#im doing all the prompt stuff first bc its quicker
the-s1lly-corner · 10 months
Platonic tadc cast with a child reader Who is like :
"hey, wanna see me do a cartwheel :D"
Basically very spontaneous and chaotic in the adventures lol
Ty!! (and remember to drink water) ;3
TADC cast x chaotic!kid!reader ! (Platonic)
Guys I'm literally so tired I just got done baking a ton of stuff, like I'm talking 12ish hours of non stop cooking and baking I'm going insane im trying so hard not to fall asleep rn because I kinda. Feel bad for not really answering requests today
Hope you enjoy anon!
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Well well how the turn tables (writing caines portion last for once)
Very similar to kinger and ragatha in that he supports everything you do; in fact he encourages your behavior as long as no one is getting hurt. Very loudly (and sometimes obnoxiously) cheers for you
While kinger can only cheer and clap, I think Caine sets off sparkles and fireworks... probably has a whole group of bubbles cheering you on too , assuming there can be multiple bubbles at any given time (I personally think there can be, and they all share a hivemind of sorts)
So what was the occasion that prompted that?
A wonky cartwheel, of which you excited called "a sideways front flip"
(Fun fact from the admin, I called my first cartwheel that bc I didnt know it was called a cartwheel yet)
Anxious parental figure and hyper child, a dynamic that's hit or miss at least for me. Really it depends on how its executed
That said I think she struggles to keep up with you
Constantly scrambling around you make sure you dont fall into any danger. Literally and figuratively...
Her attempts to get you to sit down for more than five minutes fail
Your ass is failing the marshmallow test/j
No thoughts only that one clip from adventure time where BMO pretends to be a wheathervane before trying to nose dive off the roof, all while calling for finns attention. Thats you and ragatha, basically (in essence, not exact scenario though)... maybe zooble too, but we'll get there when we get there (I am currently having a brain blast)
Says things like "what am I gonna do with you" everyday, always lightheartedly of course and usually accompanied by a tired chuckle
Generally very supportive of you though, just so long as you're not hurting yourself! Sure, this is the digital world and injuries dont really stick, but still! The pain is still there
I mentioned the marshmallow test in pomnis part and I feel like jax would do something similar with you. Except the test is rigged and the candy (which he uses in place of the marshmallow( is actually for him and not for you. So if you actually earn the extra candy you dont even get it
That said I do think jax would feel bad when you get upset about the joke
I think he finds it funny, as long as you're not tugging on his overalls and screaming at him for something, or interfering with his plans
Hes not a neglectful rolemodel/familial figure, he just has a short fuse with the above I think, regardless of who it is, kid or not
That said he fully embraces your spontaneous nature
Peepaw and his grandchild, that's it that's literally the dynamic
"Kinger is only 48-"
"Oh that's so lovely, (reader)" when you run up to him with your hands full of god knows what
Eagerly claps and cheers when you show him a new trick you learned
Bonus if you try to recreate or one up his embellished stories in order to make him proud of you (hes always proud of you)
As mentioned in ragathas part, the wheathervane BMO thing is basically in essence you guys' dynamic. Except where I think ragatha would be quicker to pay attention to you, zooble may be a little slower. Not because they dont care about whatever you're trying to display to them, but because I think a lot of the times they kind of mentally check out (me too honestly)
Tries to scold you if you do something too dangerous or out of line, may come across as way angrier or upset than they actually are though thanks to their voice being kinda
You know
Zooble gives off "cool older sibling who doesnt care about nothing" energy
Meekly tries to get you to calm down for a few minutes, especially if theres an IHA going on because she doesnt want you to run off and potentially get hurt. Tries to keep you occupied with arts and crafts. Watches in horror as you impulsively eat the glue
Tends to wrap one of her ribbon hands around yours so she knows you're not running off.. this is more so when theres an IHA going on
As per usual not many ideas for gangle <\3
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gryffvndors · 7 years
partners [george weasley]
request:  15 & 32 for george weasley? ( not even sure if you write for him but dang, i think your writing is really good and i'm curious on how you'd write for other characters. thank you. 😉 x ) - @bookthrills
word count: ~2200 (i totally lied about the 1500 word limit omg HOW did i go 700 words over my budget)
a/n: so basically i’m a terrible human being and HAD to write this before ANYTHING ELSE. i have so many requests atm AND I LOVE YALL FOR IT IM JUST SO OVERWHELMED so sorry if there’s a delay in ur request im trying my best!!! also this took so long bc im a bad influence and partied after finals. it got bad. ANYWAY I LOVE U AND THANK U SO MUCH @bookthrills UR A GR8 WRITER go check out her blog she rocks my socks
15: “can i kiss you?”
32: do u like me? check yes or no
You’ve always had a specific seating preference. Most of the Hogwarts classrooms are similar in the way that the seating is arranged - of course, in environments like Herbology and Divination, there’s a bit of a variation, but for the most part, the desks or tables are aligned column through row. From your very first class at Hogwarts, you’ve sat in the front, closest to the professor. You have your reasonings, of course; for one, you don’t like to talk much during class, as you think it’s vital to learn. The fact that you’re so close to supervision means you’ll get more work done, as the professor can see if you’re slacking off. The professors are always impressed with the way that you sit so close so voluntarily. In your year, everybody knows that your seat is reserved for you. Nobody wants to sit that close, anyway.
Most of your teachers don’t switch up seating arrangements, either. As long as there is order, then they don’t really care who is next to who. This is why it is an ultimate surprise when, as soon as you enter Ancient Runes, you find all of your classmates lined up against the wall, books in hand.
Professor Babbling catches your eye and nods to the wall. “Thank you for being here. Line up with everybody else; we are switching seats today.”
You swallow, nodding. You walk over to an open spot on the wall, right next to your classmate, George Weasley. He’s chatting with his brother on the other side of him. The only recognition he gives you is a quick wink. You look away, cheeks burning.
After everyone is inside, Professor Babbling begins telling people where to go. She has arranged the desks in pairs, and as she points to people, she explains her reasoning for the change.
“We have just recently come back from holiday. You have been in your seats for half a term. I, personally, like a little bit of change, don’t you?” She doesn’t seem to mind the irritated murmurs and grumbling that ensues, and only continues with, “Well, no matter if you do not, because it is going to happen. We will be doing an independent study for a good while-” Babbling points to you and motions towards a seat in the very back. You, frowning, obey, and set your books on the top of the desk, standing next to it to figure out your partner.
Babbling pauses for a good moment, studying the students that are still standing. There aren’t many; George and Fred Weasley, a Slytherin third year you don’t know, a Ravenclaw seventh year you’ve seen before, and a couple Hufflepuff fourth years. She, after muttering to herself for a moment, points to George Weasley and nods to the second desk of the pair. “As I was saying, we will be doing an independent study for a couple weeks. Ancient runes are best taught not by me lecturing on them, but through self-discovery. I will assign a passage of text that is entirely runic. You will translate it during class. Then, you will present the translated passage with the runes’ translations, both of you, to the whole of the class.”
Babbling is done choosing partners by then. She makes her way up to the front. Lee Jordan and Angelina Johnson are in your spot. For a moment, you’re a little spiteful, but it passes quickly. ‘This is good,’ you try to convince yourself. ‘Change is good!’
Babbling hands out the passages. Each group gets a different passage so there isn’t any copying. After everyone is prepared, Babbling nods to the class. “Begin. You have two weeks to this day before we begin presenting.”
Sighing, you turn to George Weasley. His head is in his hands and he isn’t moving. You tentatively poke him on the neck.
George’s head shoots up, eyes open. “I’m listening,” he says, looking around. “Oh, she’s done talking? That’s good. Hey, would you mind repeating what she’d gone on about?”
You blink at him. “I’m sorry? You weren’t listening?”
George laughs, shaking his head. “No, sorry! I was preoccupied,” he taps his head. “Was communicating with Fred.”
You’re at a fault. You look between him and his brother, who sits nearly all the way across the room, next to a Hufflepuff in your year. They’re laughing about something, but once you look over at them, Fred glances at you, too. He shoots you a grin as well.
“You’re… all the way across the room from him,” you remark. “You couldn’t have been speaking to him.”
“Did I say speaking with him?” George smiles. “We’re twins. We have telepathy. Right, Fred?” He says the last bit really quiet, almost a whisper. Fred nods and flashes a thumbs up. “See? He knows what I’m saying! Twinepathy!”
“Psychopathy, maybe,” you tease softly, chuckling so he knows you’re kidding. “Er - alright, then. We should get to work. Um… tell Fred that you’re busy.”
George rubs his temples. A second later, Fred nods and turns around, back to the Hufflepuff. You raise a brow. George only laughs. “So what are we doing?”
You explain the project to him. The two of you get to work. By the end of class, you have maybe a tenth of the passage translated. Professor Babbling takes up everything and dismisses the class.
You’re packing up your stuff when George approaches you, Fred by his side. You look up. The twins both smile and lean on the desk in front of you. “...Yes?”
“We were wondering…” George begins.
“Well, Georgie was wondering,” adds Fred. George slaps him on the arms and snorts, shaking his head.
“I was wondering if we could accompany you to your next class.”
You stare, unblinking, at the identical boys before you. After a minute, you sigh, shrugging your shoulders. “I don’t see why not. I’m just going to Divination.”
Fred groans, rolling his eyes. “All those stairs? Georgie, I don’t know if I can do that. You know, the other day, I nearly snapped my leg in half-”
“That… isn’t really possible-” you say.
“-and it’s been so rough going up stairs. I don’t feel like going up to the Divination room. Maybe you could just go, George?”
George narrows his eyes at his brother, but lets his lips spread in a smile. “Aw, Fred, get well soon! I’ll owl mum an update on your leg right after I drop her off at Trelawney’s.”
“You do that, Georgie. I will be up in the common room resting. I’ll see you kids later,” Fred backs away, winking exaggeratedly. When he’s gone, it’s just you two in the room. Babbling has retreated into her office.
“Well, we should probably be going. I don’t want to be late to Divination.”
“I’m sure Trelawney will know whether or not you’ll be late. Can’t she tell the future?”
“It… doesn’t really work that way, George.”
You and George keep working on the project. Each class, you seem to get closer and closer. He’s a really nice guy - you find yourself majorly looking forward to the class every day. Your friends have noticed the change - during meals, they catch you looking at him and tease you, relentless, despite the fact that you swear up and down that you’re only friends.
“But you think he’s attractive, right?” They ask. When you nod, they all shake you and yell and act like… well, basically children. Sometimes they threaten to go over there and ask him out for you.
“Guys - stop,” you frown. “It isn’t like that. He probably doesn’t feel the same way. And we’re still partners, I don’t want to mess anything up.”
“He walks you to class every day!”
“He’s just being nice,” you insist.
They still tease you about him.
It seems like those two weeks fly by. Before you know it, the entire passage is translated, and you’re presenting the projects. Your presentation is just filled with you two smiling and laughing at each other, making little jokes to the entire class. Even Babbling is laughing a little by the end of it; she automatically gives you two the highest grade and sends you back to your seats. When everyone is finished, Babbling goes to the front of the class and smiles, lacing her hands.
“Everyone, this project has been an ultimate success. It seems like your knowledge of ancient runes has increased dramatically. Starting tomorrow, you will be able to go back to your original seats…”
She keeps talking, but you don’t listen to her. Your heart drops. You won’t be sitting next to George anymore? It isn’t even that big a deal - you’ll still be friends, right? Regardless that you won’t be talking every day?
Babbling dismisses everybody. You rise to your feet, shakily slinging your bag over your shoulder. “Well, I think we had a successful partnership,” you say finally, smiling.
George nods. “Oh, yeah. I reckon we work well together.”
“We do!” You hesitate. “Okay, well-”
“We should get you to Divination, yeah?” George says a goodbye to Fred and holds his elbow out. Snorting, you roll your eyes and hook elbows with him.
“You’re a dork,” you remind him.
“Me? A dork? I am a handsome young man! A handsome, intelligent young man!”
“A handsome, intelligent, funny young man.”
George stops walking. “You think I’m funny?”
“Uh… yeah. You are funny.”
A slow grin slides across his face. “And handsome?”
Flushing, you duck your head. “Shut up.”
When you walk into Ancient Runes the following day, you’re disappointed to see the desks in singles again. You pass George’s desk on your way to the front; he leans over and taps you on the side as you walk by. You sit at the front and smile at the professor. Babbling nods to you.
“A bit odd being at the front again after sitting in the back for so long?”
You nod, sighing. “Oh, definitely, professor.”
Halfway through class, you hear a small plop underneath your nose. You look down; there’s a small piece of paper in your lap. Glancing to Babbling to make sure she doesn’t see you, you unfold the paper and read what’s written.
‘Do you like me? Check yes or no -George’
Underneath that, there’s a little box with a ‘yes’ next to it and a little box with a ‘no’. You laugh to yourself. You take your quill and dip it on ink, drawing a little check. You pass it behind you to Angelina Johnson, who you assume keeps it going back to the original recipient.
After class, you meet up with George outside. He’s clutching something in one hand, cheeks pink. Fred is nowhere to be seen.
“Where’s… um… Fred?” You ask.
George, who can’t seem to stop smiling, nods the opposite way. “He’s gone that way. Has to meet up with Ronnie, our brother, for something,” George clears his throat and extends his hand. “Shall we… go?”
You take his hand, lacing your fingers together. “Yeah, yeah. Let’s go.”
The entire way to the Divination staircase, you can hardly think of anything other than the feeling of your interlocked fingers. You seem to hear your heart thumping in your ears - but that can’t be right, can it? Your heart is in your chest!
George pulls you behind the stairwell when you reach it. He lets go of your hand. You’re almost sorry about it. George stammers for a second about something, but then he takes a deep breath.
“Can I kiss you?” He asks.
Oh. Okay. Around you, time stops. There is nothing else in the entire world - there’s only you and George and definitely not a staircase above your head, not a floor underneath your feet, not walls around your body. You nod too quickly.
George laughs and, in slow-motion, really, leans down and presses his mouth against yours. You reach up to touch his face, the other hand resting on his chest. The kiss is slow, soft, a gentle brush against your lips. When he pulls away, he’s smiling even wider.
“I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time,” he admits, grabbing your hand again. You let him.
“Honestly, me too.”
“Yeah,” you laugh. “Really.”
He leads you out from behind the stairs. The two of you begin to climb. “Hey,” he says out of the blue.
“Wanna be my girlfriend?”
You beam. “Of course I do, Georgie.”
He stops when you’re a step above him, making you the same height. George kisses you again. It’s only a second before you melt into it, hands tangled in his hair. You kiss him for so long, when you break apart, you realize you’re late for Divination.
George laughs, “Sorry for making you late.”
“I don’t mind. You’re right, Trelawney probably foresaw that I’d be late because of some stupid ginger Weasley boy.”
“That’s all I am to you, eh? Some stupid ginger Weasley boy?”
You kiss his cheek. “Of course not, George. Now you’re my stupid ginger Weasley boy.”
“Thank Merlin for that!”
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nextstopparis · 4 years
Hi I’m under the impression you want someone to tell you what to do so write me gwart headcanons I am starving for content. If you need a prompt to get started: them swimming together
anon this is so late im so sorry but i hope that its good enough for you to forgive me. also i literally love you so much for this.
OKIE DOKIE SO. gwart swimming:
you know what oh my god arthur would be SUCH a disaster gay at the sight of gwaine, shirtless and shit, flipping his wet hair out of his eyes kjdskjkdj oh my GOD he’d have no idea what to do with himself bc all his thoughts would be !!!!!!OH NO!!!!!!!!! and he would be absolutely shit at hiding it EXCEPT gwaine is also a HimboTM and so he wouldn’t really notice. he’d make a joke about “you like what you see princess?” or something along those lines and arthurs face would just turn so red and like sputter and stuff oh my god jfifjoeijfoeijfoei im sorry im having the time of my life with a flustered arthur.
ANYWAY i feel like it’d be gwaine to like initiate most of the touching (like, it starts with head dunks, then it escalates to jumping on arthurs back, then it escalates to grabbing him around the neck to noogie him etc. etc.) and arthur would just. get redder and redder and all his attempts at getting away would be pitiful at best bc he really doesnt wanna get away u kno? 
AND THEN they’d be playing some stupid game like who can hold their breath the longest or who’s the better swimmer - whichh eventually escalates to like. who catches the other one quicker and stuff. ANYWAY so they keep playing those types of stupid games and arthur honest to god does try to win the first few (he wins like 1/3) but then gwaine keeps giving him these obnoxious and overdramatic dumb kisses on the cheek/head/hand and like yeah, arthur is really red at this point, but he also rlly likes being kisses by gwaine ok?? not that he’d ever tell anyone that, least of all gwaine (bc he thinks gwaine is just doing it as a joke but he’s dumb so we can hardly blame him) and so arthur starts like. deliberately losing just to get kisses and like half hugs (also he’s touched starved so).
then once they tire themselves out, they get out of the water and lie down side by side, between this hazy feeling of half-asleep and half-not, with their shoulders and arms pressed together (bc they are Himbos and its still a lil above them to admit they hve feelings for each other to cuddle n shit sigh). 
i think they’d also accidentally fall asleep and wake up with like. their limbs all tangled but in a really uncomfortable way. like they’re still all over each other except gwaines left arm is numb and also, once he wakes up and arthur’s still asleep, he has to try desperately hard not to laugh bc arthur’s breath is tickling his face and. as uncomfortable as he is. he actually doesnt mind the princess this close. so its really hard keeping still and quiet. but he manages for like 4 minutes which he’s proud of himself for later. 
OH MY GOD ALSO at one point gwaine picks arthur up bridal style claiming he’s “saving the damsel in distress, being the knight in shining armour and all” and arthur rolls his eyes SO HARD that gwaine starts laughing and accidentally drops him.
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