#im so upset all i can think abt is everything contained in that desperation
tragedyslut · 2 months
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♡ you'll never get away from the woman that loves you ♡
✶ [ e.williams ] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — you broke up with her due to commitment issues. she's lonely and upset without you. intentional lowercase, idc abt proofreading 🪽
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you and ellie had dated. it was, a good time for both of you. then you left her. just simply because you had commitment issues.. and an avoidant attachment style. it was just too serious for you.
you still thought about her, you were both still in Jackson, you had been with her back in Seattle. you were with her after joel died. you had been with her through everything, and you had left. you couldn't say you didn't regret it, because you did. but you had a new girlfriend, or.. sort of girlfriend. you were just talking,
meanwhile, ellie was still crushed by you leaving. she knew you had a new girlfriend. she couldn't help but lay in her bed and think about what you probably said to your new girlfriend now. did you tell her she was pretty? did you say that she loved you? did you actually commit to her?
she couldn't escape it. she began to not love you, to let go, but everytime she'd just run back to that same spot. waiting for you to miraculously come back. she wondered if you thought it was worth it, did you feel better now?
she knew you'd never forget her. or at least thats what she hoped everytime she was crying in bed about you. she was just so crushed. she could have loved you, really loved you, but you wouldn't let her.
One day she decided to stop wallowing in her pity, and show up at your door. this wouldn't do anything good for her, she knew that. if anything, it'd make things worse. but she just, needed to shout at you about how shitty you made her feel.
she knew where you lived. you hadn't moved.
god, she couldn't stop thinking about you.
she was laying in bed, pillow between her knees as she desperately rode it. she couldn't forget how you made her feel, sexually and in general. her clothea were discarded to an unknown corner of the room as she kept desperately riding her pillow.
after a while of no she relief all, she got frustrated. she was so desperately horny. she couldn't do what you did to her by herself.
in a daze, she sloppily pulled on her clothes and stumbled out of her home.
she walked down the rigid pathway from her house, towards the little scheme of houses you lived near. she kept thinking about you the whole time. she saw an old lady drinking tea in her living room, (whom she knew) who probably thought she was insane for wandering about this part of Jackson at this hour.
she finally got to your door, and didn't hesitate to knock on your door. she didn't even realize what she had done until you swung the door open.
" ellie? what the actual fuck are you doing here? " you mumbled out, half asleep still. what could she possibly be doing here at this hour, and in her pjs no less.
" we need to talk. " she deadpanned, staring right at you.
" okayyyy.. well its 4am. can it not wait? " you said, still trying to keep your voice down because it was late.
ellie shook her head and pushed past you into the house. you had no idea how this whole thing would.. play out.
you followed her into the house, and then watched as she plonked down on your couch. you sat down next to her, giving her a confused and mad look.
" you're a fucking dick you know that? moving on and just leaving me like im nothing! "
" ellie. i haven't moved on. i think about you all the time. "
" why did you have to leave me like that..? i loved you. i really- i really could've loved you. but you didn't fucking let me. "
" ..what if i let you now? "
" what did you just fucking say? "
" ill let you love me. we can start again. "
ellie just started sobbing when you said that. it was everything she wanted, but she was just.. so upset. still.
" why did you not just stay.. " she sobbed out, not being able to contain herself. even when you embraced her, she only just kept sobbing.
after around an hour of her sobbing and breaking down, she finally pulled herself together.
" im sorry ellie. you deserved better than me leaving you like that. i promise. i won't do it again. if you'll.. just let us have another chance? "
" you can't ever get away from me and you know it. " she sniffled, giggling softly at her own comment. she was right though.
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billdenbrough · 4 years
Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately Richie was down on his hands and knees, staring at him desperately RICHIE WAS DOWN ON HIS HANDS AND KNEES STARING AT HIM DESPERATELY i am simply losing my mind
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truthhcrts · 5 years
kim taehyung, male, he/him. — you know minki knox, don’t you? he’s the twenty year old sophomore who’s studying elementary education and living in straus hall. they used to be addie’s ex friend, but now he is happy he doesn’t have to deal with her anymore.
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hi friends!! i’m syds, and i’m bringing u my jerk baby minki! if u’d like to connect w/ him, just like this or shoot me an im!! 
minki was born in yongsan, south korea, and was the youngest of four siblings. the pregnancy was a surprise to his parents, and it was something they deeply regretted, seeing as they barely had enough money to keep up the family they already had. 
they tried to keep him for five years before realizing it just wasn’t financially possible without having a terrible life ahead of them. they couldn’t keep minki up to health, unable to feed the whole family most days. his parents were desperate and clueless. the only thing they could think to do was put him up for adoption. 
minki was still far too young to understand anything, thinking for at least a year that he’d see his parents again, and the center was just a strange vacation. eventually, a couple from america decided to adopt him.onl
at the age of seven, he was moving to america. it was VERY stressful for him bc... he couldn’t speak english and it was an entirely different culture he was being thrown into. luckily his adoptive parents hired someone to teach him english, but he struggled a lot for his first couple of years trying to keep up with everyone.
it got worse when he started actual school. he got rly miserable and didn’t like how behind he felt, and it made him rly secluded in school/unwilling to socialize with other kids.
that worsened as he got older and started to fully realize what had happened with his parents, and that he was the only child put up for adoption. he had an entire family in south korea, living a life without him, and that really messed with him more than anything else. it was when he decided that family does not mean unconditional love, and he started to question if love was real at all to begin with.
it made him VERY emotionally detached, and as much as his parents attempted to bond with him, he wouldn’t have it. they tried to pay for his love through money and he... never told them NO bc... $$$$
minki isn’t really known for being a good person... unless it comes to him around children. after being forced to babysit as punishment, he quickly realized that he couldn’t BULLY a kid,,, and then he realized that he actually works SUPER well with them. his whole attitude changed and he realized how good with kids he is!!!! it’s what made him want to become an elementary school teacher, since it’s something that actually makes him happy
he also REALLLLLLYYY loves photography. so much so he has huge containers full of photos in his apartment. he thinks he might have an addiction to wanting to remember every single part of his life. he fears a day that he starts losing all of his memories, so he tries to take as many photos of everything as much as possible. he’s rly good at it, and he does freelance photography work in his free time for extra cash
usually seen wearing clothing way too big for his body. it’s his brand. 
he is: impulsive and has zero fears. he loves suddenly getting up one day and just driving somewhere. sometimes he’ll drag people with him. he loves admiring things around him, and being outside. also: the quiet. his favorite. he’ll tape ur mouth if ur blabbing at him during his quiet time. don’t TRY him!!!!
catch him chillin at the park at 2am have a picnic by himself
hooks up w/ people a lot???? tbh he’s pretty flirty when he finds someone attractive unless they REALLY annoy him. he has a rly cocky attitude for the most part and he’s pretty good at going back and forth with someone. he likes teasing and he rly is the type to pull someone’s hair when he wants their attention :( hate him
he isn’t ever going OUT of his way to be mean. he just speaks without considering if he’s gonna upset someone? unless, again... he has a reason to not like them. then he’s a big bitch on purpose :(
his relationship with addie was: ex friends. the two got along decently, but there was a party... and honestly, minki doesn’t remember all of it, but he knew that it ended in him being pissed off at addie, and the two stopped talking. he DID NOT like her at ALL after that, and so he’s not too bothered by her death. 
fun facts: he loves scary movies, butterflies, and can rant abt people driving horribly for at least an hour. he’ll get sweaty over it and everything,,, relax, minki!!!
connection ideas!!!
ex-friends. someone who he was talking to consistently and then just… dropped them all of a sudden? probably some hurt feelings/confusion there yikes! he bails out if he thinks he’s getting attached to a person, so that’s definitely what happened here!
muse. someone he REALLY likes taking pictures of, but probably won’t ever tell them that straight up. likes dragging them places just to take pictures of them and then probably being fake about why he did it!!
travel buddy. someone he can rely on to go with him whenever he has an impulsive decision to take off somewhere. sometimes he likes to disappear alone, but SOMETIMES he likes taking someone with him, and when all else fails he knows he can trust this person 2 drop everything and go with him
old hook up(s). self explanatory… minki likes 2 pretend it never happened!!
childhood friend. someone he probably eventually dropped contact w/ cuz getting close to people is too much for him but someone who made him feel more comfortable in america ok
crush but not really? someone who he’s a lil infatuated with aka he wants to bang….. his current Mission, if u will
forced friendship. someone who he had to be friends with because of his parents?? maybe they disliked/dislike each other????
someone he broke the heart of. maybe they started dating because minki was bored, but then the other person got rly attached, and he was STARTING to get there, so he dipped and left them broken hearted.
hateship. the two rly love bullying each other. it’s just their Thing, if you will. they mock each other, but if someone else tries to butt in, they both get annoyed at that person for not MINDING THEIR BUSINESS.
those were kinda rushed but skdfjd we can brainstorm too it’s fine!!!!! sorry this is so long!!!!! i have no chill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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