#im going to bang my head against the walls repeatedly until i pass out
pretty-ichor · 2 years
it would've been fun if i would've been the one
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eziojensenthe3rd · 1 month
Midnight Gaming: If a vampire comes along, You must whip it!
So last night I played Castlevania on NES and Super Castlevania past midnight, checked socials later to find.... Ghost in the shell japanese voice actress Atsuko Tanaka passed away.... aw.
So Ghost in the shell is a pretty, pretty big deal, given its a contributing factor to a lot of the cyberpunk genres notable features as well as projects such as the matrix. The original 1995 film blew the minds of audiences that year and showed what adult animation could accomplish.
Well, the voice actress for the main character was confirmed to have passed away at the age of 61, a woman by the name Atsuko Tanaka. Kindest regards are given to her family on what is a sad day.
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Bit of a bummer way to start a post huh? Well that cant be helped I suppose. If you havnt looked into the Gits series, maybe consider giving a look.
So Konami has a pretty bad reputation nowadays, since they've ended up ostracising one of their most notable and well respected developers for... reasons Im not entirely sure, and burning the bridge on gaming to focus on gambling machines, only to start to come crawling back. I wonder about the management of that company and what led them to make such awful decisions. I suppose the release of the castlevania and contra retro bundles and the upcoming silent hill 2 remake looking like it may be good is starting to change some minds but I do hope people never forget the shit they pulled.
So Castlevania? On NES? Generally regarded as a classic on the system and there were times were I've played a bit here or there but never got further than the 2nd stage. I decided for last night, i'd try to beat it without using save states and try to beat it legit. I got to the 3rd stage before I decided to abandon that. Castlevania is hard, of course it was, a lot of games back then were hard. And some folks may try to chime in saying that "gamers" back then were a different breed and had skill.
Thats a fucking lie and I hope enough time has passed that we as a society admit that. It was never about skill, it was memorization, going through sections of a game repeatedly until you learn where all the enemies spawn, where the best items are and whats the best route to take until you're able to complete a game without dying once.
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And this was possible because you had more time to dedicate towards beating a game as child, along with having not many games to play at the time. Being an adult with more responsibilities along with a wider selection of games to choose from, means you're not gonna spend a lot of time learning one game. I sure as hell cant, even with save states.
Since the game was on NES, you only had two buttons and a dpad. So naturally you can only whip left and right with using items requiring you to hold up and pressing b. The game does demand some precision since a good number of enemies in the game tend to be small like the medusa heads, ravens and the hunchbacks. Those bastards were an absolute pain to deal with, especially since the whip has a slight delay in the attack animation. It doesnt come out immediately, belmont does a wind up first then a whip so if a projectile was coming towards and you whip too late, you'll get hit before you whip and you'll feel like a twit.
I made it to Dracula phase one before I just gave up, I didnt feel like banging my head against that wall tonight. Since it was yet midnight at that point I decided to switch to Super Castlevania from the SNES, A game I first played on the wii through Virtual Console. And man, Super Castlevania just feels so much nicer to play.
A main arguement for why older games were difficult was due to the rental market. If you rented a game and beaten it, you werent likely to buy it which does mean less revenue for the publisher. And games were fairly short to complete if you knew how to beat them so upping the difficulty seemed like a nobrainer way to pad the length. But overtime games got bigger, stories more grander and worlds more expansive. So I guess overtime that necessity was being used less and less overtime, as developers were able to build bigger and bigger games. Atleast thats what I think.
But Super Castlevania just feels a lot nicer to play for two big reasons. One being that the difficulty was toned down a bit and feels a bit more fair. Before, you had to know where turkey legs were hidden to recover health from your mistakes but here, you can also get a small chicken leg either from a candle or dropped from an enemy to recover a small bit of health. Less than the wall turkey but still health recovery nonetheless and therefore, a bit more allowance for mistakes. Still has its challenge though especially in the platforming but there were less occasions were I felt it was bullshit.
Second is that it controls way, way better since you can whip in 8 directions. EIGHT. Left, right, straight up, diagonally up on left or right, you can even jump and whip down. And if you held the button down, you can keep the whip out and twirl it. Lil noodle. Lil vampire killer noodle.
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Items in both games are useful and becomes situational in some cases. The crosses and stopwatch were essential to get through a lot of sections in NES were in Super, I just stuck with the crosses especially since I have the upgrades for them. On the subject of items, it becomes another challenge just to keep an item you wanted. If you end up dying, you lost that item and if you got it before a checkpoint, you aint getting it back unless you game over. And if not that, its when you whip a candle and another item drops, you'd need to be careful not too stand too close to a candle and wait for the item to despawn before you go foward.
I stopped Super when I was at the clocktower because it was already past midnight and I didnt want to spend more time up just to finish it but I atleast feeling pretty pleased. I didnt feel that way when I dropped Castlevania on NES.
One final note before I wrap it up, the Castlevania retro collection I have on switch has a number of the classic games before Symphony of the Night, the nest trilogy, Super castlevania, the genesis game and the Game boy ones. The game boy being regarded as not being too great The sames one that got remakes on the Wii through wiiware but never got ported anywhere else, not even for this collection. You know what you got instead? Kid Dracula... Kid Fucking Dracula......... Konami is Konami I suppose....
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Anyways, thank you for reading, I will see you tomorrow. Feel free to leave game suggestions and/or feedback, anons are currently on.
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pinkykitten · 4 years
traitor - part 4
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2845: EXILE
synopsis: It’s the year 2845. A year where Earth is in shambles and space is the new frontier. You are sent along with other cadets to a distress call about some type of unknown creature. You are new as an engineer on the ship Shiganshina and you have to work for your boss and leader of your group Levi Ackerman. But remember, in space no one can hear you scream.
pairing: levi ackerman x female! reader words: 3,849 dannnnnnggggggg yall gonna be reading a lot imsorry genre: space au, series fic, au fic, gore, thriller, horror, violence, alien au  warning: death, gore, blood 
a/n: i just remebered that i forgot to put 2845: exile on the title in the previous chapter soooo oops. this took so long to write guys and im sorry i havent been updating in a while my bad im sorry i hope i did good on this. im sorry if things are off or misspelled. thank you for reading this series it means so much to me. 
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“What the cuss? Levi!” Your heart was racing and palms were sweaty. Panic was setting in. You felt you had let Levi down and you didn’t even know that he was alive or dead. 
You called to Levi so loud you felt the counter along with the items, shake. Your neck vein protruding as you searched vigorously the control room. What if there were more aliens? What if it took Levi and Reiner? 
Into your search you gazed up to see the vent nearby. It came down as if a vacuum cleaner. Maybe they were taken through there?
A flashlight was there and you shone the light up through the vent. It was stretched and looked as if a fight had gone through there. “I think they went through here.”
You rolled the chair to the opening of the vent, stood on the chair and used all your force to pull yourself up into the vent, climbing into it. 
You crawled through the tiny piece of vent. “I’m coming Levi, just please don’t be dead.” All the horror thoughts passed through your mind. What if Levi was dead? What if he was being tortured by the alien? The speeding of your heart was becoming overwhelming that you had to pause and take a breather. You pressed your neck against the cool vent to snap you out and awaken you. Sweat dripped down your neck. 
As you crawled through the tiny space you wondered as to where you would go to find Levi. Marley was such a big ship it would take you weeks to look through out this whole place to find Levi. Where was he? You were so lost until a low voice was hear through your ear piece. 
“So I see you’re trying to find us?” Reiner spoke up, chuckling on the other end. 
“What the cuss, Reiner? What did you do with Levi?”
“Listen, Y/N. I’m over here taking good care of him. Don’t worry about him, he’s in good hands.”
Sighing you rubbed your temples, “I’m not playing this game. Just tell me where you put Levi!” You banged the wall of the vent. 
You could almost hear Reiner smirk on the other end, “Here, I’ll give you this. I’m going to give you an hour to get to the boiler room. Hopefully you make it in time cause if not,” Reiner chuckled, “you know what’s going to happen.” Reiner hanged up the phone and you hopped out the nearest exit of the vent to check the map. 
“Okay the boiler room, the boiler room.” You said repeatedly. Your eyes searched on the screen and you found the boiler room at the bottom of the ship. It was under everything. You had to get into a vent underneath and go down the stairs. “Bingo.”
You looked behind you and you realized you were in the middle of Marley. All rooms, all hallways lead here so this was the hub of the ship. Before this it was probably flooded with people left and right. Most of the gates nearby were closed off. You flung the flamethrower across your shoulder when a bullet whizzed by you, grazing your arm. 
You fell back, wincing, holding the cut. You hid behind a pillar, looking back to see who it was. The person kept peaking out and shooting your way. 
You pulled your gun out and shot a couple times back at the person. He used up all his bullets and so did you so you had to reload. As you lifted the gun back up to shoot, more people came out. They kept, repeatedly shooting at you. You hid and couldn’t get out or else you would of been shot. The gun was held tightly to your chest as you looked up at the gray, steel, ceiling. Whether you got out of this alive or not, you were going to fight till the end. 
As the guy popped out again the look on his face was recognizable. He was one of the men on the mission on Marley. He was friends with Reiner, and Annie. It was a man named Bertholdt. Why were these people trying to kill you? Why was Bertholdt trying to kill you?
You looked at the crowd and saw around 10 people that were trying to kill you. As you reloaded your gun you heard a creak in the upstairs flooring. Was it another alien?
“Guys, there is a dangerous creature on this ship. We need to be quiet, please,” you begged. Maybe hoping that seeing their life was in jeopardy that they would stop. 
“Shut up,” Bertholdt snarled at you. 
“Why do you have beef with me, man? What have I ever done to you?” You shouted back, still keeping cover from the bullets. “I don’t even know you.”
“Oh don’t worry Y/N, you’ll know me.”
“Don’t get too lucky,” you smirked. You rolled out and shot as many times as you could, getting 2 guys. You then hid behind a wooden box. It was getting shot and not being able to hold up. As you were about to give up hope, Petra and Hange sprinted to the scene and hid behind with you. 
“Oh my God, what are you guys doing here?” You hugged Hange and Petra. 
“We saw our girl need help,” Petra patted your shoulder. 
Hange put her thumbs up, “we have you.”
You grinned as you nodded and you three in unison got up and shot the group. Hange got closer to them and shot with a furry within her. 
Most of the group was wearing masks to cover their identity and you didn’t know why. You shot one guy and was trying to shoot another but it was empty. 
“Crap,” your teeth clenched. The opposite guy tried to shoot you back but his gun was jammed. You punched him good in the face and he stumbled back but did not fall. He ducked your other blow and punched your stomach. The breath was taken out of you as the pain flowed through your body. You walked backwards and gained distance to kick high in the air to his face. The man fell on his butt and back. You walked up to him and put your foot down hard on his throat. He was struggling to breathe, whilst you reloaded your gun. You clicked it and pointed it straight to his head, “who are you?” He didn’t answer and you pushed harder on his throat, making him cry. “Answer me.”
He pushed his mask down and you made out that it was Eld Jinn. 
“What?” You were so confused and felt he was a traitor. How could he do this to you? “Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were friends?” You had tears gloss over your eyes. He was quiet until he got shot right in the middle of the forehead. You screamed as you looked back to see Hange had shot him. 
“Why did you do that?” You cried as the blood was splattered on your face and clothes. The smell of iron wafting through your nose. 
Hange wiped her gun with a handkerchief, “as Levi would say, super filthy.”
You felt so lost and you felt like crying and so exhausted. Looking at the group you saw they were no longer alive except Bertholdt. You look into his eyes and he shoots forward to Petra’s chest. 
You gasped as Petra’s shirt got more damp with blood as the red circle got bigger and bigger. She fell back as you screamed and ran to her, shooting Bertholdt in the chest as well. “Petra! Please no, Petra!” You put pressure on the wound to try to stop the bleeding but you and her knew there was no saving Petra. She was going to die. “You’re okay, you’re okay. Stay with me, just stay with me.” You held her head up as she bled from her mouth. She coughed up blood and looked within your eyes. 
Hange helped with the blood and tried to stop it but Petra held her bloody soaked hands. Enough was enough. 
“I’m going to be okay,” she smiled brightly up at you and Hange. “It’s going to be okay.” She caressed your face. 
“B-but we can help you,” you stuttered, tears dripping and mixing with her blood. 
“Listen to me Y/N, I don’t have much time. Don’t trust no one Y/N-” She was about to say more when the life was sucked away from her. She was gone. You cried in her shoulder as you touched her red hair. 
You looked up at the balcony on the other floor to see Oluo, clutching his head in his hands. The color was drained from his face and the look of horror would be something that would traumatize you forever. 
You felt so sorry knowing that he and Petra had history. You didn’t know how it felt to see the love of your life laying there in their pool of blood. 
Tears fell down your face and you had a moment of going through the same hurt with Oluo. Both your eyes met and it was in that moment he knew how sorry you were and that you tried everything to save and protect his love. 
Oluo proceeded to sob but left, you assumed as not to deal with the shock and pain.  
You stomped your foot on the man’s neck, that shot Petra, to make him start choking. He only had a few minutes left before he would loose too much blood and die so you needed to ask fast. “Now I’m going to ask again, who are you?”
“Go to Hell!” He spat blood in your face. 
Your foot was pressed down harder and the man winced. “Tell me.”
“Okay, I’m Bertholdt Hoover. I was sent on the mission with Annie and Reiner.”
That’s where you recognized him from but nothing made sense. If he was on this mission, why did he want to kill you?
You cocked the gun to his forehead, “why did you try to kill me then? I came to rescue you with my crew from ship Shingashina. Zeke sent us. We found Annie and Reiner-”
“Annie?” He sounded surprised but happy. “Good, I’m glad she is alive.”
“Why did you try to kill us Bertholdt?”
He looked up to the ceiling and smirked. You couldn’t tell if he was going to say more or not but his weak body was picked up like a rag doll. You remembered that purring, growling noise and your eyes met with what you thought was dead. The tall alien picked up Bertholdt’s body, high in the air. 
You backed away, keeping an arm out to place Hange behind you. 
“I thought they were dead.” You mouth quivered. 
In one swift movement the alien opened his mouth wide and wrapped it’s full, long, sharp teeth around Bertholdt’s head. It pushed it’s head back and ripped the skull from the neck like a lollipop from it’s stick. Bertholdt’s blood spilled from his decapitated body and from the alien’s mouth. 
You wanted to move but what you just saw made you so sick you vomited all over the floor. Shoes stuck to the ground like there was glue. You were frozen. 
Hange grabbed your hand and sprinted away with you to try to get to safety. You and her end up in a small computer room. You mesh the wires together found on the broken lock of the door and make it that the door locks. You also go to the computers and close the vents there. 
“I think we are safe now.” Hange seemed so stoic, so normal as if this didn’t mess with her at all. It almost insulted you. 
“How are you okay? We just saw this guy get his head eaten off.”
Hange sat on the floor near the door, “he tried to kill you and he killed Petra, maybe he deserved it.”
You were silent as that was true. Petra was on that floor, dead, because of him. “I can’t believe she is gone.” You played with your fingers as the reality of things started to sink in. 
“I know. She was a good fighter and friend.”
Anger boiled inside and you picked the computer up and threw it to the wall, smashing it. “I don’t understand!”
“What? A computer, I thought you were an engineer Y/N.”
“No, not that Hange. I mean I don't understand why Bertholdt tried to kill us? I thought we were on the same side! Didn’t Zeke notify Bertholdt and his crew that we were coming.”
“Maybe Bertholdt never got the signal, the word. I mean the place is a mess and out of control. Myabe they thought he was dead and didn’t tell him.” Hange tapped her lip in thought. 
Feeling exhausted, you sat next to Hange as you slid down the wall, plopping right beside her. “I don’t know if I can do this anymore. It’s taking a huge toll on me.” You reached for your guns and made a pile of all your weapons to bring relief to your back. “I’m tired, hungry and I don’t even know if Levi or Annie are alive. I don’t even know where Shigashina is at! Or if Erwin is dead! I lost almost all the crew and that cussing thing is still here. I thought I killed it but to my luck there are more.”
“Are you done then?”
It took you a moment to comprehend the words that Hange said, “what?”
“Are you done then? Finished with the mission? Do you want to go back home?”
You laughed, “I don’t have a home Hange. I never really belonged anywhere.”
“Yes, you do. You belong here. There is a reason you were chosen for this mission. Not anyone can do what you are doing. You’re an engineer. You are smart and brave. Now someone needs you. Levi is depending on you and I know that if the tables were turned, Levi would come save you.” She pulled out her card that is used on the ships. Even though she entered into the space program so long ago, Hange didn’t age or look any different. She admired the glossy card that had her information on it and her face and chuckled. “There was a time when I first had met Levi that I was explaining that there cannot be life on any other planet, that it is impossible according to data. But he looked me square in the face and proved me wrong with a simple sentence. How do you know your data is right? It got me thinking that he may have a point.” Hange turned her way to look at you. “Levi has been a quiet, son of a cuss sometimes, he hates filth and annoying people. He is tough, strong, knows what he’s doing type of guy. But he’s also loving, even though he doesn’t show it sometimes. He hungers for truth and why something is the way it is. He protects people he loves the most. Levi deserves you trying your hardest and he needs you Y/N right now. If you give up on yourself, you give up on him.”
Hange was right. You didn’t want to get close to someone or care about someone in case they got hurt or worse. You didn’t want to have to live with that. You always pushed people away, not wanting to get hurt or get them hurt. Hange saw right through you, she kicked down your walls. She brought out someone new. The new you loved and cared about others. You had to put your big girl panties on and go be there for Levi. You needed to save him. 
You collected all your weapons.
Hange’s curious eyes traveled up your towering form, “What are you doing?”
“Going to save my second in command.”
Hange smiled as you swung your hand out for her to take to aid her in helping her up. “What made you change your mind?”
You smirked, “shut up. Hey, I never asked, where did you grow up? What made you want to become part of the space program?”
Hange was about to answer when the speakers blared loudly throughout the ship. You recognized the voice as Reiner’s.
“Good to see you Y/N and Hange are still alive. I’m not surprised, Y/N’s good.”
Turning your head around in order to find a camera, you do and place yourself right in front. “What the cuss is wrong with you Reiner? Where are you?”
Reiner chuckled, “calm down Y/N. I knew you would be questioning my presence. Levi is fine, I think. Not real sure at the moment though.”
You banged the wall beside the camera, anger evident on your face. “I swear if you touch Levi-”
“I won’t, yet. You only have 10 minutes left to find him. Better make it quick, and I promise, I’m not going to make it easy for you.” His voice stopped and it was up to you to decide what to do.
Right, of course he wasn’t. You had to go to the boiler room, that was where it would all go down.
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Just around the corner was the boiler room. 
“Do you need a weapon, Hange? This might get messy.” You cocked your gun.
“I’m fine,” Hange put bullets in her gun.
You gave way to a big breath. As you turned the corner you were met with eggs upon eggs of what seemed to be from the alien. 
“Oh my God, Hange.” You were shocked. Mouth opened wide. “I can’t believe this,” you talked low, so as not to wake anything. You felt almost faint. How were you going to get through this?
“These are it’s eggs. It seems to be its nesting place.” Hange looked around. The eggs spilled goo and were still shut, but some were spilled open. 
“And I thought there was only one alien.”
Hange looked as if to say something but kept her mouth shut. She seemed nervous and terrified. 
“Stay behind me. Let’s move forward. If you see or hear anything tap on me.” You pulled your flamethrower instead and pointed it to whatever predator that awaited you. You two walked straight. Every bump, noise, shook you two to the core. The saliva from the alien dropped down from the vents and ceiling. 
“Y/N!” Hange smacked your arm. You heard the squeal of another alien and it was the ones the crawled on the floor. It was coming towards you. 
You used the flamethrower on it and burned it to a crisp, killing it. Seeing your surroundings, corpses laid against the walls. Those that crawled on the floor were on the faces of the corpses. They seemed to hug the faces. They were very dangerous and killed just as bad as the alien. 
More groups of the face huggers stormed after you. You blasted the fire right on them, feeling the heat on your skin as your sweat dripped. There were puddles of unknown liquid that rose up high to your knees. The anticipation was high. You were worried about Levi and wanted him to be alright but you were scared to see the reality of things. 
In the distance, Levi was lying on the floor, unconscious. 
“Levi!” You ran to his weak body, kneeling down to him. His skin was cold as you touched his cheek. “Please Levi, please be awake.” Tears were filling up your eyes. 
“Annie!” Hange shouted. 
You looked behind you to see Annie was hung up by vines and goo onto the wall behind her. She too was unconscious. You didn’t understand why she was up there. Did the alien put her there?
Levi started coughing and caught your hand. “Hey Y/N,” his voice was raspy and weak. 
“Levi!” You hugged him tight. “I thought I lost you.” 
“I can’t believe you came back for me.”
You looked in his dark eyes and brushed his hair, “I’m sorry you ever doubted me.”
Hange helped Levi up while you went to Annie. Her skin was pale with no rose color to her cheeks. Her eyes had bags under them and they were dark. 
“Poor Annie. I’m sorry you had to go through this,” you tried cutting the vines off. It took a lot of sawing until it worked and she fell down in your arms. You were about to bring them both up when you heard footsteps behind you. 
“So you made it. Good for you. I almost didn’t believe in you.”
“Reiner,” you gritted your teeth. “Better step out of the way, we’re leaving.”
“Not on my watch,” Reiner shoots at you and Hange. You push Annie and Levi behind a corner since they are too weak to fight. 
You shoot repeatedly at Reiner from behind a wooden box. Hange is behind that as well, shooting. Reiner takes cover from around a corner, popping his head out every once in a while to take some risky shots. 
“This doesn’t seem to work. I’m going to go up to him. You stay here,” you were willing to risk your life. You showed yourself and shot at Reiner. Reiner came out as well and you two were going head to toe. 
Hange was distracted and didn’t notice the growling in the back of her. From the corner of your eye you saw a black figure, looming above her. It was the alien!
“Hange look out!”
Hange turned around with her hands covering her face and the alien tore Hange’s arm off. What surprised you was there was no blood, bones, or muscle. Your heart almost stopped. All along Hange was an android. 
“What the?” You were so confused. You felt lied to, betrayed and that you had so many questions. What was real and what was a façade? You were too busy worrying about Hange you didn’t see Reiner about to shoot you in the heart. 
Levi slides your way and from under you stabs Reiner on the thigh. Reiner roars in pain and pushes you and Levi out the gate of the ship Shigashina. 
It all happened so fast. Your body fell on top of Levi’s as Shigashina used hyperspace to disappear. In a flash they were gone. 
“No!” You cried, sinking to your knees in such disappointment. 
Levi tapped your shoulder, “Y/N I think you need to see this.”
You turn around and realize you and Levi were on a planet where there were many eggs littered on it. “What the cuss is this place?”
As you looked around the eggs were the same ones in the ship a few minutes ago, “It seems this is where that creature is from.”
All the talking you and Levi did you both didn’t realize that you guys didn’t have any space suit. Struggling to breathe you looked to Levi and in that moment it looked as if for once in his life he had no plan to get out of this one. 
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a/n: oooh i wonder whats gonna happen next.....i hope i did a good plot twist tho lol i feel like im good at these things and then when they happen and i actually write them down i then think noooobad idea! abort!
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beepbeepliv · 6 years
I know you said It ships but could you write something henclair, with its all my fault. pretty please 💕
I love to fuck with my favourite characters and Dustin is a fave so I apologise babe
Dustin gets spiked. Sorry for the shitty ending... i remembered it was supposed to be a drabble TW: super vague mentionsof intent to rape
“I won’t go, if you don’t want me to,” Dustin said, for thefifth time, glancing back at where he knew Lucas was stood, just staring. Heshook out of his daze and shrugged.
“No, go! You should go! I’m just… not sure about him.” Hesaid, still confused within himself at why he didn’t want Dustin going out. They’dbeen together for 4 years, he knew the younger boy would not be leaving him forthis guy, but he still felt off about the whole thing.
“Dude, his father is a director. He said he saw potential in me. I can’t pass that up!” Dustincontinued, putting down his comb and getting up from the dresser to approachwhere Lucas was still stood, crossed armed.
“I know, babe, I know.” He replied, pulling Dustin closeonce he was within reach, so they were both pressed against the wall, “I know...I can’t help if I worry about you,”
“I’ll be fine! I’ll text you the whole way. If he triesanything. I’ll bite him, and Dart will sense my pain and come running,” Almoston cue Dart started howling from his cage, Lucas smiled over at him fondly andDustin heart swelled at the amount of love Lucas had for Dart.
(He had squealed the first time he met him. “Oh my God. Hethinks he’s a wolf! Dustin, I love him,”)
Dustin still saw a bit of worry in Lucas’ expression.
“Fake dating someone isn’t the worst thing I’ve ever done,”Dustin murmured, then he growled, trying to lighten the mood, and it workedbecause Lucas’ concerned expression morphed into disgust. He pushed Dustin onthe shoulder and turned to walk away when he was caught by the waist and pulledback. Lucas struggled, trying not to concede too quickly.
“Boys who growl don’t deserve boyfriends,” He yelledobnoxiously
“No! baby, don’t leave me I’m sorry.” Lucas finally laughed,spinning around in his boyfriend arms, he placed his hands on Dustin’sshoulders.
“How sorry?” he asked cheekily.
“ooh, let me show you,” Dustin replied, wiggling hiseyebrows, Lucas rolled his eyes but kissed him anyway.
 He obviously didn’t go to the door when Dylan came around topick Dustin up, they could have played it like he was a roommate but Lucasdidn’t need any reason to feel jealous and do something stupid like kiss Dustinto assert his masculinity. He was fine just watching from the upstairs window.
He did get a text soon after he left
8.33 – Dustin: I toldyou, you were hotter. Nothing to worry about *lennyface*
Lucas couldn’t help his laughter.
“Fucking loser,” he murmured heading to the bedroom, he andDustin had set up a pretty decent fort before he had to leave, and Lucas wasn’tjust going to let it go to waste. He had only seen Black Panther once… thisweek. It was time to watch it again.
He let Dart out and the small husky immediately jumped athim,
“Okay boy, c’mon let’s go watch some black excellence,” heyipped as if he understood and followed him back to the bedroom, settling inbeside him and licking at his face. He laughed and snuggled up close as hepressed play.
Turns out he didn’t have time to feel bad or have anyworried thoughts about Dustin and Dylan because he was getting constant textupdates. At least every 15 minutes.
9.07 – Dustin: You may have to watch your back babe. Dylan’s got anextensive Pokémon collection.
9.07 – Lucas: DnD is better. It’s okay, I’ll date Will
9.10 – Dustin: Don’t you dArE
Lucas giggled and turned to show the messages to dart, whoyapped, recognising the small icon as Dustin. He headbutted the screen.
“Who would get you in the divorce?” he asked, “Me or yourdaddy?”
Dart yapped once. Lucas nodded.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” Lucas focused back on thefilm till he felt his phone go off again.
9.23 – Dustin: Damn, Pokémon and a rugby player. Get you a man that doesboth amirite? Why don’t you ever offer me your jersey?
9.25 – Lucas: We don’t have jerseys you idiot, but you can wear mygross basketball shirt anytime!
9.25 – Dustin: mmhmboyfriend sweat. Rawr
Fucking loser, Lucas thought fondly as he led Dart back tohis cage and fed him dinner, he refilled the water bowl before locking him in. Hewould usually let him roam, but he wasn’t currently aware enough to take goodcare of him (Dart fucking loved to escape, and Lucas was too tired to go outsearching – plus it was dark). He didn’t want to fall asleep and wake up andhave him gone. Dustin would genuinely murder him.
He returned to another text.
9.31 – Dustin: he puts pineapple on his pizza. At this point I maynever come back babe byefelicia.gif
Lucas just rolled his eyes, pressing play on the movie. DamnDaniel Kaluuya was nice to look at, even if his character was an idiot.
There wasn’t another text for a while but at this pointLucas wasn’t even worried anymore. He actually felt sorry for Dylan because hewas sure Dustin was spending more time on his phone that paying attention tohim.
10.00 – Dustin: Yikes well he just asked me to come back to his placeto take some headshots for his dad… that sound like a proposition to me…thoughts?
Lucas bit his lip, contemplating, he didn’t want Dustin tomiss out on any opportunities because of him. But he also did not want Dustingoing over to this guys house. He trusted his boyfriend, definitely but hecouldn’t speak for the other guy. He must have been thinking for too longbecause another text came in soon after.
10.03 – Dustin: I’m taking that as a no.,, I thought as much, justwanted to cross check. I’m in the bathroom now so I’ll just go back out, downmy drink and say I have to head home. The fort still up babe?
10.04 – Lucas: I never want to take it down.
10.04 – Lucas: Also… if you really want to go...
10.05 – Dustin: Shut up Lucas. Rollseyes.gif
Lucas sniggers and places his phone down in the bedsidetable. He really, really didn’t want Dustin going home with Dylan – so he washappy. He went downstairs to go refill his popcorn and ran into Stan, one oftheir roommates cleaning up. He held back the urge to roll his eyes. He lovedStan, really – but that boy loved to clean.
Lucas tried his hardest, all the time, he ready did, but he wasstill learning how to live with someone with OCD and wasn’t sure what to do.
“Hey dude, do you wanna come up and watch Shrek with me?” heasked. Stan kept scrubbing – a bit frantically.
“No, No I, uh, I have a date with Richie in 30 minutes,but,” he paused, breathing frantically, “I can’t leave until it’s clean,” hefinished. Lucas nodded, out of his comfort zone. He wished Dustin was here.Dustin was fucking amazing at calming Stan down.
“Okay, I’ll help. We can get this done in like 10!” Lucasoffered, placing the bowl down.
“Really? Thank you, thanks!” Stan shoved some cleaning materialshis way and Lucas chuckled, getting to work on the dishes.
Lucas and Stan manged to clean up in 20 minutes leaving Stan10 to freshen up and get out the door. He was pretty proud of himself. Hesorted his popcorn and ran back up, swearing when he realised he didn’t pauseit.
“Can’t miss Shrek, this film is iconic,” he whispered tohimself, laughing at his own joke. As he rewound the film he noticed his phoneflashing and remembered Dustin. It was coming close to half ten- he was probablytexting to say he was close by. Lucas picked up his phone to check
10.10 – Dustin: Bill paid, walking to the car! Keep the fort warm forme!
10.12 – Dustin: Luca I don’t feel god,,, Cld you make msome soup for,,
10.15 – Dustin: he lockd the doors and im sleep
Lucas’ heart dropped, and he felt his vision tunnel as thesound of the film faded into the background. He must have read that wrong or hewas misinterpreting.
10.15 – Dustin: this isn the way hoe…. Hes not takjin me home. Imscared
This was not happening. This was not happening. Not to Dustin. Not his boy.
10.16 – Dustin: oh my g,
10.16 – Dustin: I think;; he spiked me.
10.16 – Dustin: I thi he spik my coke
Lucas stopped reading the text and looked at the time. Itwas 10.34. This had happened almost 20 minutes ago. He was such a badboyfriend. Anything could be happening. His mind was going wild with possibilities.Anything could be happening. Heneeded to find Dustin and get to him but, no car, they had no car. How could he--?He had to—Steve! Steve had a car. He was a three-minute bike ride away.
Lucas’ mind was made in an instant.
He ran down, stumbling on the stairs and quickly openingSnap-maps to find Dustin. He located him and sped down to Steve’s, it was dangerousbecause he was nervous, his hands were shaking, and he couldn’t really see. Healmost got hit multiple times, but it was worth it for his boy.
He banged on Steve’s door obnoxiously and repeatedly till hecame down. He was in pyjamas, but Lucas didn’t have the heart to make fun ofhim for going to bed to early.
Steve took in his state and expression and his frown lightenedup.
“What’s wrong?” he asked, grabbing his car keys from the standin preparation.
“Dustin—I – I can’t. It’s all my fault, spiked— his drinkgot spiked. We- we need to go. 16 Pembrooke Drive. Steve now, Steve! He spiked him!!Anything could be—he could be— oh god!” Lucas didn’t even know when he begancrying, he was so frustrated and couldn’t believe he was wasting so much time.Dustin had been alone and out of it with the guy for at least half an hour. Whoknows what was happening?
Luckily Steve seemed to understand and nodded solemnly,
“Get in,” he said, beeping the car open and speeding off assoon as they were both in. He inputted the directions into the satnav. Lucas reluctantlywent back to Dustin’s texts
10.13 – Dustin: Sorry, I sosrry, so sorry,. ‘’; I cahkgkn’t
10.13 – Dustin: u wer rit; I sorry ii lovv . I cant ;’kgkjl
“Fuck,” he whispered, feeling more frustrated tears comepouring out, “fucking fuck,” he slammed his hand on the dashboard.
“Lucas, we’ll get there. He’ll be alright.”” Steve said, hisvoice calm and steady, contrasting his death grip on the steering wheel. Lucasdidn’t believe him.
“This is all my fault, I shouldn’t have let him go. Stupid,stupid, stupid,”
“Hey, hey listen up shithead. Did you spike him? No. so stopthat self-blame shit, cause that’s not helping him right now.” Lucas’ mouth slammedshut and he nodded. Steve was right. Focus on Dustin.
They got there, and Lucas was tumbling out of the doorbefore the car had even come to a full stop, he distantly heard Steve reprimandinghim but just ran forward into the house, ramming the door with his shoulder. Hejumped back as pain flared up in his arm, but only took a moment to recover beforehitting it again and again.
“Shit, Lucas, step back,” Steve said, when he’d finallycaught up, pushing Lucas back and picking the lock.
They ran in to find a shirtless guy standing in front of thefridge, holding a bowl of grapes. Lucas felt anger flare up in his gut as hetook in his dishevelled hair and unclasped jeans. The guy frowned when theywalked in, taking a step back,
“Who the fuck are you? Why are you in my house?” He asked,
“Dylan Ffion?” Lucas asked, stalking towards him. The guy shrugged,dropping the grapes and crossing his arms defensively,
“Who’s asking?” Lucas reared back and decking him across theface. Groaning when he pulled his shoulder more and bruised his knuckles, thepunch wasn’t as hard as he would have liked but the shock factor helped him asthe guy flew back, clutching his nose. “What the fuck, dude?”
“Where’s Dustin?” he asked coldly, the guys eyes widened in realisation,but he quickly schooled his expression, grabbing a cloth to catch the bleeding.
“fuck! What are you a jealous ex? I don’t have to tell youshit about his dating life,” dating life,Lucas felt disgust grow in the pit of his stomach.
“Look, you fuck, Dustin texted me saying you drugged him,you piece of shit, so unless you want me to leave and go straight to thestation, you’ll tell me where he is and pray to God I find him in a decent condition.If I find that you’ve harmed a single fucking hair on his head, I’ll skin you.”He reeled off, stepping into the other guys personal space. He seemed tofinally be understanding how serious the situation was and began stutteringthrough an excuse.
“n-nah dude, you’ve got it wrong. I was j-just helping him. Hehad too much to drink and…” Lucas scoffed rolling his eyes and grabbing Dylan bythe collar, cutting off his spiel,
“Where. Is. he?”
“Upstairs, first room on the right,” he choked out just as Stevewas pulling Lucas off him,
“Dude you don’t wanna get done for assault, go get him. I’lldeal with this shithead,” he said, shooing him upstairs. Lucas heart was in histhroat as he ran up and to the room Dylan had said, he bit his lip when he sawDustin, passed out on the bed. He could almost pretend he was asleep form thisfar away, but upon approaching him he could see the faint tear tracks on hischeeks. His heart was in his throat as he approached the bed.
“Hey Dusty,” He said, gently shaking him, “Can you hear me,love?” Dustin groaned on the bed, his eyelids flickered, and his fingerstwitched. Lucas took his hand tightly, feeling his eyes tear up, “C’mon baby,wake up please,” he murmured, rubbing the back of his knuckles with his thumb. Allhe got in reply was another groan. He ripped of the blanket, cringing when hesaw his boyfriend was just in his underwear,
“Shit, Dust, where are your clothes?” he asked quietly,looking around the room. He grabbed a dressing gown, wrapping Dustin in it andpicking him up. On his way out, he noticed Dustin’s jeans on the floor, andgrabbed them as well.
“Steve can I have your keys?” he asked as they walked by theliving room.
“Fuck” Steve uttered when he turned around and saw Dustin inLucas’ arms, “Of course,” he threw him the keys and all Lucas could think as hemade his way back to the car was that he let his happen.
“Never again,” he whispered, kissing Dustin’s forehead, “Neveragain,”
lmao sorry for the shitty ending
send me a word (or phrase) and an IT ship and I’ll write u a drabble//headcanon for it :)
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hirax18 · 7 years
if you'll excuse me, im going to bang my head repeatedly against the wall until I pass out
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(( This is a little back story about Kristhiana and her ex. Not many know her past and why she is the way she is, so I thought it’d be fun to write about it. TRIGGER WARNING: blood gifs and images will be used in this post. Please keep scrolling if that triggers you. I dont want anyone getting upset. <3 ))
The wedding was beautiful.  The whole crew was there. Every officer, every thug, even the other sniper that was Tirrah’s partner. It was an amazing day on the ocean as everyone sailed on the boat. Ghost and Tirrah had just said their vows to each other, promising to love one another for the rest of their lives. Little did Tirrah know that her new husband was lying on his end…
Tirrah didn’t seem to notice the wink Ghost had shot to another female in the crowd as she was looking down at the diamond on her left ring finger. She thought they were perfect for each other, and couldn’t wait to run The Marked together as husband and wife. Maybe they would even start a family and teach the young ones how to be successful like their mamma and poppa. And oh how the children would have such a large family! Everyone in The Marked adored Ghost and Tirrah’s relationship. Well… almost everyone.
She was the only one who didn’t seem to approve of their relationship. Why? Because she wanted Ghost for herself. Caitlyn was the type of female that started sleeping her way up the tree of power until Ghost was the last one. Sure, Tirrah was power hungry as well, but she didn’t feel that way until after dating Ghost for a few months. Rather than leaving for their honeymoon after the wedding, Tirrah had to take a weeks leave for training. It was something that was ordered by her teacher at the time, not caring if she was just wed or not. As much as she wanted to spend a week away with her new love, they both knew it was better for their crew that she get some training in. They would always be able to take a vacation any other time. The first night of them being husband and wife was spent saying their goodbyes, knowing she was going to be leaving early the next morning. Kisses, hugs, cuddles and a few other provocative activities took place in the bedroom of their ship. The following morning, she left with a glow in her face but a sadness in her heart. “I will be back home soon, my love…”
The days came and went as she waited for the time she could come home to her husband. Anticipation filled her heart as the day finally arrived. The smile on her face could not be erased as she rode back to Stormwind. The Marked had a hub in the city, and Ghost’s ship was not far from the docks. The wind blew through her long blonde hair as her stead ran as fast as it could, trying to get its mistress back home. Through the gates and down the streets of Stormwind, she rode. A greeting to the rest of her crew could wait. It was her husband that she wanted to see! Upon arriving to the docks near the boat, she noticed an extra horse that was next to Ghosts. She knew all the horses and other mounts that belonged to her crew mates. So why didn’t she recognize this one? Tirrah was gone for a week, after all. Perhaps someone had to get a new one, or maybe Ghost had a friend over that she had never met. The possibilities were practically endless considering the work that they did. Tirrah jumped off of her horse and began to run onto the ship when she suddenly heard a noise that made her stomach flop.
A moan…?
Tirrah stopped dead in her tracks, standing in the middle of the boat, only a few feet away from the bedroom where the noise came from. She slowly approached the door, careful not to make a sound as she listened in. Surely she misheard that sound. Maybe it came from somewhere else. Not her bedroom…_right? _Tirrah was right outside the door of her own room when the moans didn’t stop. The creak of the bed moving in a steady rhythm made it all too clear as to what was happening on the other side of the wood plank.
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There aren’t any words that can explain the pain that she felt in her heart. Its impossible to explain what it feels like to have your heart suddenly snap into a million pieces. Tears welled up and began overflowing onto her skin that was no longer glowing. A pain struck her chest as Tirrah felt like she could no longer breathe. Weak in the knees, she stumbled to find her way to a nearby chair. Not a single noise escaped her lips. The pain she felt couldn’t even make her cry out loud. The shock was still too much, and she was still trying to register what she had just heard. In fact, she could still hear it. The moans never stopped. Minutes felt like hours until the other woman and Tirrah’s husband stopped their affair. Another moment passed, and there went the door to the bedroom. Out came Caitlyn with messed up hair, flushed cheeks and an outfit that looked to be rushed back on. Perhaps the two knew that Tirrah was going to be home that night. Idiots.
Tirrah stood up from her chair after Caitlyn had left and slowly made her way to her bedroom. Being the huntress and trained sniper she was, it was easy for her to be quiet. She looked into her room, eyeing her husband on their bed. No. His bed. It no longer belonged to her. Not after what was taken place inside of it. Tirrah stood there with hate in her heart, anger very apparent on her face as she stared him down. The feeling of being watched must have finally gotten to Ghost as he peeped open one single eye, looking towards the doorway. It could be described that Ghost nearly turned into the name that everyone called him the second that he laid eyes on his heartbroken wife.
“T-Tirrah! Babe.. What.. How.. Uhm.” He couldn’t find the words to try and form up a question. It was as clear as day as to why she looked the way she did. “How was the trip?” Was he really trying to act like nothing happened? The whole room reeked of sex and sweat. Tirrah began steppinf forward, closing the space between them. As she neared, the expression on her face changed from anger to…happiness? Something inside of Tirrah snapped. She was more than angry. She was far more than just upset, and heart break couldn’t even start to explain the feeling she was experiencing in that moment. “Uhm… Tirrah, honey.. Look, lets just-” She cut him off with a cant of her head. “I just want a hug, honey. I haven’t seen you since we were married,” she said with a faux sweet tone. Ghost hesitated, but he slowly did as she requested, stepping towards her to hold her close. The two formed an embrace, his arms over top of hers as he held her into his chest, her arms curling under his.
Tirrah leaned up on her toes, resting her cheek against his for a moment. The tension could be cut with a knife if someone else were to walk in to the cabin, but they wouldn’t have to. In her right hand, Tirrah had a blade resting on top of her other hand. When she spoke, it was softer than a whisper. Ghost had to listen carefully.
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Before Ghost could try and defend himself, knowing exactly why she was saying what she did, the last of his breathing stopped. The sound of ripping skin filled his ears as a wetness grew on his chest. Ghost’s eyes darted down to the blade that was now inside of his torso before looking back up to Tirrah’s green eyes, searching for an answer. 
“Not even being stabbed in the heart will be enough to show you the pain your wife is feeling. I hope it was worth it…” 
His now lifeless body dropped to the wooden floor, but it wasn’t enough. The thing with Tirrah is that she had an addiction to blood. Most called her crazy, or they would if they knew about it. She kept it a secret. You see, Tirrah had this special flask. It was red and black with intricate designs all around it. What remained inside wasn’t alcohol. It was blood, and she would drink from it whenever the feeling of killing someone would emerge from the shadows within. That past week during her training, she didn’t have any of that blood. She wouldn’t drink from animals. Tirrah had a special supply that she got from specific people. So when she came home, she was already lusting for blood. Seeing what her husband did while she was away after only being married for a week topped it off for her. After looking over him with a demonic grin, Tirrah knelt down and removed the blade from his heart…only to repeatedly stab it back into the organ.
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It was a bloody mess.
The crimson liquid dripped off of her finger tips and fell onto the floor, meeting up with the bigger puddle that she had created. The dark grin on her lips remained, but the pain in her heart had disappeared.
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With her head canted to the side, looking over her masterpiece, Tirrah slowly brought her hand up to her lips, sliding her finger tips into her mouth and sucking gently. Her tongue danced across her skin, tasting the iron from the red liquid. Her green eyes closed as she took in the moment, exhaling from being content with her work.
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“Im not finished…”
Tirrah had another person to pay a visit to. As she made her way through Azeroth, searching for Caitlyn, word got around her crew that Ghost was murdered by his own wife. Ironically, none of them knew why she did it. The crews numbers started growing short, one by one. It was assumed that Tirrah was killing off each person that she said killed her husband. They weren't wrong. Caitlyn was last on Tirrah’s list. Save the best for last, right? Tirrah didn’t bother with big entrances or an announcement. When she found Caitlyn, she simply had her up against the wall, her hand around her throat with a revolver in the other. “T-Tirrah! L-Look! I’m s-so sorry! Im nothing but a slut, o-okay?! Please don’t kill me!” For the first time in a month, Tirrah couldnt help but laugh at the sound of her enemy begging for her life. It was music to her ears. Tears streamed down Caitlyn’s face like a water fall, her mascara and eyeliner falling down with it. “Ill do anythi–”
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“Dont call me Tirrah, by the way,” she growled to the corpse.
"It's Kristhiana now..."
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