#im going to have disgusting gay sex with him i love him soooo much
just found out my boyfriend sees me as A BEAR !!!!!!!! im sobbing, its so true. i always dreamed of being a bear AND NOW ITS FUCKING TRUE!!!!!!
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softhairedhotch · 7 months
HAHSHAHAHA i must say great minds think (and type) alike ‼️‼️‼️‼️ literally when i first found ur blog i was like my god someone who literally has the same big brain as me?!?!?? (except, you have A Much Bigger Brain because YOUR WRITING????? im absolutely in Love AHHHHH thank u for filling the void in me like literally not just the smut like THE FLUFF?!?!? please i just want to cup his face and kiss him so gently n obviously not just that like i just feel So Seen as a gay guy who's just so down bad for him)
anyway thank u for putting the image of him straddling and fucking my face bc it will now be stuck in my head for a good while 👍 also in other filthy thoughts personally i think that man is downright disgusting . like yeah he typically is a very hygienic and # clean man but when it comes to sex... boy does he like to make a MESS . personally i think he'd more often like to not waste his cum and have stuff it deep inside your holes BUT.... i think he'd also go absolutely feral at the thought and sight of marking you. WOOFFFFFFFFFFF 😵‍💫😵‍💫
also he seems like a guy who would make so much noise . like other than his little words of affection and phrases, he definitely makes all the noises out there possible- gasps, grunts, moans, whimpers, whines. there are TOO many times where i'm watching/listening to porn and then im like ... Hold On... that sounds just like how aaron would sound or what he'd actually say.... and then i'm suddenly on my knees, a whole mess n wishing he was real.
anyway he's just so . this man occupies too much space in my thoughts. FML im sorry this ask got SO out of hand idk when did it become 827482 words long... n speaking of hands, maybe that would be the most apt emoji for me 🤲 (aka me praying to be aaron's boyfriend... or me just handling his heavy balls tbh)
FRRRR ‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ and awwwwww thank you sm!! i'm so glad you've enjoyed my writing <33 ive got a few more things in the works so i hope you enjoy them too! and YES i am soooo so glad that i can help you feel seen <3 i gottttaaaa write more male reader fics bc it's deserved fr hehe
i mean im writing a few male oc things where they get with aaron so i hope that also interests you!! but yeah hopefully more male reader fics to come!! also if you have any requests (🤭) feel free to ask and i'll try to get around to it 💪
also you're welcoooomeee 🤭🤭 and GOD YESSSSS he does not waste it!! i firmly believe that one of his favourite things is cumming down your throat and when it leaks outta your mouth he swipes it up with his thumb before pushing it inside your mouth <3 once he's cleaned you up he'll kiss you to taste himself 🤭 orrrrrr if he's coming inside you he makes sure to push it back inside before licking it all up ‼️ but if you're not one for cum eating then he'd just make sure to fill you with his cum to make you his own 🥰
and you've just made me think of the fact that he definitely loves to mark you up!! he loves being marked up too but sometimes he's against it because of work (but he can't resist it if you start kissing across his jaw n neck n collarbone 😏) so the next Best Thing is making the most of doing it to YOU!!! he'd leave pretty bruises across your skin n chest n tummy n thighs and he'd be soooo proud of himself for it 🤭🤭 he loves seeing the marks he's left on you whenever he can, especially when it's in a softer moment like you're cuddling on the couch and your shirt rises up and he sees faint teeth marks or a lil mark <3 it just makes him feel so satisfied
and YESSS that man is SUCH A MOANER. he makes allll the prettiest noises and he tries to hide them but he can't with you!! bc you make him feel soooo good and bc you beg him to let all his cute whines and whimpers and moans out :3 also that comment about watching porn and being like "... aaron would say/do that" is SOOOO REAL (which is why i started reblogging all those gifs n pics lol, i NEED to have a visual for the shit i think up of this man bc i need him So Bad and it's important for my mental health) (it's not but he's a cutie patootie so it counts) (i just love him okay)
and NO DONT APOLOGISE i loooooove long asks and i hope you send more in the future!! especially out of hand ones hehe bc you just GET IT!!! YOU GET IT!!!! YOU GET HIM AND YOU UNDERSTAND AND GODDDDD i need to talk about aaron with you ALWAYS your brain is sooo big!!!! and you're so fucking funny HELPP THE EMOJI 😭😭😭 THAT IS SO GOOD LMFAOO YOU BETTER HOLD HIS HUGE HEAVY MEATY BAWLS okay you're now 🤲 anon <3 nice to meet you!!! thank you sm fr these asks hehe you've made my day
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anonil88 · 4 years
The Haunting of Bly manor ep. 3-4
Episode 3
Aww Rebecca seemed sweet, figured that's where she got splendid from.
Fucking cops.
Oop hello gardener 👀
Whats with the housekeeper, is it cause shes a ghost?
Are the dolls all the ghosts in the house?
Miles always been a bit meh, this man makes me wanna pull my tonsil out.
Oh wow muddy feet so there's always been that ghost or thing on going even before Rebecca.
Chill out sir you mad possessive already.
I figured she still wanted to be a lawyer.
His accent is THICK, he's from westminster hmm. Still fuck Peter Cun...i mean Quint tho.
OMFG THEY ARE SO CUTE. Mrs. Grose and Owen are so cute. Also, why is she not sleeping?
It doesn't make sense so what is the story here I wanna know.
Oooo they staring mad hard at eachother 👀
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She is the coolest and maybe Miles killer Mrs. Grose by accident.
Sis who did u hurt?
I'm waiting for this lighters significance to pop up.
Of course they are having sex, what if Rebecca was pregnant hmmm.
Who gives the new nanny the dead nanny room?
4 candles, I noticed that since the first episode. 2 for their parents, 1 for Rebecca and 1 for who?
Maybe a baby?
Also Owen and Hannah are soooo cute omg. Maybe she's not a ghost and just clairvoyant? Or the house is playing tricks on everyone and everything is older than they can see.
Awww Flora and yes toss the doll in that fucking river. Evil ass Peter, evilly. Oh fuck its Rebecca aka the lady in the lake.
Everyone can see Hannah hmm.
Flora lies? About what? Okay so now my theory is Peter possessed Miles and Peter was jealous of the kids getting Rebecca's time. He also was abusive and possessive as heck.
Oh the forbidden wing was still forbidden. Who is giving his ass permission? And why is these kids parents wing closee off completely. What kind of ghosts is haunting their wing.
Fuck that coat, he's buying her affections after hurting her.
I like those high waisted pants.
Fuck this music box and this sordid ass relationship.
Hannah's care is for this house and these children's well being. Peter is an evil ass prick.
Ugh the corny jokes.
She did eat at one point so im guessing she's dead and Peter killed her.
He really got fucking jealous are you fucking kidding me. Wowwww he's a class act abusive boyfriend. Fuck him. Owen had everyone try the batter and he clearly was sweet on Hannah.
Omg the two reactions to storytime lol
Ah this is how Flora copes, oh no the puns.
Here we go with the weird shit Miles and wait the puppets in the basement.
His uncle is the puppet master and the workers are the puppets.
Nooo his mom passed.
What'd she whisper? Ugh they are so cute. Awww and so are these two, ugh I just wanna see them all be in cute happy relationships.
Gardener probably in her head like:
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Episode 4
Oh hes a childhood friend and her prom.... omg no he's her husband.
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This is cute but she also clearly wasn't that into him because she kept rejecting him. Also, she seems very meh during this reception.
Dang she probably knew she was gay but in the 70s, you really could NOT be gay and a teacher. That sounds like some 50s thing but it didn't end until the 2000s. Sis felt guilty if she just was honest about not being in love with him and not wanting to be a part of their family.
She is gorgeous omg. Yesss Jamie flirt with her.
Wait did her husband die?
Flora and this creepy ass humming, if she doesn't fucking stop omg. Wait so Ms. Clayton doesn't find graveyard rubbing as weird?
I wonder if their parents aren't dead, they just ran tf away.
Why do kids always wanna chop things up.
How many freaking dead bodies are on the grounds of this house? Because uh this house is probably haunted centuries old.
Her tea is probably disgusting to them lmfao.
The hands...the hands
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Oh Fuck!!!
He is much better looking.
Oh that was an engagement party. Her seamstress is her "friend" got it. Maybe just maybe she should have ran the fuck away.
Dayum i mean you aren't wrong about Americans but damn.
Bruh Flora talking about grief go me a lil like oof. That's exactly how I feel about depression.
Peter is definitely inhabiting this kid, but She not finna let his ass get away with it i bet.
Creepy fucking dollhouse opening by itself, all these fucking ghosts 😭
She's looking at and talking to ghosts thats what she's doing okay.
He really is possessed i think because he doesn't remember any of this but he has a great adult unit around him.
Fuck Hannah really is shifting
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SHE DOESN'T WANT TO GET MARRIED SHE DOESNT WANNA GEF MARRIED. SHE'S GAY! You didn't do anything wrong shes just gay.
Ugh what if he killed himself and she blames herself.
Oof omg so she blames herself but it wasn't her fault not at all. Just a fucked up accident.
Hannah drinks!
Aww Dani. Hannah said....yall sweet on eachother hmm.
Aww Owen 😭. Sigh I miss my momma.
These couples are so cute.
KISS kisses yes kissss they are so cute.
Here he go, stay away,.... listen to her.
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I would not have taken these glasses.
Hannah and Owen kissing in a tree. K.i.s.s.i.n.g in paris
These dolls move on their own?
Its not even night, oh fuck the lady in the lake just floating around the fucking house all weird and ominous.
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If Dani doesn't skip her small ass in the house with this man in the background and her dead ex right there.
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redhoodieone · 5 years
It’s Cold in Here Part 2
A/N: And here is part 2! Wow, this chapter is pretty angsty because I believe everyone would react differently to their significant other’s private sexual orientation. It’s pretty clear that Dick Grayson is finally letting himself be free (he’s clearly bisexual, if that wasn’t clear) even if it’s cheating on Y/N. But Jason Todd is straight in this story, despite the running gay jokes in this story. The reason why is Y/N (you lol) is clearly upset when she finds out her perfect boyfriend is bisexual, and she wants to take out her anger on Jason, when he’s clearly in her league. But of course, during this story, some people in this story are not going to be okay with Dick’s secret sexual orientation, so I’ll post more warnings as this goes along. Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series. Otherwise, enjoy the story!
@melaninkpops @randomdcfangirl
 Warnings: Language and talks of sex.
  It’s like a nightmare I can’t wake up from. I’ve become almost like a zombie; I’m holding my knees to my chest while I sit up against the wall in my living room because I’ve lost the ability to move or say anything. Tonight’s truth just keeps replaying in my head.
My boyfriend Dick Grayson…having sex with another guy…even though he’s supposed to be my boyfriend.
My boyfriend is supposed to be attracted to me.
My boyfriend is supposed to be in love with me.
Just the thought of Dick bending over for another guy for anal sex just makes me feel so disgusted. Because what if he has had anal sex with Wally or some other guy?
What if Dick has sucked cock before and let another guy suck his cock?
The images of Dick topping Wally only makes me wonder what else they have done. Would I even want to know? Should I have to know?
The questions become poison to my mind. I can feel my stomach hurt more with every passing doubt and fear. I tremble from just thinking of my boyfriend and what he’s doing now.
Cuddling? Kissing? Is he telling Wally West he loves him again?
Dick is supposed to be my prince charming. I’ve always (and secretly) imagined him riding a white horse to my apartment. As cheesy as that sounds, Dick has been the only guy who can pull off being so alluring and kind. He’s the guy who can make me smile during a thunderstorm. The way he pushes his dark hair back and grins like an underwear supermodel and the way he holds me all the time because he’s just a big cuddly guy at heart.
But then Dick changed…or maybe this is who he really is even though our relationship was just a...
But wasn’t I enough?
Was I just not beautiful enough for Dick?
Was I…just a girl who he realized he doesn’t want right now?
Oh shit…
What if he’s…gay?
No, no he can’t be totally gay. I mean, Dick has had several of girlfriends throughout his entire life.
Barbara Gordon.
He even flirted with Raven!
Bruce always joked around with us that Dick was a mini-me to him. Bruce and Dick were ladies’ men for fucks sake.
Which could explain why Tim would follow after Bruce and Dick’s every move and has had his fair share of relationships with Stephanie Brown and Cassie Sandsmark. Hell, even Damian has admitted he and Raven had a fling last summer.
If anyone is gay or bisexual, it must be Jason fucking Todd. The man who looks like he’d fuck any living thing. Which could explain why everyone jokes that Jason, Roy, and Kori had a threesome relationship.
It’s a fucking running gag that no one has seemed to stop, despite Roy and Kori becoming more serious and committed to one another over the years.
Why couldn’t Jason be gay or bisexual?
Why does my Dick Grayson have to be?
My fucking tears piss me off when I realize I’m crying like a fucking baby. I bite my bottom lip, and I pull my hair as tight as I could.
I haven’t been cheated on before but for some reason, I feel like being cheated on isn’t the problem.
The problem is clearly Dick, who felt the need to hide his true self. He obviously didn’t trust me enough, even though we knew each other for such a long fucking time. If he had told me he was bisexual, then maybe I would have been okay with it. Maybe I could have trusted him and be with him.
A knock on the door startles me. I wipe away my tears and stand up to get it. Slowly answering the door, I see Jason standing there. Wearing his dark pants and red hoodie, I set aside to allow him to come in.
“Are you okay, Y/N? What the fuck happened?” Jason asks worriedly. He follows me to the couch where I throw myself down.
Should I tell Jason? Should I tell him everything? What if he already knows? But what if he doesn’t know?
Jason’s ocean blue eyes stare down at me; filled with concern and worry. I’ve actually never seen him look so…serious about me. The way he gazes at me and how his strong jawline really is shows me I’ve never really looked at him before.
He’s attractive, and he clearly knows that. It’s as if one of Jason’s powers is self-confidence. He proudly shows off his handsome features, the ‘J’ scar, and his body that’s built like a sex God. I force myself to shake my head and ignore my inner thoughts because whether I like it or not, I still have a boyfriend.
Who has a secret boyfriend of his own.
“My life…is ruined,” I start off. I sigh, because even I don’t believe myself. “Everything I thought I knew…ended up being…a lie, I guess.”
“Which is…what?” Jason motions me to continue.
I begin to crack under pressure. It’s not like I have my parents or any siblings alive to tell, or my good friend Artemis Crock (who is supposedly on a vacation with Zatanna and M’gann in the Bahamas but should be back this weekend), so who the hell am I supposed to tell?
The more I keep it in is when I’ll blow up. I have a feeling I’ll take Jason’s guns and go shoot Dick and Wally’s kneecaps.
I turn to face Jason, and I realize he’s scooted closer to me. He slowly moves a hand to my knee and rubs it reassuringly. The tears fall again, but this time Jason wipes them with his thumb.
“He’s...Dick’s…sleeping with Wally,” I whisper. Just saying it out loud feels strange and as if it’s not real at all. “I-I went to his apartment and I saw them.”
Jason’s eyes widen. He quickly removes his hand off my knee and stands up. Within seconds, he’s pacing around my living room. Jason’s hands clench into fists and he scoffs. “So, he’s fucking gay, and he’s dating you? What a fucking idiot?! If he wanted to go around and fuck guys’ assholes, then why not tell you the truth and break up with you? Who the fuck does he think he is? The second any of us has a secret, Bruce fucking loses his shit and makes us tell him! But what, Dick’s the golden child and can keep a fucking secret about his gayness? That’s not fucking cool. I fucking despise that. I despise how he’s been stringing you along and isn’t even attracted to a fucking beautiful girl like you,” Jason growls under his breath.
“I-I think he’s still attracted to me. I mean, we’ve done things before…just not lately,” I defend Dick. I suppose Jason didn’t know about Dick either.
“Dick’s eaten you out before?”
“You mean to tell me he’s eaten that beautiful, delicious pussy of yours?” Jason asks seriously.
“I-how would you know about my pussy, Jason? We’ve never slept together and you sure as hell have never seen me naked!” I cry out in pure anger.
Jason smirks. He sits back down and makes me face him. “So, Dick has pleasured you before and you really feel like he is still attracted to you? Okay, then he’s clearly bisexual. The question is: he’s barely acting on his sexual feelings or whatever fucking shit he’s doing. The thing is Y/N, he cheated on you. I don’t care that he’s bi, but he shouldn’t have fucking cheated on you. That’s low…even for the golden boy. Now, what are you going to do about it?” Jason asks me.
“I don’t know. I just…don’t want to think about it right now. What can I do? I can’t change him. I can’t make him straight and want…me. It just fucking hurts so much,” I confess. Jason sits back and pulls me over so he’s holding me tightly. “Jay…what are you doing?”
“Holding you…duh.”
“Y-you never hold me. You’ve never held me,” I point out.
“I’m comforting you, doll. Is that such a crime?” Jason asks curiously.
“Well, honestly I didn’t think you liked me. I always thought that you thought I was annoying and didn’t want me around the manor or even in the Batfamily,” I admit softly. I turn my face, so my face is in his sweater. He smells like Old Spice and some kind of expensive cologne.
“Well, I didn’t think you liked me either so…that’s why I’ve been nothing but an asshole to you,” Jason reveals before chuckling. “I like you. You…don’t piss me off as much as other people.”
“You don’t piss me off that much either. So, I obviously like you too,” I say, even when my voice is muffled.
Jason gently pulls me away so he can look at me. “You know, if you ever need someone…I’m around,” he tells me.
“I’m around too.”
My cell phone dings with new notifications. I quickly jump up from the couch and get it off the kitchen counter where I left it. Dick texted me.
Hey sweetheart! I just got back from patrol with my brothers. I’m soooo tired so I think I’ll sleep over here, and I’ll see you in the morning. Is that okay?
I scoff softly. He claims to be tired from patrolling, but I know it’s from fucking his secret boyfriend all night long. But obviously, he doesn’t know that I know so I have to play along.
Hi babe. That’s good! I’m glad you got home safely. Yeah, I’m already falling asleep, so I’ll see you in the morning too.
Okay, I’ll see you in the morning for breakfast. Oh, and don’t forget! The Wayne Family Barbecue is tomorrow, and everyone is coming back from their vacations and missions to go! It’s going to be so much fun! I can’t wait to see you tomorrow, sweetheart.  I love you Y/N.
See you in the morning. I love you too. Goodnight. I text back. I fight the urge to out him on the phone just so he knows that I know.
I could just imagine Dick panicking and flipping the fuck out if I threaten to tell his family. But a voice inside me tells me not to.
It’s my fucking heart. I hate it so much right now.
I slam my phone down. Who the fuck does Dick think he is? Does he honestly sleep well at night knowing that he’s cheating on me with his best friend? Does he honestly not give a fuck about me?
“Why am I not enough? What...is wrong with me? Why can’t I be with Dick wants?” I barely whisper. My throat tightens from crying.
“No, Y/N. You’re more than enough. Nothing is wrong with you. You just...you need someone who sees you as their world and beyond. You’ll find him, I know it.”
Jason sneaks up behind me and rubs my back. I feel the sickness returning to my stomach, and I turn around into Jason’s arms, where he holds me and doesn’t judge me.
“I’m really sorry, Y/N. If I-I had known, I would have told you. You don’t deserve this,” Jason whispers in my ear. He keeps rubbing my back. “I would never hurt you.”
“Are you telling me you wouldn’t hurt me in general, or that if you were gay or bi that you wouldn’t hurt me?” I ask.
“Well, I sure as hell am not gay or bi. I love women, doll. But I guess if I had a secret like that, I would tell you. I just…thought Dick would have been different, I guess.”
I pull away and look up at him. Jason’s taller than Dick, so I feel like a little ant compared to Jason, who is clearly a fucking tree. “Wait, Dick said the Wayne Family Barbecue is tomorrow? Everyone’s going?”
“Oh shit, really? I must have forgotten about that. Well, I guess everyone is going, yeah,” Jason answers, before his eyes widen. “Wally’s going to be there, too.”
I cover my face. “What the fuck am I going to do, Jason?” I scream.
“Look doll, I’ll be there too, and I’ll do whatever I can to help you get through it, okay? We just can’t tell anyone else about this, all right? Because honestly, I don’t know what Bruce would do if he found out about Dick and Wally. He might fucking kill him or something,” Jason says.
“Bruce is against gays? B-but there are gay, lesbians, and other LGBTQ people in the league. He can’t be homophobic!” I panic.
“I’m not saying he is, but Bruce is…a little more old-fashioned than what some people might think. Dick is like his first son, and Dick has always been the perfect fucking Robin, and Bruce might think Dick’s sexual orientation would change his public image and superhero image. I just think it would be best if no one found out about it right now, okay? Let’s just keep this between us, until we figure something out. Dick is my brother, and as much as I love fucking ruining his and my other brothers’ lives, this is pretty serious,” Jason advises seriously.
I nod my head in agreement. If Jason thinks this is the right thing to do, then it must be; since I have no other plans to handle this.
“Okay, I won’t tell anyone. But Jason? Just between us, I can’t be with Dick anymore. Not after he…cheated on me,” I confess.
It hurt a lot. Just confessing how I can’t be with Dick anymore fills me with nothing but endless pain.
“I know,” Jason says softly. He takes my hands in his until I look up into his eyes. “But just know this: I know for a fact that…Dick loved you. He really cared about you, Y/N. But whatever he’s going through, maybe it’s been eating at him for a long fucking time, not that doesn’t excuse cheating on you.”
I bite my bottom lip. I know Jason means well, but I honestly don’t know if I could believe any men ever again. All they seem to do is break hearts, lie, keep secrets, and use you just because they’re ashamed or hiding their own sexuality.
But deep down inside, I know Dick loved me before; just like deep down, I’ll always love him.
But I can’t deal with love anymore.
Fuck love.
“Yeah, but you know what, Jason? I don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to date. I don’t want to be close to anyone. I don’t want to fall in love ever again. Love fucking hurts, and if this is how it’s going to be every time I fall for a guy, then…it’s just not worth it. It’s not worth the troubles. It’s not worth the happiness. It’s not worth the excruciating pain. Once Dick decides to stop using me and our relationship to hide his love for Wally,” I say, before I sob at the end. “I want nothing to do with the Batfamily ever again. I want out of it. I honestly never want to see him or any of you again. Because…being a part of the Batfamily was the best thing in my life…”
Jason’s crystal blue eyes tear up. “Y/N…you don’t mean that. Y-you can’t mean that…” he chokes out.
“I do. I mean every word of it,” I stand my ground.
“Doll, please…let me help you fix this. I-I don’t want you to leave our family. I mean, you can’t just abandon me,” Jason’s voice breaks down. He looks as if he’s in pain as well, except I don’t know why. “Give me one chance. Give me just one chance to show you no every fucking guy is going to hurt you. Please Y/N…”
I can’t hear it anymore. If I have to surrender for the night, then so be it. “Fine, but I’m tired and I need to go to sleep. I need to…try to forget about tonight.”
Jason nods his head and heads to the door with me behind him. He steps out and glances back at me.
“If you need me…” Jason whispers.
“You’re around,” I finish for him.
Jason opens his mouth to speak but closes it. He ends up leaving without another word. I shut the door and lock up for the night. My body is weak. My mind is fried. I find myself stumbling to the couch and I end up falling to sleep there for the night. The second my eyes close to fall into the darkness of the night, my cell phone dings again.
I reach over to the coffee table and get it; only to see the notification is from that same Unknown number. I slowly open to see the new text message.
It’s killing you, isn’t it? I can just imagine you lying down, feeling sorry for yourself, despising everyone else who may or may not have known, and how you feel as if your world is over. You must have decided to protect Dick Grayson, isn’t that right?
I feel as if I’m stepping into a pit of fire. This is becoming dangerous territory right now.
Whatever I do now doesn’t concern you. Thanks for telling me the truth, but I don’t need anymore help from you. Good-bye.
If you stop fucking responding to me, I’ll make sure Bruce Wayne finds out first, you little bitch!
I gasp at the screen. What the hell is going on?
Now that I got your depressive attention, maybe now you’ll see I’m not just going to disappear when you say so. Now listen to me, Y/N. I’m not someone who you can just delete from your phone. I’m not someone who you can block from other electronic devices. I’m not someone you can just wish away on a bright star, because I know you more than you know yourself. Now are you ready to listen to me?
What do you want from me? I text back anxiously.
What I want isn’t something you can just tell me over a text message, Y/N. Now, I need you to be prepared to go along as if nothing happened. You need to pretend you didn’t discover about Dick’s sexuality and infidelity. I need you to continue to be the loving and caring girlfriend, especially at the Wayne Family Barbecue. No one can know about tonight, and if you perform like a convincing Oscar award winning actress, then I’ll spare your life.
Why? Why are you doing this? What are you even planning?
That is not important information at this moment because it’s going to take a while before your knowledge of this plan is requested. I just need you to prove to Dick and his family that you love him with all your heart. Kiss him. Embrace him. Tell him you love him every three minutes. Why don’t you show everyone how you originally believed your relationship was in the beginning, Y/N?
I frown. My chest tightens. It’s as if this person knew everything that was going on in my head.
You clearly have a choice, Y/N: you either do as I say and nobody dies, or I’ll out him in my own way that will surely destroy Dick and the Batfamily’s lives. And let’s just say that the latter would be very public, and Dick would surely never be the same since he’s a…well you know…a perfectionist. He has a reputation he must keep up, and just imagine how everyone would react if any recorded evidence got out, including the one man who he calls Dad.
Okay, I’ll do it your way. I quickly text back. I hate myself even more now.
Even after you discovered he’s not who he says he is, how he rather be with a man than with you, and how he cheated on you, you’re honestly going to continue to stand by his side and protect him. That’s almost romantic, but he doesn’t love you anymore, Y/N.
I don’t care about me. Just please…don’t hurt him. Don’t hurt anyone. I respond desperately.
Oh, believe me, Y/N. My fun had just begun. Now, you need to put on a convincing show, because I’ll be watching.  
Whoever this person is, they’re clearly obsessed with putting an end to Dick’s life and reputation. I try to think of another way out of this, but I’m in too deep.
Just remember Y/N, if you plan on getting out of this, your new family will be gone before you know it. You’ll be all alone just like you fear, only when you are all alone, you’ll be dying on all their corpses. And I’ll personally make sure Dick’s skull is right beside your head.
And just like that, I’m thrown back into the Batfamily again.
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