#im not sure which one id consider more likely. that im just naturally someone that ppl dont want to be seen with
cat-soap-opera · 2 years
is this hashtag paranoia or do ppl not interact w me a lot on this blog in a visible way. like replies n asks n shit.
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desire-mona · 6 months
dps boys (and keating's) favourite songs (aka me projecting because i love music) (also modern au because you cannot limit me to music before 1960 you just cant)
i made a playlist of all these songs in case you wanna give em a listen, you can find it here. if you totally disagree with me or wanna add more then absolutely let me know!
neil: talia - ride the cyclone (the musical)
yes i KNOW it's obvious to choose a song from a musical BUT. ride the cyclone is special, i think he'd really like the lack of an ensemble and enjoy the dark premise despite the comedic nature of a vast majority of the show. also i totally think his favourite performance would be by gus halper bc of the use of the projector. mischa or noel is definitely a dream role of his.
todd: vincent - james blake ('s cover, og by don mclean)
don mcleans lyricism is like catnip to poets and it has gone unacknowledged for far too long. a lyrically gorgeous, vaguely queer sounding song about a tortured artist, covered by someone with an ANGELIC voice. can you name anything more todd? not to mention the piano is so far beyond moving, nothing short of a masterpiece.
charlie: dear prudence - siouxsie and the banshees (again - a cover, og by the beatles)
firm believer that charlie was an avid beatles hater for a WHILE until eleanor rigby grew on him, much to his dismay. is now a casual beatles enjoyer, only due to the fact that their vocals annoy him. so a cover by siouxsie sioux (whom he most definitely has a crush on) is basically a blessing in disguise. loves the instrumentals, loves the vocals, loves all of it. insists that its better than the original and will ultimately die (correct) on that hill.
meeks: love on the line (call now) - her's
as much as i love and adore meeks, i have been loyal to my headcanon that he is an annoying music snob since day one. of course, this culminates in his favourite song being by THE indie pop/rock band that pretentious people love to bring up the death of. he is no exception, any time the band is mentioned he will without fail go "did you know that they died in a car crash?" either way, id be lying if i said this was a bad pick. the upbeat vibe mixed with the actual meaning of the song being about a guy wasting all his money on a sex hotline? it makes the whole song so fun, and thats right up his alley! super danceable too, which plays a huge part.
pitts: bad fruit - jean dawson
will mona ever shut up about jean dawson? signs point to no. anywho, if you've followed along with my pittsie musings then you KNOW that i consider pitts to be the most well versed music guy to ever step on welton academy campus. realistically, im sure his favourite song changes on a day to day basis, but he always comes back to this. jean dawson makes art that ive seen few do similarly, everything he brings to the table i find so incredibly unique and well crafted. definitely pitts' biggest music crush.
cameron: '39 - queen
absolutely, 100%, without a doubt, an extremely guilty pleasure. i take his parents as the type to ban queen in their household (for reasons that im sure youre able to pick up on) but i ALSO take cameron as a sucker for classic rock, match made in hell. of course, since brian may does the vocals on this song instead of freddie, he can listen on the dl and be fine. also, the concept of time travel in music is SO!!! INTERESTING!! would absolutely go on a 10 minute long tangent about the story and meaning of the song, which only mittsie would actually listen to.
knox: lavender buds - MF DOOM
fine, FINE. i'll give knox a proper headcanon, but i wont be happy about it. i think i would listen to MF DOOM a lot more if i was a former bully, but thats not actually based off anything so dont take that as an insult, avid listeners. honestly i dont really have an in depth explanation for this one, just look at the lyrics and youll understand.
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(this repeats 3 times)
i also take him to be a big r&b/ blues enjoyer, also based off nothing at all, so the sample probably appeals to some sense of nostalgia.
keating: clair de lune - claude debussy
yes, even modern keating's fav song would be classical, you can rip that from my cold, dead hands. this song was based off the poem by the same title by paul verlaine, which i'll include because it is just so damn beautiful.
Your soul is a select landscape
Where charming masqueraders and bergamaskers go
Playing the lute and dancing and almost
Sad beneath their fantastic disguises.
All sing in a minor key
Of victorious love and the opportune life,
They do not seem to believe in their happiness
And their song mingles with the moonlight,
With the still moonlight, sad and beautiful,
That sets the birds dreaming in the trees
And the fountains sobbing in ecstasy,
The tall slender fountains among marble statues.
Paul Verlaine, 1869 (originally written in french, so this is a rough english translation)
now the song itself does SUCH a good job at capturing the beauty and moving parts of this poem, and it fits perfectly with a plethora of different emotions. i know without a shadow of a doubt that its his kryptonite. is that me projecting because i love this song and i love keating? absolutely, but i still think its true either way.
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meatsex · 8 months
No pressure nor ill will, but as someone who has had past bad experiences with vinesauce fanartists, I'd like to know if you could possibly talk about your intent when you draw vinesauce art in such niche themes, large quantities, as well as basically drawing gore of real people. I like your art in general, but with some VS art, I don't know how to feel about it, due to the lack of insight to the author's intent, so that is all I'd like to have clarified, if possible.
im going to reply to this because you asked nicely, otherwise i wouldnt and ill say why at the end
i dont know what exactly falls in "niche theme", but these are things you will find not just in my VS art but in any kind of art i do: crossovers (vocaloid songs), parodies (shared line with crossovers), violent acts put on a comedic spotlight or in the reverse case, situations that are violent in nature but presented as comedic put through a more realistically violent light (literally see gen loss vinny anvil scene)
also see: my t/rent reznor art, my t/im and e/ric art
saying "basically drawing gore of real people" is strange, while i wont deny the definiton of gore applies to something as "blood covered person", its usually a term thats always been reserved and used for way more lethal things, like dismembering and maiming. with subjects and media that doesnt have an "established limit of how much you can put someone in a violent situation", ill top it to just drawing things like what i first mentioned, how does this judgement apply to what i draw then? let's use vlinny which seems like a good example with lots of fandom history too:
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(taken from his vinesauce wiki page) "his clone flesh will dissolve", while this isnt a vinesauce licensed trademarked (tm) description of a character, but rather a fanmade one, it still applies to what makes his basis, so, therefore: drawing vlinny with melting skin is okay because this is literally something that has been established by the person who came up with it, HOWEVER, anything farther or more violent than that while could still be true to the nature of the character, is something id preferably not to draw because it would cross the boundary of what has been visibly established by the source. this would be the same as me drawing joel ripping apart a demon from doom
BUT WAIT, what about the "hereditary" drawings? ill hand you the benefit of doubt and worry for these ones, because while they are a parody of one of the main characters (dont look this up if you dont want spoilers), i cant just draw a streamer dismembered and say "well duh its okay cuz its a parody", thats not how anyone's ideals should work, but i bring up the point again of limiting myself to what i consider is fair game established by either the source or general consensus, and i have yet to see people telling me OR others leaving commentary questioning stuff like blood
the type of art i make of VS is not a specific type of art id make only of this, but rather a type of style i already do by default and just apply to the topic im fixated on at the moment, if its something that is, like i already said, considered okay to do
its obviously a very blurred line what is the "limit" and how much you can stretch it, since none of the streamers are actors in a movie full of action, or characters in a videogame put in a fantasy setting, so unless its a "character" (vlinny, genloss vinny, joel as doom) my limit will always be "just cover the guy in ketchup" because this is, to me, the okay-est limit that doesnt cross the line to "now this is just getting borderline weird", im sure for someone else the line could be the guy having a small cut in their hand, and to someone else the line could be the guy being amputated completely (if this is your line get away from me, seriously)
now, at the end, why wouldnt i have replied to this if it wasnt asked nicely? while i dont think its a bad thing to ask (i will always be very open to discussion of my art) and i dont know how long you have been here and i dont expect you to tell me, i think if you have been around long enough or did a bit of research on my socials, you can see i hate a specific type of fan of media, especially media which involves irl people, and while it isnt a catch-all to say "hey im not a weirdo!", i think it helps make clear and establish that i dont have weirdo intentions at the very least. i am sorry that you have had bad experiences with fanartists of the community in the past, i cannot say because i hadnt been there (as a fanartist at least), so i cant blame you for being wary of what you might see drawn by me, and i am glad that despite these bad experiences you could have a grounded way to ask me instead of just accusing me, so that i really appreciate. id like to think i have made my "author's intent" clear with this reply, i have tried to be as descriptive yet clear as possible, but with some people you might not be able to ever clear your mind on what their intent is, and this is just my opinion but you wont be able to go knocking on every person's door asking if they are normal or not, and id never force someone to look at my art, if they dont like it or have stopped liking it, it is absolutely okay and its their right to curate their own online experience however they like, as i have curated mine
i also feel like this is something other people might have going around in their minds, but wont ask or dont want to ask, for whatever reason, and i dont think its something id suddenly begin randomly typing about one day. especially now that id like to be less talkative in social media for personal reasons
again, i hope this is clear enough, whether you keep looking at my art or not, i again appreciate that you enjoy or enjoyed it and that you could ask this in a grounded way
(edit) something i forgot to clarify, regarding why i draw such large quantities of art: i draw very fast so i can draw a lot, and VS is my current fixation, that's about it. a lot of the art you see posted regarding that is usually warmups prior to paid or personal work
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exiledelle · 9 months
please excuse my crazed and disorganized ramblings this is a long one and im not even sure if im making a point or just spinning in circles around a single thing that should be way simpler to say than im saying it
okay so i might be going a little insane over undertale yellows whole storyline with the blue soul, how something bad happened, people were attacked, etc
and my brain wants, or at least wanted, to make a whole Conspiracy Board about my thoughts on it, but im coming to the realization that theres actually not much i can say about individual pieces of dialogue cuz everything i could say about whats mentioned in-game basically just sums up to: What If It's Not What It Seems
like. everything said about the blue soul is just that there was an attack, not about what actually happened. i dont think it was the murderous rampage everyone paints it as, considering dalv was there and only got injured, plus the human fleeing instead of finishing the job or standing their ground like someone on a merciless route would normally do.
im not saying the human DIDNT kill though, to be completely clear. im just suggesting that the event is vague and uncertain, and theres still multiple ways it could go. maybe the human killed, but it was an accident, a mistake they couldnt possibly fix and paid a horrible price for, or maybe it WAS intentional for one reason or another, but they werent going out of their way to kill everyone they met, neutral route at worst
or, an option my brain is lingering on personally: what if they were FRAMED. by who, im not sure. why, im not sure. but like....the tutu is only referred to as dusty by papyrus, but the item itself is just "old". so maybe the dust is natural rather than a monsters, but with that said, its still THERE, and theres a weight to it. especially considering the ballet shoes' description says the shoes make you feel "incredibly dangerous" which on its own can be shrugged off as a joke, but with the context of yellow (ignoring that its not officially canon) its not that simple
and the WEIGHT of that dust is what the whole thing is about: something bad absolutely happened regarding the blue soul. we just dont know what specifically went down, even with undertale yellows spin on it. all undertale yellow gives us is where it happened, and how that humans journey ended.
i cant say for sure what actually happened, and thats the thing: i dont think ANYONE can. but honestly thats the thing i love about the whole blue soul plotline: its open-ended. and its somethin id actually hope for a fangame to try and explore, that theres no single "right" answer
(that said i do think its absolutely possible for a fangame that tries to touch on it to give it a single outcome and still be interesting and satisfying, im just leaning way more toward the multiple answers route)
also this is a side tangent but.
one thing id also like to bring up is the soul mode transformation in yellow: in each route, clover obtains the soul mode because of a strong feeling of justice. whether thats ceroba making unjust decisions in desperation, or discovering axis was responsible for the death of a human. (neutral routes an enigma, theres no real transformation, flowey just flips clovers soul upside down, and boom, theyre in shooter mode)
obviously souls are the embodiment of a persons essence, so this isnt really surprising. but specifically what im thinking of is. the blue souls mode in undertale is gravity. the soul is weighed down and has to jump.
what if, unlike clovers shooter mode, this gravity mode was NEGATIVE for them. not some ultimate realization of the humans integrity, its whatever happened in snowdin possibly weighing on their back? maybe they killed, maybe they led someone else to kill, but either way it loops back to them, in one way or another its their fault, and the guilt of it literally weighs on their soul and results in the gravity mode?
like i said in my cyan soul fangame concept, i dont have the means to work on a soul fangame (although id still love to), but i am excited to see how other fangames handle it assuming they do try and lead into yellow
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eyelessfog · 2 years
L you have No Idea how funny it is that we were talking about corrupted Nature Wives and then boom, Sculked Shelby
ANYWAYS pspsps Katherine you wanna come back to Empires and talk to sculked Shelby pspsps you wanna relate to her being cursed pspspsp gay gay homosexual gay
ohh my gosh bc i was thinking about in the opposite direction in which jimmy is like DEPUTY FOR THE DAY I NEED YOUR HELPPPPPP
oh hey wait i can shove them together
okay so consider this right. katherine is told that she needs to help jimmy catch a criminal!!! ["anything for my favourite sheriff!" "im the only sheriff" "well. exactly."] she gathers her things and asks him who exactly they're going to be catching, and he unrolls a poster tucked under his arm to show a demonized portrait of shelby [she does NOT look like that] with wanted at the top and
is that real??? how is she worth That Much Money???
"jimmy..." katherine says slowly. "it's not a very good look to arrest someone just because they're worth a lot. what is she wanted for?"
nothing, katherine is sure. shelby wouldn't do anything warranting such a large target on her back. it's a misunderstanding.
"That's what I wanted to know! and then i went to ask her some questions - and i TOLD her id have to bring her in if she wouldn't tell me what was wrong, and then she KILLED me!!!"
"oh," katherine says. "hm."
--- ect ect i told myself this wasnt gonna be a fic in an answer i was lying---
The thing about shelby, katherine has just found, is that she is very much cursed. or corrupted, or- or something. because skulk is curling up her arms and up her neck and suddenly the killing things is making sense because what would skulk want more than to spread?
katherine shoves jimmy behind her because bless him but SHE'S the one with a battle axe, and she stares shelby down. "Jimmy," she whispers. "jimmy, go figure out who knew the best way to uncorrupt cub."
jimmy takes a couple steps back, then nods and flies off.
"shelby," katherine says. "shelby, i want to talk."
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bettsfic · 1 year
Hi betts! Ive been finding your posts really motivating, they make me want to write more and more. So id really appreciate if you could give me advice for this problem!
I just dont know how to revise! Or maybe the problem is that i dont know how to write drafts that need revising.
Basically what happens is that i write a draft as fast and messily as i can. And then i reread it, and i really like it! So when i get around to fixing it up, i end up chopping out things just based off of vibes. And then i read that version, and i hate it! It shows a lot more technical skill for sure, and it coheres a lot more, but i feel that its completely lost its voice and style. I tend to write in fits of emotion, and i feel like any revising outside of that mindset just sort of... strips the text of its sincerity?
Where do i go from here? Its not easy to practice revision when its so disheartening!
When i attempt to write badly, it either turns out good enough that im scared to change it, or bad enough that im not interested in it anymore.
How do i revise a draft without removing the things i like about it? Do i just need to get better at identifying what i like about my work?
that's an interesting situation, anon. i guess my immediate question is, if you like what you write, why do you even want to revise?
in the 50s, the beats popularized this idea of "first thought, best thought," which basically means what goes on the page is what belongs there, and the first words that come to us are the right ones, not because they're good, but because they're first.
for your own purposes, for the sake of discovery, i think this is a great mentality. the process of invention is the purest practice of creativity. you're putting things on a page that weren't there before, and if you're doing that in a way you find satisfying, and if you're pleased with the results, then i think you should keep doing it. it seems to me like your willingness to revise and your ability to say, "no, i liked it better before," will naturally develop into a more dedicated revision practice. eventually you'll write the thing that makes you go, "wait a minute, that's not right," or maybe, "i like this, but it doesn't quite honor the story i want to tell." and those are the seeds of revision.
don't get me wrong, i'm a firm believer in revision. but more than that, i'm a believer in letting your joy guide you in any creative process. revision should feel good. you should want to revise. you may not always be eager to revise, but you should feel strongly enough about the nature of what you're creating that making it better will make you feel better. but if you don't want to revise, then you shouldn't feel obligated to.
still, if you want to get a sense of what revision can do to your work so that you can experiment and grow, i would recommend writing something short, maybe a thousand words or fewer. then put it down for a week, and rewrite it without looking at it again. put that down for a week too. then rewrite it a third time without looking at either previous draft.
when you have all three drafts, try to look at them with a discerning eye. which one overall is best and why? or if you can't tell, go through and highlight all the sentences you like and count them. whichever story has the most highlights wins.
sometimes revision isn't always about making something better. sometimes it's about approaching your work so many different ways that you've conceived all possible angles and chosen the one that's best. sometimes the first thought really is the best thought. but sometimes it's the fifth thought, or the tenth, or one that someone else has to bring to your attention. i think if you broaden your definition of revision to be "considering every way this thing can be written," it'll help guide you toward a process that works for you.
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nomairuins · 21 hours
future for scientist, bound for cadaver, and monster for both of them? 🤔
future: What's the worst possible future for your OC? Are they taking steps to avoid that outcome? Are they even aware it's a possibility?
SO unfortunately for scientist i think the worst outcome for her is. achieving immortality FJNFJFN despite that being the one thing shes working towards yk. i think deepdown she knows this but shes still pursuing it bc shes basically in denial abt it... i think her being immortal would rly enhance some of her worst traits. like she already feels disconnected/dofferent/isolated from other people (which is partially why shes pursuing immortality in the first place) but if she got it it would just be. soooo much worse. i truly believe if she did become immortal shed fuck off to like. the most isolated place on earth and shed never talk to another person ever again. Which she might think is a good thing but it absolutely would not be
bound: Has your OC ever been imprisoned or captured? What happened? How did they get out? Did the experience leave any scars?
soo this one is difficult bc cadavers backstory im changing my mind on it majorly atm... previously i did have him being arrested and held in prison for a while and then being broken out/recaptured by scientist but im not sure if i still want all that .. the like. nature of his ... Whole thing has changed a lot since i originally came up with her so im not sure if that still works. like it Could but idk... so this one is a bit of a weird question to answer atm bc i havent fully decided yet... i suppose depending on how much control you view cadaver as having you could say like. living with scientist is imprisonment but i do think if cadaver actually wanted to get out it probably could. SO idk... also scars r also being reconsidered in my mind bc previously i had him Getting scars but now im not sure if that actually makes sense with the healing thing... but the issue is one of the main reasons i made him is bc i think autopsy scars r cool 😭😭😭 so i dont know...
monster: Is your OC monstrous in any way? Is there something that makes them monstrous? Are they aware of their own monstrosity? Do they accept it or reject it?
scientist: YAY so i think scientist has always felt inherently other. but i think meeting cadaver RLY changed her for the worst like. she literally regularly murders another person. and yeah he gets better but you dont just like... even if its not permanent you cant just become ok with killing someone without being a little bit off. yk. i think physically shes human (unless i decide that she Does take on the whole possession thing. constant flipflopping in connorland) but i think mentally she goes from being like. kind of a misanthropic loner to being like. she basically simultaneously views cadaver as an ideal that shes jealous of (bc he has the one thing she wants, and bc she feels a sort of connection w it bc they have like.. similar but different motivations. yk...). and if the only person youve ever felt any sort of similarity to is a corpse possessed by ambiguous force i dont think youre like . you know ...
cadaver: so this is soo fun bc ive actually been considering having cadaver a bit more monstrous like. physically. bc obviously shes not human anymore BUT i think itd be fun if the possession had some physical effects on him... currently he just has the extreme healing/resurrection abilities but id imagine hed probably have some sort of enhanced strength as well. and i just love when possession has a physical component... but yes. EMOTIONALLY i think cadaver is weirdly in denial abt being a monster. like. i think she views the original part of her the one that died as like. the monstrous one. it feels more human now that its possessed bc prior to her death she was like. Somewhat similar to scientist in that she was very isolated but it was less of a choice if this makes sense. like scientist consciously isolates herself from ppl bc she just Assumes that they arent like. sorry im turning this into being about scientist again DJFNJF cadaver go lay at the bottom of the pool or something im busy. but yk she has that like. a view of herself thats seperate from other people/from humanity so she just doesnt bother talking to other people bc she assumes they would never understand. yk. so it is A choice to isolate from ppl (altho she also like..does not have social skills at all. as a result of this choice. so yk...) but w cadaver cadaver was alllways desperate for connection but in a like. rather than searching for One specific like. Unattainable kind of connection he wanted anything. and thats why she was so enthusiastic abt the connection bc it meant there would always be like. Someone. yk. and obv post connection shes a lot more like. confident and Able to make friends despite being physically more disconnected from humanity if this makes sense. so yes. i think cadaver is Literally more monstrous than scientist but i dont think thats how he feels abt himself at all.
link to ask game!
#i hope this makes sense i rambled so bad i love thinking abt like. their views of themselves. yk..#the parallels between predeath cadaver and scientist r rly rly fascinating to me which is funny bc I made them up DJFNFJFN but like.#bc w scientist like. her motivation for immortality is bc she wants to know Everything. she wants to transcend like. humanity and she wants#fully seperate herself from the human part of herself that shes always hated. which is the part that Wants connection and wants to feel#understood. she basically wants to be a robot or a god or something like that. yk. a part of her wants to remain human and the rest of her#Hates that part. yk. whereas w cadaver her immortality motivation was kind of like. tbh the immortality was a side effect NDNFJFNF he was#just like Ooh boy a thing who lives in my head who will intrinsically get me and never leave me and well be together forever. And bonus will#help me talk to people and everyone will love me and view me as a god. YAYYYY YAYYYY. and then the immortality is just kind of another bonus#bc w cadaver it just loves like. attention. and being seen in ANY way. so post death i think likeee. bc of its immortality other ppl tend to#revere it . yk. its personality is sort of magnetic despite the feeling of it judt being like. off. yk. i think that fulfills the need and#it kind of doesnt care that its like. they still dont actually understand him yk. hes still An other to them. she just views it as adoration#which is what it wants. you know. i think theres a partnof cadaver that still feels empty and longs for like. Genuine care#if this makes any sense at all. BUT YA IDK. THIS MAY MAKE NOOO SENSE AT ALL. the ramblerrr
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junowritings · 3 months
I can imagine you already have a lot of these, but Id like to ask for a matchup for bg3 please (no preference on gender!)? I suppose some people might consider me the mom friend of my group, I'm always happy to give people advice or reassurance, make sure theyre fed and doing well, and Ive found I definitely have the protective instincts for it. I have no problem calling out the bullshit of other people if it hurts them, and honestly if they even asked me to deal with the confrontation of talking to someone or telling them to buzz off i would without a heartbeat. I never have though, usually because i know better than to offer. Im also happy to take initiative and step into the leader role if no one else will or wants to. Im not the best with it, but ive been in situations where the only person willing to make a decision or do anything is myself, so its almost become habit. Thats really where the similarities stop though. Im very stubborn, which can be both a blessing and a curse. On one i really want to do or have something ill find a way to do it one way or another, which can lead to somr creativity on my part. However, sometimes, when it comes to arguements or disagreements, it can be hard to get through to me. Usually i try very hard to be understanding and i do well, but i know im not perfect. Im also very scatterbrained and unorganized. I love to be sociable and meet/talk to people, and ive always been very good at making friends, but im not the best at initiating those social situations. Im used to going unnoticed and never had the opportunity to work on it, so im used to just keeping to myself most of the time. Ill admit its not something i really like though; i hate admitting it, but i do love getting attention from other people. Its also not really a feeling i get often, but i do have a fondness for when someone gets protective over me. Ive had to fight for myself by myself a lot over time, so seeing someone else care like that would make my heart swell i think. Most of my hobbies are either creative or involve storytelling. I love to paint and crochet, and ive been working on learning the guitar, since i adore music so much, though my skills with each vary quite a bit. I do love learning too, some of my favorite subjects are math and science, not because im great with them (ill admit i suck with math sometimes), but because they challenge me. (I know that was a lot, but tysm!! Hopefully i got everything you need in here ejdjdjdj)
Thank you so much for the ask dear! This was plenty of info thank you so much for taking the time to send it! :D I think a lovely match for you would be...
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This is very much the protective meet-cutes for your respective circles.
I’m gonna be honest, it’s probably that fiery streak of sorting out a confrontation that introduces the two of you in the first place. Lia’s always taken on the role of the protector to those that she cares for; always been the first to step in and go to bat for the sake of her brothers, and she doesn’t shy away from any confrontation if it involves someone she knows. Her moral compass is unyielding, and even if it gets her into more trouble than anyone would like she sticks to them. In a way the two of you are very much alike in that sense, as your fierce loyalty to others is an admirable trait. 
She’s seen how you care for others, how you nurture a healthy environment and take the time out of your day to make sure that everyone feels seen and cared for. It feels like a breath of fresh air after everything that they’ve been through, to meet someone who offers guidance and advice and care with open arms rather than closed fists and scorn. At first she mistakes these feelings as respect - it’s only natural - but it really doesn’t take long for her to realize she’s becoming downright smitten when you turn that attention and care onto the tiefling. Lia works to repay you back in kind by having your back anytime, anywhere - sure you take on the protector role for your companions, but who’s doing that for you? Lia gladly adopts the role, even if it does net her more than a few knowing side-eyes from Cal and Rolan who know damn well that it’s also an excuse to stick close to you.
The two of you mesh well for the most part. Granted you may occasionally butt heads in certain circumstances - namely ones that involve her safety because we all know she’s far from being careful. Where you can be stubborn, Lia can sometimes be downright obstinate, and that mesh goes together as well as oil and water when neither side is willing to make a compromise. Lia will be the first to admit that she’s got a fiery temper, and can get worked up more easily than she would like; but thankfully with time the two of you can find a balanced ground to talk things out on. When things get like this, give one another some time to calm down and come back with cooler heads, and things become a lot easier to handle and deal with. Lia isn’t above admitting when she’s done wrong or gone too far, and her apologizes are open and honest because she wants you to know that she’s listening and cares, even if she does get too fired up sometimes. Expect to find apology gifts squirreled away in your pockets the days following these occasional tiffs.
She won’t always say it, but Lia’s damn impressed at how creative you get in your attempts to get your way and see through your plans to the end. You say you’re scatterbrained but she’s seen you pull some tactician level feats in your pursuit of finding ways to get things done. Oftentimes it leaves her flabbergasted because half of your solutions are things that most people wouldn’t even think of, and yet there’s no denying the proud little grin on her face seeing the satisfied look you get when things finally work out in your favor after all of your hard work.
On the other hand however if the two of you are on the same page about something gods are you a force to be reckoned with. You’re a united front, an unstoppable pair that once you decide on something it’s getting done one way or another. Which also means that Cal and Rolan are going to suffer. Not a single one of the siblings are above pulling tricks on one-another, and Rolan has more than once complained that you give her an unfair advantage whenever you’re roped into Lia’s latest scheme because of how well you work alongside one another.
Lia is very much an organized chaos kind of person - to any outsiders her organization skills are nonexistent, but once you spend enough time around the tiefling you understand quickly that she’s organized in a way that works for her. And that organization naturally shifts to encompass you own disorganization - little things like slipping your keys into your bag when she knows you’ll forget them or putting things that are easily lost amidst the chaos in places she can find for you later. It’s the little things but the thought is what counts; and you have to admit that the tiefling comes in clutch whenever you’re in a rush.
You’ll never have to worry about initiating social situations ever again. Lia is loud and vibrant and has enough of a pull with her headstrong nature to turn heads, and this is something she uses to her advantage. Pretty much every first sentence out of her mouth after an introduction is introducing you, an arm over your shoulder bringing you close and a tail hooked over your hip as she does so. She wants you to be involved; wants others to appreciate you and notice your worth and vibrancy and all of the love you give like she does. So don’t be surprised if she does exactly that - hells, 99% of Lia’s friends have heard nothing but good things about you before you’ve even had the chance to meet them. She loves her partner to the hells and back, and she’s enough of a hothead to make damn sure everyone knows it too.
If you’re ever in the mood to show Lia any of those hobbies involving storytelling she is absolutely ready. Tell her your tales as you run your fingers through her hair and along the grooves of her horns and she’ll just about melt into your lap. Don’t be surprised if your voice lulls her into a content enough state for a nap - it’s just so soothing, and Lia often winds herself up so much that she’ll crash into a powernap at the mere notion of safe rest. Even before the trek to Baldur’s gate a rest without one eye open was the norm, and anything more than a fitful rest was wishful thinking. But here with you? With your gentle touch and loving voice in this little moment of peace you carved out of the gate for the two of you? How can you blame her for wanting to savor the experience a little? Plus if she misses anything it makes for an excellent excuse to do this again. Just to hear how it ends of course.
Lia will take any and all opportunity to gush about the crafts that you make, and she’s not afraid to do it any chance she gets. That art piece you made? The paint isn’t even dry and she’s trying to strongarm Rolan into putting it up in the reception of Sorcerer Sundries. The half finished crochet project you’ve been promising to come back to? Every single guest you’ve had has heard how amazing the thing’s going to turn out once it’s finished. It’s hard not to get flustered over how brutally honest she is about wanting to show off your work to others. If you ever ask why she’ll simply respond by saying that it’s because it’s your hard work. And whether you’ve spent fifty seconds or fifty days on a piece it’s going to get just as much love and recognition from your tiefling.
If you’re looking for more hands-on experience learning the play the guitar Lia’s got no qualms pulling some strings to get Alfira to help you. I like to think that all of the tieflings kept some form of contact after arriving at the gate so chances are you’ll be well acquainted with most of them before you even mention your interest in learning to play. The same goes for your penchant for learning - Lia’s been more the type of person to learn from experiences than books, but she'll fully encourage you to pursue your interests! (she gets sibling rights to pilfer through the books in the safer sections of the library, so anything you decide to keep from there doesn’t get more than an eye roll, a resigned grumble and a warning to be careful from Rolan.) It’s well worth it to see your expression warm at the sight of whatever piece of learning literature she’s brought home to spoil you with.
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icehot13 · 1 year
Hey, I love your fics! Am waiting patiently for the next chapter of the current one and I keep wanting to ask you about it. So Simon and Jakob… Simon is not asexual and he loves Jakob and respects that he IS, but Simon is also gay and Jakob is gorgeous and… does he ever get aroused by him? When they sleep together etc. How does he feel about it, how does he deal with it? Sorry I’m just thinking about this more than I should and finally had to ask.
Hello!!!! I'm excited you're excited!!! I love talking about this fic so much. Currently I finished the first half of the last chapter, and then naturally skipped right on ahead to the epilogue because I have no self restraint. (I plan to go through and turn this fic into an ✨ original ✨ because I want it on my bookshelf, and for fun, it'll have an exclusive epilogue! I'm obsessed with it, it's Johnny and Jakob spending time together)
ANYWAYS. an amazing question I've thought a lot about!!
Simon is definitely attracted to Jakob; Jakob is gorgeous and Simon loves him, and has definitely thought about how if Jakob were gay and alloromantic, he'd want to be together in that way.
Something that's really important to Simon is to want jakob in the way Jakob wants to be wanted. I think he can be attracted to Jakob and shelve these feelings to let the ones Jakob is comfortable with take front stage.
I did sadly cut a scene with a hilarious conversation about this, they're in bed and Jakob is talking about not dating in high school and a football teammate saying he's a waste of a big dick, Simon getting turned on, and Jakob laughing about it. Sadly it didn't fit the vibes of Jakob mid-anxiety-downspiral (baby boy was not in the mood to make jokes about everything ) so it got cut but it was funny. (And because Jakob def didn't make it onto any football teams haha)
That's the way they'd handle it though, Jakob knows he's hot and that Simon's into men, and he doesn't mind Simon being into him that way. As for Simon, I think it's one of those things he just lives with, and he doesn't dabble much in what ifs; he deliberately doesn't think about "but what if he was gay" scenarios and is someone who very consciously takes what he has and doesn't ask any what ifs, particularly after working on it in therapy (given his.. whole history). So he doesn't make a big deal of it, just like. Notices Jakob is hot as one of those facts of his life, and just lets the feelings about that lie. He knows, and Jakob is aware, and neither feels pressured to do anything but let it exist, because they've valued their relationship equal to a romantic/sexual one and consider what they have to be equally as good.
(I hope this answers it!! Im also someone who tends to not really care much about sexual relationships in more of a 🤷 sure way, which I'm sure contributes to my feelings that sexual attraction can just be set aside. I'm somewhere in that 'everyone? No one?' queer umbrella so I'm sure that influences my writing ahaha)
Also may be of interest: I'm going to do things slightly differently with the next fic id like to do!! Ace, alloromantic Jakob, dating Simon. (Johnny is with graves 😍) I'm super excited for it!! New dynamics!! Electricians again because I'm obsessed!!!!
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mikarchive2 · 2 years
what i read in january 2023 📚
[ fanfare ] hello ! this year i want start making monthly recaps of what i read . including little reviews and perhaps reading plans for the following month . im mostly doing this for myself but if any of you want to talk to me about these books / give me recommendations / tell me what you read id be more than delighted ! kiss + lets go
( tagging @chateauofmymind ​and @andromerot here because theyve both recently tagged me in a book tag game ... consider this my contribution 💋)
1. deerskin by robin mckinley - ★★★★★ - i had high expectations for this one because i found it thanks to kaaju leopardheart and i trust her taste but it still somehow exceeded those expectations ... i feel like it broke me into little pieces and then put me back into a creature more whole than i was before . its definitely necessary to be aware of the trigger warnings here but the darkness in this book is worth going through and im saying that as someone who mostly prefers to avoid content thats too heavy . also i think the protagonist might be one of the most well-written female characters ive ever encountered
2. the descent of alette by alice notley - ★★★★ - killing the cop in your head, an epic poem . or something . the whole book is essentially a dream sequence and reading it before going to sleep made me remember my dreams which is honestly one of my favourite things about it . alette occassionally descends to biological determinism but i was okay with it considering how mythological and abstract the narrative is it didnt feel completely out of place . fun, mostly because it gave me Oneiric Visions
3. when women were birds by terry tempest williams - ★★★ - im pretty sure this was on my list because ross gay mentioned it in the book of delights ( not that he said anything else about it, mind you, he just mentioned it and i wrote it down . book rec acquired ! im silly like that ) . the process of reading this was surprisingly pleasant but every time i try to think about it more deeply i find more and more problems with it . the author is obviously very educated, she often quotes other people and i enjoyed those random bits of knowledge and also the descriptions of birds and nature but . some of the takes on womanhood did not resonate at all + sometimes it just got so pretentious . i think i enjoyed the style quite a lot though, even if i was a bit disappointed by the content
up next: well i am already almost done with a short story collection by thomas ligotti ... im not sure what goals to set here since february is such a short month, but right now my plans include the raven and the reindeer by t. kingfisher, the world keeps ending and the world goes on by franny choi and possibly something by jeanette winterson . purposefully delaying the ending of the sandman until march as i am a huge fan of symbolic gestures but i do want to finish the 8th volume this month too, that one should have a suitably liminal vibe
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superman--yoosung · 1 year
hi your matchups say they're still open, i hope this it okkk!! i'm 🐇
• i have no preference towards gender but i don't like super masculine characters
• i don't really use pronouns but she/her, ver/vers, it/its are ok. fem presenting but with androgynous swag. beautiful in a girlprince way
• adult character from genshin! only recently turned 18 though haha. no tighnari or childe pls!
• i loove fashion (designing it, studying it, wearing it), idols, rabbits and deer, sewing outfits + plush dolls and creaching around at night. i haate loud, messy people and lots of textures (i'm autistic). i hate the sunlight! terrified of dogs IRL but i'd be a collie or black german shepherd.
• i'm mostly quiet (INTP), i have no control over my tone/filter so i get people saying they thought i hate them/i look angry a lot. air-headed, very low attention-span and "bimbo" tier. clumsy most of time/i dont look at what im doing. i love acting valley girl or like a malnourished bimbo (idk). i'm like a dog with the personality of a cat. beliefs.. don't be a freak idk .. don't kill ppl and i will be judgmental if i don't like your vibes.
• i think i'd have electro vision just because i get it a lot on quizzes. i also connect to it the most aesthetically. id love a sword and id have a vv elegant/pretty fighting style ..
• personal flaw erm there's zero connection between my brain and mouth so i can't really communicate much of my real feelings (esp affection). i also struggle to connect with ppl!! i'm mostly disconnected 90% of the time so it's very hard to truly love (romantically or platonically) someone for me!
• i'm 162cm... vampire to the extreme i'm 100% a vampire if im in genshin.. very strict on skincare and how i look (sensitivity issues). OR half-deer.. or half-rabbit.. My personal aesthetic is ouji/lolita, victorian/gothic themes of Black Butler and The girl from the other side.. Dark fantasy/dark academia.. LOL
i'm TERRIBLE at giving affection and words of affirmation. i love words of affirmation though and i realllly jus want someone equally as love with me/if not more
Hello 🐇, nice to meet you!! Your matchup was challenging because I kept doubting my choices, thinking, "Wouldn't this or that character's design be a texture/sensory nightmare, though??" which is a really silly thing for me to get caught up in, of all the many factors involved. (But in my defense, all the characters have SO MUCH going on in their outfits haha!!)
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Your matchup is.............................
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Meeting under the cloak of darkness once or twice could merely be considered coincidence... By the fifth time, however, Kazuha was certain: it was fate that continued to bring the two of you together.
To those unfamiliar with the elusive duo, a relationship such as yours might seem threadbare - after all, since you only made your appearance when the moon was at its highest, and Kazuha drifted from place to place like a leaf in the wind, it seemed unlikely that you would ever cross paths in important ways. But you both knew differently. Naturally, even the smallest of actions, a singular drop in a pool of water, becomes a ripple whose rings inevitably grow in meaningful ways.
This is how Kazuha views your relationship: subtle, and all the more beautiful for it.
Fun details:
It will not take too many meetings for Kazuha to find you endearing. He's observant, so the nuances of your interactions will linger in his mind long after you've left. He'll enjoy learning about you and your mannerisms! He will always be respectful of your boundaries, too - and with his sharp mind, he can often tell if you're bothered without you having to verbalize it. (He'll ask, anyways, though, just to be sure.)
Kazuha admires your abilities and passion in subjects you enjoy. Many of the evenings you spend beneath the moonlight or on cloudy days are filled with discussions that jump from topic to topic, sharing your interests with one another. Kazuha is an eager listener, so feel free to share your passions to your heart's content! He will remember most every word. But when you're feeling quiet or have nothing to share, he can fill the silence with his charming words - though quiet companionship is also enough, too.
Of course, he knows how clumsy you can be, but as long as he's around, the wind will keep you steady on your feet. If you're comfortable with physical touch, he'll reach out to balance you, or let you hold onto him. If not, he'll do his best to verbally warn you of any uneven terrain or obstacles in your path you haven't noticed.
You two are THE definition of elegance in battle. Kazuha can swirl your electro abilities, making potent reactions. And as sword users, you can both keep your skills sharp by practicing together!
If you ever give Kazuha one of your creations, it will almost instantly become one of his most treasured posessions. He will do his best to keep it safe from harm on his journeys - though the wear and tear clothing might get from constant use is, in a way, a sign of how much he loves it. (Please forgive him if the clothes or plushies do see some light damage, though; the mercenary life is not always kind.)
Once you've become closer, Kazuha will bring you gifts from his travels. They're mostly small things that remind him of you: a carving of a rabbit, some medicine for your most recent clumsy tumble's resulting scratches, a paper umbrella from Liyue to help block out the sun. Whatever he sees that he thinks would interest you or that you might find use for in your day-to-day life, he'll get. If you dislike any of them, he takes no offense to that, either - he'll quietly store the details of what you disliked about it in his mind for reference the next time he gets you something.
You want words of affirmation? Oh, boy, does he provide! It's actually rarer for him to not slip a compliment or reassurance into your conversations. He'll take any chance he can to remind you of how much he treasures your company, and should you decide to pursue a romantic relationship with him, how much he delights in giving you affection (and being the recipient of yours, in whatever ways you deign to give it.)
He will write the most stunning of poems with you in mind, string dozens of haikus together with your name as inspiration. And, in the quiet company of only you and the moon, he'll whisper words of devotion, of loyalty and hope.
Kazuha, if asked to point to the one thing he loves most about you, will laugh at the inquiry, shaking his head. How can one point to a cloud in the sky and call it superior to the others around it? Kazuha thinks all of the things that make you unique are inseparably what he loves you for. To ask him to pick one is to ask the impossible of him. Still, if it was you who pressed him for an answer, he might relent, and tell you this: your very presence, right here beside him under the nighttime tapestry of midnight blue and flickering stars, gives him a sense of belonging, makes him think that - yes - there are things far greater than a life of wandering... and they can all be found within the depths of your eyes.
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~~I feel like many writers default to Albedo when someone mentions difficulty expressing emotions, and while I do love him for you too (for other reasons), I thought Kazuha would be better with words of affirmation and understanding what you may leave unspoken. I almost went with Rosaria or Yelan, also, as you both could be creatures of the night together (lol), but I hope this matchup is satisfactory!
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What direction do I wanna start this in
Someone good naturedly asked me today if ive been assessed for adhd
Im stalling
Ok so I got up the saving the grove party. Spoke to everyone. Considered propositioning Halsin, spoke to Laezel who propositioned me. She does not mince words. Told her Id think about it. Ive only had a romantic scene with Shadowheart and expected a proposition from her, but no just talk of enjoyment now penance later. Yeah Im probably not gonna pursue her now with that penance comment.
Wyll Im not using bc as Ive discovered I struggle with warlocks. Maybe easier as not-my-main but Im not bothered. So that left Karlach. (I double-failed to save Gale including a nat one, from the rock, so alas he perished there on that beach with nothing but a teleport marker to remember him by. Hmm can I sst up some kind of monument. Of wizard hats perhaps. It bears contemplation (no thats Halsin)). I tell Karlach I like her and shes so thrilled. Her little "Yes!" as she turns away ugh. Dammon had just tuned up her engine so I thought she was ok now. She hasnt been touched in ten years except in utter violence she deserves a cuddle at least. A hand hold. Bap her nose. Something. She seems like a very physical person with her dancing amd everything. I wanna summon her a pet to cuddle like cmon.
Regardless the scene is really swet and hot. The thing is. My guy is trans. And she says "I wanna ride you till you see stars" (hott). Uh we dont have that equipment....which leads me to surprising character building, Im playing a bard. He has to have at least 3 straps in his bag, maybe 6 or 7 to be excessive. And bet there are magical ones that feel like the real thing in Faerun. Im deciding there are.
I also like Karlach and Laezel together as a battle wife couple but I rarely need both of them in the party together. And I was considering playing as polyam as possible for fun but my research tells me Karlach and Laezel are both monogamous, Asterion doesnt like me much, no Gale, meh to Wyll and probably not Shadowheart anymore so. I was considering.
But Karlach. Its not even the strappy leathers tbh, I wamna buy her better clothes, better strappy leathers perhaps because hers have literally been to hell and back and find they look messy in a way thats unappealing to me. Id usually be into the leather tbh.
Shes so cheerful and forthright, she sings and dances, shes so joyous to be alive in a really genuine infectious way. Theres nothing preachy about it. She has no guile. I love her.
And its interesting to me because the way my particular flavour of aceness works - and yes this is probably a somewhat allo experience as well, you dont have to tell me - theres a million varied abnd theoretical layers of attraction up till like, actually yes I would do them if they wanted.
So like, Astarion the whole trickys vampire thing. Im into that in a game or a fic but I dont love it. Happy to see where it goes and have some fun. Anything remotely real-life, absolutely not I also dont know if I want to be his friend.
Laezel....hot yes but more distant. She doesnt share of herself. As a theoretical one night stand, or something super casual, sure. Irl, nope absolutely not, i dont think we'd be great friends but I could hope for mutual respect/not enemies. Exist peacably in the same circles.
Shadowheart I could be friends with occasionally but I could NOT be her therapist. I might not be there to hold her hand through her baggage either. Probably would turn down a proposition.
Wyll, eh hes attractive enough. Maybe as a one night/short term thing.
Halsin....idk how I feel about Halsin. Hes almost too wholesome? Mr druid peace with nature he doesnt want to be a leader. Id like to see him not as Mr Responsible with his hair down more. (I cant seem to add him to my party? Does he stay at camp?). With Halsin Im torn between desirr and fear of his bigness and strength. Which to some people might be ideal actually but Im not sure. I think I need to see more of his personality first. And thats def the aceness there.
Ive left her for last. Karlach. Shes my favourite. - Actually the only person whos come close is Elfira the tiefling bard, who sadly is not romanceable. Her cutscene with the song is the brightest joy and my favourite moment of thr game so far. The emotional honesty, the enthusiasm, the passion. (Am I starting to suspect I have a type. Its also often dark dashing boys like Kaz Brekker and Vaxildan but maybe its dark boys amd bright women. Idk.)
Karlach, if she were a real woman in front of me in the world I would say yes no hesitation. That is so rare for me.
Like I was being calculating about who to go with keep my options open and then she was so excited and shes just so deeply desirous not just of sex but also kind touch and also life, its kind of intoxicating. And shes jointly imagined and programmed and designed and voiced and she exists as software and art and thats beautiful?
Im a very inexperienced gamer. Ive never played or even heard of a game thats so normal about sex. Other games have sexuality but its like, seedy, theres a scene in a strip club or some gang boss has sex workers in their base, its always degrading. Theres shadowheart and her penance line, but like Keyleth in legend of vox machina, its very clearly the characters hangups, not the devs not the game experience. And here its just normal. You dont have to pursue anything with anyone. You can because its an adult game with adult characters. If you scroll the tags here you would think it was a dating sim.
I just think thats really cool, and Im really enjoying it. Thr only big thing missing is the same-time collaborative aspect that the devs cant extrapolate and create stuff influenced by our choices. Its more linear, they built in options, we collaborate by playing and making choices. But thats what tabletop games are for, not video games
If youve made it this far, re games. So far ivr played disco elysium, hades, and now bg3. Throw me some reccomendations please, Im enjoying all three. Oh and also In Other Waters, and Potionomics.
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zukos-tiny-burnt-ear · 2 months
Inside out 2 thoughts
ok, so like i said i got to see inside out 2 yesterday and i really enjoyed it! ive been rotating it in my head all day and collecting my thoughts on it and i want to share them (long post ahead and naturally contains spoilers so if you care maybe consider avoiding)
so if you've seen any ads about this movie you probably know the general premise which is that the movie follows riley as a 13-year-old, and the new changes she is going through as a result of being an adolescent. additionally, four new emotions move into riley's mind - envy, embarrassment, ennui, and anxiety. it's a fun concept, and i think it's a very good expansion from the first movie! and after watching this one i actually kind of hope they make one last movie, perhaps set when riley is a senior in high school and getting ready for adulthood (and in the scene where joy/sadness/disgust/fear/anger are trapped in the vault they meet riley's "dark secret" who is kept very vague and not explored and says he isn't ready to come out yet so i could see them exploring it in the future. plus many popular kids films like to become a little trilogy, rule of threes and all)
anyway id like to first of all talk about the designs of the new characters. i don't have a whole whole lot to say about envy, but i do really like how little she is, it think it makes her come off as like a little dog, which adds to her being the embodiment of envy (you know how little dogs always want to act like they're bigger than they actually are). and i adore the way she likes to sit on the console, i think its very cute. i do wish she was green, as that is the color most closely associated with envy, but i can also acknowledge that they may not have originally planned for a sequel when designing the first five emotions. the first five are a nice almost-rainbow, and envy/jealousy is simply not as common an emotion for younger kids as it is for adolescents/teenagers, so it makes sense that disgust is green instead. envy also reminds me of a different character from somewhere else but i just cannot for the life of me think of who
embarrassment is one who i think was very cleverly designed actually. i love that he is very large, which means that it's nearly impossible for him to avoid attention which just makes his own feelings of embarrassment worse. i just think its a lovely irony of character design, and appreciate the thought that was put into it. i also enjoy the fact that he's pink, like the color of blushing (such as from embarrassment). also, despite the fact he doesn't really speak throughout the movie, his role in helping conceal sadness when she sneaks back into headquarters was very sweet and i think he's a lovely little guy
im not 100% sure how i feel about ennui's overall design. at first i wasn't so big on how human he looked, but as im thinking more on it (and double checking his appearance) i realize he's shaped more noodley than i had initially thought, and he moves like a slinky which i think is fun. also the way he just kinda hangs out in his socks is a nice detail (whereas the other characters have some semblance of shoes or just little feets). i also like that he was given a french accent, as the word comes from the french language, and i just think its a good touch. i did remember him having a beret, but apparently he does not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. im a big fan of the indigo color though, but thats also just cause i love a good dark blue
and lastly there's anxiety, who i have found i absolutely adore. she completes the rainbow with her orange color,* which is just perfect to encapsulate the feeling of anxiety (think like orange traffic cones and such that are meant to serve as caution signals). someone else on tumblr made a post talking about how they were glad that she was very creature-esque, as pretty much all the other "girl" emotions were much more human shaped, which i whole-heartedly agree with. she reminds me of a muppet, or perhaps a strange bird. most importantly though i love how she portrays the feeling of anxiety which im gonna get into in the next paragraph
so when i went to see the movie, i went into it expecting anxiety to be characterized as your typical nervous-wreck type character, as it is a disney filmed aimed at kids, and it seemed a simple enough portrayal. instead, she is characterized as intelligent and friendly, though she is most certainly a fawn and an over-thinker. she toes the line between logical and illogical in the same way that anxious thoughts do in real life. the way she rationalizes all the poor decisions she makes for riley almost seems to make sense, despite the fact that its clear riley's life and personality are crumbling and then being held together with duct tape. for example why on earth would riley leave her friends to hang out with the high schoolers? well her friends are going to be leaving her anyway so we better get a start on making new friends. it almost makes perfect sense except it doesnt. and as anxiety continues on at the helm of riley's mind her decisions get worse and more frantic, more worried about how riley will be perceived and what her future will be like, until she literally begins to spiral out of control
those are all my big thoughts on it, but there's honestly probably more i could say. however this post is long enough so im going to stop here for now lolol
the climax of the movie is when riley is playing in the scrimmage at her hockey camp, and anxiety is doing everything she can to get her onto the high school team. however after being too focused on scoring, anxiety accidentally causes riley to harm one of her old friends and gets her sent to the penalty box, where anxiety begins to panic because in her eyes, if she can't get riley to score she can't secure a good future for her. she begins to move rapidly around to console, giving riley an anxiety attack. in my personal opinion, it is such a perfect visualization of how it feels to spiral, where your mind is moving a million miles a minute but you're completely stuck, terrified about this one little thing that you've put so much unnecessary weight on. visually it was beautiful and it was an amazing analogy
*i also really like how all put together the characters complete the rainbow, with red (anger), orange (anxiety), yellow (joy), green (disgust), turquoise (envy), blue (sadness), indigo (ennui), purple (fear), and pink (embarrassment), which circles right back to red
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unovanraichu · 7 months
@/songbee and @/annah-kitathryne tagged me :D ty (ik my art blog was tagged but i wanted to do it in one place ;;) 1. are you named after anyone? I'm named after my grandma and her name comes from a saint but is also in a greek myth :) My nickname Len is from a friend mispronouncing my first name and shortening it to Len but I like Len a lot
2. When was the last time you cried? Like last week I think? maybe more recent
3. Do you have kids? Nope
4. what sports do you play/ have you played: I played soccer (badly) and I also did track very very briefly. Other than that I did dance :D
5. do you use sarcasm: Yes but Im usually pretty bad with it
6. what’s the first thing you notice about someone? Usually I pay attention to people's faces not for like. a judgmental reason just bc usually ppl look familiar to me If im talking to the person usually their mouths bc if i dont pay attention to their mouths i cannot listen idk why
7. eye color: brown/hazel
8. scary movies or happy endings: I love scary movies WITH happy endings its fun
9. any talents: I think drawing but skjadfhk I feel like. Talents are things you are naturally good at and i would consider drawing more a skill so i'm not sure I think maybe my talent is. retaining information but only silly fun facts never serious things.
10. where were you born: In the US :)
11. hobbies: Reading comics and drawing mainly :) i like going to the gym as well
12. any pets: yes I have a cat named billie :) hes orange and we call him bibbie
13. height: 5’3 (in an ideal world id be like. minimum 5'8)
14. favorite school subject: I liked History and ELA when I was in school, but I really like science outside of school settings
15. dream job: My dream job is my current job which is teaching ELA :) I do want to go back for my masters and get a degree specifically for ENL students though, which is teaching students who have english as a new language. I'm not gonna tag anyone bc tagging ppl scares me jsdhfkjsdh if you would like to be tagged. I tag u telepathically.
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Hi! Congrats on 900!! May I have a romantic grishaverse match up please? I go by she/her and am bi with no preference, so any gender is fine.
I’m about 5’5, dark blue eyes, medium length hair thats kinda too dark to be dirty blonde but not so dark that its light brown with slightly lighter blonde highlights throughout. Ive been told I typically wear what would be considered 90s type of style but leaning away from more feminine things tho I’m not opposed to dresses and all. 
I do get pretty anxious when thrown in certain situations rather that be talking to a group of people or just one person. But on occasion and definitely when I get to know someone I never stop talking. I am a ranter and rambler which means I could be ranting about something that happened and then start talking about something else that may or may not be related to the original subject. Basically I will always find something to talk about though I do enjoy listening to other people talk. I am considered the mom friend because I tend to be the most logical. Im also a very determined, stubborn person who usually is kinda pessimistic but still has a huge imagination. And despite all the anxiety I am usually a relatively confident person and am not afraid to take up for anyone I care about. Also I am pretty good in school despite having a kinda bad memory. Also an INTJ, Sagittarius, and Ravenclaw. 
I absolutely love writing and have for the longest time rather that be random original stories I make up or the various fanfics I have(lol). I also love drawing and painting and recently realized I’m actually pretty good at making art related to animals and the occasional landscape. I’ve also been a big music fan since I was a kid, I honestly dont know what I would do without it. I also really enjoy reading when I get the chance, like I could spend hours getting consumed by whatever I’m reading. Which also travels into me when I’m watching things. As in I spend a good bit of time just binge watching new or old shows. I also really like walking around and enjoying nature. Theres a few nature trails I love going on and would go to the zoo every weekend if I had the chance. Which also goes along to my love for animals. Also I do like going to random places with my friends. 
And thats about all I can think of to say, hope it wasnt too much lol. But anyways, thanks in advance :)
thanks for participating :)
since you have no gender preference, i’ll tell you which of both the girls and the boys i ship you with, and then do the full detail and blurb with who i think you’re a better fit for.
i ship you with jesper and genya!
but i’m gonna go with genya for this, hope that’s alright :)
id consider genya to be a pretty hyperfeminine person. she really values her looks, and cares a lot about aesthetics. however, she’s definitely the type of person to care way more about personality and intellect than appearances. that’s not to say she wouldn’t be attracted to you, because she would be. but she’d just appreciate that you looked at her as more than a pretty face, and you cared about her enough to get to know her on a deeper level. she’d think you were so smart, and she’d feel lucky that she found someone who truly understand her beyond superficial things.
genya is a very confident person. she’s very dignified, and can easily carry a conversation. she’d have no trouble talking to you, and would consider it a personal challenge getting you to open up to her. she’d love watching you get excited about the things your interested in, showing her a side of you she didn’t often get to see. she didn’t care about what you two talked about, she just liked listening to you talk. in group situations, she’d take the lead. she’d make sure to keep an eye on you, never letting you be uncomfortable.
i think, despite what other people might think about genya, she’d have a lot in common with you. she’d have a natural talent at drawing, and she’d have a few books that she really really loved. she’d appreciate poetry as well. when you got into writing, she’d be so supportive. she’d love listening to any of your new work, and she’d give you ideas. i think she’s secretly a fantasy reader, fond of the idea of escaping into another world. you’d take her on walks into the forest nearby, taking afternoons to yourself. you’d both really enjoy the peace and quiet, and it would be a big refresher for her.
genya is also a very logical person, she definitely takes on tasks in the way a mother would. she’s also incredibly stubborn, and would win just about every argument or debate you two ever had, and you’d be content to let her win. after the darkling attacked her, people would begin to talk about her, and call her ruined. it would be the only time you’d ever see self conscious, and it would break your heart. you’d do all that you could to reassure her and make her feel beautiful, and tell anyone who made fun of her to piss off, or there’d be consequences. otherwise, you’d have to get the king involved, and nikolai would be more than happy to step in and help you.
she’d put on a front, but you could tell when things were getting to her. rather than bombard her with questions, you’d let her open up to you at her own pace. she always would, it just would take a little time. taking her into the forest would make it go a little faster because she’d feel more relaxed and at peace with you.
you’d try and get her mind off of whatever was bothering her, especially if it was because someone said something about her scars.
“look,” you’d smile, holding her hand. “there’s a caterpillar on this tree! he’s beautiful, isn’t he?”
she’d smile softly, watching it inch up the trunk. she’d stay quiet, making you frown. you’d sigh, squeezing her hand.
“do you know what metamorphosis is?” you’d ask.
she’d shake her head.
“it’s the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly. it goes in one way, and comes out looking entirely different. metamorphosis means transformation, or change in shape.”
she’d look at it solemnly, watching it climb. “it doesn’t know it’s going to look different soon. don’t you think it’ll miss how it was before?”
you’d frown at her words. she may have been looking at the butterfly, but you knew she was referring to herself. she was missing her beauty, at least in the way she considered herself to be beautiful. to you, she was still the most beautiful woman you had ever seen. even more so, especially since she was strong enough to keep going even after all that had happened to her.
you’d turn to her, cupping her face in your palms. she’d flinch ever so slightly, but you’d gently calm her, running your thumbs along her cheekbones.
“i don’t know what he’ll feel, darling. yes, he’ll look different. but that doesn’t mean he isn’t beautiful…he just looks different. but he’s still the same on the inside, isn’t he? just with a new form. he hasn’t changed, not really. he just looks a little different. but beautiful both ways. don’t you agree?”
she’d lean into your touch, giving you a soft smile. you’d pull her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
“you look beautiful today, by the way. just in case i haven’t told you that yet.”
she’d grin, clutching you tightly to her. “so do you, darling. so do you.”
hi again! hope you enjoyed this :)
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homeofhousechickens · 2 years
Howdy, I got curious about red junglefowl and read a breed profile which said they are good layers, laying around 250 eggs a year. Now, I've animal welfare folks say that laying breeds' bodies go under a lot of stress and have shortened lifespans, as laying near every day outside of winter is unnatural to them and a product of domestication. I've even seen animal rights people say that they believe laying breeds' should be given hormonal implants to stop egg production. I more or less took that as truth (the stress part, not that they need implants). Now I'm confused, is that wrong? Do undomesticated red junglefowl lay near as many eggs as domesticated chickens naturally?! Or was that article incorrect?
Those articles usually dont really know what they are talking about especially when it comes to wild fowl.
Red jungle fowl are a wild bird and do not lay that many eggs. Im sure some "strains/lines" that have been mixed with bantams and leghorns could definitely lay a high number of eggs but pure wild jungle fowl have a breeding season and the hens tend to lay a clutch then they sit. Some people can get them to lay more by taking the eggs but it really depends on how healthy the birds are and only people with really healthy birds and good enclosures (not coop, ENCLOSURE) are the ones that i have seen that are able to actually get a decent number of eggs and even then i think its more so in the 20-50 range which is still an impressive number if you think about it.
Sometimes AI write those articles and technically domesticated chickens are just the domesticated form of the red jungle fowl, in some definitions and cultures they arent even seperated and are considered one in the same so its easy for someone or a bot to make the mistake of think a normal red jungle fowl could lay the same as a leghorn hen if they are looking for information they can just copy paste. It doesnt help a lot of research and studies comparing the two species use leghorns as the domestic stand in lol so id imagine it would be easy to misremember, then that articles information keeps being shared like its fact. During the breeding season a wild jungle fowl hen in human care can definitely lay an egg quite often as their bodies are made to produce lots of eggs in times of plenty because they have those extra resources.
That being said i do not advocate for the keeping or breeding of the wild red jungle fowl. A lot of jungle fowl are losing their genetic diversity due to being interbred with chickens both feral and on purpose. They are not a breed but a species.
Production hens do have a lot of welfare concerns as they are not bred for longevity as the egg industry only keeps them around for 2 years max so they are pushed for more and more production which leads to high instances of reproductive cancer and infection. It is rare for a production hen to go broody and they sometimes will keep laying even in low light conditions like winter. This puts a huge stress on their bodies. Greenie for example has to be on the laying implant or she will die, her oviduct gets inflamed and she starts developing fluid build up which left unchecked would cause organ failure. This is very different then my other breeds which do not lay daily and also go broody which gives their body a break and of course they slow down laying in the winter. Its why production breeds have such a short lifespan compared to heritage breeds. Even Heritage Leghorns tend live a lot longer then production ones because they are not selected for extreme egg laying.
So i would say just take alot of internet articles, especially ones that are right there at the top of the search results with a grain of salt. Im pretty sure i know what article you are talking about and i found it quite silly when i read it to.
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