#im just gonna read through all my asmo cards now
gifti3 · 6 months
I slept on it and i still dont get it
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creativeartgal · 1 year
Ok so Im just going to rant for a bit. Sorry if it not coherent.
Yo devs what the hell!!! Why didn't you give Asmo a bday event. If your going to stop doing events then couldn't you have waited till Lucifer's bday? Dude ain't even my favorite but I'm still annoyed at this shit. Also I really don't like that the URs are going to be in nightmare now. I loved that Obey me did full events for characters bithdays. It was nice to read through the events even when it wasn't my favorite character. I thought that they were really cute. The only other time a game I played had that was when Mystic Messenger did it for Zen and it was more just an April Fool's event that was also his bday. Idk. Just sucks dude. I mean if you were going to stop doing events then finish all the bdays first. It just seems like incomplete that the other brothers having 3 bday events while Asmo will only have 2. Granted same would be the case for the side characters also but I mean the bros are the main focus so whatever still sucks for them too. Also something I didn't notice till I saw on Twitter there's no ssr for Asmo. I'm hoping it will come later like what they did for his ssr in the past event but I'm not optimistic about it.
Going back to the cards I really don't like it being a gatcha thing. I liked that it was possible to get a ur relatively easy (for me at least) if I just made sure to save up for it before hand. For a while that was how I got most of my URs when I first started. Like I already got to deal with that in twist for their bdays. And I have the worst gatcha luck in twist the last time I got an ssr was because I summoned 100x in the normal gatcha. Granted I have better luck when it comes to obey me but that's not the point. Honestly I'm not really sure if I wanna try to get Asmos card or if I should just hold on to my DV for when it's Mammon bday since it's most likely how all bday will go so far. (Sorry I am a simp for that man)
Also what the hell is with the yoga ball in the wanderer whereabouts? I thought that it would cost karma. Probably a little more than normal. But you have to pay money for it!? Dude I haven't even gotten any of the items using karma and now you gonna ask for actual money for this thing? Idk ever since nb came out I feel like the devs have been more money hungry. Like you can only get 10 DV with ravens, you actually need multiple versions of a card to fully level it up and more to raise the level even more and over really seems like they want f2p players like me to spend money. I wish I could say that it would make stop playing but I really enjoy the main story and want to see where the story goes so I will still be playing so I guess will still have to put up with this. Hell I'm probably going to forget about it after posting this cause at the end of the day it's a company. They are going to do whatever they want that they think will give them more money. Sure we can bitch and moan all we want but they probably aren't going to do anything about it.
So yeah sorry for the long rant just needed to get this out.
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mageofseven · 4 years
Back again with the request of the brothers and undateables reaction to MC drunk texting them that they love, Love them ❤️
Oh thank you so much for resending this! I'm sorry about the mishap before. I hope you'll enjoy these~ Since you didn't specify, these are written from the perspective that MC and the boys are in a relationship when they text the boys.
Also, I decided to split these up into two posts so this one will only have the Brothers in it, but I will put up a post for the Undateables real soon!
The man sighed at his desk, signing what felt like the thousandth paper that night. It was only 1am so the night was still young; he knew he'd be at this till morning only to have to go through his duties tomorrow without rest. It was not unusual for him, but the oldest brother was still feeling a bit burnt out.
He paused for a moment before setting his pen down and picking up his phone from the corner of the desk.
'Daaaddy. Mammnk dispered'
Ignoring the name they gave him, the man just stared down at the text. He gave another big sigh.
'MC, where are you?'
'I djnno. I went tk a party with Mammm and Asmo and thyy jsyt went poooff.'
God, his brothers were idiots. What if something happens to MC while they're off doing whatever?
'I'll track your phone then. I'll be there soon'
'Nuuu. I jsut wanna get my phone bacc from Mamsmm'
Oh dear Diavolo...
'Love, you're texting me off your phone.'
'Ooo. Yur rite!'
'I am coming to get you now.'
'Okaaaa bye Daddynm. Love yuo.'
The man rolled his eyes, but smile slightly down at the screen. What was he going to with his Love?
Shit! Where'd they go?! He took MC with him to the casino to help distract the other gamblers as he played cards-- hey don't judge!! He promised to buy them a few drinks afterwards. So there they were, sittin' and drink together when this guy he owes money to starts running up and yelling at him! Of course Mammon had to bail! He told MC to run with him but at one point he turned around and the human wasn't there! He's been rushing around and searching for them for the last twenty minutes. Where did they go??
Bing. His phone went off. The moron facepalmed. He has his phone! He should have been calling them or something.
'Baaaabbby. Im loneyl.'
'Oi! Where'd you go? I told you to follow me!'
'But I waz tlkin to thhe fnny man! He evn boght more deinks.'
Shit. They're still back at the bar. But with him of all people??
'Babe, why ya drinking with that jerk??'
'Im not. Hss wife cam e adn got him.'
Wife? Oh thank Diavolo, Belinda came through for him!
'Stay put, got that? I'm heading back now.'
'Kk I love yuo babbny 😘'
Mammon blushed as he read that last message.
'Ya, ya, just stay put, human.'
Okay so Levi himself is not really a drinker in most circumstances. He pretty much sees it as another thing normies do and use as an excuse to spend time with other normies. Like, why would he care about something so stupid anyway?
Still, that doesn't mean there aren't exceptions to that kind of thing. Like the new bottle he won from a contest run by the creators of the anime I Partied So Hard That I Ripped Opened The Frabric of Reality And Was Met By My Future Wife Who Is Secretly A Cat Girl From Venus! I mean, it's seriously cool! It's the same brand of Venustian wine that Nyanitia loves in the anime!
Levi was so excited when it arrived that he practically begged MC to come to his room to drink it with him as he played his new video game from Akuzon. Honestly it didn't end up like he thought it would though. The wine barely did anything to him at all. I mean, yeah, the third brother didn't have a lot of experience with alcohol but he thought he would at least feel a little different than normal. Eh, whatever. The effect is kinda lame but it's still from the anime! If it's good enough for Nyanitia then it's good enough for him.
The demon shrugged it off and got absorbed in his video game to the point where he even stopped talking to MC, which wasn't unusual. After dying a couple times, he threw his controller down.
"Uggghh, can you believe that MC--"
The boy just noticed that he was alone. Oh... was he really that boring to hangout with? The Avatar of Envy started mumbling a lot of insults to himself as he picked up the bottle.
"Was my gaming that bad? Or was it the wine?" He mused sadly. "No, I bet it was the wine. It barely did anything to me so I doubt it effected them either...."
He starts reading the label on the back, skimming till he reads a section on alcohol level. Level for demons: mild.
"That explains it..." He grumbled, continuing to read in his head.
Level for Angels: low medium. Level for Humans: HIGH. WARNING. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF HUMANS.
Oh...oh no. What's gonna happen to his Henry?? Are they gonna die?? Is Lucifer gonna kill him??? GAH! Where did they go--
Beep. His phone!
'Leeevvvvvi. I fels wooozy.'
Panicking, the boy typed back.
'Where are you??? Are you dying???'
'Nuuuu. I'm jsyt wwwoooosh.'
Gah! What does that even mean?? Before the demon could respond, he got another message.
'Leeeevvvvi chan I lvoe you~.'
The boy's face and ears blazed red. I mean, yeah, it's not the first time he's heard/read them say that but still! Now isn't the time for this!
Another message.
'Sweeeeetue. Coem love me 😢'
The demon let out a panicked yell and charged out his door. His foot collided with something and he heard a whine.
"Sweeeeetie why?" MC laid on the floor of the hallway, pouting and looking more hurt emotionally than physically.
Still panicking, Levi picked up the human and brought them back into his room. He laid them in his bathtub and start researching the affects of Venustian wine on humans.
Boy nearly collapsed from relief and exhaustion when he found out they only had a sip and shouldn't have any health issues from it.
Ends up apologizing a million times over and becomes extra protective of them for the next couple weeks and is paranoid about every food and drink placed in front of them.
It was an average evening for him. He was in his room, reading in bed as he waited for MC to come home. Asmo managed to convince them to go to a party with him. Satan didn't really want them to go tonight, but he saw their eyes light up with just the idea of it and the blonde couldn't bring himself to say a thing. Like him, MC didn't really have any experience with parties prior to this, but unlike him, they had a great interest in them. How could he ask them not to go if this was an experience they had wanted for a long time?
The man laid his book down next to him and reached for his phone that he laid on the closest stack of books.
'Satn, peple are sk mean 😥'
The demon launched into a sitting position.
'Who needs to die?' He texted back, protective instincts springing up inside himself for them.
'Nno. Teh people here just amke me feel so lft out.'
He sighed. MC was too sensitive for that kind of environment.
'Kitten, tell Asmo to take you home now.' Satan texted before adding 'Tell him I said so.'
'Btu hes tlkin to a succubus'
'I don't care. Tell him what I said.'
'Okaa 😔'
The demon waited a few minutes, but didn't get a new message.
'Kitten?' He texted them.
Minutes when by. Nothing. The blonde got out of bed and started pacing. When that didn't help, he started to transform from the anger at his brother. He decided to text Asmo.
'Bring them home now or so help me, you will face a different type of hell when you get back.'
No reply from his brother either. The Avatar of Wrath was ready to start breaking shit.
Ding. He quickly checked his phone. It was MC.
'Bb I love you.'
The blonde stopped in his tracks. Why--after over 20 minutes of waiting-- was that their only response?
The demon reached out for his door knob, ready to go out and hunt for them, when his door swung open, revealing his brother, who was holding up an intoxicated MC.
"Ugh, you ruined my night!" The fifth brother complained.
Satan, still in his demon form, was ready to deck the other man at best and at worst, who knows. He didn't get the chance to find out because instead, MC tumbled forward and into his arms.
"Satan," They whined. "I wanna.... I wanna lay down."
The blonde took a deep breath before looking to his brother.
"Just leave. Now." He slammed the door closed on the other demon before laying MC down in bed and joining them. He pulled the blanket over them both and held his Kitten close to his chest.
"I should have...stayed home." They mumbled.
He kissed their forehead.
"It's fine. You're fine now, Kitten."
After a long, but fun night at The Fall, the Avatar of Lust had his fill was ready to get his beauty sleep. Sadly, he had lost track of his Doll. Oh dear, where could they be? Despite being so late, there were still plenty of people out and he was having trouble tracking them down.
Beep. The demon checked his phone.
'Azzy, I lvoe you🥰'
Asmo giggled, texting back.
'Aww! I love you too! Now where did you run off to? I miss my Dolly~.'
'By eth bahroons'
The man headed off that way and found MC on the floor in the hallway that led to the bathroom.
"Well, what are you doing down there?" He teased.
MC started giggling.
"I fell."
Seeing that they weren't hurt, the demon simply bent over and helped them up. The human instantly leaned against him and hugged him close.
"I love you, Azzy." They told him, closing their eyes as they enjoy the embrace and pressing their cheek against his.
Asmo let out a small laugh then pulled back just enough to kiss his Doll on their cheek.
"Oh you're just too adorable, you know that?" He told them before leading them to the front of the building. "Now let's go home, okay?"
Beel woke up for a midnight snack and headed to the kitchen. It was a quick in and out thing, not wanting to be caught by his brothers. He grabbed a whole cabinet full of snacks and carried them back to his room.
Ding. His phone went off and as he opened the door to his room.
The demon laid his snacks on his bed and got in before grabbing his phone off the nightstand.
'Beeesly, I love oyu~'
The redhead smiled happily. It was MC.
'I love you too. When are you coming home?'
No response. The demon simply opened up a bag of chips and started eating. It's fine; he can be patient.
Instead of getting a response however, he was greeted by his Muffin at door.
"I'm baaack~." The human giggled, stumbling just slightly as they walked up to the bed and flopped down before snuggling up to the big demon.
Beel kissed the top of their head, smiling at them.
"Did you have fun with Solomon, Muffin?"
"Mhmm." They said, closing their eyes and stretching out their legs, causing some of the snacks to fall to the floor. He didn't mind.
"That's good." He sat the chip bag on the stand so he could use both hands to hold them close.
The two of them laid there, cuddled up together. The big demon stroked their hair till they heard the human's breath slow and were asleep.
"G'night, Muffin." He whispered. "Dream sweetly."
It was the middle of the night and Belphie was asleep. That might sound normal for the Avatar of Sloth to you, but in actuality, this was unusual for him. The sleepy boy slept so much during the day that he was usually awake starting from whenever he woke up from his after-dinner nap up until around 4 or 5 am.
Tonight, however, Belphie really wasn't feeling it. Ya know, the whole 'awake' thing. He didn't feel like being conscious. The same reason he didn't wanna be awake was the same reason why he wasn't sleeping very deeply either.; MC wasn't there with him.
That scum Mammon took them out somewhere and they didn't even tell him. He had to hear it from Beel. The 7th brother has been grumpy since then and didn't wanna do anything so he hid away in his attic and fell asleep.
Bing. Bing. Bing.
The demon let out a frustrated sigh. That was the 9th text he got in the last two minutes. He picked up his phone from the other side of the bed and begrudgingly read his messages.
'Mr Moomooo man pay atttention ot me 😢'
"Mr. Moomoo man?" Belphie said out loud, scowling down at the screen. If he wasn't mad at MC, he would have cracked a smile.
'What's wrong with you?' He texted.
'Mammmn lfet me all alone 😔'
Belphie eyes went wide.
'What happened?'
'Mammo owes mnoey to this big Moloc guy and eh chased Maaamkn away.'
Ugh. Mammon's a dumbass.
'Where are you?'
'I dunno. He lefy me on a bench. Teh park?'
'The one by the school?'
The demon let out another big sigh.
'I'll be there soon. Don't move.'
A couple seconds later, they sent another text.
'I love yuo, bb. Im srry 😔'
Belphie frowned. His anger at them was dissipating.
'Yeah, I love you too, butthead. Now stay there.'
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dangan-castle · 3 years
Surprise appearance
mammon x femsinger!reader
IT WAS MY BDAY YESTERDAY YAYAYAY and i was supposed to post this yesterday but i got home late so I didn’t have time to make this but im gonna attempt to post it today
mod celeste~
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“Ya can do it!” Your boyfriend mammon says before you go out on stage “thank you, luv you!” You say as you were going out on stage. It has always been your dream to perform infront of a thousand people. as you come out to the stage you see flashing lights and smiling people ready to see your talent it all made you so happy to see the people who had been with you throughout the years of training this moment was it the one that you dreamed of since you we’re a kid. You start to sing your first song and you start to hear people singing the song with you. People waved they’re hands in the air and danced to the song it was the most beautiful thing you have ever accomplished in life. Meanwhile backstage one thing you didn’t know was going to make this day even better your boyfriend “ the great mammon” was planning a surprise for you since this day was also your birthday he was hesitant to do this surprise at first bc he thought that it would ruin your moment but after some thinking he decided that he would do it so here he is now preparing everything now with the help of his brothers. After you finished your 3rd song you we’re going to say some words abt the next song “the next song is dedicated to someone who has helped me through my hard times and has been there for me when i was not feeling well they are the most wonderful person to me. This song is dedicated to Mammon the avatar of greed” you say before you notice the song change and then you notice mammon’s brothers come out on stage. They each give you a rose and each one of them has a card on it. “Through my thought times you we’re there for me” you read the card from lucifer’s rose “when i was in trouble you always helped me” you read from levi’s card on the rose “at first i was confused on why you helped me and cared abt me” you read from satan’s card on the rose “but now i understand your the most wonderful and beautiful person i have ever met.no has ever cared abt me this much” your read the card from asmo’s rose “now i just wanna say thank you for everything” you read beelz card “and I love you and im never gonna stop loving you” you read the card on belphegor’s card on the rose and now you see your boyfriend mammon coming out on stage holding a mic he was also holding a bouquet of flowers on this other hand and when he reached you he gave your the flowers and started singing with his brother’s (they we’re singing ”make you mine”) and at the end of the song he said “happy birthday my treasure” You we’re tearing up from happiness he pulls you in for a hug everyone was screaming ”AAAA YOUR SO LUCKYYY” after all that you finished all your songs with mammon and his brother’s.
the end~
hope you enjoyed it i kinda teared up a bit while writing this lol so yeh i hope you have a great day and thank you for reading this
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