#im just. fucking done. im gonna get coffee and hope it magically starts working but anything ive tried has not so far and everything sucks
kornyo · 5 years
Hello, my name is korny and some of you know me as a former beta, then sweet elite’s former clothing artist, that also (singlehandedly) drew the animated mini-game with momo and the little coffee and coin icons. I never had a proper introduction which is why probably most of you see me for the first time now.
I didn’t plan on publicly making a statement, but it has been brought to my attention that the se management said rude and nasty things that – most importantly – are just plain bullshit and I cannot let this be said without a proper response.
 If you click this link you will find a google doc with various screenshots, showing what exactly has been going on that made me (& cecile) finally leave the team. I made the doc and the screens a few days prior to leaving (April 2019) and already shared it with all the betas and some staff back then, but also some people on tumblr who have come into my dms asking me to clarify what happened. I feel the right time has come to share this link with the public, although it might be a little confusing to understand for some.
 Now, what bothers me the most about serenas ugly behaviour from the past few days is the topic of “’lazy’ cecile”. I’d like to clarify that this entire post is MY opinion, and was written because *I* am angry about this, I was not forced to write this whatsoever by Cecile or anyone else. I’ve kept my mouth shut so far bc I could not be bothered, but this is where I draw the line.
“Lazy Cecile” has been something even BEFORE my beta days (which started in January 2018). Serena used (and still does, as you can see in her latest posts) to call Cecile “lazy” a lot jokingly, but saying it that often didn’t make it funny anymore, and it certainly isn’t a nice thing to say to a good friend. She continued to say it even after Cecile approached her not to.
To add, Cecile is - if not THE - most hardworking person that ever participated in the production of the game. While juggling a full-time job, she also drew AND redrew ALL the sprites, for a short time also drew ALL the illustrations WITH customization (2 genders x 3 three different hairstyles), AND new backgrounds because An already left the team. And that’s just the art she did! She also took part in writing large chunks in almost every chapter, even writing an entire big ass chapter 7 ON HER OWN, which she now has posted on her blog @retconomics (which Serena in response tried to make us afraid by telling us how merciful she is by not suing us for copyright. Your case wouldn’t be that strong honey LMAO not without a contract anyway 😉 ). ALL WHILE WORKING A FULL DAY JOB AND GETTING A DOG, WHICH ALSO REQUIRES A LOT OF ATTENTION. Meanwhile, it took Serena several months to almost a YEAR now, guessing from the release date, to write chapter 6 and it wasn’t a rare case for her to magically loose the file or it getting corrupted. So please tell me how the fuck cecile is lazy? In any fucking way?
Her time schedule was very demanding, so of course we had to cheat a little bit, which brings me to my next point: professionalism. Serena claims that Cecile was very unprofessional, “cutting corners” and her art “unpolished” and “not up to par”. In her example of ‘proper’ professionalism, serena used this image:
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Illustrating how the new artist does things better and more polished.
This is where I call huge, MAJOR bullshit.
I have worked on the sprites with cecile. Due to the tight deadline Serena has given us, Cecile would give me the rough sprites and I would finish them & look for any spots that were smudges/did not have clear edges or full transparency. Wanna know how these files looked like?
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Hm! Absolutely no fucking different! The expressions were all on one layer, unlike in the example above, but as Serena said: she didn’t say anything against that. That was because Serena wanted to pump content out, which, fair enough, and she needed everyone in the team to “set priorities”, as she said. And adding so much customization was NOT a priority at that time and she knows it.
However, if it DID bug her that much, it’s her own fault if she won’t say “hey Cecile, could you put all the brows on one single layer, all the mouths etc”. And if her excuse is that Cecile lacked the time, I could’ve done it just as easily, as I worked on the sprites anyway and did not have the huge workload cecile had at that time. If the manager is unhappy with their product, they should say something, otherwise nothing will happen. So, if Serena was unhappy with the ‘lack’ of expressions (lets be real tho, 5 expressions isn’t lacking at all)? Her fault.
“Not to mention, all of the sprites will be polished and the artstyle will finally be consistent throughout the entire game (something that our old artist really struggled with at times). Also, both Alita and Ariel are awesome at what they do, take growth and sustainability seriously, and constantly look for ways to improve and build onto the world of Sweet Elite.” Taken from here (x).
Ah, yes. You want consistency and yet hired two artists with two very different styles, and even *advertised* it as something good. Also, if somebody improves art wise, they rarely stay the same way. Art is FLUID. Art CHANGES, especially while improving. And if ceciles art was so unprofessional looking and unpolished for you serena, why didn’t you just tell her to stop drawing? Why not “get rid of the garbage” sooner? Would have saved both you and cecile the clownery that has happened and is going on right now.
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(taken from here)
Also calling Cecile a weakness while she literally held the weight of the entire game on her shoulders while having to provide so much art and writing while you failed to write even one chapter during all that? You’re pettier than you care to admit.
I literally could go on and on about this, but this is already 1k words, so im gonna wrap this up. But I am so mad about this “boo hoo there is a narrative spun against me ☹” “I was creatively constricted by my cowriters” (also bullshit lmao, but another topic). You’re just a big liar and an awful person overall, and don’t get me started on your boyfriend.
While you’re getting “rid of the garbage”, please also remove MY minigame which I was forced to make while I was collecting money for my dog, and pay me 100€. You can have the clothes as I actually *agreed* on doing that for no money. 25€ for all the coffee and coin icons would be appropriate as well.
Now, as a former fan thats been on this journey since 2015, I am very dissapointed in how this game is developing. You’re taking this game into a direction you promised not to - not diverse, full of clichés, mainstream. As a fan, this broke my heart. A lot.
I hope you learn that your actions have consequences and that I will NOT be quiet if you decide to spit some lies again.
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bleedingthirium · 5 years
Gavin x Reader (Stressed Out)
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Authors Note: -Sobs- I tried to go for a softer Gavin Reed around his S/O at home but I feel like I went a little out of character. And I wrote ALOT. Im sorry! But I hope you enjoy it and I’m so sorry if it’s bad. And sorry it took so long to post.
Warnings: Swearing (because it’s fucking Gavin, c’mon people. GET A MOVE ON!) Category: Fluff
You and Gavin work completely opposite jobs; he was around dead people all the time, trying to find the murderer… whereas you were (more or less) based upon keeping people alive. Or – eventually, it would be come your job. Technically you held half a title as a Nurse. You’ve still got a lot of studying to do before you became a fully registered nurse. Though the doubts were slowly creeping in from the back of your mind, clouding your focus as you sat on the floor leaning your back against the couch. For some reason you preferred to sit on the floor with your studies spread across the coffee table. You know this wasn’t good for your posture, being a Nurse-in-training, you definitely knew better! At least everything was in reach and you didn’t have to lean yourself halfway over a dining room table to retrieve a document or textbook that happened to be a little bit too far from your reach. This was more or less how Gavin found you. Sitting on the floor with your studies surrounding you.
“Hey Babe. How’s your day?” He asked as he shut the door behind him, grey eyes taking in the copious amounts of paperwork and text books and forced himself to hold back a groan because he hated paperwork. The last thing he wanted to come home to was more paperwork, it reminded him too much of being back at the precinct. Of course, he didn’t outwardly complain because he knew this type of paperwork was necessary/essential. No way in hell he’d ever tell you to pack it away.
You didn’t even hear the keys jingle in the doorknob, or even hear him walk in until his voice suddenly yanked you out of your thoughts, causing you to jump almost ten feet in the air! “Jesus Gav! A bit of warning!” you gasped, hand flying to your chest in fright, as if you were attempting to calm your frantically beating heart down. “I gotta come home some time, babe.” He chuckled, clearly amused at catching you off guard. Your reaction was pretty fucking priceless. But his reaction slowly fell as realization dawned on his features. He had said goodbye to you this morning just as you were setting up for your study sesh. Except it had only been three text books and a small file of paperwork. Not this strewn of a mess. “Y/N? Have you been there the entire day?” Your eyebrows lifted as if Gavin just asked the most ridiculous question in the universe, but when your eyes glanced to the clock on the wall, they widened at the time. 6:30pm! What the hell!? Where the hell did the time go!? “Uh, I guess so? Then that also means I haven’t gotten as far as I’d like. I’ve still got a report to write, essays… Oh my god, I’ve got a test to study that I almost forgot about!” A hand lifted to your forehead in stress before sliding down your cheek and your E/C orbs glanced around at the mess. “I’ve got so much to do! Not enough time. I’m going to fail. Oh my god, I’m going to fail!” “You’re not going to fail.” Gavin’s firm voice spoke through your thoughts. This wasn’t the first time he’s helped you through a mild anxiety attack regarding your studies. Stepping over some of your books and paperwork, you watched as he made his way over to you, lifting his leg slightly as he swung it behind him so he could straddle the couch behind you, so that you now sat in between his legs. “You were born to be a Nurse. I’ve seen how you’ve patched me up. Your gentle with your hands. It’s one of the things I fell in love with.” You leaned back, head tilting back and upwards to glance back up at him. “Just my hands? Not my heart or my beautiful face?” Gavin quietly chuckled, “And your sense of humor.” Speaking of hands, you suddenly felt his hands on your shoulders. You immediately let out a groan of satisfaction as his fingertips firmly pressed into the knots on your shoulder. Gavin was quiet as he began massaging your shoulders; giving you a small break from your workload, knowing he can at least offer something to help you. Judging by the roll of your head and the small mewls of pleasure coming from you, he must be doing a good job! It wasn’t often Gavin massages you. Mostly due to his own hectic workload, and quite often he came home exhausted. But when he does, oh his fingers are magic and immediately have you trapped under their spell. “I don’t know Gavin…” you started, biting your bottom lip before letting it go. “I’m worried I’m in over my head. My passion is to help people and there are other ways of doing that. This whole medical study is a little too hard.” There was certainly no mistaking the disappointment in your voice and Gavin stopped in his ministrations for a moment before picking up again. “Y’know…when I studied to become a police officer, I didn’t think I’d get through.” He quietly opened up to you a little. It’s not often he does, he’s just not a very open person and you learned that it was easier to let him come to you when he’s ready rather than you question for answers. “I was just some dumb punk kid. Couldn’t spell. Kept pickin’ fights, worried I was gonna end up on the wrong side of the law indefinitely. But, uh… here I am. Y’know? The physical stuff was easy. Loved it. But the academic stuff? The studying, the essays? Man, it felt like bullshit. My final exam… y’know, the one that really matters…? Thought I’d fucked it up completely. I studied as hard as I could but it felt like nothing… I left that exam room, ready to quit. Wanted to quit. Hell, I even almost tore up my acceptance letter. There was just no way in hell I was gonna make it. But I did. And you will too. Just keep going, Y/N. Don’t give up. The world needs you as a Nurse. I need you as a Nurse. Who else is gonna patch me up?” You let out a sigh as Gavin kept working the knots on your shoulders, and his firm voice slowly soothing your worries. To others who didn’t know Gavin, one would assume he was being a bit harsh or blunt with his speech, but you knew the tones of endearment that lay within the message he was trying to send. “Take a breather, Y/N.” Gavin suggested when you didn’t respond to his little spiel that came from the heart. He didn’t take offense to you not replying. He knew you tend let things process a little before taking on board what was said. “I can’t. I have so much to do.” You said as you leant sideways on his knee, a hand waving at the mess of papers and textbooks everywhere. “Your burnt out. You’re gonna get shit done tonight. You don’t think I’ve been where you are? You’re gonna just sit there and re-read the same question for the next three hours, trying to make sense of it. And you’re gonna write fuck all because your brain is tired.” His fingers had stopped massaging across your skin, but they had now begun to caress softly across your shoulders before dropping to your upper arms and giving them a squeeze of reassurance. He’s head coming to lean down and press against the side of yours as you both sat there for a moment in silence. You hadn’t argued against him so, to him, that meant you were likely contemplating what he was suggesting and would heed his advice in stopping for the night. His grey eyes spotted something in one of your text books and frowned, trying to make out what the fuck it was… “What’s that?” he asked, pointing to something that represented a certain type of sweet. “It’s a spleen.” “Looks like a jelly bean to me.” “Yeah, well it wouldn’t taste like one.” “How would you know? Have you ever tasted one before? Are you secretly a cannibal that I don’t know about? … ‘cause that’s kinda hot. Let’s do it!” Joking of course, he attacked your neck with kisses, making you smile and the small sound of laughter escaped. Gavin’s heart fluttered just a bit knowing he made you smile, even if it was just a small smile… “C’mon Y/N. Pack all this away. Start fresh tomorrow.” “Yes Detective.” You murmured, teasingly using his title which you did every now and then. It always earned a small sound of laughter from him. With a kiss to your temple, Gavin wiggled himself out of being trapped on the couch by your body, and left you to pack up your paperwork. He would have helped but he didn’t want to mess up any system you had going (working on case files at the Precinct, he knew what it was like to have a mess of papers spread out across the table but for it to also be an ‘organised mess’). You barely paid any mind to where Gavin was going, assuming he’d gone to take a shower or something. You focused on packing things away, feeling a little more at ease after Gavin was able to place your mind to rest. This is one of the things you adored so much about him; at first glance he looks like a gruff person you wouldn’t dare be friends with, but underneath all that… there’s a much sweeter side to him. It took him ages to show it, but you saw his potential, caught glimpses of it beneath his rough-boy exterior. Hence why you never gave up on him.
Everything in two neat piles, you carried both to the dining room table and set them there, ready to tackle tomorrow. For now, you needed to focus on cooking dinner because even though it’s been a long day for you, it’s been an even longer day for the poor Detective. And the last thing he needed to come home to was a stressed out girlfriend. “Hey, Gav? What do you want for dinner?” You called out from the kitchen, hand resting on the countertop with a finger idly tapping away in thought because you hadn’t prepared anything earlier. “Don’t worry about dinner” Gavin said as he rounded the corner into the kitchen, making you jump ten feet in the air. Again, making him chuckle at your reaction. “Ran you a bubble bath. Go relax. I’ll handle tonight.” Had your hand not been resting on the countertop, you would’ve fainted at the offer. All this time Gavin had prepared you a bubble bath while you were tidying up your papers, despite his own long-ass day. How the hell did you get so lucky to have him? How the hell did people not see that he was such a kind man beneath his rough exterior? “I… but what about dinner?” “I’ll order pizza. Now go. Water’s gettin’ cold.” You stared at him just a moment longer before the relief washed over your body and your shoulders sagged, hand sliding off the bench. “Sounds good.” You softly murmured before walking up to him and pressing a kiss against his cheek. You didn’t see it as you made your way to the bathroom, but Gavin had a stupid smile on his face. He may not show it in all the right ways, but he was head over heels for you. He fucking worshipped the ground you walked on. You were that softness he needed in the world of cruelty he was exposed to either by his job or his own damn actions. You soaked in the bath for a good long while – or until your stomach started growling loudly and ruined the mental aesthetic you had going on. The last thing you expected Gavin to do was run you a bath, much less a bubble bath. Just add it to one of the many things you loved about him. Like it was said, he doesn’t show his love or appreciation in normal ways. But the massage, the bubble bath, the taking over the evening’s plans so you can relax despite his own long and stressful day… those were the ways he shows he cares. It wasn’t long before you were snug in your pyjama’s and followed the scent of Pizza that sat on the coffee table, Gavin patiently waiting for you to join him before he began eating. You hated that he does that, he needs to eat. No need to wait for you. But then again, you adored that he had some gentlemanly values. Because, looking at him (or with your first impression of him), you thought he lacked them entirely. There was a bottle of water waiting for you too, as sweet as Gavin was to take everything into consideration, it made you feel even more guilty because he’s had a long day and you haven’t even asked about his day, or how he was going! You quietly sat down and took your half of the cardboard box that had your pizza on it. “Hey. You’re gonna make a great Nurse one day.” Glancing over to him, you saw the sincerity in his grey eyes. He 100% believed in you. No doubts. Your eyes quickly shifted to the kitchen table before glancing back at Gavin again. He’s right. You can do this. You’ll do it for him. A gentle smile spread across your face, blush lightly tinging your cheeks. “Thank you, Gavin. For everything.” “Hey, c’mon now. How many times have I come home late or pulled an all-nighter? It’s the least I could do. Besides. You got no idea how hot you’re gonna look in your uniform.” “They’ll be scrubs Gavin. Not the 1950s get-up.” “Still gonna look hot babe. And ‘m still gonna rip ‘em off you.” You chuckled softly at the underlining compliment before moving a little closer to him on the couch, resting against his arm. To which he moved it slightly so you could rest in the crook of his side while you ate. “I mean it Y/N. You’re gonna be great and I’m so proud of you.”  
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spootiliousrps · 4 years
Wolfstar Charms
You both like sirius/remus.
Stranger: [6th year, Remus hasn't told his friends about the werewolf gig yet.] Hey, so. I heard you talking to McKinnon after Magical Creatures today. Is that how you really feel about werewolves and vampires? Marlene was saying some pretty hard shit.-R
You: Well, I don't know what was said, but yeah. I mean, they attack anyone that gets close enough and spread their condition like a disease. They're better off where they can be kept an eye on that let loose in the world. -S
Stranger: But like. Every werewolf? -R
Stranger: And they only turn one night every month -R
You: But how can you be sure? I mean maybe not constantly but at least as their cycle gets closer. You heard what the professor said, they're practically monsters. I would feel safer if something was done about them. I'm not saying to kill them but something should be done. Even if its requiring them to be locked up during that time. -S
You: Why are you so curious about this anyways? -S
Stranger: I don't know. I just think it's wrong to prosecute an entire race of people, some of which may have done nothing wrong. -R
Stranger: There's bad ones, sure, but like. Thats not everyone. Just like not every pure blood is evil. -R
Stranger: Should we round up all of you lot and lock you up? -R
Stranger: I--fuck, I'm usually more eloquent about this, I'm just tired. -R
You: Whoa! Hey! That is not the same thing! I'm not saying to enslave them or anything like that! Locking them up during a transformation is humane! It would be for the protection of both them and the people around them. I know its not their fault. I'm not an idiot. -S
Stranger: It's inhumane to lock anyone up. -R
You: [Delay] Yeah... you usually are lol. I'm not use to seeing you so riled up. Whats got you so tired. -S
Stranger: Like -- would you want to lock me up for the week before the full moon if I was a werewolf or something? -R
Stranger: You said they're basically monsters -R
Stranger: Nothing, it's nothing. I just didn't sleep well, okay? -R
You: They are. Basically monsters I mean... but that doesn't make the people they infect monsters. I mean... the beast that comes out at night is not the person they are the rest of the time yeah?-S I mean, I never really considered it but... Would you have a better idea? Look at it from the person's point of view. You heard about the wizard that woke up after a cycle to find he had slaughtered his whole family? Sure, it sounds cruel when you explain it like that but they guy ended up offing himself cuz he couldn't live with what he had done. If I were a werewolf I'd want to be locked up during my cycle to protect you guys. I mean, I wouldn't know what I'd do if I hurt one of you. -S Maybe you should talk to one of the Ravenclaws, they might be able to slip you something to help sleep a bit better. A charm or something? -S
Stranger: I'm sure the werewolves that actually care take proper precautions. -R
Stranger: There was that one, sure, but. -R
Stranger: All the wolves in the media are all those nasty ones, that just was to cause mayhem. They should be punished for their crimes sure, but you can't control an entire race, that's not right
Stranger: I know plenty of charms. -R
You: Listen, Remus. I'm not going to pretend like I know why you have such a hard on for werewolves' rights suddenly and I'm also not going to pretend like I know everything. You asked and I told you. If you have a better idea for dealing with them then great. As far as I'm concerned it doesn't really involve me and its not like I'm going to write a strongly worded letter to the Minister to try and convince him of anything. Regardless of how either of us feels if a werewolf attacks us in the middle of the night I'm not going to be too torn up for defending myself. -S
Stranger: ..right. Sure. -R
Stranger: I'm going to go nap in Pomfrey's office. -R
You: Probably for the best. Want me to come fetch you for lunch? -S You're even worse when you don't eat. -S
Stranger: Um -R
Stranger: Maybe, I don't know. -R
Stranger: I can ask Peter to bring me something -R
You: [Delayed] If you're sure. Let me know if you change your mind. I promised James I'd meet him on the pitch before third so I won't be doing much. -S
Stranger: you'll be late for transfig -R
You: Wouldn't be the first time. -S
Stranger: Gonny's gonna murder you -R
You: I'd like to see them try. Besides, Lily is suppose to be there too. No one ever gets on to her. -S
Stranger: well.. I hope you guys have a nice time. -R
You: It'd be nicer if you would join us. -S
Stranger: um -R
Stranger: I can see if I can grab some coffee. -R
You: Awesome! I'll swing by the kitchens and bribe one of the house elves for those sweets you like so much. -S
Stranger: sure, yeah. -R
Stranger: I'll see you on the pitch then. -R
You: [[Switch to para?]]
Stranger: [[sure!!]
Stranger: [[I can start]]
You: [[Sounds good]]
Stranger: Every bone in his body hurt before the full moon. Every movement was filled with pain, and the entire week of the moon he felt like he wanted to crawl out of his skin. And he would've, if it meant that it'd stop. Remus dragged a hand through his hair as he made the hike down the hill from the castle to the quidditch pitch, slipping onto the field without being seen. James and Lily were already there, talking quit close together over on the edge of the field. He raised a hand to offer a hello, a grimace on his face with each movement.
You: "Remus!" Sirius called from Remus' right. He was still a few yards away an bulging cloth tucked under his right arm, a few pastries peaking out from beneath it. His left was tugging on a Peter's elbow as the other boy seemed to shift his gaze this way and that as if worried they'd be caught and taken to the dungeon's at any moment. "There you are! I was worried I might have to go to Pomfry's office after al-" he cut himself off as he drew up close enough to make out the boy's expression. "Christ, you look like shite. You weren't kidding earlier were you?"
Stranger: It wasn't fun, being woken up in the middle of the night with agonizing pain. He glanced over to Sirius as he came over to him, and he offered a small smile. "Yeah, I uh, rallied. I have my coffee in my bag so, hopefully that'll get me through potions later." Hey sighed. He nodded to Peter, and glanced back over at Lily and James. "It's fine though. Like I said, I just. Didn't really sleep." he had bags under his eyes, his face a little sunken in. "Whatcha got there?"
You: Sirius glanced down at the bundle as if he had forgotten about it entirely. "Oh, right!"
You: [sorry wasn't done]
Stranger: [nw]
You: Sirius glanced down at the bundle as if he had forgotten about it entirely. "Oh, right! I told you I was gonna swing by the kitchens. Swung by the potion's classroom too," he added with a wink and a grin. "Got a surprise for ya." "I-I had n-nothing to do with it," Peter rushed as if that would save him any grief should they be caught. Sirius just rolled his eyes and pulled him onward as he headed for James and Lily, obviously expecting Remus to follow. "Snatched a few Wideeye potions from the stores while Slughorn was distracted," Sirius admitted, still grinning proudly.
Stranger: Remus laughed softly, shaking his head as he followed them over towards James and Lily. "You're gonna get caught one day, you know?" he said teasingly. "I'd be nervous if Slughorn's rage came down on me, man. He's old but I can tell he's gotta temper." He stifled a yawn into his arm, and let out a puff of air. "I have so much course work to get done tonight." He frowned.
Stranger: [hey im jumping in the shower rq I'll be like. less than ten minutes]
You: "Well my luck hasn't run out yet," Sirius teased lightly. "Oi! James! Stop making pillow eyes at Lilly and get a move on!" Sirius called out to his friend with a laugh before focusing back on Remus. "Luckily for you, of course. Otherwise who would be here to pick you up when you need it ah? Peter?" he teased, elbowing the chubby boy in the ribs. "I-I... T-thats not..." "Relax Peter. I'm only teasing, lighten up."
You: [[Take your time. If we get disconnected I'll be under the tag spootilious]]
Stranger: [back! just gotta get like dried off[
You: [[wb]]
Stranger: Remus watched Sirius for a moment, shaking his head. "Maybe James?" he offered, snorting softly. As they approached, James flipped Sirius off, focusing back on Lily for a moment. "--Did we skip Transfigurations just to watch you talk to some lass?"
You: "No offense, Lilly," Sirius added as if as an after thought. He was a brave and reckless boy sure but he knew better than to piss off a woman, especially on that was such a talented witch. "You could do better than this sod," he teased lightly practically jumping into James' lap and ruffling his hair.
Stranger: "Yes, absolutely no offense," Remus agreed, nodding. Lily just let out a soft laugh. "Of course. Why'd we all come out here, James, did you want to go show off on that broom of yours?" she prodded at his side. Remus sat down heavily, a small grunt escaping him with the hard movement.
You: Sirius's gaze followed Remus' movements and despite his outward jovial appearance, worry lined his eyes. Typically he would have wrestled with James a bit, mock flirting with him, but as it was he allowed the other boy to shove him from his lap, depositing him next to Remus with a grunt of his own. "Rude," Sirius mock pouted but shifted back a bit to give himself room. He laid out the cloth, sweets still piled in the middle. Without hesitation he took two from the top and offered one out to Remus before shoving the other in his mouth.
Stranger: He didn't even want to know how completely like shit he must look like. And tomorrow, he would be concealing his bruised and battered body just like he did every day after a full moon. He glanced over at Sirius as he laid out the pile of sweets and pastries. He smiled, softly, and took the offered treat. "Thanks," he said softly, taking a bite. He let out a long sigh, and leaned his head on the man's shoulder, puffing out a breath.
You: Sirius tried to be as still as possible for the other man, only moving to reach into his robes and produce the small vile of wideeye potion he promised. Peter sank down next to the two reaching for a few sweets of his own. He may have refused to admit his part in the thievery, but he had no quarrel about partaking in the spoils. Sirius wouldn't admit it but his anxiety regarding Remus odd behavior had skyrocketed upon the sight of him and wasn't getting any better.
Stranger: Remus offered a small smile, and took the vial from the man. He twirled it in between his fingers, he uncorked it, and grimaced for a moment before he took it like a firewhiskey shot, closing his eyes tight and shuddering. "Oh, that's so gross."
Stranger: [brb!]
You: Sirius couldn't help but chuckle at the words. "I've caught you snogging Prevel Martin. I'm sure it can't be worse than that!" he countered making the group laugh, though his own didn't quite reach his eyes. They were still pinned to Remus, dark and calculating, as he tried to piece together the puzzle before him.
Stranger: "That was a dare!" he cried, elbowing him in the side. He could feel the effects of the potion almost instantly, though he was still full of his aches. He could feel how tired his eyes were, but the potion buzzed away inside of him and kept the open. His eyes flickered over and met Sirius's gaze, and he let out a puff of breath. "What, were you just upset it wasn't you?"
You: Sirius tensed in surprise at the sudden retort, forcing his grin wider to try and hide the blush. "Oh, yeah. I've always dreamed of snogging that ugly mug of yours," he teased. "Sounds more like a nightmare," Peter added around a mouth full of food. Sirius just laughed harder.
Stranger: Remus snorted softly and grabbed another pastry, kicking his boot out towards Peter playfully. "Aye, just you wait, bastards. Give me a year or two and I'll be taller than James."
You: "Pfft, not likely," Sirius scoffed playfully before turning towards James. "I'm suppose to be in transfiguration right now. Whats up? Or did you just want to bore us again with another one of your rants about Muggle studies again?"
Stranger: Remus scrunched his nose up and rolled his eyes, before he snuck another treat, eyes turning to James. "Yeah, what is it?" James looked affronted and scoffed. "What, a guy can't just ask his mates and-- his uh. non-mate." a glance to Lily. "To come and hang out and skip class?"
You: Sirius snorted at that. "Sure you can, but I think I rather be learning how to turn into a dragon than to have to stare at your ugly mug," he replied, sticking out his tongue. "You can't transfigure into a dragon," Peter commented absently reaching for another treat. "Says you! I bet I could turn into Norwegian Ridgeback by the end of the year if I wasn't skipping class!" he grinned, pointedly looking at James and knowing full well it wasn't the truth.
Stranger: Remus quirked a brow at him. "Actually, not possible. Not a dragon, at least," he nodded. He glanced towards James. "What was that thing we were reading last week? Animagus?" he questioned. "You can turn into an animal, but like. I think it has to be within a certain size."
You: "A baby dragon then," Sirius shrugged before James could answer. "Enough to breath fire and do some damage at least." "Yeah and probably shit everywhere," James laughed. "Good, another job for Finch and his cat," Sirius laughed.
You: *Filch
Stranger: Remus laughed, but it sounded distant even to himself. James looked over at the other lads and quirked a brow. "Shit aren't they covering Wolves and shit in Creatures today? What if you could turn into one of them?"
You: Sirius' smile faded a bit at the question. What was with all this talk about wolves? "I dunno, wolves are just vicious dogs right? I think I would rather be a regular one. Lounge about all day, get fat on treats, swarmed by women all the time." "Sniffing butts," James added with an arched brow. "Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it," Sirius countered.
Stranger: James laughed loudly. "But no, like, hear me out. You could scare the fuck out of any of your friends, if you like. Showed up at their house as a massive fucking wolf. Like would you shit yourself right there?"
You: "I dunno," Sirius continued. "I still think a dragon would be better. What do you think Remus?" he asked turning towards his best friend.
Stranger: Remus blinked a couple of times, and forced another laugh from himself. "Uh. Maybe a rabbit," he said lamely, clearing his throat. He ran a hand through his hair, and he suddenly did not feel very great at all, his stomach churning uneasily.
You: Sirius hesitated as he watched the color begin to drain from his friend's skin. "Don't rabbits mate like crazy?" he asked trying to hide his concern. "I always knew you had a promiscuous side," he teased. "Either way, it won't matter what we want to turn into if we don't learn how," he pointed out, pushing to his feet.
Stranger: The man cleared his throat, letting out a long breathe and tried to stop the queasy feeling. Almost as bad as the bone and joint aches, he hates the nausea that comes along with it, as the full moon ticked closer and closer. "James could probably find the book with the animagus spell in it." he murmured. "I uh. I have a ton of homework to do, and I have a feeling I'll...be falling asleep early tonight. I should get it done."
You: Sirius offered out a hand to help the other up. "Nah, I bet he's too distracted making eyes at Lily," Sirius teased, fluttering his lashes at the girl playfully. "Right, Lily?"
Stranger: Lily snapped out of her little world with James, a blush coming across her cheeks. "What? Oh, um--" she glanced over at James. "Nobody is making eyes at anyone."
You: "Ha! Right! Whatever you say, Lily," Sirius chuckled before making a kissing face towards them both. "You guys don't do anything I wouldn't do," he teased with a wink, "I think I'm gonna walk Remus to his next class before he collapses on himself."
Stranger: Lily rolled her eyes and flipped him off as well, something she had picked up from James no doubt. Remus glanced up as he was mentioned, and frowned. "I'm not gonna collapse. Wide awake, see?"
You: Sirius paid Remus no mind as he pulled him a long, calling over his shoulder. "James you're a bad influence on her!" he laughed just as they turned the corned and were suddenly on their own. Sirius let his smile fade now that they didn't have an audience though he didn't speak, unsure of what to say.
Stranger: Remus grumbled but sighed, following Sirius. He let him get pulled along, his bag swinging over his shoulder. When they were out of sight, the man glanced over his shoulder. "They're insane ,the lot of them.."
You: "Might as well include us in that lot as well, Remus," Sirius pointed out before shooting the man a side glance. "You're hiding something, aren't you?" he asked deciding that a blunt approach would be best.
Stranger: "I'm hardly insane." he puffed a breath out. "I'm the sanest one around." At the accusation, Remus stopped in his steps, and he frowned. "What would I be hiding."
You: Sirius turned to him, studying the bags under his eyes and his exhausted features. "That's what I would like to know," he countered, "You obvious haven't slept, you're moody, and you know enough about charms that if it were something as simple as a bad dream you would have taken care of it by now," Sirius pointed out, crossing his arms over his chest, "Exams aren't for a few months and-" he paused, realization striking, a devilish smile spreading across his lips. "You've been sneaking out, haven't you?! Who is she? Couldn't be a Gryffindor or you wouldn't be up all night... Is it that Hufflepuff girl I always see trailing after you? What was her name? Levy? Levi? Lindsye?" he pretended to stumbled over the girl in question, knowing full well her name was Lauraine, not wanting Remus to think that he pays far too much attention to him.
Stranger: Remus felt like he was going to throw up for real now. He sucked in a breath and rolled his eyes, pushing a hand through his hair. "Fuck man, maybe I just had a bad night sleep, okay?" he frowned. "I get -- insomnia sometimes. I don't like to take potions all the time because I don't think it's good for you ." he felt his face heat up at the insinuation that he was hooking up with a Hufflepuff, and he groaned, covering his face with his hands. "Sirius, shut the hell up. Please." he shook his head. "I'm not--I'm not sneaking out with some girl."
You: "Some guy then?" Sirius shrugged, his grin broadening to hide his sudden wave of jealousy. "Hey, I'm not one to judge, we're mates regardless of who you decide to shack up with." He moved to loop his arm around Remus' and start walking again. "No reason to get cranky about it."
Stranger: Remus let out a shaky breath. "I'm not shaking up with some guy, either," he groaned. "I'm--" he paused for a long moment, trying to come up with something on the spot. "I'm taking extra lessons with Gonny. At night, when everyone's asleep. Not a lot, just like. Every couple weeks. She's.. helping me learn some higher level charms and stuff."
You: "Oh," Sirius mumbled a bit put out, but far more relieved than anything. "Wait... why do you need to know higher charms? I mean, I get that you're talented and all, but that's a bit excessive and why would you keep that a secret?" he asked absently, brows furrowing as he attempted to work it all out.
Stranger: He shrugged. "She didn't want the other students getting jealous." He explained, frowning. "I just. Was curious, and thought about maybe going into a job with the Ministry with it, so." he cleared his throat. "And she likes that I'm a hard worker, so she was willing to teach me. If you want to join you can go ask her, but--"
You: "Brilliant! I could use some extra studies in Charms. If I'm gonna become an Aura I have to get Outstanding on the OWLS and I only got Exceeds, but I was talking to Peter earlier and they're letting him retake his. Maybe they'll let me retake mine!" Sirius chimed, beaming with excitement as he pulled away from his mate. "I'm going to see if I can speak to the Headmaster about the exams. Meet you in the common room after supper?" He called already hurrying down the corridor.
Stranger: Remus opened his mouth in surprise at Sirius's willingness to take up extra charms and transfiguration lessons, and he looked surprised. But before he could even make a rebuttal, Sirius was off. "Fuck," he groaned, and shook his head, trying to race to Minerva's office to go and tell him what he had done. Besides Dumbledore, she was the only person that knew what he was. He best go ask her if they could start up some random charms practice now and then.
You: [[Quick questions (srry just want to make sure I don't overstep): Do you have a preference on how you want this to go or do you just want to wing it? Are you wanting to do the scene with Minerva or Dumbledore or skip to that even? I figured with Sirius it could go two ways either they tell him yes but he didn't talk to the charms prof so he shows up just all like 'hi! ready to go to charms, mate?!' or he figures out somethings off and there is no extra charms and he confronts Remus about lying to him. ]]
Stranger: [[ooh lets maybe do the lying ]
Stranger: [and uh. lets skip the scenes with Dumbledore and minerva]
You: [[Ooo ^.^ yay I was hoping you'd go with the lying >:3 ]]
Stranger: <3]
You: Sirius managed to attend the rest of his classes though he seemed a bit stand offish whenever he caught sight of Remus or James and Peter for that matter. He didn't bother showing up for dinner either. In fact, it wasn't until they were to meet in the Gryffindor common room that he showed his face. His usual smile was absent, replaces by pursed lips as he studied Remus silently for a moment. It seemed as if the dark haired man wasn't going to speak at first, but eventually he let out a heavy sigh. "Charms, huh?" he asked evenly, a brow arching as he pinned Remus with a dark stare, waiting for his next excuse.
Stranger: brb!!]
Stranger: Remus wasn't able to find Mcgonogall all afternoon. In her study, in class -- He finally had to give up to try and find her. He needed to get some homework done. He finished out his classes and was immediately kept up in the common room the rest of the night, hurriedly scrawling away, watching the clock tick away. The moon would be at it's highest point by 9pm, which meant he needed to leave by 8pm to get himself hidden in the shrieking shack. He glanced up as he felt the gaze of someone on him, and he parted his lips. "I--um. What?" he asked weakly. He only had twenty minutes before he had to leave.
You: "Don't play dumb Remus, its not a good look on you," Sirius grumbled, crossing his arms. "You lied to me! We're suppose to be best mates! Best mates don't lie to one another!" he snapped, losing a bit of his temper.
Stranger: Remus snapped his mouth close and let out a shaky breath. "I--" he stammered, and made another glance at the clock. "You're right." he nodded quickly. "I'm. seeing that Hufflepuff girl. Lauraine." he said quickly. "I didn't want to get the same shit that James gets for Lily because she's.. shy."
You: "Bullshit," Sirius snapped without hesitation. "You know the only reason I give James hell about Lily is because Lily is just as much a mate as he is. You are also a horrible liar..." he hesitated, something similar to pain crossing his features. "or at least I thought you were. Whatever you're hiding Remus... I hope its worth it," he spat, his anger returning full force as he gave the other boy a shove.
Stranger: Remus really didn't have the energy in him so close to the moon. When Sirius shoved him, he knocked back hard into the corner of the table, letting out a little yelp. "Maybe just mind your own business," he huffed out through a grimace. "If I wanted you to know, then I'd tell you."
You: "Last I checked, you are my business!" Sirius growled, kicking the chair between them out of the way. "At least, if we're best mates, it is... but then again, apparently... we're not," he added his voice lowering once more. "My mistake."
You: [[brb]]
Stranger: [nw]
Stranger: Remus backed away from the man, moving to start shoving his papers and books back into his bag. "I don't have to tell you everything about me, Sirius. Just. Drop it, okay?" he huffed out a long breath, swinging his bag over his shoulder. "I have to go."
Stranger: brb]
You: "No, of course, not! Why would you?!" Sirius snapped at him. "Go then! I'm not stopping you! It's not like I could even if I tried, obviously! Just don't expect me to come looking for you when you're late for class in the morning... or when you need another potion! I would hate to assume you needed me for anything."
Stranger: Remus felt a hard shudder run through his body, and he doubled over briefly. He glanced at the clock and puffed a breath. Why was he-- the moon didn't finish for another hour, at least. It dawned on him, there, that he forgot to account for the time change. He made a noise in his throat, hands shaking. "I'm--I'm sorry, I have to go." he said, and bolted from the common room.
You: Sirius' hesitated as he watched Remus falter, his anger and hurt forgotten. "Remus!" he jerked forward, intent on giving the man a hand but he was already bolting down the corridor leading towards the stairs. "Remus!" Sirius called after him, a spike of worry joining the concoction of emotions swirling inside him. He paused for a breath... another... before he realized what he was doing he was half way down the stairs, barely managing to keep the other boy in his sights.
Stranger: Remus was shaking, feeling his breath coming out hard, his bones aching inside of his skin. He had to pause, once, as another hard shudder rippled through him, before he was staggering towards the hidden passage behind the statue. He heard Sirius calling behind him, and just hoped he could keep out of his eye sight. Sirius couldn't be there for him, it was too dangerous.
You: "Remus wait!" Sirius called again, the words coming out breathless as he hurried down the stairs, catching a glimpse of the other boy just as he ducked behind one of the statues. Sirius didn't hesitate to follow, blindly following at this point. Whatever Remus was hiding was more than just some silly secret between friends that much was obvious now. But whatever it /was/, judging by the shaking and cries coming from the other boy was painful and possibly dangerous. Sirius had heard of some slytherins selling gillyweed and waking death to other students for kicks but... he had never pinned Remus as one to partake in something so dangerous. Now, however, he couldn't be so sure.
Stranger: Remus could feel the blood rushing in his ears, drowning out all other sounds. He made it to the statue, ducking behind it and entering the hidden passage. It was mostly dirt, dug through what had to be centuries ago, making his way under Hogwarts and towards the shrieking shack. He just needed to get there, then he could -- he could let the shift finish. A strained whimper came from his throat, seeing the door in sight. He reached to yank it open, clambering out. He fell to his hands and knees onto the old, rotting, wooden floor of the shack, gasping for air. He could feel the howl starting to catch in his throat.
You: Sirius slid to a stop in front of the small tunnel, heart sinking. He hated tight spaces... They were worse than boggarts... He shifted from one foot to another before he managed enough courage to dive in, doing his best to focus on the way Lupin had sounded, the way he had shivered. His friend needed him whether he knew it or not and Sirius was sure as hell going to- A howl broke through the sound of his trembling breaths making him pause, glancing up at the small bit of moonlight at the end of the tunnel. Remus wasn't alone! Something was there! He had to get to him! "Remus!!!!" He called desperately, doubling his efforts as he crawled through the tight space. "Remus! I'm coming!"
Stranger: [agsjldf sorry im helping boyfriend w/ dinner so lots of back and forth. we can always move to email or discord if its easier. brb]
You: [[No worries! I gotta get my son to bed anyways. Discord is still working for me but I would love to continue via email when we have to cut off if that's cool. I would hate to lose ya. Good Rp partners are so hard to come by.]]
Stranger has disconnected.
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mayansmcx · 5 years
Hell Hath No Fury
Hi all! I’ve literally never done creative writing but I’ve been so fixated on finding Mayans fan fic. As an obsessive fan and reader, I’ve read pretty much all of them. So that led me to trying to write my own to try and fill some of the need for more! Deciding whether or not to make this an Angel/Nestor love triangle thing or not. I like messy relationships. Let me know that you think!
Working in the Mayors office wasn’t my lifelong aspiration but after working for a Congressman who embodied all that was bad in politics, I couldn’t get away fast enough. That’s what led me here, to Santo Padre. I always knew I wanted to work in politics, but leaving so abruptly from the office in DC, and under the circumstances, it was difficult to find a job in any level of the field where my old boss wouldn’t immediately try and sabotage. Luckily, Santo Padre doesn’t even qualify as a dot on a map and so my former boss had no damn idea I was applying here or the connection I had to get into this office.
Mayor Antonia Pena needed a new Chief of Staff after hers went ghost and never showed up for work again - they still don’t know why he bailed or why he never came to get the stuff from his desk, but apparently his last few months there he started to spiral: drinking all the time, jumpy, bursts of anger... the works. No one was entirely surprised he left, by what I’ve been told.
Its a pretty mundane gig. The town is, for the most part, quiet. The outlaw biker gang, the Mayans, have some weird unspoken arrangement with the cops where they help keep the town as safe as they can on their respective sides of the law.
We never see much of the outlaws, which is why it is weird as shit that the head of the motorcycle gang just walked into our office and requested an urgent meeting with the mayor. Usually I try and field these requests and take the meeting for her, but in this case she wants to meet directly.
“Come on back, the mayor is ready for you Mr.....” I trail off, as I realize I never actually caught his name.
“Just call me Bishop. And this is Taza.” He says, gesturing to the man next to him.
“Nice to meet you Bishop and Taza. My name is Lennon. I’ll be staffing the meeting.” I reply politely.
“Lennon, we were kind of hoping for a private meeting with the Mayor, no offense.” Bishop says, running his hand through his hair, seeming a little tense.
“As the Mayors Chief, it’s my job to staff her. If it makes you feel better, whatever you say in there, I’m going to find out anyway. I’m the cogs that make everything run for this office. I take on the grunt work so she can focus on the big picture. It’s usually easier for me to hear things directly than getting the recap later.” I explain, hoping they understand what it is that I do.
“Ah, so you’re the one who makes shit happen” Taza lets off a quick chuckle.
“More or less.” I give a light laugh, “she makes the decisions, I coordinate it to make it reality. Makes her life easier, and gives me a job.”
I open the door the Mayor’s office and invite them in. Mayor Pena is reviewing paperwork for the newest city council proposal for repairing the sidewalks by the school.
“Hey boss, our drop in is here” I alert her.
She sees our visitors and promptly puts the papers back into their folder before standing up to greet them.
“Bishop it’s so nice to see you again. Or at least I believe it is for now, it depends on what you’re about to discuss” Antonia states, trying to sound relaxed, but the rigidness in her body language is hard to ignore.
Bishop smirks, “Well, you know us, always trying to stay out of your hair. That’s why we feel bad about coming to you. We need a favor.”
Antonia relaxes a little, which I find odd (all things considered). “Well, tell me what I can do for you” she replied confidently.
“One of our guys is locked up in Indio right now. Nothing bad, just a little drunk and disorderly charge after a bar fight. Given the fact that he’s wearing his kutte, they seem to be going a little harder on him.” Bishop explains.
“Ah yes, those damn biker stereotypes foil a nice evening once again!” Antonia says as she plet off a genuine laugh which Taza and Bishop joined in on as well. “We’ll see what we can do. Lennon, I’m going to need you to work this today.” Antonia said as her eyes met mine.
“You got it, boss.” I nodded quickly. “Now gentleman, why don’t we go grab some coffee and you can tell me what it is that we’re working with.” They both stood up and followed me out of the building and across the street to Tino’s Café.
We place get our orders and grab a seat in the back corner.
“Alright Mr. Leader of a motorcycle gang, what’s the situation” I say playfully. Humor and playful banter is my go-to for alleviating any tension. People tend to ease up with a fun-loving approach.
“It’s not a gang, it’s a club. And my official title is president”, Bishop says as firmly as he points to the patch on his chest before he lets off a quick laugh. “Anyways, like I told the Mayor, one of our guys is in lock up in Indio. He drank a little too much and some hedge fund lookin’ kid got mouthy. Shit escalated, a fight broke out. Hedge fund kid cried about the big bad biker and got off, said he wanted to press charges, and then our guy was hauled away.” He states matter-of-factly.
“Ok, that’s not too bad.” I say as I mull over the facts. “What’s his name?” I ask.
“Reyes. Angel Reyes.” Taza, who I now see has a Vice-President patch, answers. “Two of our guys, Coco and EZ were with him. They made it back this morning.”
“Alright, give me a second and I’ll make a call to up there and see what magic I can work” I tell them as I get up and walk outside, not waiting for them to okay my decision.
I google the number to their police department and dial. It rings three times before someone answers.
“Indio Police Department, this is Officer McMann” a monotone voice comes on the line.
“Hi, my name is Lennon Parker and I’m the Chief of Staff for Mayor Antonia Pena here in Santo Padre. I hear you have one of our constituents. Who do I need to speak to about the charges and possible release.” I say in my ‘official and authoritative’ voice.
“No one. He’s staying here. He’s not getting bail given the fact that he’s a member of a known criminal group.” He finishes his statement and immediately hangs up the phone.
I walk back into the coffee shop not bothering to hide my annoyance.
“That idiot hung up on me. Looks like I’m talking a trip to Indio. Can’t hang up on me to my face.” I snap as I grab my purse.
Both men raise their eyebrows and look at each other.
“I like your attitude, kid” Taza tells me. “We’ll send some of our guys with you.”
“It’s fine, I should be okay getting there and back.” I express, a little confused as to why they’d want someone to accompany me.
“Nah, he’s one of ours. And after last night, if Coco and EZ aren’t there to talk shit when he gets out, they’re gonna feel real sad” Taza laughs.
“Can’t deny you guys these simple joys in life. Have them meet me at the office in 20 minutes and we’ll go from there.” I concede.
I stroll back to the Mayor’s office and let Antonia know what’s going on.
“Be smart, Len.” She tells me, “I know how your mouth can get you in trouble.” She tries to laugh it off, but deep down we both know she’s serious.
I’ve only been working for her for six months, but we met each other about a decade ago when I was in a fellowship program and she was working for the City Planner. She was a good bit older than me, but somehow our friendship still clicked. She took on the roll as friend, and surrogate big sister. It’s why I didn’t want the Chief job the first time around. Mixing professional with personal can get messy.
“Oh c’mon Toni, there’s no fun in this if I can’t ruffle some feathers.” I winked at her as I walk out of her office at sound of motorcycles fast approaching.
I walk out to the parking lot and see two men hop off their bikes. One is shorter and lean with long hair and eyes that scream “don’t fuck with me”. His black and white plaid jacket was under his kutte. The other is tall, well built with short hair and a cut off shirt that drew attention to his muscular arms. His kutte wasn’t like the rest, it was less adorned and had a simple “PROSPECT” patch.
Without any pause, I introduce myself. “Hi I’m Lennon, you must be EZ and Coco. Now who is who?”
“Im EZ” the tall one raises his hand. I reach out to shake his hand, which he meets.
“So that makes you Coco.” I say as I move my hand to shake his. He looks at my hand for a second before giving it a quick shake as he nods.
“I assume you all don’t want to ride in my car, so if you want, follow me or meet me there. Whatever you want.” I tell them as I turn around and walk to my car.
“Alright, catch you there” one of them says, I don’t look back to see which one.
I turn the music up in my Audi A4 and start my drive. Getting lost in my thoughts as I strategize every possible path to getting this stranger out of jail.
Almost two hours later, I arrive at the jail. The two bikers are already sitting in the parking lot smoking their cigarettes.
“Took you long enough.” Coco says, not even bothering to make eye contact.
“Well you know, if I try and split lanes like you guys get to, it becomes a car accident.” I retort with no hesitation or care about his coldness. “Let’s go do this thing. Let me do the talking, they’re already holding the whole ‘biker’ thing against him.”
EZ opens his mouth to say something, before realizing there is no logical point he can make to find flaw in what I have just said.
I turn around, and walk up the steps. Throwing my shoulders back, I open the door and walk to the front desk. Quickly checking the name tag of the officer at the desk, I note it’s the same ass I spoke to on the phone. My annoyance from earlier reemerges.
“Hi Officer McMann. My name is Lennon, we spoke earlier. I need you to go get your superior.” I smile sweetly, but my tone reads more menacingly.
“No, he’s busy. If it’s about that biker, I already told you, he’s staying put.” He tells me, completely unphased.
“Oh no, officer. You seem to be mistaken. I did not request to speak to your superior. It was an order.” I say, losing all pretense of fake politeness.
I immediately see someone come out of the office in the back.
“Officer McMann, what seems to be the problem?” The older officer asks.
“This woman would like to speak with you, Chief, regarding the release of biker from their po-dunk down. She works for the Mayor” McMann tells his boss.
“Well it seems like you’ve wasted your time coming down here if you’re trying to get him out” the Chief tells me, the air of superiority he has immediately gets under my skin.
“Well, Chief… Ryan, is it? Chief Ryan, you seem to think this is an exercise in futility because our city is, what did this inept officer say? Po-dunk? I didn’t come down here to try and get Mr. Reyes released, I came here to do it.” My sickly sweet smile now dissipates. “You see, you might think I’m a nobody from a nothing-to-do town, but before I worked for our Mayor, I worked in DC, for a Congressman. You know what’s nice about being a Chief of Staff for a Congressman? All of the connections I made.” The Chiefs face falters and fear starts to creep into his eyes as he realizes he doesn’t have the upper hand in this discussion anymore. “In fact, I have your Senator and Assemblymember here in my contacts. I’m sure you know what they do, right? They help secure your funding. Senator Monroe and Assemblywoman Ruiz are quite fond of me after a bill our offices all worked together, I’m sure they’d love to hear about your prejudicial treatment of one of the Mayor’s constituents. So now, before I have to escalate this - which based on the look of your face is something you don’t want – go release Mr. Reyes and see to it that no charges are filed.” I finish, the confidence and ferocity of my voice is lost on no one.
“But… you see, we’ve already started the paperwork for the case…” the Chief states, clearly rattled.
The falsely sweet smile returns to my face, “I’m sorry, did I stutter?” The smile drops again, “I said release him. Any paperwork you’ve filed sounds like a personal problem. One that you can fix once you release Mr. Reyes.”
Chief Ryan is quiet for a few seconds. “McMann, go get Mr. Reyes and apologize for our mistake” he tells the young officer
“Good call” I tell him as he sulks back to his office.
“Damn girl” Cocos voice calls from behind me, the previous coldness in his tone was gone “that was some good shit. Old boy looked like he saw fuckin’ Jesus for a second.”
“I don’t like being talked down to. Especially not by some old white dude with an ego.” I shrugged.
“You didn’t knock him down a peg, you kicked his ass down the stairs” Coco is replied.
“Look here he comes Angel” EZ says as we look up and see an extremely tall, well built man with a beard getting uncuffed at the end of the hall.
He walks out rubbing his wrists which bear indentations from the handcuffs and are lightly red.
Before they can start to talk shit to him, I jump in.
“Hi Angel. I’m Lennon. The Mayor sent me here as a favor to your president. I wanted to introduce myself before these two start giving you shit” I say as I shake his hand.
“Nice to meet you. And thanks” he says casually.
I walk out of precinct, the three men close behind me.
“Nice job there, genius. You can’t go around punching rich blonde pretty boys and not catch shit.” I hear Coco tell him.
I tune out the rest of their friendly bashing as we get to where we parked.
“So, we have two bikes and a car. Is Angel going to be riding bitch or will his gargantuan ass need to ride with me?” I say, clearly comfortable with the situation at hand which catches them off guard.
“Uh, yeah. That’s good. Still a little hungover from last night so I appreciate it.” Angel tells me as looks back at his friends.
“Alright then Sasquatch, get in.” I jokingly command. “But don’t expect too much quiet.”
“Whatever you say, lady.” He shrugs.
“I’ll see you guys wherever I drop off Floyd Mayweather here.” I tell the two men on their bikes.
“Mayweather? I can read.” Angel tells me, obviously a little taken back by my personality.
“For some reason, I doubt that.” I tell him deadpan before smirking.
I laugh as I slide behind the wheel of my car, “Let’s go Angel. You have two hours with me. Let’s see how much you can handle.”
“Damn little girl. If i would have known they were gonna send a comedian, I might have stayed in jail.” Angel says as he keeps the banter going.
“I like her!” EZ yells to the other guys before he starts up his bike.
“Fuckin’ great” he rolls his eyes, the sarcasm in his voice immediately followed by him shaking his head with a smile. “Lets go!” he chirps as he slides into the passenger seat.
This will be fun.
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hitchell-mope · 5 years
(Third film. At the courthouse. Bell and Adam are in “discussion” in Hartcourt’s office)
Belle: YOU BASTARD!!!!
Adam: what. What now.
Belle: you cannot take the school. I have been more then generous
Adam: I helped create it!
Belle: IT IS SIGNED IN MY NAME. And. Need I remind you. I had to twist your arm to make it coed and allow non royalty and non humans to be enrolled
Adam: schools are meant for
Belle: everyone! Boy, girls, humans, fairies, dwarves, royal, nob royalty, magic users and mortals alike.
Adam: you said for better or worse
Belle: worse meant if you gambled away our money. Not sinking back into old habits and creating a generational internment camp and becoming little more then the beast you once were
(Adam flips the coffee table in a rage and sends it hurtling into the opposite wall)
Belle (more calm then she should be): then why did you just throw a table across the room? Mr Hartcourt. I believe we are ready to sign the papers now
Jaques: yes yes. You know where I assume.
Adam: wait
Belle: oh what now!
(This is when “who knew” happens. After the song)
Belle: yeah. Who knew. Who knew you’d devolve into who you were when we met
Adam: you fell in love with that man
Belle: I fell in love with the man who saved me from wolves. Not the creature who threatened to starve me because I refused to dine with him. And certainly not the man who imprisoned innocent children on an island hellscape for two decades. But to you it’s all the same thing isn’t it?
(Adam doesn’t respond)
Belle: See. No answer. Let’s get these papers signed
(On the island)
Mal (on the tv): IM ENGAGED!!!! HAHAHAHA
(On a BarcaLounger a woman with electric blue hair and punk clothes wakes up. And tips over backwards)
Hades: JESUS FUCK! (She snorts and tips the right way up again). Tv rewind! Heh heh. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
(From somewhere in the abode)
Hadie (dressed in smudged eyeliner, silk robe, and hair a mess): I just got in ten minutes ago and you’re yelling oh shit. She did it
Hades: my girl did it.
Hadie: Iris is with the dwarf right?
Hades: that’s Hestia my boy
Hadie: and Icarus?
(Hades doesn’t answer)
Hadie: Oh. Well he lived a good life
Hades: your brother was 18 when he sank beneath
Hadie: I said good not long
Hades: ah yeah right. OOH! Iris needs an engagement present from dear old dad
(Her form melts from Eva Green to Jesse L Martin and starts rummaging through the mountains of detritus in the lair)
Hades: ok now where was it
Hadie: no.
Hades: no what?
Hadie: no you can’t. It could kill her. Iris could very well be the uniting force between Auradon and this trash hole. And doing anything to harm that would be stupid shortsighted and just plain fucking annoying.
Hades: how can you say all that with a hangover.
Hadie: reed root.
Hades: ohhhh. Byeeeeee
(He’s engulfed by electric blue flame)
Hadie: no. NononononoGARGH!!!! Fucking deity
(Back in Auradon. The celebration is in full swing. Doug and Evie have commandeered the dance floor. Carlos is being traumatised by Ben’s dad dancing. Jay’s trying to make “dancing in the moonlight” even louder then it currently is. Everyone’s having fun but dizzy who’s desperately trying to get to Mal, who’s giving Jane a little taster of her lady marmalade performance)
Dizzy: aunt Mal! What are you doing
Mal (abruptly standing up): nothing your mother needs to know about. Especially when your present. Jane dear drink your water
(Jane, eyes as wide as dinner plates, takes a sip of water)
Mal: now. What is it you wanted me for kid?
Dizzy: it’s Celia
Mal (the smile melts from her face): what? What’s wrong?
Dizzy: just. Just come on and help me. Please aunt Mal. Please?
Mal: of course. Yes. I will. Where is she?
Dizzy: our room. She’s in a bad way and
(Mal teleports them to Dizzy’s room then has to duck as a draw comes flying at her. Celia’s tearing the room apart growing more and more frantic with each passing second)
Celia: where is it where is it. I can’t have lost it. Please be here. Please be here. Please
Mal (tentatively): Celia? Are you ok?
Celia (thickly): go away. I don’t want you here. Go away.
Dizzy: Mal has the sceptre. She could use it to help
Celia (feeling betrayed): you brought her here. Why?
Mal (taking the heat for Dizzy): because. I have a little experience with losing things. Things that shouldn’t be lost. Magic. Books. Temper. I could help you. Only if you want to though
Celia (face crumpling): I lost it
Mal: lost what honey?
Celia: my cane. I thought I packed it. My dad made it for me. It’s like it’s like
Mal: a security blanket? Helps you sleep? Calms you down when you’re stressed?
(Celia nods tearfully)
Mal: well alright then. Dizzy could you go to the mini fridge? There should be some soda there
Dizzy: sure
Mal: now. You drink this. And take a nap. I’ll be right here with you. And then when you’re feeling better we can make a plan. Sound good?
Celia (feeling a little better): yeah
(Later. Ben poofs in looking for Mal)
Mal: what in gods name are you wearing and can you wear it more often?
Ben: jay stole my clothes and the twins think my crown has chocolate in it
Mal: why did jay steal your clothes.
Ben: bachelor party
Mal: ohhhh right. Where’s he gonna take you? A frat house manned by Homer Simpson?
Ben: I think ro Rome was mentioned.
Mal: you think it was mentioned?
Ben: double clothes change
Mal: hope you had water on hand. (Looks at his hat). Or beer.
(Ben smiles at her sheepishly. She chuckles)
Celia: what in the name of the Other Side are you wearing
Ben (barely able to stop himself from laughing): important king clothes?
Celia: looks like a burial shroud
(Bal collapse into laughter, Celia joins in right after. Jay poofs in wearing the same thing as Ben)
Mal (still laughing): now this. This works on jay.
Ben (choking on laughter): built like a Greek god
Celia: are they always like this?
Jay: sometime. Never on Saturdays though.
Celia: ah.
(Mal eventually calms down, Ben is still laughing)
Mal: what can we do you for?
Jay: well you disappeared. Then Ben disapperead. You guys are engaged. It’s a party. Have fun. Come on back down to the entrance yard. Everyone’s waiting for you.
Mal: well. Everyone should be in one place so I can tell them
Jay: tell them what?
(Two minutes, a teleportation and an announcement later)
Evie: you’re going WHERE?
Mal: the island. Celia forgot something and she needs it. So I’m going to go with her to get it
Carlos: are you absolutely sure?
Mal (cupping his face in her hands): it’s sweet that you care. But I’m sure. If it doesn’t work you (pointedly to Evie) and only you have my express permission to say “I told you so”
Carlos: I’d like that. I’d really like that
Jay: we’re coming too
Ben: seconded
Devie and Carlos: thirded
Mal: I couldn’t ask you to do that.
Evie: oh M. You’re not asking. We’re telling. Because last time you fucked off ben almost teared the steering wheel off in the limo. The he yelled at me
Dizzy: you were kind of to blame mom
Mal: hey Celia. On the way there. I’m sure Ben and Doug would love to see the cards
Celia (feeling much better now): if they’re prepared to pay up
Dizzy: you can take it out of my allowance
Doug: your allowance is half of my allowance
Dizzy: right.
Ben: I’ll pay for both of us
Celia: anyway is ok with me
Mal: lets go then
Gil: uhhhh. Can I stay here. I don’t wanna leave my boys again
Ben: sure bud
Dizzy: I’m coming with you guys
Devie: no.
Dizzy: why the hell not
Doug: because we won’t be there long
Gil: ah don’t worry Dizz. You can stay with us. Lonnie and I’ll be fencing.
Dizzy: I guess staying here won’t be so bad
Doug (sardonically): of course
Celia: I think she should come with us. She’s my best friend.
(Mal and Evie look at each other trying not to laugh)
Mal: the choice is up to Dizzy
Dizzy: I stay here
Evie: alright then. Let’s go
(Once on the island
Celia: well I just made forty bucks so I’m feeling much better
Ben: there’s plenty more where that came from
Facillier: you do know that she’ll hold you to that
Celia: DAD!
(She runs up to her dad who picks her up)
Facillier: I do hope she hadn’t caused you any trouble
Mal: no. Don’t worry. We’re just back so Celia can grab something she forgot
Celia: my cane
(The other four vks faces pale)
Carlos (venom in his voice): what
Celia: my cane. I can’t sleep without it
Mal: ok. We’re leaving. And your lucky I don’t burn this place to the ground. And you along with it. “Shadow man”
Facillier (perplexed): wait what? What are you talking about
Doug: uh doctor facillier. I um. I think my family may have got their wires crossed. Evie. Honey. Walking stick.
Evie: what. (She follows Doug’s line of sight) ohhhh. Urgh. Our bad
Celia: dad made it for me. I can’t sleep without it
Mal: right. Um. You go get it. We’ll wait right here
(Celia runs off. Leaving the others standing around awkwardly)
Ben: Doctor Facillier. I am so sorry that we thought
Facillier: please your majesty. Call me Antoine. And don’t be sorry. It’s nice to see that Auradon has done something good for the isle children. You’ll be back next Saturday I assume
Ben: of course. And you can call me Ben if you like
Facillier (dryly): ah ha. I’d rather not
Ben (seeing he’s outstayed his welcome): oookay
Carlos: hey dad. Wanna see me neat Doug at the games?
Doug: nice try C. But I’m a professional dancer
Carlos: so am I.
Ben: that means you’re evenly matched. Should be interesting. C’mon. K OK yes see who wins. Malta holidays the reward
(Elsewhere. A short-ish brunette pirate is bumbling her way to Mal jay and Evie)
Harriet (her soft voice at odds with her harsh tone): well we’ll well. Lookee what we got ‘ere. The grand high bitch as dinged to grade us with her present
Mal: oh jeez. Hello Harriet.
Harriet (belching): lizard
Mal: ew. How drunk are you woman
Harriet: ......quite
Evie: oh don’t worry. Soon all that (she gestures to the pirates face) will be covered by a death mask
Harriet: you gonna do me in like you did my bruvver?
Jay: oh dear hookette. He deserved what happened to him
Mal: they tried to kill my friends and family. They tried to capsize and drown the entire student body
Harriet: who gives a fuck about them. They never cared about us. Oh but of course. Uma was right. Uma’s always right
Facillier (intervening before the situation escalates): go home Miss Hook. You’re drunk
Harriet: I’ve been drunk for a year Ant
Facillier: that is Doctor Facillier to you. Now get out. Before I throw you out.
Harriet: make me honey
Facillier: I am older than your father
Harriet: hasn’t stopped me befAAAAAAAAAAAAH
(She’s encased in shade and dragged through the floor)
Celia (eyes glowing fuchsia): you guys aren’t the only ones with magic
Evie (squeaking): EEEEEEEEEEE! What was that
Celia: that means he likes you
Mal: who?
Celia: my pet shadow. Skygge. I can keep him right?
Ben: sure
Celia: yes! Bye daddy
Facillier: bye my girl. And remember. Make sure you get your cut
Celia: already got forty bucks.
Facillier: very good girl. Make sure to write
Celia: of course
(As they’re leaving)
Facillier: lady Mal. Can we talk
Mal: sure...?
Facillier: you are in possession of very precious cargo.
Mal: we know.
Facillier: I know the king. And your sister. The genie. Your son. And Doug all know. But I want to make sure that you know. My daughter is very important to me. If anything should happen to her
Mal: it won’t
Facillier (eyes glowing fuchsia): if it should. I shall hold you personally responsible
Mal (eyes glowing emerald green): I understand your concern. And I assure you. It won’t.
Facillier: the first sign of danger you get her out. She will want to fight but you put your foot down. Do you understand Mal?
Mal: yes. I thoroughly understand. Antoine
Facillier (cracking a very wide smile): well then. Congratulations on the engagement. I’m sure you’ll make a great queen.
Mal: thank you
(At the limo)
Evie: god I love...haaaaaa-hooooow you stopped us causing a scene. I really appreciate it.
Doug (knowing what she was going to say): you’re welcome
(He gets in. Mal poofs in and throws her arm around Evie’s shoulder)
Mal: gotta tell eventually kid
Evie: when we’re ready. Old lady
Mal (smirking and secretly proud of her sister): touché
(They both get in the limo and Carlos starts driving away from the isle)
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domesticangel · 6 years
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ok ive been wanting to do an OC redraw/redesign for a while now and uh, well here it is !!! top is obv the revamp and bottom is these three’s original designs ,,, the bottom pic is 9 years old (holy smokes) so i made them during my middle school emo/scene phase when i was like 12 so thats why they're.........Like That lmao but left to right in both pics is jude, elliot, and skipper!!! this was? so fun honestly
ummm lots of info/backstory about them under the cut lol
so in the original pic/designs… if I remember correctly jude and skipper were in police academy training to be cops and elliot was some punk ass kid theyd end up seeing around a lot cause he was in and out of holding for Delinquent Things, and ofc they magically became friends. Im pretty sure they were all 16/17 when I first made them which makes no sense at all (teen cops??? Ok) but like when ur 12, teenagers are Practically Adults BUT none of that is Canon TM anymore. In their redesign they range from early to late 20’s; I usually peg jude around 26-27, elliot is probably 23-24, and skipper is 21.
jude was the very first oc I ever made so shes always had a special place in my heart… I started churning out rapid fire ocs when I was in middle school that id toss when I was bored with em but shes the one that always stuck around!! Shes been a big honkin lesbian ever since her conception, so id use her a lot to express BabyGay feelings I didn’t really know how else to process. design wise I kinda just simplified her look; I have no fucking clue why she used to have an eyepatch and cat ears (I mean, I do, its because I was a weeb) but I got rid of those along with the scene hair and gave her longer hair with more natural waves and some freckles from spending a lot of time in the sun. her gray eyes and hair were always kind of her signature, so those got to stay! She mostly just wears anything that’s easy enough to move around and get work done in; tank tops, loose long skirts, etc. think futch hippy. anyways jude is now just a simple plant witch who uses her skills and connection with the elements to run a modest local farm, and even though shes fairly content in her lifestyle, she wants nothing more than a gf/wife that she can work hard to give a good life to :3c shes a hopeless romantic and has a bad habit of falling a little bit in love with every woman she meets, but shes mad shy when it comes to flirting, so more often than not shes just a sweaty ball of pining and infatuation. Whenever shes feeling some type of way about a girl she either obsessively takes on projects around the farm or house to distract herself or rants to her plants about how shes too afraid to express her feelings. RIP useless lesbian jude. Anyway shes the oldest of the trio, so shes very protective of elliot and skipper in a mother hen kind of way. She gets embarrassed when she realizes shes lecturing them like a cranky old maid, but they secretly don’t really mind it and often come to her for general life advice. I think her sign would be Taurus :3c (and probably an air moon since she’s kind of a space cadet)
elliot was REALLY FUN to redesign bc I honestly just wanted him to look like one of those people who had a HUGE scene phase way back when and just… never completely grew out of it lmao so I gave him the two-tone mullet he deserves, grown out roots hes definitely not gonna bother to re-bleach and re-dye, and piercing scars under his lip from where he used to have some tacky ass snakebites that he probably had to take out to get a job or something lol. he couldn’t completely give up piercings though, so the labret and gauges got to stay. Dudes not COMPLETELY stuck in 2007, but he does still enjoy a lot of the OG emo/punk bands and the fantasy of making it big in his own band and touring the country in a fashionably clunky van. He doesn’t exactly have a band, but hes working on that. Hes halfway decent on vocals and a guitar so he spends a lot of time combing through the local college town he lives and works in in hopes of finding some people who’d wanna play some gigs with him. But in the mean time, he works as a barista in a local café, which usually hooks him up by letting him do some acoustic sets at night every now and again. Hes a very warm and upbeat person, and will happily engage and talk the ear off of anyone close enough for him to do so, stranger or otherwise. He also regularly reminds jude and skipper how much he loves both of them and how glad he is that theyre all friends; He doesn’t really have much in the way of embarrassment or apprehension when it comes to what hes feeling. Hes the official unofficial “plan-maker” of the friend group and is able to bring them all together for quality time, because hes not at all passive like jude or skipper, and… usually has the most free time out of all of them lol. elliot is pure Leo and that’s about all there is to that
And finally, congratulations to skipper, who against all odds, looked normal enough that I didn’t really have to change anything at all about his design! Just had to ditch the uniform for your typical Tired Gay mustard sweaters. Skipper is an English major in his sophomore year of college who, like most people in their 20’s in liberal arts programs, is desperately trying to figure out what he wants out of life and also doesn’t know what sleeping or self-care is. He really enjoys writing, but doesn’t really know if he wants to do it for a living or if he even could. He grew up with pretty cold and distant parents, so on top of knowing they don’t really approve of his major, he pretty much always operates under the assumption that if hes not working himself to death hes not justifying the space hes taking up or the air hes breathing. Emotionally speaking hes more emo than elliot will ever be and his blood is probably 75% caffeine. He having kind of a rough time tbh but hes gritting it out in hopes that things become more clear eventually. He’d be way worse off if he didn’t have jude or elliot, who hes more thankful for than he can ever bring himself to express. They were essentially his first real, close friends, and despite skipper being incapable of asking for help, they always seem to know when he needs someone to talk to or even just a brief distraction; Jude has an open door policy for her farm and will let him come over and cuddle some rabbits or sit and talk over tea on her porch whenever he needs to, and elliot cant remember the last time hes made skipper pay for anything he ordered from the café, or the last time he even had to ask skipper what he wanted. Because hes the youngest of the three its sometimes their instinct to protect him, which embarrasses skipper out of his mind, but he knows they mean well. Hes the physical embodiment of Just Doing His Best and is a stone cold Capricorn
They’re still besties but basically met just from living in the same town; jude and elliot met when jude started providing the café’s local roast from the coffee beans she grew on her farm so elliot saw her fairly regularly and of course was like Oh Friend? Jude always liked how forthcoming elliot was as it complimented her generally reserved nature, and elliot always thought living on a farm and growing your own food was pretty punk rock and therefore pretty dang cool in his book. They both got to know skipper because he came to the café every. single. day. to ingest ungodly amounts of espresso and study all day, and when elliot took an interest in skipper, jude suggested he invite him to one of his gigs since the poor guy kinda looked like he needed a break. Skipper initially kind of politely shot elliot down, but jude took a chance and found skipper later to tell him how much itd mean to elliot, and that if it made him feel better she’d go with him, since going to events like this was different for her too. skipper apprehensively agreed at that point, and the rest is history !!! they all kinda hit it off after that
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aterimber · 5 years
On The Pyre
Request from ianneart: Hi! I got a samifer fic idea in mind (lel). Im currently watching season 6 in supernatural and i  saw this interesting thing sam said about hallucinating lucifer to bobby : “seeing Lucifer is…okay. I sorta think it’s the best scenario situation of them all.”
And my samiferness got jump started like nobody’s business. I imagine it like a one-shot, sam-centric pondering of sorts, where sam takes us through his mind and manages to convince us Lucifer’s company is…okay.
I’m so sorry this is late! I hope you enjoy the fic regardless.
Started: 16.04.29
Finished: 19.03.15
Words: 2,146
Samifer, Hallucifer
“You’re sure you’ll be okay here by yourself?” Dean threw his duffle over his shoulder and paused in the doorway, not wanting to leave his mentally ill brother.
“Dean, I’m fine.”
“Yeah Dean, we’re gonna have a great time,” Lucifer jumped up from his spot on the couch to stand beside the hunter and winked.
What the hell are you doing?
The blonde frowned, “What Sammy? Oh right... you don’t like when I talk in front of Big Bro.”
The younger man tried to hide his confusion and focused on his brother.
Dean scrubbed a hand down his face, “I left my number on the fridge. Call if anything... happens.”
“Will do,” Sam nodded, “Now go give those sons-of-bitches what’s coming to them.”
While he was grateful for his brother’s protectiveness, he didn’t understand his lack of confidence in him, he’d been alone plenty of times before without issue.
“But you aren’t truly alone now,” Lucifer wrapped a possessive hand around the giant’s arm, “Besides, it’s not like having me here is the real problem,” he stroked it tenderly, “right Sammy?”
Focus... Sam ran a hand through his hair in an attempt to block out the words.
With a regretful look back to his brother, Dean nodded and headed out.
“Finally... I thought he’d never leave,” Lucifer clapped the hunter on the shoulder as he closed the door.
He does like to worry. Wait, what are you doing? Don’t let him in, Sam heard the Impala take off as he made his way to the couch.
“Well, now that we’re alone...” Lucifer waggled his eyebrows and straddled the hunter.
“What the fuck,” the giant jumped up and took a couple steps backward.
“Sam,” the blonde gave him a curious look as he picked himself up off the floor, “we’ve done this before you know.”
“No we haven’t,” the hunter had the nerve to look appalled, much to the devil’s amusement.
As if he doesn’t remember it was his idea... He brushed himself off and analysed the hunter, “Sam, do you... ,” he struggled to find the words, not wanting to give something away that he wasn’t ready to hear, “You remember what happened in the cage, don’t you?”
“Of course I remember,” he crossed his arms and cocked his head, “why do you ask?” And why do you sound so... hurt?
Lucifer shifted his gaze down to the floor as he worked out how to continue, “So then you... remember? W-what we did?”
“Damn right I remember what you did to me you son-of-a-bitch,” he couldn’t help but notice the flinch the blonde gave at his tone, Pfftt, please Sam... as if the devil is scared of you, get real.
“No,” Lucifer closed his eyes and sighed before he locked gazes with the hunter, “Do you remember what we did?”
“What do you-”
“In the cage, yes you were tortured, but never by my own hand,” the explanation rushed out of him, almost as if he couldn’t stop it, “it was all Michael. I told you I’d never hurt you Sam, and I meant it. I did everything I could to get between you and Michael, I couldn’t just stand there and watch him break you over and over again. So I... I made you a hide out.”
“A hideout?”
“A place where Michael wouldn’t be able to get to you. I set up a decoy version of you for him to take his frustrations out on, so he wouldn’t notice you were gone-”
“A decoy? Where do you get a decoy Sam Winchester from, Hunters R Us?” Sam chuckled and crossed his arms, remaining skeptical of the explanation.
“Not exactly...” Lucifer winced, clearly not wanting to divulge the information.
“Lucifer,” Sam’s voice was hard and he took a step toward the shorter man, “what did you use as a decoy?”
“Your body.”
“My body?!”
“Yes. I pulled your body apart from your soul,” Lucifer began again, following as the hunter collapsed back onto the couch, “completely detached so your soul wouldn’t sustain any more damage. A soul can only take so much before it becomes so corrupted that it can no longer be restored,” he was sitting on the coffee table now, cross legged in front of Sam.
“Wait, what do you mean restored?”
Lucifer sighed, “As you know, if a soul gets twisted and corrupted long enough it becomes a demon which means that person is then forever damned to Hell.”
“So...” he could see the hunter was having trouble piecing it together, “you prevented my soul from becoming irreversibly corrupted so I could what? Get into Heaven?” Sam threw his head back and laughed as he saw the blonde’s cheeks flare up, “Well I’m sorry to disappoint you Satan, but I’m pretty sure I’m the poster boy for what to do to get yourself into the fiery gates.”
Lucifer shook his head, “You don’t understand.”
“I don’t understand?” he stood up and started pacing, mind racing, I can’t believe I’m discussing the fate of my soul with the devil, “well please, by all means, explain it to me.”
The blonde ran a hand through his hair, this isn’t going to sound good, “If your soul was irreversibly corrupted and you became a demon, you could never be used as a vessel again,” at the look Sam gave him he continued, “I know you think that is a good thing, but your soul shines so bright...,” he dropped his gaze down to the floor, “seeing it corrupted would have devastating effects.”
Sam remained silent, unsure of what to make of this news. Is he telling the truth? If he is lying, what is he hoping to achieve? What’s the point of him telling me this?
“I will wage a war against the angels on the day when Sam Winchester isn’t allowed into the garden.”
It was spoken barely above a whisper, but Sam definitely heard the words. He wasn’t sure whether or not to believe them, but the soft spoken tone made him start to question his earlier judgement. There was no denying the undertone of care that sentence carried, as though he was speaking about someone he didn’t just need to keep safe, but wanted to.
“Lucifer,” Sam kept his tone soft, and found himself placing a hand on the man’s knee, “what don’t I remember?”
The blonde drew in a shaky breath in a failed attempt to keep his voice calm, “After I detached your soul, I gave your body specific instructions. It was to taunt Michael and lead him over to one side of the cage, so I could get your soul to the hideout on the other side. It did a remarkable job,” he noted with a small smile.
“Michael couldn’t understand how you’d got so cocky but was more than happy to rip the confidence back out of you. Once I made sure he was...” he swallowed thickly and closed his eyes, “occupied, I brought you over to the hideout, and did what I could to heal the damage,” it sounded as though he was fighting back tears and he hid his face in his hands, “but there wasn’t much I could do. I thought I could heal you, as I was once an angel but I-”
He cut himself off and hung his head lower, drawing in a shaky breath. Sam blinked and was surprised to see he had encompassed the ex-angel in his arms while he’d listened. What the... ?
“It’s okay, Sam,” Lucifer broke in, scooting out of the hunter’s embrace and hastily wiping at his eyes, “it’s my voice,” he gave a weak smile, “there’s a reason they called me ‘silver-tongued’.”
Sam got up and sat back down on the couch, unsuccessfully avoiding thinking about how... familiar it was to hold him, and about how unbelievably captivating it was to hear him speak. There was no way that was normal.
“What, ugh,” the hunter cleared his throat, “what happened when you touched my soul?”
“I ended up branding it, similar to when a soul gets bought by a demon, anyone else who touched your soul would know that I claimed it. That meant that it couldn’t be traded in any deal, or sold without my permission.”
The way Lucifer explained what he’d done made it sound like he felt guilty, and the way he kept avoiding Sam’s eyes didn’t help. Well what do you expect? He condemned your soul to Hell when that was the last thing he’d wanted, Sam found himself reaching forward again, but didn’t stop himself this time. Didn’t feel the need to stop himself. What would be the harm, anyway? No one’s around.
“The good news,” the blonde’s voice broke threw the hunter’s thoughts, “was that since I had branded it, it had become protected against further damage. No one, not even Michael could continue to harm it,” he ran a hand through his hair and rested his head against Sam’s shoulder, “the bad news, is that it couldn’t be healed past what I’d started. My branding had... preserved it, formed a protective barrier around its current state. Nothing could get in, good or bad... just in time too.”
Lucifer had stopped talking then, letting his voice taper off at the end of the sentence like the last few notes of a song, and allowed a silence to fall while he was held close to the hunter’s chest.
Sam breathed him in and kissed the top of his head, no longer caring about knowing all the answers. He just wanted to savour this moment, the peacefulness of holding him close. Wanted to savour the dream-like state that had taken over before Dean got back. He prayed for his brother not to come back so soon. After all, how often did he get to enjoy moments like this?
He wasn’t sure whether it was because his voice carried some sort of magic, or because of the branding on his soul, but having Lucifer in his arms, feeling his heartbeat had softened the moment—he didn’t want his brother stomping in and shattering that.
“Not too long after that,” the blonde began again with a long sigh, “Michael had began to look for me. I was stupid to think he wouldn’t have noticed I disappeared,” he shook his head at his own misjudgment, “I sensed he was getting close to the hideout so I had to leave you to meet him.”
“He caught up to me in the middle and was dragging your body behind him. Seeing what he did to you...” Lucifer snuggled his head against Sam’s chest and tightened his grip, “he was obviously curious as to where I’d been and why I wasn’t helping torture you since I am the devil,” he sneered the word like it was too vial to pass through his lips.
Like he doesn’t want the title.
“I couldn’t let on to what I was doing,” he dropped his voice low, as if saying it quieter would make it hurt less, “so I-” his voice broke and he buried his head into the hunter’s chest, “Sammy, I’m sorry.”
Sam turned him around so he was no longer sideways across his lap and pulled him close, rubbing a soothing hand over his back when he felt tears start to drip down his shirt.
“Ssshhh... It’s okay... Luce you’re okay,” Sam kept his voice soft as he continued rubbing circles into his back.
Sam’s words only succeeded in making him cry harder and the hunter would be lying if he said seeing him cry wasn’t hurting his heart. Whatever you did, it doesn’t matter.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“I was so worried, I never wanted to tell you.”
“Luce,” Sam pushed him backward slightly, gently swiping at his eyes, “I don’t care what happened. You-”
The door slamming open made the giant jump, and he stood, confused as his brother burst through the door, eyes frantic.
“Uh, Dean?”
“They’re coming,” he all but ran to the back of the cabin, “We need to leave, now.”
Sam rushed to the back as well, gathering his stuff, “What happened?”
“No time,” Dean brush passed him, glancing quickly at the giants’ face before pausing, keeping his eyes on him, “… Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he shifted his weight nervously and glanced back at the now-empty couch, “why?”
“Looks like – never mind. We don’t have time. Meet me outside in five if you don’t want to be monster chow.”
Sam continued packing his stuff, doing his best to sift-through all the information he’d been given.
“Better hurry, Sam. I can feel them,” Lucifer was spread out on the bed, eyes on the floor.
“Dean’s waiting.”
Sam sighed as he shouldered his duffle, making his way back out to the living room, pausing in the front entrance, “Come with me.”
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Jimmy & Janis
Jimmy: What it is, right, your twin left her coat at CG earlier & it's my neck if it's not back in her hands by me next shift Jimmy: pass it on Janis: Hmm Janis: Are you sure you've got the right person here? Jimmy: Grace Cavante is your sister isn't she? One of Janis: Unfortunately Janis: No doubt she'd rather you gave it to her yourself and that feeling is mutual, like Janis: Get a clue, lad Janis: couldn't be less obvious 'less she left her knickers Jimmy: Stop your chatting, a sec Jimmy: nowt's mutual that's why I'm asking you to get it, not her Jimmy: The resale's nowt either, I had a look Janis: You're in my inbox? Janis: Knew you were lost Janis: Poor Gracie, first you pie her then you call her cheap, gutted Jimmy: I've been round your family tree about 4 times Jimmy: Can't call myself lost Jimmy: You gonna grab this or nah? Janis: Unlucky, but I ain't gonna cry for you Janis: Wrong twin, again like Janis: What's in it for me? Already told me I can't flog it Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: well I'd shout you a muffin but if you're anything like her, I'll be the one eating it when you don't & I'm watching my figure meself Jimmy: guess the pleasure of my company works if you are? Janis: Tell you ain't from 'round here Janis: No 🍀 Janis: Nothing like her Jimmy: sounds more like my luck's finally in Jimmy: got enough stalkers Jimmy: more than I've done shifts Jimmy: what you want then, other twin? Janis: Not that I doubt how special you are Janis: I completely do, by the way Janis: You get to thinking how you can make me having to fucking regale every detail of this frankly riveting convo to my sister worthwhile and I'll get to walking, yeah? Jimmy: You wound me, girl 💔💔💔💔 Jimmy: I sought you out, whereas she's been in my inbox unread since my moving in date, that'd do for starters Janis: If the situation's a dire as you reckon, you'll have plenty consolation, boy Janis: Welcome Janis: State, honestly Jimmy: You're my consolation if you do me this delivery Jimmy: feeding me to the wolves in lipstick if you don't, basically Jimmy: 'ave it on your conscience if you want, mate Janis: Fucking Hell, if I start atoning for all her cringe or offering myself up as 'consolation' to every lad she makes a tit out of herself in front of I'll never get anything done Janis: Ugh, alright, brains, do your job for you as well, shall I? Just put your mate's number on her to-go 'stead of yours, yeah? Jimmy: alright but how many of 'em are coming to you direct for help, I'm making myself look as much of a tit here, aren't I? Jimmy: brutal you Jimmy: newbies don't have mates to throw under buses Janis: Well, don't be fooled by how available I seem Janis: phone never stops, like Jimmy: I'll find another way then Jimmy: if you stop by for coffee I'll misspell your name like we never chatted, don't worry Janis: Barista bants, how cute Janis: Whatever, it's on my route, I can get it tomorrow AM Jimmy: what you prefer, Janet or Janice? Let me know Janis: 😑 Janis: If you want my sister to ride you, keep on taking the piss, she'll love that, like Jimmy: if you want me to be nice to you, keep using your sister for that A+ excuse Jimmy: 'cause nah, there's nowt more appealing than her getting on her bike Janis: Ha, fuck off, you're the one with a tips jar and manager to keep happy, dickhead Janis: I'm not saying she's not fussy, I'm just saying it might take me several cups of coffee to give you enough 3rd degree burns for her to be #overit Jimmy: funny Jimmy: & im just saying I'd rather give me ex a bell & have her do her worst ruining my life long distance Janis: Worth a shot then, isn't it? Janis: Just try and be less Janis: this Janis: she might reckon you're a changed man Jimmy: is it gonna change your sister's mind about me if I do? Jimmy: 'cause her mates have homewrecker written all over 'em Janis: It was a poor choice of friendship tat, yeah but they ain't the brightest, bless Janis: idk, probably help if the girl was real, mate Jimmy: she is real but shes also real far away Jimmy: & really hates me Jimmy: that's mutual unlike the attraction your little twin is harboring 💔 Janis: 💔 Janis: fuck someone here then, ain't gotta be all 💕 just look enough like it that they write you off their hit lists, yeah Jimmy: proper romantic you Jimmy: I'll go back to the drawing board if its all the same Jimmy: don't need another lass falling for me, do I? Janis: 🙄 Janis: If I had such an easy out, I'd use it Janis: fucking blood ties, such bullshit, along with romance but there we go Jimmy: Easy? yeah alright, Juliet Janis: Not saying you've gotta off yourself with the poor bitch, steady on, though peak 💘 so it is Janis: You're either a 😻 magnet or you ain't, can't have it both ways Jimmy: I just wanna be left alone Jimmy: shouldn't be a lot to ask but until I master leprechaun for fuck off, it apparently is Janis: Preaching to the choir...nah, fuck that, preaching to the big man himself Janis: You work it out, you've got my details now you fucking stalker so hmu then and not before k Jimmy: you know the saying, get stalked enough, become fucked off enough by it to become the stalker Jimmy: or summat Janis: Tragic Janis: No doubt you coulda been something, kid Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: still could Jimmy: if you help me Janis: I don't know how to make a latte, soz Jimmy: not a requirement of dating me, and yeah, my boss is gutted Janis: you what? Jimmy: go out with me Jimmy: you said yourself it don't have to be a love story Janis: um yeah but you should both at least be somewhat into it, ideal world Janis: know you already called me out as the romantic here but Jimmy: nah, you're what I need Jimmy: I won't get tempted Jimmy: keep it easy, like you also said Janis: 🖕 Janis: Like I said, show me how it's worth my time and I will Jimmy: your sister would hate it Jimmy: not like I'm asking you to marry me, you look enough like her that'd be like asking myself to honeymoon in Vietnam Janis: You're a cunt, also, obviously not well-traveled Janis: say what you like Janis: it would be amusing to piss her off and I'm always up for finding new ways Jimmy: so you in? Jimmy: 3 date minimum Janis: You mean I actually have to spend time with you? Jimmy: as long as people think you are, do what you want Janis: Fill your boots Janis: but don't just be saying I let you finger me on your lunch break, like, that isn't working on anyone, least of all my sister and her stupid mates Jimmy: come get your sister's coat and we'll make the magic happen Jimmy: coupley pics and #s will work Jimmy: all they do is sip & scroll Janis: How magical can you really be, then? 😏 Janis: Fuck it, worth it just to piss her grafting you down the drain Jimmy: I'll fake rock your world, Jasmine Janis: Sure 👌 Make me forget my name half as many times as you have and you'll have fucked enough brain cells out to make me a thick Northern twat, clearly Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: hope you're a better actress than you are sweet talker, love Janis: That ain't the one, fucking hell Janis: pick a better petname if we ain't taking time to remember Jimmy: let me know what you want me to call you Jimmy: Baby, right? I bet you're one of them girls Janis: 😒 Hilarious Janis: My daddy issues are pretty non-existent, soz to report Jimmy: what then? Jimmy: Can't call you Juliet if you aren't ride or die for me, darling Janis: I'm remember your unfortunate accent now Janis: it's probably best you don't speak Jimmy: strong, silent type Jimmy: Alright Jimmy: 👍 Janis: It's your fantasy, kid Janis: Big yourself up however you gotta Jimmy: fantasy? nah Jimmy: necessity Janis: You've not gotta warn me Janis: Not swooning over this chat Jimmy: 💔 Janis: We're all gutted Janis: push that down and smile for the 'gram Jimmy: 😁 Janis: That's the spirit Jimmy: I know yours is more 😏 Jimmy: control yourself if you can, Jenna Janis: Make no promises to control myself so Janis: 👊 behave or deal Jimmy: make one or its off Jimmy: your sister & his mates break enough of my boundaries Janis: If the problem is they're swinging for you, I'm gonna go right ahead and victim blame Jimmy: probably keep that off the 'gram, girl Janis: We laying down ground rules here and now, yeah? Jimmy: you got something else on? Janis: It's the Easter hols Janis: so no Janis: fuck all Jimmy: then may as well Janis: Alright Janis: No posting without getting the other's go ahead first Jimmy: done Jimmy: same goes for agreeing to go somewhere/do something as the power couple we're pretending to be Janis: 'Course Jimmy: & if you tell your sister summat let me know too 'cause she loves questioning me over her coffee Janis: Ha Janis: I do my level best to avoid her but easy Jimmy: you're not gonna brag about what a good boyfriend I am 💔 Janis: We'll have to work out how good you are first, like Jimmy: good enough that I'm off limits your sister & her mates Jimmy: no more no less Janis: Can do that Jimmy: don't fall in love with me for real, can you do that? Janis: 😏 Are you for real? Janis: Ego to go with the accent, is it Jimmy: just checking you're not like your sister for real Jimmy: could be protesting too much for all I know Janis: And this could just be a really bad come on for all I know Janis: we'll have to trust on this one thing, deal? Jimmy: Yeah Janis: Sorted Janis: Make me sound good, as I will be for you Jimmy: how good? Jimmy: nobody knows my dating history, what's yours? Janis: Likewise Janis: all you gotta do is make it realistic enough that people stop asking if I'm a dyke Jimmy: Easy Jimmy: Are you a take it slow girl or hook up on date 1 type? Janis: Won't be getting that graphic on the 'gram, leave it out Jimmy: But it won't stay on the 'gram, will it? Jimmy: People chat Jimmy: what reputation do you want? Janis: Probably better to not be a slag init Jimmy: but don't be keeping me waiting too long if you don't wanna sound gay Janis: alright, irresistable Janis: 2nd date, like Jimmy: 👍 Janis: I ain't, by the way Jimmy: Don't matter Janis: Does Janis: Who needs the pressure of being a beard? This ain't what this is, got it Jimmy: It'd be less pressure, probably Jimmy: you'd be better at faking it Janis: Sorry to disappoint you and all the girls 😒 Jimmy: if its the only time you're gonna, I'll cope Janis: Naturally Janis: Aim to please Jimmy: save it for the 'gram, Judith Janis: Reckon I'm being nice rn? Janis: Poor boy 💔 Jimmy: nice matters less than gay Jimmy: Don't wanna be your mate Janis: Good thing too, aiming to please here, keep up Janis: just saying, starting to doubt how 😍 they are now Jimmy: come see for yourself Jimmy: I'm working as we speak Janis: 😏 Wow so hot Jimmy: it could be if you're ready to kick this off Janis: Why not? Janis: Sooner we get it done sooner we'll see results Jimmy: in a bit then Janis: Laters, babes Jimmy: Cute Janis: That's why you're with me Jimmy: I'm not yet Janis: You're gonna be salty 'cos I won't ride you in your hipster hangout today? 😂 Jimmy: I'm getting paid to be here, you're the one hanging out Janis: I'm picking up the bitch's coat, piss off Jimmy: You could do that when we close Jimmy: You're coming to see me Janis: You do this much? Janis: Suspiciously good at it Jimmy: Which bit? Janis: The bit where you fake a relationship Janis: Good tactic to get bare girls, like or what Jimmy: You're my first 💕 Jimmy: don't let it go to your head, Josephine Janis: as much as that'd get 'em throwing out the #goals Janis: secret's safe with me, boy Jimmy: 👍 Jimmy: don't have to go to these lengths up north Jimmy: girls just get if you're interested or nah Janis: 💔 it's a shithole, mate Janis: didn't you get told before leaving t'mines Jimmy: must've had too much coal in my ears or summat Janis: Don't know what you got 'til it's gone Janis: interested and interesting bitches included, obvs Jimmy: not only a pretty face you Jimmy: got it going on in your head too Jimmy: lucky me Jimmy: 😍😍😍😍 Janis: Yeah yeah Janis: Better take back what you said 'bout the leprechauns now you're coming up 🍀&🌹 Jimmy: if you save the humble for the #s I'll think about it Janis: Never been accused of being humble Janis: I guess the gay or nay is more pressing Jimmy: never checked a mirror or nowt, neither? Janis: 'Course, gotta spot myself at the gym, ain't I Jimmy: you can agree you're pretty then Jimmy: not an ugly duckling story either Janis: What's it matter, like Jimmy: im not fake dating one of them girls Jimmy: hates herself but still takes selfies Janis: that's another rule? i'll be thinking on my next then Jimmy: Can't prop up your self esteem Janis: Don't worry 'bout me, fake worry or otherwise ain't necessary Jimmy: I won't Jimmy: all worried out Jimmy: fake & real Janis: 🎻 Jimmy: customer service deserves a pity orchestra Jimmy: alright for you, rich girl Janis: I'll hire one out for date three if you earn it Janis: so 💸 Jimmy: just gimme the money Jimmy: if this was a naff teen rom com, I'd charge per date Janis: If I was richer, older and lonelier, you mean Janis: and you were desperate enough to be a rent boy Janis: you'd actually have to put out though so let's not Jimmy: only if I wanted top money Jimmy: the in it for the chit chat option would be more than I make at CG Janis: Then I hope to fuck you're a better fuck than you are bringing it with the chat, darling, no one is paying for this Jimmy: I'm not trying to impress you Jimmy: pay me and I'll be charming Janis: I'm not trying to pay Janis: Not that hard up, but tah Jimmy: don't complain about what you get then Janis: You ain't telling me what I can and can't do, babe Jimmy: I'm telling you I'm not here to listen to you whinge, babe Jimmy: Get a real boyfriend for that Janis: Have you tried talking to any of my sister's mates Janis: I really think it'll solve this whole thing Jimmy: I talk to 'em every shift Janis: That's not real Janis: that's wage slave robotics Jimmy: neither is this Janis: Whatever, do this at them then Janis: However fit you are, it ain't worth all this Janis: though, probably had worse, hm Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: bad boy baristas are this year's...whatever last year's fad was Jimmy: whatever I say that's brutal I'm playing hard to get Jimmy: 🎻 Janis: 🤢 Ick Janis: last year's fad was the clap so like, careful Jimmy: I repeat, you're what I need Jimmy: nothing else has worked Janis: 😍 Janis: I said yes, didn't I Janis: it'll be sorted Jimmy: are you on your way? Jimmy: 'cause it won't be 'til then Janis: Keen Janis: Yeah, though, gimme 10 Jimmy: try and look like someone capable of getting my attention Janis: I'm not giving myself a shit fringe for you Janis: get some taste Jimmy: you don't know my tastes, Joanne Janis: I can guess Janis: and be right Jimmy: go for it Jimmy: try Janis: any bitch described in any indie song ever Janis: not like other girls 'cept like all the other girls at the shitty pub/gig drinking pints 'cos you'll think it's dead cool, like her tongue piercing and real leather jacket Jimmy: thats racist Jimmy: just 'cause I know all the lyrics to Wonderwall Janis: 😂 Janis: like glass, boy Jimmy: I hope you're better at pretending to know what I like Janis: I know I ain't wrong but you can have the automatic upgrade for free Jimmy: Funny Janis: What, now I'm TOO confident? Jimmy: Nah, too obvious Janis: Err, me or your lack of taste? Jimmy: you Janis: How Janis: Fucking cheek Jimmy: You've pulled the first cliche you could out of your arse Jimmy: is how Janis: I'm sooooo sorry Janis: sure she seemed really special and unique at the time Jimmy: I'm sorry that you're just like your sister Janis: Now who's chatting out their arse Jimmy: still you Jimmy: she don't know me either but she reckons she knows my tastes too Janis: and you don't know me, you barely know the bits of her she wants you to, like Jimmy: I'm not trying to even fake know you Janis: Mutual, hence idc what you fuck Janis: and it was a joke, fucking hell boy Jimmy: funny you Jimmy: like I said Janis: So you keep saying Janis: go do some work, i'm just killing time on the bus Jimmy: I'm working harder than you Jimmy: this chat is a slog without all the coffee I'm slinging between the lines Janis: Do one then? Save it for the 'gram, rule no.1 Jimmy: 👋 Janis: 🖕 Jimmy: 💕 Janis: what do you do that isn't shit coffee there Jimmy: drinks or food? Janis: Drinks Jimmy: shitter tea, tasteless milkshakes & minging smoothies Janis: 🙄 Joy Janis: if you can make the smoothie at least healthy as well as minging, do that Jimmy: I can make it taste alright if you keep that off the 'gram Janis: That's big talk, babe Jimmy: secret menus aren't just for starbucks Jimmy: I'm here all day I have to make some shit edible for myself Janis: Fair Janis: I'm willing to be impressed by the smoothie skillz at least Jimmy: Challenge accepted Janis: I'll be brutally honest, idc if you are bae Jimmy: calling me bae is more brutal Jimmy: hate that Janis: 😂 awh bae Jimmy: leave off, Jill Janis: hot and cold, you Jimmy: 💔 Janis: tell me 'bout it Janis: planning our fake breakup already Jimmy: Are you? Janis: that's the fun bit, right? Jimmy: make me look better than my ex did and it'll be a start Janis: i'll break your heart Janis: that's the reputation i'll take Jimmy: 😂 Jimmy: steady Janis: 🤷 Janis: i want what i want boy Jimmy: you think you're having my heart? how many dates we going on? Janis: work fast Janis: faster than i'm letting you Jimmy: up yourself you Janis: rich 😏 Jimmy: yeah you are, don't rub it in, girl Janis: I ain't though Janis: like you said, her coat's shit Jimmy: means she's got shit taste not a lack of funds Janis: You can't be rich with 10 kids Janis: trust Jimmy: you could Jimmy: could be a princess for all I know Janis: 😂 what kind of deep cover is this Janis: living in this hole Janis: going to that school, sure Jimmy: #humble Janis: funny Janis: you wish Jimmy: Why? Jimmy: I don't care what you are, do I Janis: 💸 and clout would be an undeniable bonus, regardless Jimmy: I told you, I wanna be left alone, clout is the opposite of that Jimmy: & I don't need your money, girl Janis: Okay so you can't be bought, get you Jimmy: that's not what we're doing here Janis: I know Janis: Serious Janis: you're just easy to take the piss outta Jimmy: piss off Janis: I'll turn around now, like Jimmy: go on then Jimmy: I'm not having the threat of you walking hanging over me head Janis: So serious Janis: Not a princess with a driver, there's no changing the bus route on the rest of this lot now Janis: no matter how moody you get Jimmy: I've got a kid sister I ain't babysitting you too Jimmy: Be serious Janis: Yeah yeah Jimmy: Or call it off Janis: Nah Jimmy: It's not a yeah or nah question Jimmy: it's me saying don't half arse fake dating me Janis: I ain't going to Janis: like you said, this ain't real, and ain't how it's gonna be but can't prove that 'til I get there Jimmy: 👌 Janis: That ain't a response either Janis: I ain't the only one with something to prove Jimmy: Show your face & I will Janis: Try not to look too disappointed Janis: don't doubt some of your fangirls will be watching Jimmy: How many times do you want me to tell you you're pretty when nobody's listening? Janis: Shut up Janis: That ain't what I meant Jimmy: 🙄 Janis: See? Don't start Janis: 😍 only dickhead Jimmy: calm down, dickhead Jimmy: I've got this Janis: First time, you admitted as much Jimmy: Faking it, yeah Jimmy: I've done it for real, that's harder Janis: You reckon Jimmy: I don't care what you think so yeah Jimmy: As long as it looks good it don't matter if it is Janis: That's same as the real thing let's not lie Jimmy: Nah Janis: Agree to disagree, darling Jimmy: Disagree and tell you to shut your face, Jodie Janis: Save it for your ex, Romeo Janis: 💘 such a romantic Jimmy: If I was, she wouldn't be an ex, would she? Janis: Giving you benefit of doubt Janis: LDR never works, you're a 15 year old boy Janis: got like what, 13 more before you find the one, isn't it? Jimmy: what makes you think long distance is what ex-ed her? Jimmy: I never said that Janis: Guess not Jimmy: You don't have to fake knowledge about me Jimmy: nobody's asking who came before Janis: You don't know girls if you think that Janis: undoubtly scoping their profiles as we speak Jimmy: don't doubt they have but they won't find owt Janis: not gutted for 'em Jimmy: only yourself Jimmy: you'll have to keep faking knowing everything Janis: suits me fine, boy Janis: the truth don't interest me none Jimmy: spoken like a decent liar Janis: you know it Janis: truly your lucky day Jimmy: 😍 Janis: Ready? Jimmy: If you are Janis: Fuck it Janis: Why not Jimmy: see, romance ain't dead 💕 Jimmy: how could I refuse? Janis: in it for the smoothie Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: got time to spit in it still Janis: Don't you dare Janis: Will actually fuck you up Jimmy: Get used to it, you're gonna have to kiss me Janis: Disgusting Jimmy: Sweet talking again Jimmy: Jeez, June, steady on Janis: You're the one bringing up necking when I've not even got in the door Jimmy: Are you ready or aren't you? Janis: 'Course I am Jimmy: then I can talk about it, can't I? Jimmy: it's too late for a no kissing rule Janis: If that's how you deal with bricking it Jimmy: piss off Janis: Too late now, babe Jimmy: it's not Janis: ? Jimmy: we don't have to do this if you're shitting yourself Janis: bitch, please Jimmy: I'm not gonna be your bitch, babe Janis: Not the pet name you want then? Jimmy: 🖕 Janis: Have plenty of time to think on it when you're swooning 😉 Jimmy: It's so funny that you believe you'll able to think on anything Janis: 😏 Mhmm Janis: catch me mentally writing my shopping list to pass the time during Jimmy: You aren't even a good liar in private Jimmy: We're doomed Janis: Shut up Janis: Not seen such a romance since Kate and Leo Jimmy: 🎻 doomed, mate Janis: you wanna go down with the ship so bad Janis: drama 👑 Jimmy: I want you to put your riches where your big mouth is Jimmy: Stop your chatting and come on Janis: Keen as Janis: I'm nearly there, stop pining, it's embarrassing Jimmy: You're such a dickhead Jimmy: Maybe I should just date your sister Janis: Go on Janis: I ain't gonna save you from the literal slag pile of exes, you ain't deserve it Jimmy: 💔 Jimmy: you don't deserve me Jimmy: well snide you Janis: You love it Jimmy: not having my 💘 Joan, I told you Janis: i don't want it Janis: just gonna 💔 it and bounce Jimmy: 😂 Janis: k i'm coming in guard your 💘 and 👀 'cos i look 🔥 Jimmy: I'll judge that Janis: you forgot what we're doing here or what Jimmy: If we're dating you gotta bring it as my girlfriend Jimmy: so nah Janis: 🙄 Janis: 'cos you look so fit in your stupid uniform 👌 Jimmy: We're meant to be improving your rep not trashing mine Jimmy: & yeah I do 👌 Janis: Really? Nothing to do with how scared you are of these crazy bitches k Jimmy: fed up ain't scared Janis: still Janis: you need me Janis: don't forget it, pal Jimmy: I won't if you don't, mate
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mother of the bride
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it was a sunny summer day, well, late summer, it was the end of August but the sun still shone i was down at the beach with a couple of friends, cracking open a few cold ones as we sat there in a bit secluded area away from the rest of the people we were all here, well..all and all....me and three other friends it was me...John, im 23 and  your typical kinda guy, average at most my friend Tim, he was 24 and the athletic kinda bro guy of the group, always cracking a beer and still having a fit body for some reason and lastly the lady of the honor, Lynn, who is 24 as well and about to get married in a few days we all made a stupid promise some years ago to meet up here when one of us got married and of course Lynn was the first one to find her true love well...not surprising...she's cute, charismatic and always the life of the party so of course she would find one fast, having blonde hair sure helped as well i chugged my beer as Tim put his arms around me and burps into my ear ''Oh fuck's sake'' He laughs as well as Lynn as i wipe my ear of his beer smelling spit ''that's so fucking nasty Tim'' i say looking at him angrily ''Ah dont be like that bro, we're all having fun you know'' he says and gets me another beer ''Ah well...thanks'' i take the beer and put it in the sand next to me as we look over at Lynn ''So you getting ready to get hitched Lynnie ?'' ''Mhm...i am kinda nervous though...'' ''Ah, dont be, Clyde's an amazing guy, he wont mess with you or mess anything up'' That's right...Tim kinda introduced a friend of his named Clyde to her a couple of years ago, he's an okay guy, he owns a clothing store that's gotten quite famous and is doing well for himself ''i know and i love him, im just nervous for the wedding its just so much to do...but hopefully we'll be done soon...'' ''you have the church and such all ready ?'' ''Oh yeah, of course, all that is done with, its just the people whose coming'' ''whats wrong with them'' i ask looking at her ''i just hope all get along that's all'' Tim laughs and finishes his beer ''Of course they will, we are all there for you stupid, its gonna be smooth as hell'' Lynn smiles as she stands up and looks out over the water ''Yeah...Yeah it will'' she smiles as she turns back to us and raises her beer ''To our future then guys'' ''To our future!'' me and Tim shout as we all chug our beers and put on some summer music as we keep on talking and hanging out I think...like three hours later, time kinda flew by i stand up and walks over to some bushes in the back and throws up as my head is just a huge mess after all the drinking ''Ah i fucking knew it! you lost John'' i flip him off while i finish my business and walk back wiping my mouth with my hands ''Fine fine...i threw up first'' They all laugh as they get up and struggles to stand as well ''i think we should head back home and get some food and some rest...'' Lynn says being the voice of reason as always, we all nod as we head to our homes i dont live really far away so i say my goodbyes and head on inside and get myself some glass and water then some more and some more yet again and walk out to the living room and sit down on my chair and close my eyes as my head is spinning back and forth i dont really remember much after that...i wake up in my bed the next day to the sun shining trough my windows and some seagulls making noises outside i yawn and rub my eyes as i thank the stars i dont feel any hungover from yesterday ''Slept trough the whole day...gotta make some food'' i say to myself and head to the kitchen and look in the fridge for some food but find nothing so i just make some toast instead and pour myself a glass of coke the toast finishes warming up as i take them out of the toaster and start eating some food as i check my phone and find a message from Lynn i look at it and read it ''Hey John! Thanks for yesterday, im glad we kept the promise we made together, i hope you're feeling well and if you want call me up when you wake up and well take a trip to the mall, i just gotta get something so it wont take long!'' ''Huh...ill call her after ill eat up'' i check the clock as well on the phone and see it says 12.30 and the message was sent 1 hour ago so she probably hasn't gone yet i finish up my food and call her up it rings for a bit as she picks up ''Oh, Hey John, what's up?'' ''Nothing, just made some food and saw your message'' ''Oh, yeah ? what did you eat?'' ''Toast...'' ''Oh, nice! i did that as well! that is awesome!'' ''Yeah...sure? but you needed to go the mall ?'' ''oh, yeah, i'm all ready now but can you pick me up in like 30 minutes ?'' ''Yeah, that's fine, gotta fix myself up a bit as well so see you then'' ''great, see you soon'' she says and hangs up as i head to the bathroom and brush my teeth as well as splash some water on my face and fix my hair a bit i finish up in the bathroom and head to the bedroom and put on a pair of jeans and a black shirt and walk back to the living room to grab my wallet and keys i lock the door behind me as i leave my home and walk over to the car and get inside and puts on some music as i just drive around a bit til its time to pick up Lynn After driving around for about 30 minutes i stop by her house and texts her that im outside as she waves at me from the windows and walks outside wearing a long skirt and a red floral top she walks over and gets inside and smiles at me ''Thanks for joining me, i asked Clyde if he wanted to come but he said no and Tim was busy'' ''Oh, dont worry about it, i need some stuff over there as well'' ''Oh, great!'' she smiles and hooks up her music into the car ''i drive, i decide the music, thats the rules'' ''Well im getting married soon so i get privilege'' i shrug at the statement and just drives us over to the mall and park the car as close as possible as we head inside as we step inside we find it kinda desolate, not many people around but the soft cold breeze is welcome ''So where first?'' ''like you need to ask'' she says and heads over to a coffee shop and gets her regular coffee and me one as well'' ''Thanks'' i say and sip it ''No worries, its the rule, driver gets a coffee right?'' i smile and nod ''true that'' She smiles and heads over to clothing shop and walk inside ''you need to get clothes now ?'' ''Noo, just browsing but nothing i want here'' she says and just walks out with me behind her ''So...do you actually need something here or just wanted to relax a bit away from the stress at home ?'' She turns around and looks at me and pokes my head ''I guess, Clyde is running around being on the phone all day and i just wanted to give him some space since he said it was fine'' ''Shouldn't you both be planning it?'' ''Yeah but i got the church, the locales, the food, the invitations and the music, all he has to do is check with the bank about the loan and some other stuff'' I nod at her as keep on walking trough the mall gazing at the stores we walk past as Lynn walks a bit faster and heads into a store i follow her and walk inside as i hear some sorta creepy kinda low music inside ''You always go in here...'' i tell her as she smiles at me ''Mhm! i always get one of these'' she says and walk over and gets a mystery bag next to the counter ''Get one as well silly'' i shrug as i walk over and looks at the bags, it just says the prices on them from 10-25-50-100 A man walks out from the door behind the counter and smiles at us ''Welcome back Lynn'' he says and smiles at her ''Hey Allan, ill have this one today'' she says and puts the 50 dollar bag on the counter and urges me to pick one as well i sigh and get the 100 dollar one for funsies ''Oh, very well then, but be careful, whats inside them even i dont know, and these all powerful magic objects'' he grins as we just pay for our stuff and leave the store Lynn smiles at me ''i love that little store, its so cute'' ''it brands itself as selling occult stuff...'' ''Well yeah but its just silly fun and i love that kinda stuff, remember my goth phase at school when we were younger and all'' ''i do remember that...'' ''i just got kinda into it then and since then its always been a kinda silly fun thing i do and you even bought one!'' ''i did yeah...'' She nods at me as she picks up her cellphone as someone is calling her i walk over to a bench and sit down as i watch her walking around talking on her phone After talking for about 5 minutes she hangs up and walks over to me ''i gotta go home now, my mom is visiting so i gotta talk to her'' ''Oh ? okay then, ill drive you home'' she smiles at me as we head over to the car and i drop her off at her house, she gives me a hug then walks out and walks inside her house as i drive home to my own house and walk inside and put the bag i bought on the table and sigh deeply as i look at it ''100 dollar...what was i thinking but this better be good...'' i say and open the bag and gently lay out the items on the table first there are a few packets of tea powder...some crystals...a weird looking demon skull which is kinda neat and and a small note inside it ''Your next kiss might come as a suprise but do not worry, your lives are intertwined ''that was...boring...'' ''Well...i guess that works so i paid 100 dollars for nothing'' i turn on the tv and starts watching whatever is on After watching tv for some hours i get a call from Lynn i pick up the phone and answer ''Hey Lynn'' ''Oh thank you, look John, can you do me a favor?'' ''Yeah i guess, what do you need ?'' ''i was just wondering if you can drive my mom home...we all had some wine so we cant really drive...'' ''Ah...i mean i guess when do you need me to be there ?'' ''Can you come as soon as possible ?'' ''yeah ill drive over now, see you in 10'' i hang up as i get the keys then get in the car and drive over as Lynn's mother, Cynthia is waiting outside me for me, she gets in the car and smiles ''Thank you so much John...i dont really want to pay for a taxi'' ''It's no worries Cynthia, ill drive you home'' she smiles at me as i drive her home to her house ''There we go'' ''Thank you so much John'' she says and kisses my cheek as she walks out of the car and head inside as i drive back home and check the time ''22.00....i should get some sleep'' i say as i yawn and brush my teeth and head over to the bed and lie down on it as i pull the blanket over me and slowly drift into sleep i start to dream where i find myself back on the beach again, but its now later in the day as the sun is still barely shining i walk around the beach as i see something in the distance i walk over as i see people and an altar and i spot Lynn standing there in the wedding dress she showed me and Clyde next to her in a snazzy suit looking really damn classy i just stand behind them as no one notice as someone walks up to me and tap my shoulder i turn around and look at the person as i see it's Cynthia ''Oh, hey Cynthia'' ''wait ? why arent you up there ?'' ''Oh please, i dont have time for that'' she says and takes me hand and drags me with her to a more secluded place as she starts making out with me ''is this really happening?'' i say to her as she stops kissing me and she smiles at me and gently removes her dress ''isn't this...what you want ?'' ''N-no... i mean, you're beautiful and all but damn...'' ''Oh dont be like that...'' she puts her finger over my mouth as she takes my other hand and gently forces it towards her breasts as i try to pull back i cant for some reason as i touch it ''Just like that yeah'' she says smiling at me as i just say fuck it since its a dream and we start making out again after making out for a while i wake up and to the sound of rain hitting my window ''oh fuck...well...meh'' ''the best part was coming and all'' i yawn and rub my eyes as i get out of bed and walk over to the bathroom and take a piss then wash my face and brush my teeth and head over to the kitchen and start preparing some breakfast Yet as i sit down to eat i feel a strange feeling all over my body a sorta...feeling like you get when you're dizzy i rub my eyes and take a deep breath and close my eyes and open them back up as i head over to the bathroom and splash some water on my face yet the water does nothing as i feel more and more dizzy as i quickly walk over to my bedroom and lie back on the bed and close my eyes as i start to see something i see...Cynthia yet again, just standing there looking at me...smiling as she vanishes and i open my eyes again and rub my eyes as i feel something strange against my eyes i look at my hands and notice something rather strange my nails looks longer and weirdly beige... as i look yet again i can see my fingers looking longer...more petite and slender and..the skin is kinda softer... ''the shit...?''i say and get up and walk to the bathroom and splash some water on my face and yawn ''fuck...what the hell...'' standing there splashing even more water on my face i see something across my hands now i have never really gone into exercising a lot, i do train at home and keep in shape but this looked...weird my arms were slender and longer and all the hair was gone on both my arms, not a trace left as i looked at my slender hands i saw my shoulders in the mirror getting smaller and matching the shape of my hands a lot more my broad shoulders faded in turning smaller and more proportionate to my arms ''okay okay...this is not...normal or like a sickness...'' i walk over and sit down on the toilet as i feel my legs cramping up ''Ahhh!!!'' i remove my pants and look down as the hair on my legs starts to fall down on the floor, my feet get smaller and smaller as i go from a size 41 to a size 36 it creeps up my legs as they turn smaller...yet again more petite and my thighs turns wider as well i stand back up as the pain goes away and notice i feel shorter than before ''Ahh...shit, whats going on...'' i say in confusion as i run my hands across my back as i notice my butt feels more...plump...bigger and rounder i turn around and look down as i see my ass looking more...feminine.... a lot more feminine, like the kind that shows of good when wearing some tight jeans... ''what the....shit...?'' ''i'm smaller and my ass is bigger...what is going on here...?'' i look around my medicine cabinet struggling to reach the top to see if i accidentally took some kinda wrong medicine there but there is nothing bad in there ''Nothing theee-...'' i struggle to say the rest as it feels like someone knocked the air out of me, like i was punched right in the stomach i gasp for air as i remove my shirt who feels to damn hot for me and look down at my stomach to see my stomach is now flat and...i have a waist...like a hourglass waist ''Ahh...ahhh...ahh...'' i gasp more for air as it slowly returns to me as i head over to my bedroom and open the window to let some air in ''okay okay okay...fuck, something is totally wrong here...'' i slowly stick my head out of the window and take a few deep breaths ''okay okay..that felt..good at least...'' i close the window as i start to feel cold and walk back to the bathroom as i feel something else... all over my face now, the pain...my bones...i touch my face as i can feel the bones moving around there, it cracks and moves around as i feel it moving around on my hands but..i dont feel any pain from it...i can just feel it changing...and moving around somehow..yet that's not even it...as i hold my hands to my face i can feel hair brushing against my hand i usually...dont have long hair, i had a few years ago but not this long i drag some hair in front of my eyes as i can see its blonde...and even longer than before i dont know where it stops but id guess below my shoulders at least that's where it stops when it finishes so i find out then ''okay okay...i got blonde hair...that makes no sense...'' i struggle to walk over to the bathroom wearing just my shorts i feel something inside me like something is different...i cant tell what but...i just feel it inside there as i walk over i feel this...its like i just finished myself off...my body shakes and i feel...horny... i look around the room then down at my bare chest as i see my chest getting bigger my nipples grows larger and my breasts grows larger as well as they start to form and growing larger forming to perfectly round breasts i look down in horror but as soon as that finishes i feel something...that i cannot describe waves of pleasure hits my body over and over again a sensation of warm gentle waves hitting me over and over my shorts falls down on the floor as i kick them away and i panic as i look at my hands and wrap them around my breasts and look down as i see nothing down there...nothing at all there is nothing there...nothing between my legs except...something else and its warm...and just by feeling that i already know what it is ''H-holy...shiiiiiitttt'' i say as i hear my voice has changed and i reach the bathroom and look at myself and see...the last woman i saw Cynthia is looking back at me, moving as i do...i touch my hair and the mirror does the same ''im...im...'' i hear my voice but im still in shock as i stand there in my fear i hear my door open and someone walking inside i quickly without thinking run to my bed and wrap the blanket around myself and walk out to see...Cynthia standing there, as she spots me, she looks...shocked i open my voice to talk but nothing comes out as we just look at each other as Cynthia slowly walks over and looks at me ''oh my goddness...it..it..its true..''' i look at her with shock and confusion ''M-my dream...it was...but that means..that i...you...John'' she tries to finish her sentence as she just looks at me almost like she is frozen in time i get my hand out of my blanket and touch her as she just vanishes right there in front me, her clothes fall down on the floor and i feel like something flowing into me a gust of wind blows against me as i feel like something happened... i look where Cynthia once stood and just find her dress lying on the floor as i hear something ''J-John, if you can hear me please say yes...'' i look around but can't see anyone else around ''Hello...? Cynthia?'' i say out loud as the voice returns ''okay...okay...now listen to me and dont question anything because just as me, im sure you have no idea whats going on but...let me tell you...'' I nod as hold the blanket tightly around me ''First...okay..im...im kinda inside you...like...im speaking to you...i dont know why you turned into me but last night i had this strange dream...it made no sense'' ''i was in this...i dont know, strange room where someone was speaking to me...they told me -You kissed him, you cursed him, you and him are now together forever...- it said...'' ''i didn't understand but i woke up and i felt...weird...and i remembered my dream and came here as fast as i could...'' ''But but...what ? why ?'' ''i dont know...But...we are together forever for now...i will be here...and you will be...me...'' ''Be...you ? i..i dont...'' ''you think i know ? i dont know what's going on, right now i cant tell you where i am...im seeing the same as you but...i cant move my arms or anything...'' i move my arm as i normally would feeling nothing different apart from you know...all this ''i dont know what is going on but you can't...i dont...just, its going to be okay ?'' ''is it ?! i turned into you! i am a woman! i'm you! and i'm i'm...'' ''Dont even say it, i'm not old'' ''Well...you know compared to me...'' ''Compared to me?'' ''Compared to me!'' ''You are me now, i know it makes no sense as i've said but this is just how it is...'' ''Well, there has to be some way to get back...'' ''.....'' ''Well....?'' ''...i dont know...i dont think so but...please just take it easy for now...'' ''Take it easy...? How ?'' ''Well first of all...check behind your door'' i walk over and open the door as i spot a bag outside of it, i pick it up and walk inside with it and look inside to see something i see some keys, a wallet, and a bunch of clothes ''This is my wallet with my I.D and the keys to my home and clothes because you need to get dressed and...tell Lynn....'' ''...fuck...'' i sigh as i look into the bag and get out some jeans, a top and some...rather sexy underwear ''ill help you trough it...just please...we got no choice! i dont even know if we can turn back so...'' ''What ?'' i say feeling my heart kinda sink down as i carry the bag to my room i put the clothes on the bed and remove my blanket and look down at my naked body Not even thinking clearly i spot my reflection in my wardrobe i left open as the i see my whole body mirror image in it ''.....'' ''What...? dont look at...well...uhm...what...what do you think ?'' ''You're asking what i think of your naked body?'' ''Well...our naked body but yes..'' ''...it looks pretty nice...'' ''Thanks'' she says as i feel kinda warm but i quickly move away and put on some clothes, first the underwear then secondly the bra, then the jeans and last the top as i see the top of my breasts from the top ''There we go...dressed for now...'' i nod slowly as i head over to the mirror again and look at the reflection ''Are you admiring it or ?'' ''Well...Cynthia...you did look amazing...even before....'' ''And now?'' ''Still looks good...'' ''i never took you for a milf John'' ''I'm not but...now i am one...damn...fuck!'' i shake my head and sigh as i head over to the kitchen feeling my breasts jiggle as i do ''Now we have to call Lynn...'' ''Damn it...this is not gonna make any sense...'' ''We have to...we can't keep it hidden...?'' ''Well her wedding is tomorrow...she is going to freak out...'' ''i guess so...but im still her mother and i was always honest with her and she will understand...so please...for me?'' ''Fine cynthia...or...yeah..'' i walk over and pick up the phone as i take a deep sigh and call lynn ''Hey John'' she says as i take a deep breath ''Uhm...this is cynthia it is kinda weird but i had to pick up something over at John and im using his phone but could you come over here ? i kinda want to invite you out..?'' ''Oh...okay...uhm...okay mommy, ill be there in 10 minutes'' she says and hangs up ''You'e gonna tell me exactly what to say...'' ''i know and i will...'' 10 minutes pass and Lynn knocks on the door as i let here inside ''Hey mom' 'she smiles and hugs me as i feel our breasts push together ''H-Hey Lynnie'' ''So...what are you doing here?'' ''Well...uhm lets sit down and i will tell you'' ''Tell her not to panic...'' ''Do not panic or like freak out but...this is going to make no sense...but...im John...'' Lynn looks at me weirdly ''What ?'' ''i'll try to explain but...i think its because of what happened at the store...i bought the bag that had some things in it'' i point at the table as Lynn picks up the note and reads it ''You kissed John ?'' ''N-no...Cynthia kissed me on the cheek as a thanks for driving her home...you know she has done that a lot before... Lynn nods slowly as she knew Cynthia had been kissing my cheek before as we were good friends and knew each other ''i didnt know or did she but she had a weird dream last night then came here...then she just vanished as i had turned into her but...she is not gone...she is still here inside me i guess...?'' ''okay if that is true, prove it....cuz this is insane'' ''okay, tell her that when she was 1 year old, she had a special pluhsie, a white rabbit that she kept til she turned 16 when she gave it away to her cousin'' ''okay, cynthia told me to tell you about your rabbit plushie you got when you were 1 year old and then at 16 you gave it to your cousin...'' Lynn stands up and looks at me ''Holy...so...mom is with...you John ?'' i nod slowly as she looks at me ''Then you turned into her...and she is inside you ?'' i nod at her as she walks over to me and looks at me ''Soo...you turned into my mom ?'' ''Yeah..'' ''But how do i know you're not teasing me mom?'' ''Easy, we got drunk at the beach and i puked first since we had a promise to meet up there'' ''oh my god...this is just...oh my god...i dont know what to do...'' ''you think i do ?! i turned into Cynthia, your mom!'' Lynn looks at me ''yeah ? and how does it feel being an old woman ?'' ''Old im not old'' Cynthia says to me ''I'm not old...im 48! and it feels...weird'' ''i guess you'd say that, how does these feel'' she says and pokes my breasts as i stand up and look at her ''Dont do that...and it feels weird...its like being poking on something soft'' ''Yeah well now you know how i felt when you did it to tease me'' ''Fair enough...but look...i dont know what to do...i dont even know if i can change back!'' ''oh, ill call Allan and talk to him then'' ''Yeah, do that please!'' Lynn nods and calls up Allan and explains it to him as she just says yes a lot and nodding to herself she finishes the call and looks over at me ''okay so...Allan said...uhm...that this havent happened before and he thought i was joking but...he just sells the stuff, he dont make them...so who knows...so ill call this number he gave me instead I nod as she calls it up and waits for reply and as they answer she explains the situation again The same happens, she just says yes a lot after that she ends the call after some minutes and looks over at me and tilt her head slightly ''okay so...uhm...i talked to someone there and they said...well...'' ''Yeah ?'' ''Well, they dont write notes and put it in the bag...they said someone else did it and had no idea what im talking about'' ''So...they dont know ?'' ''Nope...but...look...john...'' ''Yeah?'' She giggles and walks over to me and hugs me again ''my mom is still there, you just have her body stupid and being a woman isn't really all that different...well i mean...i was never a guy...but'' ''Yeah...? where are you going with this?'' ''Well...just that...i dont know, try have fun ? i know you look like my mom and all but my mom is inside you so i can talk to her as well and it wont be...weird...'' ''Won't be weird ? you know i used to be John right?'' ''Yeah but then we just...live with, like you told me'' ''.....fair enough...'' ''And look and i will be serious here, we will probably never find out what happened or like why, the note i guess but that just explains something, but you're Cynthia now, and probably til you die so just go on, mom is inside you and will help you'' I nod slowly as i realize she is right, i probably wont ever go back...or ever find out more on what happened...i dont really like it but...it could be worse... i stand up and sigh as i feel something weird ''Uhm...bathroom Cynthia'' i hear Cynthia tell me as i look at Lynn ''Excuse me then...'' i say and head into the bathroom and sit down and feel weird as i pee...as a girl for the first time ever....but it does feel better than doing it as a guy...weirdly enough... i flush and walk back out as Lynn giggles at me ''Soooo ? how was it ?'' ''Peeing as a girl ?'' ''oh god...shut up'' ''I wanna know, come on'' ''Felt better...'' i say slowly'' Lynn smiles at me and nods ''Okay then, look...uhm...like i gotta go home and prepare but...please come to the wedding tomorrow ? mommy will help you trough it...Cynthia'' she smiles and hugs me tightly as she waves goodbye and leave as i sit down on my chair and sigh ''She's right...i cant miss the wedding...'' ''Thank you...it means a lot to me to my daughter on her day...'' ''Yeah...but Cynthia...can i call you something else then since im you now ?'' ''Sure, what did you have in mind?'' ''i dont know...'' ''okay, call me...Laura then'' ''Laura ? okay'' ''So...do i gotta like do something today ?'' ''No, just get up early and get your hair and make-up done, you have the dress so and i put some high heels in the bag as well....i know its going to be hard to walk on them but we practice now and my body has been using them a lot so it should come easily'' ''And Cynthia ?'' ''Yeah ?'' ''You're me now...and remember i've always been a woman so...act like me and be more...in touch with your feminine side'' I sigh but nods slowly as i head up to the bedroom and look in the bag and get out some high heels and slowly put them on and try walking around as i put them on and walk it does feel weird but like Laura said, the muscle instincts kicks in and i walk around them pretty well ''Very good and remember to sway your butt a bit'' i does as i say as we keep doing that for a while as i walk over and make some food while Laura teaches me how to prepare my food better, i finish up eating as i yawn and head to bed i take of my clothes and lie down in my underwear as i just wrap the blankets around me and just wanna drift away into my own dreamworld...just for a bit As i fall asleep and start dreaming i find myself in a large garden i walk over to a pond that appears in the middle of the garden and look at my reflection but im still...Cynthia but as i hear that someone calls my name i turn around and look at someone who looks a lot like Cynthia except she has black hair instead of blonde like me...like me... ''Laura ?'' i say without thinking as she nods and walks over to me and hugs me ''I guess our dreams are connected somehow'' ''Yeah...this is weird'' ''it really is...but im glad to kinda...not be in that place all the time'' ''what place is it ? where are you?'' ''i dont know, i see trough your eyes but i cant move or anything...so i guess just inside you..i feel what you do and so on..'' i nod at her as she smiles and pokes my cheek and my casual clothing turns into the black dress she had on her when she came to me ''it looks good...'' i look at my reflection in the water and nod ''it does look...nice yes'' ''im glad you're not angry or anything i guess we are both...angry for what happened but...neither of us knew...'' I nod at her ''But...this is usually what you dream about ? walking around this garden?'' ''Not really...it just appeared...'' ''okay'' she says as we just kinda start walking around the garden as more stuff appears in front of us ''So...how do you feel about going to the wedding tomorrow ?'' ''i dont care...its Lynn's day...i have to be there for her...and if i go as you...that's fine as well'' Laura smiles at me ''Thank you'' ''After i lost my husband i kinda...felt like everything fell apart for me...but Lynnie was always there for me and cheered me up and together we came trough it together'' i nod at her ''But that was...20 years ago...and while she was just a child...she made it bearable'' I nod at her again while we keep on walking ''But...thats in the past now...we move forward...'' ''Yeah...i guess we do'' i say as the world vanishes and i wake back up in my bed i rub my eyes and yawns as i look around the room and see nothing has changed there but i can feel my body is still Cynthia's i sigh and get out of bed as Laura tells me to just put on the dress and the heels and i do as told i get ready and eat some breakfast as its time to get the pre-wedding events done, luckily all can be done at the hair stylist, so i drive over there to meet a woman who fixed my hair and applies some make-up on me, making me kinda question how beautiful one can actually get... ''you like it...'' Laura says as i just give her a quick nod as the woman finishes up and smiles i pay her and we say our goodbyes as we have one more stop which is laura's home she leads me to her bedroom and helps me put on some jewelry as we finally head to the church ''Before we sit down i want to talk with Lynn...'' ''Yeah...lets find her'' i ask the priest who leads me to where she is i find lynn sitting on a chair wearing her beautiful wedding dress and her hair in a cute bun ''Mommy!'' she says and runs over to me but quickly stops and calms down but still hugs me ''Thanks for coming...im so nervous...'' ''Want me to talk to you...or your mom ?'' ''You are my mom...'' she smiles weakly as i sigh weakly and nod at her ''Dont be nervous Lynn...you look...amazing...like honestly...i can feel...your mother crying inside me at the sight of you...'' ''R-Really ?'' ''She and i are proud of you...and it will be fine..and...im here as your mom today...not someone else, okay ?'' Lynn smiles at me as we hug each other yet again ''you know what to do mom'' she says and smiles weakly as i nod and listen to Laura's explanations my job is to walk up to the altar next to Clydes mother as we stand next to the bridesmaids... i take a deep breath as first the maides walks up, then the flower child then us, we walk up towards them each holding a candle of unity as we stand next to our families as the wedding bells rings i look over at Clyde standing there in the suit smiling at me as i spot her, the door slowly opens as Lynn walks up to the altar they each tell their vows and kiss each other as i feel Laura crying tears of joy as i do as well... They finish the kiss and walks slowly out as the music plays, people stand outside and throws rice at them and they get in a car and drive to the engagement party and we soon follow then we reach the area, a huge mansion with a large garden filled with white wedding flowers and decorated with their names on the banners i walk inside the mansion and find my seat right next to Lynn and we sit down as Lynn walks inside wearing her wedding dress and walks up to me ''....so...'' she looks at me and noticed my make-up has run a bit and i see a tear roll down her cheek as well ''...oh my god...'' she runs over to me and hugs me tightly as i do the same to her as a photographer takes a picture of us ''Thank you mom...i love you...thank you so much...im so glad you're here...'' ''Of course i would be here...'' i say hearing my voice crack as it does....both me and Laura can feel our tears rolling but...seeing her like this, feeling this feeling...seeing her happiness is just...its all...indescribable i did feel...proud but not for a friend but something kinda deeper...i guess laura was kinda helping with that but still... As we hug each other Clyde walks over and smiles at us ''Thank you Cynthia'' he says as i smile and just hug him ''i know you will treat her right Clyde'' he smiles and nods as we all sit down on our places and food arrives as we start to eat, i look over at Lynn who smiles and enjoys her dinner she's smiling and talking to the people next to her as i just look at her beauty... ''She's beautiful right ?'' ''Yeah..'' ''so are we Cynthia'' ''I..i know we look good but...what can i say to that?'' ''Yes ?'' ''Yes then i guess'' i smile weakly we finish up our food as people start to drink wine and champagne and enjoy themselves, i look over at Lynn who raises her glass at me and smiles as we both take a sip together i mingle with the other guests and have a pretty decent time as i find Lynn talking with Tim, i slowly walk over and listen in ''That fucking dick couldn't even come for some stupid cold ?'' ''that is so fucking weak'' ''....its okay Tim, he said he didnt want to make anyone else sick...'' ''yeah but god damn...he ditched ya on your wedding day, that is just and sorry but fucking weak'' Lynn sighs and notices me and looks down a bit but then smiles up at me ''its fine, okay Tim ? i said its fine and he's with us here in our hearts, okay ?'' ''that's optimism bs but okay...well...congrats Lynn'' Lynn just nods and walks away softly to talk to some other guests The night goes on and i have a pretty good time altogether as Lynn thanks the guests for coming and walk over to me once everyone is gone i look at her as she looks at me ''So...what did you think ?'' ''it was perfect'' ''Thanks mom...its going to be weird to say that now but...i dont mind, you were always my friend...and now you are...closer in a sense...'' she smiles and kisses my lips and giggles as she walks away ''oh my...'' ''yeah...that came out of nowhere...'' ''it did...didnt know she was such a good kisser'' i can feel Laura laughing i think about the kiss as i sit on with a couple as they drop of my home as i walk inside i yawn tiredly and head to the bathroom and brush my teeth after that ordeal is over i head over to the bedroom and take of my dress and carefully lie it over a chair and look out the window ''Hey Cynthia ?'' ''Yeah ?'' ''...you feel more content...more relaxed'' ''...yeah..seeing lynn happy like that made me kinda relax...she looked happy and had fun'' ''Did you have fun ?'' ''i did'' ''me to'' i smile as i yawn and lie down in bed ''Tomorrow we can sleep at my home...you can actually sell this place...'' ''i've been thinking that...saves the money and we have everything at your home...'' ''We ?'' ''Yeah..we'' ''Well, see you soon then Cynthia'' Laura says as i drift into sleep yet again This time i dont find myself in the Garden anymore but this time in a city landscape instead the streets are all empty and the skies are just a blank and blue as laura appears next to me ''Oh, Hey Cynthia'' she smiles at me as i smile back at her ''Hey Laura'' ''Where are we ?'' i ask and look at her ''not sure...i guess just some city we made up together'' laura says looking around as people start to appear one by one ''But if this is our dreams ? why aren't you...you know ? John?'' ''Because ill wake up and wont be anymore so its no point...i'm getting used to it sure but...it is still something that is going to take some time'' Laura nods and we start walking up the street ''This is kinda strange but do you feel...?'' ''feel what?'' ''No i mean...this is a dream right ? but im smelling the gass from the cars and...the ground against my feet...'' when she says that i notice she is right, i can actually...feel things inside the dream...i smell all sorts of smells and feel the fabric of my clothes against my body ''This is...how ?'' ''i dont know maybe its one of those things that can't be explained....'' ''like everything the past days ?`'' Laura smiles and nods As we walk trough the city i look at the humans we walk past as Laura pokes me ''Hey...you're staring at the girls...'' ''Yeah...? why is that wrong ?'' ''Nothing but...you're a woman'' ''Right...so i can't do both?'' Laura smiles and shrugs ''i guess you can do whatever you want'' ''well, this is just a dream...'' ''Mhm so since this is a dream and you can feel...is there nothing you have wanted to try out ?'' ''like ? i turned into a woman in real life...?'' ''thats kinda my point...you barely looked at yourself naked...and you said i looked good...and you dont even want to try out the body?'' i turn and look at her kinda shocked ''I..uhm...it never came to mind...'' ''oh please, i know it did..we're together in this'' ''....lets not go there then'' Laura smiles and we keep on walking trough the streets as Laura stops by a store and looks inside as i walk back over to her she looks at a dress, its red and kinda showy off ''Laura?'' She turns to look at me and smiles as she holds my hand and walk into the stores and talks to the woman behind the counter and points at the dress then at me as the woman nods at her ''Come here, i want to try it on you'' ''The dress ? why?'' ''Because its going to look nice on you and this is a dream right ? just go with it'' i shrug and just do as she says and goes with it as we head into a changing room and she helps me put on the dress and looks at my reflection while i would never say it loud....it did look...amazing...it showed off my curves and body perfectly...even...as i was older i still looked...great ''You look gosh darn amazing Cynthia! you should buy it'' ''But none of this is real...'' ''So what ?'' she looks at me sternly ''You're me now, stop trying to...just ignore that, wake up and smile and i will show you something when we wake up'' i sigh at her ''Fine fine Laura'' She smiles as we pay the dress with some money we just made appear We both smile but as soon as we walk out the door i wake up i open my eyes and rubs them as i yawn and gently sit up in bed ''....Morning Laura'' ''Oh...good morning Cynthia...had a good time?'' ''Yeah...it was okay'' i smile as i stretch my body and walk over to my wardrobe and get out some clothes as i notice my reflection once again all i'm wearing is the bra and underwear and nothing else ''so okay, im going to tell you now, okay ?'' ''Hmmm?'' ''Just trust me when i say this'' Laura says ''First you unhook the bra...'' i do as i tell her and unhook the bra as it falls onto the floor as i gaze at my naked breasts ''Then you remove the panties...'' i nod at her as i slide them down my legs ''Then you walk to the bed and close your eyes and think of something...'' ''Are you teaching me to...please myself?'' ''i am teaching you to please us'' i can feel her smiling i sigh and close my eyes as imagine something...i think and think but nothing comes to mind as i feel Laura trying to help me i open my eyes as i can feel my body getting warmer and warmer ''Now touch your breasts with your hand while the other goes between your legs and gentle rub the sides while i help you'' i do as i say as i gently touch my breast with one hand and rub my womanhood with the other hand gently as i feel nice and warm i let out a little moan as Laura keeps on helping me but after a while it just stops working as i stand up and walk over to the wardrobe and positions the mirror so it faces myself and walk back to the bed i look at my own reflection playing with herself as i do the same enjoying it greatly more i look at my reflection and glee with happiness as each time i feel it across my fingers it brings me closer and closer to the climax the waves of pleasure hits me over and over again as i hear Laura She speaks in a soft whispered tone ''You're great...you're a queen Cynthia...i love you...my queen'' ''Ah...yes...'' she keeps on talking to me as i climax yet it dont stop as i keep on going more and more I finish up and gently remove my finger and licks it clean as i feel all tingly and good inside ''oh my god...'' i say to myself ''Y-yeah..that took me a bit...out of it..'' Laura says ''...i know you tried to help but...i like women...i mean...i you know and seeing me...like this...here...it just felt...nice...'' ''No, i understand and if it helps...it was the best i ever had...'' Maybe for the first time i genuinely smile at that statement i get dressed, putting on a cute skirt Laura bright with her and a white top as well and makes myself some breakfast then brush my teeth as i get my phone and checks for something new on it ''Hey...Cynthia?'' ''Yeah?'' ''You're wearing a skirt and you just put it on'' ''Yeah its kinda weird but...looking at myself naked...i felt like i kinda wanted to wear something kinda nice so i could see my legs...'' Laura dont really reply to that as i walk to the living room and sit down on the chair as the phone beep i look over and see its a message from Lynn saying she is on her way ''Lynn is coming over...'' ''Okay, its going to be fine Cynthia'' she says as the doorbell rings as i walk over and let Lynn inside ''Hey mom'' ''Hey Lynn....not tired after your wedding?'' ''No...i'm fine and Clyde is sleeping because he had a bit to much last night'' she giggles and hugs me ''im really glad you came...Mom...you and mommy...'' ''me and mommy?'' ''Yeah, the mom inside you'' ''oh, right'' She smiles and sits down on the sofa and looks at me ''So...was it weird...seeing me like that ? with the wedding gown and all ?'' ''No, you looked amazing Lynn...i was honestly...it was beautiful, honestly'' Lynn smiles at me as i smile back at her ''Hey...you know...it was..weird...and hard to handle, but i know my mom is there and you must be scared as well but...its gonna be okay'' she speaks confidently as i nod back at her ''Yeah, its going to be fine Lynn...its maybe going to take a bit to get used to it all but...of all the people who kissed me...i was glad it was Cynthia...or me..'' ''oh ? tells now honestly why?'' ''I well...your mom is i mean...i am...'' ''Hot and amazing looking for her age and you always had a thing for her?'' ''Fine sure, yes, i did'' ''And now you are her'' ''yeah'' ''Well you make a god mom'' she giggles and looks at me ''well...me and your mommy...i think we get on better and better as she teaches me and i start to kinda...feel more in the role'' ''Meaning?'' ''you calling me mom feels okay for starters'' ''Awww, that is kinda cute in a weird sorta way'' ''You think so?'' ''Yeah, i do Mom'' I smile at her and we end up talking for a few hours just chatting about mostly random stuff and more down to earth stuff as Lynn has to leave ''Hey Mom ? this was pretty great actually...i had a good time'' ''i did as well'' ''Well then...mom, you take care'' she says and kisses my cheek and walk outside as i wave goodbye at her Me and Laura talks for a bit as we decide to go over to her house instead, its much larger than my home and more classy...a lot more classy I look around the house as Laura shows me around and tells me where everything is ''So...i guess this is where we live now ? ill talk to the landlord about moving out from the old house and just kinda live here instead...and its so nice'' ''You think so ? i'm glad you feel that way Cynthia'' I walk around the house as i reach the bedroom and sits down on the bed and looks around, its your typical kinda bedroom, a big double bed, a large wardrobe filled with clothes, a nightstand, a window..and so on i walk over to the wardrobe and look inside and find your typical kinda of clothing, some jeans, tops, shirts, underwear, shoes and lots of dresses ''Okay...wow...you have a lot of clothes...'' ''i guess i do'' Laura says as i can feel her smiling i look inside it some more and spots a rather...actually nice looking dress, its black as the other one but it has a long V-neck instead and a slit down the legs, i gently pull it out as i look at it looking at it i cant argue that it wouldn't look good on me...that's for sure so i decide to...put it on for some reason i take of the skirt and top and gently slide into the dress as i feel it pressing tightly against my skin and walk over to a mirror Laura had placed on a corner in the room probably for the same reason to use it as i am now its a full body mirror and as i walk over to it i gaze at my own reflection in it and feel...content or something it does fit my body perfectly, its just right and it shows of my legs as well as breasts....not to much but enough to make some people turn around and look ''You like it'' Laura says as i nod at her and gently tilt my head a bit and look at my reflection ''i think it looks good on you, sweetie'' Laura says as i feel myself yet again getting warmer as Laura laughs ''and i think i know a little more about you know Cynthia'' i shrug and just find myself enchanted by the look of the dress on me ''Hey Cynthia, it's been a long day...we should make some food'' ''oh...yeah, when you mention it i am feeling hungry'' i walk down to the kitchen and start cooking up some food as Laura helps me prepare the food and i sit down and start eating in the kitchen drinking a glass of red wine as i finish up the food i cooked and put it away i look around some more as i start to feel rather drowsy and check the time seeing that it has already gotten quite late so i decide its a good time to get some sleep i reluctantly take off the dress and brush my teeth as i lie down in my new bed which feels miles better than my old bed and gently drifts of into sleep but this time...it feels different i find myself in just a room with two chairs and a table i gently walk over to the table and run my hands across it and sit down on the chair looking down at the table as Laura appears and sits down next to me i look over at her and see her black hair she had previously is now blonde like mine but shorter she smiles at me at me and i look at her ''you're feeling conflicted?'' she asks me i just shrug at the question as she starts looking over at the table ''i think you should kinda just go with the flow like we have all said Cynthia'' ''i am going with the flow, i went to the wedding, Lynn is taking it well and...i dont know'' ''i don't think that's the reason, you have always had a thing for me Cynthia'' i look over at her ''and now that you are me, you're feeling weird and since im here with you, i think you're holding a bit back'' ''....maybe'' ''Well then dont, i dont want you to just waste my life away...i want you to enjoy it and have some fun, you have lynn see you as me now, and i have some friends as well that you are going to love to meet'' ''So i will help you...we stick together now'' i smile at her while she holds my hands ''it's going to be fine, if you want to enjoy my body more, i will show you the way, if you want to walk around naked, do it, if you want to dress up and going trough my clothes, do it'' ''you think about me, even now you think about me'' ''well...yeah, im talking to you'' ''you know what i mean and it's fine okay ?'' i stand up from the chair and look at her as i sigh then smile at her ''i might take it to far'' ''you wont because im here to keep you in check'' ''Thank you...'' i say as she walks over to me and holds my hands and gives me a tight hug as i feel her body against mine we keep hugging for what seems like forever as i wake up to the sun shining yet again trough my windows i yawn and rub my eyes as i decide to do what Laura told me and...go with the flow for as long as i'm here ill treat...lynn like my daughter and be there for her, ill meet Laura's friends and talk with them i will...live this life to the best i can and...with her help, i think i can do it quite well...since as far as i know...i need to cast away my past and move forward and stop being worried and feeling down i am Cynthia...and i will die as Cynthia At least as far as i know... But i take that when the time comes...for now, ill spend the rest of the day staying home...wearing that black dress and maybe some high heels...and just enjoy the first real day in this new life.
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c0co-cos · 6 years
Blue's Highest Rank
I felt horrible because I wrote someone else a story, but I didn't write @nozapuns-nsfw a story. So i'd like to award this Fan Fic to them. I absolutely love their artwork, and I hope they continue to work of their 'Fractured comic'
I love how listening to a song can completely change my idea for this story. It was first gonna be a full story and all, but throughout downloading music on my phone for a trip im taking, I found a gem.
The gem was "Oh Cruel Darkness, Embrace Me" by IAMX
So basically that's the song you should listen to while reading this.
Summary: Blue Berry was the best of the best. He was quickly going up the ranks to become part of the Royal Guard. That changed when Blue was introduced to Alphys and Undyne.
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Chapter 1: Oh Cruel Darkness, Embrace Me
Blue Berry was quickly working up the ranks. He started on the lowest of the low. Then he met Alphys, and thank lord he did. He was training with her, Every. Single. Day. He didn't really have any prior interactions with Alphys, but out of luck, they bonded quickly and things got straight to the point.
He had liked his time spent with Alphys, there was never a dull moment, Also he never knew what he was going to do during training. It always changed. It went to dodging attacks one day, to making Tacos in her kitchen the next. There was always something new to learn.
Blue wasn't sure when he met Undyne, but he knew Papyrus was friends with her. Papyrus didn't really get out the house much to hang out with anyone. Only time he went out was when he planned to get black out drunk at Muffets, but other than that, he found Papyrus going to Undyne's lab at random times during the night. He must have had a good reason to get up and go though. It wouldn't have been for nothing.
To Blues surprise, Papyrus actually knew Alphys. They had been friends before Undyne met Alphys. It always amazed Blue how almost everyone knew everyone in the underground.
Id it wasn't for Papyrus, he wouldn't know half the people he knows now. Papyrus was amazing. If it wasnt for him, Blue wouldn't have a room to sleep in nor have supplies to make food, even though Papyrus was mostly a lazy bum, he was Blue's lazy bum brother.
"Hey Alphys! Im here for today's training!" Blue couldn't wait for today's training, Alphys had something new in store, and laster on, Papy was going to come over and view their hard work.
Alphys jumped at the sudden loud voice coming outside her house. She had invited Blue earlier than usual, it wasn't something new shes done, but today she had a reason, and pulling it off wasn't going to be easy.
"Woah Blue, you scared me! Come on in, I gotta prepare the rest of the supplies."
Blue had already let himself in with the Key she leaves under the door mat.
"Wow Alphys, this place looks better and better each time we cook! With that being said, what are we making today? More tacos?"
"No, something better. Lets look at the menu."
Blue grabbed the piece of paper with the big letters on it spelling out 'MENU'. It had also been something Alphys did to tease Blue right before they started cooking. It was always Tacos, but he kept up the running gag, just for the giggles of it.
He unfolded it, revealing what they were going to make today. He eyes shrunk with fear.
"Today were making you.... Alphys this isnt funny you know!"
He saw Alphys out of the corner of his eye, he could see bright yellow magic coming off from her magically formed weapon. She loved using an axe. He quickly moved out the way, also using his bone attack to dodge it. He moved just in time, any second later, he would have been dust.
"Ha, nice Blue! You're getting better and quicker with each attack I throw your way. Sorry about my lil joke there, had to do something to get you distracted."
Blue's heart was pounding out of his chest. He knew at one point furing todays training, this would happen. Alphys said she does this to make him become aware of his surrounding at all times, but it still scared him shitless. Alphys could tell that Blue was very shook.
"Oh gosh, im sorry Blue. I should have done it while we were actually cooking. I won't do it again, I swear, just sit down at the table and ill make you some tea."
Blue dis just that. It was great to know Alphys didn't mean any harm, she never does. It was just a small scare, nothing else right?
"Here your tea Blue, again im sorry I did that. I wrote it for the fuck of it, then the idea came to mind where i can do the daily 'scare blue' skit, but it back fired. I truly am sorry Blue."
"No worries Alph. I know its a joke, I just need to stop being a big cry baby about it. Also thanks for the tea. But it's um.. Kinda sweeter than usual. What happened to 'my soul is black so my coffee and tea have to be the same'?"
"Oh actually its a different type of tea. Undyne gave it to me to try, and right now i can try it. But Blue, lets actually talk about the Guard. You kno--"
Blue couldn't think straight. He felt as if his whole world was spinning. He didn't like it, not one bit. Was it because of how scared he got earlier? Was he having a panic attack? He wouldn't know. He never had one before.
"Hey Alph. Im sorry but i think I got to cut th-this short. Sorry, it was uhh fun?" Blue was breaking a sweat by now. Maybe he was actually having a panic attack? Also what would he do about ? Papyrus wasn't home yet, and the way he was feeling, he wasn't getting home like this.
Blue looked up at Alphys. Her straight face had been completely gone, covered with a huge grin, starting from one side of her face to the other side. Blue was expecting her to look more freaked out like she had been when she had accidentally hurt him during training, but she stood absolutely still, giving Blue a horrid feeling.
"Oh please blue, what's wrong? Here, if you insist on leaving, let me carry you out the door." she said while walking towards his area. Blue was too freaked out by her fake response. It had seemed practiced, meaning she knew something he didn't.
Blue hesitated, backing away slowly from her, before bolting to the door. Even with how he was feeling, he could sense the danger. He didn't even make it anywhere close to the door, falling down after taking a couple of steps towards the direction. He couldn't move, and felt horribly tired.
For good measures, Alphys pinned him to the floor, magical axes surrounding him and the exit, if he planned to leave.
"Alphys? Why? What and why are you d-doing this? I'm sc-scared. Please, if I did anything to hurt you, l-l-let me know. I'll fix it just plea--" Blue had been cut off after he felt Alphys step on his ribcage. It hurt like hell, but he could take it.
"Honestly Sans, I'm sick and tired of you. Im doing this for myself, im just the message man at the point. But other than that, I can't stand you. Did you really think you, out of ALL monsters in the underground, you would be the same rank as me? There are kids, younger than you who have an actual chance of being in the Royal Guard. Sorry blue, you wont get the rank you want. But hopefully, this rank suits you and your lazy ass brother."
By this time, Blue had been trying to pull her leg off his ribcage. She was close to breaking it, and he would rather have a ribcage than none at all.
"OKAY OKAY OKAY G-GET YOUR LEG OFF!" Blue was struggling at this point. She was going to break it. He didn't want to die by getting stepped on, he was going to die in battle protecting everyone in the underground.
Alphys showed mercy, slowly lifting her leg off of his ribcage.
"This is how it's going to work okay Blue? I'm going to knock you out, don't worry, the most that would happen is you get a bruise, and I'll call Papy. You'll find everything out later. Goodnight Blue! Don't let the bed bugs bit."
Alphys couldn't really be doing this... It was a dream. He had to be. She would never harm him. At this point, hopefully Alphys knocking him out will cause him to wake up from this Nightmare.
Alphys came up to Blue, fist closed, ready to come in contact with his skull. It wasn't long before Blue actually knocked out.
Lucky for Alphys, the tea did most of the work, all she had to do was get him asleep. All she had to do now was call Papyrus and get him to teleport over to Undyne's lab.
Talking to people over the phone wasn't the easiest thing to do for her, but hey. She lied to Blue for most of tome they've known each other, so it shouldn't be harder over the phone.
"Pa-Papyrus? Oh thank god! Please come over quick! Its ! H-He fell and hit his head on the table! Come quick!"
Lucky for her, She didn't really have to give much detail regarding where she lived. Sometimes Papyrus would walk Blue home after practice, so he knew the way here. In seconds, a 'pop' noise came from inside her restroom.
"where is blue? oh my gosh... what happened?"
"I- I don't know! We were about to make Tacos, and he fell! Please take us to Undyne's lab, Im certain she knows what to do! S-she'll help!"
Papyrus didn't even have to think twice, he picked blue from off the floor, and teleported right into the lab.
Undyne was no where to been seen, and as the looks of it, so was Alphys. That's strange. Alphys was right next to him as he teleported.
"UNDYNE. NOW." Papyrus heard Alphys scream.He couldn't even turn his head before he passed out from whatever they did to him.
Him and blue were up for it when they woke up.
The story is also on my AO3, at @/sintaley if you would like to read it there :)
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chickenfetus · 7 years
HI!!! i like to request ALL of the flowery asks! btw i LOVE ur blog and maybe u????? idk 🌸🌸 (jk i love u alot)
who is this????????/ under cut bc i get rambly 
azalea: what’s one word that describes you?
lame lmao
baby’s breath: what did you want to be when you were a kid?
honestly? my answer’s like yours jen because i wanted to be an astronaut but also a vet and then a few years later i wanted to be something else of a whole different profession but now i know what reality is like and i have no clue what i wanna be whoops
begonia: are you a messy or clean person?
i hate seeing my desk/workspace be messy but i cant bring myself to clean it up either???? bc im lazy 
bleeding heart: has your heart ever been broken?
hMMMMm mmm idk i dont think so
bluebell: do you drink tea or coffee?
i drink tea more than i drink coffee but i drink water more than i drink tea i drink water like. everyday lmao obviously but i drink a lot of water its my brand now
buttercup: what are five things that make you apologetically happy?
what does this mean why is the word apologetically there i cancelled it lmao no negativity in this house
my favorite people (u know who + my friends)
when people answer my anon asks and . they respond with a long reply/seem really happy responding thats my fav fam
this is getting real anime but when i get an UR/4* from scouting 
finding an anime/manga/book that perfectly suits my taste
im very tempted to just say water bc idk what else 2 say 
calla: what’s your favorite book?
ive only read 3 whole books this year but i recommend all of them 
challenger deep - neal shusterman (i could go on about this book for days honestly its so interesting and even though its told by the same person it has two kind of perspectives because there are two settings, that didnt make sense but this book is my new favorite)
see you in the cosmos - jack cheng (i love this one too because its just so warm? made me a little emo but its really good and i love how unique it is, text type wise)
a monster calls - patrick ness (this was something i heard from my school first so i didnt know if i really wanted to get it but its actually pretty good?) 
carnation: what are your five most played songs?
i cant really check using the music app bc i added the songs at different timings so itll be inaccurate ill just do most played song from each band/group
again - astro (this is their best song dont @ me)
letting go - day6
all in/stuck - monsta x
death by a strawberry - dance gavin dance
check yes juliet - we the kings
chrysanthemum: what are you afraid of?
i may not b a child but im still afraid of the dark bc my imagination is wild im also afraid of bugs and disappointing others nice oh shit im also afraid of asking for things
daffodil: what’s your astrological sign?
dahlia: what’s your favorite band?
this question was made for me its day6
daisy: which ‘friends’ character do you relate to the most?
ive never watched friends 
dandelion: are you an extrovert or an introvert?
in between!!!!!
geranium: how has your day been?
its been good!!! i managed to ask my mum 2 take me to hair place so i can get it cut finally and im working on updating my tumblr pages and doing all my tags
hydrangea: what’s your dream job?
iris: who’s your celebrity crush?
lavender: what’s one of the best gifts you’ve ever received?
oH FUCK FAM my friends got me a kermit toy for my birthday i lvoe it 2 dEATH
lily: what’s something you’ve achieved that you’re really proud of?
i got first in my class once wow amazing that was 2 years ago i wish i was as good as the me from 2 years ago 
marigold: what would you like to do more of, but don’t ?
well i want 2 b more hardworking but guess thats too late
morning glory: are you an early bird or a night owl?
now that school is over and i have no reason to wake up early ive become neither which is saddening because... i like waking up at 7am on weekends and doing things early but now i wake up at like 9-10am and i still sleep at 11pm  
orchid: what’s the last movie you saw?
i really dont remember?? maybe uh guardians of the galaxy?? i dont remember who i watched it with and when but it was good actually i remember who i watched it with nvm 
pansy: do you believe in love at first sight?
i dont really believe in romantic love anymore 
peony: what does your url mean?
chicken fetus means an egg
periwinkle: what are you thankful for?
god get ready folks im gonna go on my biggest boxy rant ever...
so boxy is my friend who ive been mutuals for over a year and our first common interest is love live and haikyuu so we had that to talk about but im bad at keeping conversations with ppl on tumblr so that ended quickly but earlier this year or late last year i made a twitter and told people on here about it and she followed me and i didnt really mind/pay attention to the stuff she posted/rted uNTIL. until that fateful day... june 25th... at like 8pm? she rted a pic of mister brian kang with dumb minion glasses on and ok maybe i do believe in love at first sight? bc wow!!!!! whos this dumbass with minion glasses and the fluffiest hair ??? so i slide into boxy’s dm.. expecting an explanation and she gives me a good one saying how brians from a band (i would later find out), day6 and im not a fan of kpop, never have been.. ive only watched like some kpop mvs bc i love my friends so i expect myself to listen to them and get over them as soon as im done. boxy my friend, bless HER she sends me all of their mvs from congratulations to i smile and i watch the first one - i smile and me? i start smiling and i can feel myself getting excited because holy fuck theyre a band! they play fucking instruments??? and at this point im already whipped then i move onto how can i say and that shit blew my mind let me tell you.. so because of boxy... i get to where i am now, proudly stanning 3 groups and if it were not for her i wouldve never gotten into mx as well... boxy is just?? really important to me her impact is just that great?? so im super!! sUPER thankful for her and i dont think she’ll ever see this but boxy i love u thank u so much!! boxy gave me more than one reason to live, and not just exist?? without her i wouldve never been able to make so many (like 2 but hEY) new friends and this probably got so long idk im just really thankful for boxy thank u lord for blessing us with boxy (@/youngkwhom on twitter) (kittenma on tumblr) i hope shes happy forever and i also hope she has good days for the rest of her life?? boxy deserves it i lvoe u boxy
petunia: where were you ten years ago?
10 years ago i was like 6 probably watching pokemon or some shit and getting glasses
poinsettia: where would you like to be in ten years?
dead thanks
poppy: what’s your online persona?
i dont understad the meaning of persona but an egg?????? 
rose: who’s the last person you spent quality time with?
all my classmates in an exam hall for 2 hours, quality time indeed
snapdragon: what are your goals?
sunflower: what’s your favorite quote?
i think i had one before but i forgot so maybe it wasnt my favourite lol idk i dont have one now
tulip: if you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
for all of my favourite people to be happy forever
a good future
i want astro, mx and day6 to get an award for all of their hardwork thanks
violet: what’s one thing most people don’t know about you?
i was gonna say smth negative but lets not hm m m i? ?? ill put smth irl ppl probably dont know either uh hhh i guess?? that i eat a lot?? but also get full really quickly but then really hungry right after that idk thanks digestion
zinnia: do you believe in magic?
no ????/ idk is there any evidence that magic exists 
JEN !!! thank u so much for asking even tho u probably asked just to get back at me but this was still fun ask memes will never get boring bro,. i love u and i hope u have a good evening also i love ur blog too moon anon probably already told u
to anyone who actually bothered reading through this mess - thank you and i hope you have a good day/night too!!
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lymanjosh · 6 years
do you have any tips on bringing up ADHD to a therapist? I desperately need help for it but I don’t want my concerns dismissed because stuff like adderall is heavily misused :(
i had like two pages of an answer for this (and it was coherent, even, if you can believe it) and then i refreshed the page like a dumbass so this is take 2, which is Less Coherent and im sorry but theres nothing i can do about it
so im not an authority on the subject or anything, and i don’t know your situation, and also ive been diagnosed for like 2 weeks, so you can pretty much take everything i say with a grain of salt. what im gonna do is im gonna run through my own experience / what i wish i did differently / what im doing now, and i hope it helps, and you can totally feel free to come back if you wanna talk more at all once im finished!! and i really hope that at least something i say here is of help to you
also this is gonna be rambly and im sorry about that but i don’t know any other way to be. im gonna preemptively forgive myself because youre like me so you get it but im sure it’s not easy to read so for that i apologize.
tldr: know concretely why you think you have ADHD and what treatment options you want to pursue, do like 3 times more research than you think you need to do, write down all your symptoms in advance, cite your past history of mental health treatment if you have one, and try not to worry too much. if your therapist is any good at their job they’ll know you’re not just drug-seeking, and they’ll recognize the symptoms and problems you discuss when you bring them up in the context of ADHD. probably you’ll be okay, and you’ll get the treatment you need.
so i spent most of my teen years in a drug-addled haze. i was depressed and anxious because i couldn’t Fucking Do Anything, and my parents were worried so they took me to the doctor, and the doctor was worried so she sent me to another doctor, and this continued for a long time and i was on like 4 different antidepressants and 4 different antipsychotics and also some anti-anxiety meds between the ages of like 15 and 16. it was heavily traumatic and also not fun, and the reason all this happened was that nobody stopped to think that maybe i might share some genes with my dad, who has been diagnosed inattentive since before i was born.
right off the bat i should have been way more up in arms about self-advocating, which is something you’re clearly doing, so that’s awesome and you should give yourself a pat on the back because that’s really difficult in the mental health industry especially when you’re already fighting your own brain on most things. 
hopefully you haven’t been through a wringer of false diagnoses and nonsensical prescriptions, but if you have, then you can guilt your doctor a little bit. “i was traumatized! i was given dangerous psychoactive drugs during a critical phase of neural development! you have to give me stimulants to atone for your sins!” phrase it exactly like that, it’s like a silver bullet. in all seriousness if you ahve past diagnoses of anxiety or depression or anything to do with emotional dysregulation that can help your case, because you can point out that a) these things are common misdiagnoses for adhd, and b) the symptoms for these things logically emerge from things like emotional hyperarousal and rejection-sensitive dysphoria. 
what i should have done, and what i think you should do, is write down your symptoms in advance, because then you won’t have to spend an hour hemming and hawing and trying to thnk of them all in the doctor’s office. i did not do this. it didn’t prove to be a problem because my doctor was kinda irresponsible but i really should have done this, just for my own benefit.
when i actually brought it up to my doctor that i might have adhd i had a couple different things going for me. i was talking to my GP, and not my therapist; im not in therapy (which you can probably tell) because therapists creep me out, but i think physicians are probably more inclined to throw drugs at it than therapists are. my GP was also brand new to my case– i had never even met the guy before. i mentioned my history of mental health treatment, and i also mentioned my dad being diagnosed, and im also a girl (girls are chronically underdiagnosed and extremely likely to be misdiagnosed with either anxiety or depression), so i had some concrete facts to support why i had suspicions. i had also done a shit ton of research beforehand, so i advise you to do that– know concretely why you think you have adhd and what treatment options you want to pursue.
you might benefit from talking about it with your doctor before your therapist, but idk that might just be my fear of therapists talking. i think a doctor is less likely to want to taco bout it than a therapist but that may just be my specific experience– you know your situation better than i do. and admittedly a therapist is more likely to, like, Know You and know what you’re talking about when you say (for example) that you’ve always struggled with emotional dysregulation, or whatever.
something else that might help you– i wish i had done this not because i don’t want to look like a drug-seeker but because i Miss Coffee– is to bring up non-stimulant treatments like strattera (for adults) or kapvay or intuniv (both for children but sometimes prescribed to adults) because it’ll show you’ve done your homework and it might be a point against writing you off. stimulants are usually the first resort for adhd, so it’s highly likely you’ll end up on adderall or another stimulant, but it’s good to bring up as an option. might also be good to research it as a serious course of action, especially if you suffer with anxiety, because stimulants are likely to make you more anxious.
i would also advise you not to fixate on adderall? idk enough about your situation to know if you’ve done that but it’s good to be open to other medications and treatment plans bc if adderall doesn’t work for you it doesn’t work and there’s not a ton you can do about it. you should for sure read up on other treatments– you might find one that sounds more appealing, or at the very least you’ll know what to think if your doctor brings up another one unexpectedly.
so i brought up to my doctor that i might have adhd and he immediately plonked a questionnaire in front of me. i filled it out (spoiler alert most of my answers were “often”) and he was like “oh this is textbook, let’s get you on adderall” which like WHAT. i didn’t even ask about adderall. like im not gonna argue with you but let’s talk about this first before we break out the stimulant medication. but i’ve been on it for a couple days and no major side effects yet so maybe he was right who knows. anyway he was super irresponsible don’t let your doctor just prescribe you meds at random go through the side effects. always ask about the side effects. i get such bad headaches after it wears off. i have one now and its Bad. 
but as an addendum you should for sure be prepared to use other coping mechanisms. i’ve started using a bullet journal since i was diagnosed which i’ve found works really well, and youtube channels like howtoadhd are really helpful to me!! i try to use the meds sparingly because i Don’t Like taking pills and also bc adderall can be habit forming, and because i hope to eventually be able to function without it, and i advise you to think of it the same way. drugs don’t have to be a permanent fixture in your life– you can use it as a temporary tool while you build up the necessary coping mechanisms and mental pathways to function without it. adhd isn’t broken brain, it’s just brain on hard mode, if you know what i mean. i try to think of the meds as training wheels– i learn to function with it, and then i gradually learn to function without it. so idk if that’s a useful way to think about it for you but to me it feels more hopeful than resigning myself to a lifetime on more drugs. idk. 
but even if you’re okay with that, adderall isn’t gonna make you functional (it might. kinda feel like you’re magically functional. that’s how i feel right now, that is to say when im not headaching.) so you have to have systems in place to make it easier for yourself. some kind of productivity app might help ig (i used ike for like 3 days and then my phone died and i forgot to charge it for a week because that happens to me sometimes, but i liked ike!) but i like analog todo lists. feels good checking stuff off. either way is good though. 
also get your phone to send you alerts. also rearrange your stuff. like, make the world around you conducive to your functioning. do your best to create and live in a space that enables you to do the things you need to do. get accommodations at school if you need to (i haven’t done this and can’t tell you how but there are a ton of online tutorials and you can probably just google your school + accessibility, or something, and that’s assuming you even go to school)
but yeah i hope any of that was helpful to you and im sorry to make you do 1 million hours of deciphering my shitty informal writing style and i love you and i want to help you please come back and let me know how everything goes bc im gonna worry about you otherwise
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lovelytable · 8 years
1-90 for make me admit stuff ask
1: would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
well i mean considering it was a group chat full of my str8 friendos i would have to say hard no
2: you talked to an ex today, correct?
technically but it’s complicated
3: have you taken someones virginity?
4: is trust a big issue for you?
not really. i’m actually a little too trusting. 
5: did you hang out with the person you like recently?
6: what are you excited for?
spring break is in 20 days and i’m going to spain with my spanish class so the hype is real
7: what happened tonight?
i’m actually answering this in the morning but last night i went for a walk with my dog and my friend and we adventured all the way from her house to target and back and we made some nice friends and screamed into the void to tell it to stop playing country music and all in all it was a good evening.
8: do you think it’s disgusting when girls get really wasted?
no. let them live. just please don’t vomit on me and also be safe.
9: is confidence cute?
ehhhhh i don’t really like this question. like i like confident people but that’s just because they’re healthy and happy with themselves and that’s admirable and beautiful but “cute” isn’t really the right word.
10: what is the last beverage you had?
11: how many people of the opposite sex do you fully trust?
GENDER IS A FLUID SPECTRUM AND THERE IS NO “OPPOSITE SEX” but also 5 off the top of my head. 6 if we’re counting guy fieri.
12: do you own a pair of skinny jeans?
i don’t own any jeans that aren’t skinny.
13: what are you gonna do saturday night?
next saturday is my birthday and i really don’t know what i’m doing. probably hang out with my friends. make some s’mores. maybe see a movie (because i’ll be 17 and so r rated movies are an option and yea).
14: what are you going to spend money on next?
candy and flowers for my friends. only one of them has a bf and she’s not doing valentine’s day with him so they’re all getting presents from me. i love.
15: are you going out with the last person you kissed?
16: do you think you’ll change in the next three months?
of course. next month i’m going to spain without my family and by may i��ll have taken my ap exams and i’ll also have been in a play and god i really hope between all that i grow up/glow up a lil.
17: who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
my friend who i went for a walk with last night. she was one of the first three people i came out to (i did it via text bc i’m a fucking loser) and out of all my friends she’s the one who’s the most honest with me so i like to return the favor.
18: the last time you felt broken?
february 10
19: have you had sex today?
20: are you starting to realize anything?
21: are you in a good mood?
i’m too stressed to be in a good mood.
22: would you ever want to swim with sharks?
not really. like don’t get me wrong i live for adrenaline rushes but i don’t really like swimming in salt water. it burns. also swimming with sharks is problematic. but anyway.
23: are your eyes the same color as your dad’s?
nope. he’s got brown and mine are blue. i’m a spitting image of my mom though.
24: what do you want right this second?
a magical machine to do all my homework for me
25: what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
good for them but also BUDDY BOI WYD
26: is your current hair color your natural hair color?
yea. i did some colorful streaks last week for a project but by now i’m pretty sure they’ve washed out.
27: would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
no. that’s the most important thing imho.
28: what was the last thing that made you laugh?
my own awkwardness
29: do you really, truly miss someone right now?
miss isn’t the right word. i need to talk to some people but i’m not filled with a bottomless pit of longing or some shit.
30: does everyone deserve a second chance?
most people do but definitely not everyone.
31: honestly, do you hate the last boy you were talking to?
oh god no. he’s in the aforementioned 5/6 people.
32: does the person you have feelings for right now, know you do?
hard maybe. i think so??? but i’m a mess.
33: are you one of those people who never drinks soda?
no. i mean i haven’t had soda in forever and i usually choose water over soda just because health and also bubbles in my stomach are not the best feeling but i still like it.
34: listening to?
just got done listening to in the heights for the billionth time
35: do you ever write in pencil anymore?
every day
36: do you know where the last person you kissed is?
37: do you believe in love at first sight?
no. i promise i’m not some cynical angsty teen but i just don’t think that’s possible.
38: who did you last call?
ummm i never make actual phone calls they kind of stress me out but it was probably my mom or dad
39: who was the last person you danced with?
my friends
40: why did you kiss the last person you kissed?
41: when was the last time you ate a cupcake?
thursday? i think? i ate a muffin this morning tho
42: did you hug/kiss one of your parents today?
not yet but they just came back from a run and that’s a lil gross
43: ever embarrass yourself in front of your crush?
sweaty my life is an embarrassment
44: do you tan in the nude?
i used to but i burn really easily and now i’m more about the soft, unwrinkled skin life anyway
45: (woOAAHHHHH WE’RE HALFWAY THERE) if you could, would you take back your last kiss?
46: did you talk to someone until you fell asleep last night?
47: who was the last person to call you?
i think it was my grandpa
48: do you sing in the shower?
i perform
49: do you dance in the car?
i. perform.
50: ever used a bow and arrow?
actually yea in 5th grade i went to this cool camp thing and we did archery
51: last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
a couple weeks ago we had school pictures with the clubs we’re in
52: do you think musicals are cheesy?
some definitely are but they’re so good
53: is christmas stressful?
certain aspects of it are but in the end it’s two weeks off of school so i can’t complain.
54: ever eat a pierogi?
ever eat a what now
55: favorite type of fruit pie?
does key lime count
56: occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
i remember when i was really little and didn’t understand how business worked i really wanted to work at sonic so i could wear roller skates and bring back the pancake on a stick. if that didn’t pan out my backup plan was being a dinosaur.
57: do you believe in ghosts?
58: ever have a deja vu feeling?
i’m living a deja vu feeling right now sis
59: take a vitamin daily?
i used to. i need to get back on that.
60: wear slippers?
no. i have perpetually cold feet but i refuse. fuzzy socks are where it’s at.
61: wear a bath robe?
eh sometimes
62: what do you wear to bed?
usually an old t shirt but it depends on how hot/cold im feeling
63: first concert?
i’m lame i’m sorry
64: wal-mart, target, or kmart?
target obv
65: nike or adidas?
nike only because adidas sports bras ain’t shit
66: cheetos or fritos?
67: peanuts or sunflower seeds?
peanuts (although sunflower seeds are very aesthetic as far as snacks go)
68: favorite taylor swift song?
my second favorite song i ever had was love story
69: (aw yisss) ever take dance lessons?
i used to when i was really little. that lasted 2 ish years and then i did gymnastics for like 8 years.
70: is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
i don’t picture a future spouse
71: can you curl your tongue?
72: ever won a spelling bee?
the day is february 18, 2011. my birthday. i stand before my elementary school along with the other nerds who participated in uil academics. they begin to announce the winners for the district-wide spelling competition. 7th place. 3rd place. “and corbell elementary is proud to present the first place medal to...” i look around. all my classmates have already taken a seat upon collecting their medals. i am alone on stage. i grin with the realization. “SUZI”. the crowd goes wild. my parents are cheering. obama is there.
73: have you ever cried because you were so happy?
all the tim
74: what is your favorite book?
75: do you study better with or without music?
76: regularly burn incense?
no but i have a few candles in my room
77: ever been in love?
no (?)
78: who would you like to see in concert?
hank green and the perfect strangers
79: what was the last concert you saw?
80: hot tea or cold tea?
81: tea or coffee?
82: favorite type of cookie?
chocolate chip
83: can you swim well?
i mean i haven’t drowned yet
84: can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
yes but not for very long
85: are you patient?
god no
86: dj or band at a wedding?
87: ever won a contest?
actually yea i won a book giveaway last summer on here but i never claimed it
88: ever have plastic surgery?
i haven’t yet but i probably will. i don’t have self esteem issues or anything but i just want to.
89: which are better black or green olives?
ew neither
90: opinions on sex before marriage?
live your life just pls be careful
BONUS (because there’s only 2 more anyway)
91: best room for a fireplace?
living room
92: do you want to get married?
not really. the only reason i ever would would be out of spite but in that case it would probably just be eloping or something bc mi familia would not contribute.
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