#im going to have to learn to book bind arent i...
Why is finding a decent Pocket jounal in size roughly 3.5 x 5.5 inches with AT LEAST 128 pages, a dot grid, thats not spiral bound and with NO NUMBERED PAGES so hard???
I swear to gracious the Leuchtturm1917 A6 Pocket Classic would be STELLAR but they insist on numbering the pages!!! WHO NUMBERS THE PAGES OF A PERSONAL JOURNAL???
Well I mean I do, but i very specifically number only ever other page so each sheet is one day (idk if i explained this right but when you open it and lay it flat you are looking at a day and that 1 day is numbered)
But L1917 numbers EVERY PAGE! so instead of getting to use their otherwise perfect journal, here I am, endlessly searching for a journal that matches my specs that is in a fun color (not required, just nice, i am sick of my Tru Red black leather...)
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blxetsi · 3 years
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modern eren jaeger dating headcanons
lowercase intended !
college!eren jaeger x gn!reader
warnings: mentions of p*rnhub
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- firstly, this man is CONVINCED it was love at first sight (he ALWAYS tells you this too)
- "babe when i met you i just KNEW you were gonna be mine" "no you didnt" "yes i did- hey dont stop holding me 😣"
- you guys met because you were tutoring him. (he was failing history 😔💔)
- after weeks of shy touches and shared giggles he FINALLY brought his grade up and didnt need you anymore
- that didnt mean he didnt want you tho ;)
- asked you out on a date (and by that i mean to a party smh 🙄)
- and the rest is history 😌✨
- hes the kind of guy that flirts with you even though youre together
- "so uh,, you come here often 😏"
- "eren youre in my apartment 😐"
- he tries to invite you everywhere that he goes with his friends
- like,,, EVERYWHERE
- jean and reiner wanna organize a boys night ? hes pulling out his phone getting ready to text you and saying "oh is it okay if y/n comes ? i didnt get to see them much this week i miss them 🥺" like mf this is for The Boyz 😡😤🥶🥵🔥‼️
- youre weirdly close with sasha, shes just really cool
- eren will call you at the most inconvenient times for the stupidest reasons
- one time he called you while you were doing an INTERVIEW for work and you wanna know what he called you for ? to tell you he bought a bunch of silly string to use on jean.
- bitch im trying to get PAID. rn . trying to make a LIVING. so i dont end up below the POVERTY LINE. tell me about ur silly string after i secure the bag 🙄‼️
- is very touchy. like very touchy.
- but also respects bounderies
- hes NEVER mad when you have something to say about him or your relationship together
- you dont feel comfortable with the pda ?? He Wont do it Again
- you think you two could work on communicating better with each other ?? hes already googling ways to do that
- he cares and cherishes you and the bond you two have created together, hes not gonna try and ruin that
- is a fucking lightweight. dont go with him to parties.
- but if you asked him to hold his drink he will NOT forget about it.
- a couple times he broke the plastic cup he was gripping it so hard 🤩
- is also the type of guy to just protect others ?? like for no reason
- he sees a guy trying to get close to a girl who had made it abundantly clear that she didnt want that ?? hes going over there and playing bf to protect that stranger
- he can thank first year drama class for his superb acting skills 😌✨
- will literally help anyone he sees in a bind
- also his brother is weirdly cool ??
- his parents live far away but his brother only lives like,, 40 minutes away from the university
- hes like an older brother to everyone 🤩
- if you like reading classic literature zeke is your guy to talk to. has so many ideas and opinions on those stories and stuff, and will NOT hesitate to lend you a book of his
- eren has led lights in his room. he ALWAYS has them on the colour red
- he doesnt understand why ppl think hes horny bc of the red lights ?? his eyes just adjust better to the red lights compared to the blue 😔
- he has stretch marks all over his body 🤩 like on his biceps, tummy, back, thighs, etc. etc. doesnt really think about them anymore but he used to be SO self conscious of them in highschool. he saw berty (bertholdt) with his shirt off once during his freshman year and saw how he had stretch marks too, and immediately thought they were cool
- he likes to play with your hair and scratch your scalp, but he likes it when you braid his hair because he thinks it makes him look pretty
- will get you weird things because they remind him of you
- one time he came to pick you up for your date and before you could even KISS HIM hes pushing you away and pulling out a tiny ceramic frog 😐
- "no you dont understand zeke took me to a thrift store today and i found this and it reminded me of you-" "i look like a frog to you ? is that what youre saying ?" "NO ! its just so cute, and youre so cute so i had to get it. do you like it 😊"
- doesnt like most meats, his only exceptions are chicken,
- thats it 😐
- you guys were having a picnic and you made sandwichs (with the sliced turkey meat) and he took one bite out of it, looked you in your face, and spit it back into the baggy without breaking eye contact
- likes just laying in bed with you. has a playlist of songs like arctic monkeys and shit like that, just sitting in the dark with a song on low volume, whispering whatever he wants into your ear is like,, the DEFINITION of love in his book
- also can and will recite lines from shakespeare plays to you ?? will be at the most randomest times. you could be sweeping and he'd just wrap his arms around you before whispering "two households, both alike in dignity. in fair verona where we lay our scene. from ancient grudge break to new mutiny, where civil blood makes civil hands unclean."
- okay mf this isnt english class 😐‼️ but thank you 😁👍
- will always try and do new tiktok trends and make funny videos so he can "blow up"
- he gets on average like 20 views 🤩
- he likes seeing you and his friends get along, it just makes him so happy that you love mikasa and armin just as much as he does, and hes so thankful that youre all friends
- likes to help you reach whatever you cant, and if youre taller (even by an inch) hes making you grab things for him
- he doesnt have a major yet, and he doesnt really know what he wants to do with his life, but being a hairstylist sounds cool
- whenever youre having a bad day mentally, he'll just give you your space unless you say otherwise
- he doesnt know if its the best idea, but he knows when he gets into a bad headspace he wants to be alone
- if you do say you want him with you, he'll lie right beside you in bed and spoon you, and if you want he'll put on the arctic monkeys playlist and whisper about the project he worked on for his business class
- he doesnt like sharing, BUT will steal your shit all the time 🙄
- "oh hey heres that thing i borrowed from you" "oh my fucking god eren i thought i lost that months ago"
- may not understand everything he learns in class, but he always tries bc this is his education !! his parents saved up a lot of money for him to be able to go to university !! hes gonna try his best to make the most of this
- i feel like he would play baseball at university. he asks that u wear his jersey to every game so "everyone knows that the most beautiful person attending this educational establishment is MINE" like,, k ill wear the jersey 🙄🤚
- has a list of the best websites to use to illegally stream movies, anime etc.
NSFW ! -------
- also hates pornhub. knows about all the controversies and shit about the website and doesnt use it. supports smaller porn companies that respect their workers 😁👍
- his parents love you. Im Serious
- carla asks about you all the time (hey mommy 😏) and his dad wonders about you too even though hes more lowkey about it
- always has to open the door for you or pull out your chair for you. no matter what setting youre in he Has to do it bc hes a gentleman
- bohemian rhapsody is his comfort film
- i think eren thinks that Youre the One for him, and this idea is solidified when you two graduate together 😍
- he takes you back to the library where he first met you, gives you a promise ring and just asks you to move in with him, hes not ready for an engagement and he knows you arent either, but he knows that youre it for him, and he just wants to be with you for as long as youll allow it
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GAH this felt all over the place and very mediocre but i hope you enjoyed !!! remember asks are open so feel free to request something 🤩
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ac3id · 4 years
Bully!momo smut pleaseeeeeeeeeeee
ty anon for this ✨spicy✨ idea. i love it ෆ╹ .̮ ╹ෆ . im defo going to incorporate this into this yandere bnha x reader thing im thinking off ♡˖꒰ᵕ༚ᵕ⑅꒱ ehehe
nsfwish, noncon, gn reader, momo is mean :(((, no quirks! au
momo is the popular, pretty rich girl. her father is a huge business man, she has connections with famous people. she is litreally what one can call ”perfect”. with her always at top her class, she has a reputation: she is known to be responsible, smart and deligent. everyone loves and adores. her parents are the proudest to have her as their daughter, her friends look up to her. everyone wants to be her but unfortunately, there can only be one yaoyorozu momo.
you would think momo would love her life, its everything anyone else desires and wishes for but thats not the case. the pressure on her shoulders to be the best weighs her down, eats her away slowly. as much as she appreciates her gifts but sometimes she cant come to love them. she feels its a burden, the silver spoon she was born with.
unconsciously she finds herself playing a character she isnt. shes faking her happiness, living a life she does not want to live. she wants to change but she is so scared. she is scared to live the way she wants, to be who she is.
and that is why she hates you. you are everything she will never be. you dont listen to what others say, you do what you want. you live without a care, you are free. no chains bind you to stay on the ground, you can fly wherever you want too and momo absolutely despises that. she often finds herself comparing the two of you and feeling sorry over the fact she can never be like you, she could never live like you and soon the dislike she has for you changes to raging hate.
momo never outwardly bullies you. she could never! sweet, kind momo could never hurt anyone! her agression for you is passive. it starts with talking to you differently, lacing her voice with too much sweetness one could say she is mocking you. and she was but she would admit to that and no one would question her.
her passive agressive hate for you starts to become much more evident when she would invite you parties but not tell you the dresscode. you would stand between well groomed kids your age looking so out of place. its humiliating. momo apologizes, she says it slipped out of her mind to tell you that you were supposed to be dressed in beige. you tell its fine, not that big of a deal but you cant help but feel the vibes are off.
not soon after a nasty rumor about momo spreads which is debunked as false, everybody then targets the person who up with such a thought. it traces back to you. but it was not you! there was a not a single bone in your body which held anything but love for momo! you explain but no one believes. even momo disagrees with you. little did you know, it her who planned all of it. she did all to ruin you life. and shes proud. now she doesnt have to pretend to be nice to you anymore.
shoving your books down your hand, pushing you in the hallways, and dumping water down your head becomes a common occurrence. she says you deserve and eveyone agress, you still try to reason that it was not you who spread the rumor but nobody wants to listen.
days go by but you learn to live in agony, momo continues to bully you but you manage to find ways to avoid her until the day she has you pinned to the wall, her leg between your thighs. her fingers inching your shirt of your torso slowly.
you are cry, begging her to stop and screaming at her about why she is torturing you like this but she just smiles, ”youre a virgin arent you? i think after you did to me, i sud at least have this.” your eyes widen in shock and terror as big, fat salty tears run down your cheeks. theres not much you can do when her hand slips down your abdomen and starts rubbing over your crotch, making you involuntarily whimper. momo kisses you roughly as she reminds herself why it was so much better that she was nothing like you. if she were the roles would have been reversed and that have been nothing like her.
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Okay this is gonna be my info thing haha
This post is gonna get alot longer because im adding a DNI list, which I truely should have done before but still
-Proshippers in general. Theres no arguing around this. I do not support anybody who ships these types of things knowingly. Same category, even more serious, if you would like to cal yourself a "Map" or "Zoo", get out of my blog.
-Homophobes, Transphobes, Racist, Xenophobes, Islamphobes (sorry if thats not the word), Sexist, exc, for obvious reasons. On the same note, if you support Andrew Tate, get out immediately /srs
-Anti-Furries. I don't mean people who just don't like furries but are chill with it, you're okay in my book you don't have to directly enjoy us (yes, I am a furry), just respect us as humans. I mean the people who tell furries to harm themself just because theyre furries. I'm not dealing with that <3
-Anybody who villainzes or sexualizes mental disorders, sexualities, romantic attraction, gender, coping mechanisms, exc. I do not take these lightly. I will make one execption however, and that is if you villainze or sexualize anything due to being missinformed, and being willing to learn more. I know this can very much be a issue, and even I have done that in the past. As long as you are willing to learn, you are okay to me.
-People who don't respect Neopronouns. I don't care if you think its unusual, I don't care if you arent used to it, I do not care if they aren't "normal pronouns", be a respectful human being and use the pronouns people are comfortable with and don't make fun of them for it. It is not hard to be a respectful human.
-And last but very importantly, people who will yell at others, including myself, for being missinformed or incorrect. As I stated before, I am willing to give people a chance as long as they are willing to learn. I would hope you give me and others the same respect. If I do ever say something thats very missinformed, you can tell me! I am very much willing to learn and I never want to accidentally show something in an incorrect light!
Thats the main ones, sorry thats alot
Hi, Hello, Call me Eggnog or Ethan please!
(Please don't use Loki, I'm uncomfortable with that nickname now for personal reasons)
I will not reveal my age out of comfortably
I go by any pronouns, I usually use He/Him, byt anything works!
I'm a fella on the autism spectrum and have adhd so thats fun. I try to use tone indicators and I will not force them but if you used them while interacting with me that would be very appreciated.
This blog will hopefully mostly have stuff about my really big cookie run au lol. I'll also mention my other cookie run aus, other series I draw (rarley being cookie runs my hyperfixation) and original stuff.
Other series im a fan of include Rhythm Heaven, The Binding of Isaac, Rise of the Gaurdians, Five Nights at Freddys, My Little Pony, Ever After High, Pokemon, a bit Digimon, Don't Hug Me Im Scared, The Path, Miraculous Ladybug, exc. If you interact with me to talk about any of these series or my fixations I will love you forever/p
Feel free to give questions to my ocs! I won't try to give out too much of the lore at first since I plan to write the stuff as well but ya know.
I post whenever I wanna post, so don't expect a schedule. I'm here to have fun after all.
Idk what else to put so, about myself anyways
but I'll put a bit about my au!
My au..(s) is called Datura/The Datura AU! Named after the flower. Its actually a collage of connected au storylines collages in one big au, I like to call them the 'branches' (kinda based on Yggdrasil and its branches). I have multiple fragments but the most important ones are;
-Family of the Dark (Main characters Milk, Purple Yam and Dark Choco)
-Frosted Fates (Main Characters Eggnog, Tiramisu, Strawberry Cream, Stollen, Frost Queen)
-Flowers, Mushrooms, and Licorice Roots (Main Characters Licorice, Purple Mushroom, and Bellflower)
-Thornapple (Main Characters Chili Pepper, Wizard, and Gingerbrave)
-Out at Sea (Main Characters Captain Ice, Pirate and Captain Caviar)
and more
Have a good day!
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woos-sweaterpaws · 4 years
i want to get to know you so do 1-50 (except 29) 🌻
This is really really sweet of you anon thank u!!
1. how many pillows do you sleep with?
I have 6 in my bed rn
and over 20 plushies
its never enough
2. do you believe in soulmates?
yes i do
3. would you ever kiss a stranger?
yes but not if its like total-never-spoke-to-them stranger
4. describe your dream house
i would prefer not a house but a nice penthouse-loft-apartment in a big city with a nice view and big windows
interior would be minimalistic style with light wood and a big double sized bed for me (since i dont think i will have a partner lol)
i would love an apartment with multiple floors or like a half-floor for the bedroom
5. do you usually use cash or card?
6. do you enjoy driving in general?
i hate it with a burning passion
7. do you like your name? if not, what would you change your name to?
i dont HATE my name
there are better/prettier ones but i think mine fits me
i would still like a more international name (since mine is kinda weird in the english speaking world) but  i dont have smth specific in mind
8. what’s your favorite cuisine?
italian ~
9. how often do you get massages?
i dont o.o i got some a few years ago because my back is fucked but otherwise never
10. do you play video games? if so, what games?
generally chill games like animal crossing, stardew valley and such, the big nintendo titles like mario kart and zelda, binding of isaac
11. do you prefer to color with colored pencils, crayons, or markers?
colored pencils!
12. what other fandoms are you in?
oh boy
okay so apart from all of kpop and thai dramas im in
the mentioned video games if you wanna count that as fandoms
im probably forgetting a ton rn
13. do you have a signature in your style/everyday outfits?
if its comfy i like it
usually involves hoodies or boys shirts
i prefer if i dont have to worry about showing skin somewhere i dont want to
14. do you have any pets? if not, do you want some in the future?
no i dont have any atm but i had bunnies, birds and a guniea pig before. and yes i want cats when i move out
15. do you give objects you own a name? (car, house, plants, etc)
i named my cactus but it died (plants hate me) i also name all my plushies and random animals on the street
16. do you like the weather where you live?
its okay yea. summers are not too hot but i wish the winters were cold enough for snow :(
17. if you could wear one color for the rest of your life, what would it be?
black! its generally my comfort color in clothes
18. do you like making small talk?
WHO tf likes smalltalk? no!
19. what’s your favorite social media platform?
tumblr 100%
20. have you ever been to hawaii?
no :(
21. name a fashion trend that you absolutely hate
no offence but crop tops
i dont hate them they look good on you guys
but i hate that i cant find hoodies and shirts in womans sections anymore that arent cropped (ive been searching the past 6 months and everytime i like smth its cropped - i especially hated that when looking for oversized hoodies)
i dont wear them myself because cold so it sucks not finding cute clothes
i also fundamentally disagree with mustard-yellow
22. name a fashion trend that you absolutely love
oversized hoodies with ripped jeans and boots was my winter favourite
23. what was the last text you sent?
“okay” in out family groupchat lol
24. when making plans, do you like to organize or go with the flow when the time comes?
i like it to be organized but not be the one who actually organizes it if that makes sense?
25. what do you want to name your future kids?
i dont want kids but i wanna name my cats mochi and (c)leo (depending on gender)
26. do you have a type?
with looks i generally prefer darker hair with pretty eyes but if im comfortable with u it doesnt matter
if u like cuddling, are patient and gentle and love to make jokes that arent funny i probably like u lots
27. when was the last time you kissed someone?
like...kissed kissed? in grade 7 so...2012? my first and last kiss lol
28. how often do you cook?
as often as necessary, as little as possible (i cant really cook except for pasta and stuff so im mostly living of instant meals and “cut up a lot of things and put it in a pan until its browned” kinda stuff)
30. do you always remember your dreams?
no i dont
i had a dream diary once but that was a disaster
31. do you believe in ghosts?
yea kinda
i believe in invisible spirits/souls living with us yea
32. would you ever want to move outside of your country?
sometimes? im too scared to actually do it but there are many nice cities i would love to live in
33. describe your first love
well idk about love...it was always more of an obsession kinda thing and it was never a two-way-thing so i never had a real first love...
34. more peanut butter or more jelly?
i hate peanuts so no pb and only jelly (or nutella if you love me)
35. do your irls know about your tumblr account?
they know i have a tumblr but only my best friend actually follows me (and a high school friend i lost contact to)
my other friends dont have tumblr so they dont care
36. do you prefer hot or cold beverages?
37. when was the last time you finished a book?
i reread the aftg series last december for the 4th time
38. what would you want your wedding colors to be?
green-white? like a soft bright pastel green? maybe add pastel pink too
39. how long do you let your nails grow?
if i can see them clearly from the inside of my hand i cut them
40. if you could stay at a certain age, what age would you pick?
probably 19 or 7 theres no in between
41. who do you think has it easiest: older siblings or younger siblings?
older siblings because they learn responsibility earlier
i dont have siblings tho so idk
42. how often do you post on social media?
on tumblr daily, on insta never, on twitter occasionally if fun stuff happens
43. do you enjoy big groups?
44. do you like it when you’re awaken by the sounds of birds chirping?
its better than my alarm but waaay too early so nope
45. which hand is your favorite?
46. how many people do you follow?
1152 (yes i might have a problem)
47. how many followers do you have?
359 on my main and 27 on my fandom side account
48. how many drafts do you have?
53 but i use it to save posts i find interesting or that contain links i might need later
49. do you hang or fold your sweaters?
hang because im lazy and it saves space on the clothes dryer rack
50. even numbers or odd?
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howlitecritical · 5 years
New character arcs and new back story because canon sucks again
Main 4 cast with notes on characters that need notes for changes to make sense  Garnet: yesyesyesyesyeysyes everything good about this show. There’s not enough garnet centric things where she’s just herself and not about ruby and sapphire. More information on Garnet. Shes stoicly funny and just murders people with words sometimes. show her being rose’s top tactician. turning the tides of the war that were never in the crystal gem’s favor. maybe theres a fun earth thing shes into. Her room is the heart of the temple for a reason now. Its a balance between pearl and amethyst. The bubbles are organized, but she has her own side space with things she does as hobbies. She has a collection of antique books that she likes to read lava side and she often meditates to see corrupted gems and a future in which the CGs encounter them. maybe she even draws them out to combine ruby’s need to Do with sapphire's need to Know. Fusion is still very important to her, but not she has plot relevant interests that make sense with her character. Her character arc involves her being the first of her kind. shes something completely new! just like steven is. and for that not to bind them together is silly. She wants the best for steven and he makes her want to be an even better leader now that rose is gone and shes the only one left. she makes him think about his actions and slows down his hyper activity when he or amethyst are trying to do something reckless. From him she learns that it’s okay to let her guard down more. Homeworld might come back, but it’s not all on her shoulders. the CGs are a family and they’ll protect everyone together. Garnet in jailbreak is the first time we know shes a fusion and before that we get more about her character not just from environment around her, but her reactions to things. Maybe she feels like she needs to be in control because shes afraid that without rose, homeworld is more a danger than ever.
Amethyst: I like most of her progression actually!!! a few things I’d mess with is when she’s unnecessary hurtful to people she loves, like greg, when she shape shifted into rose, and peridot when she all but threw her stuff into the ocean. these things need to be gotten rid of, or addressed by the narrative. I’d also like to see her hanging around Vidalia wayyyyy sooner or to have a reason why they dont. As for reasons, maybe Amethyst did or said something hurtful toward her, lashing out at her for whatever reason that made their friendship strained. while a decade is a long time for a human, for a gem its nothing. so while she feels bad, Am’ isnt going to apologize herself!!! she didnt do anything wrong!!! and maybe Vidalia is the first person steven convinces her to apologize to. Steven teaches her compassion and is, in return, the gem he can relate to the best. He goes to her first with gem issues and she acts like an older sibling, trying to teach him or cover up mistakes so pearl and garnet dont find out. I think i’d like a progression of Am’ refusing to apologize to Vidalia, realizing that she was wrong and apologizing to greg, but he breaks down and can’t move past that, rendering their friendship difficult and strained as a “sometimes apologizing isnt enough and you have to change your behavior“ and then the third beat with peridot either not happening at all, where she doesnt throw someone’s comfort items into the ocean which, i think steven shouldve realized and stopped her from doing anyway, BUT if you just NEED that mistake on her part, i feel like this could be a “sometimes, you dont know how bad you hurt someone and you should apologize when you find out“ with peridot being hurt and not talking to her and amethyst has to do a big gesture to show shes sorry. I also feel like that fleshes out amedot as a ship and while i dont care about who peridot ends up with, i care about story and the way im going to make this story go, lapis will be in that fun moral grey area and i want more options in terms of story telling and of fan choice. Also!!! explore the possibility of her being deep cut and thats why shes a runt. she only looks smaller but has all these strengths because of it!!! it fits in really well and bismuth or peridot maybe because she was made for kindergardening, could tell her about it and watch her get excited because shes not ”wrong“ she never came out “wrong“ shes just different and thats okay!
Pearl: Was white diamond’s pearl, first of all! that makes every interaction more interesting, because no only did she defect from homeworld, but she defected from the Queen of homeworld and everything it stood for basically. We learn more about how homeworld operates and what places in society each gem fits from pearl, because while she doesn’t believe it herself, she isn’t kept from talking about diamonds now and what one she served. in this funky fresh au, she is sent by white to make sure the new diamond they’re cultivating from earth comes out properly (aka where the fuck did russia go) and getting her equipped with all of the technology she would need to properly rule. this is where she first meets a quartz soldier. at first she’s taken aback by the quartz’s forwardness, no one had ever talked to her like... an equal before. shes not sure if shes allowed to speak, though, she knows theyre waiting for a response. Their first interactions always begin with her requesting permission to speak. They have to wait a few more years for pink to emerge and while they’re there they slowly become friends as the life is leeched out of the area. we could have a snapshots of them waiting for together, rose getting bored and convincing pearl to come do things with her, slowly breaking her out of her shell. Pearl’s difficulty and character arc comes from not just rose and getting over her feelings, which is perfectly fine, but doesnt need to be her only trait, but finding out who she is now, not just after rose, but with humanity as a whole. with the war well and truly over. she wants to learn about what rose thought was so important to fight for, to die for, and because of that, we get her partaking in human activities that arent eating or drinking, because she still dislikes them. While Garnet reads and collects books, i think pearl being really into her weapons collection is a good idea to flesh her out more. Where did she get her swords from? Well thats a mystery. She mentions someone she cared about a long time ago made them for her and thus we get some fun bismuth foreshadowing.
Rose:  And rose..... god... we could of had it all by adele plays in the background anytime i think about her. Here we have a very beautiful fat woman. Shes framed as elegant and regal by the show time and time again and i LOVED that. however after the pink diamond reveal, I have such mixed feelings about her. No more diamond bullshit. Shes the first gem that popped out. Technically she’s too early and she goes to stand guard around the birthplace of her diamond. That is where she and pearl first meet. Pearl is the first gem she ever talks to and while she innately knows stuff about home world, shes pick up a lot from the humans that live nearby. theyve shown her kindness and given her furs to wear and in turn she helped them heal their wounded by crying on them. (yes she still has healing powers sue me) she loves the humans and takes to befriending them before pearl shows up. The two of them get close and after pink diamond pops out, rose realizes what the creation of gems truly means for the world around her. They’re killing what was here before them. This isn’t creation. It’s an invasion. Being the only quartz out so far, shes forced into the role of commander for pink. Her favored soldier. And the more she does what she was “made for” the more she hates it and the more she hates the diamond authority. she convinces pink that some humans are worth keeping. As a curiosity, my diamond. they could prove useful to terraforming other planets or moons to accept life and in time, gem cultivation.  She gets poofed while trying to save someone from the group of people she first made friends with. Maybe pink shatters whoever poofed her for not following her orders because of course Rose wouldnt defy her. rose is Loyal, unlike the rest of you lack luster garbage. Rose comes back with her iconic dress and shes here and queer and shes fucking Done with this shit. she hears about the shattering on her behalf and she goes to pink and asks why and she feels sick to her stomach because star, my diamond, she isnt Worth it. she isnt worth the cost of someone else’s whole Life!!! Oh rose... you’ve always been soft hearted. in this time, Pearl is quietly there. waiting to be called back by white as pink pearl has just been sent to take her place. And this is it. This is the moment rose decides to rebel. according to homeworld, her life should be no more than any other quartz. her life shouldnt be traded for that of others. So why? Why did pink do this? Do the gems in her court mean nothing to her? This is the first time a gem has ever summoned two weapons. A Sword and Shield. A knight turning on her master. She tried to attack pink. to poof her. to send a message right here and now that gems are all equal. that a lowly rose quartz is strong enough to take on a diamond! She fails, but only partly. she manages to strike a blow, but pink stays in tact long enough to strike on of her own, sending rose retreating into her gem. This is when pearl has to make a choice. No matter what she’d be shattered. Pink’s wrath when she reforms, white’s when she finds out about what happened. This is a death sentence. But if its a death sentence, its one she’ll choose for herself. she takes rose’s shield and uses the face of it to shatter pink herself, scooping up rose’s gem and getting as far away as fast as she can. This is the start of a war.
Steven: Oh boi. So i love steven, but theres moments where hes just... not good and the story doesnt stop him from doing that. So if were gonna say hes a kid with emotion based powers, we know hes soft and sweet and excitable. sometimes he pushes people too far because hes trying to do what he thinks is best. I want him to wrestle with the fact that his mom, this person everyone says is good, killed someone. she did something so horrible and she never killed anyone again, but she still did it once. I’d like him to get bits and pieces of his mothers memories and so we get to see the world and flashback things that happened in real time. Maybe he tries to talk to pearl about it, but she still wont instead of cant. He feels like an outcast and everyone would rather his mom be there, but they have him instead. basically a lot of his earlier character arc stuff before garnet and pearl talk to him about how homeworld was. They dont think hes old enough to hear about war, but it seems war is coming back and hes unprepared to face it without learning more. he facilitates more interactions with the townies and now its not just a war of gems against gems, they have humans on their side too and they’ll win!  
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convervative-blog · 5 years
essay preparation, Conservative Judaism: Our Ancestors To Our Descendants by Elliot M. Dorff
alright buds gonna go thru this book, theres chapters and then like essay questions, so im here reading the chapters then answering the essay questions. im fucken ignorant as shit so this is all my stupid opinions that im still developing and it might change as i learn more idk. enjoy, lots of surprise-zionism in here skip if thats not ur thing
I. yes services start early morning we do prelims then shacharit torah & musaf then kiddush congregants range in ages from young to elderly (predominantly older tho) and in observance from super frum (ok like 5 of us lol) to basically secular & very pluralistic no one cares, very close-knit, "maritime personality disorder" very evident, love it
II. never studied at yeshiva or went to hebrew school, looking into doing so (u know when), actually the reason i picked up this book, im inherently drawn to like childrens resources (this is a highschool level book but u get it) bc as an adult i missed out on jewish child education, so im drawn to childrens resources to "learn from the start" so to speak
III. parents are gentiles, no jewish identity really, grandma resolutely denied being a jew though got 'mistaken' for one almost daily due to last name and appearance, 'corrected' people constantly, got bullied for it (i say grandma but its still patrilineal dont @ me), she didnt know anything about judaism and was frequently antisemitic and firmly catholic
IV. conservative judaism means that halachic rules are binding but that they should and must be interpreted via the lens of the society in which we live, in order to reduce suffering and increase overall observance (e.g. women, lgbt+, accessibility), conservative judaism also means an affordance of leniency in individualistic expressions of obligatory mitzvot
V. emancipation occurred from 1776-1880, within western europe (france holland england) during the rise of nationalism jews were considered naturalized citizens of their respective countries & not foreign outliers, allowed to serve in army etc  but had negative impact bc jews at the time began to lose their jewish identity whilst adopting goyische practices (ref. assimilation)
VI. absolutely and i fully intend on making aliyah, learning and speaking hebrew is nourishing for my soul, its an internal secret of mine that “magneto was right” u know, “does mainstreaming work?” and like, i say this not bc i believe jews should be separate (or even that jews should immigrate to israel) but in the interest of jewish protection and continuation, is mainstreaming going to contribute to jewish protection and continuation? mainstreaming needs to include existence. u cant mainstream two groups if one group is only accepted when they dont exist as themselves. “jews and gentiles can exist together! but u better show up to work on yom kippur.” jews deserve self-determination and to have the opportunity to live in their homeland which is the only safe place on earth for jews to publicly and fully express their judaism, to go to a school where they can safely and publicly express their judaism, to go to a synagogue where they can safely and publicly express their judaism, to go to a job where they can safely and publicly express their judaism. u tell me where that is, is it where u live? thats the downfall of mainstreaming, bc sure jews can assimilate but what u see is that ppl who arent jews will only interact with them if they renounce their judaism. sure u want to say jews and goyim living side by side respecting one anothers practices is the ideal, absolutely im "pro mainstreaming" for those ideals, but be practical! that shit aint never gonna happen, dont sacrifice yourself and ur family and ur friends for an academic concept that has never manifested itself in reality
VII. the advent of secularism! secularism is super appealing. movies! tv! books! music. mixed dancing as it were. all the things considered heretical bc they could curse g-d, but appealing on a neurological level. who doesnt wanna sit down and binge drop dead diva for 9 hours, its not me buds. so ofc many orthodox peeps would be drawn to it, but in the interest of maintaining their practices and beliefs, new movements would necessarily sprout up in response
VIII. assimilation occurred bc the advent of secularism drew alot of observant jews away from their practices and subsequently their identities, it was more appealing to be a citizen (a "german" not a "jew") bc it afforded them rights and privileges and goys would interact w them on an equal level, as long as they didnt express being jewish too much, or used their jewishness in a self-deprecating kind of way (alot of jewish comics got famous like this, ppl love listening to jews self-deprecate and in a downward shifting economy u gotta get it where u can get it)
IX. the differences between halacha in orthodox judaism and reform judaism? oh boy well today, because reform judaism looked totally different in the 1800s guys (most american jews were reform, which is why american jewish culture was so radically separate from european jewish culture and far more secular), but at the core orthodoxy believes halacha as it was written and interpreted (and as it continues to be interpreted and debated) is binding, no ifs ands or buts. u can find reasons why things can and cant be done but its always within the established halacha. reform judaism doesnt consider halacha binding but essentially “refers” to it as they develop their individual practices (”im a woman but im not gonna cover my hair if i get married bc blah blah blah” might be a reform opinion, its deciding not to follow the law, but its still referencing the law) and is exponentially more concerned with the idea of jewish peoplehood, identity, nationality, history, outside the world of torah. (yes? no? this is all shit i was spoonfed by 1 guy so like?) 
X. im writing a fucken essay on this man. need to chill out and condense. get my opinions in order. orthodoxy is appealing bc most ppl will believe the same shit u do and put the same weight on it, conservatism is more pluralistic/individualistic, definitely more secular, even tho i wholeheartedly agree with this & practice it in my life, the art of letting people do their own shit without judging them, the art of welcoming ppl into ur space despite their diverging belief systems, just: sometimes u can feel kind of silly when u know ppl probably dont take as literal interpretations as u do. strengths of reform individualism, pluralism, activism, diversity, influx of new opinions/thoughts, ppl talk to me about this i know very little about reform judaism dont get mad at me pls. weaknesses uhhhhhh lol am i gonna go there on tumblr.com 2day... weaknesses i guess would be that its not taken as seriously by outsiders? is that acceptable/right?
endin here for now!
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basically-an-artist · 6 years
Part one of my #nanowrimo entry... Feedback welcome
I had to give myself a second to process what i thought i was seeing. Lamont, my brother, in my living room. His hair had grown alot longer since the last time id seen him. Though, i could tell by the way hed tied his locs that it was him. Messy but functional, and somehow always stylish. For him, though, as with everything, it came naturally.
  He looked magical, bathed in the blue light of the tv; as if there was such a look. He scanned one of the posters on the wall, apparently facinated with world war z.  I wondered how he was able to see them at all with only the pale light from the tvs reflection to distinguish them. In his black trench coat and kangol cap he was out of place amongst the empty beer cans, macbooks, assorted drug paraphernalia, and Harry Potter dvd box set scattered over the floor. It didnt help that he was drenched and dripping water over everything. A puddle collected slowly on the rug beneath him. It wasnt raining outside, though, so i could only guess how he'd been so thouroughly soaked.
Either way, he left a puddle under him as he stood, and by the size of it hed been here a while.
"You arent going to say hello to your brother?"
He didnt even turn around to speak, he kept looking at the pictures and posters lining the walls. I jumped slightly at the sound of him. I hadnt realized hed seen or even heard me;i couldnt even hear my own steps as i walked down the hall. It was a few seconds before i answered, roiling over his last visit before i said anything.
How did he get in? Were on the third floor.
"What are you even doing here dude, i told you i didnt want to see you." My voice fell off at the end. Im sure it gave away at least a peice of my inner monolouge.
Id actually kind of wished hed just show up like this, as he tended to do when he was unwelcomed. I hoped the prompt would give him a reason to apologize for our last meeting, or at least offer an explanation.
He completely ignored what id said.
"You know ive actually seen one of these before," he paused as he pointed at the tv, "What did they call them in the books... dementors?" He shuddered slightly before shaking his head. Now he spoke in a hush, like he was talking to himself, "Those things are not done justice by the movies." He looked away now, another shudder shaking his coattails. Water droplets flying.
"Why are you here? How did you get in?" Silence.
The questions hung in the air. My heartbeat rang in my ears for every second that passed
More silence.
The whole room seemed to breathe with my brother as he sighed. He finally turned to look at me and i froze. Half of me wanted to run to him, but the other half was screaming to jump out the window.
Has face bore the scar of a grotesque burn. As if hed peeked into the nozzle of a flamethrower as it turned on.
his eye underneath the scar looked normal enough. It didnt look misshapen or damaged in any way. But he no longer had an eyelid, top or bottom. His right eye almost cartoonish, exposed, and surrounded by the muddied burgundy of the charred skin in the pale blue light. He kept a straight face as he looked at me, but his eye gave his gaze a manic intensity.i had to stop myself from looking away.
I tried to keep my face as neutral as possible, failing apparantly as he chuckled at me in that way he did. The crooked grin on his face saying more than he'd said in any conversation between us. That smile always held secrets.
"I came back to give you something," he began," a souvenir from my travels." He went back to looking at the posters. Staring at them as if taking in some hidden meaning from their images. He did always seem to see some unseen message in everything. You can always learn more the second time around.
"Where have you been?" My voice gave way again. Again i was just the little brother of the infinitely talented Lamont Caldwell. asking questions i couldnt understand the answers to; trying to follow him on his oh-so mysterious adventures. Hed only been in front of me two minutes and hed sent me back 20 years. Again i was a scared and confused 4 year old.
"Dont worry about it. Everything will make sense soon. I told you a long time ago that i had to leave to really discover what it was i was meant to do. There was a purpose for me outside of what our parents had told us for so long." He crossed the room silently towards me, darkening the the floor in wet muddy footprints along the way. He kept eye contact the whole way, that orb of an eye boring into me."Theres a reason for all of this Marion, and i think ive finally found out what it is."
That eye paralyzed me. I was only aware of it because every muscle in my body wanted to back away, to run to my room and lock the door. It felt like minutes passed between each of his steps, like a dream carrying him to me in slow motion.
Stop stop stopstopstop.
He was inches from me now. Eyes still excavating my soul. As i looked into his, though, i could only see the boundlessness of his darkness. He was still an enigma to me; a shadows shadow. Of all the people id known in my life my brother had known me the best, and yet id never felt as if i truly understood him. Now, though, i felt as if i knew what he was thinking. If only for these few seconds.
Slowly, as if his body questioned his own actions, he wrapped his arms around me. His embrace reminded me of dads hugs. He was strong, but gentle. An embrace filled with the love of a long overdue apology. At least thats how i took it.
I accepted it and hugged him back. We stood that way for ten long heartbeats, the seconds passing lazily. I heard a sniffle and questioned for a second if it was him or me that had started crying, but couldnt turn over the thought before he said so low i almost questioned if hed spoken.
" Dont let our secrets burn you."
I felt my face contort in confusion before he ended the embrace. As i opened my mouth to speak the door to a room behind me opened, the noise startling me as it broke the tense silence.
I jumped and turned to see my roommate billie exiting her room in her hot pink bathrobe. Hair tousled, expression caught between annoyance and confusion. Shed just woken from a satifyingly deep sleep.
" dude. Have you seriously been out here watching harry potter this whole time? I know we said wed watch them all straight through but you had to realize that was a suicide run. Go the fuck to sleep. We both have work tomorrow." She shuffled past me to the kitchen turning on the light and then the faucet.
As she filled a cup with water i scanned the room for my brother. He was gone. His absence left a hole in the room, a void of energy where he should have been, but that could have been me projecting.
Of course.
Just like him to come raising a million questions and leave answering none of them.
How the hell did he get in?
I shook the thought out of my head, only then remembering what id come to the livingroom for in the first place. I began to pick up the room, the aftermath of an attempt at a pre-thanksgiving break movie marathon. It was supposed to be an all nighter. Unfortunately, the mixture of wine intoxication and primo bud had most of the participants passing out in their seats before the third movie started.
I picked up the candy wrappers and swept the loose tobacco into the trash. Only seeing the, clearly out of place, bound leather book when i cleared the pizza boxes from the table. This must have been that souvenir he was talking about.
It was dark brown, almost black, and encircled in thick metal bindings. An archaic iron-looking latch and lock protruded from the front. I wasnt sure how he expected me to open this book or if he expected me to.
I turned it over inspecting it more closely. Even in the dim light i could see the textblock was lined in silver. It glow eerily and reminded me somewhat of a bible.
On the back was a post it note:
Hold on to this. See you soon. -L
I rolled my eyes and tucked the book under my left arm. Its not like i hadnt seen my brother in almost 2 years, at least he gave me a completely useless gift too.
Billie crossed back into her den warning me to not make any loud noises on pain of death, which i obliged. I quickly finished straightening the room and headed back down the hall to my own bed. I tossed the book onto my dresser and collapsed under the weight of the night onto my pillow, not even bothering to cover myself with the comforter. The questions still swirling around my head settled in my skull as sleep took me.
As i drifted into the land of dreams a single thought peeked back through the veil before being silenced by the void of unconciousness.
How the hell did he get in?
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legion1993 · 6 years
Dark Arts + Love = Passion
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A/N: once again trying something new... this is gonna be my first AU i think but thats not as important as tagging @luci-in-trenchcoats for giving me this idea... hope you enjoy this story...
Pairing: Constantine x Reader
Summary: Constantine is the one that saved you from a demon, he shared his world with you, he brought you to the bunker.. but when Zedd comes back from a demon possession stopping of her own, she reveals a vision concerning both you and John... this is how it happened, this is how your journey with the famed John Constantine started...
“My name is John Constantine. I am the one who steps on the shadows, all trench coat and arrogance. I'll drive your demons away, kick 'em in the bullocks, and spit on them when they're down, leaving only a nod and a wink and a wisecrack. I walk my path alone because, let's be honest... who would be crazy enough to walk it with me?”
Y/N (possessed): “John constantine its time i kill you and return your head to my master...”
John: “ya i dont think so, now why dont you pus-sac pig headed lowlife get out of this fine lady and leave now...”
Y/N (possessed): “you have no idea how to save me without saving her... you dont realize that she is watching everything im doing right now and she is screaming for your help but she doesnt realize that i have full control of her actions and her words...”
John: “i got news for you mate, the girl will be just fine...”
John lights his lighter and throws it at the ground and it forms a circle around you... 
Y/N (possessed): “ill make sure she doesnt survive this John...”
John wouldnt allow another innocent to get hurt because of him... he did an exorcism...
John: “Exorcizamus te, omnis immundus spiritus, omnis satanica potestas, omnis incursio infernalis adversarii, omnis legio, omnis congregatio et secta diabolica, in nomine et virtute Domini Nostri Jesu!”
with a lot of screaming and a huge intake of breath the fire went out as the demon left your body, you hit the ground with a thud, well at least your body did, your head however was caught by john’s lap...
there is always a reasonable explaination for everything but waking up with your head in the lap of someone that you didnt know was the weirdest thing you ever experienced... 
John: “take it easy love... your still on an adrenaline high...”
Y/N: “where am i? what happened to me?”
John: “a demon took your body for a spin just so it could strike at me...”
Y/N: “a demon, what the hell are you talking about and who are you?”
John: “my name is John constantine, i specialize in the weird cases... this is gonna make this sound weird you and i are connected... its hard to explain but i need you to stay with me...”
Y/N: “ok but why am i covered in blood?”
John helped wrap you in his trenchcoat, you didnt reject his touch but you were shivering, John could feel it, you were emitting tremendous signs of power...
John: “come on let me take you somewhere safe where you can get cleaned up, and i can make you something to eat and explain whats happening...”
Y/N: “good something we can both agree on is food and a bath...”
John: “ay we can agree on those but i must warn you that what i have to say might not be what you want to hear...”
Y/N: “it can’t be the worst thing ive heard recently...”
John: “are you good to get up now?”
you nod as John helps you up, he holds onto you for a moment before hlping you get into the car...
As John drove you felt something, a spark between you and him... there was something there and you wanted to know what...
As John pulled up you vaguely co uld see the outlines of a house... a little cottage... but appearances on the outside isn't necessarily what it is on the inside...
your eyes were in wonder as John helped you out of the car, and you then walked with John into the house...
John: "don't touch anything these are all cursed objects, magical objects! you will learn more as time goes on..."
Y/N: "John what was that spark that I felt when I touched your skin... earlier lifting me off the ground made my skin tingle then just a few moments ago when you helped me out of the car.. what is happening?"
John looks around as if hoping someone was there...
John: "I don't know if now is the best time to discuss this... right now we need to get your powers under control..."
you backed up a bit from him as he finished speaking...
Y/N: “wait wait wait hold on a moment i have powers... what do you mean i have powers... im normal, i dont have powers...”
John: “thats where you are wrong love... you see everyone in one way or another have some sort of gifts... mystical or not, you however like me have gifts of the mystical kind...”
Y/N: “how do you know that?”
Zedd: “cause i told him...”
she comes downstairs and into the light... you back up and you look at John who is rolling his eyes....
Zedd: “oh no me and John arent together that is your job...”
Y/N: “what the hell are you talking about?”
Zedd: “im a seer i have visions... i drew this a while back, John has been trying around the clock to find you...”
she held towards you a piece of paper with the drawing of 2 forearms with joined hands but the forearms had names on them... one said “Y/N” the other said “John”...
Y/N: “this is impossible... how did you know about this???”
you rolled up your sleeve and revealed John’s name on your forearm... John who had his sleeves down rolled his up as well and connected his hand with yours as he revealed Y/N on his forearm...
you looked at John as he looked at you with the same fear that went coursing through your veins...
John: “bloody hell Zedd why did you draw this moment...”
Zedd: “i draw whatever i see John now if you dont mind im off to exterminate a demon problem nearby... plus if it wasnt for me sending you to deal with Y/N’s possession you would never have met her... by the way i saw that too...”
John: “cheeky little blitter...”
you tried to move your hand away from Johns but it didn't move...
Y/N: "what's happening? why won't our hands move?"
John: "Its the soulmate bond... it's a magical binding that happens when 2 soulmates touch with their marks... it signifies the binding of 2 souls together..."
Y/N: "so what does this mean?"
John: "it means we either at this moment need to announce the mystical bindings of marriage or consummate our soulmate binding..."
you were out of place, you were beside yourself you were talking with this guy who saved your life but turned out to be your god damn soulmate at the same time thats something that you never thought would happen...
Y/N: “my vote is announce the bindings of Marriage... so i have time to get my powers under control before we consummate anything... does that make sense...”
John breathes in lightly, his eyes staring right into your soul, his mind running wild with all sorts of thoughts... 
John: “we envoke the rights of marriage bindings, anything that we do from here on out will have a great tole on both of us till the day when we stand up in church with the rings embedded with the symbolic binding powers vested in both of us... sub vinculo tenetur illas leges per quos magicae (bind us together under the laws laid out by those whose magic bound them also)”
the second john finished his lines the circle surrounding both of you was lighter but john and you couldnt let go yet... zedd came back and laughed...
Zedd: “you guys only did the first part... there is another part that needs to happen before you guys can have your arms back...”
you and John were now facing eachother the hands that had been at your sides were now attached one on top of the other. both of you sort of smiling at eachother the thoughts swirling through your heads of all the nasty options... Zedd pulled you and John out of it and back to reality as she brought up anohter circle around you guys and she smiled at both of you...
John: “what the bloody hell did we miss?”
Zedd: “you have to both agree to the bond otherwise it doesnt work... it has to be done with another person asking you both a question of course in Latin and of course you have to answer in Latin... are you guys ready?”
John looks at you and you at him as if trying to discover how the other is feeling about all of this...
John: “im ready if you are Y/N..”
Y/N: “lets do it, i cant wait to start practicing/discovering my powers...”
Zedd: “ergo consentire in matrimonium est vinculum universorum vincula? (do you agree to the bindings of this marriage bond?)”
Y/N: “Nunc munere in hoc conveniunt (i do hereby agree)”
John: “Nunc munere in hoc conveniunt (i do hereby agree)”
Zedd lowered the circle before speaking one final line as though to complete the binding.
Zedd: “Ecce ego unionem in magica huius benedicat constitutionis (i hereby bless this union under the magical constitution) you may kiss the bride...”
John leaned in at the sametime you did and your lips did the rest, before long your hands were freed but they seemed to do their own thing...
but thats when Zedd had a vision, she started sketching as you and John made out right in the middle of the bunker, she saw multiple things...
a cage
the demonic circle
a set of demonic black eyes
a broken knot
seeing all these things kinda terrified Zedd but she was just happy that right then her friend and her friends soulmate were happy but she finished sketching anyway and hid it in the back of her book... for the fear that if she told right now it would make things worse than they already were...
~thats all for now folks~
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verity-viscom · 7 years
Overall this unit has thrown many challenges at me but I am happy with a lot of my outcomes throughout the unit. The first 3 one week projects seemed pointless at the start as they were so short however I soon realised they were so helpful in the overall scheme of things. Each topic from the one week projects all was helpful to the final project so therefore we needed those short ones to give us the knowledge and understanding of what needed to be done for the final 4 week project. My first outcome for series and systems was not necessarily very successful as I didnt seem to get the grasp of how informative it needed to be. I do think my second and third outcomes for project 2 and 3 were much more successful because I did wider research which informed me how I should be working.
For the exhibition project I am actually really happy with how things turned out. I created a coherant exhibition based on the theme of value. Because there were more elements to this project the breadth of my research went quite far and I didnt have singular bits of research which informed everything as it was a longer process and things changed over time. I did get inspired by Tomohiro Inaba however which what got me to the idea of rubbish drawings and scribbled so he was my main artist inspiration. I took inspiration from sculptures to create my own design choices which I think is great because I am going outside just the designers and looking at other mediums to inform my design choices, I like looking  into other mediums because I think you will get a more unique outcome from it. 
My exhibition went through a few changes as time went on. I started out with just the idea of literal rubbish and was potentially going to be using real garbage as my main brand identity but then I got to the idea of rubbish drawings. This initially was a really exciting time because I thought of an idea out of nowhere and immediately got excited by it because I had lots of ideas running through my head. At this point i knew it would be a good idea to run with it because if Im excited myself about something I think I will always have a better outcome because if you start creating something you arent keen on your hard work wont go into it. Whereas I loved my idea from the start so was really keen to get ideas and trials done. The scribble idea did develop from me encasing scribbles into shapes to then having it all manic and being the main focal point to the design. I do like my brand identity and think it relates to the content well with a nice contrast. 
Throughout the project I think I responded to feedback really well and found the tutorials really helpful especially as they were one on one mostly. While speaking with tutors they did seem to like my design choices however I learnt I do need to work on the treatment of my text on poster. I usually have nice ideas but then when it comes to layouts of where text goes and sizing I think I need to work on it. Also during a tutorial with Rich he did mention the name of my exhibition and thinking of just calling it ‘rubbish’ and at first when he said I thought well I should change it because he will mark the work but we had an honest conversation where he said as designers we need to be making our own decisions and take the feedback as just an opinion but not necessarily something we HAVE to go with. I was pleased we spoke about it because it meant I knew I could just stick with what I had because I did like my title and thought it gave an interesting twist on your average exhibition names. That being said I did take on board all the other feedback he gave me and tried and tested lots of trials for my brand aswell changing the posters font type etc.
I think throughout all 4 projects I did work through the process quite well however I do feel I do lots of research in a short burst and often dont make my own comments on it straight away and therefore forget so I need to start making notes all the time and straight away so that the tutors can see I have a wider breadth of research. I think need to work on time management for the next project because during  this project the first 3 projects were ok because I knew I had only a week so It gave me the drive to get everything done quite quickly. But for the final project I left my process book way too late because I wanted to do lots of it at the same time to keep a flow going. I should have listened to rich at the start of the unit where he said dont leave it too late because there is a lot to do. I ended up rushing the end of the book and therefore dont think my process book is very coherant in terms of the design. I was really happy with lots of the pages I did however. I think I still need more practise on the softwares such as after effects which I still dont feel very confident on. I am a lot happier with where I am on indesign though as I am using a grid which In first year I was quite bad with as I was always wanting to break a grid. I understand now a grid can be broken if its done right and not on everything I do. 
During the exhibition project I used photoshop a fair bit for some of my designs so I learnt a few things on there which will be useful to me in future projects im sure. I also learnt case binding during the unit which isnt relevant to my work but wanted to mention it because I was so happy with my outcome and everyone I showed said it looked great. I reallly do enjoy book binding and really want to learn more tecniques for future use. 
As for final outcomes I am fairly happy with everything however if I had more time I would do some adjustments. For example I really wanted to recreate my brand logo/identity because as discussed in a tutorial it shouldnt have been white text and should be transparent. I agreed but had loads of other things to do so couldn't do a new one ready for hand in as it took a long time to get it right. I also would look again at treatment of text as I think font size is too large still even after reducing it a couple of times. I also would look into more wayfinding systems to see if I could come up with another idea for that. As wayfinding was something new to me I was struggling to get to grips with what to do with it but I do think I came up with a nice idea which worked well with the rest of the exhibition. I would also have another look at the process book and give a more coherant feel to it as its slightly manic in terms of being quite different, however I am happy I tried lots of different layouts etc because I did feel really free with my own book and felt I could trial and error lots of things which will help in future because I know what looks good and what doesnt. 
Overall I think I created a really coherent exhibition which had a system throughout. I think I answered the brief well and applied a system across many platforms this was really important because I wanted an exhibtion where all aspects worked sympathetically together. I was happy I created an identity which worked black and white aswell as colour because it meant I could apply my system to any background it needed to go on. This is really important because it means its more diverse and can be promoted more freely and on a larger wider scale. The unit has been challenging but mainly useful and inspiring. I enjoyed the final project a lot and have come out of it with so much more knowledge and understanding as a designer which I can take through to future projects.
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