#im slowly getting used to drawing them so i tried a different angle today
sskoddy · 4 months
I made even more bird au
This time here's Blu Scout! I decided to stick with my old brush because why not
Warning for uh, feathers on the face cause my sister said they looked a bit triggering
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Buncha headcanons for this guy. I'm actually making a book about this au soon which is probably just gonna be about silly oneshots
Plus some comic practice (Based on a oneshot I'm working on)
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Made it so that Blu Scout (naming him Jesse in my book) got the primary feathers on one wing trimmed during a fight and hasn't moulted ever since
But that's all for now yeah
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movedyourchair505 · 4 years
Non Mio (Napule Nights)
Had this idea with Elana ages ago, Alex telling Jade about how he stole somebody’s girl back in the day. Smut warning.
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His hand was resting on her thigh, steady, spread out, squeezing every now and then when he shifted, the heat of his palm a constant against her skin, and as much as Jade tried to focus on the back and forth between Alexander and the man sat opposite them on the other side of the table, it also hadn't escaped her that he was more smug than she was used to during meetings, a dark chuckle escaping him unsolicited, the corners of his mouth turned up slightly with amusement as if there were something he knew that no one else did, and while he did not seldom exude this vibe, she'd noticed it to a different level, anticipated a beneficial outcome of the meeting for him as much as its conclusion.
She didn't miss a word, nor an exchange of glances, had noticed too how the other man's gaze had lingered on her in a way that she knew would only fuel Alexander's possessiveness, as well as hostility towards him, and she was relieved when finally, he closed the deal with a quick handshake.
“Pleasure doin' business wif yeh,” Alexander drawled. “Feel free teh stick 'round 'n 'ave a drink. 's on meh,” he declared.
The man raised his eyebrows, nodding slowly, oblivious to the exaggerated politeness he was being offered, as Jade could tell more so than ever that none of it was genuine, and that her husband had absolutely no respect for the other man. “Very kind,” he said. “But my girl's waiting for me.”
Alexander's eyes widened, his gaze following the man towards the bar once Helders opened the door for them to exit the small room. “Oh,” he said with a small chuckle. “Reyht.” Followed by his security, he steered Jade to approach the bar with his business partner, his hand on the small of her back possessively. “I remember 'er.”
“Oh, you do?” the other man asked. “Right. Right, she came to a meeting with me a while ago.”
The brunette looked up when she noticed them approaching, looking from the man that kissed her cheek for a greeting to Alexander. “Mr Turner.”
“Alreyht, luv?” Alex drawled, giving a pointed nod. “Nice teh see yeh again.” He licked his lips. “Didn't realise yous was still an item.” A small smile spread across his face. “Luvleh.”
Jade watched him from the side, now convinced she was missing something, and eager for the couple to leave so she could investigate her suspicions, so she took it upon herself to dismiss them. “It was a pleasure,” she said, holding her hand out, which the other man took and shook briefly.
“And you, Mrs Turner,” he said.
She smiled, had in the last couple of months not grown tired of hearing her name said back to her out loud, nor reading it on countless documents. She gave a nod to the woman, waited for Alexander to give a dismissive nod to both of them before they turned and walked towards the exit, Cook following until they reached the doors.
Before she could speak, Alexander was facing the bar, had ordered two more drinks. “Cigarette, pupa?”
She reached to draw the thin gold case from the top pocket of his suit jacket, placed one between his lips as he parted them. “Alexander,” she said, watching them flame dance steadily for a moment, then lighting his cigarette for him, watching him take a slow drag as he trapped it between his fingers. “What was that?”
He tilted his head to the side, shifting to sit back on one of the stools. “Wha'?” he asked, raising an eyebrow questioningly as he regarded her with his now full attention.
“You know what,” she said, taking a drag as he held out his cigarette to her. “What's the story with that loser?”
He chuckled. “Fookin' joke, weren't 'e?” He took another drag, blowing the smoke away from her. “I mean, I done business wif 'im before, and 'e 'ad 'is bird wif 'im. Tha' bird tha' were joost wif 'im. Were a mess of a meetin' then. Pissed meh reyht off.”
“And you kept doing business with him? Why was he here today?” she asked, her brows furrowed and she reached for her glass as the bartender placed their drinks in front of them. “Grazie.”
“Might've gotten sum compensation,” he shrugged, pursing his lips.
She watched him slick back his hair, instantly missing his touch. “Compensation?” she questioned skeptically.
A smile played around his lips again, conceited, and he took another drag from his cigarette, followed by a sip from his whisky. “Yeh. I asked 'er if she wanted t'stay for a drink. Fook knows why 'e let 'er. Maybe 'e thought it would 'elp business.”
“And it did. We just had a meeting with him,” she stated.
“Per'aps. It were more me own personal fun though. Got a bit of satisfaction. I mean, sheh were luvleh. Yeh saw 'er. Pretteh fing.”
She was wearing a dress that didn't leave much up to imagination and Alexander hadn't been able to keep his eyes off her, hadn't tried to, she looked exquisite, and definitely too good for the man she was sat with. He cleared his throat as the man turned to leave, beating him to speaking. “Would yeh like teh stay for a glass of the whiskeh I joost 'ad brought in?” He directed his gaze onto the pretty brunette clad in leather. “Bella.”
Her eyes widened. “Mr Turner...” She looked over at the man by her side.
Alexander hadn't quite expected success with his offer, knew that if the man knew anything about him, about his reputation, he'd take his girl straight home, but there was hope, a challenge, and he was bored, wanted to rise to it, had felt disrespected despite the man's low status, and he did not want to leave the encounter the way it had been. He'd won in business, he wanted to win personally. “Yes, luv?”
“I... well...” She glanced back between the two, biting her lip when the man that had brought her gave a hint of a nod.
“You have a drink. I'll wait for you at my place. Turner gets the best liquor.”
A small smile spread across Alexander's lips. He'd hoped the man would believe the only thing he could offer to his advantage, that it would help business if he used his girl as bait. He just had no way of knowing what Alexander had in mind, nor did he know much about his nature. And that simply fuelled his satisfaction.
“Alexander...” Jade shook her head. “You could've just not done business with him.”
“It were a good deal, even if it were below me standards,” he shrugged. “And it were fun, I tell yeh. Sheh were great companeh tha' night... and the fact that 'e dun't know after all this time... fookin'ell...”
She slowly began to comprehend his complacency throughout the meeting they'd just been in. “I think maybe their thing is just quite open...”
“Wha'? For this long?” he asked, shaking his head. “Nah, not wif 'im. There ain't no good reason why she'd beh wif tha' clown still.”
Jade pressed her lips together, nodding slowly.
“Yeh ain't jealous, are yeh, doll?” He reached to cup the side of her face, angling her head towards him until their eyes met, his thumb pressing into her skin just below her chin for control.
“It was years ago,” she stated, pursing her lips. “And you're just getting off on your power high.”
“D'yeh not fink the fact tha' 'e dun't know is... amusin'?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I suppose so,” she said, taking a deep breath. “I mean, it's not like I'm surprised you succeeded, Alexander...”
He tilted his head to the side, watching her take a sip of the drink he'd had poured for her. “So,” he hummed. “'ow's yehr man treat yeh?”
She swallowed. “Well...”
“I mean...” He held his hand up to elaborate. “All I'm sayin' is... yeh can do better...” He took a sip of his own. “Stunnin' girl like yeh...” He'd watched her shift closer to him, tucked her hair behind her ear, his thumb dragging slightly over her cheek for a moment. “If yeh ain't comfortable 'ere... yeh could come back wif meh to me place. Been told the view from me apartment's stunnin'.”
Jade shook her head. “You're impossible,” she said.
“I fink I were fair,” he shrugged innocently, crushing his cigarette in the ashtray, then snapping for one of the girls that walked past and gesturing towards one of the rooms. “Get tha' readeh for us, yeh?”
“She couldn't help herself...” she said, eyeing him closely, the way his lip stretched as he spoke demandingly, how his eyes softened slightly once they were back on her. The top buttons of his white shirt were unbuttoned as usual, offered a view of his sun-kissed chest and chain that matched his rings, his tattoos on display too. He'd just gotten his hair trimmed that morning, the sharp edges of his face accentuated, especially in the flattering low lights of the bar.
“'s gettin' yeh, eh?” he teased, a dark chuckle following.
“Alexander,” she huffed. “You are too full of yourself.” She had no doubts about his power, not now and not then, though wondered how far he'd taken it, why exactly he'd been so amused, and she couldn't suppress her curiosity as he nodded for her to finish her drink, then led her to the room he'd requested, the one they usually got when he didn't feel like being watched by everyone, didn't want everyone to watch her, and she was eased when the heat of his palm met her lower back again. “Did she fall for it? The view?”
“The view at me old place were stunnin',” he muttered. “Dun't quite compare to now, but...” He tilted his head. “I weren't lyin'. Birds loved it.” He led her inside, sat back in the cushions of the large sofa instantly, his arm stretched out over the back, his knees pushed apart. “C'mere.”
She lowered herself onto his thigh, his hand instantly on her hip to keep her there, and she looked at him, waited impatiently.
“I bet yeh're wearin' summat luvleh under tha' dress, darlin'.” He pressed his lips together as he watched her stood by the window, taking in the view of the city. “I mean, I kno'... not intended for meh, but... I gotta say... I do like fings tha' aren't s'posed t'be mine.”
The more time passed and the more he saw of her, the less he could suppress his lust, fuelled by the greed of not letting the other man getting away with securing a deal that he didn't deserve. Alexander had worked hard, and he knew he deserved more, that the deal was below him and the standard he'd acquired. “'e buy yeh nice fings?”
“Sometimes,” she said, nodding slowly, taking another sip from her drink, her eyes now on him. “He used to more...”
He hummed, nodded understandingly. “Rehyt. Anehfin' else yeh wish 'e did?” he asked, stepping closer to her. “Yeh can tell meh,” he added. “Joost between you 'n meh.”
She shifted into his palm despite the surprise of his touch on her hip, met his eyes, had evidently fallen victim to his charm that she'd been warned about, her fingers clutching on to the cool glass in her hand when he drew his other hand from his pocket and he was right there, her knees weakening further from the look in his dark eyes, and then he was forcing her lips apart with his, his intensity irresistible, and she found her body arching into his beyond her control, his hand sprawled out and pushing against her lower back.
Jade swallowed, watched his mouth caress the words as he spoke, his top lip stretching.
“Sheh needed it,” he declared. “Clearleh.” He pushed his tongue into his cheek, lifting his gaze to her. “Yeh want meh teh continue?”
She nodded, reluctantly, torn between not wanting to give him the satisfaction and admiring his unconditional power.
“Yeh make meh feel good then, eh?” he hummed, nodding downward. “C'mon,” he added, shifting backwards and sighing contentedly as she undid his belt buckle without another word, obeyed instantly and started stroking him once she'd freed him from the restriction of his shiny pinstriped suit trousers.
“Mm...” He hummed with satisfaction as he drew back. “Luvleh...”
Her eyes widened, her hand coming down flat on his chest, but he spoke first when she parted her lips to.
“Dun't worreh,” he drawled. “'s our secret, doll.” A deep sense of reassurance filled him when she leaned in for more and he was only too happy to comply, angling her head to kiss her harder, keep her where he wanted, chuckling when she drew away for breath sooner than he'd have liked. “Yeh sure this is wha' yeh want?” he hummed.
She swallowed, though nodded instantly, completely drawn in by his manner of absolute control and unshakeable confidence.
“Yeh stay 'ere, doll, 'n I'll... take vereh good care of yeh.” He let his hand wander lower, closing over her ass and ready to push up her dress. “Might beh a lot, but... I promise I am vereh nice.”
“I want to stay,” she stated confidently. “Mr Turner.”
He hummed, a flick of his wrist and her dress was pushed up around her waist, in no time he had her pinned to the window, stood behind her with complete control. “D'yeh need a safeword, luv?” he asked, his lips brushing against the side of her neck.
“N-Not usually,” she whispered, felt his hand coming over her mouth the moment she'd spoken the words, the other dragging her thong to the side.
He reveled in the way her breath hitched in her throat, her voice shaky. “Are yeh usualleh this wet?” He chuckled as she instantly bucked into his touch, rolled her hips back so his fingers instantly sank deeper inside her with a soft gasp that made the glass fog. “D'yeh like the view?”
She tightened around his fingers instantly, had him humming, seemingly pleased. “Good girl,” he drawled, pushing his fingers into her mouth. “Relax into meh.” Her lips sucked around his fingers instantly when he started fingering her simultaneously, her body compliant. “Mmm, yeh, tha's it, sweet'eart, joost give in...” he hummed. “Tha's me favourite.”
He could feel her giving in further with each push of his fingers, appreciative of the way she sucked obediently on his fingers while she took what he gave her, the promise of her lips soon too much to handle as she started drooling around his fingers, too tempting to not take. “D'yeh wanna taste me cock, doll?” he drawled, his breath against her neck. “'s alrehyt if yeh do.”
“Jade,” he snapped. “Enouf of tha'. On yehr knees.”
She was surprised by the sudden change in tone, the abrupt demand, but needed no telling twice, lowered herself to her knees between his legs, hardly had time to comply when his hand was already at the back of her head, fingers wound into her hair and he pushed her down on him, making her gag with how deep he pushed his cock inside her mouth, a long drawn out moan of relief leaving his lips as he threw his head back and she mewled around him, her eyes wide, watering, but she swallowed needily around him when his eyes met hers.
“Fookin'ell,” he drawled. “Yes.”
While he'd been careful before not to overstep any boundaries to achieve his goal, he was now sure he had her, could tell from the look in her eyes when he was no longer touching her and she clearly wanted him to, ready to follow his every command. “Sure yeh'll beh luvleh on yehr knees, doll,” he declared. “Yeh wanna show me?”
He watched contentedly as she knelt in front of him and he took her chin between his fingers, smiling down at her. “Keep yehr 'ead up... good girl,” he drawled. “Look like a girl tha' knows wha' sheh's doin'...”
She parted her lips, blinking up at him.
“Pretteh lips...” he hummed, dragging his thumb across her bottom lip, tilting his head to the side expectantly. “Open wider for meh.” He groaned as she sucked him into her mouth instantly. “Relax yehr throat,” he snapped, his voice trailing off into a moan when his tip hit the back of her throat. “Oh, wha' a good girl...” he hummed.
She moaned around him, tried to keep him there as he gripped on to her hair, clearly not finished yet, his undivided attention on her as she choked on him momentarily.
“Beau'iful,” he remarked. “Sooch a luvleh girl.” He hummed as he dragged her off him, licking his lips as he watched her clear her throat, her eyes shiny. “More than yeh're used teh, eh?”
Before she could catch her breath, his grip tightened again, forcing his cock down her throat and she tried her best to comply, eager for more of his praise.
“Thaa's it, sweet'eart,” he drawled as she swallowed around him again, stayed where he held her. “'ow wet's yehr cunt rehyt now, eh? Get off feelin' me cock in yehr mouf?”
He could tell she was struggling, took mercy on her and letting her catch her breath, stroking back her hair. “Vereh pretteh,” he hummed, drawn in by her swollen lips. “Would yeh like teh sit on me cock?” He tilted his head, surprised when she leaned into the touch of his hand. “Or d'yeh like teh joost beh used? Lie yeh down 'n I'll give yeh a nice fook?”
Even if she'd found her voice, she wouldn't have known what to say to him, too absorbed in his promises, everything he offered, had during the meeting gotten the impression he was all business, that the warnings of him were focused on the threat rather than the temptation of him, but she wondered now how many of his glances she'd misinterpreted, realised more and more that his mind was filthier than his manners when conducting business suggested.
“Yehr eyes lit up,” he remarked. “Like bein' pushed 'round? I could do tha', doll... yeh joost relax 'n do nofin'... joost take me cock...” He watched the excitement in her eyes. “Might beh sore 'n for a couple of days, but... promise yeh'll beh properleh fooked 'n taken care of.”
“Mr Turner...”
Jade gasped when he let her come up for air, had mostly let her suck his cock at her pace as he'd gotten lost in his story, though then refused to let her draw back, forced her down again and made her struggle so blissfully that the look in her eyes was worth it when she stared back at him. “Alexander...”
“Yehr mouf is fookin' luvleh...” he drawled. “Sooch a good girl...” He brushed his fingers through her. “Keepin' me cock wet while I tell yeh the storeh... yeh like tha', dun't yeh?”
She took his hand when he held it out for her, let him guide her into his lap. “Was she able to handle it?” she asked. “You fucked her?”
The sound of her voice had him almost losing control, as much as he enjoyed telling her the story, he really just reveled in her admiration. “Sit down on me cock, doll.”
“Alexander.” She blinked back at him, whining when his fingers closed around her throat.
“I fooked 'er,” he stated, squeezing lightly. “Overestimated 'erself though... 'ad teh stop meh at sum point... insisted teh suck me cock though, kept fankin' meh for takin' care of 'er...” As proud as he was, he was now speaking impatiently, watching her closely, an edge to his voice when his voice cut through the silence again. “On me cock. Now.”
Her grip tightened on his shoulder and she shifted her hips instantly, her head dropping down on his shoulder as his hand pushed down roughly to push her down in his lap and he filled her mercilessly, all at once and demanding to be felt, groaning loudly at the way she squeezed him in trying to adjust, her fingers digging into his shoulder. “Yesss,” he hissed. “Tha's me girl...”
“Alexander,” she whimpered breathlessly, the friction of his cock dragging against her walls too much, too blissful. “I-I... I love you.”
He stroked his hand down her back, possessively pressing down on her lower back to arch her body, to fill her deeper. “I luv yeh, Jade.”
The look in his eyes took her breath away, the depth of them, the intensity and devotion, and he pulled her in with his fingers still wrapped around her throat, capturing her lips in a deep kiss, consuming and with an overwhelming passion, the bitterness of smoke and whisky demanding to be tasted, the spice of his cologne intoxicating, the heat of his body forceful, his words slurred against her lips irresistible.
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mingishoe · 5 years
The van ride
Mingi x Fem!Reader
Smut Warning: Kinda exhibitionsim, marking, dirty talking, lil bit of degrading, thigh riding, edging, handjob in the back of the van, finger sucking??? That’s it I think- 
Fluff if you squint
Word count: ~2.1k
Summary: While going to film their latest music video you just can’t seem to get enough of Mingi’s thighs even if you are in the back of the van with the other members.
Part 1 of the kink series
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If someone asked you what your favourite part of Song Mingi’s body was you’d say it was his thighs. You have to admit, Migni has some good thick thighs that you can never not be touching.
It’s not always sexual, it could be you laying your head on them, or your feet, or just having your hand resting on one. When you sit on Mingi’s lap it’s a different story. Sure it doesn’t always end where your legs feel like jelly, but today wasn’t one of those days. 
You were in the van with Mingi and the rest of the members driving like 13 hours to film a part for their new music video. You and Mingi got the two seats in the very back just so you could lay down properly since it was already 3 in the morning. 
It started off innocent, you just resting your head on his thigh while drawing shapes on his thigh. Y’all stopped so the driver could get some rest and pretty much everyone was asleep. You had been asleep for around 6 hours and you had woken up not feeling tired anymore.
In your opinion (the right opinion ;))Mingi was the most beautiful and ethereal man you’ve ever seen. You were still laying on his legs while you were looking up at him. He was awake too, having fallen asleep with you earlier, his phone screen lighting up his face. You find yourself always staring at Mingi with the most loving look on your face. It obviously isn’t the best angles to look at someone but from where you’re laying you can see all his best features, his jawline, his plump lips, his beautiful nose, and his cute eyes(basically his whole face) Mingi could feel you staring at him and let one of his hands down to play with your hair and face. 
You grabbed onto his hands and started playing with his fingers as you sat up. You leaned against his shoulder watching him scroll through his social media, “Not tired anymore?” he whispered as to not wake up anyone. You hummed, still feeling the grogginess of having just woken up. 
He puts down his phone down and holds his arms out for you to go with him. You turn towards him and straddle his lap and put your head in his neck. He’s rubbing your back and you’re playing with the hair on the back of his neck. This is one of your favourite positions to be in, or as crazy as it might sound or look because of the size difference between you and mingi, Mingi straddling your lap.
You know how this usually ends and it cannot happen in the back of the van with everyone in it. San, Wooyoung, and Seonghwa in the seats in front of you. Two of them will never let you live it down and the other will never not look at you in disgust from this point onward. “Mingi— no…” you mumbled into his neck as he started rubbing down your back and to your thighs. 
He hummed while starting to rub up and down your ass and thighs. “They’re gonna wake up, Min-” you got cut off as he moved you to where you were only on one of his thighs. You tried to close your legs before anything started to happen but as soon as your knee touched his hard on, it was all over for you. You let yourself relax while your face was hiding in his neck. 
Mingi’s hands were moving to grip your hips and slowly started to move your bottom half against his thigh. You usually were never super quiet while doing things like this but considering there were 8 other people in the van, you had to be completely silent. 
Your breathing is starting to become labored as he starts to move you a little bit faster, “Ah~ M-Mingi-“ you whined. “Shh~ baby girl, unless you want everyone to see you grinding on my thigh like a puppy, I’d suggest you be quiet.” You nod while starting to suck and nibble on mingi’s neck. You knew his makeup artist wouldn’t be happy about it, but it was the only thing that would keep you quiet enough. “C-can't,” you whispered in his ear. 
It was too hard for you not to make any noise, you were making small whimpers while licking the marks you left on Mingi’s neck in different shades of a pretty pink. “Can’t what? Hmm? Can’t be quiet so seonghwa won’t catch you? Maybe you want him to see you, don’t you? You want Seonghwa hyung to catch you being a little slut, don’t you?” He growled in your ear. Before you and Mingi dated you had the biggest crush on Seonghwa. The one time you told Mingi, before y’all even dated, he got so Jealous. It was at times like this where he would really bring out all his jealousy on the subject. 
You heard some rustling from somewhere in the van and you stopped all movement. Your chest heaving, your conscience telling you to stop, and your own need telling you to keep moving. Mingi didn’t like that, he grabbed your hips turning you to where you were facing the rest of the van. 
You turned your head towards Mingi with a pleading look to which he returns with a a laugh and a head shake, “keep going, this time don’t stop.” Your heart slamming against your ribs begging you to stop, but you don’t you grab the seat in front of you to stabilize yourself and started moving again. 
While his hands were on your hips you moved one of your hands back to palm him. He was wearing sweats so you could feel how hard he was in your hand. You could feel him grip your hips harder while he started to move you faster. You groaned as you put your head down to rest on the seat in front of you, right behind Wooyoung. 
You gripped his length harder before you moved your hand to grab him out of his pants. He bucked his hips making you bounce on his leg. You were close, your stomach was tensing, your core was throbbing, your legs were shaking. You turned to Mingi shaking your head with tears eyes, “p-please, can’t take it.” You were sloppily jerking him off, paying close attention to the tip to make him cum faster.
He grabbed you and pulled you so you were flush against him as he stuck his hands down your shorts feeling how wet you were. “Fuck~ you’re so wet, look” he practically moaned in your ear. He pulled his hand from out your shorts, showing you his two fingers covered in your slick. He brought his fingers to your lips as you opened your mouth for him to put his fingers there. You closed your mouth around his fingers and started to suck. 
Your hand started to move faster around his length while gripping it harder. He started bucking his hips more frequently and he pulled his fingers out your mouth to stop your hand, “F-fuck, you need to stop or else Im gonna cum.” You stopped your movements and gripped the base while he slid his hand back down your stomach to dip back in your shorts. 
You were so close you could cum from a single touch. Mingi used your slick as lube to stick a finger in you. “O-Oh fuck,” you moaned a little bit too loud. “What did I tell you? Hmm? Didn’t I tell you to be quiet? If you want Seonghwa Hyung to join us why don’t you just wake him up and ask? You could show him how much of a slut you are, how much you want him to touch you” your heart was slamming in your chest, Mingi wasn't being quiet, he was above a whisper. 
He stuck a second finger into your core and started to move his wrist faster and harder helping his fingers to reach your sweet spot which made you turn your head and take mingi into a kiss. You start to move your hand that gripping Mingi slowly causing him to growl in your mouth. You pull away with glassy eyes, “Mingi, fuck, Mingi Please, I can’t hold it anymore.” He looks down at you and smiles while starting to move his hand faster making a wet noise come from your bottom half, he brings you into a kiss trying to block all the muffled moans that threaten to spill from your now swollen lips.
Both your hands are moving faster, his precum all over your palm and fingers, your cum soaking your panties. Your eyes closed, vision filled with blurry dots as you cum. Hard. Your legs are shaking and whines spilling from your lips as Mingi continues his actions on your core helping you come down your high. You calm down a little and continue to move your hand that’s around Mingi’s length and you can feel him tensing and he starts to moan quietly in your ear. 
It physically hurts you how quiet he’s being. Mingi is usually loud and vocal and his moans are so beautiful to you. Right before he cums you panic for a second wondering what you’re gonna do, you don’t want him getting all messy with him cum but you don’t have enough space to take him in your mouth. 
All the worries go out the window as soon as he lets out his pretty sounds it’s all you can think about. You try and catch most of his cum in your hand but some of it goes onto his sweatshirt. You feel him softening in your palm so you use your other hand that isn’t filled with cum to put him back into his boxers. He slowly opens his eyes to look at you as you take your hand and start putting your fingers in your mouth one by one licking the cum off your fingers and palm while making eye contact. 
Your heart swells at the sight of your beautiful boyfriend looking so fucked out beside you. He looks down at his sweater and laughs slightly, “S’alright, we can wash it.” You slide off his lap with a bit of a grimace because your underwear is sticking to you uncomfortably, “uncomfortable?” You see Mingi looking at you with an amused expression. You nod while he laughs at you. You look around a little bit and try and take off your underwear without taking off your shorts too. You look up at Mingi and he grabs the thin fabric and rips it, “YAH, Mingi~ you’re getting me another pair!” You whisper laugh at him while he grabs your soiled, ripped, underwear and puts them into his bag. 
Mingi takes off his sweater and opens his arms once again for you to cuddle. It doesn’t matter where you are he’s always ready to cuddle and it’s your favourite thing ever, especially after moments like this he becomes into a big teddy bear. You go back into his arms and on his lap with your back against his chest and he just holds you. “You okay, was it too much?” He questions you while resting his face into your neck. You shake your head and giggle, “no, as long as no one heard that… even tho I’m sure someone did…” you laugh while playing with Mingi’s hands. 
You’re kinda just spaced out until you see someone’s phone screen light up on the roof of the car and your heart drops. “M-Mingi-“ you turn to look at him and he has the same expression on his face. Your phone buzzes next to you and your heart sinks out your ass when you see who it is.
[Seonghwa 4:13am] why don’t you wake me up next time, hmm?
Your eyes practically burst out your skull and what your looking at, however; Mingi is laughing his ass off behind you. “Seems like you were already awake tho?” You say aloud trying your best to sound innocent as you hear a snort coming from in front of you as Seonghwa turns around and rolls his eyes at you. “Next time just let me know oppa~ I’ll be happy to help” you say in a whisper while winking at him, knowing you got his soft spot with “oppa” Mingi is still laughing behind you but actually taking your proposition into consideration on Seonghwa joining y’all.
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k9cat · 6 years
To Hold a Name 3/4
WC: 1222
Summary: Being pieces of a whole was always interesting, you were all the same, but also completely different. And the differences were not always visible like if you needed glasses or always wore the same colour. Each Side finds something completely unique that belongs to only them, their name.   A little origin story mixed with a dash of character analysis and some head canon world build. Light, cute, and usually fluffy.
Patton | Roman | Logan | Virgil    Ao3: Here  Stedlers Masterpost
THAN Taglist: @fandersfic-logan @im-so-infinitesimal  @bunny222 @violetmcl (Let me know if you want to be added!)
He was not tired. Even though it had been a very long day. Logic was tucked in tight under his sheet and quilt thanks to Morality. He insisted that he could go to bed himself without help, but it was nice to have someone else perfectly pull the blankets up for him, optimizing comfort for rest.
It really had been a full day with lots of things learned and explored. They went on a field trip to the zoo, and he was practically allowed to direct the whole thing all by himself. Creativity and Morality were right by his shoulders, asking just as may questions as he was, but they never tried to budge in front of him. his mind was just buzzing will all the things Thomas had discovered, trying to understand all the information easily keeping him awake.
He really wanted to go to his desk and find his notebook, pull it out and just write all the things about today. But, he was tucked in well, like, really well. Soft, warm and very comfortable, he would give that to Morality. Yet that left him stuck under his blanket looking at the celling. But that wasn’t as bad as it sounded, it looked like the night sky. Little flickers and flairs of ideas and thoughts shining a rainbow of stars above him. It was incredibly beautiful to look at, really fascinating, and he has thought on numerous occasions to ask Creativity to join him for a sleep over, he too would love the stars.
Sometimes a flair would float down like a firefly and he would catch it. he would observe and learn and think about the idea that came down with it or ponder the many branches of thoughts that came from one. With that, he would go to his desk and write it down filling notebooks and journals and binders all alike and put them on the shelves that show up in his room.
He looked over to his desk across the room. There were already so many thoughts to write down from today, but he really didn’t want to get out of bed. Logic tore his gaze away from the unachievable goal and glanced to his nightstand. There was the usual array of pens and other neat junk that accumulates on empty flat surfaces, like books, his watch, the cloth he uses to clean his glasses, and plenty of other neat little knickknacks that sat under the light of the lamp. He spied under the mess a sheet or two of looses leaf paper. Perfect! That would be enough for tonight to get his preliminary ideas out, jot notes to expand on later. He pealed back his warm blankets and reached over. He snagged a pen and gently tugged the paper from under the pile careful to not spill any of the contents to the floor.
Everything was going to plan, except that it was very difficult to write on the paper as it was on his blankets. The soft material was not a firm and stable enough surface to let the pen glide across the surface. There was nothing near him that would be suitable to substitute for a desk top. The closest book did not nearly have enough surface space and would really only make it more frustrating.
Logic flopped back onto his pillows, thinking upon ways and trying to figure out how to make this work. He absently let his eyed wander over the stars above him, seeing them twinkle and dance in place. It was not long before a particularly gold flicker caught his eye and gained his full attention.
He had never seen a gold star before, various tones of orange and yellow, yes, but this had a deep shimmer that could not be replicated by the simple shades of the rainbow. He was not sure at all if this gold star was supposed to be an idea or a though, but he was very eager to find out. The star slowly made its way closer to him. Almost a straight path to where he was laying.
Curiosity overtook him, making him impatient for its arrival. Sitting up, he observed the star, now looking a lot more like a firefly, minutely adjust its course to again float directly to him. That made him even more curious than before. It was something to discover and learn about, to see if what he thinks is true on not. He stood up on his bed. The soft material shifting under his footing and giving into his weight since it was focused on a much smaller area. The firefly once again adjusted its course. That was good support for his thoughts. He moved to the left a couple steps, carful to not trip and fall on the blankets, he watched how the sparkling gold followed him. He tried it again moving to the right, and once again, the gold idea followed him where he went with the same result.
That made Logic smile a bit, liking how his ideas and thoughts were true when it came to actually performing them. He was ever so interested in the gold firefly that hung above him, still slowly making its way to him. He jumped lightly on his mattress, the soft springiness giving him slightly more lift than usual. It took a few jumps, and a couple missed swings to grasp it, but when he did so finally reach it, he did not let go.
The idea bloomed to like in his mind like a flower reaching outward to the sun as far as it could go. The image of an intricately carved golden shield developed in his minds eye, the way it glimmered. How it was a strong and sturdy, a perfect circle. It was beautiful, more so than the sky above him and even more special. He really wanted it, so much to be real.
The muted puff of something large landing on his blanket was heard from beside him, drawing his attention outward once again. He looked over and discovered that the shield he saw was there, pristine as could be, gold even more shimmery. It was perfectly shined and just a pretty as he thought it could be.
Logic carefully sat down and gently grasped the edge of the cool metal, pulling the shield closer. The inside of the shield had neat straps to fit over his arms or one to let it sit across his back. The front convex was perfectly smooth, the border intricately carved with swirls and cut indents that reflected light to look like stars. The front was perfect for writing on.
He shuffled back till he was supported by the pillows and the headboard. He put his shield on his lap, the curve gentle enough to be at a nice angle to write, and he laid the papers on top. He had his pen in place ready to write when something once again caught his eye. On the edge with all the carving was a name inscribed into the metal.
Which, when he connected the dots, was his name.  
Logan Logic Sanders.  
He like it very much, smoothing out his paper he wrote it at the top of the page first. He then titled it and began to write.
Fander’s Tag List Solo Logan 
@thats-so-crash  @ffsas-side-account @lei-brokeit @yonnie-boy @unknownsandersfan @sanders-sides-shambles @pandagirl0730 @bubblegum-borb @the-feels-are-coming @starry-eyed-haiku-dreamer @neko-ereri @logically-asexual @hanramz-the-fander @ahoardofsides @callboxkat @faacethefacts @karmicmayhem @anachronistic-cat @reba-andthesides @AskolotlQuestions @crankywhenprovoked @katatles-the-fish @ispeakhalflies @dib-leo-pard @sassy-in-glasses @elvishfrenchassassin @ocotopushugs @goodonebadgirl @kirsten-the-freak @haikyuupaladin @weird-short-person @thisisshien @lepardlover @someshinningideas @angeliclogan @nightlovechild @siriuswhiskers @anastasialestina @i-will-physically-fight-you @ace-v-p-d @radioactivebread @theshipqueenarrives @allthemetalsoftherainbow @dudlebuggs @cinquefoilelove @rptheturk @ono-its-ryane @evilmuffin @theresneverenoughfandoms @raisin-oatmeal-cookie @idiotauthor @hamster-corn  @roman-is-a-dramatic-prince @vulnerablevirgil @confinesofpersonalknowledge @candiukas @thought-u-said-dragon-queen @muontsy2 @katesattic @spacenerrrd @toujours-fidele @planetsanders @anonymouseandkeyboard @logan-exe @jughead-is-canonically-aroace @justmyshitandmoreshit
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