#im so nervous act posting this if u could just uhh
rockinsappho · 3 years
Last Words of a Shooting Star
Hey! first time ever uhhh posting any kinda writing hahaha but here u go! (Was gonna post on ao3 but I forgot my login nooo)
Notes: CONTAINS SPOILERS for ep 139! Check tags. Set during ep 139 during/right after the feast. Mostly canon compliant? Caleb has physical anxiety tells and essek is trans w chronic pain: this felt important to include as I love to project myself into my interpretation of who these characters are, anyways. Perhaps Ill write another similar fic focused on Beauyasha??
Tags: fluff, a bit of angst, we-might-die-tomorrow-angst, talk of death, discussing feelings, accidental telepathy but its all consensual dw, anxiety tics (like finger picking mentioned), first kiss, no beta we die like lucien, 
(ALSO if there is something else I should have tagged, please let me know. I want to be conscious of others so I will def update it if there is something u feel is missing.)
“This could be our goodbye... Is there… anything we want to say to each other? Any warm words of encouragement, or things that we don't want to leave unsaid?”
Veth’s words hang heavy, silence filling the air. Sat around a campfire, Yasha looks toward Beau with sad eyes, and Jester leans on Fjord's shoulder. This is the Mighty Neins last night before the storm, before the whole world could change.
Caleb, however, was busy picking at his fingernails, acutely focused on anything but the others. It was too soon to say goodbye to the Nein. His friends, his… family. So he looked for minute distractions.
“I have lots of things I want to say; after we defeat Lucien,” Beau says, as the others chuckle softly. There is a strange tension in the air. As if even with Veth's words, there were still things not spoken aloud. Too many eyes watching them still. Even more-so with them now branded on their bodies.
“Cayyyleb,” Jester's voice rang out “Any confessions you need to get off your chest? Looove confessions? You are always so secretive.”
He smiled slightly as he brushed the loose strands of hair out of his face and looked up towards his friends, attempting to straighten his posture.
“Errm… there is not… particularly anything I would like to say, no,” Caleb replied. Taking a chance, he eyed Essek, who was also keeping quietly to himself. Always so serene and proper, draped in his mantle and robes. Sensing his gaze, Essek met his amber eyes. It was as if every moment they connected: time slowed. One moment lasted for hours, stretching millennials until there was nothing but the two of them-- together against time.
But there was no time. And there were not the two of them. There had been no conversations together of the constant pull they felt towards one another.
“We need more time.” 
At that, Essek furrowed his brows, hearing Caleb's voice ring in his head. This was not the first time Caleb has accidentally sent his thoughts over to Esseks mind. With the eyes and their close proximity to one another, it only makes sense that there would be slip-ups. But it has become more and more frequent. Especially since Essek himself has branded an eye, he has noticed Caleb being a bit more… attentive to him. Not to say that Essek did not secretly appreciate such attention.
It does not help that Essek had sustained pretty serious injuries from the last battle, and was having a hard time staying on his feet. The floating, of course, helps to relieve the constant pain through his legs, but he has just been so exhausted. And Caleb noticed.
Oh, sweet Caleb, worrying for this traitor to the Dynasty-- this drow he barely knows. And yet, there is some unspoken connection between the two of them-- Essek could feel it in his bones.
And if they were going to die tomorrow, now would be the better time than any to tell Caleb how he truly feels. After all, if Caleb rejects him, he’ll be too dead to care. Now, Essek. Just tell him now.
“Ahem,” Essek clears his throat and stands. “I will ah- be back in a moment.”
The Mighty Nein turned to each other, confused at the sudden movement.
“Was it something I said?” Jester asked.
“Of course not Jester,” “Absolutely!” Fjord and Veth said at the same time.
Caleb's eyes held on to Esseks back as he floated towards the next room over, silk robes drifting softly through this strange astral sea.
“Caleb. Come, follow. I must discuss something of great importance that I do not wish to share with the group. “
A heartbeat skipped as Caleb heard his fellow wizard's voice in his head. He appreciated this sense of telepathy they both shared. Simultaneously though, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of guilt, as he was the one who dragged Essek into this in the first place. And now, branded with a red eye they know little about, he felt a new sense of responsibility for his dear mages safety.
When Caleb finally found some excuse to leave their camp to go find Essek, he had a lump in his throat. Fidgeting and picking at his hands, he approached Essek. He was sitting with his back against the wall, legs bent in front of him, and tending to his wounds gained in battle. Next to him was an open medicine pack and his spellbook turned to a simple cantrip, light, which he was using to illuminate the space around him to better see his wounds.
“Essek--” Caleb starts, suddenly unsure of his words. “Let me help you,” his voice is soft and tender as he knelt in front of his friend.
The drow looked up and smiled softly. “Thank you.” They held eye contact for a beat and then looked towards Esseks knees, still bruised and burned. “I ran out of bandages, I was hoping you carried some in your bags.”
Caleb let out a quick laugh, and lifted his hands, turning them around a little.
“Ja, I carried them for a long time. To cover these... Also, because of the constant fighting we find ourselves in. I’m not exactly err… strong.”
Essek smiled at that. “Me neither. Can you help me wrap them?”
“Ja. Of course.” His slightly shaking hands took the bandages from his pack and started to unroll some of the cloth. Caleb took a deep breath, filling his lungs to attempt to calm his nerves. “Was this, uh, what you called me over to talk about? You know Caduceus or Jester know better how to tend to wounds than I do.” He let out a nervous laugh again and started wrapping the cloth around his leg.
“Ah-” Essek scrunched up his face and winced at the pain, looking to the side. Caleb’s hands immediately stopped, save for the slight tremor still present.
He looked up at Essek’s face with worry. “I’m sorry.”
“Ah..” Essek began calmly, clenching and unclenching his hands. “I am used to pain. And-- no this was not what I wanted to talk about although, I do appreciate your help. Sincerely.” He looked over to meet Caleb’s eyes. A beat.
“Scheisse, you are beautiful.”
Essek looked down as he heard the other’s voice ring through his ears. Do it now.
“Caleb, I don’t- If we- If I die tomorrow, I want to die knowing that I have aired all of my grievances. My sins. My… thoughts. I want to die with everyone-- with you knowing everything about me possible. I don’t want to just disappear in the memories of you all--”
Caleb stops wrapping his legs and interrupts “Liebling, what are you going on about? I will never forget you, Essek. And we both have sins we have yet to atone. You know your sins are not of importance to me. The only thing of importance to me is how you have treated me, the Nein, all of us--”
“The only thing of importance to me is you!”
Time slowed again. It was either Dunamancy or the butterflies in his stomach. Essek’s eyes went wide as he realized what slipped through his lips. He had said it with such conviction, he did not even realize how quickly it came out. He had spent hours thinking of how to eloquently profess his complex feelings towards the other wizard. And now…
Essek started to remove Caleb's hand’s from his knees, suddenly aware of how close they were sitting towards one another. “I’m sorry Caleb, I-”
Caleb quickly set his hands on top of Essek’s to still them, looking back into his icy blue eyes, mouth unmoving.
“You are the most important to me as well.”
“Did you mean to send that message this time?” Essek asks softly, careful of his next moves.
“Ja. And the other ones too.” There was a slow moment where Essek could have sworn Caleb's eyes drifted from his own to his lips.
“Caleb. I don’t want to die before I’ve kissed you.”
“Then don’t.”
Caleb lifted a trembling hand to cup Essek’s face, running his thumb across his cheek. Flushed, Essek closed the distance and finally embraced in a kiss. It was an awkward angle at first, as Caleb was leaning over his injuries, careful not to touch any part of him that would cause further pain. But Essek was seeing stars, it had been everything he had ever dreamed of. All of the euphoria he had ever felt from the social power he had gained through treachery-- he would throw it all away for just ten more seconds with Caleb-- no, five, no three seconds. He would give away his all for a single moment more.
Gently they pulled back from another. Overwhelmed in emotion, the human laughed and rested his forehead on Essek’s.
“It has been a long time since--” Caleb begins.
“Me too. We will learn together, as we have in the past, like we always do.” Essek quickly kissed Caleb on the nose. “That tower of yours sounds awfully nice tonight. A warm room, warm bed. Perhaps it will be a good night of sleep for all of us after all.”
Caleb nestled his face into Essek’s neck, sighing. “We should probably get back to the group. They will wonder why we have been gone so long. One more kiss before we go?”
Essek smiled and grabbed his face in his hands, pulling him close.
“We have all the time in the world.”
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softxhariana · 3 years
34+35 live stream
description: ariana’s live stream before debut of 34+35 remix music video.
word count: 2.22k
A/N: little piece based off this live stream that ariana did in the countdown to her releasing the 34+35 remix music video with doja and megan. obvs not included every question but just a few fun bits and harry mentions for you x
also disclaimer, this is NOT real, if u don't wanna read about these two then don't, i’m not tryna act like they’re together it is fiction.
❤ anywayz hope u enjoy luvs xox
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❖   "HELLO EVERYONE! thank u for coming to this premier,” ariana smiled sweetly at the camera, as the video cut to a shot of her for the beginning of the countdown.
“we had so much fun making this 34+35 remix video for you, and uhh, we hope you love it.” she continued, playing with her hair. no matter how long she did this for she swore she would never cease to get slightly nervous in these situations. where it was her alone, in front of a camera. but her fans made her feel at ease, and she felt she owed them something, as she hadn’t done many quarantine interviews like other celebs have.
“i thought i would come celebrate and join the countdown with you guys. which is something that I've never done before, but i’m very happy to be here and i was very excited to get some questions from you all...” she held up the sheets of twitter questions she had received, “um that i’m gonna be answering while i’m here so, i cant wait to celebrate this together and countdown and answer some of your questions!” she finished with a smile.
and it was genuine. a real smile that her fans were thrilled to see.
ariana was genuinely so happy and content with her life right now. with her family, her music, her friends, harry. harry her FIANCE!! might she add.
everything just felt perfect, and after all the shit the last couple years had thrown her way, she appreciated the break.
 she got her love back, she was making music that she fully loved, and put her whole soul into, and she had fans who had stuck with her and supported her through some of the darkest times in her life, that were now able to experience her happiness and personal growth with her. so truly, little things like this, felt like the least she could do for them.
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“ohh this is a good one because its 34 35 related” she tucked her hair behind her ears, “@noirgrande said ‘ummm its just i wanna the end of 34+35 is it awww shit or nooo shit, i just wanna sing the song right”
“umm it is indeed no shit” she confirmed, smiling matter of factly at the camera before reciting the closing line of the song.
“@arianalocks1223 said ‘will we get to see the track list before the songs release?’” she paused for a second to process - which turned into a few more seconds, she was a bit slow today. she had told harry with full sincerity that she thought it was because she was getting old but he had just cracked up at her absurd statement, and told her that if that was the case he’d still think she was a milf
“you will!” she nodded with certainty, “indeed. ummm... i can tell you them now” she blurted, oops.
“i suppose thats not like... is that against the rules? can i do that?” she turned, to question scooter who was supervising off camera, not wanting to get her label mad at her for releasing too much information, something she has a tendency to do. 
after getting the nod of reassurance from him she turned back to the camera, “so out of ‘POV’, you go into, um, an interlude called ‘someone like u’. after that is a song called ‘test drive’, after that is the 34/35 remix with doja and meg” she smiles lightly, “and after that is a song called ‘worst behaviour’, and after worst behaviour is... a song called ‘main thing’...” she finishes, a shy smirk forming on her face, dimples appearing, “so that’s the tracks.” 
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continuing with the countdown, ariana felt her heart warm at the love her fans were giving her and this album. she loved interacting with them and making them happy and proud of her so knowing she had done just that, was an amazing feeling.
“umm hesbloodsline... @hesbloodsline ... i’m really fond of this question because its really to the point, ‘where's the pig and where the fuck is harry?’” she smiled, holding in a laugh.
“piggy’s here, she's great, she's really doing so well and life is really good for her right now, she's really thriving and doing her thing” she ranted, a hint of sarcasm in her voice, “um, i make her big salads everyday that she likes, she's doing really great. she asked me to stop posting her as much because she's actually really offended by a lot of your jokes that you make on twitter, she asked me to have a word with you guys” she continued to joke, well aware that she probably found herself more funny than anyone else did right now.
“she doesn't like the jokes about being eaten, they really hurt her, umm yeh, and she asked me to convey that... no she’s great...” she finally decided to answer, “and harry, is on set today, so um, yeh thats where he is... but don't worry i will tell him to keep you in the loop, i’ve got you” 
ariana unconsciously let a small smile take over her glossed lips when talking about harry. he had been so excited about this new project and seeing him passionate and happy about anything he’s doing, always made her happiest.
“nicole! @nastyctrl. nicole said ‘who helped come up with the concept for the positions music video, love u sm ari’ love you so much to, i love you so much more” she paused, she loved this story,
“um this is actually a really funny story, dave and i had been going back and forth on several different concepts, and i couldn't, like... marry one... i couldn't really, like, really commit to one, i wasn't 100% sold. and it was missing a certain element of empowerment. and i kept, you know, trying to think of things that would make it more impactful cause i wasn't loving what we had...”
“anddd then me and harry were on this huge hike, and he just turned to me and was like, ‘what if you were the president?’ which was like, not at all fitting cause i was dying and complaining the whole time. but i was like,” she tried to imitate a shocked face through her smile and laughed 
“and when i called dave he was like ‘oh... kay, ill call you guys back’ and had the whole production team redo everything, and i had mimi pull completely different outfits and we completely started over cause that idea was what i was, craving and missing. and i was like, wow, thats so perfect” she smiled, shrugging her shoulders, “so yeh, honorary directing credit to harry styles, if you liked that”
“this is from @borderlinevinyl, who said ‘how much of the album was recorded at your little home studio?’ ummm..” she sang, looking off camera in thought, everything in quarantine had honestly just blurred into one so she was struggling to remember what exactly she recorded where,
“um... a lot of it was... i think i did parts of everything here and parts of things at tommy's i know i did, um, the final chorus ad-libs for positions at home” she began listing in her head, “i know i did all of off the table at home... i know i did the final chorus of my hair at home because we- i-” oops. she had to control the laugh threatening to leave her lips at the lack of subtlety in her correction
“-i got out of the shower and he was like ‘oh your whistles are really here right now’, and i was like y’know what... yeahh they are aren’t they” she laughed as she squinted her eyes and recited that part of the conversation, even trying to imitate his deeper accent.
she had been singing in the shower - as she always did - and harry joining her never seemed to stop her from belting out any whitney or old one direction classic she wanted to. he would even join in sometimes and they'd end up with their own mini concert, dancing around naked, shampoo and conditioner bottles in hand singing their hearts out to everything from high school musical to nicki minaj to fleetwood mac.
while it felt like too bold of statement to make as she truly revelled in and enjoyed everything they did together, showering with him was truly one of her favourite’s. whether it was steamy shower sex that had all glass surfaces in the room fogging up or letting loose and dancing and singing under the pouring water, every moment felt so intimate and sacred. it truly made her feel like they were they only people in the world. 
of course he would claim she was out singing him every time she whistled and would jokingly try to replicate the note but he was truly just in awe off the sounds that came from her mouth (in all senses of the word;)
"-and so i opened ‘my hair’ and just randomly did that” she continued, “um what else did i do here, i did the a lot of the backgrounds and ad-libs for 34+35 here, um, obvious was done at home, a lot of six-thirty was done at home”
caught in her own thoughts she only realised she had probably been droning on for too long when she caught scooters eye across the room and with a blush she shook her head as if to clear it, “this is an annoying answer, everything was kind of all over the place but i did a lot, a lot, a lot of the vocals for the album at the house" she finally finished the long answer, moving on quickly as she realised she didn't have long until the premiere and she wanted to answer as many of the questions as possible.
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“ok, second last question from hannah, ever- @everdxystxless, im sorry i don't know how to pronounce that” she laughs looking up at the camera with wide eyes, not sure how exactly how she was supposed to go about pronouncing the username, 
“im sorry, um, but anyway she say’s ‘ari baby, how do you feel about harry getting to do a movie with florence pugh, we know your a big fan of hers, ps. i love you so much!’ well hannah, i love you too” she replies, as she thinks back to when harry first introduced the two, after she had gotten over the initial fangirling, the pair became amazing friends. florence struck ariana as such a genuine, loving person and they shared the same dry sense of humour. plus ariana might of been just a little obsessed with her accent - not that she would ever admit that and scare the girl off.
“and... um, yeah, it literally, made me beyond happy, i was fully like, fangirling when i met her the first time” she laughs as she plays with her hair, “she honestly, probably was like, ‘who the fuck is this girl? what is she doing?’”ariana imitated, a faux scared/weirded out look on her face, playing the part of a mildly pissed off florence - which she luckily had never been on the receiving end of, “im sure i was being the opposite of subtle about it but, no, she really truly is the sweetest, kindest, most beautiful, talented human being” she emphasises, the thought of any news outlets of fan’s trying to spin a ‘jealousy’ story about this making her internally role her eyes,
“midsommar is, like, one of my all time favourite movies, and she's amazing in it, and harry’s like so fucking lucky its crazy. so yeah, thats insane”
"...so yeah... thank you so much! this was so much fun!” ariana exclaimed as she wrapped up the Q&A, smiling wide at the camera, she knew her fans were going to love the music video and she couldn't wait for them to watch it, plus interacting with them in this way always made her happy.
“i love you guys, i miss you” she reminded, “i am so appreciative of everything you've done for this album, for these singles, for this music. i hope that, um, that this makes you super happy, i hope it makes you smile...we had so much fun shooting it and um, the girls are so fantastic, so i hope you love this and i hope you love the deluxe!” 
ariana didn't know how many more ways she could say thank you and express her gratitude but she still had over a minute and a half so she’d have to come up with something, even if it meant she’d sound like a broken record
“i am so thankful for everything and for the love that you've shown this music i cant even begin to articulate it properly so, thank you! i appreciate it so much” she breathed out all in one, “but anyway, the video should be starting soon, so... i hope you like it, don't refresh! it’ll be here soon... i promise... just don't refresh” she urged dramatically, she was really dragging this out, “but yeh” she got out through laughs “the video should be starting anytime now, i love you guys” she blew a kiss to the camera before moving as close to the lens as possible “byee”.
🖤 there u go!! i hope you liked it, and any feedback would always always be welcomed and so so appreciated pls and thanku x 
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indipindy16 · 4 years
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im on a roll woah. this is the third piece i’ve posted today 
empty template 
okay so under the cut there’s a very long rant (with pictures!) about why shinsou is my fave character, if you’re interested
this boy - nay, this man - is the only sane one in this whole manga i swear. and he’s only there for a few scenes in a couple arcs, yet he’s brilliant for every second onscreen
hero society is absolutely broken, and shinsou has been dealt with the brunt of it in very similar ways to midoriya. except for shinsou, there’s no deus-ex-machina coming to give him a perfect quirk and a perfect future. no. this guy has to fight for his chance just to get a seat at the (metaphorical) table. despite everything, all he wants is to help people. 
shinsou calls people out on their bullshit. he calls out bakugou for acting like he’s above everyone else literally within 5 seconds of meeting him, which is more than any of the students or teachers at mido and baku’s middle school. 
his LITERAL FIRST ACT IN HIS FIRST EVER APPEARANCE is to defy the kind of ‘quirk hierarchy’ in the bnha universe (a person with a villainous quirk daring to criticise a person with a heroic quirk? how dare they!) and this really tells you all you need to know about shinsou: he’s here to kick back against hero society and change things for the better, and he’s not afraid to ruffle a few feathers along the way.
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and he gives izuku a wake-up call during their fight. while izuku has been living it up with a great quirk, at this point he’s forgotten his roots. he’s forgotten that there are people out there who are denied the opportunities which come easily to him. speaking with shinsou inspires him to call out todoroki’s complacency with his quirk, and then to choose deku as his hero name (which is basically a big ‘fuck you’ to bakugou and defiance against every time ppl tried to put him down for being a ‘quirkless, useless deku’).
of course, shinsou is not without faults. every good character has them. he starts off completely unwilling to open up, and isolates himself from others - likely a self-defence tactic, knowing that others will isolate him for his quirk and doing it to himself first to avoid the hurt. he himself falls victim to society’s stereotypes, assuming that midoriya will be an arrogant asshole just because he has a powerful quirk. he spends the first half of the sports festival using his quirk on ppl without their consent, pushing them down just to pass.
however. shinsou grows and learns and never gives up. while writing this i’m looking at some panels during the joint training arc and it’s just - HE’S WORKED SO HARD AND HE’S FINALLY GOT THERE AND IM SO HAPPY FOR HIM. all he needed was for one person to give him the chance, and he ran with it. 
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he’s been put down and denied opportunities for something he can’t help, that he was born with, since his quirk is something which other people would consider inherently dangerous or predatory. 
on that note, can i just briefly mention that i think he comes across as kinda queer-coded?? idk that might be just me. i could be making something out of nothing, but in my brain he is and this post is about my opinions of him so uhh. if you disagree, don’t @ me
ALSO his quirk is actually INTERESTING and has so much potential. there’s a lot of really boring/cliché/self-explanatory/plain weird quirks in 1-a (permanent invisibility has no possibility for improvement, elemental quirks are basically avatar, and mineta and sero’s quirks are just... strange. i honestly don’t know what horikoshi was thinking with those two) and i really want to see shinsou in action more.
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every panel he’s in, he genuinely steals the show. he’s not a comedic character and yet his interactions with the class in the joint training arc and with mido after their fight at the sports festival are so funny and he brings the best out of any character he’s in a scene with. i bet that if he joins 1-a and becomes a more recurring character, he’ll build up some great chemistry with characters and we can finally see him shine. 
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as much as i love his interactions w/ monoma, i don’t want him to go in class b because then he’ll be sent back into Minor Character Hell which he DOES NOT DESERVE. he’s too good. please horikoshi, don’t do him dirty like that.
in conclusion, i love him
he is so damn relatable my dudes. evidence:
-likes cats 
-fights back against discrimination in society
-serial insomniac (along with everyone else on this hellsite, i bet. it’s currently 3am here)
-introverted (haha talking to people?? hanging out just for the sake of it?? no thanks, i just wanna draw in my room with my cat)
-rubs his neck as a nervous tick (try and tell me u don’t have some kind of habit like this. i personally pick at my fingernails/wrists but i know that a lot of ppl rub their necks as well. 
(also it’s a very easy piece of body language to draw and convey nervousness - he does it all the time in the manga even when his expression is serious, so i think it’s horikoshi’s way of showing that he’s nervous without compromising shinsou’s resting bitch face lol)
-comes off as abrasive/rude at first (i spend my first few days in a new place giving everybody the silent treatment haha. it’s not even meant to be rude, i just have to get used to them before i open up. so this is relatable to me, idk about you)
-he has aizawa as a dad mentor and don’t we all want that? there’s a reason the ‘dadzawa’ tag is so popular
-the rest is fanon but: big fan of underground heroes which is the equivalent of being in a niche fandom (cough anime cough) irl, shitty or nonexistent parents, possible ideals of vigilantism, awesome big brother to eri
-did i mention he likes cats
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weasleypogues · 4 years
caught (j.b.r)
so thankfully someone pointed out to me that i completely misread a request and mixed it up so here is a sistermaybank x john b!! im so sorry to whoever requested it but i hope u enjoy this one!!
i kinda got a little carried away and made this very long so bear with me
master list.
having jj maybank as your older brother came with everything you would expect. you did crazy shit with no repercussions or care. but there were other times where you would balance each other out because, at one point, someone had to use their senses and be the rational sibling. you two shared so much in your life that it was difficult to even think of doing things without him by your side.
however, one of those things you did without him was to date his best friend, john b. but hey, it’s not like you and john b weren’t friends initially either. when jj and john b first became friends, you weened yourself right in like the annoying little sister because you admired your brother and were basically attached at the hip. you liked the idea of having your own personal bodyguards but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t rock someone’s shit when you got the chance. but most of the time you preferred love not war, unlike jj.
when you and john b first got together, it felt like walking on eggshells. you’d tread lightly and watch your words carefully around jj and the rest of the pogues. yes, you trusted kie and pope with your lives, but it wasn’t fair to make them carry around that secret for the sake of your relationship. you weren’t sure why you kept it a secret from jj. i mean if he chose john b to be his best friend, that had to mean that jj found john b’s qualities and loyalty worthwhile and admirable. 
what you wouldn’t admit to john b, and barely wanted to admit to yourself was a different reason to not tell jj. because jj wasn’t the only person you were keeping this a secret from. you wouldn’t dare tell your father that you were dating someone. because someway, somehow, he would make that the reason to stir the pot to you, jj, or both. you would hate yourself if you were the reason for another bruise on your or jj’s body. so, altogether you decided it was best to keep it a secret to prevent anyone from getting hurt. 
it was a saturday morning when you woke up to a text from john b, you smiled to yourself at the mere thought of him. meet me at the chateau in an hour. you quickly hopped out of bed and went to pack a bag for the day. as you weaved through empty beer bottles and random trash on the floor, you tiptoed to not wake your father up. you peaked quietly into jj’s room and saw he was passed out as well, taking a mental note to leave him a post-it or send him a text to wake up to to let him know you were going to be gone when he woke up. 
after brushing your teeth and throwing on a bathing suit and a pair of shorts, all you needed was your phone and a water bottle from the fridge. treading lightly on the creaky floors, you began to walk towards the kitchen until you heard footsteps from behind you. your hands got sweaty and your heart sunk into your stomach.
“where you goin’ this early in the morning?” you father said to you in a husky and slurred voice. 
“just out with a friend on their boat for the day.” you responded with a slight smile to play it nonchalantly. if your father saw anything but a content look on your face, you knew he would pick apart your emotions and facial expression if you didn’t act like everything was a-okay. 
“who’s this friend?” your father interrogated, with an unpleased look on his face. you soon came to realize that no matter how normal you acted, he would still be the same old jerk no matter what. “is it a friend that left this in your room a couple of days ago? because i sure as hell know this don’t belong to you.” 
you saw his hand lift up a dirty and slightly faded black bandana, wrapped around his knuckles. fuck. 
“oh my friend gave it to me one day actually-” you responded quickly and nervously. it felt like your body went numb because you knew that there was no way in hell that this situation would end well.
“don’t lie to me, (y/n)!” your father yelled, with a look on his face that you knew too well but it would still leave you frozen in fear. it seemed a lot of the time that jj was the one to fight back because jj could take punches here and there and put on a front for everybody. you weren’t gifted with easily putting on a facade like he was so you would try your absolute hardest to extend the argument long enough that eventually your father would just knock out from the alcohol and that would be the end of it. 
“what the hell is going on?” jj walked out of his room with a tank top and shorts on, rubbing his eyes to get adjusted to the extreme sunlight in the living room. 
“is this yours, boy?!” your father raised the bandana higher and his face got redder as his eyes pierced themselves into jj’s path. jj quickly shook his head. he has no idea why his father brought this up to him but jj had no other reason to lie about it not being john b’s because yet again, no one knew of what was happening between you and john b.
“it’s john b’s.” jj answered, almost like a cadet to a colonel, following orders and meaning no disprespect. although jj wanted to disrespect his father to the end of the world for everything he put you two through. however, once those words came out of jj’s mouth you knew everything from here on out would be completely downhill. 
“it was in your sisters room actually.” you didn’t dare look around at jj. you could only handle one glare at a time from this family. although, you were surprised to hear jj back you up.
“dad, she can do what she wants.” jj responded, with no emotion to not set him off. however, whatever anyone responded with was going to stir the pot. 
“don’t talk back to me, you little shit!” you father huskily shouted at your brother. he took a couple steps towards jj and you knew this was going to get physical. you allowed the tears to well up in your eyes for the millionth time if your life because of him. 
you quickly whipped around and your blurry vision made it hard to see who was throwing what punches. it wasn’t until one loud thud to the ground was when you realize that jj had knocked your father out and looked up at you, blood dripping from his lip and nose. 
“let’s get out of here.” jj blankly stated and you nodded quickly as you ran to get your backpack and phone and basically booked it, trailing behind jj’s footsteps. you figured that his feet were taking him to the exact place that john b had told you to meet him: the chateau. you weren’t sure if this was the best idea or the worst. jj used the chateau as his safe space after things would get bad with your dad but you weren’t sure if that was the case this time or he was on a mission to find out why john b’s bandana was found in your room. 
you anxiously picked at your cuticles with your hands to your sides, nervous to hear the first word that would be spoken between you two. but you knew it had to come eventually but you didn’t know if you had the guts to be the first one.
“explain to me why the bandana was in your room.” jj asked, his voice softer than you expected but when you looked slightly up at him, his jaw was clenched and his eyes stayed darted in front of him as you two continued to walk. 
“i don’t know how you want me to answer this.” you responded, with your head slightly down because if jj looked over at you, you couldn’t look him in the eyes after he took a beating because your dad decided to snoop in your room. 
you weren’t sure how long you were walking and how long the pauses were in between each thing spoken but you ended up at john b’s house in no time. your eyes glanced up as you saw your boyfriend hop down his front steps and give you two a smile before his faced dropped seeing 1. your terrified face, 2. jj’s bruised and bloody face, and 3. the fact that he only invited his girlfriend over so why was his best friend here looking like he was going to rock his shit? 
“uhh, hey guys...” john b greeted, unsure how to approach the situation. when his eyes flickered to yours for a split second, you just gave him wide eyes back because you too were unsure about how to even begin. 
“are you dating my fucking sister?” jj asked, shoving john b slightly. john b stumbled behind as his jaw slightly dropped and he put his hands up in defense. this was your cue to go and try to break it up.
“no man! i mean yes but like we can explain!” john b responded, seemingly coming up with the worst responses ever when confronted with something like this. you weened your way to stand in between them.
“yes jj, we are dating! can you let us explain?” you practically yelled because you knew if you spoke in a normal tone, that anything you say would not get through to him because of the blood pounding in his ears from adrenaline. and because he would probably ignore you regardless. 
“no! there’s nothing to explain. this is clearly a secret you two fucking kept from me for how long? a month? two months? more? jesus christ if it’s any more i’m punching your teeth in, john b.” jj exclaimed, as his jaw clenched even harder and the veins on his forhead became more prominent. 
“just two months! okay?! can we all calm down and talk about this like regular people?” you slightly pushed jj, not letting him get any closer to john b. you were always afraid of this outcome but you never pictured it being like this. “you can’t just go around hitting people when things don’t go your way! just pull a ‘dad’ while your at it and beat the shit out of your best friend.” 
“don’t bring dad into this (y/n).” jj said through clenched teeth, although his face softened at the idea of you comparing him to your father. it was jj’s fear to resemble any quality that your father had and to hear that come out of his little sisters mouth hurt him. 
“look i didn’t mean it like you were dad. but clearly it doesn’t work when you both think violence is the answer. so can we just sit down and we’ll explain everything to you?” you asked, your voice softening as you threw your hands to the side in defeat. jj took a deep breath in before flickering his eyes between you and john b. he just nodded in silence and he lead the way to john b’s front porch and sat on the couch. jj simply waved his hand in the air, prompting you two to explain. 
you took a deep breath and let everything spill. you and john b had kept the secret from him because you were scared of how he was going to react. you two basically kept it a secret from everyone to spare them any stress. and you spilled to the both of them that you were keeping it a major secret because if somehow, someway, word got back to your father that you were dating someone, he would lose his shit. 
“look, me and john b didn’t plan for this to be the way you found out. and i didn’t plan for this to be the way that dad found out. and if i could go back i’d tell you immediately to save you from what happened back there. but i can’t. just know that i love you and john b. you’re my brother for fuck’s sake. your feelings matter the world to me but i also wanted to take myself into perspective and make myself happy. we aren’t doing this to punish you whatsoever, i did it because i can’t see myself dating anyone else.”
and with that you grabbed john b’s hand and rubbed your thumb back and forth on the back of his while he squeezed yours in response. jj lifted his hat and ran his fingers through his hair with his free ones and let out a deep breath he had been holding in.
“i really love your sister, man. i would die than let anything hurt her and would beat myself up if i was the one who did. i couldn’t imagine being with anyone else.” john b said, with the most sincere tone. a long, deafening silence followed and you felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest.
“look...you guys are going to have to let me get used to this. i know you guys’ve been together for a while but ease it up in front of me, this is all just like super weird for me right now. i guess i should be happy that it’s john b and not some douchebag kook.” jj responded, rubbing his hand over his face because he felt overwhelmed. “and as for dad, i’m sorry it went that way. but next time there’s a secret like this, you can tell me. i’m blood for fucks sake.” 
you gave your older brother a small smile and nod before getting up and taking a couple steps towards him. your approach quickly prompted him up and you pulled him in for a hug. 
“not too much pda in front of me also. and i’m keeping a hawks eye watch on you, john b. thin ice, brother, thin ice.” jj said, pointing his two fingers to his eyes and that pointing them at john b. you laughed and slightly shoved jj.
“gotcha, bro.” john b responded chuckling and than gave jj a bro shake. 
“soo... boat day?” you spoke up sheepishly, hoping to start the day fresh as you gave puppy-dog eyes to your brother and boyfriend. 
“you call kie, i’ll call pope and then we’ll head out.” jj answered as you excitedly pulled out your phone to call kie. as you placed the ringing phone up to your ear you felt a kiss on the top of your head and an arm snake around your waist.
“at least it’s out of the way now.” john b whispered to you, as you nodded and looked up at him before kissing him. 
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neocrush · 4 years
just friends ☆★
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Jaemin furrowed his eyebrows.
What’s this all about?
He saw Lia come down the stairs with a tee and shorts. She went straight to the kitchen and grabbed a cup full of water. Just as she was about to go up the stairs, a hand was placed on her wrist.
She turned to see who’s hand it belonged to, only to see a certain brown haired boy.
“Hey.” Jaemin started out.
“Hey..?” The older girl chuckled. “Need anything Jaem?”
He shrugged his shoulders as he let go of her wrist. “Nah, it’s just.. Why are the girls acting all weird whenever I talk or post about y/n.”
She chuckled, “Is that it?”
“No, I mean, y/n’s also super.. not weird but.. different around me y’know? Don’t get me wrong, she’s amazing but the way she acts around me isn’t the same way she acts around Chenle and Jisung.”
“Well, for starters she is closer with Chenle and Jisung due to their age. Maybe she’s just warming up to you.” The black haired girl explained.
Jaemin nodded at her words, finally understanding the situation. “But what about the other girls? I just wanna know — to make sure things doesn’t get weird between our groups.”
“Uhh,” she muttered — should I break it to him?, “Let’s just say.. teenage crushes are always weird so,” She didn’t continue her sentence and went up the stairs, leaving the poor boy confused.
His eyes went wide in realization on what the girl just said.
At first, his heart melted at the thought of the younger girl’s heart fluttering everytime she sees him.
Just as he was on his own world, a taller boy grabbed onto his shoulder. “Hyung, You okay?”
Oh crap. Jisung.
I cant do that to him.
He internally panicked as he forgot that his group’s youngest was head over heels for the same girl who felt the same way — but not for Jisung, for him.
“You were spacing out earlier. You good, bro?” Jisung’s deep voice echoing through the ears of his bandmate.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He shakes his head at the thought of Jisung’s heart breaking when he figures out how his crush of two years truly felt about his hyung.
He decided to do the right thing and tell the younger one before it was too late.
“It’s just..” He breathed out. Jisung cocked his head forward as a signal that he was listening.
“What about me?” Y/n’s voice squeaked out, startling Jisung.
“Ah! Speak of the devil.” Jaemin chuckled. She playfully rolled her eyes at his remark.
“Jisung and I were just talking about how pretty you looked in our photoshoot pictures.” The older boy said, making everything up.
Jisung scrunched his nose, confused as to why Jaemin was acting nervous and making stuff up. His hyung was usually a super laidback person.
Y/n’s eyes lit up. Her crush just said she was pretty. She nervously shrugged, “I-I think I was pretty okay. You on the other hand..”
Jisung was slightly confused as to what was going on. Are they flirting with each other? Is there something going on in between them?
“You looked amazing.” She finished off, smiling with sparkly eyes.
Jaemin smiled as the boy next to him awkwardly coughed.
“I’d disagree. You looked wayyyy better than Jaemin hyung. I mean, that’s my opinion.” Jisung shrugged.
Y/n chuckled, “Thanks Sungie. I know I could count on you on being my hypeman.” She playfully winked.
Jisung scrunched his tiny nose again. Did she not see I was flirting?
She turned to Jaemin. “Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you something.”
Jaemin predicted something bad was going to happen.
“Do you mind?” She turned her neck to Jisung.
He took a deep breath, not liking where this is going. He could feel the tension in between the three. “Sure. I’ll be in my room.” He turned his heels and went up the stairs, only to stop there. To eavesdrop, duh.
Jaemin gulped nervously as the young girl turned to him once again.
She smiled at him lovingly, “I wanted to ask you..”
<<< previous — next >>>
park jisung x reader
crack, fluff, hints of angst, social media au, idol x idol!reader
author’s note
first written chapter lol
anyways prepare for more written chapters bc that’s where u get to see the drama unfold irl 👀
btw character q & a is open !!!!! u can ask any character anything, like ANYTHING srsly ( ̄▽ ̄)
♡ @im-on-a-hellavator @moloprint @babytigerchae @cheersskznct @moonchildjaemin @valntynelisa @pitchblacksmile @bumblebeenct @head-in-theclouds @nctcityalexus @sunflowerhae @aviiahn @chewingjoon — leave an ask to be added + message me if u changed ur @ ! ( sorry if u didn’t get a notif, for some reason tumblr won’t let me @ some of u???? )
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yamadcs · 5 years
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wey hey, it’s a me...a madio here at long last!!! but rlly i’m mads, i’m twenty, and i’m in pst so im almost always fashionably late to things set with est time in mind. my last meal would be chicken alfredo but that feels really wrong bc i’d really love to own a chicken someday....anYWAYS moving on to the serious stuff! this intro is probably a shit show but so am i so it fits...i tried to keep it concise but who rlly knows idk pls plot with me
( NANA KOMATSU, CIS FEMALE, SHE/HER, MUSE M ) did i just see CONSTANCE YAMADA touching down in italy ? rumor has it this 22 year old DIRECTOR is on their way to reunite with the brat pack.
so first thing’s first, as promised, constance has two moms!!! one of them is an actress and the other is an activist (specifically feminist and lgbtq+ rights if that matters) and they’re both extremely well-known within hollywood. 
her activist mom is definitely outspoken on social issues and she taught constance to be too, so the family is definitely known for pushing buttons in hollywood if only because they voice their very strong opinions VERY loudly. she probably had a lot to do with herself and her wife being ostracized in hollywood, or otherwise branded as brats. her actress mom, however, is much more soft spoken and was once probably an america’s sweetheart type. she’s a classic beauty, an actress that had so much potential until her reputation began to dwindle. she still acts, though in much smaller projects, and appears to be happy simply maintaining a home life (spoiler alert, she’s cheating). she taught constance humility and self-love
her mothers are so loving to her and to each other that she’s definitely a big romantic, however she’s also extremely naive so i’m sure that will pose a lot of issues in terms of plots and whatnot. she literally grew up witnessing true love at all times and is so in awe of her mothers’ relationship that she strives to have something just like it 
sPEAKING OF NAIVETE! constance’s mothers actually shielded her from the spotlight until she was about 15!! her parents were really nervous about putting her in the limelight because they didnt want her to have a fate similar to theirs (the blacklisting and public humiliation of being branded) so they kept her life as private and “normal” as possible. rather than having a private tutor, she simply attended private schools so that she could have a semi-normal social life. her parents were very cautious about who she spent time with, which led her to be a bit sheltered. she had lots of friends, but she was never allowed to go to their houses and they needed extensive screening before being allowed at hers, so it was easier to just keep her friendships at school. it wasn’t until she got to high school and made the choice to insert herself into the media that the world truly met constance, and she’s been basking in the hollywood glow ever since
being lonely is actually part of what ignited her passion for film. she had so much free time at home during her early years that she stumbled upon a tub of old movies, as well as the video recorder that was used to capture them. from then on, she was in love and it seemed that no one could pry that camera from her grasp. years 5-10 of her life feature many clips of her moms’ double chins and feet, the angles of a girl too small to see the rest of the world. 
i like to think that the first real paparazzi pictures ever captured of her and published across the nation featured her at a rally with her moms, holding a sign and very proudly leading a chant for the right for her mothers to legally marry. she’d been photographed before, of course, but none of them never made as bold of a statement and those pictures are what truly began her entrance into the spotlight, which was extremely intense and trying. 
since the world was so desperate to know the daughter of two notorious starlets, it only made sense that they would do nearly anything to obtain that first private interview with her, those first talk show appearances, anything that she had never been able to do before. it was super overwhelming and she very quickly became aware of what vultures the press are
uhhh so yeah basically constance has only really been in the “spotlight” for the last 7 years, but she became very notorious and admired very quickly since her existence had been so “””normal”””” and basically mysterious to the public until then. like her moms posted pictures on their socials, but all of her own were private until then and the media only got to know her on a surface level so it was a drastic change both for herself, but also for the world
i’d like to think her friends, THE BRATS, are what really got her through it like once she started working in hollywood and getting more film projects and running into these ppl and building connections i think constance really would have relied on them as mentors (even if theyre rlly just manipulation her...plot idea ?) and just....ppl who understood what this type of fame was like and understood how crazy this transition was. like she went from eating cereal in the living room w her moms and living her lowkey life to being on magazines and becoming the new “GIRL NEXT DOOR” of hollywood and that’s....a lot
she is a pretty notorious director now like a lot of jobs were kind of just,, handed to her once she started but she proved she had real talent so her entire reputation is something she really built herself bc her moms tried to detach themselves from her career to give her a fair chance to prove herself and her own prestige but like,,, she literally loves filming people and directing them and it’s her whole ass life like she almost always has a film camera and/or an old video camera on her person at all times so watch out for that in the morning ladies and gents she will make u a star 
oh and if her career goes south she’s hella gonna go into the adult film industry she’s directing sexy time baby !
i feel like there is still so so much i could tell u all about her but i rlly hope that this sums it up nicely bc it’s getting so long and so ugly....bUT BEFORE I LEAVE I HAVE CONNECTION IDEAS AND ALSO i just wanna say i think she would be on??? pretty okay terms w the bratpack like i know she has select ones she doesnt get along w but theres probably a big part of her thats excited to be back with them and happy to be in milan meeting up with them all again so idk if that changes things but yeah my girl’s naive and loves almost everyone so pls,,plot with mE
CONNECTION IDEAS....just gonna drop some lame ones here rlly quick to maybe get us started
uhh like i said many times, constance is rlly naive, so she’d be super easy to take advantage of. this could be something that happened when she first introduced herself to the limelight, like maybe someone latched on to her bc of how excited the media was to finally know her and they sort of road her coattails, or maybe it’s smth that’s happening as adults. im down for literally any kind of manipulative plots like fake friends, using her for shit, idk just mess her up ig
i think unrequited crushes are cute and i’m sure constance has TONS just bc she’s such a romantic at heart and so eager to have a fairy tale love that i feel like there would be this one person who she’s had a crush on for years who she just...keeps going back to bc she thinks she loves them and maybe they use her to keep her around or maybe theyve been honest about their feelings and theyre trying to just be friends but things are rocky/she’s just repressing shit idk we could do a lot with this i think 
i’d love it if she could just have a best friend bc like...idk i dont want her to have NO real friends u know? good vibes only for constance and ur muse man u feel
she was pretty innocent growing up since she was so sheltered so maybe ur muse smoked her out for the first time when she was 16 and now shes 420 friendly and theyre just smoke buddies or smth i cant believe shes gonna be a stoner now her whole personality i talked about up there? gone. it’s weed central now baby !
does ur muse need a tastefully directed sex tape? constance has their back im not kidding this is my plot idea ur all welcome
this is a novel so im ending it here but i will once again beg that u all come plot with me and love me and disregard these shitty connection ideas bc i KNOW we can come up with truly good ones okay love u all bye 
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dzvagabond · 5 years
even numbers for wesker and odd numbers for caustic for the tropes ask meme >:3c
@cryptidchaos​  fuckfuckfuckfuckfu-
Aborted Declaration of Love: How long did it take for you to finally confess to your F/O? How did it go? Were there several attempts, or was it just The One?
Caustic: first off aklshkdsghaekfhsk;, second: it took a few months for Shield Breaker to swallow their pride to actually talk to the scientist about their feelings and several, several attempts and being on their team for Nox to reciprocate. The first time ended in disaster with Shield telling Caustic at an inopportune time and leading him to get killed in the ring. 
Accidental Hand Hold: When did you first hold hands with your F/O?
Wesker: Ren and Wesker first held hands during their first meeting with Dr. Marcus and Mr. Spencer. Ren was super nervous about giving the presentation to the literal heads of Umbrella that she grabbed Wesker’s hand and squeezed without truly realizing it until he had squeezed hers back before they entered the boardroom. 
After-Action Patch-Up: How does your F/O react when they see you got hurt? How do they tend to your injury?
Caustic: At first, when they both classified their relationship as “FWB”, he didn’t really care if Shield Breaker got hurt in or out of the ring. Now, however, the first thing he does is help them get patched up and/or to safety, then tracking the bastard who hurt them and personally shoving a Nox Grenade down their throat. Shield find it endearing...and kinda hot…
Almost Kiss: What was your first kiss with your F/O like?
Wesker: u..uhh… The first kiss Ren and Wesker shared was after a breakthrough with the t-virus. Out of excitement from finally getting somewhere, she turned to her partner, and again without thinking, giddily grabbed his face planted a kiss to his lips then almost immediately started writing down all of her notes. She didn’t realize until the next shift, the first thing he did when walking into the lab was kissing her back and walking away to work. 
Beautiful Dreamer: Who’s usually the first to fall asleep while the other stares and admires?
Caustic: Oh the scientist for fucking sure. Shield Breaker is usually the first one out of them to fully pass out for the night and Caustic can’t help but to stare in full admiration over the perfect specimen that has fallen into his grasp. To him, they are the perfect killing machine, and the fact they can love a man like him astonishes Nox. sakdfk emotions!!!!
Bodyguard Crush: How does your F/O make you feel safe?
Wesker: He makes her feel safe by just the promises behind closed dorms of not letting Umbrella get under their skin despite everything that was happening. Not to mention after he became the leading Captain of S.T.A.R.S. did help Ren sleep better at night knowing her partner could take someone down easily without hesitation. 
Caught In The Rain: How does your F/O react if a sudden rainstorm interrupts your date with them?
Caustic: Shield wouldn’t mind at all, but Caustic on the other hand would be downright aggravated since he planned everything down to the pieces of silverware that lay upon the table; and the simple fact he didn’t take in consideration a forsaken rainstorm bothers him. But as soon as he sees that it’s not truly ruined and Shield is acting a bit of a fool dancing in the rain, you may see a slight smile grace his features.  
Grow Old With Me: How long have you and your F/O been together?
Wesker: Ren and Wesker were together from roughly two years after killing Dr. Marcus with William Birkin until July 1998 after the Spencer Estate Incident and Wesker “turning up KIA.” it’s more complicated than that after the fact however…
Laugh Of Love: What are some things your F/O does to make you laugh?
Caustic:  Things that make Shield laugh due to their partner: how sarcastic he is to every single other legend (especially Mirage and Octane), how flustered he gets when Shield will whisper some… not so work appropriate things during training, but mainly anything that pertains Nox messing with Mirage will have Shield on the floor dying.
Love Epiphany: When and how did you realize you loved your F/O? When and how did they realize they loved you?
Wesker: Ren realized she was head over heals for Albert Wesker was shortly after the T-Virus breakthrough in their earlier years at the Arklay facility. She was previously smitten with the man beforehand but that’s when she really knew. Albert however, not to get all sad up in this bitch but we gotta, didn’t fully realize the kind of love he had for her until he discovered that she had been killed in Raccoon City by her own creation: the Nemesis. I mean you know what they say? You never really know whatcha got until its goooone. 
Marry For Love: Are you and your F/O married? If so, how was the wedding like? If you aren’t, do you plan on getting married, and if so, how would you like it to be like?
Caustic: slhfksghdsklfhg… THEY ARE IN FACT MARRIED!!!! The wedding was a very small, secluded ceremony on Caustic’s home planet (Shield’s idea), was very semi-formal but they both ended up wearing Tuxes that had splashes of their significant color and a flower representing their partner’s. ;u; They both keep their wedding bands on chains underneath their gear so they’ll always have it close to their heart. FUCK NOW IM CRYING THX. 
Post-Kiss Catatonia: How did you and your F/O react to your first kiss together?
Wesker: Ren hadn’t realized what she had done until she was about to go to sleep when it fully hit her like a goddamn truck and she had butterflies in her stomach the entire evening and even then some when they worked together the next day; after feelings were reciprocated, she was giddier than a school girl. Wesker was just a straight up smug little bastard enjoying Ren’s flustered reaction to kissing him for the first time and many times after. 
Sickeningly Sweethearts: Do you and your F/O engage in PDA? If yes, how do the surrounding people react?
Caustic: PDA isn’t really Caustic’s thing. Shield tried in the early beginnings of their more serious relationship with the scientist, but to no prevail. The best things you’ll see is Caustic will shuffle just a tad bit closer if Shield sits next to him, and small, barely lingering touches before a match. 
You Must Be Cold: How does your F/O keep you warm when it’s cold outside?
Wesker:  isn’t one to give up his overcoat so easily unless its a certain fellow scientist who won’t stop pestering until she gets what she wants. 
Zip Me Up: Does your F/O help you get dressed for the day? Do you help them?
Caustic: Shield usually doesn’t help Caustic gets dressed, but does like to double check that he has all the proper equipment before they head to the drop ship and vice-versa. 
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ezragold · 6 years
With a Little Help from My Friends
A/N: Happy last-day-of-Pegoryu-week! Let’s celebrate by reading... day 2′s prompt... No one ever said I was good at preparing things, okay. AO3 link: [here]
Day 2: First Date
Title: With a Little Help from My Friends
Rating: Teen
Summary: Ryuji has successfully asked Akira out! Now if only he could figure out something special for them to do. All of his ideas just feel like their every day routine, and he’s pulling his hair out trying to come up with a way to make it special. All of the thieves seem to have their own ideas of the perfect date, 90% of which are entirely unhelpful, as Ryuji soon realizes.
[ THURSDAY, 6:50PM ]
crossbonez is online
crossbonez has entered The Dungeon of Unspeakable Acts
crossbonez: GUYS I NEED HELP
palette-cleanser: There’s no need to yell about it.
killerqueen: Futaba renamed it and I can’t figure out how to change it back. What’s wrong?
memejed: me! muahaha!!!! you’ll never figure out how to change it back!
memejed: boo makoto types too fast :(
palette-cleanser: Futaba, naturally.
palette-cleanser: Oh.
memejed: lmaooooo
crossbonez: ok ok is akira in this chat??
yougimmethecrepes: I mean technically
yougimmethecrepes: but I think he’s had this channel muted for like a month
killerqueen: Understandable.
crossbonez: o sick
yougimmethecrepes: OMG RYUJI
killerqueen: !
yougimmethecrepes: DID HE SAY YES??
palette-cleanser: My most heartfelt congratulations!
crossbonez: of course he said yes wtf guys
crossbonez: why wouldn’t he, i’m a catch
memejed: so’s a big ol slimy fish
memejed: its perspective
crossbonez: can we ban her?
killerqueen: She’s the room admin.
memejed: HECK how do u type so much faster than me????
palette-cleanser: something tells me you wouldn’t allow us the chance to do anything different.
yougimmethecrepes: go ahead Ryuji, what’s up?
crossbonez: i didn’t think about what we should do on the date so i kinda panicked when he asked and told him i had everything taken care of but i don’t
crossbonez: ive never taken care of anything in my life
crossbonez: please help yall know im not smart
yougimmethecrepes: omg THAT’S what ur worried about??? HOE ur best friend is a dating expert. I gotchu
crossbonez: lmfao ann youve never been on a date
yougimmethecrepes: maybe not
yougimmethecrepes: but i have seen so many romcoms
crossbonez: oooooo my god Kill me
crossbonez: wait holy shit have any of you even been on a date before
crossbonez: this is the worst i hate my life
yougimmethecrepes: yusuke if you say anything about painting my nude as a date i’ll block you
palette-cleanser: There was that time when Ann came to the old studio in order for me to paint her portrait.
palette-cleanser: It was already half-written when you sent that.
yougimmethecrepes: OHHH MY GOD
palette-cleanser: I didn’t want to just let the reply go to waste.
yougimmethecrepes: BLOCKED
palette-cleanser: :(
killerqueen: Okay.
killerqueen: I’ll DM you, Ryuji.
crossbonez: oh thank god
[ THURSDAY, 7:04 PM ]  
[ killerqueen has sent you a message! ]
killerqueen: Firstly,
killerqueen: good for you, asking out Akira! That was really brave. How did it go, if that’s not too intrusive?
crossbonez: fine I think?? morgana kept cockblocking me but he got bored of watching us watch bad movies and left so
crossbonez: i just kinda
crossbonez: asked
crossbonez: and he said yeah
crossbonez: so now im dead and going thru w the date is my hell
killerqueen: Okay, relax. Obviously he wouldn’t have said yes to the date if he wasn’t already interested, so you already have that going for you! The worst part is done.
killerqueen: All you have to do now is think of something special for the two of you to do together.
crossbonez: yeah that’s basically the part where my brain stops
killerqueen: Fair. What’s your budget?
crossbonez: uhhhhhh
crossbonez: uhhhhhhhhhhh
killerqueen: Ryuji.
crossbonez: is free an option
killerqueen: Oh, god. Okay.
killerqueen: I didn’t realize you hadn’t planned for this in… any capacity.
killerqueen: Message received.
killerqueen: I’ll see if there’s anything cheap going on in the city this weekend.
crossbonez: thank you ugh
crossbonez: was this a bad idea
killerqueen: Asking out Akira? No, of course not.
crossbonez: sigh
killerqueen: Lying to Akira about having the entire thing prepared and planned out? Yes, without a doubt.
crossbonez: COOL THANKS MOM 
crossbonez: GOD
[ crossbonez left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:29PM ]
[ palette-cleanser sent you a message! ]
palette-cleanser: Are you still taking advice for your date?
crossbonez: the answer is technically yes but i can’t say i’ve reached the point in my life where i’m ready to take dating advice from you
palette-cleanser: I shall try and keep my advice more general, then.
crossbonez: just don’t say the word beauty
palette-cleanser: You should consider the benefit of surrounding yourselves with beautiful things. I can only imagine a relationship increasing in intensity when the couple is surrounded by overwhelming beauty.
palette-cleanser: In my defense, my reply was half-written when you posted yours.
crossbonez: what the hell would overwhelming beauty even be man
crossbonez: am i sposed to find out which flower gives him boners like what am i doing here
palette-cleanser: that is up to you! And Akira, I suppose.
palette-cleanser: I was, of course, referring to your beautiful surroundings being up to you. Akira getting an erection is less-so in your hands.
palette-cleaner: …I did not mean for that to become a double-entendre but I suppose that’s also appropriate to your situation.
crossbonez: hoo boy you are this close to my block list lemme tell ya
palette-cleanser: Please don’t, my contact list is very short as it is.
palette-cleanser: Back to the topic at hand,
crossbonez: yeah plz
palette-cleanser: What are some things that Akira finds beautiful?
crossbonez: man i don’t know
crossbonez: uhh
crossbonez: good coffee
crossbonez: big ass cheeseburgers
crossbonez: cats probably
crossbonez: hes got a risette poster in his room but i think that’s less because shes hot and more because someone gave it to him and he was too nice to throw it out
palette-cleanser: None of that sounds particularly beautiful…
crossbonez: OH WOW DOES IT NOT
crossbonez: REALLY
palette-cleanser: There is no need to raise your typeface at me.
crossbonez: sjdjcickgmsoakfb
palette-cleanser: ?
crossbonez: nothing dont worry abt it
crossbonez: im gonna go see if i can buy something beautiful for ¥200 
palette-cleanser: Many beautiful things in life are free.
crossbonez: you got an example to go with that inspirational quote?
crossbonez: duuuude?
palette-cleanser: I appear to be losing connection
crossbonez: oh my god dude
palette-cleanser: I can hardly read what you’re writing
crossbonez: thats not how that would even work
crossbonez: i cant tell if ur trolling me or not
[ palette-cleanser has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 7:49PM ] 
[ yougimmethecrepes has replied to your message! ]
crossbonez: plz tell me ur just invisible
crossbonez: ur my one last hope and god is that saying something about how my standards have fallen
yougimmethecrepes: doing homework
yougimmethecrepes: you still peeing your pants over date night?
crossbonez: you still willing to give bad advice?
yougimmethecrepes: imagine me swiping all of my school work off my desk onto my floor because if my math grade didn’t ride on this I would have done that
crossbonez: aight
yougimmethecrepes: also my advice is fantastic shut up
yougimmethecrepes: okay, lets start easy. What’s the budget?
crossbonez: im in high school and not a part time model
crossbonez: my budget is negative
yougimmethecrepes: ooooh
yougimmethecrepes: got it
yougimmethecrepes: arcade? you can just use small change and stuff
crossbonez: we go there ALL THE TIME thats not a date
crossbonez: that’s like going to the ramen shop or something
yougimmethecrepes: uh……batting cages? Movie?
crossbonez: i cant ask him on a date and then just do shit we do normally! how is that a date???
yougimmethecrepes: How is it not a date?? You guys always have fun doing that, how is it less fun on a date
yougimmethecrepes: OH WAIT NO I got it
yougimmethecrepes: bathhouse
crossbonez: shut up no
yougimmethecrepes: hey, it’s not my fault you gave this absolutely no thought whatsoever
crossbonez: UGH I KNOW
crossbonez: WHY IS THIS HARD
yougimmethecrepes: YOU’RE MAKING THIS A PROBLEM
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 8:25 PM ] 
[ memejed sent you a message! ]
crossbonez: no
memejed: before you say anything
memejed: jdcjdjnfdkdkf
memejed: dammit how do all of you type so fast
memejed: it’s like I don’t even know myself any more
memejed: is it my tiny hands
crossbonez: i do not want dating advice from you
memejed: well then it’s a good thing I don’t have any for you then ISNT IT
memejed: I just wanted to tell you that Akira just got home and he’s smiling a lot and it’s gross and weird and most likely your fault, so
crossbonez: oh that’s
crossbonez: nice to hear thank you jhgjfyjuh
memejed: he just told sojiro about the date and sojiro offered to grab him condoms hahAHAAHAH
crossbonez: OH MY GOD
crossbonez: I HOPE SO
memejed: >:(
memejed: I don’t even get why youre so nervous he’s obviously out of his mind happy to go out with you
memejed: whatever you guys do he’ll be down
memejed: just don’t do any stupid shit like try and show off or act like a tool
memejed: which I realize may seem daunting for you
memejed: but I believe u may have it in you, maybe
crossbonez: I just have no idea what to do without us doing the same shit as always
memejed: whats wrong with doing the stuff you guys always do? Routine is comfy
memejed: comfort is the enemy of anxiety
memejed: well, comfy, and a good pair of sweatpants
memejed: *and valium
crossbonez: you dont think he would mind doing shit we do all the time?
memejed: oh my god are ALL boys as stupid as you??? how has the species survived for so long
memejed: just hold his hand or something and he’d let you push him in front of the subway!! Like, that probably shouldn’t be your go to option, but just
memejed: he ALREADY likes you. you don’t need to impress him or anything
memejed: consider yourself lucky, because like, idk how you swung that
crossbonez: I agree with you too much to get mad at that
crossbonez: wow
crossbonez: akira agreed to go out with me, you gave me advice that wasnt steaming dog shit
crossbonez: maybe i should buy a lottery ticket lmao
memejed: LMAO ur luck stat isn’t THAT high yet
memejed: see if sojiro comes through w the condoms first
crossbonez: okay and NOW im leaving
memejed: BE SAFE!!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ THURSDAY, 9:22 PM ]  
[ HaruOkumura sent you a message! ]
HaruOkumura: Good, you’re still online! 
crossbonez: hahaha what happened to ur screenname?
HaruOkumura: The company’s social media adviser suggested I change it for professional purposes………..
crossbonez: lame
HaruOkumura: Yes apparently “BigBangIsPeople” is not an appropriate username for the incoming CEO of Okumura Foods.
HaruOkumura: I thought it was funny :(
HaruOkumura: But anyway! I’m glad you’re still online! Makoto texted me and told me about yours and Akira’s date and I wanted to say congratulations and I’m so happy for you!
crossbonez: thanks! tell makoto to quit snitchin tho
HaruOkumura: Will do! I just wanted to talk because Makoto said you were very stressed out and seemed sort of unprepared
crossbonez: im okay now i think
crossbonez: futaba helped me out
crossbonez: weirdly
crossbonez: i mean im still sweating all over myself and the idea of actually meeting up with akira for the date in question makes me want to gag but :) im fine
HaruOkumura: oh my :o
HaruOkumura: Have you decided what the two of you will do?
crossbonez: yeeaaahhhh i got some ideas i think?
HaruOkumura: I do as well!! Would you like to hear them?
crossbonez: hey i am always up for not thinking
HaruOkumura: That’s great!! Okay, what is your budget currently?
crossbonez: gkhskdfkjlghlrihvoirhgiu
crossbonez: kjghsiuergtiughpijiuprughtuislrhgiulth
HaruOkumura: Uhm?
HaruOkumura: Oh youre welcome! Let us know how it goes!
crossbonez: yeah sure if i dont die first!
[ crossbonez has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:41 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: Hey
JokersWild: I know youre probably asleep because it’s like fuck o clock in the morning and why wouldn’t you be
JokersWild: But I cant sleep because I made myself some antianxiety coffee when I got home haha
JokersWild: (futaba calls it estresso but I can’t call it that because it’s so clever it makes me mad I didn’t think of it first)
JokersWild: but I had a really good time tonight
JokersWild: and you seemed kind of worried all night so I wanted you to know that
JokersWild: and idek if you were worried because of us(?) or if there was something else going on and now I just seem like kind of an asshole for assuming it was about me
JokersWild: but whether it was or it wasn’t I had fun
JokersWild: and
JokersWild: I’m really happy you asked me out
JokersWild: and just…… you don’t need advice from anyone on how to like
JokersWild: woo me yknow?
JokersWild: I had notifications turned off but the number of messages in the group chat kept ticking up so I lurked for a second
JokersWild: I don’t know what anyone ended up telling you but you didn’t need it
JokersWild: you don’t have to impress me. I ALREADY like you.
JokersWild: so, that’s that
JokersWild: this coffee is very strong and obviously my inhibitions are non existent right now so I’m going to bed before this turns into a confession
JokersWild: or more of one
JokersWild: lets, like, do this again? I want to keep doing this with you
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
 [ SATURDAY, 02:54 AM ] 
[ JokersWild sent you a message! ]
JokersWild: also oh my god thank you for not freaking the fuck out when that condom fell out of my jacket I SWEAR TO YOU I did not put it there and when I find out who did I am going to unmake them
JokersWild: okay goodnight
[ JokersWild has left the conversation. ]
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deh pets headcanon
ok so i made another headcanon before about phones and things they would all have and mentioned that evan would probably have a dog. so then naturally i just started thinking about all of them which resulted in this. another warning that it’s midnight and im half dead soooo yeah enjoy??? 
he would be the kid that BEGGED until his parents got him whatever animal he wanted
like he has a lot of pets idk
the first thing that comes to my mind is a bird
and i’m not talking like a cute little parakeet
im talking like an annoying ass huge bird
like they used to keep it in the house but it was just,,,, , so loud
so now they keep it in the shed
(don’t worry he takes great care of the bird even tho it’s in the shed)
i keep picturing a parrot
is that even llegal? idk 
don’t ask me
the bird’s  name would either be like something he named when he was little like “rainbow”
or it would be literally just meme
the bird’s name would be meme
there is no in between don’t fight me on this
he would also have a guniea pig named something really stupid too
idk what it would be probably dat boi or another old meme 
but he would love that freaking thing
he would like constantly hold it or like carry it around his house
or he would show up at evan’s house holding it and evan would be like “what why”
and he would be like “oh yeah. this is dat boi and he’s coming inside with me”
he wouldn’t have a dog tho
they probably had one when he was little but it passed away and they didn’t think anything could be better than that dog
aw now i’m sad
maybe he would have a hamster at one point too but it would like probably get annoying and he would give it to connor
oh thats another thing for later
long story short jared loves animals
connor would probably be like “i hate all animals. i hate everything. angst blah blah blah
but jared one day just showed up with a hamster like “just tAKE IT”
and then left
so he was like uhh okay
and he ended up becoming secretley obsessed with this hamster
like when he was feeling really angry and about to freak out he would just watch it run on it’s little wheel and it would calm him down
he wouldn’t name it because “he didn’t want to get too attached” 
(he was so attached. he loved it.)
he would buy so much stuff for it
like he would come home with bags and bags of little tubes for it to run in or a bunch of different wheels to try out 
his mom would be like “connor what is that” and he’d be like “nOTHING”
it would be a hamster mansion
p.s. zoe wouldn’t know about the hamster
she would be completley oblivious somehow
his parents did tho and didn’t really care
evan was the only person that knew about the hamster other than that
and he loved that thing so much
like whenever him and connor would hang out he would just be constantly holding it
evan probably named it in his head but never really says it out loud 
and one day he lets it slip
“aw can we take out hammy?”
and connor’s like “whatthefuck”
and evan gets all nervous and stuttering 
but they eventually just start calling it hammy
it would be a really tan almost orange looking hamster btw
and it’d probably be really fat because evan likes to give him treats
side note: the only other animal connor would like is evan’s dog which i will talk about later
alana would always love animals but she never really acted on it much
like she would know anything and everything about animals but would never really vocalize it 
until one day zoe starts talking about how she likes animals
then she just goes crazy
like she’s a Certifed Animal Lover™
but anyway
I feel like she would have a little dog
like not a chuiwawwawawaw i gave up on spelling that rip
but like a little rescue dog
it would probably look like a puggle 
and while she’s doing homework the dog would just like sit in her lap
(if u haven’t already noticed this is heavily based on how kristolyn lloyd mentioned alana having a dog or something with her on stage and tbh i agreed hard core)
this dog would be so freaking spoiled
like im talking huge beds made for golden retrievers 
purple sparkly collars and harnesses and clothes (the dog’s color would be purple. dont fight me on this) (wow i can’t believe i just gave a dog a favorite color rip)
she would make it wear shoes sometimes and take funny videos to post on her instagram
this dog would have the most extra name of all time
like Persephone or athena or some goddess name 
i didn’t include this in the other hc but she would DEF have a vlog channel
and she would be like “hey guys! this is alana and dionysus (yes i just googled that im sorry) and welcome to todays video!”
either that or she would have a guinea pig
but i more see her with a dog
she would love that dog so much
golden retriever. for sure.
she would be the kid who BEGGED their parents for a dog for years and years
like every school essay would be about why she should get a dog
and she would like tape dog pictures to the fridge and on her notebooks at school
she would be s’cute
but when she got into high school her parents expected it to kind of drop off
but no
not at all
she only wrote more essays about why she should get this dog
and they were still like “mehhh no”
(actually cynthia would be fine with it but larry would be like hell no hell no hell no)
so the day she turned eighteen she was like “screw this im an Adult™ now”
and just went out and got a dog
and when she came back home with it everyone was like “what have you done”
and she just shrugs and is like “i’m an adult now i get to do what i want”
and nobody really says anything after that
she loves that dog so much
it would be a girl named kiwi
or something weird but adorable like that
and she would sneak it into school sometimes 
she would totally get caught but it would be worth it to her
she only did that when the dog was a puppy tho
when kiwi got big she loved her even more
omg this dog would know so many tricks
like im not talking “sit” and “roll over”
(but obvi she would know those)
im talking like dance and jump and speak and play dead
that dog would be so smart
zoe would work really hard to train her tho
she would try to bring her everywhere
like when all of them would hang out she would make the plans around wherever place was dog friendly ya know
her parents would be like “no dog on the bed!1!1!”
but no
i mean the dog would obviously have a dog bed 
(and it would be damn comfy tbh)
 but she would always sleep in zoe’s bed
not at her feet but like right up on top of the pillow like she’s a human
ok I’ve gotta stop now time for evan handsoap
i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again: i love evan so much okay
just a reminder
evan would never really be the type to beg for a dog
but heidi got one for him at the beginning of senior year just bc she thought it would be good for him
(she tries so hard i love her too)
and at first he was like “oh ok hi dog”
but then he’s like “ohmygod i love u”
it’s def a dachshund/wiener dog don’t fight me on this i know it’s a thing
he would name it bonsai 
i know he would
my hear is melting just thinking about this s end he lp
but he would love that thing so much
he would love taking hikes or little nature walks with her
(the dog would be a girl btw idk how i know this i just do)
and the dog would be very fit
like she would never be fat
she wouldn’t know very many tricks
like  only sit and high five
but it’s ok she’s an angel
she’s probably  like very light tan almost blonde (if u google a pic of a light tan weiner dog you’ll see what I mean they’re so cute I cant)
and when he’s anxious she can always tell
so she goes up to him and just like sits next to him and kinda whines bc she’s worried?? idk you know what i mean
but at night she sleeps curled up into evan’s side
like wiener dogs when they sleep literally curl into a little burrito 
she does that
it’s so cute
when connor stays over the dog sleeps between them
oh yeah
that’s the only dog connor likes
like he hard core loves that dog
when he sees her he uses this high pitched baby voice
you know the one im talking about
it’s adorable
evan thinks it’s the best thing he’s ever heard actually
he loves that connor loves his dog
i just thought of this but what if it was a therapy dog
like he could bring it to school when he had really bad days
and she would be v friendly and love people
and in class when he got anxious he would just stick his hand down and pet his dog
(if u can’t already tell idk how service/therapy dogs work someone educate me)
he wouldn’t bring her with him a lot
bc people would want to pet her and he would get all flustered
and once he got kicked out of a store because the worker thought he just brought in a dog and evan was too nervous to explain that it was his therapy dog
poor boyo
but zoe and alana and connor and jared would BEG him to because they all love her
so when they got ice cream at a la mode he would always bring bonsai just to make them shut up
and the employees there know bonsai and always give them a free vinalla cone for her
ah i just love the idea of him having a dog
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