#im literally like a low battery computer
tenrose · 5 months
Since I finally read at a higher rate with regularity, I'm really pissed that the thing getting between me and my books is my job but also I need that job to buy books, and you know food and pay bills but whatever
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akascow · 3 years
i think i fell asleep watching youtube on my comp last night and i woke up and was like oh i should put this down and i closed it and the secind i put it down i was like waitn did i actually just put that down or was that whole sequence a dream and i didnt actually fall asleep on my computer becuase i have no memory of falling asleep while watching it but i also have no memory of falling asleep period but i also dont remember putting my computer down but its there anyways but that couldve been a dream and idek if was even asleep that long or if i just closed my eyes or like a second and it just felt like houurs and anyways this all happened in like the span of like 30 seconds bc brain go brrrrr and i just marked it off as a dream and forgot about it until just now bc i just opened my laptop since last night and the power was competely drained and i usually dont put it away unplugged if the battery was this low which makes me think i DID fall asleep watching it and just drained my battery and unknowingly put it away without checking bc i was half awake and just trying to get comfy and long story short i dont recommend stay up for 24 hours straight bc ur brain likes to make u feel crazy idk why im even typing this because it literally does not matter oh well anyways hi im losing it
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huntsman-ash · 4 years
RWBY V8E5 LiveThoughts
And now for the last episode before the HUGE break they’re taking. Seriously, February? Damn, whats going on at RT?
It matters not. Lets see what this weeks episode has for us.
And here we see Aminety Colloseum, the place that Atlas SHOULD have weaponized the moment it rolled its way back here. Seriously look at it; floating free away from everything else...you could mount missile launchers and laser batteries and CIWS batteries on it, launch fighters from it, let dropships deploy through its base...a floating aircraft carrier of unprecidented size.
Or maybe turn it into a weapon...use its drive system to focus Dust energy into some kind of gravitational force...thats just me though.
Missed oppertunites...ah well.
You CAN see its been adjusted though, it looks less like the sports arena from its last apperance and more like a floating coms hub, with those dishes on the outside and the huge spire.
Intersetingly if you look in the upper right corner the moon is there but almost completely covered by the storm Salem summoned. Interesting.
Wait why is PEITRO out there? With like...no supports? Seems kinda dangerous to send the weak old dude out there...
...thats a bomb. A Dust bomb in pipe bomb style form but thats very much a bomb.  Yes, Penny, danger indeed.
Atmospheric orbit. Ahhh that must be the low-level orbit path that they need to ensure it doesnt loose power. The part where you coast along with almost no drag.  Like what the X-15 hit in our world, and punched through at least once.
Also thats a jet engine.
And Maria’s piloting it. To quote Daimon Baird; I know wha thappens when you let an angry chick loose with a power loader.
Multiple bombs...wait. Thats the mine that RWBY fought in with the Aces, the one that almost blew the fuck up. They’re... Oh. I get it now. They’re gonna use the blast to fling Amneity into upper orbit and stabalize it. Clever. Not exactly SAFE, but clever. Just hope the mine doesnt go anywhere important. Those tunnels are going to turn into firestorms.
Cute, she thinks she can stay and help. Trust me, Penny. You’re better off running.
Oh, and his chair has gravity restraints too. They...gonna handle the impact of the launch? I mean thats literally a fuel/air bomb under them. Dust/air...
Well Maria seems alright with it.
OH GOD DAMMIT. Its Cinder isnt it? Fucking bitch...
On the positive side if she DOES hitch a ride then they get a chance to give her the ol’ “Long fall special”.  Lets see your maiden powers save you from a fall from near orbit.
Well then, she burned right through the floor. Interesting. Maiden powers or her own, who knows...I do admit seeing her ride the ship in like that is kinda cool.
The eagerness in Cinders remaining eye interest me. Also, even when using maiden powers, her dead eye emits nothing. So that whole parts just gone. 
Secondary note, I think they’re standing on the...Shade emblem? Shade is the swords I think. Vale is the axes, Atlas is the staff, Havens the lamp. Doubt it means anything.
Ahhh, okay I was gonna say, that launch was...kinda lackluster. But the blast is being used as a BOOST on top of the four existing external thrusters. Like the yellow emergency turbines on the outside of the Pillar of Autumn in the end cutscene of Halo Reach
Dust explodes in its own individual colors. The blast under them looks like a Pride festival.
Also Penny just going WHAP like that amuses me, whereas Cinder just crouches. Guess she knew what was coming.
I dont see how the blast is helping through...maybe its the pressure wave and we cant see it right.
Now THAT is a command and control table!
Based on the image I can see, the map is showing “Atlas Mantle” in the middle in green, Aminety in red to the north, and the whale as its own red marker just off to the west a bit of Atlas/Mantle. So now we know where everything is stationed.
The scales all kindsa weird tho
Ah THERES the G-force. Emeralds literally stuck to the floor.
And because Cinders an unoriginal bitch, fire swords. Im not impressed ot say the least.  On a side note that DOES mean that radiobandit was right about her powers, so theres that. I’d wager this is a combination of her semblance and the maiden abilities.
For those who follow me, Cinder’s blades here are similar in look to what Ash Vulcan can summon, minus the fire. His are more of a cooled obsidian look.  They are, however, as sharp as these are, but much less sturdy. Ex; the one that pins itself to the wall by Penny’s head would have shattered on impact, which Ash uses as a secondary ability. Because no one likes a hundred glass shards in their eyes...
OH HELL YES. Maria with the mech. Now, Cinder...TASTE METAL FIST.
RT...I salute you. Angry mother figure piloting a giant robot screaming “get away from her you bitch”. ALMOST had it. Almost.
What smacked into her though. Neo?
Yes, Neo piloting their escape craft. Interseting.
Emerald looks completely useless and confused and Neo is suddenly very much in a realization shes inside a tin can and MARIA IS OPERATING A GIANT TIN CAN OPENER
Emeralds semblance works on Maria. Interseting, so it must bypass eyes. Effect the brain specifically. Note to self for Chrys on that...
WHY did Neo take Ruby’s form when shes fighting Maria? On that Maria seems very happy to brawl on the ground now. Old habits die hard, I guess.
Additional math note; “broadcasting range” is, by this numerical, 543.523 of...whatever Remnant uses as units. On Earth, the edge of outerspace is almost exactly 100 km, or 62 miles, straight up. So going by that measurement... (Doing the math here hang on)...1 km is equal to 5.43 of Remnants distance units. Lets just say 5.5. Assuming Remnants edge is the same (but everything we’ve seen so far hints that it is, or at least very close)
Alternatively, since we heard klicks used in V4, but miles used in After The Fall, we can assume this is one of those, meaning that either broadcast altitude on Remnant is ABSURDLY HIGH, because 500km is literally 5 times the edge of space on earth, and 540 miles is ALMOST 9 TIMES AS HIGH. Either way Im pretty sure this is the first measurement of Remnants units we’ve seen.
Alternatively alternatively, judging by the arrows we see, these might be required velocity to maintain orbit, which MAY make a bit more sense but it doesnt really fit. Low orbital velocity on earth for example is 17,000 KPH. Even with the math above, theres still a TITANIC difference.
And now we see the numvers going down again because CINDER BURNED A HOLE IN THROUGH ONE OF THE STABALIZERS. Bitch.
Again on th e weaponizing the colleseum; look at all this empty space. They didnt even remove it from when it was a consorse for the festival. You could put SO MANY weapon emplacements...the landing pads are still there!
Oh so now Cinders a Dawnblade from RWBY is she.
And exploding arrows too. Alright then, sure, why not.
Not sure what the point of this little bit was, aside from Penny trying to draw Cinder off and Cinder going back because...evil? Bait for Penny? Who knows. 
Oh yeah, Marias having a GOOD time. Also, Neos face when she gets kicked in it; “NO, NOT THE SANDEL!”
Also the disrespect from Maria. Yes. Suck it, Neo.
Also theres some timeskippage, as there is NOT a 2 minute gap between when we see the clock the first time and when we see it now. I dont think, anyway. Im sure theres math to be done but it serves the purpose its suppose to, for tension.
Uhhhh...Cinder, please. Your Salem’s most bottom of bitches right now. She favors Hazel and Tyrian over you.
Did Cinder really just try for a does not compute moment. Or is she just out of ideas.
Cinder stealing the maiden powers reminds me of the Grip of the Devourer perk from the Necromatic Grips in Destiny 2. Mainly the green energy flowing. I know thats Pennys aura stuff but it does remind me.
Ahhh they got a plan with Emerald then. Interesting. Also Neo taking advantage of a distraction sounds like her. 
And Penny ONESHOTS Neo. Lets be real here, without aura? She’d be LIQUID. Or maybe ash. Not sure how Penny’s funnels (THEYRE STILL FUCKING FUNNELS DAMMIT) works.
Annnnddd you forgot shes a robot and sees aura didn’t you.  Again, without aura, she’d be dead. Actually, she might legit be dead considering that scream. That sounds like the noise someone makes as their organs are fried by high intensity radiation. Not too mention the MASSIVE BURN MARK on the back wall there.
Very dramatic, Emerald, but really, come on. Penny has lasers. You would get maybe one more shot (from a weapon that has, at best from my viewpoint) a caliber equal to MAYBE a 9mm pistol. That stuff doesnt have the penetration power required.
If Penny wasn’t nice and more interested in saving Peitro...you’d be dead. Ripped asunder and Cinder made even worse. 
A pity, really, Penny has a heart. But...hey. Real girl.
I feed upon Emeralds tears though. Mmm. Simpy.
What the HELL is hitting them. Grimm?
Oh boy here we go, more of this. Like...bruh. Just set down for a bit. Always gotta be dramatic dont ya
Aww. Touching. But pointless in the grand scheme of things.
Interesting note but she puts her gloved hand on his cheek, not the one with the glove burned off. For what thats worth again.
Holy shit, that map wasnt lying. That whale’s almost as big as Atlas is from this angle. Mind you, might just be a trick of the location but it would make sense if they were afraid of a Grimm THAT GOD DAMN BIG. I was just seeing it as like, about the size of a normal sperm whale, maybe as big as the Leviathan from the series of the same name, but even that was barely 150 feet long. This things HUGE.
Nope. Pretty sure its about the same size as Atlas is long.
Also the Moon seems smaller from this angle oddly enough.
Wait is she gonna superman this fucking thing?
Okay yes, the numbers were based on distance not velocity, as Penny is pushing the stadium UP, rather than accelerating it in proper stance.
The noises she makes...huh. Glad my sister didnt walk in on those. Sounds...not like someone straining.
Hey look, its clumsy shitface McGee. HES NOT DEAD!
Note about the message; whos the chick with the eye patch next to the faunus in the back left of Ruby.
Im going to assume the first place we see the message played is the Mistral Black Market. Seems fitting for how it is, and the design matches Havens ascetic. 
Also in that same shot we see the old Karen from two episodes ago, a mouse girl, Fiona’s mole uncle, and someone new I think. Plus the huge eared girls mom who has a fox tail. And also one of the thirsty moms and her kid maybe?
Hey, Sun and Neptune! Out in the middle of nowhere in Vacuo. So this is the first time we’ve seen it in the show. 
And Ilia’s still alive too!
Hey and Goodwytch too. No voice, of course...she got fired ages ago.
Also hey, so this is where Ironwoods been. I love how Hare turns it off before Ruby finishes. 
I will note that technically Ruby’s not wrong. Ironwood cant be trusted. But then, he couldnt before because (gestures to Atlas’s pathetic, scraggy SOFT “military” instead of THE CHAD FORCES OF...uh...) (Rapid sounds of shuffling papers and files labeled “UNSC” “Coalition of Ordered Governments” “SRPA” “GAR” and “Yukon Confederacy” fly off the table)
Several others. Yes. Lets go with that. (Accidentally bumps paper labeled “Vanguard” off the desk)
Watts is back out I see too. 
Wait wait wait. Penny’s blades operate via chips...part of her, sure. So WHY does she need wires on them? AGAIN. WHY ARE THEY WIRE FUNNELS AND NOT SEPERATE ONES.
Interestingly the inside of the one Watts has resembles a Scroll...did Peitro commender that technology?
No focusing system for the laser. No chamber for acceleration or direction. Odd.
Salem looks oddly glad for this. Probably cause she thinks this is going to spread more fear. 
And Ruby gets to the heart of the deal. You dont beat something that cant be killed. You capture it. Hurt it. BREAK IT. A sentient being can only take so much punishment before it shatters into madness and controllable fragments. You just. Need. To. Hit. It. HARD. ENOUGH. 
Additionally Ruby’s got a point there too. Salem played the shadows until this moment when everything was going her way. So...whats she afraid of.
Annnnddd thats all it takes to hijack Penny? Seriously.
Fuckin god damn useless Atlas bullshit fucking...(LONG SUFFERING SIGH OF A TECH NERD)
Hey theres Taiyang. Where’s Raven?
Wait hold on a second. She catches fire literally two seconds after she falls? You gotta fall a bit more than that for shit to start happening. WHAT THE FUCK IS REMNANTS ATMOSPHERE?! Or is it just dramatic...
Also as a small note the way the coms between her and Peitro cut off like that is accurate to reentry; during the hottest part of a splashdown, a space craft creates such a huge trail of energy behind it, rattling and burning its way down, it creates a blackout with its own passage. So based on the massive Apollo style reentry fire cone shes already putting out shes most likely going to be out of coms until she slows down orrrrrr craters into Remnants surface with the force of a meteor. 
And no. I dont think shes dead. The fact that, DESPITE being surrounded by the kind of fireball that worked its way into the fueltank of the space shuttle Discovery and blew it and its crew to bits on reentry, she was still intact...shes probably going to be fine.
Hacked, certainly, but fine. It takes more than that to finish her. Besides now that shes hacked, she has to fight Ruby. We all want that right?
Ahh good to see Winter in full armor now. Or...close to it. Im sure some of its a support rig for her injuries but I like to think this is the start of Atlas’s Specialist Weaponization Program.
Ironwood makes a good call here. Same thought process as mine.
Salutes in this world are the same as ours. Interesting. Must change that for the HKs
Annnndd of course Watts steals the busted Scroll because IRONWOOD IS A FUCKING DUMBASS
Im...not even going to COMMENT on what the FUCK this thing is that Jaunes detachment found. 
Also why is there A TREE in the tundra?
Oh, caustic. Interesting.
Mmmm. (Pause. Fingers to lips)
Thats your plan, Salem? To literally leak liquid Grimm into Mantle.
More silence.
Ladies and gentlemen...Salem is, officially, THE WORST VILLAN. OF ALL TIME.
The level of incompetence and stupidity I have seen here today completely obliterates the LAST person to hold that title, President Snow from the Hunger Games.
The amount of unnececary back door work and seecret plotting here astounds me. Shes doing this because she can, Im SURE of it. Theres no other reason.
Unless...she kows in a straight out fight, she’d have Ironwoods metal arm up to her colon in seconds. Which I wouldnt be surprised about.
Either way uh...thats it. Thats the end of the episode. 
Nice fight, at least.
See you all in Febuary!
EDIT: NOT FEBUARY, the break is a few more episodes after this
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ilguna · 4 years
i also have a list of shit my history teacher (this year) has said and done so I will share it with you:
warning: its really fucking long bc he would say/do shit MULTIPLE times a day
goes onto the next slide, “it’s a meme, get it?” proceeds to explain the meme (its the hey arnold meme with the first)
also goes onto another slide, with the twitter opinion meme. at the end of the paragraph it says “this class smacks, I’m lit”
“I’m going to beat up your brother. i am going to pummel him.”
On the 6th day of class he finally realized that there was a total of 6 guys and the rest were girls
student: “You should not put it in (as an assingment)”. teacher; “laugh out loud, im dead”
he was teaching us how to write a DBQ, the computer had a pop up saying that the battery was low, and then a spider shows up out of fucking nowhere, hanging from the ceiling. he CLAPS it, jokes about eating it, and then sets it on his desk (not in the trash can 2 feet away) so he can “deal with it later”
his endless military stories, specifically ORANGE DESERT
he wrote “if you would have had your thinking skull on” on my first DBQ
him saying “I hate this” after typing a word wrong multiple times while teaching us DBQ’s lmfao
“For the lols”
Threw a box of tissues across the room into the trash can
threw a box of tissues at a student
he had this obsession with throwing expo markers at his whiteboard, trying to make it land on the metal part so expect that a lot.
“Do you want me to drown him in a bathtub?” (which was about a student’s dog that had separation anxiety lmaoo)
Sang the rain drop, drop top song
The collars on his shirt turned up
“He’ll be beaten for that distraction” (after his son called him during his lesson and he willingly answered)
“Stay woke” 
“It was a hot boy summer for him”
expo marker landed on the metal thing for once thanks to a towel that was there
kyle (it must have been a story or something i dont remember)
He woah’d at some point
HAHA so there was a kid in my class that had got caught with a bong on the second week of school and he was suspended. when he came back to class, we were going over what the south grew in the U.S. very early on into colonization. and he used the bong kid as an example of a tobacco farmer
tried to eat a balled up paper
“important revolutionary war stuff”
“My bae, George Washington”
“They could’ve killed g-dubz, but they didn’t”
called george washington “g-dubz” frequiently
he got excited over a military general (baron friedrich von steuben) for being a gay military general--”That was very well respected!”
“He had a ton of swagger”--referring to ben franklin
“His nickname was the swamp fox. You guys can call me that”
The snowball fight story--his brother was friends with a kid he hated next door. my teacher challenged the kid--Eric--to a snowball fight. In preparation, my teacher had froze snowballs, and so when he did have the fight, he LITERALLY knocked Eric out and left him on the front lawn unconscious (he was an elementary school kid)
one time he gave us the punishment quiz by accident, tried to make up for it by giving everyone the answer to #6. however, it turned out to be wrong so he just gave us all 100′s instead
another military story of the goat he bought from an old man with his buddies. unfortunately they had to kill the goat to eat, but the FACT that my teacher said this “a cute little goat--you know, baaa?” as if we didn’t know what a goat was 
He was the golf/hockey coach!! so not only would he talk about beating up the kids in the golf club
he would also do random golf swings all the goddamn time! with no gold club or ball, it was just air.
“You are about to get clowned, young lady”
pronounced pamphlet as pamplet fora good part of his teaching career (another story he told us)
“It’s definitely not the declaration of independence you mouth breather!”
George washington = bae on a powerpoint
“you tied me up real good”
“France also popped off”
Compares the Connecticut compromise to ppap (with the song and everything!)
Told someone to shut up after they suggested that Iowa was the least populated state (he’s from Iowa)
hick iowa, to be exact
Wrote 23 as 32, realized his mistake and said “oop im dyslexic”
“If it’s a purge, I’m killing everybody”
“Federalism, not onion!’
“Who’s the dumbass guy? Ducey!” (our state governor)
he got arrested once. his mugshot is on google images and everything
he got arrested bc some guy was destroying his house w a baseball bat at a party his friendw as throwing (but it was at my teachers house). my teacher respectfully punched him and brought him to the front lawn. called the cops when the guy wouldnt leave and ended up being arrested too. teacher thought his career was over and threatened the guy the entire way to the police station
“laugh out loud!”
“We beat the begeezus out of a bunch of british people”
pronounced wolf as woof
“Who was his daddy? Who’s his daddy?”
Called a swim cap a bonnet
“Kick!”--then proceeds to kick a tennis ball. before that he had just thrown it to get out of his way
“Jesus, you’re a big boy”
for like 2 weeks straight he used that same tennis ball to try and erase a whiteboard. and im not talking rubbing it on the board, he fucking threw it at the wall, getting it off little by little. he eventually gave up, though
“I’ll snot rocket into the trash can”
“Cause I realize most of you are morons”
was obsessed with the cowboy boogie
“Every time I cough, my tail bone hurts”
“Do i look normal?”
“I look like an old man”
“Shut up your faces”
“I see you back there, queen”
“Some of you girls need to learn from this article”--the article was old & about girls being submissive
“that would hurt some people’s feelings, but I’m not gonna show it hurt mine”
“He’s just--’meow’”--about his cat
he had a sweater that had his face on it, photoshopped over a boxer that a student gave him. he wore it during winter
flicked a tennis ball across the room with a hockey stick. hit the coffee thermo on his desk, stared for a couple of seconds, and THEN realized that it was open
First off, all you kids making memes about dodging the draft--we don’t want your dumbasses anyway” --continued to rant for a few minutes after that
he HATED the national anthem with a burning passion
“I’m old as shit”
also, his cat’s name IS meow cat
more expo marker throwing
“Hey there handsome”-- to the teacher next door
“Henry clay is going to haunt you until april” (unfortunately we didnt make it that far into the school year bc of covid. disappointed that i didnt get to be haunted)
Singing electric avenue
“but here’s the tea”
“Flagstaff is like--” *reaches as high as he can to put expo marker on the wall
“I’m adopting all of you, and we’re moving to saudi arabia”
teacher: “I’m gonna break bowers kneecaps in front of you. you still want to be on strike?” not bowers but a different kid: “no...?”
Cleaned the shades in the middle of him explaining something
“You know your pinky toe? this little roast beef?”
THE TURTLE SOUP STORY. when my teacher was still a kid, he found a turtle in the wild, and brought it to his grandparents house (they owned a farm). he took care of the turtle for a while, even after his grandfather found out. until one day he came home and saw blood everywhere, went to find the turtle to see it was gone. then found his grandfather chopping up the fucking turtle so they could have it for soup for dinner. his grandfather literally made him fatten up the turtle so they could eat it
“Did mr.*****--?” (referring to himself in 3rd person, also blocked out to protect privacy)
“i’m going to staple your nostrils closed. staple, staple. ‘I can’t breathe mr.*****!’ should’ve done your DBQ!!”
his pedo stache 
stood with a paper and smiled, thinking that a student was taking a picture of him when it was really the paper
doesn’t know who gaston is???
him: “I’m going to staple your noses together. One staple” Student: “*****’s piercing parlor!”
*singing* “beauty and the beast”
“I’m going to tackle you”
more random golf swinging
“What’s up (my name)?” me: hi *he then hits the bun on the top of my head on his way in the door*
And he did it again the next day
he literally made kids compete with pastries
which reminds me, he brought donuts in 2 days in a row like a week after that and make us (his first hour) take bites bc he realized he didn’t want to eat it. one of the girls was glad to take it from him, everyone else told him no
“Good morning (my name) how are you?” me: “I’m sick again... do you need help? (with the door)” him; “Actually, yes” (normally he can open the door even when his hands are full but there was a stack of pop tart boxes that were as tall as him so) i opened the door, he goes in and says, “thank you (my name), for not being rude”
the following quotes are for the Hot Seat
Student: “what do you do--?” him: “you’re in the hot seat!”
“Some people cry”
“La *****, luxurious”
“You sit here, and you stare (into the projector light)”
basically everyone in the class had to answer a question as a review. there was a stool in front of the smartboard, perfectly placed so that the projector light would LITERALLy be in your eyes. i actually got the question right on some miracle.
“2 points of weed?”
“Can I get some of that hot leaf?”
“They will make more drugs! You can’t do that much drug!”
“You guys bullied me and stole it”
“Whole rest of the nation sucked an egg”
“Whelp, let’s just kill myself”
“Do you guys know david chapel?” *sigh when everyone says no*
*some girls singing the national anthem* Him: “no! none of this, none of this!”
“Calibri’s for idiots” (the font)
“The only thing that was in--shit”
“and uncle sam--gettin lit”
“Their daddy--UH--”
“They’re going to blame the jews--my people” (he got a dna test done, he’s not actually jewish)
“Whatever you say, boomer”
“Use my words to plagiarize in college”
“I’m jewish, that’s offensive”
“Tell him he gave me instant cancer”
Me: “can i go to the bathroom?” him: “I’ll allow it”
him: “He’s antisemetic and it hurts my feelings” student: “what does that mean again?” him: “Hates jews :(”
“You guys can call me kingfish if you’d like”
~ after we said no to the nicknames, we tried to make one for him ~
student: “cornhusker!” him: “no, that’s offensive... and it’s also nebraska”
student: “corn picker!” him: “no--that sounds like a racist term or something”
“Unless corona really does take over--” (thank u, mr. for ruining the school year”
Student: “how old was she (his mom) when she had you?” him: “thirteen”
“My mom just turned 40 the other day...” (a joke)
him: “My brother got t-boned by a semi truck last night” Student: “Why are you laughing?” him: “Because he lived.”
“Yeah bc I would hide out in a public school with 300 new kids a year” (about him not living in iowa so he’s hiding out in az to get away from his “criminal record” (refer to the 1 time hes been arrested))
“Baby death?”
“Their family has more money than jesus”
*Standing outside the door yelling “CORONA” to students walking in”
“Hey I’m *****, f-word, blah, blah”
“We should fight our cats.”
“OH that’s a big chonk cat.”
“Mortal Kombat is pretty cool. I haven’t played in 25 years”
he told us in class once that we shouldnt open the front door if cops show up at a party. just to shut the blinds and be a little quieter bc the cops cant legally open the door
also one time he had a gun pointed to his face but he never finished that story bc he never liked it
during quarantine he set a DBQ as 1000 points (and i still didnt do it)
and “Here’s the tea, kiddos!”
honorable mentions: all the time he’s sent out emails bc theyre fucking hilarious
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nessaiscute · 4 years
Youre how i recharge
for @winterskulleton for all the attenton he gives my fall fey posts
“What? The winter queen is requesting a meeting?” I asked sitting in my chair.
Glitch bowed “Im very sorry my queen, she said she will wage war if she is not heard out.”
Darn it, Im doing all I can here! Why can’t her stupid soldiers stay on their side of the border? What is this even about?
“Ready the carriage Gltich, I guess I better go.”
Glitch saluted and I got ready, Looking my best to be a queen, Red lipstick, green dress, with no straps; shoulders visible to the world. and the dress let a trail. my hair in a bun. I took a deep breathe, sometimes i feel like a fraud. That one day someones going to reveal me of the fake i am.
focus snapped my brain, just meet Mab, she can’t actually do anything to hurt you.
My brain was right, Mab would never be able to survive another war with the iron fey. She only won the last one cause of me.I went into the heart of the iron fey and defeated the false king. She needs me, she has to be kind to me. I can do this. 
Lords that couldn't of possibly ended worse.
All she did, literally all she did was throw insults at me. most of them were very sexist and hateful, she laughed at everything bout me. her and her winter knights, they laughed at my face and my mouth my height and my body shape. and when they were done poking fun at how ‘ugly’ i am, they called me weak and pathetic as a ruler. Then...they said that, i had to leave after that. And they did see a tear fall from my eyes and they laughed.
No one said anything to me when we got home, I went straight to my room. and I went straight on my computer, i needed to work on something, anything to distract myself from that ordeal. 
I was soon going to find my distraction.
I was so upset, I didn’t feel a presence behind me, but I did feel fingertips glide across my shoulders and arms. I felt a touch that set my whole body on fire. I let out a small moan and then felt a cool pair of lips press to my neck. My body reacted instantly, my arms wrapped around the body. Which i know darn well who. it was my knight, my husband.
It was Ash.
“You didn’t tell me you were leaving today.” Ash stated.
“It... was sudden.” I was barely able to get out.
It was so hard to say anything when Ash does this, I love him so much. I forgot all bout my stress, all the mean words my mother-in-law had said to me. Right now i just wanted to take him to our bed and thank him for all he was doing for me.
“Are you okay? Your glamour levels are off the charts.”
I shook my head, “no, i had a bad day. I.... your mom called a meeting.”
Ash’s eyes immediately went from confused to sympathetic, “I’m sorry, I guess I should know what happened. She insulted you.”
I gasped, how did he- oh, who am i kidding? Ash knows his mom better then anyone, of course he knew what she would do in such a meeting. Ash didn’t wait for me to reply, he wasted no time. He started kissing my face and neck, leaving a trail along my face. each kiss felt like I was rebuilding my streangh, each kiss melted my stress. I moaned every so often, I got up, wrapped my arms around him and kissed him as hard as I could. 
after the intense love making session I found myself on top of Ash, kissing his bear chest. He chuckled.
“Oh, and whats so funny my knight?” I asked in a teasing tone.
“You need me, Its nice to see.”
He was right, I did need him. He was what kept me sane, i always run to him when i feel my batteries are low as the saying would go.  I need him when things get too rough when im lost in the water of this crazy world. He finds me and always finds ways to make me happy.
I just wish right now i could wipe that arrogant smirk off his face.
“Don’t get cocky! one day you’re gonna need me too!”
This made Ash laugh, a full hearty laugh, “Oh will I know? You gonna go kill Mab for me?”
“I would if you would ask!” I exclaimed, then i slouched in his chest, “Guess you don’t need me at all do you?”
Ash then kissed my hair and coiled his arms around me, “You’re wrong. I do need you. you help me in so many ways Meghan. There is more to being a queen then fighting. But... I will always support you no matter what you descide to do. But for the record, the reason Mab did what she did today is cause shes jealous of you.”
I pressed my face to his chest, “I wish you could of went. I doubt you would of let her do that.”
“If i was there there would of been a war. you know i can't control my rages when it comes to your feelings and your safety.”
I chuckled, “I love you.”
Ash then kissed my forehead, “I love you too.”
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Hiiiiii! So this is my first @amazingphil and @danielhowell fic. its based off of @maddox-rider ‘s Virus!Phan AU. I’ve been told its pretty okay, so please let me know what you think! :) 
Being lost in my own thoughts was always something I found myself doing. In fact, It was a situation I was currently in. I was thinking about dimensions, and how out of all in existence, I was placed in this one. It was the crunching of broken glass beneath my feet that brought me back to reality. The Junkyard was close by. I’d been to The Junkyard every single day since my parents ditched me, so I’d learned to love the old database buildings and the broken roads. Before all the upgrades and circuitry took over modern day erm...everything, this place may have actually been considered impressive. I always thought calling an abandoned town ‘The Junkyard’ was a bit rude. It was only like 20 years old. I looked over distractedly at a street light, the fact that there was a hydrolight in it catching my attention quickly. Those sold for a lot on the market. I jogged over and placed a gloved hand on the pole, feeling for an electric current to use. There were a lot of metal parts either in me or attached to me. My hands were part of this list and though my friends made fun of me, I always felt more comfortable when my metals were concealed. Maybe one year I’d let them show, be “comfortable in my own body” as they say, but this year wasn't the year. A blaring red message reading “ERROR: NO CURRENT FOUND” crossed my scanners. I grumbled angrily, looking up at the light and then over at some boxes and crates in a particularly creepy alley across the street. A stiff smile flashed across my face and I headed over. The crates were sturdy and would be able to hold me ‘till I managed to grab the hydrolight. I had the first crate out and was about to get the second when something caught my eye. This shiny box sat hidden behind all the other shit in the alley. It had a creepy blue-green tint to it, along with a pattern- logo thingy I’d never seen before. I lifted it up as signs of unfamiliarity popped up on my scanners. I dismissed them with a sigh and began feeling for.....ah, there it is: a button. Excitement lit up my facial features, the corner of my mouth turning upwards in a smile. A warning began flashing in my vision, informing me I had low battery. Please, I’d been feeling effects of low battery for the past three hours. I pulled my attention back to the box- Im going to call it Susan- I pulled my attention back to Susan and pressed the button. A blue streak of energy wrapped around my arm, lingering for a second before disappearing. I leapt back in fear that Susan was going to explode. Then, nothing happened. absolutely nothing. “Are you actually kidding me?” I slumped my shoulders in disappointment. I kicked the box that Susan was placed on and, after a brief consultation with myself, decided to leave Susan there. Slowly, I made my way out of the creepy alley and onto the broken glass road. I glanced down at my forearm, the place where my battery, charge port, and overall body stats were located. I was a little surprised at how low my battery actually was. I looked over at the hydrolight, then at my dangerously low stats, then at the hydrolight again and, with an audible groan, a turn, and a dramatic shoving my hands into my heavy double-layered coat, began to head home. While walking out of The Junkyard, I noticed some other citizens looking at me funny. I rolled my eyes and picked up the pace. Technically, Scrapping was illegal. Yes its terrible, blah blah blah, but Cyber-Scrapping, aka what I did (Or at least tried to do) on a daily basis, was ILLEGAL RED ALERT RED ALERT CAPS LOCK NECESSARY. Realizing how truly slow I was going, I started up a light jog. I had just made it to my house when I got a notif that “The Junkyard is currently being searched”. I furrowed my eyebrows thinking about Susan. Wonder if the police would find it? As much as I wanted to forget about it, thoughts of Susan trailed with me as I powered down for the night.
I woke up the next morning with a neon green message telling me I had reached full battery. Reluctantly, I opened my eyes. After a couple minutes of staring at my ceiling, I unplugged from my bed and got ready for the day. I didnt have many friends and I never really hung out with the ones that I had. This is how I liked it, because it meant I could devote my time to scrapping. I pulled up the security cameras I had installed in The Junkyard to do my morning scan. From what my scanners were showing me, there wasnt much activity today. I exhaled a sigh of relief, only to be interrupted by a single message blinking in my vision: SIGNS OF LIFE DETECTED. I stared at the message, reading it over and over before muttering “show me where”. After a second of redirecting, it put a pinpoint in the exact alley I had left Susan the other day. Quickly, I began dressing myself, yanking on the only shirt I seemed to have, pulling on my coat, and struggling to put my pants on. When they were about halfway up my legs, I tripped and fell directly onto my face, landing with a soft thud. “....Ow” I mumbled into the floor. I took a minute to just lay there with my face pressed against the floor before remembering what I was doing and where I had to go. Cold air filled my lungs as I exited my house, causing my body to buzz with happiness. I began a hurried jog to The Junkyard, not knowing what I was going to find but eager to find it. Now, just because I’m half robot does not mean I have awesome physical abilities and strength. I arrived at The Junkyard red-faced and gasping for air. I placed my hands on my knees as I dramatically heaved, waiting to regain my breath. Once my erm... episode was over, I headed to the alley. Can you just...Imagine the disappointment I felt when I discovered there was absolutely nobody there. The marker was still there though, glowing as if there was somebody in the alley. And there sat Susan. Stupid Susan. “What the hell are you lookin’ at?” I asked the inanimate object.  I stomped over and picked the heavy machine up, chucking it as far as I could, which was about 4 feet. It was heavy, Okay? Thats when I noticed the marker. It had moved. 4 feet in front of me. I stared at the marker, then at Susan. Susan was ALIVE? I walked over carefully before sticking out my foot and poking Susan. “....Susan?” I asked the inanimate object. I bent over and picked it up, remembering the weight, and pressed Susans button again. “Guess youre technically alive then,” I mumbled as I began to walk towards my house. “Just saying,” I took a breath,”If you are alive, you owe me for making me carry your heavy ass all the way to my house.” Susan, of course, responded with dead silence.
I’d never dealt with a machine this...old before. I mean, sure I’m not the newest model- none of the newer models had all of their literally most important pieces all assembled together on their forearm. Lucky for me, a machine this old- this rare- meant I’d get paid VERY well if I decided to sell Susan. When I got home, I set Susan on my bed and plugged it in, made my way across the room, then sat and patiently waited to see if Susan would explode. Instead of exploding (Bummer, I know) Susan emitted a light blue glow, beeped a couple times, then tripled in size. Thats right; This heavy ass computer looking thing unfolded itself into a box that was about as big as me. I heard a loud buzzing noise, followed by a vacuum noise, the Susan started fucking opening up even more. “Holy shit, NO!” I screamed before tripping and hitting the floor. I let out a loud groan, because I hit my head really hard, when I heard something that nearly made my battery die. “Are you alright?” came a voice from my bed. It was slightly robotic, but human for the most part. I opened my eyes and stared at the box, only to find a grown ass man sitting in it. “Susan, is that you?” I asked, half terrified and half curious. The man had climbed out of the box and was now standing in front of me, looking down with the same confused face that I was portraying. Then he snorted. “Did you just call me SUSAN?” He laughed, his tongue poking out slightly. I smiled at that it was kinda cute- in a ‘what the fuck where did you come from how did you just appear out of a machine box thing I called susan’ kind of way. “My name is Phil. What is yours?” He asked, his head turning slightly to the side. He held his hand out and I took it, then he pulled me up, resulting in me being practically nose to nose with him. “Uh, Dan” I muttered, staring into his seemingly holographic eyes. I took a step, collected my thoughts then looked back at him. He was staring at me, trying to figure me out as much as I was trying to figure him out. “So, uh, Phil. What exactly are you?”
To be continued... :)
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2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX
New Post has been published on http://auto.tintoantap.com/2017-kia-optima-hybrid-ex/
2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX
   With every inch thoughtfully crafted, the 2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX ’s efficient nature doesn’t stop at its hybrid powertrain. Its seamlessly integrated active air flap and smooth, aerodynamic shape help maximize fuel economy, proving that design can be both effective and expressive.
Less drag helps improve fuel efficiency and promotes better overall performance. The 2017 Optima Hybrid is one of the leaders in drag coefficient, a measure of a vehicle’s aerodynamic efficiency, with a Cd of .24.
The active air flap opens and closes, depending on your hybrid’s speed and temperature, helping to cool the gas engine, decrease drag, and maximize fuel economy
One look is all it takes to recognize the bold, iconic design of Optima—with modern touches that make it uniquely Optima Hybrid. Like Kia’s signature tiger-nose grille and an exclusive alloy wheel design for a confident, highly-aerodynamic stance. This is hybrid redefined.
Exclusive matte chrome detailing on the door handles and along the side windows complement the hybrid’s refined style.
The rear design includes an updated bumper for a streamlined effect, plus the eco emblem found only on the Optima Hybrid.
From Dynamic Bending Light (DBL) for smartly-lit cornering, to the self-adjusting brilliance of High Beam Assist (HBA), the 2017 Optima Hybrid offers advanced LED lighting technology that cuts through night.
Dynamic Bending Light (DBL) automatically adjusts the pattern and angle of the headlight beam to give you improved visibility while turning.
When High Beam Assist (HBA) detects approaching vehicles, it will automatically dim your lights from high to low beam.
2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX Price
MSRP : $30,990
2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX Specs
Type : 2.0 liter, Inline 4 Full Parallel Hybrid System
Displacement (cc) : 1,999
Valve Train : DOHC, 16-valve
Valve Timing : Continuously Variable Valve Timing (CVVT)
Compression Ratio : 13.5:1
Fuel Delivery System : Gasoline Direct Injection (GDI)
Horsepower, 2.0-Liter Engine : 154 hp @ 6,000 rpm
Torque, 2.0-Liter Engine : 140 lb.-ft. @ 5,000 rpm
Electric Motor : Interior-Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor
Horsepower, Electric Motor : 50 hp (38 kW) @ 1,630-3,000 rpm
Torque, Electric Motor : 151 lb.-ft. @ 0-1,770 rpm
Electric-Vehicle Operation: Max Speed : 62 mph
Battery Type : Lithium Polymer
Battery Capacity : 6.5 Ah
Battery Energy : 1.76 kWh
Battery Output : 56 kW
Battery Voltage : 270V
Battery Weight : 93 lb
Transmission Type : Electronically Controlled 6-Speed Automatic with H-matic
Horsepower, Combined : 192 hp @ 6,000 rpm
Torque, Combined : 271 lb.-ft.@ 1,770 rpm
EPA MPG (City/Highway/Combined) : 39/46/42
Fuel Tank Capacity (gal.) : 15.9
Emissions : ULEV25
Brake Type : 4-Wheel Disc w/ Antilock Braking System (ABS)
Front Diameter (in.) : 12.0″
Rear Diameter (in.) : 11.2″
6-Speed Automatic (lb.) : 3,538
Layout : Front-Wheel Drive (FWD)
Body Type : Steel Unibody
Steering Type : Motor Driven Power Steering (MDPS)
Front Suspension : MacPherson Struts, Stabilizer Bar
Rear Suspension : Independent, Multi-link, High Performance Dampers, Stabilizer Bar
Steering Wheel Turns : 2.8
Vehicle Turning Circle (ft.) : 35.8
2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX Exterior
Unique Front Grille, Front & Rear Bumper Valence, Side Sills : Standard
Active Air Flap : Standard
Outside Mirrors, Power Adjusting with LED Turn Signal Indicators : Standard
Heated Outside Mirrors : Standard
Power-Folding Outside Mirrors : Standard
Panoramic Sunroof with Power Sunshade : Optional
Solar Control Glass : Standard
Sound-Absorbing Front Door Windows : Standard
Smart Trunk : Standard
Auto Light Control : Standard
Projector Beam Headlights : Standard
LED Projector Beam Headlights, with Auto-Leveling : Optional
Dynamic Bending Light (DBL) : Optional
High Beam Assist (HBA) : Optional
Virtual Engine Sound System : Standard
Positioning Lights, LED : Standard
Rear Combination Lamps, LED : Standard
Variable Intermittent Windshield Wipers : Standard
Heated Rear Glass w/ Timer : Standard
Locking Fuel-Filler Door : Standard
Wheelbase: (in.) : 110.4
Track: Front/Rear (in.) – 17″ Wheels : 63.0/63.4
Length: (in.) : 191.1
Width: (in.) : 73.2
Height: (in.) : 57.5
Ground Clearance: (in.) : 5.1
17″ Alloy Wheels : Standard
Spare Tire : Standard
Size : 215/55R17
2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX Interior
Voice-Command Navigation System with 8″ Color Touch-Screen Display, SiriusXM® Traffic and HD Radio™ : Standard
Harman/Kardon® QuantumLogic™ Premium Surround Sound with Clari-Fi™, 630 Watts and 10 Speakers : Standard
Rear-Camera Display : Standard
Rear Parking Assist System (RPAS) : Optional
Blind-Spot Detection (BSD) System : Optional
Rear Cross Traffic Alert (RCTA) : Optional
Advanced Smart Cruise Control (ASCC) : Optional
Lane Departure Warning System (LDWS) : Optional
Forward Collision Warning System (FCWS) : Optional
Autonomous Emergency Braking (AEB) : Optional
BLUETOOTH® Wireless Technology Hands-Free Connectivity : Standard
Cruise Control : Standard
Steering-Wheel-Mounted Audio, Hands-Free Phone, and Cruise Control Buttons : Standard
USB/Auxiliary Input Jack : Standard
Dual USB Power Outlets & 12V Power Outlet in Rear Console : Standard
Supervision Meter Cluster with Thin Film Transistor (TFT) LCD Trip Computer : Standard
Tilt and Telescopic Steering Column : Standard
Power Windows with Driver & Front Passenger One-Touch Auto-Up/Down : Standard
Power Door Locks : Standard
Push-Button Start w/ Smart Key and Immobilizer : Standard
Dual-Zone Automatic Temperature Control w/ Center Console Rear Vents : Standard
Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) with Auto Hold : Standard
Front Center Console w/ Armrest and Storage : Standard
Folding Rear Center Armrest with Cup Holders : Standard
Dual Front Cup Holders : Standard
Front & Rear Door Bottle Holders : Standard
Front Seat Back Pockets : Standard
Rear Side Window Shades : Optional
Day/Night Interior Rear-View Mirror : Standard
Auto-Dimming Rear-View Mirror : Optional
Interior Lighting with Delay : Standard
Front Door & Lower Center Fascia Mood Lamp : Standard
Rear Reading Lamps : Standard
LED Interior Lighting : Optional
Glove Box Illumination : Standard
Dual Map Lights : Standard
Overhead Sunglasses Holder : Standard
Dual Illuminated Visor Vanity Mirrors : Standard
Carpeted Floormats : Standard
Leather Seat Trim : Standard
White Leather Seat Trim : Optional
12-Way Power-Adjustable Driver’s Seat, with 4-way Lumbar Support : Standard
6-Way Passenger Seat Adjustment : Standard
10-Way Power Adjustable Front Passenger’s Seat : Optional
Driver’s Seat Integrated Memory System (IMS) : Standard
Heated Front Seats : Standard
Ventilated Front Seats : Optional
Heated Rear Seats : Optional
Height-Adjustable Front Seat-Belt Anchors : Standard
60/40 Split Folding Rear Seat w/Center Armrest & Adjustable Rear Headrests : Standard
Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel & Gear Shift Knob : Standard
Heated Steering Wheel : Standard
Satin Chrome Inside Door Handles : Standard
Leatherette-Wrapped Center Fascia : Standard
Black High-Gloss & Metal Look Interior Accents. : Standard
Head Room: Front / Rear (in.) : 39.8/37.8
Shoulder Room: Front / Rear (in.) : 58.1/56.4
Leg Room: Front / Rear (in.) : 45.5/35.6
Hip Room: Front / Rear (in.) : 56.0/56.0
Passenger Volume (cu. ft.) : TBA
Cargo volume: (cu. ft.) : 13.4
2017 Kia Optima Hybrid EX Safety
Dual Front Advanced Airbags : Standard
Dual Front Seat-Mounted Side Airbags : Standard
Full-Length Side Curtain Airbags : Standard
Driver’s Side Knee Airbag : Standard
3-Point Seat Belts for All Seating Positions : Standard
Front Seat-Belt Pretensioners : Standard
4-Wheel Disc Brakes w/ Antilock Braking System (ABS) : Standard
Vehicle Stability Management (VSM) : Standard
Electronic Stability Control (ESC) : Standard
Traction Control System (TCS) : Standard
Electronic Brake-Force Distribution (EBD) : Standard
Brake Assist System (BAS) : Standard
Hill-Start Assist Control (HAC) : Standard
High Line Tire-Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) : Standard
Side-Impact Door Beams : Standard
Front and Rear Crumple Zones : Standard
Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children (LATCH) : Standard
Rear Child-Safety Door Locks : Standard
Internal Emergency Trunk Release : Standard
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