#im at a convention and he's got a booth here
fabulouslygaybean · 1 year
currently debating whether or not i should stop to meet tom kenny or not
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
I'm in Control Part 3 (Steddie X Reader)
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A/N: Im such a whore for these 2 <3
Warnings: Steddie relationship and all that that implies ( I regret nothing) Daddy Steve and Sir Eddie (I'm drooling) , Reader does get harassed but our boys save the day <3
Word Count: 3041
“The convention is Saturday in Vegas. Eddie and Steve, you guys will be with Y/N here and she can show you the ropes. Y/N, I’m bringing some of the other ladies as well. Later on, you and I are going to go scouting for some talent, ok? Nothing new.”
You nod as you smile. “You boys won’t get much sleep depending on when you wrap on Friday.”
“Eh, we’re kind of used to it by now.” Steve grins at you as he sighs. “Just grateful to be a part of all this.”
“Speaking of not getting much sleep…”, TJ spins around in his chair. “Your date with Malcolm? Yay? Nay? Wedding bells?”
“Calm down. It was one date.”, you giggle as you collect some things from your desk and stand. 
“Oh, come on. We’re all grownups here. Was the sex at least mind-blowing?”
You look at your boss before glancing over at your clients. Their eyes were full of hope, waiting on pins and needles for your answer. You lightly swat at TJ’s arm as you exit the office. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know.”
“Mmmm… I don’t morning well.”, Eddie climbed into the backseat and immediately rested his head against the window, folding his arms as he closed his eyes. 
You scooted towards the middle as Steve squished in beside you. Leaning over the backseat, you grab a blanket you brought and tenderly throw it over you and Eddie’s legs. 
His eyes briefly open as he looks down before turning to smile at you. “Thank you, Sweetheart.”
“Alright lady and gentlemen, hopefully we won’t hit too much traffic. Y/N, I’m sorry, honey. I have everything piled in the front seat and trunk. Are you ok back there?”
“Yeah, TJ. I’m fine.”
Once you guys were on the road, Eddie was completely knocked out. 
“Wow. It didn’t take him long, did it?”
“He really doesn’t do mornings. Being a porn star, musician, and all-around nerd, his active hours are usually after 8pm.”, Steve chuckles.
“Oh, yeah. Mr. Munson here is a huge fan of D & D and most things fantasy.”
That makes you genuinely smile. “What about you? Are you a nerd to?”
“No ma’am. I was definitely a jock guy in high school. I mean… I liked Star Wars. That was fun.”
“Star Wars is good. I’m kind of more of a Star Trek girl though.” His eyebrows knit together in confusion. “You’ve never watched Star Trek?”
“I don’t know what that is.”, Steve laughs at your shocked expression. “What else do you like?”
“I love music and dancing. Um, I don’t really know to be honest. I grew up in a small, tightly wound community. Their definition of fun was vastly different. Everything I got into didn’t start till I moved out here except…”
“Except…porn?”, he asks. 
 “I remember once, when I was a kid, my brother got caught with a porno magazine under his bed. My mom flipped out and called our church pastor. We rushed him down so he could be “cleansed of his sins”. It just never made sense to me. Sex is supposed to be beautiful and fun. How can it be so bad?”
“You’re a fascinating woman, Y/N.” Your eyes lock on his as you both grin. 
Halfway into the trip, you found your eyes getting extremely heavy. Your head lazily fell on Steve’s shoulder as you drifted off to sleep. 
“I can’t believe you’ve never been to one of these conventions before.”, you smile at the boys as you finish setting up the booth for your agency. 
“Technically, I have been to a convention but it wasn’t like this.” Eddie quickly rose from the chair he was sitting in and gestured for one of the actresses who had just come back from freshening up to take the seat. 
“Oh? Was it one of those nerdy conventions Steve was telling me you were into?”
The metal head playfully squints at his friend. “Traitor.”
“Hey, you fell asleep. We filled the time with conversation on the ride up here. Stay awake next time and then maybe you can participate.”, Steve grins. 
You reach over and pat Eddie’s shoulder. “It’s ok. I like that you’re a bit of a geek. I’ll finally have someone to talk nerdy with.”
“Look at all my beautiful people. I love it. Are you ready to come find some talent?” His smile widens when you nod, grabbing your clipboard. “Everyone else, stay here and look gorgeous. Gentlemen, if you could keep an eye on these ladies. We’ve never had a problem before but people can be a bit to…grabby.”
You and your boss walk the floor for hours, finding a few people he would like to sign. While TJ was talking to the stars, you were mingling with the managers. Managers brought talent to agency for a finder’s fee so you knew you guys would have a higher chance of getting more signs if they brought their stars to you.
When you two make your way back to your area, everyone seems to be having a good time. The girls were talking to some fans while Eddie and Steve were mingling with other male porn stars needing advice. 
“My family has no idea I do this but I’m glad I’m able to send my mom money every week to help the bills.”, the young man hangs his head.
“Do you do it just for the money?”, Eddie’s voice is full of compassion as he speaks. 
“Not really. I like… I like the job. I find it exciting.”
“Well, then you have nothing to be ashamed of, man. As long as you enjoy it then fuck everyone else.” 
The boy giggles at him. “Do your parents know what you do?”
“Pfft, my dad would actually have to care first.”, Steve rolls his eyes.
“Yeah, mine can’t even watch porn where he is.” Eddie’s smile falls a bit before he continues. “But my uncle knows and he doesn’t really care. He told me the same thing I told you.”
“Hey, baby.” You extend your arms out to the boy talking to the guys. 
His eyes light up when he notices you, wrapping his arms around your waist as he lifts you off your feet. “Y/N! I was hoping I’d see you.”
“TJ would kill me if I didn’t come with him to these things.”
“She’s right I would.” Your boss smiles at the young man. “Y/N, take the guys and grab some lunch. I’ll wait here with the other ladies and we’ll go when you get back.”
“Ok.” You tenderly cup the boy’s face as you grin up at him. “Remember. You are amazing.”
“How do you know that kid we were talking to? Or do you just know everyone?”, Steve stabs his fork into the Styrofoam container in front of him. 
“I’ve known Avery since he first got here a couple of years ago.”, you cover your mouth as you talk. “He was wondering around the convention with these wide dough eyes. He looked so terrified. I showed him around and answered his questions. He’s a good kid.”
When you looked up from your food you noticed they were both smiling at you. “What?”
“Nothing. You’re just really sweet. It’s adorable.”, Eddie’s grin widens before he puts the beer bottle in front of him to his lips.
“Like I said, this industry has a way and a reputation. I want everyone to be comfortable.”
Your phone on the table comes to life as it vibrates next your plate. You glance over at the it before pushing end. You know when you look back at them, they had read the name on the screen. 
I’m in control.
“So your date with Malcolm went well, huh? You never told us how that ended.”, Steve leaned back in his chair as he crossed his arms over his chest. 
“You’re right, I didn’t.”
“Must have ended rather well if he’s calling her phone while she’s out of town.”, Eddie closed his container, moving it to the side and out of his way. 
“To be fair, Mr. Munson, that’s none of your business. What I do with my private time is none of my client’s concerns.”
“She’s absolutely right, Steve.” You rolled your eyes at his sarcasm. “Now, I’m going to ask a question and please tell me if I’m crossing a client/ agent boundary here, Princess. Do you usually let clients finger you while you watch your other client get head?”
Eddie leaned back in his chair, smiling in triumph as your jaw clenched in frustration. 
“What I do with my private time away from you both has nothing to do with either of you and you have no right to be upset. I can fuck whoever I want especially since you’re allowed to get your shitty blow job and both of you are allowed to kiss on anyone you please.”
Steve turns to Eddie delivering a joking glare. “Traitor.”
“What did I do?”
“You told her I hated the way that girl sucked my dick.”
“Was I wrong?”
“Missing the point!”, their heads turn back to you as you shout at them. “It’s not fair.” You abruptly stand from your chair and start to leave them before stopping yourself, charging back toward the table. “What the fuck am I even saying? Fuck whoever you want. I don’t care. We,” you gesture between the three of you. “We are nothing except client and agent. This is a business relationship.”
Steve’s smile grows as he turns to Eddie who smiles back. “I notice she keeps preaching the client agent thing but has yet to answer your question.”
I’m in control AND I’m fucking angry.
“You know what, Daddy.” You watch with contempt as he straightens up at the name. “I’ll answer his fucking question. No, Sir. I don’t usually let things like that happen. I fucked up but that’s ok because that’s the last time that it will. Especially since I found a man who can satisfy my needs way better than I’m sure either of you can.”
Eddie watches your rant with amused eyes as Steve’s slowly start to fill with annoyance. You lean against the table on your palms, alternating your gaze between their own. “Oh, boys and trust me. Malcolm can sat-is-fy.” You overdramatically roll your eyes to the back of your head as you bite your lip. “I’ve never cum so hard in my life.”
“TJ, today was exhausting. Can’t we just relax?”, Eddie asks with a sigh as he pulls the Metallica shirt over his head.
“Tomorrow, guys. I promise. This is a big party that the host of the convention throws on that Saturday and a lot of important eyes will be there. Speaking of,” he looks them both up and down, “are you sure you don’t want to change?”
Steve and Eddie had changed out of their tight, revealing wardrobe they were wearing that day into more loose fitting, comfortable clothes. A small knock on the door gets your bosses attention. “That’ll be Y/N.”
The guys listen to you and him exchange some words before he leads you further into the room. “See, gentlemen. This is how you should look.”
Their jaws dropped when they saw you in your little black spaghetti strap dress that cut off just above your knees. Your hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail and the heels that you had on made you a couple of inches taller. 
Eddie was the first to regain his composure. “I don’t think a dress like that would fit me.”
You smile as your eyes flick to Steve’s waiting for him to say something. He casually exhaled before leaning back on his elbows from his place on the bed. “Well, definitely fitting for a party full of porn stars.”
Your head tilted to the side. “I sent a picture of it to Malcolm and he said I looked gorgeous.”
“And he was right.” TJ grinned as he threw on his jacket. “Ugh, fine! Come on then.”
The bass in the ballroom of the hotel room beats loudly against the walls. You survey your surroundings from your spot at the bar as you take a sip from your glass.
“Hey there, sexy.”
Not even hiding your disgust, you cringe as you turn to see the man addressing you. You recognized him from other films. He was a popular choice to star in most roles due to his conventional good looks but his personality was absolute garbage and you hated talking to him every time you had to. 
“Hey Jack.”
“You’re here alone again? I will never understand how someone like you comes to these things without a date.”
“Maybe that’s because I can have fun without having someone attached to me.”
He chuckles as he chugs back the drink that was handed to him. “I think it’s because you have a crush on me.”
You scoff as you leave the bar trying to distance yourself from him. To your dismay, he follows you. “Come on, Y/N. I’m single. You’re single. It doesn’t even have to mean anything if you don’t want it to.”
“You’re disgusting.” You shove him away, power walking in the opposite direction hoping to find your 6’3 muscle bound boss. 
Jack grips your wrist and tugs you against the wall, pressing his entire body into you. “You play this game with me all the time, Y/N. I know you want me. Everyone does.”
“Trust me, Jack. I don’t. Now get off me.”
A wicked smile crosses his face as he leans down to try and kiss you. You kick his shin and move around him bumping straight into Eddie. Steve comes from the side and pushes Jack against the wall, holding him by his collar. 
“When someone says no, the answer is no. If you ever touch her again, my friend here and I will make you regret it. Do you understand me?”
“Hey. I was just—”
“I said do you understand me?!”
“Yes! Jesus Christ.”
“Good. Now get out of my sight.”, he lets him go, tossing him away. 
“Are you okay?”, Eddie asks as his eyes scan you over. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Thank you.” They both smile as the he adjusts the strap that had slid down on your dress. 
“I’m sorry, Y/N but we’re tired. I don’t care what TJ says.” Steve sighs as he grabs Eddie’s arm. “We’ll see you tomorrow.”
You hug your arms as they disappear suddenly feeling extremely cold and alone. 
I’m in control.
“Hey!” Your heels smack against the tile as you run after them. “Hey, um, do you guys want to, um, order a pizza or something? I don’t know about you but I’m starving. 
They glance at each other before turning to you. 
“We could eat.”
You cover your mouth full of pizza as you laugh at a story the boys had just told. “Eddie, I had no idea you could play the guitar. I mean Steve mentioned you were a musician but he didn’t say what you played.”
“Oh yeah, Sweetheart. When we get back home, I’ll show you.” Eddie strums his fingers over invisible strings. 
“What about you?”, you point at Steve. 
“God no. I don’t even know popular music let alone how to play it. You?”
“I’m not that cool, unfortunately.”
“I think you’re pretty cool.” Eddie grins at you before your phone vibrates. 
“Hey TJ.”
“Where the hell are you? And where are my stars?”
“I am upstairs getting ready for bed. As for Steve and Eddie, I have no idea where they are.”
“You’re their agent, Y/N.”
“It’s a party! Jesus. I’m sure they both found some pretty girls and are having fun. Do the same!” You chuckle as you hang up your phone and throw it against the sofa chair near the window. “What?! Why are you staring at me again?”
“Sheesh, calm down.” Steve grins as he holds up his hands. “You just always find ways to surprise us. That’s all.”
“Why do you talk like that? Like you’re one person?”
He turns to Eddie. “Are you not surprised?”
“I’m very surprised she didn’t play her agent card and rat us out.”
You tilt your head and turn away from them as you whisper loud enough for them to hear. “They aren’t answering the question…Yeah I noticed that.” You raise your eyebrows at them. “See? It’s fucking annoying, isn’t it?”
“You spend enough time with someone you get to know them pretty well. Remember, we told we grew up together, spent time together in and after high school, and now we work together in a business that requires you to be vulnerable.”
“That’s ironic.”, you respond to Steve with only mild sarcasm. When they both look at you with confusion, you explain. “Since I’ve met you, I think the only time you’ve been vulnerable is on the drive up here. If you were being more open you would have told me you how you felt about me and Malcolm from the start instead of throwing your little tantrums.”
“Oh, you’re one to talk, Miss I’m-the-agent.”, Eddie sits up on the bed giving you more attention. “If you weren’t attracted or didn’t at least feel something for us, you would have told me to fuck off at that party just like you did with that douchebag downstairs.”
“Did you fuck him?” Steve gruff tone froze you both.
“Who Jack? God no—”
“No. Malcolm. Did you fuck him?” You and the man stare each other down, waiting for the other to concede. 
“It doesn’t matt—” Steve’s arm shot out, reaching for your throat before pulling your lips to his. There was a tenderness behind it that you weren’t prepared for but desperately wanted more of. 
His mouth hovered over yours as he pulled away. Your throat moved under his grasp as you swallowed. “Did. You. Fuck. Him?”
“No.”, you breathed out.
“No what?”
I’m in control. I’m in control. I want him to kiss me again. No! Shit. I’m in control. His lips tasted so good. I wonder what Eddie tastes like. No! I’m in control. I’m—
“No, Daddy.”
@gracieluvthemoon @e-munson666 @luna-munson83
@lunatictardis @corrodedcorpses @munsonology
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alienaiver · 1 year
Tales of Meet Cutes
Kozume Kenma x gn!reader
warnings: this is pretty fluffy! while reader is gender neutral, they are cosplaying male characters and are being described wearing makeup, so beware if thats not ur thing! :’) wordcount: 4.4k content: FLUFF, genderneutral reader, poc!friendly reader, canon compliant, post-timeskip, meet cute, kenma FALLS IN LOVE... HARD!, cosplayer!reader meeting kenma at a convention basically, kuroo’s the worst wingman but he swings it anyway!, kenmas a bit awkward but hes got the spirit, weirdly enough became an advertisement for the tales of games..., unbeta’d bcos i am sobbing about my con, reader cosplays mikleo from tales of zestiria and jack vessalius from pandora hearts! heres mikleo and heres jack (theres no switch release of zestiria this is just me dreaming btw </3)
notes: hihey!!! i was at a convention this weekend and have been ruDELY STRUCK by the post-con depression and its... its GIVING ME feelings. so i wrote this. im aware that conventions in japan are usually simply called ‘events’ and not cons like in the west but it felt sO UNSPECIFIC so ye. i actually do Not know what bouncing ball corp DOES... so im playing around. this is all based off of my own convention experiences but theyre obviously very local to my country so idk how it is in others <33333333 i hope u enjoy AWKWARD KENMA who stutters <3
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It’s Friday afternoon and Kenma’s plugging the Nintendo Switch’s HDMI into the television’s port that the convention provided for their booth. Kuroo’s humming by their table as he places the flyers nice and orderly next to the game cases. Kenma turns to his friend, “you didn’t have to do this.” he says, flustered that Kuroo had to take a weekend off for him. Kuroo smiles, “’course I didn’t have to,” he looks knowingly at Kenma who bites his lip and stares pointedly at the floor, “but I wanted to. It’s a free convention, a weekend with my best friend plus, you’re paying me.”
It's true, Kenma has agreed to pay all of Kuroo’s meals this weekend no matter what he wanted – he knows Kuroo will seize the opportunity and ask for food he’s normally too cheap to buy himself, but Kenma’s happy to indulge.
Bouncing Ball Corp has for many years sponsored a big part of Tokyo Expo’s Game Room. It was one of the first places that properly introduced Kenma to streaming so it’s become like a silent thank you to them. The community is nice too and he knows a lot of his fans come here. For just as many years that he’s been a sponsor, they’ve tried to get him to have a booth or maybe even a panel but he’s been dodging them successfully every year. The attention seems like it’d be too much for him to handle for a whole weekend so he’s always declined and showed up stealth as a regular convention guest and enjoyed the Game Room. He was almost found out once because he beat a high score on the big center screen in front of an audience. He’s never ducked out so fast of anything in his life.
But this year’s dodging and parrying proved unsuccessful due to circumstances out of his power. You’d think running your own company would make situations like these impossible but alas. Kenma has been playing the Tales Of game series on his channel since the early beginning and after the third game, Bandai Namco reached out and they made a rather fruitful arrangement that’s served both of them well. Now, they’re releasing an anniversary Nintendo Switch release of Tales of Zestiria and wanted Kenma at the convention, advertising. He was put between a rock and a hard place when the game company reached out to the convention on his behalf – he knows they did it on purpose to render any of his moves ineffective.
So here he is, plugging the television into the massive outlet that runs through the room to accommodate every booth and game (is this even fire safety regulated?) with Kuroo by his side. One of the volunteers, a Gopher, has already stopped by multiple times to offer their assistance in setting up. Kenma thinks they might be a fan because the Game Room’s volunteer-leader has already been by upon their arrival and walked through whatever they might need from the convention and what they’ve brought themselves to the booth with him.
There’s usually not a lot of booths in the Game Room, traditionally focusing more on just having a lot of platforms and screens available with games ready to be played by the guests but it’s not uncommon to see a company or two advertise for something. At the far end, Kenma knows an indie-game developer is going to be. She’s also going to host a panel on how to make your own games and where to start. He’d like to stop by for that out of curiosity. There’s also a booth from a school where you can become a game designer who advertises for their education and tells people of the way you’ll have to go to reach that.
And then Kenma’s. He certainly feels out of place as he sets up the brand-new Switch with only one game inserted provided by Bandai Namco. He originally connects it to the Convention Center’s Wi-Fi but decides his own might be faster for the final download of the software. He hears Kuroo talk to someone behind him as he fiddles with his phone settings. The convention opens in just a few hours and he’d like to get lunch before anyone arrives. He dreads how he’ll have to be available here until at least after the dinner rush. He’ll have to eat a heavy lunch. He has a gnawing suspicion that Kuroo’s got food or snacks in his bag if the size of it is anything to go by. He hopes there’s the red bean Taiyaki that he likes in that bag. He really wants one now.
  His stomach is gnawing, reminding him of that Taiyaki he imagined earlier. It’s past 7PM now and there’s been so many people that he really doesn’t want to come back tomorrow. Kuroo’s currently out, there was a tabletop event he wanted to check out and since there wasn’t that many people when he left an hour ago, he had said yes but they’re all coming back from their dinner and filling up the room again. The heat is unbearable; poor ventilation and so many machines turned on making it worse on top of the people crowding it. More than once he’s had to explain how the Switch controls work for curious guests and it’s getting repetitive in a way that he really doesn’t enjoy. Is he really an asset as a sales representative? He thinks not.
Maybe he should just take a peek in Kuroo’s bag. He probably wouldn’t mind, right?
Turns out that he definitely wouldn’t mind given that all there is in said bag is snacks that only Kenma likes and that he knows Kuroo doesn’t even the least bit pretend to enjoy. He stays crouched and rummages through it and lo behold, a red bean Taiyaki shines from the bottom of the bag. Out of the corner of his eye he spots two people nearing the booth, one whose color scheme is glaringly blue. He hears talk, someone jumping in excitement and thinks it might be an old fan of the game excited about the remake. He’s surprised by how few knows the game – it’s not that old, he keeps telling himself.
“It’s you!” a voice exclaims and with the Taiyaki hanging from his mouth, Kenma looks up with confusion and an accidental glare. Before his booth stands two people. One is dressed like an anime character from that fighting show he’s heard about and the other… Well, the other is none other than Mikleo, a character from the game he’s currently advertising. You’re standing with the game in your hands, sparkles flying from your eyes in excitement, your underlip worried between your teeth.
Kenma drops the Taiyaki from his mouth as his brain decides you’re the most beautiful person he’s ever seen.
(Luckily for him the snack lands on the bag and not on the floor. He doesn’t notice that at all though.)
“I shouldn’t buy it. I already have it at home for the PS3,” you start arguing resolutely, putting down the Switch case with much reluctance. Your friend laughs at you, “yeah that would be silly. But you were so sad about not finding any merchandise with Mikleo or Sorey on it in Dealer and Artist, so I’m glad we saw this!” you nod to your friend, eyes still glued on the game, “me too. I hope this remake will get it the revival it deserves. Maybe we’ll actually meet people who knows the game now,” you sigh before you start to continue on, “I don’t want to be late for the Tekken tournament though and if I stay here much longer, I’ll end up buying the game.” Your friend follows and you look back at the game one last time with mock sobs and an arm reached out towards it. Your friend laughs and drags you along.
Kenma stays crouched and frozen for a few more moments until Kuroo’s voice breaks through, “that cosplayer’s the character from the game, aren’t they?” his eyes are turned towards you before he looks down at Kenma, “you found the snacks?” he walks around the tables to get inside the booth, “we can go get dinner in an hour or so, is that fine?”
Kenma barely registers any of the questions that Kuroo asks him, still looking after your form. It’s easy to see where you’re going with your cosplay prop, Mikleo’s staff being his guiding star as you’re walking towards the big screen for the Tekken tournament.
Maybe he should join the tournament.
No, he definitely shouldn’t.
A palm suddenly touches Kenma’s forehead and Kuroo’s form is crouched next to him, looking only mildly concerned, “you okay? You need to get out a bit? Too many people?” the questions are many as Kuroo tries to locate what Kenma’s issue might be. It’s not a fever, so the redness in his face much be account of the crowd, Kuroo thinks. Kenma scrunches up his nose before he gets back to his feet, “I’m fine.”
Kuroo shakes his head before he picks up Kenma’s abandoned Taiyaki and gets back up, “let me know if that changes. I’d be more than happy to duck out for food early.”
Kenma reluctantly grabs the Taiyaki from Kuroo and continues to eat it in silence. Kuroo does what he does best and try to sell the game to whoever stops by even if they’re only stopping briefly. There’s an influx of people for the tournament and Kuroo manages to sell a few copies to old fans. Kenma fiddles with his water bottle as his eyes are glued towards the tournament area, hoping he’ll see you on your way out. He definitely doesn’t want to go for dinner before it ends.
  Sadly, he doesn’t see you in the crowd leaving the area, all morphed together into one blob of mass. The Game Room is finally breathable again and they get ready to leave the booth, putting up the “Out for dinner, be right back!” sign and notify the Gophers that they’re leaving so they can keep an eye on the unattended booth for them.
Kuroo wanted something from the food stalls, much to Kenma’s chagrin. Kenma doesn’t particular like going out to eat but a restaurant’s volume levels is miles apart from the food halls of an anime convention’s. The line luckily isn’t long as Kenma stands with his phone, playing Valkyrie Connect on it to pass the time. Kuroo talks to the people around them in line, blending in even though this normally isn’t his crowd.
“Ah, thank you for holding the line! It was such a bother going to the bathroom in this,” you laugh, sounding out of breath as you pat your friend’s shoulder.
Kenma’s afraid to look up because out of his peripheral he spots the blue of the bottom part of Mikleo’s pants. The tail ends of your cap sways as you move around too and he feels his tongue grow a few sizes in his mouth. Kuroo continues talking with your friend who introduces you to him.
The good thing about Kuroo, that Kenma’s always appreciated, is his uncanny way of knowing when to push Kenma’s social buttons and when not to. So Kuroo simply lets the conversation flow with the two people in front of him, not letting their focus shift to Kenma in an effort to relief him.
He chances a look at you without lifting his head and you’re even more beautiful up close. Your wig seems to be of high quality and well taken care of, even after a whole day at the convention. Kenma doesn’t know a whole lot about makeup, but he can see that yours is sharp and accentuating the parts that make you resemble Mikleo the most. You’re wearing purple contacts and Kenma’s brain is fuzzy with the thought of what your real eye color must be like. Is your hair long underneath the wig? Or short? Your face seems perfectly sculptured and he has to look back down at his game so he doesn’t pass out from the way you shine.
  “Whatcha want?” Kuroo suddenly asks Kenma and he realizes it’s already their turn. Kenma gulps loudly and shakes his head at Kuroo, hoping his blush isn’t too obvious. Kuroo nods at his non-verbal response before he orders two sets of bibimbap with two chicken bao buns. Kenma fumbles to get his wallet out of his pocket to pay for the food and Kuroo wordlessly takes the wallet from him so he can hand them the correct amount. “Anyways, have a great con!” Kuroo gladly tells you and your friend as they go to leave the queue and wait by the side for their order. Kenma stomps his feet mentally and looks you squarely in the face. Your smile is gentle and warm as he gets eye contact with you, “you’re a… b-beautiful.. Mikleo.” he stumbles over his words and hurries to join Kuroo by the side, feeling very childish with his breathing ragged and heart beating. He hears you making a reply behind him but he doesn’t make out the words as he focuses on Kuroo’s shoes and quieting his own heart.
  When he reaches Kuroo, an unfortunate but very teasing smirk is on the bastard’s lips. “So it wasn’t a fever.” He teases, ruffling up Kenma’s hair. “Shut up,” he bites back and punches Kuroo’s stomach. Kuroo leans forward in mock pain and whispers close to Kenma’s ear with a teasing lilt, “they’re still looking at you. I think they’re flustered.”
Kenma just hits him again but dares not to look back to confirm whether or not Kuroo’s right, a pout evident on his face from Kuroo’s teasing.
      Saturday morning comes around without too many hiccups and Kenma’s playing Octopath Traveler on his own Switch, precariously tipping the chair to alleviate boredom. Kuroo only teased him mildly yesterday and this morning, so he thinks he might be safe with his private crush. It’s lunch time soon and the big cosplay show is currently underway, which makes the Game Room pleasant, only a few people sitting by different platforms quietly playing games.
Kuroo’s at the cosplay show too, leaving Kenma behind. He’d offered to go together, but Kenma thinks the noises will be too much. He can always watch the show online at another date and he doesn’t technically mind manning the booth when it’s this quiet. A few fans have found out he’s here and passed by for pictures, but it hasn’t been too wild. He misses his cats even if he briefly saw them this morning.
He yawns as he finishes off one of the chapter 2 bosses, checking his battery percent as the victory screen loads. He’s still good to go for at least some time yet before he has to get up and dig the charger out of Kuroo’s bag.
“Excuse me,” your voice rings as you clear your throat and Kenma’s head whips up so fast at the sound of your voice that he loses balance and with a leg raised tall in the air, he falls backwards with a yelp that he’ll deny until the day that he passes.
“Oh my God, are you okay?” he hears the worried wobble in your tone as you shuffle around towards the little entrance to his booth but stops in front of it, unsure if you’re allowed to enter, stomping your feet anxiously. “I didn’t mean to give you such a scare, I’m sorry!”
As Kenma groans and places his Switch carefully next to him on the floor, he realizes that you’re trying to hold back a laugh at the scene in front of you, but your brows are still furrowed in worry.
You’re not Mikleo today.
He’s not sure who you are, really. He doesn’t recognize the design but then again, he hasn’t watched a lot of anime. But even if you’re in a total different outfit, with a different hair and eye color than yesterday, there’s no mistake who you are. You’re the one inflicting psychic damage on Kenma’s heart and he’s not sure how to handle this properly.
Your outfit is no less detailed or well-done than yesterday, with a blonde wig styled with a ponytail and a very exquisite-looking, long green coat lined with gold. You’re wearing a ruffled shirt underneath a black vest, knee-length boots and white pants. You must be hot in all that. He feels heat flush to his cheeks at his own staring and throws his head back to the ground, staring at the ceiling to avoid your gaze, exhaling a deep breath. You crouch down, still by the entrance to his booth and look at him, careful of the length of your ponytail – he can see now that it’s a braid. “Are you sure that you’re okay?” you ask, biting your lip in worry about how he has yet to reply to you. Maybe you shouldn’t have walked up to him at all.
Kenma tries to make his eyes meet yours but he finds that he’s not really able to. He’s frozen staring up at the ceiling, feeling his blood pump faster than he’d like. His palms are lying spread but he can feel the sweat gathering there and there’s quite a bit of saliva gathering in his mouth that he seems to have forgotten how to swallow.
“Uhm. Was it Kazu?” you look up at the ceiling to see if Kenma’s found anything interesting, “ah! Kuroo! He said you’d be here when I saw him during the show break…” there’s a pause as you seem to think about what you want to say and Kenma finds the courage to move slowly to sit up, the thought that you sought him voluntarily out replenishing his HP bar.
You follow him with your eyes, a triumphant yet tense smile on your lips at making him blush so exceedingly. He’s pretty when he blushes, you think.
“I was wondering if you’d like to… Uh, get some lunch together from the food stalls?” Kenma whips his head towards you again, his expression more constipated than positive and you raise your arms in alarm with an apologetic smile, “y-you don’t have to of course! Kuroo just suggested that you might be hungry and well… I am too, but my friend didn’t want to miss the award ceremony so I thought… maybe… you’d like to? We could talk about the Tales of games, if you’d like?”
Kenma nods and looks away to regain control of his voice, “I’d like to, let me just close up here before we leave,” he says and a new excitement rises in him from being able to speak a whole sentence without stuttering to you. He chances a look at you he feels like he shouldn’t have because the smile that adorns your features is absolutely breath-taking and Kenma feels his heart stutter at brightness in front of him. You move to get up and dust off your thighs before reaching out to him, “need a hand?”
  The walk to the food stalls isn’t as awkward as Kenma feared it’d be with his newfound inability to compose proper sentences. You let the conversation flow freely and naturally, filling in when his answers are stunted. You’re so calm and patient that Kenma finds himself opening up more naturally as you reach the stalls, taking a walk through the area to figure out what you’d like. Kenma also learns that you’re dressed as a character from Pandora Hearts today, a character named Jack. “Don’t get the curry,” you warn in a whisper-voice and lean in close to continue what Kenma supposes is gossip but his heart is beating so loud in his ears he barely hears why you issued such a warning in the first place. He simply nods and trots along, hands buried deep in his hoodie’s pockets.
You settle on the food stall that sells pizza slices. It’s a small food truck with a pizza oven inside that Kenma’s frankly fascinated by. There’s not a lot of options that he likes on their menu and he feels embarrassed to order something where half of the ingredients needs to be taken off in front of you but he would also like to be able to eat said food in front of you.
When it’s your turn in the line, Kenma motions for you to go first and as he hears your order, his mind immediately relaxes – he’s not the only one with special requests to remove certain ingredients. As it turns out, you end up wanting the same exact pizza as him, so he taps your shoulder and quickly asks if you want to change it from two separate slices and just share a regular sized pizza. Your eyes shine at his question and you nod excitedly before turning towards the cook on the other side who happily takes the new order.
  You’re seated in front of each other with the pizza between you, the conversation flowing naturally and freely between games. “Have you ever played Fire Emblem?” Kenma asks through a bite of pizza and you hum through your chewing, “not yet. I only recently got my hands on my own Switch and that’s my first Nintendo console so I think it’ll take me a while to rack up my arsenal,” you laugh and Kenma nods, “you could always watch a stream of it?” he tentatively ask and you shake your head and put down your slice of pizza to take a sip of your drink, “I can’t really concentrate on streams… they’re kind of boring,” you admit with a sheepish laugh and Kenma’s back straightens as he tries not to take it personally. It’s technically not a big deal and he usually isn’t bothered by whether or not people would like him but he has a very deep-seated need for you to like him right now.
“What do you do on the daily? Outside of cons?” you ask after you’ve swallowed your last bite of pizza, “something with sales?”
Kenma raises a confused eyebrow at you and you laugh apologetically, “I just thought maybe for Bandai? Since you’re selling their game at the con.”
That’s when Kenma realizes.
You have no idea who he is.
And hey, Kenma isn’t that conceited that he thinks everyone knows him but with all the games you have the same interests in, he’d figured you at least knew his name or something of the sort. He also had a tiny drop of fear that you might just be seeking him out due to his status. He’s not sure he wouldn’t just let you, given how infatuated he is with you. What a wonderful way to get played, he absentmindedly thinks.
He's glad it seems to be in a whole other alley. You might just be interested in him for him.
“I uh, I own a company.” He tries not to sound like too much of a jerk but the sentence makes it hard to not sound high and mighty, no matter how he’d said it. Your eyes widen and you slap your palms onto the surface of the table, “that’s so cool!” you exclaim and Kenma tries to will down a blush. “What kind of company?”
He must look like a deer in the headlights to you because you shrink in on yourself and apologize for prying. He’s not sure why he didn’t expect such a follow-up question but his brain malfunctioned at the way your eyes shone. You’re wearing contacts again today, bright green and making your eyes seem bigger than they actually are. There are golden lashes lining your eyes and once again your makeup best accentuates what he believes fits the character because it’s different than it was yesterday but still just as sleek and beautiful. He hitches a breath before he can properly reply, “uh, it’s called… Bouncing Ball Corp.” he admits with a hand scratching the back of his neck.
Realization seems to dawn on your face as your eyes narrow, seemingly in deep thought. Then your mouth opens in an ‘o’ shape before you burst out laughing, a hand to your stomach. Kenma’s sitting like a duck, watching you go through all of these motions, confused as to what they might mean. Then, you wipe a stray tear from your lash line and apologize for your outburst, “it’s just. Oh my God, please apologize to your friend. When we met him at the show…” you laugh again, trying to breathe calmly, “I thought he was trying to hit on me because he started talking about knowing some kind of CEO and a streamer. My friend knew who it was but I didn’t and he seemed embarrassed that I didn’t. Oh God,” you’re still laughing, hiding your face behind your hand as Kenma puts two and two together.
That blathering idiot.
How many times does Kenma have to tell Kuroo not to be his wingman? He groans as he hides his face on the surface of the table, letting out strings of apologies on behalf of his friend. “I’m so sorry he’s just… like that,” Kenma bites out as he raises his head back up, licking his front teeth. You wave your hand with a smile, “don’t worry, don’t worry. He seems… fun. And he really seems to care about you.”
Kenma nods and plays with the woody veins on the table, unsure what to say when you grab his hand, “but you can thank him for his meddling, I think. It got the two of us talking, right?”
Kenma’s body seems to freeze at the contact as he feels the warmth of your hand in his. Your eyes look hopeful as you worry your lip between your teeth, a half-smile on your face. Kenma smiles in what he hopes is a reassuring way as he squeezes your hand back with a courage he hadn’t felt in a while, “yeah, I’ll be sure to treat him to a nice dinner later. But I think I’d like to treat you to one first.”
You giggle as you look down at the table in front of you, “that’d be lovely. But I think you need to see me out of cosplay before you decide, don’t you?” you ask with nervousness teetering in your lilt. Kenma shakes his head, “I cannot imagine that you’re not beautiful underneath your costume. Besides, your personality’s what’s important and I like that a lot already.”
The smile you send his way make his heart pump again. Yeah, he definitely needs to thank Kuroo, no matter how stunted his attempt were, it ended up working.
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kamoegoi · 1 year
back from anime north it was a lot of fun.
 i could not find any aerial or gusion full city or hyakuri but i found a novelization of stret fighter and a manga capcom apparently made of daigo umehara’s life story and i think thats very funny/cool (also other booksbut theyre not as funny/cool as a daigo umehara biomanga). highlight was definitely that big dance circle where people would jump in if they heard a kpop song they knew. i dont know any but it was fun to watch and we were there for like hours because it was so mesmerizing the talent on display. there was this kid who was 10 and he fucking popped off and every song he knew he took center and everyone immediately snapped into formation behind him and everyone became 1000x more synched because thats the power of a strong center.
lowlight was not being able to hang out with my friend as much because he was working it as a vendor this year and also this one weirdo at the dance circle who straddled up next to me with his buddy and was like “hey do you know where the hentai is?” and because he asked a question i had an answer to because i had just come from the beguiling booth where i saw a hentai table i immediately answered him and his shit eating grin just. immediately melted. he sullenly thanked me and went back to his friend and i felt the little loading wheel spin in my head until i realized he was trying to embarass me??? i guess???? like i was some victorian froufrou lady or something??? like hey dipshit its an anime convention some ladies are out here with there whole ass with signs saying theyll step on you for $5 and im out here in jorts and im all ankle like what the hell are you talking about go away
i also got a cute mousepad that is all flower petals and moon crescents with soft pink and blue pastels and a stiched edge that im very excited about, as well as a bunch of stickers i want to put on my mtg notebook. also an artist was selling an error keychain she made of adora but her armour was styled with silver foil instead of the intended gold foil and the artist was like “oh this was a mistake but i would rather people have it than it get thrown away” and i like that because it was specifically because the foiling was silver that i thought it was cool because it felt like a mid-transformation effect than just the normal armour like youd see her in. idk i think its neat how such a little mistake could make something so aesthetically cool to me yknow? it also has this cool rainbow halo/aura effect in the clear resin where the heart of etheria frames adora like ist just very cool i think. so yeah it was a good time!
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swooshywoo · 2 years
okay pax post time i suppose. i went friday - sunday but sunday was also the travel back day
so friday we (me and my dad) wake up 6 am and we get our vaccine wristbands and day passes, and we were waiting in the annex at like 9:15 lol. which. the convention hall doesnt open until 10. there were soooo many people ive never been to pax before (ive been to other cons) and just wow. and the cheer when the doors opened and everyone flooded in. it felt like home ngl. me and my dad headed straight across the sky bridge to the other side where the more indie booths were to escape the crowd, and we just toured the expo floor checking out everything. my dad is a game dev and worked with indie devs + pax in the past so we just chatted with a few of them while playing their games. very cool to get that insight into the games industry. we showed up to the end of a panel to meet up with some of his friends, and then made dinner plans with a bunch of audio guys.
saturday was the day we (me) were here for because it had the tf2 reunion panel!! i cosplayed scout for that, saw 2 other tf2 cosplayers on the expo floor while we killed time, then showed up an hour early to the panel. and as we waited in line, so many people showed up it got capped 15 minutes before it started •_•. and like 6 people wanted photos of me too it was so fun. there were multiple medics and scouts, there was a demoknight, pauling, blu engineer, blu spy (wearing a heavy disguise), and a pyro. i was at the start of the line and got second row seats, the panel was amazing (theres an official recording somewhere idk where tho :( ). and then we went to the board game floor, found two people looking for players with a game we knew (and loved) already, and that was amazing those two were perfect matches for us.
sunday last day, went to the expo floor again (i was scout again too), played a game, talked to more devs, and killed time until the tf2 autographing. had lunch with a cosplayer id seen around the floor every day, they were super chill and also a father/son nerd duo which was cool. in the line for that i chatted with someone behind me and we played mario kart until it started (we were an hour early again, the line filled up in 25 minutes). got a PW Kaz 8x10 signed by Robin, got the script they read yesterday signed by all 4 of them, and my dad got a Portal 8x10 signed by Ellen. And then it was travel back.
It had been 6 years or more since i was last at a con, and im actually old enough now to appreciate them and feel the happiness that i felt this time. I had like 10 people total take photos of me, and easily twice as many shouts/compliments, and im definitely making my costume better for whatever next con i go to (props basically).
images under the cut
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i did not know there was a etg arcade game?? based tho
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the atrium at 6pm (when the expo floor closes (not the rest of the building tho))
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THE ONLY SNAKE COSPLAYER!!! we both agreed we have to keep the fandom alive. im putting together a (tpp) kaz cosplay for next con as well.
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maid master chief, amongus, and may (?) from it takes two
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the only jojo cosplayers!! there was one more jotaro actually but he wasnt a part of this group.
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pizza hill. the weapon was a pizza spatula thing (i forget the word)
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neuron activation. it was so bad passing by this booth every time
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no okay i need to tell yall ab that guy. and more importantly how fucking much of a coward and a blind mfer i am.
yes im obsessing over a guy ill never see again thats beside the POINT. and theres a small chance id see him in a future convention in the next years, so. like, i see hot people all the time, yk thart dumb stereotype of ace ppl being cold and shit? ya no i am not interest in fucking but i am a bi mess at heart. falling in love every 3 fucking seconds. and i remember those cool ppl for a while but he, yk the butterfly thing? ya, that, im getting that, so i gotta get this off my chest.
so like, you know how fairs are, you got the tables with people seeling stuff and what not, he was in this one together with another person that was selling genshin related stuff and like i think they were paired cus they both got an anime art style and also just the vibes?
idk anyway they were also selling pride flag stickers. we're talking alt style person so he was dresed mostly all black and he had this sick ass eye makeup on, think new batman movie but more edgy mixed with like the people that like to cosplay vikings so they put a fuckton of black eyeshadow around their eyes but the borders were spikey like when people do corpse paint. i dont have time for a ms paint rendition so use your goddamn imagination
so we go to the table/booth? is that considered a booth? idfk, i get a genshin pin from the other person, the classmate i was with got a pride flag sticker from him and you gotta take in consideration, im not a backpack girlie. i stopped years ago putting them bitches on both of my shoulders, no i dont know how i havent developed scoliosis yet so its been a year i just bought a shoulder bag big enough to be annoying but not enough to put everything in.
listen totebags are cool but i need pockets and more space, im sorry. i think we need to address the fact that the straps dig into my shoulders and there's seriously not enough space. so he says something like "cool/nice bag" and i dont hear him at the start cus fair=music and voices going on and like bro was majestic so i needed few secs anyway to process what he could possibly say to my dumbass and im like ah thanks and mentally go into gay panic as we walk away to go look at other stuff. and the contact cards thingies with websites, social accounts etc.? ya i started collecting them so everytime i got to these events i take one from each and every person but i dont read them mostly in the moment and OMG I SHOULD HAVE.
because with this mfer? i never talked again for the rest of the event. yk when your eyes go back to someone in particular in a crowd? ya that. i do that alot. i did that a lot. but not talking, not approaching people, just like "you look so cool and interesting to me rn but i am not socially skilled so ill just admire you from here in a way i hope you wont notice cus this is not a romcom and id dig myself a grave. why do i say i should have read the little contact thing? yall, his account nicknames contained the word killjoy. i could have fucking went "oh killjoy? is it some reference to mychem?" AND I COULD HAVE DONE TWO MORE SECONDS OF CONVO. second reason why i should have: to check his socials and see whats the vibe NOT in a stalker way like those ppl that fucking spend weeks reconstricting the entire life of some guy. and if i checked his social, i would have found out he's a ftm person.
now, i talked about blindness at the start. because i fucking looked at this guy, dressed like that, literally selling pride stickers, most common white transmasc haircut ever and i was like "ya thats just a metal straight man i guess" I AM A FUCKING IDIOT "oh but what would have changed if you knew he had the trans swag" nothing but it's fucking HARD even when you're in art school finding people more similar to you in THAT sense, its like yo, i know a bit of whats like going through that. and also i wasnt expecting it cus he just fucking passed so good? like his confidence and attitude felt so much like just something a cis guy has, walking around the world, it's the type of shit that you dont feel like you could ever obtain? idk if im making sense rn, but ifykyk. its also just fuckky i was so fucking blind like no bestie!! mfer is in the community you're just an idiot.
so ya, morale of the story i need to learn how to socialize in the most basic way, im not even talking about flirting, just fucking normal comunication goddamn it.
also that bag gets me always compliments and i don't use all the potential its "attractive people magnet" power has, as demonstrated by this anecdote.
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amazingphilza · 3 years
twitchcon :: cc!multiple x reader
fluff , platonic , gender neutral ! some mcyt headcanons if you were to attend twitchcon w them
cc’s included in order: tommyinnit , tubbo , ranboo , wilbur soot , philza , technoblade
cw: kinda lengthy for the minors (i think), not as much for the hags LMAO /hj
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this man is so excited to be at his first twitchcon & being able to hang out with all his best friends makes it a hundred times better
when he isn’t at a panel or doing meet & greets, he’s dragging you everywhere to see the whole convention center (clingyinnit)
he is just so at awe despite this not being his first convention to attend
you’d be surprised he gets tired pretty quickly & stops over to the partner lounge
you both rest for a bit against a wall in a pretty packed hallway despite it being an exclusive area to twitch partners
every time a famous streamer walks by he will yell it out and record it then vlog your reaction, even if they’re surrounded with bodyguards & trying to get to another place quickly
he’d zoom in his camera to their face at a horrible angle and be like
“oh my god it is THE ninja. ninja famous fortnite player, HELLO.”
but he gets completely ignored
then the camera pans out to you, still really zoomed in that the capture is blurry
tommy is so confused, forgetting the bit ninja did on his twitter where he renamed himself ‘ninjainnit’ for a split second
okay tommy isn’t that athletic but he will chase you and the rest of your group down a hallway if he had to
he’d probably find a toy gun from the artist alley/seller booths and shoot you and wilbur with it
but if tommy stumbles across any of the dream team, it’s about to be minecraft manhunt but irl
and he will def play his stream music while walking or smth when he’s bored (or trying to jump dream & sapnap)
oh my god,, now thinking about it he’s probably the one to open like random doors of empty rooms and steal stuff while you film him
like he will take a random empty glass, a bunch of pens, a freebie t-shirt, everything he sees he takes with him and you’re just panic
“tommy we’re literally not supposed to be here, and i’m stuck here filming you. it’s surely a felony in action”
“well, it’s their fault for leaving the doors open! plus this is great content. who’s the dirty crime boy now, HM?”
you’d tell wilbur about this and he’d scold tommy and threaten him with the same pen tommy stole
tommy probably would also drag you some weird event happening outside twitchcon along with tubbo and ranboo
“pokimane is giving out free pizza to everyone if we go to this one restaurant down the street!”
“we are literally gonna get bombarded. have you forgot you’re like three of twitch’s top streamers? i’d rather pay for all of our meals than try getting free pizza from pokimane against all her other fans”
“DEAL! let’s go to five guys then!”
you unfortunately end up paying for all 3 of their meals and picking on their food instead of buying your own
even with all of them making way more money than you, they still happen to be cheapskates
OR tommy will end up getting a burrito from a taco truck, immediately making a mess of himself, then proceed to complain how messy the food is to eat despite knowing what he was getting himself into before even ordering
“shit my clothes are all ruined now!”
“well that’s your fault you got a burrito, as if it’s your first time having one”
“i mean the food is good, i’m not complaining about that but i don’t think it’s that good that it’s worth costing my red and white shirt, im just saying”
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same with tommy, he is so excited
i don’t know why but i imagine him overpacking his suitcase and you making fun of him for it
anyway tubbo has his irl backpack on and streaming EVERYTHING
probably spends a lot of time at a bunch of different booths, checking out all the pointless gadgets he could buy for his stream
you’re the one to stop him from doing so
“okay theoretically speaking, how the hell are you going to even bring it home? which—let me remind you—is across the country for you and not to mention the giant ocean separating america and the uk”
“free ship-pang!!!”
“i hate to break it to you tubbo but there is no way you can get free shipping on a FIVE FOOT PC. it’s nearly as tall as you! what are you even gonna do on it, hack the government???”
the arguments are all lighthearted but eventually you give in and let him splurge over a thousand dollars in different devices he claimed he “needed”
i could honestly see him visiting the beaches in san diego and going for a swim or even renting out a boat to use for a bit :D
also he’d bring benson along with him and taking a bunch of scenic photos with it in them
i have a feeling he’s the type to schedule a spontaneous meet & greet because he was bored & gets in trouble for causing a mob in a certain part of the convention
he’s like “oh god, i did not expect this many of the bois to show up AHAHAH oops”
tubbo would def pull a lilypichu and bring his melodica or ukulele and play themes while following random people/cosplayers
at the end of the day, you’d find his bag just stuffed with crap he either got for free or bought in the convention
“how did you get all that stuff? i was with you all day??? and it’s only the first day of the convention, hello?? it looks like you’ve been collecting as if twitchcon has went on for a week already!”
“HA i have my ways, do not underestimate my powers”
lani would probably tag along for the vacation honestly
like whenever someone comes up to her giving her gifts/asking for pics, you and tubbo would tease her about how famous she is
and i dunno but something about tubbo just gives me this amusement park energy and going to legoland and spending the whole day there since it’s near by and because he can
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he is like a beacon in a sea of people, that’s it .
i honestly just see him causing as much chaos as the other two
ranboo would probably like take someone’s camera whether if they’re streaming or if it’s for the vlog, hold it up high, and point the camera directly above someone’s face
it did not matter how tall you were and if you had platform shoes on, ranboo was a skyscraper next to you
“HAHAH this is how i see you from this height, this is funny”
then he shows you the vid of the recording of him getting like an aerial view of your face
like you see your nose and all your pores and just overall a bad angle to be captured in
i dunno why but i feel like he’d jump scare every person that was cosplaying as his minecraft character from behind for some reason
“ranboo i’m not even remotely dressed as your skin—”
“don’t worry i’m practicing it’s fineee”
“you’re like the height of 2 people combined, i think you will be fine as is. you even intimidated the security at the front”
i feel like if he had his own panel he’d like pull up some undertale song in the middle of it and scare all the people in the crowd
“lore but in real life”
probably would get some matching keepsake with you from artist alley/the booths!
i could imagine like a cute keychain or smth :D
i feel like he’s the type to like randomly volunteer as a participant for those mini events in a booth thinking it would be funny but regrets it the moment he’s on stage
after introductions the presenter is like “okay ranboo, you will be given a random meme prompt above your head you won’t be able to see until after and you will have to make a random face to compliment it!”
and you can just tell by his facial expression he’s just thinking
oh god what have i gotten myself into
what is this game? who came up with this idea?
you’d laugh at him the whole time, even after he’s off the stage and finished with that small fiasco
“that was horrible. never again.”
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wilbur soot
honestly with wilbur it’s slightly more chill
he already experienced twitchcon before so he’s just glad to see his friends again after so long
insists that you explore the convention yourself rather than sticking with him the whole time but you do anyway!
wilbur would probably have like a mini concert and gets you front row seats with the rest of the group
but that doesn’t mean before it that you’re not helping him set up
“y/n please– my amp is so heavy, i can carry it”
“don’t worry! i’m strong” :D
and musically talented or not, he will probably bring you and the rest of his friends up to stage to just vibe and sing a bunch of random acoustic songs
it’s not like some big concert hall stage,, i imagine more like a casual thing w a slightly higher platform from the ground yk?
after spending a long day at the convention he’d also bring everyone across the city to la jolla or smth !
you’d all probably have dinner there and chill, watching the pretty sunset
“this place is really pretty but oh my god im gonna lose my breath hiking up this stupid hill, please slow down”
and wilbur is like ??? because he’s completely fine with his long legs and everything
“just walk faster”
“no, you walk slower”
AHAHAH and for context traversing through la jolla by walking around the town is a bit hard since it’s basically on a bunch of hills (walking up from the beach to a restaurant actually is actually sm work, trust me ive been there)
wilbur honestly doesn’t spend that much time in the actual convention center, he’s probably sightseeing a bit of san diego with you instead
but i could imagine him staying at the tabletop games area playing dnd or smth
“c’mon y/n, come join!”
“uhh i’m not sure, i’m not the best at roleplay and...”
“it’s fine don’t worry!”
he’d pull you in with him and end up enjoying yourself even if it was your first time
and if you’re of age, you’d be wilbur’s +1 at the twitch partner party and make sure mans doesn’t too drunk
if it’s not too late in the night, you two would chill at the beach after the party
it’s just a nice, calming moment after all the loud music mixed with hundreds of conversations at the party
also something about like taking polaroids pictures with wilbur just seems to go hand in hand for me
i’m not sure why but you will be taking lots of pics with wilbur for sure (not necessarily you both in the photo, but of sceneries as well while you’re together!)
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literally a dad on vacation with his children, it doesn’t matter how old you are
need sunscreen? surprisingly has it
want a snack? probably has a small granola bar somewhere in his bag
but same with wilbur, he’s more chill like this isn’t his first time at twitchcon
omg he’d def bring you to the artist alley and just buy a bunch of fanart and stuff tho
“oh wow look phil, someone made a giant poster of the dream smp and shit!”
“holy shit that’s so good what the fuck!”
and he’s like rushing to that artist’s stall to buy a poster or print
idk why but phil seems like the person to know where he’s going all over the convention center
he probably had a copy of the directory map but yk
you just have trouble reading it bc all the signs seem to be misleading to you
nothing really crazy screams out to me of what phil would do at twitchcon besides like go to a few events, spend a bunch of time w his friends, etc
HOWEVER i could see him wasting a lot of his time at the gaming area and testing new games that are currently on the works of being developed
like “woah y/n, this vr game is sick, you should try it out!”
ngl i feel like phil would plan a visit to disneyland for everyone, like he gets the tickets and everything but once you’re at the park it’s free reign, y’all go everywhere with not much of a plan
the minors would try to cheap out phil and pay less than the others even though everyone else fully paid phil back and everything LMAO
ok but if he’s feeling nice, phil will buy everyone cotton candy/pretzels :D
and if you’re not hungry, he’d at least get you a mickey balloon
just in general, best idea phil had for taking everyone to disneyland :D
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surprisingly techno is really calm despite this being like one of his first conventions
but when he finally settles in and gets comfortable, he’s showing the same energy
if you’re playfully yelling, he will yell back
however there’s still those awkward moments that are unavoidable
idk why but something about him makes me think that if you feel tired and want to go back to your hotel room, he’d go with you just to make sure you get there safe
he probably also needs a break from being around everyone else for a moment too LMAO
i could also see him searching far and wide in the artist alley for fanart of himself AHAHAH
walking around with him in the convention consists of someone yelling “BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD” every 5 minutes but you don’t really mind
something about him makes me think he’ll be forced into playing minecraft twitch rivals along with the rest of sbi or smth
and he’s like “oh god, i’m going to be on stage? and people will see my face while i play minecraft?”
“i’m sure it will be fun!”
“i mean i like being competitive and feeding my ego, but i’m not that desperate.. well”
do i imagine techno getting easily tired of being surrounded by a bunch of people and just going back to his hotel room with phil and watching some anime with him? yes
and will you watch even if you have no idea what’s going on? also yes
i feel like after a while of you guys hanging out in techno’s room, the rest of the gang will just slowly join you guys
like eventually everyone is there; you, techno, phil, wilbur, niki, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, etc
and techno is like “wha– where did you guys come from?” because his room is basically packed
and niki could be like “oh we can go if you want!”
then techno just insists that she’s fine “but who let the child get in?” clearly implying tommy’s presence
eventually techno gives in with the company and someone gets a bunch of board games to play from the front desk
lots of yelling and laughing for sure
when it becomes late at night, techno is like half conscious, you’re on your phone, wilbur is staring out the window & enjoying the night view, tommy is passed out on the couch from tiredness, tubbo & ranboo is still wide awake quietly talking, and phil & niki are helping clean up the giant mess
eventually everyone brings themselves to go back to their own room except tommy who won’t budge
you give techno a look and he immediately understands what you were thinking
he rushes to the bathroom to fill up two cups with ice cold water and handed one to you
“on three?”
“okay.. one”
then both of you pour the water on the poor child’s face
he jolts awake and saying a string of curses
“what the fuck techno? y/n too?”
“get out” is the only think techno says that before tommy rushes out with his stuff and you leave right after
a/n: i honestly can’t wait until conventions open up again though,, phil and ranboo were talking about vidcon earlier and omg.
also i kinda want to take in tommy requests but i’m not sure??? it would be both cc! and c! x gn!reader for sure tho. i love writing him to bits but who knows, maybe i’ll only stick to my ideas,, or not. send in a tommy x reader request, might do it, might not, but he’s my fav cc if you can’t tell so! :D (i dunno if i will keep it strictly platonic, but unrequited crushes and stuff are fun to write hehe,,)
edit: let’s hope i fixed all the grammar mistakes LMAO we love writing late at night :) /s /hj
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merakiui · 3 years
idea: kazuha and scaramouche as idols and obsessing over their first fan. you were the only one who showed them support when they started for the first time. even buying some extra merch and asking them for an autograph- just so supportive. that's why they never gave up. now look at them. their famous now! billions of fans! ah but they won't ever look at them. after all you're the only one they love. one day, you were bored and decided to listen to some music but none of them gave you that tingle you feel when you're listening to something special? they don't have that spark, y'know? in other words you decided to take the risk and set the search settings to recent. ah but noth- wait whats that- oh! it's a new song and the cover looks cool, ah it's also recently uploaded, it wouldn't hurt to give it a try right? that's your villain origin story. you got hooked by kazuha and scaramouche's music and dance covers- but the only that stuck out was the lack of support they had. so you being sort of pitiful to them wanted to give them a little push- they had some merch? aight bye atleast three. streaming? joined in and converse with them. you also left some comments complimenting them too! you just hoped they wouldn't think of you as a stalker. kazuha and scaramouche didn't think of you as a stalker. in fact- it was a major shock for them to wake up and see a supportive comment on one video and a call from their manager that someone actually thought of buying their merchandise. needless to say they were a little giddy. scaramouche was a bit skeptical but eventually accepted it. kazuha was just all smiles too! you made them have a good day! they eventually got used to seeing your account giving them praise and would always wait for you to comment when they upload. ah. there was also that one time where you guys met at a convention. your friend wanted to visit their idol too and gave you a pamphlet to manage your way through the crowd! you read it and boom kazuha and scaramouche were attending too! should you greet them and buy some stuff? yeah why not. yeah you should've said not. when you arrived at their booth scaramouche gave you a glare when you stepped closer to them. oh and kazuha oh kazuha. he had a frown the whole time. maybe it was because their stall was in the dark icky corner of the convention and no one would notice them? yeah it was. so you managed and introduced yourself! "hel-" "fuck off." scaramouche didn't even skip a beat with that one. bastard. "-lo." "scara, that's rude." kazuha continued, "hello. how may i help you?" that fake ass smile. "yeah, im here to get my monthly merchandise sir." "oh the 4040 idol booth is over th-" he fucking paused. "--merchandise?" you broke him dude "wait. no what do you mean monthly-" "the user that always comments on our post!" scara's eyes are wide as fuck rn. "uh. i have a name." silence. the rest is history. no just kidding they were extremely happy when you came to there booth. you're unsure if scaramouche had a switch of persona from saying "fuck off" to "i read your comments and i appreciate the support" even kazuha did a 180 to fakeish smile to a genuine one. they even took you out on a fan date inside a cafe. that's where the yandere tenderised chicken progressed. you're an average person keeping things together with rent and all. oh and you have some friends and acquaintances too.. you also found out about scaramouche and kazuha's journey! scara and kazuha were enemies at first but then when they found out about their common interest, music. they began a horri- beautiful friendship. ngl it was a very overall chill experience... or so you thought. the whole time they were talking to you their gazes lingered on your drink to an uncomfortable amount of time.. let's say a certain idea popped up in their head a few times. 3? 8? 15? probably more. i mean who couldn't harbor these thoughts. especially how you're so carefree around them. (if you still don't get it they wanted to drug your drink broski.) ah! and the final trigger was the last
question they asked you. "why are you so supportive? i mean- were just some two random dudes making shitty music and covers." scara who was currently having a crisis asked. "oh? because i believe in you guys? i mean I can't let talent go to waste. plus you guys have some sick moves! oh and vocals too." both of them had to emotionally restrain themselves from kidnapping you right now. it's not the proper time. they didn't prepare shit for this. but luckily you guys exchanged numbers since fuck it you guys went out for coffee already. so it all went back to normal again. you supporting them and managing your life. them producing content and going through idol training... fantasizing about you, thinking of a way to kidnap you, stalking you from time to time- they already memorized your lock password lol. it was all going great until. they sky rocketed. apperantly a few users discovered their media and went nuts. so it all escalated. kazuha and scara were happy as fuck! they're finally famous. but.. why did you stop looking at them? what happened? they noticed it when they were scrolling through their recent video. you didn't reply. they checked some reservations for their merchandise. you didn't reserve one or bought any. they were heartbroken. you were the one that motivated them to continue this whole thing. all the sweat tears and time they sacrificed- they needed answers. so they slipped pass the guards and walked to your house. you already know what happens. (ahhh! hope you like this one mera! i was typing this during my zoom class when we were talking about music and tradition- have a nice day) -🦆 anon
wait wait fuck typo i did not mean chicken tenderised -🦆
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I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS, 🦆!! The idea of Kazuha and Scara starting out as idols and falling for their very first genuine supporter is just so good! Aaah!!! >_< They would be so happy to always see you showing them endless love and support and are devastated when you suddenly stop doing that. What exactly happened? Did you get tired of them? Did you find another idol to support? Are they not good enough? Just what’s going on?
It’s only natural that they’d want to get answers to those questions and the best way to do that is to ask you directly. Maybe it counts as invasive when they refuse to take the hint. Maybe it’s a crime to haul you back to their place. Maybe what they’re doing is detrimental to their career as idols. But maybe it’s meant to be. You’ll come to learn that and since you were their first fan it makes sense that they’d give you preferential treatment.
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deadwriter16 · 3 years
Okay the real 5 hcs ask: you've got a bunch of AUs going pick your favorite and do 5 hcs for it
this implies that the bkdk chinchillas au isnt a real au and i resent that /lh but actually now ive forgotten every au i created ever
its ok though cause im remembering some aus now...because i need to flesh it out a bit here's quirkless bkg x pro hero deku for ya
5 headcanons ask game: https://deadwriter16.tumblr.com/post/669870021217075200/okay-i-am-at-home-and-can-therefore-make-an-actual
deku is about three years older then katsuki. they did grow up together but deku was never really someone bkg cared about since they were in different age groups and therefore never really played together. this all changed, however, when bkg was diagnosed quirkless and him and izuku became the only two quirkless kids in the neighborhood. bkg started calling izuku deku as a joke bc deku became a bit like bkg's protector since he'd been used to the bullies for a while and bkg was all like i don't need ur protection nerd. anyway as children they fanboyed over all might together but bkg was realistic about how they couldn't be heroes so they fantasized about a world where they could be heroes and made realistic future plans together (izuku a quirk analysist, bakugou starting as a model and then taking over his parent's fashion empire)
they grow apart when izuku is in his last year of middle school, after he saves bakugou from the sludge villain (this happens the same as in canon but bkg is quirkless so its worse), and deku is offered OFA by all might. deku wants to tell bkg but since he's older he thinks he has to protect kacchan, so he doesn't tell bkg anything. bkg can tell izuku is keeping secrets and once he gets into UA its the last straw for bkg and he gets angry, confronting deku. deku refuses to tell him under the excuse of having to protect him, so bkg starts purposely closing off from deku when he goes to UA. eventually UA implements the dorm system (tokoyami is kidnapped instead) and they stop talking
bkg moves away and starts a modeling career at his parent's fashion company but in a different location in japan. by the time he and deku meet again he's working as both a famous model and training to become the CEO of his parent's company. bkg is following deku's progress as a hero and is annoyed he cant seem to figure out where deku's quirk came from, or if he was lying the whole time, since deku never said anything, but he cant help but watch deku since he admires him so much. they meet again when deku is relocated to bkgs city and his patrol route passes the building bkg works at every day and bkg sees deku like jump off his roof when he's at work and he's like what the fuck is that deku. bkg confronts deku the next day and dekus faced with an older, self sufficient, capable kacchan who can handle things himself. so they meet for coffee, reconnect, and deku tells bkg everything about OFA and all might
bkg and deku start meeting up more and bkg learns more about OFA and deku's experiences in UA and yells at him to be less self-sacrificing and also to stop thinking of him as that little quirkless kid. they're both so much more. and deku is just enamored with this new kacchan, although he loved the old kacchan too. point is he's absolutely in love and keeps saying how amazing kacchan is and bkgs like you're the amazing one, you're the pro hero. and deku's like u don't have to be a hero to be amazing kacchan ur so cool and they just have this horrible pining stage in which bkg feels bad cuz he was so mean to deku when he didn't know abt OFA, and deku feels super guilty for not trusting bkg with the secret in the first place. eventually they hash this out and both bk and dk forgive each other
when they finally get together, it's after almost a year because these two are just stupid. but eventually they get together and they go to hero conventions and runway shows together. bkg sits next to deku at his booth and scares away any flirty fans, and when deku leaves for a break he stands in line and gets a bunch of deku merch, and then makes his bf sign it. deku always gets so flustered and blushy its adorable. meanwhile bkg becomes the CEO of his parents company but still does work as a model just for fun, and deku is enamored with his shows. he thinks bkg is the hottest and most badass model ever and always brings him flowers and cheers for him at every show. bkg pretends to be embarrassed but he loves it
the end!! this was fun to flesh out!! im definitely gonna write this someday, but there'll be more plot and stuff so it doesn't just exactly follow these hcs. but yeah this is my quirkless!bkg x hero!deku au!!
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queenofwerewolves · 3 years
Future Hope - chapter 2 - Starting something new..
They were almost ready, all they needed was the one thing every revolution heroes needed: Badass outfits. For that, they counted on Griff to make some patterns to stick on their outfits or whatever weapons they carried, Kip suggested to make stickers to glue them around the city whenever a crime occured and they came to the rescue, to leave a message that something happened. Everyone loved that idea, and eitch one got to work in making their outfits, stickers and whatever else they needed to start the revolution for real...
With stickers and acessories settled, now they needed the main thing: The outfits. But.. No one knew how to sew or make clothing.
"Wait!" Maria shouted. "I know someone! Ya'll remember Maggy yeah?" She added with a tone of excitement.
"Ah, isnt she the one who draws the Metal Werehog and how you joke she refuses to tag you in them?" Togekiss answered with a tone of sass. Maria blushed and pouted her lips.
"Yeah yeah. Anyways she's visiting here for a local con, selling her drawings and prints, did you know she actually sews and knits clothes?" Maria added with a tad of admiration.
"Really? Well shit badass then" Blink added with a soft smile. "How do we get in contact with her?" She asked.
"She should be at the event center setting up her booth stand. If we leave now we'll have plenty of time to talk to her." Maria answered with a confident tone.
"What are we waiting then?" Kip added. "Let's go!"
Everyone nodded and made their way to the local event center.
At that same event center, Maggy was setting up her booth, putting her prints up on the sides and on top of her desk, showing the kind of work she does and displaying her various pieces she drew herself, whether it was her OCs, Silent Hill or Sonic theme, eitch was individually beautiful and unique. She also set up a small cashier and some paper and pens for possible requests on the fly, or a doodle with an autograph, you can never be too prepared.
She was organizing her papers when a small hand knocked on the wooden booth to call her attention, she looked up to see the entire Future Hope crew, with Maria in front and smiling confidently.
"Maria!" She exclaimed happily, going around the booth for a hug, who Maria happily accepted the hug.
"It's so good to see you!" She said with an excited tone, she pulled apart from the tone and looked at the remaining others, many she didnt recgonize. "And.. Who are these?" Maggy asked.
"Ah, Maggy these are some of my Tumblr friends, like you! Im sure you know Griff already" Maria said referring to Griff, who had a hand behind his hand and sheepishly smiling. "But you see.. We kinda need a moment to talk to you, if that's OK" Maria asked, practically whispering to Maggy.
Maggy nodded, and leaded them to another area of the convention center which was emptier, so they could have some privacy. Once they got there, Maria explained as basicly as she could about her and Future Hope, the wishing fountain, their new powers, their intentions.. Maggy listened quietly, but intriguied as anyone would be.
"Woahh.." Maggy said, finally hearing the end of the story. "You guys really are gonna be super heroes?" She asked with a spark of excitement. "And I get to help?"
Maria nodded with a smile. "We need you to make outfits for us, whenever you have the time of course. None of can sew but we have the designs here for you. That is, if you-"
"Yes!!!" . Suddenly being cut off, Maggy got up with smiled with pride, her eyes twinkling with excitement. "I'd be honoured to help! This'll be so cool!! I'll have those made for you as soon as I can!" She said taking the designs from Maria.
Maria smiled and pulled her in for a hug. "I knew I could count on you.." She said softly. "Of course" Maggy responded. "After all: Nós portuguesas têm que contar uma na outra né?"
"Haha! Falou e disse amiga!" Maria responded in portuguese, both laughing together while leaving the others clueless, but nonetheless happy for them.
"Well." Maggy said. "I should head back, the con will start soon". Maria nodded and looked at the others, who agreed it was time to go home and wait, with a final hug, they said their goodbyes and headed back to Maria's house.
They werent simply gonna stand around and wait for the costumes to be ready, until then, they decided to fix up the one thing every SuperHero group needed: An HQ. A place to reunite, plan, organize and discuss strategies whie also knowing about whatever recent crime could be going on.
But of course, they were only a couple of young and very, very broke adults. Griff's Youtube Channel was starting to blow up but nothing too extreme yet, but he will get there soon. Same for Maria and her animation channel, they were started to get discovered but they had a long way to go. But it'll happen.
In the meantime, Maria does have a big and very spacious basement, they decided they would settle there for now. Blink and Kip started brooming the floor, Muffin and Spooks were dusting the walls, Muffin used her wings to reach the roof and corners, and Spooks enjoyed the darkness of the basement to summon her Dark Hands to help the job go quicker. Rooko and Rooki decided to go to a hardware store and get some new materials and give the basement a better fixer upper, install some new lights, maybe install a window...
Spike and Togekiss were out looking for things to decorate the HQ, a table, a rug, some chairs, a new wallpaper perhaps.. Meanwhile Maria and Griff were online shopping for some cool props to decorate the HQ as well, using Maria's laptop, they scowered the internet.
"Oo!" Exclaimed Griff, pointing at the screen. "This life-size Master Chief would really spice up the place!" He said excitedly, Maria shook her head with a soft smile. "Griffy we're only looking for small decorations, not turning my basement into nerdvana" She answered.
"Oh.. Right.. Sorry.." He sort of mumbled out, Maria raised a brow in concern and set the laptop next to her, placing a hand on his arm. "Is something wrong..?" She softly asked..
".. It's just.." Griff started to answer. "You know how overly-excited I get. You know how hyped and impacient I get for these things.. Im just worried that... That.."
"Yes..?" Maria asked.
"... What if I blow it?" He asked, with a tone of sadness. "What if my powers arent as good as I thought? What if instead of helping everyone, I just make everything worse..?!" His voice tone got louder as he started to slightly panic. "Im a big, musculent WereRabbit, that HAS to be scary in a way isnt it? Im practically a Mons-"
"Dont you dare finish that word!!!" Maria shouted at him, gripping his shoulders hard, looking at him straight in the eye, her black eyes glimmering like a starry night without the moon.. Glimmering with worry.
"Listen to me very, carefully. No matter what you are, or what you do. You.. will never, be a Monster.." "Monsters arent the big unknown creatures we see in movies, they're out there, looking like us, gaining people's trust just so they can take advantage of them, taking or ruining innocent lives, people who have their heads so far up their asses they've become blind and see nothing but themselves. THOSE ARE MONSTERS!!!" She raised her voice, shaking a little bit. Griff only stared at her, shaking a bit as well, until suddenly Maria placed her head on his chest, pulling him in for a hug..
"You're not even close to being like them, and your physical appearance doesnt define your heart.. Please, never doubt yourself like that again.. Because you are better then this, and you know it.." She quietly spoke, waiting for a reply.. Which she didnt receive. Griff embrace the hug back, and that was all that needed to be said, without words whatsoever. Between those two, the message was clear:
Monsters are the ones who cause darkness around them, and not them, or their friends are even close to being them, they are the opposite. They will be the light, a new beginning, a new..
Future Hope..
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joon-ipersgirl · 4 years
“inked heart” - jjk oneshot
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genre: friends to lovers!au, fluff, a teensy dash of angst
pairing: tattoo artist!guk x tattoo artist!reader (f)
summary: jeon jungkook, a rising star in the tattoing world, is looking to take home best large black and white piece at the 25th annual milano tattoo convention. already one to watch from his previous wins as a young artist, pressures rise when his model for the competition cancels half an hour before the show. 
always there when he needs you, you offer to be his model but jungkook is reluctant, especially when the piece is in a more... intimate place. and the fact that he’s been in love with you for the better part of two years. jungkook isn’t too sure how he’s going to survive the next three hours, not when you ask him if he thinks you’re attractive. 
caught between a rock and a hard place, does he lie to you and himself when the prize is on the line? it’s go big or go home...
word count: 5.9k
warnings: some guk pining, cursing, mentions of heartbreaker jimin, the smallest dash of angst about not winning, tattoo artist yoongi
a/n: my first guk piece! thank you guys so much for the love on the preview, especially your comments. they honestly make my day. i hope this lives up to your expectations and you enjoy it just as much. this was a random idea i had and i love tattooed guk so here we are. i tried my best to make sure all the tattoo things were accurate so if they aren’t sorry in advance 😭 this was a lot of fun to write and i’m actually debating on writing some other things for this couple (especially for guk’s birthday), but i’m not sure yet. let me know if y’all are interested though and i’ll see what i can come up with. as always, thank you vi for supporting my shenanigans and reading this like four times lmao. feedback is always welcomed and highly appreciated. enjoy everyone! 
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full masterlist // drabbles
Jungkook’s body buzzed with excitement as he squeezed past the bustling bodies at the 25th annual Milano Tattoo Convention. His fourth year at the world’s largest tattooing competition with a chance to take home the prize for “Best Large Black & White” piece against four hundred incredible artists had Jungkook amped up and ready to go. Some of his inspirations - legends in the game - were mere feet away from him as he browsed the almost endless stations filled with merchandise, displays of new tattoo designs, and occupied benches with models. There was almost nothing he enjoyed more than being around the sound of buzzing guns and filling sheets of half-filled paper with sketches his brain had no issues conjuring up but sometimes struggled to complete. Well, except food. And video games. And you. Not really the point though.
He’d been tattooing for almost six years now, from the moment he’d been able to convince Yoongi to let him be his apprentice. Jungkook had wasted no time in starting his own personal tattoo collection, quickly filling in a full sleeve on his right arm going across his right pectoral and another upper half sleeve on his left. Now, he was making his own name in the art world, commissioning pieces solely off his ability to execute various styles well with very little practice. Jungkook was a jack of all trades and very nearly a master of all. He was a risk-taker and it had paid off for him during his time at Milano, taking home “Best Small Black & White” his second year at the ripe age of twenty, and then “Best Medium Black & White” the following year. Yoongi could barely believe it when the judges called his name and announced him the winner but Jungkook knew his mentor’s chest was swollen with pride. This time, though, there were bigger fish to fry - “Best Large Black & White” in a style Jungkook had just begun feeling comfortable with: fine line tattoos.
He paused at the Killer Ink booth where Hori Kashi was working on a beautiful traditional koi fish upper half sleeve design as his phone buzzed. An Instagram notification.
_petuniablooms: hey jungkook! im so sorry this is last minute but i won’t be able to make the convention to be your model. I got a bad case of food poisoning from dinner last night. i hope this doesn’t cost you the comp. but when you’re back in the country, maybe i can schedule an appt? sorry again!
Jungkook blinked slowly. She couldn’t make it? This was not part of his plan. She was supposed to be here in the next half an hour so he would have enough time to complete his piece for judging in four hours. As one of the younger artists at the convention and with immense amounts of talent, people wondered how long Jungkook would be able to sustain his efforts, especially after taking home prizes in one of the major categories two years in a row. Most of them thought he would burn out after his second year or third year, but here he was. Competitive by nature, Jungkook wanted to prove them wrong - that he really did have what it took to be one of the best in the game. A legend in his own right. He shoved his phone back into his black cargo pants pocket and tugged on his curling brown locks. What was he going to do now?
“Guk! Hey, Guk!” He could barely make out your petite frame as you shoved and elbowed your way through the throngs of folk gathered around booths. You were set on getting to him though, your smaller form not holding you back from covering the distance, your brow set in determination whenever he did get glimpses of your face in the crowd.
That was something Jungkook admired about you: your no-nonsense-get-it-done attitude. Friends for almost three years now, he’d seen the way you’d taken charge of almost every opportunity that came your way. You didn’t take no as the final answer and if you couldn’t find a way to make it happen, you created your own. Either way, you got it done. As the first lead female tattoo artist at your shop, Sin City, you’d also made a name for yourself in the tattooing world as a specialist in black and white shading. Your signature though was the three-color-combination color style you developed for your color tattoos. That’s how the two of you had met - the year he’d won “Best Small Black & White”, you’d taken home “Best Medium Color” - and the two of you hadn’t looked back since.
“Gosh, there’s so many people here. It was so hard to find you. I knew I should have checked the Kashi booth first,” you said after finding a pocket of space next to him and hugging his torso.
“Y/N, it’s a convention. Of course there’s going to be a lot of people here,” he replied, wrapping his arms around you, subconsciously looking for comfort in your touch.
Though the two of you mostly had conflicting schedules due to the demand for your work, you did your best to make time for one another. Jungkook had grown accustomed to seeing you every few weeks for lunch or on Friday nights with beer and chicken for Marvel movie marathon weekends. He didn’t dwell on it too much - how ridiculously domestic a lot of your traditions were - not wanting to shake the table and send the precariously perched house of cards pyramid the two of you had created crashing to the ground, upsetting the balance of your friendship. No, Jungkook would leave those thoughts right where they were.
He more felt than saw you roll your eyes as you said, “Yes, Guk. Conventions have lots of people. This just seems like a health and safety hazard though.” Jungkook squeezed you as you pressed closer to him, slightly uncomfortable as more people gathered in the area.
“Alright, let’s go,” he replied, reminding himself to search for the finished koi design afterward as the two of you walked away. “How’d your piece go?”
“So fucking good!” you beamed and turned your face towards him. He couldn’t help but smile back. “Though I don’t know if it’ll win this year, the guy seemed to be really pleased and that’s all that matters. Plus, t-shirt sales have gone up. Like way up! Speaking of which, you should buy one. My t-shirt design on your body?” you did the chef’s kiss, “Impeccable!” you exclaimed and grinned.
Your smile was another thing Jungkook admired about you. The faintest dimples appeared when you did and there was almost never a moment when he couldn’t not smile with you. It was a smile that reached your twinkling eyes and illuminated your face with a glow. Like right now, as you’re striking poses and modeling your black and white cityscape background covered with your shop’s name in a candy red color, a tattoo gun positioned to finish the last line of the last letter on the white tee in the middle of the crowded aisle in some of the shortest shorts he’s ever seen you wear in public. When did you get those?
“You know what would look good on my body?” you asked as the pair of you carried on walking. Me, he thought, but knew where this conversation was really going. “One of your tattoo designs!”
Jungkook sighed. “Y/N, we’ve already talked about this -”
“I know, Guk, but you literally have no reason to not tattoo me,” you whined. “You’ve tattooed every single one of your other friends! Hell, even Yoongi has a tattoo by you.”
“Yoongi has what?” the older man asked as he bumped into you two as you passed the registration booth.
“A tattoo by Jungkook,” you pouted, arms crossed.
It wasn’t that Jungkook didn’t want to tattoo you. He just didn’t want to fuck up a design that would be permanently etched into your skin for the rest of your life. He wanted to create something that was beautiful for you, something that really conveyed the importance of your presence in his life, but every time he sat down to do so, nothing seemed good enough. You’d been seriously begging him for the better part of a year to do something - anything - but he’d refused saying that he didn’t have the time. Secretly, he just didn’t want to fail and let you down.
“Ah, that age-old debate. It’ll happen one day, kid,” Yoongi said as he patted your shoulder gently. “What time are you setting up, Jeon? Your model’s supposed to be here soon, right?” Yoongi asked.
“Fuck!” Jungkook shouted, tugging on his hair and startling a few people around him. “Fuck, fuck, fuck! I don’t have one. She can’t make it. I have to find someone else,” he yelled as he took off, no destination really in mind.
“Wait! Guk -” you called after him but he didn’t stop.
Sometimes, being around you was dangerous as Jungkook could quite literally forget what it was he needed to be doing. There was just something about you that made him lose focus, just a little bit. He couldn’t have that right now. Jungkook needed to be on his A-game, scouting a model that would give him consent in - he checked his phone - twelve minutes.
The one time Jungkook needed someone to be interested in his work, there wasn’t a single soul around. Where had all the people who were begging him to schedule them in for a quick session disappeared to? None of the people passing by were interested in getting a random, floral design done by Jeon Jungkook today, unfortunately. It was as though the devil of the tattoo underworld had cursed him the one time he could have used some luck for the sole purpose of being entertained. Circling back to the D-Town Tattoos booth, Jungkook was running out of options. Shit.
“There you are!” you wheezed as you came to a halt and rested your hands on the table in front of you. “Fuck, I forgot how fast you are.”
“Y/N, I don’t have time. I have to find a model -”
“Why don’t you just use Y/N?” Yoongi asked as he calmly took a seat next to his bench, a tall young man following behind him.
“I couldn’t -” Jungkook spluttered, eyes wide.
“Like you said, Jeon, you don’t have time,” Yoongi reminded him, setting up his work station for his client.
Jungkook looked over at you, still slightly hunched over and trying to catch your breath. This was not how he’d wanted to do this. “Are you sure, Y/N? I don’t know if -”
“Fuck yeah, dude!” you said interrupting him. “100%. Let’s do this!”
Jungkook watched as you made yourself comfortable on his workbench, waiting for him to get started. The fact that you weren’t nervous only added to his apprehension, the fear of potentially disappointing you resurfacing and rising in his gut. It felt like he was taking a risk with stakes much higher than he was willing to bet on, but the trust you had in him had him saying, “Okay. Fill out the consent forms and I’ll pull up the design.”
“What are we working with?” you asked curiously, handing the clipboard back over to him, not really reading it and only signing your name in the designated spots.
“Thigh piece,” he murmured, concentrating on finding the correct sketch on his iPad.
“Sounds fun. I know it’s going to be amazing, Guk. Don’t worry,” you reassured him. He smiled warily as you gave his shoulder a tender squeeze.
Nodding more to himself than you, he showed you the design. @_petuninablooms, like her name suggested, loved flowers. So much so, she’d wanted a full piece dedicated to that specific flower as well as whatever other floral arrangements she thought Jungkook could make look pretty against her skin. She’d won his Instagram contest to be his model for free at the convention because of her sentimental design and background as a botanist, something that piqued Jungkook’s interest. Though he was proud of the design, it didn’t seem to fit you.
“I don’t know, Y/N. I don’t know if it’ll fit your style,” he said, gesturing to your upper half sleeve. The three faces of Frida Khalo, Nefertiti, and Tomoe Gozen were beautifully designed and organized by you as a symbol of feminine unity - embodying passion, leadership, and grace. A much edgier piece than what currently sat on the screen of his iPad designed for his winner, he wasn’t sure how you’d feel about the softer image.
“I told you, Guk. You could tattoo anything on me and I’d be happy. Maybe even more happy than if you’d let me tattoo you. I just want to have something of yours on me - support your craft, you know? Besides,” you said zooming in on the flowers, your gold rings shining in the light, “I like petunias.” Jungkook wasn’t sure if you were only saying this to make him feel better, but he was grateful for your encouragement anyway.
“Uh, I’m going to need you to take your shorts off,” he said hesitantly. “Yoongi, this isn’t against the rules, right? Like having another artist sit for you?” Jungkook asked, turning to give you some privacy though anyone walking past would be able to see you shimmy out of them as there was no curtain or door to shield you.
“Nope. Not that I’ve read,” Yoongi replied, concentrating on his design. Jungkook nodded, steeling himself to focus and get the job done. What he wasn’t expecting was to see you adjusting the band of some very high-waisted, very skimpy, black panties. He nearly choked.
“Does this need to be further up? If not, I can take them off for you. I don’t -”
“No!” Jungkook cried out as he tore his eyes away from the curve of your ass. “I can just move the stencil. It’ll be fine,” he continued after clearing his throat.
“Okay,” you said awkwardly. Jungkook apologized for his outburst as he wheeled himself over to sit in front of you on his little stool. He was making a much bigger deal of this entire situation that it needed to be. He’d seen you in a bikini before, but something about seeing you in your underwear sitting before him was different.
“Relax, Jeon. It’s only a thigh!” Yoongi teased, his head down but his shit-eating grin very much present as he worked on the shading on his client’s forearm. Though Yoongi would never say anything to you out of respect for Jungkook, Jungkook knew Yoongi enjoyed putting him through the wringer whenever you were around.
“Not just a thigh! It belongs to me. My thigh is prime real estate, Min Yoongi. There’s a lot of artists that have been wanting to get in on this,” you joked. Jungkook laughed as he prepped your skin for placing the stencil with rubbing alcohol, hating the fact that he couldn’t feel your skin through the latex gloves but also grateful for the sensory blocker. He knew you were right though - lots of artists did want to work on you and have you walk around with their work as free endorsement of their skill. Honestly, this was a prime opportunity and he should make the most of it.
“Would you be okay with me changing this larger petunia into a mandala? I know you like those,” Jungkook suggested.
“Guk, this is your piece. I told you, I’m good with whatever,” you said cheerfully.
“Keep talking like that I’ll tattoo my name on your ass,” he quipped as he adjusted the design before placing it.
“Make it your face and we just may have a deal,” you shot back and Yoongi gagged from his corner. Jungkook did not want to think about the potential implication of those words.
He wasn’t sure if he’d be able to survive the next three and a half hours with you making suggestive comments while standing in your barely-there underwear, but he was going to have to. Of course, as friends, you’d always had the occasional flirty banter but the “Best Large Black & White” prize was calling his name and God did he want to win. He double-checked the placement of the design as it stretched from just above your hip bone to finish in the middle of your thigh. His adjustments were so precise, it covered the expanse of your thigh damn near perfectly. Jungkook grinned.
“Ready?” he asked, holding up a mirror as you checked out the placement, twisting from side to side.
“Yeah, looks great. How do you want me?”
Jungkook paused as he set up his rolling tray filled with his ink caps and laid out his sterilized needles. There were more than a few ways he could answer that but he settled on, “However you’re most comfortable. You’re going to be here for a while.”
You laughed and climbed onto the bench, giving Jungkook a perfect view of your ass, before you settled against the leather on your left side. Jungkook adjusted the height of his seat so he could position on your thigh with your bent knee resting against the bench and angled towards him. Confirming you were indeed comfortable, Jungkook gently rubbed the A&D ointment across the first section of the design, taking slightly longer than necessary, and got to work. There was a little over three hours to get it done.
He worked diligently as he traced the fine lines of the flower petals, slipping into his professional mode. A small crowd had gathered around the booth, intrigued to see him work on you. Most of the folks there knew about your friendship from social media and mutual community-work settings, how the two of you had bonded over your shared love of tattoos, but seeing the two of you together like this was a real treat. He didn’t feel any pressure as the cameras fought to get a glimpse of him working though. Jungkook did well under pressure but there was a lot riding on this one piece. For him and for you. He wouldn’t disappoint you though. He couldn’t. Not when you looked so peaceful as he worked on the tattoo. Jungkook would win and make you proud.
“Guk, I have a question.”
“What’s up?”
“Would you fuck me?” Jungkook was thankful he’d removed the needle from your skin to wipe off the extra ointment as there was no doubt in his mind he would have fucked up had it been there.
“What?” he asked, slightly breathless.
“Okay, maybe that was a bit vulgar. I guess what I mean is do you think I’m attractive? Like -” you tucked a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, “- a woman you’d spend the night with. Date long-term. That sort of thing,” you finished. Jungkook swallowed before he spoke.
“Uh, yeah. You’re an attractive person.” Jungkook replied, avoiding eye contact with you as he went back to tracing the lines and tried not to think of you under him, around him, on top of - “Why do you ask?”
“I don’t know. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a relationship - since anyone has even asked me on a date. Seokjin never called me back after we went for drinks that one time and Jimin - nevermind actually,” you sighed and Jungkook re-lived the memory of Park Jimin with you - the second man to break your heart in a matter of months. His face soured as he remembered how inconsolable you were the first few months after the breakup and how badly he’d wanted to take a baseball bat to Jimin’s very nice, very expensive car. “Maybe I’m unapproachable. Yoongi, am I unapproachable?” you called over to him.
“Yes,” he said dryly, not bothering to look at you. You scoffed in response.
“You’re never the best person to ask, you old man! People barely talk to you,” you murmured.
“Y/N, you’re great,” Jungkook said in response. “You’re more than great actually, but maybe now isn’t the time to get into a relationship?”
“Why not? I have a stable job, I’m cool -”
“Barely!” Yoongi called over. Jungkook watched you shoot Yoongi the finger before you began speaking again.
“- and I’m charming. It would be nice if someone could appreciate that too, someone that wasn’t only me.”
“Hey! I appreciate you!” Jungkook blurted out, slightly offended.
“Yeah, like a friend. Guk, you know you don’t -”
“Don’t say it. Don’t tell me I don’t count, Y/N.”
“But Jungkook -”
Jungkook paused and set his gun down. “No. No ‘but Guk’, Y/N. I appreciate you, more than you know or understand. I get that we’re friends and I know you value our friendship, but you don’t get to tell me I don’t count because you think you know how I feel about you. Please don’t let your perception of my words and actions let you label them “friendly” when they’re something else.” Jungkook picked his gun back up, avoiding your gaze again, slightly alarmed by his unplanned confession.
“What? What do you mean ‘something different’?” you asked, confused. “Was I supposed to read this any differently after you said -”
“You weren’t supposed to know. You weren’t supposed to find out - not like this at least,” he muttered. Taking a deep breath, he said, “Just don’t count me out okay, Y/N? Not this time. Can we talk about this later though? I just -”
Before he could finish, Jungkook’s alarm went off, signaling only an hour and a half left before he needed to be taking you for judgement. “Okay, Guk. I won’t count you out. Finish,” you said softly as you nodded to your tattoo and chewed your lip in thought.
With time against him, you and Jungkook no longer conversed, though the conversation rattled in his brain like loose change in a tin can. He would need much more than a penny for his thoughts if he wanted to get out of this situation. The hasty confession had Jungkook wondering if he’s said too much too soon. Had he finally sent the house of cards tumbling down? It’s not that he hadn’t wanted to say anything, but the fear of you not meaning what you’d said frightened him. Memories of the two of you curled up on his aging leather sofa flickered across his mind’s eye and he wondered if this fuck up was worse than the time he’d quickly denied having any romantic feelings for you the morning after a drunk confession and you’d reciprocated the feelings. It had taken a few months for things to return back to any type of normal, an uneasy tension having over you both whenever you’d met up. Every few seconds his eyes flitted to your face, hoping to catch a glimpse of whatever you were thinking sprawled across your forehead in your big, looping handwriting but your eyes were closed and your face fairly serene as you let him work in silence.
And work he did, shoving the thoughts to the back of his mind, finishing the last lines of the final petunia and filling in the mandala with various degrees of shading. He admired the delicacy of his work against your smooth skin, deciding it did suit you, much more than he could have hoped. Jungkook was actually slightly disappointed he was close to finishing, already missing the intimacy of working on you, but also eager to get you on stage so people could see his work. He’d gotten lost in the act like he usually did, concentration never breaking as the rest of the Milano Convention continued in full effect around him. Why had he waited so long to do this? You were a dream to work on, never flinching even as he finished up the minute shading of your tattoo, the worst part for many people. A true tattoo veteran with a hell of a pain tolerance. Roughly ten minutes left in the session, Jungkook wrapped up the piece.
“All done,” he said softly, wiping away the excess ointment and admiring his work briefly.
He heard you gasp as you propped yourself up to get a better view of it. “Holy fuck, Jungkook! It’s perfect. I love it!” you whispered in amazement and Jungkook smiled, relieved to not have disappointed you.
“Let me get some pictures, yeah?” You nodded and Jungkook snapped a few shots, promising to send them to you after the convention ended.
“Looks good, Jeon. And you got it done in time. You learned well,” Yoongi chuckled as Jungkook weakly punched his shoulder. “Are you happy, Y/N?” Yoongi asked as he packed up his spare equipment while his client waited patiently to be escorted to judging.
“Happy?” you scoffed, checking the tattoo out again in the mirror. “How about fucking ecstatic? I’m absolutely in love. Seriously Guk, thank you,” you beamed and launched yourself at him for a hug. Jungkook made eye contact with Yoongi as he held you tight in his arms, the older man relaying a silent message to his younger apprentice through raised eyebrows and crossed arms.
“Alright, alright. You can stare at it more later. We have to get to the judges and make it through all these people so,” Jungkook trailed off, letting you go while simultaneously ushering you out of their designated little space. Agreeing, you grabbed your teeny shorts and shoved your feet back into your sneakers. Jungkook stayed close behind you in an effort to cover your very visible, very exposed ass from peering eyes as you moved through the crowd. As much as he hated to admit it, he was really protective of you.
The trek to the judging station wasn’t as official as the name made it sound. It was really just a small stage raised a few inches above the ground with a table and enough chairs to seat the three judges as artists and their models were scored based on design, complexity, and overall execution. This year’s judges were Jung Hoseok of J’s Tailored Tattoos, Kim Namjoon of Mono & Moon, and Kim Taehyung of Vintage Vante. The three of them were rightfully deemed the gods of the tattoo world and Jungkook looked up to them immensely, each of them having numerous titles on the world stage in countries like Brasil, the United Kingdom, and Australia. Nerves rolled in Jungkook’s belly as he waited in the crowd with you for the host to call his name. A win with these guys as the judges would really put some of those naysayers in their place and Jungkook shuffled in place behind you, antsy.
“What’s wrong, Guk?’ you whispered to him as another artist and model headed on stage.
“What if they don’t like it?” he murmured anxiously.
“Do you like it?” Jungkook nodded. “Then that’s all that really matters. You’re insanely talented and I know they’re some of your role models, but they’re fucked if they don’t see how incredible you are. You’ve got this, Guk,” you said in a hushed tone as Yoongi took the stage with his model from earlier. Jungkook smiled into the back of your head as you stood in front of him and gave his hand a squeeze. Jungkook could always count on you.
It was now his turn. Standing with one hand tucked into his pocket and the other firmly gripping your shorts, Jungkook watched as the judges made their notes on their scoring sheets. You turned graciously to give all three of them the best view of the tattoo. And while he knows that there are probably a few people who’d be overjoyed at the challenges he faced to get to this moment, Jungkook didn’t care. Not when your uplifting words still wrapped around him, affirming his skill and talents. He was proud of what he’d accomplished today and while winning was the ultimate goal, he was also at ease because he’d succeeded in fulfilling one of your wishes and you were happy. Jungkook could only smile as you showered him with praise and tried to convince him to tattoo you again as the judging continued.
The two of you stood with Yoongi, chatting as the judges tallied up the scores. He tried to stay still as he watched the host organize the names of the winning artists, losing interest in the conversation as the judges confirmed the final results. One by one, the host read the categories and its corresponding champion. “For Best Medium Color,” the host paused for dramatic effect, “Min Yoongi!” Jungkook cheered loudly with you as his mentor took the stage with his model showing off the antique pocket watch and a royal flush poker hand on top of a wispy background.
Jungkook’s heart hammered in his chest, the sensation almost worse than his first year at the convention as Best Large Black & White was read out. Though he wanted to look calm and collected on the outside, Jungkook was sure he looked anything but. The audience created their own drumroll as the anticipation built - “Jeon Jungkook!”
Your squeal kickstarted Jungkook’s brain as he processed his win. He’d really done it? A few people around him clapped him on the shoulders in congratulations as he was pushed towards the stage to collect his prize and take his place beside the host. “Congratulations, Jungkook! One of the few artists to take home all three wins in one category,” the host announced. If only they knew what it took to get there. Jungkook felt like he was on cloud nine as he shook hands with the judges and took his picture with you and them, prize in hand. He knew he was positively glowing with pride.
“Guk, you did it! I told you that you could!” you cheered as you bounced up and down in happiness and excitement as they moved onto Best Large Color. He smiled down at you and unable to help himself any longer, he scooped you up into his arms, burying his face in your neck.
“Thank you, Y/N!” He repeated the phrase earnestly as if saying it over and over again would finally let you understand just how grateful he was but all it really did was make you giggle as his breath tickled your skin. “Seriously, I really couldn’t have done this without you.”
“I know,” you joked and flipped your hair. You both laughed and you pulled him in for another hug as you said, “Of course, Guk. I’m always here for you. Always,” you punctuated with a squeeze and a smile.
“Yeah, yeah,” he agreed. “You are always here for me,” he said vaguely as he stared down at you in his arms.
“Guk?” you queried as he stared off into the distance.
“This isn’t happening because I won. I don’t want you to think that I only do things like this when I’m any sort of intoxicated, okay?” Jungkook clarified as his confidence grew.
“Things like what?”
“Like confess and kiss you,” he stated.
“Kiss me? You’ve never-”
“Yes, I know I’ve never kissed you. But I want to. Is that okay?” Jungkook asked seriously.
“Yes. More than okay,” you whispered.
It was all Jungkook needed to hear. He was finally kissing you. A soft kiss that grew the longer you stood pressed together in the middle of the convention floor. Jungkook had had his fair share of first kisses, but yours was the one he’d remember for the rest of his life. Maybe because it was you. Maybe that’s why it would always be his favorite. He’d always refrained from putting himself in any situation where he’d be even the slightest bit tempted but now, after having you, he wasn’t sure he’d be able to let you go. The overwhelming sensation that it was actually happening was quickly quelled by the insurmountable joy he felt as you kissed because it was actually happening.
Jungkook may have ascended into another plane as your fingers curled into the hair at the base of his neck and you pulled him further into you. Though he really didn’t want you to think he was only doing this because he’d won, the courage it gave him really did help. The feeling of winning nearly paled in comparison from the brief, sweet taste that was you. Even if he’d never won tonight, he would have considered himself a winner regardless from the kiss alone. Jungkook sighed into you as he savored the moment. Through the pounding of blood in his ears, he could vaguely make out the hoots and hollers of passerbyers as he held you close. Lost in you once again, Jungkook forced himself to remember your earlier conversation.
“Did you really mean it though?” he asked, one arm still wrapped tightly around your waist and the other holding onto his golden plaque.
“Mean what?”
“Not counting me out.”
“Did you mean what you said?” you countered. “Even if I wasn’t supposed to find out this way.”
“Yes, and all the times before then,” he answered truthfully. “So, does this mean you’ll have me?”
“Absolutely. Totally. With my entire hea-” He pressed repeated kisses against your mouth, your teeth clashing as you both smiled, neither of you willing to break apart until a familiar voice cleared its throat.
“I leave for five minutes and this is how I find you. Took you long enough though. Be that as it may, are you done?” Yoongi asked, expression wry and his own prize peeking out of his duffle bag. “I could use some food before we head back to the hotel and Y/N is going to need that tattoo bandaged.”
“Right, right,” Jungkook answered and let you go albeit reluctantly. “We’ll meet you at the car?” Yoongi nodded.
“Don’t take forever. I will leave you. Both of you,” Yoongi warned as he headed off to the exit without any further questions.
Back at the booth, Jungkook applied a generous amount of ointment to the piece before securing it with a bandage and double-checking the tape. Helping you step into your shorts, he smiled at the tattoo. Not only would it be a great reminder of a great win, it would also signify the milestone in your friendship - relationship? - was taking. “Told you that you should’ve tattooed me sooner,” you quipped as you gingerly pulled up your shorts.
“Oh yeah? Why’s that?” he asked, playing along as he quickly packed up his things.
“You would have won much sooner,” you murmured, standing before him.
“Really? What would have been my prize instead? Because that plaque is pretty great.” Jungkook sat his bag on the ground and rested his hands on your hips.
“Better than me?” you grinned and he pressed his lips to yours again.
“Looks like I’ll have to come up with another design then,” he hummed.
“Or you can let me and I can tattoo you,” you suggested with a devilish grin.
“And what do you propose?”
“My name. Right here,” you pointed to the empty space on the left side of his chest.
“Only if you let me tattoo my face on your ass,” he joked and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“Deal,” you laughed.
Jungkook said nothing further, only smiled as he laced his fingers between yours and tugged you in the direction of the exit. “Great. I’ll have everything arranged,” he replied. Laughing with you in these moments meant so much to him and while he wasn’t sure what would happen between you after you left the convention and headed home, he would take pleasure in these moments for as long as you’d let him. As the two of you exited the building and hustled across the busy street to the parking garage so Yoongi wouldn’t have an excuse to leave you, Jungkook wondered if you’d known that your name had been inked over his heart a long, long time ago.
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ⓒ joon-ipersgirl, 2020
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This Week in Gundam Wing 6-12 June 2021
Here’s this week’s roundup! June 6th -12th!
Remember to give your content creators some love! Be sure to join in on the events at the bottom! And remember to send in any new works you see or make next week!
~Mod Hel (Sorry this is so late all!)
Fanfiction/Snippets/AU Ideas:
Losing my Breath https://destinysblackrose.tumblr.com/post/653297355731435520/fic-losing-my-breath-gundam-wing-heero-x
F/M, Heero Yuy/Relena Darlian
Rated M for mature. Contains smut and angst.
Before his ‘reconnaissance mission’, Heero had been coaxing her, week after week. Waiting for her to become comfortable with this aspect of their relationship. Their last 'exchange’ gave him hope that maybe, they were getting closer.
The patience of a sniper. He used to hate it. Waiting. Watching. Aching. Breathing. Boring.
At least nothing about waiting for Relena was dull.
Pride Day 5 https://lemontrash.tumblr.com/post/653269838365638656/pride-day-5
5 It Used to be a Different Game - 1x5 SFW - UST.
After a war and a rocky experience with ambivalent heterosexuality, Wufei is not entirely sure what to make of this situation.
Gundam Wing Diaries https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/653438898421284864/the-gundam-wing-diaries
May 8, 2000 (Monday)
Episode 46 - “Milliardo’s Decision”
May 9, 2000 (Tuesday)
Episode 47 - “Collision in Space”
Gundam Wing Diaries https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/653714468147265536/the-gundam-wing-diaries
May 10, 2000 (Wednesday)
Episode 48 - “Takeoff into Confusion”
May 11, 2000 (Thursday)
Episode 49 - “The Final Victor”
Of the Sea (Ch. 11) https://noirangetrois.tumblr.com/post/653792472043077632/of-the-sea-chapter-11-archive-of
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Heero Yuy
Mature, No Archive Warnings Apply, fairytale my way, Meroctopus!Dorothy, Slow Burn, Multi POV, POV Third Person Limited, merman au, MerMay, Fantasy Politics, mentions of abuse, Unnatural November
Heero Yuy will soon be reaching the age of majority, at which time he will ascend the throne of Wingaria. Before such time, he must needs choose a bride. But what if there are no good choices? What if someone else has captured his heart?
Friday, I’m in Love https://archiveofourown.org/works/31705282/chapters/78469714
F/M, Gen, Zechs Merquise/Lucrezia Noin
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Hangover, Alcohol Mentions, Explicit Language, Established Relationship, Alternate Universe - College/University, 1995 college au, khushrenada family has more issues than a magazine, background Treize being a gremlin, unbetaed - we die like men here
[College AU, 1995] Zechs is well aware of the upcoming social obligations that come with being friends and sharing a home with a "snob". The issue is when said friendship is actually cramping his own style, then it's time to enlist his girlfriend in order to help the friend find a better coping mechanism for the upcoming activities.
Reincarnated As A Minor Villiainess and I Survived Past My Death Scene (Ch. 28) https://thaiteaaddict.tumblr.com/post/653740109010747392/i-reincarnated-as-a-minor-villainess-and-i
M/M, F/F, F/M, Heero x Duo, Trowa x Quatre, Wufei x Meilan, Dorothy x Relena
Full cast
Teen, AU - Fantasy, AU - Isekai, POV First Person, Unreliable Narrator
After being killed in a traffic accident, Duo wakes up in a medieval fantasy novel - except he’s woken up as one of the novel’s minor villains who was supposed to have died in a main character’s backstory. Intent on righting the wrongs of his novel counterpart, Duo sets out to change his fate and just maybe improve the relationship between himself and his estranged husband, Duke Heero Yuy. (Duo is isekai’d into the body of a novel’s villainess character and runs with it.)
Catered https://zaganthi.tumblr.com/post/653846550482665472/catered-zaganthi-caffiends-tzigane-gundam
M/M, Chang Wufei/Quatre Raberba Winner
Teen And Up Audiences, No Archive Warnings Apply, Blindfolds; Demisexuality; Dinner; First Kiss; Hand Feeding, GW Pride 2k21 – Day 13, Blindfolds; Day 17, foodplay
“I would like you to do a blind taste test.” Quatre sat down across from him on the cushion, smiling that serene little smile that he only used when he was up to something. He’d done stranger things. That smile made him a little paranoid, though. Anyone with the least bit of sense would be paranoid when Quatre looked like that.
“All right.”
“Thank you.” Wufei could see the smile, but he could also hear it in Quatre’s voice as he moved behind him.
Gnossienne https://zaganthi.tumblr.com/post/653752431378890752/gnossienne-zaganthi-caffiends-perryvic
M/M, Duo Maxwell/Quatre Raberba Winner; Treize Khushrenada/Duo Maxwell; Treize Khushrenada/Quatre Raberba Winner; Trowa Barton/Chang Wufei
Explicit, No Archive Warnings Apply, Aged-Up Character(s) Quatre Raberba’s Uchuu no Kokoro | Space Heart; Preventers (Gundam Wing); Team as Family; Domestic Bliss; Friendship; Friendship/Love; talking with exes; Double Penetration; rompy sex; Aftermath of Violence; Mind Control Aftermath & Recovery; Awareness of the trouser legs of time; Talking about Therapy; Dinner Party; Swordfighting; Enthusiastic Consent
It was as if his words constituted permission because Quatre’s smile was blinding then as was his emotional reaction - figuratively and literally because he damn well started glowing as he said in a reverent whisper “Sandrock,…”
His Gundam impossibly powered up there and then right in front of them even as Quatre literally ran towards it. This time around he really got it, he could feel Sandrock as Quatre felt him - and it was a him strangely. Just as he felt that Deathscythe was more than just metal and technology, Sandrock had a presence. How, he didn’t know but it was like seeing him reunite with a beloved family member.
Fanart/Crafts/Photo Manips:
Dorothy/Quatre, fanart
Relena/Heero, fanart
Heero Yuy, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Millidardo Peacecraft/Zechs Merquise, fanart
Duo Maxwell, render
Relena & Heero, fanart
Duo Maxwell, fanart
Duo/Quatre, fanbook
Photosets/Gifsets/Screenshots/Manga Pages:
Destiny, doujinshi
Duo & Heero Book, doujinshi
Act 3, doujinshi
Head Canons:
Trowa & Cathy, headcanon
Duo & Heero
Duo & Quatre
Calendar Events:
Rhythm Generation 2021
Meet the Mods: https://gundamzine.tumblr.com/post/636708854145613824/come-on-over-a-meet-your-2021-zine-mod-team-head
Check out the blog for the Zine schedule!
Gundam Wing Pride 2k21 https://gundam-wing-pride.tumblr.com/post/648237909672083456/incoming-transmission-faq
A Beautiful Rainbow of Prompts https://gundam-wing-pride.tumblr.com/post/649898271517573120/a-beautiful-rainbow-of-prompts
Cocktail Fridays!
Post responses on Friday, during Happy Hour between 3 & 5 pm in your own timezone.
Here’s the prompt for Friday, ! [starting back up next week!]
In need of Summer/Fall(Autumn) prompts!
Shooting Stars Online Convention https://gwshootingstars.tumblr.com/post/653339481502564352/hey-everyone-guess-whos-back-with-a-brand-new
This has been tabled for future action.
Latest news.
Welcome to Oztober Rust
We’re an up and coming Gundam Wing event with a slight twist! This page is still a work in progress, but you’re welcome to join us over on discord and get a feel for the event.
Have discord, will fan. https://oztober-rust.tumblr.com/post/647568110262566912/i-see-a-nice-and-steady-following-we-do-have-a
Summer Event Prompts Needed https://seasons-of-gundamwing.tumblr.com/post/652830126852177920/alright-folks
Events Calendar https://thisweekingundamevents.tumblr.com/post/644080386309275648/events-calendar-update
If you are hosting an event currently, or are planning on one, hit us up with links and dates! We’ll add them to the Calendar and reblog your notices to get the word out!
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hopelikethemoon · 4 years
Clandestine (Javier x Reader) {MTMF} [smut]
Title: Clandestine  Rating: Explicit Length: 3000 Warnings: Smut  Notes: You can find everything about Maybe Today, Maybe Forever here. I want you to go along for the ride, so I’m not telling you anything.  Summary: A clandestine meeting between Javier and Reader.
@grapemama​​​​ @seawhisperer​​​​ @huliabitch​​​​ @beccaplaying​​​​ @thewallpapergoesorido​​​​ @twomoonstwosuns​​​​ @gooddaykate​​​​ @livasaurasrex​​​​ @ham4arrow​​​​ @plexflexico​​​ @readsalot73​​​​ @hdlynn​​​​ @lokiaddicted​​​​ @randomness501​​​​ @fioccodineveautunnale​​​​  @roxypeanut​​​​ @snivellusim​​​​ @lukesrighthand​​​​ @historynerd04 @mrsparknuts​​​​@ ​​​​​@awesomefandomsunited​​​​​​​​​ @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​ @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​​​​ @ah-callie​​​​ @swhiskeys​​​​ @exrebelshocktrooper​​​​ @u-wakatoshii @space-floozy​​​ @cable-kenobi @cool-ultra-nerd​​ @himbopoes​​​​ @findhimfives​​​​ @pedrosdoll​​​​ @frietiemeloen​​​ @arrowswithwifi​​​​ @random066​​​​ @uncomicalhumour​​​​ @heather-lynn​​​ @domino-oh-damn​​ @cyarikaaa​​​​ @ahopelessromanticwritersworld​​​​ @im-still-a-pieceofgarbage @ksgeekgirl​​​ @yabby-girl​​​ @xqueenofthecraziesx​​​ @punkass-potato​​​ @coredrive​​​ @pascalesque​​​ @theduchessofkirkcaldy​​​ @queenquazar​​​​ @sabinemorans​​​​ @buckstaposition​​​​ @holkaskrosnou​​​​ @yespolkadotkitty​​​​@seeking-a-great–perhaps @kochamcie​​​​ @jaime1110​​​​ @katlikeme​
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“How about I buy you a glass of wine, sugar.” The man to your left offered as you leaned your forearms against the bar. 
You rolled your eyes and caught the attention of the bartender, “Whiskey. Neat.” You ordered, not paying any mind to the man beside you. 
“Whiskey.” He drawled out, shifting closer. “Seems like you might just be my kind of girl.” 
“I promise you, I’m not playing hard to get.” You gritted out as you turned to glare at the man. “Hope you’re not here for the convention,” You continued with a scathing tone. “Because you’re shit at picking up on blatant clues.”
The man recoiled then, snatching his glass of bourbon off the bar top. “Bitch.” He snarled as he walked away. 
You snorted, “And proud.” 
“Here you are,” The bartender said as he sat the glass down in front of you. “If you have any issues with the gentleman—“
“I’m good.” You held up a hand to stop the man. “But thanks.” You picked up your glass and took a sip, before retreating across the bar to one of the secluded booths. 
The thought of being cooped up in your hotel room for the rest of the night was unappealing. You’d spent three hours on a train from Philly to Washington and you really just wanted to unwind and people watch. 
The jackass that had called you a bitch was across the bar with a table of equally insufferable men. He’d clearly gone back and bitched about you like a baby, because they were not-so-subtly looking in your direction.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake.” You muttered. 
This, right here, was why Mitch had been nervous about the trip when you’d told him about it. A woman — alone — at a testosterone laden convention filled with one too many of the boys in blue. 
You’d dealt with enough shit at the academy to know exactly what sort of situation you were in. It didn’t matter how well you did in your college classes or how proficient you were during training— you were still a woman that they wanted to fuck. 
A man stepped into your line of view and helped himself to the seat across from you. “Act like you know me.” 
Your brows rose upwards, a snide remark primed on the tip of your tongue but you pushed it aside in favor of offering a friendly smile. “But I don’t.” You said coolly, lifting your glass to your lips and taking a sip. 
“Those assholes have been harassing every woman who has walked into the bar tonight.” The man offered, pressing his tongue to the inside of his cheek as he rocked his lower jaw.
“Charming.” You huffed, sitting your glass back down. “And what do you call this?” You questioned as you gestured between the two of you.
He arched a brow at you, a short chuckle escaping him. “Guess I’ll be on my way then.”
Before you could stop yourself, you reached across the table and grabbed the man’s forearm to keep him from leaving. “Stay.” 
The man’s eyes narrowed as his shoulders relaxed and he settled back into his seat. “Alright.” 
Your eyes flickered across the bar towards the table of men who were still eyeing you and laughing amongst themselves. “Pigs. The lot of them.”
“Yeah,” He rubbed at the back of his neck. “Well, there is a law enforcement convention in town.”
“I know.” You retorted. “That’s why I’m here.”
“Don’t look so surprised.” You shook your head. “Let me guess, you’re here for the convention too?” You questioned, gesturing to him. “The mustache and the aviators tucked into your shirt are dead giveaways.”
The man’s lips drew upwards at the corners, forming a wry grin as he stared at you. “Clever.”
“Oh,” You lifted your glass to your lips and took another sip, “You have no idea.”
“Javier Peña.” He offered, tapping his fingers atop the table as his gaze lingered on your face. 
“It’s a pleasure to meet you.” You smiled a little. “Texas?”
Javier clicked his tongue against his teeth, “That obvious?”
“You’ve got a slight twang to your voice.” You shrugged. 
He nodded, “Yeah, I’m with the DEA in Austin.”
“Nice.” You pursed your lips with an approving sound. “I’m looking.” You shrugged. “But I have a feeling that it doesn’t matter that I graduated top of my class.” You nodded your head towards the table of jackasses. “I’ll still get passed over in favor of some dick who probably failed firearms training twice.”
Javier ran his tongue over the edge of his teeth and nodded with a grim expression, “It’s a tough fucking field.” 
“I just want to make a difference.” You sighed, rubbing your thumb over the curve of your glass. “I’ve hitched all of my horses to this and the stable’s empty now.”
“How many of those have you had?” Javier retorted with a chuckle, both of his brows rising upwards.
“Oh, fuck off.” You laughed softly, shaking your head. “I’m just saying — I have two options. Either this works out for me,” You gestured vaguely around the bar. “Or I go back to Philadelphia and let my sister-in-law find me a nice rich investment banker to play house with until I die of boredom.”
Javier grinned at you, “Then it sounds like this has to work out for you.” He leaned against the table. “I may not know you, but the latter sounds like perpetual hell.”
You scrunched up your nose, “What’s worse than hell?”
He laughed, “That bad, huh?”
“I get that some people want that life, but I don’t think it’s in the cards for me.”
“Yeah, me too.” Javier shrugged a shoulder as he glanced away. “You mind if I smoke?”
“I only mind if you don’t offer me one.” You countered with a smug grin.
Javier smirked at you as he leaned back and pulled the packet of cigarettes and a lighter out of his leather jacket. He pulled two out, passing you one before sticking his between his lips.
“So, did you sweep in and save any of the other women they heckled?” You questioned as you took the lighter from him. 
He blew out a breath of smoke, shaking his head. “Nope.”
“I’m flattered.” You took a drag off the cigarette, before tapping it on the side of the ashtray on the table. “As long as you don’t play white knight for everyone, I’ll permit you to stay.”
“Good to know.” He chuckled as his gaze flickered over your face. “You seemed like you had it handled.”
You nodded as you watched the smoke dissipate as you exhaled. “I’m not afraid to make those assholes go home as eunuchs.” 
“Damn,” Javier pressed his tongue to the inside of his cheek. “You gonna treat me that way if I offer to buy you another whiskey?”
You bit down on your bottom lip, sweeping your eyes over him. “I suppose you can buy me a drink.” 
He winked at you before he slid out of his chair and strolled over to the bar to do just that. You couldn’t help but watch him walk away — the jeans he wore hugged his ass too well for you not to appreciate them. 
Javier wasn’t your typical type. The last handful of men you’d gone on dates with had been ‘pretty boys,’ for lack of a better word. He seemed like he was a few years older than you — maybe ten? The mustache was weirdly appealing too and your mind wandered down the path of wondering how that might feel between your—
“All you had to say was that you were taken, sugar.” The man from the bar had returned and he was fuming with barely controlled anger. 
And they let assholes like him around guns?
“Oh, I didn’t know I had to give my reasons for telling you to fuck off.” You shot back. “Silly me.”
“Listen here, bitch—“
“Is there a problem?” Javier questioned as he returned.
You snatched up your purse and pulled the strap over your shoulder as you slid out from behind the table. “I’m not really feeling the atmosphere down here, babe.” You said smoothly, reaching out and running your hand along Javier’s forearm, before taking your glass of whiskey from him. “Why don’t we enjoy our drinks in our room?”
Javier played into it seamlessly, “I’m sorry you had to put up with these assholes, baby.” He said as he curled his arm around your waist possessively. “C’mon.”
You didn’t pull out of his embrace once you were out of view of the bar. You didn’t even pull away once you were safely in the elevator alone with him. 
“What floor?”
“I’m on eight.” You told him, watching as he gripped his drink in his hand and used his knuckle to press eight and ten on the panel. 
“Sorry you had to cut your evening short,” Javier said lightly, his fingers brushing over your side as he released the grip he had on you. 
“It’s alright,” You tilted your head to look at him beside you. “I’m probably way off the mark here, but…” Your gaze flickered to his lips briefly, before meeting his dark gaze again. “The night doesn’t have to end.”
Javier’s tongue ran along the seam of his lips as he stared back at you. “Would be a shame to waste good company when there’s still drinks to be had.”
You smirked a little, lashes fluttering as you angled yourself towards him. “I think you should get off on eight.”
“Yeah?” He clicked his tongue against his teeth. 
“You might even get off on eight.” You added, leaning in slightly. 
Javier rolled his eyes, “And you’re funny.”
“I’m a package deal.” You took a step away from him, just before the elevator dinged — announcing your arrival on the eighth floor. 
You walked backwards off the elevator, lifting your glass to your lips as you held his gaze. “Well?”
Javier pursued you, “How can I say ‘no’ to you, baby?” He drawled out with a smirk. 
You turned your back to him as you made your way down the corridor to your room — room 87. You had not intended to have any guests in your hotel room and yet, something about Javier made you throw away all the promises you made to yourself. 
“It’s not much,” You told him as you held the door open for him. “I always pictured hotel hookups happening in swanky high rise penthouses.” 
Javier chuckled as he sat his glass down on the small counter by the mini fridge, and you couldn’t help but watch him as he slid out of his leather jacket. “Better than a motel hookup.” 
“Intimately familiar with those?” You countered as you sipped at your drink. 
He shook his head, “Nah.” Javier dragged his fingers through his hair as he arched a brow at you. “Is this a hookup?” 
You chewed on your bottom lip, “It’s whatever we want it to be.” You told him as you stepped past him to sit your glass down beside his. 
“What do you want it to be?” Javier questioned. 
You stood a little straighter as you turned back to him, your heart beating a little faster as you met his heated gaze. “Let me show you.” You said softly as you reached out to graze your fingers along his jawline. 
Javier’s hand curled around your hip as you leaned towards him and kissed him. His mustache tickled at first, but you were far too focused on the feel of his tongue sliding past your lips to find yours.
A soft groan escaped you as you sank into the kiss, your hand curled around the back of his neck as your lips slanted against his.
He stepped forward, making you move backwards until you were pressed flat against the wall behind you. 
Javier nipped at your bottom lip, his tongue soothing the marks his teeth made as his hands slid under your shirt. Your own fingers worked at the buttons of his shirt, greedily touching every inch of skin that was exposed to you.
He broke away from the kiss to peel your shirt off of you. “Is this what you want, baby?” He questioned as he slid his knee between your thighs and slid it up until it was pressed right against the seam of your pants. 
You cried out softly, rocking against his knee as you felt the burn of arousal in your lower belly. You were embarrassingly wet — you could feel your underwear sticking to your slick folds as you ground down against the pressure of his knee. 
“Yes.” You breathed out, dragging him back in for another kiss that was far too short lived. 
You came awake suddenly, your chest heaving as you tried to catch your breath. It took a second for you to get your bearings — but you recognised the moonlight spilling in through shades on the patio door.
Miami. Josie and Sofía. Javier. 
He was snoring quietly beside you, completely unaware of the intense dream you had just had about him.
You chewed on your bottom lip as you shifted uncomfortably, even that little bit of friction made you want to moan. You could practically feel your clit throbbing from the desire you’d felt in the dream. 
You slid you hand under the waistband of your shorts and underwear, fingers sliding through your slick folds. You inhaled sharply, the tip of your finger grazing over your clit. 
“Javier.” You breathed out as you circled your finger around that little bundle of nerves, your inner walls clenching around nothing as you worked yourself towards your release. 
“Having fun without me?” Javier murmured, his voice an octave lower and still heavy with exhaustion. 
You moaned as you felt him curl his hand around your upper thigh, “I’m close.” You told him, your pace never faltering. “Fuck.”
“That’s it baby,” Javier whispered, rubbing his thumb over your skin. “I can hear how fucking wet you are, baby.” He kissed the curve of your throat, before brushing his lips against the shell of your ear. “Come.”
Your body obeyed him, your hips bucking upwards as you came apart under your own touch. You turned your head, finding his lips in the darkness and kissing him desperately. 
Javier broke away from the kiss, breathing raggedly, “I hope I was involved with winding you up like this, baby.” He murmured, kissing you again. 
You laughed against his lips, winding your fingers through his hair. “It was all you.” You told him, running your hand down his chest and stomach, before cupping his cock through his boxers.
“Yeah?” He breathed out as he hooked his fingers in the waistband of your pants, trying to work them down your hips. 
You rolled onto your side, shimmying out of your shorts and underwear, “I’ll have to tell you… all about it.” You whispered as he curled an arm around your waist and hauled you back against his chest. He slid his other arm beneath your neck and reached for your breast, palming at it through your shirt. 
“Fuck.” Javier rasped out as his fingers found their way between your thighs. “You’re soaking wet, baby. Goddamn.”
You reached behind you, grabbing at his hip as you sank back against him. Javier shifted as he guided his cock to your center. Your nails bit into his forearm as he slid into you — your inner walls fluttering around him, still sensitive from your orgasm. 
Javier pressed his face into the crook of your neck, “You feel so fucking good, baby.” He murmured as he moved. 
“So do…” You rolled your hips in time with his movements. “Fuck. So do you.” 
“Tell me.” Javier urged as he nipped at the soft curve of your neck. 
“We were,” You started, running your hand along his forearm. “Strangers.” You turned your head, eyes straining in the darkness to see him. “At a conference in Washington.” 
“Do conferences make you horny, baby?” Javier chuckled, kissing at your jaw. 
“You do.” You tensed as his cock grazed a sweet spot within you that made your thighs tremble and your toes curl. 
He groaned out your name, his pace faltering. “Shit.” Javier hissed as he buried the length of his cock within you, “Come on, baby.” 
You clenched around him, grinding back against him as his fingers found your clit and coaxed you over the edge again. 
Javier slid out of you, maneuvering you onto your stomach before his cock slid back into you. You stretched your arms out in front of you, grabbing at the edge of the bed beneath your pillow as he  fucked you into the mattress. 
That was exactly what you needed and apparently what he needed too. 
Your name was on his lips as he came apart, his release spilling out deep within you as he draped himself over you. 
“Holy shit.” You breathed out, turning your head so you wouldn’t smother to death in your pillow. “Thank God tomorrow’s Sunday.”
“Hmm?” He questioned, pressing a kiss to a spot at the base of your neck. 
You laughed softly. “Nothing.” You reached behind your head, playing your fingers through his hair. “I don’t think dream Javier could’ve fucked me that well.”
“Glad to know my competition is myself.”
You grinned to yourself, “Can’t even have a sexy dream about anyone else.” 
“Good.” He kissed your shoulder again, his breath hot against your skin. “Fuck, that was good.”
“Mhm.” You hummed sleepily, feeling far too warm and comfortable beneath the weight of him. “The dream made me a little sad that we’re shit at roleplay.”
“Yeah?” He exhaled slowly. “Can always…”
You let your eyes slip closed. “Hmm?”
“What?” Javier ran his hand along the back of your arm. “We can try again.”
You nodded as he slid his arms beneath you, keeping you pressed against his chest as he rolled over onto his side. His cock slipped out of you and you missed the connection the second it was gone. 
But you were far too tired to protest. Two orgasms and a little mind numbing fucking had done you in. 
Even in your dreams, Javier was the one you wanted to go home with. 
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Just A Fan
Oc writing. I just really wanted to post the first part because I’m really proud of it. Like it? Let me know & ill share more of it 💕
Fic jumps between Cherry & Seto’s POV
W! This is going to be a kidnapped fic. SFW. (For the most part. No sex) its a different take. Instead of the fan being obsessed its the comic book artist.
Super Big Comic Con was was always in September, the last weekend of the month where all the fans and collectors gathered to share interest and spend all their money on prints, comics and whatever else they could find. Cherry had to rush through her homework the week before so she could focus on the con and only the con. She was a junior in highschool studying editing and art. She was a popular girl with everybody but she really preferred her own space to think and work on her ideas. One day she wanted to work at a comic book company in the editing department. Her name was Cher but she liked to be called Cherry. Cherry was about 5’4 with long cherry red hair and her fashion was usually lose tops with overalls and sneakers, she was thin with a tiny waistline and always had eyeliner on with little wings. She had a lip ring that was a shiny silver and a eyebrow piercing in her right brow to match. She always carried herself with confidence and opportunity. She had been saving up for the hotel so she could attend the con all weekend and it was finally time.
Seto was just getting ready to leave his house to make his way to the convention. He checked all his rooms, his locks and finally his basement. It made him frown as he leaned on the stairway looking in on the empty room; it consisted of a fuzzy carpet, an expensive dresser, an even more expensive computer and a brand new art tablet. This was his ‘inspiration room’ but lately… it was missing what inspired him the most.
He sat down on the bottom step with his elbows on his knees as he scanned around the room he put so much money into, he was a very tall man, lanky and an even 6’1 with jet black hair he liked to keep long.
The windows were small and high up, one on each wall. He got up with a slouch not bothering to fix his short hairs in his eyes as he sulked to the little area under his stairs. It had a small wall so you could not see inside and a door with a lock on it. He lightly kicked the door open leaning forward to peek in, his hands in his pockets. It was the same carpet with a small tv built into the wall and a makeshift bed that looked like just blankets that were sitting comfortably on some chains that were attached to the wall. He needed a new inspiration, he was lonely. Poor guy, all those comics he drew for could not fill the empty hole in his heart
Cherry had packed her bag into her car along with some clothes for the hotel and was ready to go. She got in the driver's seat and left her hometown for the next city over on her way to Super Big Comic Con. It was a long drive, maybe an hour and a half but she checked into her room around mid afternoon and could still catch the first day of the con if she hurried.
The first thing Cherry wanted to do was walk the con and see what it had to offer. It was always a delight for her, comics, artists, figures, cosplayers, writers all in one place. She bought some prints and asked some artist for advice that would help her with her career choice. Most artist were very nice and told her its a great place to work which really boosted her confidence. Cherry was making her way through the con looking for one particular comic artist. He was her favorite and she had all of his books and even his special edition sketch books. His pen name was Kidd Nathers but he usually went by Kidd for short. He always showed up whenever he wanted which normally meant towards the end of the day. He always did it this way, his real fans would wait around for him. Made picking out his inspiration easy.
Seto sulked through the con, hands in his pockets and eyes half lidded. He loathed these cons to be painfully honest. Too many people congesting the walkways and fake fans trying to get free art. He was nearing his mid 30s and just had no time for it. Long hours of editing, drawing with no pay off. Sure he got paid very well but what's the point if he had no one to spend it on right? Seto was approaching his table to see one person waiting near it. Just one fan ? well okay. Looks pretty legit.
Seto slid down into his chair laying his arms on the booth and sorting out all of his prints with sticky notes on each one with a set price. He did not do deals, too many hagglers and what not. He ran a bony hand through his hair watching this girl check her phone a few times while she looked around. Must not know he sneaked up.
“Looking for me?” his voice had a tickle in it along with a subtle tease. His smile creeped up his face too.
Cherry jumped nearly dropping her phone, the little cherry phone keychain dangling around in the air . her hair whipped around and Seto raised an eyebrow once he saw her face, that smile once she realized who was talking to her. Eyeliner, piercings, that hair.. He rested his cheek on his palm while his free hand tapped his booth. “Sorry i'm late, i didn't want to come. “ he said with a cheeky smile.
“Kidd!!!” Cherry hurried over placing her hands on the booth with a big smile on her face that made her lip ring shine in the light. “Oh my gosh your here! I was beginning to think you would skip this time around but something told me to wait it out , i love your work!!!”
Awww .. you're so nice. “Thank you ,I'm flattered” he tapped his index finger on his face under his eye. “Big fan, I take it? And i show up when i want but it appears you already know that “ he told her , leaning back to stretch. He was wearing a long white top with a stretched out neck with black jeans and boots.
Cherry could not hide her blush; she was so excited. “I just!!! I watch all your interviews, well . I read them since I know you said once you don't like in person interviews but you said you like to show up late to cons or not go at all. Im happy your here, if its any recollection, i love your work and its made my whole day to see you let alone talk to you. What you do is truly amazing.”
Seto folded his arms behind his head letting out a soft laugh and a big smile. He was touched by her words it gaver him a pleasant high , something he had not had in awhile. It was only the first day of this con and he was already feeling a … connection.
“Thank you, that means the world to me, these cons are a hit or miss for me, its the only time i really leave the house.” he faked a laugh .
“Aw cmon! Surely you go out!”She teased while looking through his prints.
“Okay okay” he leaned on his booth with his arms folded while smiling up at her, “ya caught me” he was lying. “See anythin ya like…?”
“Cher!! But i go by Cherry! And well. Everything but i only have maybe $80 left so i can only get one print.”
Cherry….. “Thats a nice name and nickname, pick whichever you want and ill sign it for you Cherry”
Cherry had picked a jester girl with a chain around her neck with a big hammer behind her back . Seto signed it for her and even put it in a print holder for her,
“Thank you!” she beamed while looking at the print.
“My pleasure”
“Will you uh be here tomorrow and sunday?” she asked looking at him.
“Mmm.. yeah, i will. Just for you “ Seto teased, poking at the girls arm.
Cherry giggled and waved goodbye to the comic book artist leaving Seto all alone. He felt good inside, this feeling in his chest was telling him something. Should be an interesting Convention for once.
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hellfirenacht · 5 years
The Convention Fic Chapter 1
YouTube Gamer Beetlejuice x Reader (gender neutral)
Summary: You were a mod for one of the biggest YouTube gamer, Beetlejuice. Now you're finally going to meet him in person.
Note: This fic takes place at Momo Con in Atlanta, Georgia because it’s my favorite con :)
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Thursday (Night)
You didn't remember much between the plane landing and checking into the hotel other than the nervous and excited feelings in your gut. After dropping your bag next to the bed and plugging in your phone to charge you looked out the window, taking in the gorgeous view of the city as the sun set. From here you could see a rectangular park, along with a huge ferris wheel lighting up against the lavender sky.
You heard your phone ding, and you glanced over at it, seeing his name pop up. Your heart skipped a beat as you opened the message. "ARE U HERE YET?? COM FIND ME!!" he was always a bit sloppy with typing, even in private but something about the excitement and constant caps lock was endearing.
Still, the message made your heart pound in your chest. This would be your first time meeting him in person. He had practically begged you to come, claiming it was his first con and he needed his hype squad there.
You glances at the digital clock next to the bed. It was nearing 8 pm, and you knew that he was holding a small unofficial meet up in the park around 10. That at least gave you two hours to hype yourself up and get your badge and get ready.
"Just got in. Gonna take a shower and get my badge"
The reply was almost instant. "WAT ROOM? IM COMIN UP"
NOPE, you were NOT ready for this. You set the phone down, heart pounding. You were not ready to meet your celebrity crush/friend/boss (?) yet.
You took your time getting ready, wanting to make sure you looked perfect. It was warm out, so you pulled out the special t-shirt that you had bought from his merch store that just happened to make you look and feel kinda hot.
During all this, Beej kept spamming the mod group chat with pictures of everything he was seeing and people he was meeting. For a gremlin he sure did act like a puppy sometimes.
Finally happy with your appearance, you stepped out of your hotel, making sure you had your key card, wallet, and phone on you and made your way to registration. Being Thursday night there wasn't a lot people in line (especially since the YouTuber Concert had just started), but it didn't matter as you found your way to the Guest line, where Beej had promised a badge would be waiting for you.
He did not disappoint as you were handed a lanyard and a special badge that said "guest" on the bottom. It made you feel a little special that you were considered to be part of his group, officially.
But that's part of the reason you were here. You were a Mod for his streams and Discord, yes but you also helped him with responding to e-mails and picking out sponsorships. The only thing Beetlejuice seemed to care about when it came to his channel was entertaining people. He said that if it wasn't for you, Adam, Lydia, and Barb, he wouldn't have been able to do this much.
And so here you were now, at a convention where you would be his "handler" of sorts. Keeping an eye on him, making sure he was on time, helping with videos, and making sure that he didn't push himself too hard this weekend.
Glancing at your phone with your goodies on hand you were surprised it wasn't even nine yet. You glanced a picture Beej had dropped in the group chat, a selfie with a random cosplayer.
"I'm on the con floor" you typed and then deleted, your nerves getting the best of you. Oh wow you were suddenly a shaking nervous wreck. You knew that he wanted to see you, and you wanted to see him but something was holding you back.
It was decided that you'd just wander around a bit and wait until the meet up. Besides, it was probably a better idea to get used to the layout of the convention center now. You tucked your phone away and started walking where most of the con goers were headed after receiving their badge.
The convention had three official floors of the hotel, the top floor (ground level) held registration, some panel rooms and the outside courtyard where a lot of people were blasting music and dancing. The second level (down the escalator), held more panel rooms and a small food court which was mostly a hand full of food stalls and tabled. The final floor (down yet another escalator) was a huge basement area, an open floor divided into three sections; the dealers room, the artist ally, and the arcade.
Since the dealers room and the artist ally were closed for the night, you took a quick sweep of the arcade. The con had imported so many different machines from Japan, from DDR to some weird VR games, all free to play. There were also small booths where you could rent board games and other table top games. You couldn't believe that this was going to be open the whole weekend without closing. You wondered if Beetlejuice would make a video about the arcade.
It was a little past 9:15 now, so you decided to head back up the escalators towards the court yard where you'd seen people a partying. Maybe you could turn the nervous energy into party energy.
It was a nice warm night, and people were gathered around a de-masked Deadpool who had set up a portable rolling stereo, playing songs off his phone. The courtyard was a large concrete area with a raised platform about knee-high that was covered with grass. There was plenty of room in the grass for groups to hang out, talk, or dance. The area around the concrete was also filled with people, but also with amazingly beautiful, elaborate, or simple chalk drawings based on anime, games, or memes.
You considered what you wanted to do for a moment before you heard it. That sound.. that beautiful sound that made your heart explode inside your chest, your head spin, and caused a small part of you to go absolutely feral.
Deadpool had just put on Caramelldansen; a siren call that no mortal weeb could resist.
The rest of the nerds around you felt the same reaction as everyone stated hopping up and down to the endlessly catchy bop. For a moment you forgot who you were and what you were doing, all that mattered was hopping up in the grass with all these strangers and dancing to this song.
Within those next 3 minutes, everything felt perfect. You danced with these people you didn't even know who were just happy to be there. Together with another stranger, you brought someone else onto the grass to dance. One person yelled that they liked your shirt, you told another that you adored their cosplay.
Three minutes was all it took to make you forget about being nervous and facing your fears. As the song ended and another started, you felt ready to finally go find him.
Just as you were pulling out your phone, another pic appeared in the group chat and your heart leaped in your chest. He was outside in a place that looked eerily like where you were standing.
You ran to the center of the yard, looking around like mad. It was dark out now, but there were some lights that flooded the courtyard. There! You spotted the familiar messy green hair and found yourself trembling again. This time though, from excitement. The energy and positivity you felt from dancing with everyone had given you the highest high, and biggest confidence boost you could have.
"Beetlejuice?" You called out once, the noise from the dancing and the distance between the two of you causing you not to be heard.
You started walking forward towards him, your feet faster than you anticipated, your face smiling hard.
"Beetlejuice!" You yelled out again, this time his head jerked slightly looking around but still not seeing you. You decided to give him just one more.
"BEETLEJUUUUUICE!" You yelled, running full tilt at him. He turned around, and his face going from confusion to pure joy within 2 seconds. He yelled your name and started running at you as well, his arms outstretched as if to catch you.
You nearly jumped into his arms and he picked you up, spinning you around. You both laughed when he set you down, and he looked at you with excited bright eyes and your heart caught in your throat.
"I almost thought you drowned!" He exclaimed looking you up and down. The way his green eyes scanned your body it was as if he was in awe of you being real. "Wait that's my shirt!!" He was practically bouncing with excitement.
"Y-yeah!" You stuttered, remembering that you needed to actually talk to him. You took him in- the hoodie and striped black and white shirt, the faded jeans, the slight dad bod, and the green ombre hair that seemed to almost glow under the streetlights.
"We gotta take a picture for the group chat!" He pulled you close to his side, his arm around your shoulder as he angled his phone at your faces. You barely had time to smile as he took the picture. It was slightly blurry and grainy from the crappy lighting but you both looked genuinely happy. You made a note to download it later.
Once it was in the chat with an "I FOUND THEM!!!!" attached, he launched into a million questions. He asked how your flight was, what you thought of the con so far, was your room okay?
The two of you played catch up for the next few minutes before he took your hand and started leading you away from the courtyard.
"Where are we going?" You asked, glad that it was dark enough that he couldn't see how red your cheeks were.
"It's almost 10!" He said. "Gotta be at the meet up." Oh right, of course.
He led you through the park, still holding your hand tightly as he brought you to a spot in the park that was covered in brick. You recognized it as one of those fountains that kids could play in where the water would shoot up, though the dry bricks hinted that it was off for the evening. From here you also had a view of the ferris wheel that looked so much bigger from the ground.
As you approached, a handful of people gasped and cheered as Beetlejuice drew close. He waved and greeted the dozen or so people who had been able to show up and meet him. Two of them even recognized you from Twitter and said hi.
The next few hours were filled with selfies, pictures, videos, autographs and games. It almost felt like being a kid again, being able to so easily make friends. You chatted with the group and Beej, so impressed at how he was able to so easily talk to everyone- not once letting anyone feel left out.
But he still stayed close to to you, using any excuse to throw his arm around you or grab your hand, each touch making your heart pound. If you didn't have a crush on him before, you sure did now!
After a few rounds of duck duck beetlegoose, red rover, and hide and seek (which BJ was impossibly good at for some reason), the group split up around midnight. Beetlejuice took your hand again and started leading you back to the convention center and hotel. Though you were starting to hit a wall, you weren't ready to say goodbye yet.
"So Babes, what are we gonna do for the rest of the night?" He asked, looking at you excitedly.
Your answer was cut off by a loud growl coming from your stomach. In all the excitement and nervousness of the day, you hadn't eaten more than some crackers and ginger ale from the plane.
"...Food." you said as he laughed.
"Food it is!" He said. "What do you want to eat?" You thought for a second and looked down the length of the park to the side opposite the convention center. There was the bright yellow sign of a 24/7 diner advertising waffles.
"That!" You said pointing at the building, suddenly taking charge and dragging him behind you.
"Alright, alright, Babes!" He laughed as he caught up with you. "You that hungry?"
"You have no idea." You replied as you started to get your appetite back. He followed you through the park and across the street to the small diner. The inside was a bit crowded but nothing unmanageable for the quickly moving waitstaff. At a glance you could tell that almost every person came from the convention center, either by the lanyards around their necks, the abundance of graphic t-shirts, or the half discarded cosplays while people ate.
You two were seated in the corner at a smaller booth, menus already on the table, but you already knew what you wanted. The green haired man in front of you looked over the menu, for a few moments until a waitress came by for your drink orders.
You ordered a water and some coffee, knowing that this might be the only time you'll be able to have some one-on-one time with Beej this weekend. You were sure that he'd be busy with meeting people and doing panels and autographs and you wanted to make the most of the night.
"I got something on my face, Babes?" Beetlejuice suddenly asked, smirking at you. You hadn't realized how intensity you had been staring at him.
"Ack, sorry." You shook your head slightly. "I'm just starting to hit a wall. It's been a long day."
He gave a small frown. "Do we need to get you back to your room after this?" He asked. There was something about the way he said it that sounded like he was both a little sad and worried. You just shook your head.
"I'll be okay once I have some food and coffee in me." You reassured. "I was kinda hoping that maybe we could check out the arcade together."
His eyes lit up at that. "Really? I was hoping the same thing! I wanna do a vlog of the con and spend time with you and we could give reviews on all the weird games and ask people why they're up so late!"
How was it possible for a grown man to be this cute? How was he making you feel like you were the only person on the planet?
He continued to tell you everything that's happened to him since he arrived at the con. The people he met, the costumes he saw- the way he talked it was almost like he never knew what it was like to be around so many people at once.
Your food arrived, and you were quick to start shoving waffles into your face as you listened to him talk with his mouth full.
"Geeze, you really were hungry huh?" He teased as you finished off your plate in record time. "I'm normally the fast eater."
You laughed sheepishly. "I hadn't eaten all day." You admitted. "I was, uh... too nervous and distracted."
He frowned and placed on of his waffles on your plate. "Breathers need to eat!" He insisted. "Don't do that! Also what were you even nervous for?"
Normally you would have said no to taking someone else's food, but that was a face you couldn't say no to. Plus you were still kind of hungry.
"I guess I was a little nervous about finally meeting you face to face." You admitted, drowning the waffle in syrup.
"You know that's fair. Most people I meet don't usually go out of their way to meet me." He let out a laugh. "At least they didn't before I started the whole playing games thing. Actually the last time someone went out of their way to call me I kinda kicked their parents out of the house, scared off a bunch of people and killed some cult leader named Kevin."
You snorted between bites. You wondered where he even came up with this stuff. He'd make a great writer, probably.
“Are you still nervous?” he asked, his voice lower and calmer than what you were used to with the man. You shook your head.
“No. I’m really happy right now.” you replied and you could see him visibly relax. It wasn’t often that he acted calm, especially when there were other people around.
The rest of the meal was eaten with quiet chit chat as he continued to ask you questions about yourself and you reigning him in to talk about the convention schedule and to finalize the plan.
"Okay, so looks like the panel you're running is Saturday around 3, and your autograph session in early Sunday." You said, scrolling through your phone, typing out the schedule. "That leaves all of Friday open-"
"Not quite." He said. "I uh, do have a plan for us on Friday night." For a second he seemed to hesitate. You looked up, a little surprised.
"...Us?" You asked. "As in, just us us, or us as in a group?"
"I have a surprise for you on Friday and I want it to be just us and I wanted it to be a surprise but I'm so bad at secrets and I want to tell you-" he started, but you cut him off, your cheeks turning slightly warm.
"I don't have any plans." You said. "I'd love to do whatever surprise you have planned. Maybe. Wait, is this gonna be another 'ball pit" incident?" You asked suspiciously.
He held his hands up in mock surrender. "No, not this time! This is a real surprise!"
"I'm sure that was a relationship surprise too, according to your room mates."
"This is different, cross my heart and hope to live!"
"I'm can't wait." You said, heart pounding in your chest. Though the two of you had been talking to each other for a few months now, you always assumed that you were just a Mod in his chat to him. The fact the he seemed to have gone out of his way to make plans for the two of you lit a small spark of hope in your heart.
The meal ended with you paying the tab and him picking up the tip.
"It's almost 1:30." You noted. "If you have plans for Friday night, then the best time to get footage of the arcade without fighting with the lines would probably be now or Saturday at 3 in the morning. "
"This is why I needed you here, Babes." He said, looking at you with pride. "You understand things I wouldn't even think of! Now let's go absolutely ape shit on these nerds." His smile as he said that last line looked feral and slightly dangerous. You would probably need a cold shower after you retired for the night.
And so Thursday night came to a close, with you walking into the start of Friday holding hands with a demon gamer. You noted to yourself that this was only the beginning, and you couldn't wait to see where the rest of the weekend went.
Next Chapter
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rierru · 5 years
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Hello! thank you so much for stopping by my booth this weekend at Cosplay Mania 2019!!😭💕💕💕 Here are some of my photos from Day 1 and fun stuff that happened 🤣.
For Day 1 I cosplayed Kenshin from Ikemen Sengoku ! Together with my friend as Sasuke ! . Lord and Ninja team 🤣 Found Cybirds booth !! But its at the other side of the convention so i had to run back and forth between my booth and event all day 😂 . Before the kabedon time ! I ran into my friend she was carrying a standee of herself. (Yes she brought an actual card board standee of herself 🤣) She placed it in the middle of the ikemen standees .Her 2d self with her 2d husbandos 🤣we took photos of us kabedoning her standee . My other friends arrived and we took fun photos 🤣
Then it was Kabedon time! Hahaha Hiroto was dressed as Isaac from Ikevamp ! My friends were all too shy to go first so . Me being the shameless (yet easily embarssed ) self went first 🤣 (ill post the video later hahha). Got to kabedon him back as kenshin 👀✨. After it was my friends turn i kept trying to push them forward 🤣 and took their videos . After we took selfies with each other ! And Hiroto would randomly pop behind us in the photo 🤣 it was fun! Lol funny and embarrassing moments : Someone asked me for a photo so i literally pulled my Sasuke from the back and she fell too hard on the floor 😅 Next we tried to take a Sasuke kabeddoning kenshin photo but we ended up breaking a fake wall by accident 😅😂😂. Kenshin sasuke duo is dangerous 🤣 The real highlight of the kabedon was when he carried and hugged my friend’s standee 👏👏👏👏👏🤣 my friend was jealous and proud of her standee 😂
After the kabedon time I had to run back and assist my boothmates with our booth . It was so chaotic hahaha I hardly had enough time to eat but my friends are so sweet they kept giving me food hahahah. IM SO FLATTERED A LOT OF YOU BOUGHT MY DIMITRI MERCH ?? Like i hardly had enough stuff left for day 2 only the stickers i forgot to display in day 1 🤣. Thank you to those who gave me letters and asked for my autograph 😭💕💕💕so sweet !!!💕💕💕
It was time for the meet and greet ! OMG HE REMEMBERS ME FROM LAST YEAR 😂 he was like werent you the one who kabedoned me last year . Me : ....hehehehe 😂. And that my cosplay is really nice 😭💕💕💕and if kenshin is my favorite 😂 I screamed yes hahahah Then asked if I had a booth again this year at the fan fair . I said yes and he said he would stop by again ! Me my fangirl heart and artist heart internally screaming .😳 We took a photo and then i went back to my booth ! ON THE WAY I RAN INTO A MASAMUNE COSPLAYER . Hello my dragons my two favorite ikesen boys in a convention . I CRY I NEEDED A PHOTO SO BADLY . There was also a Dimitri cosplayer !! Hello all my husbands in a convention is this a dream 😭💕💕💕💕.
After that I was mostly at my booth !! Ah Hiroto did stop by my booth 😭💕💕💕💕I managed to give him my merch (no I didnt throw it like last year !🤣) Then I would run into fellow ikemen series fans at my booth😭💕💕💕 also Fire Emblem fans !! Yes to Blue Lions. It was funny because I commissioned my friend to draw Dimitri and whenever someone passes by our booth they would stop and pray at my friends Dimitri sketch 🤣🤣 ! Thank you to those who stopped by 😭💕💕it was really nice meeting you alll. I also provided the illustrations for one of the Flower stands for Hiroto!!! 💖 My friends worked really hard designing and arranging it !!!
Day 1 was fun!! So was day 2 !! Ill make a post about that next 😆
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