#im just rotating him in my brain like a microwave again.
dailyoyo · 2 months
contrary to popular belief yoyo is not generally a no thuoghts head empty kind of guy. thats jast what he wants you to think. in actuality he is thinking 999999 thoughts all the time and his decisions are very calculated. Unfortunately, everything he concludes is wrong.
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qualityrain · 1 year
i feel like at this point in the entire honky story in the entire one (1) arc and 1/3 parts of a chapter the entire screentime owl has and 60% of it is just him crying being a wet sopping piece of cardboard and it would be ok if it amounted to anything but it’s like hes just a punching bag that serves to introduce useless concepts that never get used well. and its like,,,,mhy literally finds a way to bring this guy back from the dead and completely disregard everything from his established backstory and make it another shit arc like mhy can u just let this guy die and forget abt him so my attachment to him can fade and the owl brainworms can finally lose their hold on my brain its been two years i want rest
#liking a side honky character is like going yas girl give us nothing!!#and i eat it right up like can i get some standards#oh to be those girlies who can think abt an entire elaborate backstory for the side character because theres nothing in my brain#there’s nothing so i dont think of anything its just me my brain and rotating this guy in my head like a microwave for two fucking years#i have bad taste ik#im honestlt rllt tired of just watchinf owl just suffer and cry like girl i am so sick of it#and its like hes trying to do things its just urghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh#it never works out his brain is always fucked somewhere like#mhy dont bring owl back unless he has gone through intense therapy for 5 years#rhis includes fake owl and tianwu like#god.i hate it here.#i think his reaction and feelings r believable its just. The things he does never amount to anything#and its like. he coukd try in other ways mhy just doesnt let him and its so#can mhy stip trying to make him the emotional core like god mhy#did u not get the memo for coral arc nobody likes thatvfucking birch its just me#if ur gonna bring back owl as a fake honkai creature like…..#do smth w it……..#and not just. kill him off again.#like what is it fORRRRR#i say rhis but i probablt have to read the entire chapter or arc ro get it but just.#i dont like the way mhyvtreats my blorbo!!!!!#just let him fucking die dude im#im not asking for like a whole arc ant him or anything just stop.#at most just 4 pixels in another characters arc or smrh not a whole story thing againnn#heres me complaining abt honky for the 8838383883th time
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borom1r · 1 month
WAILING @theshakespearetrash sent me 2 ask memes for Boromir asks (who is very much Not my OC skfhshfjjs but I will Always do character analysis I love character analysis so much. rotating him so fast in my brain. microwaving him on high)
+ not to be a kinnie on main (voice of a man who is always a kinnie on main) but I will be answering these all w/ a sort of Boromir-lives scenario in mind -w-
anyways ask meme 1 + ask meme 2
1. What memory would your OC rather just forget?
ok I feel like it’s the cop-out answer to say “his fall to the ring” but I feel like Boromir is the sort of person to.. not like stew on things but very much takes the stance of “good or bad, all my choices got me to the current moment and made me who I am.” + I feel like there’s so much tangled up in his fall completely beyond his control where that’s the only memory that he’d like. actively want to erase from his mind
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
HM. good with kids. I think unless you’d seen him with Faramir/his cousins when they were younger you wouldn’t guess (he’s a soldier and a very plain man when he’s not putting on a show for his father), but he’s just genuinely great with kids
3. What is your OC's fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
loves too much + quick to lose hope. painfully aware of this
4. When scared, does your OC fight, flee, freeze or fawn?
fight response. 100% the kind of man who gets kicked out of a haunted house for punching a scareactor even though he knew a scare was coming. Faramir and Aragorn have both almost gotten throttled bc they unintentionally snuck up on him
5. How far is your OC willing to go to get what they want?
OOO. When He Is Of Sound Mind, not actually very far. he was raised with the knowledge he would be giving his life to Gondor, whether he died in battle or sat on the throne as steward. add to that the act he puts on for Denethor, everything he does to protect Faramir— he’s a man born to serve. his own wants come last
6. How easily could your OC be convinced to do something that goes against their moral compass?
it would take. a DESPERATELY long time and an almost complete degradation of his mental state. Boromir arrives in Rivendell in October 3018, and the very next day is the Council, at which point he sees the ring and is IMMEDIATELY influenced by it. yet he doesn’t fully fall to it until the end of February 3019. he’d been fighting its pull for almost four whole months by the time he does anything malicious. resisting the One Ring for FOUR MONTHS. <- reasons why if I see someone call Boromir weak for falling to it I will see red.
7. What's one way your OC has changed since you first came up with them?
teehee obviously again Boromir is not my OC so I will take this as an excuse to Be A Kinnie + say, I do remember Boromir being returned to us sometime after my coronation. so that’s one way my memories differ from canon, which is sort of an answer to this prompt snfjsjfj
8. Would your OC ostensibly be able to get away with murder?
OH YEAH. I mean yeah if we’re talking like actual criminal murder and not just Slaying People On A Battlefield like. yeah 100% he would IF he was within Minas Tirith. you know Denethor would do everything in his power to cover that up lmfao
9. Do you have a specific lyric or quote which you associate with your OC?
anyways “have you ever seen a man so strong have you ever seen a man so great when he fights time stands still and everything seems so unreal but deep inside of him this man is torn” what if I bit things about this song
+ also listening to Magnolia and Shock Me by Baroness with Aragorn/Boromir in mind makes me ill. im Unwell.
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
HMMMMM The Frankenstein Chronicles gave me brain worms so I might write a Frankenstein-inspired thing at some point. sth sth consequences of divine resurrection
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Boromir uses a hand-and-a-half arming sword (meaning it’s balanced for single or double-handed use, with a crossguard). it’s a really elegant sword, very simple and utilitarian. speaks to an adaptable combat style as well. but, interestingly? Boromir carries a Rohirric shield, and if you notice Rohirric swords don’t actually HAVE crossguards the way Gondorian blades do. this tracks, and was common with Roman and early Germanic swords— BECAUSE these cultures were Also relying on shields for blocking.
and an additional note, Faramir’s sword is single-handed. so we’ve got a ranger who prefers the use of a bow and hasn’t experimented much with his sword combat, and his brother who prefers a sword and carries a very versatile blade with 1) a Rohirric shield and 2) a ranger’s vambraces designed to protect his arms from a (nonexistent) bowstring. I just find Boromir’s mix of protective gear so interesting, esp if you consider he and Théodred as at LEAST friends. like Boromir carries so much of the people he cares for with him into strange lands even when he (arguably) has little need for such gear
12. Is your OC self-destructive? In what ways?
yes and no. I think, not consciously? but he absolutely values himself lower than the people he cares for. he goes to Rivendell to keep Faramir out of danger, he takes multiple arrows to the chest and keeps fighting to defend Merry and Pippin. I think if there’s a risk of someone he loves getting hurt, all self-preservation goes out the window
13. If you met your OC, would the two of you get along?
oh I would be staring at him like a predatory animal and trying to psychically convince him to lay on me in full armor
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
HGH. ok I don’t think he necessarily. does?? and this is generally a Silly Little Headcanon bc of a comment a Most Beloved Friend made abt how everyone gets their autism from their dad (real+true) + now in my head “haha Faramir got his autism from Boromir instead” BUT. like genuinely I don’t think Boromir has an actual image of himself in his head or like processes that ppl perceive him, necessarily. and particularly when his father is holding him up as this aspirational figurehead for Gondor, like… I think he’s just himself, in his head. idk how to describe it well for the neurotypical ppl in the room snfskfjs sorry. like I don’t process myself as having Traits so ppl tell me they think I’m cool or funny or they enjoy being around me and it’s always like “!!! oh!” + I think Boromir is the same way. I think Faramir could describe Boromir to him + Boromir would just be like. “huh.”
15. Does your OC have a faceclaim? If so, who?
it’s Sean Bean + it will always be Sean Bean. sorry other Boromirs you simply pale in comparison
16. What is your OC's pain tolerance like?
VERY high by necessity. he’s a soldier he’s absolutely patched up his own injuries before, at least to hold over until he could see an actual healer
17. What is the worst thing you have put your OC through story-wise?
ahh. I wrote a very personal fic exploring self harm urges w/ Boromir, so I suppose that
18. Is your OC more cold and detached or up close and personal?
very personable, when he’s of sound mind sndnsj
19. How does your OC behave when enraged?
oh he’s a silent anger type for sure. just seethes quietly. hello, consequences of spending time in an environment where you have no actual outlet for your anger + must simply sit there and Stew.
20. Does your OC have a tendency to get jealous? If so, how does this manifest?
again, When He’s Of Sound Mind, no. the man’s got a big heart and life’s too short to be petty
21. Does your OC have any illnesses or disorders? How do they handle it?
hitting him with the autism beam bc I can. I do also think he’s lost at least partial use of his arm in a Boromir Lives scenario, considering where the first arrow struck him
22. What character alignment would you consider your OC to be?
HMMM neutral good. he’s not chaotic enough to be.. chaotic (lol), and I think he’s too willing to go against Gondorian Popular Opinion to be lawful.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
HMMMMM pain, actually. or “weakness.” I think if he can quantify it in his head as “showing weakness” then it’s getting stuffed in a mental box and Not Addressed
24. What is an alternative life path your OC might have gone down? How different would their life be if they'd made those decisions?
ok well. None. I think with his circumstances he had zero choice in his path. HOWEVER. I am deeply DEEPLY fond of Boromir learning how to play an instrument after the war ends. I STILL struggle to blow my wassail horn that shit takes SKILL that I do not currently have and Boromir was the BEST at blowing his horn?????? I think he deserves to learn how to play an instrument, esp bc Aragorn, Merry and Pippin would ALL be delighted to have Boromir play while they sing. Boromir learning hobbit folk songs????? Rohirric songs, to honor Théodred?? yeagh.
25. What is your favorite thing about your OC?
HES SO. FUNDAMENTALLY LOVING. love is such a core aspect of his character he is so wholly loving that the ring has NO CHOICE but to try to twist that love. bc it’s all Boromir has. love. im going to throw up abt him.
alone: How does your OC deal with loneliness? Have they ever been completely alone before? How do they act when there's no one around to see them?
has he ever BEEN completely alone? mm, no. has he ever felt that isolated? I think absolutely, by the time the fellowship leaves Caras Galadhon. obviously he doesn’t deal with it well el oh el.
as for how he acts when no one’s around to see him… I don’t think much changes, tbh. he’s not the kind of man to Perform for anyone except his father, and then with the express purpose of placating the man and keeping his ire towards Faramir to a minimum
betrayal: Has your OC ever been betrayed by someone they thought they could trust? Has your OC ever betrayed someone who trusted them?
been betrayed? hm. truthfully, no, though I’m certain he felt betrayed by Aragorn’s reluctance to be anything resembling a king.
has He betrayed someone? Technically Yes, though again, if we apply the qualifier of “When He’s Of Sound Mind” the answer is no. his betrayal comes under the influence of a Malicious Magical Artifact Which Has Been Fucking With His Mind For Months, so.
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
ooo, hm. I think not, actually, though it is a fun little idea for angst
break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
gestures wildly at canon. I mean that’s his lowest. we’ve all seen it.
desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
again, canon— to see his people safe. he’s very open with that desire, lol
failure: What's your OC's greatest failure? Have they been able to move past it? Does anyone else know about it?
AH. canon again. though what he does to move past it… mm. quite a lot of atonement, I think. perhaps of the self-destructive, working-himself-too-hard variety. I do think speaking with Faramir about *his* experience with the ring would help, because Boromir is the first to hold Faramir up as this sort of paragon of Goodness. so I think to know *Faramir* was tempted would help him better ground his experiences as, like…. Not A Deep Moral Failure Exclusive To Himself
fear: What is your OC's greatest fear? What do they do when confronted with it? Are they open with their fear, or do they hide it away?
ehehe. this is one thing I’ve touched on in a Faramir-centric fic, but the idea that the ring showed Boromir visions of Faramir dying at Denethor’s hand should he fail to return with the ring.
had Boromir lived to discover Denethor had nearly burned Faramir alive…… Mmmm. mmmmmmmm.
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
worst possible? if he’d actually managed to claim the ring. I shan’t elaborate -_-
ghost: Who or what haunts your OC? What happened? How do they live with their ghosts?
MM. his own actions. dead friends, dead loved ones. though if you mean literally, haunts him, I do like to think that Théodred’s Oðr pays Boromir a visit every now and again
guilt: What is your OC guilty about? How do they handle their guilt? Do they try to avoid guilt, or do they accept it?
see above. handles it?? mm. atonement, again. direct action. he accepts it and does what he can to make it right
hate: What does your OC hate? Why? How do they act towards the object of their hatred?
HATE? Orcs, probably. Sauron. that tentacle motherfucker outside Moria. he’s not a hateful man, so. shrugs.
heartbreak: Have they ever had a relationship that ended badly? Experienced some other kind of heartbreak? What happened?
that ended badly in the interpersonal sense? mm, unlikely. more ended badly in the “somebody fucking died” sense.
I do think he had One (1) fledgling romance in Dol Amroth that ended with the other squire dying and that was sort of the catalyst for “ah. If I love people they’ll Probably Die, so maybe I won’t do that” baggage that he didn’t really unpack until, I think, Théodred. add the additional layers of Denethor Being Denethor and Boromir having such great standards to live up to…. with all the love in my heart, that relationship only happened bc Théodred saw Boromir, went “I need to fuck that Gondorian so bad it makes me look stupid” and proceeded to work his way through 1700 layers of gondorian mental bullshit just so he could suck some dick (me too bestie)
hide: What does your OC hide? Why do they hide it?
hm. my first instinct is to say “not much” but ultimately I think he’d hide anything he can quantify as “weakness.” his own distress, any physical pain if he needs to be up and moving, etc. he’s only able to share that earnest moment with Aragorn in Caras Galadhon bc of Galadriel’s influence. he’s not used to being seen. so, if there is sth that would hold him back from fulfilling his duty as a soldier it is absolutely getting hidden/ignored.
hunt: Who or what is your OC hunted by? A person, a feeling, a past mistake? Is your OC able to let their guard down, or are they constantly alert?
hm. not necessarily Hunted, but I do think he is followed by Denethor’s expectations. it’s sth I’ve talked abt in another ask + that I go into in the costuming doc but such a key element of Denethor’s design is his son’s motifs but Richer, Grander. so… I do think Boromir is constantly alert of, like, how his father will perceive him, bc there is this very insidious sort of competition, this need for Denethor to show his sons up (whether a conscious need or not). and I do think that would weigh on Boromir quite heavily
mask: Does your OC wear a mask, literally or figuratively? What goes on beneath it? Is there anyone in their life who gets to see who they are under the mask?
mm again I think he only really wears a mask/performs for Denethor. anyone else would be too much effort for too little reward. at least if he plays Golden Son for his father, it keeps Faramir from being harassed as much
however, as for who gets to see him when he’s.. not just unmasked but actually RELAXED… Faramir, his uncle and cousins, Théodred, Aragorn, the others in the fellowship but particularly Merry and Pippin
midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
does he have nightmares? oh definitely. what he does in the small hours of the night? depends. if he’s on campaign/traveling/otherwise away from Minas Tirith he will either lay there in his bedroll and Think (bad) or get up and write letters. depends entirely on where he’s stationed/who he’s with. if he Is at home in Minas Tirith, I expect he just goes for a walk + looks at the sky
mistake: What's the worst mistake your OC ever made? What led to them making it? Have they been able to fix it? How have they moved on?
I think I’ve pretty much answered all of this above, so skfjsjdh
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
nah, he’s not ❤️‍🩹
nightmare: What does your OC have nightmares about? How do they deal with their nightmares? Do they tell people, or keep it to themself?
answered w midnight for the most part— I’ll just add that no, he wouldn’t really talk about his nightmares. that requires showing vulnerability lol. I think Théodred and Aragorn are the only two who could coax him into speaking about his nightmares/fears (he wouldn’t want to burden Faramir with such nonsense)
pain: What's the worst pain your OC has ever felt? Do they have a high pain tolerance?
answered sorta (yes he has a high pain tolerance) but worst pain? gonna go with three orc arrows to the chest
secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
HMMMM again I don’t think there are many secrets. I do think if Denethor found out he liked men it would be disastrous
skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
hm. I think he’s generally at ease with himself, or at least content with Not Thinking About These Things. I think, had he directly survived the arrows, he would have to grapple with like. the idea that he did prove Aragorn’s fears about men correct (whether Aragorn would agree with him or not)
torture: Has your OC ever been tortured? Would your OC ever torture someone else?
Four Months Of Slow Mental Degradation Due To An Accursed Magical Artifact!!!!! 🎉🎉🎉
(no he wouldn’t torture anyone else)
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
hm. He would say mostly physical wounds. I’d argue a mix of both. he’ll accept as much care as he needs to stay on his feet and fighting. worst wound is definitely still arrows lol
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ghostenluvs · 5 months
my little sister's rewatching s3 despite Also watching it yesterday and its just. so funny to me. like first off bc the fight against nine is paced like a rpg boss battle (which. nine also talks like an rpg villain so that tracks. he just keeps spawning minions and saying things like "you fools. bring me sonic")
also nine is just so. rotating him. id put him in the microwave but i do not think that would end well for anyone. BUT HES LIKE. "well i tried caring and it just got me hurt." and hes just so so scared of being hurt again, so he cuts everyone off and hurts the people he wants to care about him. bc he cant let anyone get close. robots are the only ones he can depend on, they won't turn on him because they can't. and he HAS to believe that sonic betrayed him, that sonic wanted to hurt him and never really saw him as a real person or cared about him, because if he does then he has to confront that He is the one lashing out. etc etc etc. i am one of those goopy eyed white grandma dogs and nine is the squeaky toy i am furiously shaking around and disemboweling.
ok so yes all of this.
nine just keeps doing such edgy boy anime villain in the background of a tvshow cover poses during this season.
nine is like. so cool to me. squeezing him like a stress ball. patting he on the head and giving him a nintendo switch and a hot chocolate. blasting a character analysis of him through my headphones at an irresponsible volume.
i have so many thoughts about him. like. so many.
most of them [many of them, not all] are like.
"hey nine is like [insert other character here] but [insert adjective here]" sort of. and like comparisons or situations and such.
for some reason after i realized "hey nine is like elsa but boy and technology" my brain immediately went: ctubbo dream smp
and i couldn't figure out why.
and then my brain went:
"hey nine is like ctubbo if he never had someone to lead him around places and just entered his 'ive been traumatized must build incredible technologies to defend self' phase wayyyy early."
so yeah i'm insane about him. because ive somehow made ctubbo connections to tails and nine now. [tails prime also he is like disc era-l'manburg ctubbo in my brain]
because like. he's a kid!!!!! that's a child!!!!! bro is like 8 years old!!!!!
he should be having beef with jessica over the swingset seat at recess!!!!! and instead he's getting horribly traumatized and left alone to deal with any injuries or fears on his own, feeling there's nobody else in the world like him and not seeing sunlight for years on end.
oh gee i just had more ctubbo nine thoughts dang it.
[tommy valueing the discs over tubbo even in the split second of an arguement and not meaning it really / sonic taking about the original people and green hill like he was this whole show despite the huge care he has for everyone in the shatterspaces]
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satohqbanana · 1 year
for the ask meme: rhenlars, taliadevin, and a witch from mercury ship of ur choice! (i always wanna ask u abt non aveyond characters/ships but im bad at remembering names of characters i dont know LOL)
I'll do the AV ships first.
For Larshen, because I'm so predictable.
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And for DevTalia.
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Explanations below:
qpr - There's so many ways to interpret their relationship so I answered this for them. I love them.
otp x 1000 - Self-explanatory.
the angst. the drama - I really love the character progression for these two. As I grow older and reflect more on my past experiences, the angst and drama of romantic Larshen gets all the more relatable and compelling to me.
been married for 30 years - Lars being the one to tell Rhen about pet ownership will never not be funny or domestic to me. But veering away from the Old Bickering Couple thing, I just think Lars had grown more as an older brother type of figure for Rhen to be able to say these things and for her to be able to respect and agree with him saying that.
rotating in my brain like a microwave - Self-explanatory.
i have So Many Headcanons - Self-explanatory.
aww i love them :) &lt;3 - Self-explanatory.
fandom doesn't know them like i do - Tagged for when the fandom oversimplifies their relationship. :^)
canon did them Wrong - Really hate the way wherein towards the end, Lars is suddenly irrelevant especially during the confrontation with Dameon, who he had been suspicious of ever since. It's bad writing and also it makes Rhen look like a douche - but then again, I do consider her feelings for Dameon a flaw because of her lack of flaws uwu.
the angst. the drama - The pipeline of "Devin and Talia show a LOT of positive feelings towards each other and at times romantic suggestions" in AP to "Devin actually married Alicia and had a baby with her, but eventually abandoned the throne due to guilt, and Talia became the Dreamer, married the Sun Priest, and killed him likely in front of their kid" is so sad (and hilarious TBH). Also being able to say "Rhen's dad and Dameon's mom had been romantically together and could've made them siblings instead" is so funny.
best in a certain part of canon - I know it's been brought up before, but I also like how they're allowed to be amicable exes in AV1. They genuinely like each other with or without the romance, and even with the crimes they've committed against their own kids.
theyre exes - They're canonically exes. I believe they've described each other as "old flame" in AV1.
i have So Many Headcanons - See the pipeline above. There's a fic that covers a what-if of that missing timeline, but it's fun to think about what could've made them drift away from each other.
aww i love them :) - My AP ship (asides from Jacklicia).
canon did them Wrong - AP-wise it feels so wrong for Devin and Talia to NOT end up together. BUT. AV1-wise? Stellar writing for them. See "best in a certain part of canon" above.
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wulvert · 1 year
IM VERY LATE BUT TRIPTRACK!! did terry only get. created? after the divorce or does toad just. forget he has a 2nd child. very in character 4 him if so. i want 2 explode him with my mind
ALSO UR CREATURES,,,TELL US MORE ABOUT THM,,,i lov red n tex nd i project my arospecness onto them bc their "friends but also not JUST friends but also-" is so real 2 me,,,howevr,,,do u have any untold info in ur brain u can give us abt the rest of ur lesser seen beasts like shae nd tara nd mouse n mits nd...toad...i GUESS. . i absorbed all the terry lore into my brain from the other person's ask and im so hungry 4 more info,,,
u can also give any silly paperteeth lore here too if its in ur brain!! i want 2 devour all ur characters (even toad,,,he is so well-written 2 make me hate his guts) they r so goofy (/pos!!) i need 2 rotate every single one of them in my thoughts,,,
im back with clingfilm on my head i hope i can finally just. have my normal hair again im too lazy to keep dying it anyway! yeah so toad didnt have anything to do with terry, he sucks but he would def remember terry for. reasons.
yea i think a qpr is probs the best definition for what they have!
i hate how i handled shae- triptrack is something i cannot look at for more than five seconds without going i need to rip this apart and put it back together again- shae is like. H. shes kind of just obsessed with being peak performance like best form out of the entire sentient population- but like tex is a fairly indestructable robot and yeah. shaes also autohemophobic is that a word i think its a word. ( NO T HOMOPHOBIC SHE'S AN ALLY and her pronouns r she/they yeah like shae im yeah. and shes named after shea butter but i forgot how to spell shea. which. im pretty dumb im not going to lie to you. i think theyre the only character in triptrack that im set on that for bc. it sounds like shae. and i think thats art. nothing happened to her they just like decided to become a cyborg to like beat everyone else
also webtoon nerfed her boobs i cant beleive this world is so cruel
mouse and mits ive decided r gay since my last post and in love and now sell homemade furry ish masks together
tara needs more screentime bc just like. girlboss this isnt what ur husband meant when he said he wanted kids. but like. girlboss....
i think most of the stuff abt toad and tara is spoilers rn but knowing me i'll fail to explain it on every level so like . ill probs post about it eventually.
papertee th i keep forgetting 2 add and i think i forgot to mention the seeing in the dark on the otherposts i made - avery needs reading glasses but since vampires can see better in the dark, she doesnt need them if she's reading in the dark- but to her the ambience of reading in the dark is awful so she refuses. she also refuses to wear her reading glasses if anyones watching but she obviously needs them because shes holding the book 10 miles away from her face (longsighted) nobody cares mundane but i want to draw her wearing glasses and i need to provide context before i do. the science of her not needing them in the dark is not there. it. vampires arent scientce though
AND THANK U UUU im glad im not the only one rotating them in the microwave
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