast. and he has this dynamic with a majority of his friends whether they’re childhood friends, friends he’s met in adulthood,friends from New York, friends he’s met here in Georgia, friends from overseas (including the one im talking about it this post). as a matter of fact the thing that prompted this post was he was on FaceTime with this friend and said “look at you all snuggled up in bed ALONE” and the friend said something back to my brother and my brother said “and your bed is still empty”. like if this man told you about being sad or lonely or getting his feelings hurt by a woman why are you immediately making jokes about it? it’s one thing using humor to cope (with your own issues) but he doesn’t even give a chance for a situation to die down before he’s making jokes about it
side note the friend is so cute and very funny and has a gorgeous smile yes i have a small crush on him but i develop crushes very easily so
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Guys the divine thinks theyre funnnnyyyyy they think theyre hilarious
Im so over this lmao
Here i am checking in on Oliver thinking like.....hmm there must be a reason i dreamed about him. And i find absolutely nothing so im like what a weird random thing to dream lovingly about Oliver rn when i....don't love him.
Then bam today I have a long, detailed, ooey gooey love dream about HYFR. FUCKING HYFR. Are you kidding???
Like...........i- i cant remember much which is killing me because it was so detailed and there was so much said. Like i dont even know where we were but his hair was medium length and curly. He was wearing a black tshirt and sweats and like we were so close and cuddly.
Like we were reminiscing on the past and talking about old moments and it was so healing to dream me to like.....talk about sixth grade?? idk what we were even talking about.
But the biggest thing i remember is how much physical touch there was and how it was so nice to me that he wasnt afraid and didnt hold back from doing it. Like he would grab my hand and we were running through crowds holding hands, then just laying down and hanging out and he would just hold my hand for fun. Like we were laying talking doing something else, and he just casually picked up my hand and was kissing it but it was so casual. Like tracing my hand and arm with his fingers. And i was like this is so cute, im so in love with him.
Like i truly was so genuinely happy in my soul, like i was like bro i love hyfr and i always will. Mind you, he's a great guy. But i don't FEEL that way. IM ENERGETICALLY MARRIED. Wtf is going on where my dreams are trying to convince me otherwise. Like I feel like im about to enter physical union so the 5d is giving me a bachelorette party with all my exes just to make sure i dont have cold feet.
Like i genuinely cant tell if this is the divines doing or Liam himself cause he's jealous and doesnt want me to have feelings for any other man. Cause i keep getting Don't on shuffle when i ask for what this is about. And i'm like is baby jealous? or something??
Cause while i was having a great lovey time with hyfr and i was so happy, it was still somehow surface level and there were wrong facts. So im sus.
Like one thing i remember is we were chillin together, being cute laying on this random...marble ground somewhere. Maybe in a dream chip or something. And erikka came up to us and was like 11:11 "hey look what this *insert made up dream person* from big brother is talking about" and i was like "who?? idk if i remember them" and erikka was like "oh my god you know! Hyfr i'm talking about *random person* remember" and HYFR was like omg of course yea thats crazy
and i was like "hyfr you're into big brother??" and he was like "uh yea duh you didnt know that, im super into it, we used to talk about it all the time" and i was like "i didnt remember that....you liked bb....." and erikka was like "omg even EYE remember that hyfr loves big brother like cmon"
indicating that, yes its been a long time since hyfr and i have connected but erikka remembers from all that time ago that he was crazy into big brother with us.
Like im sorry that makes absolutely no sense in any context. Ive never ever talked about big brother with Hyfr....OBVIOUSLY. And the concept that erikka would know that, because she has this deep knowing of hyfr is ridiculous. (although there is dream precedent for it)
But still like you gotta admit this is hilarious. Like first i dream im back in love with Oliver and im like...hmm that was weird and then a night later im dreaming about HYFR. Its been so goddamn long since ive dreamed about him let alone thought about him romantically. Like who is playing tricks on me and whyyy.
I get it, once i get into union im a married woman but i promise i do not miss Liams predecessors bro like i'm all in.
Does this mean im gonna get an alpha dream next? That'd be kinda fun honestly.
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lesiasmadness · 3 years
I am, in fact, tired of being nice, and as a matter of fact do want to go apeshit
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depresseddepot · 3 years
is it possible for like. one thing i'm excited about to go the way i hope it will
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achoonihaachu · 2 years
Younger Brothers React to a Child asking if they are Married to MC
(Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor)
a/n:: and taa-daa! Here are the reactions of the younger brothers to the prompt: "the brothers reacting to a child asking if reader and them are married and reader goes with it..." from alt anon! <33 i had a blast writing this part (prolly bc im a satan simp...) so yeah! i hope u all like it! stay safe out there, alright! <3 ilya!
warnings: none again,, unless ur afraid of kids,, maybe a bit of swearing and asmo gets a lil frisky...,, not proofread!!
Now, we are all very (painfully) aware that this man is a hopeless romantic. (Reading Shakespeare’s work for centuries does that to a person/demon)
He thinks that, out of all his brothers, he’s the best boyfriend/husband material.
He believes that grand romantic gestures are the quickest ways to a person’s heart (Don’t tell him I told you but… He may or may not be planning to take you to Italy pretty soon…)
To get you ready for a *ahem* special surprise he has in store, he takes you to the human world to buy you a few new outfits… but more specifically because he wanted to take you to an art gallery that had recently just opened.
You spent most of your morning drinking extremely overpriced water, trailing behind a fascinated Satan, and pointing at different pretty paintings that had nice color palettes.
You loved the gallery tour, sure, but you were more invested in messing around with a tiny kid you saw being dragged along by a man that you just assumed to be like… a congressman– or a CEO of a multimillion dollar company at the very least.
You kept glancing down at the little boy and when your eyes finally met, you waved enthusiastically at him and he quickly reciprocated– giggling happily as he waved his hand at you.
Your boyfriend, too busy letting the art course through his veins, hadn’t realized that you had left his side and you’d walked over to kneel beside the little boy.
His father wasn’t mean or anything; In fact, he looked relieved to let his little boy hang around with someone else for a little while. A closer look at him made you realize that his hair was disheveled and he had bags under his eyes.
“Would you look after him for a few minutes? I have to go make sure my assistant’s doing his job– I have an important client to meet with and I couldn’t leave Ryu alone at home.”
Ah, so he’s the gallery director–
You couldn’t protest being left with a young child so you simply watched as the man walked away, looking around with stress in his eyes.
He better thank his lucky stars that you weren’t a kidnapper.
You take Ryu’s hand gently and lead him to a small bench in the middle of the gallery. You see Satan look around and you wonder if he even noticed your absence.
You’d spent a total of 5 minutes with Ryu and you were already experiencing the world’s worst baby fever in recorded history. He was just an angel of a kid and he was so tiny and cute– Perhaps it was time to have a talk with Satan about how many children he wanted to have… You nod your head along to whatever Ryu was saying in the moment, unsure of how to reply to the gossip he was spilling about his kindergarten classmates. I mean, how else are you supposed to react to stolen apple juice boxes and cheap lollipops from secret admirers? At this point, Satan finally realized that you weren’t by his side and a flash of panic struck across his features as he scanned the gallery for you.
He almost fell to his knees at the sight of you lifting Ryu up to sit on your lap as the child giggled in your arms.
He scurries on over to you with an embarrassed smile, “I’m sorry about that, darling. I didn’t realize that you slipped away without me noticing… Who’s this strapping young man?” He asks, leaning over your shoulder to give you a small peck on the cheek. Ryu gasps, surprised by the voice of your boyfriend, but he quickly relaxes when he sees that you two are, indeed, close.
“Oh! Your husband’s here!” The little boy cups a hand as he leans in to whisper in your ear, “He’s handsome…”
You could feel Satan tense up behind you. Before he could say anything, you nodded and smiled tenderly at Ryu, “He is… I’m really lucky, huh?” Ryu grins and nods once before he goes back to swinging his legs. Satan’s face starts burning bright red as a lovestruck grin creeps onto his lips.
“(MC)... What did you just say…”
Just in time, Ryu’s dad comes back looking exasperated but then… He sees Satan standing behind you. His posture is immediately straight, he looks composed and reeks of suaveness–
“S-Sir! I didn’t see you walk around earlier! Did you find a piece that caught your eye?”
So… you now have an extremely expensive painting hanging above yours and Satan’s shared bed…
Satan has also started calling you absolutely disgusting (read: scarily adorable) pet names… like “My Darling Spouse” and…“Schnookums”– yeah, no… maybe not that one.
Asmo has this reputation of being… overly flirty with people. Sometimes, it worries your friends that maybe he isn’t being loyal to you or perhaps he isn’t treating you right.
They literally couldn’t be more wrong.
Asmodeus treats you like literal royalty and it feels so good to be loved so openly by someone like him.
Sure, he’s had a plethora of different lovers in the past but he has genuinely been so true to you and it warms your heart to see him try for you.
If anything, you worry that maybe you aren’t enough for Asmo– (He always whacks you upside the head when you say these things because he loves you so much–)
You managed to convince Lucifer to let you and Asmo stay in your home in the human world for about a week as you celebrated your anniversary; It took a lot of convincing and a bunch of promises of getting him a dozen new vinyls to even get him to consider.
The thing is, you surprised Asmo with this small vacation and when you broke the good news to him– and he was in tears. He was on the floor, holding you whilst simultaneously sobbing as he told you how much he loved you and how much he appreciated everything you did for him–
Woah, Asmo! Hold on! Is that a freaking ring?!
He wasn’t proposing (yet!) but he had planned on giving you a promise ring on the day of your anniversary but then the good news– He panicked! He did it too early!
Both yours and Asmo’s hands were shaking as he slipped the ring on your finger; It was gorgeous and you couldn’t help but give him the biggest kiss as a way to say thanks. (u could thank him in other ways ;) )
So your anniversary comes up and you had brought him to your childhood home in the human world and you decided that it was time for him to meet the family.
You introduced him to your folks but your little cousin was quick to latch on to your boyfriend–
“Yui! Stop! He’s mine–”
“Nope! He likes me more!”
This little brat–
You hadn’t even had the time to cuddle with your boyfriend since you got back home. He’s been too busy lugging Yui around as they did practically everything together. You weren’t jealous or anything but Yui didn’t even pay attention to you! You loved Yui and you practically helped raise her– the tiny brat was now 8! You huffed as you pouted on the couch in the living room.
Asmo’s allowed to hang out with your baby cousin. It’s fine. You just needed a hug from her, is all.
Yui and Asmo came bounding in; your boyfriend trailed behind slower than normal as he chased her around before they both fell on the couch with you. Asmo lands face first into your lap and Yui sits up beside you. You stifle a giggle as you run a hand through Asmo’s champagne hair, “Are you two done horsing around for today?” You ask jokingly. Asmo grumbles incoherently into the fabric of your pants as he moves to hold your hand.
Yui tenses up beside you.
You glance over at the small girl, concern washing over you as you see salty tears prickle in the corners of her eyes, “Yui? Honey?! What’s wrong?! Are you hurt?” You ask, moving to kneel in front of her on the couch. You inspect her arms and legs; no bruises or cuts or anything at all. Did she break a bone?!
“Y-You didn’t tell me that you married him…” Yui whispered quietly as her gaze hardened on your ring finger.
You literally had to stop yourself from dying of laughter right there and then. Asmo was worried, kneeling beside you, and he was so confused as to why you were pulling such a face… “Yes, he’s my husband. Are you gonna do anything about it?” You tease, wiggling your fingers in her face as the ring shines in the living room light.
Yui’s bottom lip wobbles before she starts crying. She jumps off the couch and into the direction of where her mom was.
“Sweetheart, that was so mean! But… If you wanted to marry me so bad… You could’ve just told me so! I look forward to the honeymoon–”
You shove him off playfully as he starts wiggling his eyebrows at you suggestively.
Your aunt only told you off playfully as Yui glared at you from behind her leg; Something about marrying Yui’s new crush was off the table… You simply showed the ring off again and stuck your tongue out at her.
(She cried.)
Now this may come as a surprise to some but I feel like Beel would be the first out of his brothers to ask for your hand in marriage. (That is if you two have an established relationship already!)
He loves kids and the idea of having kids with you makes his heart flutter– It feels better than any meal he’s ever indulged in!
As the resident respectful boi tho, he takes his time and respects your boundaries and needs as well so he holds off until you two talk about it.
That being said though, your relationship with him is already very domestic and you two lowkey already act like newlyweds.
In the words of Belphegor, “You two are so sweet… Stop being sweet in the attic because I’m about to vomit. I want to sleep.”
Beel: “Oh, Belphie ^_^ what do you mean? <3 ^_^”
You lost your attic cuddle room privileges after Beel snuck a kiss on your forehead before two went to sleep.
You and Beel were actually in charge of, you guessed it, grocery shopping for the week.
You were pushing around your fourth full cart… Beel had to start lining the groceries up for the poor cashier.
Seven boxes of ramen, 12 kilograms of princess poison apples… Huh… This’d only last till Thursday… It’s already Monday.
Beel had said that he was going to look for a little snack so he left you to deal with finding the dried monstrous squid jerky…
You were about to start pushing when the cart stopped in its tracks.
You strain to look past the mountainous stack of boxes and you see… A tiny girl with the stubbiest little devil horns.
A baby demon :( <3
“She’s standing on the metal rail at the bottom of the cart, you had a few canned peaches lined there–
“Oh! Um… Hi! Who might you be?”
“Hi… I… I’m Hana…” She says quietly.
The grocery was pretty empty; Literally and figuratively because not only have you started clearing the shelves, you and Beel managed to scare off most of the other customers from the amount of food you’re getting. (Beel had a bit of a reputation with his obsession with eating…) You rounded the heavy cart and lowered yourself so that you and Hana were at eye level to each other, “Nice to meet you Hana. My name’s (MC)... Where… are your parents?” You ask, looking around to see if there were any frantic moms or dads looking for their adorable little girl.
“I– I think I’m lost.” Her voice was soft and timid; She sounded like she was on the verge of tears.
You soothe her as best as you could, you ask her permission to hold her and you wait with her for either Beel or a security guard to walk over to help with the finicky situation Hana was in. Just as you were about to phone one of the other brothers to help, your big sturdy boyfriend comes into view, a roasted phoenix leg in his hands.
“Beel! Hey! I need a little help here!” He immediately rushes over, phoenix leg forgotten on top of one of the many boxes and he has to make himself look physically smaller so as to not frighten Hana.
“Hello. I’m Beelzebub. Who are you?” He asked; He sounded a little bored but you could tell he was simply trying to keep her from crying.
“Y-You’re not going to hurt us?” She asked worriedly, “Are you her… husband?”
You nod quickly, “Yes, he’s my husband. He’s a little big and scary but he’s nice. You’ve met big scary demons before, right? They’re not all bad!” You say sweetly. Beel stares at you, a small smile on his face as he stands back up to look for some help.
Hana seemed comfortable with you anyways, he could at least help out in any way he can.
A few minutes pass, Hana’s sniffling in your arms and you hear a loud cry of relief come from behind you as bounding footsteps grow louder and louder in your ears, “Hana! My little devil! Here you are!” A female voice calls out.
Hana crawls out of your arms in an instant and rushes over to who you can only assume is her mother. The reunion was tear-jerking and was like a scene straight out of one of those coming-of-age movies you used to love watching.
They’re both grateful and leave the store together, Hana seems to be in a much better mood as she waves goodbye to you. (She even gave Beel’s leg a quick hug!) That leaves you and Beel alone to deal with finishing your grocery shopping.
Wordlessly, Beel wraps his arms around your middle, “I like hearing you say to other people that I’m your husband.” He says bluntly.
“You’d make a great mother to our kids in the future.”
“Oh? Our kids?”
“Yes.” :)
So, manchild :) Who needs kids when you can have Belphegor?
Kidding aside, I think Belphie’s the chillest to be in a relationship with. He’ll simply love you in the moment, without pressuring you to moving quickly to the next big step, he doesn’t ask too much of you– simply that you love him regardless of who he is and what his sin stands for…
That and also unlimited cuddles and that he’s your designated cuddle buddy.
And also 96% of your attention.
Like I said, so easy :)
He’s also not the type to want to do too much… Why on Earth would you go out to watch movies when you could watch it at home?
With that being said though, he knows that you’d still want to do things with him and go out on dates soooo… he indulges you every now and then!
He managed to surprise you with a carnival date to the traveling circus that was in the area. You were literally so surprised to see him all dressed up with flowers and casual outside clothes that didn’t include his blue jacket and khaki pants–
He looked like the perfect boyfriend! Oh no! Your heart!
His teasing was relentless all day but that was a small price to pay for a really fun date for the first time in a while. In all honesty, he seemed to have toned down the teasing and the sly remarks, he was gentler and he seemed to have been taking this date seriously!
(unbeknownst to you, Beel and Mammon were watching from a few feet away– They told him to be a cooler boyfriend or else… What that “else” meant was unknown to Belphie but he wasn’t sticking around to figure it out.)
He had bought you a huge serving of fuego cotton candy that was literally on fire and you were having such a blast.
The lines were a tad long though…
Oh! That ride with a bunch of kids seemed like it was a tolerable wait…
You honestly had no idea on what the ride was about when you first dragged Belphegor along with you but then you saw that it was a a tilt-a-whirl of sorts; there were little booths on a platform that spun around at speed you weren’t sure your human body could handle– This was the best way to go out though.
You realize that a bunch of kids seemed to really enjoy it so you decided to join in on the fun!
You realize then that you were a little too old for the ride. Despite being weaker than these kids, the tilt-a-whirl was seen as a bit of a baby’s ride.
���Hiya Miss! What're you doing riding this?” One of the kids asked obnoxiously. The others then turned to look at you.
You could hear Belphie groan under his breath. This was going to be fun!
“I just haven’t been able to go to carnivals in a while. I hope you all don’t mind riding this with a pair of old farts like us.” The kids all giggle quietly, a few of them whispering to each other as they very obviously point at your boyfriend.
“Who’s he? Is he like… Your brother or something–”
“Don’t be dumb, Suki! He’s obviously their husband.” A boy says loudly, rolling his eyes.
Belphie choked on his spit, eyes wide as he glared the boy down; If he wanted to scare the kid shitless, his plan… failed miserably. The kids all start laughing at him, taking turns calling him your husband and whatnot.
You, never the type to miss out on an opportunity, obviously join in to start picking on Belphie.
“Guys, c’mon! Don’t pick on him! We’re newlyweds. He’s still a little shy about it.” You say with faux embarrassment.
The kids break out in oohs and happy cheers. You swear you could see one of the young girls pout in the corner of your eye.
Before you could continue entertaining the group, Belphie grabs your arm and pulls you away. The kids sound indignant as you two walk away but you wave goodbye to them as you trail after a red-cheeked Belphie.
He sits you down at an outdoor restaurant and sits across from you. He buries his head into his arms and he sounds like he’s muffling a scream.
You laugh lightly and pet his head.
“Do you really not want to marry me?” you say in a teasing sad voice.
“Pfft… Of course not.”
“Belphie! That’s mean!” :(
“I’m kidding… Of course I want to marry you… Not here though.” :)
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nightowlfandom · 3 years
Yuma Mukami- Scream For Me
If you’re prompts are still a go can I get a Yuma Mukami from DL and reader with the prompts
37- “Am I making you nervous, Y/N?
17- “We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.”
39- "Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you.”
28- “I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch.”
32- “Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?”
And the reader is still pretty new to the Mukami mansion, and is Lowkey terrified of Yuma because he’s so big and loud and ANGRY sounding but she also like has a thing for him? She’s also quite smaller than he is because he’s so tall and broad
Babygirl.....it’s on. ALSO IM SORRY THIS IS SO LATE.
Was hiding really the way to go? Absolutely! You were in a constant state of alert in this place. You had only been here less than two weeks and you were honestly over it already. 
You had gotten lost so many times, you began to wonder if you lived in a maze that changed with every turn. It wouldn’t surprise you to be honest.
Of all the people that could have been forced into this world without choice, it was you. Thanks to your mother and her debts. You could just remember her words.
It’s for our family, honey...
Selling you out to strangers, nice. 
You missed your other friends, you missed Yui (God only knows how much shit she’s going through without you to back her up. Every day you would go over there to make sure she was still alive. There was hell to pay if you saw so much as a scratch on her.)
You had found yourself in a seemingly abandoned bedroom.
“Finally away from those freaks.” you grumbled, sliding down the door. “This is what I’ve been reduced to, hiding.” you griped. You could still hear the commotion, the smashing of glass and the arguing of men over who would get to bite you first. It suddenly got quiet, too quiet. It felt like the air was getting stiff. You felt eyes on you...you were being watched, but by who.
“Someone’s in here.” you concluded.
Before you could scramble to your feet and leave, you were stopped.
“I wouldn’t do that if I were you, not unless you want to get ambushed.”
Yuma Emerged from a dark corner, toying with a hair tie. You watched in silence as he secured his hair back. He swaggered over to you, gently resting his hand against the door, trapping you between it and himself. “Any reason you’re in my room?”
You were taken aback, he seemed quite calm and reserved unlike the rambunctious and loud asshole you saw before. That wasn’t good. If anything this side of him made you even more afraid.
.”I said what are you doing in my room!” he demanded, slamming his fist on the door. That alone was enough to make you flinch and turned your head away.
“I got lost!” you replied as loudly as you could, not even close to matching his tone. You sounded scared and pathetic...mostly because you were. “Please don’t punish me like RukI!” 
You had looked him in the eye...once. Big mistake.
“Please, like I’d waste my time.” he sneered. “You’re really that frightened of my brothers?”
You shamefully nodded your head, not trusting your voice. 
“Fine, stay as long as you want.” he huffed, stepping away from you.
“Huh?” you found your voice. “Really?!” you sounded a bit too happy.
“Are you that excited to be here with me?” he tilted his head to the side, a strange smile spreading across his face. “Y/N....it’s Y/N, right?” 
“Y-yes?” it came out like a question instead of an actual answer. 
“I figured. Just thought I put a name to the face that watches me so often.” he winked. “Do you like me or something?”
Shit! He knew?
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue? " he asked, still smiling devilishly. “It’s adorable.” 
Yuma made you look up at him, slipping his fingers under your chin.
“I think your little crush on me is funny.”
“Funny?” you repeated, feeling shocked. Wow, were you that pathetic? “Good to know.” you grumbled.
“What did you say?” he glowered, glaring down at you.
“I know you think I’m just a weak human...but I have feelings.” you moped, starting to turn around. “I’ll just leave.”
“Are you gonna wait for me to finish?” he snapped, just as your hand hit the doorknob.
Defeated, you lowered your hand and turned back around. 
“I like messing with you, Am I making you nervous Y/N?”
As you stayed silent, he burst out laughing. 
Yuma thought you were adorable, adorable and slightly wimpy. You were much more fun to torment than the other one...whatever her name was. Yuki? Yuna? Jennifer? Who cared?
“Since you have to do what we say, you’re gonna spend the night with me.”
You crawled onto your side of the bed, as close to the edge as possible. You didn't want to risk anything. You were scared to death. 
“We’re only sharing a bed, it isn’t the end of the world.” You saw Yuma yank his shirt over his head, revealing all his glory. “I mean, it could be with me.” he winked. You hadn’t even changed clothes, you were in the same dress you wore that day.
You instantly turned on your other side, not wanting him to see your face. You turned away from him. He was so godly it was wrong. You felt the bed dip down.
It was silent for a few minutes, you had almost relaxed a bit. Keyword: Almost. You felt his fingers creep up your thigh. 
His low breathy laughter caught your attention.
“You’re so cute.” you heard him whisper. “I think I’ll keep you.” his lips ghosted over your ear.
You bit down on your lip to stop from moaning. You felt his tongue trace the shell of your ear, his hot breath tickling you. His fingers kept inching and inching closer to that spot between your legs. “ Just admit you want fuck me…if you behave, I might just let you. “
You choked on your own breath as he lashed his tongue around your ear, moaning to add insult to injury. 
Then you did it. You moaned ever so quietly, but he could sure as hell hear it. Yuma slapped a hand over your mouth right before he pushed you on your back. He used his other hand to pry your legs apart. “Look at that, all fucking wet for me....what if I just?” He bought his fingers to his mouth and spit on his fingers. Your eyes widened in anticipation as he bought his hand into the waistband of your panties. You felt his wet fingers slip inside. 
You let out another moan, this time louder. 
“ Shh, wouldn’t want the boys to hear us, now would you?” He shushed you. “Listen to that.” he reveled in the lewd sounds your body made for him. “Listen to that~” he snarled as he thrust his fingers deeper. “Fuck.” he watched you tremble under him. You moaned into his hand, practically drooling. Your insides clenched around his fingers. “You like being defiled by me, don’t you? You’re making a fucking mess, nasty slut.”
You watched through hooded eyes and Yuma finger fucked you. He stared down at his hand doing the deed, mouth again with his tongue hanging out. It was almost like he was receiving pleasure of his own through bullying you in such a lewd way. You were moaning into his hand, completely unaware of your volume. Anyone who could way by would absolutely hear.
Yuma took his hand from your mouth and grabbed your right leg. He tore his fingers from your and lifted your leg up, running his tongue along your calf before burying his fangs into your scorching hot skin. You gasped at the pain. 
“Fuck.” he lapped up your blood. He drove his fangs even deeper into the exact same place. Yuma’s brothers would be pissed off when they learned that they wouldn’t have been the firsts to bite you.
Yuma stared down at you, looking absolutely feral. Blood smeared across his cheek. He smiled evilly.
“W-what are you gonna do to me?” you dumbly asked. “You’re not gonna be rough are you?” you couldn’t help but ask.
“I’m gonna be more than rough, human.  I’m more than capable of being rough with you babe. You just watch. I’m gonna fucking destroy you until you can’t go anywhere without being carried there by me.“ 
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