#im fueled by spite and curiosity 1000000%
cubikzoa · 2 years
fantasy nerds are always like “waaah waaah being immortal would SUCK bc you’re alone forever and your significant other always dies and humanity moves on without you 😢”
meanwhile I’m over here rolling my eyes heartily bc I’m an ADHD aroace introvert with an extreme passion for knowledge and cool shit, if I was gifted immortality I’d promptly fuck off to go hyperfocus for a couple centuries or just travel the globe until my feet fell off, I could procrastinate for 57 years and it wouldn’t matter, if we discover aliens 300 years from now I’ll get to see ‘em and you idiots WON’T, I will outlive both Jeff Bezos and my villainous student debt, I will experience infinite awesomeness and be perfectly content with my zest for the Loner Life™️, you cannot deprive me of this astounding opportunity go sit in the corner and suck on your loser lollipops of limited thinking and cry
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