#im like 6 other boybands in <3
burntenchilada · 1 year
Anonymous Coward asked: does all of your oc are talking place to the same universe? if so what the premise ?
nop! certain groups of them have entirely different settings! 
 1. Fighting game: these used to be BNHA ocs that i repurposed. I really like them and their quirks, so to preserve them im creating a small fighting game with a small roster. The main plot is still very loose but as of now it centers about a tournament with a grand prize in cash and each member would like to win to use the money or the title of winner to achieve their individual goals. So far it includes Iro (iridescent haired girl), Gale (the big croc guy) and Suri (slime girl) + some background characters like other ocs that also were originally from bnha and are relevant to these main 3 (of my own and of my friends, hence why background characters) 
 2. the sk8erz: It shows the lives of a group of skater friends freshly out of high school and into college, focusing on their everyday life while they discover their place in the world as they transition into adulthood and explore their relationship and awful selves. It includes Ami (the black girl with red locs), Yugo (the guy that looks like every 90s boyband idol) and Yaro (the guy that wears a cap and looks terminally ill). 
 3. Monster ocs: Not really anything going on here. It's just an empty setting for my monster ocs. It includes Grecia (gorgon), Beatrice (mummy), Carlos (werewolf), and Levi (vampire). I dont draw them much, except for Grecia on occasions. 
 4. Starlight Watch: this one has a name bc i had to come up with something for university. I created the main 2 characters for a university design assignment. Originally they were intergalactic cop partners inspired by 80s sci-fi and cop action shows. I kept the designs, reworked and repurposed them as now royal guards of a clueless Alien Princess (a random design that i kept from when i was in middle school now repurposed and redesign). The story incudes: Teri (green guard alien), Bano (human cyborg), Navari (the grey alien princess) and Lyra Constella (pink pop idol alien) 
 5. Clowns: i just have one oc here and it is Kinga (the clown, duh). At first i wanted to make a circus but i knew it was not within my power so i only made Kinga and abandoned the idea. I really like her design, however, so i want to keep it around for when i find a purpose for her. 
 6. Magic: here we only have Omen Burroughs (a witch). It just focuses on how skilled but careless he is, abandoning the witch realm to go into the human realm to experience the frivolous, lustful life of a rockstar, even though he really isnt one. Also because he is obsessed with motorbikes and biker culture and is trying to build or at least customize his broom from scratch, but he cant find parts in the witch realm bc no one gives a damn about bikes over there. 
 7. Thieves: the main 2 were originally Soul Eater ocs. A friend and I made a weed joke about them and it went downhill from there. Their story deals with immigration, crime and corruption in the fictional american city of Vertwick. The characters so far are the ones in my header here! Nicky and Tobias (the main 2, both latino immigrants of very different upbringing), Lewis (a broke computer science student and hacker), and Diana (a promiscuous corrupt cop). 
 I might have missed certain settings but i certainly did leave out some characters i dont have nor a backstory nor a setting for yet. Theyre just designs that i made and like to keep around in case i find out where to place them. 
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officialsimppage · 4 years
-Long Flight-
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I'll try again, the reader and reid both have secret crushes on eachother, the team don't know but some have their suspicions. However, on a reslly long flight everyone falls asleep and some point and spencer and the reader end up falling asleep next to each other and cuddling. And it's just dumb cute fluff, the teams sees them and it's just cute? Does that make sense?
Hi! Thank you for requesting! I really love this idea because i have a lot of angst right now. So I hope you enjoy it! Im basing this around s6 with cute boyband spencie <3 @benji-booxx​ <3
   “Ok everyone it has been a tough case but we solved it. Let’s get home. Meet at the jet in 1 hour.” Hotch tells us as we finish picking up the conference room. I put some photos back in the file and grab my bag.
   “Hey Spence I’m gonna go to the hotel and pack my stuff. Wana drive together to the hotel and airport?” I ask him as I’m about to walk out of the room.
   “Um yeah sure! Let me grab my bag,” He says as he grabs his leather messenger bag, “And let’s go!” He says grabbing a book and walking out.
   We walk out to the SUV and I get in the drivers side. Most of the ride is silent. Except for the occasional glances and each other and small chats of feeling sorry for the victims families. When we pull up to the hotel we go our separate ways to our rooms to pack our stuff. 
    I go into my room and internally scold myself. God, Y/N that was so awkward! All of my glances to him were so obvious. See the thing is, I have a major crush on Spencer. Like major. Ever since I started working here, in 2007, it’s been constant glancing on Spencer. Listening intently to his gorgeous voice every time he rambles. I pack all of my stuff and head out of my room.
   I step into the elevator and text Spence,
y/n: hey ill meet u in the lobby k?
spence<3: Sure ill be down soon.
   I put my phone in my pocket and walked into the lobby. I turn in my card at the front desk and sit in a chair in the lobby.
   I walk into my hotel room after the car ride back with Y/N. I start packing my stuff and then I pause. I start to think about the car ride. All of my glances to her. And I really hope they weren't obvious. Plus when we work and she talks, or sways her hips, or bends over to pick something up- Spencer stop! I cannot think like that right now. 
    But I swear I caught her glancing at me a couple of times. It was probably my head messing with me. I am then snapped out of my thoughts when I feel my phone buzz in my pocket. I grab it and it's a text from Y/N I answer it and finish packing.
   I grab my bag and head out of my room. I then walk to the elevator, and push the lobby button. The elevator stops and I step out of it and turn in my card into the front desk. I then turn around and scan the room for Y/N. I then see her on her phone in tights black leggings, white blouse and a black blazer with a messy bun holding her beautiful locks. I then walk over to her.
   I look up to see Spencer standing there. He smiles and waves at me. He then asks,
   “You ready to go?” I stand up straighten my pants and respond with,
   “Yep! And it took you long enough to get down here.” making a joke. I start to walk out of the hotel with Spencer following. He laughs and looks down and says to me,
   “ Haha very funny Y/N. I took like 6 minutes.” He says walking beside me. We get to the car and I say,
   “More like six hours!” Shoving my bag into the backseat. I take Spencers aswell and put it back by my bag. We get into the car and he says,
   “If it was 6 hours, Hotch would’ve killed us.” He says with a light chuckle. God his laugh is so cute.
   “Yeah no kidding!” I say looking at him pulling out of the hotel.
   “It's an interesting ride to the airport. The whole time Spencer is rambling random facts. It was cute and informative. We pull up and walk towards the jet.
   “Ready to go home Spence?” I ask him right before I step on the jet.
   “For sure. I’m so tired.” he says stepping in front of me and going up the stairs to the jet. I chuckle and start heading up the stairs myself. I get onto the plane and put my bags away above my head. I look around and head to the couch. Only to find Spencer on it. Great.
   “Spence, you took my spot!” I tell him he sits up and he looks worried. he frantically looks around and says,
   “I uh, sorry Y/N!” he says standing up and looking at me with puppy eyes. He then says, “Here we can share it.” He then lays down and gestures for me to lay in between his legs.
   “Spence it’s ok you have it!” I tell him walking away.
   “No come here!” He says. I then walk over to him and he pulls me down to him. I lay in between his legs and put my head and ear on his chest. My heart starts to beat faster because I have a major crush on this man, and here I am cuddling with him!
   “Goodnight Y/N” He tells me, wrapping his arms around me.
   “Goodnight Spence.” I day closing my eyes. I feel us start to take off. Once we are up in the air I start to doze off to the sound of Spencer’s beating heart. My anxiety from before goes away as I am in complete comfort. I feel Spence rubbing my back as I fall asleep with my head and hand on his chest.
    “My gosh look at those too.” JJ says pointing at Spencer and Y/N. Everyone turns around to be met with Spencer and Y/N cuddling.
   “Oh my gosh there totally in love!” Emily says looking at JJ.
   “Look at those lovebirds,” Rossi says looking up from his newspaper. Hotch just smiles at them. Having comfort that true love still exists. The BAU just smiled at them, knowing that their suspicions were confirmed. They love each other.
   When the jet lands everyone gets off. We all head to our separate cars. As I/m about to get into mine I see Spencer running towards me yelling my name and telling me to wait. Great, are we going to have to talk about what happened on the plane? He walks up to me takes a deep breathe and says,
   “Look, Y/N. I love you. I’ve loved you ever since you introduced yourself. I felt like after what happened on the jet I needed to tell you. If you don’t feel the same way I understand. I’m not the most ideal man. But I will wait. Forever and ever.” he tells me. 
    I start bursting out crying right then and there. He looks extremely guilty and worried until I pull him in for a kiss. Something I’ve been wanting to do ever since I met him. It's a soft and tender kiss, full of love. I then pull away giving him a hug. I breathe in his scent and say.
   “I love you too Spence, I’ve always have.
   “So we're dating now?” He asks, looking at me pulling me off of his shoulder.
   “Yes Spence we are.” I say laughing wiping away my tears. I then pull him in for another kiss. This has been the best day ever.
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drifttosleep · 4 years
[ My Jonas Brothers : Chasing Happiness Experience ]
introduction: if you know me, you know how much if a Jonas Brothers fan i am. yes, the first band i ever REALLY got into was The Beatles. but the Jonas Brothers was a boyband i really did fall in love with. we all had that one band from our childhood that switched everything up. mine were the Jonas Brothers. the way the directioners loved One Direction was my love for the Jonas Brothers. when i say “the boys,” i mean Nick, Kevin, and Joe. they’re my “the boys.” if that makes sense. 
history:  i remember the day i got into them. i was 10 years old and it was during the summertime. i had just finished watching ‘taking 5.’ a movie about the click five. the girls in the movie had posters and cut outs of the click five on their wall from posters and magazines. at that age, i was already collecting TigerBeat, Popstar!, J-14 magazines. i was too plugged in to the pop culture and the teeny bopper life. my dad was supportive. i was somewhat, inspired, when i watched that movie and checked out my magazines. i found the jonas brothers. i knew OF them and the song SOS and When You Look Me In The Eyes but nothing else. i had a personal computer in my room back then and newly plugged in internet connection. it started with music videos, and then the stupid videos they had on their yt channel, and i just couldn’t stop watching their videos. i watched all their live chats and interviews. i fell in love LIKE THAT. it was the first i ever obsessed about a boyband like this. a boyband in MY LEAGUE, you know what i mean? i obsessed over hannah montana and lizzie mcguire. but it wasn’t LIKE THIS. i grabbed my magazines and starting taping the Jonas posters on the walls. my routine was to watch all their videos everyday. i even went as far as reading fanfiction on youtube. YES. fanfiction USED to be on YOUTUBE. and that’s when crushes began. my bias was joe, at first, of course. then i slowly crept onto liking nick more. until he was my ACTUAL favorite. nick was my first love, i’m claiming it. the boy had me feeling ALL SORTS OF THINGS. the boy had me WRITING AT 11. 
influence: they were a huge influence on me. other than taylor swift and my dad getting me to pick up a guitar and learning how to play it, the Jonas Brothers wanted me to fulfill the dream. their influence on me was HUGE. it was so big that they were my first fashion icons. i broke gender stereotypes (at least in my circle) at the age of 11, you guys. i wore skinny jeans, converse, collared shirts and neckties all the time. they had me wearing denim and corduroy and my parents were so into me being into fashion at that age cause they were all about that in their youth. i mastered dressing like a guy at the age of 11. it just became a thing growing up. cause that’s where i’m most comfortable. i remember when the JONAS show came out on disney channel and the first episode was of nick having a love interest, i cried. 
other facts: 
i collected all kinds of jonas brothers paraphernelia as a child. 
other than the magazines, i had merch. i remember begging my mom to get me jonas brothers merch from their actual website. when she finally gave in, i was ecstatic. 
i had a jonas brothers t shirt and a necklace (it was a guitar pick with their logo on it) 
i also had a jonas brothers mp3 player that i bought when i was in tampa.
i’ve been to their first concert in the philippines. I REMEMBER HOW I TOLD MY PARENTS. i ran to them and said “THE JONAS BROTHERS ARE COMING HERE” and i didn’t even have to ask cause they already knew. 
my bedroom walls were FILLED with their posters. i had over 150 posters on my walls. 
i cut out their photos from magazines and covered my notebooks and pens with them. i sold a couple at school, too. 
you caNT BELIEVE HOW MUCH I FREAKED OUT WHEN I FOUND OUT ABOUT CAMP ROCK. when it came out in the states, my dad bought a copy of the dvd and i was SO SO SO EXCITED. that’s why i love home made spaghetti so much because it was the meal i was eating when i watched camp rock in my old bedroom for the first time. i squealed half the time. 
them being christian played such a big part in my life because my mom was a strict-ass hardcore christian. and since they wore purity rings, my mom got me a purity ring, too. at 11. which now, seems rather stupid. for me, at least. 
nick jonas & the administration is still one of my favorite albums. HE REALLY DO BE MAKIN ME FEEL SOME TYPE OF WAY. for real though. 
i really watched Married To Jonas, Kevin and Danielle’s reality show. it was NOT great but i watched it. 
i even watched some of nick’s movies and i didn’t like any of them really but i enJOYED NICK’S SCREEN TIME 
i did not really stray away from loving them. but i did turn into a teenager. i got into other things and gained a different circle of friends. it was different, okay? i couldn’t just be in love with a rock star anymore. HAHAHA. there were real life boys i kissed now. but still, i did not obsess over anything like that ever again. 
the break up:  i was in high school when they broke up. and even if i had not been keeping tabs on them and watching their every release, i cried really really fucking hard when they announced their break up. i cried so hard that i missed school that day. i was heart broken. and it might not make sense because they are brothers and they’ll really ~never~ break up, it still hurt. 
when i found out about Chasing Happiness, i was stoked. of course, i already knew they had returned back together as the Jonas Brothers. after all the experimenting with other things, they really did return to their roots. 
reaction about chasing happiness:
oh my GOD 
baby nick in les mis :( 
okay so the purity rings were a fucking joke i dont feel so guilty about it anymore
niley :( lowkey cried to niley at a young age but whatever 
please be mine :( 
joe and nick making fun of kevin on the phone with danielle
joe calling danielle “kevin’s future wife” :( 
camp rock :(
more crying really 
YEAR 3000 :( 
okay so basically, it was a ride of emotions. 
it really was though. i also felt like i time travelled. LITERALLY. it felt like i was in my old room again watching the Jonas Brothers on old YouTube. you know. before google bought the damn thing. but for real, it felt that way. it felt like i was reconnecting with my old self, too. the 10 year old me. 
no, wait. even better. it felt like i was reuniting with old friends. the scene when the 3 of them were just drinking and reminiscing and confessing about the old times was so intimate that i felt like i was there. everything they talked about (except for hating each other and how they ACTUALLY broke up), i knew about. they were my whole life back then, really. it really felt like a reunion. like them getting back together meant we were getting back together. the love for the Jonas Brothers. my fangirling over them. god, it sounds so cheesy when i say it out loud. but it really does feel like that. 
it was so familiar and so foreign to me at the same time. they talked about everything they used to never talk about back then. they just let it out in the open, really. and i saw how much they’ve grown. and i saw how much i’ve grown. how i am far from who i was at 10 years old. 
but when they sang ‘please be mine’ along with the old video of them singing it, i felt myself reconnecting with my younger self. i felt her smile at me and hold my hand telling me that the good will always resurface. and fuck yeah, i got that out of the Jonas Brothers. they’re the part of me that remains innocent. they’re a part of me that remains untouched and untampered with. because my heart was whole when i loved them first. and i think it’ll remain that way. 
it hit me harder than i thought it would. and i knew it would hit me. the documentary, i mean. it was beautiful. downright, beautiful. they’re a huge part of who i am today. and i am so so so proud of that. 
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erin-bo-berin · 4 years
Ok I have a task for you! Please rank Spencer’s haircuts for each season on a scale of 1-10😂
Season 1: Meh, it wasn’t horrible, but it wasn’t my favorite. I hate that they straightened it because the curls should be FREE. 5/10
Season 2a: Breaking it up in parts because it was shorter at the beginning and longer in the end. I liked how it looked in the season 2 premiere but some episodes, the way they styled it I didn’t care for. I’d give it a 4/10
Season 2b: Longer Spencer season 2 hair, like Jones episode era. I did like that. 6/10
Season 3: I’m not sure why, but when it was long, like the longest it’d been so far on the show, it always seemed sort of awkward?? I don’t know how to explain it other than like it looked like an awkward grown out cut. Not one of my favorites, but also didn’t have a problem with it. 5.5/10
Season 4b: also loved the longer hair this time around cause more curly HELLO 8/10
Season 5a: THE LONG HAIR. Some people hate, some people love it. I personally didn’t mind it at all. I liked it. 7/10
Season 5b: I’m counting 5b as those few episodes he cut it a little shorter but it was still long. I loved this almost more than the longer hair 8/10
Season 5c: the even fewer episodes where he had the boy band hair (part 1, I count part 2 of boy band hair later on) I loved this a 9/10
Season 6: for a while I think season 6 hair ranked lower than season 1 for me because I hated it so short, but it honestly grew on me I give it a solid 7/10
Season 7a: before it grew out—loved it, wasn’t my TOP favorite though 7.5/10
Season 7b: as it started to grow out some, it grew even more on me, this gets a 8/10
Season 8a: the longer hair again UGH IM A SLUT FOR THE LONGER HAIR OKAY 8.5/10
Season 8b: He cut it a bit around the episode Alchemy I think? Either way, not much a difference to me like wise, still 8.5/10
Season 9a: The undercut or whatever it was was different, I enjoyed it on him at the time (better than his hair style in life after Beth which is why he had this haircut) 7/10
Season 9b: I loved it even more as it grew out though. Once the back had grown out some and the front was a little longer, like in the season 9 two part finale, that was just CHEFS KISS 8/10
Season 10a: OH MAN THIS LONGER HAIR STYLE IS ONE OF MY FAVORITES. Just the way his waves and curls were so prominent YES PLEASE 10/10
Season 10b: Heres what I call the boy band hair part 2. It was similar in length and cut, but not exact same to the OG boyband cut of end of season 5 9/10
Season 11: I don’t know what it is about this season but this is almost always the season I watch when I open Netflix and decide to watch criminal minds randomly. I just love this hair which is different for me because his shorter styles arent usually in my top faves (not that I don’t like them) but this one is another solid 10/10
Season 12b: ....10/10. It’s prison Spencer hair. This definitely doesn’t need an explanation.
Season 13: I don’t see many people say they actually like his season 13-15 hairstyles but I personally love them. It’s a bit longer, lots of curls just yes please 10/10
Season 14: it was a bit longer in the back and that kinda drove me crazy in some episodes, but I still consider this a high ranked one 9/10
Season 15: again, I really liked it. I just hate though most of the time it was pushed back off his forehead. I love when it’s over his forehead the most. They did do that in some scenes though, so because of that it’s ranked a bit lower than 13 and 14. 8/10
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yeosprout · 5 years
pentagon ranked from most to least gay
1. kino - must i explain? the founder of gay rights. lists sunmi and taemin as his biggest inspirations. rainbow ear and rainbow golf le fleur pride shoes. granted lesbians rights with always difficult always beautiful
2. hui - life motto is be gay do crimes. instigates gay shit and eggs on gay shit. always has his baby hand up some member’s thigh/hand/hole. (hole=mouth)
3. yuto - down for whatever gay shit that may occur. makes things gay when they don’t have to be. homophobia? yuto can’t relate
4. shinwon - he’s a gay indie art hoe !!! his love for harry styles? the 1975? various boybands? if shinwon wasn’t living as a boy group member for his full time job he would have a stan account w 20k followers whose tweets are 60% just quote rts of harry’s tweets. also has a lesbian protector vibe. ellen wants what he has
5. wooseok - he’s just a little gayby... the occasional smooches he’ll give to other members... the way he talks about them so sappily sometimes. Gay shit
6. yanan - see: cyzj. look at this fan and tell me it isn’t the work of a homeaux. straight ppl just don’t have the range
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7. hongseok - kind of a wild card because he’ll do very gay chicken shit with kino and other members but it seems like its mostly to get a reaction out of them... like leaning really close and almost kissing them.. but i dont think he would be mad if they actually made contact
8. yeo one - ????? that time he had a vlive w edawn about his drivers license dawnie was like “im here w my boyfriend ^_^” and yeo one was like “i told u not to say that...” also when he and hongseok lady and the tramp-ed some noodles he pulled away first
9. jinho - respects the gay community but it aint him
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thefanficfaerie · 4 years
Avengers Questions
1. Which avenger would you recruit to help you plan your birthday?  Tony! Have you seen the parties he throws?
2. Which avenger would you switch suits with for a day?  Tony. I want to know what it feels like to fly around in that suit. 
3. Which avenger would you want to train with?  Thor. I feel like he would be less likely to go easy on me because I am a women. 
4. Oh No, you need help! Which avenger would you call if you’re in trouble? Steve.  All though he would probably give me the stare of disappointment
5. Uh oh, you got arrested, which avenger were you with?  Bucky. I dont know I just feel like he would be the person I got arrested with for doing something stupid. 
6. The Avengers are playing basketball, which avenger would you pick first to be on your team? No one. I dont place sports 
7. You’re trying to make your ex jealous, which avenger do you pretend to date?  Sam. I feel he would be willing to help make an ex-jealous. 
8. You’re out for a good time, and need a wing man/woman, which avenger do you pick for the job? Sam. Sam is definitely a good wing man. 
9. You woke up with a hangover, which avenger were you drunk with?  Tony. I guess. I dont know. 
10. You’re going on a road trip, which avenger do you ride with?  Steve. I feel he would appreciate the road trip the most. 
11. No way! You slept with one of the avengers. Which avenger did you wake up next to?  Steve or Tony. 
12. Your favorite band is having a concert, which avenger goes with you?  No one. I like boybands and country music. Im not sure anyone of them would go with me. Steve might just to be nice.
13. You’re going shopping, and need second opinions, which avenger do you trust to help you pick out outfits?  Tony or Natasha. They both have excellent style. 
14. Your parents want to meet one of your new friends, which avenger do you take to meet your parents?  Steve. Who else do you introduce first to your parents. 
15. You get injured on a mission, which avenger would you trust to be in charge of your care?  Oh thats hard. Steve or Sam. Probably Sam would be the best. 
16. Your room is a mess, which avenger do you pick to be your butler, and clean your room?  Steve. Have you seen military barracks!! 
17. You wanna play a prank on the team, but need help. Which avenger do you pick to help you prank the rest of the team?  Cling. He would be the best for pranks.
18. Time to buy Christmas presents, which avenger is the easiest for you to buy for?  OMG. I am really terrible at surprise Christmas presents. So I am not sure. 
19. You’re going a mission but only one other person can go. Which member of the team, do you choose to go with you?  Steve or Bucky. 
@captain-rogers-beard @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan @beccaanne814 @suz-123
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horansqueen · 5 years
AM Conversations : chapter 7
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A Niall Horan fanfiction ; rated MA
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-one chapter is her pov, the next is his. -3.9k. -this may look like a love triangle but ill do my best not to turn it into one. -im sorry, i never proofread, i hate it. -there WILL be smut. but not only smut. -this is a romance, comedy, smut story. -for the summary, check my MASTERLIST.
-thank you SO MUCH to the people who gave this story a chance and read it and like it and ask for it. it means so much to me, i love you guys so so much!!! :)
-please, message me, give me feedbacks, it would mean sooo much to me!
Chapter 7 : Her chapter
I blinked a few times, staring at him and holding my breath. It was the last thing I expected from him and I was pretty sure he could tell from the surprised expression plastered on my face. In fact, if he had admitted to imagining having sex with Harry I would have been less startled.
"You're kidding, right?"
The left corner of his lips moved up, changing his face in some sort of sad expression just as his gaze fell on his lap. He was avoiding my eyes and somehow I was grateful for that because even if I was still staring at him, I didn't know if us looking at each other would be comfortable. His arm was still resting on the back of the couch and I was suddenly aware of the proximity of our bodies. I didn't want to move away and make it even more awkward but staying so close also made everything feel weird. Slowly, i moved my thigh away to make sure it wasn't pressed against his anymore but my heart started racing inside me anyway.
"I mean, yea, it's true." he confirmed, raising my hope up higher than it had ever been. "You know I told you I had a dream about us kissing, well it was more than that. We were.. you know..."
He shook his head a few times as if it would make it obvious and although I really wanted to hear him from his mouth, I didn't insist. I could feel my wall being teared down slowly as if someone was taking off one brick after the other. The feelings hiding behind were ready to live but I was not ready to take the risk. I swallowed hard and closed my eyes, trying to get back to my senses and not let my emotions take control.
"It was just a dream, Niall." I explained in a low tone.
"Oh I know." he let out after a few seconds. "I just wanted you to know I lied. The dream fucked me up for a day or two, that's all."
That was it, the moment was gone and my hope was dying. I breathed in deeply to put back the few bricks of my wall I had taken off and forced a smile on my lips just as he looked up. I tried to keep my smile but it faded slightly before quickly coming back. I didn't know if it was the alcohol or his revelation, but he seemed even more handsome than normally , illuminated by the moon rays. It made my heart twist in my chest and somehow, I was scared he would notice. I had to light up the mood and I just tilted my head, my smile turning into a smirk.
"Was it good?"
His eyes seemed to sparkle and he chuckled, sending me a small but amused smile.
"Woke up with a solid boner."
This time, I burst into laughter and he joined me. I let my head fall back against his arm and closed my eyes. I couldn't stop laughing and I shook my head again, turning my head his way as it was still leaning against his arm.
"That means nothing. You see boobs and get hard!"
"I'm not 16 anymore, Liv, the simple sight of boobs do not make me hard."
I stared at him, my eyes getting smaller as I looked at him in a joking manner. He raised his eyebrows and I tilted my head, not totally sure I actually believed him.
"That sounds fake." I pointed out, making him smile more. "You're lying."
"Show me yours then, and we'll see."
I slapped his arm lightly and it made him laugh even more. It was contagious and I felt my lips curl as I tried not to look away from him. I knew he was joking but I don't think I would ever be able to show him my body. I knew I was not one of those girls, the girls who got the good genes... girls like Heidi.
"Okay so let's say your dream girl walks by right now." I supposed, pointing out the bottom of the few stairs outside the house. "She walks up, tells you how bad she wants you, and moves her shirt up to show you her tits.. you would still stay soft?"
He brought his free hand to his chin, grabbing it in a thoughtful manner and looking up,  making my lips curl more. It took him a few seconds to answer and it made me chuckle. I nudged his side and he let out a short and fake "Ow!" before a smile reappeared on his lips.
"I don't think I'd get hard immediately, i'd need a little action before." he finally answers, making me roll my eyes. "Or, if I did get hard, it wouldn't be because of the sight of her boobs but more because of the anticipation of what's going to happen."
"You got hard while dreaming and no one was touching you." I pointed out. "Explain that, Horan."
I was expecting him to make the same grimace he always does when I call him by his last name but instead, he looked down, an embarrassed smile on his face and his cheeks turning red. Clearly, he was hiding something from me and although I was dying to find out what it was, I didn't want to make him feel worse.
"I knew you didn't have an explanation." I joked, turning my body his way this time and leaning my knee on his thigh.
The awkward moment was gone and it felt good between us again. I didn't want to ruin it and I decided to drop the subject of his dream and the game to make things a bit lighter. I was sitting with my best friend in the middle of the night just talking about random things and it was probably my favorite thing in the whole world.
"Oh, remember that one time I walked in on you jerking off?"
His cheeks turned a soft shade of pink again but this time he scratched the back of his neck and chuckled low.
"Without knocking, remember?"
"That's not the point!"
We were young, maybe 13, and I did, in fact, walk in his room without knocking. It was not something I was used to do. As kids, we clearly had nothing to hide from each other but we were growing up and it was the very last time I didn't announce myself first before getting in his room. In fact, for the next month I even waited until he would come and open the door for me, scared i'd catch him in a compromising position again.
"Yea well it was your fault." he pointed out, making me grimace.
"Alright, I give you that." I gave in with a shrug. "What were you thinking about?"
He breathed in and out and shook his head one time. "Killing you, probably."
I laughed and nudged him again.
"No! I mean, when you were jerking off."
I watched him frown and then close his eyes before shrugging and turning to me.
"I don't know. Back then, I think I liked Ava."
I looked down at my lap and started playing with the mood ring on my finger, almost waiting for it to turn a gold-ish or amber color. I breathed in deeply and my lips curled into a sad smile. I remembered Ava very well, everyone did. Tall, brunette, skinny and pretty much every single boys' fantasy back then, even some girls' too. Not me. I could only see Niall even back then.
"Surprise, Niall liked the perfect popular bitch." I pointed out slightly rudely. "Some things never change."
"Wow, a saucer of milk for the young lady next to me?"
I looked up and frowned, rolling my eyes and quickly looking away.
"Oh shut up, Niall, you know i'm right."
Silence fell between us and I think the fact that he didn't argue with me made everything even worse. I wanted him to tell me I was wrong and that the body and face was not a priority for him and at the same time, I knew it was bad of me to be mad at him for his preferences or just because he liked some popular chick back when he was a kid. It was just a pattern he seemed to bring with him through the years and I was jealous. I knew it. Plus, if I was a famous ex-boybander loved by all the girls in the world, i would choose the hottest too. I would probably still pick one with a great personality, but I wouldn't go for someone like me. There would be no reason to.
"It's getting late, we really should sleep." I suggested after a few minutes, getting up quickly.
I felt him grab my wrist and held my breath, slowly turning to him. The way he looked at me told me he was not mad or annoyed, and I tried to swallow the feeling of jealousy and anger that had spread inside of me.
"You're gonna give Harry a chance?"
I wanted to scoff but fought against it. I just stared at him and finally nodded, waiting for him to let go of me. It was ridiculous of me to think Niall would never be interested in me because of who he was but to still hope for something to happen with Harry. There was also no reason for Harry to have feelings for me. It just made no fucking sense.
"We made a deal." I just let out, raising my eyebrows.
His eyes softened but I could swear I saw sadness in them and I sighed, thinking it was probably because of the small argument we just had.
"Come on, Niall, it's late." I repeated.. "Let's just go to bed, okay?"
His grip on my wrist loosened and his fingers slipped until mine, grabbing them and making my heart skip a beat as I led the way inside until his bedroom. Feeling his hand in mine has always been something that fucked me up for a reason I ignored. Perhaps it was simply because it was something couples did normally, bringing my fantasy to an other level. He closed the door and finally let go of my hand before laying in bed next to me. I felt the mattress move and turned my head to look at him struggle to take his sweatpants off, wiggling on the bed. I laughed and did the same, sliding under the sheets and feeling the coldness of the fabric brush against my legs.
"I'm sorry for earlier." I let out after a few seconds of silence when we were now both motionless, next to each other. "I shouldn't have said that."
"Apology accepted."
I was still not ready to look at him or cuddle him and I ended up just closing my eyes, still laying on my back. This had been a very long evening and It was about time it was over.
"Night Nee." I whispered, feeling him turn my way on the bed, his hand slipping under his pillow.
"Goodnight, Liv."
His voice was soft and low and it made my lips curl despite myself. I probably drifted into slumber not so long after but I couldn't remember. When I opened my eyes, it was still dark outside. I turned to look at Niall who was deeply asleep, his lips parted slightly, and I held my breath as I stared at him for a few seconds. It felt like my heart was threating to jump out of my chest by my throat. I closed my eyes a few seconds and finally looked around the room.
I didn't know how long I had been asleep but it was probably not very long. I guessed about half an hour, and suddenly became conscious of how thirsty I was. I also desperately needed to go to the bathroom and made it my first stop. Finally, I walked to the kitchen and my heart jumped in my chest when I saw a shadow leaning against the counter before realizing it was Harry. A smile curled my lips and I walked up next to him, opening the fridge and grabbing a water bottle. We remained silent as I swallowed half of it and when I let my body rest against the fridge, I remembered I was only wearing one of Niall's shirts along with my panties. I was glad no one had turned the lights on. Not only because of the fact that I was half naked, but also because I could feel my cheeks turn a soft shade of red out of embarrassment.
"Can't sleep?" he asked in a very low voice, his accent weirdly thicker than usual.
I had a thing for accents and when Niall's would broaden, it made me even more attracted to him. I was just realizing now that Harry's accent was stronger when he was tired and I liked it. especially the way he would stop pronouncing the T's. It was bad to the point where I wondered how it would sound if he whispered 'good morning' in my ear as soon as we'd wake up in the same bed. I had an accent too, but I wasn't sure how much I liked it. In fact, I preferred when people didn't ask about it. I had spent the first few years of my life in France and although I shouldn't have taken that accent, my parents did, and they were the ones who taught me how to talk, obviously. My accent was clearly not as pronounced as theirs, but it was still easy to catch.
"Too many jello shots, maybe?" I joked with a chuckle, making him laugh too.
He put the bottle he had in hands on the counter and pushed himself off of it, getting back on his feet and closer to me. I felt my heart start to race but I tried playing it cool and simply tilted my head, looking up at him. He was tall, taller than Niall, and somehow, it made me feel secure, like he could protect me from everything, even from myself. Harry had this way to make anyone feel good and at ease. I liked it. Everyone liked it. Everyone liked him.
His hand reached up slowly, moving my hair behind my shoulder. Two of his fingertips brushed against my jaw and I couldn't hide the shiver crossing my back. I was not going to ruin it this time, right?
"Do you think it's the right time for a first kiss?" I asked in a whisper as he bent closer.
Ouch. Had I just ruined this? Again? What the hell was wrong with me?
We looked at each other for what seemed like an hour. I tried to decipher his facial expression but it was impossible. His eyes roamed on my face, lingering on my lips and back up in my eyes.
"I don't know." he admitted, his eyes getting slightly smaller. "I just know i'm tired to wait for the right moment. Perhaps, the right moment is whenever we want it."
I licked my lips and turned my body slightly to lean against the counter, exactly where he was only some minutes ago. He took a step closer and placed his hands on each side of me, holding himself on the side of the counter. It's only when he bent down again that I held my breath without realizing it.
"I'm just scared that when I start, I won't be able to stop."
I had to swallow the lump in my throat, suddenly totally aware of the heat emanating from his body and warming me. I could feel his breath on my skin. How did he smell so good in the middle of the night after too much drinking? How did he look so good even with puffy and tired eyes? Why was he so close to me, his lips almost touching mine, even if I was just a plain and average girl?
"Why me, Harry?" i dared to ask in a begging way.
Because I really was begging. I was begging him to tell me why he seemed to see me in a way no one else did. I wanted to know why he put his attention on me, why he kept trying with me even if this game had been going on for months, why he seemed to genuinely like me... I needed to know because it made no sense. This is not something that happens to girls like me. This isn't the kind of fairy tale that I would even dare to imagine. I was not the protagonist of a story like that.
His face changed and he frowned for half a second. He licked his lips and I cursed at myself in my head. Once again, I was ruining a kiss I desperately wanted and needed. Why did I keep doing that?
"What do you mean?"
By the softness of his voice, I knew he understood all the hidden questions behind the simple one I had asked. I knew it because he was suddenly more gentle, and his hand reached for my neck as he cupped the lower part my face and my jaw so sweetly that I felt my eyes flutter close before quickly opening them again.
"Why don't you kiss a famous singer? Or a skinny and beautiful model?"
I didn't want to point out that not only that's what was expected of him, but also that's what he was used to do. Did Harry Styles ever date a non-famous and average girl since he started the x-factor? The answer was an obvious and bold 'NO'.
"Because it's you I want to kiss." he just said, shaking his head and bringing his other hand to my jaw. "You're all i've been thinking about. I mean we spent so much time together on tour. You're one of the most genuine, smart, charming and funny person I know. And you're kind, and real, and beautiful. Yes, really. Inside and out. No matter what you think."
I blinked a few times, trying to keep my tears in but it was getting harder with every word that passed his lips. His words, although not easy to believe, made me emotional, and for some odd reason, I could see myself in front of the mirror again, while Niall told me I was beautiful. He shook his head slightly and moved one of his hands away, sliding his fingers on my shoulder and down my arm. He grabbed my fingers and squeezed them tight, making it almost impossible for me not to cry,
"You don't think someone can fall in love with you, Olivia?"
I tried to think of the right answer but first, I had to ask myself that question, which is something I had never done before. Did I believe it was possible?
"Maybe, but not someone like you."
He shook his head again.
"Well, you're gonna have to start believing it." he argued. "I'll do everything I can to make you see it. I really, really like you."
I kept quiet but could feel my eyes water. My vision became blurry but I didn't have the guts to wipe my eyes, scared it would make him move away from me. It made me realize how bad I wanted him to love me, and that maybe my feelings for him were deeper than I thought. He brushed his thumb on my bottom lip and without thinking, I ran my tongue on it, making the right corner of his lips move up.
"Do you like me?"
I couldn't believe he was asking me this question and the surprise made me chuckle. He raised his eyebrows, his lips curling more but still waiting for an answer. I dared to bring my hand to his chest and grip his shirt tight, nodding slowly.
"You know I do, Harry." I whispered. "Everyone likes you."
His lips parted to answer me and I focused on how pink they seemed to be, even in the darkness. I was impatient to feel them against mine, to find out how he tasted, to discover the kind of kiss we would share... Was it possible to have feelings for two men at the same time?
I tilted my chin up slightly, expecting a cheeky remark but I didn't have time. The lights turned on suddenly and we both jumped. I thought Harry would move away but he remained close to me and it made me feel guilty.
"Are you guys okay?"
I watched Niall frown and then realize his mistake. His lips twisted and his noce raised up in a grimace. He was about to apologize but I didn't want him to. For some reason, hearing him say sorry would make this whole thing awkward and unpleasant.
"Yea, I was just thirsty." I explained, taking the water bottle on the counter and moving it up to show my best friend.
"We were having a moment, but okay."
I felt my whole body tense at Harry's reaction. Even if his voice was low and slow, I could hear he was annoyed. Being part of this discussion was beyond my strength and I shook my water bottle a few times, walking to Niall and leaving Harry behind before any other word could be exchanged,
"I'm tired, goodnight boys."
I had to stop myself from kissing Niall's cheek the way I always did but at this exact moment, it felt wrong. What had happened between Harry and I was obsessing me. Not so much the fact that we almost kissed again, but mostly the words he told me.  I knew Niall had warned me about Harry's sweet talk but call me naive all you want, I thought he was sincere. I wanted to trust him, I had to.
"Are you doing this on purpose?" I heard Harry ask as I was walking back to Niall's room.
I knew Niall didn't mean bad and I was not mad at him. Being mad at my best friend, the man I loved the most in the world, was something too hard to do. One fight in a lifetime was enough for me, I didn't want any other to happen ever again.
I lied down in the dark until Niall walked back in the room and lied next to me on his back. The silence was not awkward or uncomfortable but it seemed like we were both waiting for something.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to ruin this for you."
I swallowed hard and with difficulty.
"You didn't."
It became silent again and when Niall talked again, I could swear I heard nostalgia or sadness in the tone of his voice.
"Can I take you close?"
My heart skipped a beat at the thought and I nodded, turning so my back was facing him. We always cuddled this way. it was nothing new. I didn't know why he felt the need to ask me this time but something had seemed to shift... something was changing between us. And I hated it. I hated it so much that as soon as his arms wrapped around me, I started crying. I felt tears invade my cheeks as I did my best to stay quiet. I had never been scared like that and all I could think about was that maybe it was the last time Niall would hold me close to him the way he always did.
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pop-punklouis · 4 years
Hi Hope! The bandphotos are in a m&g setting. There's a group photo but also a moment with the bandmembers individually. Im going to 3 shows with m&g so it would be fun to spice it up with new/silly poses! But I am absolutely inspirationless :c
ah okay! so i’ll just give you a few off the top of my head that i can think of that i believe would be quick and easy but also cute: 1) both giving a dead stare to the camera. 2) flipping each other off. 3) the proposal thing is always a classic aha. 4) i once did a standing yoga pose with alex gaskarth hahaha so ya never know. 5) a sassy attitude pose. 6) find an iconic film that has a certain pose on its cover and mimic that. 7) i think the group photo could be really funny if you do like a backstreet boys/90s boyband pose. 8) act like a meteor is falling down behind the camera man so just mass hysteria lol. 9) dragon ball fusion is a fun one. and uhhhh 10) ballroom dancing perhaps if they’re up to it?
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erased-zamasu · 5 years
a list of all my favorite gochi (and truten) au's
no one asked but,,, im bored so here ya go
(btw, i thought of some and some belong to others)
1. Delinquent Chi-Chi x Goody two shoes Goku (and vice versa)
2. (Gochi) Neighbors AU
3. Prince Trunks x Low Class Warrior Goten
4. Genderbent Gochi (Female Goku x Male Chi-Chi or M/M or F/F)
5. Queen Chi-Chi × Commoner Goku
6. The 90's (for both Gochi and Truten)
7. Demon Chi-Chi × Angel Goku (or Angel Chi-Chi x Demon Goku)
8. Yakuza but with Truten (the Gochi one was cute so why not do one with truten)
9. Movie Star Trunks x Huge fan Goten
10. An AU where goten was conceived before Goku died in the future Trunks timeline, so they help defend the peace by traveling to the past together (it'll be cute seeing how Goku reacts to finding out that he'll be a father of two when Trunks reveals who they are to him)
11. This one is kinda weird with me but Goku Black x Chi-Chi Black. When you look past them both being zamasu, it's kinda cute.
12. Saiyan Chi-Chi x Human Goku
13. Everyone's favorite-- High school AU (with Gochi)
14. God of Destruction Chi-Chi × Angel Goku (I'm talking about angels like Whis)
15. Rivals to Lovers (with Truten)
16. Mermaid Trunks x Human Goten (or mermaid Goten x Human Trunks)
17. Truten pirate AU (could tie in with the rivals to lovers trope)
18. Partners in crime with Truten. Instead of using their saiyan strength for good, they use them for bad
19. Imagine Goten and Trunks in a boyband, oh what fun
20. Imagine an AU where Chi-Chi is the really shy librarian and Goku is someone who only goes to the library to check out movies but ends up having a crush on Chi-Chi so he pretends to be into books just to get her attention
21. Vampire Slayer Chi-Chi x Vampire Goku
Bonus Au's that aren't really ship related -
1. Office AU
2. This isn't really a ship AU but,, what if Trunks and Goten swapped parents? Like Goku and Chi-Chi live in Capsule Corp with Trunks and Bulla and Vegeta and Bulma live in Goku's house with Goten for a week. I wonder what would happen
3. Okay,,, hear me out,,, a magical girl AU but with Chi-Chi and her gang (Bulma, 18, Launch). The guys (Goku, Vegeta, Tien, Yamcha, and Krillin) would be their rivals at first and then they all band together to defeat the main three villains (Frieza, Cell, and Buu). It would be cute to see them all working together
4. Also a magical girl AU but with Goten, Trunks, and the rest of the gang such as Pan, Uub, and Marron
5. An AU where Raditz is spared and becomes good, he ends up living his life with Goku and his family
6. Dragon Ball but from someone else's POV
I wanna make some of these stories but idk, which au is your favorite 🤔
also sorry if this post is really long but I just had to share these with you guys
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wickymicky · 5 years
7 is like the perfect amount of members for a group lol, i get why its seemingly the most common number. 
you know, i wondered why korean pop is waayyyyy more focused on groups than american pop. like, there used to be more boybands and girlgroups, but theyre pretty rare these days. but i think its clear to me now why that is... it’s cause dance and choreo is so important to kpop, and having a handful of members makes for some really impressive choreo. 5 is actually on the low end, and altho it can be cool, really the most impressive choreographies seem to be for groups with 7+ members. i dont mean “most impressive” as in hardest, because there are groups with less members but all the members are incredibly masterful dancers, i mean “most impressive” like even if the choreo isnt too difficult to learn, it looks the most visually impressive, and is probably super hard to get synchronized, even if the individual movements arent too hard. like, hardest to come up with, maybe not necessarily hardest to perform (tho, again, maybe still hardest to be totally synchronized with). 
look at a group like dreamcatcher. they’ve always been talented, and when the 5 original members were performing as “minx”, even tho their songs flopped, i think fans knew how talented they were at dancing. but even though people were aware of that, when they redebuted and added two new members their choreos exploded in originality and complexity. it wasnt just the change in genre that saved minx/dreamcatcher, it was the addition of two new members who were just as talented as the original members. the things you can do with 7 are just wayyyyyyyyyy cooler than the stuff you can with 5, in my opinion. 
a group like loona, with 12, is interesting because that’s not an odd number, and odd numbers seem to be preferred. its appealing to have one person in the center and the rest on either side in a symmetrical shape, so odd numbers seem to work the best, but loona is out there with 12 making it work. wjsn had 12 initially, but they added a 13th, and i wonder if that was part of the reason. loona’s choreos are strange though, they’re not typical choreographies. neither are dreamcatcher’s, but dc’s and loona’s choreos are veeeery different from each other even still. if anything, loona uses the asymmetricality as part of their aesthetic sometimes. fits their concept. 
9 is also a good number, and you get a lot of groups with 9 too. ive never seen one with 11 (yet, im sure there are some), and i know of two or so with 13, but that’s really pushing it. there’s definitely a point where they stage is just too crowded. and then the other direction, having 5 or 3, the stage can sometimes feel a bit empty. i think 7 is the best number of members, and 9 is the second best. 
it makes me wonder about a group like everglow, which has 6. they seem very focused on their dance ability, and bon bon chocolat was choreographed by a well known and extremely respected dancer/choreographer, lia kim. i wonder if they really are planning to add izone’s yena to the group after izone is finished, to make a more typical and powerful group of 7. it’s possible. 
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I personally as a bisexual have never been able to choose in my life, but for the bi ask meme u should do 1-25 👌 ily sis
thank u so much sis ily to death girl
1- vanilla coke bi or cherry coke bi?oof neither haha !! diet coke all day i just like the taste. vanilla is too sweet and i dont like cherry flavour !!
2- smokey eye bi or sharp eyeliner bi?both one on top of the other is my Everyday Look and no one can stop me
3- gold bi or silver bi?GOLD !! all the way. i dont have a reason
4- moon bi or sun bi?aaaaA idk :( i love the moon shes my mum. but my gf has made me fall in love with the sun.
5- walk in the forest bi or walk on the beach bi?oooo thats So hard. but walk in the forest :> ( @terrestrial-astronaut )
7- pastel bi or neon bi?pastel !!! soft
8- PwP (plot without porn) bi or PwP (porn without plot) bi?god uh. theres a time and a place for both ?? but Plot will always come first.
9- pun loving bi or pun hating bi?LOVE PUNS. i can never make em tho :(
10- strong bi-fi game or weak bi-fi game?oof weak tbh. strong when it comes to fictional characters but irl?? i am blind
11- cat bi or dog bi?CAT !!! kitty cat kitty cat kitty cat pls. i love them they keep me alive. also @vitariesocks. aaaalso my gf says that i *am* a cat person as in a cat in human form
12- boyband bi or girlband bi?ooOf neither rlly but girlband ??
13- coffee bi or tea bi?I love tea it makes me so warm and sleepy. its comforting. did u know im british. i lOve iced coffee in the summer tho
14- dyed hair bi or natural hair bi?i love my own natural hair !! but i LOVE brightly coloured hair like bright bright unnatural colours. mermaid hair !!
15- romcom bi or thriller bi?answered!!
16- matte lipstick bi or glossy lipstick bi?MATTE. tadaa
17- dragons bi or dinosaurs bi?already answered!
18- coffee shop au bi or high school au bi?Combine the two. coffee shop near a high school. boom. u cant tell me what to do
20- history bi or science bi?history!! i lov
21- frida kahlo bi or virginia woolfe bi?shut up. go away. i will not choose.
22- highkey bi or lowkey bi?highkey lmaoo i dont know how to not care about things
23- bowtie bi or tie bi?tie !! bowties look Bad on me but i like them on other ppl
24- selfie bi or candid bi?selfie lmaooo. i am Not photogenic so i gotta Work for a good picture
25- pizza bi or pasta bi?god i love both so much but pizza
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ultraviolencced · 6 years
multiples of three !
3. gold bi or silver bi?-                                                                                             gold
6. milkshake bi or smoothie bi?-                                                                          smoothie
9. pun loving bi or pun hating bi?-                                                                       love
12. boyband bi or girlband bi?-                                                                               both? like 1d is my entire life and i love little mix but those are the only kinds of those bands i really like
15. romcom bi or thriller bi?-                                                                              thriller, horror is the best but thriller is good too
18. coffee shop au bi or high school au bi?-                                                       neither i dont really know what au is but im not super into fictiony stuff
21. frida kahlo bi or virginia woolf bi?-                                                                     frida kahlo 
24. selfie bi or candid bi?-                                                                                      selfie. i dont look good when other ppl take pics of me
27. soft and squishy bi or sharp and pointy bi?-                                                     if we’re talking about animals and pillows soft and squishy if we’re talking about eyeliner and knives sharp and pointy 
30. playing with people’s hair bi or having your hair played with bi?-                     have my hair played i love it its the best feeling
33. black eyeliner bi or colorful eyeliner bi?-                                                          blackest black 
36. rough sex bi or gentle sex bi?-                                                                          rough, like kill me                                                                                                     
39. mesh bi or lace bi?-                                                                                          lace if i could have all my clothes made of lace i would
 42. sliced fruit bi or whole fruit bi?-                                                                       it depends on the fruit and depends on my mood but i love fruit in all ways
 45. desert bi or ocean bi?-                                                                                    both, i love the aesthetic of the desert especially like abandoned things in the desert and highways in the desert like the aesthetic is 👌🏻 but the ocean is neat and whales live there so its cool too       
48. bee bi or bumblebee bi?-                                                                                 bumblebee they’re so big and round and fuzzy and they dont sting i love them  
51. Extra™ bi or regular bi?-                                                                                   Extra™️ i am the most Extra™️ person like im Double Super Mega Extra™️
54. board game bi or card game bi?-                                                                    card game, i was literally playing solitaire with cards before i came on here
57. painting star constellations on their skin bi or painting animals bi?-                  constellations 
60. eyelashes bi or eyebrows bi?-                                                                           both i need them both to thrive 
thanks kate ilysm!!!
send me bi asks
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hamsolo · 6 years
I was tagged by @vendeamellon  thank you!!  
Rules: post the rules, answer the questions for you, tag 11 people and post 11 new questions:
My 11 questions:
1. Favorite musical instrument? piano 2. What restaurant would you pick for a date night? a “hole in the wall” type place 3. Are you a video game completionist? I don’t even really play video games 4. What tv series were you most disappointed in? Supernatural, definitely 5. If you could only eat at one fast food restaurant for the rest of your life, which one would you pick? does Five Guys count?? 6. What kind of youtube videos do you usually watch? my youtube aesthetic is BuzzFeed unsolved and Safiya Nygaard’s “the Internet made me buy it...” videos 7. Do you like board games? heck yes! scattergories is my jam 8. Favorite kind of cereal? french toast crunch 9. Favorite color of nail polish? red, always red 10. Flats or heels (all other things being equal and assuming you will not need to run away quickly or require the heels for stabbing)? heels 11. Mental math or calculator? mental math 9 times out of 10
Your 11 Questions:
Do you ever watch awards shows? Like the Academy Awards? the Emmys? the VMAs?
Are you the type of person who is always charging their phone or do you let the battery die completely before you even think about your charger?
One popular movie you haven’t seen yet and are honestly kinda afraid to admit...(it’s cool, I probably haven’t seen it either)
One article of clothing everyone should have in their closet is...
Be honest, were/ are you a fan of any boyband? If so, which one(s)?
If you were a part of the Star Wars Universe, would you want to be a jedi or a senator?
Do you put much belief into astrology? Or is it just a bunch of nonsense to you?
When you watch tv do you go for comedy, drama or good old-fashioned “reality” television?
What is the best hot dog condiment? Ketchup, mustard, relish or a combination of any of the three?
The historical period that you are most interested in...
One celebrity that is underrated... And one that is waayyyy overhyped...
I’ll tag... @corduroy-falcon; @jewishtaika; @oh-starry-eyes; @ohmababypoe; @carriefish-er; @bruceedickinson; @hanorganaas; @snakecrown; @shuri-udaku; @walkintheshadows; @im-a--loser
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lesbiansforandrew · 6 years
the loveliest @hiatusniall tagged me, thank youuu xx 
Rules: answer the questions given to you by the tagger, write questions of your own, and tag people!
1. Tell me about one of the earliest memories you have of your life.
probably from my aunt and uncle’s wedding, im the eldest child in the family and i was the only child then, i was around 3 or 4 i think. i was the flower girl and i remember snippets of the wedding and when we went on the canal boat and i was in the front with my aunt and uncle and at one point i stood on the bench and yelled at my mom. everyone still talks about that moment idk hahaha (and the trip we took after the wedding to disneyland where i was afraid of pluto and there is photograpical proof. i did hug him in the end) 
2. If you had to describe yourself as a fruit, what kind of fruit would you be?
shall i go for the obvious and say orange 
3. Quote your favourite character from a tv-show/movie
‘’who the hell is bucky?’’ the winter soldier aka bucky barnes in captain america: the winter soldier
4. What do you typically eat on a Friday night?
its either bread, pizza or mcdonalds really
5. If you have a pet, what is the story behind their name? If you don’t have a pet, what would you name them and why?
ok so we had lots of cats over the years (always one at a time) but i remember one cat that we got from the shelter and he had a permanent cold (so he sneezed a lot) anyway his name was wesley or something but nobody ever called him that so we decided to call him gabber which is the most dutch culture thing and @dizzyon will appreciate this. our latest cat was called smokey which we hated so we called her spooky which was real bc she was a white cat 
6. Which Hogwarts house do you belong in?
hufflepuff bitches !! 
7. What is your biggest fear?
at the moment its falling back into the deepest depression known to man 
8. Talk about one of the fandoms you’re in and why you joined that fandom!
lets pick the obvious again aka 1d, why i joined? bc back in 2010/2011 i was boyband obsessed and this group of fucking idiots stole my heart
9. Do you have a favourite fic? Which fic and why do you like it?
more than one for sure, but i Love into the blue and that fic where harry works in that hotel where louis also works i dont remember the name but both these fics are so lovely and i read them at times i felt really happy and good 
10. Do you remember the first website you joined? How old were you and what kind of website was it?
probably stardoll or something lmao, wait no it was probably habbo hotel at primary school actually
11. If you could go back in time to a concert you did not attend at the time which show would you go to and why?
OHHH BOYYYY fucking take me home tour in amsterdam, holy fucking shit. i am still bitter as fuck. i cried for like a week when i didnt get tickets, like that was their prime and i was in so deep and then i wasnt able to go eventho my friends did. wow its a suprise i didnt kms
12. What do you think is the meaning of life?
my depressed side is like life doesnt have meaning my other side is like harry styles, so 
13. You get to decide the setlist for One Direction’s reunion tour! Which 5 songs can’t be forgotten?
OH LORD what a feeling !!!!! 5 times. no joking they should also play olivia, home, act my age (YES OK) and end of the day (tbh just play everything from mitam tbh) (but mostly what a feeling) (obviously)
anywayyy dont really feel like tagging anyone so sorryyy xxxxx 
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billys-hard-grove · 6 years
YooOOoo, I got tagged by @harringrovehearted and @soaimagines  Thankss looooves <3 (they were slightly different though, so i added them up)
nickname: Man, i dont really have nicknames. Except for dumb ones that are derived from inside jokes. (give me nicknames please)(message me)(i love the concept of nicknames)(and i wanna know what you guys think about me)
gender: female
star sign: gemini
height: 175 cm or maybe a bit taller
current time: 11:09 am
birthday: 22-05
favorite bands: (ive done this question a lot, so im gonna name bands that i was into when i was a teenager)(theyre all very typical): Tokio Hotel, My Chemical Romance, Bullet For My Valentine, Bowling For Soup, Simple Plan, 3 Doors Down, Di-rect, Billy Talent  (and also rise against & shinedown, but they are still me faves)( i mean, of all these are still my faves tbh)
favorite solo artist: (as a teen) Avril Lavigne, P!nk, Kim-Lian (look, Dutch people will know her and laugh at me, but Kim-Lian - Balance is a great album and an absolute JAM)
song currently stuck in my head: I mean, im listening to Loren Allred - Never Enough (reprise) so that i guess.
last movie i watched: Spotlight (SO GOOD)
last thing i googled: ropes synonym (was it because i always use the phrase ropes of cum and wanted to write something else???) (we may never know)
do you have any other blogs: HA! yes. @raouelle is my main. But i also have a shameless blog, a big time rush blog, a 1d/5sos blog and 2 private blogs with my bestie. (dont judge, i make blogs for thing i enjoy but dont have an outlet for in real life) (like boybands) (they are all very much abandoned though) 
do you get asks: these hands could hold the world but it will NEVER BE ENOUGH!
following blogs: 466 (it is a problem. imma clean out inactive ones maybe)
type of blogs you follow: way too many harringrove ones, a lot of meme-y ones and i always keep a couple of blogs of old fandoms because i got attached to these people and i wanna keep in the loop. 
nationality: Nederlands
favorite color(s): eh?
average hours of sleep: 6 
favorite song right now: Forever - Kim-Lian (I AM LISTENING TO BALANCE AGAIN AN MAAAAN SUCH A BOP)
what i am wearing: a black tanktop with a colourful striped vest, baggy jeans and my red doc martens.
how many blankets do you sleep with: a big old comforter
dream job: eh?
dream vacation: eh? 
favorite food: SUSHI. ALL THE SUSHI
im supposed to tag 20 people, but who the fuck has that many friends? also, everybody has done this before. i mean, i have. ill tag people again next time okay?
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honeynutholland · 6 years
get to know me
i was tagged by @cahtastrophie  💕💕💕
Rules: Answer 30 questions and tag people
Nickname(s): m-luh lol
Gender: Female
Sign: aquarius 
Height: 5′3.5″
Time: 12:15pm
Birthday: february 8
Favorite Bands: 5sos and 1d (boyband but oh well)
Favorite Solo Artists: shawn mendes, niall horan, harry styles
Song stuck in my head: im hella late but bodak yellow by cardi b
Last movie I watched: ithe blind side!!
Last show I watched: while you were sleeping (it’s a korean show lol)
When did I create this blog: two ish years ago?
What do I post: everything i like basically, but mostly hollands + haz & jacob, spider-man/mcu, shawn, etc
What did I last google: the lyrics to on my own just to make sure i got them right (even if i’ve been listening to it since second grade)
Other blogs: my 5sos @sassingwithcal and my personal @fantahsmic
Do I get asks: not really, but i appreciate them when i get sent some
Why did I choose this URL: was eating honey nut cheerios when changed my URL haha
Following: 140
Followers: 656 (but 344 since turning into a hollands+haz blog! might start going with my ACTUAL follower count because i hate having to do math to figure out my new count lol)
Average hours of sleep: 6-10. it all depends on when i sleep
Lucky number: 9 and 19
Instrument: guitar, a little bit of piano, tuba, flute, piccolo, euphonium/baritone, a little trombone, a little bit of bass
What I am wearing: pj shorts, a tank top and a hoodie
Dream job: probably interior designer or wedding planner
Favorite food: sushi and pizza
Last book I read: the kite runner by khaled hosseini (i read this over a year ago lol)
3 fave fandoms: hollands + mcu, shawn mendes, 5sos
tagging: anyone who wants to do this :)))
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