#im asking you what temperature water you shower and bathe with 😭
psuedosugu · 5 months
Highschool Suguru taking care of sick reader with high fever and a sore throat (me rn 😭) <333
He feeds,coddles and bathes her like the sweet caring guy he is 🥰
lol i wish someone would take care of me while im sick 😞😞😞😭
⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
୨୧・suguru quietly stepped into your dorm which you had again forgotten to lock (he would have to scold you for that later), and looked around the slightly messy room.
୨୧・he was met with your sickly looking self laying in bed, tissues scattered all around you.
୨୧・noticing him in your room, you shot up. “suguru…? what are you- a-choo!” you sneezed hard, eyes starting to water. your voice was scratchy and weak.
୨୧・”you weren’t in class today and i, uh, i got worried.” he knew it was irrational to be worried just because you were missing school for a day but you can’t blame him, he’s just too used to knowing where you are!
୨୧・”so you’re skipping for me?” you asked. suguru usually tried not to miss out on classes, he was a model student, afterall.
୨୧・”well, yeah.” he frowned at the state you were in, stepping closer to feel your forehead. yep, definitely a fever. “have you taken any tylenol yet?” you nod. “im gonna make you some tea, okay?” he says. you manage out a small “okay”.
୨୧・he prepares the tea, just how you like it, and brings it to you, placing it on your bedside table at hands reach.
୨୧・”you poor thing,” he coos, brushing the hair out of your face. “we’re gonna take you a shower, okay?” you nod as you feel him pull you up and into his arms, carrying you bridal style into the bathroom.
୨୧・he helps you wriggle out of your clothes and into the bathtub.
୨୧・you shiver as he turns on the tap, the water cold at first but soon becoming a comforting warm temperature. suguru suds up your loofa using your favorite vanilla bodywash which drives him insane when you wear it (unbeknownst to you, he bought himself a bottle of the same stuff, along with that perfume you always wear around him so that he can smell you all the time, even when you’re away on missions.)
୨୧・he scrubs your body so gently that you feel like you might fall asleep to his touch, and he smiles at how precious you look.
୨୧・he finishes bathing you and dries off your body, then finding you some comfy clothes for you to wear.
୨୧・you’re so….exhausted, you practically throw yourself onto the bed, burrowing into the soft blanket. suguru slides in next to you.
୨୧・”…suguu….you’re gonna get sick too…” “shhh…ill be okay.”
୨୧・he does have a pretty good immune system, so you two spend the rest of the day in bed together, suguru holding you close to his chest, your legs intertwined in his, and you start to think that maybe you don’t mind being sick if it means you get to spend time with him like this.
⠄・ ⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄⠂⋆ ・ ⠄
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thestitchingwitch · 2 years
Where have you Bean all my Life?
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Summary: After last Saturday’s....events...Devin Walker asks you out????
Warnings: angst, fluff, Chinese food, kissing, romance, teasing, low-self esteeem (reader), jealousy, enemies to lovers trope, female!reader, flirting (LOTS OF IT), physical touch, lusty thoughts
a/n: WOW. Did not intend for this to blow up as much as it did???? After receiving so many kind notes, I’ve decided to make this a mini series! ^_^ I also received some hate (BOOOOOO) from people who think it’s distasteful to write about 97!Devin??? Look, I literally wrote in the last a/n that this was not meant as a disrespect to the late Devin Walker. You can just???? scroll past???? It’s not that hard. 
Did that really just happen? Did I just REALLY lock lips with THE Devin Walker?? As if that morning you didn’t totally shit talk the kid. Today was just....a whirlwind? Here you thought that it was going to be just another Saturday: go to work, come home, do your homework, maybe flake on a party. You know, a typical boring day in the life of Y/n. 
After you closed shop, you and Devin exchanged IMs. He promised to shoot you a message as soon as he got to his hotel. When you got home, you obsessively checked your IM every five minutes. Nothing. 
Maybe I just imagined the whole thing? I mean, the whole situation is impossible. What are the odds of Devin Walker coming to THIS town and working at THAT particular coffee shop? You know what? Maybe what I need is a nice hot shower, then call it a night. Yes, that’s it!
You grab your fluffy pastel pink towel, make your way to the bathroom, and turn on the shower. Once the water is a decent temperature, you step in, allowing the warmth to envelop your body. You close your eyes and the only thing you can think of is him. His boyish smile, the way he laughs, and makes finger guns at everything. 
A firm wrapping on the door shakes you out of your shower thoughts. 
“Hey, hot water doesn’t grow on trees. Five more minutes, young lady!” you hear your dad call from the other side. Were you really in there for that long??
“Yes dad! Be right out!” you call back, turning off the faucet. You dry off before giving yourself a generous spritz of the Sweet Pea body spray from Bath & Bodyworks. Before you head back to your room, you take a quick look in the mirror. You inhale sharply. 
Maybe it was all a dream? I mean, he’s him and I’m me. None of the other boys in school think I’m pretty. What would make Devin Walker think anything different? Your cheeks start to burn hot and you can feel a lump in your throat. You manage to shake yourself out of whatever spiral you were going down then head back to your room. 
You walk over to your computer to log everything off, when you notice that you have 4 IMs from a random user. No - it can’t be. Could it? You open them. 
iceicebby: Hey there stranger! It’s me, the Ice Boy. 🍦
iceicebby: This is the right username, yeah? I’m messaging Y/n?
iceicebby: Hello? Anyone there? 
iceicebby: Ummm, guess this is the wrong person. That blows. 😭
Your hands are shaking as you frantically type a response. 
Lilac_Kitten: Hey! This is Devin right? Ice Break? I’m SO sorry, I was just in the shower and missed your messages. This is the right person. It’s Y/n. 
iceicebby: WHEW that would have been real awkward. 
Lilac_Kitten: LOL yeah...tell me about it. 
Lilac_Kitten: Soooooo ummmmm I like, haven’t been able to stop thinking about you???
A few minutes pass by. Then five. Then ten. Your heart and thoughts begin to race. 
Was that too much? Did I scare him off? I hope I didn’t. I still have to see him at work. UGHHHH Y/n, this is why guys don’t like you! You never know how to play it cool with them. 
iceicebby: hey sorry about that. My agent paged me and I had to make a phone call. 
iceicebby: Wait...you too? I can’t stop thinking about today either. You’re a really good kisser. Bet you must be popular with all of the guys. 😏😏😏
You felt the lump in your throat return. 
Lilac_Kitten: LOL as IF. I don’t even have a boyfriend. 
iceicebby: 🤯🤯🤯 okay, it’s really off principle to ask a girl on a date over IM but...do you wanna go on a date? 
Lilac_Kitten: You’re joking right? We literally just met today. 
iceicebby: And??? I never heard of any rules that say we can’t go on a date after meeting eachother for the first time. Is that a Newbury Town thing? I mean, hey, you don’t have a boyfriend so I figured I’d shoot my shot. 
iceicebby: What? I think you’re really cute and I want to take you out on a date. SHOOT ME
Okay, Y/n, what was the harm in letting Devin Walker take you out on a date? It was just one date. What was the worst that could happen? 
Lilac_Kitten: Okay, fine. But this doesn’t mean that we’re officially dating, okay? 
iceicebby: Woah woah now THAT would be too fast. How does Sunday night at 6 PM sound? There’s a place next to my hotel called the Oriental Jade Dragon. 
Lilac_Kitten: Okay! It’s a date. ^_^
It’s happening. It was REALLY happening. In one day, you managed to have your first kiss AND finally get asked out by a boy. A really hot one at that. Maybe you didn’t need to wait until you left town to have good things happen to you after all. 
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robotpussy · 2 years
unfortunately I still question why anyone would have a crush on me 😭😭
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