feelo-fick · 1 year
PHIOOOOOOO you should tell me about yor littol shadow guy........I think they r silly....and purrhaps my oc Castaway and him share a few characteristics.....
feelo... first off they use any pronouns! second of all, theyre a very shy type — theyve lived in the woods away from society for very long, until the moomin-crew discovers them
they actually play the flute!! cause im not sure if youve seen the post about my ancient flute alarm but its the only thing that can wake me up, so i decided to include it into his character HAHAHA if castaway plays anything, maybe theyd play together huhu
he doesnt speak much at first (or maybe doesnt speak at all? im unsure), but i have lots of arc ideas for the future if i ever make comics for him!! if you look back at my og post there were a few comic panels showing him lowering the scarf around his neck and her hoodie, with the episode title "Under the Hood" — it signifies a core part of her arc that i have no time to explain JABSHABD
some more fun facts, at some point she sets up shop (well, more like a tiny vendor stall) in the woods where she sells little trinkets and advice for a few cents or a cool rock HAHAHA they store their things in their little bucket for safe keeping and pulls them out when necessary (e.g. they grab a minnow out of it and just start eating it as a snack)
going back to them speaking, if they do end up not speaking, id like to imagine they speak through drawings in a notebook, so its just a game of pictionary whenever theyre around HABSAHHA itd be funny to see people try to piece together what theyre saying as they grow more and more annoyed and the drawings get messier
anyways thats all! id love to hear about your little guy 👀👀 we can ask eachother questions and take turns! (and if you rp... ive been waiting to do a moomins rp for a while huhuhu)
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villetela · 3 months
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Ahhh!! ❤❤ thank you guys so much for all the notes and followers :D!!!
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To be honest I didn't really expected to have a lot of notes to my other posts XD but thank you all so much for the kindness and support!! 😄 😄😄❤❤
I promise I'll make more arts and probably more LDR memes.
I'll mostly post LDR content since I'm an LDR addict XD but I'll also post other fandom art and some oc stuffs! but thank you guys again for the notes and for 168 followers!! I can't believe I immediately got this much followers wow 😲. But that's all for now, I want to thank all of you guys so much for the support and kindness!! I'll do my best to keep up with the art! Bye! ^_^
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moinsbienquekaworu · 2 years
i am about to sleep but i wanted to ask what your favorite poem is? will you tell me about it? what you love and why it’s your favorite? do you like any of its translations? i love you. i hope you have a good day 🥰
(⁠〒⁠﹏⁠〒⁠) beloved thank you for the question!!! As per usual I am incapable of choosing just one of a thing, so I actually have two favourite poems, one in french and one in english (because poetry in french and in english can be pretty different since the codes and models and expectations aren't always the same!) They're the two poems I can recite and know by heart haha.
The english one is Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, by Robert Frost. I really like the last stanza (like everyone else) but also just the way when you say it out loud it does feel like a quiet moment watching the snow fall all on your own. I found it recently accompanying a fic (two different fics actually but the second time I knew it) and it entranced me!
The french one is Chanson d'Automne by Paul Verlaine. It's a classic in France, some of its lines were used as a signal for saboteurs during WWII and there's an urban legend it was used to signal the landing in Normandy. I personally had to learn it by heart in primary school (I think in 4th grade?) and it just stuck with me. I like it for the way it feels to me and the images it evokes, but also just because it was the first poem I learnt by heart and being able to recite a poem is an easily overlooked comfort of life (insert those posts and quotes about art being vital and what we need to be able to turn to in dark or light times)
Other poems I like include Remords Posthume and L'Albatros by Baudelaire, Le Dormeur du Val by Rimbaud, Le Déserteur and Je Voudrais Pas Crever by Boris Vian, Funeral Blues by W. H. Auden, and Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath. The french ones I studied in school, and I found the english ones on my own (I feel like I found both in Johnlock fics?? but I might be wrong about Funeral Blues, it's been years) I included english translations where I could for the french ones, and they're not necessarily incredible but they should let you get the vibe. If one of them speaks to you I can try to explain what makes it tick! My personal anecdotes with those because that's half the fun: we had to analyse Remords Posthume for literature class with my best friend K, and what's really cool about it is the last line, "et le ver rongera ta peau comme un remords", because it plays on the homonymy between ver, the worm, and vers, the line of poetry, meaning she will be devoured physically by worms since she'll be dead but also that his verses, his poem, will make her feel remorse; I like the albatross analogy because I was a weird kid who felt comfortable with books but not with my peers; Le Dormeur du Val is extremely extremely sad and beautiful and I think Rimbaud was a very interesting guy; technically Le Déserteur is a song and not a poem but I first saw the text without knowing that so for me it's a poem forever now, and I love talking about the original versus final ending thing; the YouTube channel Le Mock did an excellent reading of Je Voudrais Pas Crever and it's a jewel, I love it so so much; Funeral Blues was the first english poem I ever liked (or maybe read honestly) and I wrote it on the cover of my 10th grade english notebook (because the teacher was great and said that if we forgot to do our homework he wouldn't punish us if we could recite a poem for him, so I wrote it down and tried to learn if by heart in case I forgot my homework); and Mad Girl's Love Song features in a fic I read a few weeks ago and I just think it's neat. I probably forgot some but those are the ones I remember right now (edit: ADA LIMÓN!! I FORGOT ADA LIMÓN!!! Accident Report in the Tall, Tall Weeds (the I can't help it, I love the way men love poem) hit me in the chest the first time I read it and it's so so good)
My favourites (and most of the poems I like actually) are pretty popular because I'm not really into poetry that much on my own. I get attached to poems once I see how they work inside and analyse them, but I don't sit down and decide to analyse some poem from Les Fleurs du Mal at random because it feels like homework, and I don't go looking for poetry because I'm very hit or miss (I get bored at long winded descriptions in those 4-part 7-pages poems and a lot of things trip up my instinctual Pretentiousness Radar™, and while it's not necessarily accurate it does turn me off poems). So I just stay with the basics, but that's fine, because the comfort of carrying poems with you is there whatever the poem is y'know?
Also question, do americans learn poetry in school? I assume you must analyse some in literature class, but I don't know if you learn poems when you're young. I know we also do lots of La Fontaine's Fables, though I personally never did, but learning poems to recite in primary school is a thing almost everyone has done here I think.
#i just like. literature and literary analysis. when it's like poetry and it rhymes. when there's literary devices for a reason.#i'm an english lit major for a reason!!!#thank you for reminding me of what i like in literature my classes are so boring it's hard to remember sometimes#also the sheer joy of explaining poems i like to people who don't know them#like i could not explain le dormeur du val to a french person because they already know it and associate it with boring literature classes#but you don't! because you weren't forced to spend hours of lit classes on it in 8th grade whether you liked it or not!#it's like - yes they're well known poems but they're popular for a reason y'know#oh an honorary poems are some songs. like mistki's songs? that's poetry. that's just poetry!#it's like le déserteur - it's a song but isn't it poetry too? when the text follows the same rules? when you can analyse it the same?#actually all because of you feels like a poem too. if you know what i mean?#and dans ma ville on traîne by orelsan reminds me of a primary school poem - l'école by jacques charpentreau#it's all poetry and it's so cool and i love it#OH and racine's plays. they're not Poetry poetry - they're plays - but they rhyme in their entirety and follow a specific pattern#that's poetry!! that's just poetry!!!!#if you want me to get phèdre out and read you some racine i would be delighted to it's so nice to listen to#there's a rhythm to it and it becomes much easier to understand once you say it out loud - like shakespeare#anyway. LITERATURE.#wow i have a ramble tag now#wow i have an asks tag now#i love the way men love indeed
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hiii! I adore your writings especially the vill fics thank you for blessing us vil fans 😭🙏💕
Can you please write soulmate au with vil and the perks of being soulmate with him? Thank youuu
thank you so much, that's so sweet!!! and OHHH soulmate.... so good
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summary: soulmates type of post: fic characters: vil additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, FLUFFY, lovesick vil forever
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Vil Schoenheit had always deemed the existence of "soulmates" to be a thing confined in the lines of a poem.
Ever the rationalist, Vil hadn't even entertained the fantasy of meeting his "perfect match", if such a person even existed. His life was not that of a cheesy movie script he'd turn down.
Finding someone who could cope with his strict lifestyle would be a miracle in and of itself.
...And if you had asked Vil Schoenheit what his image of the perfect partner would be, he would say exactly that.
Someone beautiful, intelligent, responsible, with the dedication and discipline to keep up with him.
Spoken with a sardonic smile and honeyed words, Vil knew that his chances of actually finding someone to meet his standards, to keep up with him, were slim.
He couldn't have possibly imagined having to keep up with you, instead.
You were like a shooting star; swift and bright, moving faster than he could fathom, cutting through the dark parts of his life like a hot blade.
Something for him to wish on.
Like nothing he could have ever imagined.
There was a radiance in everything you did, one that made your skin glow with or without products, a certain warmth that so contrasted the refined and elegant image he'd grown to associate with beauty.
Vil would eagerly tend to your every need. It was a dream just to touch you, to have the honor of pushing your hair out of your face.
He would savor every second of grazing your skin, of tracing your features with delicate fingertips, if only just to cleanse your pores after a long day.
With you, every simple action is beautiful.
Vil enjoys pampering people he cares for, and thus your life is full of high-end products, the best groceries money can buy, and his personal advice from the very second he sets eyes on you.
He would gladly do your personalized skincare routine with you every night and every morning if time allowed it.
2. Intelligent.
In such a way that makes him eager to understand you.
Really, it's your insatiable curiosity that draws him in.
He could spend hours upon hours simply listening to you talk. Your interests begin excite him just as much as they excite you, your passion for learning and creating capture his attention with ease.
There's never a dull moment between the two of you.
What others might consider useless conversations about trivial matters, Vil holds to the highest regard.
It comes to the point where he begins asking you for opinions, even if he knows he'll disagree with your answer, just to hear your perfect voice, just to watch your expression change in the way it does when you're thinking.
He's infatuated with your thought process, with the way your mind works.
Understanding you is not a labor, but a privilege.
3. Responsible.
To where all he could ask for is you and your gentle touch.
You care. Whether you're aware of it or not, you care so deeply about the people in your life, it almost puts Vil to shame.
Paired with your determination and resilience, and your ceaseless sense of independence, it's absolutely irresistible to him.
Vil is so unfamiliar with the way you treat him. Tenderly, and softly, like he's something that needs to be taken care of. You don't put him on a high shelf like a trophy, but carry him at your side, like a beloved doll.
He's never been at the receiving end of such consideration.
On the days where it feels as if the world is coming undone around him, he has somewhere to go. A place to hide, where he can forget all that he's supposed to be, and just simply be instead.
You are a home to him.
Vil knows that the both of you are perfectly capable (exemplary, even) at minding yourselves, though that's exactly what makes this tenderness you share all the better.
Independence is a gift, though one that he'll gladly set aside for a time, to be alone and soft with you.
4. Keeping Up.
Some days, it feels as if he's hanging onto you for dear life.
Afraid that if he looks away for even a moment, you'd vanish, leaving him alone with all of his naive, shallow thoughts on what his soulmate should be.
You're a dream to him. Far better than anything he ever could have asked for, or even imagined. He would be a fool to let you get away, he knows as much.
And perhaps he doesn't have the words to express it yet, perhaps he does. Perhaps these thoughts of his are tucked away in a journal, imbued in the lines of a poem, or in the color choices of a floral arrangement. Perhaps he whispers them to you in the early hours of the morning, still caught in that dreamlike space between sleep and wake.
One thing has become clear to him, though: Vil could never adequately describe all that he wants in a soulmate.
You're far too complex to put in a single sentence.
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deeranon · 7 months
Troubling Travels | deer! Creator reader
Note: I’m kinda bad at writing fight scenes. Or…are there no fight scenes at all? :)
For @idkfitememate Hope you like it :D
Cyno cursed like his life depended on it. Tighnari was going to kill him if he ever found out about this. That was, if he made it out alive, first.
It had started out like any other day. You were happily gathering leaves and sticks for your secret little hoard(that wasn’t very secret, Tighnari knew about everything) of weapons (that were not actually weapons) to be used on Dottore if he ever thought of stepping foot anywhere near Collei or Tighnari or any Sumeru character ever. Minus the sages, they were also going to be victims of your mighty stick-hoard if you ever saw them. (Yes, you were peaceful but some things could not be forgiven.)
Tighnari had given you the nickname “ورقة الشجر الصغيرة”, little leaf, a few weeks after you had persistently stuck around even after you had healed from the treasure hoarder attack. And it stuck surprisingly well. Now, as of today, you were unofficially-but officially in the hearts of all Gandharva Ville residents—“منظم الأوراق الرسمي وجامع الأوراق الرسمي”, the official leaf organizer and collector. As a sort of celebration for your “promotion” Tighnari had asked Cyno to come visit during your “first ever official leaf collecting mission” in a letter he had sent a few weeks back. Indeed, Tighnari had planned to promote you for some time now. But it was hard keeping you distracted while they secretly set up a surprise party. But they managed to succeed in the end.
The entire village was decorated with various flower garlands(all given the green light by Tighnari) and tables were filled to the brim with tasty food for both humans and deer. People chatted animatedly with one another as they ate and danced. You were content to stand on the sidelines with Collei, eating a delicious salad while the forest rangers weaved you and their friends flower crowns. Seeing others happy made you happy.
The promotion party went well into the evening, with multiple excursions led by you to gather more fruit from the forest.(Tighnari was so proud that you remembered which fruits he told you were safe to eat and which were not) And when Cyno arrived with his ever neutral looking beautiful face, you were sure you were about to faint from happiness.
You had pranced up to him with a specially made flower bracelet just for him. Okay-YOU didn’t make it, Collei weaved it for you because trying to make a flower bracelet with hooves is hard. Sometimes, you missed your hands. But this form had its perks. Like the headpats you got and the wonderfully therapeutic back rubs when Tighnari brushed your fur for you. But you certainly deserved points for somehow communicating to your dear friend Collei that you wanted to make a bracelet for someone. The purple flowers probably helped.
Cyno looked down at your happy doe-face, or as happy as a deer could look with a deer-face. You were preening so much Cyno swore he saw sparkles emanating from you. You held the flower bracelet on the top of your fluffy head between the place where your antlers were starting to grow in. It was made of purple dahila’s and anemones, he noted before picking the bracelet up and sliding it onto his wrist.
“Thank you, little one. I promise to keep it safe.” Cyno said, slowly reaching out a cautious hand. Like Tighnari had taught him to do with stray cats and dogs. Sure, you were a deer, but it still counted, right?
In reply, you let out a giddy bleat and shoved your head underneath his calloused hand with vigor. Cyno felt his lips twitch into a smile. This wasn’t your first time meeting Cyno, but he was always so busy enforcing the law as General Mahamatra that he rarely had time to visit. So time spent with the general was special. He was happy to know you were doing well. Tighnari wrote about you in his letters frequently.
You nuzzled into his touch for a moment longer before backing away and prancing off into the festivities, stopping to look back at him with an expectant look.
Come join me!
Cyno paused before following after you. He wasn’t one for large parties but you looked so happy that he couldn’t decline. Besides, Tighnari and Collei were chilling out somewhere, so he could always go find them after hanging out with you in the core of the festivities. Maybe then he could pick up on the Genius Invocation TCG match he was having with Tighnari and Collei last time he was here. Oh, and maybe he could teach you how to play? Wouldn’t that be something.
It was nightfall now. Everyone was tuckered out from the party, fast asleep in their beds. Well, all except for two people and a deer.
“You don’t have to see me off. You should go get some rest for tomorrow.” Cyno said, adjusting the strap that held his canteen to his belt. Both you and Tighnari sighed at this.
“It’s not like we’re forcing ourselves to see you off. We want to do this. And there’s nothing you can do to change our minds.” Tighnari huffed as he crossed his arms.
You stomped your hoof in agreement. You chose to see Cyno off in the middle of the night, even though you knew you had things to clean up tomorrow. You knew how rarely you had one on one Cyno bonding time, and Cyno was one of your favorite characters in Sumeru. His bravery and strength in the heat of battle was something you saw as admirable.
Besides, you never knew when you would see Cyno next, or if he would be okay on a mission. His job was dangerous, and sometimes that made you worry. If only you could go with him…
Wait a second.
You COULD go with Cyno!
While you were connecting the dots in your head, Cyno had gotten fully ready to head off. He gave Tighnari a nod before turning his attention to you, who stood at the fox-eared male’s side with the same happy expression you had on that evening. Cyno felt his heart squeeze at the sight. He would, admittedly, miss you while he was gone. This next mission was going to be a long one.
So, he kneeled down and gave you a gentle pat on the head. You let out a bleat and shoved your head under his chin(making him bite his tongue on accident) in a makeshift hug. Now would have been a nice time to have hands. But you were never one to complain much. Cyno gave a small smile and rubbed your back before starting to pull away. It was time for him to leave.
With a final delightful scratch behind your large fluffy deer ears, Cyno stood and started to walk away.
Only, he wasn’t alone.
You followed after him with a happy pep in your trot.
Cyno paused. Tighnari tried not to laugh. You shimmered like you had never shimmered before.
Cyno sighed and shook his head before pointing to the ground and stating “stay.” in his best commanding voice. Internally, Cyno knew it was futile attempting to order a deer around, when it obviously wasn’t going to understand him. You stared at him innocently. Cyno took it as a sign to start walking again. Only for you to follow(again).
This repeated multiple times. (Tighnari almost burst a lung from laughter, exhaustion was clearly getting to the usually calm and collected fox ranger)
“I think they want to go with you, Cyno.” Tighnari finally said. Cyno stared at Tighnari.
“Yes. I don’t think I noticed.” He huffed. You let out another call and ran circles around Cyno’s legs with excitement, and Cyno felt his heart soften. It wasn’t that he didn’t want you to come with him, it was just that the desert was an incredibly dangerous place. Especially since you had no natural defenses. Not to mention your fur. You would bake like an egg on the sidewalk in the middle of a heatstroke in a matter of minutes. Cyno knew this, because Tighnari had the exact same problem. And he didn’t want to see you suffer.
Yet you seemed adamant about staying with him. Both could see that. Cyno didn’t know what to do. Should he find a way to keep you with Tighnari? Or let you follow him into the lonely desert?
Tighnari took Cyno’s silence as his cue to become the voice of reason. “I am not one for old tales, but it’s been said for hundreds of years that animals have an innate sense of danger. A sixth sense, even. Or sometimes called premonition. Whatever you want to call it, having a companion that can sense danger early on could be an invaluable asset to your missions, Cyno.” Cyno didn’t seem fully convinced. So Tighnari continued with a bit more seriousness than before. “Deer have around 297 million olfactory receptors, meaning their nose is better than any human’s or dog’s. Their eyes are also better than a human’s at night—and they detect movement faster than people, too. Deer can also hear high frequency sounds, and can move both ears in different directions at the same time. These assets are perfect for helping to track down thieves and rouges. And I’m positive you already know how intelligent little leaf is. Their level of understanding is basically unheard of.”
Cyno nodded, but his face was blank. “I know. But the desert is unforgiving to all. I’m just skeptical about how they might respond to the temperatures of the desert. I wouldn’t want them getting hurt if they can’t fight back.” You were after all, a deer. Sure, you had multiple advantages over Cyno in tracking abilities but you were still considered prey. It was a reasonable thought.
After all, how could they know that you were a human isekai’ed into a deer’s body?
But you were determined to go with Cyno. You rubbed your head into his legs pleadingly. As if to send the message that you would be alright.
Cyno instinctively ran his calloused hand through the fur on your neck, making you preen at the attention. You could tell he was standing on the edge of agreement. He just needed one last nudge.
“Let’s put it this way. I put the little leaf under your care and protection while in the desert so that you can help me record their reactions and adaptability in a different environment. They are, after all, an unknown species of deer. No deer recorded has natural markings like theirs in any document ever, so it’s imperative that we find out as much as we can about them so that we can learn more.” Tighnari reasoned, pointing to your lush furry coat that Cyno was carding through at that very moment. And he was correct. You did have a unique design. (Description below is optional)
Small splotches that looked almost like stars littered your neck and spine, with two small white diamond-like teardrops touching the corner of your eyes. Your eyes were more focused, like there was an actual thought going on inside your head instead of the soul devouring gaze a deer usually had. Your ears were fluffy and faded in an ombre fashion to an almost unnatural pitch black colour, as did your fluffy tail-except it faded to a snowy white. There was even a white four pointed star like the ones you see on a compass rose in the middle of your fluffy forehead.
Safe to say, you didn’t exactly look like a normal deer. “They could very well be the last of their kind, or they lost their parcel in some kind of accident before Collei and I found them. Whatever the case, we need more information to understand how we can help little leaf in the best way possible. Like putting protective laws up to keep them from harm.” Tighnari finished. And that seemed to convince Cyno immediately.
“Alright. I’ll bring them with me. And I swear on my life to keep them safe.” Cyno promised with a solemn nod. Tighnari huffed as he crossed his arms, smile barely hidden.
“You better. Now get going before I change my mind.” Tighnari snapped, making a ‘shoo’ motion with his hand. Cyno stood and gave another nod of respect before turning around and walking out of Gandharva Ville with you at his side. Just as you both walked out of earshot, and out of Tighnari’s sight, he murmured “Stay safe…” before turning around and heading for his hut. So that he could sleep his worries away.
And also because it was past midnight.
You watched silently as Cyno set up camp behind a large rock that would block out most of the piercing grains of sand flying in the wind. It has been six days since you set off with the general mahamatra into the endless desert. And night was starting to fall. Which meant possible bandit attacks or wild animal attacks. Or maybe a mix of both. It was hard to tell these things before they happened. Minus bandit attacks. Cyno eliminated any human trouble before you could even catch a glimpse of the ruffians.
The wind howled ferociously at both you and Cyno, who seemed unfazed at the sand trying to stab into his eyes and turn him blind. And yet you almost didn’t feel the screaming wind yourself. Probably because of your wonderous coat of fur. Hopefully it wouldn’t be a headache to brush out later. It would add to Cyno’s work, which was already a hassle itself. Curse your lack of hands(once again). You watched as the sun slowly set and the sands cooled before your eyes, giving you reprieve from the sweltering heat. You were just glad you hadn’t grown your winter coat yet. That would have been a nightmare.
The night rose, eclipsing the golden sky as Cyno finished setting up the tent. Yet something felt off. Like when you glance at a picture and then leave, only to return and realize something is different about it but you can’t tell what it is. It was an unsettling feeling in the back of your head that wouldn’t go away.
Cyno seemed to feel it as well, his gaze was dead set on the hills of sand. You stared out at the vast sea, ears perked and swiveling like satellites. But there was nothing odd that you could sense, only the rising wind. You sniffed at the air next. Immediately your nose was rushed with a million different scents, all leading to something different than the last. It had greatly confused you when you first awoke to so many new smells, but over time it became easier to sort them out. Now, your nose was a valuable tool.
And right now, the air crackled with the scent of rain.
You let out a sigh of both relief and disappointment before trotting through the tarp entrance of the tent. Cyno continued to stare at the dunes with an unnerving gaze before turning to follow you inside. But not before grabbing his pike and surveying the area protectively. Just to make sure.
The wind was so angry and wild that you were almost certain your ears were going to bleed out. The rain had arrived with the sandstorm an hour after Cyno had managed to set the camp tent up, meaning you were both lucky enough to not get absolutely clobbered by the bullet-like water droplets.
You could hear nothing but the persistent rain and the raging wind of the midnight storm.
And that meant you couldn’t hear the footsteps approaching with each clap of thunder.
But Cyno knew every trick in the book. Nothing would escape his senses. Not when he had someone important to protect with him. You blearily watched as he tightened his grip on his weapon from where he sat with your fuzzy head in his lap, drowsy from exhaustion. He gently lifted your head from his legs, trading them out for the second of two blankets he had packed for the journey.
Next thing you knew, Cyno was rushing out of the tent like it had been set on fire.
Your mind was hazy from what little sleep you had mustered, so his reaction didn’t fully compute in your brain for multiple minutes before you rushed to your shaky legs. Having four legs instead of two had certainly been a challenge at first, and still was when you weren’t focused or completely energized. So you couldn’t help but berate yourself silently as you wobbled like a drunkard ready to pass out before you made it to the tent flap.
Outside, Cyno was fighting three mercenaries dressed in red in the rain at once. All had sun kissed skin and brownish-black hair, but they used different weapons, meaning Cyno had to duel three different battles all at once. One used a spear, the second had a crossbow with odd smelling arrows, while the third held a metal axe so big you were convinced it better belonged with a mitachurl.
Cyno swung his pizza paddle polearm through the air like it was an extension of himself, blocking a heavy swing coming from the axe-wielder with the shaft of his weapon that glowed amber in the dark night. A whistle sounded through the air as an arrow shot through the sky, bringing its horribly odd scent with it.
You watched, mortified at the realization that Cyno might get hit with what you now realized was an arrow tipped in poison. Time seemed to slow as Cyno turned his head at the sound of the arrow whistling while simultaneously swinging at the axe-wielder and striking him in his chest, ripping through the man’s skin like it was butter. The large man crumpled to the sand. But that wasn’t the end. Just as the arrow was about to strike Cyno’s shoulder, he let out a growl and electro crackled through the air.
Cyno lunged forward and snapped the arrow into a thousand tiny pieces before leaping at the crossbow user and kicking the weapon out of his hands.
The man let out a yelp that turned into a scream as large bolts of bright purple lightning wracked his body. Cyno was holding the man’s shoulder in an iron grip, using himself like a taser. The male let out a final wail before he slumped over, either dead or unconscious.
For a single second, all was silent.
Then, there was a war cry piercing the air. The third man, the one with the spear, had jumped from the top of a rock and was plummeting down to Cyno with murderous intent.
But Cyno was not fazed.
“Your sins weigh upon your soul!”
There was a sudden explosion of light around Cyno as his vision burned bright in the endless pitch black night. His body was swathed in glowing purple binds that circled and looped into large claw-like hands sharper than any dagger or sword. Runes in an ancient unknown language were burned into the glowing cloth that snaked around his arms. The headpiece glowed with the same runes as eyes, now open and uncovered, shone with golden light. An ominous had aura surrounded Cyno as he called for the divine spirit to indwell him. Now, that aura turned into furious electricity that snapped and swatted at its enemies.
The man with the spear screamed as an elongated electro arm of Pactsworn Pathclearer reached out and grabbed him from mid air. He tried to use his spear to pierce the hand that held him, but it merely broke into minuscule shards the moment it even grazed the claws. In retaliation, it’s grip tightened significantly before it flung the man to the ground, where his head hit a rock with a sickening crack.
And just like that, the battle was over. Three bodies laid in the sand, defeated. There were no more attackers left for Cyno to defeat.
Or at least, that’s what Cyno thought in the second he had let his guard down. Electro fizzling out around him.
You knew otherwise.
Ten more figures emerged from beyond the dunes.
But you were more worried about the sniper with poison tipped arrows and a bow who was aiming right for Cyno at that very moment.
With a bleat, you rushed up the cliff side faster than you had ever run before. Rain still pelleted you like knives as thunder rumbled in the sky high above you. But you continued to run.
The sniper drew the bowstring to the tip of his mouth.
You scrambled to the top of the cliff on shaky legs, making a mad dash for the archer who was so incredibly focused on aiming he didn’t even notice the sound of your pounding hooves as they kicked up sand. Your body hidden in the blackness of night. He would never see you coming.
Cyno stood below, head whipping around as he looked for you frantically. The moon was halfway to approaching midnight but it was already almost pitch black. The rain was no help, either.
The best thing Cyno could do right now is focus on the incoming targets. Their footsteps against the sand were in no way trying to be hidden, and the sickening feeling Cyno was sensing set him on edge.
Cyno’s mind was a flurry of different emotions, but if he wanted to stay alive long enough to look for you and complete his mission, he had to focus on the fight in front of him. So he readied his spear and crouched, gathering all the energy he could into his legs as the waited for the enemies to strike.
Just like Cyno expected, they lunged for him with weapons in hand in a consecutive attack. But Cyno was more than ready. After all, what kind of general mahamatra would he be if he couldn’t defeat ten people? Admittedly, he had never fought ten on one at the same time before and in almost total darkness while it stormed heavily. But there was a first time for everything, right?
The sniper smirked, homing in on his target with horrid mirth twinkling in his eyes. His comrades had surrounded Cyno in a circle, caging him in as he jumped from one fight to another. Though many were beaten and bruised, it did not matter if they fell. For they were merely a distraction so that he may make the shot that would end the wretched general mahamatra Cyno once and for all. His heart beat giddily in his ears as his fingers started to loosen their grip on the poison tipped arrow aimed right at Cyno’s heart.
Though it will not be beating for much longer his mind purred.
Pure thrill pulsed through his veins as he his fingers slowly slip from the bowstring. His heart beat spiked just as his fingers slid from the string, only to let out a mighty howl of pain as something crashed into his shoulder, sending him teetering on the cliff face, his right hand flailing and his toes grazed air. There was a snap as the bowstring thrummed against whatever crashed into him with such force. He let out a colourful string of curses when he realized his aim had been jarred into missing Cyno’s heart.
So when he looked down at the perpetrator:
he saw a deer.
His rage increased tenfold and he let out a furious yowl, gripping onto the creature’s neck as it rushed at him once again. It cried out as they both went careening off the edge of a tall cliff. But the man only smiled manically.
If he could not kill his target, he would take with him the life that tried to protect it. Even if it meant meeting his end.
There was a cry, but it was swept into the whistling wind.
There was a sharp pain in the back of his head.
Then, everything went dark.
Cyno huffed, glaring at the mercenaries with cold eyes as he tightened his grip on his polearm once again. Rain had somehow made it past his visor and onto his face, but he couldn’t care less.
He readied himself to fight once again when there was a loud scream echoing through the desert.
Only seconds after, an arrow shot through the air.
Slicing off Cyno’s bracelet of flowers.
There was another cry. But it was inhuman. Cyno whipped around, heart racing as his eyes caught sight of a man dragging you off of a cliff so high he knew there was likely no chance you were going to survive the fall alive.
“NO!” He screamed, rushing forward. Maybe he could catch you before you hit the ground. But it was futile. The ring of mercenaries would not let him leave.
His wrist felt horribly bare without the bracelet there to occupy it.
Cyno cursed like his life depended on it. Tighnari was going to kill him if he ever found out about this. That was, if he made it out alive, first.
You closed your teary eyes tight as you and the man’s body tumbled through the air. The wind screamed and thunder wailed, and for a split second you could hear nothing. Everything around you was surely passing in a blur.
This was going to hurt. A lot. If you even made it out alive. But what could you do to stay alive and keep the man from getting killed? You didn’t mean to push him off the cliff!
Time seemed to slow as your mind rushed to think of any possible solution. But only scraps of a plan formed.
There isn’t enough time to plan!
Do something before you both die!
So you opened your eyes and winged it.
You bunched your limbs close to your chest and then kicked them straight into the insane man’s chest, making him wheeze but also sending him crashing into a miraculously small ledge head first.
You were accidentally sent flying into the open mouth of a large cave from the force you had put into the kick. A searing pain ripped into your shoulder as you started to loose altitude and fall to the cave floor. A rock had sliced your shoulder open, leaving a blood stain on the rock and a small waterfall of blood trickling down your fur. You let out a cry of pain as you tumbled into the ground blanketed by a thin layer of sand.
You were beaten, but you were alive! Hooray!
The world outside of the cave raged with almost killer intent as the storm grew worse and lightning started to strike as the wind screamed. It was best to stay in the cave until it cooled over, you wisely decided.
You lifted your head at the sound of rumbling from further within the cave, making your ears swivel and your nose twitch. If there was something dangerous deeper in the cave you would rather take your chances with the storm outside.
But all you could smell was the faint scent of dried herbs and burnt fire wood. Which wasn’t very normal for a cave at all. You knew it would be a better idea to stay near the mouth of the cave, but you were injured and your fur was uncomfortably wet and all you wanted at the moment was something to warm yourself up while you waited for the storm to end so that you could look for Cyno.
So with a great heave, you lifted yourself onto your four wobbly legs and adventured deeper into the cave. Your shoulder throbbed with spite as you moved, but you ignored it and continued on.
You limped through a long tunnel filled with iron ore and an unlit stove ,as well as crystals of all colours, making you silently awe at the sight as you passed into a wide cavern filled with luscious green trees and red vultures that hopped branch to branch. Rocks mysteriously started to float in the air the further you walked into the great cavern. As did a bright white light.
By the time you had reached the far end of the cavern, the light was almost blinding. You squinted to make out anything but the tunnel branching deeper into the earth would not yet reveal its secrets to you.
There was another rumble.
The scent of dried herbs grew stronger the longer you stood in front of the glowing tunnel, too nervous to move. A distant feeling of familiarity tickled the back of your mind as your eyes darted around the area nervously. The vultures seemed ignorant as the ground shook, so surely there was no danger nearby. You took a shaky hoof-step back as the walls started to tremble as well. Your ears went flat as you glanced back to the tunnel from whence you came.
Should you leave?
But you could still hear the roar of thunder outside, meaning the storm had yet to stop. No. You could end up getting killed in the storm if you weren’t careful. And your wound still throbbed. It was best to stay in the cave. Though maybe you should just stay near the entrance. Yes, that sounded like a good idea.
You turned your head back around only to be greeted with a long snout sniffing at your fur where the tunnel should have been.
You let out a bleat of surprise and jumped several feet in the air, heart racing.
Then, it hit you.
This was the tunnel to Apep’s den.
And right before you was Apep. Or—it’s head, at least. The tunnel was much too small for its large serpentine-like body to fully fit through.
Oh. So Apep was the one giving off the dried herb smell. That…made sense, actually.
Apep stared down at you with its large glowing eyes that lit up the earth in a gentle glow.
“It has been quite a long time since I have last seen you, Mother. I am overjoyed to know that you are alive and well after all this time.” Apep said, voice gentle and lulling. A stark contrast to what you had heard from behind a screen.
You could only stand shocked, unable to think.
Apep stared at your frozen form with a sad gaze, sighing through it’s nose sadly(if that was even possible). “Ah, I see you do not remember. But that is to be expected after all that happened back then.” Apep paused to lower it’s head to the ground and nudge your furry cheek gently with it’s own. “You are the Creator of Teyvat. So you are Divine Mother of all. Though how I see it, only the mighty dragons like myself should be allowed to call you Mother. For we were the first. But perhaps your tastes have changed over the time you were gone. Shall I call you Divine One, one of your many titles?”
Apep’s words barely made sense to you right now. But one thing you knew very well.
Apep had called you the divine creator of Teyvat.
But truly, you wanted nothing more than to just be called by your name. No tittle needed. Maybe it was because Apep’s words had yet to sink in or you didn’t wish to be put upon a pedestal. Or maybe because you were a truly kind being to all. (This was really starting to feel like one of the SAGAU! fanfictions you liked to read in your free time) (and also because you didn’t want Arlechino to come after you)
But how were you going to get that across to Apep?
You let out a bleat.
The lights all along Apep’s sides glowed in recognition as it’s eyes somehow grew kinder and happier.
“I understand. That is a lovely name. May I truly be allowed to call you by it?” Apep said. You nodded. You would like nothing more than for Apep to call your by name. “Very well. Now, how is it that we have come to meet after all this time?”
And so, you told Apep everything that happened in the past week.
And it had some very strong words to say about some things. But Apep promised that once the storm passed it would make sure you reunited with Cyno.
And you did. Cyno did not physically show the worry on his face but he never let you out of his sight for the rest of the mission. Even as he dragged an unconscious rouge researcher behind him with an iron grip.
It was also safe to say, Cyno got a good scolding from Tighnari when you returned to Gandharva Ville.
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threepandas · 2 months
Bad End: Eve
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You know how most Otome games are vaguely historical? Usually some non-specific mishmash of European countries? But fluffier and with more bows? It had once "gotten" to me, I think. I remember looking for outliers. Non-joke ones. Something that wasn't just "but this time with hats!"
I found one.
And now? Now I'm not sure if I curse that day or thank whatever force of nature lead me there. I guess... I guess it depends. Would I still have ended up HERE? If I had not found it? If so, then I genuinely and actually fucking rue it. Like... like actual "you'll rue the day! Bwahaha!" Type rue it. That's me. Ruing.
But? If it was always going to happen?
Then I guess...
I guess I'm weirdly glad. Because at least I have some fucking idea of what's going ON. Terrible, as it all is. Fucked, as the situation is. At least I'm not... not confused. Blind and at the mercy of those around me. Ignorance truely isn't bliss. All it does is leave you to try an fill in the blanks yourself. Usually with something far worse.
Not that the situation could GET much worse, by much.
I was in an Otome game. NOT a flower, high society, and dragons kind either. No. I? Was in a Dark Sci-Fi otome game. "Fate of man" was thrown around a lot. Power of luuuuv~ and such. Also, you know, HORRIFIC ethical violations. Human experimentation. Cataclysmic events and humanity "starting over".
All the high drama sci-fi concepts you could expect. It was a romp. Had good art. I'd had fun! Which is why I remember it so clearly.
Less fun when you're IN IT.
When you AREN'T one of the characters you KNOW will survive.
In fact, are one of the characters you know WON'T fucking survive. And will probably die MESSY. Horribly. Cause see, our BELOVED Harem collecting Protagonist? She? Was AN Eve. "AN".
Take a wild fucking guess what THAT project is about.
Did you say "breeding a better race of humans"? Ding ding ding! With humanity currently fucked, they want to FIX the problem by FIXING humanity. And of course, fuck ethics! Volunteers? Why use those?! Let's horrifically mad scientist our way to atrocity-ville! Make it all the more "God rightfully punishing us for our unforgivable sins" when we get wiped out!
Fffffffuck YOU, plot! I have to live here too!
You may, in fact, be picking up a slight note of stir crazy. A "wow, this lady rambles like a mother fucker" vibe. You would TOO, if you were stuck in a FUCKING TUBE. All I can do, day in and day out? Is wake, think, observe, then go right back to sleep. I can't even eat! I got a TUBE for that!
I... I miss showers.
Everything is GOO.
I'm an Eve. And if it weren't for the air tube controlng my breathing? I'd laughing hysterically until I died. And no, not in the "oh how funny" way. God. Oh... oh god. What a way to die. NONE of the Eves survive "the program".
Those IDIOTS are so OBSESSED with making bigger and bigger, better and better, FUCKING JUGGERNAUTS? That the Adams? Have long since reached the point of "mindless killing machine". UNSTABLE is putting it lightly. There is sexual dimorphism and then there's literal incompatibility.
But GOD FORBID the scientists admit that THEY are the ones with the inferior product.
It... it was even part of the game's plot. The scientist who made "Eve" HID her while HE made an Adam. I do not have that luxury. Somewhere, there is an unstable BESERKER being told I'm his "wife". That we're going to be HAPPY together. That he'll get to put his bruising, blood soaked hands anywhere he WANTS... just after he WINS me from the other Adam's.
Got to prove HE'S the best specimen, after all.
It makes my skin crawl. All I can hope, is that I can either provoke the bastard enough to kill me before they have a chance to stop him, or? I use my own enhanced strength to snap my neck. Maybe bite my tounge. Like HELL am I letting an Adam get near me.
The hiss of laboratory doors.
"Perfection at last..." Comes a relieved sigh. "All those HIDEOUS specimens. Why they make me suffer them, I'll never understand. We should have terminated them months ago. My poor project, they really think they're WORTHY of you..."
There's a derisive laugh. The scientist strolling into the lab I've been developing in, familiar. I watch him casually shrug off his lab coat and dump is bag. Hang his coat over the back of his chair. Turn, as he does each day, to STARE up at me. His eyes are a pale, pale purple the likes of which I've never seen before.
There is almost a red tint to them, though maybe that's the lights. The goo. I can never tell. He always looks ENTRANCED by me. Floating, visored, connected to far too many tubes an' wires. I'd think it was the fact that I was naked if it weren't for the way his gaze doesn't seem to drift lower then my shoulders. Seems more entranced by the way my hair moves, as though under water.
I've never once heard him talk about me lustfully.
But that doesn't mean he doesn't SCARE me.
"Let's begin, shall we? Time for your daily doses, mmm?" He says, voice dangerously affectionate. As though i had CHOSEN to do this to myself. As though he were merely reminding me of my morning medicine and not the hell ahout to come. "Going to be good for me? I know you shall, you always are."
He turned back to his desk, his computer. A few keystrokes... and I could feel the pod above me begin to hum, as it awoke. Oh god. Oh god it never got easier. From the corner of my eyes, bright chemicals slide down thind lines and into my veins. Like lines of lava. Bolts of electricity and pain. It was... AGONY.
My muscles seized. Brain screeched, first to the screaming I wish I could make... then static. With the long practice of daily pain, it took me far away. The click, click, click of keys. The sound of his voice, so terribly PLEASED, as I hung there and just TOOK it. No restraints, no strugging, no damaging myself. Just unbearable fire in my veins and a brain far, far away.
"Good girl~"
Distantly a phone rang. He made an annoyed sound, but picked up regardless.
"What. I'm in the middle of- ...Excuse me? I'm quite sure I did not hear you correctly. I said 'NO'. She's not-....I will NOT BE-...What. Are you out of your god damned MIND? That pile of scraps you call a project is coming NOWHERE near my-! ....you think you're clever, don't you?"
"Fine. You want to TALK? Let's TALK, Anderson. I'll be there in five."
From far away, past the pain, I watched him chance down at something at the screen. Back up to me. He hung up the phone but did not pause the program. Instead, calmly rising from his desk. Shrugging on his lab coat. Rounding the desk and striding towards my bio-tube.
"Hmmm, honestly, it should have been spaced out over a few more days... but you can take it. Endure a bit longer for me, would you, darling? Daddy's going to go deal with something for just a moment, he'll be right back, my perfect girl. Be good."
He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to my tank. One hand splayed next to it like he badly wished he could touch. Could stroke skin. Hold his creation close. It was not the first time he had done this. Small, covetous, little actions like he wanted to crawl inside my skin and STAY there. Like he cursed the glass that separated us.
He pulled back. Shifted to the side and kneeled. He... had hidden something behind my bio-pod? When? Apparently before I had become aware. Because I had not known about it. A black shoe box. I watched him open i-GUN. Thaaaat was a gun! Fuck. Well at least? By the time anyone thinks to look in on me? The overdose will probably have killed me?
There is a cold, terrible smile on his face as he rolls to his face. Tucking the gun into an inner pocket. It has a silencer. He leans forward one last time. Lightly kissing the glass of my pod, as though heading off to work and not to very obviously kill somebody. The pain continues. Builds. I watch him leave.
With nothing to anchor myself on... time blurs.
I think? There are alarms? Red lights flash. Then they stop. There is shouting at one point. But then silence. An explosion? Or am I hallucinating? Pain. My nerves are on fire. I don't want to have SKIN. Please... please make it STOP! Calm foot steps? Come to kill me? Please come to kill me. Make it STOP.
The lights died a... time? Ago? Emergency lights on now. Generators in the room are loud. Why can I still hear the feet? Footses? Words. H..hurts. please.
The pain eases to a stop. Aching but nothing new. Over? Oh, thank god. I can sleep now, right? But... sound? New. At my feet. Gurgling. Wha-? The very top of my head feels cold. Then my forehead. Then my temple's and ears, cheeks, jaw... wait. Is? Is the tube...DRAINING? I open my eyes.
When did I close them?
He's back.
Standing right in front of the tube. Blood staining the hem of his coat, lingering marks of his massacre cleaned but not quite scrubbed from his body. There are little off red stains on his cheek, from what must be blood splatter. They look like tiny freckles.
I'm... I can't...
I reach as the tube down my throat is pulled almost carelessly away by the machine. Choke, suffocate, as the same is done for my air tube. But then it's done... and I can BREATHE under my own power. Gasp and splutter, as the goo sloshes around my knees. Then it's gone. And the tube I've been leaning my weight against is roughly pulled away.
I collapse forward, my muscles having never actually supported me in this life.
Arms catch me. Wrapping me in a possessive hug. A hand immediately burying itself in long uncut hair, even as the other wraps itself around my torso to lean me against his body in a cradle. My face is pressed to his neck by the hand in my hair, cradling my head and neck. I can feel breath against the goo wet crown of my head.
"Finally~" he breaths out, whispering it against me like a sigh. "My beautiful, perfect girl. My darling creation. It took so LONG. Those retrobates interfering at every turn, lusting after you like ANIMALS, trying to keep you from me. Then, worst of all, trying to toss you to some pack of savages? Oh, darling~ Daddy's been so worried for you."
"But we'll be okay now, won't we? I finally have you. All fresh and finally finished. My perfect Eve. You can pick any name you want, of course. You and I will be leaving this ugly little place. Daddy has PLANS. A fresh new world, just for you, sweetheart."
He laughed, his hug tightening in a way that would have left bruises had I been a normal human. Kisses were pressed to my temple. A cheek, rubbed against my hair. He seemed... seemed GIDDY with it. That nothing could stop him now. There was no glass in his way. I could not move yet. My muscles twitched when I tried, but that was it. I wasn't even sure I could talk yet, if I tried.
"Aaah~♡ Welcome to the World, Darling. My Perfection. My Eve. This time no snakes or Adams to tarnish you. To get in your way. Just you and your Father~"
Next: ->
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rnakamura22 · 9 months
When they heard that you found your way home
Random Characters
Prefect is female! Yandere vibes! Her name is Yu!
Malleus Dragonia
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Oh, Don't mind the sky getting pitch-black and thunder striking down rapidly! What? Flying classes got canceled? You saw Jack and Epel were totally soaked? Where are you even looking? Another man? That’s unacceptable!
You’re his first friend and crush! To him, you are like the first sunshine of spring! A beautiful blue butterfly in the meadow flying above the flowers! A gem more precious than any treasure he has! And now you’re just dumping him? Nuh-uh. Ain’t gonna happen! He’s one of the most powerful magicians in the world, so it takes no more than a flip of his hand to crush any form of way back home. He could lock you up in his room, mess with your body, destroy any form of mirror, etc. Hey, this was gonna happen one way or another since he already decided for the future Queen of the valley long ago(AKA when he met you).While he locks you up in his Diasomnia room, he could happily come and discuss the wedding plans. He already decided on the crown by the way, but he made a promise to discuss the dress colors with you since taking your opinion into account is necessary. Lila would be teary eyed of Malleus’s growth. You have no choice to accept your fate since even if you escape, he will come searching for you. After all, can a mere human win against a loving dragon?
Lilia Vanrouge
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This 700 year old vampire fairy has more knowledge and experience than any of the villains. He thought his love ended with Malleus’s mom. But then, you came along. A cute little innocent human who only lived about a little percentage of his life! You are like a baby! You’re too young to survive out there! What if your way back home never worked! What if some thing got messed up? No, you need to be in the world safe and sound! He will protect you! He still has feelings about the age gap though. I mean, what happens in family day at school with your future children? Well, not to worry! As for making you stay, just break a few mirrors or take out any bad memories! He needs to look out for his juniors after all! He won’t break you, but he will punish you if you disobey. Fairies are possessive. Blame your own luck for shooting the heart of the vampire fairy.
Rook Hunt
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At first, he seems happy for you! A lost deer should run back to her herd as quick as possible. But you forgot he’s a hunter. And a skilled hunter like him NEVER fails.
He casts his unique magic on you as you are about to leave. A part of him wishes for your happiness, but he couldn’t help it. A large part of him couldn’t forgive you. The most valuable prey were about to outrun him. He could never accept that. His magic will find you. Wherever you go, however you try to escape, the chase continues. Until you give up your world and return with him, they would be absolutely no peace.
Epel Felmier
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(Anyone else love peel’s smug VILLAN faces from the ghost bride?)
Epel acts happy but inside, he’s devastated. He wanted to visit his home village again just the two of you. He knows he’s got competition when it came to you, and it was all for nothing. Well, he ain’t admitting that, that’s for sure.
From that day on, with the help of Vill and Rook, he creates a special gift for you. An apple red as the roses. A glittering poison apple just like the Beautiful Queen of his dorm created. To trap you, his one and only Snow White. He still wants to have fun with you and the first years. He wants to graduate with you. You gave him courage, and made him happy. He wants to return you with his own thankful emotions. #Yeah, Right.
On the day you were going to leave, he comes up to you and thanks you, than he says the magic words.
“Prefect…I want to give you something. Please have a bite. It’s a special apple I picked. It’s the most delicious apple I harvested and the most beautiful one! I cared for it so much!”
Epel now understands what Vil said for so long. His cuteness can become a weapon. Look at your eyes! You melt for his cuteness, and bites the apple without thinking twice, I mean, who can resist his cuteness. Instantly, you fall unconscious.
“Whoah!? That was close… but now you can be with us forever Yu! Snow White won’t hold a candle to you…. Let’s graduate together Ok? And we can be together forever…”
He’s a poisoned apple, what would you except? As the saying goes, looks can be deceiving.
Sebek Zigvolt
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Ah, he says like 90% of the time about how fairies are better than humans, but for you, it’s an exception. He might not show it, but he cares a lot about you. He’s a tsundere after all.(No, you cannnot tell me otherwise) But he blames you for dumping him and making him feel bad.(AKA you two are not dating)
“This is your own fault human, you made me fall to your schemes and now you’re throwing it all away? Unacceptable!”
He may not show it, but he enjoyed school life with you and the other humans of his grade. He wants to live with you at the valley of Thorns. But your comment of going back to your world snaps something.
Better run away because lightning bolts are coming down in 10 seconds to smash that mirror. He will not let you go. And is you disobey…say goodbye to your eardrums and your freedom.
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(Anyone else love this Silver’s face? I believe Silver can be a villain too, you won’t change my mind)
He is SHOCKED with a capital S. He’s a human, but raised by Lilia and fairies so he has fairy values and they may be SLIGHTLY different from humans especially about love.
He wants to be with you after graduation. He already planned a few preparations so you won’t be getting away.
Before you go, he casts his unique magic on you to appear in your dreams as a dashing prince. Saving you, chasing you, maybe choking you a little bit. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt. Convincing that your world is horrible and terrible, and you should come back to Twisted Wonderland and live with him. Silver is a prince, and you are his princess. To him, the bad witch is your world. After all, he needs to defeat the bad witch to save his one and only princess. Than he can live happily ever after.
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f1orza · 3 months
Lucky girl part five
Summary: it's race time in Barcelona, the home of Lucky and she can't wait for the Spanish GP and what comes after.
Sorry for the wait but I had a lot going on and then I decided to just wait until after the race to see the results. So it can be a accurate to the weekend. This not proof read, so sorry if there's any mistakes.
This is the last one sadly. I honestly wasn't sure how to end this so it might not be that amazing 😓. Also there is likely to be little things that come out if I get inspired or tweets and stuff I didn't post so look out if that interests you but lucky girl is finished, thank you everyone who enjoyed this short series. I didn't expect many people to like it but I was surprised.
yourusername • stories
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charles_leclerc I can't wait to see you mon chéri ❤
yourusername get here soon and you will 😘
Bestfriend2 you're back home, sleepover soon ? 🤔
yourusername ohh yes, I have so much to tell you guys
Bestfriend2 about charles? 😏
yourusername 🤭
Username1 you are so beautiful 🥰
Username2 ¿Es usted de Barcelona? Are you from Barcelona?
yourusername Nací en Barcelona Fue mi primer amor ❤ I was born in Barcelona it was my first love
y/b/username tráeme algo de comida de camino a casa bring me some food on the way home
yourusername ¿Es así como se pide algo? 🤨 Is this how you ask for something?
y/b/username Me dejaste y me perdí a mi piloto favorito ganando su carrera en casa 😐 you left me and I missed my favorite driver winning his home race yourusername Estás alargando esto 🙄, ¿qué quieres? You're dragging this out, what do you want?
y/b/username Cualquier cosa está bien pero yo también quiero churros 😋 Anything is fine but I want churros too.
Username3 I want to visit there 😭
Scuderiaferrari we are ready to race in this beautiful city 🇪🇸
Username5 happy you're home
Username7 that fruit looks so good
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charles_leclerc Difficult weekend for the team. We have to do better in Austria. But first I will be spending time with loved ones and refresh my mind for the race next week.
yourusername Je suis si fière de toi, ma chérie, tu t'es si bien débrouillée. J'ai hâte de te montrer ma ville. I'm so proud of you, darling, you've done so well. I can't wait to show you my city.
* Liked by creator
Scuderiaferrari enjoy your time, we will come back stronger in Austria 💪🏼
Username19 what a....interesting race for Ferrari today 🤕😪
Username16 not charles posting a photo of max maxplaining 😭
charles_leclerc • stories
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arthur_leclerc Je ne sais toujours pas pourquoi elle voudrait sortir avec toi 🤨 I still don't know why she would want to go out with you
Username12 omg they are so cute
Username29 looked at my man and sighed
Username17 congrats Charles for bagging the most gorgeous girl in the world
Liked by creator
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yourusername • stories
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Bestfriend1 Chica esto es una locura para publicar un 8 de la mañana 😭 Girl this is crazy to post on an 8 in the morning.
Friend2 oh...ok this is some despicable behavior for 8am 🤥
charles_leclerc ❤
yourusername 🥰
charles_leclerc • stories
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yourusername 🤭
charles_leclerc Te quiero mi amor ❤ I love you my love
pierregasly Vous êtes bizarres de poster des pièges à soif les uns des autres à 8 heures du matin 😟 You guys are weird for posting thirst traps to each other at 8am.
Arthur_leclerc 😧
charles_leclerc how's that for rizz 😆
y/b/username AHHH MY EYEEEES 🤮
charles_leclerc sorry y/b/n 😅
Username3 AINT NO WAY LMAO 🤣
Username11 Ferrari is gonna put you in pr jail 😭
Username18 OH...oh wow....
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yourusername and charles_leclerc I'm so lucky to have found a love like this in my life. Thank you to y/b/n for making this happen. I love you my love and I'm so lucky to receive your love in return.
y/b/username thank you for the shout out but no more pda🙅🏻‍♂️, I can't do it anymore 🤢
Username124 I love them so much
Bestfriend1 love you lucky and you too Charles 😒
arthur_leclerc congrats ig 😕
youusername you don't sound very happy?
arthur_leclerc why did you have to choose....him tho? 🙁
charles_leclerc you know I can see this comment right?
arthur_leclerc So? she's way out of your league
Username27 we about to get the girlfriend effect goodbye cloud pants
charles_leclerc what's wrong with my pants? 🙁
Username27 everything.
charles_leclerc @yourusername baby are my pants that bad ☹?
yourusername oh they aren't THAT bad Charlie 😅
Username27 but they ARE that bad 🤥
yourusername well don't tell him that 😓
charles_leclerc 😞
yourusername don't worry baby we will work on it okay 🥰
charles_leclerc okay 😍
Username1 what is this comment section 😭
Username16 silly season in full affect
Username3 Charles is a simp 🤣
Username6 I would be too if I was dating lucky
Username5 con😭grat😭u😭lat😭ions Charles
Username45 I can't believe uber boy got lucky 🙄😒
Username4 oh to be dating charles 😪
Username1 oh to be dating lucky
Username11 do you guys need a dog? I can bark 🐕🧎🏼‍♀️
charles_leclerc Already got one 😍
Username11 what do you mean by that 🤨
scuderiaferrari wow this totally sfw post is so lovely, congratulations to the new couple 😍
Username21 help 😭😭
Username8 admin what about charles and luckys' stories 🤣
scuderiaferrari admin has no idea what you're talking about 😆 I definitely have NOT seen post that could be considered nsfw AT ALL 😃 especially not at 8 IN THE MORNING HAHAH 🤣
Username37 IJBOL ferrari admin is freaking out 😭
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yurinaa-world · 4 months
Hello may I request Dan heng, blade, Dr ratio, and Sunday with a s/o who is similar to vill-v from honkai impact
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𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓇𝒶𝒸𝓉𝑒𝓇𝓈: Dan Heng, Blade, Dr. Ratio, & Sunday x Gender-Neutral Reader
𝒮𝓎𝓃𝑜𝓅𝓈𝒾𝓈: with a reader that's like vill-v from honkai impact
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈: Fluff and spelling mistakes,
𝒩𝑜𝓉𝑒𝓈: I legit couldn't find anything on this girl, I know she makes serval personalities for working and switches when doing certain tasks, but that was it. (I decided to pick one personality for each to make it easier on me)
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𝒟𝒶𝓃 𝐻𝑒𝓃𝑔
You’re a bit of an oddball. Your personality, whichever one you’re using while working, he'll love every version of you no matter what. He’s made it this far already. What’s stopping him now?
He loves it whenever you finish one of your latest creations. Running to him and wrapping your arms against his while looking at him with a happy smile on your face, telling him about a new experiment that he has to see! Dragging him away to your room!
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“Dan Heng!”
You come running to him, when he sees you his eyes go wide like you were going to crash into him! Wrapping your arms around his. “What is it?”
“Guess what? I just finished my invention! You know the one I've been talking about for days! It's done!”
Hugging his arm like a teddy bear, while looking up at him with that bright look in your eyes—how can he resist?
“Come look!”
Before he could even say anything you pull him towards your room, and he just lets himself get dragged along with you. Once you reach there you let go of his arm and immediately start your little “show”
“You’re gonna love this one!” 
“I’m excited to see.”
He loves you a lot on the inside but on the outside, he looks like he wants to choke you to death whenever you’re talking about your new inventions or randomly dragging him away to see your “baby” in all its glory.
You're hot with any personality.
Whenever he comes back from a mission he comes bearing gifts, like several machine parts, but nothing compared to the parts that he comes to deliver which immediately makes him regret when you pull him into your room and you don’t let him out until hours later. (He says he regrets it every time yet he still comes)
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“No way! No way! No way! Blade you got me this ” 
“You wanted it, so I got it for you.”
You shriek so loudly that your ear might start bleeding. when you received your gift from Blade you were overjoyed! it was the perfect gear for your inventions! just perfect and you didn’t even tell him! 
“Thank you bladie!” you smile holding it to your chest, before putting it in your pocket, going back into your lab and stopping immediately in your tracks. walking back over to him, pulling him by the collar and leaning in to kiss him on the lips. 
You pull away quickly, dragging his hand into your lab with you.
“you must see this as well!”
𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒾𝓉𝒶𝓈 𝑅𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜
He's so into your serious and critical-thinking work ethic personality. At the same time, you invent things, having someone think critically about what he says and take in the feedback, even pointing out negative or flimsy suggestions and coming up with a better alternate idea. (he only allows it because he’s in love with you)
When he lovely teases you. It makes it even better with that serious and concentrated look on your face when you tease him back and tell him that his heart is accelerating in speed…just watch him go speechless.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
Warning: I don’t know what I’m talking about
“Metal didn’t have much support in the middle causing much more damage without a pillar in there.”
Veritas points out the obvious reason why your machine was dented in the middle. looking at it with critical eyes. 
The damages are horrible, you doubt any of the circuit boards can be fixed or kept—only if you were extremely lucky—you sigh.
 “It seems like I need to go back to the drawing board. with this terrible damage, nothing is salvageable.”  You said with regret as you stared down at the destroyed machine before you. 
“It wouldn't just be a pill but it wouldn’t fix the fact that the metal is weak. It would give it protection…yet it wouldn’t fix anything.”
You remark inspecting the machine and its defaults for the last time—with Veritas watching from beside. Well, he wasn’t watching the machine, instead he was gazing at your face.
You were frowning in deep thought—you looked adorable with furrowed brows and arms crossed.  he wanted nothing more than to lean over and kiss you, yet that's a very unprofessional little daydream of his.
“You staring, Dr ratio.” you look him in the eyes, that everyday grin you usually have on your lips while teasing him with that title.
he huffs playfully with an eye roll, “So what if I’m making no difference to your work schedule does it? if it does then it seems like we'll need to cure your idiocy.”
“Sounds like you're becoming a bit too defensive Dr. Ratio.”
The cute little inventor for the oak family. His lover. He knows about your madness yet if you complete your task on time and perfectly (also be his cute little lover) all at the same time then he doesn’t mind in the slightest.
He always loves to praise you while you're in the middle of your work, sadly you don’t call him all the pet names you usually do when you’re alone.
 To see you so respectful, calling him “Mr. Sunday”, stopping everything just hearing what he has to say. Honestly, the way you melt a little from persona when he decides to be generous and give you a little gift for working so hard.
─── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ───
“You look quite busy.”
You didn’t think that Sunday was going to come to see you in the middle of work and then he also sneaks up on you! you feel a little embarrassed being exposed in your workplace in front of him. 
“Sunday!—I mean Mr. Sunday!” You stutter a bit with your nervousness, “soo Mr. Sunday! How can I help you?” You ask politely, trying to calm down.
Which he teasingly smiles at you, crossing his arms over his chest. “You don’t need to be so formal with me, even when no one’s around.” He leans into you, while you go still. 
“Someone could overhear us. who knows what kind of rumors could come out.” 
“Someone blackmailing the Oak family? Preposterous, that won’t happen. but now I believe my adorable little inventor deserves some praise” He coos at you, his hand goes to cup your cheek, thumb gently caressing your cheek.
 You blush at the affectionate gesture. before being put into absolute shock when he pecked you on the lips. “Work hard for me.”
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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mimi-cee-genshin · 4 months
Straight Shooter - Tighnari x f!reader
Summary: First impressions aren't easy to overcome, but for someone like Tighnari, they're a piece of cake.
Additional info: cute and wholesome fluff, meet cute, enemies to lovers (for, like, two seconds lol), 1.1k words
(Thanks to @paimonial-rage and @andromeda-nova-writing for beta reading!)
Sand got between your toes and rubbed against the soles of your feet as you hurried down the dirt road. Gandharva Ville was in sight – thirty minutes later than planned.
Collei waved at you in the distance with both arms stretched out wide. As you came near, someone else was beside her waiting at the entrance of a house. His ears were his most prominent feature, but his arms were crossed as he tapped his foot. He was irritated.
You stopped in front of Collei, out of breath and panting for air.
“You're finally here!” said Collei. “I was worried something horrible happened to you.”
“I'm so sorry. I–” You cut your own words short because you didn't have an acceptable explanation. You simply slept in and that was a weak excuse for the first day on the job.
The guy scoffs at you. “Seems like you're following in your father's footsteps, huh?”
At first, you blinked a couple of times, stunned at his words. A growing portion of both anger and embarrassment burned inside you. You gripped your bag, hands already sweating from the run to Gandharva Ville. This was an awful start to your day and this guy made it worse.
“I'll be around the back if you need anything,” he said to Collei. With that, he left the two of you alone.
“Collei, who was that?” you asked. You were somehow able to conceal the irritation in your voice.
“That was Master Tighnari. He can be a little harsh at times,” she said, rubbing the back of her neck, “but he's a really great guy.”
Her words didn't exactly quell the sensation in your gut. This Tighnari guy criticized both you and your dad in a single shot when he didn't even know you.
You put those thoughts aside to refocus on the job ahead. Once inside the house, you took out a textbook and a few sheets of paper and placed them on Collei’s desk. You instructed Collei to work through exercises to evaluate her current language skills. With excitement, she picked up her pencil and went straight to work. Fortunately, you could tell right away she'd be a good student. 
Despite your earlier encounter with Tighnari, you were glad your father had told you about this job. Your previous one was getting tiring and you could schedule tutoring around other tasks and errands more easily. If only you could forget what your dad added.
"Who knows? Maybe you can even find a guy you like at this job," he told you.
"And how old exactly are your coworkers?" you asked, rolling your eyes.
You scoffed at the thought. You knew your dad was just teasing but you were content with being single. However, if a good guy came along, you wouldn't complain.
“I think I'm done now,” said Collei as she handed you the sheet with a bashful smile.
“You don't need to be so nervous around me, Collei,” you said. “I'm not that much older than you.”
Her smile grew larger. “I'm just really glad I was able to find someone like you. Master Tighnari has been teaching me this whole time and it was taking a toll on him.”
“Really?” you said, raising a brow.
“Mmhmm. He has a lot of work as the lead forest watcher so I wanted to help him out by hiring a dedicated tutor,” she explained.
So this guy would go out of his way to help someone like Collei. Maybe he wasn't as bad as you initially thought, but you still had some reservations.
After completing the lesson for the day, you packed up your belongings and Collei thanked you for your work. She was even eager for your return tomorrow, bright-eyed and ready to learn.
You stretched and yawned as you exited the house, and at the edge of the trail, you saw Tighnari standing there as if he were waiting for the two of you to finish. 
You clutched your bag close to your chest as you walked towards the trail. You put some distance between yourself and Tighnari as you walked past him. Just as you thought you were about to successfully avoid him, he called out to you.
“Could I talk to you for a moment?” he asked.
You took a breath. “What is it?” you said, turning to him. 
“There's something I want to clear up, if that's alright with you.” 
You loosen the grip on your bag slightly.
“It seems that my comment earlier has caused some… undesirable effects. It wasn't my intention to be rude to you like that.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, raising a brow.
“You see, I'm quite sarcastic around your father. As my senior, he often pokes fun at me and I, in return, have my own way of responding to him. It's simply how we behave as coworkers.”
So that was what it was. You had thrown your own retorts to your father’s silly quips as well.
“I mistakenly assumed the two of you would have a similar temperament,” he continued, “which is why I behaved in that manner. When I realized there was a chance you might be more like Collei, I decided it would be best to clear this up with you. I didn't want to leave you with a bad impression of me. And so, I wanted to apologize to you.”
You relaxed your shoulders, and for the first time today, took a good look at him. An ear was slightly bent, showing that he was a bit ashamed of his assumptions of you, yet his eyes looked directly at you, sympathetic yet focused.
This was Tighnari. A straight shooter.
“Thank you,” you told him. “For clearing that up, I mean. Not just anyone would take the time to do that.”
“It's not a problem. It's the sensible solution. I'd do it for anyone,” he told you. He lifted his satchel and slung it over his shoulder. “Anyway, are you heading home now? I hope it's not too far of a journey for you.”
“I'm actually headed to the city to meet up with some friends.”
“I see,” he said with a hand on his chin. “In that case, I'll leave you to it. I'm heading to Pardis Dhyai in a bit. I'll see you tomorrow then.”
You lifted your hand to give a subtle wave as he walked back to the house. Collei left the building after hearing his call, and she retold her day to him with a skip in her step as the two of them went to look for a fellow forest watcher.
You spun on your heel and made your way to the city. Your feet were clear of dirt and sand. Perhaps your dad was right. The guys here didn't seem so bad after all.
I hope you liked it! I might add a part two some day, but for now, it'll remain as a one-shot. :) (You can also check out my other fics as well.)
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peonysgreenhouse · 6 months
-`♡´- kisses + the 13 flame-chasers
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summary: what it says on the tin!
tags: flame-chasers x gn!reader, griseo's is platonic of course, fluff, lots of kissies.
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i. kevin kaslana
kevin’s last try at love had left him unable to touch anything living, his body now colder than ice. he craves the contact he once was able to give and receive freely, but to sacrifice his own body in pursuit of the MOTH’s goals was something he was more than willing to do. but even the icy-hearted first flame chaser has his moments of weakness. in those moments he’ll grab your tie, or the end of your skirt and bring it up to his lips, inhaling the scent he was never close enough to know, and wonder how warm your skin felt underneath.
ii. elysia
elysia adores everything about you, and she wants you to know how much you are loved every moment she is with you. she places kisses to any place she can reach, but more than that she loves watching your reactions. so human, so beautiful. it’s not rare to end up with her rosy gloss all over you.
iii. aponia
aponia likes listening to you breathe. underneath a tree in the tall grass, your head in her lap. it’s one of the few times she feels she can live in the present. the future is the farthest thing from her mind as she leans down and places a kiss to your forehead, telling you to go to sleep. she doesn’t command you to do it so, but with her soft humming, you soon drift off. aponia kisses your eyelids, then, and prays for your dreams to be pleasant.
iv. eden
her lips taste of the finest wine; how could you not get intoxicated after kissing her? the high of eden’s performance doesn’t wear off for hours, and she loves to perch you up on her vanity and kiss you until she’s satisfied… and eden is hard to satiate. out of all the endless riches she has amassed, you are her favorite treasure of all.
v. vill-v
the great magician loves to woo you with her performances. look down into their hat and when you see nothing inside, she’ll tilt your chin up and give you a quick peck.
the expert likes to ramble off her ideas for projects — you’re the only one allowed in their lab. it’s not often they get excited about things, but with you there she finds that old passion for inventing return in spades. when you aren’t looking, she’ll place a lingering kiss to your temple, whispering out her thanks.
vill-v loves you wholly, with every part of themself.
vi. kalpas
you’re one of the few who has gotten to see under kalpas’s mask. his skin is fair, sunken pale eyes tired and angry. it’s the first time he lets you see underneath that you finally get to kiss him. his teeth are bared, and he threatens to kill you for standing so close. but when your lips touch his own, all feigned malice melts away, and he pulls you into him hard.
vii. su
his kisses are featherlight, as soft as a summer breeze. as busy as he is with his work, he will always find pockets of time to spend with you. even if it’s just as small as kissing your cheek before he leaves for work, he will remember your loving eyes, the way the morning light made your skin glow, your small smile… yes, this is one memory that will follow him forevermore.
viii. SAKURA
SAKURA always looks for you after battles. she is covered in bruises and cuts that will leave ugly scars later, but she needs to know you’re okay; that the one person left that she loves is still there. she ushers you someplace quiet and hums, a familiar song that she once sang to RIN and patches you up. you tell her of an old superstition that you once heard, and she takes it to heart. SAKURA doesn’t let you go until she’s placed her lips against every future scar, promising you that next time, she’ll keep you safe.
ix. kosma
try as he might, he will never be able to figure out what you’re thinking. when you reassure him that you like him, he wonders if you mean in a way that he can sit close to you. it’s easier show him what’s on your mind, tilt his chin up and plant a sweet kiss to his lips. kosma will think about your touch for a long time, one hand touching his lips and the other balled into his tunic. he hopes you’ll kiss him again and again.
x. mobius
mobius tastes sickeningly sweet, you sometimes wonder if her lipstick is laced with poison. when mobius kisses you, it is needy, her lips moving hard and fast against your own, pressing you against her lab table. when she pulls back, you’re seeing stars, and she grins at you like a predator. you can’t help but think if this is where you die, it wouldn’t be so bad.
xi. griseo
mama aponia tells griseo that kisses are reserved for people she loves. and so she gives mama aponia a kiss on the cheek before she goes to look for inspiration. today, you are her muse, and you sit for hours as she paints every color that she sees in you; each one unique to you. once you’re done, she tugs your sleeve and tells you to come look. you tell her it’s beautiful, and she kisses you on the cheeks as thanks.
xii. fu hua
hua fights with her fists, and so the bruises left on her knuckles are forever rosy, never allowed to fully heal. when she spars with you, she never goes easy, and you’re face down in the dirt after only one round. she notices the deep purple of fresh bruises on your hands, and places a kiss to each one, praising you for trying so hard.
xiii. pardofelis
pardo loves all things shiny, but she’s found she doesn’t mind being paid in kisses from time to time. she purrs as you take her cheeks into your hands, kissing her all over the face. felis can’t help but laugh at the way it tickles, falling forward into your lap and nuzzling into your neck.
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villetela · 25 days
Sun florist ☀🌼
(Not an au but just an idea that came to my mind!)
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Wanted to see more of this goober by making this
Thanks to everyone who sent very nice and comforting messages to my last "Vill speaks" post, it means alot to me and I'm glad you guys enjoy my art. I appreciate all of your kindness and your support fills me with joy :D
I love y'all sm (in a friendly way) and i care very deeply for you guys and i hope y'all have a good day. I don't really have much to say as i can't really describe my emotions but thank you all so much.
So for now, have this little art or probably doodle of mine as a gift. You all are very special to me and you bring joy to my feelings 🍋🍀🍀
(Also if someone already had an idea like this i don't really mind.)
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yan-lorkai · 6 months
Hello! I have a Black butler request if you don’t mind! (It can be yandere but If you can make it not to noticeable??? If that makes sense.)
If I may could I request a Ciel Phantomhive x Cruella De Vill reader? I mean not exactly like Cruella but the fact she was born with hair spilt between black and white, she owns multiple Dalmatians which are really aggressive guard dogs for her. And she has a wonderful sense of fashion, even though most her clothes are only black, white or red. She even has a nickname that combines her name and Cruel together (like “Cruel-(/N)”) because she can be really honest and it comes off as rude. She is short temper but unlike Cruella she is only occasionally sassy but most of the time she is quiet because she used to get made fun of for her hair.
Also I was hoping it would be a oneshot, with a few hc. But if that’s to much it can just be hc! Thank you and have a nice day!
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I hope I did this rq justice because I absolutely loved it. Detailed rqs my beloveds. As you ask, I did some hcs and then wrote a little drabble, though I do apologize for such delay in answer it. Hope you like darling <33
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Platonic content. Maybe typos too.
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☆*: In Ciel's ears, the news of a figure with two-tone hair who only dresses in black and red reaches him through gossip that Lau felt the need to share. The rumors, however, were not enough to capture the earl's attention at first. Who cares if Londoners are talking about this girl because she acts different and has a sharp tongue? Who cares if she has some protective dogs who can attack on command?
☆*: Certainly not Ciel. He has better things to worry about being the Queen's Watchdog besides running his own company. Gossip and rumors are not something that holds his attention unless they are related to the murderers who killed his parents.
☆*: So it takes a while before you finally get to know each other and he can get a glimpse of your strong genius. And heavens, he's enchanted, even if he doesn't know it, feelings aren't Ciel's thing. One thing he knows, this night will be one he would never forget.
Reluctantly, Ciel was participating in the celebration. A glass of juice in his hand as he watched each of the nobles approach the throne, kneel and say their rehearsed congratulations. So typical of nobles, so insincere. He hated it here, he could be doing so many things right in the comfort of his office. Still, he smiled and played his part when all adults around him looked down on him just because he was the only child here.
The starry night became filled with light and laughter; The Queen was throwing a party to celebrate another birthday well spent. Her age-kissed skin was still glowing, her eyes carrying a tinge of unforgettable joy, and her voice a jovial tone. As usual, she sat on her throne and waited for one by one the nobles to greet and boast about the gifts that were certainly better than the others.
It was funny to watch though. They all just seemed like jealous peacocks, huffing and puffing their feathers, wanting the queen attention on them.
Sebastian when can we leave? was what he wanted to ask to the butler at his side. What he almost asked. But right at that moment he heard a commotion.
A few meters ahead stood the notorious Cru-y/n DeVil, your presence commanding attention. Ciel couldn't help but be drawn to you, his gaze fixating on you with a mixture of intrigue and caution. Despite your reputation, he couldn't deny your beauty, a striking contrast to the darkness that surrounded your name. You were young, much like himself, yet exuded a confidence that belied your age, almost as if you too had to grown fast to protect yourself.
You seemed to be fighting a much older and powerful woman. The duchess who was always looking to fight someone and today had just found her new victim. But you aren't having any of that, making exaggerated gestures and smiling mockingly at the duchess.
Ciel observed the scene with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, at least the party turned out to be entertaining with this little fight happening and the queen was also watching you two too intently, curious, not at all bothered by it. Ciel couldn't help but roll his eyes when the duchess continued to argue and pointed her finger at you.
"Your hat is adorable" You say in a loud and clear tone, with the sweetest smile you can produce. "I'm sure it was worth sacrificing Big Bird, its poor beautiful yellow feathers wasted on this hat that perfectly fit your head."
A murmur starts around the two of you, some are laughing loudly, others are whispering among themselves, repeating what you said. The duchess, wanting to appear strong and resilient, fixes her khaki yellow hat - that barely fits in her head, lifts her chin an extra millimeter and leaves. However, Ciel knew that your comment would still haunt her for months to come. Today she had lost a fight and was insulted.
Undeniable was that the hat was horrendous.
Holding back a laugh that seems to want to escape him anyway, Ciel takes off his hat in greeting to you as soon as your eyes meet. He understood now why everyone was talking about you so much. To the court you were like a fresh breath of air, devastating if you hate it, great if you like it. And he absolutely like it. Not a lot of younger aristocrats behave this way and he really needs someone different to spend time, as Elizabeth is quite overwhelming with her affection and Sullivan is busy.
He approach you and with this gesture, plans to know more about you. He is now curious and his curiosity must be satisfied.
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yaekiss · 1 year
Aah okay, I want to ask you may I req a male reader x tighnari fic? Where reader is a hybrid like tighnari(a/b/o). Reader was going to fontaine/other nations for his job, when he came back to sumeru and finally meet tighnari again, he finds that tighnari being needy to him. Oh yea tighnari and reader r already in a relationship here, boyfriends or husbands it's up to you(。•̀ᴗ-)✧ sorry if it's a mess hehe english is not my first language, thank you btw! Take ur time(∂ω∂)
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꩜ Room Content: Dom! Male! Top! Alpha! Reader x Sub! Bottom! Omega! Tighnari, reader has a cock with a knot, established relationship (fennec fox husbands!), omegaverse (mentions of slick, scents, knotting, breeding), gagging Tighnari, biting Tighnari, lmk if I missed out anything ! ꩜ A/N: PHEW this one got a little long, thank you for waiting anon! I researched a lil on fennec fox behaviour but I could be totally wrong so take it w a generous sprinkling of salt hehe,,, OH and no worries anon!! Your English is great, thank you for the request ♡
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Gandharva Ville is unusually peaceful when you get back. Usually when you get back from a research trip, regardless of the duration, Tighnari would be waiting for you at the entrance, flinging himself into your arms the second he sees your figure. However, your husband’s nowhere in sight this time. Strange. 
The walk to yours and Tighnari’s shared home is similarly uneventful, the lush forest is exactly as you remembered it and you wave to the few forest rangers you meet along the way. You receive cheerful greetings as they welcome you back from your 2-month long trip to Fontaine, one of the longer research trips in a while. As you draw closer to your home, your eyes catch on how the leaves at the front are shifted down to shield the inside of the hut from prying eyes. Weird, is Tighnari out right now? Even so, he typically doesn’t close off the hut either. 
You warily make your way over, ears alert and pointed up as your tail is held tensed outwards. The closer you get, the stronger a particular scent wafting through the air becomes. It’s overly sweet, cloying and heady yet, it’s mixed with something sour. Your ears swivel, honing in on the direction of your home as you pick up on soft muffled breaths and rustling on the bed. Setting your trunk down, you cautiously move the leaves aside, they shift but before you can peek inside, you’re forcefully pulled in by a familiar arm.
Upon recovering from the shock, your eyes rake over the sight in front of you and the air is punched from your chest, replaced with pure carnal lust. So this was what your husband was up to instead of receiving you up when you first got back. Tighnari looks absolutely debauched, hair and ears messed up from thrashing around on the bed, his nipples are perked up and by the looks of how pink they are, he’s probably been playing with them for hours. As your gaze dips downwards, his tail is held between his legs, a sign of submission, his usually tidy fur now sticking in all different directions after his strenuous activities. And Archons above, he’s dripping with slick, coating his thighs and fingers with a sinfully sticky mess. 
“And here I thought something happened to you, turns out my husband is just some wh-!?” Your sentence is cut off when Tighnari suddenly captures your lips in a kiss. Against your lips, he trills and moans, nuzzling into the crook of your neck, drunk off of your scent.
“Don’t- hng… -talk so much and just fuck me, c’mon c’mon!” Good to see that he hasn’t lost his sass while you were gone. He’s dragging you towards the bed, frantically pawing at your pants as he whines.
“So needy, I would’ve assumed you'd have honed your patience while I was away but-” your gaze is hungry as you soak up the delectable sight of the omega before you, “-looking at your sorry state now, I guess not.” Your eyes glint when you catch sight of your (scented) scarf you left him before embarking on your research trip discarded next to your pillow (which is now suspiciously wet). 
“And just how long have you been grinding on my pillow?” Tighnari lets out a high-pitched, guilty-sounding keen when you catch him red-handed.
“Ungh… it doesn’t matter, can’t you just fill me up, pleaseee, I need you in me!!” Fuck, with the way he’s presenting himself to you with his tail held to the side, the deep arch in his back, and how his hole was practically drooling. How could you say no?
Hurriedly, you free your cock from the confines of your pants and Tighnari wastes no time stroking you to fullness before sinking down on your length in one fluid motion. His head is thrown back at the stretch and as he clamps down around you, a throaty whine rips out of him.
“Tsk. So noisy, what if the other rangers hear you? I saw them while walking here y’know.” A flush of red sweeps across his face when he’s confronted by the humiliation he would face if the others heard him yowling and screaming in the middle of the day. He’d be labelled a horndog! (He doesn’t have to know everyone already knows but you like to torture your poor husband with this.) Another whine escapes him as he huffs and buries his ruddy face in the base of your neck again, adorably embarrassed.
Grabbing your scarf, you tilt Tighnari’s head up and pry his mouth open, making sure the pad of your thumb slides along the pad of his tongue. Then, you ball the fabric up and stuff it into his mouth, effectively muffling his moans as it soaks up his noises and drool.
Your hands rub at the base of his tail, near where the two of you are connected and he keens around the gag, every single nerve in his body is lit on fire with the red-hot desire of being utterly taken by you. Something feral in you awakens at his whimpers and squeals, how he’s so pliant and willing and so goddamn needy for you. The pace you set is brutally delicious and it has Tighnari throwing his arms around you, holding on as you fuck up into him the way he craves. 
He leans in, sobbing into your shoulder at the onslaught of pleasure, and your nose brushes past his scent gland. Your husband’s scent is nothing but floral sweetness and addictive, causing you to instinctively bite down at the site. At some point, the scarf must have fallen out of Tighnari’s mouth because he lets out an unfiltered howl that merges into a pitched trill.
“Ah! H-hah! Breed me alpha, cum in me, knot mmm-!, mE! Fuck!” His words slur together into a jumbled mess of a sentence, bucking down onto you, pushing you deeper into him as he purrs and squeaks at his oncoming climax. When you cum in him, his gorgeous green eyes roll back into the sockets of his head as his furry ears shoot up, choking on a breathless moan. The searing stretch of your knot pulls his muscles taut as a bowstring and has him cumming within seconds. 
As Tighnari catches his breath, you lean in and lave a tongue over the scent gland where you bit him earlier and leave a light kiss on the mark. He purrs lightly, appreciative.
“As, hah…, you can tell, I didn’t miss you all that much,” bold words for a husband who’s peppering your face with kisses while trilling, pleased and sated. Scoffing, you hold him tight in your embrace as the both of you rest and wait for your knot to deflate.
Or at least, until something occurs to you, your eyes instantly snapping open.
...Fuck. You left your luggage trunk outside.
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worriedvision · 2 months
Forgery - Chapter 2
Gender neutral reader, will tag part 1 at some point. Part 1 is the first chapter, and is needed as it's part of this fic. This is more build up than, I can see this having more than 5 chapters with how I'm thinking up a plot... And that's before stemming off into other routes!
"Good morning." You hear Sethos smile, handing you some water before stretching his limbs. "Ready to keep going?"
"Do you need sleep? I know I've slept a good few hours, I'd feel bad for letting you run on nothing." You chime in, Sethos rubbing the back of his head.
"As much as I'd like to take you up on that offer, I'm afraid because you are considered a suspect - I can't leave you unattended." Sethos states, beginning to prepare for the continued walk.
"Fine...If we land up walking past a village, though, could you ask for a couple of hours of sleep? I'll make sure someone keeps an eye on me."
"Funny you say that - Aaru village is just a few miles away! I'll stop by there, and Candace can keep watching of you." Sethos smiles.
Nodding, you help Sethos pack his bag before continuing on. Turns out he was right, Aaru village was there, and he was allowed to sleep. The only difference was, instead of Candace watching over you, it was the General Mahamatra himself. Initially, it was Candace looking after you while Cyno spoke to Sethos - you could only hope he wasn't tearing Sethos a new one for stopping. You plan to address this when you do finally speak to Cyno.
"So you're the person allegedly threatening the Medical Melusine?" Cyno speaks, causing you to jump.
"I was accused of that, yes." You start, already sensing Cynos immediate distaste. "I promise it wasn't me who sent the threat though! I wouldn't dream of hurting Sigewinne - she's my friend!"
"I must advise you to be careful with your words." Cyno responds, sitting across from you. "I plan on interviewing you here, before taking you to your final location."
Seeing your face drop, seemingly terrified you were going to be executed based on what you heard of Sumerus punishments, Cyno pipes up once again. "Don't worry - you will be working alongside a colleague of mine. I have not yet decided your fate due to lack of evidence."
Letting out a sigh of relief, you let him continue.
"Now, forgeries are very common - from my conversation with Sethos, it isn't a scenario I would rule out as unlikely. That being said, I must say I don't know you well enough to decide." Cyno begins, pulling out a pen and paper before pushing it towards yourself. "I would like you to write how you begin a letter, as well as how you sign off a letter. Be precise - if you have multiple variations depending on the relation, please include these."
Not thinking twice, you pick up the pen and paper, writing the requested evidence out. Cyno watches you, taking mental notes for himself as you carry out the task without having to think too hard.
"Here. What else do you need?" You ask, the paper being handed back over as well as the pen.
"Do you have any people you do wish harm upon? Any enemies at all?" Cyno asks, you shaking your head no. "How about jealousy - anyone you think of that may be jealous, please let me know."
"I can't think of anyone." You answer honestly.
"Last question - do you have any connections to outside organisations? The Fatui, the Abyss order, the Guhua Clan, anyone?" Cyno asks, you denying this. "Thank you for your answers. Please complete this form - this will be basic information for healthcare in Sumeru, and since you are still considered a suspect due to lack of incriminating evidence efficiently linking you to the crime you are entitled to free healthcare."
The walk to Gandharva ville is relatively uneventful - excluding your admiration of all the wildlife and plants you hadn't seen before. Upon arrival at Master Tighnaris house, Cyno knocks before walking in, you following along.
"Oh, thank you for gracing me with your presence, General." Tighnari huffs, finishing up with a vial of medicine. "Consider yourself lucky I didn't drop this vial. And is the person behind you the "alleged" Melusine hater?" Tighnari tuts, looking at you.
"I don't hate my friend, it was a forgery!" You tell, Tighnari wincing at the loudness. "Sorry, I've just had a hard time with all of this."
"...Cyno, please take our esteemed guest to their home - they will be staying with a guard - before we continue our discussion of the situation?" Tighnari asks. Cyno nods, gesturing for you to head out with him.
Upon entering the home, Cyno excuses himself as your roommate shows you around - where to get cleaned up, your bed, the essential bits and bobs.
Tighnari looks over the evidence Cyno had collected of your situation - some from you, and some from Wriothesley or Neuvillette. Upon first glance, the threatening letters look real.
But a second glance gives more context. None of the threats had your usual signatures or opening lines, and there were inconsistencies with the writing. A rare letter looked out of place, almost like two letters had been smashed together to make up for a mistake on the writers behalf.
Your medical information also gave hints - the person who wrote the letters didn't seem to account for your age, clearly quoting an 'age' you were that was off by approximately 5 years from when the letter was written and/or sent.
"I think this is a forgery, but I want to consult another opinion from someone else before pushing forward." Cyno explains. "I am asking yo.u not as a colleague, but rather as a friend - if you had been looking at this letter, would you think this person was _?"
"I think it's clear this is a forgery - I'm surprised that nobody in Fontaine clocked this, given they will likely have more evidence than ourselves." Tighnari tilts his head. "Ask for a second opinion, but I think they jumped to conclusions given the violent threats in this letter. I also noted _ referred to Sigewinne, but didn't voice any distain towards her..." Tighnari places a hand on his chin, thinking intently.
Cyno takes the letters, nodding as he agrees with Tighnari.
"Turns out-" Cyno starts, noting Tighnari cringing inwardly. "- the medical records have proven to be important to this investigation."
Tighnari let's out a sigh of relief, relieved Cyno didn't crack an awful joke.
"I would like to tell a joke, however given the seriousness of the threat I will hold back." Cyno blankly explains, walking out.
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michelleleewise · 1 year
Hi! 😊
Leaving aside evil me, whenever you can, can you write about Loki fallen in love with reader, but he isn't his usual self, he seems lost in his thoughts and reader is all happy, all the time she is sighing, hearing and singing love songs. One day Loki hears a conversation between reader and Wanda where Wanda is asking reader if the way she is acting is because she is in love and reader confirms it, and explain how she can't erase the smile off her face, have butterflies in her stomach when she thinks of him, but she didn't say a name but when she describes how is the person she is in love, Loki misunderstood and now thinks the person in question is the Cap and gets angry but mostly sad. At the end is revealed that readers is actually in love with him.
Sorry if is too long, I just need to feel loved 🥲
Aaaahhhh!!!!! Hiiiiii!!!!!! This has taken me waaaaaaay too long to get to and I'm so sorry!!!!! But I'm here, let's do it!!!!! And thank you so so much for sending this to me @luvlady-writes !!!! 💚
Close to You
Pairing: Avenger Loki x female reader
Warnings: sooooooooo this totally took a nose dive directly into angst-ville.....sorry.....angst to fluff, happy ending, friends to lovers, confession, mild sadness.
Summary: you work in stark tower and have fallen hard for a certain god, but he would never feel the same....would he.....
A/n-umm......not much really.....sorry again it took so long to get to this!!!!!
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You quickly grabbed your bag and Wanda's coffee heading to the elevators. Pushing the button you sighed "come on." You said shifting feet, you were already late having slept past your alarm, not wanting to come back to reality from your dreams....the ones of a tall dark asgardian. Your head snapped up as the elevator dinged its arrival "finally." You huffed as the doors slid open making you freeze "ah lady y/n...how are you today?" Loki asked smiling that smile, the one that makes your insides melt "your good...I mean I'm hot....eerr good! I'm good!" You stuttered hearing him laugh. "Well, are you coming?" He asked when you realized you hadn't moved "yes!...yes sorry." You said slowly stepping in as the doors closed.
You slid over to the panel, the scent of mint and snow wafted through the air making you sigh as you pushed the button to your floor before sliding away. "Full day planned?" He asked smiling again...damn his beautiful face..."y..yes, wanda has a few interviews to do and some meet and greets." You said looking at the doors, trying to keep your brain from short circuiting at your proximity "ah I see, I have some of those as well, maybe I will see you there?" He asked fully turning towards you "i...I'd like that." You giggled seeing his smile widen when the elevator sounded again "after you my lady." He said waving you before him. "T..thanks." You said smiling back as him as you walked out. "See you later y/n." He called from behind you "bye Loki." You turned seeing him put his hands in his pockets, his cheeks a slight pink as you turned back making your way to the common room.
"Aahh your here!" Wanda yelled as you walked in "yeah sorry! I overslept." You said handing her her coffee, you had been her assistant for almost a year and you loved it. She was kind, compassionate...you couldn't have asked for a better boss. "Oh no, do you need to take the day off? I can manage." Wanda said sitting on the couch "oh no, I'm fine. It's just..." you trailed off setting your bag down "nothing, it's nothing." You smiled pulling your planner out. "Ok so, today..." you trailed off hearing music coming from down the hall, furrowing your eyebrows you look up seeing Bucky walk in with his phone..
"And just like me, they long to be, close to you...." the song played making you smile "Bucky Barnes, I didn't known you listened to the carptenters." You smiled as he sat down "honestly it's a good song, I wish I had been around for that time period." He said as the song continued. You hummed along, making notes as your thoughts wandered. Would Loki like that song...would he dance with you on the balcony under the stars..."earth to y/n." You heard pulling you back "oh...sorry lost in thought." You said clearing your throat "are you sure your ok?" Wanda asked "yeah! I'm fine." You smiled sliding your planner back in your bag "we should probably go though, lots to do." You said grabbing your keys "ok, but let me know if you want to go." She said standing up "Wanda I'm fine I promise." You said laughing as you headed back towards the elevators.
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The entire day had been a mess of interviews, and fans, and autographs and to say you were done was an understatement. You could handle people fine, but the large crowds, the screaming and chanting was starting to grate your nerves. "Ok, you've got one more meet and greet and then we're done for the day." You said flopping into your car, Wanda slumping down in the seat next to you "do we have to?" She asked making you laugh "Tony's orders, besides they love you." You said slapping her knee. "Well atleast I won't be on my own for this one." She said sitting up "what do you mean?" You asked turning down a side street "oh, Loki's with me at this one...didn't I tell you?" She asked as you cleared your throat "n..no, i...you must have spaced it." You stuttered peeking over seeing her staring
"what?" You asked pulling into the garage "your ok with Loki yes? I don't want you to be uncomfortable." She said still staring "what! Yes! I just...I didn't know he was going to be there." You rushed out parking the car "ok, you guys seem to get along so.." She shrugged as you giggled "yeah no he's good...we're good...I mean...yeah." you mumbled hearing her laugh. "He's a little intimidating but he's a big softie." She said opening the door. "I'd like to find out how soft.." you said under your breath "what?" Wanda asked leaning down. "Nothing! Let's get in there." You said quickly grabbing your things you led the way inside wanda following quickly behind you.
You both made your way to the small stage where your table was set up, pulling her set of different colored markers out you nodded as she smiled "ok, I'll be over there if you need me." You said when wanda grabbed your hand "Hey, thank you...I don't think I'd make it through this without you." She said making you smile "you got this." You winked squeezing her hand as you walked towards the backstage area. You leaned against the wall with a sigh hearing they had opened the doors, hundreds of people yelling and hollering resonating through your head "almost over." You said looking out seeing Loki's table watching him sitting stock still, staring down at the table. "What the..." you started when every woman in the city rushed his table, cutting off your view of him.
You pushed off the wall walking back to wanda seeing her smiling at a group of kids dressed as her "Hey, what's up with dark and broody?" You asked as wanda looked over seeing Loki leaned over the table mindlessly signing what was put in front of him "hmm, I don't know. He's been like that for weeks now." She said looking back at the kids. "Really? I hadn't noticed." You said standing up straight "he's pretty tight lipped, maybe ask Thor?" She shrugged continuing with her fans. "I'm gonna head back over there." You said walking back towards the wall. You stood back watching as the crowd began to thin, thanking all the gods it was almost over.
Exhaustion ran through you as you made your way back to the tower, the song bucky was playing earlier wandering back into your mind. "Y/n?" Wanda asked making you look over "hmm?" You hummed looking back to the road "you were humming that song again." She said laughing when your felt your cheeks burn "oh...sorry" you said clearing your throat "no, it's ok...it's just." She started turning herself towards you "do you like someone?" She asked as your eyes shot to hers. "I have no idea what your talking about." You said turning into the garage getting out. "Oh come on y/n, you've been all doe eyes and hearts the last month." She said quicky catching up to you. "Can't I just be happy?" You laughed nervously pushing the button to the elevator "well yes, but I've known you for awhile now....you don't hum." She laughed as you both stepped into the elevator "I think your reading too much into it." You said as the doors opened you quickly walked towards the common room.
"Y/n, aren't we friends?" Wanda asked plopping down on the couch "yes...But..." you were cut off by her raising her hand "well, then you should know you can tell me anything." She said smiling. "You aren't letting this go are you?" You sighed as she shook her head "nnnnope....spill it." She said as you walked around sitting next to her. "Fine...yes i...I like someone." You said sitting back "more then like really." You said as she shifted facing you "tell me tell me tell me." She said hopping up and down. "You can't tell anyone." You said watching her cross her heart. "Ok...he lives here...in the tower." You said as she leaned in "He's tall...handsome...and those muscles..." you trailed off looking at the ceiling. "And his suit...its so...tight." you sighed thinking about all that leather tightly wrapped around his large frame "god what I wouldn't give to get that suit off of him." You sighed hearing her laugh "someone I know i assume?" She asked as you looked over at her when Loki walked out from the hallway
"oh, h..hey Loki." You said quicky sitting up "Ms. Y/l/n." He said not looking at you as he walked across the room, his cold demeanor making your anxiety rise "h..how was your meet and greet?" You asked trying to act casual "fine." He huffed disappearing into the kitchen. "What was that about?" You asked Wanda seeing her shrug "he can be a bit moody sometimes." She said turning back to you "now, you were saying..." She said waving her hand "actually I should go, it's getting pretty late." You said standing up. "Well you'll have to tell me more about this tall mystery man tomorrow." She said standing up with you "fiiine." You laughed as Wanda hugged you "be careful getting home." She said turning to head down the hall "I will." You called after her. You threw your bag over your shoulder looking at the kitchen door, your interaction with Loki eating at you. "I'll just tell him goodnight." You said to yourself taking a deep breath you walked over pushing the door open seeing Loki sitting at the island in the dark, his hands over his face.
"Loki.." you trailed off watching him quicky stand up wiping his face "miss y/l/n." He said not looking at you. You stood in the doorway as he set the kettle on the stove, Silence blanketing the room causing your anxiety to reach a new high at the tension between you "s..so um, I just wanted to say goodnight." You said as Loki went about preparing his cup "is that all?" He snarked still avoiding looking at you "is...are you...is everything ok?" You stuttered taking a step towards him "Why wouldn't it be?" He asked, his voice void of all emotion as he kept his eyes down "you...well you seem upset." You said when his eyes finally met yours, seeing a sadness in them that stabbed your heart
"never better...in fact Thor and I are going to that new bar downtown." He said as the kettle screamed "oh?" You asked taking another step closer "yes, I hear there will be a fair amount of lovely women there as well." He said pulling the kettle from the stove, a pang of jealousy running through at his words "oh...I see." You said taking a step back "maybe I'll finally find someone worthy of my attentions." He said as he looked up at you, his eyes stern causing a chill to run up your spine. "Well um...have fun." You said turning back towards the door "oh I intend to." He said behind you, you closed your eyes taking a deep breath "goodnight Loki." You said, after a few minutes he hadn't answered so you took that as your queue to leave. You made it back to your apartment, your interaction with Loki still running through your mind had you offended him...said something to upset him..."maybe he just had a long day, I'll talk to him tomorrow." You said as you climbed in bed trying to get some rest as the exhaustion of the day finally set in.
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You had tried to catch loki the next day, and the day after but everytime you arrived at the tower he was nowhere to be found. As the days went on you began to miss your morning run ins with the god, his smile that made your heart skip, those deep green eyes that seemed to see into your soul. After two weeks you were beginning to get nervous, the last interaction with him boring a hole into your brain deeper and deeper the longer you didn't see him, so you decided to ask wanda one morning as you arrived for work seeing her reading on the couch "Hey, has Loki been around? It feels like forever since I've seen him." You asked setting your bag on the couch "yeah he's been spending alot of time with his assistant." She said not looking up from her book "I thought he didn't have an assistant...said he didn't need one." You said taking a seat across from her "hmm? Oh, a couple of weeks ago he told Tony he wanted one, some lady named jill I think." Wanda said setting her book down
"so, what's the plan today?" She smiled leaning forward "oh, um you have a couple of interviews and..." you trailed off pulling your planner out of your bag and began to flip through it trying to ignore the sting in your eyes he just doesnt want to see you. "Y/n, are you ok?" You heard her ask as you looked up meeting her eyes when you heard a woman laughing down the hall "and then I turned him into a frog." Loki's voice carried through into the room as he walked in looking as perfect as ever in his blue button up and black slacks, his sleeves rolled up, his forearms flexing as he talked to the short brunette next to him "oh my God your so funny." She said grabbing his arm as she cackled making you wince when you looked back at Loki seeing he was looking at you "hi Loki." You said trying to offer a small smile "love, this is Wanda's assistant, miss y/l/n." He said placing his hand on her back "hi, I'm jill." She said smiling at you "Hey." You said waving at her as Loki turned to her again and continued talking.
You took a deep breath, it was now or never "L...loki. I was wondering.." you started when he crossed his arms turning back to you "yes..." he said expectantly "um..could we...i mean could i..." you started looking between him and Jill "could i talk to you for a moment?" You asked hoping he would agree so you could figure out what you had done to upset him "Jill love, what does my schedule look like today?" He asked her not breaking eye contact with you "oh, you have a full day I'm afraid, interviews....a photoshoot...there are a couple of pr meetings, and then.." She trailed off closing her planner "yes, what else darling?" Loki said finally looking at her, the pet name he had given her stinging your chest "our dinner plans...sir." she said smiling.
Loki looked back at you. "You heard the lovely lady, I'm afraid I don't have time today." He said, his tone emotionless as you nodded "right, sorry. Maybe another time." You said looking down to your lap "maybe." He said turning back to her "shall we love?" He asked holding his arm out as she looped hers around his elbow "your so fancy." She giggled as they walked back down the hall. You grabbed your bag stuffing your planner back inside when your eyes met Wanda's "what?" You asked seeing her staring at you. "It's him." She said making you sigh "I don't know what you mean." You said standing up "oh don't give me that! It's him....the one you like." She said standing up with you. "Shh! Someone's going to hear you." You whisper yelled making her laugh "have you told him? You need to tell him" She said walking over to you "you were just in the same room right? You did see those two?" You asked throwing your bag over your shoulder "well yes, but..." you cut her off raising your hand "no buts, if he's happy, then I'm happy for him." You said sternly walking towards the hall "but what about your happiness?" She asked following behind you "I'll be fine." You said pulling your keys out "let's get today over with yeah?" You asked heading to the elevator "ok, whatever you say." She said as you buried your feelings, slapping a smile on your face wishing today was already over.
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Another few weeks had gone by and several attempts to catch Loki alone to talk to him but he always eluded you, the times you had caught him he was with Jill and refused to acknowledge you. The weight in your heart becoming unbearable, your mind running into overdrive as you analyzed every interaction you had before he stopped speaking to you. "Hey y/n." You lifted your head seeing Wanda's smile drop "are you ok?" She asked looking you up and down, granted you hadn't put much thought into your appearance...your hair thrown up in a messy bun and grabbing the first outfit you found in your dresser "yeah...fine why?" You snapped as she crossed her arms "Well I was going to ask if you wanted to come to Tony's party tonight but you don't really seem up to it." She said leaning on the counter in the kitchen "why wouldn't I? Sounds like a great time." You snarked closing your planner shoving it in your bag. "Y/n..." Wanda trailed off making you sigh.
"I'm sorry, I just..." you sighed closing your eyes "He...he still won't talk to me and I don't know what I did to upset him and...jill." you said feeling a tear slide down your cheek "do you want me to talk to him?" She asked taking a step towards you "no! No that would just make things worse." You said quickly wiping your face "I think, wanda I think im going to..." you were cut off by the kitchen door opening, Jill walking in in one of Loki's t-shirts and a pair of shorts "Hey ladies. How are you?" She smiled walking towards the fridge. You heart sinking seeing her
"I have to go." You quicky said grabbing your bag "but y/n." Your heard wanda call after you as you pushed through the kitchen door running into something solid, a pair of hands grabbing your arms as you were forced backwards looking up seeing those green eyes staring down at you. "Miss y/l/n." He said, his tone flat as he quickly removed his hands. You felt the burn in your eyes return as you shouldered past him trying to get to the elevator "no need to be rude." You heard Loki call out from behind you as you pushed the button hoping the elevator would get there faster. "Y/n, wait." Wanda yelled as the doors slid open "I'll see you tonight." You said pushing the button, the doors closing right before she made it. You took a deep breath closing your eyes, you knew what you needed to do, as hard as it would be it needed to be done.
You touched up your makeup in the rear view mirror, adding another layer of concealer over the dark rings under your eyes as you got out of your car smoothing your dress. "Alright, I can do this." You said walking towards the elevator. You picked at your nails as you rode up, you were going to miss this, miss wanda...but you knew it's what you needed to do. You heard the bass thumping from the ballroom as the doors opened, walking down the long hallway you walked in seeing the room filled with people you didn't know as you made your way to the bar. You waved the bartender over ordering a drink as nat walked over "Hey how are you?" She asked sitting on a stool next to you "fine...where's Tony?" You asked looking out into the room "over by the stage last time I saw him." She said sipping her drink "ok thanks." You said grabbing your drink as you headed towards the stage. "There you are." You said as you spotted him standing in the corner talking with Steve when someone's elbow came up knocking your drunk out of your hand gasping as the cold liquid splashed down the front of your dress.
"I'm so sorry!" You heard, looking up seeing Jill staring at you "let me grab some napkins." She said quickly rushing off as you pulled the material away from your skin. "What a shame." You heard Loki's deep timber next to you, looking up seeing his arms crossed as he looked down at you "loki." You said gritting you teeth as you glanced over seeing Tony still with Steve. "Ah, making sure the captain is here." Loki said making you look back at him "too bad he isn't wearing your favorite suit." He sneered making your eyebrows furrow "what are you talking about?" You snapped, tired of whatever this was "oh you know very well what I'm talking about, don't deny it." He said taking a step closer "loki, I really don't..." you were cut off by his hand rising "it matters not, he is welcome to you." He said looking you up and down "I wouldn't waste my time on a pathetic mortal anyway." He said looking back towards the bar.
You felt your heart sink into your stomach at his words "a pathetic mortal." You whispered feeling the sting in your eyes return "here, I got these." Jill said as she came back with a handful of napkins "thank you love, but I'm sure she is fine." Loki said grabbing her arm "ah reindeer games...y/n what happened?" Tony asked as he joined the commotion. You looked up at Loki his eyes cold "Tony, I quit." You said grabbing the napkins from Jill "thank you." You said quickly turning back towards the entrance "y/n wait." Tony said as he followed you "why are you quitting?" He asked as you made it to the elevator "I can't do this anymore, I can't be around..." you trailed off looking down the hall seeing Loki walk around the corner watching you "I just can't do this job anymore, I'm sorry Tony." You said as the doors slid open "what am I going to tell wanda?" He asked as you pushed the button "tell her I'm sorry." You said, your eyes meeting Loki's one last time as the doors slid shut.
You made it home, pulling your soiled dress off you jumped in the shower hearing your phone going off making you sigh. You finished cleaning your spilled drink off wrapping a towel around you as you walked out grabbing your phone from the nightstand seeing multiple missed calls and texts from wanda "Hey what happened?" "Was it Loki? I can stab him." You almost laughed at the last one as you typed your response "don't worry about it, I'm sorry wanda but I can't be there anymore, I hope your next assistant is better." You typed as you hit send before quickly turning your phone off unable to deal with her as you grabbed your pajamas, changing before you slipped into bed wishing the whole day was a nightmare.
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It had been a week and you had spent the entire time in your pajamas, unable to bring yourself to put actual clothes on. You walked to the kitchen deciding to make some coffee before jumping onto your computer turning in more resumes when there was a knock at your door. Shaking your head you continued your task thinking it was wanda again trying to convince you to come back "I said no wanda." You whispered when another knock came, louder this time "y/n, may I please have a word?" Loki's voice made you freeze as he called out from the other side of the door. "What is he doing here?" You asked yourself peeking out of the kitchen to the front door "I will not go away until you speak to me." He said making you sigh "one second." You called out straightening out your sweatshirt and trying to pull your hair up as you walked to the door, grabbing the handle you took a deep breath as you opened it, seeing Loki in all his glory standing with his hands in his pockets "what do you want?" You asked crossing your arms.
"May I come in?" He asked as you didn't move "it will only take a moment...please." He said shifting back and forth "you have one minute." You said as you stepped aside letting him in before closing the door behing him "time starts now." You said crossing your arms "y/n, I'm an idiot." He said turning to face you "I...wanda had a word with me, well...several if im honest." He said rubbing his palms together "and she informed me a may have been sorely mistaken." He said looking down "about what exactly...thirty seconds." You said looking at the clock
"I heard your conversation that night...with wanda after the interviews." He said as he looked up "I was under the assumption the tall muscular mystery man was....rogers." He said as his eyes met yours "so, I did what I thought was best...since you clearly didn't feel the same way for me, I pushed you away." He said clearing his throat "wait...say that again." You said dropping your hands "that I pushed you away?" He asked taking a step back from you as you walked closer "no, before that." You said still advancing on him "t...that you didn't feel the same." He said running into the back of the couch "you...do you mean to tell me you..." you trailed off looking down "yes y/n, I like you...alot, I have for quite some time." He said making your eyes shoot back to his "your kind, funny, intelligent...how could I not?" He asked smiling "and when I thought your attentions were for rogers i...I felt as though my heart would break in two." He said fidgeting with his fingers
"I can never apologize enough for the things I said to you, how i spoke to you" he continued as you took another step closer, your hands reaching out to grab his when your eyes met, seeing his puffy and red "please believe from the bottom of my heart I am so sorry." He said lacing his fingers with yours "what about jill?" You asked loosening your grip when he squeezed your hands "I have told her that I have met someone, that i...." he trailed off clearing his throat "t..that I love." He said, his eyes searching yours "I understand if I have ruined what may have been, but I was hoping you may find it in your heart to allow me to court you?" He asked squeezing your hands tighter.
"On one condition Loki." You said looking up at him "anything, name it." He said pulling you towards him "loosen your grip." You whispered as he quickly looked down releasing your hands, your fingers a light blue making you laugh "norns I'm so sorry, I sometimes forget myself and..." you cut him off pressing a finger to his lips "it's ok Loki." You said seeing him smile "there is one other thing I must ask." He said rubbing your fingers "what's that?" You asked smiling "I have been told that if I do not bring you back to the tower with me I shall be disemboweled." He said making you laugh "so would you be willing to take up your old post and become Wanda's assistant again?" He asked as you looked up at him, his eyes hopeful "well, you need to be in one piece to go on a date." You laughed "yes that would be preferable." He laughed with you
"ok fine, but no more assuming ok?" You asked as he took a step closer, cupping your cheek in his large hand "no more assuming, I swear it." He said, his eyes darting to your lips and back "may we seal it with a kiss?" He asked licking his lips. "Weeellll, I suppose...." you were cut off by his lips capturing yours, your brain short circuiting as his arm wrapping around your back pulling you closer pressing your chest against his as your hands gripped his large shoulders. He pulled back slightly, your lips chasing his hearing him laugh "there will be plenty of time for that darling." He said pressing his forehead to yours "now, how about you go get ready and I'll take you to dinner." He said smiling at you as you stepped back walking towards your bedroom "and do hurry, If you take too long I may have to come in there." He said making you laugh
"well, I may need help finding my shampoo." You said turning around in your doorway winking. "Well what kind of gentleman would I be if I did not help a lady in distress?" He asked striding towards you "well I was hoping you might be...less then gentle." You purred trailing your fingers up the buttons of his shirt "whatever you...desire." He growled as you grabbed his hand pulling him into the room shutting the door behind him hoping your shower was big enough for two....
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