#im being such a good nice patient person i stg
heyitslapis · 5 months
Yall dont even know just how well-behaved i am DAILY at work! its like having two jobs at once! like im an undercover person who is put in a room with intolerable people very opposite of me in every way & is forced to play pretend & be niceys or else i dont get my prize at the end (clocking out & getting a paycheck)
#lets put a queer autist whos hyperfixation is su has no religion likes quiet & can only calm down with isolation & my music in a room with#another autist (unaware) whos fixation is yugioh/power rangers (uninteresting to me) who does voice impersonation stims & clings to you#who also thinks people like you (queer) are wrong & loves to talk to you about your ex-faith#& ALSO WITH ANOTHER autist (unaware) whos fixation/faith is stones & a youtube alien cult & also LOVES to talk abt how unhealthy food is#& shes a helicopter person who wont leave stuff alone even if she knows you want to be left alone & also looks down on minorities#once theyre all in that room together we'll shake it around to make them anxious & agitated & see what happens!!! doesnt that sound fun???#im being such a good nice patient person i stg#also the security guard & my coworker cant stand each other lately so GUESS WHO GETS TO HEAR ABOUT IT ALL THE TIME!?!? me their ''friend''#killingkillingkilling#im not saying people cant come from different walks of life or people with different believes cant get along but GOD DAMN#its literally my worst nightmare EVERY TIME i drive to work. i literally dread what kind of conversations theyll have with me for the night#this is what i mean when i say i hate being palatable#people who are against me in almost every way fundamentally consider me their close friend & it fucking sickens me that i let it happen#aint no way im quitting my job though because its a near-perfect fit for me management loves me & the money is good for the work i do#plus if i work here i can easily transfer to another location out of the country which is ultimately my goal#sorry. woke up from my sleep & chose violence ig#no more ranting tonight prommy#emma rants#emma rambles#work tag
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katecarteir · 6 years
when tomorrow comes (i’ll be on my own)
rating: mature
pairing: eddie kaspbrak/richie tozier
summary: Richie pushed himself up on his elbows and smirked. “You know, Eddie my love, we suddenly have great potential right here. Don’t you remember what it was like? Back in Derry… all the sneaking around, the thrill of getting caught all the time? What an adrenaline rush!”
“What a constant risk of anxiety attack you mean,” Eddie corrected, but he was grinning too. “But yeah, it was pretty exciting. What’s your point?”
“What if… and really hear me out here, Eds… we just let them think we were broken up?”
note: check AO3 for extended chapter ending!!
chapter count: 3/5
from king trashmouth<3: keep me updated on your date! bet he falls in love with you in 6 seconds! he’ll see how cute you are and he wont be able to help himself!
Eddie chuckled to himself and fought the urge to clutch his phone to get chest. He hadn’t realized how much he was going to miss his boyfriend. He really hadn’t given any thought to just how much time he and Richie spent together, until they were no longer able to spend every waking (and truthfully, most sleeping) moments together. The only reason they weren’t physically joined at the hip was because Eddie’s over bearing mother had refused pay for school if he was living with Richie.
to king trashmouth<3: he works with bill on the creativity news letter. im expecting him to be a huge fucking nerd
from king trashmouth<3: oh so totally your type! *kiss emoji*
to king trashmouth<3: my type is Richie Tozier, so unless my blind date is secretly you then he’s not my type at all
from king trashmouth<3: <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
from king trashmouth<3: EDDIE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH
Eddie inhaled sharply, squeezing his eyes shut. He clutched his phone tightly in his hands and took several deep breaths. That was another thing he had learned about himself and Richie since this whole thing began: Eddie really liked having sex. He knew, of course, that he enjoyed sex but he’d never felt like he and Richie’s sex life was all that important. He hadn’t thought that it mattered all that much, sex or no sex, but once it became increasing more difficult to find time and place for them to have sex, Eddie had been practically gagging for it. Something Richie had been more than happy to point out.
to king trashmouth<3: stan?
from king trashmouth<3: meeting pattys parents. gonna be gone
from king trashmouth<3: all
from king trashmouth <3: weekend
Eddie swallowed roughly, truly being tossed back into the days of living with their parents in secret. It was rush, Richie had been right. Remembering hushed nights and how they’d practically be popping out of their jeans at the mere mention of Richie’s parents leaving town for even just one night. It was sharp and intense, and it left Eddie’s heart hammered in his chest.
“Eddie?” A voice called over to him as a man approached the table. Eddie looked up, blinking. Bill had quiet possibly over-sold the attractiveness of this friend, but Eddie had expected as much. Everybody oversold their friends for a date, even if Eddie had never actually been set up on a date before. Jake From Creative News Letter sort of had an…  Richie look to him, if he were being honest. The kind of person that if he and Richie had actually broken up, Beverly and Stan would probably been concerned for his mental health if he started dating this Jake dude. He had curly hair- a lighter shade of brown than Richie’s, but similar in texture- and thick rimmed glasses. His clothes were tamer colours, but still loose button up shirts over T-shirts with ripped jeans. Ugly boots.
to king trashmouth<3: not richie is here! ill text u when were done! love you!
from king trashmouth<3: ill give you 15 bucks and a blow job if you call him not richie at one point on his date eddie i stg
Eddie smirked to himself, and greeted Jake From Creative News Letter. He took the seat across from Eddie in the café and started asking simple questions. What Eddie assumed were first date questions, but Eddie had never really had a first date. Sure, they’d had their first date- and hundreds and hundreds after that- but they weren’t like this. There was no awkward questions, or getting to know each other process, or wondering if they were going to spilt the bill. Eddie couldn’t believe that people had the patient and strength to do shit like this regularly. Eddie never wanted to do anything like this again, and he was more than thankful that it was unlikely that he would have to.
Jake From Creative News Letter was a nice guy. Funny, objectively good looking, played soccer. Obviously smart on some level, if he worked with the journalism department. Eddie knew from living with Bill during first year that it was a hard as fuck process to get accepted to write anywhere with the department, let alone the creative wing. All in all, Bill had made a good call in a blind date for Eddie. Although Eddie was pretty sure if he’d actually broken up with Richie and Bill had suggested going out with some dude less than a week later, Eddie probably would have punched him in the face.
“Hey, Eddie, are you okay?” Jake From Creative News suddenly broke through Eddie’s thoughts, reaching a hand out to rest on top of Eddie’s. The contact lasted only a short moment, but Eddie had to fight off the urge to crinkle his nose in disgust and yank away. “You’re just really quiet, I don’t know if that’s normal, but I… You don’t need to be nervous. I know you just got out of a serious relationship and this probably isn’t your idea of a good time right now.”
Eddie smiled gently, wrapping both hands around his almost cooled drink. “Sorry I’m totally wasting your time, right now.”
Jake From Creative News Letter chuckled, ducking down to look at the table. “No, it’s okay, I mean honestly… when Bill was trying to set this thing up, he wasn’t actually all that convincing. Kept talking about your ex, how much he likes him. If he wasn’t so obviously straight, I think he was trying to get you out of the picture so he could go after your ex.”
Eddie barked out a laugh, shaking his head. “Bill and Richie? No, no, that’s… that’s a hilarious thought. They’re… I swear to God, Richie never seems more like a straight dude than when he’s hanging out with Bill. They’re pretty much the definition of bros.”
An odd smile came over Jake’s face. “Feel free to tell me I’m way out of line, but… you don’t really talk about this Richie guy like he’s your ex.”
Eddie’s gut tensed and he bit down on his lip. Richie had mentioned off-handedly something along the same lines; that Beverly was worried about how normal Eddie was being. That he didn’t seem like somebody who was working through a devastating break up, but Eddie felt that in his defense; he didn’t know how to behave as though he were going through a devastating break up and he prayed that he never would. “I guess…” Eddie said slowly with a shrug, knowing damn well whatever he said would be getting back to Bill. “It just doesn’t feel like we’re broken up.”
“You’re in love with him.” Eddie just smiled bashfully, knowing there was no damn way he could bring himself to deny that. It wouldn’t be fair to anybody, but Eddie wouldn’t have been able to pull off the lie even if he tried.  “Why break up then?”
“I…” Eddie croaked. “It be like that… sometimes.”
Jake raised his brow, almost smirking. “Yeah, I guess it does. But Eddie… it’s all over your face, you know? You barely mentioned Richie, but I could tell. I’m sure anybody could tell, so just… Don’t let this Richie guy get away from you, if you can make it work.”
Eddie swallowed roughly, blinking away tears that surprised him. Tears that didn’t need to be welling up in his eyes right now, because he wasn’t loosing Richie. His phone had vibrated three times during this date that were no doubt his boyfriend demanding attention. He and Richie were solid, they’d be solid since before they were even officially together in any romantic sense. Richie Tozier was the most beautifully constant in his life, and Eddie would never let anything come between that. “I… Uhm…” He shook his head, throat still a little choked up. “I’m sorry, I need to go. I… I’m sorry.”
“No,” Jake shook his head, smiling. “Nothing to be sorry for. Go work it out.”
Eddie pushed back from the café table, thanking Jake once more and rushed for the front door. He yanked his phone out of his pocket, ready to call Richie before realizing that Stan may not have left yet, and opened his text messages with a pang to the chest.
to king trashmouth<3: date over and i miss u blease tell me stan is gone
from king trashmouth<3: he and patty are getting ready to leave rn
from king trashmouth<3: just stop by your room give bill a short run through of the date and well be good to go ;)
to king trashmouth<3: i love you
from king trashmouth<3: i love you eddie always <3
Eddie let himself into his dorm room, not surprised to find Bill sitting on the bed waiting for him to come in. “So, how did it go?”
Eddie sighed, tossing his phone onto his bed and kicking at the carpet. “It was fine, I guess. Jake’s nice, we… we talked about Richie.”
Bill, to Eddie’s great surprise, beamed even brighter. “Good. I was hoping you would!”
Eddie choked on his tongue. “You set me up on a blind date in hopes that I’d talk about Richie? Why?”
“Because you won’t talk about Ruh-Rich to any of us,” Bill said with a shrug, suddenly seeming disinterested. “Which is fine, I guess, since we’re all friends. I get if you don’t want to tells us what happened, or what’s going on, but you need to talk about it if you’re ever going to get over him.”
Eddie’s stomach tightened a little bit at the casual tone in his best friend’s voice. Get over him, as though Eddie was ever going to do that.  He was pretty sure that if he and Richie ever broke up, he’d just take a pledge of celibacy and maybe join a cult in the woods. As depressing as that thought was, Eddie didn’t really have any plans to be with somebody who wasn’t Richie for the rest of his life. He’s known that since he was thirteen years old.
“Yeah, well.” Eddie shook his head, glancing sideways as his phone light up with a text alert from Richie. His heart beat sped up, realizing that it meant Stan and Patty were likely gone and he was in the clear to sneak over- as soon as he could get away from Bill. “Casting me into a date with Walmart Brand Richie who you’d told how great Richie was to the point where he thinks you’re a little bit in love with him definitely got us talking about Richie Tozier.”
Bill just laughed. “If I were going to go down on any rocking twink in this school, it would be Richie for sure. No offense, Ed.”
Eddie rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. “Yeah, okay. Well, I’m going to go out and-“
“Wait!” Bill jumped up, making a mad grab for Eddie’s phone. Eddie dove for it first, making quick work of swiping away Richie’s text notification. “Since you’re coming to terms with Richie and you being over, you nuh-nuh-need to download Tinder.”
Eddie shot his brows up under his hair light and his mouth dropped open slightly. “I’m not fucking doing that!”
“Come on, Eddie,” Bill sighed. “You’ve literally only ever had sex with Richie, you gotta get ouh-ouh-out there! Get some kno-knotches in your bed-bedpost!”
Eddie was pretty sure his actual stomach churned in that moment. “You’re disgusting, that’s not fucking happening. I have to go.” Eddie grabbed his phone and attempted to make a mad dash to the door, trying to ignoring Bill’s shouts of “juh-just think about it!” as he dodged out the door. He ran most of the way to Richie’s dorm, realizing as he stood outside the door that he didn’t actually read Richie’s text and had absolutely no idea if Stan was in there or not. Realizing that in this moment, with Bill’s suggestion of going out and getting laid by somebody who wasn’t Richie ringing in his mind, Eddie didn’t care if Stan was there or not. He’d exposed them willingly right now, even knowing that Richie would never let him live it down if it happened.
He knocked once, hearing Richie call for him to come in, and quickly tumbled into the room. Richie looked up from his textbook and his face, slamming the book shut and jumping to his feet. Eddie’s heart flipping inside his chest as he watched Richie stumble a little bit in his exactment and he couldn’t hold back the little happy noise that rumbled out of his throat. He slammed the dorm door shut behind him and launched himself at his boyfriend, leaping into Richie’s waiting arms and clutching his legs tightly around Richie’s waist the moment his feet left the ground. Sure, maybe Richie stumbled immediately and ended up flat on his back on the bed but Eddie wouldn’t have expected anything else.
Eddie pulled away from Richie’s neck and could only stare down at this face for a moment before his breath hitched and leaned in to press a kiss to Richie’s nose. “Fuck, this is such bullshit. Bill is an asshole.”
Richie’s over excited grin dropped to a look of concern in a single second. One of the hands that were wrapped around Eddie’s waist came up to cup Eddie’s cheek. “What happened, babe? If that fucking news letter bitch did something to you, I swear to fuck-“
“No,” Eddie chuckled wetly. “No, Jake was fine, he… he was nice, you know? We mostly just talked about you.”
“Were you telling him what an amazing dick he’d have to live up to?” Richie asked cockily, but there was a look of insecurity in his eyes that made Eddie’s heart sink. “Because I’ve been working real hard on making sure your dick only reacts to mine, so this Jake dude can just-“
“Chill, Rich,” Eddie laughed, leaning back to rest his head on Richie’s chest. He could feel Richie’s heart beating, a little fast, a little frantically and it made Eddie’s blood rush. “I guess Bill really upsold how great you are because he wanted me to talk about you. Guess he’s worried about how I don’t seem to be accepting our break up, or some bullshit.”
Richie ran his nails up and down Eddie’s spine, in the way he knew so well made Eddie’s skin break out in goosebumps and his blood boil. “Stan’s all worried about me, too. You should have heard him trying to convince me to come stay with Patty’s parents this weekend, like he thinks I’m going to off myself the second he leaves campus or some shit. Fucking ridiculous.”
Eddie rubbed small circles into Richie’s chest, feeling his boyfriend’s breath catch. “Bill wants me to download Tinder. Thinks I need to have some one night stand to get over you.”
Richie went stiff underneath him, silence ringing through the spared space for too long. Eddie’s heart was beating so fast now, he truly feared it might pop right out of him. “Are you going to? Download Tinder, I mean… I know you aren’t going hook up with anybody, obviously.”
Eddie sat up slightly, resting both hands on Richie’s chest and dropping his chin down on top of them. “Bill told me to think about it, but honestly? The mere thought of it makes me feel disgusting. Like going on that date was bad enough, you know? I already know I’ll never be with anybody except you, so I don’t… I can’t say you’re the only person I’ve ever dated anymore.” Eddie’s voice hitched and Richie’s fingers pushed through his hair.
“Hey, hey, no.” Richie’s eyes were soft in a way they only ever were when Eddie knew he seemed breaking vulnerable. When Richie felt safe to be just as open and emotional. “One stupid blind date that I pretty much fucking told you to go now does not count, alright? We’ve only ever dated each other, and it’s always going to be that way, okay? Fuck anything else.”
“That’s easy for you to say,” Eddie said. “You’re not the one who went on the date.”
Richie hummed. “Would you feel better if I did go on one? If we both go on stupid dates that we both know don’t count, then maybe it won’t bother you so much that you did it.”
Eddie bit his lip. Would that make him feel better? Eddie’s original instincts said No, absolutely not. Richie going out on a date with some stranger would certainly only make Eddie feel worse about this whole thing, but then he came to a pause. One of his favourite things about his relationship with Richie was that since the beginning they’d experienced all the same things, and in truth- his issue with having gone on this date wasn’t so much that he’d gone on a date with somebody else… it was that Richie never had.
“Honestly? It might.” Eddie said a little wishfully, staring up at Richie with his biggest puppy eyes. “If you’d be comfortable with it, I think I’d be okay with it. One date, like I did.”
“I’d do anything for you, baby,” Richie assure him, pressing a singular soft kiss to Eddie’s lips.
Eddie smiled, nosing at the side of Richie’s face. “Kay, but I’m not downloading Tinder. Fuck that.”
Richie chuckled and reached down to squeezed Eddie’s hips. “Good. Because if some random dude sends you a dick of his dick, I really don’t think my ego could handle it.”
Eddie let out a small hum, leaning back so he and Richie were pressed together nose to nose. He let his eyes drop to Richie’s lips, knowing how it drove his boyfriend crazy when it did. “Okay, but can we have sex now or?” Eddie didn’t need to say another word before Richie was pushing up on his elbows to press their lips together.
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