#im gonna frow up like actually
twomystdunstans · 5 months
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teitomonogatari · 1 year
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solcarow · 8 months
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
my roommate's going home for the break so I did drag for the first time in months and may or may not have shed a tear over it. I LOVE DRAG SM I WISH I HAD FACIAL HAIR SO FUCKING BADDD i wish i could live like this all the time... aughhhhhhGGGAAAAAHHHHHHHH
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the way my body feels when i have a crush should be considered body horror
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kaustic · 1 year
number 1 thing that makes me want to [CAR HORN]: having to make a video of myself saying things that could just as easily be written into a discussion post
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majorproblems77 · 5 months
Hi all! Bonus links updated! Which means I am back to ramble about it! :D
Hello hello!! :D
Hope you are all having a wonderful day (And if not maybe some rambling can make it better!) Bonus links is back with Homesick part 5.
Nuff said :D
Im kidding, but im also not kidding. This comic is wonderful and always so well done! I love it sm, also mandatory Loft my beloved, because he is the bestest boy in the worlds.
For the important stuff! All art belongs to @bonus-links and the artist @ezdotjpg. Please go and look at their other stuff too! And I once again thank you for letting me do these.
You can find a link to the comic here!!! Please go and give the original post some love!
Now, Grab a drink, and some popcorn cause I am about to take you on a journey. Mainly a rambling journey, but a journey nonetheless!
Let's do this!
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Loft.... Loft are you remembering the same trip I am cause you looked horrified. Im sure he kinda had fun eventually but I remember the shenanigans.
Wake is just happy to be here.
And poor wolf. He Frow up! (This made me cackle so much thank you)
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Wake really do be :3 Gives me cat vibes.
I love how expressive he is. He's so proud of himself.
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Oh my god, these two deserve the literal world I love them so damn much okay.
(Is this analysis just gonna be me hyping about all of these guys for 30 minutes. Probably, but that's what you signed up for so.... :D )
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Okay okay okay
So, Aryll has a joy pendant and this gives me joy, did wake give to her from his adventure? That makes me so happy.
And Tetra! Holy hell she looks so cool! Badass bitch over here and I am here for it.
Also, just to check, Thats Linebecks jacket, right? The one he wore in phantom hourglass. I dont remember seeing him give it to Tetra at any point in time. So, how is it she's come across it?
I assume it's just he gave it to her at one point and she wears it as a sign of respect?
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Ohno.... OH NO
Tetra looks like she is about to kill Ganondorf all over again, Also also, the background behind Tetra. Protective mode activated.
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This one, I am loving how it looks like water. I was literally screaming, though, you get that feeling you recognise something? It's something Something about the water.
I'll be back...
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(From Homesick pt3 - link here!)
Also the shadows? The way the light comes up from below her rather than above her at this point. The final fight had this in the final stages. A nice detail.
This is the face of fear
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Help him
Man is about to get killed, tetra is to be feared and I love her.
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She has a point. Stabbing Ganondorf in the head is what caused him to turn to stone, so for all she knows Ganondorf could be walking around right now causing havoc.
And how, casual Wake is about it is probably not helping.
I love how protective of Gran Gran Tetra is, (as she should be Gran Gran is wonderful) and she has a point Wake like the hell why are you bringing in shenanigans on your poor Gran Gran's birthday.
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okay im done
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Yeah, Wake go and see your Gran Gran. Can't believe you are late so rude to Gran Gran.
Also him tucking the windwaker in the back of his belt, a nice touch!
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Also, I know it's not meant to be a lil face, but I can't unsee the lil face on Tetras cheek. It's so angry and sad and I love it.
Tetra's inner demon is just as mad as she is
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Oh my god I love Gran Gran so much
She is actually beloved because she's so sweet! And Wake loves his gran so much I just ahhhhhh
I love them
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His little squishy face oh bless him.
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Linebeck, Linebeck please, he's lowkey their uncle. Look at how disappointed Wake and Aryll look.
Gran Gran you look wonderful.
Oh they all got towels thats so sweet
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Also I am loving the backgrounds, the inside of Gran Gran's House is just wonderful.
So here is some of the stuff I've spotted, which from my understanding come from a mix of Windwaker and Phantom hourglass.
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Yahaha! You found him! :D
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What I believe is the Town flower? I think that's right.
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A Ruto crown I believe!
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They went ice skating and thats adorable
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Look at this boy
How could you not love him?
Cause I do
Loft my beloved
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Me figuring out if this is saying Lie to my gran or Dont lie to my gran because of that hand.
Pretty sure it's Lie to my Gran. But I think it's funnier if it's, Dont lie to my gran.
Take it as you will
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Loft using Groose, he looks so nervous I love him,
Wolf picking Rusl makes me so happy. Man is a hometown kid.
Slate, the sweet darling boy. I love all of them very much. Also, with that smug face, he 100% knew what he was doing.
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This is the look of a man who likes you because his grandmother approves of you.
Also, I think I would literally die for Gran Gran i love her to pieces and if anything happens to her I will go on a rampage, (Affectionally, with a tub of ice cream)
This update was wholesome I loved it. AND THOSE BACKGROUNDS YES.
Background appreciation time
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Look at the detail on the boat!
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Even out of focus the fact that you can see the blades of long grass or the hatching on the window.
(ALso look at how sweet my blorbo is Loft beloved)
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I just love how much detail is in the house or on the tree to the right hand side here.
And the little flowers just outside I see you. so cute!
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Now inside the House is just so incredible looking.
The small details on the blanket on the bed, or the pictures on the wall. The fact that you can make out what they are at this distance is just so cool okay.
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Again, the details on the items on the shelf, or in the flowers in the top right-hand corner.
It's just incredible how detailed stuff is and I love it.
Love it so much!
Okay thats my rambles done for another update. Thanks for following along!
I hope you have a great day! :D
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ion think i could ever properly express how much nadia proposing in the upright ending means to me… I had been calling her my wife for as long as I've played the game which was like back since 2018 AND FOR ME TO FUCKING FINISH THE GAME YEARS LATER AND HAVE HER PROPOSE TO THE MC… OHHHHH IM GONNA FROW UP LIKE ACTUALLY /POS
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xoshepard · 7 months
GDJDHD GOT I JUST GOT AN RMAIL FROM THE ADVISER GUY THAT STARTED WITH "because you deferred last fall" and my idiot brain panicked and autocompleted jt to "we won't be able to award you the TAship" and i did have a mini panic spiral LMAO i feel like im gonna frow up :(
anyway what he actually said was "because you deferred last fall, i'm not sure what communications youre getting from the university but we met and decided that youre still a great candidate" which is nice BUT WHAT ABOUT THE TASHIP HDKDHDJD HELP
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perillaleafs · 2 years
im gonna frow up i just emailed a big shot design studio i hope they take me seriously like actually.
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hotchfiles · 1 month
I WILL WRITE ITTTT this all re started because I had this scene mapped out where the reader is talking to jack and he's telling her that sometimes he thinks he remembers hearing a scream from the day Haley died but he's not sure and how the reader tells him that she gets those too like a sweet bonding moment about murder 🫶
but omg poor jack that is actually so sad he probably did hear everytging from that lil place this is so sad im gonna frow up
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dumbkiwi · 4 years
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My Love| Echo (pt 10)
Note: okay its gettin better from here...well for now-
Warnings: no
Reader: male
Part 1 | 2 | 3 | 3.5 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
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Omega looked up at him hopefully. A hand was placed on her shoulder.
He smiled smally at her, "I..."
Omega's face went anxious to happy, "come on! Come on! I know where he went! If you can just get us there!"
Isabella looked over at him, "Y/n?" She questioned.
"I havent been called that is a while." He told her.
"Its quiet a beatiful name." Isabella complimented.
"That's what I've been told recently," he told.
"Echo talks about you all the time! We've been looking for you!" Omega told trying to pull him along, "well him the most!- but we tried to help."
"Okay. Little one wait!" He stopped her, Omega stopping and looking back at him.
"What?" She questioned.
"I." He spoke, "Im not sure that's the best idea kid."
She frowned, "why not?"
Isabella looked at Rosyln- now known as Y/n to her, "We did come all this way. We werent simple going to drop off a simple disk after all."
Y/n stood up, "I...I know."
"Well he's most likely at Cid's bar! Come on!" Omega cheered pulling him along now, Isabella getting up and following.
"I will let the others know." She spoke.
"Now. I never-"
"He gets really excited when your name comes up!" Omega cheered, "He told me about you and him, he said he really loved you! Oh! And you were going to have a family! But I didn't know you both were married! Or getting married!"
He let himself get dragged away, kids? Sure he talked about having a kid in his own future, not wanting to put Echo on pressure.
But Marraige? Sure he teased it. But never had they actually poped the question, "marriage?"
"Hunter told me what fiancee means and said you guys were gonna get married." Omega spoke, dragging him along as the made it to the main streets.
He walked up to a vendor, "know of a cid and where I can find her?"
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"I'm sorry. You what?!" Hunter argued, Wrecker bringing down the last crate.
"She was behind me! And then gone!" Echo defended.
"You couldn't even watch her!?'Hunter argued.
"Sorry that I was trying to translate for you! You know Im not some stupid droid that can just plug in!" Echo shouted back at him.
"What happened?" Wrecker questioned looking besides him at Tech.
"Omega's gone missing." Tech spoke.
"She knows her way around this part of town. The kids just getting some mantel mix." Wrecker told Tech.
"Perhaps." Tech spoke as they watched the two argue.
"If you weren't so self absorbed!" Hunter argued, "we wouldnt be in this mess!"
"Self absorbed!? Are you serious?! I didn't need this!" Echo spoke the datapad rattling in his hand with anger, "I told you! I knew Y/n was alive! I could of done this myself!"
"And what!? Go off by yourself!?" Hunter argued, "That's worked out for you well in the past hasn't it?!"
Echo glared at him, "You know Hunter your a real piece of Fucking work."
Pushing past Hunter roughly he went for the door, "what I did was-"
"Echo!" He was intruppted by Omega rushing down the stairs and into him.
"Glad your safe, I have to go." Echo told her as she pulled away frowing.
"Not now Omega." He spoke walking around her only a few steps, before he looked up, ready to ascend the steps, there stood a figure.
Tall, hair turning gray and white by the days of stress yet the figures hair dark (f/d/c) hair, eyes as bright as Echo could remember. He was frozen in his spot, eyes wide in shock as the figure shifted weight to one foot, the dark cloak following in movement.
It was silent between the two as they looked at one another. Echo's mouth slightly agape trying to speak, but no words came out.
"Y/n?" Echo finally aspirated.
"Long time no see Echo." Y/n spoke.
"I." Echo tried to speak, "you found us...you're here."
Y/n walked down the stairs, now on level ground with Echo, Echo backed up slightly.
"I...I forgot how tall you are..." he spoke looking up at Y/n.
"I." Y/n started, "I've done some things I'm not proud of Echo...some...things have happened."
"You're...here." Echo spoke his hand reaching out to Y/n, stopping and going unsure if he was real.
Echo's hand carassed Y/n's cheek, "you..."
"Echo. I..." Y/n tried, "I'm sorry."
"No. No. You don't get to be sorry." Echo told him, "I should be apologizing, I should of came to Corosaunt to get you even if I had to fight you off that damn planet. You would of did the same to me and I left you there to rot like the horrid person I am-"
"No. No." Y/n spoke his hands finding there way to Echo's face, "I. I should of comned you, or told you- I should of did something-"
Echo intruppted him by pressing his lips to Y/n's quickly. It had been so long, it seemed almost foreign to the both of them. Y/n's hands falling down and to Echo's hips, pulling him closer. Y/n pulled away from the kiss, immediately placing his head in Echo's neck, his arms wrapped around Echo's body.
"I'm so glad you're here." Y/n told Echo, feeling connected with his past, the good times, times laying in the bed with Echo, just in each others arms.
Echo rubbed Y/n's back lovingly, kissing Y/n's shoulder softly, "I love you so much-"
"Who in the fuck are you!?"
The two pulled away, "aw crap. I forgot I had my men on high alert." Y/n spoke.
"What does that mean?" Echo spoke.
"I don't wanna hurt you lady!"
There was a loud thud and crash.
"It means that." Y/n told Echo the two rushing back into the bar.
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mr-walkingrainbow · 3 years
imma slide in your asks, i would like limited mobility for abimel :)
“Are you hungry?”
“Wanna watch something?”
“A board game?”
“WHO in their right mind VOLUNTARILY plays board games?!”
Abigael sighed, although annoying, her girlfriend had a point.
However, their wasn’t much she could offer currently to to Mels situation.
To be frank, somehow a trip to the doctor to get Maggie’s flu shot ended up with Mel having a broken ankle.
Apparently, when confronted with needles, shorty spice either feinted like a sack of potatoes, or transformed into a higher being of savagery and desperation.
Macy had informed her that this time it had been both.
She wasn’t even going to ask how that was physically possible.
Unfortunately, Mel now was on strict bed rest, and her normal ADHD tunnel vision girlfriend, was ridden to a grumpy miserable couch potato.
“Come on,” Abby cajoled in her British accent, “I bet theirs something we can do to make you feel better?”
Mel got a sneaky look in her eyes, hand snaking up Abbys head and giving a quick teasing tug to her locks.
Bloody hell.
Abigael bit her lip, hand grasping Mels remaining one violently. Ignoring the near desperate urge to moan and fall into her girlfriends wonderful arms, she took a long shuddering breath.
“N-no Melanie. N-not that. You can’t do anything involving much movement besides go to the loo.”
Mels smile immediately turned to a scowl once again, which gave Abby the time to regroup. Hand fluttering upwards to touch the area she had tugged.
Damn Melanie and her knowledge of her weakest points. It made scenarios like this exceptionally hard.
“Besides that, what else can you think of that would lift your spirits?”
“I don’t know!” The Latina crankily exclaimed, “You tell me! Your my girlfriend you should know these things!”
Abby raised a perfectly manicured eyebrow, “Now I will excuse that comment because your grumpy and your in pain. But if your going to be a grump about it, I will quickly just as leave.”
Mel relaxed slightly, frowing, “Sorry Cariño, I’m just so miserable!”
“I understand the feeling love,” she smiled soothingly, “But we’ll figure something out!”
She took a scrutinizing eye to the witch, studying her every move. Mel was obviously more clingy then usual, never letting go of Abigaels hand once while she sat perched on the edge of the couch.
It gave her an idea.
“I know how to turn that frown upside down!”
The laters eyebrows furrowed, “How?”
Abby laughed slightly at her girlfriends shortened version of ‘excuse me’,
“AGQS, aka A good quality snuggle! Theirs nothing like it! A real mood changer.”
Mel seemed to ponder this, “Well Im not saying no?”
“Snuggles it is!”
She then proceeded to wedge herself in the space between Mel and the couch, being extra careful not to jostle the injured ankle in the process.
“Their!” She cooed softly, her head resting on the laters shoulder, “Do you feel a bit better now?”
Mel sighed contently, “Ai! Mi querida, you always know how to make me feel better.”
“Good! Now, we can find some Halloween movies on the box because Halloween movies are superior to anything.”
The Latina smiled, soon breaking into a frown and wailing.
“B-but were out of popcornnnnn!”
Deary me, Abigael might have misjudged how emotional Mel currently was.
“Don’t worry Atlantis, I’ll get you some popcorn.” She assured.
The fat tears soon rolled down the lesbians face, something Abby had assumed would happen eventually. Whenever her girlfriend was sick or hurt, her emotions would go all over the place and all rational thinking was out the door. And that would lead to tears of hysteria.
Something Abby was still struggling to figure out.
“What is it?” She questioned worriedly, “What’s wrong? Does your ankle hurt? Do you need more painkillers? Are you hungry? What’s wrong Melanie?!”
“I-I don’t w-want you to Le-eave!” Mel cried, arms flailing uselessly.
“Hey, hey! It’s ok,” Abigael placated, it was both endearing and grating how unpredictable Mel became when hurt, “I won’t leave ok? I’ll stay right here.”
The Latina looked at her with glassy eyes, “B-but who will get the popcorn?”
GRAGGH! Abby fought the urge to scream, instead taking a deep breath and returning the gaze with love and care.
“I’ll ring up Jordy. He’d gladly do anything for you Mel.”
“You too!” Her girlfriend exclaimed.
The witch looked at her sadly, “He’d do it for you too!”
“That’s lovely of you to say,” Abby grinned fondly, “But Jordy doesn’t hold me to that standard”.
To her chagrin, the laters eyes filled up with even more tears, prompt bursting into loud sobs.
“Oh god! Mel what is it?”
She sat up in a panic, checking Mels ankle to see if it had shifted any way. To her knowledge everything looked the same.
She looked back at her girlfriend desperately, “Mel I don’t know why your so upset? Please tell me?”
“B-because y-you don’t t-think your good en-nough for f-friendship!” Mel choked out between sobs.
“What?! Why would you think that?”
“Because y-you don’t think j-jordys your friend!”
“Ugh! Fine! Bloody hell Mel, me and Jordy are the bestest besties in all the besties in the world? Satisfied?!”
Her girlfriend flashed her a teary smile, “Very.”
With another groan and something muttered under her breath, Abigael rang up her ‘Bestie’ saying it was a popcorn emergency and if Jordan didn’t get their in the next five minutes, he was gonna have two angry witch’s at his door.
“Hey, Abby?” Jordan’s voice crackled through the phone.
She paused, unsure of wether to answer.
“I just wanted to say it’s good to hear from you.” He stated, “We should meet up sometime, and try and get through an actual convo without any of us getting into some Magical based trouble.”
“I’d like that.” The hybrid answered softly. Immediately shutting off her phone afterwards.
It was hard for her to let her walls down, to allow people inside. To even consider the possibility that someone cared for her.
But aside from Melanie, Jordy had been that one other person who’d managed to evade all her carefully laid traps and walls.
So she guess, in this case, she at least owed him a friendly conversation.
Her attention turned back to her already wailing girlfriend, who was literally clawing at her clothes to get her back on the couch with her.
“Alright already, geez,” she cursed silently, “Watch the clothes Melanie. You know I’d be livid if you ripped anything.”
The clawing stopped, but the Latina got a cheesy smile on her face.
“Nooo you won’t!”
Abby blushed, eyebrows crinkling, “Whatever do you mean?”
“You loooove me,” the lesbian cheered, “You loooove me and caaaare for me and wanna kiiiiss me and-“
-“God your childish when your in pain!”
Mel pouted slightly, sticking her lower lip out.
Bloody hell.
Mel knows she can’t say no to her puppy dog eyes.
Abigael rolled her eyes fondly, head coming to a rest back on Mels chest.
“Oh all right. I love you. But if you tell anyone I’ll roast your head on a spit. I have a reputation to uphold.”
The witch grinned like a maniac, “Your secrets safe with me.”
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Actor AU Kai is a single parent so he has to bring his daughter to the set even when she isn't acting but one day after a scene he can't find her and he get all worried until he sees a girl with staff uniform carrying his daughter he yells at her but later his daughter tell him that the cute girl was actually helping her cause she got lost and ask papa to apologize but now they can't find her maybe she was from another set? ... Fluff ending please?
I will call Eri Elizabeth because yes.
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"Great job beating Magne's ass!" The actor whose interpreted Mr. Compress patted his shoulder as the woman scoffed at his companion while the others on set laughed.
He could only smirk and roll his eyes as he wiped the fake blood out of his face before taling off his mask with a relieved sigh.
Seriously, how can anyone use that thing for too long?
Looking around the set he looked for his daughter, he had to being her over even if she wasn't acting because ironically his friend, whose also had a job on the same show as his, couldn't take care of her and he didn't trust on babysitters much.
Although when she wasn't around he started to panick, looking at everywhere and even dropping the mask on the ground.
"Oi? Dude." He tapped the actor which interpreted Rappa as he gave him a worried look "Where is my daughter? Elizabeth? I left her here before going for my act."
"Sorry man, but I didn't saw her. Maybe the director spotted her or something?"
He muttered a curse before storming out of the set as he ran. Elizabeth was abandoned just like him by her mother, he couldn't afford that she got hurt, she was the inly good left for him..
His worry got replaced by relief and rage as he saw his daughter on the arms of a woman, offering her even a chocolate lollipop which she agreed happily on taking it.
"Oi!" He shouted, the girl opened a huge smile at seing her father before yelping when he practically ripped her out of the woman's arms "Who the hell you think you are to take my daughter without my knowledge?!"
"I-I'm I was just trying to-"
"You wanna know what? I couldn't give a fuck." He growled as he walked away, fuming with his daughter on his arms.
"Daddy why did you do that?!" The girl exclaimed, finally catching her father's attention as he looked at her as if she had grew another head.
"Eh? Elizabeth. Why do you think I did that? She took you without me knowing and you not even say-"
"Daddy she was helping me!" She crossed her arms with a huff as he put her on the ground to give her his attention "I got distracted then lost here and she knew where you worked! She was just trying to cheer me up because I got really sad at not finding my way back!"
He widened his eyes at relazation as he looked over his shoulders to still see the girl helping other actors to get ready...
"Shit..." he rubbed the back of his head before yelping when he felt his daughter pushing at his ear... just he kne he pierced. "What the-?!"
"You cursed." She pouted before releasing his ear and pointing at your direction "You have to apologize to her! She was nice and even give me candy!"
"Even if you didn't deserve it, huh?" He muttered with a smirk as the girl gasped in false offense "Fine, fine. I will apologize to her tommorow when we get back. That sounds fine, doesn't it?"
"Pinky promise?" She extended her little finger up with a arched euebrow just like him as he locked her small finger with his.
"Yeah. Pinky promise. Now lets get that apple ice cream you wouldn't stop talking about." The girl gleamed in happines as she run towards his car "ELIZABETH DONT RUN!"
"Eehhh??? You dont have any records to do today." Shigaraki's actor said as he entered hand in hand with his daughter's, scanning the place to see if he found the girl he yelled at yesterday.
"Yo? Doesn't he look ugly?" Dabi's actor said after snatching a picture of the red eye man as the girl giggled.
"Im not here for the show. Im actually looking for someone."
"Ne????" Uraraka's actress exclaimed for her seat along with Toga's one "The man considered a lone wolf looking for someone??? That's odd!"
"Daddy is looking for a woman with (H/c) hair and (e/c) eyes! She wore this black thingy on as her uniform!" Elizabeth made hand gestures along her talking as he sighed.
"Any of you saw her around?"
"Oh!" Midoriya's actor exclaimed while his little brother tried to win hin on a game "You must be talking about miss (L/n)! She works on another set though! Im sirprise tha you two manahe to find her!"
"So how do you know her boy?" He asked with a arched eyebrow as the young man shuddered.
"She helped me with my costume once, the set on the other side she works is about "demons cutters" or "slawers" something like that! She should be working by now, but her lunch break should be soom though!"
"Thank you!" His daughter exclaimed while grabbing on her father's hand and dragging him along "cmon papa! Good acting everyone!"
He almost got hitted by a post and tripped by how fast his daughter was dragging him... until she finally sucessed to bump him on someone.
"Opsies!" His daughter hissed looking at both adults on the ground.
"Elizabeth..." he groaned while standing at least on his knees to widen his eyes to see the girl who helped his daughter yesterday, whinning and grumbling at her smootie being tossed and splashed on the ground.
"Miss (L/n)!" Hsi daughter exclaimed before throwing her arms over the girl's neck, the from on her face quicly vanishing as she notice the kid hugging her.
"Oh hello! Lost again?" She giggled before widening her eyes at seing he was there too... the handsome single father interpretting Chisaki Kai from the show Boku no hero academia...
While he was at loss of words at only noticing now how beautiful that woman was...
Like an angel...
"Ahem!" His attention was stolen by his daughter frowing at him.
"Apologies, did it hurt too much?" He extended his hand to you, feeling how soft your hand was... equibalent to a kitty's paw.
"U-uh.. no no! I dealed with worst!" You laughed as to brush off how embarrassed you was as he gave you a smile.
"I'm relieved.. I suppose I also own a apology for yesterday, I jumped to conclusions at seing you with my daughter and I panicked."
"I forced him to!" Elizabeth exclaimed before giggling at the pat she received from jer father as you smiled at how PURE and CITE those too looked.
"Is not a problem! Really, I get it!"
"Your lunch break is probably over because of us though." He pointed at your smoothie at the ground as you pouted "Care at accepting my offer to accompany me and my daughter at some cafeteria nearby?"
As you nodded, Elizabeth gasped in awe. Her father NEVER invited anyone to hang out with them! Especially even looked so... in love?!?!? She was freacking out and gushing from her dad's side as the two talked.
You three had a loveable talk before one of your coworkers called you desperatly saying that one of the lights was not working and you had to go. Elizabeth couldn't contain her fangirling sounds when she saw at the way her father accompanoed the young lady as she leaved and let out a dreamy sigh.
"She is gonna be my new mom?!" She shoked her father's shoulder, making the poor man to spit his drink.
"W-what the hell? No kid, I barely know her-"
"But you two looked so in love! You love her!" She jumped on the ground to make a fance as the whole cafeteria looked over them as the poor man covered his red face with his hand "love her! Love her! Love her! You two will marryyyyyyy!!!!"
"Eli..." he growled while burring his face on both hands, never feeling so ashamed at seing bis daughter gushing about his... newest crush.
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nie7027 · 4 years
Super 5 headcanons part 5
Part 1    Part 2     Part 3    Part 4
So...it’s been a long time right? HAHAHA
Minegishi sighed.
“For the last time I won’t help you sell Shimazaki on ebay” Minegishi stopped dicing the vegetables and turned to look at him with what in any other person would have been a raised eyebrow “I don’t even think it’s possible”
“Who would even buy him?” Shibata helpfully added from his spot at the sink where he was washing the dishes “Besides world domination our friend isn’t that useful for anything else”
Hatori stared when Minegishi just silently nodded
“I don’t know! But thats not the point!” Hatori grunted while shaking his head “It’s time for some retaliation-”
“So your idea for retaliation…” Minegishi deadpanned “is to sell him on ebay?”
Hatori wasn’t dumb, he could hear the snicker behind his flat expression.
“Laugh all you want!” Hatori said pointing an acussatory finger to Minegishi “But I am tired of letting Shimazaki do whatever he wants with is without facing any consequence!”
“Are you still mad about the raccoon thing?” Shibata laughed drying his hands with a washcloth to pat Hatori on the back “C'mon! It was just one rabies shot! And the doctor said it was just cautionary”
Hatori flustered when this time Minegishi openly snickered “You got rabies shots? Aren’t you supposed to get those as a kid?”
“Why would I know? Do you even have yours?” Hatori retorted bittely not expecting Minegishi to actually stop laughing.
“I don’t know…?”
“Aha!” Hatori exclaimed not wasting the opportunity to latch onto this “What if that bastard brings ANOTHER racoon?!”
“He wouldn’t-”
“Are you sure? Absolutely sure?”
At Minegishi’s lack of response Hatori screamed victoriously “See? This is why you have to support me with my plan!”
“Sell him on ebay you say…” Minegishi muttered while tapping the kitchen counter with his finges.
“You can’t be seriously considering this!” Shibata exclaimed outraged “Ha ve you lost your minds? We aren’t selling our friend on internet”
“He’s not my friend” Hatori quickly complained.
“And I never said I agreed on selling him on ebay” Minegishi continued “But Hatori’s right and it’s time we put some limits to him”
“And that’s why we should talk with him instead”
“Shibata’s right”
“NOOOOOOOO” Hatori cried miserably, victory had been so close “whyyyy?”
“Im sorry buddy but that’s the right and mature thing to do” Shibata said not sounding sorry at all
“Hatori stop whinning and finish setting the table so we can finally eat”
Minegishi rolled his eyes at Hatori’s sulking form and finished cooking with Shibatas help.
Once they entered the living room with the finished food Minegishi noticed Hatorics hesitance
“Is something wrong?”
“I was just wondering if i should put another plate. Is the bastard going to eat with us?”
“Speaking of which” said Shibata carrying the last of their homemade food “Where is he?”
“I don’t know” shrugged Minegishi “He was annoying me because he was bored and you were late so I told him to go and find something else to do before I choked him”
“And he did it just like that?” Shibata asked surprised.
“I had to threaten him starvation and not buying his cereal forst but it worked”
Shibata hummed “He probably went dog sighting”
“How long ago was that”
“Like 5 minutes before you arrived”
“Then it will be a while before he returns”
Minegishi shrugged again “I wouldn’t worry about him”
They were halfway through their food when Hatorics eyes catch sight of something in Shimazakis makeshift cabinet.
“Are those his glasses?”
Minegishi turned to where Hatori was pointing “Yes”
“I thought he didn’t take them off ever”
“I guess he listened when I complained about dogs saliva on them” Minegishi said “If he is indeed dog sighting”
“I’m pretty sure he is” Shibata said comfidently “Dog saliva? Really?”
“Yeah, between that and the paw shaped stains on his clothes…he was driving me crazy”
“Oh I know! The first time it was really hard to get rid of the stench of trash but I found in internet a helpful mix of…” Shibata’s words died in his mouth when he saw Hatori stand up and pick the glasses.
Minegishi stared confused “What are you doing?”
Hatori didn’t respond and when he made his way to his forgotten backpack Shibata facepalmed.
“Buddy, no. Did you seriously bought those?”
Hatori turned around with a devilish smile om his face while clearly hiding something behind his back. “Well i never thought you would actually help me with the ebay plan”
Minegishi turned to look at Shibata expecting some kimd of clarification.
“We passed a toy store on our way here and Hatori saw…something.” Shibata said in a tired tone shaking his head clearly dissppointed “I can’t explain it…Just show him already”
Hatori proudly revealed what he was hiding. Besides Shimazaki’s glasses there was another pair.
The other pair were one of those funny looking glasses you used for disguisses or parties with crazy colourful swirly cartoon eyes that seemed to wink when you move them and stupid antennaes that ended in a pink cotton ball hanging from the sides.
It was the stupidest thing Minegishi had ever seen.
“You do realize he wont ever fall for this right?” Minegishi deadpanned once again “He will immediately feel those antennaes movement”
“Have more faith in me” Hatori huffed taking off the apparently removable antennaes thus making the glasses look a little less stupider but stupid nonetheless.
Minegishi picked both glassesand turned them around inspecting them. He had to give Hatori some credit. he had managed to find a pair with the exact same shape as Shimazakis and made of the same cheap plastic.
They were perfect…except for one thing.
“They don’t weight the same” Minegishi stated raising the toy glasses. to be honest he wasn’t sure but it was an educated guess.
“You gotta be kidding me right?” Hatori exclaimed “Who cares? He won’t even notice that!”
“He will” Minegishi seriously said before standing up and walking away still holding both pair of glasses.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Hatori screamed following Minegishi back in the kitchenb Shibata just behind him.
When they got there they found Minegishi already kneeling rummaging one of his low cabinets.
Hatori turned to look at Shibata but the big man just shrugged in return as lost as him.
“Aja!” Minegishi suddenly exclaimed standing up holding his white digital scale. He then weighted both pair of glasses.
The toy glasses weighted 10 grams less.
“Told you” Minegishi triumphantly exclaimed.
“So?” Hatori spluttered “Yeah, fine! They don’t weight the same. It’s just 10 grams! He won’t-”
“He will”
“Again I repeat myself” Hatori said losing his patience “YOU GOTTA BE FUCKINH KIDDING-”
He couldn’t finish his sentence because Shibata decided in that moment to place one of his heavy hands on Hatori’s shoulder “Minegishi…Hatori is right. Don’t you think you are being a little… paranoic?”
“No” Minegishi firmly stated shaking his head “Why do you think I take him shopping?”
“Because you were trying to teach him how to be a good person…?” Shibata tried only for Minegishi to glare at him. They already knew how much of a failure that had been.
Hatori shrugged, now it was his turn to try. “Dunno man. I don’t even know why you even let him sleep here”
At the others failed attempts Minegishi continued “I don’t know how or what he does but he somehow can weight stuff with great precision”
“What” “What”
“I suspect it has something to do with Mental eye” Minegishi kept muttering unaware of the others awed expression.
“That’s…unexpected” “That’s fucked up”
“It helps me to make sure Im being sold what I payed for” Minegishi shrugged “ANYWAY my point is if I noticed it he will certainly do it too. If we are doing this we have to do it right”
The phrasing didn’t escape Hatori. “We…?” he asked in disbeliefb excitement barely concealed in his tone.
When Minegishi smirked Hatori couldn’t help but give a devilish smirk of his own. in unison they both turned to Shibata who just groaned.
“Fine. I’m in”
Both Minegishi and Hatori raised a fist in triumph. Shibata hesitantly joining them.
“But what are we doing then?” Shibata asked “The glasses don’t weight the same and Shimazaki is gonna arruve any moment now”
“Shit that’s true”
“I have an idea” Minegishi said calling upon the power welling inside him. Soon a sticky looking vine made its way to where the group was reunited. Minegishi inspected it and after some careful consideration he picked two small leaves growing from it and stuck them to the upper side of the toy glasses simulatin angry frowing eyebrows.
He then placed the toy glasses om the scale and with bathed breath they waited for the led screen to settle on a number.
They differed by less than a gram now.
“That’s enough…right?” Hatori quietly asked.
“It has to be…” Shibata added before turning to look at Minegishi. He was the judge, had the last work.
“I don’t know.” Minegishi confessed “But this will have to do. Quick Hatori. Shibata. Set everything we will need in place. We only have one chance amd we can’t afford to waste it.”
They barely had time to finish their already cold food and prepare everything when Shimazaku suddenly appeared in the middle of the room.
They did their best to act naturally hoping the blind man didn’t notice anything.
The moment Shimazaki popped in Minegishi’s living room he knew something was off.
He could feel the remnants of Hatori’s aura telling him he had been building artifacts but wherever they were they were deactivated because he couldn’t sense them. They were probably diacarded om the floor. It wasn’t the first time he did that.
He could feel Shibata tensing his muscles too but it wasn’t like Shimazaki cared. He was hungry and he could smell food so he made his way to his cabinet to fetch his things.
He grabbed his glasses and put them on while he turned about to ask what they had for dinner but before he could do that the whole room erupted in chaos.
“GO GO NOW” Hatori screamed barely restraining his laughter while his artifacts suddenly tuner to life.
Shimazaki could feel them flying, closely circling him but besides that he could hear them. His expartners laughing. Laughing so much they were almost wheezing
“Oh my god” exclaimed Shibata trying to stiffle his laugh with his free hand. The other was busy holding something that made a clicking noise.
“THIS IS SO MUCH BETTER THAN I THOUGHT” Hatori cackled pointing at him.
Even Minegishi had bursted laughing!
Shimazaki didn’t know what was happening but he knew something was happening and he didn’t like it.
With a swift movement he took down all of Hatori’s devices, one after another.
“NOOOOO” Hatori screamed “MY BABIES”
Once the artifacts were destroyed Shimazaki turned and launched himself at their vey own creator.
Hatori yelped traying to scurry away from him but Shimazaki was too fast.
Or he would have been if it werenct for the fact Shibata tacklee him before he could reach the little pest.
“Don’t even think that” the big man growled as if that was enough to stop him.
Without wasting another second Shimazaki teletransported behind Hatori and with a strong kick slammed him against Shibata sending them both flyin to the nearest wall.
He was about to punch a hole in them when a sturdy vine wrapped around hos arm stopping him.
“Shimazaki stop” Minegishi exclaimed in a low menacing voice. His hand raised ij prepartion glowing with his aura.
Shimazaki teletransported all around the room avoinding the quick vines Minegishi sent after him trying to bound him.
Soon he made his way towards the plant user and when he was in close range he raise his legt ready to plan another kick in the mans chest but hr had to teletransport before he could do it because somethin was flyin comind directly for his head. Whatever it was it sounded metallic when it crashed om the wall instead.
“You psycho! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Hatori, now surrounded by a bunch of floating stuff ready to be thrown screamed.
Provoked, Shimazaki threw himself once again agains the smaller esper “You were laughing!”
“IT WAS A PRANK JACKASS” Hatori yelled reflexively raising his arms forming a protective barrier.
But it wasn’t needed because that actually made Shimazaki stop.
“A prank?” was all he was able to say before a wave of vines encircled him and threw him to the floor.
“Yes idiot. A prank.” Minegishi walking to where they were and looking down at him “If you had calmed down we could have explain it to you”
Minegishi glared at the bounded man below him. He knew Shimazaki could free himself in any moment. Shimazaki knew it too, afterall he wasn’t squirming instead he stayed put glaring at Minegishi waiting for an explanation.
Or at least he tried. He was stilk wearing the toy glasses and if it wasn'tfor the sight of his destroyed apartment Minegishi would have laughed again.
The final tally after everything was cleaned and accounted for included Hatori’s phone, Minegishi’s toaster and coffe maker (which Hatori had used to build the flying wifi connected cameras and then Shimazaki utterly destroyed) a broken lip from Hatori (though he alleged he had a broken rib too), an unconcious Shibata (who took all the brunt of hitting the wall and that Minegishi had to use his vines to drag and lay to rest on the sofa) and a huge whole on the wall where Shibata had landed, completely fracturing it (Minegishi could consider himself lucky that it hadn’t been one of the buildings support walls).
And an annoyed Shimazaki who was too impatient to wait for them to pick up the place.
“Toy glasses…?” Shimazaki dubiously said when they finally explained what all that had been about. He had taken them off and now was moving his hands along feeling them.
“Yes. They are dumb, they are stupid. You didn’t have to punch our guts but who cares? You are welcome” Hatori said curtly. He was pissed seated on the sofa at the end of Shibata’s feet trying to fix his phone to not succes which only pissed him more.
Minegishi sighed tiredlyb it was too late for this. “We just want to take some photos of you wearing them. We thought it would be fun-”
“How are they?” Shimazaki interrumpted
“How do they look?” Shimazaki suddenly asked seriously. He had stopped touching the glasses and was now frowning at them.
“Uhhh…They are pink?”
“Yeah! pink you dumbfu-” Hatori snapped but stopped himself when he saw the confused look Shimazaki was throwing at him “Of course you don’t know what pink is.. ”
He groaned and turned to look at Shibata for help but the man was still passed out.
“Pink…is this color…like red and white?”
“It’s for girls!” hatori said throwing up his hands in surrender “Minegishi can you help me out”
“They are pink” Minegishi continued shaking his head “ Amd they have this swirly cartoon eyes that wink when you move them-”
“Wink?” Shimazaki asked again looking more confused.
“Yes, they wink. It’s an effect. Don’t think too hard about it-”
“What is this?” Shimazaki said picking apart one of the leaves. “Is it a plant?”
“Yep. Minegishi put them so they weighted the same as your glasses. It worked!” Hatori said in a better mood. As if the fact they managed to trick Shimazaki made him happier “They looked like angry eyebrows. Frowning eyebrows”
“Yes. like you are doing at this very moment” Minegishi said casually pointing at Shimazakis face.
Shimazaki brought a hand to his forehead and lightly patted his eyebrows.
Minegishi ws about to keep talking describing the stupid glasses when the unthinkable happened.
One…two…three…snickers escaped Shimazaki’s mouth and before he or Hatori could understand what was happening he was chuckling.
“OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING? IS HE HAVING AN ATTACK?” Hatori asked panicked and Minegishi couldn’t blame him for that.
It’s not that they had never heard Shimazaki laugh. It was that this was completely different from the mocking laugh they were accustomed.
This was a pure unadultered laugh and Minegishi and Hatori could only stare at the way Shimazaki was bending over while fits of laughter took him over not knowing how to act.
It didnt take much (even though it felt like it did) for Shimazaki to raise with a tiny genuine smile showing on his face while he recovered his breath like they had never seen before.
Afterall maybe a destroyed apartment and an unconcious friend had been worth it.
Because they had to wait for Shibata to regain conciousness and make sure he was okay they ended up going to sleep really late.
Which meant Shimazaki was going to kill the man at the door who woke him with his incesant knocking and shouting.
“MINEGISHI” Shimazaki loudly groaned rolling on his back on the couch and covering his eyes witth his arm wishing that was enough to keep his mental eye from seeing “IM GOING TO KILL HIM IF HE DOESNT STOP”
“I already heard!” Minegishi answered entering in the living room dragging his feet
“IM COMING” he said before mumbling under his breat “Who could even be this early?”
Shimazaki didnt care and he was already readying himself to go back to sleep when Minegishi opened the door.
It was going to be possible. The man seemed to have a death wish.
The shouting not only returned but it increased in volume.
“MINEGISHI SAN” the mans voice boomed in minegishis tiny apartment and to shimazakis surprise Minegishi actually flinched
“Y-Yamada san what are-”
So far Shimazaki had been trying to tune the mans screaming but the more the man continued the harder minegishis grip on the doorframe got drawing Shimazakis attention. It was rare to see him nervous.
“Minegishi san…would you be so kind to explain me why A HUGE FUCKING DENT SUDDENLY APPEARED IN THE WALL SEPARATING YOU APARTMENTS?” the man finally screamed out of breath
“Ill pay for the damage” was everything Minegishi said
“OH IM MAKING SURE YOU DO THAT” the man raged on taking a step forward and jabbing a finger in Minegishis chest.
“I know your story Minegishi san.I know what you used to do and let you come here despite my best judgement” the man hissed with his finger still deeply buried in Minegishis chest. Shimazaki couldnt understand why Minegishi kept listening. “I should just evict you. But I am a generous man and I know you wont be accepted anywhere else so… ill let you stay, given you pay for all of the repairs…who knows how deep your little stunt damaged my building”
“A-all of the repairs?!” Minegishi exclaimed
“And any demand issued againys my persona for this incident”
“Wh-But Yamada-san! I don’t have the momey to pay for all that”
“You seriously expect me to believe that? You should have thought that! And if you refuse to pay I will call the police-”
That’s it.
“You arent calling anybody funny man.” Shimazaki said with a smile telatransporting just behind Minegishi immeditely getting the desired effect.
“W-WHO IS THIS?” the man screamed jumping backwards
“Yamada san this is Shimazaki” Minegishi sighed “He is �� a friend of mine-”
“IS THIS ANOTHER ONE OF YOU LUNATICS?” the man pointed a trembling finger in Shimazakis direction
“Who I am doesnt matter.” Shimazaki started but was interrupted by Minegishis hissing
Shimazaki ignored him teletransporting to the space previosly occupied by the man earning another scream from him.
“What matters to me is…” shimazaki said leaning forward dropping his smile “who the fuck are you?”
“W-Who am I?!”
“Yes, you. Idiot.” Shimazaki sighed. The funny man wasnt as funny as he was brainless.
“EXCUSE ME? I’m the-”
“I dont care” Shimazaki quickly cut in “You are but an insignificant piece of shit who should have thought better before coming here and waking me up with all you babbling”
“Babbling? Waking you…up?” the idiot kept repeating everything Shimazaki just said “You sleep here?”
“Duh” shimazaki simply said because it was obvious but something happened because the moment he said that Minegishi groaned and the man who had been previously trembling suddenly stilled and was now looking over shimazakis shoulder at Minegishi
“Minegishi-san what is this?!”
“He was just over-”
“Or else what?” Shimazaki snarled grabbing the not so funny man by the collar of his shirt and raising him “You know? I am getting really tired of you.”
“LET ME GO YOU LUNATIC” the man uselessly kicked in the air
“SHIMAZAKI NO” Minegishis hand shot up effectively grabbing Shimazakis shoulder and stopping him from teletransporting to the bottom of the sea like he had been planning to. “Let him go”
Shimazaki unceremoniously dropped the man and he didnt waste a single second before fleeing down the hall almost tripping with his own feet.
Shimazaki laughed, closed the door and turned around ready to joke with Minegishi like they did everytime they decimated an opposing force.
Except Minegishi currently was sitting in the floor burying his face in his hands.
“Minegishi?” Shimazaki tentatively called
“If he calls the police then Im done for good” Minegishi quietly mumbled
“What? why?” Shimazaki exclaimed  “He was the one who came screaming and woke us up! He was screaming at you!”
“Dont you understand?” Minegishi straightened turning to look at Shimazaki “That was my landlord. I cant go around threatening my landlord!”
“Your what?”
“YOU DON’T KNOW WHAT A-” Minegishi started but stopped to take a deep breath 
“He owns this place” Minegishi finally saaid gesturing around
“What? I thought this place was yours”
“No  I don’t.” Minegishi grumbled “I don’t have that amount of money...I actually don’t even have enought to pay all of Yamada sans demands”
“What? Arent you super rich or something?”
“Waht makes you think that?”
“Well...with all the stuff you buy me...and how you are always working...”
“You though that I...?” Minegishi said in disbelief  before quietly chuckling “How much do you think Im paid?”
Shimazaki shrugs 
“You do realize you are a lost cause, right?”
Minegishi stood up dusting his pants “Here c’mon” he then walked towards the doors “Let’s go”
“Where?” Shimazaki whined “Im hungry”
“I have to go now and somehow covince everybody to not sue me or Yamada-san...I would preferred to change first but we have to do this as soon as possible if i dont want to pay even more money.”
“And why do i have to go? ” 
“For starters because this is your fault.” Minegishi deadpanned “And besides I dont trust you enough to leave you alone in my kitchen”
Shimazaki couldnt argue back so he crossed his arms and followed Minegishi out
I know, I know its been more than a year since I last updated this but *gestures vaguely* life.last year of college.new fandoms. global crisis...
And more importantly... tumblr deleting all my drafts
Seriously I had like a good chunk of the prank scene written since last years august but Tumblr kept deleting my drafts and i had to rewrite all of that like 5 times which was pretty descourangingly (that and the lack of response )
It’s a shame considering the whole scene of the prank was the main reason for me to write this. I was very excited to write it.
I hope it lived to your expectations because i know I kept talking about this
Anyway I wish i could tell you when the next part is coming, because theres still more (this thing just grows and grows out of control) but yeah *gestures vaguely at everything going around*
What I know is that I want to write this before i forget how key scenes go (part of the discouragement was that i forgot some cool witty dialogue i had for the prank and I was so mad at mysellf for not remebering) so lets see how this goes.
I missed these dorks.
Anyway any feedback is greatly appreciated (reblogs>likes).
You can find me  in ao3 ( Im posting these headcanons and other fics there)
 It’s an honor to contribute to leftist propaganda
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