#im just venting at my own stupid validation need
rarilight · 1 month
me: i write for myself and no other, art is a passion project that comes from my heart, the only approval I need is my own
also me, as I think this: -refreshes comment section of story over and over and over and ove-
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happygomadhatter · 2 years
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ganondoodle · 5 days
this isnt a call out for anyone; i keep getting asked why i even post my opinions on the internet if i dont want to argue whenever i mention how tired i am of people trying to argue with me or proof me wrong
and i just ... for one its bc there are people that have told me they like hearing my opinions bc it makes them feel less alone, its validating to hear that i am not alone and i make them feel less alone (this is a big reason)
then theres the thing .. do you feel good never saying your opinion on anything and just keeping everything to yourself? be it big or small, i tried to do that for years, just trying to crawl deeper and deeper into a hole bc clearly i am the problem and should be able to deal with everything on my own, never say anything, i could be annoying, i could be a burden, and it nearly killed me; i have very few friends and i already spam them enough to feel constantly guilty
and if i did that on some private account ... what use is that, thats the same thing as not saying anything, whats the use of saying anything when no one listens, even to select few, whats the point if others cant find it, there might be people i dont know at all that would find solace in hearing my stupid ramblings about games
its true i lack self control and just tend to talk about stuff when i feel the need of talking, but is that really so bad?
correct me if im wrong but i was never of the impression that posting something on the internet automatically means wanting to debate and argue unless you specifically say or initiate it on someone elses post? like thats why i pretty much always make my own post to complain and dont go on other peoples posts of opposing views, id view the latter as an invitation to argue moreso than the former
when i post some stupid opinion (im talking about harmless personal video game opinions mind you) on my own account who am i bothering, if people agree thats great! if they dont they can just move on- i know people love to discuss and share different opinions but the the ones i most often encounter are ones where its a basically trying to start a fight over whos more right (like theres always one correct opinion to have) or just telling me i am not allowed to feel like i feel-
im aware i cant expect everyone to be able to see a differeing opinion and move on without saying anything, but when i say something, unless its specifically a question, i just do it to vent, to let my thoughts out so they dont slowly gnaw at me, maybe find validation in others also thinking like that (i know i cant also expect everyone to think that way .. i just see it as a form of politeness? sorta?); in all honesty, i dont do it to get told opposing opinions (i know thats maybe a little ... idk, selfish i guess?) bc i usually have seen or heard those already and am saying mine bc i havent seen it before or very very little- what i think is often very much not the majority so the need to say something gets greater the more i see somethign i dont agree with, like an urge to balance it? a call to see if i am alone or not? and much less so to argue or debate over something like that, im tired and exhausted at all times, and have often trouble even getting myself to draw, i dont enjoy fights of any kind, and especialyl so when its about something so completely ignorable like a game opinion i only said bc i wanted it out of my head and bc i have seen that the majority seems to be of a different one
like a sticky note on a wall, not an invitation to a political meeting?
maybe this is something i need to work on and get better at, i havent found a way that lets me get rid of my thoughts in a way that doesnt leave me feeling guilty (like spamming my friends) or to gnaw at me (not saying anything, or somewhere no ones gonna hear it)
i know im incapable of shutting up ever (though at least i got a better control over my emotions by now) and i risk accidentally seeming like im inviting people to a fight but i dont know what else to do
maybe its something i horribly missunderstood about the internet, but its my only outlet for that, i dont have anyone IRL to talk to about my interests, maybe its a flaw that needs work, maybe its just a flaw, i dont know :/
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hush-writes-preg · 3 months
i’ve been wanting to say this for a while, and im still not sure i’m gonna say it right, but i really appreciate your blog. i’ve been having issues with my ovaries for a while and it’s still not clear if i’m fertile or even gonna get to Keep my ovaries much longer. it’s been really stressful, because i really want to be able to get pregnant, and i might never be able to. but one of the worst parts is that i’m transmasc, and a lot of people- including my own family- can’t wrap their heads around being a man and wanting to be pregnant. even other transmascs seem to think i can’t actually be trans and genuinely want this. people pity me cus they think Society is what made me feel this way, and they have to “help” by convincing me this is something i don’t actually want.
you and all your followers have been the opposite of that. seeing so many other transmascs who openly (and sometimes desperately) want to experience pregnancy has made me feel like so much less of an other. seeing people who aren’t transmasc but have transmasc friends/partners being so encouraging and supportive when this is something they want has felt so validating. it’s such a positive and welcoming environment here, and it’s so comforting.
so i guess the main takeaway is everyone should keep being horny, because there’s at least one person who really appreciates it.
Hey there, Aster! Thanks for hopping into my inbox with your kind words! 💖
I've said it before, and I'll continue saying it long into the future for old and new followers alike-- this blog exists because I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to feel appreciated, validated, and seen in regard to this kink. I don't care what parts anyone was born with, what parts anyone has now, or what anyone's age(18+)/gender/sexuality is. Anyone can feel the desire to be pregnant or to impregnate someone else, and that feeling should be celebrated.
I'm sorry to hear that you've had so much trouble with your original plumbing, Aster, and that you aren't sure if you'll be able to conceive. That's a really shitty situation to be in when you actually want to get pregnant. I've known a few people on Tumblr who are in similar health-related situations, and I just wish I could give all of you a big hug (if it's wanted). It's really not fair. The universe is pretty shit for allowing that to happen in the first place. But you're not alone, okay? I don't know how much comfort that offers you, but there are folks out there who commiserate, understand what you're struggling with, and hope that you'll be able to eventually find happiness regardless of what happens.
And yeah... family and society can suck big time sometimes. OFC you can't be male and want to carry a child, right? /s In my opinion, those people are nothing more than gatekeepers who have no business being involved in your body and business. The knowledge that these kinds of opinions are so commonplace really pisses me off. The desire to procreate is a ridiculously ordinary (though not universal) part of being human, so why shouldn't anyone be allowed to use the parts they have to make a baby if they want to? Or be allowed to find other reasonable ways to make it happen? :throws-table.gif:
Ugh. I'll get off of my soapbox now.
All that said, if the space I'm nurturing and the community we're all building is one of support, encouragement, and affirmation, then that's a dream fulfilled for me. We may be stuck feeling like an Other elsewhere thanks to societal stupidity, but not here. Here we're all as incredible and sexy and fertile as we wish to be, and I refuse to hear otherwise.
You're awesome, Aster. Try to stay positive, do what you can to take care of your troublesome bits, and love yourself the way you are. And if you ever need to vent about this stuff, my DMs are open, okay?
I adore all of you horny, breedable fuckers. 💖 Don't any of you forget it.
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talekinesis · 3 months
Apple Pie
Hazbin Hotel Fic
Very much a vent/ projection of my own issues lol, I related to Charlie a little too hard
there will be comfort at the end, I don't want to be too mean to this fictional character
CW: trauma and abandonment issues
Summary: Charlie is alone for the first time in a while, and she sits with her thoughts
"I'll see you tomorrow, Vaggie, I love you!"
Charlie felt her smile start to fade as she watched her girlfriend leave. She was heading back to Carmilla's for an overnight training session, meaning Charlie would be alone for the night. She gripped the handle of the door, watching Vaggie leave until she was no longer visible. Her chest felt tight, and she felt she could hardly breathe, watching her partner leave her.
She took a breath, and closed her eyes, trying to calm the fuck down.
Husk and Angel were out, Alastor was God-knows-where, and Niffty went out with Cherri (after Angel made her promise to watch over the maid.)
The only person left was Lucifer, but Charlie hardly counted him. He may have been there, but he wasn't there. He was getting better, sure, but Charlie found it hard to just magically unwork and forgive the years of abandonment she'd felt growing up.
She sighed and shut the door, turning on her heel to head to the kitchen. She rummaged through the fridge looking for anything to distract herself from her thoughts. She didn't know why she was so deep in her emotions about her father that night, he hadn't even come out of his room- oh. That's why.
Growing up, Charlie had always felt abandoned by her father, even though she knew he was just in the other room. Even though he was physically close, he had always been emotionally distant. And to her, that felt like abandonment.
She sighed and shut the fridge, having gotten a slice of apple pie. She never liked to talk about her issues to other people, thinking they weren't 'bad enough' to be considered trauma. She thought she was overreacting, since her father had physically been there in the same building.
Charlie turned to leave the kitchen and let out a shriek as she saw Husk standing there, nearly dropping her plate. "Oh fuck-... Husk," she let out a nervous laugh, "How long- When did you get back, I thought you and Angel were having a date night."
The bartender studied her face for a moment before folding his wings in to squeeze past her to get to the fridge. "Angel drank himself stupid, so I brought him back and put him to bed." He grabbed a drink from the fridge, cracking it open. "You need to talk."
Charlie sighed. "No, I'm alright, Husk, but thanks for showing concern-"
"I wasn't asking. I can tell that you need to." He took a drink, looking at her.
The princess let out a big sigh and sat down at the table. "It's my dad- Or well... I guess I should say it's me? He never.. actually did anything wrong, but I still can't help but hold so much resentment toward him..."
Husk sat down across from her and set his drink to the side. He needed to be sober for this conversation. "Go on."
She looked up at him before her gaze returned to her plate. "Ever since I was a little girl, I've always felt abandoned by him..? But he was always in the other room, so he didn't.. really abandon me. But I have very few memories of ever doing anything with him. I was always with my mom.... I mean she literally abandoned me later, but that's a parental issue for a different day." She huffed out a small laugh.
Charlie moved her plate aside and laid her head down on the table. "But he never did anything wrong so I feel like I'm not allowed to feel this way about him. Like im not allowed to have abandonment issues. He never yelled at me, cursed at me, never hit me.. He just stayed in his room and ignored me..."
Husk nodded, listening to her, giving her his full attention.
She continued quietly, "I've never told anyone this but.. Sometimes.. I wish he actually had done something.. So I'd have a valid reason to feel like this... But that's just.. That feels like attention seeking."
Husk sighed and placed a hand on her head. "Charlie.. Your feelings already are valid. Wishing for worse trauma is actually a sign of trauma. You're not looking for attention or sympathy, you're looking for validation. Right? You don't feel like you're allowed to be upset over this.. But you are. In a way, he did abandon you. It doesn't matter that he was just down the hall, he still wasn't there with you, was he?"
She shook her head, looking up at him. "No.. He was always in his room working on his ducks.. And sometimes when I'd try to be the one to reach out and make a connection, he'd tell me he was busy. But I still wanted to be with him, so a lot of time I just sat on the floor quietly while he worked.. But he still felt so far away... But I know he loves me, and I know in a way he's trying his best.. So I feel like I can't really hate him or be mad at him.. I'm just... ugh, it's so... confusing."
The bartender nodded, listening. "Have you talked to him about this?" He asked.
"No.. I don't want to make him feel bad.. Besides, he thinks he's making progress by occasionally saying 'I love you,' in passing, I don't want to start anything... I just want him to be the one to reach out, I want him to be the one to start conversation.. My whole life, I've been the one taking that responsibility.. And I'm scared that if I stop then our relationship will fade... And I just got it back.."
Husk offered a smile. "I don't think it would. Do you want to know what I think, or do you just want me to listen?"
She sat up more. "I'd like to hear you out."
He nodded. "I think your father feels guilty for not having spent that time with you, but he doesn't know how to reach out. He barely parented a child, and now he doesn't know how to connect with his adult daughter. So he does what's familiar, and retreats to his room. I doubt he ever meant to hurt you, but Charlie," he took her hand, "That doesn't mean you weren't still hurt. Your pain is valid."
She looked back down at the table and nodded. That made sense. "If he doesn't know how to reach out.. That means I still have to be the one to make the connection, doesn't it... I'm just tired of being the one who puts in all the effort just to be ignored and brushed off."
Husk nodded again. He grabbed his drink and stood with a groan, his knees cracking as he did so. "Well.. Maybe you won't have to for long." He patted her back and left the kitchen.
"Wait, where are you-" She turned to face him, only to be met with her father entering the kitchen.
"Heeey, Char-Char! I made an apple pie yesterday, just thought I'd come down to-"
"Oh, shit, I took a slice, I'm sorry-"
He whipped around with a smile, "No no, I was gonna offer it to you anyway, I just uh.. I didn't know if it was any good or not. How is it?" He asked, sitting down across from her.
She hesitated, and took a bite. She looked back up at him, returning the smile.
"It's good."
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astranite · 10 months
vent post because I am a mess and i've just got to stick it all somewhere. I don't even know what or why I'm putting it here. Just there is way too much inside my head.
(trying to stick all of my intensely personal bullshit under a cut)
Just a whole pile of stuff. (this isnt even the half of it). A whole bunch of things I thought i was okay about but maybe I'm really not. And that maybe my whole scale of okayness is kinda fucked up. And i seem to randomly swing from telling myself this is fine to no wait its all pretty fucked up. Basically that meme of the dog in the on fire house going this is fine. Welcome to everything is on fire but we're not freaking out about it because we're past that point. But sometimes it feels honestly okay and then something else hits.
Nothing in my life is even that bad. I'm getting my shit together. Its probably better than it has been in a while (or maybe its not, i dont know). I'm making positive progress towards the future. I drafted a job application. I'm trying to unfuck my tertiary studies. I literally keep telling myself I'm an adult, even though I feel like a fuck up kid still.
I just want to move the hell out. So I'm making steps towards it. Not because its bad, bad. More conflicting access needs I guess. And I feel trapped here and on guard and responsible for everything. Or Im just a problem or have problems because clearly everyone else is fine but that's probably not a great way to think.
Not sure what I'm feeling right now. Actually mostly just numb and vaguely ill. Yay for crushing down all your emotions until you can't feel them any more. Because, yeah, I can't be upset about things. It scares and worries people and I'm already way too intense.
And when I do it, i seem calm and fine to people, and hey neither crying nor panicking has be a good thing. Except I'm blank when I know I'm upset or would be, and its not fine. Honestly probably a bit messed up. Huh.
(I know its not good for me. I am so very aware of this) (i know hiding stuff is literally one of my biggest 'things are getting bad' red flags)
I'd probably be way more okay if I was crying and yelling and getting mad about stuff. Instead of just quietly, calmly imploding. Or walking around and smiling and acting normal. (its only sometimes, not all the time. And just happens to be right now)
Also past shit keeps metaphorically walking up to me, and maybe I didn't process it great. because its evidently still bothering me even though its years ago.
(Yes, realising some of this stuff was a That moment when you're writing and you realise that wow character has a whole bunch of issues. Then that was at least 50-70% me.)
I do keep picking myself up from the floor over and over because I'm too stubborn not to.
Also: I'm so sick of being misgendered by family. Like they do support me and are trying with different pronouns. But getting it right barely any of the time. And if I call them out on it to correct them, then they get upset. So I just have to put up with it silently, and yeah, she's trying, so I feel like I can't be upset about it but it still hurts, and maybe its not good enough. And I don't even know whether I could change my name, at least not without upsetting peopl, I've been told "please don't change you name, I like your name" but I don't even know if it feels like me. It's like people are supportive, but being nonbinary or trans or anything isn't actually a valid option. They/them isn't that hard if you practice it and even if it is it's still very much important to me. And none of them think of me as such which is maybe the problem. Except my friends, who actually do get it right which is nice.
I guess I'm struggling. And also all my friends and family have way too much of their own stuff going on.
So stupid vent post yelling into the void, it is then. Maybe I'm just being dramatic about it all.
I'd say I'm okay and don't worry (if anyone's even fucking reading this) but that would probably be more concerning. But I'll survive this like I survived every other fucking thing the universe has thrown at me.
(and I will and have asked for help, so stuff is at least sort of getting sorted, because this is not my first mental health rodeo.)
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loverbeasts · 10 months
i keep on trying to distract myself but i cant escape the feeling that i have nowhere safe to just vent and be frustrated for a minute. i always need to be fixed so i stop complaining. i can never just be upset for a minute and let it pass at my own pace. and maybe i could get that luxury from people if i gave a disclaimer before saying anything that says "hey, I'm upset about this thing and id appreciate a listening ear but not solutions" but i can never remember to do that, especially if im in a bad headspace, and if i did, itd still make me seem like a massive asshole for refusing help. and its not even something i have a right to be upset about!! its literally the opposite of a problem to have people who want to help me and i just. cant fucking take it for some reason. why are my needs so fucking complicated and so fucking annoying
sometimes i just need my stupid feelings validated for a minute so i stop feeling like I'm insane. but maybe i am insane and thats why i cant get any validation. all anxiety i ever have are met with "no way, thats ridiculous because xyz". and I'm not asking for "yeah youre totally right" but maybe just the occasional "i dont think thats true but i can understand why it feels that way to you"
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nightglider124 · 2 years
titans fans think they own the dickkory tag but seem to forget that in no way did they invent it. Dickkory has been the ship name for decades for the two characters for the comics. It so happens that other versions of the ship (like titans) have tacked onto dickkory tag to make it easier to enjoy content. Robstar is used solely for the 03 cartoon. I don’t mean to hate, i like titans as well but it comes off as belittling other media forms to prop up others. Ie putting down the cartoon for the show even though they are completely different but still star our favourite dc characters and the reverse as well. I dont get why fans fee the need to be negative like cartoon fans hating on titans - they are completely different but they are both still valid. Just cos you don’t like one of the versions, doesn’t mean they need to be dicks about it. Sorry to vent, night but I see the bullshit on twitter and now here too. Its so stupid.
Sigh. In a way, I feel this, anon. I get what you mean with the end part of that - it is stupid. Titans, 03 show, ttg, dcau, comics… at the end of the day, i stay out of that bs drama with what is better or whatever cos that is childish af.
I very clearly have a favourite version which has always been the cartoon. Its what got me into DC and i grew up with it when fics and fanart were going strong and it was back in the early 2000’s, you know. The good ol’ days. 😂 But, despite that being my favourite, I also really enjoy Titans cos its a gritty version that is aimed at an older audience. I think that is what a lot of fans who prefer comics or the cartoon etc struggle with. I think they lean towards flat out disliking it bc it isn’t what they know and it’s different. There’s nothing wrong with not liking Titans. It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea; hell, i dropped it for s3 bc i was so uninterested in what they were doing by the end of s2. I also did not care for all the side characters taking spotlight over the main ones but I digress. But, keep it out of the fan’s faces, you know?
Its rude and really annoying when you have fans shitting on your good time. Titans has had a good time so far with dickkory and so fans are allowed to enjoy that. The fact that other dickkory fans who dont like Titans are being dicks about it is weird, in my opinion.
Same as, i think fans who try and shit on fans who love the cartoon are lame af. Like so what if its old? So what if it was aimed at younger audiences? So what if you dont like it? Point is, other people do so leave them to enjoy it. My biggest gripe with the cartoon is people saying it was childish considering it actually tackled some deeper topics, despite being a kids show.
Main point here is, people who gatekeep tags and shit are losers. Like, no one owns anything and anyone acting like that is sus, imo.
I get so sick of seeing people fight over different versions of a ship considering at the end of the day, its all the same?? Like dickkory for example. You may not like them in one format but you do in another. Personally, i am so fucking starved for dickkory content, i will take it from anything. Any version is allowed to be in the tag, old or new like jeez.
They are all valid formats if it means i get to see my two idiots in love.
A lot of people hate the DCAU but i really enjoyed those animated movies cos of, you guessed it, dickkory. They showed their relationship so nicely in that. It was wholesome as fuck but was also a little flirty so it was aimed at the adults more so. I think some people see animated stuff and immediately think its shit and childish which literally isn’t the case at all.
The comics are the og sources for these characters and I’ve seen a lot of ‘comic gatekeepers’ moan about other forms of the characters as well through the years. Now, i’ve got knowledge of the comics but im not some purist who has read every single one, more so bc fuck, I can’t keep up and comics contradict all the time cos of dumbass writers (looking at you T*m T*aylor 👀) but, i still appreciate the comics being the thing that started it all off. Without the comics, I wouldn’t have my baby Koriand’r 🥰 so anytime something remotely to do with dickkory comes out in comics, im rooting for it, purely cos i like seeing some form of life for my ship.
TTG is also valid; its silly and fun and that’s okay too. The titans are like a chiller version of the justice league and they are a team that notoriously is a bit less serious in all formats; they still have very serious storylines but they are the younger team ya know? Again, i think thats why a lot of people don’t like TTG either which is FINE but dont be going into ttg tags and mouthing off about how shit you think it is. Like its bad fandom decorum. Personally, I don’t care much for ttg; i did at first. I liked it and watched it regularly but now i just dont. But again, im not out here bitching about how it isnt the og cartoon so its crap or it isnt titans so its stupid.
I didn’t mean to rant like this but I just find it so fucking ridiculous that we’re still at this point in fandom where people can’t just let others enjoy shit. It is pathetic especially when shit like this comes from people who are literally adults like come on ffs. Get a grip.
I will continue to stay in my dickkory bubble, enjoying it in all forms which I advise fans to do lmao, it’s much less annoying and bitter when you just let yourself enjoy your ship In whatever formats there are.
Need I remind people that dickkory, despite being hella popular and loved, hasn’t had anything substantially canon in a long time so if shows like Titans are feeding fans, don’t be a dick and rain on parades. It’s not fair when people just wanna enjoy it and it just makes you an ass.
Sorry, this got hella long lmao. Also, anon, i would avoid twitter. It’s too toxic there, i have found in the past. Though Tumblr has had its moments too and by the sounds of it, people be just as bad here. 🙄
I could literally write a book on this, that’s how many thoughts I have. I’ve been around the DC fandom and dickkory tags for a long time and I can’t believe people still can’t help themselves. Just let people enjoy things all round, ugh! 🤦🏻‍♀️
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skadren · 1 year
I keep seeing a bunch of live and let go, boundaries are personal and not moral stances posts about writing and i largely agree ppl should be able to explore what they want in fic but also. Is there a way to balance or talk about "hi um white author so you kinda reinvented racism/blood eugenics and unilaterally present sex work as inherently degrading and etc etc etc for Shipping Angst Drama fodder, when the text is like. None of that" in fandom or even just in like. A server community. Maybe I'm a bit sensitive bc i feel constructed/projected misery is kind of tacky to begin with and i wouldn't do it with a complete stranger but idk my guy. I don't want to alienate myself but it's weird to go completely uncritical here
i think there are a couple items you need to check off the list before you can go "yes talking to internet stranger #37461239 about a highly sensitive topic is a good idea"
is it tagged appropriately? if it's tagged trust me the writer knows. they have probably gotten way more unsolicited feedback than they would really like
is the portrayal you're concerned about reinforcing an unhealthy or discriminatory predominant social narrative? if it is and you think the writer is genuinely unaware, then yeah, it might be worth bringing up. the emphasis here is on predominant please i am begging on my hands and knees
will this result in a productive conversation? if the intent behind this is to get people to reconsider, it isn't helping anyone if you know it will just lead to them doubling down and doing it even worse. at that point you're only making a performative statement to validate your own stance
if it really is bothering you that much, is there a compelling reason why you can't just block and move on? it isn't your responsibility nor is it feasible to fix how a fandom is doing things, especially if it's a group of people you don't really know. your own mental health always comes first, and a bit of salty venting in private with your friends never hurts anyone
if it IS a friend or acquaintance who is doing this and you think they would be open to discussing it with nuance, then you can probably bring it up. if that person has a basic level of consideration and respect for you it tends to go well, but i've also seen people double down because they already know there's something wrong with their attitudes but get mad at you for wanting them to change, and then it creates a whole ton of drama and people get hurt and it's not pretty. so. ymmv
ultimately, someone's views on racism or sex work or whatever is reflective of a broader social norm, and fandom is not the best space to try to fix that through confrontation-- it's usually someone's "safe space" where they want to retreat from the world, not come face-to-face with any sort of personal reckonings. do i think it's a mark of privilege that some people have the luxury of ignoring these issues when they "just want to have fun"? yes, but again, this is about being able to have productive discussion, not about what's "fair". unfortunately.
my two cents: if you're in a server community or some other space that makes you uncomfortable there's really nothing wrong with going "hey, we have fundamentally different standards when it comes to [x], and i don't think i want to be here" and moving on. the best way to challenge these things is quite literally to make your own food. there's a much better chance of the people you're worried about coming across it and realizing they like it than magically being able to argue them down with well-placed logic and reasonable points or whatever
EDIT: OH ALSO IM STUPID if you mean talking about it in general. not naming writer names but trends in the fandom. yes absolutely-- not in a public space like social media but definitely find a group of people who you trust who you can talk about these things with!! it is good and healthy. just make sure it isn't just a discord server open to the public or smth tho so you personally know and trust everyone who can see it (and you don't accidentally shit talk someone who is in that space lmao)
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angryaromantics · 2 years
first of all, thank you so much for this blog, its so validating to see a range of really cool experiences, and for someone to help us through our own, i really appreciate you

dont know how to transition to my rant so i guess here i go
im getting really tired of my friends offhandedly implying im just broken or something, i know my own attraction, but they keep going "oh, but you talk about girls all the time, maybe you should consider why" and its really frustrating. just because i thought i was a lesbian for 3 years doesnt mean i am, i just didnt know what being aroace was. and even after ive told everyone many, many times that i really do not appreciate them dismissing my identity, intentional or not, they dont seem to really get it
i know i love physical affection, i know i get really attached to people, i know that i talk a lot about how people look good, but its my orientation its my label. i do not understand romance, i do not like the idea of being in a romantic relationship, i can barely handle someone having a crush on me. stop telling me maybe i should try, or ill probably grow out of it, or maybe i should reconsider! its none of your damn business!
just had to get that out. it feels weird to vent to a stranger and im sorry for just dropping this but thank you for giving me a place to
Thank you, I'm glad you're here. ☀️🌿 And you definitely don't need to apologize for venting when I made the offer. You're fine. I'm happy if I can make you feel better in any way.
I'm sorry that sounds really shitty. You don't deserve that. I've noticed that people have a lot of problems with shifting labels, or when you misidentify yourself, even though it happens alllll the time. No one's an expert on your identity except yourself.
Plus, that whole "you just haven't met the right person" or "you'll grow out of it" argument is stupid, because this is who you are right now, and that's what matters. That's like saying because at some point you could change careers, you can't call yourself whatever your current job is. It makes no sense and doesn't matter.
I hope they get over it, and learn to support you, and learn that there's a difference between aesthetic appreciation and romantic attraction. Or, that you find more supportive friends. You deserve to have people who accept you for who you are.
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hegeso · 1 month
completely useless NONSENSE shit to talk about today! we’re in silly land. nothing is serious and everything is fun in its own way. everything is made up <3 nothing matters <3 i feel incredibly annoying and soooooo cringe rn but this is an OUTLET
redacted a shocking and absurd joke that p— made about me tho
housemate is spraying for ants in the basement, the fumes have wafted up into my room, as the basement vents directly up here. i’m lightheaded, feel sick, feel a little out of it. it smells bad.
i’ve been playing an imagination game with myself, it’s a fun way to pass the time. i imagine i’m someone else, somewhere else. when my mind starts to wander, i cut myself off and think, “i wonder if i can guess what i’ll think of next?” that’s the trick of it, you can’t do that, it blanks out your thoughts for a second, then i have to come up with something completely different. at the end of my game i have to invent a common thread that links all these people together in some sort of fantastical destiny way. it’s fun to wonder if any of these people have existed in real life.
basil is getting left behind, we’ve decided. i don’t know if he would survive the trip across the country. p— will be better off this way, with our cat to keep him company as he grows accustomed to this room without me in it. i’ll feel much better leaving basil with p—. one less responsibility, a huge relief. unpack all of this more later.
just completed my USPS change of address, need to update voter registration, need to change my address with the two states, etc., new license, ugh! there’s a whole lot of stuff that needs to get done, stuff i can’t do yet, stuff i can’t do without help!
am i allowed to feel sorry for myself here? be pathetic and a pain? i think i have a lot pent up.
this is my misery box where i can put things that don’t feel good. they will stay in this box until i feel safe enough to take them out—>
hiiiiiiiiiiiii my body hurts all the time and i hate it! my shoulders and neck are killing me right now!!!!! i fear that it’s not possible for me to get “better” and i will end up in so much pain and so useless that i will want to die!
every couple weeks i spend an hour or two trying to do deep internet searches looking for the man who groomed/r*ped/stalked me in 2021 because i’m terrified he’s keeping tabs on me!!!!! i worry that i have just convinced myself that he r*ped me and that it was actually consensual and that i cheated on my partner at the time and that i am a manipulative terrible evil person! i’ve never even typed that out before because im so ashamed and bothered by it!
and i am extremely worried that i’m a shallow person!!! i feel guilty that i can’t give people beautiful compliments and instead am only good at validating people!!!!!
i fear that i am deluding myself into thinking i’m special or that i’m severely mentally ill and if i trust my perception and sense and intuition and What Have You that i’m actually just trusting invented patterns that have no real meaning or value and that any connection to the Everything Else or other people or the earth or who fucking knows what is a result of crossed wires.
any time i acknowledge my abilities or talents or my creativity or the wonderful things ive made i instantly check myself and tell myself it’s a lie. it’s not about being “better” than anyone else i don’t fucking know what it is but it’s like this stupid goddamned curse because underneath that i DO fucking know that i can do things and that ive made things that are beautiful and that i am meant to make things with my hands and my heart!!!!!!!!!!!! i know it! i know it! and something about me has layered something on top of those beliefs, a filter, someone else’s voice, the protective part of myself that wants to prevent my identity from being completely shattered so instead it tries to convince me otherwise. i try to convince myself otherwise. i am such a walking nightmare of contradiction. i operate in a space where everyone thinks im confident and do what i want and have hidden talents etc. but i don’t actually do what i want and im masking this confidence. i am a liar. i am a ruiner. i have lied to everyone ive ever loved, i have tricked them into thinking im someone else. a falsified version of myself, an exoskeleton, idfk. i believe i was born to create. but i also believe i have a much greater power to destroy. i am a ruiner. i am a ruiner. it resonates so deeply within me. maybe that’s buried rage. i want to rend and rip and tear and shred and claw and scrape and scratch and peel and dig my fingers into soft hot warm and pull and pull and pull and pull and pull and pull and pull and pull and feel it running down my hands and arms and
i don’t want to eat. i don’t want to kill. my satisfaction is just in the act.
i don’t want to rage. i don’t want to be angry. i don’t want to have this inside me. i don’t think it’s evil or anything. i just don’t want it. it’s so much energy. it’s too much to keep inside.
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fagboyandcumcum · 7 months
jfhskhfsdfh;lksdfjl;kaufman theres so many thoughts in my mind and i think i just need to get them all out before i implode
- i cannot function without weed, i am continuously living the life of a line cook. everyone’s yelling at me for more food, yet im the only one on the stove during rush hour. i dont really care that this is an addiction or not, i cannot fall apart in the way that i want to. i cannot let go of the iron grasp i have on this substance, due to the people that are counting on me. too much is happening in the restaurant. i do care when the people in my life like to point it out, because then, why wont you point out the immense stress that i am under?
-my oldest sister, i have so much that i want to say to you, but i wont. theres too much to be said, and you wouldn’t listen anyway. you only react with your fists and your mouth. i dont feel comfortable being near you after what was said to our mother. your emotions were valid but the way that you attacked mom constantly is on you. you constantly reopened wounds, and took those emotions out on her. instead of healing, you picked at the scabs and never let them heal. now she’s gone and all you’re left with now is opened wounds.
- to my sister, who is a lot like our dad. money is the only bandaid they know, for they can never understand their emotions. so emotionally stunted that they cannot stomach others emotions, otherwise they might just vomit. we are the same in that regard but why must i always bear the blunt of your meltdowns. why do i feel the need to protect you from your own actions, your own emotions.
-Then theres my stupid ass dad (he’s not stupid nor an ass-sometimes- but right now i just need to vent)
theres so much i ca n write underneath this section but. im just tired of that stupid ass situation with desi, stop bringing up desi im tired of being told what i should and shouldn’t say. I’m tired of being the middleman. i dont need to keep being the messenger.
-then my stupid ass bio father
i have so many frustrations with him and the evangelical bullshit i was force fed. every time i see anything related to whatever i felt during that time period, it invokes an anger within me that I cannot control. you’re incompetence has left my body rotten and decayed. i will not live a full and plentiful life because i am your offspring. i cannot find peace in the world knowing that you once walked it. lived in it. loved in it. now we are both unfulfilled in life. i loathe you because i am your reflection. i loathe you because i never had a chance.
and to my mom, i am sorry that you had to deal with men like my father, and your father in your own life. time was gracious to you, except in your last years. im sorry i was too dense to absolve you of the slightest bit of pain in your last years. i only experience less of a quarter of the stress that you had to bear in your day-to-day life, and im crumbling under the flimsy foundation of my emotional stability. please rest easily now that all of that is over with
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journalentries77 · 8 months
life update maybe idek i just vent and its very personal and a little boring
im forgiving my family for my own sanity and well being. even if we're not as close as we used to be which is normal cuz were all getting older i hope that we can just stay civil and not toxic. im starting fresh. besides all of the mental trauama lmaoo. what im saying is im gonna try to create different thought patterns for myself and just maybe get on anxiety medication so i don't hurt others or myself. yeah. idc. but im tired of seeing people as my enemies. while i was a victim of abuse for a long time i cant deny it i just can't stay a victim anymore. sorry. i want to control my outcome. i don't think i will ever be good with certain relatives but i want to atleast be chill with my parents. yknow. and its not like those relatives are awful people. they're just average grown adults who didn't know how to speak to me when i was a child. nothing wrong with that. there were also good moments. i don't want to have such a negative view of my childhood because honestly it was pretty amazing compared to most i just also was scared of being happy because i thought id be stupid if i did things to help me cope better with my mental illnesses. im not. finally been staying consistent with brushing my teeth for thr first time in 2 years and eating more. not like a ton cuz its difficult for me after a restrictive ed however progress is progress. i just really want to make the last few months and next year really count. knowing that love from a distance is possible and even healthy. goodbyes are normal and ill figure it out with time. for once in my life i feel as if the world isn't on fire anymore and that i might be okay. still mentally ill. just learning that its okay to heal at ur own pace. and just cuz u thought something negative doesn't erase all of the good that you have done recently. honestly my goals now are to gain more mental clarity and to learn more about life and this world. i want to be ready for adulthood. time is going to pass regardless might aswell try and be present. and i know what i've been through. and no one else needs to validate me. and confidence. gonna work on my confidence issues aswell. not regarding my looks. physically im literally the girl that 7 year old me wished she looked like and while that makes me beyond happy i want to be confident in my beauty and for who i am as i learn who i am. and what i actually believe in. where my morals stand and such. basically ive i don't want to say matured because thats true but ive felt that way before i think i have just actually realized that theres an entire world out there outside of my anxiety brain and that i am fully capable of love and living a healthy happy life. no matter how difficult it was and will continue to be considering im human i know there will be other tough times. and ive already overcome so much at such a young age i just feel ready almost for whatever is next. mental illness and my relationship with it oh my god that could have its own post entirely i think i will stop typing tonight because my fingers hurt but i want to write about how healing with mental ilness feels especially with brain fog omg that would be super interesting and
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slutabed · 3 years
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
Are You Growing?
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Cheek to Cheek) Word Count: 1,886 Warnings: mentions to alzheimers A/N: idk about yall but im loving posting about the earlier times w bucky n reader
You sit on Bucky’s couch, Alpine curled up in your lap, purring softly with closed eyes as you lightly scratch behind her ears.
Bucky’s sitting on the floor in front of you, in the place of where his coffee table used to be, which is now pushed into the corner for the time being. He rereads the instructions to put together his new bookshelf for the eleventh time now, still not understanding where exactly to put each screw.
You were no help to him, your first suggestion was to toss out the instructions and build to his heart’s desires; whatever felt right.
The last thing he needs, though, is for his bookshelf to collapse in the middle night and scare the shit out of him, so he tries his luck with the instructions.
He’s grateful for the ring of his cellphone, perhaps a break for a phone call will somehow make the instructions easier to read.
His stomach drops when he sees the caller ID as Rebecca’s retirement place. He pushes down his nausea and answers the phone.
“Hello? Is Rebecca okay?” He answers, quickly standing and moving to another room, not missing when your eyes look up at the sound of his sister’s name.
Is Rebecca okay? Did she hurt herself? Did she hurt one of the nurses? Is she dead?
“Hi, Bucky. Yes, Rebecca’s okay,” The receptionist Bucky’s gotten to know well responds, causing him to let out a sigh of relief, “She’s asking for you, is all. She’s… not eating. She didn’t touch her breakfast or lunch, she just keeps asking when you’re coming. I know you don’t normally come until tomorrow, but I promised her I’d call you.” She finishes explaining.
“Uhm… okay, okay. Tell her I got hung up at work and that I’ll be over as soon as I can.” He tells her, sparing a glance into the other room to see you peeking at the instructions on the ground.
“You’re amazing Bucky, thank you.” She responds, and all he does is hum through his anxiety before hanging up, returning to the living room where you sit.
You look up at him as if to ask if he is okay and he only stares back for a few seconds, thinking, before deciding, “Put your shoes on, we gotta go somewhere.” He tells you, voice still a little shaky from the scare of that phone call.
You don’t question it, recognizing that it’s probably not the time, and move to go grab your shoes by the door. Bucky silently pushes out air through his mouth, an attempt to calm himself down and get the nausea to go away. Rebecca’s okay, he reminds himself, she’s having a bad day, but she’s okay.
You’re worried at how quiet Bucky is and with how fast he speeds on his bike down a route you don’t really recognize. Finally, though, you see the sign in the distance, St. Francis Alzheimer’s Hospital, and you understand.
He parks the bike out front and turns it off, not yet moving, and you take off his helmet you’re wearing to get a better look at him. You say his name when you notice tears have gathered in his eyes; you’ve never seen him cry before.
“Sorry,” He wipes his eyes, “This shit is just so… exhausting. Everytime the phone rings, everytime I come here, I don’t know what I’m going to get, if she is okay.” He vents before letting out a long sigh.
You don’t know how to respond, choosing to rub his back as he composes himself. Bucky’s always been a tough rock; always knowing what to say, what to do, always knowing how to take care of everyone and how to solve everyone’s problems. You’ve never seen him so tired, so nervous before, and you see the toll doing this has taken on him.
Before you can say anything, he stands, “Let’s go.” He holds out a hand to help you off the bike and rests the helmet on the seat, knowing no one’s going to take it.
You follow quietly behind him as he enters and greets the receptionist, walking past the desk and down the hall. You feel out of place, not only here, in the retirement place Bucky’s sister lives at, but in public. You’ve barely left the apartment while you’ve been in hiding; you think this is the most amount of people you’ve been around in months.
Bucky approaches a door and knocks quietly before entering, “Hey, troublemaker,” He calls out, voice no longer strained or shaky as it’s been for the half hour, as though he flipped a switch to make himself normal again.
“Bucky!” You hear an excitement-filled elderly voice call out.
You enter to see her sitting on the bed, arms reaching out for Bucky to embrace him in a hug.
“Sorry, I’m late, I got caught up at the gym.” He tells her, hugging her back.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were at work, I just wanted to talk to you about the carnival, it’s coming this weekend.” You notice Bucky’s jaw clench for a second before loosening.
“It is, isn’t it. I’ll get Steve and we’ll all go together, I know how much you love the rides there.”
You linger by the door still, observing the interaction. How Bucky plays along so perfectly and so composed. You tense when you notice that Rebecca’s eyes have found you.
Bucky follows her gaze and snaps his head to you, “Becca, this is a friend of mine.”
You walk over and hold your hand out, giving your name, and she reaches out and accepts it, giving you a gentle smile, “A friend, huh?”
“Bec -”
“I’ve heard a lot about you, it’s really great to finally meet you.” You tell her.
“Well, it’s lovely to meet you, too, I haven’t met one of Bucky’s friends in a while,”
“Rebecca -”
“Who was that floozy you brought home once, the one that Mama hated?” She teases Bucky, who now stands with arms crossed looking at you take a seat in the chair next to Rebecca’s bed.
“That was Madeline.”
“Madeline! My goodness, she didn’t last very long at all -”
“How about we talk about something other than my love life? Are you hungry, Bec?”
“A little bit.” She responds, and Bucky feels relief flood through his body. He nods and leaves the room to go fetch her lunch from one of the nurses.
“I love these flowers on your shirt.” Rebecca compliments, snapping your eyes away from the door Bucky exited out of and back to hers. They’re the same blue as Bucky’s.
You glance down at your shirt, one you thrifted with lilac’s all over them.
“Thank you, they’re, uh, lilacs. They symbolize growth. Like, change from ignorance to knowledge, innocence to wisdom, and all that.” You tell her.
She hums, “And are you?”
“Am I what?”
You pause to think about it. Have you grown? Changed?
“Yes. I think so.” You respond.
“Well, then I’m happy for you.” She says sincerely.
You feel a knot swell in your throat at the validation, being greatly reminded of Bucky in that moment, and it’s then that he returns with a tray of food, a bowl of fruit, and a glass of juice.
Bucky places the tray on the small table that can swing over her bed, cutting the food on the plate for her small pieces, before moving to the fruit and juice, taking both lids off for her.
You watch as he takes gentle care in moving the tray closer to her, piling small pieces of food onto a spoon before feeding it to her.
She clears about half the plate before saying she’s full, which is more than enough for Bucky to be satisfied; it’s better than this morning.
Whatever problem there seemed to be this morning that caused Bucky to come over here in a rush is gone. To you, it was like his presence was the only thing she needed to feel better; it’s like there wasn’t anything wrong in the first place.
Soon enough, the two of you leave, with a promise from Bucky that he’ll see her tomorrow on Thursday and they’ll go to the carnival this weekend.
You don’t mention anything else about the visit to Bucky the entire way home, and choose to help him on the floor of his living room for the rest of the evening instead.
Thursday and Friday pass, and Bucky goes to Steve’s on Saturday.
“Remember that girl I told you about? The one I’ve sort of become friends with? That I’ve been looking out for?” Bucky stirs sugar into his coffee, his sweet tooth showing up more frequently since he’s been hanging out with you.
“I remember.” Steve says, sitting down next to him at his table with his own cup of coffee. Steve’s is decaf, though.
“I, uh… I took her to meet Rebecca.” Bucky doesn’t meet his eyes, waiting to see what his reaction will be.
“Oh?” Steve responds, setting his mug down and resting his aged hands on the table, paying all attention to Bucky now.
“There was a situation on Wednesday, Becca wasn’t eating and she was at my apartment -”
“At your apartment?”
“So, I just took her with me -”
“You haven’t even taken Sam to meet Rebecca.” Steve tells him, making Bucky stop.
He pauses for a moment before continuing, “When I saw Bec on Thursday, she remembered her.”
Steve’s head tilts, processing his words.
Bucky continues, “I went to go see Bec on Thursday, and she asked me about her, apparently they talked about some flowers and she wanted me to bring her some so she can see them in person. Asked when I was going to bring her to see her again.” He finishes explaining.
“Wow.” Is all Steve says.
“Rebecca… doesn’t remember anything. I mean she remembers me and you, but she barely remembers anything she and I talk about when I visit, barely remembers her kids. But she remembered talking about lilacs with this girl she’d never met before!” Bucky says, still in disbelief.
“...Must be something special about her.”
“Oh, don’t you start now, too.”
“Just saying. Maybe you should bring her here sometime.”
“Nah, I didn’t even plan to take her to see Becca. That was a risk all by itself, taking her out in public like that.” Bucky glances up to see Steve smirking at him with that stupid wrinkled mouth of his.
“Stop looking at me like that, would you, punk?!”
Steve chuckles, “She sounds like a sweet girl.”
“She’s my friend, Steve.”
“I didn’t say she wasn’t.”
“But you’re implying -”
“Implying what? What are you thinking?”
Bucky huffs and rolls his eyes, Steve twisting his words around, and he realizes he won’t escape this conversation without teasing.
“Whatever. She’s just a friend. If that. We just hang out sometimes, I help her do things that I had trouble with when I got out of HYDRA. I’m just around to help her.”
“Sure, pal. That’s nice of you.”
Bucky sighs, standing to go refill his coffee, and Steve smiles to himself, glad that Bucky’s met someone like you, and glad to see where it’ll inevitably lead, even if the two of you don’t see it yet.
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four months; part 2 [five hargreeves x reader]
a/n: thank you all so so much for your support and feedback! i literally could not believe that the first part has over 200 notes and yall want a continuation like omagash??? im soft, thank you guys <3
here is the long awaited part two, but before we dive into that, i felt the need to ask yall if you want five to be aged up?? in most x reader i’ve read on this site, five is aged up, but I felt like, in my case, i didn’t really needed to mention that because i am only like two months older than the actor, and its not like im gonna write smut with him- gross. point is, idk. should i age him up tho??? idk what to do, so here are both aidan and timothee to soothe ur heart for this second part!! <3
(the gifs do not belong to me, lemme know if u know who made them so i can give credits- they’re real cute mah gawsh!!!)
alsoo if you want more five imagines or literally any other hargreeves sibling or fictional character ousside tua, feel free to leave a request in my inbox! kisses <3
summary: after a long family meeting and more booze, you decide to make a bold move and profess your buried feelings.
part 1
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“Men are stupid shitheads.” You concluded, setting your flask on the counter, looking at the new bangs Allison had just cut for you.
Even in her drunken state, they seemed to be very nicely done. You were quite surprised by the way they turned out, but pleased nonetheless. It was a spontaneous decision, getting bangs. You had been sitting in the hair salon she was working at with her, Klaus and Vanya after a not so great family meeting.
Hugs were shared, true, but then arguments started and before you even knew it, Luther stormed out, Diego followed him, Five went missing for whatever business he had, and Klaus claimed that Ben was not even there- apparently, ghosts can’t time travel.
So, it was just the four of you, drunk in a hair salon, with too much alcohol and way too many scissors around you, complaining about how shitty your love lives could be.
“Amen.” Klaus raised his drink in the air, “I’ll drink to that.”
“Right?” Allison nodded, combing her second client, Klaus, “The nerve of Ray! I mean, one thing goes wrong and he’s on a warpath!” She vented, holding the bottle of liquor in her free hand, “I mean, doesn’t know who I am?! No, no! No, Ray- you know exactly who I am, you just can’t handle it!”
You watched with a raised brow as Vanya was out of zone, pretending to be shooting the long line of empty bottles gathered in front of her, as Allison kept on continuing her rant. Her husband had just seen her use her powers on the night they started the protest, and was now having a real hard time comprehending what was going on. You didn’t see him at home either, so you figured he may have been upset with you as well for maybe hiding the secret. Or maybe he thought you were like her, who knows?
“Hey, wouldn’t it be weird if Five grew up all hot?” Klaus suddenly asked, taking a drag out of his cigarette, as he got up from his seat to walk around the hair salon, “Wouldn’t that be weird?”
“Why would you even think of your brother like that?” You asked riddled, narrowing your eyes at the man as his sisters almost gagged at the thought.
“Oh, please, you’ve been thinking that, haven’t you?” Klaus asked, pointing at you as you took another swig from your nearly empty flask.
“I... I mean- he’s... Five... uh... no comment!” You suddenly declared, at loss of words, as you got up from your seat, trying to maintain your balance as you made your way towards the bottle of liquor to fill your flask again.
“When are you two gonna confess your feelings?” Allison asked with a groan, letting her head fall backwards as she sat on the chair, “It’s getting really tiring!”
“We have an apocalypse going on!” You argued, “There’s no time for feelings!”
“This is the perfect time for feelings!” Klaus chimed in, taking another drag out of his cigarette, “These might be your last six days on Earth! Do you want to die regretting that you never told Five how you felt about him?”
“I’m not having this conversation anymore.” You declared, out of arguments, as you poured liquor in your flask, “Why don’t we talk about Allison’s crush on Luther instead?”
“We have never even kissed!” Allison defended herself, causing Vanya to spin on her chair confused, looking between the three of you.
“Yeah, but you guys were making little sick moon-dog eyes at each other all through puberty and breakfasts and... all that.” Klaus waved her off, sipping from his own flask.
“Aren’t we all brothers and sisters, or...?” Vanya wondered confused, as you and Klaus snorted amused at her innocence.
“Well... technically...” Allison tried to find an excuse or explanation, but she was having a hard time putting her thoughts in place.
“Technically?” Klaus raised a brow, “If you....” He stammered, trying to regain his train of thought, “If you have to use the word technically, you’re already in trouble.”
“Okay, can we go back to Five and Y/N?” Allison tried to change the subject, “Or maybe at least help me save my marriage?”
“That’s like...” Klaus stumbled on his own feet, filling his flask again, as you leaned against Vanya’s chair curiously, “That’s like asking a nun how to hump someone’s leg! I mean, who in this room knows shit about relationships? This one?” He asked, pointing at Vanya, “In secret love with some farm Frau!”
“Her name’s Sissy.” Vanya informed him.
“Which is an improvement on her previous love interest.” He said, looking at you and Allison, as you shook your heads to slightly tell him to shut up, “...the serial killer.”
“What?!” Vanya yelled, looking between you and Allison for an explanation, but you just softly waved her off, promising to remind her later.
“And look at this one!” Klaus ignored the three of you, pointing at... well, you, “A fifty year old assassin, who got the chance to be a teen again, but she is too afraid to admit her feelings for the... wait, is Five a boy or a man?”
“Both?” You raised a brow, unsure of the answer.
“Meanwhile, I’m carrying a torch for a soldier I haven’t technically met yet, and Luther is in love with his sister.” Klaus waved you off, trying to keep his balance again on his feet.
“Okay, again- we are not biological!” Allison tried to defend herself once more, but Klaus simply ignored her.
“Face it, the healthiest long-term relationship in this family was when Five was banging that mannequin.” He said, making all of you nod in agreement, as you couldn’t help but confess, taking another chug out of your flask;
“I can’t believe I got to the point where I was jealous of Dolores.”
Okay, maybe ‘banging’ and ‘jealous’ were strong words, but you had to admit you were not that pleased when one of the first things that Five did when he got back to 2019, was go to some store to get back his plastic girlfriend who kept him company in the four decades he spent all by himself in the apocalypse.
You understood his mind, though. You would have gone insane as well if you had to be all alone after the end of the world, without another soul on the planet. Nonetheless, you still were maybe a tad too happy when he decided to return her to the store.
Leaving you the only woman he had eyes for, unbeknownst to you.
“I’m gonna tell Sissy that I love her.” Vanya suddenly declared, straightening her position confidently.
“You go, girl!” You cheered, clapping for your friend.
“I don’t want any secrets.” She said, making you and the other two nod in agreement, contemplating about your own lives.
“Yeah!” Allison said, getting up with the bottle of alcohol tightly clutched in her hand, “Yeah, yeah- you’re right! Yes, ‘cause, you know- if this all goes tits-up, the least I can do is be honest with my husband!
“Oh, does that mean I have to face my cult?” Klaus sighed, “I just hate group break-ups, it’s why I stopped dating twins!”
You pondered about it for a moment, in your state that was definitely not the most sober. You had a lot of alcohol coursing through your veins, but you felt like maybe it was better. You could think with your heart more than you could think with your brain, and your heart was telling you that your friends were right.
They all are getting themselves ready to take big risks in their lives, why shouldn’t you? They had a valid point; the world was gonna end in six days if you guys couldn’t find a way to solve this. Last time you didn’t have the brightest plan, so why should this time be a success? Reality hit you; there was a real big chance that you might die.
So why not just be honest with Five? What was the worst that could happen? You manage to save the world and Five rejects you? Big deal!
Well, it actually was a big deal.
“What if he rejects me?” You asked all of a sudden, causing the three siblings to turn to you, “What if I tell Five how I feel about him and he rejects me? I know maybe at my age I shouldn’t be this anxious about a man, but... it’s not like I’m going anywhere, I’m glued to the Hargreeves clan.”
And it was true. After the events of the 2019 apocalypse, right before you and the others got separated, you shared an adorable moment in which you confessed to each other how happy you were to have met and be taken into their family as one of their own.
“Normally, I’d say to not ponder on that for too... long.” Klaus slurred, “But given that it’s Five, you don’t even have to worry about that.”
“He’s right.” Allison shrugged, “That won’t be a problem.
“I have no memory of any of you, but from the hug I’ve seen you two share earlier- you’re not just friends.” Vanya spoke up, making you stare into nothingness for a moment.
I mean, it’s Five we are talking about. If he were to have any feelings, it’s not like he’d be honest with them or act, right? It would be up to you to make the first move.
You let out a long sigh, rubbing your hands on your upper arms, reminding yourself of the hug. It may have been the first time you and Five actually hugged, in all the years you’ve known each other. The way he held you close and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck, taking in your scent, feeling you in his arms, even if for him it had been only four days. You had to live with the thought that he may be dead for months.
And you hated that, you knew you wanted him alongside you. You wanted that little rude, at times obnoxious dipshit, with a soft heart- as much as he hated to admit it. You loved how much he cared about his family, about saving the world. Five is a great person; he is caring and has a big heart, as much as he tried to hide it behind his trashmouth.
“Fine!” You groaned, letting your head fall backwards, “I’ll tell Five I fucking love him and his dipshit face!”
“Yes!” Klaus clapped, as Allison and Vanya cheered proudly, “Come here!”
You and Vanya walked towards him, as Allison wrapped an arm around his waist, waiting for the two of you to skip towards them, pulling you into a group hug, as “Twistin’ the night away” by Sam Cooke blasted on the radio, causing the four of you to start a small dance party, letting for the first time in a long while your problems just go away.
For the sake of the song.
After a couple more hours of drinking, gossiping and dancing, the four of you decided to finally part ways and attend your promised business. Klaus went to deal with his cult, as Allison decided to be completely honest with her husband at home and Vanya was going to confess to Sissy.
As for you?
You were going to tell Five Hargreeves you were in love with him.
“Hey, dipshit!” You confidently yelled, running up the stairs of the store, trying to find Five.
“Y/N?” Five frowned, walking out of the kitchen with a coffee mug in his hands and a confused look on his face, “Are you... even more drunk? And did you get bangs- what the...?”
“Shut up.” You waved him off, walking towards him to grab the mug out of his hand to sober yourself up, “Why in the hell are you even drinking coffee at this hour?”
“I’m... trying to calm myself...” He frowned, watching as you chugged his freshly poured coffee.
“Normally I’d ask.” You said, setting the mug on the counter, shaking your head, “But right now what I have to say is more important.”
“Is that so?” Five raised a brow curiously, as you slowly slapped your cheeks, trying to get the room to stop moving, “Why don’t you go to bed?” He asked, gently pushing you towards the couch, “And we talk in the morning? I don’t really have time for this.”
“No!” You yelled, stopping in your tracks to poke his chest, “We don’t have to talk! I talk and you- you listen!” You said, poking his chest again, “You never have time for anything, all you can think of is your stupid apocalypse!”
“Oh yes, isn’t that a trivial thing to be thinking of?” He asked with a sarcastic smile, crossing his arms.
“I don’t need your sarcasm!” You yelled, poking his chest a third time, feeling him get more tense.
“I swear to God, Y/N, if you do that one more time-...” Five took in a deep breath, as he could feel as he was slowly losing his patience.
“Shut up!” You groaned, watching as his brows knitted in confusion, “I’m trying to confess my feelings for you, you moron!”
“W...What?” He asked, as his face suddenly softened, unfolding his arms.
“I’m in love with you!” You sighed, rubbing your face, “Okay? I-I am in love with you and I am trying to sober myself up, but I think I may have had too much to drink.”
“You think?” Five scoffed, slowly leading you towards the couch, “Are you sure you’re not saying this just because you have a ton of alcohol coursing through you?”
“Well... kinda, ‘cause if I were sober there was no way in hell I would have confessed.” You puffed, complying, as you let yourself guided by him, “Allison, Klaus and Vanya all convinced me that I should tell you, that we only have six days left on Earth and in case we don’t save it... I shouldn’t be going down with regrets.”
Five listened to your every word carefully, as you continuing venting about how his siblings spent the whole day trying to convince you to tell him about your feelings, as he slowly held your hands, as you took a seat on the couch. He nodded at your words to let you know that he was listening, as he took two pillows off the armchairs beside, placing them at one end, softly pushing you down.
“...and then Klaus said that he hates group breakups.” You said, not even noticing what was going on, feeling your lids get heavier once your head met the pillow.
“Not a surprise there...” Five muttered, grabbing the blanket that was rested on top of the couch, placing it over you.
“Are you trying to dismiss me?” You wondered, but still making yourself more comfortable, as you sat on your side, with your head facing Five, who knelt in front of you tired.
He bit back a smile, watching as you slowly closed your eyes. He knew you were extremely drunk, he could see that in the way exhaust took over you. Not only you had a lot of alcohol in your system, but you’ve also had some long couple of days, and some longer ones were ahead of you until you knew for a fact the world was safe once more.
“I don’t know how it is, that you’re the one person who actually makes me feel... soft.” He confessed, watching your lips curve into a smile at his words, “You... drunken idiot.”
“I regret nothing.” You said proudly, as Five couldn’t help but let out a small laugh, softly stroking your hair to help you fall asleep sooner.
“We’ll see about that in the morning.” He smirked amused, watching as you pouted.
“You never gave me an answer, you know.” You pointed out, letting his soft touch calm you down, as you felt sleep slowly take over you.
“You never gave me a question.” He retorted, knowing for sure that if your eyes were opened, you would roll them at him.
“I think you like to hear me say that I am in love with you, it’s the third time I have to say it.” You said, slowly placing your hands under your pillow, making yourself more comfortable.
“I am happy to see that you still know how to count.” Five said, placing some wild strands of hair behind your ear.
“Screw you.” You said, making him grin, as he went back to stroking your hair.
“In this whole... shitty situation I managed to get myself into, you, Y/N, might as well be the only thing keeping me sane... surprisingly.” Five frowned at the last bit, watching as you opened your eyes, shifting your head to watch him, “I love you too, moron.”
“I never said I love you.” You smirked, teasing him as he rolled his eyes.
“You little chipmunk...” Five sighed, shaking his head in disbelief amused, as you leaned into his touch more, closing your eyes, pleased with yourself.
“Yeah, but you still love me.” You said, not once dropping that smirk on your lips.
“You’re impossible, did you know that?” He wondered, resting his forearm on the couch beside you, as he knelt on the floor, trying to make himself more comfortable, noticing the way you were enjoying the scalp massage... for free.
“A little bit.” You slowly shrugged, wrapping your arms around his, once you felt it beside you.
Five watched with a soft smile as you pulled his arms closer to your face, nuzzling into it with a satisfied smile, happy that you listened to your friends.
And deep down, so was Five thanking his siblings.
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