#im so grateful :D
isjasz · 2 days
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[Day 331] 💙
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sneez · 3 months
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conrad veidt would make a great tragedian i think
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namchyoon · 1 year
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armys singing “it’ll all be alright” back to yoongi during snooze 🤍 cr. jung-koook
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xamaxenta · 11 months
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Super proud of the Deuce Ace card so I wanted to share the milestones :3
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monpetithl · 1 year
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happy 2023 🌟
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ari-dark-raiden-simp · 6 months
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This color pattern for Raiden screams for me "Young Dark Raiden". So yeah. I will stay even more delulu while waiting for official Older Raiden skin and play as him :D ❤️🖤 Little corrupted bastard, muah!
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swiftcast-selene · 3 months
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Day 7: Light
how convenient, to be his own nightlight. it's almost like he's meant to be reading until sunrise...!
(featuring @duisarcusxiv's Sagra!)
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hwaitham · 2 months
luckie clover for each of my dear pals . .
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faelapis · 1 year
the most annoying part of terfs reblogging your stuff and trying to "debate" your transness is you can always just... tell that they'll never see you as a person. to them, you're always just trans before anything else. they'll make up all kinds of shit that you allegedly do and believe - none of which is based in reality - and it won't matter. even if you aren't this evil antifeminist rapist caricature they've made up in their heads, you "are" anyway, because you're trans. because they say so.
its not just that they're bigoted towards trans people - they don't even see you as an individual. you can critique their stupid anti-queer bullshit hate movement in 100% accurate terms; and in return, instead of answering to the criticism, they'll just make shit up that you MUST believe, because you're trans. and now you have to answer to every dumb stereotype they have about trans people.
i don't even think there's like a clever debate fallacy for this. i think its just the most pure form of bigotry. its clown brain.
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ickle rant but you know I’d be more inclined to avoid hearing about spoilers if there hadn’t been early screenings and they really wanted to keep everything tightly under wraps but its like a candy factory opening its doors, letting some people taste it because they’re lucky/not broke/live in the right place and other candy fans have to wait outside in the cold and get scolded because they just wanna have some tasters, not even the entire tour (and yes this is a willy wonka analogy work with me my dudes) 
and like they decided to have early screenings, if they truly wanted zero chance of any spoilers (aside from general trailers and promo) being released, then why did they think showing two entire episodes early but scolding anyone who dares to want to sniff out a spoiler as ‘ooh demonic behaviour’ like???! we’re fans too! I’m sure we’d all love to have gone to the screening and we’re not gonna ruin it if people don’t wanna know (because I do respect that and everyone sharing spoilers has been tagging really well) its just it feels like being punished and like we’re not allowed to talk about anything naughty naughty bad fan when its really not that deep and knowing things for a lot of us actually makes us more excited. I dunno call my broke ass bitter and jealous I guess lol 
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sentientstump · 1 year
Yesterday i went on a new year holiday celebration that was held like 20 kilometers away from where i live. I tried to film some stuff for this year's vlog of sorts but it was with different people and with different experiences and mood so i didnt have time for it sadly...
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here's some photos (i took like 4 in total 😭😭)
you can watch last year's blog here!! if you're interested. It's mainly from evening till sunrise pov of a mere mortal view (and then half of the video is just me filming our way home lol 🙈 i have priorities, ok?)
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if you don't want to watch 12 minutes of footage then you can look at these photos👆🏼
idk why im sharing this but thank you for reading and if you want to know more check this wikipage out! I'd say its pretty alright at describing it👍🏼
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dppldualiesmain · 10 months
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always-a-joyful-note · 8 months
Oh man if you are having fun with the english server already you'll love the stories that will never get a translation because theyre from the previous era, from before enstars was a rhythm game. The anime doesnt come close to doing them justice (or just doesnt feature them at all), but theyre invaluable to understanding the story. It's a lot to read but soooo worth it if youre here for the story. I can help you navigate the wayback machine to access what was taken down from the wiki and give recommendations of translation sites if you need^_^ i love it when people get into enstars for the story Yippee
Also, hiii, thank you for the ask and the offer!! That is so sweet of you!
But yes! I've seen the instructions for the wayback and hope to use it someday (archive.org is a lifesaver. Everyone say thank you to it). I just am a little lost on what stories I should definitely read (I've poked around and seen I should basically read the main story arcs, Repayment Festival, and Setsubun (spelling?), then I'm free to go wild). But I would seriously love if you could give me story recs and/or direct me to a guide, translators, etc. Obviously if it's not too much trouble (and thank you so much for the offer!)
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how is everyone feeling on this fine monday?
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redzania · 4 months
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workinh on Silly anon's reference ( still happy about people asnwering my asks + 50 posts!! )
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videostak · 8 months
got my license today yayy tho i feel p empty inside and not v celebratory abt it ngl. im sure ill feel yay yippie happy in a bit tho i mean insane to think my practicing driving saga is over! tho im gonna have to pick up my sister later so i think once after that ill be able to rly chill. im gonna have a celebratory coke in a bit ^_^
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