#im also not tired of people complaining about the trend. but that the trend continues to exist to be complained about
vigilbutts · 5 months
i've been silently stewing on this for A While in my little corner but i wish this community would participate in the "send an ask to the person you reblog this ask meme from" thing that other rp communities do on this site. there's been a number of people i've heard from or noticed being bummed about getting few or no asks for these memes within the gw2 tumblr community, and like... maybe as a community we should go back to following that little rule? just something to consider, perhaps.
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skepticalarrie · 2 years
i totally agree with your take about the letter i see louis right now as an artist that just wants to continue creating music "but like he always says that but he would appreciate being number 1!!" he really never ask as for a number 1 spot that is our way of saying thank you to him for releasing music and as a form of support and with all the interviews he had where he says tiktok is shit well i can see where he is coming from some fans see feel pressured to make him trend in tiktok or whatever trending social media platform to reach the gp yeah i understand that too he already shared that he participates in team planning so whatever bmg has planned for him has gone through him i don;t see why theyre asking for too much like they wanted louis to be like what you said the things he used to do in 1d i mean let's be honest here louis isn't releasing music to make more money it's mostly for the fans so whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy im really tired of arguing about this to other people so its nice to see ur take
Yeah I think Louis saying how nice it is for fans to also be part of that may have caused this reaction, but at this point, I think people are just trying to fix something that doesn't need to get fixed. Like I said, I think it lacks so much perspective and nuance because I bet these are the same people trending #FreeHarry because they believe his team is holding him captive and making him do stuff just for fame. So they're trying to turn Louis into the same thing, charts, numbers, fame, overexposure. Louis is not Harry, Louis is not One Direction... I think people truly missed his entire journey as a solo artist and how confusing and hard it was for him to understand that looking for a hit single was not his goal. And only when he got rid of this concept was when he was able to finally do the music he wanted to do, that's when he left Syco. It's pretty disturbing to think fans are kind of trying to drag him to this same place he felt so unhappy and lost at some point.
We all want Louis to succeed as much as possible, FITF is such an amazing album and I get the feeling like people need to know him!!! he's amazing!!! people are missing out!! lol I truly do. But every marketing strategy has a brief, every career has a goal. And for everything Louis has been saying lately, this is absolutely not what he's going for. Yes... some of the promo was weird as fuck, especially some interviews, I really don't understand the purpose of it. So we all have different ideas of what should be done and something different to complain about. But the point is that Louis kind of just wants to tour now and do his thing without anyone bothering him, without Sony breathing down his neck. That's BMG job and I think they're pretty decent so far. Louis looks so happy and so proud of the album. So, really, people need to take a step back and understand what they're saying when they write open letters like that, what is being implied, what are the consequences of getting what they're asking for. Because it feels like quite a lot of fans lately have been having a really hard time accepting what Louis is and what he wants, it's so much about what fans want him to be.
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jackiietaylor · 2 years
wow if i knew you had a hateful opinion of 5sos based on one shitty rolling stone article i wouldnt have asked. and the fact that you still hold this hateful WRONG judgment of them in 2022 from an article they did when they were 19/20 yrs old.
michael, ashton, luke and calum are genuinly good dudes and they always have been.
you dont have to listen to their musci but how about dont be so judgmental.
actually i will continue to be as judgmental as i please <3
and it most definitely was not just one shitty article give me a break. it was a repeated trend of behavior that everyone was already tired of even before the article. ashton specifically would complain about having a mostly female fanbase in nearly every interview they gave. they were known for hating their fans while also using them for sex. we already knew that, the article just confirmed it. and considering they went on vacation instead of even attempting a bullshit apology made it undeniable
that was who they were in 2015, whether you like it or not. that was their reputation because it was how they presented themselves. and much as i hope theyve grown as people, im not just forget how shitty they used to be when i was actively a fan because it was their own behavior that made me not like them
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beary-tired · 5 years
hey yeah whats new not a whole lot.
when i moved to this account among other changes i wanted to try to avoid the trend of tumblr venting because it’s not healthy?  especially not if its a regular thing - at least in my opinion.  when you just talk to yourself into a void where there ARE people but only have yourself to talk to and no responses it really solidifies a lot of negative energy that you might have against yourself.  
but wow gee it kind of sucks to not feel comfortable actually approaching your friends and talking to them about your issues or feeling like your problems aren’t being listened to?  im not saying i dont trust my friends but i have this weird rule with myself that if i complain about the same thing more than like 3 times then its just complaining for the sake of complaining and i should just suck it up and figure out how to solve it.
but this whole trans thing really REALLY isnt that easy.  I dont know how people are doing it or pushing themselves to their transition how do you ignore all the people around you that dont support you how do you ignore the amount of hate and lack of understanding?  How do you find enough energy to love yourself enough to make the choice to make yourself happy at this fucking COST of discomfort of others.  i’ve been so SO fucking envious and its such an ugly feeling when i see just friend/acquaintance after friendquaintance coming out and starting their transitions.  I AM ALSO SOSOSOSOSOSO HAPPY FOR THEM AND KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO GET THERE but im also not there.  and I feel like i should be or should have been ALREADY.  
its been more than half a year since i came out to my parents with no progress.  I’ve been making excuses to not see a doctor because the guilt i feel about my parents not supporting me haunts and weighs on me.  I cant get over the feeling that im ruining their lives.  I cant get my head out of that spiral where i start thinking about extended family and family friends and all these people that are close to my parents and how much im ruining their reputation.  I cant stop thinking about how normalized it is for asian parents to not support their queer kids. im tired of coming out to people in general because im tired of hearing I LOVE AND SUPPORT YOU only to have said person ive come out to just continue to use the wrong pronouns and justify themselves with ITS HARD or I DONT SEE WHY IT MATTERS GIRLS CAN DO GUY STUFF AND GUYS CAN DO GIRL STUFF.  I’m so tired and all this mental garbage has me shutting down again at school and thats really fucking scary because i feel like im reverting back to when I was last in school and I did SO WELL last semester.
im scared of dating because cis gay guys can be among some of the worst people in general.  all my coworkers think im a lesbian.  I also dont think I will ever be ready to date in general????  I still have too much self hate and baggage??? my mom is crazy????  I’m??? crazY????? maybe????? I still feel fat and ugly and am falling further and further out of the cosplay community.  
I think I am doing better than before I came out.  I think I am doing better than I was back in 2017 and that is really important and I need to keep reminding myself that but wowee its still really fucking rough right now
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minbongyi · 6 years
Live Up to Your Name, Dr. Heo's Ep. 16 - Extension Part 3
Yeonkyung turned to the origin of the voice which calling her name. “Minjae-ya!” she called back for the caller’s name.
“Over here sunbae-nim.” it is Minjae. He directs Yeonkyung to the operating room where the patient is located. He was surprised to see Heo Im standing next to Yeonkyung.
“Annyeonghaseyo, Dr. Kim.” Heo Im said with a little bow to Minjae.
“Ooh, Dr. Heo!” Minjae said as he bowed to Heo Im back. He has no time to greet Heo Im more because Yeonkyung has pulled his hand into the operating room.
Heo Im just laughing at the Minjae being drawn by Yeonkyung. “I’ll see you again, Dr. Kim!” Heo Im replied, waving his hand and smiling broadly.
“When are you coming back?” Heo Im surprised to see Nurse Jung already standing beside him. Nurse Jung casually crossed her arms as she saw Yeonkyung and Minjae already disappeared at the operating room.
“Heeh, Kanhosa (Nurse), annyeonghaseyo!” Heo Im continues to smile broadly with a little laugh.
“Come on! You’re not planning to wait for Dr. Choi here all alone right?”
“Alright then.” Heo Im follows Nurse Jung who takes him to the hospital cafeteria. He looked around that nothing changed much as he remembered. They’re still same.
“How are you, Dr. Heo?” asked Nurse Jung.
“Pretty good. How about you, Kanhosa?” Heo Im asked.
“Just good as it used to be, only now I’m tired faster.” Nurse Jung clearly, smiling while holding her stiff nape.
“Do you have too much headache?” Heo Im asked.
“Yes, it’s so annoying because I can not concentrate when my head hurts.” Nurse Jung explains more. They entered a less crowded hospital cafeteria. Nurse Jung asks Heo Im to find a seat for them to talk then she goes to the kitchen, asked for a two cups of hot tea to the head chef. After the tea is finished, she brings the hot tea to where Heo Im sits.
“Ah, thank you Kanhosa.” Heo Im holding a big cup of hot tea while cupping his hands around the cup. The morning air was very cold. Winter is coming soon. Nurse Jung did the same thing as Heo Im did.
“Two years ago, Dr. Choi said you were back in Joseon?” asked Nurse Jung, making Heo Im choke a little as he drank his tea.
“I helped the people and soldiers on the battlefield and healed the king, and I have even been appointed by the king to be his personal physician.” Heo Im replied relaxed, this time Nurse Jung choking on Heo Im’s story.
“I’m kidding, Dr. Heo, why are you so seriously replying? How could you go to Joseon?” Nurse Jung cleans her mouth.
“I’m from Joseon, Kanhosa, and now I’m back because the war is over.” Heo Im keep talks with a serious face, making Nurse Jung give up in the first place for teasing him. They both laughed.
“Are you comeback for good now?” asked Nurse Jung.
“Yeah, I want to live with Yeonkyung Cheoja here.” he replied, sipping his warm tea.
“I hope you do not leave her again, Dr. Heo.” Nurse Jung asks Heo Im.
“I will not do it. I will take care of Yeonkyung Cheoja.” Heo Im smiling at Nurse Jung. Nurse Jung also smiled.
“When you left, Dr. Choi always looked moody, and sometimes she asked me what she should do when she missed someone she could not see.” Heo Im listening to Nurse Jung with a smile. “I always reply to see you with her heart, and every time Dr. Choi asks the same question, I try to find the answer that can ease her heart, until finally I realize the right answer for her is just you.” Nurse Jung sips her tea slowly. Heo Im nods as he wait to Nurse Jung to tell him more about Yeonkyung.
“Aigoo Cheoja..” Heo Im said slowly after hearing Nurse Jung’s story. He smiled while looking at the tea inside his glass.
“Do you know, Dr. Heo?” open Nurse Jung again. “She’s working so hard so she’s not think too much about you.”
Heo Im’s face frown a bit as he knows Yeonkyung’s situation the last two years after he left. “Then?” Heo Im reply asks Nurse Jung to continue her story.
Nurse Jung is now smiling at Heo Im. “Why do not you ask Dr. Choi herself?” she teases Heo Im while she finishes her tea.
“How can..” Heo Im giggling.
“As a friend of Dr. Choi.. ah, eonnie, I ask you to stay with her and keep her. Because of how strongly you see her treatment outside, you must know very well that she is a very fragile person. I can only trust you Dr. Heo.”
Heo Im nods and promises to Nurse Jung to take care of Yeonkyung. “I promise.”
Arriving at the subway station, Jaeha directly greet the homeless people who have been waiting for him since morning. Makgae followed Jaeha slowly, looking around. Jaeha smiled as he placed his brown bag near one of his patients.
“How are you Ahjussi?” he asked Mr. Park.
“I’m a lot more better now, thanks to you Dr. Yoo.” Mr. Park patted Jaeha’s arm gratefully. Jaeha just smiled as he took Mr. Park’s hand and check his pulse.
“You’re getting better, I think you just need to take the medicine I give you. This is an extra drug I promised a week ago.”
“Thank you so much Dr. Yoo.”
“It’s okay Mr. Park.” Jaeha replied, asking again. “Does anyone here complain of pain again?”
“Ah, Mr. Lee?” call Mr. Park to one of his friends who had the flu and cough. Mr. Lee turned toward Jaeha, occasionally coughing. Jaeha goes to Mr. Lee and asked Makgae to help him.
“Makgae-ssi, can you please arrange this?” pleaded Jaeha to the Makgae to hold the acupuncture needles box. Makgae sees Jaeha treating his patients with care. Makgae browsed through Jaeha’s bag full of acupuncture and herbal medicines. She’s just aware of some letters she did not understand to write the drugs, the letters of the alphabet.
“Who is this woman, Dr. Yoo?” asked Mr. Lee.
“He’s a man, he’s my assistant.” Jaeha replied with a small laugh as he stuck a needle at some point in Mr. Lee’s hand.
“Why is there a beggars too here?” Makgae murmured to herself.
“Why do you look like a woman?” joked Mr. Lee again while glancing at Makgae.
“I even always get surprised every time I saw him. I always thought he was a woman because he was so beautiful.” Jaeha joked and then stuck his needle in the face area of Mr. Lee.
“I am just kidding, kid.” giggled Mr. Lee on Makgae.
“I’m used to it.” answered Makgae with a smile.
After finished treating Mr. Lee, Jaeha also gave some medicines to him for two weeks. He also invites Makgae to distribute some drugs and vitamins to other homeless people. Jaeha also said goodbye to them and promised to come again.
“Finally our volunteering is finished. Now let’s eat, I’m hungry.” said Jaeha. It was already 12 PM KST, his stomach is growling now.
“Ne Naeuri.” Makgae smiled when Jaeha said ‘lunch’. She happily carried Jaeha’s bag on her back and followed Jaeha out of the subway station.
“What should we eat by the way?” he asked himself. Makgae just looked around her, full of people. Jaeha decided to took Makgae to a nearby buffet restaurant which served a home made meals.
They go hand in hand among the many people who are crowdedly passing by. Makgae occasionally watched them, from clothes to their luggage. She smiled a little while looking at the teenager around her age with makeup and beautiful clothes, laughing together while looking at the phone. She also saw clothing stores lined up along the street, she stopped in front of one of the clothing store that display ivory white dress, complete with matching shoes and leather bags. Jaeha noticed that Makgae was not at his side. He immediately looking around and found Makgae stay silent while looking at the dress in front of the clothing store. He went to Makgae.
“Pretty..” Makgae murmured with sparkling eyes.
“How could you wear this dress?” Jaeha interrupted as he was standing next to Makgae.
“Ooh! Naeuri..” Makgae was startled when she heard Jaeha’s voice. She pouted her lips.
“Yes, how can a man wear a dress? Come on, the restaurant is near here.” said Jaeha. Makgae also left the clothing store with a heavy heart.
“Naeuri, why are your clothes so funny? Is it alright for women to wear a clothes like that in outdoors?” Makgae asked innocently as she pointed to a woman who only wears a tank top.
“In here it’s called fashion.” Jaeha explained.
“Fashion? What’s that?”
“Hmm.. like.. dressing style that is trend? Woman usually wears a Hanbok in Joseon right? It’s Joseon fashion.” Jaeha is looking for the right answer.
“Trend? What’s the trend?”
“Why do you care of trends?” Jaeha tries to stop Makgae to ask more questions, he has no idea how to explain all the things in modern world clearly to Makgae. They entered a restaurant after a while. Jaeha and Makgae queue their turn to take food after paying at the cashier. Makgae saw a various kind of side dishes while queued. Swallowing her saliva and then taking various dishes until her plate was full. She was very hungry. There was one empty table by the window, Jaeha walked first there. Makgae then followed while carrying two glasses and a water jug to their table. Jaeha looked at Makgae’s very full plate.
“Are you sure you can eat it all?” asked Jaeha, surprised.
“I’m hungry, Naeuri.” she replied as she raised a big cut meats. “Thank you for giving me a meat for lunch. I’ve been wanting it for a long time.” she said. Not wasting her time, Makgae devoured her lunch. Jaeha just chuckled to Makgae. He took his spoon and prepared to eat.
In the clinic room, Heo Im is cleaning a biscuit can which as big as a shoebox he got from Grandma Kkeot Bun a week ago. Grandma Kkeot Bun brings him some snacks that she keeps in the can and the snacks run out immediately because Heo Im can not stop eating them. He was carrying his Joseon doctor uniform and his needle box to put it in the empty biscuit can.
“I have to say goodbye to you, I will start my new life now. I will miss you very much.” he said with a smile and put his doctor uniform and needle case into the biscuit can. He closed it tight.
“What are you doing?” Yeonkyung peeked through the door. She sits next to Heo Im, who closes the can.
“Aniyo, I just want to keep these things.” cleared Heo Im.
“You do not use your needle anymore?” Yeonkyung asked.
“I’ll make a new one, actually now is much easier with a disposable needle.” Heo Im takes a small needle that is used in modern acupuncture. “So I do not have to bother sharpening a lot of needles, just the big needles I need.” he smiles at Yeonkyung.
“Are you really going to stay here?” Yeonkyung asked again as he hugged Heo Im’s arm.
Heo Im smiles a little before releasing Yeonkyung’s hug. He held both hands Yeonkyung. “Did not I tell you? I’ll stay here with you, Cheoja.”
“I’m afraid you..”
“Hehh! Cheoja, do you see I’m staying with you this month? I’m not back in Joseon when I bumped my head to the floor yesterday.” Heo Im cuts Yeonkyung. He does not want Yeonkyung worried.
“Do I need to stick a needle in your heart so we can sure you do not come back there?” Yeonkyung a little annoyed.
“Heehh, Cheoja!” he caresses his chest while looking at Yeonkyung’s hand that already imitated holding a big needle. “Why are you so worried? I promise I’ll always be careful, even if I go back to Joseon, I’ll come back here again.” Heo Im jokes reminded of the memories when they had to split up two years ago.
“After you comeback, I’ll never forgive you.” joked Yeonkyung back.
“Aigoo Cheoja! Why are you doing this to me?” Heo Im whining funnily to Yeonkyung while waggling her arm.
“I will ask Kim Nam Gil to marry me if you do not keep your promise.” Yeonkyung put on a sullen face.
“Arraseo, you can marry him. I’ll marry Kim Ah Joong then.” Heo Im picks up the can and goes to Yeonkyung’s room. Leaving Yeonkyung alone is still pouting.
“Woah! I lost the words. Geurae Heo Bongtak-ssi! If that’s what you want, get out of here. Ask your Kim Ah Joong there to give you a place to stay.” Yeonkyung stands up and follows Heo Im holding his can and place it on top of Yeonkyung’s dresser.
“Ooh! You’re bluffing me now Choi Yeonkyung-ssi?” replied Heo Im.
“Yes, why?”
“You’re going to let me be a beggars again?”
“Why are you so annoying?” Yeonkyung glances at Heo Im.
Heo Im smiling seductively. “You will not dare, right?”
“Wash your dishes in the sink.” told Yeonkyung.
“Okay.” Heo Im is walking towards the kitchen while mumbling. “If only Lee Young Ae noona was not married, I would have asked her to marry me. Then I’ll have The Great Jang Geum to take care of me and cook a nice food for me every day.”
“Aishh!” Yeonkyung raises her hand getting ready to hit Heo Im. But Heo Im has already run first to the kitchen. He was peeking out of the kitchen after hiding.
“Cheoja?” Heo Im laughing amusedly showing his teeth while calling Yeonkyung.
“Why?” Yeonkyung asked curtly.
“Let’s go take a dinner outside tonight.” Heo Im still smiling.
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0225pm · 7 years
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unfiltered photos bc i’m too tired to edit them at this moment but i still wanna post something today before i ko!!!!
sOOoo from the photos you may have probably guessed where we went today!! hehe yes we went to gardens by the bay – i actually wanted to go to the autumn festival thingy (i think that’s what it was called??) the one with the pumpkins and other cool foliages, but apparently you have to pay to go in the observatory and even though i like the aesthetics and how beautiful all these flowers and plants look, tbvh i wasn’t ready to fork out $12-20 to look at them in person. i prolly sound like some stupid hipster poser person who only “likes” flowers bc it’s the trend and shit.
han came over to my place to fetch me since our initial plan was to head over to tampines for lunch – the nasi lemak shop that has duck, lobsters, prawns and other idk what as their sides instead of the usual chicken/fish. but they close at 2pm, and by the time i left my house it was already 1pm. considering that we won’t be able to make it in time to the place, we decided to have our lunch elsewhere.
by this time, han was already cranky hahahaha one, it was so fucking humid today. two, i made him wait. three, his plan to eat at the nasi lemak shop fell through.
after much consideration, we took the bus to tampines hub because i told him there’s a thai food shop there and maybe we can have our lunch there instead. he just shrugged and agreed (lmao cus he don’t have a choice alr hahahaha he asked me to choose and plan). then on the bus i told him about all my cravings HAHAHAHA like how i felt like eating some 4fingers and then he said we can have kfc since i mentioned (a tweet on twitter) that any fried chicken is fine and i was like noooo i want the sticky rice that comes with it????? and then he asked me if i’m pregnant or something bc i’m craving for so many things and i just looked at him like (-_-;)
upon reaching the hub, at this time he was already whining about how hungry he was loooolllll so we walked towards the food area and then realized that the hawker center actually serves malay food also!!! and while walking around to survey the different menus, i spotted claypot chicken rice!!!! which i really wanted to get but han said they only serve that around 6pm and it was only around 2+pm daheck. so i was like okkkkk nvmmmmm and went to look for other food to eat. i saw a few people eating pasta and it made me feel like having pasta too so i asked han to help me order a plate of cabonara but wah it sucks man. like tbvvvvh it’s wayyy too salty for my liking. i barely even ate it, and felt so bad for wasting so much food. even with the grass jelly drink han got me, the saltiness still lingers uGhhh. oh and han got chicken rice for himself!!!! the moment he came back to the seat he was complaining about how long it was and i was like ah maybe cus it’s lunch now so it’s more crowded and he was like,
han: no??? there isn’t even a line but the person preparing the food i ordered took so long *frowns* i’m damn hungry sia then still must wait so long me: o mannnn han: then i realized the drink stall here also open but i went all the way to the other side to buy *points to his milk tea*
oh and the weather was so erratic today too. it was sunny one time then started pouring for awhile, and then sunny again, then drizzled again.
since it was sunny again, i told han to follow with the same plan uh – which was to head over to gardens by the bay (at this point of time i didn’t know that the observatory isn’t free HAHA)
oh and smth rly cute!! i casually mentioned that i wanted some ice cream and he was raised his voice and went like “what you want la!!” and i was like????? and then he said “make up ur mind la u want this la that la u know i want to buy everything for you right” and i was just *puts hand on chest where the heart is* happy bc han wants to feed me hahahahahahahaha but no la we ended up not getting ice cream hehe
then we took the train to marina bay pier??? i think idk but it’s the pier la cus han said “follow the map and we won’t go wrong” BUT OH BOY WERE WE SO WRONG LMAOooOo. apparently as listed on the website, we’re supposed to go to bayfront mrt since it’s way nearer from there so i told him “hey let’s just walk back to the mrt and take the train to bayfront” but he was like “no la we’re already here we just take the bus then will reach alr” and i was like??????? okkkkk if u say so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
so while waiting for the bus my whole body was screaming at me to stop torturing it with the stupid heat and in turn, i literally became a monster and went on a rampage about how i rly hate the sun and how it should go away (pls don’t. i rly like the sun but omg pls lower your heat) and han was just being all patient with me and trying to make me feel better about things hahaha he knows how much of a bitch i can be when i’m overheated and im so thankful that he’s at least the sane and calm one bc i was definitely going insane from the heat at that time.
and then the bus came!!! BUT LOL ITS GOING TO DOWNTOWN??? and we weren’t sure if it was going to the bayfront area so we decided to just dropped off at the second stop and take the train instead. from there then we just followed the signs and TADA!!!! we’ve arrived!!!!!!!
at this point i thought the heat was quite bearable maybe since it was quite shady bc of all the plants and trees idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ and then we just decided to randomly walk around (it’s my first time there!!! and his second time today) and then bc han can’t stand the heat anymore, he asked me if i wanted to go in the gift shop for the aircon hahaahahah to which i obviously said yes to 😂 and while we were on our way out, i saw this really cute lip gloss that apparently has real flowers in it!!! i wanted to get it but han was like “takmo la mahal la kata nak save duit” hahaahahhahahahahahahaha taik but ya i didn’t get it in the end. i haven’t even finish using my current lip stuff soOoOoo
then we continued walking and that’s when we realized that to go and see the pumpkins, we would have to go in the observatory :( and then han was like “do u wanna go??” and i was like….. “nah it’s fine” and then he was like “if u wanna go i can pay…… for u only la haahhaha” and i just looked at him like r u mad why would i go in alone without u???????
so i asked him if he wanna go anywhere else if not we can head back to the mrt and maybe idk walk around or smth and he was like hmmm ok then.
on the way back, i pulled him towards the power plants thingy??? idk what its called tbh but it’s in the pictures!!!!! they use solar energy and shit it’s cool. then we snapped some photos together and wah y'all the lighting rly damn daebak la hahaha makes my skin look damn good even though it’s like shit and even though i was perspiring as heck and my hair was all just sticking to my forehead i was like u know what i can’t miss this good ass lighting i gotta take some photos man and that’s how we spent i think close to about an hour just sitting there taking photos both on my phone and the instax i bought along hahahahah
by the time we walked back, it started drizzling a little so we quickly rushed towards the elevator to the mrt bc um hello who wanna get drench? definitely not me hahaha. thennnn from the mrt we decided to walk around the shoppes since han haven’t rly been there before. he kept saying how there’s prolly not much sale bc the goods are expensive as heck $$$$$. and i told him that’s the power of brand names!!!!! like people pay for branding and i guess quality comes after la hahaha
and then after awhile i asked him if he still wanted to walk around and he was like “no ah for what there’s nothing to see alr all the same” and i was like hahahaha ok then so we walked back to the mrt and take the train all the way to paya lebar. from there we changed lines and took the train to bedok. i told him i wanna grab some food for dinner (also bc i was feeling quite hungry already since i didn’t finish my lunch). han ended up getting his usual pizza fix from pezzo and i got some sushi and a couple stick of fried goodness from ock.
oh and i bought two bras today since it was on sale!!!!! i hope it fucking fits bc it’s supposed to be a lifting bra and i got a cup smaller since i read online that you’re supposed to get a size small for lifting/push-up bras ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and thennnnnn we decided to head home. han sent me home as usual hHahahaah and then we ate our dinner together before he fell asleep. i honestly dunno how he can sleep on smth so hard but i guess he must have been pretty worn out (bc he didn’t sleep a wink) from the whole adventure we had today.
it was a good day!!! if i say this i have a feeling han won’t give it to me often anymore (him and his lame ass too much of a good thing can be bad theory) but i super love when he gives me cheek kisses wtf like i know it’s such a simple action but the way he does it makes me go all jelly for realz i rly love it la don’t ever stop!!!!!!!!
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