#im doin pretty good!!
rexscanonwife · 4 days
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My s/i has a tendency to show her affection for people in a very doglike manner! Especially the closer it gets to the full moon 0u0
Taglist♡: @me-myself-and-my-fos @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @sunstar-of-the-north @dearly-beeloved @adoredbyalatus
@changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @cherry-bomb-ships @rosieaurora @rejaytionships @sunflawyer
@in-true-blue-love @tropicalgothships @little-miss-selfships @hotrodharts @cupiidzbow @frozenhi-chews @limey-self-inserts @candyheartedchy
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dyslexic-rodent · 1 year
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UhhhUUHH I joined a silly prompt list on Twitter so here you go!! The first week of it!
The list was made by the incredible @/kiweewiener on Twitter! Yippie
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raineandsky · 7 months
Could you write a story where a king who outlawed magical beings (like fae, elves, sorcerers, etc Bc they’ve tried to kill him multiple times ) has a trial for a young magical creature found in his lands, but the creature isn’t evil, didn’t even KNOW they were trespassing, and is terrified they’re gonna be executed or tortured or something. But the king doesn’t hurt it, since the magical being didn’t mean any harm? Could turn into found family or he just lets it go or something
I hope 2024 is going well for you!! Sorry if this prompt is hectic/worded bad haha
hello again!! it's always a delight to see you in my inbox :) thank you for the request, i hope you enjoy it!
For a moment it looks like a child is thrown at the king’s feet. They’re small, frail-looking, and sobbing between short, forced breaths.
“We caught it on the outskirts of your lands. Trespassing,” the knight says. His hand rests on his sword, his gaze turned down to the creature like he wants to eviscerate them there and then. “We’re lucky we found it when we did. What’s your defence, freak?”
The only response is more sobbing. The knight’s gaze turns to the king, almost bored. “Shall I execute it, your majesty?”
“No!” The creature lurches up, and the knight has to grapple for them to stop them leaping straight for the king. “No, please, I– I didn’t know—”
The knight pushes them back to the floor and they land hard. A whimper leaks from their mouth as they collide with the merciless tile. From here the king can see the translucent wings on their back—torn, fractured, probably beyond repair. He can’t help but wonder when that happened.
“No need to be so harsh,” he says shortly. The knight stares at him like he’s lost his mind.
He has a feeling, though. Most of the mystical beings that came to his court with the intent of murder were relatively plain-faced about it. He gets the impression they’re not good liars. Not many of them can cry this violently on cue, at least.
“What is your business in the lands you are exiled from, creature?”
The creature glances up at him, seemingly startled to be addressed. Then their gaze turns away, nervous, skittish. “I– I didn’t know,” they force out after a long moment. “I was looking for a creek, and I– I thought I heard water but I didn’t realise I’d overstepped and your men were guarding the riverside and I’m so sorry please please don’t kill me I swear I didn’t—”
“Why were you looking for a creek?”
Their eyes flit back towards him, unsure, like they’re waiting for the trap to close its jaws around them. They courageously swallow down another sob. “Music,” they say eventually. “It isn’t the same without the water flowing through it.”
The knight scoffs. “You play?” the king asks. 
“Your majesty,” the knight cuts in quickly. “With respect, please, don’t entertain it. We should behead it before it has the chance to act against you.”
“We ruled that the mystical beings would face trial, did we not?” the king snaps. “With respect, knight, allow me to follow through on my own laws.”
The knight dips his head awkwardly, and the king returns his interest to the creature beneath him. Their gaze is locked to the floor; being caught in the middle of a conversation about their fate clearly isn’t a favourable place to be. “Your instrument, creature, where is it?”
The creature’s wings flutter at the question. Their gaze pulls to the knight behind them, snapping back when he returns it with hatred. “It– It got destroyed.”
The king’s eyes find the knight’s. “He destroyed it?”
“I thought it was a weapon,” the knight defends weakly.
The creature sniffles, their eyes wet again. “If you let me go, you’ll never see me again,” they say desperately. “Please, I swear, I’ll never come back.”
“And your wings, creature,” the king says, purposefully ignoring their words, “what happened to them?”
Their wings quiver slightly again. They keep their eyes carefully pinned to the floor. “I– I scared your men,” they whisper. “They were afraid I would hurt them.”
The king can practically see the scene. A magical creature, a tune in their hands and a song on their lips, stumbling upon the king’s men. They’d probably tried to escape, probably realised their mistake too late. The king’s men, with orders to protect him from the magical beings that came for his throat, pouncing on opportunity. Breaking them beyond repair and throwing them at his feet in the hopes of praise.
The king only outlawed these creatures. If he’d known how his men were enacting his laws, he would have altered them much sooner. How many of these beings are scared, damaged, dead, because his knights leapt at the excuse for bloodshed?
The king heaves a deep breath. “Knight,” he starts, and both he and the creature tense. “You are excused.”
The knight’s face twitches. “Your majesty—”
“You,” the king repeats, “are excused.”
There’s a still moment where he thinks the knight will have the gall to disobey. Then he dips into a polite bow, stepping away.
“I’ll be right outside, your majesty,” he says pointedly, and with that he slips out the door and leaves the two of them alone. The creature’s gaze burns into the tile below them.
“I have the finest woodworkers at my disposal, creature,” the king says once the echo of the door has dispelled into nothing. “Tell me what your instrument looks like, and I will have it remade.”
“O–Oh,” the creature says shortly. “I, uh, th–that’s very kind, but it’s, um, made of a particular wood. Its magic is held in the care my family has shown the tree for centuries.”
“Then my woodworkers will carve it out for you.” He waves a hand dismissively. “If it is required to repair what my knights have wrought on you, it will be done.”
“T–Thank you.” The creature glances at the empty room behind them. “So, uh, am I free, or…”
“There is a creek not far from this palace,” the king continues idly. “Your music would sound wonderful within these walls.”
The creature falters at that. Their mouth works for a moment. “Huh?”
“As my court musician, you would be protected under oath and my rule,” the king explains casually. “My knights cannot touch you within these walls.”
“That’s kind,” the creature repeats quietly, “but I don’t– I don’t think I could—”
“Nonsense.” The king gets to his feet, waving for the creature to follow him. “You would be safe and able to play music as you desire. I will hear no more of it—you shall stay here.”
The creature stumbles to their feet as he gets closer. “O–Okay.”
The king glances at their wings as they stand. “We shall see the woodworkers,” he says thoughtfully, “but I feel you should visit my doctor first.”
The king leaves them in the medicine hall, under the careful watch of a different knight, so he can batter the door down to his legal advisor’s office. The poor man looks rather startled to see him. “Your majesty,” he just about says.
“Rise, advisor,” the king demands, “I have a law I must amend.”
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sleepyblr-heart · 2 months
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old yuri comic GO
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Hey since sigma spawned in the desert shouldn't his skin be different because of mela— *gets shot*
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maggot-baggage · 2 months
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I been gardenin
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long time no see!!!! hope you doing okay, here you flowa🌻💖
Thank you so muchhh huggin u rn hugging u rn
🤲 holding it gently <33flowa<333
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madhyanas · 2 months
i started watching house btw
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sreppub · 1 year
You are for sure one of my fave Batman artists to the point where I check this blog daily <3 thank you for having gorgeous art and excellent opinions
oh gosh, thank you! i'm so flattered 🥹❤️
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traggalicious · 1 year
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toxooz · 2 years
maybe im projecting but i feel like Ollie would have a FUCKING HUGE monstera plant in his house thats taking over his living room
#ollie#anytime someone asks about it hes just ''good camouflage for me :]''#in fact i feel like he would have a shit load of plants from his home continent that his mom keeps sending him#but again maybe im projecting AHA#like yeah he can forge weapons of war with his eyes closed and can maul a grown man to death but dammit that man knows his PLANTS#anyway i got a monstera over the winter bc ive wanted one for the longest time but i was sO scared of killing it#bc its higher maintenance than succulents and snake plants all that#and brother i aint got the remembrance or energy or executive function to be taknig care of high maintenance plants but luckily#my obsession has taken over and im doin pretty good keeping up with watering and i plan on getting it better soil for fertilization#it seems to be doing well and is even growing 3 new leaves AAOOOOO#one of the juvenile leaves even grew a lil hole in it and im :')#but i still gotta properly repot it and actually put poles in it to climb bc theyre kinda half ass put in there#but sPRING IS COMING i am ready#also have a monster adinsoniiiiiiihowever tf u spell it but same applies#i feel like just having 1 (or 2 kindof) that are high maintenance is goin good bc i can focus most of my energy on that like a pet PFFT#bc unfortunately i fear that if i had a shit load of high maintenance plants i would get overwhelmed and involuntarily make them all die#which SUCKS bc i want my house to be infested with so many plants sOOO BAD ugh maybe one day i wont be mentally ill lmfao 💗#ANYWAY more pon ti comin soon
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butchshevik · 6 months
i just realized i’ve followed you since 2019 when i was a baby butch and i've always thought you were sorta cool. hope you're doing okay these days and stuff gets better community-wise. good luck with the bookstore and you will find a nice stone fem to share your life with :)
Hey thanks this really made my day :)
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lyriumsings · 1 year
art book be like: draw with ✨intention✨ be mindful of your lines~
my brains translation as it hits me over the head with a rolled up newspaper: take your fucking time and actually think about what your doing!!
me: oOOHH!! :o
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faarkas · 1 year
Tagged by the always wonderful @denerims to do this uquiz for some creachers :33
Tagging @aartyom @nuclearstorms @saintjudegf @malefiicarum and @halsin 💛
mars passion. energy. drive. determination. you are sexual and it doesn't always have to mean what it so blatantly is. you are in tune with yourself and your body and if you don't already feel it, please try to tune into it because it is so powerful. you are at war with yourself and life and it doesn't always have to be so hard. anger is not a useless emotion but do not let it control you. love is more powerful than sex will ever be. you are the smell of fresh cut grass and a satisfied job done.
saturn patient. stable. reliable. preserving and diligent. your capacity to hold focus on something you choose to is unmatched by all other planets. you were made for hard work that you love and that you know is rewarding. you are the shoulder that everyone wants to cry on, so remember you can lean on yourself when it seems there is no one else. there is nothing wrong with being self sufficient. you are justice and evenly balanced scales.
jupiter optimistic. hopeful. generous and compassionate. you are the guardian angel. you are 4:44 am and a sense of being watched over. you enrich the lives of others just by existing and caring for them. you give as many blessings as you receive and there is always more to go around. careful not to become too over-confident in these abilities. what makes you jupiter is your belief that ego has no part in caring and love. you are softness and the smell of almond coffee.
mercury clever. intelligent and witty. wisdom, sharpness, anxiety and indecisiveness. you are the comedian. the "make someone laugh if they are crying" kind of lover. you dont want to think too much about anything because that stops you from just having fun, but your brain doesn't ever shut off. you are curious and never ending. forecast and shadows. the smell of clean sheets.
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knightlas · 1 year
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lyla... .. i love y ou.... .
#spider-man 2099#spider-man: dark genesis#sm2099#comic panels#yknow. key words. key phrases.#i do like how miguels drawn here. at least the arts p good im already so weary though#every day i read new spider-man 2099 comics#and for what? just to suffer??#idk i think. im literally not even done w the issue yet lmao#but a card system based on income and a brand new shiny 2099 avengers take and all this stuff that came around in exodus is just like.#its not so much Bad plotwise as much as it. just doesnt feel like 2099#lmao#i. augh spider-man-2o99 articulates it so much better than i am rn but like. theyre right we really dont need more 2099 reboots#like expanding on the universe? cool! what exodus and dark genesis are doin?....... um! well!#also i miss gabriel where the fuck is he. is he in here. im on page 11 if i dont see gabriel by the end i set the building on fire#im joking. but im not#plus exodus was just. i dont remember exodus past issue 1 actually#art was pretty but isnt that the one where miguel got to play side character in his own comic.#for like 2+ separate issues#i Know its the one that brought norman osborn back bc i will never know peace#i mean issue 1 was p good iirc. it. maybe i should just read exodus again#i remember seeing zero and being soooo happy because hehe my pal :) and the panel where miguel flies straight into a wall. scrunchie#i feel like every time i read a sm2099 run thats not the original i have to walk in with a hazmat suit and everything looking for parts#WAIT EXODUS. HEY WASNT EXODUS THE ANNIVERSARY ONE?? THAT MIGUEL GOT SIDELINED IN??? HIS ANNIVERSARY SERIES?????????#know im going to be upset about jax j jameson being a thing until i die#also the whole avengers 2099 thing is just. not good#i went on a whole rant in here bc im special but tumblr hates me xoxoxo#dm me if you wanna hear the why the avengers happening in 2099 is bad for the ecosystem and me personally sad face rant im gonna color#NO IM GONNA FINISHT EH COMIC. FUCK
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quirkle2 · 2 years
this post will be completely pointless but guys i fucki gng . i fuckin loveart ok
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