#im happy people liked the 1st chapter tho
mirapteo · 6 months
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long overdue but chapter 2 of my ficcy is out :3c if you would like context, then well... link is below
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cinnabeat · 10 months
suddenly remembered twsb existed
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perseabeth · 7 hours
honestly I love everything about the story. You are a great writer. Normally first person point of view is hard for me to read and turns me off of fanfics but the writing is so similar to Rick’s that I’m not experiencing the ick I have gotten in the past.
As for the actual plot, I love it. The clues in the previous chapters fueling Percy’s frustration in not knowing why these people were acting differently around her—more so than the reason of being a Big Three kid—were simultaneously outright and subtle. That shouldn’t be possible but it’s the best way I can describe it. Apollo staying away from Percy and not immediately being a creep (cough cough Zeus in Greek myths) is good. It’s concerning when fanfic writers ignore Percy being a kid.
The relationship between Annabeth and Percy in this chapter is so sweet. Percy coming to her because she knows Annabeth can solve it is reminiscent of Percabeth in the books while obviously being platonic in this story. Her figuring out that Percy is possibly the reincarnation of Callista but not telling Percy is frustrating but in the way any story which builds up to the climax rather than revealing the plot right away does. More so anticipation than frustration as a reader where they know but the main character does not.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoy your writing style and the way the plot is heading. I can’t really provide any recommendations other than continue what you’re doing. ❤️
you really made me so happy with your comment, i’m always looking forward for such comments and opinions tbh and you really really made my night with this 😭❤️
as for the first person pov, i don’t really like it either tbh, and i think you notice the difference between my style with first pov and 3rd pov
but as the story was written in the 1st pov to begin with, i had to follow it too, at least until i finish the plot of the last olympian, because writing all as a 3rd person pov, especially writing things that had already been written and i’m just adding more into it, is tiring and i really want to finish with the original plot quickly so i can feel free in writing their story
so i’m really glad that you are comfortable with my style of first person pov, because i was really hesitant about it
as for percy’s reaction towards all, it’s really needed to build such a story since she herself wasn’t aware of being a demigod until 2 years ago, giving her info slowly is the best way to actually build her character. so i’m glad that you actually like the way things are going
and the same for percy’s age, tbh this is why im rushing through the first series and making it in 1st person pov, i really wanna finish with all so i can start with percy when she is actually in a suitable age for all. at least until she pass 17.
and annabeth, yes percabeth is one of the best ship out there, tho i wanted their relationship to be completely platonic here because it’s just beautiful like this espc in this context. her hiding things is annabeth being considerate tbh. we already know that annabeth is aware of the great prophecy, she KNOWS whats waiting for percy, adding another info ? that will crush her so i’m trying to make things easier for my girl 😅😅
i’m honestly so happy that you are enjoying it, like really really happy
thank you so much for your opinion
you made my day❤️❤️❤️🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
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weirdcat1213 · 10 months
ok i have an oreo on one hand and a shark plushie on the other, lets do this
trimax volume 8 (pls dont hurt me)
BUT BEFORE THAT, ACTUAL QUESTION: how are the 1st timers holding up? yall doing good?
ok now long post is here
chap 1:
-oh that title page its SO FUCKING GOOD
-oh hes not....doing it by choice.....oh
-legato looking like a pizza pocket is the comedy relief we all need tbh
-oh my geesus i heard that, i felt that shit
-"they abuse us" and here you are knives...doing the same shit
-could you look less happy while doing this shit knives? pls?
-something something divine punishment from the skies, something something yeah ofc not anyone can do that shit
-oh hey why is he with them i actually forgot
-aw :3 i wonder who taught him to not shoot to kill :3
-also pls leave him alone hes not just a killer pls youre hurting my feelings-
-rem mention :c
-knives can you stop being right for a second, thanks
-the arm...wow
-i dont remember what the other translation said but "that was the day we both lost our minds"....yeah im gonna sit with this one for a bit and cry cuz its true, they did
-oh yeah i didnt get this the 1st time lets try again :D
-ohhhhh....oh shit
-i hate siding with knives on this chapter but i cant help it. i also love the idea of being even
-also he looks so fucking cool while being evil, cool points for you knives
-"invasion" and it ends with him looking at the stars/nightsky? brilliant
chap 2:
-ah yes, the classic, sweetest, full of angst potential "i will remind of you of your home and how you dont belong there anymore" card, good to see you here
-oh god i forgot about this part, geesus
-ah crap i love this tho, gives you time to actually take in everything that knives is causing. its so easy to gloss over it with some quick panels but to actually take the time...i love it
-ok ik they get absorbed by knives but the idea of them flying away and being free (for a bit) is so pretty, im happy for them
-...geesus christ
-it makes you wonder what they did to stay alive actually, like you never think of that stuff ig
chap 3:
-wait they didnt know???? hold up....yeah ig that makes sense but...hmmm
-ALSO interesting how the borders didnt go black to represent a flashback, so maybe it wants to show how present is that memory in luida's mind. wow
-"maybe hes been waiting for us to come and help him" aaaand thats enough to make me tear up, im the weakest bitch on the planet let me tell you
-oh shit so he hit some plants oh shit oh damn
-omg she looks so epic while killing people <3
-oh look its the man in the tin can lmao
chap 4:
-HALF A YEAR???? damn i always forget, this is still going at the speed of light tho
-aw no :c my baby :c
-then again i like that you can see that even if it was just half a year (literally nothing for vash) it still caused him pain and suffering, 10/10
-oh shit oh shit no
-im not really sure how he escaped legato but im glad :D also vash is longgggg i lvoe it :3
-well thats just depressing livio
-pls leave livio
-ok but vash being basically a ragdoll rn while wolfwood is fighting and bleeding breaks my heart let me tell you
-wolfwood shut the hell up ok? shut up, i dont wanna hear it
-oh im going insane :) i hate wolfwood so much rn (his crime was to say sad things)
-"youre not lost wolfwood" wolfwood saying all that shit outloud and IK FOR A FACT vash's heart almost broke ik it i feel it
-baby dont apologize :c
-............................................................ :c
-ah fuck hes here
-oh oh im sick to my little stomach i fear oh geesus my boy, my baby, im so happy that wolfwood is all you need but also im so sad you dont have anything else, do i make sense?
-threatening you brother and begging him to not sacrifice himself in the same breath...knives the plant that you are
-woooooooooooooooooooooooooow i love that shit, hes so little...
-im not entirely sure what is happening but damn thats nasty
chap 5:
-welp...this is terrible
-nooooooooooooooooooooooooooo :c
-oh righttttt, i forgot about that plan, so thats why people called him chapel
-oh that panel with livio thats fucking brutal geesus nightow. like the old livio seems so pure and far away while the current livio is so violent and present
-my god he looks like shit
-oh meryl my girl :'3 omg shes the best
-im so depressed rn :D
-idc if hes rotting, sadly the man looks majestic af
-ooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh oh ok
free bird time ig:
-freeeee biiiiird yeaah tururururururu
-wdym congratulations cmon man
-oh honey......
-awww :c
-oh wow now im DEPRESSED :D
-ugh that fucking face
-hes so cool sometimes >:D
-aw you made her cry :c
-"tired of filling a space in other peoples lives"....hmmmm
-aw :c
I hate whats coming i fucking swear.
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strawberryseeded · 3 months
number 1: why is he so crazy even BEFORE becoming a jujutsu sorcerer
it seems like he had a normal and happy upbringing, he never even met his real parents or had any contact w the sorcery world before the events in the series (his own birth doesnt count) so WHY IS HE LIKE THIS T-T
im so serious. he is UNHINGED. its like his survival instinct kicks in a million years later than normal. stubborn and sturdy almost to a fault, both physically and mentally, always running towards danger unprepared, getting seriously hurt, and getting back up again. like yea ok todo picked him up during his fight w mahito but, dude, itadori has died TWICE in the series till now n hes still going, his will stronger than ever before (ya know wat they say tho, 3rd times the charm am i right hahah*WRECKS THE ROOM*)
i mean even gojo says hes not ok in the head in like chapter 5 (FIVE!!!!!!!!!)
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tbh this is the question that bothers me the most but its also prob the one that will never be answered...man..
number 2: did he fucking eat his sibilings.....(spoilers: wrong question)
......who are not rly people i guess..or human.... they are curse/human hybrids which were never truly "born" so they are uh...wombs..or fetuses or smt like dat...mmh yeah knowing this doesnt make it sound less horrifying..
at first i thought he had eaten sukunas last "missing" finger cos he looked so disgusted while saying so (yay sukuita hatred is mutual💕👰🤵)..also hes eaten like 15 of those things till now, so yanno its our daily bread for him..
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but then hes talking 2 choso abt this n its like..dude...... dude what do you mean living as a part of you..
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& obviously since hes itadori yuji they didnt take over n instead he got their powers and techniques. i think thats where he got his cool new armor that kinda looks like tough flesh.
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and apparently he can manipulate his own blood also, which again i think its the result of eating the death paintings. he made it explode in sukunas face lol but idk if he can do other things w it maybe i missed smt.
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he learned to use the technique super fast too BUT thats probably due to the "cheating" yuta metions when sukuna asks how the fuck did they power up so fast. i saw a yt video theorizing this was maybe due to training done in a simple domain that compresses time (like when maki trained w the sumo guy)...idk dude..
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(btw i think so, so often abt how gojo theorized that itadori maybe could use sukunas technique/s since itadori was borrowing his cursed power….i wonder if he never could do it cos sukuna was so freaking uncooperative until the bitter end aka their soul divorce lol.. bc clearly itadori is capable of learning techniques that are not his own..idk idkkkk just sayin….wondering…)
OH YEA i almost 4got cos i just made another post abt it but he can also use the fucking reverse curse technique as well. bro even gojo had trouble mastering that..like again yea they "cheated" but still wow.
number 3: this freaking dude can touch souls now
ok we kinda knew this already from mahito and itadori's 1st fight but..this scene:
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they switched bodies!!!!!!!......????? i think???!! and i cant think of other reason except an "exchange of souls" bc in jjks world sukunas soul habiting itadoris or megumis body, or the death paintings taking over human bodies are possible ways in which a soul can get inside another body. whats more, mahitos or nobaras techniques can directly affect the soul so this shud totally be possible.
& it looks like itadori in particular can affect others' soul with precision.
the question is How the hell..... bc as far as we know no one else has this power amongst the surviving sorcerers (i want her (nobara) back so bad rn....)
IT COULD BE that book choso got from yuki that contained all of her research abt the soul..still, itadori is the only one whos shown to be able to actually be able to do this so accurately. sukuna is the one who confirms it:
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yea idk dude itadori yuji is an absolute beast..im so weirded out when i see ppl underestimate him n caling him an npc, dumb, etc, lol ToT he is such a good character it drives me insanies ..i didnt even touch on his thematic weight in the series (bc OF COURSE, as the main character, he is key in this. his beliefs are core to his character and directly opposes sukunas, in spite of the asshole always laughing in his face about ..just kidding its obviously BECAUSE he is so different from itadori that he just doesnt get it n simply disregards him as a powerless idiot..i mean we r talking abt the guy who valued power so much he casted away everything else, even his own humanityaaaAAAH ok ill shut up nowwww)
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twinstarlovers · 1 year
Hey Mamo 🥹🐥💖 I hope you are well! How was edc?!?! 🤩😲. Oooooooo lucky 🍀✨. I kept seeing tik toks pop up about it & I was like 🙂💔. There was one where I thought I saw you in the back & my heart dropped 💀 LMFAOOOOOOOO. No but I’ve been thinking about you a lot recently. I think I’m mourning not going to edc lol. I woke up yesterday from a dream & it was like me trying to get to edc but shit kept getting in the way & I was so frustrated I couldn’t finally get there lol. Idk but instead of edc I went to Florida, it was very nice. I shall now insert pics:
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Anyways yah
I keep thinking about being w you. I’m outgrowing this relationship & this life I’m living rn lol. I feel like I’ve been defensive about us lately to other people like my friend cus sometimes she thinks I’m being delusional but I’m just stubborn lol. I’m stubborn on the idea that we will be together & im meant to be w you. But yeah as I said I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately like I’ve been getting sad & been getting reminded of you in many ways & shit. You know the same old shit lol. I can’t believe it’s been years. Bruh typing that just brought tears to my eyes I wanna cry rn lol. I can’t wait for what’s next but then this ending is going to be very painful. I feel my body outgrowing the environment like reacting to it like I feel itchy & uncomfortable & feel suffocated & as I said I just want more like I’m ready to move on like I can sense it that this chapter will be closing soon & especially because June is next week bruh. My sister is getting married June 1st & you know in a way you & I have always been aligned w her & her man’s relationship on some weird universe shit. So idk. The universe really flew me out to Florida instead of Vegas smh. AT THE SAME TIME TOO. On the plane I was playing rave music pretending I was going to edc 😭 I’m ngl. I was very sad but also I was happy that I was at least going some where. Anyways yes. I miss you. I hope you had a fun time Lamo 🥹💖. Was you head banging?? 👀👾 awww ☺️
The view this morning tho 🌅🤍:
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Anywaysss bye bye mamo lamo 🥹🧸❤️ miss you FOREVER. I love you 🪐
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tomstanleyy · 4 years
happy 1st (belated) birthday sweetener!!!!!!🥺🤩can’t lie this fic is my main source of happiness so just wanna day a big fat thank you to miss @keepingupwiththeparkers for that! i feel like i’m like this fics..... godmother.....? or something like that i dunno, either way i’m definitely waaay to invested in this story but sometimes it be like that😌😌 anyway, i just wanted to say some of my fave bits and/or chapters bc i mean....... godmother duties✌🏼 (the fact i have fully claimed the title as godmother of a fan fiction is flashing neon-light sign that i am too invested but idgaf x)
the mood board is so hella sexy so that’s fun
speaking of sexy…... barista!tom in the first chapter HELLO KIND SIR
never have i ever, i mean just FUCK OFF? MAYBE? i dunno? go awaY? it’s just like there first like interaction that ISNT at the cafe and it’s so perfecto!!!!!!! him moving her out the way with his hand on her back MMMmMmmMmM and then the weird tention between them with the game OH AND when he thinks she there bc she wants to get with haz and he’s lowkey pissed off;) ugh DIVINE KATIE
lmao chance encounters, BOY!!!!!!!! his mini panic in the door way jsjsks and then like the whole viBeS i dunno!!!!!! cute!!!!! OMG and when he’s staring at her and harrison kicks him!! NOooooo!!!!! n then tom pouring his tea away just so he can see her for a minute….. the softest boy eva. it’s not up for debate
the one at the library is just like….. a classic😍 OK yano the selfie tom put on his story with messy hair and grumpy face? ya i wanna see that pls thank you. she brings him coffee and they watch MEMEZ!!!!!!!!!!! i die :( and then THEY HOLD PINKES FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!! N THEN THE LITTLEST CUTEST KISS EVER byeee byeeeeee
Wishful Thinking and Words of Wisdom… yo the convo between haz and tom in this chapter is so important to me lmaooo like there banta and shit just makes me so happy bc there not prick there just…… Dumb Boys u no? OOoohH and ofc his sex dream about her which NEEDS to be brought up again!!!!! and then him trying not to look at that little bit of skin where the blanket had ridden down and trying not to look at her pants when she moved her leg in the carrrrr!!! and the cheek kiss jsjsj!! just too good and too much crying to be done over it
The Snap is like as they said “what got it all going” lmaoooo OKAY can i just say the fact she didn’t fucking explode when he replyed with THAT photo and ‘gorgeous x’ is a miracle imo🤷‍♀️
aw omgggg Look At Me Now…… SO CUTE🥺 like it all flowed so well (so do the other chapters but this had like quite a lot of dialogue in it i think and it was just like …. smooth af) toms lol scene in the bathroom is so fucking funny to me bc i love he and his thought prosess lmao and then the Holding Hands Dilemma hahahahahah AND THE RUDE MAN WHO DIDNT SAY THANK YOU!!!! the thought of them in there little outfits walking up to the bus stop holding hands is…… too much. and then……….. the kiss…… just……. THE kiss. where he moves her hair and her lips r all sparkly and just it’s so perfect and i cry
okaY…….. Hoodie and Hormones…… they🥺 it’s just like them being all drunk and cute and when she walks up to him and he goes all 😍🤤 and his pals are all oiiiiiii lmao and there kiss at the bar 😰 nah😰 and at the end where he gives her his hoodie and like has his hand on her hip under it :(((( stop i cannot :((((
i mean………. the nineteenth hole….. katie katie KATIE!! you went HARD (so did he👀) firstly, the golf bit is so nice like them chatting away and him looking at her bum and her touching his bum oop and then like OMG him putting his hand on the headrest when he reverses lmaooooo heee!!!........ and then like…… my life changed forever🙃🙃bc i still havent recovered tbf…… there’s too much to say bc it’s all my fave part!!!! he was just so like reassuring and like safe but also like S E X Y lmaooo
awakenings….. she was a lowkey stressful one phahaha but also high key cute and sexyyyy like they wake up spooning (him squashing her) mand after weewees they have more snuggles and then…… he goes down on her and like she’s in her sexy little pj set and it’s all too much lol…… but then he suddenly HaS tO gO hOmE!!!! n then she sees Kim’s instagram and that he’s with her and DUN DUN DUN……. gonna have to wait a fucking month and a half to find out what happens🥰🥰 (i’m joking ily)
*longest month and a half of my life over* QUESTIONS AND ANWSERS!!!!!!!!! okay this was a cutie tho :((( he got his hair cut which was sad but also not bc FFH PRESS HAIR HELLO!!!! they have a little smooch and then he has boner and then she’s like NOPE HOW MANY PEOPLE WAS UR DICK IN BEFORE IT WAS IN ME HUH? but yh i do love he had a semi while they where having a deep chat lmaoo but ALSO his soft Boy was showing when he was talking about that weird date and she was playing with his hands 😭😭leave me alone. cya. OMG n then sexy times…… this was very GOOD sexy times bc it had been a while for them lol…… n then the pizza man came and then she feel asleep on him and then i stop so i can sob xxxxx
oooh deja vu!!!!!!! she was a long boy but a very good boy also, tom being a brave soul in the library lmao and then the smut was like Legendury lmao bc they went on the floor OOH and when she had already come like twice and he flipped her over like ME NOW PLS!!  it was just all in all a 100000/10 chapter rly
taste of freedom was when i feel like they got close close like THAT was when they knew they where gonna be like besties as well🥺like eating maccies in the car and then tom couldn’t come in bc he knew he would fall asleep and he had exams the next day. uwu. ooooop i loveee this smut lmao it’s just very good lol. the angles he be hitting at also where fun and spicey so ya OMG when he holds her legs down i just wanna screammmmnmmmmmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!! omg and then they have a lil nap and a cuddle :((( which was just too far and too painful for me
good vibes and good times….. she was a vibe wasn’t she (literally not even a bit funny)...... but yh like she’s pm sat on him on the sofa which is all snuggley n then smooches with his hand like in her hair and then his FACE when he finds It polite cat mode lmaoo and then he’s being a little shit when he won’t give it back to her!!!!! n then when they meet at the club they have a big hug and then they eat chips togther and she can’t stop looking at the little devil horns in his hair lnao mood tho
hOKAYY falling, falling is a cracker bc i risked my life to fights for toms blow job lmao ur welcome boy x but yes very nice kt although the phone call at the end was a bit 👀👀but they’re cool it’s all cool
erm clarity was just offensive lmao like THE SMUT was just RUDE and i’m still SAD about it quite frankly 😌 tom being all sweaty when they have the Chat and him wheeling across the floor lmao but then like the smut and him going down on her YO AND THEN ‘can i smack ur arse’ IM NOW ONE WITH THE CLOUDS!!!!! CYA!!!! aw okay but then the shower smooches and his CURLY HAIR and at the end chilling and talking about rugby when she’s playing with his hair😭noooooooooo
omg ok i just reread trial and error and Okay u KnOw i adore sleepy tom 🥺🥺 hes just so babie!!!!! her saying to him ‘early night for you then’ get the fuck out of here!!!!!!! and then the HELLO KISS I CRY!!!!! n then obvs like …. THE WHOLE SMUT YES PLS!! especially him being so comforting when she’s like not sure AND later when he’s like i’m sorry i’m tired and hungover and she’s like it’s okayyyyyy! *sobs* n then somone comes home and tom is going to explode lmao and then he like collapses her and she’s like help i can’t breathe :( and then he spoons her and has a little sleep,,,,,, it’s safe to say i’m very upset
katie….. you know my thoughts on the match but i swear i will never shut up about it lmao i’m so sorry…….. everything is so uwu like snuggle in the morning and then the sweetest sexy times EVA and then tom wanting to be invisible when her and haz are talking lmao that still cracks me up…….. and then like i take a break so i can go to the bathroom and cry 😭😭 bc babie got a booboo!!!!!!!&!& but fr ‘she’s my girlfriend’ just made me wanna yeet of a bridge stg AND THEN THE WAITING ROOM SCENE!! OFC!!!!! HELP?!?! n then the forehead kiss and then 🥺😍😍🥺🥺🥺😍🥺😍🥺😍🥺😭😭😭😭😍🥺
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Is it weird that I watch gay porn with straight guys fucking each other and gay transmen getting fucked too?
It's like when I watch a guy with a big, plump white or black ass, with some oil and hair on top of it....
I lowkey start thinking about fucking his ass too?
I lowkey find it strange, but then again I'm pan...
Asses look good on anyone. Even though I would never admit some objectifying shit like that in person.
It's like I immerse my clit as the dick that's getting sucked and fucked on.
Then I cancel out after I cum 🤣😇🥲
Lol like wtfff is wrong with me guys? I mean there are guys who like to get pegged, so I wonder do these women who strap on guys, think about the same thing that I do....
I feel really guilty because I keep saying idk if I'm ready to try dating another bisexual guy or another transman because of me getting heart broken by one.
But I still miss em' despite everything. It's just on and off, I hate you, I miss you....just like our relationship....
It was hot and cold with those 2 toxic mfs.😕
I just wanna have my chance to dominate a guy and get fucked rough and deep. Man or Woman and everyone else under the rainbow too.
I know most pansexuals will say that they don't have a gender preference, but I'm slowly starting to see where my eye keeps getting drawn to the most. And I think it has something to do with the people I messed with already.
I still miss them and maybe I shouldn't overthink it.
But it is disturbing how I keep swiping right on white guys and girls or even mixed chicks that look like Jay either as their nonbinary stage with light brown curly hair Upton, or their pre-trans stage with long curly hair or straight hair. It's the big cat nose, the eyes, the Eyebrows, the glasses, and of course the jawline and the lips, and the strong lip Bridge, all with a soft face, chubby, and the soft white skin and ass.
It's not that many out there that remind me of them, but I've talked to a few smart asses, just like them, that was a pretty close call for me. Cause Jay was pretty. I just want to keep all the good qualities about them, and take out all the bad, the mental trauma, the abusive behavior, and just have a nicer, quiet, less selfish version of Jay who actually smiles and not mean and cranky all the time.
I did match with one who's name was Ryan. And he had the soft round face, light brown curly hair, and the nose, and the lips. I was so freaking close we just clicked right off the bat and had sexted each other on snap. We were so freaking horny and excited. He was really enamored with my boobs in my bikini pic so I sent him those and he kept sending me his luscious pink dick. I haven't had real dick in a longgggg time like not since 2020, it was my ex, and I gave him head.
I still like strap.on too. Don't get me wrong.
But anywho Ryan's Canadian kept saying he wanted to come to America once the border opened back up to take me out to dinner and I said yeaaa I would so be into.fucking you in the bathroom, cause I love public sex. And this was before we started. I made sure to ask are you really coming or is this an online setting thing?
He said no, I really wanna give you this white dick in your mouth.
So I was even more turned on. We kept going snapping pictures. He wanted ass and titty pics. And then he sends me stuff of his dick getting harder and harder which I liked. He said he was 7 in....holy fuck. Wayyyy bigger than my ex Terrell.
But then when I sent ooh I want it on my clit, he stops answering after his last message was oh you want me to rub your clit. And then he goes I came so hard.
He left, yall....while I was still masturbating to this Wigga wtffff?
I even sent a question mark ❓like hellooo selfish ass what about me????
I check back on my phone and the snap I sent was still on delivered and it was 2hrs ago...
I see he posted a story...
Rude ass, inconsiderate bitch.
So you know what, I checked to see when the Canadian border opens back up, it said August 8th.
Last message he got from me before I unfriended him on snap right after I saw red flag 1, ignoring me to post a cat video....#2 Canada border actually is open..
I said "Fine, I understand. I'll unadd you."
That's so.fucking selfish, I helped you cum, so help me finish idiot! That's exactly the shit I won't tolerate no more. Waiting on bitches to text me back when it's obvious they don't care, trying to be ms. Nice girl and give him 3 days....nooooooo
I ain't falling for that shit no more. I'm glad I unmatched his ass too right after.
Pissed me the fuck off, I started having flashbacks of when Jay and Terrell did that shit to me, ignoring texts and pushing me away, not giving a fuck about plans we both already agreed to. Blowing me off like I'm the idiot, I'm the sweet child that will always love them no matter how rude, impulsive, and impossibly disrespectful they were.
The 1st time I had phone sex with Jay, Jay cums and then I said what about me? Jay goes "just take a cold shower. I don't care if you cum"
I was so mortified at how cold, rude, selfish and disrespectful Jay was. Jay said the only person they care about Cumming is Ayunna. And this was wayyy earlier on before they actually did start caring if I came or not...but still that's shitty and poor etiquette.
Just like the real shitty version of Jay. That frugal McDooggle used me and lied to me.
He didn't give a fuck just like they didn't. It made me cry a little cause I was really looking forward to some dick with somebody that at least was chubby, white, and soft like Jay. And he had blue light eyes. I still like Jay's sandy brown eyes tho.
It just sucked....and yea you really shouldn't expect respect from an internet hoe like Ryan.
Kiss my ass Ryan, you'll never taste this ass and titties.
These H's are mine I tell you! Fuck yoooooouuuu.
I will admit, there was this girl by the name of KC, she doesn't seem as interested, but we talked on snap after matching on okc. She likes to read Stephen King books. So I asked her what are you reading now, cause I like smart girls like that. She said it's called The Stand. Talking about a virus that infects the world. It was nice to read that 1st chapter and connect with the character, Stu, who dealt with grief from his wife and mom who both had cancer. I started thinking about Grandma alot tho 😔 in not the most happy sense. The scene felt dark like as if more is to come.
I wonder did Stephen King lose somebody to cancer or was he feeling sick himself. It's got 56 chapters and I did say I would try reading it more. Thank God they had the 1st part of the book on Google preview.
I'm the type to dive in when I meet someone new. I like figuring them out. But so far, I noticed she hasn't texted me back with questions and stuff as much so she's really dry and probably still not sure what she wants rn...she said she's just going with the flow but I think it's a sign she's lonely but wants to see what's outside 1st before she leaves the safety of her world.
She works in retail too at a grocery store. So we connected a bit on that too. It's weird when I'm the more talkative one asking all the questions....thats not a good sign. Ppl who are interested in you, ask you stuff they wanna know too. And I did step back to give her chances to step in....so yea imma keep looking on tinder and okc.
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ryodan · 7 years
Since you actually believe you can argue using the manga let’s go back to
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Your words: uHh i doNt seE why anyone would shiP IT
me: invalid argument, it’s one of the most popular ships in history
i dont care who’s more popular dear you’ll notice I called sns an otp, what I keep telling you is to hold both characters to an EQUAL standard..which you clearly fucking don’t like,, what joke.
Anyways, last sns bash of the day, mutuals scroll past
A respectable woman is a woman who knows what she is fighting for, sakura is a respectable woman, a narrative pushed multiple times by the story but AGAIN selective reading. It was made by kishimoto? I am no fucking weeb i am a person fluent in Japanese and I don’t need no subtitles but if you’re so hellbent on it then go listen to it yourself in the anime, episode 109, 19:01. ‘koko ni ite’ Koko= here ni= a japanese particle indicating place or direction, itte= stay, be koko ni itte= be here, stay here. Kissanime has the most accurate translations of part 1, I can say that as a person who owns the triple viz volumes 19 20 21 and most the viz volumes and the panel you’re using is page 395...part of their earlier days where they made translating mistakes like the Ino vs Sakura chapters and the bad job they did to my favourite series Ranma 1/2 as back in the day Viz was smaller and still not held to the standard of accuracy they are held to today. She says IKANAIDE , Ikemasu = go, naide= don’t. Ikanaide = don’t go. But sure, you know better than me a person who’s studied Japanese since age 7 and in fact has Japanese friends and relatives living there. 
馬鹿は馬鹿だ.  仕方が無い
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You really want to go objectively?
Who’s the character praised for selfless love by canon standards?
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But you STILL don’t acknowledge both her and Naruto were doing the EXACT SAME THING. You calling her stupid but canon is here like knock knock 
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I can list 3 other instances but i’m on data so oops
AGAIN with your selective reading and bullshit logic. Yes he protected Naruto for OBVIOUS fucking reasons they were one of the strongest people FIGHTING A WORLD WAR, he protected Kakashi and Sakura too MULTIPLE TIMES I don’t care what kind of point you are trying to prove about sasuke but lmao ok ur such a fan. He was going to kill Naruto right afterwards do you realize what backwards logic you are using right now???? 
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 Had Sakura and kakashi fallen into the genjustu trap it would not have been a huge issue since the 2 people with the sage of six paths power and yin and yang release were what is needed to seal Kaguya. But even SO he saved them, and Naruto pointed out THAT HIS BODY MOVES ON IT’S OWN FOR THE PEOPLE HE CARES ABOUT. Sasuke was trying to come off heartless as he was immersing himself in darkness, this is nothing new to his character but you don’t know it do you
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But okay, sasuke protecting them multiple times, warning them, looking out for them STILL doesn’t matter for your bullshit preception 
I don’t fucking know what point you are trying to argue since you can’t type
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But it does not change the fact that sasuke had in fact made sure they were safe before saving Naruto so idk what point you getting at, you reaching for shit that is so far idk if you are getting it from your anus or uranus. The reasons for battle were stated THROUGH the manga in my post not some badly made sappy edit.
Sasuke attacked to attack he had shit to do with wanting to understand naruto, it was naruto who wanted to understand sasuke what the fuck are you ON
i did use their battles fucker? I also used CONTEXT something you can’t for the life of you understand. 1st battle THEY WERE ABOUT TO KILL EACH OTHER OVER PETTINESS AND GOADING. 2nd he almost BURNED his ass to a crisp for interfering, then fought for the mangekyo..feelings were involved because they are BEST FRIENDS ofc they would be but the reason he stopped was because as he said TWICE to HIMSELF and to naruto was that killing his helpless best friend to obtain power was too much of an Itachi like thing to do, stop reaching it’s PATHETIC admit the faults of your ship before attacking peoples views.
You really REALLY want to have this dick measuring competition of who sasuke cares about? He was willing to give up his revenge for BOTH because sasuke loves BOTH he is not a one dimensional shallow shit like you want him to be
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All sakura got was a soRRY!!! she NEVER realized he was WRONG 
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she HERSELF realizes the DEPTH of the situation and even tho heartbroken decides to kill him? but she could not because despite all she had hope for him?
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Sasuke and Sakura have BOTH attacked each other, she went on to fight him when he STABBED HER TEAM CAPTAIN because she realizes he is wrong..him fighting back is abusive? okay lmao sorry i forgot naruto is a shoujo about fairy princesses, ninjas don’t fight here. If anything I respect that when they met as fighters they MET as FIGHTERS. And these were not her last moments, they were flashbacks that caused her resolve to falter because she had hope for sasuke
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and sasukes last words would have been about him wanting to kill his brother, but he let it go because he would never let a comrade die in front of him, not after sharing memories together lmao reach further
cry me a river over the genjutsu scene that she woke up from the same way she wakes up from sleep, but remember this: while sasukes IMAGINARY hand went through her boob naruto got MUCH worse luck
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But it’s okay because he did not kill him when he was on the floor : ) despite having FULL intentions of doing so
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I take it back. Let the boy speak WITH CONTEXT.
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Nobody is trying to deny sasuke’s lonely ass seeing another lonely kid  reaching out made him feel relieved and happy, that is a GOOD aspect about sns, but there is a bitch ass trying to deny his feelings for all of team 7. ‘thats why’ ‘dakara’ in Japanese, you can’t move that stone.
I own the sasuke shinden novel that ended with him going back once sakura triggered a flashback, and where in the anime the scene he is thinking about naruto is actually him thinking about his ‘friends’ but you know what fucker? That novel, and sakuras shitty novel are NOT canon, they are not written by kishimoto. If you want to start considering this crap canon then you better consider this piece of garbage novel canon too. if you don’t, don’t try and argue with a filler novel. Canon sakura gave sasuke his space in 699 when he asked for it to come to terms with himself.
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You mean sakura blushing? The thing a sane fucker would consider she is embarressed to tell her kid about her intimate relations with her dad? If i asked my mom such a thing her arab ass would slap me, get familiar with it: some cultures are conservative. Kishimoto said seeing naruh*ina kiss made him embarrassed so what you getting at. Sakura: never seen ur dad wear glasses lmao but he aint around so im not sure. Naruto: lol yea he never wore em. 
You: out of context panel saying they are connected by fate
Do you REALLY want to play that card? This card makes your house of cards blow 50 shades of destroyed.
You mean how they were chosen by fate as brothers to end the cycle of hatred started by Indra, Ashura and Kaguyas ninshuu ignoring ass?
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CONTEXT motherfucker ever heard of it
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when kiba asked why he did not take him down and it was revealed why through slight dispositions, best thing about eidetic memories is that you dont forget this shit
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Sasuke felt the need to apologize to her and regain her as part of his life and you are discrediting the scene like it does not have 2 pages in the manga yet hold on to a blurry ass panel of him protecting naruto to save the world
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Anyways lets finish this bullshittery with showing ON PANEL who sasuke cares about
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What? Thought it’d be only Naruto? Lol no I love canon sasuke enough to acknowledge all of his bonds. I am a sinner, guilty as charged shit sasuke cares about more than one person how awful.
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Anways i’d LOVE to see your next reach, use better manga panels next time I like mentally stimulating things not sad scrapes of dead arguments 
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P.S your abuse jokes are STILL fucking bullshit
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never trust a str8 bitch
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pixelbatsy · 7 years
92 things!
yiKes im so late to this but i was tagged by @craighsiao, @kittenmusicals, @pbophelia, @zigisbisexual, and @mermaidwarriorqueen yall are so crazy i love yall thank u w all of my heart :’)))
1. Drink: water 2. Phone call: my mom 3. Text message: "dont watch princess bride” w a pic of it buffering from my friend lmao 4. Song you listened to: fetish by selena gomez my newest bop 5. Time you cried: an hour ago bc of my shit eyebrows that got Ruined!
6. Dated someone twice: lol
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: lol no
8. Been cheated on: LOL 9. Lost someone special: yes 10. Been depressed: hooyeah 11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: not yet djfakld
12. millennial pink lol 13. periwinkle 14. maroon
15. Made new friends: hooooo boy yeAH irl and on tumblr!! 16. Fallen out of love: specifically w thomas hunt sry bb 17. Laughed until you cried: me 24/7 18. Found out someone was talking about you: hajdhf yeah but she cried and apologized so we’re cool now 19. Met someone who changed you: omg yes so much 20. Found out who your friends are: yesyeysyes i luv them 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: who still uses fb
22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: none?? 23. Do you have any pets: an inside cat, 3 strays outside that we just feed and they just chill out here, and also some fish that are like 6 years old 24. Do you want to change your name: i wanna switch my first and middle name 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: i went on vacation in florida and new orleans with my best friends hfjakdhf 26. What time did you wake up: 12:30 my sleeping schedule is fucked 27. What were you doing at midnight last night: watching makeup vids lol 28. Name something you can’t wait for: TRR CHAPTER 15!!!!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mom: 30 mins ago idk 30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: my ability to talk to people bc my anxiety!! ahhaha!!!! 31. What are you listening to right now: FETISH BY SELENA GOMEZ A BOP!! 32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: no?? 33. Something that is getting on your nerves: my fukxign eyebrows that the lady messed up ughggjkhsd 34. Most visited Website: is this even a question lmao tumblr and youtube 35. Mole/s: ugh i have one on my stomach and it bothers the shit out of me but i have more in other places im just too lazy to look 36. Mark/s: do cat scratch scars count bc i got a lot of those 37. Childhood dream: my mom told me my 1st grade teacher asked what i wanted to be and i remembered the episode of curious george that i watched before leaving the house and said an ice cream girl in the park but either that or become ariel 38. Hair color: rly dark brown but in the sun it turns rly light like into like honey brown idek 39. Long or short hair: ive had both but long hair is such a chore so short bc i have like medium rn 40. Do you have a crush on someone: who needs that when ur already married to henry cavill but chris powell, drake, the prince, maxwell, dick grayson, jason todd... 41. What do you like about yourself: i DID like my eyebrows smh its ok theyll grow back 42. Piercings: lol i didnt even get my ears pierced so none 43. Blood type: who are u identity theft fuk off m8 44. Nickname: CATLYN, kk, kalina bc me and my friend have a 824 snap streak and its our #goals ship name 45. Relationship status: single married to henry cavill i even had to organize my own wedding for a project in floral design sophomore year 46. Zodiac: cancer im a crybaby ik 47. Pronouns: she/her 48. Favorite TV Show/s: pretty little liars, grimm, young justice, the big bang theory, two broke girls, sherlock, and family feud lmao 49. Tattoos: i want somethin smol but not yet 50. Right or left hand: i was gonna be a lefty but my daycare person literally treated me like shit and made me use my right hand so now im a righty and she got her ass fired :)) not like i remember anything tho lmao
51. Surgery: ortho surgery bc my mouth was too small and my teeth were so fucked up but braces gave me a glo up lol 52. Hair dyed in different color: omg no but i have these rly cool brown streaks on the side of my head and its also underneath my hair but its rly pretty ppl always ask me about it bc its like genetic idk its cool 53. Sport: i fucking live for watching football om Fg
55. Vacation: im guessing this is where ive been?? so uh hawaii, florida, mississippi, louisiana (and bish i been to shreveport, louisiana home of my boi jake mckenzie dshfjs), texas aka my home, las vegas, california, cozumel, jamaica, belize, and soon the bahamas!! 56. Pair of trainers: oh my god i have like 30+ pairs of shoes i love shoes!!
57. Eating: nothing rn i ate steak for dinner tho 58. Drinking: water! 59. I’m about to: start watching a youtube video 61. Waiting for: my bday party w my friends on wednesday (lowkey those choices chapters too i wish my bb chris powell could wish me happy bday :’)) 62. Want: a BIG FAT bank account 63. Get married: to a nice rich husband yuh finished the sentence
64. Career: im a senior in hs and i got accepted into my pharm tech class aaaah were gonna get to go to hospitals and and wear scrubs and shit im so excited i wanna be a pharmacist or like somewhere in the med field bc they make BANK and also they help ppl :’)) 65. Hugs or kisses: from my future bb kisses 66. Lips or eyes: eyes yus 67. Shorter or taller: im 5′5 so im smol and theyre tol 68. Older or younger: mmm i prefer older but only like a year younger if theyre worth it dhfgsk 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: this is so hard but arms bc abs arent a requirement but arms,,,, yes 71. Sensitive or loud: how am i both sensitive and loud (tru) 72. Hook up or relationship: lol relationship i want it all 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant but troublemaker when im feelin big mood
74. Kissed a stranger: uh kinda 75. Drank hard liquor: not yET LMAOOO 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: nope 77. Turned someone down: jkasjdf lowkey yeah 78. Sex in the first date: no omfg sfdhgj 79. Broken someone’s heart: wym 24/7 lmao jk no 80. Had your heart broken: by many fanfics lord lol 81. Been arrested: nonoono 82. Cried when someone died: im making animals count so yes 83. Fallen for a friend: almost but skrtskrr were still friends
84. Yourself: if i try really hard YUH 85. Miracles: 11:11 twice a day for extra good luck yuh 86. Love at first sight: lol no 87. Santa Claus: yeah until i was like 14 88. Kiss on the first date: YUH WHY NOT if theyre not shit 89. Angels: meh not really
90. Current best friend’s name: omg irl alina and caroline my bbs and online @evisms i rly love u,, so much 91. Eyecolor: brown 92. Favorite movie: the man from uncle that ive seen 7 times!!, wonder woman!!, ex machina, hidden figures, coraline, and moana
im not gonna tag anyone bc prolly the entire choices population has done this but hit it up if u wanna!!
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plush-virus · 7 years
The summer we met
(before you start reading. fair warning i have dyslexia and if you dont know what the means well go look it up bruh .-. anyway if you dont like how i spell things good for you 👍ur a dick OR if you do like what i write nice 😏it means a lot! anyway enjoy!) “….. mmmm mom 5 more minutes…”rose said in a tiered daze  “nope! get up 1st day of summer means 1st day of camp! now get ready you have 2 hours before you leave.. and you should already have your bag packed last night Missy” roses mom saids as she walks out of her room and went downstairs…. hai my name is rose if you didnt know by now, but this summer camp my mom was talking about…well its called “crystal falls summer camp” every kid that lives this small town goes or at least everyones om makes them go but they have to be 15 and older to go… and guess what… i just turd 15. ughh everyone who didnt go when they were 15 say all there friends that went arent the same as they were before they went and i agree because my older brother Eric as never been the same and hes like 3 years older then me… like he was always happy and smiling but.. now hes just sad and never smiles.. and every time i ask my mom she always saids “oh its just boy stuff leave him alone he’ll be fine” but now that you know alittle more about this camp that im going to lets get back to my story..  *knock*…. *knock* “rrrroossseee” a deep voice can be heard out my window, huh? i look around as i put a bra on and starts to put on a shirt “rose!” the deep voice gets louder ahh! i run over and open the window brad! what are you doing here?! you know im going to that camp for a week “oh shit yeah sorry i forgot” brad exclaims, hmm thats hat you get for smoking too much last night “umm you did to so idk what your talking about” brad saids as he lays down on my bed putting on his sunglasses so no one can see his pinkish eyes from smoking some more that morning “ugh i cant believe a wont have anyone to play call of duty with for a week or more” brad said adjusting his glasses as roses mom walks by to her and roses dads bedroom, haha oh yeah but i have faith you’ll find someone to and no i didnt smoke any last night but cleaned everything up after you passed out but what did you mean by more then a week “oh yeeaaahhh that remides me take this”  brad gives you a bag of weed “some people say this helps while your there i dont know how but just take it. umm okay? you put it in your bag where no one can find it. again why did you say “ a week or more”? “well since i “broke my arm” last year right around this camp i heard from some people there brothers and sisters my age that went had to stay a couple more week or up to the whole summer so i dont know how long youre gonna be there but i hope its gonna be only one week” brad saids. hmmm weird yeah hope its just  one week and thanks for the weed i guess ill use it when im in need “ wait wait!” brad saids quickly taking the small bag back and points to is “see if you get cought with this in the camp they will beat the shit out of you” brad saids giving it back to you, ummm lemme guess you heard this from a friend i say as i finish getting ready “hmmm yes i heard it from a friend but a good friend so i believe him and you should believe me”, okay okay fine i wont get it out until i really need to. “oh! hello brad i didnt hear you come it” roses mom saids surprised “o-oh hello mrs. copper sorry i let my self in ill leave in a min i just wanted to see rose before she left for camp” brad said as he pushed his glasses up his face getting off the bed, pfft let my self in my ass i mumble as i put my backpack on my back “shush!” brad said elbowing my in the arm “haha well you are always welcome in are house anytime brad” roses mom said as she smiles and walkes downstairs “shit your mom is hot rose” brad said in a fluttery daze, the fuck brad! i exclaim punching him in the shoulder “ haha hey im sorry! i was joking… maybe” brad said laughing, ugh weirdo i say as i role my eyes come on lets go wait outside “haha okay” brad said as both of you walk you walk outside and sit down on my pouch. damn i dont wanna go i say looking out at the road, “same tho im gonna miss you and please come back the same..” brad said getting all emotional, haha dude calm down ill come back and wip your ass at call of duty i say smiling at him “haha good” brad smiles leaning in for a hug, i hug him for a min when i hear a honk and doors opening. “oh good there here! rose lets go the bus is here” roses mom said as she comes out onto the frunt porch, i know mom i know i say putting my backpack on my back and my other bag on my shoulder “damn okay i guess this is it rose ill see you in a week.. promise just a week..” brad said in a sad but serious tone as he gets  up with you, hey hey dont worry brad ill be fine ill see you in a week i say putting my hands on his shoulders “good okay” brad said as he hugged me and whispered into my ear as he droped a pocket knife into the same pocket as the week and her phone. after a few seconds i nod and walk to the bus that saids “crystal falls camp boys bus” i step onto the and look down the two rows of seets full of boys, umm i should be on the girls bus “well the list said rose copper boys bus so your gonna be on this bus and even camping with a boy on this bus to” mr. busdrivier said as he closed the door and starts driving… to be contented( hey i hope you guys liked it i know it probs sucks but its my first story so bare with me plz thxs chapter 2 will be out soon) 
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