#im better at very restricted palettes
Hi! In your recent post, (the drawing of Eddie) you mentioned that you were struggling with the coloring. As someone who is obsessed with coloring and color theory, I was wondering if you would like some tips? If not I completely understand!
But just so you know, your coloring is awesome and I ADORE the color palette <333 have a lovely day!
(p.s, I'm sorry if I'm overstepping boundaries, it's not my intention but if I am let me know <3)
its not that i dont Understand! on a technical level, i do. i've watched/read countless tutorials, helpful posts, tips tricks shortcuts - you name it! i can look at someone's art and pick out the process behind it. hell, i look at my own work and im able to go "oh, this is what's wrong with it"
but there's just... idk some sort of disconnect in my head. a mental color blindness of a sort. its like looking at a thing and knowing how it works, but once you go to put it together your mind goes blank.
i mean i wouldnt say No to some tips. you never know what you don't know. there could be something You know that i somehow havent seen yet that would help immensely. so sure!
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ladylyra · 4 months
Do you have any recommendations on how to get more expressive and lively color pallettes? Also, I absolutely LOVE your art! I just saw two of your posts of zacharie and I love them both so much!
thank you so much!!! :") i've been actually been trying to get better with my palettes so i'm happy that they stand out!! i really don't think i'm a good resource for advice (self taught & mostly go off vibes) but i'll try
definitely look into color theory. i don't know if it's actually designed for what art i do but this was a good resource for me. you said you liked the zacharie pics so i'll use it as an example!!
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i use different shades within each color but the general idea is that i'm using two complimentary pairings in one piece--red/green and then blue/orange. it makes the entire piece pop. purple/yellow is definitely one of my favorite palettes to do but i have a soft spot for red/green because it's always interesting trying to make really sure it doesn't start giving christmas vibes LMAO. it can get really fun playing around with different shades. color changes the tone of the piece so definitely consider what youre trying to convey when you pick the colors you want to use.
2. i think a level of restriction breeds innovation. you have to do more with what you have. for this piece i reused base colors as 'shading colors' a lot. the poliwag's base blue was also used as a shading color, for example. i think it ties the piece together if colors are repurposed in multiple spots. generally, i personally don't like having too many colors in one design or drawing. if i can reuse a color, i want to. for shading, for convenience, sometimes ill use multiply and overlay layers which increases the color count, but i've been trying to branch out from them more :). overlay can be very useful (as well as some of CSPs other modes) in coming up with very vibrant palettes that you can use as a jumping off point.
3. kinda going off my above point, but this is more about character palettes than palettes for a drawing. if you look at a lot of my oc designs i have a low amount of colors ill use in one character, as well. i do a lot of gijinkas which in a way can pick palettes 'for me' but im also talking about my oc designs outside of that (1) (2) (3) (4) if i have too many colors i almost feel like i start to lose focus. i use complimentary colors a lot. this is honestly a little of a personal preference in how i approach designs (i also don't like designs with too many tiny details so...lol) so i don't know how 'legitimate' it is as advice? but i thought i'd offer it
3. i was so afraid of using bright colors when i was younger because i didn't want things to clash, so a huge part of this is just getting more confidence in the process. i mess around with colors during my sketching process, and treat palette picking as a part of sketching. the zacharie drawing went through like 2 different constantly tweaked palettes. you have to be willing to just throw whatever down at the risk of it looking bad, erase it, and do it again. don't get too attached to anything. don't aim for perfectionism on the first go. i also have this same mentality for just sketching in general. playing it safe can destroy the expressiveness of the piece and the integrity of your vision. you wanna try out some obnoxious neon blue? ok, put it down and build around it. art is meant to express something!! be more confident in what you want to make. if it looks 'bad' nobody has to see it. just keep messing around until you like it, or throw it out completely and go again.
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reynauldapologist · 3 years
What darkest dungeon mods do you like? I'm think abt doing another run. Confide in me your secrets.
i use a lot of different ones for different runs, and they all impact the game in radically different ways, so i’ll break them down into categories to make things easier:
aesthetic/non-impactful mods:
[these are either skin mods or only change a very small aspect of the game]
Remove Narrator from Endless Loading Screen 
this does exactly what it says. you no longer have to listen to Grampy Darkest give his dissertation on why he’s the Most Evil and Fucked Up Guy around every time you wanna hop back into the farmstead. 
Perfect Faster Dungeon 
CANNOT RECOMMEND THIS ONE ENOUGH!!! i have no clue how i ever played this game without it. it increases walking speed, combat pacing, scouting, and end screen results without choppiness or awkward animations. this is perfect if you’re a weirdo like me and you’re trying to grind for all of the achievements or if you’re a longtime player or if you simply have a need for speed
Unofficial Palette Expansion Pack
hands down my favorite skin mod ever! it gives each base game class five new palettes to choose from. the recolors are subtle, but very well-done and visually unique, and they blend right in with the rest of the game. if you value immersion from your mods like i do, you’ll really like this one. there are also palette expansion packs by the same creator for the flagellant, shieldbreaker, and musketeer
Jester On-The-Run
i installed this one shortly after starting my all-jester run. i adore the design and how well it blends into the game’s art style. i almost like this one better than his canon skin, it fits his backstory much better
annnnd since i was neck-deep in crusaders and ONLY crusaders for a little while, i ended up installing quite a few crusader skins, which i’ll now dump here:
Warden Crusader Skin / Deus Vult Skin Set / Crusader Soul of Cinders Skins / Accurate Templar Crusader Palette / Crusader Knight Skin
class mods
[note: i haven’t had the chance to mess around with these in an actual run yet, i added these to my longest save after i had already beaten the final boss]
The Veiled
i haven’t had the chance to utilize the veiled much in my expeditions, but a lot of love and effort went into this mod and it really shows. he uses similar mechanics as the flagellant - the closer to death he is, the more powerful he becomes - but cranked up to nine. he has great healing and offensive abilities, as well as a decent debuff skillset. this mod has fantastic art, of course, and would probably fit right in with a good mark team
The Commandant
it might take you a little while to learn how to properly use this guy, but once you do it’s well worth the effort. he’s a great debuff/stress healing support class if utilized correctly, but he can dish out some heavy damage of his own if you have a little patience. cool aesthetics and a unique concept elevate this class quite a bit for me
The Stargazer
this dude is the definition of a glass canon. super low HP, but high dodge and the potential to deal out some serious damage. he has two states, each with four abilities (kinda like abom!), that he has a 40% chance of switching between, making him a decently versatile class, if a little unpredictable. he was made with the intention of being a color of madness specific class, in the same way that the flagellant was made for the crimson court. i was first drawn to his aesthetics tbh, i adore all the work that went into designing this mod, from the design to the unique animations and sounds
script/gameplay mods
[these mods fundamentally change the gameplay]
Bigger Balanced Roster - Max 99
does what you would expect: increases your roster to 99. i use this for my completed save, so that i can test out different comps and class mods to my heart’s content. i wouldn’t recommend this for a serious run, because it totally destroys a core aspect of the game’s difficulty lmao. i haven’t encountered any bugs with this one and i still receive 1-4 lvl heroes in my stagecoach regularly
Crusader Only
here it is. the mod that took over my life for six months. does what it says: ensures that only crusaders show up in your stagecoach and eliminates all non-crusader class-specific trinkets. i didn’t encounter any bugs with this mod at all. this creator has also made [class]-only mods for all of the other heroes, including a bunch of different combos (like crusader-arbalest only, shieldbreaker-flagellant only, etc). check out their work if you’re interested in Testing Your Patience Abilities
Eternal Fanatic
typically, once you’ve killed the countess, the fanatic will cease spawning. this is great if you're a normal person with a healthy relationship to video games, not so great if you’re a completionist and a cautious scaredy-cat and have successfully avoided him during your entire Crimson Court run. activating this mod on a save means that the fanatic will begin spawning again, albeit with a slightly lower chance. once you’re sick of him, you can deactivate the mod and play normally once again. 
Last Man Standing
aka Reynauld Goes Beast Mode. this mod restricts you to one hero - Reynauld - and forces you to use him and only him for the entirety of your run. all eight of his skills are active at once and buffed to the gills, he has seven total armor/weapon upgrades, and he can carry three trinkets at once. but that doesn’t mean this will be an easy endeavor. as you might have guessed, you can’t toss rey in the sanitarium to deal with pesky quirks or diseases or stress-heal him in the hamlet. you just have to tough it out. i would highly recommend you use this in conjunction with the Perfect Faster Dungeon mod above. unfortunately, this mod is rather buggy in its current state. ive had problems with reliable quest spawning and many of his skills don’t function the way their description says they should (such as his added riposte). im including it anyways because it’s a really cool concept and has a lot of potential! i’ll be keeping an eye on it
and that’s everything i regularly use! i hope this was helpful & good luck on your runs :)
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facialintelligence · 5 years
will add pix later
Silas Yancy Bauer (Buzzword)
don’t how better to word this but he actually looks dumber than this
pocket protector with at least 2 pens at any given time
owns a billion shitty plastic action figures from the 80′s and 90′s and doesn’t exist as a person past 2002
makes unsettling pixel art and notable in social circles exclusively from prevalent comments on obscure forums
only wears white t-shirts with random shit printed on them
Zhushan Hai
epitome of stoic asian
very calm and relatively disapproving but doesnt seem to be restrictive at all
sometimes has facial hair but i didnt know how to draw it properly
just like warner is the dude with a clipboard next to me, zhuhai is the dude with the clipboard next to tevya
literally no personality otherwise which is pretty funny. he’s kind of just there to keep tevya in line and i dont know why the cpu deems that necessary but he’s still there so what do i know
representational/mythical figure than a realistic one
red lipstick, completely red dress, flowing fabrics, nature themes, skull motifs, rams especially
florence welch’s asiansona
usually smiling, usually has her eyes closed or depicted with a blindfold, but eyes are either green or white when open. obviously seems to symbolize some sort of blindness. often has rough white paint covering the top half of her face
always smiling in a way that could be described as ‘benevolent’ from afar and ‘ambiguous’ up close
hair is actually straighter than this but im a bad artist
she and victoria really do have pretty much the exact same face as dianthys thats not just me being a bad artist
Claude Arcatheon
this actually looks a lot like him lol
moles all over face and body, like 6 feet tall, pretty tan, dark blonde bleached hair, beige and warm dark earth tones color palette
gold hoop earrings, glasses shaped like mine (in dark tortoiseshell), and my haircut. despite this he doesn’t really look like me at all inworld
also has angelic representational form with boob-length hair and no glasses but im not drawing that and i think its stupid
Julian Steele
comes from the same vein as thomas which i must assume is why he looks so similar. putting that out in the open right away. didn’t realize it until i started drawing him and it made my night just that much worse
completely emotionless, not as an expression of his personal attitude, he’s just not meant to feel anything
representationally handsome. he’s good looking but only because he’s supposed to be
makes me in-navigably angry so i wont get into his actual description
Jesse Winthrop (Sick Kid)
traditional brit punk, tattoos on body and face, self-satisfied and proud, relatively handsome, prone to violence, affinity for knives, etc. 
would be a fun edgy aesthetic but it’s used to be threatening (to me in particular) inworld and it definitely is (as he is a violent and unpredictable white man in a brain that already threatens self harm when tested) so i dont find it super enjoyable
has LOVER BOY tattooed over one eyebrow, GOD’S FAVORITE on his neck, and SICK KIDD on his knuckles. not terribly notable but i wouldve drawn them if id bothered to draw a picture of him after 3 years
poor physical health as a result of... ‘indulgent’ lifestyle choices ig. chapped lips. cracked skin. smells like he’s dying and he is but he sure doesn’t let it get to him
representation of II (like taxis and thisbe) but is capable of non-feral interaction
that sounded like a sarcastic sentence but it wasnt
Victoria Lane
looks like dianthys but with a black sort of long pixie cut (based off older iterations of my/aries’ haircut specifically)
pretty much silent but i dont know if thats because she’s just like that the way dianthys is or because she has nothing to say to me
wears bondage gear probably idk shockingly i dont pay that much attention to her
angry and we all like to pretend we dont know why
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(First off, apologies if this is like 3 million years late, bc good ol tumble likes eating my messages :’D)
I use Painttool Sai for nearly everything, and Gimp just for scaling and rotating (bc Sai doesn’t have an option to scale things without interpolation, so it makes everything blurry) and exporting all the individual frames to a gif when i’m done! Sai is TOTALLY not designed for pixel art honestly, but I stick with it just cuz I’m already familiar with it and I’m too lazy to learn how to use/download a better pixel art program 😅
As for tips, hmmm - I’m not an expert by any means but this is what I find useful! (esp working with Sai)
A bajillion layers - I usually have one background layer, then a folder for each moving element. E.g. a folder for blinking stars, with 3 different frames that I’ll repeat over and over. A folder for Taako, with 6 different frames of his hair fwhooping in the wind. The number of repeating frames for each element needs to divide evenly into the total number of frames for it to loop evenly (i.e. I could have 12 or 18 or 24 total, bc both the stars and Taako would loop evenly). I usually end up with like 24-36 frames and 100ish layers ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ whoops im a mess !
The patience of a goddamn saint - I do pixel animation in the worst way possible, i.e. by drawing a few key layers for each element, copy-and-pasting them to form in between layers and editing/moving them as need be, then exporting each frame as a PNG. It is painstaking and awful, and every loved one of mine who has watched me doing it has expressed concern for my wellbeing, but it’s kind of meditative in a weird way lmao! (And also the reason why I haven’t produced any pixel art recently, bc with college in session i no longer have hours upon hours to while away movin pixels.)
Figuring out your colors first - ok, some actual advice that will hopefully be useful even if you’re not a masochistic Sai goblin like me. I always start off with an idea of what environment/what idea i want the colors to convey, then paint a super rough sketch of the whole thing just to figure out the composition. Then tweak the colors till I’m happy with it, save my color palette in a different file, and neaten up that messy sketch until it eventually becomes my BG layer. 
Don’t use the airbrush tool! - I’m always tempted to use the airbrush tool to add some extra shading, but since gifs only allow a palette of so many colors (as I understand it), any gradient/airbrush shading will be automatically DITHERED you export it to a gif. This gives it a kind of crunchy look I really don’t like, personally:
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That’s why, in my later gifs, I tried to do more cell shading - i.e. where you pick a restricted palette to start with, and don’t blend any of the colors together.
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(Here’s a clearer example of the difference between dithering and cell shading:)
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If you do want some smoother shading though, you can do the dithering manually - which seems nearly always to work out nicer than just letting the art program do it automatically when you export to a gif. That way you can pick your own palette of colors and choose what dithering pattern you want to use, depending on the texture of the surface.
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Most good pixel art seems to use a combination of cell shading and dithering, like the gif below.
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OK UHH to conclude this super-long post:
Sources for images above: X X X (Couldn’t find the source of the last one to save my life, bloody Pinterest >://)
Mini Pixel Art Tutorials (very useful and cute)
Lots of art I was inspired by composition- or pixel-wise: X X X X X
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escapemotions · 7 years
Top reference image websites for your paintings
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Do you use reference images when painting? If you do, you would agree with us that it is sometimes a great inspiration  and makes not only a budding artist’s life much easier to have the right object proportions in front of the eyes.
Because there are times when you need to study some known or unknown object, get in details, to find an inspiration, new art style, color palette or interesting composition. But finding a really good reference can be a problem. You need images. And you need the best images so that your art can be outstanding. But where to find them? Or better, where to download them for free? Don’t worry, we did the some research for you! Below are the top reference image websites with great resources for your next art project. Most of them are free from copyright restrictions or licensed under Creative Commons 0 (CC0), which practically means you can use these photos for any personal or commercial use. Some of them, on the contrary, ask you for attribution when you use the photograph. We recommend taking a look on the license before you download and use the reference photo for your own use. 
Morgue Files
MorgueFiles is one of the oldest and largest free image resources on the internet with over 350,000 free images in their archive for your inspiration, reference and use in your creative work, be it commercial or not. MorgueFiles doesn’t use the standard CC0 license but have their own agreement which works very similarly. It is quite standard - you can use their photos for any purpose, including commercial as long as you change them.
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Pexels collects the most beautiful pictures under one roof. It practically searches all reference images from various resources (like Unsplash, Gratisography, etc.) so all you need to do is enter a keyword or search through the displayed categories to find that perfect piece for your art. Pexels provides high quality and completely free stock photos licensed under the Creative Commons 0 license. All photos are nicely tagged and easily searchable through their discover pages. It can save you quite a lot of time which you can spend on your creativity. If you are a photographer, consider supporting Pexels by adding your own photos to be available for others. You can also show your appreciation by donating few bucks to their Paypal account.
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Paint My Photo
Paint My Photo (PMP) is a social networking site dedicated to sharing photos for artistic inspiration without fear of infringing copyright. In order to search and download photos you must create an account first.
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CopyrightFreePhotos.com has recently relaunched with a new design and there are now 12 free photo galleries to choose from. Whether you want photos for personal or commercial use, have a look at the galleries to see if there's something you want to use.
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This website encourages you to use their photos as references for paintings. Photos on this site are completely free - no subscriptions, memberships or hidden fees. Just go to the free galleries, click on the images to download and you can start painting in seconds. Take a look inside the free galleries and you will find photos of landscapes, seascapes, boats, tractors, bridges, canals and all manner of similar subjects, taken from a variety of angles, all of which will enhance the design of your picture.
IM Free 
IM FREE is a great source to find photos or templates for almost anything you need. All of the photos are divided into categories for easy searching and are free for commercial use. Since the photos are curated from various sources, some photos may require attribution so be sure to read terms for each photograph you plan to use.
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What about you? Do you use reference images during your creative process, or do you prefer to paint more intuitively? If you use references, what are your favourite image libraries? Share with us what works for you!
Happy painting!
Your Escape Motions Team
Photo credit: Josefa nDiaz | Unsplash.com
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ddrkirbyisq · 4 years
It's been about a week, huh?  I'm not sure if the fact that I've been skimping on blog posts is indicative of anything, like maybe I'm happier?  Regardless, let's get into it. Life is in fact going a little bit better.  Things have gotten easier, though of course there are always little hiccups here and there.  On the plus side, I seem to be at a place where for once I don't actually have a ton of different things that I'm trying to work towards, which has been providing me with a rare (and I mean RARE) period of respite -- rare in large part because any other time I'm faced with something like this I immediately start worrying about what I should be doing.  Productivity is like a drug to me, really... Ludum Dare starts in just 5 days!  I've made the initial "we're in" post at https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/46/$184184/team-cocoa-moss-is-in-for-ld46.  I've been thinking about what kind of games might be nice for Cocoa Moss to try to build next and while thinking about it I felt that it might possibly be a good idea to play something a little different (read: not a game from the 90s), so there's a chance I might try to play through Firewatch or something this week (??).  On the other hand, I've also been thinking about visual design a bunch, and though I usually don't take on much visual design at all in our Cocoa Moss games, it's still something that appeals to and interests me.  I know Minish Cap has some lovely palettes and designs (I guess Mother 3 as well), so those are also some options for me in the future, if only as required reading. Old games really feel like old books to me, sometimes you just get the urge to replay some games from way back when.  Speaking of which, even though I don't have my physical copies of the rest of the Animorphs series on hand, I've nabbed the PDF/e-reader versions, so I'll be able to start going through those again. Anyways, back on the subject of old games -- keeping in line with the usual trend of me playing games from ~30 years ago, I've started a playthrough of the Quintet trilogy -- starting first with Soul Blazer, and then hopefully going through Illusion of Gaia and then the ever-lauded Terranigma.  I've seen a little bit of Soul Blazer and have played through Illusion of Gaia a couple of times, but never actually played Soul Blazer myself.  I'm pretty far through it already (just started the castle area).  It's not a game without faults I wouldn't say, but there's also a lot of charm in it, and something about the way that the level layouts are designed as well as the unique dungeon/town progression system really interests me as a designer.  Games are fascinating things, really.  Thinking about all of them really gets me excited for Ludum Dare -- and saying that I'm sure we'll probably fall flat on our faces when trying to design anything good, haha...that's just how it goes sometimes... Made a pretty nicely successful shui zhu dish!  No fish, just lamb and pork slices, but it came out with a very pleasant fragrance and blend of spiciness and slight numbing flavor.  Definitely on the mild side, but hit all of the right notes and was pretty satisfying.  Tonight I'll be trying my hand at pork belly cooked in the mei cai kou rou style, which should be pretty exciting. OHC600 happened, which was pretty epic.  I ended up doing a remix of a my ubiquitous Ecstasy of Life theme, which was really fun to do and turned out great.  Several other really great tunes came out of OHC600 as well, and the listening party (hosted by Starla on twitch!) was really fun to go through.  What a great event and community.  Here's to another 100 OHCs, and another 100 after that... Went outside and did a bunch of freehand glowsticking last night, which is probably the most exercise I've gotten since quarantine started.  I've gone out and spun poi a bunch before but this is the first time in quite a while that I've done a sticking session by myself outdoors, no filming, no audience, just dancing freely and trying out new things without any restrictions.  It felt great, this is something I could definitely use more of.  There's always this weird dichotomy when it comes to dancing where on the one hand you really need time to focus on technique, form, and cleaning up all of your motions (something I'm terrible at) but on the other hand you also need time to dance freely in a way that engages your spontaneity and practices your "flow", for lack of a better term.  There's no doubt that the former is important, but I often find that, at least for my style of dancing, the latter ends up being the thing that really ends up driving improvement, interestingly enough.  But perhaps they are just two sides of a coin, really... I reconnected with a friend after some 10 years of not really talking with them, so...yeah.  These are rare moments in life, but I know better than anyone that if you try hard enough, sometimes your efforts do bear fruit.  Sometimes it is a matter of simply trying harder, other times it is simply a matter of finding the right tree to look at.  Either way, we keep trying, and trying, and trying...
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taoschesthair-blog · 8 years
Profit Builder 2.0 bonus News
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When I initially began checking out on the internet money making I wished to know how to generate income quick as well as ways to earn money very easy. There is a great deal of junk online nevertheless, as well as my initial piece of suggestions is to do your study on the item or firm you wish to collaborate with to eliminate the scams. If someone is offering a "get abundant fast" system, I would be wary of their offer. In order to generate income fast as well as generate income very easy you have to recognize ways to earn money with Google advertising as well as ways to use internet 2.0 residential properties and just how to leadpages. Making sure your text subscribers are only seeing the info they desire, segment them! When they opt-in, provide a poll inquiring exactly what they're interested in them. Just send video gaming offers to individuals who have an interest in video gaming, as well as just send music associated web content to consumers who have actually revealed interest in music. If you segment your subscribers, your messages are more probable to maintain them engaged. This is because lots of IM-ers concentrate more on traffic resources than they do on their landing page layout. While it is very important to find targeted website traffic, if you can not get that traffic to purchase from you after that exactly what's the point of getting it in the initial location? Creating an efficient landing page is exceptionally essential for the success of your online business. In this article we shall be considering a couple of landing page builder suggestions that give outcomes. You'll have the ability to connect your own numerous other straight advertising products right to your new site, or you could have your new SEO provider produce a landing page as an alternative. This has an in-depth testimonial of your business. Develop web content that is fascinating for each and every landing page. Position your own website web link in each web page. Learn just what you could from other online marketers about their experiences with programs and make a decision which tools will assist your campaign leverage itself for optimal results.
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