#im definitely coming back to this fandom as soon as schools over im losing my shit
ozdicaff · 1 year
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With a little help from your friends (the help is praise kink and the friend is your boyfriend)
Who would have thought that fucking your boyfriend senseless cures dysphoria.
Alternatively: being a dom is actually something that can be so gender,
Fandom: It Lives (Visual Novels)
Pairing: Andy Kang/Tom Sato
Additional tags: let's see, mild mentions of transphobic and racist comments, Comfort Sex, the filthiest comfort sex uve ever seen but WHATEVER, dom andy kang, sub tom sato, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Dom/sub Play, Collars, Praise Kink, basically someone says transphobic shit and then tom rides him and talks about how wonderful andy is, except tom has also been in denial for a few days and he's super horny, and andy gets in domspace and everything is great and nothing hurts, Fluff and Smut, Humor, cuz u know these two are incapable of taking anything too seriously, Established Relationship, oh they're both in college and they go to the same college cuz i said so, set after the events of it lives beneath, that's it I think, trans author if that matters to you
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Andy isn't having a great day. It's not a terrible, clawing-at-his-chest-trying-to-deal-with-dysphoria kind of day, but he's been trying out this "not comparing everything to the worst possible scenario" thing his therapist has been talking about, so still, not a great day.
The thing is, he thought college would be easier. And it is, in a lot of ways. For starters, there is no evil monster spectre trying to kill him, which gives college at least 5 points over high school. And his uni has a pretty solid queer club, so he knows other trans people there. Some of them are even non-white. Some of them he even actually, truly likes. And most of the time, he feels like he has a place to turn to, and people to support him. He's not alone. He has people who get him. And that makes all the difference.
But basketball is still a nightmare, and his knee still hurts when it's cold, and winter is officially starting now.
People still hesitate to pass the ball to him, and it's frustrating, because Andy fought so hard to earn his old team's trust and now he's back at square zero. And well, Andy has been gaining this team's trust, because he's good, goddamn it, and his team owes at least the last three victories to him. He's not hesitant to say that, especially because otherwise no one will. And he can see that they look at him differently now - nod at him in the hallways, at least, talk to him in the locker room, pass him the fucking ball if his position is very, very open.
But if he weren't trans and Asian, he wouldn't have had to work so hard to get all of that - or well, just that, really. He has a full sports scholarship despite the fact that he had a broken leg, had to retake his last year of high school, and doesn't even have the body type for basketball. If he weren't Asian, if he weren't trans, his team would have assumed his greatness from day one. Instead, he has to show it to them time and time again only to get them to reluctantly admit maybe he's not bad. No one calls him "triple threat" anymore, but he still has to work three times harder than anyone else, and it's frustrating.
And usually Andy can deal with it, but right now his knee hurts, and he can't afford that because he'll lose everything he's worked for if his teammates know that his fucking knee hurts. So, he braved training and then he got the fuck out of there without even changing so no one would see him wince. Which means he's still in basketball shorts, which are short, in the cold, which means his leg hurts more.
At times like these, he's thankful he never got the chance to go through with his promise to break his other leg kicking Noah's ass. Because he would have, and then both his legs would be hurting right now, and two legs that hurt every time it's cold is just too many legs.
No comparing to the worst possible scenario, he tells himself. Therapy is so hard. If he had known there would be homework, he would have thought twice about going.
And that's, apparently, the cue for his phone to go off. Andy smiles, knowing who it is even before he opens the message, because only one person messages him during class, and it's the only person he wants to hear from right now.
Tom <3 sent you a message
Grinning like a fool, he opens it.
Tom <3: dude, im horny af rn. the fuck
Finally, good news, Andy thinks, smiling. Then he remembers why Tom is so horny, and suddenly this day is great, actually.
He quickly types a reply.
You: who wouldve thought that 3 days of denial would make this happen
Tom <3: ill have u kno i was very good at holding it together before today
You: yeah, dw. soon u wont have to hold it anymore ;)
Tom <3: that flirt was terrible, dude
You: said the guy whos calling me dude for the second time in this conversation
Tom <3: what else should i call u? 😩
Andy thinks for a second. Tom and him do longer-term denial every once in a while, but they aren't in a 24/7 relationship. Does Andy really want to go there right now? Yes. Well, that was fast. Okay then.
You: how about "sir"
Tom's reply comes fast as lightning.
Tom <3: Yes, Sir.
Andy smirks at himself.
You: uve been hoping that id say that, havent u?
Tom types for just a little longer this time.
Tom <3: Yes, Sir.
Many things are wrong with the world, and Andy doesn't mean to make light of the other things, but the fact that Andy can't simply go and fuck his boyfriend whenever he wants is definitely one of them. It should be, like, financial compensation or something. We're so sorry the school environment is transphobic, here, have a free sex pass. Sounds fair to him. But instead, he still has two hours of classes to go through, and Andy is a better guy than he wishes he was, so he tells Tom to pay attention to class instead of sexting him, because he doesn't want Tom to struggle even more with his course when he had already had to leave it once. God damn true love or whatever.
The point is, by the time classes are finally over, his day is back to not being that great; he's tired, and his leg hurts. He gets to their car after Tom does, and Tom takes one look at him, and says, "I'm driving".
Andy crosses his arms. "Why?"
"Because your leg hurts," Tom answers, rolling his eyes and taking Andy's bag from him and putting it in the trunk.
Andy looks down at his legs. He wasn't limping. There aren't any bruises. How the hell-
"It's cold and you're in shorts. I'm not an idiot, dude."
Right. Yeah. Right. Of course. Tom knows. It's… It's alright.
"Bad day at training?" Tom asks, slowly, sympathetically, and Andy feels himself settle in his skin a little bit.
"The usual," he answers, getting inside, and, as always, Tom gets the hint.
Their uni's dorms are gender-segregated because these guys have still not gotten the memo that people of the same gender fuck; and Andy wasn't willing to deal with cis college guys' bullshit, much less cis college girls' bullshit; and the uni wouldn't let him simply pick Tom as his roommate. So, they rented out a beat up apartment right next to it instead. It took a little longer to get there, but it wasn't a lot longer, and well, it was worth it.
Tom gets inside, still carrying Andy's bag because he's transphobic and unfair and had taken it and bolted up running so Andy wouldn't have a chance to argue with him. And Andy can't run after him with his leg hurting, which kind of proves Tom's point that he should carry Andy's bag. All in all, Tom is the worst, and he turns up the heat as soon as he gets inside and sits Andy down on the bed, kneeling in front of him to take a look at Andy's knee.
He's silent for a while, massaging his knee until Andy sighs and throws his head back, before Tom plants a little kiss on his knee and looks up at him. Andy's knee always stops hurting when Tom kisses it better. It's a little embarrassing, if Andy is being honest, but still- nice. Really nice.
They stay for a little longer like this, Tom humming and massaging his knee and Andy not meeting his eyes, until the question inevitably comes.
"What happened?" Tom asks, not letting up with the smooth movements of his hands, his eyes big and sincere with worry.
"Nothing. Just the cold. You know how my knee gets."
"I meant, for you to leave practice without putting some warmer clothes on."
Andy looks away. "It was nothing."
"Dude, are you expecting me to go, 'okay, yeah, that totally makes sense and I believe you', or…?"
Andy laughs, despite himself, and throws his good leg up in an almost-kick to pretend he's retaliating. "Don't be an ass."
"I'm not. Come on, Andy. You know you can tell me."
"It's nothing, it's just- Kyle-"
"Oh boy."
Andy laughs. "Yeah." But then he grows serious, "the thing is, he doesn't mean any harm, you know? I know he's not saying it to hurt me, and so that just means that, like... that it's true."
Tom's hands stop their movements, rubbing soothing circles around his knee instead. "What did he say?"
Andy doesn't look at him. "He asked me why I didn't stay on the women's team. Said that I could have an advantage, cuz Asian people are androgynous anyway, so no one would notice that I was taking hormones."
Tom just stares at him in shock for a moment.
"And I was like, 'dude, I've been on T for three years, I'm pretty sure they would notice the changes'. And he was like, 'yeah, but you still look like a lot of Asian girls with short hair, you could write it off if you wanted', and I just…" He trails off.
Tom waits in silence for a second, seeing if Andy finds his words, before asking, "Is Kyle, like, okay?"
Andy scoffs. "I didn't try and fight him, if that's what you're asking."
"No, I mean, does this dude have a screw loose or something?"
"He's very bad at figuring out what is or isn't offensive, yeah, but it's not like he really cares, he just won't go out of his way to antagonize me."
"No, I just- Andy, even when you were a little kid with huge pigtails, anyone would have to be crazy to see you as a girl."
Andy bites the inside of his lip. "You're just saying that."
"I'm not. It's just wrong, man. It was so obvious that it was wrong. Anyone could tell. There's nothing about you that says 'girl' to anyone who's looking."
Andy sighs, finally risking looking at Tom's eyes. There's overwhelming sincerity there, and Andy instinctively looks away. "I guess. Maybe. I don't know. It just got me thinking... Maybe T didn't change anything. Maybe I look exactly the same, maybe it was just hopeful thinking that had me thinking it would change anything, maybe it's just- pointless to even try-"
"No, no, come on," Tom says, and the interruption is so sudden it makes Andy look at him again, just in time to see Tom shaking his head vigorously. "There's no way you believe that. What about this bad boy over here?" He smiles, reaching out softly to caress Andy's neck. "You have more of an Adam's Apple than me, dude. And we both know you don't need T to be a guy, but thinking it made no difference is just crazy and you know it. What about those dry pecs? These broad shoulders of yours? Your voice, I mean, come on. You even smell different, man. How can it be pointless, if even your scent is different?"
Andy looks to the side again, but he can feel himself smile. "Well, when you put it like that..."
Tom gets up, but stays close, putting his hand on Andy's cheek, slowly, as if testing the waters, before turning him slightly to look at him. "Andy. Kyle is an idiot and a transphobic racist who's too damn lazy to realize how fucked up he is. And you shouldn't have to deal with that, and I'm sorry, and I will set him on fire."
Andy laughs. "You can't keep threatening to set every shitty teammate I have on fire."
"I can, because it keeps making you laugh," Tom says, smiling. Well. Andy can't argue with that. "My point is, you wouldn't listen to a word this dude says if it were about anyone else, so don't listen to him when he talks about you, okay? T or no T, you're no girl, and you don't look like a girl, and regardless of whether or not Kyle's dumb ass noticed it, your transition has been doing you good. Remember when your voice started to crack and get all weird? I've never seen anyone be that happy about it."
Andy laughs. "It was pretty awful."
"No, it was great, 'cause you loved it. Do you want me to pull out the 'before' pictures we took in case this happened? Look at yourself, dude. You fit so much better in your own skin, you know? And like, you've always been gorgeous, but-"
"Come here," Andy interrupts, pulling him down because Tom is standing and Andy is sitting and Andy is already height-challenged. And Tom goes willingly, carefully straddling Andy's lap and meeting him in a kiss. Finally, Andy thinks.
Tom kisses him softly, slowly, one hand resting on the back of Andy's head and the other draped lazily over his shoulder, as he usually does, all gentle and a little hesitant, and Andy is having none of that. So he grabs Tom's hair and deepens the kiss, bringing him closer until their chests are flushed together and he can feel Tom's hips mindlessly making little circles against Andy's belly.
They separate - or well, stop kissing, really, because Tom is still as close to Andy as physically possible, and Andy feels about ready to shoot anyone who tries to push him further away. Tom's a little breathless, and his hips are still making these almost imperceptible movements against Andy, and Andy realizes that he's still grabbing Tom's hair and that he's a little breathless, too.
Tom looks down at him for a second, as if debating something with himself, before saying, "and like, not to be horny during a serious moment, but since we're talking about the effects of T... Andy. Andy. Your clit. Fuck. It's so huge now, and it's got a visible head and you can fuck my face and everything, and I could sing it praises for a week and probably will if you don't stop me right now."
"Hmm, but I like it when you sing me praises," he smiles. "Keep going."
"God, I was hoping you'd say that. Do you have any idea how much I've been thinking about it today? I didn't hear a single word anyone said to me, all I could think about was you fucking my face, pulling my hair, making me worship you and beg to be allowed to suck you off, I wanna serve you like you're my God." Tom's hips start to jerk up, more visibly this time, shameless, and see, this is why Andy's been really, really liking this whole denial thing - Tom has only started to explore his subby side recently, a little ashamed of it to admit it to anyone, even himself. But when he's horny enough, he gets shameless and desperate about what he wants, and god, nothing is more beautiful than Tom when he asks for what he wants. He feels something growing inside of him, not sure if it's warmth or heat, but seeing Tom like that, wanting him, needing him, definitely makes him feel so much better.
"Yeah?" Andy asks, tracing a finger over Tom's shoulder, close to his neck, just to give him goosebumps.
"Fuck yes, I want it so bad, and you deserve it too, Andy… Sir. You're the best Sir I could ask for, I just want… Want you to use me, want you to cum on me, want to kiss you all over and worship you and pleasure you, you're so gorgeous..." He hides his face in Andy's shoulder for a bit, but his hips don't stop moving. He whines, "Andy..."
"Address me properly," Andy snaps, feeling the edges of worry clear from his mind and giving way to that wonderful feeling of clear-mindedness, of power, where nothing matters but his own pleasure. "And maybe I'll give you what you want, if you earn it."
Tom nods, hips full on thrusting now, and Andy snaps again. "Stay still."
And he does, immediately, without question, biting his lip and keeping his eyes shut with effort. Andy can feel his thighs clenching and spasming over his, trying to keep himself from moving, trying to be good. He hums in appreciation, but doesn't praise him for it, not yet.
"I'll get you ready," Andy explains, before reaching to Tom's hair, and starts to undo his bun, as slow as possible, just to watch him squirm. He gets so impatient when Andy undresses him, which is why Andy never misses a chance to drag it out.
He begins by removing Tom's jacket, sliding his hands slowly over his shoulders, then down his back, feeling the firm muscle there, digging his nails just a little bit so he can see Tom's eyes flutter in bliss. When the jacket falls to the floor, Andy begins circling the hem of his shirt, sliding until his hands are back on front, fingers just close enough to Tom's cock for him to feel Tom tense in his hands, so damn sensitive to his touch, so needy. God, he can't get enough of this, but he pretends that he doesn't notice, lets Tom try and keep himself together as Andy's hands slide over his belly, then chest, over the shirt, collarbone, wrapping and resting on Tom's throat just so he feels the threat of it, before Andy finally grabs the back of the shirt's collar and tugs, taking it off. Then he slides his hands back down, making sure to run a finger just over the sensitive spot where his pecs end, then lower, over his ribcage, belly, hips, next to the bruises where Andy had grabbed him the night before, then back to the middle, just over the bulge in his pants, and Tom finally breaks and jerks up slightly, letting out a little moan.
"Sir," he whines, "please, please, I-" Andy continues to circle the head of his cock with his finger, "please!"
"Patience," is all he says, before going back to his painfully light movements, imagining Tom's needy cock twitching under his fingers, imagining the effort Tom makes not to thrust up or keep begging for more, just because Andy told him not to. "You know how much I like playing with your pretty little cock. You said you wanted to serve me, didn't you?"
"Yes- yes, Sir."
He hums, noncommittally, not looking at him. "Good." He teases the tip of his clothed cock some more, enjoying the way his mind zeroes on that, the way he feels like he has all the power and the time in the world. Finally, he pats Tom's thigh once. "Get off, and take off the rest of your clothes. Get the lube and a condom."
Tom gets up, a little shaky, and does as instructed, while Andy reaches down to the drawer under the bed where he keeps his dick's spine and a few of their toys. He gets the spine, then adjusts his packer briefs so he can put it on - best purchase of his life, really, those briefs. So much easier to use than a regular strap-on and it makes the packer sit over his clit just right, making a little suction and pressure. Andy couldn't be happier that he was already wearing them.
Tom gets back with everything he asked right in time for Andy to finish making his dick hard, and goes on to put the condom on and cover Andy's cock in lube with the kind of attention that makes Andy hold his breath. Tom's so careful, yet eager, and adoring, about it. Andy feels like the hottest guy in the world.
Once he gets permission, Tom sits on his cock, slowly, getting adjusted to it - admittedly, Andy went a little overboard when he bought his first cock. Andy waits until Tom is fully seated, littering his neck with little kisses and praise for how well he's taking him, how pretty he looks, until Tom looks fully comfortable and ready to start complaining if Andy doesn't start fucking him in earnest soon. That's when Andy shows him the other item he pulled from the drawer - Tom's favorite collar.
Tom's reaction is instantaneous. He throws his head back, moving over Andy's cock as he lets out a breathless, almost choked moan; the hands he had resting on Andy's shoulders suddenly squeezing full force in his need.
"God, you're such a whore," Andy says, casually, and Tom nods, even as he flushes. The collar is just a simple black one, with a little hoop for the leash, but inside they had it engraved with the words Andy's whore, and it left visible marks that could be seen for a few hours after they took it off. It never failed to drive Tom crazy, so it always drove Andy crazy, too. "Stay still," he warns, and Tom nods, breathing heavily, gripping Andy's shoulder as tight as he can as he stays frozen in place. Andy slowly puts it around his neck, checking with his finger to make sure it's not too tight, and the second he clasps it in place, Tom's whole body relaxes, a content little sigh escaping his lips, his face slack and blissed out. He likes being owned, so much. Andy can't get enough of it. "Good?" he asks, just to make sure it's not too tight.
"Perfect," Tom answers, the words leaving him in a sigh. Andy then ties the leash to the headboard, making sure that they're just far enough from it that he'll be feeling its pull the whole time. Tom lets out a moan. "Thank you, Sir."
Andy smirks. "Now, here's what I want you to do," he says, "you're going to ride me, just like that, and you're not going to come until I tell you to. You're definitely not going to come before I do. If you come close, you'll have to tell me. I want to hear you scream, so make as much noise as you want. Do you understand?"
Tom nods again, almost dizzyingly quick. "Yes, Sir."
"Good, then get to it."
Tom doesn't need to be told twice. He starts riding him, slowly at first, trying to find the perfect angle for Andy - not himself, Andy notices, pleased. Once it's perfect, Andy orders, "faster, slut,” and Tom obeys, as always, working up speed as he tries to keep himself upright, feeling the tug of his leash with every movement, moaning the whole time. “Good boy,” Andy says, and Tom’s responding whine is high pitched, embarrassing, needy. He gets even faster then, starting to babble as he keeps on working, and Andy just stays casually in place, not having to do a single thing while Tom works to give him pleasure.
"Fuck, you're so perfect, did you know that?" Tom asks, quickly sliding down on Andy's cock, making sure he puts all this weight in the end so Andy's cock will press down against his clit just the way he likes, making sure to go as deep as possible, "I've been dreaming of your cock for days, god, Sir, nothing's better than this," he hides his face in Andy's shoulder, speeding up even more, thighs shaking with the effort, and Andy puts a fist in his hair and pulls, watching as Tom throws his head back and lets out a scream, working even faster on Andy's cock. "Sir!," he whines, "oh, thank you, thank you, feels so good, oh my god, please, I'm gonna-"
"No, you won't," Andy interrupts, "I'm not even close to coming yet. Keep working, slut."
"Y-yes, Sir," he whines, going faster, deeper, and Andy makes it harder for him, keeps pulling at his hair to expose his neck, litters kisses and bites on his exposed throat, grabs his thigh and squeezes hard enough to bruise so Tom remembers he's his, his whore, his toy.
"I love it when you get like this," Andy says, doing his best to keep his tone even, even as he's a little breathless from pleasure, from power, "I bet you want to come so bad, don't you? If I'd just give you the word, you'd be making a mess of yourself, coming on my cock right now-"
"Fuck! Yes, yes, Sir, please, I'm so close."
Andy smiles. "No."
Tom whines, so cute, adorable, and Andy is nice enough to leave a little kiss on his shoulder, grounding, calming him down. Before going right back to torturing him, "no, you don't get to come for a long time yet. I want you just like this, on edge, tasting it…" Andy grins. "Tell me how close you are, baby."
"I'm- I'm so close-"
Andy slaps him in the face. "You can do better than that."
"Fuck, I feel like I'm going to explode, I'm so close, I want it so bad, and you feel so good, God, you have no idea what you do to me, Sir, your cock is so perfect, it hurts, I need it- need to cum on your cock, Sir, please-"
Tom chokes on a moan, and starts to go even faster. He lets out a little whine, something Andy thinks was supposed to be a word, but doesn't come close.
"See," Andy says, "this is why I won't let you come. Look at you - every time I tell you no, you get so desperate, so obedient - it's what you want, isn't it? You want me to keep telling you no, you want to know your pleasure doesn't matter, that you're just here to serve me."
"Yes! Yes, yes, yes-"
"Good, then keep going. And beg all you want- I like telling you no, too."
Tom does. He begs, and he says thank you when Andy denies him, again and again and again. Thank you, Sir, thank you for using me, for putting me in my place, I'm yours, I'm yours. And he keeps on praising Andy, praising his cock, his body, the way he fucks him and uses him, no one else makes me feel like this, no one deserves to be worshipped and served like you, Sir, I want to make you feel good-... Until even the clear-minded state of domspace begins to crumble and Andy feels nothing but pleasure, and confidence, and power, and he cums to the sound of Tom praising him and begging, once, twice, three times, until his head is clear again and everything, even the need to chase his own pleasure, is gone, and he just feels perfect.
"Stop," he orders Tom, who's still babbling more and more incoherently, endless praise and worship, and Andy finds that he worships Tom right back. "I want you to get my cock as deep inside you as you can, and stay still. I'm going to play with your dick for a while, and when I tell you to, you can come. You did well today, baby."
Tom nods, suddenly struggling to use his words. "T-thank you, Sir," he says, already frozen in place, thighs clenching with the effort not to move and also shaking with all the effort he did before.
Andy coos. "Poor baby. You were so good to me today. Let me take care of you."
"You always- always do, Sir," Tom replies, and Andy smiles.
He gives Tom a long, slow handjob, making sure Tom stays still through it, enjoying the way his thighs shake on top of Andy's, the pressure of Tom sitting tight on his cock, the way his arms also shake with effort where they rest around Andy's neck; Tom's pretty, exposed throat all marked up around his collar, his breathless little whines as Andy makes sure to do it just the way he likes it, makes his cock turn red with need; watches Tom bite his lip, because when he has to keep still he becomes so quiet and needy, even as the little whines go through his lips… Until Andy finally says, "come for me, baby," and Tom screams through an orgasm that lasts almost a minute, hanging on to Andy as tightly as he can to keep himself anchored through the pleasure.
And then Andy holds him, and Tom holds him back, and they hold each other.
A while later, they've cleaned up Tom's cum so it doesn't get all sticky on Andy's chest, and Andy's finally taken off those damn briefs - they're great for sex, but get pretty tight when you wear them for a long time - and Andy holds Tom against his chest. He's humming, contently, and if anyone had told him at the beginning of the day that he'd be comfortable enough to have someone close to him while he's fully naked, he'd - well, probably assume they meant Tom, but still be skeptical.
"How do you feel?" Tom asks after a little while, finally opening up his eyes and saying hello to the world.
"That's supposed to be my line," Andy laughs.
"I feel great. Perfect. Next time, I wanna do it for longer. A week? Let's try a week. Or two weeks…?"
Andy laughs. "Let's not make too big of a leap yet."
"Fine. A week sounds good. Great. And now that we've established that denial is totally bomb for me, how are you feeling?"
"Honestly? I'm feeling great, too," Andy admits, playing with a little stray of Tom's hair, swirling it around his finger, "I think I needed that, a little bit. Who'd have thought that having you ride me and praise my cock cures dysphoria."
"Every trans top on every forum I've ever visited."
"Let me have my moment of realization," Andy mumbles, faux-annoyed. Tom just laughs, holding him closer.
"I'm just glad I could help," he says.
"Please tell me you didn't ride my cock just to help."
"Well, no, in case you hadn't noticed, I was horny as fuck. I just tried to, you know. Use that to give you a little push. Since you wanted to. Y'know. Also, it was all true. So..."
"Thanks, love," Andy says, earnestly. "I love you."
"I love you more."
They bicker about it, and Andy's smiling the rest of the day.
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dontshootmespence · 4 years
Through It All
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Part 31
Summary: Now married, Spencer & Y/N navigate the D/s lifestyle. How will their relationship change?
Words: 1,469
Warnings: Exhibitionism, p in v. 
A/N: The next entry for @cm-kinkbingo​ run by my beautiful girlfriend @heycasbutt​. This fulfills my sex in a car square.
Somehow, Morgan and Blake are already two months old. They recognize your faces now, their gazes trailing yours and Spencer’s movements. Colors are starting to get more cemented in their view. They get bigger and bigger each day. It’s astounding how quickly they grow. But man do you need a break.
Spencer’s orchestrated it yet again, inviting his mother and your parents over to the apartment to watch the kids. Your parents have met Blake and Morgan before, but it’s Diana’s first time and she’s in awe. “I know they can’t technically look like you, but they have your eyes,” Diana laughs. “When you get home will we be able to spend a little time together before I go back?”
“Absolutely,” he says, pressing a kiss to her cheek. Her medication is stable but he still sees twinges of her losing her memory, so even though he knows you’ll both be tired after your little day away, he assures her they’ll have dinner together before he drives her back. “We’ll be back tomorrow night, okay? For now, bask in the babies.”
“Oh, I will,” she coos.
As soon as you get in the car, you ask Spencer where you’re going, but he refuses to let you in on his little secret. He just assures you that it’s going to be a fun time and allows you to drift off to sleep in the passenger side seat.
A little over three hours pass before a bump in the road wakes you up. It’s probably the most peaceful sleep you’ve had since the twins came home. “Are we near Virginia Beach?”
“Yup. I know you said you used to go when you were a kid, so I figured you’d enjoy going back.”
You practically start to cry. “When the babies are older we should bring the whole family here.”
Spencer reaches over with his free hand and slips his fingers in yours. “Family. Never thought I’d have that.”
When you look over, you see his eyes wet with tears. “I know, but you do. It’s real. We’re real.”
“That we are,” he smiles.
After sunset, you pull into the hotel parking lot. It doesn’t look like a normal hotel. It’s not a Hilton or a Marriott. It’s a smaller-in-comparison place called The Tapestry that looks like a small winery. Rain-worn wood and white-trimmed windows. And it’s just a short drive to the beach so right after checking in you get back into the car and make the drive.
Most people are leaving because the sun has already set but instead you allow the gentle lapping waves to beckon you toward the shore. You sigh as Spencer cracks open the front windows and turns off the ignition. Though the waves are soft, no white caps indicative of an incoming storm, the second the world goes quiet around you, the sound of the ocean begins to almost purr, lulling you into contemplative relaxation. “Wanna cuddle in the backseat?” You ask hopefully.
Spencer is all limbs and smiles as he fumbles his way into the back of the car before holding his arms out to welcome you into his embrace. Even though you aren’t standing up, you somehow trip into him, smashing your face into his chest which causes you both to lose your breath in a fit of laughter. “This was necessary,” Spencer sighs.
With lithe fingers, he strokes up and down your arm, fingernail grazing your skin just so, sending shivers down your spine. Gentle or firm, his touch drives you crazy and suddenly a dirty thought enters your mind. “Sir?”
Immediately, you feel him stir. “Yes, love?”
“You never got to do any impulsive teenage things like have sex in the backseat of a car?” You give him a big, shining smile, knowing the answer and how the idea will roll around in his head.
Spencer takes a quick glance around before replying, his hands skimming under the hem of your shirt as he does. “No, too busy with school. Help me?”
Without a thought to who might see, you slip your shirt up over your head and throw it on the floor next to you, before dipping your lips to his neck to trail along behind his ear. He shivers and gathers you close, breathing heavily into your ear.
Reaching between you, you unzip his jeans. He sits up ever so slightly to allow you to push his pants down below his knees before sitting down again. When he grasps your waist and pulls your sex flush with him, you grind slowly against his cock, losing yourself in how quickly and easily you affect him.
Spencer bits down on your ear as you line his cock against your entrance, sliding down with ease, the mix of pleasure and pain shooting straight through you. “As most teenagers, I’m probably going to shoot off like a bottle rocket,” Spencer says, laughing into your mouth, his hips thrusting upward of their own accord.
“Me too, it’s okay.” You’ve had sex in front of a room full of people before and yet the idea of getting caught is revving you up in ways you hadn’t thought possible. Out the back window, you’re keeping an eye out for incoming headlights. “I think someone’s coming.”
Spencer grabs your face and tongues at your mouth. “I don’t care. Let them see.”
You laugh and begin to swirl your hips in figure eights just as the car pulls up a few spots away. Thankfully, it’s not a cop, it’s only a horrified older couple that quickly backs up and drives away upon seeing you. Laughing, you throw your head back and caress your breasts, offering them to Spencer as he latches on. “I think you liked that a little too much,” he teases.
“Not me,” you say playfully, whimpering as he nips at your taut peaks. “Why would I like that?”
“Because you’re my little slut,” he replies. With both hands, he grasps your hips and holds you in place as he thrusts upward with no abandon, crying out your name as you tighten around him, shaking. Spencer rakes his fingernails up your back as your trembling subsides. “Why don’t we do this more often?”
“What? Exhibitionism?”
“Yea,” he laughs, kissing along your collarbone.
“I don’t know, but I suggest we do more of it. How about a movie theater? We’ll go to one we know won’t be packed, sit in the back and try to get each other off while being as quiet as possible.”
“You’re so kinky,” he says, pulling you in for a kiss.
“Just one of the many reasons you married me.”
Disentangling yourselves, you both redress as much as possible and drive back to the hotel, quickly stumbling into your room where the clothes once again fly.
The next morning, you lazily make love in the shower before going to grab breakfast. He brings you to the same restaurant you used to go to as a child, reveling in the big buffet and stuffing yourself full. “What’s next?” You ask happily, practically jumping up and down. Not that you aren’t still young, but having children puts your life in a different perspective. Having this time to breathe allows you to just be again, filling you with childlike joy.
Spencer reenacts your trips with your family step-by-step, first taking you to the Virginia Aquarium. You’d always loved watching the sea turtles, so you sit there for nearly two hours, in silence, with Spencer’s arm wrapped around you.
The entire day is planned. He takes you to lunch and then for a walk through the state park before driving you to the Norfolk Botanical Gardens. As you glide along the path hand-in-hand, Spencer leads you through a maze of colorful flowers, butterflies fluttering delicately all around you until you reach a gazebo practically crawling with red roses.
Underneath the sprawling ivy and red roses, Spencer gathers you close and pulls out a smallish velvet box, definitely not a ring, but something sparkly. “You proposing again?” You laugh.
All he does is smile.
When you open the box, the gleaming metal catches the sun’s rays and brings attention to the heart lock. It’s sterling silver with rose-gold accents and has a key sitting just beside the heart. Spencer steps closer, slipping the bracelet out of its box and around your wrist. “With three babies, I know life is hectic and we don’t always get to do the things we used to do, so I bought this. Every time you look at it, I want you to take comfort in knowing that you’ll always be mine.”
As your eyes fill with tears, you pull him into a heated kiss, only breaking away when you hear someone else approaching. “Thank you, Sir. I’m where I’m meant to be.”
@heycasbutt @ultrarebelheart @katherineisagubler @proud-slytherin-ghost @randomwriter23 @fandom-queen67 @sixx-sic-sixx @xqueenofthecraziesx @aofay02 @groovyreid @criesinreid @jdougl-love @xreider @cringeemospntrashassbutt @prettyboyeffect @prettyboyreid @themanip @spencerreidsthings @augustgraceful @whollytaciturn @prisonreid @factualfic @jasmine-negron @snitchthewitch @ellabobella051419 @crazyforsstuff @kaatelyyynn​ @jane-dough @dreatine @bitter-post-millennial @adlerorzel-blog @hallieedrew @psychedelephantt @krisymccall996 @4ueijos @mclaujac @ray-likes-starwars @nurseemilyblog @slightlyvicked @she4567 @guesswhosback129 @princessdolan @happycreatorfangirl @fallwhisper @nyemadowell @sammy-jo1977 @sin-bin-and-tragedies @imsuperawkward @ahhahahaheehee @crispygiantsaladgarden @reputay-swift @pizzarollsfordayz @andiebeaword @timey-wimey-lovi @garbagecanfics @friedparadisetale @dereksbetaa @idontevenknow2 @holyfishloverfarm @nohemi2500 @typeshitbih @sadgirlhan @kmc217 @bigbuttsowhatuniverse @charmedfandomgal @im--blushing @dangerouspersonllamabagel @fichoe21 @yes-sir-hotchner @thefandomallrounder @mrsenos08 @walkerchick007 @letsdisneythings @winchesterqueenie @specialagentleigh @spn-wheresthepie @haileymew @bitchyoulied @geniusgub @urdicksmol @6lack6erry @slutlanna976 @downondilaudid​ @baileysb1tch @la-vie-en-amour1​ @letsdoit-tomorrow @eideticprettyboydrreid​ @lazynoodledragon​ @shybaby231 @aimzonicles97​ @grace-superpowers​ @softestlavender​ @ssa-dr-ladylock​ @drprettyboy​ @patricks-fabulous-face​ @tearosaria​ @shxdowofdarkness​ @marvels-gurl​ @gublergirls​
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trashcatsnark · 4 years
Questions For An Author
Tagged by the always lovely @shallow-gravy
Tagging: @enchantedbythebidders @tender-wounds @rosyibby
Name: Mariah
Top 5 Fandoms Written: Far Cry 5, Kissed By The Baddest Bidder, Cyberpunk 2077, Boyfriend To Death, uhhhh Mystic Messenger? That feels like a cheat.
Top 5 Fandoms You Want To Write For/More: Mystic Messenger, I really loved that otome, and wrote for it but never finished anyting for some reason. Fallout 4, I fell in love with Danse but struggled to fall in love with the lore (i hate the 50’s aesthetic shit ngl, but thats just me) so nothing ever took off. Supernatural, ironically most popular fic on AO3 is for Supernatural but I never sunk my teeth into writing for it like I thought I would. Boyfriend to Death, I actually have like lots of my one shots and some series ideas for BtD, but never really have found the time or energy to write them. Stardew Valley is a big one too, I adore Shane, but for some reason that fic has yet to catch it’s vibe.
Stories You Wish More People Knew About: Granted, Can You Feel The Sun? My cyberpunk 2077 fic is still very much in it’s infancy, so it’s understandable but I still sometimes am like wahhh i wish it was doing better. But, I know its just a time thing, i mean, it took about a year for This Is Love to do as well as it is rn.
Ship(s) Written The Most: Dahlia x Polyseed, Tsuneko x hinted with all bidders, Aidan x Johnny. Im an oc simp, what do you want from me.
Character(s) Written The Most: Dahlia at this point. As far as canon characters, maybe Pratt since he’s her shit head sidekick.
How Many OCs Do You Have: An amount. Dahlia for FC5, Tsuneko for KBTBB, Aidan or CP2077, Regan for SPN, Scout for FO4, Haejin for Mystic Messenger, Jude for SDV. Unnamed ocs for BtD and Monster Prom. And if you go far enough back i had like a billion shitty ocs for OHSHC, Fruits Basket, Naruto, YYH, One Piece, Digimon, Pokemon, etc etc.
How Many Series Do You Have: Publicly; I have 3. This Is Love (FC5), Black Market Wonderland (KBTBB), and Can You Feel The Sun? (CP2077). Though, unfinished, I did have Blossoming which was gonna be my Mystic Messenger fic and Mad To Live which was gonna be my supernatural fic. And I never named them but I was gonna do one for SDV and FO4, maybe someday, or not at all.
What Do You Do With Fics You’re No Longer Interested In?: I don’t really like to like abandon fics, but like it is a struggle especially when I lose interest in the fandom it’s for. Black Market Wonderland has been on a very long hiatus, but I definitely do wanna come back to it whenever my love for KBTBB is back and Im less frustrated with Voltage as well as some shit that went down in the fandom. I know drama and personal shit shoudn’t impact feelings on a game, but its hard for it not to for me.And what happened in voltage stuff was like, the most personal I’ve ever been involved in stuff so, its hard. But i still love the characters, so hopefully I’ll rekindle that flame. So, i guess I just wait and pray for my energy to return.
Coming Soon: The next update I do, that I have planned for next month is chapter 11 for This Is Love.
Line From A WIP: From Can You Feel The Sun? Chapter 2. (accidentally wrote can you feel the love, smashing fic titles together omg) Also, spoilers for Jackie's backstory in Cyberpunk 2077, so skip over if you don't want.
“I meant what I said before, Night City ain’t the kind of place to let you get by without family, but…” He trails off and chews his lip as he considers his next words. Then they seem to die in his throat.
“But…?” She prompts, trying to encourage him to finish his thought. Jackie then grabs a belt from his nightstand table, stretching worn leather over his fingers.
“Do you know what this is?”
It’s clear it has some significant value to him, but she has no way of knowing what, to her it’s just a belt. So, she merely shakes her head no, deciding not to be a smartass and allow him the chance to get the weight off his chest.
“This belt belonged to my dad, if you can call him that, Raul Welles. He, uh, use it to beat on us.. Go to school overed in welts, have to watch like a coward when he’d go after my ma.”
“You weren’t a coward,” V signs and gets up from her chair, sitting next to him, touching his shoulders, “you were a child.”
“Yeah…well, one day I ripped the belt right out of his hand and showed him what it felt like, turns out he couldn’t take his own medicine. Haven’t seen him since, but keep it on hand, just in case.”
V squeezes his shoulder, not sure what to say or do, how to comfort someone after that. The pains of a shitty dad is one she knows all too well, even when her own wasn’t trying to kill her, he was fixated on making her and her sister strong; training them. She knows all too well that you can’t take away the memories or the pain, but she hopes, being here can be enough. That the comfort of touch can act as a temporary salve for the heart, even if it’s all she can offer.
“Look, chica,” he takes a deep breath, “I don’t know your story, when and if you tell it is up to you. But, my point is. You need a family to get along in Night City, but family don’t end or start with blood. My old man will never be family to me. But, I got…people… who don’t share a drop of blood of with me and I’d take a bullet for ‘em”
“I think…I get what you mean, family you choose is what matters most.”
She agrees, but choosing her family is it’s own beast. Letting people in, breaking down walls, finding a family that chooses her as much as she chooses them. It’s all a terrifying prospect, being alone is easier, more convenient, less effort… Though it has a cost too, of course.
“So, make a choice.”
“Work with me, V.”
Do You Accept Prompts?: I accept questions and ideas; I’m always open to talking about my oc’s and their bullsit. But as far as prompts go, if I'm in a mood which is rare and don’t really take requests. I just personally have always found that if I accept requests or prompts; writing because a duty/obligation and not a hobby which drains a lot of the fun for me.
How Do You Feel About Kudos?: They’re nice and I really appreciate them. Comments and bookmarks will make me the happiest!~ That being said I’m really bad about doing that myself so I get it.
Do You Read Fic As Well?: Not that much actually, I’m very particular with what I read regularly and even then, maybe once a week I go on a reading binge. I love fanfic, greatly, but I’m someone who’s like I need to write
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stars-and-rose · 6 years
|Heart Point| Chapter One
Is Emily staring another story when she already has like eight others planned?
You fucking bet!
This AU is a collab between me and @planetkookie ! Kai is an absolute Queen! She's the one behind all the amazing art in this AU (you can see the character designs if scroll through my account, or search the tag #heart point au!) She'll also be writing one-shots when she feels inspired too!
Meanwhile, I'm writing the main fic!
Notice: I own none of the characters in this! Vance and Cassidy belong to Aphmau, and the boys all belong to Thomas Sanders!
The general plot and some dialogue belong to Aphmau as well
Without further ado....
Fandom: Thomas Sanders/Sanders Sides
Pairings: Logince, (Eventual) Prinxiety, (Eventual) Logicality and (Eventual) Remceit
Summary: In which Roman suffers through a break-up and proceeds to accept a gift- which probably wasn't a good idea.
Word Count: 2892
Trigger Warnings: Break-up, Fainting, Cursing because I cannot contain my potty mouth, not anything really severe this fic is very fluffy
Chapter One: When momma said "Don't accept gifts from strangers," she might of been on to something
"You're breaking up with me?"
Roman could not believe this was happening. He loosened his grip on the hot chocolate he'd been drinking; the hot liquid had turned bitter on his tongue. He stared at his boyfriend, who wasn't making eye contact with him.
"That's,  um, a way to put it. Definitely." Roman's boyfriend, Vance, still wasn't meeting his eyes.
"Definitely a way to put it or definitely breaking up with me?" Roman's voice still had the tiniest bit of hope in it. Maybe he'd heard Vance wrong. Maybe he was jumping to conclusions, a skill he was fantastic at.
"Both?" Vance finally raised his eyes and they met with Roman's. Vance's blue eyes were filled with apprehension, sadness, and something that looked suspiciously like pity.
Meanwhile, Roman was trying not to cry, his green eyes scrunched with his effort. "Oh."
"Ro?" Vance's voice was soft. "You okay?"
"Did I do something wrong?"
Vance shook his head violently. "Do something? Are you kidding? No, no way! You've been an awesome boyfriend-"
"But you're breaking up with me?" Roman blinked a few times, desperate not to cry.
Vance let out a sigh. "Yes."
"For Cassidy. On the track time." Roman's voice gained a bit of an edge as he spoke.
"Heh… I see word travels fast." Vance grumbled, looking away again. Roman covered his head in his hands. Little tears were starting to fall down his face and he'd be damned if he let Vance see them.
"You're dumping me for Cassidy on the track team?" Roman's voice was muffled, and Vance sighed.
"Oh no… Roman…I'm sorry… please don't cry…. Ro come on, we're in public."
"Crying? Who's crying?" Roman lifted his head from his hands, eyes a bit red.
Roman let out a laugh that held no humor to it. "Why would I be crying, I'm an adult, thank you."
"Don't call yourself an adult when you have stickers all over your face."
It was true, Roman did have stickers on his face: two gold stars, one on his left cheek and the other near his right eyes. It was one of many ways Roman showcased himself to the world, and he was proud of it.
"I can have stickers all over my face and handle my boyfriend breaking up with me three weeks before prom because that’s what adults do!" Roman's voice grew louder as he spoke, drawing attention from the people around them. Neither boy cared. Roman loved attention and Vance was used to it, due to Roman's dramatic flair.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Vance's voice had become soft again.
That had been twenty minutes ago.
Currently, the same boy who'd said he was 'absolutely' okay was sobbing on his bed with his best friends arms around him. Patton always smelled like cookies and vanilla and the smell was a comfort to Roman.
"Oh, Kiddo, breathe, just breathe it's going to be okay." Patton soothed, rubbing the taller boy's back as he continued to sob. He looked around at the other boy in the room. "Remy, we're going to need more tissues."
"How did I end upon tissue duty?" Said boy huffed, walking across the room with the tissues in his hands and his signature sunglasses pushed back.
"You were compelled by the ancient right of friendship!" Patton told him, before turning his attention back to Roman. "Here you go! Just take one-"
Roman proceeded to bury his face into the box.
"Or do that whatever works for you!" Patton looked back up. "Remy, we're going to need ice cream! Double-chocolate chunk, stat!"
"Now I'm on ice cream duty?" Remy sighed, crossing his arms.
"The power of friendship. It compels you!" That, or the fact Patton was starting to get into extreme dad mode, and that was a sight no one truly wanted to see.
"Gurl, I have track practice in fifteen minutes and if I don't get a coffee between now and then I am going to lose it."
"Vance..is on the track team! And so is Cassidy!" Roman instantly went back to sobbing at an even higher pitch than before. Patton winced.
"Oh my goodness, can we not bring up Track for now? Vance just dumped Ro-"
"-for Cassidy Stevenson?" Remy interrupted. " From the relay team? Yeah, I know. Cassidy hooked up with Vance at the post-meet and greet last week and then proceeded to spill everything to Alexandria Waters who is such a big mouth and told me- why are you looking at me like that?"
"You knew about this?" Patton growled.
"Um, yes darling I pride myself in knowing all this school's gossip-"
"You knew about this and didn't tell Roman?" Patton yelled, reaching over-protective dad mode, his eyes blazing as Remy took a step back.
"Hey, I didn't want to trigger that!" Remy waved his arms at Roman, who was still managing to cry even though he had been doing so for almost a half-hour now.
Patton sighed, backing down. "Fair. Ro, kiddo, how we doing?"
"They're probably warming up together wearing those stupid short- shorts! Vance looks good in stupid short-shorts! Why is running even a sport anyway? It's just walking a little faster!" After his stunning contribution, Roman went back to the tissue box.
"Okay, that's my limit, I'm going to get myself coffee and go to track." Remy flipped down his sunglasses. "But, Roman? Forget about him. You're perfect just the way you are."
Roman wasn't feeling that perfect- his eyes were red from crying and his throat burned. "Even with stickers on my face?"
“Especially with the stickers. Okay, hon? Okay."
"Okay." Roman agreed softly.
"I'm going to go. AND IM GOING TO SMOKE DOWN THAT UNGRATEFUL STICKERLESS ASSHOLE FOR YOUR HONOR!" Remy cried out, exiting the dorm with a whoop!
"Yeah, Remy! Be our Prince's knight! Roast him! With butter! And organic peanut butter!" Patton cheered.
"Thanks, Remy," Roman whispered as he watched his friend leave.
"See, Ro? Everything will turn out a-o-kay!"
Then, the door swung open. "My apologies, I got here as soon as I could, by which I mean as soon as the scholastic decathlon mixer wrapped up-" Despite his breathing making it sound like he had run to the dorms, Logan still managed to look as professional and orderly as ever. Patton gave him a quick smile.
"Took ya long enough! Ah, don't look so guilty Lo, I'm joking."
"Is he okay?" Logan asked, scanning the room for their usually over-the-top friend. "Where is he?"
Patton simply pointed to Roman's bed, where the boy had wrapped his arms around his legs and curled into a ball. He had finished sobbing, but a few stray tears slipped down his cheeks. Logan walked over to him and bent down.
"Hey Roman," Logan whispered softly, knowing by now how to deal with Roman after the brunet had a meltdown. None of his usual big words- that would only make Roman feel stupid and in turn make him feel worse "I had planned to save these for your birthday, but I got you some stickers…"
Roman looked up, his green eyes brightening the slightest of bits. "Stickers?"
"Yes, Ro. They have little crowns on them."
"Crown stickers?" Roman mumbled, his voice rough from his sobbing.
"And they're glittery too."
"Glittery crown stickers?"
"Mmhmm. All yours." Logan gently put the stickers down on the boy's knee. Roman instantly snatched them and turned around.
"Hey now, staying in your dorm and putting stickers on your face isn't the best thing for your mental health-"
"Huh?" Roman turned back around, one of the glittery stickers placed above Roman's nose.
"Oh Newton, ah, let's go for a walk. Fresh air and sunlight are proven to help increase mood." Logan helped Roman up and flashed Patton a nervous smile. "I'll take care of him, don't worry Pat."
Patton flashed him another smile, and Logan saw how Patton was exhausted. Dealing with Roman's meltdowns happened to have that effect on people. Logan knew in a single glance that Patton needed a break from his roommate.
Soon enough, Logan managed to drag Roman outside. "See, Roman? Don't you feel a little better with the sunshine?"
In response, Roman let out what sounded like a hiss."The vitamin D is infecting me."
Logan gave the other boy a small grin, happy that Roman had a least remembered one thing from science. "Then it's doing its job."
"Why am I outside?" Roman whined. "I could be covering my notebooks with pretty crown stickers and crying until the sunsets."
"Hey, hey, no thinking like that. It will only decrease your already unhappy mood. How about we head down to the café, get some smoothies? The fruit in them will make you feel better."
Roman crossed his arms. "Vance dumped me at the café."
Logan paled but immediately responded. "Okay, so I'm going to get us smoothies from somewhere that is most definitely not the café, okay? You stay here and take a moment to relax, okay?
Roman nodded, "Thanks, Lo. You're the best."
Logan nodded and turned away, hoping he had succeeded in hiding his growing blush from the other male. "It's okay, Ro. It's not a problem- it never is, not for you, you being a very good platonic friend." Smooth.  Logan quickly walked away before he could embarrass himself.
"I appreciate it," Roman called out after him, a small smile forming on his lips.
"He likes you." Roman jumped and spun on his heels. A boy was standing on the fountain behind him, his heterochromic eyes meeting Roman's
"Holy goth boy batman- where did you come from?"
"The fiery pits of hell." The way the boy said it, so deadpan, Roman wasn't exactly sure if he was kidding.
"No, I just got out of band practice." The boy said, rolling his eyes. Roman huffed.
"Oh, cool." Roman knew his boy, he just couldn't be a finger on the name… aha! "You're Damien, right? I think we have home ec together?"
"Yup, you're the boy with the stickers."
Roman nodded. "My reputation proceeds me. I'm Roman."
"Roman… I've heard a lot about Roman recently." Damien looked him in the eyes again. "You just got dumped."
Roman winced. "If I did, it was for reasons completely unrelated to stickers."
Damien laughed. "I'm sure. How are you holding up? A broken heart is no small matter."
If he was honest, Roman was surprised that Damien, a boy he'd had about three conversations with, was concerned for his well being. "Me? I'm totally fine! Some people just can't handle me!"
Damien looked unimpressed. "Your eyes are red and your voice keeps cracking."
The other boy sighed from his position on the fountain. "You don't think Vance was in love with you?"
Roman huffed. "I never know! People are so annoying! They all lack the ability to communicate properly and show affection-  I wouldn't know if someone liked me if they came up right behind me!"
"Roman!" Roman turned on his heels and saw Logan peeking out a doorway. "I'm aware that your favorite smoothie is-" Logan proceeded to spell out Roman's overly complicated order. "-but is there anything else you need? They have red velvet cupcakes? With rainbow sprinkles? I know that's your favorite."
"Oh, that sounds amazing! Here, I think I have a few dollars-" Roman started to rummage around in his pockets.
"Not necessary, Ro. It's on me."
"Oh, really? Are you sure?"
"Affirmative." Logan ducked back into the café, and Roman turned back to Damien, who had jumped off the fountain and came closer to the brown haired boy.
"Can't show affection?" Damien grumbled.
"Mmhmm! As I was saying, Humans? Brick walls. Every. Single. One. Of. Them. They wouldn't know how to show lo-"
Damien stared at Roman like he was having a hard time processing what Roman was saying. "Riiiight. I think I might have something for you that will help your current…predicament."
Damien pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket, pulled something off it and stuck it to Roman's cheek. It was another sticker, this one a rather large red heart.
"Damien?  Did you just give me a stic-"
The other boy gave him a smile. "Abracadabra."
Then, Roman proceeded to faint.
Welcome New User
Welcome to HEART POINT
Roman's thoughts were murky as he started to wake up.  What had happened? He had been talking too that senior- Damien!- and Logan had gone out to get smoothies and cupcakes- so why did it feel like Roman was laying against his bed?
Patton's voice woke him up faster. His best friend sounded really worried? Had Remy gotten hurt at Track? Had he found out that Logan still was staying up late studying? Roman opened his eyes and stared up at the ceiling. So he was in his dorm.
"Should we take him to the nurse?' Patton fretted, and from what Roman could hear, was pacing.
"For what, a broken heart?" That was Remy.
Roman sat up and groaned, directing both boys’ attention to him. "Kiddo! You're okay!" Patton ran over to his bed and helped Roman up. "You gave us quite the scare, fainting like that! Logan had to carry you all the way to our dorm."
"Yeah, babe, he was really freaked. Totes unusual for him." Remy took a sip of his drink.
Roman squinted at his friends. There was something off here… oh, wait… that was new…
"Why are there stars above your heads? And that's a heart?" There were indeed stars and hearts above his friends' heads: four gold stars floating over Patton's, and three gold stars and one red heart over Remy's. Roman blinked a few times, but the images were still there. In the corners of his vision, he noticed something else. In the bottom left corner, there was a red and gold circle with the words: Roman, Level One cutting through it. In the top right, was a similar circle with the words: Dorms and Evening cutting through it.
What was happening?
Remy looked up but apparently could not see that floating images above his head. Patton looked two, and at the same time both boys muttered, "Oh, Roman.."
"And what's with this border thing? I'm on level one? What?" Roman shook his head a few times, trying to shake it off. "It's all around my vision- I can't get rid of it!"
"Ro, calm down! You probably hit your head when you fainted, It's okay." Patton, on his tippy-toes, placed his hands on his friend's shoulders. "Breathe, okay?"
Roman nodded and took a few, long breaths. The stars, heart and the weird border were still there.
"Roman, hun, we good now?" Remy asked. Roman simply nodded, even though he was most definitely not good.
There was a knocking on the door, and Patton removed his hands and went to answer it. "That's probably Lo! He went to get you some ibuprofen!"
Sure enough, it was Logan, carrying a little bottle in his hand. "Roman, I see you've woken up. You had me nervous for a bit there."
"Nervous isn't the word I'd use," Remy mumbled into his drink.
Roman sucked in a breath. "Logan?"
"Yes, that is my name." Logan turned to Patton. "Is he okay?"
Patton sighed. "It's been a long day, we're going to cut Ro some slac-"
"That's a lot of hearts." Roman blurted, because, in fact, floating over Logan's head were three gold stars and four red hearts.
"Hearts? Roman, do you require-" Logan continued to talk, but Roman subconsciously blocked him out. He raised his head to his cheek, and it rested on the sticker Damien had given him: the red heart.
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Excruciating // Jason Blossom
Summary: It’s unclear if it was a play or not but in the end you got into a relationship with Jason but grief struck when he died. You didn’t think anything could hurt so bad until you learnt what he was hiding from you. You would never be the same.
Characters: Jason Blossom x Reader, Cheryl Blossom, Betty Cooper, Jane (OFM) Reggie Mantle (mentioned), and Chuck Clayton (mentioned).
Words: 1225
Disclaimer: I do not own Riverdale or the characters. Nor do I own any gifs, jokes, lyrics or images unless otherwise stated.
Warnings: Possible swearing, agony, angst, death, underage drinking, and cheating (implied).
Requested: Yes. Anonymous.
Author: Caitsy.
A/N: Feels nice making angst ones again! Also I got a new tattoo!
Prompt List
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Parties weren’t something you were excited that happened. Especially since things happened that were taboo and never thought about again. Take Chuck Clayton, the perv hit on anything with boobs and no doubt waited until a girl was too drunk. Nobody went against him because how could you? He was a high standing football player that managed to get out of trouble with his father’s position.
At the same time it was spring break in the small town of Riverdale and any one under seventeen partied in the small town. The upperclassmen travelled to Florida to get absolutely smashed. You were ashamed to say that Jane, your best friend, had peer pressured you into drinking and you were still learning to hold your alcohol.
“I don’t know.” You mumbled pulled at the semi-short sleeve shirt you were wearing. Jane had always been the more wild out of you and took strides in everything.
“Come on!” She groaned, “Even scrawny Andrews is here!”
That took you by surprise. One of Riverdale’s golden boys was in the corner uncomfortably sipping on a beer. He had always interested you given that he was built like a twig that could snap at a simple poke. Somehow he was on the football team among larger built boys and one girl that was probably the toughest on the team.
“He’ll be wasted by the end of that beer.” You snorted at the redhead, “Hey maybe he’ll be the next Steve Rogers minus the serum, cool shield and a hot best friend.”
Jane giggled along with you before grabbing two empty solo cups and expertly filling them to the brim with cheap beer that tasted like ass. You were sure that your parents would kick your ass if they knew you were about drink at this party. One that was epitome of high school house parties with the loud music, grinding couples, and stupid drinking games.
“We should try beer pong!” Jane excitedly announced, “Reggie is over there!”
Jane had a slight obsession over the football player that was slightly concerning, the kind that makes you think of how broken and lost she’ll be. On the other hand Reggie placed his attention on her one hundred percent.
“No he’s coming over here.” You corrected her as the man in question gently grasped her arm. You didn’t want to know what was said with the deep blush overcoming her face.
“I’ll meet you later!” Jane called out as she followed Reggie.
You shook your head wandering over to the beer pong table nearly concealed by the amount of teens around it. In the corner was a Serpent definitely passed even the age of a college student holding little cards with names on them. He was selling the drugs that financed his gang.
“Crazy right.”
You jumped at the words coming from someone you never expected to have talked to. Blossom boy wonder was in front of you with a water bottle not opened in his hand. He nudged it into you hands while holding a red solo cup in his other.
“Y/N.” He chuckled, “I know you don’t drink alcohol much and to be honest I don’t want to chance anything.”
“Change anything.”
“Rumours were going around of Chuck trying to spike drinks. Yours to be precise.”
“You cared?” You asked shocked.
“Of course. I’ll liked you since we were kids but you know how life controls your life.” Jason admitted ignoring the shocked gaze of his twin sister. You could see the near disgusting love she held for him, as if they were truly romantic soulmates.
“You’re sister is staring.”
“I don’t care.” Jason grinned brushing a strand of hair behind your ear. You blushed biting you lip as he grabbed your hand to bring you to the near stranded backyard.
You shot up in bed shaking from the memory of how your relationship with Jason began that one fateful party. You gagged racing into the bathroom to expel the vomit and the imaginary grief. Nothing helped the feeling of lose and loneliness.
Nothing was the same. Nothing would be the same. Not since he was taken from your life.
Jason had tearfully explained how he wouldn’t bring you into the horror story of a family life he had. So he planned to fake his death, earn some money and come for you for a new life. He used an old friend to create a story so you couldn’t be traced by to him. Polly was happy to help knowing that she wouldn’t have to reveal her baby as a creation of drunken night with Chuck.
Things changed. He didn’t make contact with you or Cheryl. That’s when things turned weird.
You had been wishing of him finding you before Betty called asking for you to come to Sweetwater River. That’s when life shattered when they carried your Jason out of the water swollen with water and a new addition to his forehead.
The weeks following were horrendous with the truth of why he was running away and your role. You were branded with suspicion from everyone. The grief kept you from going to his funeral and spending your time in bed next to a bucket. Everyone thought you were pregnant.
“Honey, I need you to do something for me.” Your father said rather uncomfortably. In his hands was a plastic bag with no markings on it.
“W-what.” You tried unsuccessful to clear your throat.
“I need you to go into the bathroom and take these. There’s water on the sink if you need it.” 
“Dad.” You started before seeing the contents in the bag, “I’m not pregnant.”
“You’ve been unable to keep anything done and with Jason running away I’m worried. Sweetheart you’ve been showing signs of pregnancy.” Dad whispered brushing your hair back.
“What if-“
“We’ll cross that bridge when we know.” Dad interrupted you, “No matter what I will love you. I will always stand by you in the worst of it.”
“What about M-mom?” You gasped feeling the tears coming back.
“She’ll come around.”
You weren’t pregnant but you were unable to get rid of the agony your life had turned into. It was going to get worse soon enough. The first day back at school Cheryl was telling you she needed you o come with her somewhere. That’s why you were standing near a locker in the middle of night at school.
Where your beliefs and world turned upside down again only this time by Jason himself. The rumoured Playbook that circulated the football team was open in front of you. It felt like you were underwater only barely able to hear everyone talking.
Beside Jason’s name was yours with a clearly written eight point five on the same line. You sank down on the locker in complete paralyzing betrayal. He had used you like you were a game that could be thrown out after it wasn’t shiny anymore. Was he even going to come back for you?
“I know this isn’t the time but I think you need to know something.” Betty said crouching in front of you, “Polly and Jason weren’t pretending. I found her diary. He got her pregnant and they were running away.”
“What.” You whispered before shattering in Cheryl’s shaking arms.
Nothing would be the same.
Forever Tag List
@cityofsobbingfangirls @tas898 @barbidollash @trustnobodyshootfirst @winchesterfanfiction @deanwinchesterisamazing @oh-my-hecky-padalecki @padackles2010 @msimpala67 @deangirl5509 @heyitssilverwolf @therealme13posts @petlaufeyson @professionally-crazed @winterhurricane @tearsandbloodofmyenemies @blackwidow-romanoff @crazybarnes @marvelofcourse @takemetothefictionalworld @destiel67bellarke @ohmy-sammy @fightinthepain @vivabucky @waituntilthedustsettles @daydreaming1393 @cumonbucky @inhumans-of-shield @basicwhiskeyprincesss @soulfull-ofevans @spookass @glitterintheairblog @girl-with-wild-dreams @frickin-bats @darkestgrungeuniverse @shamvictoria11 @buckyappreciationsociety @sammysgirl1997 @fly-f0rever @archer-whovian-violinist @jenn0755 @anamarieswift2194 @unicornofdanger @ifyoudie @jealousbitxh @stormin-thru-glitter @sparklyaura @stilescstilinski @curlyxtomato @katshrev @its-sanaa-k @theoismydad @im-a-light-child @tmriddler @flirtswithdanger @divide-supermarketflowers @arkhamasylumpatient-blog1 @introverted-fandom-human @jennylj16 @potterandbucky @harleenq4life @runs-with-sciss0rs
Riverdale Taglist
@n0average @ateliefloresdaprimavera @sgarrett49 @jarchiee @casismyguardianangel @supernovares @juggie-sprouse @an-enigmatic-avenger @leah-khaleesi @rax-writes @shameless-danni @rapunzxl @peetapansneverland @peetapansneverland @sebby-staan @katshrev @zachmantle @30inlovewiththecoco1 @semoremohhh @gilly-grantgustin-the-flash-glee @roses-are-bae @jackyfrost01 @cheytheredhead @my-baby-daryldixon @ladyfairenvale
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fanfictionandstuff · 7 years
Secrets- Riverdale X Reader Chapter 4- The Last Picture Show
Fandom: Riverdale   
Warnings: Ms. Grundy and the clusterfuck that comes with that...<<also swearing apparently. 
notes: yikes ive been inactive for forever jfc oops SORRY!
word count: 3,500 (ish)
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You woke up on the soft and worn blue fabric of your living room couch the soft evening light filtering through the window. Your phone was blasting your moms ringtone and her smiling face lighting up the screen. You groggily picked up the phone and hit the green 'answer' button 
"hey mom" you mumble still not 100% awake, you were not prepared for her this soon after waking up.
"Hey sweetie, how are you?" she greeted you chirpily, you groaned internally she wanted something 'sweetie' was a dead giveaway.
"I'm fine mom." you replied, sighing internally you just wanted her to get to whatever she wanted.
"Good, thats good...so I heard they found Jason Blossoms body...Sweetheart, I know it might be tempting to tell someone about your...ties to that family. But remember, you'll be ruining both our lives." your moms voice was almost happy and carefree, but there was definite worry under it, finally her reason for calling became clear.
Its not that your mom was a bad parent, but she was flighty and a bit self centered if it didn't suit her it wasn't an option and it had always been like that. When you were 12 she had left you for a month with a babysitter and gone to Rome for work. She tried she really did but she wasn't cut out for kids, honestly if you hadn't come along by accident your mother probably wouldn't have had kids. She was like the professional fun aunt, she was less flighty when you were a kid but something had changed when you were old enough to (kind of) take care of yourself and that was that. It stung a bit when it had first started happening but now you were just tired when it came to your mother.
"no mom. I haven't told anyone. I know the consequences."
"Good! lets keep it that way pumpkin, the Blossoms aren’t people you want to get mixed up with." she sighed with relief. 'pumpkin' was new. 
"Are you coming home soon?" you asked, knowing better than to ask about her comment about the Blossoms you didn't ask about your father and she didn't tell, you had learned that one young.
She breezed past your question. "I have to go (y/n), talk later!" and she hung up before you could even say goodbye. You hit the end call button and threw it at the foot of the couch, and covered your face with one of the navy throw pillows in a form of protest against everything.
You glanced at the wall clock and realized it was almost 6pm, and you were starving so you changed into fresh clothes grabbed your backpack and slipped out the front door. Locking it behind you and walked the few blocks to pops, the neon signs greeting you as you approached.
You walked through the door to find some of your friends already sitting there. Jughead was gesturing angrily as you grabbed a chair from a nearby table and pulled it up. "The Drive-in closing, its just one more nail in the coffin that is Riverdale! No. forget Riverdale. in the coffin of the american dream." Jughead was ranting, he was still doing the angry gesture thing outrage in his every word. "As the godfather of indie cinema,  Quentin Tarintino, likes to say--"
Kevin cut him off. "please, god, no more Quentin Tarintino references." "What? Im pissed. And not just about losing my job The Twilight drive in should MEAN something to us, people should be trying to save it!" Jughead continued his mini rant.
Veronica was next to chime in, "In this age of Netflix and VOD, do people really want to go watch a movie in a car? who even goes there?" “People who want to buy crack" Kevin added. 
"And cinephiles and car enthusiasts--" Jughead started listing off people who go to the twilight and you were the one to cut him off this time.
"I go." you chimed in, you had been a bunch of times when the house got too empty or you felt too isolated. You would take the old beat up pick-up from the garage and go to The Twilight. Just to be around people for awhile, and not have to worry about oversharing. considering everyone in the freaking town only wanted to gossip about the blossoms and Jasons murder.
"See (y/n) gets it! The Twilight drive in is a riverdale treasure, right Bets?" Jughead gestured at you and then turned to a very distracted Betty. She blinked a few times before nodded and smiling politely. "Totally."
"Anyway, its closing because the town owns it but didn't invest in it. so when an anonymous buyer made mayor McCoy an offer she couldn't refuse--" Veronica cut Jughead off again. "Anonymous buyer? What do they have to hide, No one cares." "I do!" Jughead retorted.
"I kind of do too, well more about the drive in closing than the person who bought it. I wont--" have anywhere to go when I cant deal with the big empty house.  "--I spend alot of time there." you catch yourself mid-thought. Jughead gives you that weird stare again like the first time you met in the gym. the weird 'I’m trying to figure you out not just looking at you' stare, after you chime in, and veronica and Kevin gave you half-hearted looks of curiosity.
Jughead breezed past it though. "Also, you guys should all come to closing night, Im thinking 'American Graffiti'. or is that too obvious?"
Veronica perked up at the slight topic change. "I vote anything starring Audrey Hepburn. Or Cate Blanchett." "Or the talented Mr.Ripley." Kevin added. "Betty, your choices?" Betty blinked like she had just woken up. "Everything OK, B?" Veronica asked. "Yeah, yeah. Im just thinking. um....Maybe 'Rebel without a cause?'" Everyone looked at you next, and you shrugged helplessly. "Rebel without a cause sounds good to me."
Veronicas mom came over and set down a basket of fried something or other in front of Veronica. Veronica smiled. "Thanks mom."
Kevin opened his mouth to bring up a new topic but was cut off by cheryl slamming her hand on top of Veronicas mothers a few tables over and glaring at her. "Be sure to put all* of that cash in the register. You are a Lodge, after all--" Veronica got up and started towards Cheryls table. "--and Lodges are known to have sticky fingers."
"oh no" you whispered under your breath. this had the possibility to be bad. "Cheryl." Veronica stated warningly, but her mother put up a finger to stop her.
"Honey I got this. Cheryl, I went to school with your mother. She didnt know the difference between having money and having class either." Veronica practically beamed with pride, while you tried to suppress a laugh at the look on Cheryls face. Veronica slid back into the booth just as the chime on the door jingled. 
Kevins eyes widened slightly, "now thats* an odd combo of people."  
The four of you followed kevins gaze and saw Archie, ms. Grundy, and Archies father walk through the door. "Ill be right back." Betty said while sliding out of the booth.
"Betty, no. dont." Jughead grabbed for Bettys arm but she was already on her way over to the group. You stared in confusion at Jughead and Bettys strong reaction to Archie and Ms.Grundy walking in together. She seemed nice enough, you didnt take any of her classes and didn't know her well you only really knew what Doily had revealed at the blue and Gold office. And then it clicked Archie had been AT Sweetwater river July fourth, and from what Dilton had told you so had Ms. Grundy, but you had never considered they were there together, that was so...oh god.
From the look of horror or shock on your face, Jughead seemed to follow your thought process and shot you a 'I'll explain later' look.
Kevin leaned back into his face his gaze flicking between you, Jughead, and Bettys retreating figure. "Wait, whats happening?" You and Jughead ignored him as you watched Betty and Archie exchange a few words and then head outside. You slid into Bettys now vacant seat next to Jughead to get a better view out the window. This was all about to come crashing down around Archies head, and like watching a trainwreck you couldnt look away. Even as unease and disgust was causing your stomach to flip.
"Whats happening out there? Do we know? Is it about me?" Veronica shot off rapid fire questions at Jughead as Kevin peered out the window. Jughead slumped down in his seat, his face contorted into unease. "I have a strong inkling and no, Also I'd let it go." "Yes, but you're you, and I'm me. You do you, girl. Ill be back." Veronica said while getting up from the booth with a lighthearted smile. "Veronica. You really should just let it drop." You added in an attempt to stop her from going.
Veronica just smiled at you mischievously and walked out the door into the parking lot. Jughead sighed and rolled his eyes. Kevin leaned in and looked at Jughead, "What was it like before she got here? I honestly cannot remember."
You laughed lightly, a slight hint of darkness clouding your eyes. "You mean Riverdale wasn't always straight out of a soap opera? Somehow I find that hard to believe." your words were dripping with sarcasm and a hint of bitterness.
Kevin just smiled awkwardly and turned his attention back to the window. You closed your eyes and leaned back into the vinyl of the seat and let out a long sigh. You were torn between just fleeing this insane town ASAP or punching Ms. Grundy in the face...or maybe just having her arrested...and then punching Archie in the face for once again being an idiot. All options sounded pretty good. When you opened your eyes Kevin was gone and Jughead was staring at you. "I'm not going to rat Archie out, Jughead. If thats what you're worried about somehow I think that would just hurt everyone worse." you offered quietly while switching to the other side of the booth.
"I wasn't worried about that. you just looked queasy." he replied. You sighed and ruffled a hand through your hair. "Student-teacher relationships Jughead. its sick. I know Archie is your friend, But its so, so,* wrong. And its all just about to get worse as far as I can tell." Jughead nodded and dropped his gaze down to the table. you grabbed a pen from the table and flicked it back and forth between your fingers, watching absentmindedly while it spun. An uneasy silence filled the air around the booth. "do you mind? if...if I hang out here for awhile longer? I dont want to go home yet." you asked quiety, your gaze on a small dent in the table. Jughead smiled, "As long as youre buying." he joked.
you grinned, "Paying you in food to hang out. its a little hookerish, but you have a deal Jones."
You grabbed your sketchbook that you had thrown in your backpack, and Jughead pulled out his laptop from his bag under the table. You both spent the next few hours in a comfortable silence, only talking occasionally to order a refill on a milkshake or get another round of food. At around 1am you finally had to tap out, your eyes were starting to close by themselves and it was getting harder for you to stay awake. You packed up your belongings and slipped on your jacket, Jughead looked up from his laptop. "Hey Jughead, I'm gonna head home now. My goldfish probably misses me." you smiled sleepily at your own semi-joke.
"Your goldfish, and not your parents?" Jughead asked. which would be a fair question, not many people would let their kid stay out so late.
"My goldfish is the only one missing me at home." you said quietly, your gaze averting from his. Jughead shut his laptop, before slipping it back into his bag.
"I know the feeling" Jughead said softly, his eyes cold. You didnt pry, it was obviously a touchy subject. So you grabbed your backpack and paid the tab the two of you had racked up shaking off the heavy tension, and headed towards the door, but Jugheads voice stopped you. "See you at school tomorrow (y/n)?" You smiled at him, "Count on it."
The next morning as you walked past the blue and gold offices an arm shot out and pulled you into the room. You stumbled and twirled around to see a nervous Betty wringing her hands, and waiting for you to get your bearings. "Betty! what the hell?" you said annoyed.
Betty looked around nervously before closing the door, "Sorry (y/n) I just need your help with something. I have something to tell you about Ms. Grundy and its--"
"That she and Archie are...dating?" you cut Betty off, cringing at the last word. She gaped at you, "You know about that?" You nodded, "I figured it out at pops the other night...wait, about that, is there something else?"
Betty walked over to her computer and gestured for you to follow, "Yeah look at this-" Betty pulled up a Bunch of tabs, all different social media accounts of Geraldine Grundy. "-everything about her was made around the same time, a year ago. before that Geraldine Grundy doesn't exist."
"...shit. Does Archie know?" you asked as ran a hand through your hair, sighing loudly..
"No. Im meeting him at Pops after school, I'm going to tell him then." Betty replied.
"Betty why are you telling me this?" "I just wanted a impartial third party to confirm that I wasn't being totally crazy about this social media thing." Betty said.
"Look Betty its super sketchy, but be careful. This whole Archie and Grundy bullshit is going to come crashing down Don’t get caught in the mess."
Later that day, you were sitting at the kitchen table working on biology homework when a knock sounded at your front door. You stood up from the wooden chair with a sigh and padded across the tiled kitchen floor into the living room, and then to the front door. You opened the door to see Jughead standing on your porch.
"I need your help, noone will listen to the concerns of one disgruntled employee, and you're the only other person in this town who cares the starlight is closing." he had his arms crossed, but his face was pleading. an odd mix of vulnerable and guarded.
"Hello to you too, yes this is a new shirt thanks for noticing, I'm also sorry for missing you at school." you paused but Jughead didn't respond. You sighed."Of course I'll help Jughead." You grabbed his arm and pulled him with you into the kitchen. "Do you have a plan?"
Jughead glanced around your kitchen, taking in the wood paneled floors and the weird mint green cupboards the previous owners had installed. "I want to appeal to Mayor McCoy directly, show her there are people other than addicts and thugs that frequent the drive in." Jughead started, but you cut him off.
"I take it im the 'people' in this scenario? you know for all you know I could be an addict AND a thug...I mean, I'm not. but wouldn't Betty be better for this? I’m kind of an unknown in this town."  you said sarcastically as you hopped up on your kitchen counter.
Jughead stared at you from across the room. "Bettys distracted with the whole Archie and Grundy thing-" You grimaced. "-But, it doesn't matter, Betty doesn't go to the drive-in. you do. So we'll show her normal highschool kids show up, not just Riverdales 'criminal element'."
You pushed yourself off the countertop and grabbed your jacket from the back of a wooden chair where you had flung it earlier. "Alright. lets go." You and Jughead walked side by side to city hall, going over your strategy. so far the plan was use you as a prime example of the twilights redeeming qualities and if that failed, wing it.
When you got to city hall, the mayors secretary waved you in while she chatted on the phone. You trailed behind Jughead. The mayor was moving around her office flipping through papers. "Mayor McCoy you cant close the Twilight Drive-in."  Jughead piped up before the mayor could say anything "Its a staple of this town!"  You nodded along.
She moved to stand behind her desk, "I'm sorry, but the Twilight Drive in? Its a blight thats become a cesspool! And a hangout for criminals and transients." she took a seat in the red leather chair and continued to flip through her papers. "And normal highschool students! Im there almost every weekend." You shot back from next to the scale model of the town. annoyance biting at your words. The mayor smiled at you tightly, like a parent trying to get their child to behave in public. "Look kids, The deals done. Andrews construction is set to demolish the lot on monday."
You narrowed your eyes slightly at her. You were pissed beyond belief, but you had no idea what to say. 
Jughead bit his lip and glanced down, bouncing slightly. He grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the mayors desk. "Mayor McCoy, when I was a kid, my family and I would go to the drive-in all the time.- " She finally put down her papers and crossed her arms, leaning on her desk, giving Jughead her full attention. "-We couldn't afford tickets for everyone...so my sister, Jellybean, and I would hide in the trunk until we parked. we'd sneak out." He shook his head slightly at the last part. your heart broke for him as he looked the mayor in the eye again, his expression pleading."It's like my home."
The mayor glanced away and then looked at him again. "Thats a very sweet sentiment, Mr. Jones. But the future of Riverdale is at stake." her expression and voice were almost kind, but there was an edge of condescension in every word. Jughead shook his head and stood up from the chair, heading straight for the door.
"Jughead!" you called after him. but he didn't stop. You turned to face the mayor and gave her the best glare you could manage before running after Jughead. You headed out the double doors of the mayors office to see Jughead disappearing around the corner, The floorboards creaked softly as you jogged to catch up with him.
"Jughead, wait!" you called after him again, your voice echoing through the empty hallway. He finally paused and turned to face you. "I'm sorry." you said, there was nothing else you could say. you could tell he was hurting, and you had no idea how to help.
"Thanks for trying." was all Jughead said before he walked away again. And this time you didn't follow. 
That Friday night you trailed behind Kevins truck in yours, his truck only had two seats so you had to take yours. He and Veronica parked and you took the spot next to them, the three of you immediately climbed out of your vehicles and started setting up the blankets. the spots around you started quickly filling up as just about every person in Riverdale arrived in the gravel lot for the Twilights final showing. 
Kevin and Veronica settled in as you pulled out your sketchbook, an empty page staring back at you, but you had a plan for it. You grabbed your pencil and started recording what you saw in graphite and paper, The twilights curtain call. The people of riverdale moving around you, the soft glow of the screen, casting everything in shadows. You knew things were happening around you; Cheryl climbing in with Kevin and Veronica, Bettys mom showing up and dragging off Archies dad. But you were focused on this scene, not anyone elses.  
For almost two hours you sketched, shaded, and erased. until you had something that reflected what you were trying to capture. You carefully tore it from your sketchbook as the movie began to roll the credits in the background. You folded the page and scrawled a note on the back.
'a little piece of home. --(y/n)'
As people started to pack up their things and go home, you walked to the projector house and looked at the paper in your hands again, the words on the back staring back at you as you slipped the drawing under the door and knocked, before turning and walking away to join the line of people leaving the drive in for the last time.
But even as you climbed into your truck, you couldn't shake the feeling the twilight drive-in wouldn't be the only thing changing in Riverdale.
Tags list: @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @deanackles67 @thejourneyofabrokenheart @bbyhansol143 @half-and-halfxx @yummyphoenix39 @scrolling-my-life away @littlefrenchbird
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Recover // Stiles Stilinski
Summary: After an assailant leaves you dying in the arms of your best friend some things are admitted with tears and blood. Unable to kickstart the healing you reveal feeling to give you peace but can your best friend save you?
Characters: Stiles Stilinski x Reader, Scott McCall, Dr. Alan Deaton and Lydia Martin (mentioned)
Words: 1301
Disclaimer: I do nor own Teen Wolf or the characters included in this nor do I own any gifs or images included. Credit should show up under the gifs used.
Warnings: Possible swearing, attempted murder, and fluff (somehow is included)
Requested: Yes by faypol
Author: Caitsy
Prompt List
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You whimpered feeling the blood ooze out of the wound left by your assailant with no knowledge of who or why it happened. You weren’t healing like you should have been for some reason and it tore your study partner apart. He sat there by your side as your life trickled out of you and as it left your body he felt the pain fill his body.

“You can’t die on me.” Stiles cried out, “Who’s going to alternate watching tv, looking over our studies and talking about how we’ll apply to the same bureau location?”

“Y-you’ll live.” You gasped placing your hand on his cheek leaving a red print on his skin, with shaky hands you tried to swipe it off but only smeared it more.
“Why aren’t you healing!” Stiles cried out tugging you closer, “I can’t lose the love of my life.”
“That’s why.” The new voice interrupted as Stiles felt some relief, “Hey Y/N. I came as a soon as I could. I know why you aren’t healing.”
“Why?!” Stiles demanded. His eyes filled with tears, the ocean would be jealous of, were a searing mixture of agony and anger. Whether Stiles was angry at Scott for not being there wasn’t conclusive.
“She’s feeling guilty.” Scott said taking your hand and winced as the black veins appeared on his skin. He was taking as much pain away as he could before he flinched back.

“I-I caused you to break it off with Lydia.” You gasped at the sharp pain, “I was cruel to do that.”
“You didn’t do anything though.”
“I exist in your world where I shouldn’t. You belong with that gorgeous friend and you’ll get back together.” You gasped again before slowly closing your eyes. You screamed as a bone was forced to bend in a way it shouldn’t with Scott wincing both at your pain and Stiles’ glare.
“You did nothing wrong. Lydia and I were having problems already and I can’t help falling in love you more and more each day.” Stiles pleaded stroking your hair out of your eyes, “Don’t give up on us.”

You grunted in response before collapsing into the dark unknown abyss leaving Stiles shattered and Scott frantically looking over you. Stiles, in typical fashion, physically followed your limp body done until his sobs warmed your cooling skin and grasped your hands so tight. Scott knelt back as his best friend broke to the same point as the day Claudia died.
“Stiles.” Scott whispered placing his hand on the emotionally raw male.
“Stiles! She’s fine!” Scott yelled, “The combined knowledge of your love for her and breaking her bone kickstarted her healing. She’s unconscious so her body can heal without strain.”

“A-are you sure?” Stiles sniffled.
“Put your head on her chest.” Listening to his best friends Stiles did as he was told. The small smile that crested onto his face showed that he too could hear the heartbeat of the girl.
“We should get her into the vet clinic so Deaton can look after her. More experience.” Stiles fixed his sentence at the offended expression on Scot’’s face.
“Fine.” Scott shook his head leaning done to scoop her into his arms.

“No! Let me.” Stiles demanded shoving Scott away before straining his body under the weight of Y/N. Now you weren't heavy but Stiles wasn’t known to be very strong even with a sixty pound box.
Grunting Stiles managed to do the oddest walk to the baby blue jeep outside in the parking lot. Scott, bless his soul, managed to let only a few laughs slip passed his lips. With a scowl Stiles slid you into the front seat and secured you in by the seatbelt.

“Where am I supposed to sit?”
“The back.” Stiles retorted turning the keys. There was an odd sound from the jeep before Stiles copied the actions to get the jeep running.
“But the front is my seat!”
“Not today. Get in.” Stiles exclaimed as Scott unceremoniously landed uncomfortably on the floor in the back of the cramped jeep. He was sometimes terrified of his best friend whether it be from his previous possession by the Nogitsune or just being Stiles.
“Stiles calm down.” Scott soothed, “She’s going to be okay.”
“We don’t know that.” Stiles retorted reaching over to caress her arm unable to live without some form of physical touch.
“You can trust me to say that because it’s true.”
“No Scott! The last time someone said it was going to okay was when a doctor told me, ‘everything is going to be fine son, she’ll be okay’ but she wasn’t.” Stiles snapped glaring at his best friend.
The ride was filled with anxious silence that nearly choked the True Alpha with the highly concentrated pheromones coming from the human boy. Typically Scott could ignore the pheromones but the intense mixture of grief, worry, love and sadness was too intense so he rolled down the window with a lot of effort.
“What happened?” Deaton questioned his hands going over the girls limbs with professional care.

“You should tou-“
“I’m a doctor Stiles. This is strictly concern for my patient and friend.” Deaton reassured him, “Now tell me what caused this and why she wasn’t able to heal on her own?”
“It was dark. I didn’t see when it happened. When I heard her whimper I tried to get over as soon as I could but when I got there it was only her.” Stiles bit his lip frowning as he did so.
“It was human. Nothing was supernatural about it.” Scott said blinking.
“Are you sure?” Stiles questioned pushing his head to stare at the werewolf.

“Definitely. It was a scent, human scent, that I had no prior interference with.”
“Okay so there was nothing supernatural about it but that doesn’t explain why she’s healing slow.”
“Guilt.” Scott muttered, “She’s guilty because Stiles is giving her attention and she returns the attention but the knowledge that Lydia is hostile towards her is paining her.”

“Lydia and I broke up over something that wasn’t connected to Y/N at all. It was only after the breakup that I discovered that I love her in ways that I had never and could never love Lydia. There’s something magnetic about her that both challenges and excites me.” Stiles started, “Maybe it was her quiet concern for everyone or maybe it was how she fought for what she believed was right.”
“I get it.” Deaton replied smiling at the young man, “She does too.”
“What do you mean?” Stiles exclaimed lunging over to the table.

“She’s healing.” Deaton smiled pointing to the wound on her stomach that glued itself back together leaving only blood staining her skin.
“Y/N? Sweetheart?” Stiles whispered crouching to be level with the table, “Can you hear me?”

“Y-yeah.” You sighed fluttering your eyelids to meet the honey brown irises on the one person you wanted to see for the rest of your life. Stiles Stilinski.

“Oh thank god.” Stiles cried crushing your head against his shoulder as tears began to rain down both of your cheeks, “I love you so much.”
“I love you too.” You mumbled back equally relieved.
“Called it.” Deaton smiled towards Scott, “I told you they would get together. In simple english the only way to describe them is soulmates.”
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“Congratulations! Grads of Beacon Hills High School!” With that you, Stiles, Scott, Lydia, and Malia stood up with the rest of the graduating class. Hats were tossed while Stiles pulled you in for a long overdo excited kiss.
“I love you.” Stiles said with a small smile, “I’m so happy that you’re coming with me.”
“There’s no place I would rather be.” You smiled back.
Forever Tag List
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Teen Wolf Tag List
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