#im still learning discord please be patient lol
d4rkpluto · 11 months
i've returned to post about a particular subject i've been fighting to or not to post, because i used to consider this person the closest person in my life and i even considered her as a best friend and a sister.
and we have fallen out and apologised to each other many times, but perhaps whenever we argued it was life telling me that she is not supposed to be in my circle. and you could be wondering why am i bringing this up and telling tumblr this but im telling tumblr this to be aware of @couerardent and her scamming behaviour.
couerardent also known as MYSTIICWINTER OR MYSTICWIINTER.
[other people have come to me and spoke about how bad her services were, but i tried to overlook it because i really cared for her, lessoned learn]
i have always been empathetic towards ardent and her money situation, but there are moments when excuses turn into reasons to not do something. on august, i sent alex money because she needed it, but she also said in return she will give me 4 packs she usually gives her clients and she told me she would give me my money back.
first pack is "tell me your story."
second and other packs she hadnt told me what they were but she informed me that i'll be receiving them weekly since august, and now its november.
at first i was empathetic, since i used to be close to ardent, i knew she went through a lot of stuff at home, so i was patient. until august turned into september, and september turned into october and then october turned into novemeber.
and slowly i became annoyed, [as i should] because her services arent even long or good, as someone who gives chart readings to other people that consists more than fourteen pages, the effort to write that would take long, but ardent doesnt even give five pages for her services, three at most, so why is it taking her so long?
previously, she has joked to me about scamming other people, but would put the blame on them and not want to take accountability until they start using threats to expose her, i think she deleted the making fun of scamming them but here is some of it:
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and when i would message her for updates about my reading because it'll take months, she would ignore me and even change her pfp on tumblr or discord, until i reach out to her on more platforms to get her attention.
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and what would annoy me even more is that she would talk about how she never has something to do or would focus on other stuff knowing she needs to get my reading done lmao and this would be like 1-2 months after i was supposed to receive any of it lol.
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worrying about the layout for almost 3 months PLEASE.
i have received 1/4 readings, and that was now almost 2-3 weeks ago, we should've been on my 2nd or 3rd reading by now, the only reason i have received 1 reading is because i did threaten to expose her if she didnt send the money or reading my way, because even i had some issues because living in london has gotten really difficult and i have been trying to support my family as much as i can, but im doing better right now.
its all about the principle. and she has none of that. and even attempted to victimise herself and behave like she was in distress whenever she got called out about her behaviour.
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she lost track of time, the time being 3-4 months lol.
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and when i was speaking to her she ignored me for a bit again ha, it was almost comedic. for almost two weeks she didnt try and check what i was speaking about.
she has gotten ill, but this was still months after.
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and i have remembered, she has used much of her earned money to fund for her nose job but also uni, but during the moments it was best to pay me back was at the job she said paid her well, she informed me that when she gets paid by her job she'll pay me back, and she never did and ended up quitting the job.
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[the unfairness i was speaking about is how uni her country dont do student finances, she's from romania, because they do in the uk it was just a surprise].
i asked her recently on how i was supposed to receive a reading but she didnt reply but change her pfp on whatsapp and discord, again.
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if there is any confused people comment please because i did this half asleep lmao
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littletoya · 1 year
Pinned Post :3
Hi everybody !! This is my agere blog and here is a little about/info post :D
Here we go!!
You can call me maría or mari for short!!
They/them pronouns please!!
Adult, and I don’t know how young I regress to usually it’s kind of random and ambiguous
Fully regressing is pretty rare for me, it only tends to happen in extreme cases, but I still have partial regression sometimes if that makes sense
That being said I’m very new to this community and don’t know much about terminology or anything yet but I’m hoping to learn :3 please be patient!! (And any help or advice is appreciated)
I do art and occasionally write when I have the motivation
I like project sekai a lot but im also multi fandom and might make stuff about other media too, and might even show some ocs every now and then
This is a side blog!! I won’t say my mains url here, but I don’t try and hide it. I will be reposting art already on my main art account, so if you’ve seen it there then you’ve seen me lol. But please do keep my accounts separate, thank you!!
I love getting asks and requests!! However sometimes the requests may take me a little bit, but I will try and get around to whatever you guys send me!!
NSFW/kink accounts please don’t interact. I’m very in support of that kind of stuff, but this is not the space for you to engage. Please respect that.
Fandoms/interests :]
Project sekai, ensemble stars, world dai star, haikyuu, hypnosis mic, sk8 the infinity, teenage mutant ninja turtles (mostly rise, 2012, and MM), animorphs, assassination classroom, dolls, plushies, and some other random interests here and there :)) those are the main ones I think though
Link to prsk agere discord server is currently closed
And I think that’s it for now? I may add more in the future, but this should be good!! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my blog ^.^
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alternateanonymous · 9 months
5:16 am
Hey yall, nothing new. Me and stefan had a little dispute but it wasn't crazy. It was just something out of nothing so lol, nothing new. I played valorant and ow on pc which was crazy. Stefan said he was gonna call me but went to sleep and didn't even say goodnight. Kinda sad about that not gonna lie. Had a good night regarless, decided to not go bnack to amherst yet because I have an appointment for my skin on wednesday and it wouldn't really make sense for me to go all the way to amherst then come back the next day so well see. just had a big snow storm too, so that's cool. also, im getting alot better at typing on this thing, honestly it took a minute but we are here and making it all fluid and shit, I love it lol. Also, praise petar he is a real g because he helped me figure out my shit which was nice. also, ugh being president is hard lolll. Ugh. also, idk discord is cool it just sucks that it has such a bad reputation lol. i went to get pizza with my mom today it was good. i talked to here about a lot of things so that was nice. I also called syka last night to check in and everything seems to be going well, she is going to be seeing her boyfriend rin soon so that's cool. stilll haven't played overwatch with them yet but that will come with time. i feel like sykaa still has a lot to learn and grow and develope in terms of realtionships but isn't that just life lol. I do wish stefan would at least text me or whatever. He did this the other day. Yea he's already asleep but i at least text him if i am going to sleep or whatever, idk. i am just scared or overthinking lol. Idk, not even. lately i've just been finding a lot of inner peace with myself and that's really rejuvenating. Like idk, honeslty once i joined the server i feel that apart of me has been restored in a way and i don't fully know how to describe it. it's like the good girl feminine energy that i have always wanted throughout my life has been finally restored in a way that i have never really had or never knew i needed. Call it cringy but lol whatever. like i said, i don't get as caught up with shit i would normally get caught up with. Idk. I mean partially some of that is due to weed because it helps distract and calm me. Like the night with stefan where shit was supposed to go bad, like yea it was bad in the moment and yea i cried, but then i just said fuck you imma do what i want if you wanna be impossible just be impossible i don['t care imma do what i wanna do. And i did and it was nice because the weed helped me. turned my thoughts back onto me and it was nice because i felt relaxed lol. yea am i still annoyed at stefan, yes but the chances of that happening again= maybe, so maybe I'll bring it up to him bext time i see him and just be like "yea, i am ok now and i ave had some time to sit and process it, and im not mad at you or annoyed at you and i recovered pretty quickly after our disput but it still doesn't make me feel ok that you resorted to not wanting the video regardless of the effort i decide to put in or not, because even though i was confused it stil doesn't make it right for you to revoke your intentions and say you don't want the video,. At that point it just made me feel worse. proved that you got to your breaking point of carelessness, and made me confused and sad that you didn't want what i was trying to give to youy regarless of if i complained or not. Idk, just didn't sit right with me. So what i ask of you for the future if we get in a situation like that again, please just let me deal with my own self and complaints and just don't revoke your inital intentions because that makes me feel worse and sad. So yes a. don't revoke your intentions and b. just let me complain when i want to complain. and understand that i am just complaining about it. Besides, you know me well enough to know that i can complain a lot about things but it doesn't mean that i am going to quit what i am doing. Just be patient with me ok? regarless of if i complain or not. because as my boiyfriend you know me better than most people.
Right thanks, so yea that is my shpeel ahout that, it is currently 5:30 am and i am lisening to death by dishonor by ghostmane. Shit goes hard lol. So yea, maggie just make sure you talk to stefan about this when you get a chance, preferably in person!!!!! Great thanks. Damn, that's actually crazy that this whole thing only took me 15 minutes to write lol. I literally love this fucking keyboard and pc so much, i honestly didn't think id like it this much but i love it, I love the keyboard and the mouse and the pc itself. the monitor is fine lol. and the applications that come with a pc are really cool, like bro. I can play overwatch and valorant which is cool. valorant i can finally play since it is apc exclusive game and also i finally feel valid enough to go on discord. Idk, some apps i just hate on my phone and would much rather prefer their layout on pc which is now where we are which is fire. But yea, ahhh we are making it mags. we're making it. Just keep your head up and keep striving for greatness because that's what you were made for. what were you made for= whatever you choose, you were given the ability to decide what is right wrong good and bad, and (most imporanty) answer those decisions with a why. You put the intention behind the decision, so thats your purpose. to be the voice of the world. Goodnight maggie, i love you. hahah YAAA that's weird, lol self love is weird. But legit this is the first time i have ever felt like i loved my personality and found purpose. My purpose is whatever i decide because i have that ability. So thanks!!! im just gonna keep trying to be the best person that i can be!!! yasaaaaaa,, fuck it we always positive in this bitch.
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nervous-sheep · 6 years
Totsuka Exclusive Discord
Let me know if you'd like to join!
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vicea · 3 years
techno and dreams dynamic tho :c so good so pure. how dream said now they're closer and he doesn't want to jeopardize that by doing another big competitive thing against him (even though we'd all be happy to see it and they'd get so much clout) im luv them
oh my god how I literally have been waiting for this moment. technoblade and dream... the OP duo... the “Make-A-Wish” team... I MISS them so MUCH God when they work together, when they team together, when they have interactions I get so excited because there’s not a dull moment with these minecraft nerds.
you already mentioned one thing that literally lives in my head rent free and it’s the fact that dream said the main reason why he doesn’t want to do a manhunt against techno is because he does not want to make this “rival” status of theirs into this enemy thing between communities and between them because they’re friends and he doesn’t want to lose that- and like 🥺 dream really cherishes their friendship a lot !! and respects techno so so much. he’s always been such a big fan of his and they’re both overall super supportive of each other under the whole rivals bit:
exhibit A 
exhibit B <- also has a link to techno and dream wholesome friendship moments where techno is seen being a dream stan (said it himself in minecraft chat) as well (for clout but lets ignore that part) and also being really supportive after the mrbeast duel 
exhibit C techno referencing road trip here GGhhhHHGH 
like i remember his first message to techno on discord was to team with him for minecraft monday too albeit probably for clout but lets be real this clout chase between them is a mutual thing and they both don’t mind at all. plus it’s fucking OP as hell
another thing that lives in my head rent free is the fact that dream wanted to just vc techno when they were the only ones on the dream smp and just wanted to talk (before sap, george, and bbh crashed their VC LOL) like... that’s crumbs yo. CRUMBS for rivalsblr.  and also we cannot forget the infamous “dream is homeless bit” by techno... how dream had techno’s livestream pulled up and was listening in to his every joke and playing along by making a small diary and writing everything word for word that techno said as a joke. and then this part here too. like they easily bounce off of each other so well,, more interactions please.
GOD I cannot emphasize HOW funny it is whenever dream is trying to do lore and Techno is just pulling his “breaking the fourth wall” jokes in the middle (as he always does) because Techno would just be reading his donations aloud and dream would be patient and just barely tolerate it at first then BLOW UP AFTER THE FOURTH TIME OR SMTH. LIKE TECHNO LOVES PUSHING HIS BUTTONS ITS HILARIOUS god i love them
okay this is more dream smp lore related but like,,, c!dream being the only one that ever really stayed true to his word and never betrayed c!techno... and c!techno agreeing wholeheartedly, but then like both of them explicitly stating that they aren’t friends. we love to see it !! stating and !! respecting !! each other’s boundaries whilst blowing up countries together 😎 (like yeah i get it, both of them saw an advantage and took it but let me HAVE MY CRUMBS PLEASE) also dream and techno teaming up with tommy during the battle of the lake and winning... that was fucking epic and before the 3rd explosion of lmanberg and tommy’s betrayal against techno - techno goes “is this where you turn in your favor?” but then dream is like “pft what No you already wanted to blow up lmanberg” and techno goes “you know me so well dream” BHBJBJBHJ (SYNDICATE!DREAM COME TRUE OR ELSE)
OKAY also lmao I think it is always so funny every time I am reminded of how fucking sweaty dream and techno are even in the dream smp lore. Like the two standing facts of how dream literally made a WHOLE ass fucking obsidian grid above lmanberg with his fucking rapid TNT dropping thing and techno 1. breeding probably over hundreds of wolves as his army and 2. grinding for... way too many wither skulls. and both of them were on the same side. like holy shit they really know how to blow a country up.
also lets not forget the fact that once for buildmart, techno and dream “cheated” the MCC system by learning the builds for build mart (they were on separate teams too)- techno saying “there are 26 builds” and dream was like “actually 27″ they are absolute SWEATY NERDS and I LOVE THEM for that
speaking of MCC... when dream and techno teamed up that one time it was probably both relieving and stressful at the same time. because 1. they both play MCC competitively but in the case they are teammates, they will be more confident in each other’s skills and be like “oh i have dream/techno, they can do the heavy lifting.” whilst at the same time 2. because they are competitive and rivals, they want to outdo each other, they want to show off to each other as well you know?? like “I beat you in parkour” or “i outlived you in battle box” but also we’re on the same team and still winning LOL SO IT’S AN EZ DUBBB
OH WAIT and also that one time in minecraft bingo... i remember seeing a comparison of them being nervous due to the time pressure and it’s funniest thing ever. Dream talking really fast about what materials he has and asking questions to techno whilst techno is like the buffering noise. i love how complete opposites they can be 
... we were robbed of rivalsblr content too from that one masquerade party one... could’ve had it all...
anyway! in conclusion, i’m going to drop some more rivalsblr crumbs here and here and god i love their dynamic so much please give me more content of them and also dream smp related- get c!techno to find out canonically that c!dream is imprisoned and being tortured. have him Feel Revenge for someone he didn’t consider a friend just an ally who had a common goals. and free c!dream and have a happy ending of them being besties who spar every day wooooo 
just like i said with tommy’s post... fuck continuity, fuck plot holes. just want techno + dream interactions.
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ignisosculo · 5 years
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hello,  beautiful  humans  !  i’m  frankie  and  i’m  very  excited  to  be  here.  of  course,  i’m  super  duper  late  because  let’s  be  honest,  i  was  a  bit  unprepared  and  then  i  had  a  very  hectic  day,  so  it’s  safe  to  assume  that  i’m  literally  rushing  to  post  this.  please  note  that  since  i’m  starting  out  with  two  muses  (  pray  4  me  ),  i’m  gonna  introduce  them  both  here,  under  the  read  more,  &  hopefully  with  enough  context  if  anyone  is  interested  in  plotting  things  out  and  whatnot  ...  so  this  might  be  a  tad  bit  longer  !  also,  i  think  it’s  very  important  to  see  detective  pikachu  in  a  car  seat.  thank  you  &  goodnight.
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☾ ▹ ° ⋅  paul rudd  /  forty-nine  /  cis male  ;   have you had the chance to meet jonathan goldstein ? he has lived in old sprigg for most of his life, gaining a reputation for being quite charismatic, reliable, quirky & tense. this heterosexual leo can be found around dubois bakery and he works as an architect. most people tend to associate them with an artist’s desk and piles of sketches.〈 loved by frankie, 23, cst, she/her. 〉
this  vampire  guy  right  here  was  born  and  bred  in  old  sprigg,  missouri,  so  old  sprigg  isn’t  just  a  small  town  for  him.  his  family  had  money  so  he  had  an  a-okay  upbringing.  parents  were  pretty  strict,  having  a  set  of  rules  for  john  and  his  siblings.  he’s  the  oldest  of  four;  one  brother  &  two  sisters,  so  as  you  can  assume,  the  goldsteins  were  a  crazy,  jewish  ménage.
growing  up,  he  always  had  a  keen  interest  in  architecture.  he’d  point  out  the  many  buildings  whenever  they  traveled.  little  johnny’s  goal  was  to  become  an  architect.  before  that,  john  wanted  to  be  an  astronaut,  but  that’s  besides  the  point.  he  went  to  usc  and  graduated  with  a  bachelor  of  architecture  degree.
deciding  to  stay  in  california  for  a  few  years  after  graduating,  he  found  a  job  at  a  design  firm.  starting  out  as  an  intern  wasn’t  too  shabby,  though.  he’s  a  talented  guy  and  the  owners  of  the  studio  noticed  his  talent  ...  after  3  years,  almost  a  little  too  late.  however,  he  couldn’t  find  it  in  his  heart  to  say  ‘no’  to  becoming  a  part  of  the  team.
worked  as  an  architect  for  15  years  before  moving  back  home.  however,  he’d  left  behind  the  opportunity  to  start  his  own  design  firm.  prior  to  coming  back,  his  long-term  relationship  ended  and  was  absolutely  devastated.  he’s  STILL  as  single  as  a  missing  pair  of  socks.  tragic.  [  37  years  old  ]  :  returned  despite  how  heartbroken  he  was.
he’s  one  of  those  fun  uncles.  he’s  got  a  couple  of  nieces  and  nephews.  the  family  keeps  growing  and  growing,  then  there’s  jonathan:  single  but  he  doesn’t  mind  one  bit.  or  does  he  ?  doesn’t  believe  in  marriage,  so  give  him  someone  to  love  who  might  believe  the  same  thing  about  a  piece  of  paper  ?
living  in  california,  he  traveled  twice  a  year  to  old  sprigg  to  visit  his  old  pals  and  family,  so  you  might’ve  seen  him  around.  goodbyes  kind  of  suck,  so  he  isn’t  one  to  say  goodbye.  whenever  he  had/has  to  leave  for  a  while,  he  will  say:  ‘see  you  later’  or  ‘i’ll  be  back’  with  a  peace  sign,  trying  to  avoid  making  a  reference  to  the  terminator  movies.
not  an  important  note/quick  summary:  was  away  from  missouri  for  19  years.  graduated  from  university  of  southern  california.  intern  to  full-time  employee.  pleased  as  fuck.  met  someone  and  dated  them  for  a  long  ass  time.  she  ended  it.  came  back  to  old  sprigg.  heartbroken.  moved  on.  been  home  for  12  years.  single  af.  perhaps  too  old  to  become  a  parent /  low-key  gives  up.  works  at  home.  active.  constantly  travels  due  to  work.  a  busy  bee,  workaholic.
personality  wise:  confident  in  communication  skills,  helps  others  feel  confident  if  permitted,  positively  confident  without  being  boastful  and  egotistical,  lowkey  lives  a  carpe  diem  personality,  able  to  be  trusted,  honest  &  often  times  too  straightforward  but  means  well,  creative  af,  quirky  and  witty  sense  of  humor  (  if  it  isn’t  written  out  that  way  sometimes,  i  apologize  beforehand  because  i  think  of  witty  things  to  say  a  day  too  late  ),  regardless  of  being  charming  and  whatnot,  he’s  tense;  will  become  anxious  and  nervous  at  random  times  of  the  day.  easy-going.  /  more  to  be  added.
aesthetics:  an  artist’s  desk  in  a  design  studio  (  aka  home  ),  a  shit  ton  of  sketches  in  piles  basically  overflowing  his  home,  planners  filled  to  the  brim  with  important  dates  regarding  personal  life  and  work,  etc.  /  more  to  be  added.
wanted  connections:  give  me  everything  and  anything.  im’s  are  OPEN  !
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☾ ▹ ° ⋅  inbar lavi  /  thirty-four  /  cis female  ;   have you had the chance to meet ayelet al-azwár ? she has lived in old sprigg for seven years, gaining a reputation for being quite ambitious, good-natured, sensitive & worrisome. this bisexual pisces can be found around the clover and she works as a veterinarian. most people tend to associate them with white coats and messy hair buns.〈 loved by frankie, 23, cst, she/her. 〉
this  girl  has  a  love  and  hate  relationship  with  her  name.  not  only  is  it  hebrew  for  ‘deer,  gazelle’  but  her  mom’s  constant  reminder  that  it  ‘fits’  her  makes  her  give  up.  letty  is,  in  fact,  her  nickname.  she’ll  introduce  herself  as  dr.  al-azwár  if  you’re  stopping  by  the  old  sprigg  veterinary  clinic  for  your  furry  lil  friend’s  check-up  and  whatnot.
she  grew  up  in  a  jewish  household  in  brooklyn,  new  york.  the  al-azwárs  are  of  moroccan  and  polish  descent,  so  she  grew  up  learning  hebrew  and  arabic,  plus  a  few  other  languages.  probably  a  linguist.  honestly,  she  never  stops  learning  in  general.  if  there’s  a  library,  then  knowledge  is  power.  was  in  ap  classes  through  the  school  years...  including  college.  but  she  wouldn’t  consider  herself  a  genius.  always  pressured  herself  to  be  the  best.  she’s  a  damn  perfectionist.
with  her  parents  permission,  she  had  a  job  when  she  was  16  years  of  age,  so  had  been  earning  money  ever  since —  dreaming  of  attending  college.  thankfully,  mom  and  dad  were  more  than  okay  with  her  wanting  to  become  a  veterinarian.  they  supported  letty  in  every  step  of  the  way.  which  came  to  a  surprise  for  her  but  she  didn’t  question  them  at  all.
earned  her  doctor  of  veterinarian  medicine  degree  (  dvm  )  when  she  was  23.  took  a  gap  year  before  attending  [  name  of  college  ].  pretty  fucking  proud  of  herself,  even  though  there  were  pretty  hard  obstacles  along  the  way,  and  she  was  up  for  any  challenges.  but  let’s  face  it,  life  after  college  can  be  tough  af  with  landing  your  dream  job.  especially  in  new  york.
managing  on  getting  her  degree,  she  worked  two  part-time  jobs  to  be  able  to  afford  rent,  since  she  decided  to  move  to  manhattan  afterwards.  just  2  words:  big  mistake.  letty  isn’t  the  type  of  person  to  ask  for  help,  considering  she  is  still  paying  off  school.  it’d  been  2  years  until  she  realized  that  the  best  choice  for  her  was  to  move  states.  well  after  paying  her  taxes  and  bills,  and  making  a  budget.  at  that  point,  she  was  on  the  verge  of  having  a  mental  breakdown.
giving  her  landlord  the  heads  up,  the  first  thing  she  did  was  notify  her  parents  that  she  was  selling  her  studio  apartment  and  moving  back  to  brooklyn,  and  into  her  childhood  home.  asking  if  it  was  all  right  because  she’d  refuse  to  accept  their  money  and  advise  them  of  their  retirement  plan,  hoping  to  care  for  them  when  the  time  came.  a  little  superstitious,  letty  knocks  on  wood  every  time.
choosing  to  move  to  old  sprigg,  missouri  was  completely  random.  however,  she  had  the  desires  of  moving  to  a  small  town.  the  first  thing  she  did  was  buy  a  ticket  to  missouri  and  visited  the  charming  town.  she  fell  in  love  with  old  sprigg;  it  had / has  its  charm.  how  long  did  she  stay  ?  A  WEEK,  and  it  was  enough  for  her  to  make  the  decision.
for  the  past  seven  years,  she  has  lived  in  missouri  and  worked  as  the  vet  at  its  clinic  (  totally  forgot  to  mention  she  lived  with  her  parents  for  2  years  beforehand  )  and  couldn’t  be  happier.  letty  can  be  found  hanging  out  at  the  clover  with  a  glass  of  wine  in  hand  with  a  book  in  her  hand.
personality  wise:  has  the  strongest  desire  and  determination  to  succeed.  kind,  friendly,  patient.  the  mom  friend  to  people  she’s  closet  to.  concerned  more  with  the  needs  and  wishes  of  others  than  her  own.  has  a  quick  &  delicate  appreciation  of  others’  feelings,  especially  with  animals.  inclined  to  worry,  a  clinical  worrier.  introverted  but  ambivert.  /  more  to  be  added.
aesthetics:  white  lab  coats,  messy  hair  buns,  curly  hair,  pencil  skirts,  etc.  /  more  to  be  added.
wanted  connections:  give  me  everything  and  anything.  im’s  are  OPEN  !
discord:  i  constantly  change  my  username  lol  so  please  ask  for  it,  if  you  prefer  to  plot  through  there;  i’d  happily  give  it  to  you.  c:
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