#im kinda ready to go back to school i think but also i love being alone and not doing things
ifimdreaming · 8 months
can i take you home?
luke hughes x reader || angst, fluff
request: “i like the idea of her best friend going to michigan/dating a former teammate of lukes so thats how luke and reader meet! i love angst and given that its lukes rookie year/she goes to college in another state, maybe they could be friends w benefits but both have strong feelings.”
author's note: i thought this request was so so cute so i kind of took it and ran. also kinda influenced by i miss you, im sorry by gracie abrams. this is also super long but i hope the ending is worth it. let me know if i should do more parts of this!
word count: 5.0k
Waking up to the sound of your best friend pounding on the guest bedroom door at 7am was not exactly the best way to start your day. But since you are staying the weekend in her student house that she shares with 5 other people, there are definitely unluckier ways you could have been awoken. 
“Morning sleepy head!!! I'm so happy you're up!” your best friend Emma almost shouts as she barges in the room, after you very reluctantly told her she could come in. She immediately begins opening the curtains, and rummaging through her closet to find her outfit for the day.
In her haste she almost spills the two cups of coffee she had brought up from the kitchen as she sets them on the dresser beside the bed, her mug being almost completely empty anyway. You can tell by her enthusiasm and caffeine intake that she has been up for quite a long time before deciding to wake you up. 
You groggily roll over and face away from the wide open curtains, not ready to face the day yet and really disappointed in yourself for choosing to drive up so late last night in the first place.
Of course you were happy to be able to visit your best friend, the two of you going to different schools making it incredibly hard to spend much time together anymore. But being back here brought back so many memories of the last time you visited. Both good and bad. And to be honest, all you could think about was him. From the very moment Emma invited you, he has been on your mind nonstop. 
The way he made you feel so utterly adored when he brought you back to his room, how he spoke to you so gently and quietly the one morning when you were hungover, the time he spilled and called you ‘his’ while you were in bed together, and how much it seemed like it would last forever. It was all coming back so strongly.
“So, what are the plans for the day Little Miss Sunshine?” you sit up, reluctantly speaking your first words of the day after clearing your throat. 
“Well! First I thought we'd go get bagels for breakfast from down the street, and then I think one of us may need a quick shower before we officially start our day…” Emma says with a hand on the side of her mouth, pretending to be saying a secret as she is side-eyeing you, and you just stare at her offendedly, “Aaand we are doing something tonight so maybe we should go shopping..” she says quickly and excitedly, clearly brushing past what exactly it is that we are doing tonight.
“Alright then.” you say as you check your phone for probably the 20th time in the 10 minutes you've been awake. And you can see Emma staring at you from the corner of your eye so you decide to throw your phone to the other side of the bed, getting up and ready to go. You knew she wasn't oblivious, but you did not want to acknowledge the look she was giving you right now, and honestly it did not seem necessary to bring anything up.
Besides, this weekend isn't even about him. Dylan's surprise birthday party is tomorrow and your best friend was so excited to be planning it with your help. She hadn't done anything this extravagant for her boyfriend before and she wanted everything to be absolutely perfect.
Obviously the last thing you would want to do is ruin this weekend for her, and your stupid feelings and non-relationship are included in that.
The walk to the bagel shop seemed awkwardly long as you were both not acknowledging the fact that your mind is very very distracted. It wasn't intentional. But feelings and places have such strong connections and the fact that things felt so unresolved was not helping. Everywhere you are here reminds you of him.
“How's your bagel?” Emma speaks up, finally breaking the silence on your walk home, thankfully giving you an opportunity to get out of your thoughts.
“Oh it's good! Thanks! I was super hungry…” you say, trying to muster up a believable enough reason for why you've been so off today. 
You continue walking and shuffling your feet in silence and are about to return back to the house before Emma looks at you and sighs loudly.
So. Close. You are literally about to step onto the driveway of the house when she stops you. 
“Ok can we just talk about it please? Because there is no way we are going to get through this entire weekend just ignoring it.” she says, stepping in front of you and blocking any sort of way for you to get out of this conversation. 
“What are you talking about?” you say with a grumble and a sigh. Knowing she is going to get it out of you. Obviously she would.
“Luke.” Emma says deadpan, waiting for your response.
For some reason at this moment you wanted to cry just hearing his name. But you also wanted to yell. Your feelings were confusing and annoying and it upset you to even have to talk about it with someone, even though you knew you should.
“I don't know. I DON'T KNOW. I can't stop thinking about him, and everything is so confusing.” you whisper-yell at her in frustration. 
It pained you to admit that you couldn't get him off your mind. You didn't realise how much you even liked him until having to admit that.
“He visited me during christmas… I mean, he did in the fall, but this time felt different.” You continue,  “We slept together again. Everything felt like it was going so well…And now nothing.” you admit to her and wipe your face with your sleeves, angry at the tears that have fallen from your eyes. 
“Has he called?” She asks warily.
“Once? Last week. It was short… but he sounded sad. He said he misses me. And he told me he really wanted to visit me. And I've texted him since then and no response.” you look down at your feet as you speak. It really shouldn't be this embarrassing to admit. It's not like you were in a relationship with him anyway.
“He's going to be here...tomorrow? I didn't know if you knew..” Emma says as she grabs your arm and slowly brings you close to her as you begin walking inside together and you nod your head in her direction.
You knew he would be here. Dylan is one of his best friends, obviously he isnt going to miss his 21st birthday. But with how things were currently going, it honestly made you wonder if Luke would even want you here. And what do his friends even know about you two? Has Luke said anything? So many questions are going through your head that it is almost making you dizzy.
The rest of the day is so much lighter after your earlier conversation. Emma is exponentially good at cheering people up, and maybe even to a fault, will always be on your side no matter what. But you appreciated it regardless.
You are currently finishing up putting on your makeup and getting ready to go out tonight, still very unaware of what the plan even is. But you didn't have much of a choice in the matter as Emma has picked out every aspect of your outfit tonight - down to the shoes, makeup, and jewellery.
Suddenly Emma gets a call from Dylan and runs into her bathroom to answer the phone, the music cutting out that was playing from her phone as she heads off, and silence filling the room.
You weren't intending to be eavesdropping, but you are able to hear muffled voices from the other side of the door and very hushed arguing that you couldn't quite make out. Making you curious as to what could possibly be going on tonight.
Emma saunters back into the room with hesitancy, her expression is scared and concerned at the same time as she is approaching you almost in slow-motion, saying nothing.
“What is it? Just spit it out.” you say, already knowing you are either about to hear the worst news of all time or the worst news of all time.
“Ok surprise! We're going out for sushi! Yay!” Emma says, obviously starting with the good news and you stay silent.
“And…Luke is coming out with us.” she continues, flinching at her own words as she plops herself on the bed across from you. You sit at her desk, makeup in hand, and cannot help but have an absolutely astonished look on your face. 
Nothing is able to even leave your mouth as her words run through your mind again and again.
“I am so SO sorry.” She starts. “One of the guys accidentally told Dylan that Luke is in town and I didn’t want to ruin the surprise for tomorrow, so I told Dylan that Luke and I were trying to surprise him tonight for dinner. I didn't know what else to say. It was literally the first thing that came to my mind. I'm so sorry.” she continues, worried she has done irreparable damage on your friendship.
“You can kill me now.” Emma blurts out defeatedly, wanting to keep the surprise for tomorrow and not wanting all her efforts to be ruined the day before the party.
Obviously you love that girl, but very much did want to kill her in this moment.
“Does Luke know I'm going to be there?” you ask, brushing past everything else she has said.
“Dylan said he would tell him, yeah, but if you don't want to come please don't feel like you have to.” she says with a small smile, hoping you have some-what forgiven her.
“No, I'll still come.” you say quietly but matter-of-factly.
If Luke knew you were coming, it would be weird if you decided to stay home now because of it, and besides, what would you do here alone? Thinking of what he would be doing and wishing you could read his mind is all you can think of.
“OH? This is good! Ok! Dylan said he is picking us up in 20 minutes!” Emma states, suddenly very excitedly, hoping it will cheer you up to see that she is excited. And as you continue getting ready, nervous energy and anticipation fill your body.
Dylan shows up right on time, unfortunately for you, not giving you any extra time to sit and wallow in your feelings.
It was inevitable that you would be seeing Luke this weekend, but this quickly and under these conditions was not exactly ideal. You were hoping to at least be able to have a one-on-one conversation with him before being thrown into random get togethers where things have no chance but to be awkward.
The drive to dinner is surprisingly happy. Dylan seems so excited to be seeing his best friend again. He can't stop talking about the last time they saw each other and how long it has been. And Emma's laughter and giddy energy is helping you calm down and distract you just a little bit.
“The reservation is for 7pm so we might have to wait in the car for a few minutes.” Emma says, checking her phone as Dylan pulls up to the restaurant a bit early. 
The dim lighting and intimate booths look extremely inviting as you peer inside the windows of the restaurant from the parking lot. You can't help but get distracted by watching people inside as Emma and Dylan talk from the front seats of the car and are cutely chatting to each other quietly.
“There's my boy!” Dylan yells out as he jumps out of the driver's seat, running up to give Luke a hug across the parking lot.
“Ready?” Emma looks back and asks you, reassuringly placing her hand on your knee and rubbing her thumb up and down a few times.
“Guess so…” you say with a fake smile as you grab your purse from beside you, and as you are about to leave the car, you see a tall figure standing right outside your door.
Only a little bit startled, you look up to see Luke as he opens your door for you and greets you with a tired smile. He is dressed nicely in black pants and a cream cable knit sweater, his hair curly and tousled up like always. 
As you step out of the car he brings you into a tight hug, like he just couldn't wait to hold you again.
“I missed you…” Luke whispers so quietly into your ear that you almost couldn't hear him. He swiftly leaves a gentle kiss to the side of your head as he brings his hands just a bit lower down your back, “I’m sorry” he says quietly as he releases you.
As much as you want to reciprocate, you are so caught off guard by his words that you just stare up at him without a word.
“Alright let's go! I'm so hungry!” Dylan says, unaware of the tension, as he pats Luke's back and wraps an arm around him, walking in front of you and Emma and into the restaurant. 
Emma is glancing at you as you walk together, waiting to hear from you what Luke said, but you decide to ignore it with a shrug and she looks away. 
Dinner is filled with laughter and catching up with one another. Surprisingly it wasn't even half as awkward as you built it up to be. Dylan chatting away with Luke as you and Emma giggle across from each other about all the drama at your respective schools. 
Having a couple of drinks throughout the night was definitely helping, but regardless of that, you felt good. Really good.
“Luke, how's the love life going for you? You got a girl in Jersey?” Dylan asks with a laugh as Emma had just bragged about her and Dylan going on 2 years of being together.
She shoots you a regretful look as she hits Dylan's side with her elbow, not as discreetly as she probably wanted to, and your face turns bright red.
Luke looks down at his lap and shakes his head with a chuckle, seemingly avoiding eye contact with you at all costs.
“No man, no girl in jersey.” Luke says lightly as he takes a drink of his beer before the two of you make eye contact and he glances down to your fidgety hands that are in your lap. 
“My bad, my bad…” Dylan says with a laugh as he clears his throat and starts back to finishing the food on his plate, Emma quietly shushing her clueless boyfriend beside her.
Your nervous hands continue to pick at your cuticles and you look over to see Luke inching his hand closer beside yours on the booth bench. Looking up from your lap, you see him glancing back at you as he waits for your reaction before discreetly taking your hand in his under the table.
The feeling of his hand in yours is so comforting and familiar and immediately eases your anxiousness. But you still feel so conflicted.
Luke always knew how to comfort you and distract you from your thoughts when they were out of control. Especially during busy school semesters and many nights spent together with him keeping you company while you anxiously wrote papers and prepped for exams. 
He seemed to be there for you when it felt like you had no one else. At least that's how it used to feel. Now things feel so complicated. Not knowing the status of your relationship surprisingly taking a much larger toll on your ability to act like friends than you would have ever thought.
“So! I've got the bill tonight guys. Happy birthday Dyl!” Emma blurts out as the waiter approaches the table, she leans over to give her boyfriend a loving kiss, comfortably filling the awkward silence that had just taken over the table not long before.
“Thank you baby! And hey! thanks guys for coming out tonight too.” Dylan smiles at the both of you as he lifts up his glass for a toast. You all clink your glasses, wishing him happy birthdays that follow big swigs of your almost empty alcoholic beverages.
Walking out of the restaurant, your mind fills with running thoughts. You wish you had spoken to Luke more tonight but it was hard to not make anything obvious. He seemed good, but still weirdly sad and you wanted to talk to him about it so badly. You wanted to talk to him about everything.
As you near Dylan's car you feel Luke's hand brush against yours and lightly hold your wrist, turning you around to face him.
“Can I take you home?” Luke shyly asks you as you all stand in the parking lot together. You mutter a “sure” under your breath with a nod, and he looks to Dylan and Emma for confirmation, both of them nodding in agreement before bringing you into tight hugs and saying goodbyes.
“Tell me everything that happens girly.” Emma runs back over to you and whispers into your ear as she hugs you goodbye once more, and all you can do is let out a small laugh in response to her teenage-esque behaviour.
After Dylan and Emma drive away, the short walk over to Luke’s car suddenly seems agonisingly long and your heart is racing in anticipation. Over anything else that happens tonight, you really wanted clarity. But of course, thoughts of the worst possible outcome ever sneak their way into your mind.
Luke opens the passenger side door for you and you climb into his car before he gently closes the door and walks to the other side. As he gets in, he begins to start the car before he looks over to you and pauses, the quiet becoming almost painful. 
You didn't know what to say, and you didn't want to say the wrong thing. So, waiting for him to break the silence seemed to be your best bet.
“I know I should have thought of something to say…” He starts, and shuffles in his seat, slightly bending his right leg so he is facing you a little more.
“I'm sorry. I shouldn't have stopped responding to you.” Luke continues, and you almost want to roll your eyes at his apology. It was so hard to be understanding when this felt like such a preventable situation on his part.
But you knew Luke. You knew when he was scared he got distant. You knew he was pulling back from you. You just didnt know why.
“Things have been so…weird…lately, and I just…I know I fucked up.” He confesses.
You didn't want to be reading between the lines anymore. You just wanted him to be honest with you about what he wants, and it frustrated you that he was being so vague.
“Luke, what do you want? Like, from me?” you ask innocently, but squint your eyes closed tightly as the words coming out of your mouth sound completely different from what you intended.
“Like, you told me we were friends. And obviously I was ok with that. But when you would visit me, we’d sleep together. And when you left it was like. I don't know…” you look down and pick at your fingers as you speak, looking up at him feeling like an almost impossible task.
“You told me you wanted to be friends.” Luke states, and gently grabs your hand. He holds it in his to stop you from destroying your fingers as you speak, which causes you to look up at him, thanking him silently, as he waits on your response.
“I said that because I knew how hard it would be for us to be so far away from each other.” you say strongly, feeling the sudden need to defend yourself.
“You know how important school is to me, and I know how important your career is to you. I don't want to distract you from what's important to you. I don't want to be the one that gets in the way of things, or be the reason why you're not as focused as you could be…as much as I want to be-” you begin to confess, but are quickly cut off.
“It's kinda too late for that…” Luke says with a chuckle as he tilts his head back against the headrest of his seat and looks out the front window, frustration still evidently seen on his face.
“What do you mean??” you ask, hoping he will elaborate a little more than he has been so far.
“You already distract me. I can't stop thinking about you. And it's obvious. In my game and everything too. Even Jack has noticed and he keeps asking me about you and I don't even know what to say. I can't shut him up. Cuz how am I supposed to tell him how I feel when I can't even tell you? Its actually really fuckin annoying.” he laughs as he explains, still looking ahead out the window instead of at you. 
Luke has always sought to use humour and jokes in difficult situations, especially when it comes to his own feelings. He's clearly frustrated at himself and it hurts you to see him having such a hard time expressing himself.
“So why have you been so distant lately?! I’ve been really worried about you.” you say, suddenly feeling more confident in confronting him as he opens up to you.
“Cuz im scared im gonna fuck things up even more than I already have…” he says honestly as he turns his head to look at you again.
“I knew I should've said something from the moment we slept together the first time. I feel like I fucked up by keeping my mouth shut. It's been ruining my life to not just be honest with you.” he adds with a growl deep in his voice, anger at himself seeping through his words.
As he continues, you can't help but feel entranced by him in his current state, and suddenly you are very aware of how late at night it is becoming. 
“It's my fault...” Luke says, and you desperately try to focus on his words and not his body. 
But you can't help but think about how good his hands would feel on your body and how badly you want him to kiss you right here and now. You didn't care that you were still in the parking lot of a sushi restaurant. You didn't care that things were still so confusing and that this probably wasn't exactly the most ideal time to be feeling this way. You just felt like you needed him so badly.
“I've been treating you like shit lately. Regardless of us sleeping together, that should not change how I treat you. I've been a shitty friend to you, and I'm really really sorry.” he continues, and you are brought out of your trance. 
His words hit you so hard. You both unknowingly made this relationship so complicated and weren't even aware of it. You knew Luke was not perfect, but for some reason you expected him to be able to read your mind, and vice versa. Even after being the one to say you should stay friends, you were silently upset that nothing was happening in the way you wanted.
“Luke, it's ok. Both of us have not been entirely honest with each other lately and it's made everything so… fucked up. We’re just… in a weird spot.” you say, hoping your words make any sense considering you zoned out for half of his apology.
“Can I just say that I want to be able to fix this?” Luke says as he places his hand on your thigh, his fingers mindlessly getting higher and higher as he rubs slowly back and forth. Trying his best to soothe you and unknowingly turning you on even more.
“It isn't just on you to fix.” you say as you place your hand softly over his, stopping his movement on your leg as to not let it overly distract you.
“Yes it is. I let you down. I fucked up by being so fucking…distant. I should've been more clear about what I want…that I want you..” Luke admits, giving into what he has wanted to say from the moment you got into the car together.
His eyes are fixed on yours and it makes your heart flutter in your chest. Hearing him so confidently confess how he is feeling after so long is such a relief. It makes you want to just tell him you love him right here and now.
“I know things are complicated…but, I really don't want to not have you in my life…” Luke adds as tears begin to well in his eyes, catching you both off guard.
“Oh Lukey.” you whisper as you hold his face in your hands, your heart melting at the sight of him. 
Luke places his hands on your wrists, pulling them away from his face as he finally leans into you. 
His lips hit yours with an intensity that you have never felt before from him. His hands move away from yours, and to the base of your neck, gently pulling you closer into him as he deepens the kiss. 
Your eyes are glued shut as you are entranced by his lips finally being connected with yours as his tongue dances around in your mouth. 
Needing to have your hands on him, you reach up to brush his face with your thumbs and then begin gently tugging at the curls at the nape of his neck, causing him to lustfully groan deep into your mouth. Your mind is filled with excitement and intensity as the moment grows in mutual desire.
“I needed you baby.” You say rushedly, disconnecting with him for only a moment.
Luke smiles against your lips as you connect again, and he places his left hand on your hip, massaging his fingers into your side. You lift yourself lightly onto the centre-console, desperate to be as close to him as you can get, and he lowers his hand just below your ass to help support you.
Although being in the close quarters of Luke's car while having such a monumental conversation about your relationship was not quite ideal, you were so thankful for it at this moment.
“I needed you too.” Luke says after coming up for air, and you just stare at him with a dizzy smile, your head reeling with arousal.
He pecks your lips a few times before lowering his head to your collarbone, gently kissing your neck and leaving red marks where he most definitely has before.
Your giggles fill the car as he continues expeditiously exploring your body, wanting to savour every moment of your presence and relishing in the way he is pleasing you.
Luke looks up at you with a smile before his eyebrows furrow and he is distracted by something behind you, causing you to whip your head around to look out your window, immensely alarmed at his expression. 
Luke lightly lets go of you, allowing you to sit properly in your seat and as your eyes focus on the window, the sight of a kind-looking restaurant hostess tapping on the glass outside of your door almost sends you reeling into a panic. 
Luke quickly reassures you with a laugh, placing his hand on your arm and starting the car before beginning to roll your window down for them to speak.
“I am so sorry if I startled you, but our restaurant has closed, which means we can no longer allow you to park here, as free parking ends at midnight.” the hostess explains politely while pointing to the sign posted on the brick wall just in front of Luke's car. 
“Thanks Ma’am. We’re so s-sorry.” Luke pauses to hide his face, clearly hiding that he is about to break into laughter.
“We’ll leave right aw-” Luke laughs out, hardly able to finish his sentence before being sent into a fit of silent laughter.
“We’re so sorry. Have a good night!” you say more seriously, trying to make up for the completely unserious boy beside you.
“Goodnight guys!” the hostess says as she walks away, leaving you completely embarrassed and also scared half to death.
Luke continues dying of laughter and is hunched over the steering wheel as you punch his arm repeatedly to get his attention.
“That was awful! Why are you laughing so hard!” you say unimpressed, but still unable to hold back laughter of your own after seeing him look up at you with tears in his eyes.
“Fuck. I can't get over your face.” Luke says as he begins to come down a little, wiping the tears from his eyes. You just shake your head and begin to buckle your seatbelt, not taking any chances of having to be asked to leave once more.
“Fuck.” he says once more with a sigh, relaxing in his seat and looking over to you with a genuine smile before patting your thigh reassuringly.
You look to Luke expectantly and he stares back at you with a smirk before kissing your lips passionately, catching you off guard. 
Your hands are drawn to his face as he nudges your chin with his, causing you to lean into him even further before he pulls away from you abruptly.
“Can I take you home?” Luke asks with lust in eyes as he brushes his thumb across your cheek, admiring every single feature on your face. His words having a different meaning to both of you than they have previously tonight.
“For real this time?? Because you know we cant sit in this parking lot any longer…” you say jokingly as Luke rolls his eyes at you and begins to put his seatbelt on.
“Yes, for real this time.” He retorts. His right hand eagerly finding yours as he interlocks your fingers with his, bringing your hand up to his lips to place a tender kiss before finally driving off.
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atomicami · 11 months
omg HIII. could you maybe like- write abt like abby and reader at school (in college obvi) and abby pulls reader into a bathroom and like makes sure it’s empty and locks the door, and things get uh.. hot and heavy?🤭
btw, ur awesome.
hi anon! i hope you don’t mind, i changed the setting to a college/frat party instead, but i hope you like it though! tysm for the love 🤍
all clear
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abby anderson x fem!reader (college au)
- summary: it’s halloweekend, and after a lot of convincing, you reluctantly agree to be dina’s plus one to a costume party that’s being hosted at her boyfriend’s frat house. the night flies by slow for you, until an encounter with a certain classmate changes that.
- content: smut MDNI, no outbreak/modern au, reader and abby are in college (as stem majors), reader is a little introverted, frat house setting, college partying, some alcohol consumption, bathroom hookup, kinda softdom!abby, oral & fingering (r!receiving), reader is wearing heels, and abby tells you to keep them on, nicknames instead of y/n (mostly angel), and i think that’s it but lmk if i missed anything else
- author’s note: happy halloween everyone! i’ve been having a bit of writer’s block with my bfm!abby fic lately, so i have to admit the timing for this request was perfect since it gave me the inspiration to write out this fic. i hope you guys like it!
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“I still don’t get why you won’t come join me.”
You let out a sigh, taking your eyes off of your laptop and looking over at Dina, who was currently getting ready.
“Because, Dina, I’ve told you a million times that parties are not my thing,” you reply. “Especially if it’s in one of those awful frat houses.”
For the past week now, Dina’s been trying to get you to come to a costume party that’s being hosted at her boyfriend’s fraternity, Sigma Chi. It’s known to be one of the biggest fraternities at your university, and it’s also known for throwing the biggest parties.
The thing is, unlike Dina, you could honestly care less about college parties. What was the point of drinking and partying all night long when you’d just end up passing out and forgetting everything the next morning? You didn’t see the fun in it. If anything, you’d rather be spending a Saturday night curled up in your bed with a movie than getting blackout drunk and waking up hungover on some random person’s couch.
Dina finishes zipping up her skirt before turning around to face you. “But it’s Halloweekend…Don’t you wanna get out of here for a bit, and have some fun?” she asks. “I seriously don’t get how our dorm doesn’t give you any claustrophobia.”
You let out a chuckle and roll your eyes. “I think I’ll be fine, Dee. Besides, I need to study for my chemistry midterm next week.”
Dina lets out a groan in response. “You’re seriously going to spend this night locked up in our dorm studying?” You watch as she walks over to your bed with her black over-the-knee boots in hand and sits down next to you to put them on. “I truly love you babe, but you have got to let loose a little.”
You look over to your side as Dina goes on while she zips up her boots. “Besides…” she continues, zipping up her second boot. “There’s a possibility that a certain classmate of yours might be there…” she says with a wink as she nudges your shoulder with hers.
The ‘certain classmate’ that Dina was referring to was Abigail Anderson. She was also a STEM major just like you, but particularly majoring more towards the engineering field instead. You’d be lying if you said that you didn’t find her attractive, but you never found the desire to go for her simply because you felt like she was out of your league. You figured that she only saw you as nothing more than a classmate who would always sit in the back row during every lecture.
You shake your head and roll your eyes at Dina. “Just because Abby and I have the same chemistry class doesn’t mean we have actual chemistry, you know.”
“Okay, but she’ll probably still be there…maybe this party could be an opportunity for you to create some of that chemistry…” she replies back, nudging your shoulder once again.
Dina was most likely right about that. Abby didn’t seem like much of a party person either, but her best friend Manny sure was. Coincidentally, both Manny and Jesse just happened to be in the same fraternity together, which created a mutual connection between the two of you. And given that both Abby and Manny were on the market right now, chances are that she was going to be at that party too.
But as much as Dina was trying to convince you to go right now, you were trying your best to hold back.
“Well even if I did want to go…I still have a midterm to study for, so I still can’t come,” you said, pointing toward your laptop screen.
Once you turned around, you didn’t see the smirk that was growing on Dina’s face. She was so close to getting you to give in and join this party with her.
You felt the weight of your bed shift as Dina got up and walked around to where she was now standing in front of you. “You can study tomorrow,” she says, closing your laptop shut. “Come on, we’re going to the frat house.”
“But I don’t have a—”
“You can find something in my closet.” she interrupts back, pointing towards her closet. “Now start getting ready, I'm gonna go fix up my hair so we can leave.”
You watch as Dina picks up the set of bunny ears off her bed and walks to the bathroom, the sound of her clicking boots following along with her. After a moment of hesitation, you finally muster up the energy to get off of your bed and walk over to Dina’s closet to pick something out.
Your eyes meet with a crammed closet of clothes once you open the doors of her closet. As a roommate, Dina was one to keep her things organized, but when it came to her clothes, it was like an addiction. Her closet was so packed that if one more hanger were to go inside, you’re convinced that it would probably burst.
Taking a deep breath, you dive into her closet and dig around for her past party costumes, praying you’ll find a good candidate to wear for the party. You’ll have to admit that it's definitely not gonna be an easy task, given that Dina is obsessed with all things tight and revealing when it comes to going out, especially with costumes.
You fish out a few costumes from her closet and bring them over to your bed, spreading them all out to get a good look. At first glimpse of the costumes, you realize that none of these options are a good fit for you, so you try your best to pick the best option through the process of elimination:
Schoolgirl? No…
Nurse? Not really…
Cowgirl? Perhaps…
Mermaid? Absolutely not.
Eventually, you’ve narrowed your choices until there was just one option left: an angel costume.
You pick up the costume off of your bed and take a look at it. The outfit consisted of a white tie front corset top, paired with a white skirt and thigh highs, and topped off with a halo and large feathered wings. Out of all the costumes that Dina had in her collection, you figured that this one would be the most suitable for you.
The bathroom door opens, and you look up to see Dina now fully ready in her Playboy bunny costume. She smiles once she sees the costume in your hands. “That’s a perfect choice, and I even have the shoes to match with it,” she says, pointing at it. You then feel her hands on your hips, motioning you towards the bathroom. “Now go get ready! I don’t wanna miss the party!”
Yeah, this was going to be a long night for you.
🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸 .𖥔 ݁ ˖🕷️🕷.𖥔 ݁ ˖ 🕸 ⋆。°✩ ⋆。°✩🕸
The two of you arrive at the Sigma Chi frat house, and you can already tell how packed it is just by looking at it. Music was blasting, multicolor lights flashing through the windows, and even a group of guys chugging a keg on the front lawn. The sight of it alone was already making you start to feel sick. You’re starting to wish you were back at your dorm now, studying as you were before Dina dragged you to this party. But it was too late to back out now.
You both approach the front door of the house, and Dina rings the bell. A smile soon appears on her face once she sees Jesse answering the door.
“Hey you!” she exclaims, leaning in to give her boyfriend a hug and kiss before pulling away to adjust his hat. Based on the red velvet robe, anchor chain, and captain’s hat, it's clear that Jesse was dressed up as Hugh Hefner to match up with his girlfriend.
Jesse smiles back at her before looking over to you, his eyes slightly widening in surprise. “Wow, I did not expect you to be here too,” he says to you.
Dina looks back at you before looking back at Jesse. “Believe me, you have no idea how much convincing it took me to get her to come join me,” she says to him.
Jesse simply nods in response, his eyes now on the both of you. “Well in that case, welcome to Sigma Chi,” he says, stepping towards the side to allow you two to come in. “Make yourselves at home, there are drinks and food in the kitchen, and whatever you guys do, please don’t fuck with the thermostat…the electric bills in this house are already fucking expensive as it is. But other than that, knock yourselves out.”
As soon as you enter the house, you realize that it is just as chaotic as you saw it from the outside. The night’s just getting started, and you truly have no idea when it’s gonna end.
Before you know it, 20 minutes have passed by, but to you, it feels more like a decade. You were upstairs, sitting on a couch, watching Dina and Jesse play beer pong with another couple. You’ve drank less than half of the Twisted Tea that’s in your hand, simply because you had thought at the time that it was just a regular iced tea when you picked it out of the cooler. The music and lighting were overbearing, and the corset and heels were practically suffocating your chest and feet by now. You wanted nothing more than to leave the frat house and head back to your dorm to rid yourself of this feeling.
But instead, you stand up from the couch, deciding to opt for a different drink from the kitchen downstairs. Before leaving you walk over to Dina and tap her on the shoulder to let her know. “I’m gonna get another drink,” you tell her loudly, hoping she can hear you over the music. Dina looks down at your drink and nods. “Get something stronger next time! I think Jesse has a bottle of Smirnoff in the liquor cabinet!” she shouts back at you.
You simply sigh and walk out of the room, the hard iced tea still in your hand. You look down and watch the liquid sloshing around in the small hole of the can until you bump yourself into a familiar figure.
“Shit!” you mutter quietly, almost spilling your drink. “I’m so sorry, I—“ your words get cut off as soon as you look up to see who you have just run into. “Abby?”
“Hey there,” she said with a smile, looking back down at you. “I didn’t expect to see you at this party…what brings you here?”
“Oh, I um…” you stammer, looking back into the room you had just walked out of before turning back to her. “Dina wouldn’t stop begging me to come so…I’m here.” You tell her.
Abby nodded in response, finally putting the pieces together. “Makes sense, I definitely figured you wouldn’t be a party person, not that it’s a bad thing though.” she tells you. You can’t help but notice her checking you out, her eyes trailing over the angel costume that was tightly hugging your figure. “This costume looks pretty on you,” she says, running her thumb and pointer finger through the large feathered wings that were on your back.
You try your best not to get flustered over her compliment. “Thank you, um…” you take a moment to look at what she was wearing. She had on her usual clothes, dark wash jeans, and a muscle tank, except she had on a backward snapback hat with the fraternity’s emblem printed on it. “Are you…supposed to be a Sigma Chi member?” you ask.
You hear the blonde let out a chuckle before nodding again. “Yeah, um…costumes are never really my thing, so this is really all I can come up with,” she tells you. “Besides, Manny dragged me into coming to this party anyway, so I figured I’d steal something out of it.”
You smile back at her response before letting out a chuckle as well. “Well, it suits you, Abs…” you let out a sigh before continuing. “If I’m being honest, I’m so glad I ran into you…This night has been flying by so slow for me,” you admit to her, briefly looking down at the ground.
That’s when an idea passed through Abby’s mind. However, she needed to know if you were up for it. “I can help it fly by faster, if you'd like…”
You looked back up at her, and you truly couldn’t hide the smirk that was appearing on your face. “Is that so?” you ask her. “What do you have in mind, exactly?”
She doesn’t respond right away, but instead reaches a hand out to you. “How about you come with me?” she offers, smirking back at you.
You hesitate for a moment before soon giving in, leaving your drink at the nearest surface you can find before grabbing her hand and following her. She walks you down the crowded hall before stopping at a door that was on her left, assuming that it might be a bedroom or bathroom. She opens the door with no hesitation, only to be greeted with an angry couple protesting from inside.
“Shit! Sorry!” she exclaimed, quickly closing the door again. She then turns to you and you can’t help but let out a laugh, leading her to shake her head at her poor decision to do that. “Come on, I think there’s another bathroom downstairs.
With your hand still being held by hers, you walk down the stairs with her until you get back to the first level of the frat house. You then feel her hand letting go only to snake itself around your waist, holding you close to her broad build as you both walk through the partying crowds of people. Abby soon stopped at a door that was on her right, this time knocking twice before slowly turning the doorknob to take a peek inside.
You also try to take a look inside to see if it is empty. “All clear?” you ask her.
She nods in response. “All clear.”
You then feel her hand moving over your wings down to the small of your back, motioning you to go inside first before entering herself, closing the door shut, and locking it.
The last bit of patience you had left was now gone the moment you stepped into the bathroom. Once Abby had turned around after locking the door and switching the light on, you grabbed her by her muscle tank and pulled her toward you in a kiss. As soon as the contact hits her, you can feel her lips smirking against yours in the kiss. One of her large hands rests at your waist while the other runs through your hair, causing the plastic halo on your head to fall and clatter on the ground.
You try your best not to trip on your heels as she slowly walks you backward toward the bathroom counter that was by the sink. Her hands that were on your waist and in your hair soon moved down to the back of your thighs, giving you a boost to lift you and sit you down on the counter.
Abby pulls her lips away from yours to get a good look at you, smiling as she does so. Your lips were plump from kissing her, your hair slightly messy from when she was running her hands through it, and your eyes were blown out with lust and desperation for her. “Look at you, my angel…” she murmurs, running a thumb through your lower lip line. “So beautiful for me.
Her hand trails down to the front of your corset top, fingertips landing on the silk ribbon that held it all together. “Is it okay if I untie this?” she asks, holding her eye contact with you.
You nod.
“Words, angel.”
“Please, Abby…” you whisper out to her. To Abby, that response was more than enough for her to start undressing you. The ribbon from your corset begins to loosen, and you instantly feel a wave of relief wash through you. Once the ribbon was undone, Abby then uses both of her hands to loosen the rest of it, just enough to free your tits out.
A whimper escapes from your mouth once you feel Abby’s hands on your breasts, your nipples instantly hardening from her touch alone. “God…such pretty tits…” she murmurs out to you, leaning in to quickly kiss down from your neck to your tits, her mouth latching onto one of them and gently sucking while her hand is gently squeezing the other.
More whimpers and whines escape from your mouth at the contact, followed by your thighs rubbing and clenching together. Abby was quick to notice that, removing her mouth and hands from your tits as a result. She takes off her snapback and tosses it to the ground next to your halo before getting down on her knees in front of you.
Once Abby was kneeling on the ground, that’s when you decide to remove your heels, desperate to get them off of your feet. Abby notices this as well, and catches one of your heels before it fals to the ground. “Leave them on, angel.” she tells you, slipping the heel back on your foot. “You look so fucking sexy in these.”
Normally, you’d just protest about how much they were bothering you and take them off anyway. But you simply oblige to keep them on for Abby’s sake. You were willing to go through it a little longer to stay on her good side. You wanted to be good for her. You wanted to be her angel.
Her hands are now making their way up your thighs, stopping at the bottom hem of your skirt. She then bunches the tight fabric that was hugging your hips before pushing it up, allowing more space for you to spread your legs open for her. Her eyes were now met with your clothed cunt, along with a visible patch seeping out of your white thong. She soon hooks a finger underneath the fabric and shifts it to the side, revealing your wet pussy from underneath it.
The sight of your pussy alone already had her mouth watering. Your slick was glistening under the dim, incandescent light of the bathroom and your tight hole was visibly clenching around nothing, desperate to be filled.
“Fuck…” she groaned out quietly as she gently ran two of her fingers over the surface of your cunt, collecting a bit of your slick in the process. “Is this all for me, angel?” she asks, looking up at you.
“M-Mhm…” you whimpered back, nodding quickly. “It’s all for you, Abby, please…”
Abby averts her gaze back down to your pussy, watching as your slick trails itself down to the bathroom counter. She was soon quick to dive her head in and lick an experimental stripe up your pussy to collect your slick on her tongue, achieving the taste of you as she did so.
“My god, angel…you even taste just as heavenly as you look right now,” she mutters out quietly.
Abby wasn’t lying about that. From her perspective, you were truly a sight for sore eyes right now. Legs spread out for her, head thrown back in pleasure with the material of your costume bunched up around your waist and hips to show the parts of you she wanted to see the most, all while your wings remained steady on your back, surrounding your precious figure. You truly looked heavenly in her eyes, and the sounds you were making from her touch sounded just as angelic as you looked right now.
Without delaying any longer, Abby inserts two of her fingers into your pussy, The sudden movement startles you for a bit, before your cunt soon begins to relax around her fingers.
“Look at that, angel…she’s taking my fingers so well…” she murmurs to you, watching as your pussy greedily sucks her fingers further inside. “This pussy is already doing so good for me, baby…I bet you’ve been wanting this for a while now, haven’t you?”
You nod quickly once again. “G-God, yes, Abs…I need you so bad..” you whimper back to her biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning any louder.
Abby notices once again, and brings her free hand up to your bottom lip to free it from the grasp of your teeth. “There’s no need for that, angel…I need to hear those pretty sounds of yours.”
With her fingers still nestling inside your cunt, she brings her mouth to your throbbing clit, gently sucking on it as she slowly pumps her fingers in and out of you.
It didn’t take long for the speed of her fingers to increase. The faster her two fingers pounded into your pussy, the harder her lips would wrap around on your clit, taking away all of the space in between as she continued to suck on it.
As a result of her fast movements, the sounds your body was making in that bathroom were absolutely obscene. Between the wet squelching noises of your pussy and the moans and whimpers that were escaping from your mouth, Abby can’t help but feel so turned on from it, practically rubbing her own thighs together for some relief as she continued to devour your pussy.
Your orgasm quickly began to build itself up inside you, and based on the way your cunt was squeezing Abby’s fingers right now, she could tell you were getting close too.
“A-Abby…I-I think I’m gonna cum…” you whine out to her, both of your hands gripping onto the bathroom counter while your hips begin to involuntarily grind against her face.
“Let it out for me, angel…” she murmurs into your pussy, her movements still refusing to quit. “Take it out on me, baby…fuck my face until you finish, just like that…”
Your hips rut against your mouth a few more times, along with the involuntary movements of your pussy tightly clenching around her fingers and your clit pulsing in her mouth.
You instantly finish into her mouth and onto her fingers with a loud moan of her name, followed by your thighs trembling right after your climax. Thank God that the party’s music from outside was loud enough to keep anyone else from hearing what was going on inside.
Abby soon removed her mouth from your pussy while slowing the pace of her fingers, fucking you through it as you progessively recover from your orgasm. You hear a quiet groan escape from her mouth as she pulls her fingers out of you, watching as your cunt pushes out your thick white release and let it drip its way down to the counter. You watch her do the same movement from before, licking another stripe up your pussy to collect the rest of your release onto her tongue.
Once you were clean, Abby removes each of your legs off of her shoulders and pulls herself away from your pussy, wiping whatever that was smeared on her face with the back of her hand.
Abby then picks herself up off the floor and stands in between your legs to fix up your costume. Once you were all good, she helps you get off of the counter and back on your feet.
You reach over to pick up your halo off of the ground, Abby also doing the same with her snapback. “Thank you again for that, Abby…This definitely made my night.” you tell her, biting your lip again to hide back your smile.
The blonde smiles at you in response. “Of course, angel, its no problem…” she takes a quick breath before continuing. “You know…you can spend the night at my place, if you’d like..” she offers to you, nervously rubbing the back of her head as she does so.
You smile back at her and nod, your eyes beaming at her blue ones. “I would love that, actually.”
Abby then turns the knob and opens the door, revealing the chaotic atmosphere of the party once again. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” she tells you, keeping her hand back around your waist and by her side.
From that point forward, it was safe to say that the rest of that night was anything but slow for the both of you.
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- a/n: i’m so sorry if this looks rushed, i really wanted to have this out by today! @ anon if you’re out there i hope you enjoyed it 🙏🏻
happy halloween y’all, stay safe for me tonight 🤍
tags 🏷️: @ourautumn86 @abbyscherry @whore4abby @zombholic @catfern
2023 © atomicami | all rights reserved. do not copy, modify, or translate any of my works.
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midnightsnyx · 1 year
girl at home | mat barzal | part 2
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pairing: mat barzal x fem!reader summary: you’re eighteen when you find yourself pregnant after Mat leaves for hockey. nearly eight years later, Mat finds out about your daughter and you have to deal with the consequences of not telling him about her.
warnings: mentions of pregnancy, lil bit of angst with a sprinkle of fluff and not edited im sorry lol word count: 2.1k authors note: *screams internally* thank you guys so much for the love on this story so far. I was super hesitant to post it at first but I am glad you guys like it! I'm posting this a little early but updates will be every sunday from now on. This chapter is kinda sad but happy times are on the way <3 thanks for the feedback, and if you like part 2, let me know!
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Sitting across from Mat for the first time in almost eight years, doesn’t go exactly as planned. He’s waiting for you even though you arrive fifteen minutes before the agreed time, hoping to rid yourself of the anxiety you are feeling which means he’s been here even longer. So you wipe your sweaty palms on your jeans and stride over to where he’s waiting and sit on the chair across from him. He’s staring at his phone so his head jerks up when he hears you.
The first words that come out of his mouth are: “are you sure she’s mine?”
Which, okay, that’s a fair question because you did tell everybody and their grandmother who asked that Mat was not the one who knocked you up. Of course, nobody actually believed you but there were a few people from your high school that believed it. Most girls who had always had a crush on Mat, would say that you cheated on him and obviously Nora couldn’t be his child because for some reason, they never actually accepted that you and Mat were a couple. 
So yeah, his question is fair and you did know he would ask. 
“Yeah, we can do a paternity test if you don’t believe me,” you say quietly. It’s not something you necessarily want to do, because then you’d have to come up with some reason to tell Nora why she needs to go get her cheek swabbed or blood tested. She’s as stubborn as Mat, and you would probably have to hold her down to get whatever the doctors needed unless she agreed. 
“No, I believe you.” 
His words take a huge weight off your shoulders but also replace it with a new one. You know Mat, he’s the kindest soul and has the biggest heart and he’s going to want to at least properly meet Nora and might ask to be in her life. In the first few years of her life, there wouldn’t have been anything you wanted more in the world. However, you’ve grown now and so has she. Your number one priority has to be what is best for Nora, and turning her life upside by introducing her to Mat is scary. For both you and her. 
And Mat? Despite what he might think, he’s nowhere near prepared to jump into being her dad.
“Can I ask you something?” he says, pulling you from your spiraling thoughts. 
“Sure,” you say even though you know what he’s going to ask. It’s a question you’re nowhere near ready to answer but you have no choice now.
“Why? Why didn’t you tell me about her?”
He doesn’t sound as angry as you were expecting, maybe thanks to his dad talking to him but there’s underlying hurt. You try to put yourself in his shoes, trying to think if there was anything in the world that would have stopped you from wanting Nora. You know for a fact that if Mat knew, he would have been in her life somehow but you’re not sure if he would have given up the NHL to do it, and that’s exactly why you didn’t tell him.
“I didn’t want to hold you back,” you say softly, watching his facial expression change. He just looked confused before but now he looks sad almost. His eyes close for a moment and when he opens them, you feel like you’ve been punched in the stomach. 
“I thought you knew me better than that.”
“I did! I do,” you argue. “If you knew about her, it would have kept you away from everything you worked hard for. Your dream was the NHL, Mat. If I told you about her, it would’ve crushed that dream. We didn’t want to hold you back.”
“Yeah,” he scoffs. “Who’s we? You and my parents? You shouldn’t have made that choice for me, it wasn’t right.”
“This is a child we’re talking about Mat. Were you really ready at eighteen to drop everything and raise one?” 
“Were you?”
“No,” you say truthfully. “But I didn’t have a jersey with my name on the back waiting for me.”
He doesn’t say anything and for a moment, it’s silent between the two of you with background chatter from the cafe. You’re sure that he’s just going to get up and storm out but he takes a deep breath and slowly exhales, knotting his fingers together.
“I wish you’d told me,” he mumbles before looking up at you. “I would’ve stayed.”
“I know,” you whisper but you can’t meet his gaze.
. . .
You’re picking Nora up from her day camp a couple of days later when you get a message from Mat asking if he can meet up with you. There’s been no contact since the two of you last met, having left with a short goodbye to pick up Nora. He hadn’t asked to see her and you hadn’t offered so you thought maybe he would leave it but you should’ve known better.
You fire off a sure, see you in twenty, and debate on whether to bring Nora with you or drop her off with your mom. Mat might not even want to see her, but if he’s reaching out to you again it’s probably about her. 
“Wanna go meet my friend?” you ask, looking back at her to gauge her reaction. She might just want to go home after all day at camp, but she perks up immediately when you ask.
“The one from the grocery store?” she squeals but narrows her eyes and gives you a suspicious look. “Hey, I thought you said he was a stranger.”
“Well, he was to you,” you try to explain. “I knew him when I was younger.”
“As young as me?”
“As young as you,” you tell her and she grins, nodding her head and shouting an excited yes, so you pull out of the parking-lot and start towards Mat’s parents house. You’re a little nervous to be around his family after dancing around them for so long after Nora was born. Meeting up with Liana wasn’t as hard as you were expecting, but you’re not so sure about his parents. Aside from the occasional awkward greeting, you haven’t properly spoken to them since before Nora and you’re starting to think maybe bringing her will just make things worse but before you can change your mind, you’re parking your car in the driveway. 
He’s sitting outside on the porch swing when you step out, and his eyes widen in surprise when Nora climbs out of the car. He definitely wasn’t expecting you to bring her but this could be a good test. If he decides he wants to be part of her life, having all their interactions scheduled wouldn’t be a good start so you decide to just jump in the deep end.
“Hey,” you call out before grabbing Nora’s hand and making your way towards him. He’s already making his way down the pathway and meets you about half way, pulling you into a surprising hug before crouching down to Nora’s level.
“Hey Nora,” he says, smiling gently and offering her his hand to shake just like last time. “Do you remember me?”
She bobs her head once, accepting his hand but tries to hide her face in your leg. Of course now, she’s practicing Stranger Danger, instead of blurting out her full name. 
“Mom made dinner, if you guys are hungry?” 
Family dinner is just about the last thing you want to do but Nora perks up at the idea of food so you agree, following Mat into the all too familiar home you spent so much time in as a kid. Not much has changed, you realize as you look around the foyer. It feels a bit like coming home but you’re not sure if you were missed. 
“Smells good,” you say, trying to make conversation and Mat smiles awkwardly. 
“Yeah, mom is making your favorite.” 
How she can remember your favorite meal is beyond you, but you’re not about to miss a peace offering and this is certainly one.
“My favorite food is spaghetti,” Nora informs him and you watch Mat nod seriously, taking in anything she says. You try not to look too deep into it because even though he knows she’s biologically his, Nora is still just a cute kid talking a mile a minute about anything and Mat has probably been trained on how to handle excited children. 
When the three of you make your way to the living room, with Nora still chatting excitedly, you stop short when you see a picture frame on the wall. 
It’s you. Well, it’s you and Mat at graduation. Arms wrapped around each other and Mat kissing your forehead. If you look close enough, you can see past your smile and see the sadness in your eyes. This was before you were pregnant but you were already grieving the loss of Mat. He left for hockey shortly after and your only reminder was the brown haired little girl still talking to Mat. 
“Is that you, mama?” Nora asks suddenly, standing on the tips of her toes so she can get a better view. Her nose scrunches up and she looks at the photo, then Mat, and then the photo again.
“Oh,” she says and you sigh. 
“Let’s go see Mat’s parents.”
Nadia and Mike are waiting in the kitchen, trying to make it seem like they weren’t listening in on the conversation. Liana is sitting at the table, reading a book casually but you know she was probably listening too.
“This is Mike, Nadia, and Liana,” you tell Nora who lights up at Nadia’s name.
“My middle name is Nadia!” She squeals and you stare at the floor, not wanting to meet any of their eyes. Someone - probably Nadia - inhales sharply and then lets out what sounds like a sob. 
“That’s a beautiful name,” Liana says and you look up to see her looking at Nora with a soft smile on her face. Mike has an arm wrapped around Nadia who’s trying, and failing, to hide tears. You’re glad Liana is trying to distract Nora because you’re about two seconds away from crying and Mat must be able to tell because you feel his hand lightly touch your back. His hand lingers for a moment until you take a deep breath and blow it out steadily. 
Then his hand is gone and you feel the loss right away.
“Hey, we have a swing outside in the backyard,” Mat tells Nora. “Wanna go check it out while dinner finishes cooking?” 
He looks at you for permission so you nod, smiling at Nora when he takes her hand and leads her outside. Liana follows shortly after and then it’s just you, Nadia and Mike. Both their eyes are red rimmed and Nadia only hesitates for a moment before striding over and pulling you into a tight hug. 
“Thank you, my girl,” she whispers and all you can manage is a nod because you’ll probably cry now if you try to talk. The two of you just stand there for a couple minutes until Mike chuckles. You pull away, wiping your eyes to see him standing in front of the patio door so you make your way over to see what he’s looking at and almost start crying again. 
Mat and Nora are playing what looks like a game of tag, Liana laughing at them while trying to film. It’s exactly the kind of thing you had sometimes allowed yourself to imagine.
“Would you look at that,” Mike says softly. 
“He’s a natural,” Nadia agrees. “Always was.”
Then she turns to you with a small smile on her face. “I know the struggles of being a mom. You have to do what’s best for your kids…” she hesitates, gazing outside before looking back at you. “He wants to try, if you’ll give him the chance. We’d all love to get to know Nora.”
You would love nothing more than to have Mat’s family in Nora’s life. For her to get to know her other grandparents but you can’t help but be scared of what could happen if you let Mat into her life. She could get attached only to have him ripped away when he has to go back to New York but you can’t have Nora in Nadia, Mike, and Liana’s life and not Mat’s. 
But maybe you owe it to Mat, to give him a chance at having a place in her life after not telling him about her all this time. You were doing what you thought was right - what was right - but if Mat really wants to be part of her life, maybe it’s time. 
You look outside and see Nora on Mat’s shoulders with Liana chasing them, before looking back at the woman in front of you and smiling softly.
“I think Nora would love that.”
tag list: @dasiysthings
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ln4swiftie · 3 months
Black and (Fluro) Yellow
🕷️ln4 x reader
🕷️ lando if he was spider-man
🕷️warnings: panic attack, kinda angst idk notes: hill the fluro suit had me thinking and this
🕷️ a/n: this is barely edited and kinda bad but enjoy!! <33 also im trying to write more so gimme ideas
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The final bell rang through your ears as the school day ended and the bustle of the weekend was underway. You packed up your books, waving a polite goodbye to your teacher and made your way to your locker. You felt a pinch in your side and you swung your head to find your boyfriend, Lando looking at you with a goofy smile. “Hey where did you come from!?” you smile up at him while you continue to empty your belongings into their home for the weekend. “Calculus, i swear if i have to listen to that man talk about quadratics for another minute i'm going to lose more brain cells than gain.” he complains. “Well at least now we get to go and do nothing.” you say as you wrap your arms around his waist and place your chin on his chest. “About that..” he sighs and you know what's coming.
He's been blowing you off for weeks. It started with little things such as not saying goodbye before leaving school or not seeing each other between class periods. But now he's been completely ditching you. He refuses to tell you why and you’re starting to worry if you’ve done something wrong. You deflate as you prepare to ask him what the excuse this time is when your phone chimes in your pocket. “Oh it's laur..” you click the link your friend sent, you gasp “what the fuck”. Lando looks at you puzzled as you flip your phone around to show him.
It's a video of the new vigilante known as “spiderman” beating a man to a pulp in some alleyway, throwing punch after punch until the man was on the ground bloody and bruised. Once the beating was done Spiderman is shown swinging away before the video cuts off. “Did he just kill that guy-” “No. he didn't.” Lando cuts you off quickly. The slightest clench in his jaw and tense in his shoulders did not go unnoticed. “Well how can you know for sure…he was hitting him pretty hard.” you counter. “You can see the guy moving before he swings away.” he says firmly, as if he knew this as a fact. Spiderman showed up about a month ago, earlier sightings of him have consisted of him helping cats down from trees and escorting the elderly across the road. The public had grown to love him and his friendly neighborhood activities. But recently, he's been violent and the city has been working to catch him. Unfortunately with the identity of the spider being unknown, the police have come back empty handed. Lando gently takes your hands into his as he changes the topic “Look, I'm sorry but Max wants me to help him with his physics homework and he's got a test tomorrow. So I will see you tomorrow okay?” he says softly. He can see the hurt in your eyes as you give him a slight nod and a quick kiss before walking off towards the bus station.
Lando hates how he's been treating you these past weeks. Blowing you off for shitty excuses that he knows are shitty but he can't stomach telling you the true reason why. He's watching you walk off as he feels his best friend clap him on the back of his neck “you ready for tonight boss?” Max says in his ear. He notices Lando's stare and follows his eyes to where they've been trained to follow. “No lando we cant think like this” shaking his head. “You'll see her tomorrow.” he firmly reassures his friend who's beginning to question the late night activities he's been doing for the past month. “I'm not sure about that max..” he sighs “i cant keep watching her deflate everytime i cancel on her” he says quietly. “You could just tell her-” “NO.” Lando shouts, shooting his head towards max. Telling you would be like pouring sea salt into an open wound. Lando would rather give up everything, than tell you the truth about where he is at night. “Okay okay! Don't tell her, but either way..you're going out tonight.” Max says, putting his hands up in surrender as he begins to walk towards the student parking lot to his car. He turns around towards Lando who's still stood next to your locker staring in the direction you walked off in. “you coming or what?” After a beat of contemplation, with a heavy sigh, Lando makes his way to Max's car.
You were sat on your bed, doing homework on your ipad. You Glanced at the time, double taking the clock sat on your nightstand when you see the number it read. Holy shit. you’ve been here since you got home at 4pm…it was now 6:30 pm. You jump off your bed and quickly check your phone, expecting a million texts and calls from Lando wondering what you're doing and complaining about Max's inability to understand the basics of physics.
Nothing. Not a single text.
You feel your heart drop. He hasn't texted you in 5 hours when he asked you to meet before you left school for the week. The tears prick your eyes as you check your other notifications seeing nothing from your boyfriend. Could he be cheating? No. he would never do that to you. But would he?
Your thoughts race through your mind as the panic begins to set into your chest causing your breathing to become uneven. Your vision starts to swim and your phone falls to the floor, your arms going numb. You hear your mom call your name for dinner but the noise goes in your left ear and immediately out the right. As if you have been submerged underwater. You feel your legs give out and you land ass first at the foot of your bed.
The loud thud heard from the kitchen causes your mom to shout for you again to pulse check.. When nothing was heard back she rushed upstairs to the source of the noise. When she finds you in hysterics she's in front of you instantly, cupping your face to wipe the tears. She helps you steady your breathing and bring you back down from your panic attack. “What's got you so worked up sweetheart?” she softly asks and she moves to your side. You explain everything that's been going on with Lando recently. She thinks for a moment before she speaks up “how about, we get some food in you. Then I drop you off at his place and you two can talk this out.” she offers. You give her a small smile, nodding as the two of you get up and make your way downstairs to eat dinner.
You stare at the apartment door marked with the 4 before you bring your hand up to knock. The door opens revealing landos Mom, Cisca. “Oh hi honey what brings you here?” she asks, letting you inside the apartment. “I was hoping Lan was home.” She gives you a sympathetic smile, shaking her head. “No not yet, but he should be soon. How about you go wait in his room for him and I'll bring you a cup of tea.” you nod weakly and wander towards Landos room as Cisca moves to the kitchen. You leave the door ajar and lie on the bottom bunk of his bed, eyes darting around the room, flashing memories of the past 2 years that have been written in the walls. You turn your body towards the wall snuggling into the comfort of Landos smell embedded into the sheets you’ve spent countless hours in. your eyes start to feel heavy as sleep takes over your body. deciding a small nap while you wait couldn't hurt, you let your mind drift off.
You’re woken by the sound of the window opening. finding that you're still alone in lando’s bed you sit up hoping it's him just opening up the window. You look over to find the window open, yet no one next to it. You think nothing of it due to the wind and sit up to reach for the cup of tea Cisca left you on the nightstand while you slept. You sip your tea sat on the bunk as your eye catches a figure on the ceiling. Yes, the ceiling. You see that black and fluorescent yellow suit you’ve seen all over social media for the last month crawling around on the ceiling of your boyfriend's bedroom. What the fuck is spiderman doing in Landos bedroom?! You thought to yourself as the man gently lowered himself onto the floor and reached for his mask, removing it.
And that's when you saw him.
Those curls you run your fingers through whenever you get the chance to. Those curls you help tame when he takes his hat off after a long day. Those curls you love with your whole heart. Those curls which belonged to the boy you loved who was currently standing with his back to you, wearing spidermans suit.
You gasp, causing lando to look up and freeze. He doesnt turn around to face you, he knows who he's going to see. He knows it's over. The moment he's been dreading since that spider bit him that night. He's going to have to explain his past month and a half to the one person he didn't want knowing about this. The one girl he wanted to keep protected from this new hobby he's got himself tangled up in. and yet here he was frozen, staring at the picture frame sitting on his dresser.
The picture of him and you from the first time you went to the London eye. The picture is you two at the top with Landos hands around your waist and your arms swung around his neck. Your faces are squished together wearing the brightest smiles on your faces. Looking back, Lando wishes he could stay in that moment forever, frozen in time. But he knows that can't happen.
He slowly turns around to face you and look you in the eyes. Your lips slightly parted due to shock and hair slightly messed up from your nap. The mug slips through your fingers and falls to the floor shattering and spilling the lukewarm tea. “Shit” Lando whispers as he springs to action, grabbing the towel from the back of his door to soak up the tea, he looks up to you “are you okay? No cuts?” you're frozen, unable to speak, staring at him in that suit. All you can do is nod at him while he gently picks up your feet, placing them loosely on his bed while he cleans up the broken mug. You pick at your fingernails anxiously while you wait for him to finish cleaning.
After a few minutes he sits down next to you, freshly changed into a hoodie and sweatpants. Your eyes are trained on your lap where your hands sit pulling on the thread of the hoodie that you’re wearing. After what feels like hours of silence you’ve had enough “why didn't you tell me?.” you demand, you want answers. You want to know how your boyfriend and who you considered to be the love of your life became the person who you see brutally abusing people in alleyways. He turns to look at you, eyes full of regret. He opens his mouth to answer you but you cut him off, cupping his face. “fuck what happened?!” you stand up looking for a first aid kit when lando stands up to stop you, grabbing your hands “baby, baby stop it's okay max already helped me clean it and it’ll heal by the mornin-” “MAX KNOWS??!??!” you shout a little too loud for lando’s liking. He puts his hand over your mouth, shushing you so you don't wake his mother. “yes max knows because he was with me when it happened” he explained calmly, hoping his emotions will radiate onto you.
He slowly releases your mouth and you sit back down “are you gonna let me explain to you how this happened now?” he raises an eyebrow waiting for your answer. You give him a nod to continue and he takes a deep breath.
He began to explain how one night walking home from your house with max a radioactive spider bit him. He explains how Zac Brown, one of the richest men in the country, approached him and helped him understand his powers and the new responsibilities that come with them. He even was the person to make Landos suit for him.
“I'm really sorry that I’ve been a shit boyfriend recently, i never wanted you to get caught in this” he says, playing with your hands. You can't help but giggle “Here I was thinking you were cheating on me yet you were out fighting crime.” he chuckles, pressing a kiss to your forehead before resting it against your own “never in a million years my love” he says. “How about we get some sleep?” He smiles, squeezing your hands intertwined with his. Agreeing that this conversion should happen with a good night's rest. The two of you move to lie down in Landos bed cuddled against one another. Your head rests on Lando’s chest with his arms wrapped around you like you'd disappear the second he let go. As sleep beings to take over you hear a faint “i love you” coming from the boy beside you. You look up to see him already meeting your eyes “i love you too” you smile, kissing his chest before falling asleep with him safe and sound.
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lfghughes · 1 year
Can you write something about reader and Nico coming from different cultures and gradually learning about the food and doing taste tests and stuff?
a/n: so i kinda wrote this just based off my own personal experience so im so sorry if this sucks. but yeah i mentioned before my family are not from the states so this hit so close to home. i kid you not guys i had my first classic hamburger at 15 at my friends pool party.
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Growing up you didn’t really get to experience a lot of different foods from cultures that were different from yours. This had kind of painted you as picky growing up because you never had the same food tastes as your friends from school. But as you got older and you had more freedom to go out to eat you got to try many different foods and expand your tastebuds a lot more.
When you started dating Nico one of your favorite things was getting to cook for him recipes from your culture and that your family had taught you. Then he would return the favor and cook one of his favorite meals from back home for you. Both of you currently were in the kitchen right now as he looked at a recipe his mom had sent him. “Do you need me to start chopping anything up?”
“Can you just cut those potatoes for me while I get started on the rest?” He asked as he got to work. You loved trying recipes his mom would send him because the food was so different from the food you had grown up on. It was nice having a blended household in this way because both of you were constantly trying new things with each other. Not just food wise either because you both would teach other phrases in each others language.
You finished cutting the potatoes, placing them to the side so he could use them when he was ready. While he prepared the food for you, you started setting the table and then went to look at your own recipe. Nico might have been in charge of dinner tonight but you were in charge of dessert and if you started now it would be ready by the time you were both done eating. “Dinner is done.” Nico told you as he brought the food out, placing some on your plate.
“It’s okay if you don’t like it. I’m nowhere close to being as good a cook as my mom. But this was my favorite thing to eat as a kid.” He told you and already your heart filled at the idea of little Nico getting excited about the food he would be having for dinner. It was nice he was able to do these things and get to still eat his favorite food. You took a bite and let the flavor settle in as you nodded your head. “Babe, this is so good.” You told him once you finally swallowed.
You were already going back for another bite because you could see why he loved this plate so much. “I’m really glad you think so because now I know I can make it more.” It didn’t take long for either of you to finish eating. Now it was your turn to get dessert. “I’m absolutely stuffed but there’s always some room for dessert, right?” You asked with a laugh as you went and grabbed the dessert you made. “This looks amazing.” He told you and both of you finished off your meal with some deliciousness from your own culture. You looked forward to all the future meals you two would have together but also you knew you would have a cute blended family who would also get to experience this too in the future.
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sleepy-vix · 3 months
hi !!! so i know you've read classics and i have a few questions for you. lmk if i'm being annoying btw
uh first i was wondering what classics i own that you've read and your thoughts on them (i've been accumulating a collection for a while but haven't read them)
little women
great expectations
the picture of dorian gray
alice in wonderland
pride and prejudice
great expectations
the secret history
the great gatsby
i was also wondering your favourite subgenres of classical books? i've been specifically interested in the russian classic subgenre
um where you would recommend me to start? out of the books i have preferably
and just any other general tips for reading would be helpful yeah
(i'm finally getting back into it after four years and i'm kinda lost idk)
NO YOURE NOT ANNOYING !! i saw your video on tiktok and was like shxbsjd i want to talk abt your books with you so bad but i didnt want to be annoying 😭
sigh im such a nerd
ok sooo lets get into it :D
get ready for alot of text
the books ive read will be in blue (purple is i'm going to read them soon)
• little women -> i loved ittt. i have yet to read the other books in the series though (theres little women, good wives, little men, jo's boys). the movie (by greta gerwig) is one of my favourite movies ever so i have an attachment to the story. i recommend watching the movie first if you haven't already bc i honestly preferred it more, but the book is also incredible and sweet and the writing is great and it made me cry and learn to be a better person
• great expectations
• the picture of dorian gray -> ooh this one was one of my first ever classics, i think after children's classics and the catcher in the rye. i loved it alot. the descriptions are so beautiful and the premise is so interesting and agsbj i'm just so obsessed with the way oscar wilde writes !! actually i've heard people say that this is a good place to start for classics, but i'm not really so sure about that. i think this definitely is a staple in classic literature, but i recommend saving this as your 2nd or 3rd classic read so you're more used to the eloquent writing style of classics and you can fully appreciate the picture of dorian gray in all its glory :)
•alice in wonderland -> oh i loved this sm. i love alice in wonderland in general, more specifically the tim burton version. i think this is a good place to start, since i know you like alice in wonderland so you're already attached to the story and therefore will most likely enjoy it alot. the sarcasm and wit in this book is really enjoyable and fun, i finished this one really fast back in primary school :)
• frankenstein -> i finished this recently ! it's so great, i love frankenstein so much. though, it did seem like nothing much was happening so just beware that even tho its labelled as horror, it's more... thoughtful? it's really nothing like frankenstein in popular media, though i think that's part of its charn actually
• emma -> i've read 2 chapters of this. i'm planning on actually sitting down and finishing this next week or so! i recommend the movie with anya taylor joy if you're hesitant about reading it, bc the movie was really good :)
• pride and prejudice -> if you want to get into jane austen, this is probably the place to start. she's a really amazing writer and the way she creates characters and character relationships is so amazing i was really impressed by this book ! tho i gotta say i dont feel any particular attachment to it and im not exactly in a hurry to pick up her other books. like her writing is really good but im just not really into high society and period romance drama. i still recommend this though since it is a good classic and a staple to the genre.
• the secret history -> ooh this one isnt exactly a classic but definitely does deserve to be. I LOVE THE SECRET HISTORY SO SO MUCHHHH. i've reread this book like nearly 3 times. donna tartt's writing is so phenomenal and the characters are all so interesting, i can't wait for you to read this! though, one con is that it is reallyyy long and ik that its not uncommon for people to get sick of how the story drags on :( so i recommend making sure that you're fully hyped to read this cus i'd hate for you to drop it half way since its so brilliant i promise. pay attention to the way she writes scenes and characters and just anything ever because its just so well doneee.
• the great gatsby -> i have this and i'm thinking of reading it next actually !! im just letting myself process frankenstein and go back to read the frankenstein introduction before moving onto this :) i've heard that it's grand and gives old money but thats all i can say
ok looks like thats all !
i recommend starting with alice in wonderland and then going to the picture of dorian gray or pride and prejudice :)
ah also my favourite subgenre in classic literature is horror (they tend to not be scary at all and more thoughtsy) or japanese (osamu dazai is all ive read but im really interested in reading more japanese authors)
russian literature is also cool, though ive only read crime and punishment by dostoyevsky. i really want to read notes from underground or white nights or dead souls by nikolai gogol next agsbdj
if you're looking to get into it then probably white nights is the best since many people say its the best and also its really short compared to c&p. im not an expert tho so honestly you do you
also if you enjoy frankenstein and the picture of dorian gray then i REALLY reccomend the case of dr jelyll and mr hyde because its so short but sooo good
as for reading tips, i reccomend taking breaks and not pushing yourself cus then you'll find the experience tedious. also dont be intimidated because reading classics is like reading any other book except the writing style is super eloquent. read whatever subgenre of classic you enjoy and dont force yourself to read others if you arent interested :)
THATS ALL FROM ME. tysmmmm for the ask i had so much fun answering this
sorry for yapping so much i cant help it when it comes to books so your fault for asking 😔 /lh
i hope you have fun and feel free to slide into my askbox if you have thoughts to share or anything else to askk
oh wait actually im curious, whats your experience with classics so far? what books have you read? did you enjoy them?
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scheodingers-muppet · 9 months
reputation (stranger things version) let’s go
…Ready For It? - jancy. the whole “i’ve known i wanted you since we first met” kinda vibe really fits them i think. “some boys are trying too hard, he don’t try at all though. younger than my ex’s but he acts like such a man” sorry steve. “knew i was a robber first time that he saw me. stealing hearts and running off” nancy is really the only character we see *multiple* people crushing on. steve and jonathan, of course, but also dustin, fred, arguably robin.
End Game - steddie. “you and me, we got big reputations” king steve and the freak, two sides of some big reputations. “i got some big enemies” being hated by the school and town and the literal upside down. “in rumors, i’m knee deep” “i’ve made mistakes…but something was born on the forth of july” steve’s huge character arch we see in season 3, over the summer.
I Did Something Bad - nancy. shes realms the only one i can see for this one. the confidence and bad-ass of it really only fits her
Don’t Blame Me - steve. why? because i said so. i fully believe he loves VERY deeply. why? because. i said so.
Delicate - steddie, from eddie’s pov. “my reputations never been worse so, you must like me for me” literal manhunt for him and steve’s making googoo eyes at him. “dark jeans and your nikes” is so steve coded. “i know that it’s delicate” not only is eddie wanted for murder, but also, steve’s reputation would be very delicate; even been friends with eddie could make him a target
Look What You Made Me Do: el. “the role you made me play of the fool” and being used in vecna’s plan. “i got smarter, i got harder in the nick of time” “i don’t trust nobody and nobody trusts me” her trust has ben broken so many times and shes had to fight tooth and nail for the trust in her now “the old taylor can’t come to the phone right now. why? oh, because she’s dead” paralleled to el coming back at the end of season 2 completely changed
So It Goes… - jancy, from nancy’s pov. “we breakdown a little, but when you get me alone, it’s so simple” “you know i’m not a bad girl but, i’ll do bad things with you”
Gorgeous: ronance, from nancy’s pov. “i got a boyfriend, he’s older than us.” “you’re so cool, it makes me hate you so much.” and “i’m furious at you for making me feel this way” with how nancy didn’t like her at first. “ocean blue eyes, looking in mine” tldr; nancy’s gay awakening is robin
Getaway Car: jancy. “i wanted to leave him. i needed a reason” and “he poisoned the well, i was lying to myself” about steve. “we were flying but we never got far” and “think about the place where you first met me” with the relationship starting to crumble. “we were jet set bonnie and clyde until i switched to the other side” i like to imagine this as her going to robin but that’s just me.
King Of My Heart: steddieeeeee. okay listen. i love when fics make references to king steve and steve likes the name. i adore royal imagery with them. “we rule the kingdom inside my room” “king of my heart, body and soul” i LOVEEE eddie calling him king steve again, but as like, “you’re the king of my heart” “you’re love is a secret im hoping, dreaming to keep”
Dancing With Our Hands Tied: byler. “i loved you in secret…how were you to know?” “deep blue but you painted me golden” when blue meets yellow in the west. “i loved you in spite of deep fears that the world would divide us” i think mike might be starting to realize his feelings for will while he’s gone, loving him even though he’s scared the distance will hurt them. “dancing like it was the first time”
Dress: ronance. why? idk it just fits. nancy and robin get close, become friends and nancy realizes her feelings for her. i can also see elmax if you remove the sexual elements of the song.
This Is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things: steve to tommy and carol. “it was so nice throwing big parties” “it was so nice being friends again…but you stabbed me in the back while shaking my hand” tommy leaving him for billy. i just need to see steve lose his shit, honestly.
Call It What You Want: steddie. idk what you want from me, its so steve talking about eddie before they’re official. “my castle crumbled over night…they took the crown but it’s alright” losing “king” title. “nobody’s heard from me in months” falling down the social rankings and living a more “quiet” life (ie no parties and such) “my baby’s fly like a jet stream high above the whole scene” both eddie looking down on social hierarchy and also eddie perched on his chair during campaigns, being literally above the whole scene. “all the jokers dressing up as kings” billy taking his role. “you don’t need to save me, but would you run away with me?” steve maybe talking to eddie about how he can “pay him back” for saving his life or something cute like that.
New Year’s Day: stobin. this song has always kinda been platonic to me. but it’s so them. the devotion of always being there, no matter what or why. “please don’t ever become a stranger whose laugh i would recognize anywhere” I MEANNNNN
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inkofamethyst · 3 months
June 13, 2024
I.. don't think I'm as well-adjusted to grad school as I'd hoped. I feel behind but I'm not even sure how to "catch up" or what specifically I am not doing. I just want to do more but I feel intimidated by what "more" might be. My days are mostly empty outside of a single lab-based task that might take one to three hours. Admittedly, I did procrastinate myself out of that bioinformatics "course". I do intend to start that back up again. I do want to learn (I was intimidated by the homework (only recently did I realize that I literally do not actually have to do the homework if I don't want to lol, this is all asynchronous and semi-recreational for my own benefit)). I think that's a major part of why I feel like I could be doing more. My postdoc is working like 12 hour days or something while I come in and lounge for four hours or so (I've recently been making an effort to do six hours though, even if it's just me sitting and reading (fiction >.<) for most of the time (I'll start an anthropology book after this series I promise)).
I have started learning music theory though. Only barely, it feels like, but it's more than any true theory I'd absorbed through the years of band classes and orchestra rehearsals (I know what a "diminished sixth" means now (kinda) and can point it out in sheet music (most of the time)! I can differentiate between three different minor scales (most of the time)!). I plan to leisurely make my way through a semester's worth of lectures on it. I want a good understanding of why music works so I can hopefully get good at improvisation (also I need to relinquish the idea that I'm going to be some improv master at first try--because that's not going to happen. it'll likely take weeks of trials and lots of errors before I get any sort of feel for what sounds "decent").
I've been reading Jade City by Fonda Lee and woah. I think this would make an excellent television show. It's soooo good. Fantasy action, my genre beloved (and politics?? bro im in LOVE), but inspired by a totally different culture than what I typically read. The naming switcharoo took a bit of getting used to sure but it's far more immersive that way. I would love to see this in live action and thirst after Hilo bc you know the casting director would do him right. I'm glad I decided to stick with her on a whim.
I wish the pollen wasn't still so bad (I have to keep my windows open all the time bc no ac, and pollen flies in 24/7 and coats absolutely everything which is the worsttttt. thankfully my bed doesn't get too much of it but UGH), I'd love to spend more time outside. The flowers are lovely but I'm ready for the trees to pack it upppp.
My mom thinks I'm being too social for me to handle. I haven't had a full weekend to just isolate and chill in a month. There's just so much to do, though! I want to do it all now that the weather is warm. This area has lots of events all the time. I have to remember that I have five more years, I guess.
Today I'm thankful that at least I'm not being pushed too hard.
Brought to you from inside the lab (my postdoc has stepped out hehe) where I am desperately trying to find things to do. I think I'm going to register for some trainings or something.
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sagemoderocklee · 3 months
do you have any behind the scenes commentary on kado?
ok bts for kado... i honestly wasn't excpecting this so im trying to gather my thoughts which is hard rn post work...
so its possible ive talked about this before but i was very specific in the way i structured kado. i based the structure on Ikebana itself. so it could ONLY be 3 chapters (based on the Seika* style which didn't make it as a chapter title) and each chapter could ONLY have 9 scenes (based on the Rikka style of Ikebana).
if there's one thing im NOT it's good at shorter stories, but by god did i fight tooth and nail to get that story told in 3 9-scene long chapters. and it worked! i think challenging myself like that was honestly a lot of fun for me, and i think the story hit all the beats it needed to without dragging. i think sometimes with modern AUs especially they can kinda drag on with the like everyda and mundane, and like that CAN be good, but it's all in the execution and im not generally good at the execution of that sort of thing (which is often why i struggle with modern AUs).
i also picked the title kado (way of flowers) as a nod to nindo...
this isn't much and i may have already talked about this ages ago, so another thing for the bts...
Tenten was very obviously in on the arrangement Lee special ordered at the end of ch2 as his way of confessing to Gaara, but she was also the one to point out to Lee that he was completely smitten with Gaara. Lee was always visiting Gaara and he'd always come back over the moon, and Tenten teased Lee about his very obvious crush, which of course Lee denied but ya know once she'd said it... so Tenten was a guiding force for both Lee and Gaara in them getting together. And she was so pissed off at Gaara for all the obvious reasons, but also because she was feelin guilty for encouraging Lee when she thought Gaara had just broken his heart. Neji was definitely present, and he and Tenten helped Lee research the flowers to pick for his lil love confession to Gaara.
obviously after lee and gaara get together tenten is very happy about all this, but she and neji absolutely do give gaara hell for like the first couple months cause they aren't ready to believe he's not gonna hurt Lee again (gai is a LOT more gracious because of the ikebana piece gaara made and gai seeing a reflection of gaara's character in it). but neji and tenten give gaara the cold shoulder a lot and make very very subtle comments from time to time--nothing too obvious that lee would catch on, and gaara never says anything cause he understands they're being protective, but it doesn't make the first few months of them dating easy. and referencing the ask i got earlier, gaara and lee def do go on double dates with Sakura and Ino in this particular AU, and when Shikamaru and Temari finally get together them too. and when tenten and neji stop giving gaara such a hard time. they NEVER go on doubles with kankuro and hinata but they obviously do all hang out.
and Lee is Gaara's plus one to chouji's wedding.
i hope that's a fun lil bts for you anon! thanks for asking!
*from the wikipedia on Ikebana: Seika (生花, 'pure flowers') style consists of only three main parts, known in some schools as ten ('heaven'), chi ('earth'), and jin ('human'). It is a simple style that is designed to show the beauty and uniqueness of the plant itself. Formalisation of the nageire style for use in the Japanese alcove resulted in the formal shoka style.
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studyingpookie · 5 months
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What's upppp??? Here I just couple of photos from today!! Hope y'all enjoy!
Things for school that I've done today:
- history of art (starting all over to revise for my exam)
- computer science (just did assignments)
- started to edit my advertisment for my film class (I need to start it all over but now I have my mind set on what I want and need so that's fine)
So if you want you can read all about today but it's a lot 💀 like a LOT. I really wanted to describe this day sorry 🙏🙏🙏
So today was the first day of finals in my country, the good thing is that I'm not participating in this I still have two years till then. 🥳🥳
I've decided yesterday that this Tuesday will be ONLY for me and be my kinda rest day, I would be just chilling going through the city buy something to eat and drink. Well... My plan kinda shattered.
For starters I wasn't alone, my dad happened to be in the city and we went to dinner together. I'm not a big fan of crowded and obligated places especially when I eat. Long story short we talked a lot, I mean for sure more than normally. This made me super hopeful, I don't want to vent here by any means because I just feel uncomfortable with it but It was a really needed experience.
I thought at first that I'm gonna just go back to my place and study but i decided to push my limits. I went to the mall by myself and walked to the gallery to see if there are this McDonald's plushies AND GUYS HOW HAPPY IM THAT I DID THAT. So if you don't know McDonald's have now collaboration with hello kitty and some anime I forgot the name of it 💀 and now they have in stock super cute plushies!!!!
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I really wanted this yellow dog because just look at him he is super cute! Or this black penguin. I went to 6 McDonald's to searching for this fricking dog because I wanted him the most but than when I was ready to give up miracle happened.. I saw it. The mf penguin. Words won't and can't describe how happy I felt. I immediately went to buy this happy meal. And now I got him. My very own penguin 😭🙏🐧
I started to binge watching this series called World's Strictest parents on YouTube I really recommend it if you are interested! I love seeing these kids change or I can look at things from their perspective (ngl I almost cried during one episode) Also I looked up songs that will be on Eurovision, my favourite for now is "La noia" by Italian artist Angelina Mango. I can't wait to see who wins and what score Poland will get! I think this year we have a good song to show off but we will see how it goes.
I'm not gonna talk about my studies because it's boring and I just studied while being super sleepy, tired and bored as hell. History of art IS interesting but I don't really like remembering the names of people and things. It's super hard for me and it's only going to be worse. Why these names are so hard 😭😭 and why I can't get into my head any Italian artist 💀
And guys the last thing is that I found the CUTEST BAG (that I can afford at least) at first I wanted to buy it from joom but then I found the exact same bag on AliExpress and it's slightly cheeper. One time I shopped from AliExpress and I was quite surprised that the quality was actually good. I hope it would be the case with that one! I will try to order it tomorrow 🙏 "we're getting what's in my bag" with that one boys 😈
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kinnenvy · 1 year
i am having thoughts about brian and his parents (jack joan debbie). it's messy and chaotic but i need to take it out of my brain and put it somewhere
Jack and Joan
There's like a pattern that he must go through with his birth parents, especially in season 1 it feels as if brian likes to present his relationship with his parents in one way, when it's actually very different.
He feels troubled by his own fatherhood, by Justin's relationship with his dad and the first thing he does is search for his own dad. he tells justin he never sees him, but then at the end of ep 1x09 michael talks about brian's visit and heartbreak over jack like it's something that happens routinely (and it does for sure, considering that it seems like jack is depending on him for money). "When will you ever learn?" NEVER! HE WILL NEVER LEARN!
until s2 ig. to me his relationship with joan is the most puzzling. he visits her, brings her flowers, but it doesn't feel like he ever tries to indulge her in the same way he did with jack. i wonder if that's because he didn't grow up being scared of her, so there's no instinct to get into her good graces...? im not qualified for this kind of analysis i dont think
they've both surely put him under intense distress, in different ways maybe, but it's distress nonetheless. living in that house must have been like being taken apart constantly, nowhere to hide, no comfort, only pain.
im not sure what the timeline is, but it's possible that the first time brian felt loved and wanted must have been THAT DAY in the showers after school. it could be also why he has that twisted perception of what happened. (or maybe it's just early 2000s writing who knows)
she honestly makes me kinda mad. she saw a 14 y/o break in her liquor cabinet, get drunk and thought "this kid's kinda troublesome idk :/". i think making big speeches and saying pretty words she doesn't fully understand is very much part of her character (ben), but the way she does it with brian in relation to his parents is horrible to me.
(surely without knowing) she uses Brian's need for approval from his parents and convinces him to come out to his dad, what does that achieve? brian has to hear his father tell him he should die. brian has an important, vulnerable moment with her after his diagnosis and she shares it with joan without him asking or even wanting her to. what does that achieve? we remember what it achieves.
I think it's fair that she thinks about michael first and then everyone else, but i feel like she's softer on everyone else (david????) compared to brian. sure he kept their relationship vague enough to make him believe they could become a couple, but he isn't doing it to have a laugh, they're codependent. when brian is forced to break it off by debbie, she's happy to let brian take the fall on his own. she understands what he did, so instead of maybe idk helping him get at least Lindsay's support, she keeps her mouth shut, calls brian a good kid, gives him a pat on the back and is ready to send him his own way.
which brings me to the way she acts like she understands brian. it feels like the writers are telling us she understands him, but does she? idk. she picks up on things he does in secret one moment and then gets him totally wrong the next. she calls him a selfish asshole in front of everyone, but when it's just the two of them she suddenly has always known he's a good person. why is she never saying good things about him when everyone's around? why does it have to be just the two of them?
"Brian would hate it" "Brian would cringe himself to another planet" Sure but maybe Brian would also get home and maybe for once feel like the adult he imprinted on approves of him with no compromises :// idk
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idyllic-affections · 9 months
WAH I LOVE MAMA XIAOYUN IDEAS, that is soooo cute! And i would pay for you to actually make it a series just like the Kaveh Dad AU
So here’s some scenarios i had thought of when reading 🐉 and 🐌 anons take on it. Ok so first of all, i hc that [name] would inherit Xianyun’s hobby of tinkering and making devices, like they may not be a half adepti nor have homicidal urges like their sisters but the kid is a curious gremlin who would be the type to break apart a toy because their curious on how it works. Just imagine Xiaoyun and [name] bonding together by making their first machine together, [name] would give little toys to their sisters like maybe a small toy Qilin or crane?
Also I LOVE the idea of [name] and Yaoyao having a friendship like Cloud Retainer and Madame Ping, like there’s [name] who would go head first to do something reckless or chaotic and then there’s Yaoyao being the voice of reason then there’s Xiangling encouraging [name] behavior for the sake of good ingredients so now Yaoyao have to look after two chaotic people. Also like with Ganyu and Shenhe, [name] would also give Yaoyao some toys that they made themself and they would play with the toys together. WAIT WHAT IF XIAOYUN ALSO MADE [NAME] A PLUSH THAT IS LIKE YUEGUI TO PROTECT THEM, omg that would be sooo adorable! Maybe Yaoyao and [name] would have a tea party with both of their stuff animals as the others guests?? Idk but the idea of Xiaoyun making them a stuff animal that has the same function like Yuegui is soo cute, idk what kind of animal would it be thought.. maybe a crane..? Or maybe a chicken? Because baby cranes are called chicks..? (Im just pulling straws here also i just like the idea of [name] having Sushang’s chicken from HSR)
Would Shenhe introduce [name] to Chongyun? Like how Xiaoyun is pushing [name] to be friends with Yaoyao, Shenhe is doing the same but with Chongyun. Chongyun being confused with situation but nevertheless still get along with the kid his auntie introduced. And then he introduce them to Xingqiu and a chaotic duo was born.. I’ll let you think of the shenanigans the both of them have done :)
And about Moral Injury, personally i dont really want that much other than [name] bonding with Collei and their interactions with Scaramouche back when he was being experimented by Dottore BUT I do like the idea that maybe in an arc where they’re on the run, they come across Diluc when he left Mondstadt. Idk how it would go but maybe Diluc was injured from doing whatever mission he did regarding the fatui then [name] came across him and healed him up before quickly leaving him alone once they saw his delusion. Like when healing him, they saw his delusion and qucikly try to finish healing him because curse their bleeding heart! If he has a delusion, then that means either he’s a fatui agent or has some connection to the fatui. They instantly book it to the next nation and changed their identity. Diluc sometimes thinks about the kind stranger who helped him, although not because of how they help him, its because of their subtle reaction towards his delusion and how they became a ghost when he tried to find any information about them.
So yeah that’s all. Im honestly kinda scared rn because in a day or two, im going to go back to school which i am not ready for but here’s to hoping that we wont get any tests next week! Hope you have a good day/night though!
- 🐱Anon
i am trying SOOOO hard to not start writing this series yet...... she isn't even playable yet...... Please
YEAH NO EXACTLY!!!!!! i like to think that in the first few days of them living with xianyun, she builds them toys that do cool and fun things.... the mechanics are simple to her, but they should entertain a child well enough, no..? well, later, she walks in to the room she's given them find that [name] has meticulously and carefully pulled the toys apart to peer at the internal mechanics. and they apologize profusely when they realize she's there because they weren't trying to destroy the toys, they just... wanted to know how they worked. and xianyun just hums, settling on the floor next to them (which is perhaps something quite uncommon for someone like herself), picks them up, sets them in her lap, and goes on to explain it to them and teach them how to put it back together <3 bonding activity <3
eventually it becomes a hobby of [name]'s, and xianyun invites them to help with the things she's working on too. mama xianyun often pursues little projects for her child (though i like to think she doesn't immediately realize that this is another child of hers, like her older daughters. maybe ping points it out to her and she thinks about it for a second, but then nods and agrees. she's not embarrassed. she has two older daughters! so.... it wouldn't be the first time). and [name] would totally make cute little trinkets for their big sisters!!!!!
YEAH HAHA CHAOTIC [NAME] REAL AND TRUE. MEANWHILE YAOYAO IS ABOUT TO HAVE A HEART ATTACK AT THE AGE OF, IDK, 7????? BECAUSE OF THE THINGS HER FRIEND KEEPS DOING...... but [name] would definitely make a cute toy for her as an apology!! OH AND I WHOLEHEARTEDLY BELIEVE XIANYUN WOULD DO THAT...... maybe it would be a little crane that almost, vaguely seems to resemble... herself, but in her adeptus form? huh, how odd. must be a coincidence (it is not, in fact, a coincidence. xianyun does this on purpose). but i also think [name] having a little chicken would be so cute <3333 mama crane and her little chick...... Sighhhhhh
YES SHE SO WOULD i think shenhe would teach them exorcism, to a certain extent. mostly so that they can effectively protect themselves against things... beyond the living world. so she would most certainly introduce them to chongyun! and i think they would honestly cause problems for him at first. slipping jueyun chilis into his food (like xingqiu...... teehee) and stuff, but then apologizing kindly and offering him a popsicle afterwards. they do know where to stop. he would introduce them to xingqiu and it would be OVERRRRR for him HELP
moving onto moral injury... OH MAN [name] and diluc do have an important (angstful) interaction later on, but adding this in prior to it would give that interaction a lot more depth. thank you for the suggestion, lovely!!!!! i will definitely be adding this in. also, some variation of "curse [their] bleeding heart" would be a good chapter title. thank you for reminding me of that phrase!!! i forgot it existed tbh
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i do think the jealousy in school reunion is really interesting i think thats a really fun part of the doctor companion dynamic to explore, what makes me roll my eyes is the we're both in love with him "the missus and the ex" thing
but like the jealousy thing on its own? just the flipside of the making people feel special thing that we explored a bit with 12. the doctor does single people out, does make them feel special, their attention is like a fucking spotlight who would be immune to that warmth
but the other side of that then is like, was it their attention that made me special? was it their companionship that made me special? thinking of donna going travelling "it's all bus trips and guidebooks and dont drink the water and two weeks later youre back home" like sure thats comparing what the trips are like but like, that also describes sort of like, who you get to be on those trips right? a tourist vs a hero
thinking of yaz in combat magicks being like "yaz liked wearing her uniform because it marked her out as someone who belonged anywhere. ready to help, and with the right to intervene. the doctor just breezed in and made the whole universe her business, like she was born to it, and yaz longed for that confidence." thats sort of what being the doctor's plus one gives you, right? access to everywhere, without consequences, except maybe your own death but the doctor makes you feel invincible too so you dont worry about that
so sure there would be jealousy but i think making it into an ex-girlfriend kinda jealousy flattens it? "in amongst 7 billion theres someone like you" and then you get to save planets. you become a part of the doctor's hero complex. you get to see beautiful amazing things but you also get to prove yourself a hero every day. thinking of rose "the doctor showed me a better way of living your life. you dont just give up. you have the guts to do whats right when everyone else just runs away" you get to feel powerful. you get a lot of agency where in your daily life you probably dont have a lot. thats what the doctor gives to those handful of the seven billion. so what if they take it away?
thinking of clara asking "why me?" and sarah jane "did i do something wrong?" why did i get this opportunity. and why was it taken away. was it anything i did? and if it wasnt, then doesnt that undermine all that agency you made me feel like i had? can i do this on my own too? and of course lots of companions prove they can, they dont need the doctor to be who they are but idk. i think it would still be kinda insecure-making when youre still with the doctor. when youre still in the middle of it like rose in school reunion. when you dont know yet what After will look like
and this is something the fam doesnt have to deal with i think. because they came to the doctor. they werent picked, they werent offered, they asked. they dont have to wonder 'why did you pick me'. which im kinda relieved about especially thinking about yaz? imagine having to wonder 'was i a friend of convenience' on top of everything else. oof.
and another thing is that of course for the doctor the rejection hurts just as much. when a companion says no thank you, your way of life doesnt seem that fun to me (anymore)
anyway so uh tldr i guess the jealousy thing is interesting but making it a romantic jealousy is not whats interesting about it
#sorry to make you read 600 words and then have no conclusion#started typing and hoped i'd find a point somewhere but i didnt#i think i just laid out all my most unflattering sides without really making a point in this#so#rip#i think actually what ex-companion jealousy would be more like than romantic jealousy is sorta like#old doctor actors jealousy#i mean all old doctors ive ever heard talk about it have been VERY generous and gracious but#theres also i think david tennant said once about filming regeneration that like#one moment youre the most important person in the room. or FEEL like that anyway#and the next EVERYONES attention is on the next guy and people are just like okay thanks bye#i mean im sure people are not that cold waving off an old doctor but like#i can imagine. one moment youre The Guy. the next youre... not#one moment youre The Doctor's Companion. the next it's this new girl??? hello??#thats MY spot thank you very much#at least when youve been the doctor to all us dw fans youre forever the doctor#that doesnt go away#but if you were a companion and then you go back home. nobody even fucking knows#youre just. normal. nothing special. nobody knows of the things youve seen and done#yeah i'd be jealous. but not of the doctor's previous 50 girlfriends#just of the next 50 fgkfhjdghjfkdgh#solution is to take them down with me of course#none of clara's 'youre not dying with me die with the next one' nonono youre dying with me sweetheart#like i said. my most unflattering sides fhgkhgjh
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nerdyenby · 1 year
Pink time :D I’m watching Grian
Instantly losing my mind /pos
The arm wiggle looks like his mouth opening lol
“This music is relatively annoying isn’t it?” I love Grian so much you guys
MCC Grian is a mess and I love that for him
I am so excited for this team, you guys don’t understand
Bingo But Fast
“Wait, this is real” Jojo 😭
Jojo is so confused lol, it’s okay queen you got this
I’m already confused on who I’m watching, I’ve watched both Jojo and Shelby’s streams the past couple weeks lol
The way none of them noticed the elytra
WHY IS IT ACE RACE MUSIC??!!?! IM STRESSED!! I didn’t even realize the first time round lol
Jojo just saying fuck under her breath repeatedly when half the team is pg is so silly of her
They’re all kinda in their own heads but that’ll get better as they find their flow
Grian sassing chat AS HE SHOULD
“How long til bingo again?” Life really is just a period of waiting between rounds of bingo, Lizzie’s right
“I wouldn’t count on anything being normal” Real and true Shelby
Battle Box
“You should crouch down so I can get on one shoulder, Lizzie can get on the other shoulder, then Shelby can jump on your back and you can just carry us, yeah?” So true Grian
“What if we die before that happens? Well, then we’d be dead” Lizzie my beloved
Lizzie catching that picks are better than the carrots is such a good call
Aw Lizzie just got absolutely mobbed
Eat the carrot, let the impulsive thoughts win
“I think people are targeting me” “I also suffer from success”
Comms are a bit sloppy but I believe
“A win is a win” Lizzie is so real today
MCC itself has a grudge against Lizzie, this is so sad
Hole in the Wall
“I’m ready to start playing better” You got this Jojo!!
A bit off topic but I think the MCC team did a phenomenal job balancing how much players knew before the event and how much was a surprise, there’s enough of both that it’s chaotic without being overly confusing and I think the did a great job
Bill Wurtz fan club over here :))
“I just got flung and I’m not sure I deserved it” snarky Grian is best Grian
“When you said ‘off the edge’ I took that literally” Lizzie my beloved <333
Jojo’s calls are ELITE
Survival Games
I was just vibing tbh
Oh my gosh that was so intense when the border stopped one block away
Lizzie hiding in the corner and winning, queen moves only
“I think you just got scuffed” so true Grian
“I can’t tell what’s intentionally scuffed or just wasn’t thought about” that’s the magic of MCC scuffed
If you don’t know, Grian and his community have been funding a school in Ghana during every event he’s participated in and it’s absolutely incredible, go check it out and donate if you’re able :))
None of them actually taking a break is so them
Lizzie going to check in on Joel is so sweet
Jojo apolozing to Ranboo <3
Literally what killed Grian lol
Sands of Time
Sand daddy Shelby <333
Jojo taking charge AS SHE SHOULD!!!
The absolute PANIC of the false chimes 😭
“I’m never going down a tunnel ever again” Lizzie 😂
Grian mvp :))
The countdown starting and Shelby just saying “ignore that” is the level of confidence I need in my life
I didn’t even see the wardens the first time round, that’s terrifying
Wait when did the get green vault? Like I heard Lizzie found the key but I just didn’t notice them actually unlocking it lol
Big Sales at Build Mart
Shelby saying fuck with her entire chest is everything actually
Remember when she was a regular on a Disney show? Now she’s dropping f-bombs on pg streams, and I love that for her
“Where’s- Oreo??” Real
It IS in color Grian 😭
They popped off :))
None of them even remembering skyblockle is so funny actually, skybattle is just infinitely better and more memorable
Grian just crying when Shelby says to bridge with slabs
“I’d rather poo in my hands and clap” GRIAN
“Anyone else just wanna jump off” Lizzie no
Yeah just build a house actually, you got time lol
Grian crafting a fishing rod, you got this king
He did not, in fact, got this
Shelby being so proud of/excited for Oli is everything
He DID crash and burn, I didn’t even realize 😂
Everyone’s still confused, just as it should be in MCC Scuffed
Oh yeah, it would be the first 1v4!!
“That’s my man” Lizzie and Joel are everything
Joel not getting the 1v4 and Lizzie’s “I still love him” “That’s good because if that did it for ya”
A win for the empires team is a win for all empires peeps, so true
The chicken infection was to torment Grian specifically, actually
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lqfiles · 4 months
shaking w excitement cuz ur basically the whole reason this smau is even coming to fruition rn BUT i chose the majors based on an interview they did WAYY back when for nylon, that’s where the arts and premed and music come into play, haechans was just kinda vaguely ab having to do w music but i chose music teacher bc i have a cute idea for that as well, jeno for whatever reason said he’d wanna be an architect?? so i just went w it but i wont put it past him tbh cuz MINGYU😭 also said in another life he would’ve been an architect as well,, something ab idols who have the puppy assignment and architecture i guess… totally not judging (i judge as if i wasn’t doing architecture in high school)
giselle i’m totally lost on so i just chose a similar one to what y/n would be doing because im not sure she’s ever answered this question i haven’t finished my research so it’s subject to change and about yangyang… he said he would’ve been.. a race car driver… and i just couldn’t… figure out why he’d go to university for that… so i gave him the communications and marketing thing cuz he has that 2016 loud youtuber vibe sometimes, otherwise id probably make him a streamer for the silly aspect because i love him he’s such a loser
MARK is majoring in creative writing and journalism 🤭 intellectual young man 🤭 art is his hobby 🤭
(i’m genuinely so excited im so close to being ready to post)
I FEEL HONOURED‼️ but pmg i need to see this interview, i don’t think i’ve seen it yet? i’m not surprised that haechan choose a music oriented career because he always seems so passionate about it but i find it super entertaining how in every fic he’s portrayed as a drama/theatre student because he just gives of those vibes so much loll 😭 ITS THE PUPPY IDOLS THAT LOVE THE ARCHITECTURE IT SEEMS.. this randomly reminds me of how jungwoo would’ve been a mechanic if it wasn’t for nct like omg WHAT. HAKDHSKSJSK YANFYANG UNSERIOUS AS HELL what do you even apply for in uni to become a race car driver lmaooo mark being journalism and creative writing is sooooo him tho like you ate that you ate that, can’t wait to see how you’ll portray him 😁 IM ROOTING FOR YOU!!!!
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alyssaswrld999 · 1 year
Being A Henderson is complicated/ Eddie Munson x Reader:
Y/n is Dustin Hendersons older sister. She's a senior in highschool and has been involved with the party for awhile. She has helped with trying to save The town of Hawkins from the Upside Down. Eddie Munson starts to take a liking to the oldest Henderson.
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Who knew saving the world could be the hardest thing to do? Yeah beats me I mean the super hero's make it look easy. Well then again that is television... it's supposed to be fake.
Not only is saving the world hard it's also harder to be the oldest sibling and to take care of your younger sibling. Especially if it's Dustin Henderson.
"DUSTIN LETS GO" I shouted from down the hallway. Dustin was taking forever to get ready for school. Today is the last day until spring break and our mom is making sure me and Dustin are going to school.
Were I'm a senior now I have been driving for two years so I am an excellent driver. But it also sucks driving when you have to be forced to take your sibling everywhere. Then again I kinda don't mind besides I love me and Dustin's group of friends.
"DUSTIN IM LEAVING IN FIVE MINUTES HURRY UP" I shouted again. "COMING GEEZ" Dustin yelled back. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. I decided to make me two Eggo waffles before we left. I could already tell this was gonna be a long day.
As I'm in the kitchen waiting for the Eggos to be done I hear my brothers footsteps. "About time you got dressed and ready" I said. "Yeah yeah like you don't take twenty three minutes to get ready" Dustin snapped back.
I turned and looked at Dustin. He had a playful look on his face so I knew he was joking. "Yeah yeah but I love you Dustin" I said. I walked over to him and hugged him. Then the Eggos popped up from the toaster and I grabbed them. I handed one to Dustin so he could eat it for breakfast.
"Your a good sister" Dustin told me while grabbing his backpack. "Yeah and you better damn not forget it either" I said. We both got finally into my car and we made our way to Hawkins High.
We finally made it to school and I parked my car. "Now am I still taking you back here tonight for Hellfire" I asked. "Yep and I'm pretty sure Eddie would love to see you" Dustin teased. I looked at Dustin with a confused look. "Why the hell does Eddie Munson want to talk to me" I asked.
"Well one your my sister, two your funny, and three I think he likes you" Dustin said. "There's no way Eddie likes me. Dustin everyone thinks I'm a weirdo. I've always been considered weird" I said.
Dustin frowned at what I was saying. "Y/n trust me your not weird in a bad way. Your really cool and smart and besides your the best sister in the world. Your my bestfriend and you have always been there for me" Dustin said. I giggled at what Dustin said.
He really did know how to cheer me up. "Correction Steve and Eddie are your bestfriends. I'm just your crazy older sister who you tolerate and annoy on a daily basis" I joked. Me and Dustin had a good laugh at that one.
Me and Dustin got out of my car and we walked into the school. We both went our separate ways and then after the school was almost over it was time for lunch.
*Dustin's POV*
After we told Eddie on why Lucas couldn't come to Hellfire tonight it kinda soothed down. I mean after Eddie of course made his big speech. "Hey uh Henderson I have a question" Eddie said. I looked over at Eddie and he had a serious look on his face.
"Yes" I said. Eddie smiled at me and came to sit beside me. "You know how I uh said I liked your sister. Well I really wanna know if she will like go out with me" Eddie asked. I smiled at Eddie and then looked down to my feet.
"You should ask her out then" I said pointing over at my sister walking towards us. Eddie turned his head immediately after I said that.
*Y/ns POV*
I walked into the cafeteria and I got my lunch for the day. I went to sit down beside some friends and we chatted. I looked up at the time and I seen it was almost time for me to go to work with Steve and Robin at Family Video.
I got up to go throw my food away and I seen Dustin. I needed to tell him I have work so that's why I will have to take him later instead of him staying after-school.
I walked over to Dustin's table and I seen Eddie turn and look at me. "Hey little man I gotta go to work and I'll be back later to pick you up" I told Dustin. Dustin nodded his head and smiled. "And that means you have to stay until my shifts done. And don't worry it will be done an hour before Hellfire starts alright" I said.
Dustin nodded his head at me again. "Alright sounds good thanks sis" Dustin said. "No problem little man" I said smiling. I looked at Eddie and he was smiling at me. "Hey Ed's" I said.
Then I looked over and I seen Mike. "Hey Mike" i said waving. Mike waved back at me and I turned to look at the rest of the table. I waved at the rest of the Hellfire group and I walked away.
Y/n not knowing it at the time but Eddie Munson started to take a big liking to the oldest Henderson.
Part 2
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