#im having fun she's romancing karlach :3
northern-passage · 1 year
Okay but what does your BG3 character look like?
Also, and maybe a little fun thing to think of, how would they fit in the world of The Northern Passage?
hahaha i've posted a little about her over on my other blog but here are some screenshots:
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and i drew her here :-) (warning for nudity lol)
her name is mercy (based on a very old dnd character i've had for years and also the original mercy and where the default name in tnp came from hehe) she's a disgraced monk that was street fighting in baldur's gate before getting kidnapped by the mindflayers.
as for how she would fit into the world of tnp... there's not an exact equivalent of a monk in the tnp world but there are spiritual followers for the gods that live in cloisters. if i had to pick one for her i'd say the stormbringer. she has a criminal background, she can be a little morally grey but she mostly tends towards being nice and helping people which i think would fit best with the stormbringer. maybe she'd be hanging out in blackwater when everyone passes through...
she's not very Monk-like except occasionally breaking out some deep monk wisdom which i imagine always catches everyone off guard lmfao
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zellkabellk · 1 year
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Some pictures of Qalaari in BG3... el wiwi, my angel, my babygirl, my little mewmew... Dragonborns have no rights looking this good in this game istg
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haemosexuality · 2 months
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lolth sworn bard im cooking up. her name's Yrriia and the only plans i have for her playthrough* are to be unhinged, evil, and awful to all the men
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Does anyone else over analyze the companions not just by their romance, but by what a life with them would really look like?
Not in context of the game, but just putting yourself in the fantasy of what a life with them would be.
Karlach for example, during the love test. If you say something like "ah she would love window shopping in the city" she gags. Shes a barbarian. She loves what she does. If you were her partner, even after the events of BG3 this woman would not be the settle down and go domestic type, nor should she be. (For the sake of this, I'm ignoring Avernus and Epiolgues it's just a fun character thing, so like assume her engine isn't a problem otherwise the only option is to fight in hell anyway)
But GALE! this man is already planning the wedding, he is housewife coded, he is cooking and cleaning and dreaming of dates with you out in the city. Surely he is also up for adventure, he says in Act 3 he has a taste for it now, and I think he'd honestly "make a home" out of *being with you* whether that is on the road cooking at camp or in his tower at Waterdeep. He's flexible.
Astarion (spawn) wants HIS freedom. Anyone who chooses Asty as a partner has to be willing to let him take the lead, and I firmly believe this. He's free for the first time, and now he's also free from all but the vampirism. It's hinted that pursuing a cure is likely his next step if Tav is with him, or that he'd follow on Tav's next adventure, (and like karlach im setting that hiccup aside for more personality based life choices instead of insurmountable hiccups) but I can see him eventually wanting to make choices like staying in fancy places, being in the upper cities, indulging. Insisting on stopping at the good taverns before going on adventures where "THIS TIME JUST FOR US, TAV. NOT SAVING THE WORLD FOR A GODS DAMN MINUTE" that's the vibe I get anyway
Wyll wants you by his side as Duke, so that could look like you settling into a life of nobility. Dances and functions, politics, schedules, meetings, large house. However he also could follow Karlach to Avernus, and he's always up for saving the world, so I feel like you guys COULD ditch at any moment to go do a Thing
Laezel... I don't know. I can't see her staying on Faerun. I think you'd have to follow her on her journey this time, and not the other way around. I haven't done her romance yet
Haven't done shadowhearts yet so I'll need ya'll to fill me in on your thoughts there too!
Halsin: nature. He can't do cities. If you are with him, visits to the city would be short together or you guys would spend time apart and then meet up later. He would be super chill with that. In fact, I feel like he'd support anything you choose to do and anywhere you choose to go and he'd just be thrilled to see you when you came back. He would not, however, change who or what he is to make himself fit into a life that doesn't suit him. He is too old for that stuff, he's got healthy boundaries, he knows what he likes and he's not ashamed to persue it. He is also polyamorous and if his heart stirs for another as it stirs for you which may or may not happen Tav would have to be prepared to recognize that polyamory goes both ways, but also he's a great communicator and would talk to you about it first and get your consent.
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nim-lock · 2 months
bg 3 pouting about Wyll's writing ( ˘︹˘ )
HfFHHFHFH so I was playing as Karlach and went illithid (and she's in a romance with Wyll)
and he was like ":(( im sorry you can't be with me because the people I'm trying to protect would try to kill you" and then "you can stay in a safe house and I'll make sure you're provided for" and I was like. I don't fucking think Karlach, who cares so much about her freedom, would like to stay hidden
and also like?? Wyll you were a warlock and you look like a fiend right now you should understand in at least some part how it feels to be ostracized for what you look like ??? fam can we just have "this is my wife, she wears this hood and levitates for fun"
+ Wyll's writing right after Ansur in which he's like Im gonna be blade of avernus like.... based on how you were raised reciting the values and thinking balduran and ansur were amazing, I'd expect him to start with going ?? about all this, and then maybe pace the blade of avernus thing at camp later
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 months
would you be comfortable sharing your bg3 ocs with us? i LOVE hearing and seeing other peoples ocs so much it inspires me to make them too
u always write reader personalities so amazing so ik ur ocs are just as good <3
WAH. YES. THANK U FOR ASKING. a lot of my ocs start out as fun self-inserts and then become... Something else. for bg3 in particular i normally play as my insert so they have the same face HEKJSDKJ. but they are ocs and they look diff in my brain i just dont care to change the face
oh my good GOD this is so long im so sorry. i guess this is my intro post for them now.thank u for asking me.. i love you... humbly presenting my little guys
CW FOR IMPLICATIONS OF INCEST (?) sort of in nyx's story. its complicated!! other than that just canon typical angst + drug use.
i have two main charas i consider more oc than insert. THE FIRST ONE IS MY BELOVED DARLING GIRLTHING SOULIKHA
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goes by soul in camp, mid/late twenties, she/they pronoun haver, true neutral alignment, istj + 5w4
motifs ; black oleander, darkness and shadow, bones but not blood / decay, teals and purples and blues.
close with marisol, lae'zel and wyll. thinks astarion is a little sad and gets annoyed at mystra trying to demand death of gale.
she is a cleric of kelemvor and sacrificial survivor of a myrkul death cult. she escaped nearly dying at the age of 7 bc kelemvor saved her from near death.
she is not from baldurs gate!! she is from the outskirts of omorath but after escaping she lives on the streets.
the second time kelemvor comes to get her (nearly died in an alley) she becomes a cleric and returns to the city. joins the tower of skulls in omorath and does most of her work taking care of the diseased and guiding people in the fugue plane.
a Doomguide and part of a doom clergy.
she is originally darker skinned / tan but turns grey using her powers. when she blushes she becomes her original color lol
she ends up closer to baldurs gate on pilgrimage. she meets marisol (lambs oc) her best friend there.
she is a cleric of kelemvor, the god or judge of death. she tends to wear like a plague doctor sort of uniform and is very attached to a necklace she has that she prays over!! in general she prefers to be covered because she normally is response for helping the diseased as well as the deceased.
always wearing gloves for the same reason ^ special gloves that she has with her even after the kidnapping on the ship.
her personality is very blunt 😭and straightforward but never mean. she is just super direct and a little clueless about social cues... VERY HONEST LOL.
her main story arc is around her parents! like i mentioned she is a cleric of kelemvor but she spent her childhood in a death cult. in act one she hears rumor of a tiefling couple who worshipped myrkul being seen kidnapped on the towers to moonrise. in act two, her major scene, you have the choice on whether or not to kill or rescue her parents.
soulikha as a character puts her duty as a cleric above all else, even herself. she never expresses her feelings, never complains, just does as she believes is of expected to her. it gives her identity. up until this point, it's very rare to see her break down. this is the first scene where she makes a decision for herself
she also believes part of her job is assuring the people suffering die with the dignity and honor they deserve. part of this is because of her upbringing.
she also believes admantly in people dying when they are supposed to. as a cleric of kelemvor with particular favor of her god, she can hear whispers and regrets of death. the shadowfell lands are hard on her.
her main romance partner is karlach
her main romance with karlach has to do with touch and intimacy.
soulikha normally has her face covered and her body so if she were an origin and romance companion chara they'd be surrounding them but in her story she is dating karlach
karlach is soulikhas first love. they are tragic to me. soulikha is constantly telling karlach it's not her time and they often talk about death. she has a line to karlach:
"i will be there. when your soul burns brightest in the fugue plane, i will lead you. till the end of your life and in mine. my hand will find you. you will know its me."
she is shorter than karlach a bit. their whole romance is soulikha saying over and over that she knows karlach is bound to die, and comforting her through that.
but after the actual end of the game, soulikha cries for the very first time and begs karlach to live. it's the first time she ever says the words "i want you to live.) very heartbreaking
their ending is opening. ultimately soulikha wants to stay with karlach. they promise each other to live. the ending varies depending on other stuff but YEAH.
her bad ending is letting herself become myrkuls new chosen so karlach can have her heart back. fucking AWFUL ending gkdjsd theyre so sad.
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this is nyx! no last name, he/him pronouns preferred, any fine. neutral evil allignment, late twenties. entp + 7w8
close with astarion + minthara. fond of jaehira. thinks wyll is fun and likes karlach. neutral to shadowheart and halsin.
nyx is not from baldurs gate either, explicitly from the city of calimshan, in manshaka. son of a common whore, born in a pleasure house.
tiefling with the blood graz'zt. this is relevant later. fdkjsdk.
learns music from the musicians in the pleasure house. naturally gifted. starts composing his own music at ten when one of this mothers regular customers gifts him a cli' lyre, enchanted with magic
has a complicated relationship with his mother. his mother is a prostitute but also very addicted to drugs. she wasn't motherly and often made advances on him when he grew up into puberty. his only family. when she was coming down the high, he would play her music to fall asleep.
practiced a lot on his own, other musicians taught him other instruments. very talented. most of his music and songs were about his one true love, roxana
roxana was another child of the house. they grew up together. she wasn't particularly talented but she was soft, kind, and beautiful. they both knew she would end up staying in the house, but nyx did try to protect her from customers when they were both underage.
roxana is full blooded human. she has a tattoo of roses down her spine that nyx dedicated one of his songs too and got matching trellis tattoos for. his most popular song.
his composition reached far and wide and he was offered many times to leave the pleasure house to perform. but he loved roxana and she often begged to say with him - so he never went. for her he'd do pretty much anything.
spent most of their lives together as lovers. first kiss at 13, lost their virginity to each other at 16/17, when they are in their early 20's nyx saves up to propose.
nyx is betrayed by roxana, though nyx by default does not care if Rrxana were to take lovers. 
because of nyx’s upbringing and roxana’s work, all nyx had ever asked Roxana for was to keep no secrets between them 
(growing up, roxana was naturally meek and often was in dangerous situations. Both because of this and because of his mothers commentary after she’d invited him for sex (“let’s keep this a secret between us,”). nyx had asked Roxana to never keep things from him, if she could.) 
roxana ultimately chooses another man over nyx, one she’d kept a secret. she’d told nyx that she couldn’t be with him anymore. That she wanted more from life, and that she would go with her new lover to see greater sights. 
“I loved her. Beautiful like a rosebed. I was a fool, of course. Only a fool forgets that the first rule to pick roses is dethorning them, lest they make you bleed.”
nyx sets off for college the same night. packs his belongings, says by to the pleasure house. his mother kisses on the cheek. he doesn't tell roxana about this
after that he commits to a life of debauchery at the college of swords. many flings and makes more music but never gets tied down despite peoples offers and efforts.
very charismatic in general and good at behaving in slimy and manipulative ways fhfksd. acts in self-interest.
very weak to soft and gentle women (hung up on his ex.... rip)
never ever mentions roxana by name even as an origin character. a lot of his story is about getting him to open up. he has a confrontation with his ex in act 3. his story is similar to astarion
in act one he hears rumor of a beautiful prostitute in the city who works the cities leaders and follows this. his main decision is meeting roxana again and deciding whether or not to forgive or save her
(you learn through the course of his story that roxana was never particularly good or honest to him, though it's not easy to figure out. the best ending to for him to save her but not take her back, the worst is dying for he)
his primary love interest is lae'zel !!
they have a silly and funny relationship at first. it starts as a sex thing but their tent is next to each other. lae'zel likes calling him a jester but loves his voice too.
he likes that she's very different from the women he dates. she's very harsh towards him but he also trusts she would never lie to him. he comforts her through the situation with vlaaktih and she in his story helps him realize that not everyone is out to betray him. he wants to love her and does.
he is SO affectionate towards her act three. she is constantly pissed she has romantic feelings for local emo clown
lae'zel having no propensity for manipulation and also being very honest is really refreshing for nyx. they have a minor age gap fdkfskjd
at the end of the story - nyx encourages lae'zel to travel and save their people. he makes a life for them in the city and writes hundreds of songs about her in her absence. they raise a gith child together
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andrewknightley · 7 months
OK SO I FINISHED BG3 thoughts and stuff under the cut (spoilers obvs) . Pals and mutuals that played feel free to comment it with me, and also wyll enjoyers pls do interact fkfkdk
SPOILER about the ending
-Ok so i was playing a good tav dwarf paladin romancing wyll, got my team of wyll/lae'zel/karlach, but lae'zel felt like the real main character of this story and honestly its what she deserves.
-got orpheus and turned him into a mind flayer sorry bro. and then the emperor gets angry and fights with the baddies. like gosh this guy sucks
-saved the day yadda yadda and lae'zel went away to guide her kind and LOOK SHE IS MY BEST FRIEND FOREVER i was so sad but i knew it was what she wanted but IT PAINS ME
-then gale leaves me to become a god, and then astarion gets attacked by the sun and runs away and im like wow this ending is such a downer everyone is leaving me
-Ok so i cried like a baby like. i fucked up i dont know what i did wrogn i cant believe karlach is gonna die im SOBBING
-But wyll is like "WE CAN LIVE ALL FIGHTING DEMONS IN HELL" and got the coolest shit ever of these 3 going on adventures like you dont know HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS ENDING!!! im so happy aaah TOT
-then there is the epilogue and it's the cutest thing i can hug shadow heart and halsin and karlach :_) tried with astarion but i dont know if its impossible or i had him too low (every companion loves me but he finds me acceptable fgoihdgfjiodgio) anyways i wanted to hug all my friends
-gale is a god and like good for him but im like ??? damn we dont see his mission or anything he does this all off screen?? i wanted to see his struggles and stuff idk i wanted to see the FEELINGS
-anyways idk if i got a bug or something but when i get to talk with people about what i am doing is just me and karlach and 0 mention of wyll idk why TOT let me talk about my romantic companion pls
-also i had like 2 options to talk with romanced wyll and way more conver with astarion wich again i didnt even have very high on his love for me (i do love him and my chara frienenemy status tho) but why only 2 options for wyll i wanna talk with him moreeee at the end
-he did blow me a kiss it was the cutest thing tho
-Again idk if i got a bug but i never get anyone commenting on my relationship with wyll and i know the companions gossip about karlach and probs other charas >-<
-i heard a friend who had to kill karlach to get to see her gale ending so i tried in another save to see what happened (it was awful btw) and that was the only way to get an extra scene of wyll telling me to go for mizora and having other people aknowledge him in the epilogue (just with jaheira it lets me say wyll, with astarion and shadow heart they gave me answer like "oh im with my lover" and such instead of by name)
-i am a big fan of wyll but not so much of wyll missions, like they are fun to play but gosh i wanted the cool FEELINGS moments like lae'zel, shadow heart, astarion and karlach had, i feel he is straight up a classic hero tale and i want to see this man overwhelming with feelings of all the stuff he suffered. also more stuff with the dad idk i couldnt even tell him im with his son that could had been cool
-gale also feels like ???? he didnt have a proper mission and was like off screen wich is a bit weird to me ??
-my fav chara is wyll and then second lae'zel who is perfect 0 notes on her 100% increible. Then Do Not Make Me Choose for the other origin companions i cant. I love them so much. I didn't like astarion at first and i was like "really this is the man all my friends and everyone is obsessed about??" but then act 3 arrived and i was like Ah. I Get It Now. I would say my less fav is gale but because i didnt bring him anywhere so next game im def paying him more attention.
-anyways i could have some notes but in general i fucking loved this game so much TOT
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thedragonagelesbian · 10 months
Cyrus and Wyll: 14, 5, 33
Cyrus and Halsin: 7, 12, 34
Cyrus and Karlach: 21, 26, 36
BG3 Cyrus and Meredith (redacted): 13, 10, 12
Ship asks :DDDDDD
14. How would they describe one another if asked?
Cyrus about Wyll: Wyll is... gods, where to even begin? He's handsome, silly, charming, joyful, poetic, but most of all he's good. The kind of good that makes you believe in good again.
Wyll about Cyrus: Cyrus is a bit like a blackberry bush: sure, there are brambles and thorns, and even the leaves will prick you, but there's a great deal of sweetness to be found if you've a steady hand.
5. What’s their love language like? Are they compatible with one another?
Cyrus shows love through acts of service and likes to be shown love through physical touch.
Wyll shows love through words of affirmation and likes to be shown love through quality time.
They're immensely compatible, Wyll's words of affirmation make Cyrus blush and Cyrus' acts of service make Wyll swoon, and whether its sparring or gardening or listening to Wyll compose, they love to just be near each other.
The one fault line is Cyrus' desire for physical (and sexual) touch. They both have their hesitations-- Wyll's idealized chaste fairytale romance and worry about Mizora impinging on his intimacy, Cyrus' anxiety about being that vulnerable with someone again, it makes a lot of sense for both of them that they don't sleep together until Act 3, but even for non-sexual intimacy, it takes some time & negotiation & exploration. Very regency-esque. The first time they hold hands????????? woag...
33. Who was the first to say ‘I love you’?
I'm not sure yet, I have to play through more of Wyll's romance first, though I'm leaning toward Wyll, since this version of Cyrus has a much harder time with those words (which is heartbreaking given how readily he otherwise says it).
7. What do they argue about?
They're both so non-confrontational & default to prioritizing the other's feelings, it's hard to imagine them arguing. Even dealing with Cyrus' martyr complex, I picture Halsin being much more patient about it (if no less firm) than, say, Anders (as far as exasperated cyrusXhealer ships go). I could see them arguing about having children that were theirs in a deeper sense than the communal care for the orphans in the epilogue, as something Halsin might want but Cyrus really wouldn't. And I think they 'argue' about whose fault it was that Halsin got kidnapped by Orin, insofar as they both blame themselves.
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
They'd say the same thing about each other: the impulse to minimize their pain.
34. Who is more stubborn?
Hmmmmm I'd say Cyrus but I think Halsin is uniquely well-equipped to manage that stubborness by triggering Cyrus' 'im not arguing with a thick hunk of an elf whatever you say beautiful' mode (especially when it comes to accepting care).
21. Who is better at games? Does the loser take it graciously?
For Cyrus, games are more a reason to hang out with people than something he actually cares about playing. For some games, especially those that involve gambling or deception, he'd much rather just be at the table watching his friends play & getting drunk & snuggling than actually participating.
I can see Karlach getting super competitive, and you're 80% sure she's exaggerating & playing it up for fun, but like... maybe she is really going to flip the table. At the same time, she handles losing better than Cyrus handles her losing. He roots for her very hard and (depending on how drunk he is) gets very sad on her behalf.
Also if they're on the same team for like a couples game or something, they get very loud and very excited together very fast.
26. Do any of them have bad habits that the other can’t stand?
Cyrus is much more on the fence about using the soul coins than Karlach is.
If Wyll reinitiates his pact with Mizora in Act 3, Karlach has a line to the effect of "you know, there's such a thing as being too good of a person. Someone should tell Wyll Ravengard." She feels similarly about Cyrus' worst sacrificial tendencies, especially when he's considering becoming a mindflayer at the end of the game.
36. How long have they been friends? Would they consider each other best friends?
Cyrus and Karlach kind of pass over becoming friends and skip right to wanting to jump each others' bones really bad. Especially because in my original playthrough, I ended up recruiting her super late (between defeating the goblin camp and the tiefling party), they hit the ground running with 'now i just need to find me a fire retardant lover' and 'i want to ride you until you see stars' and Cyrus giving himself third degree burns trying to hold her hand
Of course, in the absence of physical touch, they do develop a very close friendship leading up to Karlach's second round of engine repairs, but they'd name other party members as their besties (Shadowheart for Cyrus, Wyll for Karlach).
I was NOT expecting asks about this relationship, these took me out of left field & hurt a lot (<3)
13. What would they say each other’s best quality is?
Cyrus: her conviction
Meredith: his loyalty
10. How do they make up after a fight?
Cyrus apologies first; Meredith is always quick to forgive him, stressing how glad she is that he did the right thing so they can move past something that was probably her fault. If it's a big fight, she keeps avoiding him until she can be sure the apology will happen while she's seated in her court on her throne.
12. What would they say each other’s worst quality is?
Cyrus: her harshness
Meredith: she thinks he's perfect; even more inconvenient traits for the right hand of a tyrant, like his kindness, can be easily turned to her advantage
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gemstripe · 10 months
me, about 3 months ago: I know very little about how D&D works and ill probably not be able to play the ttrpg for a while (have interested parties but no dm volunteers) so lets give bg3 a try, and drag my partner ( @kvistwig ) along
me now: *has 3 tiefling and one wood elf characters (3 tavs, 1 durge)* I still know very little about d&d but i love these characters now
ramblings about tavs and game stuff below
I have learned some things and discovered i must have had some instinct regarding things because i had my wood elf a barbarian, and because shes my fuck around and find out character, she went the poly route (Before i knew wood elves typically are poly. so now her backstory is she was raised by a tiefling who found her, and not by other wood elves). I am still saddened that canonically tielfing tails are not prehensile. I loved the idea of them being steathy stealy with it or something. oh well. They can be in my head.
my tavs are (so far):
Drolta, Barbarian Wood Elf (romancing Astarion and Halsin) (she/her) (act 3)
Rynuka, Druid Tiefling (romancing Karlach) (they/them) (act 3)
Kurt, Monk Tiefling (he/him, he/they) (act 1)
Anvil, dark urge ranger tiefling (hey/they) (act 1)
Im also doing a karlach run on Twig's durge run. this game is so much fun and i havent even finished act 3 yet (im there in two playthroughs)
Also, the only reason Drolta is romancing astarion is i kept seeing everyone posting guides on how to do it and i went "fuck it, why not". She did Rynuka, I have honestly no idea what i did, but we successfully pulled off Romancing Karlach.
i may be lacking in race diversity, but i do try to go for different classes so i can learn them. Although Barbarian is very addicting.
im half tempted to make posts about everyone like ive seen others doing. it just looks fun.
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traceofexistence · 1 year
friends I can't stop thinking about this post
I tried to do it myself but Gale cockblocked it with his brooding 😒
so according to the post this is before getting Lae'zel who offers a cure, and I also assume before the grove and meeting dammon.
so best girl Karlach assumes that her heart is going to be fixed, and tadpole is not that big a deal she will find a healer and fix it in no time right?
so her first thought is how to fuck everyone and their mothers, who will consent of course.
"Then I'm horizontalling my way around Baldur's Gate, from halfling poet to goliath berserker, until the gods themselves step in."
this shows that she's been thirsty for so long, she wants and needs to have sex, 10 years of pend up sexual frustration.
she wants ALL, all shapes and sizes, all genders, she doesnt discriminate, she would fuck a goblin, she would fuck the ogre lady from the blighted village, she only mocked them because she knows she can do better LOL
she would fuck the hag if she didn't fear the consequences.
and then she proceeds to write(or think) self insert fic
sweet silver-tongued halfling perched on my lap - I'll have one hand up her skirt, she'll have one down my top, when there's a knock at the door.
he doesn't wait for my reply - it's…Logus…and all ten feet of him are back from the hunt. He steadies a brace of rabbits against the wall and sees us tangled up when - wait! No! Brain! This isn't the time…is it?
and this is proof that she so into poly, or 3-4-5somes, because this implies that the berserker joined them. this also implies the domestic life she wants, because this is not a random setting this is her house, and she has both a wife and a husband.
but then Karlach learned that her heart can not be fixed, and her dream to fuck all baldurians who will have her, is not something she can do anymore. so she grasps to the only tangible thing she can dream of, a romance with tav. and she wants to protect it, she wants it for herself alone, and noone else, because she knows her time is short and tav can have all the romance they want after she's gone, so when tav asks if Halsin can join (the only poly option the game allows) she says no, she firmly objects of even the thought of it.
in different circumstance tav would have been the halfling hottie, and halsin the berserker in her life's fanfic.
but now she's dying, so she doesnt want to share, neither her body, nor tav.
her dream of horizontalling has been far gone. death put her sex/romantic life in perspective very fast.
she grasps at the prospect of romancing tav with both arms and legs, and she's not willing to let go, because that's her only chance to live it.
I assume by her first lines, that her life before the hells was pretty much about having good sex with everyone who would want her, and no thought about the future.
so I think Karlach never got herself into a relationship before, because she just liked having fun, after a busy day, protecting Gortash's ass from some random thugs, her and Fytz would go back to their shared room and fuck until next morning, no strings attacked, just two besties having a good time.
same deal with everyone else close to her, and then partying picking up lovers 4 per night, big and small, she was enjoying equally railing others and getting railed herself to oblivion.
that was the life. but then hell happened.
when she gets to share a secret she never told anyone before, she tells tav that when down in Avernus and two years into being celibate she masturbated so hard she burned her tent.
(and that's why I think Karlach and Lae'zel would fuck instantly the moment Karlach would stop burning)
I also now want art of Karlach and Fytz fucking because im 99.999999% sure that has happened and it's canon LOL
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strangeauthor · 1 year
story-14 for sky and 3 general for alyrina !
Sky: Story
How does Tav react to the PC becoming a mind flayer?  Can they offer to become one themselves?  Does their reaction change if they’re romanced? 
They're devestated and decide to isolate themselves if not romance, and they would NEVER offer to become. But if they're romanced (this character is Wyll romanced) they'll feel less insecure. they'll have to eat brains but at least they still get to have their man dcbhjdfbhjfc
Alyrina: General
Does your Tav have any comments or advice when you recruit other companions?
Alyrina towards Shadowheart: Hmm that ball she has looks so much fun to play with! Course, she looks like she'll bite my hand if i touch it. But I'm sure she's nice!
Alyrina towards Astarion (before she finds out he's a vampire): Moms always told me to never befriend people who tried to kill you, but I'm sure now that we have that cleared up, we'll be good friends! Though he seems very pale. Is he eating well?
(after she finds out) Oooooh that explains it! Well, I'm sure he'll still be a friendly guy! There are friendly vampires, right?
Alyrina towards Karlach: I like her already! She isn't seeing anyone currently...is she? Oh, what am I saying. Still, maybe she wouldn't mind a walk in the underdark.
Alyrina towards Lae'zel: She looks like she hates everyone. Perfect! Now I can melt her heart with the power of friendship. Provided that she doesn't kill me in my sleep first.
Alyrina towards Wyll: Blades of the frontier...I've heard the stories from my mothers, but to see him up close...kind of wish I had more room in my books.
Alyrina towards Gale: Is it normal to come out of portals? I wouldn't know, I never really got out much. Is it a sorcerer thing? Can everyone do it? Can he teach me?
(note: im still in act one and i have not got to halsin or evil drow lady or everyone else and it will be a while cause i have no damn room on my computer f)
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covenscribe · 10 months
thoughts on the Larian IGN interview posted today (Dec.15.2023)
Interview is here
my thoughts under read more cut
-Personally think they shouldn't have added Karlach before they figured out her main story, hearing that there was never 'more' planned sucks because shes a great character and really should have been given more in game time to flourish
-Lae'zel is literally a child soldier I don't see toning her down in any sense as good
-I agree that Astarion's main motivating factor is fear I don't know why people are upset about this assessment tbh
-Okay the big issue is that the Evil Playthrough's lack of content is 'A consequence of your actions' . It is a video game, if you let people make a choice that you feel you need to punish them for then thats not fun. That's bad dming in dnd. I feel like Im being lectured for reading horror novels, some times I want evil storylines.
Instead of leaving it empty it should have been that more evil things fill in the void left by good being killed. Such as filling the city with more cultists, more missions seeing how the world is negatively affected by your choices other than just emptiness. Don't stop at having to kill kids at the grove for the evil run, keep the horror of evil snowballing until the world is burning.
If you're going to have an evil option go all out with the same effort you give the good options or it feels like half a game.
-I'm annoyed they didn't plan more for Halsin in act 3 other than to be there to be kidnapped and annoyed with the city. You have a whole character full of potential! And being the sole third option for poly romance being treated as a tacked on after thought feels bad.
-Shadowheart's original character pitch being a sharran jason bourne was a choice lol. I like how she is in game.
-I think its interesting that they noticed how it was unfair that some characters weren't getting as much love because of where they were placed on the map for recruitment. Like, y'all built that map...
I think it would have been better if the nautiloid section was a lot bigger and you end up recruiting all main companions on the ship, you can still have rescuing gale from a portal, astarion threatening you, wyll and karlach being about to fight when you have to get to the helm.
saying the potential to miss karlach added replay value i disagree with as it just adds frustration imo
-"Wyll: 'We Lost a Little Bit of Narrative Room"
You Sure Did, I love Wyll's story line but he gets so little screen time compared to other characters that it drives me up the wall. Also seeing how we went from the one black companion potentially being replaced by a white woman ( mizora ) in his original story line to being the only companion that can kill another companion doesn't feel good imo.
Tying character story lines together to make the world feel more connected is good but that was a miss
-The Emperor, like Astarion, being motivated by fear makes sense, but the emperor is more of a level headed manipulator and that's why he had a full underground empire of business deals.
-I love the irony that he devil is one who tells you the honest truth about the emperor.
-Saying "One of the basic questions of the game was whether you would become a monster if it would save the world." is interesting because with the companions it often feels like 'would you make yourself a monster to protect yourself' instead.
The ending is full of self sacrifice for multiple characters so I don't think its about becoming a monster, I think it's more about how people who are forced into awful situations will always come out changed.
-Raphael absolutely is a theater kid with too much power lol
-i disagree with the interviewer saying there was no real reward for not taking in more tadpoles the reward is less worms in your brain matter lmao
-imo they wouldnt have had to make minthara recruitable in a good playthrough for people to experience her storyline if they just put content in for the evil playthroughs so its just as fun and people will play it
I think that given unlimited time and resources, I'd want to make a new game at this point. I'm happy with Baldur's Gate 3.
"Baldur's Gate 4 confirmed. SV: What did I miss? AS: Apparently I just confirmed... No, I didn't."
dont tease me lol
-jaheria romance was planned and im sad we didnt get the gilf romance now
-apparently there is or was a special event that happens if you have stolen from a ton of people
Okay that was the full interview my main thought is
Stop pulling a bioware where you re-write a bunch of stuff that has already been worked on and you will have time for more of what you had planned and with less crunch.
That said I also know I'm an outsider and can't know everything they struggled with to make this game happen and genuinely wish them the best. I wouldn't bother critiquing the game if I didn't love it.
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prynnehesters · 6 months
new things that have happened on my 5th playthru of bg3:
auntie ethel gave me her hair to eat and ran away. i honestly might take her deal this playthru lol (her third act one)
i just avoided the zhentharim in act 1 and so lady jannith is just having an art show in her estate and oskar forges art for the zhentharim now (happy ending, no annoying quest line)
taking jaheira to sarevok yields new dialogue. i can't wait to play resist durge with jaheira and minsc
i love jaheira. my queen truly
i found a way to the mindflayer colony in moonrise towers before the final battle but it's like, the outskirts of it, which is still cool
i ended up doing battle w the absolute cultists in the mindflayer colony
we killed the rats in the shar area and didn't get astarion anything out of it but we're discovering the ritual shit in act 3
i love being an oathbreaker, it's so much fun.
also i found a head you can talk to (weird)
ok, so idk what the deal w mol is...but like, i think i may or may not have managed to get her out of a pact w raphael??? so previous game where i had her survive to act 3, she shows up w 2 perfectly good eyes, but for this one, she still had an eyepatch on. idk lol. i will probably make my way over the the house of hope (on tactician....ripppp)
idk man it's still super nuts that im on playthru #5 and im still finding new shit
also i found out shadowheart only has 2 romance scenes???? i thought she had 3???? gale, karlach, astarion, and lae'zel all have 3. wyll has 2 cuz he is very obviously sidelined (i love him but he very much feels intertwined with karlach hella and their stories do not feel satisfying w/o each other). minthara has 1 explicitly romantic/sexual scene and then like, a few conversations in act 2 and 3. and then halsin has....his scene😏. but like...shadowheart only having 2 scenes is so weird...like i thought she was the devs second favourite. wtf....(maybe that's lae'zel tbh). but like, 100% some origin companions feel more relevant than others and some feel more "complete" than others. im just kind of surprised that out of the 6 origin characters, only 4 of them have like, romantic camp interactions for all 3 acts. granted act 2 is a pretty stressful act for shadowheart granted the penultimate part of the act is her ultimate decision so it makes sense for her to not have time for romance during that act (but you have her reconciliation scene)
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xanfeursel · 10 months
heard you were bored so here are some questions :) (i realized halfway through that these are all durgetash because those little shits have taken over my mind) do you like leaning into the angst of durgetash or do you prefer the more lighthearted (aside from the atrocities) dynamic? if larian dropped a gortash romance, is there any icks that would absolutely ruin it for you?
or conversely, what would be the best thing they could add in a hypothetical gortash route?
what were your biggest inspirations for lophi and vyper? do you prefer one over the other or are they equal in your eyes?
(hopefully you won't have to answer these since you'll get out of work soon)
HELLO ANON. im sorry to tell you infact waited till i actually got home to answer these because i have!!! THOUGHTS and OPINIONS about the questions asked . thank you very much btw these are all really good questions ill have fun answering
FIRSTLY, it all depends on the kind of durge gortash is being paired w imo. with vyper i tend to lean more into These Two Are Fucking Insane while w/ lophi i lean more into the sort of melancholic 'angsty' side of durgetash that i think can be real yummy too. and it's all because of who vyper and lophi are as characters pre-tadpole, too. vyper liked being a loud insane freakus while lophi was a lot more reserved and kind of a miserable mess, and that informs their relationships w/ the characters around them. i think both are good and fun to explore and i definitely like exploring the more angsty side w vyper x gortash and vice versa w lophi x gortash, so. i guess both. really. LOL .
secondly, going to answer both of the gort romance related questions in one, but i think i'm probably in the unpopular opinion that gortash doesn't really neeeeeeeed a romance and i could go without it in game. i do think he deserves more content and screentime, but that's something i can say about orin also, and frankly a Lot of parts of act 3. me and act 3 have a toxic on/off again relationship. alright.
that being *said*, if i was mr larian and i was to implement a gortash romance, i'd have it be something exclusive to a durge/evil run. or at the very least, have it have consequences with your party (i.e karlach leaving or something. love gort but i do not think you should go off romancing him scott free).
i Do think having it be exclusive to a more evil-aligned run would help add more actual content to doing an evil run (and god knows we need some with how bg3 seems to like punishing people who just want to do the evil options They Gave You) and would make the most sense, but all in all i'd just hope it's handled better than the mizora sex scene cause god how that whole thing is handled still pisses me off. hopefully this all makes sense
tl;dr, its a fun idea but i can very easily go without it especially knowing how the game treated its one other antagonist romance option
now for the lophi and vyper question... i do obviously have my biases towards vyper /looks at my blog theme/, but i genuienlly cannot pick favourites with them besides that... i use them both to explore different aspects of the durge origin in different ways bc despite what some other people say i Do think you can be very flexible w durge as a concept despite the pre-established lore for them ^_^ and i think it's very fun to play around with.
as for specific inspirations, lophi takes a lot of insp from vintage pierrot art + has accidentally gotten a very 1920s makeup vibe in My Mind. i should also note her name comes from the scientific name for anglerfish, cuz thats what i had in mind when giving her those freaky sharp ass teeth i always draw her with
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and while of course, both of my durges are trans, lophi specifically was birthed from my want to make a dark urge that leans in as heavily as she possibly could in the whole trans allegory thing. so theres that as well!
vyper's specific inspos are harder for me to pinpoint cause he's much more of a 'made up as i went' character than lophi, given he was my First dark urge and i didnt really fully know what i was going into all this yet while making him (and also i was maybe a little bit high while doing so...lol) THAT SAID THOUGH, i did initially make him with akira fudo from devilman in mind. he has the horn style he does because it reminded me of devilman ... although the akira insp is very lose and barely effects his character now.. ~_~ despite bg3 being my main fixation atm devilman is still a very very important piece of media to me so vyper being loosely akira-pilled is not too surprising if you know me well enough lololol
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prynnehesters · 8 months
i finished my evil durge and im taking a break from bg3 to hopefully get a job/play other games
so like...i did redo the orin battle cuz it gave me failed durge where i didn't get bhaal's blessing and i became a failure and i was basically gonna go feral after my tadpole was removed so i just went "fuck it" and went to kill orin and got his blessing
tbh, having the slayer form made the game infinitely easier but the ending disappointed me
minthara's romance is not that exciting past the insane sex scene you get in act 1. you share some moments, but it's not as satisfying as the other two i fully did. you don't really get full on scenes. picking the origin companions is better. at least w halsin, he is poly and he doesn't feel tacked on in the end. and i did take him a few places. i should've stayed w lae'zel :((( i did get her second romance scene and that was nutso tbh
i ascended astarion and i kind of want to have a split thing in my next playthru bcuz i hear the sex scene is nuts (and you can kick him in the balls). nuts in like, halestorm lyrics lol
i also helped shadowheart w her shar stuff
and then we went to control the brain and i had like 3 summons and was able to clear the overwhelming area no problem and then deal w the brain
you get so many ways to redeem the dark urge and it's wild. like you can be awful and then get rid of your urge like nothing happened. or you can embrace it, then defy bhaal and kill yourself. you take over in bhaal's name. or you destroy the brain and then deal w bhaal, kill yourself, or sentence yourself to prison. you do not see any of the character's 6 months "where are they now". the best you get is a scene of you w orin's weapon making creepy noises and watching from afar, as you're just a monster who craves blood at this point
but like, i think the times you get to redeem durge is like, you don't kill anyone every time you are asked and just deal w orin as yourself (rip)
idk i might play resist durge in the future but im just gonna play my next lil playthru and have my goolock romance astarion and see how that goes lol
i also saw this list of romance from most explicit to most chaste and it made sense but i was kind of surprised by some. i think the order was minthara, halsin, karlach, gale, lae'zel, ascended astarion, shadowheart, astarion, and wyll. and i guess it makes sense if you take it bit by bit
minthara has her one crazy scene and then you just have a few campfire chats (and you only get the crazy scene if you're off the bat evil already and she's also under the influence of the tadpole so uh...)
halsin comes later and it's fun. imo not that crazy. but you get one. and also you can bring him w you to sleep w prostitutes
karlach you get 2 spicy scenes, but that comes after not being able to touch her. which is, well deserved
gale you get one nutso spicy scene (if you choose, it can be subdued if you want to), and then a lot of kisses
lae'zel i know you get her first fighting over who is the dom in the scenario and then you get the fight to the death but it gets tamer after that (which makes sense, as she does warm up to you). you also do have sexcapades with her
shadowheart i've heard it ends in a spicy scene (but like, wyll, wholesome spicy) and if you help her become a dark justiciar your romance kind of...ends
i know astarion starts off spicy with sexcapades and you letting him bite you during sex, but it kind of gets subdued over time bcuz he starts to trust you, until the end where i think you have freaky vampire sex if you let him ascend and less freaky vamp spawn sex if you don't (? dont quote me on that...). but tbh it makes sense w his history :(
and wyll...is wholesome and gentlemanly. he basically just gives you a few kisses and then sleeps w you at the end when he shows you around what he did when he was a kid in baldur's gate. also i've heard marrying him is cute too
idk man if this says anything, im a freak first and foremost lmaoooo (first playthru i slept w lae'zel, gale and the emperor and (almost) haarlep. second playthru i slept w karlach, halsin, the drow prostitutes, mizora (wyll disapproved), astarion briefly, and kissed wyll. evil durge just lae'zel and minthara (although surprisingly...gale tried...again. my second playthru after the druid/tiefling party everyone wanted me except astarion wyll and halsin lmaooo...although i got wyll's second romance scene in act 2 so...)
im too naughty for this lmaoo
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