#im gonna do more with that street cat at some point
fat-butch-dyke · 2 years
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an (early) christmas gift for my dear friiend @chloelouygo i really hope you like it!!
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sungbeam · 5 months
𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧: 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬
nonidol!kang yeosang x f!reader
yeosang doesn't remember your name, but he remembers what kissing you tastes like and how you like your eggs in the morning. just your regular prince charming trying to find his cinderella, or in this case, his passenger princess..?
9.5k (lord.....), nc-17, s2l, frateez au, college au, mentions of alcohol, swearing, kissing, humor, fluff, minimal angst, another cinderella story au/trope(?), drama (i bring i bring all the drama-ma-ma-ma), a girl who is not a girl's girl :l, the barest of proofreading
a/n: this is for the @atzhouse you can't outrage us event! guys if the flirting is lackluster, it's cuz im running out of rizz
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“I don't believe you.”—
The last place you expected to end up was in the front seat of some guy's white Lexus while the party raged on inside the ATZ fraternity house just down the street. According to him, he had to run out just before the crowd rolled in, and when he got back, somebody had snatched his parking spot. 
—“Okay, but why don't you believe me?”—
The car smelled not like fresh leather, but an enchanting mixture of something like pine and smoked wood. Bitter, yet somehow, refreshing. You bet, even as the alcohol was hitting you, that it was what he smelled like. 
His name was Yeosang—the guy sitting next to you in the driver's seat, the owner of this car, and the ATZ fraternity brother you bumped into at his house's own party. That had been just about twenty minutes ago when you'd ended up isolated from your pack of friends, and Yeosang had needed a desperate breather. It seemed he'd been running from someone (question mark), so you asked if he knew where the kitchen was. Eager to get away from whoever it was, he guided you straight to the kitchen and where the secret stash of flavored sojus were. 
An offhand comment about wishing you didn't have to miss this one drama episode dropping tonight led to a longer conversation about the dramas you both enjoyed, which somehow landed you in his passenger seat. 
The rest was history. Or—you supposed the rest was now. 
“Because,” Yeosang said in a tone that sounded a lot like he was saying 'duh’, “you don't look like a biology major.”
He was gorgeous, even if the lighting in the party and out here was jack shit. The way the shadows cut across his face made him look like a faerie torn straight out of one of your old sketchbooks. You were half certain he had pointed ears beneath the cat-eared beanie he wore, but maybe that was just the alcohol doing its thing. 
You sputtered out a laugh as he knocked back another gulp of his melon soju. He was more drunk than you were, maybe not by too much because that wouldn't have been fair, but it did take him seven tries to unlock his car seven minutes ago. “What's a bio major s'posed to look like?”
“Mmm…” he hummed, lips pressed together in a line that dug into his cheeks. “Not you.”
It only made you laugh harder. It wasn't even that funny. “That doesn't even make sense!”
“Does it have to make sense?” He squawked. His face shuddered for a moment as if he just experienced a glitch. “I forgot what I was gonna say, but it's the vibe.”
“The vibe,” you parroted in mild amusement. After you swallowed down your next gulp of soju, you gestured to him with the bottle, “Okay, now what about you? Your major, go.”
“I read shit.”
“Who doesn't?”
“Jared, 19,” he replied, dead serious. 
Equally serious, you asked with wide eyes, “Really?”
He gave you an emphatic nod back. Really. Now, if you were a little less tipsy, you wouldn't have taken what he said at face value, but tonight was already miles away from your regularly scheduled program. 
You pondered on that—the “I read shit,” not the misfortunes of one nineteen year old named Jared. “So if you read a lot of shit, does that make you a literature major? No, wait! I got it; you look like Comparative Lit.”
“Bingo,” he cheered, raising his bottle up into the air. “Wait. What do you mean I look like a comparative lit major? What does a comp lit major even look like?”
“I dunno, but it’s you.” 
He pursed his lips into a deadpan at your callback to what he'd said before, and you merely stuck your tongue out at him like the mature adult you were. “Touché, my friend. Touché…”
Silence passed between you two for the first time since you met each other. In the distance, you could hear the muffled sounds of the party raging on. It wasn't that you didn't go to parties often; it was more so that you usually went to house parties hosted by friends or friends-of-a-friend. Making it all the way to Greek Row was not something you did every weekend, but a mutual friend—Chungha—knew the ATZ president and got you and your friends in. 
Nearly finished with his third bottle (or was it his fourth?...), Yeosang knocked the remainder down his throat with a grimace. With the empty bottle, he set it at his feet on the car floor to join another—the cup holders were already occupied with yours and his second rounds. The first was abandoned on the frat house lawn somewhere. 
“I think—” he slurred, blinking slowly at you like a cat, “—that you look like an artist.”
“An artist?” You parroted dumbly and felt warmth rise to your cheeks. “And why would you say that? Vibes?”
“Well, yes!”
You sputtered out a laugh at the way he said that. “Then yes, I am an artist,” you said, emphasizing the latter half of the word so it sounded like “teest” and not “tist.”
Yeosang gave a hoot. “I'm so good at this. Does that—does that mean you can paint me like one of your French girls?” He pulled his lips into an adorable, little smile, the back of his hand poised beneath his chin as he fluttered his lashes. 
“I don't think I could do you justice,” you admitted. There was a rather annoying buzz at the back of your brain that was distracting you. With a shake of your head, you refocused your gaze on him. “You're too pretty.”
He preened at the compliment, unconsciously reaching up to adjust his beanie. “Like calls to like then.”
“What does that mean?” Your buzzed-out brain couldn't compute—
“It means that prettiness is attracted to prettiness, and I'm attracted to you.”
You whined, burying your face in your hands. Yeosang giggled to himself, incredibly proud at making you flustered, his knees curling upward to kick his feet in the cramped space. “I don't like you.”
“You don't?” 
“No,” you raised your head up with a displeased frown, only to see that his eyes seemed to be twinkling with unrestrained happiness and something else. You weren't in the right state to hyper-analyze the way he looked at you, but it made your heart skip more than just a beat. “It's not fair that you're a literature major.”
“But I'm drunk,” he said innocently. 
“That's even worse!”
He grinned boyishly at you, bashfully stretching his limbs and then cupping the back of his neck with a hand. “What if I told you I'm minoring in math?”
You deadpanned. “I don't think that makes me feel any better. You rule both the realms of words and numbers.”
“It doesn't mean I'm good at math,” he guffawed, leaning back in his seat. “It's only there 'cause my mom's a math teacher, and having a math minor makes my parents feel better.”
That sounded familiar… awfully familiar. The thought made you sober a bit, and it seemed your counterpart wasn't so wasted that he didn't notice the shift either.
“Uh oh,” he chuckled nervously, “what'd I say?”
You waved your hand around dismissively. “Oh, it's nothing. I'm kind of the opposite—my bio major is sort of to appease my parents and the fine art minor is for my sanity.”
He pressed his lips into a line, nodding in understanding. “Ah, I see,” he drawled. “So you don't… you're not happy? With what you're doing, I mean.”
Maybe it was the way he asked it, but it made the cogs in your head turn. You bit your lip. “I'm happy-ish. It's kind of a lot, but I'll survive.”
“'m sorry I upset you,” he pouted. “But,” he stammered, swallowing, “but I get it. My parents never wanna talk about my major anymore. Pretty sure they're just bitter and disappointed. I always feel like I’m walking on eggshells around them.” 
You could tell that it affected him more than he wanted to admit. You wordlessly passed him your half-drunk bottle, and he gladly took a generous sip. When it was back in your hands, you guzzled down the remainder. 
The buzz was getting better. 
“Well, if they're not proud of you, I am,” you declared, setting the empty bottle at your feet. Your eyes blinked slowly for a moment as you got your bearings again. Maybe… maybe you should stop drinking! Yes, that would be the smart thing to do. 
Yeosang hummed. “Thanks,” he said with a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. He gazed over at you from his side of the car. “I'm proud of you, too. You'll be happy one day; it'll always turn out okay, Yn-ie.”
Something warm and fuzzy settled in your chest, like a cat had just curled up there, purring and content. 
A thought suddenly popped into your head. “Yeosang, how do you like your eggs?”
He snorted and burst into laughter, coaxing a similar expression out of you. A moment later, you were trying your best to pout at him, “Hey! Don't laugh! I hear it's all the rage on the pick-up line scene.”
“You're trying to pick me up?” He giggled. All memories of the previous topic flew out the car window.
“Well, is it working?”
He licked his lips around a smile, leaning over the center console to rest his cheek against his fist. “Ask me again.”
You took another sip of your soju before returning it to its cupholder. “Okay. Yeosang, how do you like your eggs in the morning?”
“However you'd like them.”
You deadpanned, and that only made him laugh louder. His head tilted back so you caught a glimpse of his canines, before he brought himself back down to Earth. His cheeks looked as flushed as you felt—even in the dim streetlight you could make out the blooms of peony pink across his cheekbones. “Yeo.”
He reached over to pat your head a couple times, though the sloppiness of his movements made it feel closer to two affectionate smacks. “Okay okay. Sorry. How about we say it at the same time?”
“Okay.” That wasn't a bad compromise. 
“Okay, one, two, three—”
“Sunny-side up,” you both said at once. 
Your eyes and his eyes widened at once, gasps of delight sounding into the quiet car. Could this guy be any more perfect?
“You're not bluffing?” You asked with narrowed eyes. 
Yeosang shook his head vigorously. “Mm-mm. I wouldn't lie to you, Yn-ie. Scout's honor,” he slurred, holding his hand up as if he was a boy scout. 
You giggled at the gesture, and he broke form to melt into an ooey gooey puddle of liquefied butterflies. For a moment, he just stared at you with a strange look on his face, one that you couldn't quite place when you were in this inebriated state. 
You chuckled, shifting your position when one leg started falling asleep. “What’s wr—?”
He leaned forward and—oh. Oh. Those were—his lips were on yours. He had leaned over the console and kissed you. He was kissing you. 
And when you didn't kiss him back, he drew backwards, an embarrassed expression painted over the adorable flush on his cheeks. “That—I shouldn't have done that, should I? I'm sorry; I dunno what I was—”
You crushed your mouth against his this time, effectively stealing the apology right off his tongue. He tasted like melon soju, and his touch was gentle as he brought his hand up to cup the side of your face, cradle your jaw. He was tracing the outline of your features in the dark like he could sketch them in the lines in his mind. 
He tasted like the color of amber, warm and bright, but not blindingly so. He was mellow and sweet, with the undertones of the burnt wood in his cologne. 
You melded your lips against his mouth like you could engrave him into you, and you were practically half over the middle console already. Yeosang's free hand fumbled backward to find the button on the side of his chair—there. The chair began moving backward with a monotonous brrr sound, and as it moved you couldn't quite keep your lips physically attached to his. 
You disconnected from him for what felt like an eternity in order to climb over—shoes knocking against empty soju bottles, ass nearly bumping the horn—and with some clumsy, awkward maneuvering, you were on him again, this time quite literally. You tumbled into his lap, his hands landing on either side of your waist and your hands bracing against the back of his chair.
He loosened a soft groan with the return of your lips to his, and he hauled you down closer to him, until your chests were pressed flush against one another and you couldn't tell which heartbeat was who's. His beanie fell off at some point, but your fingers buried themselves within the dark, silken mass of his hair, a hat in their own right. 
When you both pulled away for breath, your chests heaved in tandem to catch it. You settled your cheek against his shoulder while you inhaled the smell of his cologne, much stronger now that you sat against his chest with your nose by his throat. His hand warmed the small of your back with the other cupping the back of your head in an affectionate cradle. 
“I don't think I've ever kissed someone like that,” you admitted into the quiet. You suddenly couldn't hear the muffled music blasting from the party in the background anymore. 
“Me neither,” he replied, voice hoarse from the kiss. “I've never met someone like you before.”
“Never in your life?”
“Never in my life.”
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“So let me get this straight,” drawled Wooyoung with both hands poised at his temples, eyes screwed shut against the bright morning light coming in through the window. There were currently eight people crowded onto President Hongjoong's bed at a time that was far too early to be alive for a group of people who partied until four in the morning. “You're saying that you know this girl's family life, how she likes her eggs in the morning, and how she kisses—but you don't even know her name?”
Yeosang was propped up against the headboard, squeezed between a very unfairly serene-looking Seonghwa and a mildly hungover Hongjoong. Yeosang's bangs were flat against his forehead and he squinted his tired eyes through the strands. “No, that's not what I said. I said that I know her name… it's just not coming to me right now.”
He knew your name. Right? You told him your name, right? He addressed you by your name at least once last night, right? 
(If he was being honest, as soon as Yeosang woke up this morning, he started whimsically recalling the events of last night in his head. But once he realized he neither had your number nor remembered your name, he jostled his friends up to invade the president's room for an emergency round table discussion. Who would have guessed their alarm clock would be a very panicked Maltese screaming, “I DON'T REMEMBER HER NAME!”)
“Which pretty much means you don't know her name,” Jongho piped up where he was laying against Yunho's back on the corner of the bed, his eyes closed while he attempted to squeeze in five more milliseconds of sleep. 
“Well, do you know who she came with?” San asked. “She probably has at least one mutual friend or else she wouldn't have gotten in.”
Mingi furrowed his brows together. “Not necessarily. The pledges might not have been thorough when checking.”
Hongjoong's eyes narrowed. “You were supposed to be there with them at the door, Mingi.”
“Oh, was I?”
Yunho cut in before Hongjoong could tackle Mingi off the bed. He grinned to himself, “Okay, but San has a point. Usually people are only able to sneak in if they're with a group.”
“Awh,” Wooyoung cooed, reaching over to pinch at Yeosang's cheek, “Yeosangie fell in love with a stowaway—ow! Hey! He just bit me!”
“Deserved,” Seonghwa said plainly. He turned his head so as to not have to face Wooyoung's wounded puppy eyes. It was too early for this. “Do you know if she came with anyone, Yeosang-ah?”
Yeosang scrunched his nose up, disgruntled. “No. I'm pretty sure she was looking for her friends when we met… something like that. I remember some things, but not everything.” He pinched the place between his brows in an attempt to piece together his memory of last night. He could remember the way you made him feel—it was the jittery warmth that came with falling, and his heart had never grown wings before like it had around you. 
After the kiss, the two of you had sunk into a comfortable, quiet conversation about anything and everything beneath the sun. For the first time in a long time, he felt comfortable and heard by someone other than his fraternity brothers. You were perfect, for lack of a better word. And he knew a lot of words. 
But how could he fucking forget your name? 
He was never drinking that much melon soju ever again. 
“She's a biology major,” he offered with a defeated sigh, letting his hand fall into his lap. 
“What does she look like?” Hongjoong asked. 
Yeosang's gaze went up to the ceiling as he recalled what you looked like to his friends. It was pretty dark the entire time he was with you, but there were a few moments when the streetlights hit your face and his conscience was constantly trying to keep his drunk ass from kissing you within the first ten minutes of meeting you. He'd managed to hold it together for a little bit longer before throwing all caution to the wind. 
When he was done, San said in light amusement, “I'm just surprised you kissed her first. She must be something then, huh?”
Yeosang couldn't conceal the smile that slowly crept onto his face. “Yeah, she's…” He cleared his throat. “I just don't want last night to be the first and last time I see her.” It couldn't be—just when he thought he clicked with someone, the universe couldn't possibly be so cruel as to rip you away from him, could it?
“Don't you worry!” Mingi chirped, “We'll help you find your passenger princess.”
Seonghwa snorted. “Passenger princess? What is this, Cinderella?”
“It might as well be,” San chuckled, lifting his shoulder in a half-hearted shrug. “Operation: Passenger Princess is a go!”
Yeosang wasn't sure if recruiting his friends’ help was a good or awful decision. But because his past, drunk self hadn't done many favors for his future, sober self, he would take all the help he could get. 
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You knew the moment you stumbled out of your bedroom and saw your roommate that you were in trouble. It wasn't trouble in the conventional sense; considering her eyes were laughing as she watched your pitiful walk of shame from your room to the shared bathroom, you knew you were not going to hear the end of everything that happened last night ever. 
“Not a word,” you said to her as you winced at the blinding bathroom lights. 
Her toothbrush hung out of her mouth as she slipped in behind you to spit her toothpaste into the sink. When her mouth was rinsed and clear, she made eye contact with you in the mirror, eyebrows wagging up and down. “So you and Yeosang, huh?”
You glared at her from around your own toothbrush. You would have taken the damn thing out to defend yourself, but you were already late. 
Reina took full advantage of your occupied vocal chords. “I never knew pretty frat boys were your type, Yn,” she teased, practically floating out of the bathroom to go check on the state of her espresso in the kitchen. 
“Aye hae yuu,” you grumbled around your toothbrush. 
“What's that?” She cackled, bringing a hand up to the shell of her ear. “I love you? I love you, too, Yn. But you know who else loves you?—”
“Dompt shae it.”
You loathed the fact that her saying such things made butterflies flap their wings and dance around in your belly. It was simply delusional to think of love when all you and Yeosang did last night was make out in his car and accompany each other in deep, provoking conversation… conversation that definitely didn't make you feel incredibly seen or anything… definitely not. 
Finally, you were able to spit your toothpaste out to make your argument. “Okay, first of all, I don't even have his number. And—how could he love me?” As if possession of a phone number could even correlate to love either.
Reina paused, her expression arranging into loud incredulity. “You what? After all I went through to separate the two of you to go home, you didn't exchange numbers?”
Okay, so maybe you shouldn't have disclosed that information—now you just looked stupid. 
You lathered up facial cleanser in your hands and on your face. “Look. Exchanging numbers was just the last thing on our minds—” Oh, Yn. Have you ever said something smart? 
Reina snorted. “Oh, I know.”
“We didn't just make out,” you grumbled, your cheeks warming beneath your hands. You furiously splashed cool water over your skin before patting your face dry. There likely wasn't much time left before you and Reina had to run to meet your other friends at your weekly volunteering session. “We talked.”
“Uh-huh, and you know that denial is a river in Egypt, right?”
Suffice to say that Reina most definitely did not let your shenanigans from last night go. The two of you managed to reach the food bank sometime before fifteen minutes past your original start time. Everyone else was already stationed and on time, and because you and Reina were the last to arrive, you were sent straight to dishwashing. 
As you and Reina pulled on your twin pairs of pink rubber gloves, your friend Mark Lee (and brother with the NCT fraternity) barrelled into the backroom with a dirty ladle in his hands. His head perked up at the sight of you both, a smile blooming on his face. “Well, good morning, Party Animals. How was the ATZ party last night?”
He deposited the ladle into the sink for you to wash while he went to go find a clean one. 
“It was cool, but I think Yn would love to tell you all about her experience,” Reina teased, bumping her elbow against your side. 
Mark sidled up beside the two of you and leaned in close in proper tea-spilling fashion. “Oh my gosh, did something happen?”
You scowled at Reina, then said to Mark, “Nothing catastrophic—”
“She hooked up with Yeosang!”
You cut her a hard glance. “Reina, I don't think Neptune heard you.”
Mark's eyes went comically wide, jaw slackening. “Yn and Yeosang? That's so wild. Like—like Kang Yeosang?”
“I think? We didn't exactly exchange last names, but why would it be wild? We just kissed and talked.”
“Who kissed who now?” The new voice had you all glancing back over to the kitchen door where another member of the group, Yura, walked in. Yura was Reina's cousin, and the two grew up quite close, so it was natural that they ended up in similar social circles. You and all your other friends got along pleasantly with her. She flashed you all a small smile. “From the sounds of it, I'm guessing you guys had a fun time at the party last night?”
“We did!” Reina chirped. 
“Shame you couldn't come with us this time,” you said offhandedly. It wasn't like Yura to miss a party. 
Reina cocked her head to the side. “I could've sworn I saw you there though—”
“Ah,” Yura waved her hand to dismiss her cousin's thought. She chuckled, “You're probably mistaking someone else as me; I had that paper I needed to work on last night, remember? But Yn, you and Yeosang?”
You groaned. “I thought we were over this.”
“Dude, we can't not get over this,” Mark quipped back. “Yeosang just doesn't do stuff like that—hook up with people, I mean.”
“Yeah,” Yura chimed in, “I've seen him at a couple other Greek parties with some of my sorority friends and he looks pretty standoffish most of the time. He's usually always with one of his brothers. He's kind of cold, really.”
Mark furrowed his brows. “I wouldn't call him cold; he's just a little shy, is all.”
“My friends told me that a lot of sorority girls chase after him,” Yura said with wide eyes. “They get, like, aggressive about him or something.”
You and Reina exchanged a look. Was that who he was running from last night? “That must be kinda stressful,” you said softly with a small frown. 
“Apparently, that's why his social medias don't take DMs unless approved,” she shrugged. 
Well, there went your backup plan of finding him on social media. Then again, if he recognized you or your name, would that help if you requested him? That was if you deigned to change your profile picture to yourself and not one of your silly doodles. 
You couldn't help the weight that your heart seemed to gain as it sank to the pit of your stomach. 
“Well, that's mildly disappointing,” Reina muttered, turning to quickly wash the ladle Mark had just dropped off. 
“I just wouldn't want you to get targeted by any of those crazy sorority girls, y'know?” Yura gave a laugh that sounded almost nervous. She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before snapping on a fresh pair of gloves. 
You nodded, gnawing on your bottom lip. “Yeah, no, I—I get it. Thanks, Yura.”
She gave you a sympathetic look. “Of course,” she said. With a wave, she made her way back toward the kitchen door. “Mark, we better get back to work. See you guys at lunch break!”
When she was gone, Mark clapped a reassuring hand on your shoulder. “Hey, listen. I don't really know the guy personally, but me and Wooyoung are pretty tight. I can get in touch with them if you want—”
Baekhyun, the section leader for your session, charged into the kitchen with his arm piled high with dirty dishes. If you didn’t fear for the safety of the porcelain bowl at the top of the stack, you might have chuckled at the scene before you. “Mark! We don't pay you to stand around.”
“Hyung,” Mark huffed exasperatedly as he rushed over to help Baekhyun before the section leader could get knocked over the head by a rogue dish assisted by gravity. “You don't pay us. We're here out of the goodness of our hearts.”
“Well, I don't get paid enough for this,” Baekhyun said once all the dishes were transferred to the sink, and you and Reina were put to work. “Now come on; lots to do!”
Just as Mark was about to follow after Baekhyun, he caught your eyes. “I'm serious about the offer, Yn.”
You smiled. “Thanks, man, but let me think about it and I'll get back to you.”
“Yeah, just lemme know!” And he was gone. 
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Word broke out that someone in the ATZ household was searching for a girl. Word of mouth was a method of dissemination that could spread like wildfire, leaping from one tongue to one ear to another, leaving only ash and debris behind. And around Greek Row, it became a massive game of Telephone. 
But while nearly everyone in the university's fraternities and sororities knew about his strife, Yeosang’s efforts seemed to be for naught. The only thing that emerged from this were more people harping after him, claiming to be 'the one he was looking for.’ None of them were you. 
Your name had manifested itself in his head about halfway into the week. He'd been toiling over the theory readings his professor assigned for Thursday's lecture when he'd underlined a word, and it came crashing down upon him with ice cold clarity. 
His eyes went wide as he shot up out of his chair, nearly sending Jongho careening off his bed on the other side of the room. “What the—”
“Yn,” Yeosang said. Then he declared a little louder, a giddy smile on his face, triumphant and bright, “Her name is Yn.”
Jongho resettled himself on top of his bed. “Well that narrows things down for us,” he drawled, taking his phone out and typing something out. “I don't suppose you have her last name.”
Yeosang fwumped onto the edge of his bed with his lips pressed into a line. “Dude. I literally just thought of her first name. Do you really think I can come up with—”
“Okay, okay,” Jongho laughed, flicking his wrist at him for a moment before resuming his typing. 
“Who're you texting?” Yeosang asked as curiosity drew him across the room to Jongho's side. 
His friend sat up so he could peer over his shoulder at the phone screen. “I'm doing the heavy lifting,” he teased. Based on the social media handle at the top of the direct messages channel, Jongho was texting Chungha, a friend of the frat's but a closer friend of President Hongjoong's, and the recently graduated head of the Phi Omega Phi sorority. “Hongjoong hyung mentioned offhandedly that Chungha wanted to get some friends into the party on Friday, so I'm seeing if she recognizes this Yn person you're looking for.”
Yeosang’s eyebrows flicked upward as he settled into a more comfortable position on Jongho’s bed while they awaited Chungha’s response. In the meantime, he pulled out his own phone in an attempt to search for your name amongst his mutuals. He frowned at the lack of a successful search—did you use a different name or did you not have a social media account? Was that why you hadn’t attempted to contact him in the past few days?
For a moment, a shard of self-consciousness pierced through his chest at the prospect that you didn’t want to contact him. Did sobriety make you embarrassed at what happened that night? Had he made you uncomfortable with the amount of vulnerability that was in the car—no, the vulnerability was mutual… but maybe—
Yeosang’s head whipped back over to Jongho’s screen. Having your name and major seemed to ring a bell for Chungha, and she forwarded a social media handle, along with a “tell Yeosang good luck ;)”. 
“Thank you, Jongho. And bless up, Chungha,” Yeosang muttered as he swiftly input the social media handle into his search bar. There it was—a private art account with your first name in the biography line. There were only one or two people who you both shared mutuals with, which made sense. 
His thumb hovered over the request button, and he bit his lip. With little else left to do and his heart banging around in his ribs from the anticipation alone, he clicked the button. 
It didn’t take you incredibly long to accept his follow request and to follow him back. (Though, half an hour felt like an eternity when he was so anxious.) He made it painfully obvious that you acted in response, because Yeosang fumbled his phone between his palms like it was a hot potato, before he dropped it and stubbed his toe with it. 
Jongho sent him a strange look as he handed the device back to a red-faced Yeosang, who furrowed his brows together to think of an opening direct message to you. 
“It doesn't have to be perfect,” Jongho said as he peered over Yeosang's shoulder this time. He had even paused the game he was playing on his phone to stay tuned into the live entertainment. 
Yeosang made a face. “Yes, it does.” It had to be the perfect mix of witty and funny and subtle and—
He figured it out. 
@/yskang99: how do u like ur eggs?
Jongho released a sound of utter flabbergast, and Yeosang shushed him, both pairs of eyes pinned to the three dots that appeared on the bottom left-hand side of the screen. 
@/studioyn: sunny side up
Yeosang broke into a smile, and Jongho's face contorted into pure incredulity. “What kind of security question is that?”
“Inside joke,” Yeosang replied giddily, rising from Jongho's bed to cross over to his side of the room. He collapsed into his desk chair and propped his feet up along the end of his bed. 
Jongho scoffed, shifting his lounging position. He threw his friend another incredulous glance before giving up and returning to his game. He'd done his job. 
@/yskang99: congrats u passed the test!
@/studioyn: ahh so that was a test? i imagined us doing a virtual handshake tbh
@/yskang99: i like that better actually
@/studioyn: also how did u find me lmao
Yeosang bit his lip through a grin. I have my ways, he typed out cryptically, cheekily. 
@/studioyn: wtvr u say ig… 🤨🤨🤨
For a brief moment, Yeosang wondered if he should bring up the concern lingering in his mind—why you hadn't reached out to him. He didn't want to simply assume that he was “popular” enough that just anybody knew who he was, but he was also aware that most people were able to track him down on social media. But would that kill the vibe? He liked the energy. 
@/studioyn: i can't get a read on whether or not ur any different than how u were drunk 
@/yskang99: would that matter?
@/studioyn: not particularly, no, but i've met people who r
@/yskang99: no i get that, i've met my fair share too :/ 
He began typing out slowly: I missed you… Then he swiftly amended it to: I missed talking to you. 
@/studioyn: awhh wait ik we've only technically spoken the one time, but i missed talking to u too yeo :’)
A smile split his face from ear to ear. Would you wanna hang out again? Only if you're comfortable, of course. 
He watched the three dots appear, then disappear. You were thinking and his heart was sinking.
Finally, your response came in. I'd love to, but I don't wanna disappoint you with my god awful schedule this next week. 
@/yskang99: what abt the weekend? something low stakes maybe?
@/yskang99: my brothers and i r going to the nct house on sat
@/studioyn: oh!! im actually close friends w mark lee :] i'll see if i can drag my friends along, and we can link up there?
The thought of seeing you again, even if it was at another dumb Greek party, made electricity zip through his veins. His stomach filled to the brim with butterflies, and he had to shift his position because of how much it tickled. 
@/yskang99: yeah sounds great :D i'll look forward to seeing u
@/studioyn: same here yeo :’))
@/studioyn: how's ur week been so far? 
Yeosang leaned back in his chair again, propping his elbows on the armrests to sink into a comfortable position. He had a feeling he might be here awhile, but he would sit here all night if it meant talking to you. 
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“Yn! We're gonna be late!” 
You nearly jolted at the sound of Reina's voice carrying through the other side of your bedroom door. You dropped your phone onto your bed, racing to finish up the rest of your makeup. “You can never be late to a Greek party!” You countered, swiping your thumb over the pigment you just put on your lips. 
Your bedroom door opened just as you were slipping a chain necklace around your collar. Reina poked her head in, her eyes looking you up and down. “Ooh-la-la,” she gushed with a teasing smile. “Someone's gotten all dolled up. I wonder who for…”
You rolled your eyes and ignored the obvious warmth rising to your face. “I just felt like it,” you defended weakly while spritzing a light mist of perfume over your neck and wrists. You stood up from your desk to collect your wallet, keys, and lip gloss to dump into a purse, then went over to retrieve your phone. 
The screen displayed another message from Yeosang, no doubt continuing the conversation you had to abruptly pause because you would be late for the NCT party. This was going to be the second Greek party in two weeks—a record for your books. But you had a feeling it was going to be a good time like last week, you were sure of it. 
As you skimmed the message Yeosang sent, you slipped out of the room to join Reina in the main living space. She casted you a pointed look with arms crossed over her chest and lips pressed together. 
“What?” You blinked over at her innocently. 
“You're never gonna see your boy at this rate,” she said as the two of you picked out your shoes for the night. 
You sent a text answering Yeosang and letting him know you would be at the party soon. “He's not 'my boy,’” you said. 
“Right. He's your man.”
You hated how hard it was to keep the giggle in your throat down. It was embarrassing how you smiled just then, too, turning your head away from a smug Reina. 
God, he was just a guy; how did you get so head-over-heels after just one night? It had to be the fact that you'd been texting him nonstop over the past few days. Though you were busy and exhausted, you continued to check your phone all throughout the days and stayed up long into the nights just to talk to him. He had you hook, line, and sinker. 
At some point, you'd forgotten what Yura warned you about on Saturday. 
Your friends picked you and Reina up in one of their family minivans. A round of greetings went up as you clambered in behind Reina, and your friend asked where her cousin was tonight if she wasn't carpooling with the rest of you. 
“She said she was at her sorority friend's house,” Sieun said offhandedly from the driver's seat. The minivan door closed on its own with a mechanical whirring sound. “She's probably at the party already.”
Some nights, parties called for a pregame session, while others (not unlike this one) was attacked raw. Sieun parked the minivan about a block outside of Greek row where there were spaces between cars along the curbs and where there was less of a chance of her accidentally running over a drunk partygoer stumbling into the street. The party was already in full swing with neon green strobe lights blazing aggressively through the front windows, and Gasolina blasting at nothing less than one hundred percent speaker volume. 
You felt your phone vibrate in your hand as Reina grabbed your hand to avoid instantly losing you in the crowd. 
@/yskang99: im on the second floor where there's less people 😋😋 they've got a nice balcony we can hide on!!
“Mark said they've got spiked Capri Sun somewhere in here!” Reina shouted into your ear. 
You nodded your head vigorously. “Let's find it then!”
@/studioyn: gonna grab hard caprisun and then head up!! do u want some??
@/yskang99: surprise me w a flavor, pretty pls x
You grinned to yourself and slid your phone into your purse to focus on the task at hand. 
The NCT fraternity house wasn't a completely unknown landscape to you and Reina. Being friends with one of its brothers and friends-by-association with all the rest, you'd popped by more than a few times. You could likely navigate this house with your eyes closed; that was what it was like weaving through the dark rooms and throngs of people squeezed together like sardines in a can, anyway. 
Along yours and Reina's trek to the kitchen, you gained a couple people in your conga line of linked hands, NCT's own Xiaojun and Jungwoo. NCT frat brothers always pregamed, so the two brothers were already tipsy and giggled about your kindergarten field trip line (with Reina being dubbed the poor kindergarten teacher tasked with keeping you together). 
When you arrived at your destination, it didn't take long for you to lose both Xiaojun and Jungwoo to the game of Texas Hold 'Em being played at the breakfast table. The singular lightbulb overheard made it feel like a smoke-filled backdoor gambling den. 
“Aha!” You cheered after playing a game of mystery cooler roulette, and opened the cooler lid that held the spiked Capri Sun juice pouches on ice. 
“Mine!” Reina snatched up the last cherry flavored one, the shiny aluminum slippery and ice-cold as she impaled the opening with the thin, yellow straw. 
You grabbed a Pacific Cooler flavored pouch for yourself, and a second for Yeosang. 
“Ah, is that for the man of your dreams?” Reina said between sips, her pouch already half empty. 
You sent her a look. “He has good taste, which means he'll probably appreciate Pacific Cooler as much as I do.”
“As long as it's not lemonade,” came a voice to your left. There stood a rather tall and lean man, his warm smile enunciated by the dim kitchen lighting as the green strobe lights from the living room painted across his face. “I can't deal with sour shit,” he explained, making a face. 
You laughed. “That's valid. Fruit Punch is a classic though.”
“Can't argue with that,” he replied, leaning down to pick his poison for the night. He stabbed a straw into his pouch of strawberry kiwi juice, then arched an eyebrow at you. “I feel like I know you. Do I know you?”
“Hey,” Reina chimed in as she leaned over your shoulder, “you're with the ATZ frat, aren't you? I recognize you from Twister last week.”
He smiled sheepishly from around his straw. “Ah… haha, not my best moment, but yes. I'm Yunho.”
“Reina,” your friend replied. 
“Yn,” you added on. 
Yunho's expression jerked as if he'd just been delivered an electric shock. He waved his pointer finger at you. “Oh my god, you're Yeosang's girl!”
Your eyes shuddered in surprise. Yeosang's girl. “Sorry?” You stammered. There was an insane amount of possessive pronouns being used tonight, buy you definitely weren't complaining about it, and could he perhaps say that again—
“Yeah, he won't shut up about you.” Yunho slurped up the rest of his juice pouch, draining and flattening the life out of it in record time. “He loves Pacific Cooler, by the way.”
He took his leave then, saying nothing else to you and Reina except for shooting you a pair of finger guns like saying 'go get em, tiger!’
Reina wheezed, draping herself over you for a moment. “Oh—my god! Good thing Yeosang's just as down in the trenches as you are.”
“Don't do this to me, Reina,” you whined and dragged her along out of the kitchen toward the second floor staircase. “I don't need encouragement; the crush is enough!”
“It's never enough,” she declared with her pointer finger up in the sky. “You are gone, my friend! Gone, I say.”
You patted her head as you both began your ascent up the stairs. “Alrighty; then gone, I am. Do you remember where the balcony is on this floor?”
She hummed. “Ooh! Somewhere by Johnjae's room, abouts. I just remember because Mark told us how—”
“Right—the sophomore year Romeo and Juliet reenactment,” you snorted. You couldn't wrap your head around the batshit crazy things that occurred around these parts. “Who convinced Doyoung to play Paris anyway?”
She made a noncommittal noise. “Must've been bribed—oh, there it is, but I think there's a couple out there already…”
There was most definitely a couple on the balcony. Their outlines were silhouettes against the residual strobe lights shining up from downstairs, so it was a little too dark to make out who they were. They seemed close—the girl was all over the boy, the latter trying to hold her up by her waist. Maybe she'd had too much to drink, and for a moment, you were glad someone was taking care of her. 
But when she leaned in for a kiss, green light glanced across their faces to reveal their features to you. It was only a split second, but it was all you needed. 
“Reina,” you exhaled in shock, turning away from the balcony with enough speed to nearly give you whiplash. 
She didn't question you, as you both careened back down the hall from where you came from, heading for one of the open bedrooms on this floor to collect yourselves. When the two of you were out of earshot of the balcony, she hissed under her breath in utter disbelief, “Yura?”
You'd seen it nearly clear as day, too. That was Yura kissing Yeosang. 
Your head spun as you shouldered your way into Mark's and Haechan's room, their names plastered on the door in foam letter stickers from the craft store. As Reina closed the door and turned on the lights, you sat down in Mark's desk chair attempting to make sense of what you and Reina just witnessed. 
Yeosang and Yura? But wasn't Yura the one who warned you that chasing after Yeosang was a risk because of how many others were, as well? Why would… 
Well, now you just felt stupid. 
Reina dragged over Haechan's desk chair to settle in front of you, her expression less enraged than before, and more concerned over what she was reading off of your face. “Hey, don't do that. Don't think like that.”
“You don't know what I'm thinking,” you murmured, setting the untouched juice pouches on the desk. 
“You're thinking that you're stupid.” 
“Okay, maybe you do know what I'm thinking.” You inhaled, then exhaled slowly, leaning forward onto your knees. “I don't really know what to think or assume.”
Reina nodded, chewing on her bottom lip. “That's okay. I don't think I really understand what I saw either.”
“But that was Yura, right?”
She bobbed her head again. “That was my cousin, yeah.”
“Would it be fair to even think that she told me all that shit last week to discourage me from seeing him?” You didn't enjoy thinking that another person would have such malicious intentions without understanding their point of view, especially someone you considered yourself friends with. 
“Well,” Reina drawled, “I think we both saw what we saw, and Yura was acting strangely about it on Saturday. It would be fair if you were hurt by it; I think your feelings have been clear.”
You gave a small nod. “Do you think he…?”
“I'm not sure, hon.” 
You resolved to talk to him about it. If anything, you had these juice pouches left to console yourself, but you wanted to make sure you knew where his feelings laid. You would be lying if you said your heart didn't harbor even a glimmer of hope that this was all a misunderstanding, and that the kiss was an accident and didn't matter. 
You and Reina left the relative safety of Mark and Haechan's bedroom to go find Yeosang. There weren't any new messages between either of you since the Capri Sun exchange, and you thought about texting him on his whereabouts. 
The balcony by Johnny and Jaehyun's room was empty now, barren of any evidence somebody was there in the first place. 
You and Reina wandered back down to the main floor. The party was nowhere near over; the night was still young. Hope was sinking fast in your stomach as the two of you traveled from room to room in search of him, but with no luck. Even asking around was useless. 
“Text him,” Reina encouraged, as the two of you sipped on the juice pouches that were supposed to be for you and him. 
She held your spiked juice while you texted him. 
As time passed, and a response had yet to come through, you tossed yours and Reina's flattened Capri Sun pouches into the nearest garbage can.
If he wasn't going to answer, then maybe you would just go home for the night. You had a lot to think about. 
Defeated, you let Reina sweep you under her arm and guide you to the front door. “Let's go home, hm?” She said, rubbing your shoulder. 
On your way to the front door, you paused. You thought you heard someone calling your name—
You turned around to find Mark barreling toward you through the crowd with another guy at his side. “Mark?” You shouted over the music. 
“Hey, we've been looking all over for you,” he said. Nodding to his friend, he told you, “This is Wooyoung, by the way, the ATZ brother I'm friends with.”
“Yeosang's been looking for you,” Wooyoung said in earnest, eyes as wide as Mark's. Had they been looking for you as much as you were looking for Yeosang?
Something like hope sparked in your chest again—you were at odds. The fight had nearly dissipated from your blood and you were ready to go home. But if he was trying to find you… it must be worth it then, right?
“Where is he?” You asked. 
It was nearing midnight by the time you settled yourself on the concrete curb outside the ATZ frat house just down the block from the target being thrown at the NCT house. With everyone over there, no wonder it was quiet enough to finally hear yourself think. With the coming of deep autumn, a slight breeze wafted by that drifted over your skin and raised goosebumps on your arms. 
You heard gravel crunching from behind you, coming down the ATZ driveway, and before you could turn your head to look, a warm jacket was placed over your shoulders. You held your breath, fingers finding the lapel to keep it from slipping as you glanced over at your counterpart. 
Yeosang lowered himself onto the curb next to you, mimicking your position with his knees bent and arms resting upon them. “I—my phone died,” he said lowly. 
“Oh.” That took care of at least two of your questions. 
“Is there—” He stopped himself, amending his statement, “There's something on your mind.”
Understatement of the century. You pulled his jacket around you, the intertwining scents of alcohol and his cologne lingering on the collar. “I was going to meet you at the balcony, and I was there, but… but I saw you and Yura, and…”
It was his turn to say “oh.” He angled his body toward you now until his knees bumped against yours and he was muttering out an apology he didn't need to say. He laid his upper body over his arms that were folded onto his knees and peered up at you through lengthy lashes.
He was waiting for you to finish. 
You swallowed, following his lead and turning your body toward him. “I saw her kiss you,” you said, the sound barely audible to anybody but you and him. “Reina and I went somewhere to kind of just soak in what we saw, and then we went back out to find you so I could talk to you about it, but we couldn't find you.”
“I'm sorry you had to see that,” he murmured, eyebrows furrowed together. “It—it didn't mean anything. She did try to kiss me, but I pushed her away before she could.”
You believed him. You loosened a small chuckle from your lips. “Y'know, it sounds silly to me now, but last week she told me that there were a number of girls who were pursing you and were very aggressive about it.”
He snorted. “If there were any, I only know of one.”
“Yeah,” he nodded, lips pursing. “I know she's liked me for a while, but I've made it clear I don't see her the same way. At last Friday's party, I was actually trying to lose her in the crowd when I found you.”
Your eyes widened. “So she was there?” Then Reina had actually seen her cousin at the party; Yura had lied about where she was. 
“She told me tonight that she was scared about me liking you more than her,” Yeosang said as he lifted his body back up to rest his cheek against his fist. “She was really drunk—which was why you probably saw me trying to hold her up—and then she… tried to kiss me. I pushed her away, and one of her friends found us, so I handed her over and went to get some air.”
And that was why you couldn't find him. You released a breath you didn't realize you were holding in. “Are you—are you okay? I'm so sorry she did that to you.” 
The corners of his lips tugged upward in a reassuring smile. “I'm alright, thank you. And it's not your fault.”
“I know, but still,” you insisted. “Your boundaries were violated, and it makes me feel so icky that I've called her a friend of mine, and—what?” 
Your words came to a screeching halt when you realized that Yeosang was just smiling at you. Or rather, gazing at you, admiring you. It was whatever he did whenever his eyes possessed a set of twin jewels in his irises that needed no light to glitter like gold; and when his grin softened at the corners by a tenderness that knocked the wind out of you, all words and systems failed you. 
You recognized this look, except this time, you weren't drunk. 
“I'm really happy I met you,” he said in your silence. “And I'm happy I got to see you again.”
You nearly melted. You smiled back at him, replying quietly, “Couldn’t have said it any better. Thank you for being honest with me.”
“And thank you for believing me.” He reached for your hand, his movements slow as if giving you an opening to pull back if you wanted to. But you didn't, and you closed the remaining space to link your fingers and press your palms together. 
You and Yeosang shared mutual smiles in the dim lighting outside his fraternity house. Your heart beat had quickened a considerable amount now that he was so close to you again. 
You cleared your throat. "Just to be clear though—when you said she was scared about you liking me more than her—?"
His smile reached his eyes and turned them into upturned crescent moons. "I'm not scared," he said, "that I like you more than I have ever liked her." By a landslide.
Your heart gave a lurch in your chest. "Good," you smiled. "That's good, because I like you a whole lot, too."
“Do you wanna get out of here?” Yeosang inclined his chin toward where his car was parked a couple vehicles down. “Properly this time, now that we're not completely wasted?”
You laughed. “I would love nothing more.”
Pleased, he helped you to your feet. You must have stood up far too quickly though, because the blood rushed up to your head in a riptide current. You swore as the vertigo hit you, and your footing stumbled. 
“Woah, careful there, pretty,” he murmured, his low voice by your ear as he steadied you with one hand pressed between your shoulder blades and the other around your waist. 
Oh, there went your heart… it flew up to halo around Yeosang's head, and it wasn't yours anymore—
“You okay?” He mused. 
You cleared your throat, straightening. “Yeah, I'm great,” you said sheepishly, ducking your head toward your chest. 
A warm, fond chuckle left his mouth. “Cute,” he murmured. He lifted your chin up so you would look at him, his eyes darting down toward your mouth, and yours mirroring his movements. “I was wondering…”
“You can kiss me,” you blurted out, ignoring the utter leap in your pulse and the heat crawling up the back of your neck. 
You tasted his smile as he leaned over to seal his mouth over your own, a long awaited return to the place that felt just right. You breathed him in, inhaled him, devoured him whole—you wrapped your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer just as his hands pressed you flush against him. 
In the distance against the heavy house music in the background, a cheer went up into the night sky. 
You and Yeosang parted only to crane your heads in the direction of the noise, only to find what looked like a gathering of your friends and his friends hooting and applauding like it was New Years. 
“OPERATION: PASSENGER PRINCESS WINS!” The guy from earlier, Wooyoung, practically howled up at the sky. 
You pressed your face against Yeosang's shoulder as he groaned. “I am so sorry about them,” he chuckled through a grimace, lips grazing over your crown. 
You laughed along with him. “My friends are also among the guilty party, Yeo.” 
He kept his arm around your waist and you kept your head against his shoulder as the two of you walked away from your friends and toward his car. Contentment curled itself up over your chest again, and it nestled in deep, as if it planned to stay awhile. 
“By the way,” you piped up as he unlocked his car. 
You opened the passenger side door and leaned over the top of it to ask, “What the hell is Operation: Passenger Princess?” 
Yeosang sputtered out a laugh and his cheekbones burned red. “How about we save that for our third date?”
You blinked, lips parting. 
Yeosang grinned impishly. “Close that mouth, pretty, or I'll close it for you.”
Your jaw snapped closed, and his laugh echoed against the houses along this street. You climbed into the car after him, flustered beyond words. “I don't like you,” was all you could come up with. 
“I'm sure you don't.”
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a/n: pls remember to reblog + comment if you enjoyed! also, the plan is to try and write another wooyo frat au as well, so pray for me...
atz m.list
permanent taglist: @flwoie @vatterie @seomisaho @hqrana @ja4hyvn @outrologist @rikizm @luumiinaa @tinkerbell460 @meosjinn @hyunjaespresent-deobi @stayarmytinyzenmoa-l @floatingpluto @gyulfriend @jaehunnyy @shakalakaboomboo @soonyoungblr @justanotherkpopstanlol @kangfication @pxppxrminty @fluorescentloves @haechansbbg @jaerisdiction @super-btstrash-posts @jundundun @http-gyu @mvvnsseul @mars101 @synthwxve @empire-x @kflixnet @atzhouse @cromernet
514 notes · View notes
astrolynnworld · 9 months
pairing: chris x reader
summary: you keep teasing chris at a party and he deals with you immediately
warnings: smut, stoned chris & reader, teasing, rough sex, exhabition, little bit of degrading, breeding.
a/n- requested by @cutiepatootie36273 <33
word count: 1,009
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i drunkly shift through the crowd of the party as i look around for chris
to no surprise he’s in the corner sharing a blunt between a few friends.
i squeeze my way into the circle and latch myself onto chris
“oh there you are baby!” he exclaims as wraps an arm around me
they continue to pass the blunt around in another rotation while chatting it up, not really acknowledging my presence
the music, controlling the vibe of the function, starts to tone down into a more slow r&b vibe.
“ooo i like this song!” i say as i slowly start to back up and body roll on him as a bit of fun
when im drunk, i get really feely touchy. and not only was i drunk but i felt a bit of contact high from all the smoke air that his friends were blowing around me
regardless, chris knows how intimate i get when im intoxicated. so i wasn’t surprised when he told me to “don’t start”
“whattt? im just having fun” i playful roll my eyes
at this point him and his friends has finished the blunt so when his friends dispersed into the kitchen to grab some water, he stayed back.
i turn around and continue to sing the lyrics of the song in his face while pointing and slowly shaking my hips side to side as if im an artist at a concert
he just stands there. leaned up against the wall, looking down at me. admiring me
“you’re so pretty you know?” he slightly bites his lip with a faded eye glare
i look up at him with glossy eyes, “you don’t say huh?” i laugh
“come on let’s go outside” he asserts while grabbing my hand and pulling me to the door of the party
i follow him blindly and watch as he leads us to a nearby street light where we can still hear the music from the party
“why are we out here?” i ask
“i don’t know, i kinda don’t really want guys having their eyes on you.” he replies
“babe?” i laugh indicating that he’s being ridiculous
“im so serious. i really got a good look at you and i know other guys will want too as well if they haven’t already. i cant deal with that, im gonna get mad” he continues
“is someone a bit jealous on wether or not another guy will eye fuck me?” i say in a seductive tone as i wrap my arms around his neck
“please. i’m the only one who can fuck you” he says
“then do it..” i respond in a whisper
he looks down at my eyes then looks back up to get a view of our surroundings
“you’re such a fucking tease. you know anybody can walk out and catch us right now.” he says with a fought back tone of craving
“isn’t that apart of the fun”
he stares me at me, mouth slightly agape as he processes what i say.
then a smirk erupts, “you’re so fucking nasty.. i love it”
he shifts me over to where we are not directly under the street light and starts kissing me.
passionate, deep, needy kisses.
all over my lips, neck, and ears
“fuck you smell so good.” he lets out before going back to kissing me
he walks me backwards to a nearby car that’s parked on the side of the road without breaking the kiss
he leans me against the car and puts his hands in my pants to start rubbing me through my underwear
“baby you’re fucking soaked. do you like when i take charge like this?”
i nod my head while looking up at him through fuzzy eyes
“so pretty baby.” he says before he starts kissing me again
he then spins me around and bends me over the cars trunk
he pulls my pants down and aligns his cock with my hole while pushing my head onto the car
he slides his cock into me while grabbbing my hands behind my back
he thrusts into me deep letting a moan escape my lips
“you drive me so crazy baby.” he says through gritted teeth while continuing to do this deep thrust that always sends me over the edge
“look at how much you’re mine baby? bent over on a strangers car getting fucked outside in public.” he continued to thrust deep and hard
“someone can walk outside right now and catch us. catch you being a dirty slut who likes to get fucked in public” he starts to pick up the pace
i can’t even think to speak, the only thing that escapes my lips are the breathy moans that form from the pleasure
“right baby? you’re a dirty little slut who likes to be fucked in public” he continues
“y-yes chris. i-i’m you- your dirty little slut.. who li-likes to be fucked in pub- public” i try to speak out while i feel the tightness in my stomach start to build into an orgasm
“fuck baby. you’re getting so tight for me, are you gonna cum my love?” he asks
“y-yes. i’m gonna cum .. pl- please don’t stop chris” i moan out
he continued to thrust into me faster and deeper
the pressure on my cervix sends me over the edge into a squirting mess
i moan out his name as my shakes from the orgasm i just produced.
he starts to slow down
“fuck. i just came in you baby” he says fearfully
i look back and stare at him
“i didn’t even mean too. i just forgot to pull out, i was too into the moment” he continues
“i think it’s fine.. i have plan b’s at home” i try to say comfortably
“if not.. we’d make amazing parents!” he jokes
“yeah yeah. none of that please” i laugh back
he bends down to give me a kiss
“i love you so much. don’t know what id do without you” he sincerely says
“i love you too, chris”
712 notes · View notes
love2poetry · 3 months
⤷ mcu!peter parker x artsy!reader
𝜗𝜚. . . synopsis. you are both peter's love and loss of his life
𝜗𝜚. . . general tag. mostly fluff & some angst
.ᐟ. . . content warnings. if you see any grammar mistakes, keep them to yourself pls thx<3 might be cringe tbh
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♫⋆。 our field of dreams, engulfed in fire your arson's match your somber eyes and i'll still see it until i die, you're the loss of my life
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪ sophia's letter ! i wrote this as it's raining and can you guess what scented candle i have lighting? 😝 anyway i went through a depressive episode for no reason so i took a hiatus, but i might be back for the summer. i often go through another one when school starts so im gonna do the most now. i was thinking of making a part two for this using 'peter' but idk. anyway, HIIII NEW GRACIE ALBUM THIS WEEK RAGHH
wc. 1,926
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spring had just began, more warm days after months of freezing cold weather. today, however, seemed to be one of the few cold, rainy days february had left. you had finished homework earlier today, always wanting to have your weekends free as much as you can, so you decided to occupy your mind with something else more calming. 
after finishing the last of your ap psychology assignment, you walked to your kitchen and made yourself a quick matcha. as you measured the green powder into your cat mug - a lovely gift peter got you because one of the cats in the bug is a calico, like your own cat - a thud was heard from your room. it was followed by an 'ow' quickly after, causing a small smile to form on your lips.
at the sudden noice, autumn, your calico cat, run cautiously out of your room. after finishing your matcha with some creamer, you also walked to your room. 
peter looked towards the door upon sensing you. his spidey sense usually only triggered when danger was near, however, when it came to you, peter was able to feel you. he couldn't describe it, but there was something in you that made him feel safe. it was a warm feeling that ran down his spine, and maybe it was because he was in your room, but he could also smell the vanilla lotion you love to use. everything about you made him feel like he was engulfed by a soft blanket.
so it was no surprise that the first thing peter did was offer you a smile. you automatically smile back of course. how could you not when he looks at you like that, like he was going to somehow bring you the moon he often photographed because it made him think of you. 
'it's raining,' peter pointed with a boyish grin. the obvious pitter patter coming from your windows made you tilt your head playfully. 'you don't say.'
peter patrolled the streets of new york everyday as his alter ego, spider-man. but on days like this, he likes to use the weather as an excuse to come see you earlier instead. he has a build in heater in his suit of course, but in his opinion it doesn't work as well as a good cuddling season with you.
peter sets his masks down on your night stand. 'cuddles?'
you took a sip of your matcha as you walked to your desk. 'i have to work on my portfolio.' you heard him walk to your dresser that sat on the corner of your room where you had a drawer with his clothes to change to after patrol. 'i thought you were done with it?' 
'yea, it's just,' your fingers glossed over your sketches. junior year was ending and soon college applications will start. it had been your dream to attend the art school of chicago, and now that applications are around the corner, you want to make sure everything is perfect. 'it doesn't feel complete.'
once peter was out of his wet suit and into his favorite pair of bright pink hello kitty pants matched with a plain white tee, he sneaked his arms around you, taking your comforting scent in. you felt him place a kiss in your hair, 'i think it's perfect.'
you turn to look at him with an unimpressed expression. his smile widens and he can't fight the urge to kiss you any longer. peter gently presses his lips into yours. he's always been delicate with his kisses, especially after being spider-man. you knew it was his way to ground himself after a day of fighting criminals, so you let him be as soft as he needed. 
you loved it that way. you loved him that way.
peter pulls away first. 'i have some photos i took last week. you could draw some if you need.' 
peter's hobby went hand in hand with your art. thanks to being spider-man, he was able to take some shots of new york no one else would be able to obtain, and he often let you sketch them, so often that half of his storage is pictures he takes for you to draw. the other half is probably of you.
you hum in agreement, still looking into peter's eyes. you have never loved brown as much as you do now. 
'tomorrow.' peter took your mug in one hand, then used the other to hold your hand while he drag you over to bed. 'today, we cuddle.' he set your bug on the night stand. 
you smile. 'okay.'
you two settled under your warm covers with you closest to your mug incase you want a sip, but before you could find a comfortable position, peter stood up, muttering a quick 'wait!'. 
you frown, but understood what he was doing when he pulled a lighter from your drawer in the night stand. he lit up the candle that rested on top. apple pumpkin. you bought a few pumpkin scented candles last fall, and peter grew to love this specific one. he wasn't a fan of scented candles because of his enhanced smell, but this one was subtle enough for him to enjoy without getting a headache.
once peter returned to bed, he wrapped his arms around your waist with his head on your chest. he slightly tilted his head to plant a kiss into your skin. 'i love you.'
his whispered confession filled you with butterflies. you don't know what you did to be lucky enough to love this boy in your arms, let alone be loved back by him. one of your hands wrapped around his back, while the other caressed his check, slightly squishing his face. his chuckles echoed in the room along the rain when you started kissing his face. 
two kisses on his right check, two more on the left, three on his forehead, and one on the bridge of his nose. 
'i love you more.'
a bright smile stayed on peter's face as he shook his head. 'that's not possible.' your smile matched his, 'i think it is. no, i know it is.' 
'i love you most.' before you could disagree, you felt his hands sneak under your shirt, cutting you off by tickling your sides. you squeak in surprise and try to squirm away. your laughter fills peter's ears, 'okay! i can't breathe!'
peter paused his movements and you inhale to suggest, 'we both love each other equally.'
peter makes a thinking face. 'i'll let you have this win,' he rolled his eyes playfully before settling in your arms again. 
the two of you stayed intertwined in bed until you felt peter's breathing slow down, indicating he had fallen asleep. his weight was on your side now, but looking down at him you decided you wanted to engrave this moment forever. 
swiftly, you reached for the small sketchbook you keep on your night stand. thankfully, you had left a pencil there too. you sat up slightly, making sure not to disturb peter's slumber. his arms tighten around you making you freeze, but the light snores coming from peter tell you he is still deep in his sleep.
you find a clean page and begin drawing shapes until you like how they all sit together. you move to the face proportions, not focusing on shading yet. your hand makes the hair part look effortless, and it may be from the many times you've drawn these curls. moving back to the face, you use your finger to blend the lines better.
finishing the rough draft, your focus goes to the nose, moving to the freckles you have memorized. 
peter's deep voice caused a blush to creep into your cheeks. it wasn't the first time peter caught you drawing him, he has seen the many sketches and paintings you've done of him, but you still shy way when his eyes follow every detail of him you've embedded into your mind. 
if only you knew peter feels the same. to know the person he loves more than anything has memorized him, his body and soul, fills him with an indescribable feeling. he does the same with his camera. most of his photos are moments you've shared together that he wants to remember forever. 
peter not having storage on his phone from all the candid pictures he has of you is his version of when you learned to draw the lines that form around his eyes when he smiles.
'shut up,' you nudge your leg against his. there's smiles on both of your faces as peter snuggles closer to you. 
the room is rather dark by now, only the candle peter had previously lit and another lamp you always have create a cozy atmosphere. the warm glow of the lamp reaches your features enough for peter to see and he takes his time to draw his own painting of you in his mind. 
the flickering flame of the candle mixing with the apple pumpkin scent ignite a perfect portrait of peter you ache to fabricate, you take a mental picture for later.
you could be here with peter for all time. 
neither of you knew that it was only momentary. 
peter climbed through the window, a plastic bag in hand. he pulled his mask off, wet hair falling over his eyes. 
the loud thunder from outside shook his apartment. it started raining earlier that day, so peter decided to cut his patrolling short. he hadn't done it in a while.
his body was freezing from the harsh wind that he old suit would have kept him warm from. he walked towards a basket full of his clothes that sat in a corner, that was his dresser for the time being, and grabbed a gray shirt. 
when peter picked up the shirt, he caught a glimpse of what once were a bright magenta hello kitty bottoms, is now a dull shade of pink. with a sinking feeling, peter decided to put them on as well.
he made it to his twin size bed where he left the bag and took out the single purchase he made. 
a small scented candle. apple pumpkin.
once lit, he set it on the small dining table his studio apartment came with. he stared at it until the soft scent filled his nose. his throat closes when memories of you that are still imprinted in his mind come back. peter feels his left eye twitch as tears threaten to spill, but he refuses to cry. 
he can't afford a breakdown. he has no one to turn to anymore. peter doesn't know if he can pick himself back up if he breaks. it was easier with tony because he had may and friends who cared about him. but especially because he had you. 
now may is gone, he's a stranger to his friends, and every detail of peter you had memorized has been erased. 
peter turns back to his bed and pulls the covers to get in. he continues to stare at the flame emotionless, slowly dissociating from his lonesome. 
even after everything, peter can't comprehend how you could go from perfectly drawing the creases on his lips without a reference to not even remembering his name. 
do you still have those pieces of him? 
do you still draw him even now like it is muscle memory?
is he in your dreams like you are in his?
you will continue to occupy peter's mind until the day being spider-man finally kills him. you were his deepest love, and now his greatest loss. 
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stardust-sunset · 2 months
Im a littel late!!
Boys will be boys hcs with the gang
Pony definitely went through a phase where he made his voice impossibly low to try to get girls or something, haunts darry to this day.
The Curtis bros had absolutely no clue you were supposed to wash your bedsheets. I can picture darry having a girl over and shes like "these are kinda dirty" and his ass goes "I already washed them this year"
soda runs around everywhere with the dogs out. BROS FEET ARE NEVER CONTAINED 🙏🙏
modern day two-bit is constantly screaming "English or Spanish!" To the gang. They all stay planted where they are for HOURS.
This ones not so much 'boys will be boys' but super senior dallas and two-bit. Dally will get rejected and thats just the funniest thing on earth to two-bit.
Pony gets so hangry he will literally rip anyone in the area to shreds, do NOT fw hungry pony😞
Johnny like never washes his clothes. Part of it is from the poverty, but darry will ask if he wants his stuff washed and hes just like "its okay they smell fine :3" (they smell like absolute shit)
Steve will wrestle anything with legs that questions him to the ground. If yk him, your not safe, mans is gonna run up behind and BOOM your down
hangry ponyboy mentioned 🗣️🗣️ (seriously tho i know bro just blows up at darry and darry just holds him by the collar while he yells and tries to swing on him like an angry cat 💀 darry’s just like ‘what’s your problem’ til he hears his stomach growl and he’s like ‘oh 😒’) johnny gets hangry too but more sassy so he’ll quip at pony and pony snaps back and they start fighting in the middle of the street 😭
but YES-i agree with all of these-in the movie steve literally had to remind soda to put his shoes on, bro hates socks (and clipping his nails, pony literally wakes up with blood dripping down his legs and he’s like ‘soda 😡😡’
johnny also just doesn’t wanna be a burden-he gets used to the smell at some point but darry will literally make him strip down and wear pony’s clothes and whenever his clothes are actually washed he’s just sitting there with his eyes wide like he’s experiencing the most amazing thing ever and it’s just because his jean jacket is warm and smells like flowers as apposed to blood and sweat 😭
steve would literally just see a spider and be like ‘oh yeah? you givin’ me that look?” and stomps on it because he’s a bitch-pony has a mean side eye and it’s gotten him a number of tackles to the ground and pony’s screaming ‘what did i do’ while steve puts him in a chokehold 😭
‘i already washed them this year’ BRO 😭😭 it’s the same thing with table cloths like there’s a bunch of stains on it and they’re just like ‘this is fine’-i feel like they know some things because their mom was kind of a neat freak but other than that it was four boys in the house-
also nooooo not english or spanish-two bit would love the brainrot era….
also it’s never too late for bits will be boys headcanons. keep em coming fellas
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mara-xx217 · 1 year
Good morning/afternoon/night! My internet is really bad at the moment so im not sure when this ask is gonna get through lol :,)
If I remember it correctly, your asks are open! So I decided to try my luck on sending one! (I've only downloaded Tumblr recently so im sorry if this goes badly :,) )
May I ask for a scenario or something like that with Pocketcat obsessing over a poor and desperate soul(aka reader lol) who is just trying to make their way through the Fear and Hunger dungeons/The festival of Termina (It's probably better if you choose lol)? Reader is just trying to go through another day without being attacked in their sleep and maybe smoking some Opium while that goddamn cat is just starting from a corner.
((Im not sure how asks work! Sorry if I made a mistake!!))
Omg yes this is perfectly fine! Everybody loves Pocketcat (me included) so I'm more than happy to answer this lol. Let's set this during the Festival, shall we? :)
You're doing great!
Warnings: Stalking, General Creep Behavior, Pocketcat Deserves His Own Warning, Drug Use
The atmosphere of Prehevil was a buzz with an invisible, cold heat. Your skin had started to tingle the moment you woke up from that terrible dream you had on the train and a throbbing headache that started as a minor annoyance has now turned into a full blown migraine that has you feeling like you've been brained by a lead pipe, a very real possibility given all the pissed off locals that have been attacking you unprompted and out of the blue as you've wandered the mostly deserted streets.
The last few blocks, you've begun to feel as though you were being watched... Every other step you take, you swear that you hear the echo of a footfall that is just barely out of sync of your own. You pause mid step and listen carefully.
Shit. You don't look over your shoulder, fearing what you might find following you. You shove your hands in your jacket pockets and suddenly pick up your pace, not quite running but not walking casually either. Your fucking head is killing you... You wanted nothing more than to take a hit from your pipe... but you needed to find somewhere relatively safe first. Continuing on, you round several more street corners. You don't stop until you no longer hear any footsteps mirroring your own. Slowing down, you strain your ears once again.
Silence. You shuffle to a stop. Your headache is nearly blinding and you sit on a pair of steps that lead into one of the many buildings in Prehevil. Fumbling with your bag, you fish out your smoking pipe, your eyes closed as they were throbbing and painfully dry. You crack an eye open and find a nearly empty matchbook, striking it alight and lighting the pipe that was still partially filled with opium. Extreme, but its all you have.
And your head-
It was sweet relief. The opium was strong and fast acting. Your headache numbed, as did your paranoia. Your heartbeat slowed and you felt yourself fall at ease. You kept your eyes closed, enjoying the brief moment of quiet. Has it been only a few hours of this? It almost felt like a lifetime... Your eyes open, blinking as they readjust to the light. And you find yourself startled as there was someone standing down the street opposite of where you sat.
The colour purple was a strange sight in this blood-soaked town... Not a drop of gore was on him, yet the bag at his feet was blood-smeared and breathing, you could tell even from where you sat. He was tall and well-dressed, strange all around and strangely making a point to avoid eye-contact with you. As you stared at him, suddenly sobering from the opium, he twitched his head and glanced in your direction. What the hell was he wearing...?
"Ah-! Oh, dear me! I didn't see you there at all!" His accent was strange and he seemed exasperated. Though he was wearing a mask, something that appeared to be cumbersome and inflexible, it had a lot of character and seemed to reflect it well through his eyes.
"My, my, how rude of me! I do apologize, this Festival has us all running about like mad, does it not?" You uneasily looked side to side.
Was... he talking to you?
"What... 'Festival'...?" He continued on.
"Say... perhaps I am mistaken but... do I know you? Maybe you get that a lot, you do have one of those faces, but I swear that you look..." The masked man turned to face you. He had one hand in his pocket, something that make you gravely nervous.
"...familiar?" You don't know why you answered him. Perhaps it was the awkwardness of this situation getting to you.
"Yes! Familiar. I feel as though I have met you once before, in lands and times different though under such similar circumstances..." He grew wistful, seeming to reflect on an old and touching memory. You frowned. There was something nagging at the back of your head....
"Pray tell, how has this Festival been treating you? Worse for wear? Perhaps you have had your fill and wish to turn in for the day?" You narrowed your eyes.
"I... What?" He continued.
"No matter, there is time left for you, though not much at all, I'm afraid. There is never enough time, is there? Or it certainly doesn't feel that way... Especially where the ones we love are concerned..." He turned his head so you couldn't see his masked face. The man brought his hand to his mouth and seemed to suddenly grow sheepish. The hand in his pocket began to twitch and you felt your stomach roll in apprehension.
"Do you have that special someone in your life? I did... once upon a time... Though it has been so many ages since I last saw them..." He turned to face you and he seemed larger and closer than he truly was. The masked man grew in height and seemed to lean in close to you, until you had your back flat against the stairs and you were cowering before him from across the street.
"Though... looking upon you has brought a wave of nostalgia over me! Truly, I must thank you for this, for I had missed them terribly..." There was a genuineness to his voice that was almost moving... for a split second, you felt your guard lower.
"I see..." Your shoulders dropped a little. A wave of emotion washed over you.
But in the warmness there was also,
Deja vu seized your heart and froze you in place. Your temples began to throb as the colour drained from your face. The stranger had become familiar and known to you, though you didn't understand how or why. He seemed pleased with the shift in your demeanor.
"That's quite enough I think..." You furrowed your brows, confused.
"Yes, quite so!" You can tell that he was smiling under the mask.
"I don't understand-" He nodded to himself.
"That's quite alright, old sport! Give it some time, I think it will all become apparent, sooner than later." The man straightened up and you no longer felt crowded.
"W-What will? What- Who even are you-?!" Your question was waved off.
"Enough questions! Don't you think it's about time now?" Anxiety pulsed under your skin.
"Time? Time f-for what?"
"Time to wake up, of course! You've nearly overslept!" You're stunned. Confused and a little annoyed, you open your mouth to rebuke him, but he's suddenly in front of you and has a gloved hand clamped around your mouth. You can't move, you can't blink, you can't even scream in terror as a wave of nostalgia crashes over you.
"Hush, now... I've stolen you away from my Master for long enough... It's time for us to part ways for now, but we will meet again. It will be just like the good old days, just you wait!" You didn't know who this fucking freak was and you didn't care. You just wanted him to get the hell away from you already!
"Go on, then! Away with you!" His tone was cheery but he picked you off the stone stairs with his one hand with ease, until your legs were dangling limply in the air.
You were thrown down but instead of busting your head on the edge of sharp stairs you startled in a seated position. You hit your elbow against the cool train window and your head bounced off of it as you struggled to regain your senses.
It was... what?
It wasn't real... It was all just one big, terrible dream... You sighed in relief. In the moments that it took your heart to slow, you realized something.
The train wasn't moving and it was devoid of all passengers.
@prettycutebunny, @infinitewhore, @kennbb, @slutwithadegree, @dead-bxxxtch-walking, @space-arsonist, @pink-soft-shadow, @sinlessdesire, @hoemine, @memoryofheather
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ditch-lily · 11 months
so I wanna do a little trip/photo dump of my latest jeffy adventure. I may delete this who knows but for now, adventures below!
I tbh wasn't at my best during this trip, I had a bit of a not fun ocd episode while traveling and I do feel like I spent most of the trip trying to get back to my baseline okayness - so to my lovely friends and travel partners thanks for being awesome and treating me with kindness!! I really, really appreciated it 💖💖
okay now time for obnoxious trip slideshow haha
chiang rai was beautiful. we went to an insanely gorgeous garden cafe on the first day
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on the second, we went to the white and blue temples
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btw I love doing street photography so 2 of my favs from chiang rai:
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and now...jeffy day
tbh by the time Jeff was onstage I'd been standing around since 2pm (he got on stage...at 10pm 😭) the things We Do for Barricade. I was soooo sweaty and frazzled by then
it was a very cool set up tho! it was a little music festival, lots of food/etc, and they lit up hot air balloons over our heads
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we saw a few performers and slot machine!! who were right before jeff. finally got to see them live and ohmygod did they pop off!! at one point they were in front of us just tearing up the stage for ages, they threw guitar picks at us haha (I did not catch one lol)
and then jeff.....look we all know how that went down
but here's a screenshot of when he Looked at me the first time and i fucking realized if I can see them.....they can see me. no??? jfc i think i like super reacted, flailed backwards a bit I think. i prefer to not beobserved okay?? but anyway and that's why he came for my throat later i believe. demon
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then look after jeff it was just jumpscare after jumpscare, bumping into his band member at midnight in our hotel lobby (all the musicians and sound crew were having a big drinking party on the steps of the hotel. jeff wasn't there tho) and then the next morning bumping into rasika checking out etc etc
okay some of my fits on the trip! day 1, then jeffy day and the next travel day, which ended up being the Day we followed Jeff and his team around at the airport, unintentionally
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each of these in front of the cupboard nowhere near as good as jeffs lol
some of the treasures i got at the show! these are mainly bread's amazing creations. @patpran thank you so much i adore my jeffy cat stickers ;.;
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also (made by another fan) the jeffy pop socket i'm screaming,,,,,should i put it on my phone..
okay now bkk!! i got a few street shots cause i love doing that
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then witnessed jeff on the bts and found some cat pants
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and went plus size shopping at platinum mall. i knew about the names before hand but oh my god im laughing
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and then!!! bang sue junction, which is mile and apo's fav hang out spot for vintage shopping. sadly we didn't bump into them. but it was such an awesome place to explore
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we also wrote a lil letter each and wrapped up some presents to send to jeff. i would like to say it takes 2+ ppl to puzzle out a thailand post box and how to put it together (and there was only 2 of us at that point lol ;.;)
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okay i was gonna add more but that's heaps, i think. despite my brain being frazzled 24/7 on this trip it was a good one. thank you so much to @patpran who showed me all the cool places and was a very lovely travel partner!!! you were awesome!!!
i'm honestly so grateful i got to go, and have these experiences ahhhhh, i'm gonna treasure it (sorry post trip emo-ness) anyway i gotta get back to work now but, if you've read this far, you're a star haha <3
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thesweetestdevotion · 11 days
Celeb Reading:
Hello. I was wondering if you could do a reading on Charles Leclerc's future spouse? He's an F1 race car driver.
The one you did for Jackson Wang was very insightful and I'd love to read on Charles'
Thank you.
Hello! Never thought I’d get an F1 request! I also don’t know much about him 😭 seems to be a pattern for me lol, lets get into it!
Charles Leclerc’s Future Spouse
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Dice: 7th House, Gemini, Sun
Personality: Nine of Coins, The Lovers, The World, King of Swords, The Star, The Empress, Knight of Coins Reversed, Page of Cups, Ten of Swords Reversed
As i begin this reading i heard the song “pretty woman, walking down the street…” don’t know what that’s about
This person seems to have it all. They feel very blessed, like they have all they need in this world. Im hearing comeback, “I just had a comeback, Im gonna get back up”, with the ten of swords reversed i can totally see that. Maybe they’ve seen some downfall in their life, but at this point they feel great and are already overcoming this situation. They feel nurturing and sweet, also very airy, they could be an air sign. I think they move fast! I just keep seeing them move so quickly, like a cat with zoomies hehe. I heard the song lyrics “are we going up, or just going down, it’s just a matter of time until we’re all found out” by fall out boy. They’re romantic and youthful, and yet I’m getting they might be slightly older than Charles. They’re very relationship oriented. I see that if/when they come together with Charles they’d work together very well. This person is also in the public eye here with the star, it feels they also have aspirations they haven’t reached just yet, but for now they feel fulfilled. They’re like a guiding star? Or Maybe Charles will see them this way. Easily bored, they hate stagnancy. The letter P could be significant here. I just heard olive-complexion, maybe they have that.
Career: The High Priestess, Knight of Swords, Five of Swords, The Magician, Page of Swords Reversed, Six of Swords
For their possible career I’m getting they have to travel, and very often. It’s a career where their intuitive senses are important, and they have to make fast decisions with high stakes. This is probably what has caused their past slump, and I’m also getting it’s not the only one they’ve had. It’s like they’re used to ups and downs in their career. I did say they are also in the public eye, I’m feeling they regularly experience the downsides of this. especially on social media with the page of swords reversed. The magician tells me they’re mostly in charge of their career, they seem in control of a big part of it. i did say they constantly make decisions, and i think they like this, they enjoy the stress a little. But i do see that they are often disappointed in their career. they seem to have to compete for greatness, or they just feel that way. It’s a fast paced career, one which demands their power of creation to be put to work constantly. Now, I’m not getting a specific career though, i think spirit is hiding it from me. Couldn’t tell you why tbh.
Their relationship: The Sun, Queen of Cups Reversed, Five of Coins Reversed, The Hanged Man, Knight of Cups, Queen of Wands Reversed, The Devil, Eight of Wands
The FS is very, very emotional, to the point its kind of a lot. But they’re also quick to move on from it, I get lunar energy from them. The moon changes signs every two-ish days so it goes through a lot of changes in one cycle. This tells me they’re moody, prone to lows as much as highs, but also ever changing in their energy. Charles will have to be aware of this when dealing with them hehe. Idk why but Charles feels more grounded here, so they’re a good mix. There is mutual obsession here, they will always want to be together. A lot of chemistry, maybe they connect through the internet? Or they text a lot, hehe. I see they’re prone to fights and arguments, but they’re also quick to move on. I think their positions in life cause them a lot of stress and they might end up taking it out on each other. They understand this so while they might tussle every once in a while, they don’t take it to heart. They’re protective of each other and they are very defensive!!! They’re like each other’s guard dogs wow. I do see that their relationship will be stagnant at times, it seems like there could be some external factors that affect the progress of the relationship. They’re quick to step back and give each other space whenever they need to, even in a marriage commitment. I just see they trust each other a lot, so its not like they take breaks for other people hehe. They’re veryyyy loyal, almost fixated on each other.
How They will meet:
I just heard “not your business” so I didn’t even pull cards for it lol. I don’t wanna intrude if they don’t fell like talking about it. Again, so protective. I wonder why they feel like they have to protect it so much. But I’m not gonna pry any longer hehe.
It was an interesting reading!! Charles seems like a cool guy. Hope you guys like this! xxx
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sreppub · 1 year
im a different anon but YEAAS AHYES that reasoning for the RR au is so REAL!!! i recently described it to a friend that i think reverse robins bruce matures in a different way because he cannot Run Away from being a father by calling damian his ward. and that half of why I like it is bc i think rr!dick would have a bruce that was 100% ready to be a father to him. the bruce canon (or fanon like u said lmao) dick deserved to grow up w
it's all in good fun and i play with relationship dynamics like barbie dolls :)
I have a very long stream of consciousness headcanon about batdad below. Read at your own risk lol
my batdad constants, reverse robins or not: first kid has so much freedom. bruce isn't much of a parent, he vaguely knows kids should go to school and eat vegetables and it's probably fine to sit in the passenger seat if he has his seatbelt on, right? (bruce hasn't had his parents since he was 9, and while alfred loves him, alfred himself was not ready for parenthood and also straddles the house staff/nanny/father lines and so basically he and bruce love each other but They Are A Little Weird.)
The first kid teaches Bruce a lot, but Bruce is pretty easily convinced to an extra hour of patrol or an unreasonable purchase. (dont get me started on the money. dont tell me bruce is normal with money before the kids start putting things in perspective for him.) (Dick thinks Bruce's rich-guy-ness is funny, but mostly doesn't care. when something costs more than $100 jason is mortally offended.)
It takes a few years, but eventually alfred's pointed commentary on bruce's parenting skills (communication not great in this mcmansion) cause bruce to read those parenting books (+ mommy blogs depending on which kid) and by the second kid he is ON IT. this kid is gonna get SO dad-ed. in RR, that's duke :)
By the last kid, he's a goddamn helicopter, but also has a bunch of kids to like... delegate lol. once you lose a couple kids and go through trauma after trauma you start thinking maybe, RR dick should not be allowed on the streets until 16 at least.
RR dick is waaaaaay more spoiled too, because the others baby him and he EATS IT UP. I think Jason especially would be a total mother hen if he'd met recently traumatized baby dick while he himself was still baby.
So about Dick vs Damian, I think firstborn dick has an idea of what big families and parents are supposed to do (if slightly different due to cultural differences and. Circus.) and has no qualms correcting Bruce about What Kids Are Supposed To Do and Kale is Gross Bruce I Want Funnel Cake.
Damian did not have anything like a regular childhood lol. And I think he would go along with a lot of what Bruce does because for all he knows, this is How To Be A Wayne And Be Good So His Father Doesn't Send Him Back and also bruce promised he wouldn't make damian kill any cats so frankly this rules. bring on the kale.
because kids are resilient and I love them, damian may be a Little Bit Of A Brat and then goes through some big brother trials but comes out all right. is he a little miffed when bruce comes home with some rando? Yes. Is he a little snobby because he grew up a little assassin prince and bruce's privilege did little to dissuade that? Yes. But also he's had some empathy training in his years of living in non-assassin world and he CARES goddamnit.
(but lets not forget communication sucks in this mcmansion so it takes a minute)
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estelle-skully · 5 months
Ainsley Lore Drop (🤯)
Ok pookilicious pookies who actually gaf about my ocs, Im gonna rant about my Ramshackle oc’s backstory now *breakdances emotionally*
So they lived the first fourteen years of their life as an only child in a middle-class household. Their parents were not poor, but they weren’t rich either, and because of that they still got looks from the wealthy folks and were treated with a little less respect. Not that they were completely shunned like the scraps, though.
Ainsley himself never minded, because he was satisfied with what he had. A comfortable home, plenty of food, clean water, lots of clothing… what was the point of having unlimited money when they already had everything they needed? But his parents didn’t have the same point of view on the situation. In fact, they took their anger out on him.
They weren’t exactly abusive- never hit her, didn’t yell often, but they often acted like Ainsley was more of a thing they had custody over, rather than their own child. They were very controlling and did not let Ainsley express herself in the way she wanted to. They pressured her into becoming a lawyer or doctor or something, but she was more interested in becoming a musician- or really, some kind of performer. She also liked to draw, but she didn’t often get the chance, because her parents always said that “doodling is for the brain dead” or some dumb shit like that
So at 14 years old, they decided that they had had enough of their parents being so controlling. They hated being treated like some pet they had to train, or like a customizable doll. They decided to run away. If the scraps could manage to survive on the streets, why wouldn’t they be able to as well?
Ainsley ended up having a blast the first week- (for the most part) they cut their hair, decided to change their pronouns and was very good at pickpocketing, even though they had no experience.
but then things started getting extra difficult, which is to be expected when you’re homeless. They traveled around a lot, never really staying in one place. Met a stray cat on the way and named it Brenn, after their favorite musician.
Things kind of stayed this way for a few years- at this point, she’s gotten used to this life. But then things changed when they decided to steal from a particular rich woman, sitting on a bench and yapping away on the phone, her sad looking over-dressed daughter sitting beside her… and a random ass baby doing the worm? Or was it the maggot?
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cerealmonster15 · 2 months
I'm gonna enable you to make that Heartslabyul cafe idea you mentioned
KLFDHSKLFDSJG i have many old doodles and a few mini fic docs laying around but i dont THINK any of them are on tumblr! it was an au my friend and i used to bounce off each other for a long time on discord back in our early twst days and i used to doodle out sooo many of the scenarios we talked about!! it was very loose and silly for funsies but it was basically an au where heartslabyul boys ran a seaside cafe [i cant remember if school was involved, it was a non nrc au but they were maybe in college/university? if that was part of it, it was never really relevant lol]
i ended up rambling a lot trying to remember what i could about it lol so i put it under a readmore:
it was more or less like
riddle managed the cafe
cater/ace/deuce were mostly up front with customer handling
trey was a head baker/chef/whatever
scarabia was also there i think, i believe jamil worked in the kitchen with trey
kalim... was there. i forget what he did LOL he was maybe like... financial sponsor? did his family technically own the place? i truly cant remember ksdfjdskl but he was there, for some reason, with the cafe. i think it initially started as heartslabyul cafe but then we merged scarabia with them for funsies, like i forgot til just now that they also were part of it. we maybe also played with the idea of naga jamil [and kalim??] but i tbh can't remember if that was this au or something im blending together with it in my memory right now lol. if we did, it didnt end up really staying relevant.
diasomnia we later added as like a rival coffeeshop across the street. i dont think they came up too often but i did draw malleus a lot in the au with them lol
the octavinelle boys were also major components because they were merfolk on the docks by the cafe that recently learned to walk and kept appearing at the cafe and pretended to be human while they made it their life's goal to bother everyone in there all the time forever. friend was also showing me mako mermaids around this time so i think there was a lot of inspiration for this au from it [i cant remember which came first tho LOL]
the savanaclaw guys were kind of there, but they were all secret werewolf type people. jack still turned into a wolf i think, but i believe leona and ruggie were also shape shifty people but just into big cats? i looked back in the discord convos and i see i had assigned ruggie to a Savannah Cat, but idr what leona was lol. everyone was keeping their creature forms a secret but i know the fish boys were at least found out at some point.
pomefiore... i think was also mermaids. or at least epel was a secret guppy and vil was a secret betta fish - floyd nicknames obvi lol. i dont remember if the octavinelle guys knew their identity but i think maybe so? vil was still a famous model and i think rook was just some regular[?][as regular as rook can be lol] guy that hung out with them and knew their secret. epel maybe got a part time job at the cafe or maybe he just hung out there a lot lol. epel also bonded with cat ruggie and i think he and deuce bonded with wolf jack [and thought he was just a Big Dog or something] but they didnt know they were jack and ruggie in person form. maybe. something like that.
i don't think ignihyde was there much if at all, like maybe idia was at the rival coffee shop as a customer sometimes bc they were the quieter goth equivalent to planet heartslabyul chaos lol. but also this au was mostly made back when i think book 5 was still being released / the period before book 6 really got started in jpntwst [eng twst wasnt even announced yet] so we didnt know a whole lot about ignihyde and diasomnia at the time / we were new to twst!
and then of course this was centering around a lot of soap opera style relationship drama bc thats just how it goes when my friend and i do funny little aus. it was mostly just us coming up with scenarios via discord messages and i'd draw out a bunch of them or occasionally write a fic here and there about it. i think my friend drew a few too. it was a fun time and i MISS that au. it was all over the place but that's whats fun about having silly teehee times in the dms LOL we are just playing with our barbies and piling ideas on top of each other forever!!!
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bluntloyalist · 2 months
an incomplete list of things fukimono barely fucking touched on that NEED AND DESERVE additional depth:
- abeno being "strangely cruel" to humans/disconnected from humanity/more youkai than human culturally speaking
- also his FAMILY?? WHERE ARE THEY ????
- the three powers. give me more underworld laws and politics. i want to know wtf ashiya and them were stamping when rippou called for help. i want to know how you have a whole court system and yet cutting ppls arms off in the streets as an example to whoever happens to be shopping that day is the way to deal with thievery. what are the laws here exactly run me the documents
- the three powers and aoi and whatever wholesomely fucked up youkai coparenting situation they had going on with baby abeno. we only got a few panels and i need MORE
- the mononokean + the princess + yahiko/their whole tri-power underworld/human world balance connection thing. i get it in the vaguest sense but whats going on there
- influence
- influence taking on the will/spirit (?) of the person it once resided in post-mortem (??) (is influence itself a demon that possesses humans??? like wtf why does my mc power gain consciousness when i die wtf wtf wtfff)
- nah im sayin it again what the FUCK is influence and how does it work. Yeah Uh The Thing That Lets Me See Youkai And Also Suppress Their Will With My Own And Also Kills Them If I Want And Also Forms An Identity/Steals Mine (During The Time I Used It) When I Die If It Doesn't Die With Me. You Know. Influence. like huh what huh ?????
- parasite shrubs and the sea of trees. they were both explained well enough but the fact that all of youkai society is contained within the bubble of the princess's power and everything outside of it is a lawless death sentence is SO COOL. conceptually. like how many square miles can she cover? what does the youkai population number even look like? the three powers all have "bases" in different locations but what about the regular citizens? are there multiple towns? cities? how would living near the border of the sea of trees be handled? is the sea of trees ever used as a means of capital punishment? do they have any kind of guard or patrol ? im not gonna edit it sorry but this is bled into my next point, which was
- youkai society
- sakae and nara
- sakae and aoi
- sakae in general. we know bros family got squadwiped by youkai, he killed them indiscriminately with his influence as revenge up until he met aoi who (SOMEHOW we dont fucking KNOW because we dont know shit about aoi EITHER) changed his heart enough to have him secretly working for the mononokean, at some point he started a family, and he died trying to save aoi. and thats it. how did he fall in love with nara?? why was his hair gold the first time they met and then black after that even though he could still see youkai?? how did he meet aoi?? what was his personality like beyond traumatized and exhausted??? we will never fucking know :D
- aoi in general. all we know about them is they were the previous master of the mononokean, if you bully haruitsuki they will kill you <3, they saved him from youkai as a itty bitty kid and probably kidnapped (????) him to the underworld for child employment training, theyre the coolest strongest cat ever and everybody thought they were dead, and theyre probably gonna be the next underworld princess (#nongendered). what does their human form look like? whats their personality like beyond "loves abeno"? why did they become the master of the mononokean? how did they and sakae become friends/partners? what made them risk everything by letting sakae work for the mononokean in secret rather than just killing the walking youkai murder machine? WE WILL NEVER. FUCKING. KNOW. :D
- that one youkai who was studying their school to implement some kind of standardized education in the youkai world. we shoulda checked back in on them fr
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oexen · 3 months
cw hoarding + mentions of animal and child neglect
is it really gonna take me telling my mother its extremely concerning to have PILES of cat waste just. around. in the house
like i know shes going to flip the fuck out at me in some way or another, be very angry or sad or hurt or some secret other option and like. she misgenders and deadnames me as if i never shared the info with her, the crux of our relationship is financial and thats even pretty minimal. like yeah maybe its sincerely not my problem and i KNOW you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, but i dont want to inherit a cat piss soaked infested brick.... thing. no fucking way dude. that shit realistically probably has to be gutted ngl, its fucking awful. shes a hoarder and never really touched my old bedroom so i have some stuff there, stuff id actually like to take even, but the smell is literally pervasive to the point that books smell like it on the fucking inside.
like shes actually at the point her neckbeard nest doesnt register as a problem to her. even with... another person who is not me having to actually go inside of the house??? i like cannot fathom whats going on inside that god forsaken head of hers, she asked me why i was wearing a mask inside and turned around and walked away before i could even say anything, lmfao.
i couldnt spend more than one night in her house and had a mask on the whole time because it fucking blew so hard to be in there. this fucking idiot got 3 huge WORKING dogs (pyrenees and a burmese mtn dog) because its "in her life plan" (news to me lmao!) and tldr she impulse bought them because theyre cute. shes never fucking home, works 9-5 and theyre crated a lot of the time and its fucking horrible to see, i freaked the absolute fuck out on her when i first heard that she had new puppies like what 2 years ago? fucking neglecting the elderly dogs she already had in favor of getting these for some fucking reason, "no more dogs after this one dies" turns into 3 giant stupid fucking untrained, neglected mistakes. the singular saving grace is that they have a big yard to run around in, but that doesn't do a hell of a lot of good when it's hot and this idiot refuses to walk them when shes home anyway. couldn't possibly be because theyre untrained and will drag her stupid ass down the street fr. i think im going to literallt snail mail the next door neighbor or maybe even both of them because like.... what the actual fuck is she doing with these dogs. GET HELP.
ive been telling this absolute knob for YEARS she needs to chill out and do something else (like 3 of her closest blood relatives died in the past several years, 2 of which she was literally caretaking, and she still volunteers at a fucking hospice and has NEVER SOUGHT BEREAVEMENT COUNSELING, LET ALONE COUNSELING IN GENERAL), she keeps saying shes fucking fine and we have LITERALLY had the exchange where she says it to my face and i gesture around and say CLEARLY!!!!!
Anyway. the dogs. shes going to get worse and i know it and im just so disgusted by the prospect of having to like lay it all out probably because no one else will, and i guess i care because its literally affecting me, i sat and wrote all this because im cleaning stuff i took from her house like books and SEALED ITEMS THAT ALSO SMELL LIKE CAT PISS ON THE INSIDE OF THE PACKAGING????????? and got triggered. but whatever. this woman treated me like shit and neglected me for my entire childhood and turns it around and goes WHATDIEVERDOTOYOU if i so much as refuse a hug even this far down the line, its been nearly 10 years since ive lived with her, and like. holy fuck. and she doesnt have a single fucking clue lol like idk its also just like pathetic and sad to see a person go through this, even though she gives me mmmm essentially nothing but feelings of disgust when i really think about it. its just fucked and everyones dying or doesnt care or doesnt feel like they can say anything and im like. idk. i could literally bring this up to lots of people she knows, i could find a damn way, but like yaknow..... it fucking sucks so hard to have to do all this bc this woman is literally severely mentally ill and needs a fucking hand but it sure as shit isnt going to be mine, at least not physically. god.
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sunsrefuge · 1 year
hi del im here for the dating sim asks and. :) youll never guess. :)
(yeah its Quinn- i have to pick Quinn's route HAHAHBDJ)
QUINNIE !! (tbh at this point you might be her biggest fan next to Tres and it warms my heart so so much !! my silly mundane girlie ♥)
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Quinn's Route could potentially be very fun!! She lightly frequents a few bars around DR and LA, but it's also not uncommon for her to wander around in the middle of the night, and to be off on her Whispers Agent missions! Man, wouldn't it suck if you met her while she was undercover so she had to lie to you about a bunch but you both hit it off really well regardless?? <- Not the take I'm gonna use here but it occurred to me and now I want to put her in such an AU fdfksjdnf - She's a part-time bartender in Divinity's Reach, so maybe you meet her at the bar one time! Regardless of which side of the counter she's on, she's very friendly and nice! When working, she's diligent about her responsibilities, but if you prove to be fun conversation then she'll do things a bit quicker just to have a few more seconds to chat with you! - You're gonna have to be either chill or affectionate towards cats, and you can't talk down to her about her bar job! ;w; She loves her job and has an absolute ball with it most days, so talking down about working in a bar in any form is going to be a huge turn-off for her !! Same thing with cats; you gotta at least be nice to her baby boy Pepper!!
(apparently i have WAY more to say about her than i THOUGHT i would. so !! readmore in the middle lmao)
[Fun fact continuation!] - She loves spontaneous outings!! Little adventures in between everyday life is what keeps her happy and goin'!! She'll likely try to invite you to some late-night street exploration, or dropping into some party she heard conversation about, or even just running around some woods at night!! Even better if you're the one who suggests something spontaneous first!! - Quinn's a huge sucker for sparring and duels as well; if you're the combat / adventurer type like she is, she'll absolutely want to spar with you and it is absolutely bonus points if you go through with it! A bonus for YOU is that she typically banters and flirts during duels. >:) - But she is OBLIVIOUS to flirting!! yours OR her own!! She's dumb!! She is absolutely the person that you could flirt with in increasingly obvious ways, and she would absolutely think that you just Really enjoy her company!! (Literally, her husband [who ive been ignoring for the sake of this bc his involvement would prompt It's Own Route ♥] was taking her on dates and giving her kisses and even calling her Dearheart and she never got it until he wrote her a whole ass love letter. She's THAT level of oblivious!!)
Good Ending: The trick to getting the good ending requires one thing: Being Very Direct With Her. As previously stated: Quinn is a total airhead about love. You could literally be making out with her on the couch and she would just think that you're great buddies who are hella comfortable with each other!! Being direct with her is going to give her a small crisis, but mainly in the "oh gods i've never been in a relationship before" department; the good news is: Even if she's hella bad at the whole relationship thing at first, she is undoubtedly going to give it her all. :3 This is definitely a girlie who's good ending finishes out with a wedding tbh, or at least a "years later" wedding bonus scene
Neutral Ending: Basically achieved but just. Not Saying Anything, lmao. You could be flirting with her, you could also not be flirting with her! Either way, platonic ending, basically! :D you'll still get to share your late night adventures and do spontaneous shit together, you're just (probably) not kissing in alleyways on your way home and whatever.
Bad Ending: you just?? don't hit it off that well i guess?? or you were mean to her cat, or about her job. :( She's not like a vengeful person so nothing all that exciting would happen here tbh! it'd be more like a gentle drifting apart! Unless you mistreated her on purpose and her brothers find out ♥ then you suffer at their hands, and that might be exciting! KSDJFNS
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whumpshaped · 1 year
hiya, how are you doing?
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise?
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
Please and thank you!
pretty good, thanks :) again im gonna answer for rayan and sil so vague pet whump vibes r present
💤 SLEEPING SIGN — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
rayan: hes a pretty heavy sleeper. that changes after sil. other than that, his sleeping habits include trying to read a few pages of a book before bed, sleeping in the complete dark, having one pillow under his head and one he cuddles, and sometimes talking in his sleep. he regularly snoozes his alarms two or three times. hes a sleepy boy.
sil: very light sleeper. wakes up like 5-6 times a night. the complete dark scares it a little, because it reminds it of the basement... it likes to have the faint glow of the street lights. other than that it can sleep basically anywhere (surface wise), but it does appreciate the nice soft bed rayan grants it
🔱 TRIDENT EMBLEM — can your oc swim? do they enjoy swimming?
rayan: yes! his parents took him both to the ocean and the lake several times, he learned to swim there. its no grade A swimming education but he's pretty good :) he does enjoy swimming and being in the water
🔺 RED TRIANGLE POINTED UP — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
rayan: absolutely not
sil: also no but it wishes it could. i guess sil can utilise anything it can get its hands on, and if its something as destructive as a knife, it could cause a great deal of damage
🔶 LARGE ORANGE DIAMOND — does your oc know cpr? do they have any other medical expertise?
rayan: yes he does know cpr. he has a driver's licence and he learned during the course. he knows a couple other basic things, but honestly..... if there was an emergency, rayan would freeze the fuck up
sil: has no idea what cpr is. no medical expertise whatsoever.
🚫 PROHIBITED — does your oc drink/smoke? do they do it regularly, or is it more on occasion or for special events?
rayan: he engages in some social drinking, but not much. he has a low tolerance and he's afraid of saying something silly while drunk. he tried smoking once and didnt like it
sil: it wants to be in control of its own actions at all times. even if it could get its hands on some booze, it wouldnt wanna do it. it doesnt get the appeal of smoking
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enn0s · 2 months
omggggg!!! bruh my idenITY HAS BEEM REVEALED HASNT IT DAMNNN DAMMN DAAAMN!! you know whats funnie? as I was typing I was like "When will be the day I forget to press anon" I...forgot how different the interface is on here...I am sweating lmaooo
I was not ready for this yet OTLx infinite
*i pretend i do not see* (but hello darlin its nice to meet you for real ♡♡♡) ill copy the old message so we can still talk anon if you're more comfortable with that 😊
im sorry life has been hitting like that lately! i know when it rains it really pours so i hope you've been able to find an umbrella and that you've been finding places to rest enough during this period of go-go-go! i bet once you get settled into a school routine your schedule will hopefully be a bit more manageable.
Linguistics is such a cool field! My partner was going to go into that before life decided that she was gonna be an AC technician lol, she'd still like to get back into it and become an interpreter at some point tho! Languages and their evolution are fascinating, i hope you go and get to enjoy it to the fullest! Fuck everyone else, it's your life and you get to go do what you wanna do.
lmaooo its cool about my partner calling me fucked up and feral, shes not wrong and we were saying it in the context that her and her sister were street dogs and im an alley cat, its why we mesh so well even tho we're all very different people at first glance lol.
I listened to your list and im diggin the vibes!!! WOODZ has been a fav in my house for years im always excited for his new stuff. That first EVNNE song is /it/ tho, i really do like it a lot, their voices don't sound like they're new to the game, they sound really polished for how young they are. Idk whats in the water in Busan but thats where bts jimin and jungkook are from too so it must be somethin special!! That Phantom song brought back SOOO much nostalgia lol it was everywhere for so long and i hadnt listened to it in a hot minute. 2Pac and Limp Bisikit too, still holdin it down after all these years.
whewww this took so long lol top 10 songs /IS/ a hard question to ask! every time i would lock in a list i would come across another song i wanted to add but for the moment i think this is a pretty solid personal soundtrack.
1. Snooze - Agust D (this is Suga from BTS' solo work and it hit me like a fuckin bus the first time i heard it, hes been my guy since their debut and they've gotten so astronomically huge compared to where they started, it kinda gives me whiplash sometimes and ive just stopped interacting with the fandom as a whole besides my little group chats with my friends bc it just got Too Big but despite all that he's still putting out music that touches my soul and aims to comfort the lost and tired and i just... i love him idk)
2. Bleed - Epik High (love these old dudes, my friends call them my kpop dads and this song in particular is a fan song but they've taken bits and pieces from the track and remixed it into new songs over the past few albums which is just a super cool auditory experience for me)
3. Dancing With a Stranger - Sam Smith & Normani
4. Just Pretend - Bad Omens
5. Pensamientos Intrusivos - Kali Uchis
6. Flip Flop - Megan Thee Stallion (its definitely one of her more lowkey beats and a sad ass song but i just. i love her so much and im so proud of her for keepin it pushin)
7. Que Maldicion - Banda MS, Snoop Dogg and Becky G
8. The Sharpest Lives - MCR (i know this album front to back lol)
9. Not Worth It - Emotional Oranges
10. Pied Piper - BTS (sorry for all the infodumping about them but id have to make a whole other list if i got into their discography lol. for the moment this one just jumps out at me as a fav and a vibe)
I hope you enjoy if u get a sec to listen to any of it!
im sending you good vibes goin into your new semester and that your phone stops actin up! its always so frustrating like... u have one job, please work 😭
wishing you good days ahead and time to yourself to recover ♡♡♡
talk to ya next time!
(prev message under the cut for ref ♡)
I sliding through wild, rowdy and funky
D. Racc here once again 🦝✨💨
I hope you didn't forget about me because I didn't forget about yoo hoo~ Since our last talk, I have to admit…if God, gods, or some all mighty force exist, they're giving me a run for my mental and physical health this year, but I am alive and unharmed just…life is LIFING right now But! I will be going back to college this year and I am going to study linguistics. I find it funny when people ask what I'm studying and they reply with an underwhelmed response. No worries though, it just gives me the drive to go toward it even more. I have been getting out of the house often and trying to take care of myself, but I will say its hard to keep consistent with constant setbacks. How's things going on your end?
I totally understand not being able to turn a hobby into a career. I admire those who do, but also respect those who keep it as a hobby because doing it for work will definitely dampen motivation in my opinion. TY TY for the recognition, same goes to you too!  because it is VERY hard to actively stay tuned in into hobbies or interests when you're an adult in this day and age. I get you there though loool I hate being told what to do as well even for regular work. At this point I know I need to be my own boss or work under someone sensible which..for some reason, it's rare. But I get you, I started to learn a little late that, even the smallest doodles count as art or even progress. And us as an artist, decides when a piece is done. There's a lot of delusion when it comes to art and as I grew older I realized all these standards are made up! I can art any way I want too! art snobs can eat iiiit~
Awww I'm glad someone who isn't a fan (well YET! hopefully lol) truly recognizes a group or artist's talent when they are actually talented. One of the members, Seung Eon, vocals reminds me of Daehyun's. Saw that he is also from Busan. Them Busan boys got some PIPES! on them. I don't know why it gives off opera potential. Daehyun being in plays just proves it. But man…do I feel your pain. I can't bring myself to support a group when the youngest of the group is like 15. And no offense to those who do…but I have a liiine. Youngest member in EVNNE just turned 18 and the oldest Keita, recently as well, turned 23. This is the only group I stan right now and have been trying to look for more groups 21+. I've seen a couple debuts and took notice of some groups I never got to look into since I dropped the fandom. HOnestly thoough…once again..they are my new B.A.P loool! I don't know how people multitask affection. They are literally the only ones in my EYE VIEW. I do wish them big success on top of healthy, free lives, but I will say I love smaller fandoms. It's much more intimate and less toxic, but I do want the boys to get their moneys worth lool. All that work? Yeah they deserve all the love.
I love K-pop when it comes to the music and culture, however the standards and fan culture honestly turned me off even to this day. It's hard to support the industry with all the twisted shitake mushrooms that go on especially in the background.
ahhhhh! the dreeaded questiiion lool! not in a bad way it's just…so many y'know? and sometimes I forget a song is my favorite until it comes on shuffle again. No specific order, just some off the top of my head.
SUN OR SUCK -WOODZ (fell in love and discovered this man's music late last year I feel like I missed out too, but when he comes out of enlistment!? going to see his first show once he comes overseas, so talented and such a sweet person)
Badder Love -EVNNE
IXLU - BYG (!!! are you prepared for B.A.P's farewell comeback?? they look like classic men, very nostalgic, almost makes me want to draw)
Hole In Your Face -PHANTOM
Do You Wanna Taste It -Wig Wam (Peacemaker put me on)
One Look- Leo
All Eyes On Me -Tupac
Stay With Me - Yoo Young Jae (ft. Zelo) (I don't know why this song always brings a smile to my face. It's one of those songs if serenaded I will combust)
Break Stuff- Limp Biskit
I was fighting so hard to keep it at 10 loool. Sorry it's mainly K-POP, it's really been taking over my radio ;; What about yoou~?
Yeeees as you should've. You already knooow! Tevin Cambell? amazing singer. Stand Out as well…//chef kiss of the divine. Shrek is important to the culture. I know this is somewhat unrelated…but since he's the voice of Shrek, I LOVED Austin Powers. I did not know that man was a constant in my childhood along with Jim Carey. The Mask is amongst my favorite childhood movies.
HAaaaa..I'm sorry but that's so funny. Not him calling you a  jacked up and feral ahhh..that's love right there. Tiger + Stray = I bet fierce and majestic on the outside, but natural, wild and free on the inside..maybe a little crack-headedness but hey! that's their charm haha!
TY x3 for wishes of good quality Zzzs N' Meats! I will do my best! Hope you've been well and stay well.
Until next time! D. Racc City OUT! 🚪🦝✨ _💨💨
P.S. My phone is completely inoperable ;-; on my computer like a old head lool I joke. Nonetheless, we will talk as soon a possible ciao ciao and take care
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