#im so excited to meet castaway >:)))
feelo-fick · 1 year
PHIOOOOOOO you should tell me about yor littol shadow guy........I think they r silly....and purrhaps my oc Castaway and him share a few characteristics.....
feelo... first off they use any pronouns! second of all, theyre a very shy type — theyve lived in the woods away from society for very long, until the moomin-crew discovers them
they actually play the flute!! cause im not sure if youve seen the post about my ancient flute alarm but its the only thing that can wake me up, so i decided to include it into his character HAHAHA if castaway plays anything, maybe theyd play together huhu
he doesnt speak much at first (or maybe doesnt speak at all? im unsure), but i have lots of arc ideas for the future if i ever make comics for him!! if you look back at my og post there were a few comic panels showing him lowering the scarf around his neck and her hoodie, with the episode title "Under the Hood" — it signifies a core part of her arc that i have no time to explain JABSHABD
some more fun facts, at some point she sets up shop (well, more like a tiny vendor stall) in the woods where she sells little trinkets and advice for a few cents or a cool rock HAHAHA they store their things in their little bucket for safe keeping and pulls them out when necessary (e.g. they grab a minnow out of it and just start eating it as a snack)
going back to them speaking, if they do end up not speaking, id like to imagine they speak through drawings in a notebook, so its just a game of pictionary whenever theyre around HABSAHHA itd be funny to see people try to piece together what theyre saying as they grow more and more annoyed and the drawings get messier
anyways thats all! id love to hear about your little guy 👀👀 we can ask eachother questions and take turns! (and if you rp... ive been waiting to do a moomins rp for a while huhuhu)
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sillylilpikmin · 8 months
I finished pikmin 4 story !!!!! The credits were so fun :] im rlly excited sbout the post content i was worried it was just gonna likr. End there FJDJF IM EXCITED TO MEET LOUIE EVERYONE TALKS ABOUT HIM
i did come across him to the new area though n jt looks like he dragged a castaway to go eat them...😨
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calmlftv · 4 years
sweet creature. - m.c.
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description: this is entirely self indulgent but here’s some dad!sos michael for our dad!sos michael needs. 100% fluff
word count: 2.3k
warnings: pregnancy, descriptions of labor pains and birthing process, descriptions of pain.
w/n: hi thanks to @spicycal​ i started and finished this within a matter of hours, i did not proof read this so if there are typos or errors im SO sorry! thank u sarah for the brain zoomies x
taglist: @spicycal​ @n-ctarinenga​ @irwinkitten​ @castaway-cashton​ @blackbutterfliescal​ @notinthesameguey​ @ashtonsos​ @loveroflrh​ @bestyearssos​ @treatallwithkindness​ @bestyearslftv​ @another-lonely-heart-blog​ @ashtonlftv​
When Michael first finds out you’re pregnant, he’s overjoyed but nervous; while talking of the future he had confessed he was nervous about being a dad, his fears of “fucking up” his kid rearing their ugly head as you had laid in bed together. Your post-sex glow was shining over the two of you despite it having been a bit of time since your activities had ended, the conversation having started from your lack of protection earlier in the evening. 
You had frowned at him, his face buried in the valley of your shoulder, lips and bits of scruff tickling your bare skin. “You’d be a great dad,” you said softly, fingers running through his hair. “I see how you wave to staring babies at grocery stores and in the dog parks, Michael. You’d be an excellent father to your kids.” 
He lifted his head to match your gaze, his beautiful eyes shining. “You think so?” He asked softly, his answer being only a silent nod. He gave you a half smile and nodded back, dipping down to let your lips meet together. 
“Then let’s give it a try.” 
Your heart had leaped at his answer, the two of you giggling madly as his lips traveled down your neck. The conversation ended with the two of you deciding to just see where things go, not really doing anything to ensure anything but not exactly stopping it, either. 
After some time you had started to feel unwell, chalking it up to stress in the current climate, the conversation you and Michael had being pushed completely to the back of your mind. You went weeks without taking a test, the sickness coming and going until Michael finally handed you the white and blue stick. 
You had raised an eyebrow at him but went into the bathroom anyway, pacing back and forth in front of the sink as you waited for your answer. Michael had set it face down, the two of you biting the inside of your cheeks as the timer on your phone went off. Together you flipped it over, the answer you had been waiting for spelled out right in front of you. 
The following months were filled with mixtures of emotions, the growing life inside of you quickly becoming the center of your lives. Michael insisted on taking a photo every month, his lips pressed firmly against your belly as Calum or Ashton would take the photo, a smile always on your face at the excitement he had over the arrival of your sweet babe. 
At 6 months you were both in your best friend's wedding, a beaming smile as you stood behind her on her big day. The two of you joked about how you always knew you would be the pregnant one at her wedding, the drinks being poured for your other friends in your honor as you and Michael danced the night away. The wedding seemed to inspire something within him, his eyes glistening a bit differently as he twirled you around the dance floor. 
“I love you,” he whispered, lips right beside your ear as he swayed with you. “And our little one. So much.” 
You blushed and smiled, getting a little teary. “And I love you and our little one, too. So so much.” 
The night continued on, the send off going off flawlessly and the two of you returning home. You both fell asleep right away, exhaustion hanging on every bit of you as you settled in. 
At 7 months you had your baby shower, a bit later than you had wanted but with travel restrictions still being so complicated, you wanted to have time to get Michael’s mother and family there. While you had decided not to disclose the gender just yet, the party was filled with love and plenty of gifts for baby Clifford, everyone enjoying themselves with the games your best friend had helped you choose. Michael stuck by your side the entire time, ever the doting boyfriend as he checked in every so often, bringing you anything you needed and always being your helper when you needed to get up. 
As it started to quiet down Michael seemed to get a bit jumpy, you having to call his name a couple times before he would appear beside you again, a nervous smile on his face as he would help you with whatever you needed. You had caught him in what seemed like a meeting with the boys, the four of them quickly talking over each other as they noticed you approaching, Michael seeming unbothered as he smiled at you. You just smiled back at him and let him kiss your forehead, your hands running over your belly as he kept you close. 
About an hour after you walked in on that meeting Michael came over, helping you out of your chair and leading you to the backyard just in time to see the brilliant orange skies of Los Angeles, the sky taking your breath away as Michael chuckled. 
“You’ve always loved sunsets,” he said softly, a light blush on your cheeks. “D’ya think little one will like them, too?” 
You smiled, squeezing his hand. “I hope so,” you said softly, hand resting on top of your bump. You sensed Michael shifting beside you, the nervous energy around him making you raise an eyebrow as you faced him. 
“What’s gotten into you today?” You asked softly, gently reaching up to get his attention. “You’ve been nervous all day…You’re not having second thoughts on this baby are you?” 
Michael quickly shook his head. “No, no! Absolutely not,” he said, eyes dropping to the ground as he took a deep breath. “Just...nervous.” 
You raised an eyebrow. “What about?” 
Your lover lifted his eyes and met your gaze, a chuckle escaping him as he pulled his hands into his pockets. “You know,” he started, stepping closer to you. “Ever since the day we met, I’ve been wildly and incredibly in love with you. It slammed into me like a ton of bricks, and even through our friendship, I knew that all I wanted was you. All I could ever want is and always will be you, my love.” He paused, smiling at you as you tried to wipe the tears from your eyes. “Now, with our little one almost here, I’ve come to realize that I couldn’t ever ask for anything else. I want to keep you and our family safe for the rest of our lives, so…” he trailed off, hands coming out of his pockets as he knelt down to one knee. 
“Yes,” you said, Michael laughing. 
“Hang on, let me ask the question!” He laughed, the ring emerging from his palm. “My love, my angel. Will you marry me?” 
You laughed and nodded, repeating your answer as he took your hand. You sniffled as he stood, his hands cupping your cheeks as he chuckled. 
“I love you,” he whispered, pressing your lips together in the sweetest kiss. 
“And I love you,” you whispered back, your lover pressing his lips to your forehead as he tugged you close, your belly bumping his as you laughed. 
The rest of the night was the two of you celebrating your engagement, your friends and family members all offering their congrats on everything. Once the night was over and your friends were helping you clean up you were shooed off to bed, Michael escorting you away as your friends all said goodnight. 
The next couple of months were a whirlwind, you and Michael throwing yourselves into the project that was the baby’s nursery. Your due date crept closer and closer, each day without your bundle of joy in your arms making both of you impatient. Thanks to Google, you were able to try every old wives tale to induce labor, mixing it with bouncing on your yoga ball as you tried to urge your baby out. 
Your due date came and went, your date for inducing being set for a couple of weeks out while Michael and you prepared for a maternity shoot with Andy and Sarah. While it was a bit late, you had decided you ultimately wanted photos done for the memories, although you and Michael had already decided you wanted another one by this point; Andy and Sarah were more than happy to provide the photos for you, taking you to a stunning location and taking every photo possible. 
Unbeknownst to Michael, you had felt some contractions already, brushing them off as the Braxton-Hicks your OB had warned you about. However, midway through the photos, you felt a trickle down your leg, embarrassment already creeping over you as you thought you had peed yourself. However, very soon after a contraction rolled through you, causing you to bend over and hold your belly. 
“Angel?” Michael asked, immediately reaching for your hand. “What’s going on?” 
“Um,” you uttered, standing up straight as the pain passed. “My water just broke.” 
Immediately his eyes went wide, your lover looking to Andy and Sarah in shock. The two of them quickly started packing up while Michael ushered you to the car, carefully helping you in and quickly driving back home to pack the hospital bags. While he was scrambling around you were timing everything, bouncing on your ball again as you did so in hopes of it lessening the pain. 
Soon enough you were back in the car, the two of you racing to the hospital and checking in at seemingly lightning speed. Once you were admitted and connected to everything Michael was at your side, hand holding yours as waves of pain rolled over you, each one worse than the last. With the help of nurses the two of you walked around, Michael cheering you on as you got closer and closer to the birth. 
Then, finally, after what felt like eons, it was time to push. 
Michael was at your leg, holding it back as he kept his face close to yours. With every push he whispered his encouragement, telling you how great you were doing and how beautiful you were, and how proud he was of you as you both ushered a new life into the world. Soon enough you heard the first cries, tears streaming down both of your cheeks as the doctor quickly cut the cord. 
“It’s a boy!”
You let out a choked sob as your son was placed on your chest, the flood of emotions washing over you as you reached up to touch your baby. To your surprise, Michael’s hand was already there, his face pink and covered in tears as he gazed at his first born. 
A few hours later you were all taken care of, a couple nurses helping you tie your hair back while your baby was cleaned. They smiled as the door opened, a third nurse rolling in the little bed your baby was laid in, the boy sound asleep as he was placed right beside you. After checking in that you were okay the nurses left, finally leaving you and Michael alone with your son. 
Michael walked over, looking at the baby with a smile on his face. He seemed to be holding himself back, his hand reaching out to gently drag a finger across his son’s cheek. 
You watched him and smiled. “You can hold him,” you said softly. “I’m sure he wants his daddy.” 
Michael met your gaze and blushed, smiling shyly as he nodded. Carefully he picked up the baby, holding him in his hands as he gazed at him in amazement. He moved to his seat and sat down, eyes never leaving the sleeping child in his arms. 
“Hey, little man,” he said softly, your heart soaring at his gentle tone. He sniffled, his eyes filling with tears. “You know your daddy loves you? How perfect he thinks you are?” 
It took everything within you to control your own tears, your hormones still all over the place. “We need to name him,” you said softly, Michael looking up at you. 
He nodded, looking back at his son. “I’ve always loved the name Ashton,” he chuckled, making you laugh lightly. 
“I like that name,” you answered. “But I think I like Colby more.” 
He met your eyes and nodded. “Colby,” he said, trying it out as he looked back at the babe. “Colby Tyler Clifford.” 
You beamed, nodding in agreement as Michael looked at you for approval. “Colby Tyler Clifford it is.” 
Michael grinned and carefully shifted Colby, leaning over to kiss the knuckles on your hand. “Have you slept yet?” He asked you, the question a bit pointed. 
You sighed, getting his point. “I should,” you answered, eyes on your baby. “Promise you’ll stay with us? And that you’ll wake me if anyone comes by?” 
Michael chuckled and nodded, standing and shifting the baby as he leaned over, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I promise,” he whispered, noticing your eyes already closing as he pulled away. 
Soon enough you were asleep, Michael pacing the room with your beautiful baby boy in his arms. He hummed little tunes as they came to his head, quietly singing lyrics to them as he focused solely on his son. Eventually he found his way back to his chair, still quietly singing as he heard a light knock on the door. 
He looked up just as a nurse quietly stuck her head in the door, obviously noticing your sleeping form in the bed and waving him over. 
“Hey,” she greeted, keeping her voice down as she noticed the babe in his arms. “When mama’s awake again we’ll get some paperwork and birth certificate over for you to sign, okay? And you guys have a visitor, they’re seated in the waiting room.” 
He nodded, confused about the visitor but stepping out with the nurse. Colby stirred slightly in his arms, his little mouth opened in a yawn as his heart melted, doors opening for him as he stepped into the waiting room. 
Immediately his eyes landed on Calum, his best friend standing from his chair the second their eyes met. He grinned at the bundle in his arms, his phone being tucked into his pocket as he stepped closer. 
“Hey mate,” Michael greeted, voice quiet as he turned slightly. “Meet your godson, Colby Tyler.” 
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wonderlandcrows · 4 years
IS IT NOT SIMPLY ENOUGH TO ASK YOU ANSWER EVERY QUESTION? ╰༼ •̀۝•́ ༽╯2, 7, 16 (YES a different one than before too huhu), 30
DHNNHDDHNHDN i mean i could, lemme just get started on my autobiography and I'll get back to u 😌
2. None! I don't have my license 🏃‍♂️ but Younger Hunger songs and Nice to meet ya (The Griswolds) are dangerous if i lose myself bc i sing them every time 😌
7. Humm im listening to VHS - Zenshou rn so it's going to be the last thing when i finish answering this ask (its happy vibes 💟)
16. Im gonna 🔨🏃‍♂️ HMMM well every day i look forward to my friends happiness 😌💞
30. Like pick two between those or pick two in those🤔....I'll assume the later??🤡
Music: iridescent- peaceful tides (lock edit) bc its the song i have on the brain 👁👁
And gregory And the hawks one,,,,i THINK i never remember the title and the singer 👊😔 but "if you'll be my stars, I'll be your sky" important to me for a stupid reason 👊🤬
Movies: ok so. I don't really watch movies anymore but I'll go with:
Kaboom (i had to get up and check in my dvds) anyways it had the vibe of an underground art film?? It was very weird and it was the first time i watched something like that,,,I should give it a rewatch 😌 like i watched it once i think but this ask asked movie and this jumped out so.
Hmmm i was really obsessed with uh. La belle au bois dormant (idk if thats even how u write it in French dude) sleeping beauty i think its called?? But i don't remember that period just my mom telling me she knows the whole fucking movie bc of me and Also was completely obsessed with Clue for a while like i still have inside jokes with my mom about it 👁👁kinda wanna rewatch it..
Video games:
Da:o - no contest its the game that made me really create an oc, made me interact with fandoms (my blog started becoming active as a DA blog) and i just love it so much. It's my favorite 🥺💗
Choosing two is hard but imma go with.
Sims2 i guess ngsjyjdydjy ok i wasnt allowed pc games bc my mom didnt want me to spend all my time on the computer (kinda failed ) but damn i SPENT so much time playing the sims on my ps2 like woah. I wish i could return to that where spending the night awake to play a game was new and exciting and not just me being a failure u know 🤡🤡🤡 I was invested in Castaways for a while but the one i played the most was Pets even tho i never creater much pets in my households bc they were an hassle
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survivor-lofoten · 3 years
Cast Reveal - Himmel Tribe
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Tim, 26, he/him I'm Tim. I'm 25 from Orlando. I am mostly here to have fun and meet some new people. Look forward to playing with you all!
Sherry, 54, she/her Hi I’m sherry im a high school principal and I’m a Survivor bitch love the game love the elements! I’m here to play I have enough friends but I will be your best friend in a game if that’s what you need. I’m adaptable and typically good at reading a room.
Seb, 19, he/him Hey! My name is Seb! I am 19 years old and I am from CT. I like movies, tv, and anything pop culture-ish. I also like theatre, as it is my major <3 I also like pretzels (not relevant, just thought y'all should know). Can't play to play with you all!
Ruthie, 33, she/her Hey, I’m Ruthie! I’m 33 from Georgia. I work in a self contained special ed classroom at a middle school and every day is an adventure! When I’m not working I like traveling, shopping and reading. Can’t wait to meet you all! 
Mike V, 26, he/him what it do, baby? It me: Mike V! I'm 26 years old and I'm a musician from North Providence, Rhode Island. I use he/him pronouns and I'm so excited to be playing this season! Let's have some fun and do the damn thing y'all! 🤘🏻🎸
Kevin, 22, he/him Hey what’s up fellow castaways, my name is Kevin I’m 22 years old and I currently reside in Rockaway, New Jersey. I’ve been playing ORGS for a little bit now and am very excited to be playing CTC. Some things you may want to know about me is that I’m a huge movie nerd. I’ve been watching and reviewing films for several years now and will likely recognize any reference you make. So if that's an incentive to work with me, go for it. Excited to play this game and hopefully make some great connections!
Josh, 23, he/him Hi my name is Josh, I’m 23 from Miami, Fl. I graduated from Florida State university. I enjoy playing and watching sports and meeting new people. I also play video games and watch a ton of tv and movies. 
Jenn, 26, she/her https://youtu.be/7kHddRGQ22o
Calum, 24, he/him Hey guys I'm Calum, I'm 24 and I'm a support worker from Leicester, UK! In my spare time I love TikTok, I love to sing, and I also perform as a drag queen called Copper Feel. I love food and can't wait to get travelling again to visit new places. As for the game, do I have a game plan? Not as such, as I like to let my game plan unfold in front of me based on info I hear/find out. Am I playing to win? Absolutely. So I think I can win? No question. See y'all on the other side ❤️
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Cast Reveal #1 - Vireao
This tribe is made up of those individuals the admins have watched play, and have been impressed by. These players were able to bypass the traditional application process and were recruited to play. Meet the Vireao Tribe.
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Hey it’s me Ashvika :) I’m 17 from Canada! This feels so weird because I just finished playing in Himalayas but I’m excited and very honoured to be playing again <3 the only fun fact I have about myself is that as a child, I used to refuse to eat food unless I was watching dinosaurs terrorizing humans in the Jurassic Park movie because that’s the kind of sadistic thing that brought fetus me great joy :) very excited to meet the other all stars and very excited to play!
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hello my name is charlotte and i’m auditioning for the role of first boot in athena all-stars.
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hey guys! Guess who back with the ... Okay so I don't actually know all the words to an Eminem song by heart... Oops(?) I'm excited to finally win one so step aside.... Oh.. okay sorry can go... Get it, cus I'm Canadian. Annnyyyway~~~ I'm looking forward to see what this season has I store and I'll be seeing you y'all shortly!... The castaways... Not the VL 💓
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WELL hello im back a third time lol! A third loss?? Lets see! But no, in all honestly yall prob forgot about me the witch bitch lol. I'm actually shook im considered an all star for once wow. But i'm v excited to play this and meet yall!!
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(Sorry Zach, it wouldn’t let me add your video!) You Can view Zach’s intro HERE!
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ts-indonesia · 5 years
Episode 1 - "Time to put on a bra and take some selfies." - Leigh
Episode 1 saw eighteen players, some fresh faces, and some veterans arrive on the Indonesia beaches, ready to play and ready to win. On a somewhat quiet Obor tribe, Leigh/Trent bonded over the age difference on the tribe (with a cunning plan reliant on using the word ‘lit’) and Anabel/Trent begun to form a bond that would survive the test of time.
On the Cahaya tribe, Matt/Jess feared the casting of one another, and Julian arrived plucky and ready to avoid another prejury experience, determined to improve. Owen/Stoner quickly formed HOS 22: Bermuda, and set to work spreading their connections across the tribe, forming at trio with Julian.
After a decisive victory in the Scavenger Hunt, it was revealed the returnees would have to send two returnees to the other tribe as “infiltrators” casting a sole vote. In an attempt to force the result, Julian went “offline”, in an attempt seen-through by his fellow tribe mates, but one that was ultimately successful, with Owen & Julian sent over as infiltrators.
At Obor’s tribal council, Evan quickly emerged as an easy vote, for his minimal challenge contribution. Two key alliances formed, a newbie majority alliance of Trent/Chris O/Leigh/Anabel/Lorelei and a girls’ alliance of Lorelei/Anabel/Leigh, with Anabel armed with an idol to boot.
As expected, Evan was sent out unanimously, but not before Julian trashed on the Cahaya tribe during tribal council... in a tribal seen... by the Cahaya tribe. With Evan out, the torches still inspiring such hate, and the infiltrators returning... that drew round one to a close.
first confessional give me idol? 
also hi Jones
okay so im walking onto the boat.... my hair is thinning, my skin is getting wrinkly, im ancient at this point. nonetheless im back for like the sixth time. or seventh, honestly who can keep track anymore. i see these like cute little new people. ANABEL's vid is AMAZING gay icon, lorelei legend likes pokemon mystery dungeon,  Leigh is near chicago, like... i literally love all these new players but then i realize NONE OF THEM WILL BE ON MY TRIBE SKADSFJH. instead? im stuck with crazy ppl. there's julian who i voted out premerge in the season I won, and Matt who was in my most recent season nnn but NOT the matt I worked with in that game. and of all people CHRIS STONER LMAO. to be fair, chris isn't that bad bc I know he'll work with me hopefully but also I know he's a good player and wouldn't hesitate to cut me out. thank god olivia and jess are here tbh. omg and just when I thought it couldn't get any worse.....a furry shows up. WHAT THE FUCKKKKKK lmao I remember foxx back from the old old days and he seems scary :(((( good news is julian said him and isaac haven't ever gotten along and that isaac has voted him out twice :') so that might be good. and i'm fairly sure stoner and jess would have my back rn i just need to talk more to them. but for real, as soon as there's a swap or something if I survive that long? bye bye returnees :) i dont see myself getting very attached to anyone at the start so ill just do my best to ride out this beginning and maybe have some fun
I'm looking forward to seeing how long our tribe chat is just "Hey *Tribe Member's Name*!" 
I think it could go on a while.
chris: ditching u for the other stoner tho chris: tumblr needs an all stoner f2... 7:23 PM me: thats ok im ditching u for the gay girl from the first post me: but for now? u and me <3 7:23 PM chris: deal stoner and I rlly did speak this into existence....... it'll happen
So this tribe has literal children on it. 15, 16 years old. I might have to backstab ACTUAL CHILDREN!  How do I even fit in with them? Trent suggested we could buy fidget spinners.  I said maybe yoga pants and a crop top?  There are people here BORN AFTER 9/11!!!  What the fuck I didn't even know you could be born after 9/11 and be out of kindergarten. What year is it?
Just met some other castaways, they seem pretty chill.
What's up. So this fox has returned after an eternity of a hiatus with more grey in his muzzle and hopefully some self-awareness to go with it. I played some pretty solid games in the past but after taking a long time lurking and sort of forgetting Tumblr Survivor Crooks asked if I wanted to play despite not knowing I have played before. That's how old and irrelevant of a has-been I am. Back from the dead. I'm glad my star has faded and I can go in with a blank slate. My biggest concern is that I am not on my anxiety medication so my social interactions, especially on call, will be a lot more stilted and I'm terrified this will impair my judgment but we'll see. Right now I'm not trying to come off as a huge strategist. I made an intentionally crappy intro video, made fun of myself, and just tried to be funny without coming off too weird/desperate etc. Almost like I'm not taking this too seriously. However, already I'm noticing a patterns in how people on my tribe are. I have no fucking clue who these mammals are. People will have extensive conversations about people, twists, running jokes, etc and I'm totally lost. That hiatus really did fuck with my ability to ingratiate myself with this community. That will be a huuuuge advantage coming to dealing with the newbies since I can leverage that to not seem so threatening but right now I think I'm doing a fair job being friendly and making people laugh. I hope. God. So my thoughts on my tribemates thus far: Stoner: Vaguely know who this guy is. Aptly named. He's clearly blazed as hell but I can tell he's bright and likable. Says "oh shit" a lot and he seems like depsite his facade he's probably someone I can work with. Isaac: We talked about Overwatch a bit and he seems nice but he's not coming on my radar too strong. Jess: Definitely made a fairly strong impression on me since we're similar ages, Francophone, and we bonded over our mutual detest and hatred of furries and then I calmly sneak in the fact I am a furry an hour later and holy shit I was trying so hard to not bust into tears. She's funny and likable and seems like she's someone I could work with. Matt: Talked a bit about me coming back. Very little in group call. Michael: Talked a fair amount about D&D and made some fun Upside Down jokes. Seems like we have a lot in common but him being a different time zone could prove hard to keep up with. Being the outlier on Time Zones is playing on Hard Mode. Olivia: Love her! We bonded over animals and she seems like a total sweetheart and I definitely wanna share pics of my cat with her some more! Owen: We talked a bit about literature and it was fun. Definitely seems intelligent and he's someone I know a bit about from Olympics. In an ideal world I'd want to work with Stoner, Jess, Olivia, & Michael but everything in on fire. Also, no luck on the idol so fuck me I guess
So... first night has been interesting? I was going to do your typical "first impressions" confessional but... FOXXX or whatever the fury's name is.... is playing too hard too fast. Am I being a Paranoid Patty and reading this the WRONG WAY entirely? Possibly. HOWEVER... It's been less than 5 hours since we were thrown into this hell hole of a game (The hosts are lovely individuals but we all know this is about to get insane) and he's telling me if I want to make a move that he's my guy? Ummm.... WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOTTEN OUR FIRST IMMUNITY YET? I'M NOT THINKING MOVES RIGHT NOW? I BARELY CAN REMEMBER YOUR NAME!
Have I befriended a furry???????? Is this real life????? Is he actually a furry or just really in deep on this joke? Why are there so many Dylans in orgs? Also fucking goddamnit I like EVERYONE HERE I just wanna be friends with all y’all damn. All of the newbies are so adorable and seem so excited and unknowing to the pain that’s gonna come :’) Annabelle especially like my wig flew with that intro! I wanna meet them all. Also wtf is with the torches I WANNA KNOW ALREADY! Anyways that’s all I’m excited for this season. Owen and I renewed the o alliance :-) and Jess seems cool as hell I really clicked with her and the furry. Michael seems sweet and I already know Julian from Mykonos, the absolute crackhead. Real sweetie tho hopefully we’re friends. I hope I’m not coming off as too insane I was so nervous on the phone call with the tribe :( it was so fun but I felt like every time I said something it fell flat I felt so awkward abhhhhhahshsjaj. Anyhoo yay! New season!
Should I write the rest of my confessionals in japanese? Neko. Boom
So coming into this game with a TS under my belt is different... I still have no expectations whatsoever BUT I do know how HARD people go for in these games and I'm planning to go just as hard. The first night was wild. Everyone on my tribe except for Matt and Julian were lively on the tribe call. Everyone seemed pretty cool and super... out there.. I think Isaac might be the one to watch on my tribe. He's been around the block and knows most people on my tribe (new and old). WHICH IS WHY.. I'm going to try my best and get super close to him. I need to make sure I'm not disposable to these "older players" and as asset to these "newer" players. I just know need to cool my jets on the whole socializing bit in the main chat (Yes I know it's literally day 1). I want to be as irrelevant as possible so no one thinks I'm a threat but no one really wants to get rid of me either. Gotta focus on those INDIVIDUAL RELATIONSHIPS. Hopefully these other players with more TS's under their belts become bigger shields than me because if not... yikes on yikes.
I like everyone so far. Evan is giving me a few red flags because he’s only giving me one word answers, so i might take that into consideration when voting.
We had a very fun group call with the tribe last night. Definitely haven’t laughed that much in a while. Love my tribe thus far so I hope we can keep the good vibes going. Jess & Stoner are people I feel like have talked with me the most Nd Olivia, Owen, & Michael are also friendly so I think I have options. One thing I’ve noticed is how casual and sociable this tribe is. Nothing is more frustrating than a tribe full of overserious gamebots (*cough* Selwyn *cough*) but it’s a group of funny and chill people. It’s gonna be a great game!
I love these hosts 🙂 HATE the idol system but honestly it doesn’t change much I’ve never gotten an idol before and probably never will so it won’t change my gameplay lmao
I like Isaac a lot too! Forgot to say. But I’m also a little wary of him because I know he’s very experienced
well. yesterday i found an idol on my second guess. and made two new friends. so yesterday was great. today was bad. i outed myself. my mom heard me tell my eyebrow lady that i was gay. this is a sad confessional and i wish i wasn’t so loud. im real fucking sad. sorry. but at least i have an idol and some friends.
Time to put on a bra and take some selfies.
I'm glad I shaved today for that tattoo selfie.
There’s an alliance I’m not in isn’t there
Why am I so FUCKING awkward
im so fucking good at survivor like... good lord. trent and i are like best friends already (see, i knew this would happen, i always meet a nice old usually straight man and we become friends, it's like the hallmark of my survivor experiences) and we came up w a plan where i am gonna try and seduce evan and rob and make them my lil minions so im gonna lie to them and tell them that im a cheerleader bc that's hot right?? so ya my womanly charms will be utilized to their fullest potential. go me.
Can we talk about how bullshit it is to have "Lipstick in your tribe's color" when we're yellow and they're RED?  Honest to god might as well have "Lemon in your tribe's color" to make it fair.
Alex coming in with bold capslock "MAKE SURE EVERYONE ON YOUR TEAM HAS SUBMITTED AT LEAST ONE THING" ... Just DM Evan directly my dude.
Feeling much better about this game today than I was last night I think I was just spiraling 🥰 we’re doing really well on the challenge and I hope we win!! Two people messaged me saying I’m doing great on the challenge and idk how to respond. Just tryna make sure we don’t lose I will NOT be the first vote out. Newbies go hard on scavenger hunts but I go even harder 😈
Ok so! I'm super bummed that obor lost the challenge, I really thought we would win! Now we have to get rid of someone and it sucks but I feel like we all know who it has to be. It's not even personal, it's just the fairest thing and the best thing for our tribe. Also, alliances are forming! I like Anabel, Leigh and Trent so I'm with them but I'm gonna try to connect with everyone so I'm not on the outskirts. I hope that the boys haven't formed an all boys alliance bc if they have, then the girls could be in danger. That's it for now!
guess I’ll follow Alex crook’s rules... https://youtu.be/ndsfCdjtcQI
Not much, about to sleep! https://youtu.be/v12a2AbklVw
It's 2:30am so WHY NOT post ANOTHER confessional? Am I right? Honestly, we won which I'm BEYOND THANKFUL for. I hate tribal and I can now at least say I wasn't first boot. THANK GAGA. I'm just really trying to solidify things with Michael right now. I think out of everyone on my current tribe I can honestly see myself making a run at this game with him (at least up until merge). I offered him the prospect of sharing idol clues (it's literally the only collateral I have at the moment) so hopefully this doesn't bite me in the fucking ass. Other than Michael I was kind of hoping to somehow get closer to both Julian and Matt (plot twist I know). Matt has hosted me before and it's no secret he is a founding father of the "I Hate Jess" Club. However, these two seem to be the odd men out right now. They aren't overly socializing with people so there's a high chance they'll be taken out if our current tribe loses. HOWEVER.. I see potential numbers in them. So I can't let that happen. As of right now both Foxx and Stoner seem to be the ones to watch out for. I just can't let them think or know... that I know that about them. Stoner gives me mega "I say the same things to everyone" vibes. He's clearly playing a strong social game so far. I just need to play dumb and ensure that he thinks he can control/trust me. Honestly, as soon as he doesn't see value in me I have no doubt he's gonna cut me. Foxx on the other hand, just seems like he's playing too hard. He's another guy who I strongly believe is going to drop me as soon as I have no value to him. I'm just going to have to have to lay low and be dumb. Owen scares me shitless. He's giving me PTSD from my last season because homeboy is playing a strong contender game. He's definitely a pick to win. He's another person who I'm going to have to try and pretend I'm under their spell. Am I playing too hard too fast? I'm not entirely sure. I'm just going to slow my role a bit and see what happens
What’s Up? WHAT’S UP?!?!?!?  how dare you ask me such a ludicrous question.  Alright so first real general confessional of the game here.  I wanna eventually try and record some video confessionals, but that’s if i have the time. but for today, we’re good with a text.   So starting off the game on the Cahaya Tribe, which consists of entirely returnees.  So right off the bat it makes nervous bc i’m really not around much in the community.  Yeah i’m in a few VL’s and i played once before, but i really don’t know anyone.  So being the odd one out for that reason was a real fear for a little bit. Looking at my tribe, there are a few names that stood out the most to me.  Owen stood out bc we both played Kuwait, and even tho we never met each other, we still have that little connection.  Chris motherfucking Stoner is here too!!  Chris is such a chill dude.  we played together once before and i voted him out pre swap.  But that game was so long ago, and i really don’t think he cares (i know i dont).  So i’m looking forward to reconnecting with him.  Jess is also here!! Jess and I had met previously because i hosted her in Celestial Komnata, and we had some rough misunderstandings there.  But months have passed and I know that I am well over it bc i frankly don’t care.  But i feel like she still probably cares which will not be good for me. Michael was the last person that stood out to me.  Not because I know him, or know of him.  But because he’s the only Non-North American in the cast, which means if i can stay up late and socialize with him, he might favor me over other When i looked at the other tribe, i think the only person i know is Anabel?  We played together once, i hosted her, so we have somewhat of a connection that if we swap together, i hope that works in my favor.   So on the first night of the game, i was very busy with Celestial All stars premiere, so i didn’t get to talk as much as i would’ve liked.  which resulted in me telling jones on call like 5 times that i’m gonna be first boot.  But the first night, i talked with everyone (to some degree) except Issac bc i forgot Issac was here.   The torch twist thing i have no idea what it’s going to be and it worries me.  My first thought is that it somehow would result in a third tribe bc there were six torches.  so someone would light a torch and be placed on that tribe. But it’s too early to figure out what they even mean and i’m sure as the game progresses.  
Woooo so what's happened.  Well, we lost the challenge and it wasn't even close. I haven't looked at the spreadsheet to see the final scores but I feel like Me, Trent, and Anabell did the most work.  I talked to a few people last night and put Evan's name out there cuz I know most people are too scared to say a name first and I feel comfortable enough about my position to be the one to say a name that most people should agree with. A mutual alliance formed between me, Chris, Trent, Anabell, and Lorelei.  Within it, an all girls 3 alliance formed which I'm super happy to be part of.  I'm sure Trent will be paranoid about that sooner or later so hopefully Chris and I can make him feel confident.  Trent is sharing idol guesses with me so I'm hoping that means I'm like the closest person to him right now.  I like the number of options I have so far. 
I feel like Facebook might be falling out of style so maybe these youngin's don't even have it or aren't familiar with Facebook ORGs.  The only other people here who know my history as far as I know are Foxx and Chris, and I hope neither of them bring it up. If I can stay UTR that'd be nice.  Also, I think I need to stop capitalizing letters/using punctuation if I wanna fit in with these kids.  Did I already confessionalize that? Not sure.
Apparently Lorelei missed the HII thing day one haha oh well. I'm compiling guesses from me, Chris, and Trent. Hopefully I'll get them from the girls too. I'm not showing the girls' guesses to Chris though. I don't think he'll be mad at me for it. We gotta play close to the vest sometimes yo
So far I think the game is going alright. My tribe is incredibly quiet for some reason but I guess that isn't too bad. I made a connection with Anabel and Leigh pretty early on. Decided to suggestion and alliance and both we in so I added Chris and Lorelei so we had a majority. This is the alliance I wanted from the beginning. I wanted the older people to stick together and then add in one young one. I think it's a pretty solid idea. Ive been messaging both kenny and dylan as well. I don't want an alliance with them, but I would like for them to like me and want me to stay in. I also think im getting along pretty well with the two infiltrators right now. Julian was spilling all kinds of info about his tribe to me this morning and then me and owen connected really well. Hopefully this will help me in the future if there is a split soon.
Jess was hinting that her, foxx, stoner, and I should get together and I said we’d make a nifty cool group. A NIFTY COOL GROUP WHAT THE FUCK IS A NIFTY COOL OLIVIA
This twist can become SO detrimental. And I’m so MAD Owen went over there first because that bitch is unbelievably charismatic. Hopefully it paints a bigger target on him but like it’s whatever. I like my tribe. We seem chill and I seem to vibe the most with Olivia and Jessica Messica. Foxx is cool. Julian is....Julian ig. Matt has yet to talk to me so that’s a wig ig. Michael seems nice but ngl I get kinda bored when I try to talk to him? He seems very gamebot-y which could be frightening but idk he’s not my biggest problem atm. I’m terrified of Owen - he’s unbelievably charismatic and has the ability to twist people around his finger so like I’m gonna keep my eye on him and I’m not gonna let him out of my sight. With that being said I do wanna see him live for at least a little while for meat-shield purposes. Anyways I hope I do well this game but 👀 I have a sinking feeling.
So yeah.. it seemed like a pretty laxxed day and Evan was the vote. How true is that? Idk but I have to trust strangers. But just heard he through my name out like 20 minutes ago, with less than 3 hours to go. So I just hope everyone’s being honest 😭
what’s up? Everything :’) I couldn’t help as much in the scav hunt as I liked because I was living my life. But thankfully we won anyways bc my tribe kicked ass! I still contributed some and I made sure to keep talking to people. I still love olivia, and matt has been fun to talk to. Don’t rlly know why but foxx seems hard to get to know. And not big into michael rn either. I think I will stick with Julian and chris, hopefully can pull in jess and olivia to do something if we lose. Chris mentioned that both him and jess DO like foxx so we will see.... The main thing is that this twist worked out perfectly for me!!!! I couldn’t call when we were decided and I REALLY wanted to go. Thankfully I was able to take advantage of the majority vote thing and pretend like I wasn’t online hehe and by some miracle I got picked to go. MEANT TO BEEE and let me say I was right, I do love this tribe so much more than my own for some reason. Trent is great, Annabel and I are talking like I wanted, the Chicago girl and the Pokémon mystery dungeon girl. It’s so good over here, but the biggest surprise has been chris o. I really like him and could see myself working well with him if we swap. The only thing is that Julian said he was sketchy sometimes..... hehe so down the road I might have to tell chris o that Julian is after him :~) but I don’t need to snake too hard yet, for right now I’m a crocodile lookin like a log. Vote should be easy on Evan from what I’ve heard but if it changes? I’ll be living for the drama!
It looks like Evan is the consensus. I feel really bad though because it's not his fault. He tried to plead his case with me by saying that he wasn't the only one that was inactive, but that doesn't change the fact that he contributed the least. I know it's the fair thing to do but I feel bad about it. Voting out people is so not fun, I really hope we win the next challenge so I won't have to do this again.
I’m pretty sure I’m fucked. I’ve been trying to get people to vote Kenny but idk fuck
“I know I’M voting Evan = I might be voting Evan but I know others are voting you”. Or am I being paranoid
i feel like i did pretty good on the scavenger hunt.  i managed to scoop up a bunch of items that were left over and some that were high points.  so i do feel good about my performance and think i pulled my weight.  Speaking of pulling weight...Julian is...there.  I think he only submitted one item which was the Vine.  I mean i get you have work and are busy, but like...most of us were the same?  even issac who was celebrating his birthday did more.   after challenge results we got on call in the tribe chat (olivia, chris, michael, myself). and we were talking about the infiltrator twist and the challenge results.  We agreed to have myself and Olivia go, but we needed 5 for a majority.  Julian shows up and says he “might wanna go tbh”.  and then disappears.  We’re on call laughing bc we wanna submit this and not randomize it, so someone who isn’t here gets forced to go.  BUT JULIAN won’t talk in tribechat even tho we’re all like, “hey we’ll take turns and you can go next time.”. but no.  Julian is only talking in olivia’s pm’s and she’s telling us whatever he’s saying. eventually the hour is up, and julian got randomized to go.  that fucker strong armed us into randomizing and he still went god damnit.   I think that call was good for my game because we were just chatting for like 1.5 hours about the game stuff and people.  After michael/chris left the call it was just Olivia and myself on call and we stayed on for another hour and a half(????? ish??? probably less i can’t remember).  But that was a nice call and i think helped start to solidify a bond.  Olivia is someone i can see myself working with in this game.  Same goes for Michael and Chris.  I feel like that call group was pretty natural and we got along really well.  I’m too nervous to initiate any kind of alliance talk, but i know it’s gonna have to happen eventually.  i’m sure alliances already exist on the tribe and i’m obviously not in them.  I think for starters, i need to work on conversations a bit more, because they are somewhat weak right now.  My goal for the future is to work on olivia, michael, chris and owen.  Those are the people i feel most good about.  Foxx is cool but idk it seems hard to gel with them.  Julian is cracked and i hope he’s our first boot.  and the four of us on call forgot issac was on the tribe so that’s not good for him. i think i’m in a decent position for now, but i’m not gonna count my chickens before they hatch (i think that’s the saying idfk)
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survivorkomnata · 6 years
Cast Reveal: Part 1
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Let’s meet your castaways! We have a mixture of 2 starting tribes, Takagi and Kato.
Takagi is named after Toshimitsu Takagi who created the first Escape Room video game, Crimson Room in 2004. Their hex code is #063038
Kato is named after Takao Kato. He founded the Japanese company SCRAP which first transformed the concept in 2007 into a Live Escape Room. Their hex code is #540F15
Without further ado, your first 4 Komnata castaways!
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Hi! I’m Stephen, and this will be my first discord org (and maybe my last we’ll see how we go). I’m 25 and just started my first job after uni teaching English to a bunch of monsters. I am Australian so time zones are a thing and tribals happen while I am working :/ But I’ll stay active as much as I can, its been a while since I played so I’m looking forward to getting stuck in!
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Hi Im Tim. I'M 18, a cancer, and from Mississippi!!! Also a nerd  
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Heey guys I’m Miguel! I’m 17 and I am from Chile! I love to play this type of games and I have not played a big one in almost a year so this makes me soo excited, I’m usually a chill dude but I can get pretty annoyed by some types of personalities like arrogants! I’m currently about to enter my last year of highschool with the dream of one day becoming a doctor! if you know me from anywhere you know that I have played in a nice way but I have changed and I’m coming with the objective of winning and winning only that’s what I have in my sight and if I do the stuff correctly I may win! So hopefully you root for me and if you aren’t hopefully I’ll prove you why you should 🤙🏽🤙🏽😜
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Hey guys and gals! My name is Jess and i'm 20something from Canada. I work with special needs kids for a living and I go to school full-time. I'm new to the whole Tumblr thing so please be nice?!  I look forward to meeting you guys and flopping harder than ever!
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Meet Your Hosts!
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Hey castaways! I’m Trace and I am going to be your primary host for season 82, Manhattan Beach! I am 21 years old, and am a senior in my final semester of college! I’m originally from Manhattan Beach, CA, but have lived in St Louis, MO the last 4  years! I speak fluent Italian, love to surf, and am vegetarian! I have played in 6 main seasons, and have always loved hosting these games (I’ve hosted a few of you in various past seasons). Follow me on IG @withoutatrace23, and let’s get this fuckin show on the road!
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Hi everyone! It's Johnny. I'm a crazy person bc i've played six seasons or something like that and ive hosted five, including the last one, but im in love with trace because he's my daddy and he needed help saturday nights when he has a social life because i DONT have a social life!! so yes,, very excited for this group and it's a good cast, and play your hearts out and make us proud and play to win! so yea :D
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survivorfrance · 6 years
Cast Reveal - Mimosa
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The final tribe, which is named after the popular morning cocktail, is made up of entirely veterans of the Tumblr Survivor series. The last 8 veterans are...
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Akito - He/They - 24 - USA - Lazio (11th)
“Yea.... Akito here, after being dead for a long long time. I see god, I am reformed and ready to kick butt and chew bubble gum. My birthday was just yesterday so I am a year older!!!! Don't get me wrong, but I want to say thank you, have a wonderful time, let's be friends and have fun and I wish everyone luck.”
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Ashley - She/Her - 20 - USA - Sicily (9th) - Myanmar (2RU) - India (4th) - Japan (24) - Game Changers (6th)
“Hi! Im Ashley, I have been in a few games now and am excited to be a part of this one! I cant wait to get to know all of you and kick some booty! Also I exchange pet pics for alliances so hmu. 😂😊”
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Colin - He/Him - 18 - USA - Kvaloya (13th)
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Dom - He/Him - 17 - USA - Arabia (16th) - Switzerland (Winner) - Bermuda (25th)
“hi guys!! im back for my fourth time hahah. i'm really excited to be back and i'm ready to stay this time!! I can't wait to get this game started and meet all of you!”
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Karen - She/Her - 23 - Canada - Easter Island (12th) - Rebels & Rogues (14th) - India (16th) - Solomon Islands (15th) - Jordan Pines (13th) - Virgin Islands (9th)
“hey I'm Karen and I'm old dumb and gay”
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Karim - He/Him - 19 - UK - Cayman Islands (9th {As Joey S})
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Patrick - He/Him - 23 - USA Kiwayu (12th) - Palawan (16th) - Japan (25th)
“BONJOUR! Curtains up with the lights flashing bright the number one show stopping castaway here for your delight, idols, immunity and ME! Serving tribals and dressed to the 9’s cmon give me my million baby it’s show time”
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Sara O. - She/Her - 18 - USA - Easter Island (17th) - Tenochtitlan (9th)
“I’m Sara I’m 18 from PA but currently living in Georgia for college!! (still feels weird to say that) this will be my first TS main game since Tenochtitlan about 2 years ago ! I also played in Easter island but I was a flop in that one so you probably don’t remember me. I love Pokémon, twenty one pilots and dogs so if you are also interested in any of those were off to a good start”
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survivorsuriname · 6 years
Cast Reveal #2
The next batch of castaways have arrived.
These castaways will make up Tafelberg, represented by the color green.
Antoine - (Sarah Tilleke)
24, He/Him
My name is Antoine. I'm from Québec City in Canada. I love Survivor and reality TV in general. I like cooking, playing board games, travelling and eating. I'm here to play one of my favorite games and meet new people :)
Emily - (Randy Bailey)
22, She/Her
Hi im 22 and my name is Emily
Heather - (Brenda Lowe)
16, She/Her
Heyoo I'm Heather. Im so excited to be apart of Suriname. A few fun facts about me is I love Musicals with all my hort. Im a huge ass nerd so please talk about anything and everything nerdy to me. Especially Harry Potter. (Ravenclaw Pride) And I like sleep very much hehe. I can't wait to meet everyone and may all the tears and blood be shed.
Ian - (Tom Westman)
23, He/Him
Hi my name is Ian. i am 23 years old and I live in New Zealand. what I do on my free time is going for a run and hiking and of course, watching survivor.
Sassy - (Colby Donaldson)
24, He/Him
My name is Sean, but most people call me Sassy. I'm 24 from Pennsylvania. I would describe myself as an extroverted introvert; while I can get along fine with others, at the end of the day, I really need a little bit of time to myself to just relax. I work as a stage manager/director for a small theater group in my hometown, so I am quite used to having to deal with all kinds of personalities in a room and am accustomed to taking leadership positions whenever necessary. Interests include but are not limited to wine, dad jokes, Shondaland, Dungeons and Dragons, and proper hydration. Turn offs include bigotry, rudeness, inflated egos and people who just want attention.
I am very excited to have this opportunity to play. I'm not exactly a huge Survivor fan, so I'm sure that this will be a very unpredictable experience. :D
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ts-crossroads · 7 years
Episode Two - “Tumblr Survivor Don’t Want Me To Live” - Julia
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A legend DIED today wtf. I miss Rhone and we weren’t even on the same tribe. I know last confession I was like oh Rhone didn’t vote for me in Themyscira he can go to tribal bye but NOW I feel HORRIBLE!!! He actually went home!!! I didn’t think he was gonna go home!!! Fuck!!!
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OMG WHAT DID I SAY ABOUT RHONE ALWAYS GETTING BAD PLACEMENTS !!! 1 rip my baby and 2 I’m a fucking fortune teller, future predictor, queen of the past and future castaway
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Rhone getting voted out? Fucking fantastic! One of the stronger vets coming into this, in my opinion, and also probably one of the only few people I didn't get to speak to, at length, during One World. Bye Bye Rhone! 
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Okay so like bitch. I really am tryna not be a messy bitch already butttt Rebecka is being one so its triggering me to be one. Like girl i ain't got time for that bs. Not to mention she and Rhone wanted to flip on me? Good that their asses aren't a thing anymore lmao! But anyways, pray bc im tryna not be a mess
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Thanks to my strategy, we dominated the first Immunity Challenge. When Optio realized that Fatum and Imperium had teamed up, it was too late for them to do anything about it. I'm not crying, though- the only person on that tribe I felt a connection with was Jake, and he survived Tribal. In addition to allowing us to win, my strategy revealed a lot of interesting information. For instance, before I could even mention working with Fatum specifically, Bryan had ALREADY begun talking to Emily about teaming up. https://imgur.com/cd5ebDW First of all, this shows me that Bryan feels very comfortable with Emily- who isn't even on our tribe- and also that Emily was playing me. Hard. From talking to Autumn and Chris, it sounds like she's dominating Fatum with her social game, and she tried to work her charm on the rest of us, too. Someone that manipulative is going to be dangerous down the road, and make it more likely that Bryan will flip on us when we swap. Autumn, Chris and I seem to be on the same page, and Chris and I are working on convincing Dane that Autumn is a non-entity so he'll be more open to her working with us. Dane thinks the trio is himself, Chris, and me, but in reality, he's the loose 4th number that I won't hesitate to cut if necessary. The working alliance name is Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. That's important. https://pictures.abebooks.com/isbn/9780671502904-us.jpg At this point, I feel pretty good about the way things are going. I've got a total cross-tribal bromance with Johnny going on (#FratBrosAlliance), a solid threesome-plus-one on my tribe, and it doesn't sound like Sam or Bryan have tried to form an alliance at all. They better pray we win immunity, because this game is heating up.
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WOW OKAY. FIRST OF ALL....... Icon me getting an automatic bye in the semi finals of the reward challenge, by simply doing nothing, and then losing horrifically on my first go at the challenge. It's okay! I showed I'm a team player by not playing for the storyteller for next round, and our tribe didn't win anything for reward in particular, which didn't bother me at all, because that means that no one on our tribe looks particularly good, and we all are on a level playing ground, which is good strategically from my perspective. Now, heading into post reward challenge, which is the more ICONIQUE part of my night..... I go to search for the idol, and it's the first round, so very meh, the odds of finding ANYTHING are typically not in my favor... rt? NOT RIGHT!! NOT RIGHT AT ALL!!!!! [12/13/17, 11:11:39 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): You open the book to the marked page. The prologue has ended, and you turn the page. “Chapter One,” it reads, “At Castle Crossroads.” Immediately, the world around you shifts. You find yourself standing in a dimly lit hallway. Lit torches line the walls, and surrounding you are two large doors. What would you like to do? You can… 1. Continue down the hall. 2. Take the left door. 3. Take the right door. 4. Take a torch from the wall. 5. Cry out for help. [12/13/17, 11:17:19 PM] ~~Johnny~~: hmm [12/13/17, 11:17:53 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I really wanna see what happens if I choose option Five [12/13/17, 11:18:03 PM] ~~Johnny~~: But the SMART version of Johnny is telling the dumb version of Johnny not to choose that option [12/13/17, 11:18:11 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): do whatever you want :) [12/13/17, 11:18:17 PM] ~~Johnny~~: watch crying out for help mean an idol gets put in my hand [12/13/17, 11:18:18 PM] ~~Johnny~~: fuck it [12/13/17, 11:18:20 PM] ~~Johnny~~: it’s round one [12/13/17, 11:18:22 PM] ~~Johnny~~: it’s all luck [12/13/17, 11:18:25 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I’m gonna cry out for help [12/13/17, 11:18:44 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): Your calls are soon answered by the most handsome man you have ever seen in your entire life! “Hi,” he says. “I’m Sir Nestor.” What’s your name? You introduce yourself, and he grabs your hand, shaking it firmly. “What did you come here for?” You have two options - profess your undying love for this beautiful man and claim to have come here to woo him and take his hand in marriage, or, try to play it cool and make him jealous, claiming you are here for the Ball, and a chance to meet the Prince. [12/13/17, 11:19:09 PM] ~~Johnny~~: oof [12/13/17, 11:19:20 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): I know [12/13/17, 11:19:20 PM] ~~Johnny~~: one will probably mean that he grabs me tight and gives me an idol [12/13/17, 11:19:27 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): that's what I said when I saw sir nestor too [12/13/17, 11:19:27 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Another would mean that if I play it cool, he might say fuck off [12/13/17, 11:19:48 PM] ~~Johnny~~: So I think the safer option is to profess my undying love for this beautiful man [12/13/17, 11:19:55 PM] ~~Johnny~~: as if anything that I’m saying makes any logical sense [12/13/17, 11:20:01 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): gdgdfsgd [12/13/17, 11:20:03 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): one sec [12/13/17, 11:21:02 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): Sir Nestor is flattered. “I’m sorry, but my heart belongs to another,” he discloses. “But I owe you for the piece of your heart I have stolen.” He grabs your hand again and presses something small and wooden into it. “Take this for safe keeping.” He winks at you and walks away, into the darkness. [12/13/17, 11:21:19 PM] ~~Johnny~~: uhm [12/13/17, 11:21:21 PM] ~~Johnny~~: excuse me? [12/13/17, 11:22:55 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): Sir Nestor has given you half of a hidden immunity idol! This half of Sir Nestor's heart can be combined with any other idol half to make a hidden immunity idol. These halves can be obtained in numerous ways - you will have to find them! [12/13/17, 11:23:03 PM] ~~Johnny~~: OMG [12/13/17, 11:23:04 PM] ~~Johnny~~: STFU [12/13/17, 11:23:07 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I found a half of one? [12/13/17, 11:23:09 PM] ~~Johnny~~: I’m dying LISTEN READERS!! I KNOW THAT'S A LOT TO READ, BUT FFS PLEASE READ WHAT JUST HAPPENED. I chose "Cry for Help" and "Profess undying love for strange man" and got half an idol! THIS IS FUCKING FANTASTIC!! Now... on a serious note. Having half an idol is huge for a lot of ways. For starters, I am definitely not telling anyone I have this half of an idol. I learned last season from my Steffen incident, and I know that there's no chance in hell I can share this information with anyone. I am, of course, going to try to go for the idol every single round, in hopes of finding the other half, but I now, more than ever, need to play a super strong social game, but not delve into strategy talk (Thanks Andrew for that piece of advice) and just keep it purely social, and let people bring up things like "I trust you" and "I get good vibes from you" so that way they can maybe feel more comfortable telling me about the idol. This gives me a lot of leverage early on in the game, and I'm pretty stoked, but I've gotta keep it cool. As for not participating in the immunity challenge. I see there being no upside to competing for several reasons. First off, I said over and over I'd compete if someone else wanted to sit out, which shows that I'm willing to compete, and also, if we win, I'm immune and didn't have to do much work for the challenge, meanwhile if we lose, there's likely going to be a member of our tribe who didn't do as much, and it's going to be easier to divert attention on that person. I'm thinking I'm safe if we lose, but I honestly don't believe my connections are as strong as they can be, so I'm going to really have to pick that up the best I can, but I do feel confident in my relationships with Ryan, Haley and John. I know Haley likes Emily, so that can maybe give me an in there. I see Nicole being first out of our tribe. She doesn't seem the most active, so I've got faith in that being the vote if we lose still. I know I keep talking about who I would vote over and over again in these confessionals, but it's always a thought in my head, and rightfully so, because eventually this game is going to pick up entirely, and it's going to be chaos.
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I have 2 scavenger hunts in 2 games this week and I just want rhone back what the actual FUCK I was so excited to meet/play with rhone
Anyone who disagrees with me on Hanukkah is racist CONFIRMED 
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Not to be that bitch but if my tribe loses after I drank jelly, jam, maple syrup, and Olive Garden dressing all together I’m going to McFreakin lose it! Also I did 30/36 things? If my tribe doesn’t pull their weigh I’m going to scream. Like I’m screaming. Some of them are talking about only having like ten things done and I’m like ????????? WHAT
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Sooooo we lost the challenge, which is exactly what I was anticipating. I knew that this challenge was going to be one we were going to lose, because our tribe didn't give a half of a shit in terms of effort, and it kinda pisses me off, but now we're headed to tribal in the second round, and I think i'm partially ready for it. I knew that Ryan, John and Haley have all been pretty tight, and it should've been pretty simple in knowing that we were going to choose between Emily and Nicole, but then the LOVELY twist of the best scoring player from our tribe bringing a member from the winning tribe to tribal council is NOT bueno. Emily decided to bring over Bryan, which was an interesting choice. Honestly, I don't think Bryan being here or not being here will make an impact on tribal council, and I know the conversations I'm having right now with him are pussy footing around almost, and I'm trying not to make it seem too casual, because I can tell he's fed up with the small talk and wants to know what's happening with tribal council. APPARENTLY, according to Haley and John, is that Emily has admitted to both of them that she enjoys talking to Ned and Bryan more than she spoke to us, so like BUH BYE BITCH!! I tried to bring up the counter argument that Nicole is probably going to be detrimental in challenges when it comes to effort, compared to Emily, because Emily seems to care a lot more, but in a smaller cast, with an inevitable swap coming very soon, we can't keep around Emily, when she has way closer relationships on the other tribes, and we'll almost rather take a loss in a challenge with Nicole, than a few wins and bringing Emily into a swap, where she might screw us. On top of all of this, I know my social game couldn't possibly be as strong as it could be this time around, considering Emily didn't trust me with the information of her talking to other tribes more than us, which she did tell John and Haley, so this means I've really just gotta watch out and make sure my name isn't the name that is being brought up today for the potential vote from Emily. I think Nicole is going to be on board with voting with us too, to get rid of Emily, so I've gotta do a bit of talking to her today to make sure that Nicole feels some loyalty to me, and will feel closer to me after this vote, than hopefully the other people on our tribe, and then I've gotta talk to Emily and just make sure that my name isn't the name she plans on throwing out there. I think she's going to throw out Ryan's name, but who knows. Only in due time of tribal council will we find out.......
SOOOOOOOOO an alliance was made called the "The Stoners" which is actually my favorite alliance of all time, and I couldn't be happier with the title of it. The title alone just makes me want to trust them whole heartedly until the game is over. jkjkjk on a serious note NOW So the alliance is pretty damn perfect if you ask me. I have the three people I trust most in the game so far, and that's Ryan, John and Haley, and being in an alliance with them is good. I trust them, and I'm always pretty nervous going into a tribal council, but I do think we'll be fine this round, and I'm just going to try to make my name not come up at a tribal. My social game could be better, but i've gotta make it stronger with nicole and emily. AS FOR THE IDOL SEARCH THOUGH: Last time we spoke about my idol searches, I FOUND, check that out, FOUND half an idol on my first try, and I was like HOW DID I DO THAT WTF!! So then I decided to search again, and I ended up going down the main hall, and down the stairs, and I found a witch, and she asked me to play a game! [12/15/17, 9:51:18 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): You walk down the stairs and find yourself in a dark, damp room - presumably the dungeon. You hear a noise up ahead - it seems to be a chain dragging along the ground. Cautiously, you walk ahead into the darkness, and come upon a jail cell. Inside is a tiny man dressed like a jester. “Hello,” he says, surprised to see you. “My name is Mervyn. I’ve been down here a while… Would you like to play a game?” [12/15/17, 9:54:47 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Hmmm [12/15/17, 9:54:54 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Do I have to say yes or no? [12/15/17, 9:55:18 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): fkjadshjf yeah [12/15/17, 9:55:32 PM] ~~Johnny~~: Okay. I'll say yes [12/15/17, 9:56:08 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): ok so here is what will happen [12/15/17, 9:56:15 PM] Owen (Crossroads Host): “Excellent!” Mervyn exclaims. “It’s been a long while since I’ve had some entertainment. Here is how this will work: I am hiding a coin in my left hand or right hand. If you can guess the correct hand three times in a row, you win! I’ll give you three attempts. Understood?” I lost the game, unfortunately, but IMAGINE if I won, it may have been the other half of that idol, and I would've been tripping my balls off, but I didn't find it, so I decided to try to gain some favor, and this may have been a HUGE mistake, but I get this feeling that this makes Haley, who is playing the game pretty hard, trust me more than she trusts John and Ryan. So I told her the exact path I took, and I told her that she had to play the game, try to win. I alsooooooo may or may not have decided to tell John too. I think this level of transparency that I can have with John and Haley this early is good. I'm definitely going to have to tell Ryan too, in hopes that one of them gets the half an idol, and tells me. At this point, I'm giving them a huge piece of information in this game, and I think they'll be thankful later, and maybe even secretly tell me that they found the other half of the idol that I'm looking for, that they don't know I have. I know this may be a flashback from Japan, but I've got a pretty decent vibe from these three, and at least knowing that Emily doesn't have it is just a step better than anything else, so I'll take that as a moral victory for now, and hope I'm the one who beats the game to get beyond the "Win."
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ummm so wow thank god we won this challenge i was so nervous with bran literally ghosting like the fuck??? so after tribal bran told me that he wanted to get close with rebecka, and ended up making a chat with me, him and her. and then the next day brandon made a chat with me, him, and julia. Lmfao king of being in the middle?? well maybe im boo boo the fool and don't know! but...I don't trust Rebecka? She literally just voted me. So Bran isn't thinking that much, plus he told me he doesn't trust Brandon, who literally saved my ass.,.,.ok. Brandon told me the TEA which is that Julia was talking to him A LOT about saving Rebecka if we lose. It seems like she's close with her, prob bc they're both girls and that worries me. Like this heaux literally tried to send my ass packing obv if she wanted to target someone it would be me again so she can get less blood on her hands. She worries me, she went HAM in the immunity obv to get back into our good graces, so I'm kinda nerv. Also bc if we survive to a tribe swap and end up on the same tribe she'd prob try to throw me under the bus so fast LMAO. I told Brandon that he was my ride or die, I trust him the most. I rly hope he doesn't try to fuck me over in the future. I'm also worried about the idol cus if everyone's being honest then me, Brandon, and Julia don't have it. If Becky has that gaddamn idol then im fuckd. 
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YAYYYY, I’m so glad my tribe won the immunity challenge! We are really doing that! And Emily brought me over to her tribe for the vote! That’s awesome! I get to expand my social game too now and be more prepared if a tribe swap were to happen. The thing is. These people are so boring. I have not heard one fucking name the whole time I’ve been here. And I’ve literally been asking for one. They all say everyone is so nice. And they don’t wanna vote anyone off. Pft. Whatever AutumnI’m so blessed/ this tribe is amazing!!! It all came together and we did that. Also shoutout to Ned cause he killed it and wow what a lad #thatsmyally . Meanwhile I got into Athena All Stars so guess who gets to flop in yet ANOTHER scavenger hunt 🙃 I have neither the time nor the WiFi to pull off all these fucking photos and videos. I had 10 points worth of stuff that just never submitted because WiFi but I’m on Imperium sooo I’m nervous though because I feel like we’re literally the Healers tribe from Season 35 and I think we’re only gonna lose 1 person before merge, especially if we keep winning. Basically I need us to start losing so Opossum and Fart don’t take us out in the merge simply because we’re Impartial lol
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Okay so Ned, Chris, and I formed an alliance and I’m really happy because I need numbers so badly in this game. However, when I went on call with Ned I noticed he was very hesitant to talk game with Chris and I so I’m scared that he’s playing both sides. Also we’ve all been working together to map out the storybook but I feel like I’m the only one that actually gives them step by step instructions on what I did and it’s pissing me off because I really want to get an idol. Now, for the rest of the tribe. During the one world interactions and the first immunity challenge Bryan and Emily formed a bond and that’s why our tribes teamed up on Optio, but I’m starting to get real sketch about him since she also picked him to come over and view their tribal council. Whenever I talk to Bryan he’s so boring and I think it’s because he doesn’t think that I’m useful to his game and that he’s only going to be super friendly whenever he needs me. But with that being said if he feels comfortable on my tribe then he thinks he has the majority and thats why it ties back into Ned. I really think Ned and Bryan are low key working together but I’m not going to let my paranoia get the best of me in this game. I just have to really work on Autumn and get closer with Chris. 
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Me when I’m about to get blindsided hard. Just an observation. omg if I got 17th I’d quit the community SORRY SORRY. Mini mental breakdown that i get from people not communicating with me and me just going all NFJKDLSNVJKDSFNJLKVSDNFJKLNSDVFJKLN Okay I’m having a good conversation with Emily. She won’t target me. cool tbh I’d rather Nicole go a bit now, but I don’t wanna sound indecisive in my confessional, or ruffle feathers with my tribemates, so I’m just going to go with this and hope for the best, even though I'm sounding pretty indecisive now. Rip Emily, she seems like she wants to be here pretty bad too. This is not what I wanted. Haley wanted this, and that little lady is playing very hard for a rookie, which is fine for me partly, but also a bit concerning because I don't want her to be in the position to just call the shots and me potentially be a shot she's calling, but I'm hoping for the best for the future and thinking this may be a decent move for me EEK IDK
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And the winning streak continues! The reward challenge was great. We decided to split the challenges with 3 of us playing for Storymaster and 3 playing for immunity advantage. I was put into the Storymaster challenge (Knight Moves) with Chris and Autumn, and our only competition was Julia... who left before the challenge even started. So we played amongst ourselves and had Alliance Bonding Time (TM), where Chris eventually won. Also, Bryan won the advantage for our immunity challenge, which we didn't really need because everyone put in a ton of work and we won in a landslide (even with Chris's disadvantage from the Storybook as well as him being sick all day). The alliances are going great. Chris and I have an alliance with Dane (called Wassup Homies) and one with Autumn (called Mystery Inc. I'm Fred, Chris is Shaggy, and Autumn is Daphne). Now Chris and I need to work on stealthily merging the two alliances into one, but it's looking like we're in a good spot at the moment. In addition, I found a challenge advantage in the Storybook, which Dane tried to convince me to play last night. Dude, try to make it a LITTLE less obvious when you want to flush my advantage, because now I'm not sure I can trust you. Dane, keep that hug *boop* for me. Cuz it wasn't real. http://oi53.tinypic.com/vg6kcn.jpg Now here's where Bryan screwed up. Again. Because Fauna lost immunity, the person on their tribe who scored the highest gets to kidnap someone from another tribe, where they will cast a vote but be immune. The winner of this advantage happened to be Emily, and it was no surprise who she chose: Bryan. https://media.giphy.com/media/xT0xeQ3Qqmf2ZZ9rQk/giphy.gif So Bryan's obviously going to get pulled into Emily's alliance, where he'll learn ALL about the relationships and goings-on at Faulty, which will set him up REAL nicely for a swap or merge. If he doesn't spill all the Faculty secrets as soon as he gets back to camp, I'm strongly considering throwing the next challenge to vote him out, because letting Bryan reach a swap is a risk I'm not willing to take. SamanthaI’m glad I’m on a tribe that keeps winning but that makes me nervous bc there is little strategy going on, and if we merge without having a tribal, we are fucked. I may be getting ahead of myself with the merge thing, but my tribe is kicking ass. I sat out of this comp though so I really can’t take much credit. I am nervous about how close Bryan and Emily are. Bryan was the one who talked to Emily about having our tribes work together and then she won a reward allowing her to borrow Bryan for their tribal. If they’re both around when we merge, that is definitely a duo to split. I also love Chris. We snap all the time and he’s so funny and kind! I think I want to work with him. And we were talking about people on the tribe and we both think autumn is on the bottom. I haven’t talked to autumn since the first night which is not good at all hahaha. I really like Ned, we have a lot in common. I didn’t realize that in our previous game, and I know I have Dane. We have been friends for so long. I think we can easily work together. Autumn and Bryan are the only ones I’m worried about, but overall I think theyre fine for now. I’m really interested to see what happens at tribal. I wonder how the other tribes see us. I know fantum probably hates us but oh well :) I want to do a lot of idol searching this game. I’m tired of never having idols, I get them so rarely, I’m determined this game.  
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So Emily can't talk to me. She will ask John "how's Ryan doing in the challenge" etc etc all this shit. Like my PMs are OPEN. Haley and John both told me I was being targeted by Emily for tribal which idrc. Nicole said "I haven't heard anything" after we agreed to not vote each other and I think she's being a lil FAKER. But the stoner alliance of Haley/Me/John/Johnny should HOPEFULLY stick together and get Emily out.... 
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Yay we won woohoo im still fuckin pissed that bran failed to complete a single scavenger hunt number???? How did we not lose like whatever i can't I'm just glad I'm safe this week !!! 
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At the beginning of the round Haley and I finally went on call and we really clicked once we were able to really talk to one another. One of the things she brought up was that if we lost she thinks Emily should go first because she had so many connections to the other tribes, which she has openly admitted to. She said she wanted an alliance with me and Ryan, and a few days later a chat was made with myself ryan Haley and Johnny. We lost by just a few points on the scavenger hunt which definitely stings a bit, but what is even worse is that Emily killed it for our tribe on that challenge. Haley immediately threw Emily's name out in our alliance chat, and everyone seems to think it's the best thing to do for us going forward. If we swap we don't know if Emily will be more loyal to us than to the others. Bryan being on the tribe makes it complicated as he is deff close with Emily. He's automatically taking her side and trying to get ryan to be the person voted out tonight. Nicole seems to be on the fence at this point, I can't tell what she wants to do. I really want to keep nicole close in this game as I love her but I'm worried she won't agree with this decision. I originally wanted to work with her and ryan together but will she vote out Emily? Who knows. A girls alliance was made by Emily once we lost the challenge, but nicole immediately told me about it. Haley then came to me as well. I feel like people trust me at this point and I don't want to lose that trust. I feel horrible about it but I feel like ryan and Haley are both better for my game going forward. It just stings cause I really like Emily too and would like to continue getting to know her. It's messy but hopefully whatever happens it happens smoothly.
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My confessing game is really low I’m sorry. So basically everyone was SKIRTIN around bringing up names and I just casually mentioned that I hadn’t spoken much to Ryan to Haley and she seemed to not be opposed to voting him. I did the same sort of thing to Johnny then he added onto that saying that Ryan is a WINNER and I was like ? Oh! LOL! I’m a winner too but not in a main so I guess it doesn’t count I’m gonna pretend like I’m scared of Ryan just so we’ll go for him and not me :0! And then I talked to Nicole and she also seemed good with voting Ryan and Nicole said she’d talk to John! So everything is good and if things go according to plan, Ryan will be the first boot of the Fatum tribe. I think people are already starting to um? Look at me like a leader? Or a threat? And I’m a bit nervous? But also, they can fear me all they want. Don’t vote me out because I’m big and scary!!! GRRR!!!
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This whole cast is cancelled bring back rhone pls 
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my social security number is 372-83-1938
0 notes
ios-turkey · 7 years
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The Baba tribe (Turkish for “Father”) will wear yellow, and correspond with the realm of the mind. These castaways typically emphasize intelligence and wit over physical prowess and social niceties, in the game and/or in their real lives.
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hey guys im jc the resident crazy bitch of the ios vl!! im excited to play this with everyone so much omg c: im 19 years old n go by they&them pronouns thnx. i love animals and nature, im a vegetarian, i enjoy photography and traveling, and lovelovelove listening to tons of different music so if any of that lines up with you guys thats lit!! see you guys in the game <3
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hi I’m julia! I’m 16 yrs old and i love fifth harmony and harry styles,,, i can’t wait to meet all of you!
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HI BITCHES N DICKS MY NAME IS LEAH AND WELCOME TO MY INTRO. usually i do videos but because im getting drunk tonight i gotta write this shit but i look forward to meeting and playing with everyone and again, actually learning wtf is so great about survivor
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I'm Nic, I'm 17 years old and I live in Georgia :). I love Survivor, I hate ORGs, goodluck.
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hey hi i’m richie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! here’s my awkward cliche 'i’m excited to start this game and meet a bunch of people and make some friends' introduction (heart) keep your expectations low and lets party or whatever 😎
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ios-hokkaido · 8 years
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The nine players of the Haru tribe are completely new to the Shade ORG or are seeking redemption after not succeeding on their first showings. They have yet to find success in House of Shade, but all nine of them are looking to show that they have what it takes to outread, outdrag, and outslay. Will they ultimately be able to earn the title of legends? Let’s meet the first four castaways from this tribe!
The Haru tribe (Japanese for “spring”) will wear pink. Here are your buffs:
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Let’s meet the first four castaways!
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Hey everyone!!! I am super excited to be here!!! I can't wait to see what's in store!! (*)  BEING PART OF SOMETHING SPECIAL MAKES YOU SPECIAL RIGHT  (*)
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Hey everyone! My name is Chris, but everyone calls me Chrispy. This is my very first Shade ORG and I guess I'm excited to play. I've played in like one Tumblr survivor (well 2 but I did terrible in one of them so it doesn't count) and a couple of RRN orgs. Bring it on! Can't wait to meet everyone.
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hi my names connor! im a high school senior from arizona and i suck at survivor but im here to have a good time :-)
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im ian and im depeserately trying to validate reality roulette as a good game so my one win can look impressive. im also a flight attendant.
Stay tuned as we reveal the last five members of the Haru tribe!
0 notes