#i would like to make more totsuka allies
ridiasfangirlings · 2 years
Kuro suddenly gains the same time travel ability that takemishi from Tokyo Revengers have and arrives in the past a couple of months before Totsuka's death. What would he do and do you think he'd be able to make an "everybody lives" future?
Kuroh’s actually an interesting choice here because there’s a lot that goes on between Homra and S4 in particular in season one that he’s just not present for and may not have really strong knowledge of. Say this is an AU where Colorless actually won and at the last minute Kuroh is sent back in time, maybe this is like some kind of Slate shenanigans and Shiro grabbed his hand right before Kuroh time jumped. He knows he’s in Shizume and sees the date, realizing that he’s been sent back in time and needs to find a way to stop everything bad from happening. He’s aware that this all ‘starts’ when Totsuka Tatara is murdered on the rooftop of the Hirasaka building so I think that would be his time limit, he needs to find a way to change things before Totsuka is killed.
Kuroh being a straightforward and honest type I could see him initially trying to go to Homra directly and it doesn’t work out well,  no one knows who he is and referring to himself as the clansman of another King just gets him a hostile reaction. Say he has the misfortune to show up at the bar when the Homra trio and Anna are all out, so he ends up facing a fairly hostile Yata, Kamamoto and the Homra alphabet. When he starts talking about ‘the death of Totsuka Tatara’ everyone is immediately on guard and he probably ultimately has to retreat, realizing that none of these people are going to listen to him. 
His next consideration is he could go to S4, but then he thinks about it for a moment and decides maybe not, he doesn’t know if the Blue King would believe him either and even if Munakata did he might make plans on his own without telling Kuroh which could lead to more danger. That’s when it occurs to him that he’s been overlooking his most obvious allies all along and heads to Ashinaka. He finds Kukuri and convinces her that he’s an exchange student (he doesn’t like lying to her but this is an emergency after all), then once he’s secured use of a dorm he cooks some delicious fish and starts leaving it around, he knows Neko was on this island before Totsuka died so he just needs to feed her and be nice to her and he should be able to get her help. In the meantime he tries to feel things out amongst the students and that’s how he eventually learns about the ‘candle,’ a way to summon the person in the airship down. Kuroh isn’t sure that Shiro will believe him either but he feels like if he can at least get allies on his side he’ll be able to take care of this.
Kuroh finally manages to coax Neko into showing herself, she’s pretty happy to latch herself onto the weird person who keeps giving her all the fish. Together they go to the Hirasaka building and Kuroh uses the candle app, watching and waiting for the airship to land. When it does I imagine Weismann would be rather amused to see a Strain and another clansman waiting for him, he nearly leaves right there assuming that Kokujouji or one of the other clans is behind this until Kuroh introduces himself as ‘a clansman of the Colorless — no, a clansman of the Silver King.’ Weismann raises an eyebrow and then laughs sheepishly, he apologizes but he hasn’t got any clansmen and he’s not interested in having any. Kuroh looks him right in the eye and says ‘you did, in another timeline.’ Weismann thinks he’s joking but then he realizes that Kuroh is incredibly serious and finally he nods and welcomes the two of them inside, he isn’t sure how this happened but it seems they have a lot to discuss. 
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nervous-sheep · 6 years
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
Translation: Naru-kun Raws: skyflyinginaction
* Gakuen K (List of Chapters) * Projects & Chapters
In the end, the feeling of discomfort was unexpectedly terrible and she was unable to recover to the point where she could walk home. Although Fushimi's hands had helped her, she was so shocked that she was forced to undergo an examination and she went to the hospital that day.
The next day, after a medical examination, she returned to the girls' dormitory.
(Oh, just, because everyone is taking classes.), she thought.
However, although there should have been no abnormalities at the time of the exam, she had a fever at noon and she stopped going to school that day.
She knew what the reason was, probably from Yata's words.
She believed it was because those words were stuck in her chest and she was worried. In other words, it was something spiritual.
Because it was the first time Yata had yelled at her like that.
She was surprised by the word "betrayal" and that Yata thought that of her.
She didn't know why, of course he was hurt, and maybe he was angry. Because, Yata, he just said that and left the hospital room without hearing her excuse.
But at the same time, Yata's face at that moment couldn't get out of her head.
More than that, she didn't understand why. She thought he was hurt.
His face burned at the back of her eyes and it was very painful.
Actually, it was the opposite, but she still felt that she had hurt Yata.
Is it because he was worried and distraught? By the time Kukuri came to visit her at the end of school, her fever had risen higher and exceeded 38 degrees. Even the next morning, she did not come down. She apparently caught a cold since she was weak.
She had no choice but to go to the hospital the next day while she fluttered about.
She got a drip and a Chinese herbal medicine for the fever.
Anyway, she was bored alone in the room that day and tried to sleep. She had a hard time eating the yogurt that Kukuri bought for her and she took the medicine.
But the next morning, after all, the fever didn't go down.
(Oh, it's the third day. I want to go to school soon.), she thought.
She was impatient, but her body couldn't bear it.
"It doesn't work; it doesn't work..."
She coughed, looked at the ceiling and sighed.
Her body was hot and heavy. It was difficult to even turn around.
She couldn't go to school in that situation. She knew that going there would only cause annoyance and worry.
She looked up at the ceiling and pursed her lips tightly.
She hated herself as a person.
Being alone in a quiet room reminded her of all the extra things.
This also happened last year, she was alone in the room.
Scared of herself as a "monster", she locked herself in her room. Other than that, she didn't know what to do.
She hugged herself trembling and stared at the wall. Also in the morning, even during the day and at night.
She wanted to go to school and laugh with Kukuri and Neko.
She also wanted to go to the "HOMRA" bar, and play with everyone in the red club.
She was alone, and she did not like being alone.
She coughed out the name on her chest. She wanted to see Yata.
She hurt the back of her nose.
Even if she said that, she still remembered what Yata said. She wanted to see him, but she knew he was upset.
Why? He was hurt, he was sad and angry, but she wanted to see him.
She didn't know why, but Yata doubted her.
Was she "betraying" Yata? Why? Why didn't she think that was never the case?
For Yata, how long have you been together since spring?
Did he join her with a sense of duty because of the injury he caused?
She gently clenched her back teeth and covered her eyes with both hands.
Even if she knew it was different, she thought so herself.
Because if not, do you think it is a "betrayal"? Although they are friends!
(Yata-kun, you said that even I was your friend, right?), she thought.
Or was it not good for her like that?
Thinking that, she shook her head.
She did not doubt him. She just wanted to say, why was she thinking only of Yata?
There were many other things to think about. For example, who locked her up in that place? What was the purpose of it?
Was she also an object of disgust and fear? Because she was as strange a Strain as she was in the previous school?
It was disconcerting and sad. Even if she knew she couldn't be helped, it hurt.
But why? After all, the thought immediately returned to Yata.
She thought of various things and she wanted to see him after all.
(Oh, I want to see Yata-kun and talk.), she thought she.
Even now, she wanted to see Yata above all else.
It was at that moment that she heard a clear pounding sound. That surprised her and she opened her eyes.
Looking at the alarm clock next to the bed, it was almost 12 o'clock.
Yes. In other words, it was definitely the time when both students and teachers were in school.
Eh? Who would it be at that time?
The moment she wondered and looked around her, called her a second time.
Involuntarily it was impressive.
After all, the sound of knocking was not coming from the door.
When she struggled to get up, she moved to the window, dragging her heavy body.
Then when she moved the curtains and looked out onto the balcony,
What she saw from the window was a black school uniform and a boy with auburn hair.
She opened her mouth in amazement, and hurriedly opened the window curtains.
"Yes, Yata-kun?"
It was Yata who was crouched on the balcony to avoid the gaze of the public.
Without a doubt, Yata.
"Why are you here?! What happened to the school?"
"You have decided to skip it, right?"
Yata blushed and walked away.
"Well, if you think about it, it's true... Isn't that a lie?! Really, Yata-kun?"
It was too much, she did not immediately accept the reality that she had in front of her and she was confused.
She couldn't believe it, Yata went to the girls' dorm.
"I can enter?"
For her, that she had no choice but to be just a flower, the illusion came carefully.
She took a deep breath and said, "Okay, come in.", and opened the window wider.
"You were in bed."
"You have a fever, right?"
Yata kicked off his shoes and walked in, saying that bluntly.
"Yes, I heard."
"Kamamoto... and Yukizome."
"I see."
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She wanted to see him, but she was still hurt and frustrated, so she couldn't speak well.
When she closed her mouth, Yata was also uncomfortable, and as he looked away from her, he coughed, "Would you like to go back to bed?"
She thought it was not a place to be stubborn, so she went to bed quietly, Yata sat cross-legged next to her and looked at her anxiously.
Her favorite, Yata's eyes.
Straightforward, hot, and unwavering, but kind.
"Are you okay?"
With that one word, her heart warmed enough that it was painful.
Oh, Yata. Anxious and overprotective. He always rushed first and protected her. The usual Yata.
Yata was next to her. She was so happy that she was about to burst into tears.
Oh, no. It wasn't just that. That was not the norm.
Finally, she realized. Being by his side was already an irreplaceable miracle, but for that it was painful.
Because he said that?
She bit her back teeth and looked at Yata.
"It is bad!"
Then Yata gritted his teeth, painfully distorted her face, and the next moment he sat on the ground. This was the second time for Yata.
Yata's strong voice echoed. She was concerned that they could hear it from outside.
It was the same as that time.
The first day of transfer. Just like Yata, who sat across from her.
He hit his forehead and screamed more.
"You can hit me until you feel like it!"
"Well, I won't do that."
She was surprised by the words, she hastily got up and shook her head.
"Oh, get up and you will fall!"
"Then stop doing that."
"Okay, but…!"
"They haven't asked you to do that, right?"
Perhaps Yata was surprised, he raised his head vigorously.
His eyes that pierced her harbored burning flames.
There was something she came up with with devotion.
Oh, how many times had those eyes saved her?
She liked her, she loved Yata's eyes.
"I want to hear the story, but they haven't asked me to sit down, much less hit me. Ok?"
"If you stop, I'll lie down quietly."
When she said "Hey?", he thought it was not a place to be stubborn. Yata reluctantly crossed his legs. She was relieved and she went back to bed.
"It is bad…"
"You were in the hospital, right?"
"Let me know..."
Yata painfully distorted his face and looked down.
After being silent for a while, he said, "I'm not going to make an excuse.", and slowly parted his lips.
"Saru was my best friend from high school."
She gasped at the unexpected words.
She widened her eyes and looked at Yata, who was still face down.
Was Fushimi-kun his best friend?
There was no reason for him to lie. Yata couldn't lie.
But now they didn't see each other as friends.
"Are you a traitor too?"
Yata's piercing scream echoed through the hospital.
Finally, she was surprised at the unnaturalness of the words.
That was all. At that moment, Yata said "you too", "traitor", for the second time.
It was a word that would never come out unless someone had betrayed him in the past.
"Obviously, he was by my side. It was natural to be by my side. He was a partner and an ally. Truly, always, always together."
"Since then, I've been longing for Mikoto-san. Both Kusanagi-san and Totsuka-san. I wanted to go to his side and get closer. When I went to high school, I would definitely enter Homura. Both..."
Yata clenched his fist tightly.
"That's right, I entered high school, I entered Homura, but when the summer break was over, he left the club without permission and went straight to the blue club..."
"It was an unprecedented story in the red club and the blue club, and a big uproar. I didn't understand, and I rushed inside. But the monkey…! He couldn't even speak about the reason!"
He hit the ground with his fist. He shrugged.
"He just laughed to look down, nothing more..."
"I still don't understand the meaning. I don't understand it and that's why I'm angry..."
"Why did you betray me? I was far away. But is he your partner? The best is... Homura!"
He felt sad that he couldn't finish his thoughts with every word.
"It's important... I feel like everything was denied..."
"I heard that you should have gone to help with the class preparations, but you were with the Monkey in that place, and then you were taken away in an ambulance. I thought..."
Yata raised his head and looked at her painfully distorting his face.
"It's bad. You and the Monkey are different..."
He shook his head in a voice that squeezed the wound.
Yata hadn't figured it out at all, which was why he felt frustrated and dejected.
She felt that she could understand that frustrating feeling.
And she understood well the fear of suddenly losing something important.
Once suddenly she lost everything that was important to her.
(I see. That's Yata-kun's trauma.), she thought.
Perhaps he was very worried, that is why he lacked calm.
At the time, even Fushimi, who contacted her, didn't know what had happened. So they all were told only two things: "she was with Fushimi in an unpopular place" and "she got injured in an accident there."
Then it was impossible not to be suspicious. Especially if there was a trauma.
She could understand words with that feeling.
Finally, when she understood everything, she was relieved to breathe.
(I see. Oh, that was good. That was it.), she thought.
Yata did not doubt her or hate her.
"I said a terrible word and left the hospital room, but I immediately regretted it. Kusanagi-san scolded me. They all did. I thought I would apologize soon, but you had a fever and you were resting..."
Yata began to babble again.
"I thought I would wait until you were okay, but yesterday and today you were the same, so… in other words…"
"I made you worry..."
"That is not a good story."
Still, Yata went to the women's dormitory.
Not just to apologize. Perhaps he was very concerned about her body.
The gentle and eager Yata. Even in the case of a burn, he protected her in an overprotective way.
She smiled when she saw her left hand, which had been completely healed.
"Well, I think it's a story."
Yes. That was a good story.
Because at that moment, Yata remembered him at the hospital, right? The sadness when Fushimi left. Anger and suffering. The feeling of loss.
That's why he took it out on her.
So, huh? Why did she remind him of that? Isn't it because she thought she was like Fushimi?
It was natural to be by his side. It was very important. She didn't want to lose him.
That is why she was terrified and distraught.
She hears that.
Was that a convenient interpretation for her? Excessive shyness?
No. She could take a hundred steps and it would still be fine. Still, she was happy!
(I'm happy, Yata-kun. I'm glad I can feel relieved from the bottom of my heart.), she thought.
Because he didn't suspect her. She was not untrustworthy. He did not dislike her.
Yata was still the kind and dear Yata.
(That's what makes me happy!), she thought.
When she took her hands off the futon, she picked up Yata's clothes.
"Forgive me. I'm not angry. It was sad and it hurt, but most of all, I didn't understand the meaning. I'm glad you spoke..."
"So, huh? Yata-kun... If I recover, will we play again...?"
Yata raised his face.
"Ah, play?"
"Of course. But that's..."
Yata got confused and shook his head.
She knew what he meant, because it was about Yata.
That was not compensation. Did he mean that?
But Yata, once again, they haven't asked him to pay, right?
Nothing has been done.
"Yata-kun. I will not leave, I will not betray you, because I no longer want to lose someone important to me. Remember that. I also lost everything once."
"That is to say…"
"Is it okay to be by my side? I want to be by your side... will you let me stay?"
Yata's face was distorted as if he was crying.
Is it because he didn't want her to see him ​that way? Yata quickly grabbed the hat and lowered it to hide his eyes from her.
She pretended not to know that the little voice was shaking.
How long had it been? For a long time, they were silent.
She fell silent and they remained together, almost motionless.
Oddly, the silence didn't bother her. However, the time passed peacefully.
She thought that the moment when nothing happened was very important.
She reached for Yata's clothes again, drowsy from the warm light.
"About Fushimi-kun…"
When she put on her clothes, Yata rolled his shoulders.
The line of sight that followed seemed terribly awkward. With confidence, just with that, she could see how much that case affected Yata's heart.
She hoped it would be resolved one day, anyway.
She thought that the important thing was not there. It was not necessary for him to understand. He didn't have to go back to normal. She thought it would be fine. Well, Yata's ideal might be to go back to the old relationship.
However, he was still trapped alone not knowing anything. She wishes he could get out of that situation. She thought that only that was different. That alone would be enough to save Yata.
"Do not give up."
Speak clearly. She couldn't say anything more and fell silent.
As if Yata always did that, so did she.
"Don't give up, it's not good."
(Don't stop understanding each other. Even if it's painful, never give up.), she thought.
Kamamoto, Suoh, Kusanagi, Totsuka, and they were all next to him.
The moment it surrenders, it will break. It will never be like before.
She gave up and escaped earlier.
"Please don't make my mistake, Yata-kun."
At her words, Yata distorted his face and moved his mouth as if he was about to start crying.
But no words came out.
The way he was, he bit down on his back teeth and lowered his head again.
"Stop saying that."
A terribly small voice. When she twisted her neck, Yata stared at her.
Her eyes were warm without fluctuation, and her heart made a loud noise.
"I'll tell you appropriately..."
"Get well soon."
Yata's soft words, which reddened her face, struck her gently.
"Did you eat at noon?"
After that, she was silent for a while and thought about each one of them, but suddenly Yata looked at the clock on the wall and said that.
"Oh, by the way... I haven't eaten..."
"Are you hungry? Should I do something?"
"I want to eat fried rice."
When he remembered that he did it earlier, Yata opened his eyes.
"It's good for when you feel bad."
"The one you made earlier was delicious."
"I'll do it if you can eat it... But what about the ingredients?"
"Oh, it might not be possible."
She meant, what was in the fridge? For the past two days, she had only eaten yogurt and jelly, which Kukuri brought for her.
When she said that, Yata moved to the front of the refrigerator and looked at it.
"Seriously, there is almost nothing. Yogurt, jam and fruit. And eggs and cold rice?"
Having said that, when he took off his school uniform, Yata looked at her and gave his usual awkward smile.
"Turn it into egg porridge. I'll go back to making fried rice when you're okay."
His words made it even more painful. The hot feelings seemed to push her chest up.
The hot egg porridge made by Yata was delicious.
She had no appetite until a little while ago, but it seemed to be written on her stomach.
She was happy, and her smile naturally overflowed.
"Thank you, I am happy."
"I will do it anytime."
When she thanked him while she smiled, Yata blushed.
"Get well soon."
"Yes, of course."
Yata gave her an awkward smile.
It was like a miracle.
She realized that happiness was such a thing.
She smiled back and chewed on the wonderful "every day."
The next day, she was completely relieved and she went to school for the first time in a long time.
"Saya-chan! You finally came!"
Kukuri-chan! Sorry for worrying you! Thanks for everything!"
She jumped onto Kukuri's chest with both hands spread.
"Konohana-san, are you okay?"
"Isn't it better to rest still?"
"Gohan. Are you okay?"
"Shiro-kun, Yatogami-kun, Neko-chan! I'm fine! Sorry for worrying you!"
When she smiled, everyone breathed like they were relieved.
"I heard this year's cold is bad."
"But I feel like I hear that every year, with a fever."
In pollen season, you hear every year how many times more pollen flies than last year, right?
"But this is credible, because my man from the festival is resting."
(Huh? Festival man?), she thought.
They all point to the window at the same time.
Kamamoto was sitting there alone. Eh? That person?!
When she told everyone, "I'm sorry.", she ran over to Kamamoto.
"Good morning, Kamamoto-kun!"
"Oh, yeah. Is your body okay?"
"Yes. Sorry to worry you. What about Yata-kun?"
"He has a fever and is resting. He caught a cold."
Well, that was... too many thoughts went through her head and she suddenly screamed.
"Oh, that's right. I got infected and infected him."
She looked up and blocked for a moment, then looked at Kamamoto, who seemed bored alone, and tilted her head.
"I want to go see him after school, can you help me sneak into the men's dorm?"
"What? Good, but... Yata-san, he will jump."
"Eh? He will jump and he will be happy?"
"Does not mean that."
She wondered if she was being impatient and going too fast. She wondered if he would turn bright red and flutter.
She knew the way of him to act.
She smiled and clenched her fist.
"No problem, I like that side of Yata-kun!"
Also, she was very happy with yesterday's visit, and she was relieved to understand the situation for which he apologized, but because of that she felt that she wanted to give back because they hurt him in vain.
"I will gladly take you, Konohana-san."
So, at night, with the help of Kamamoto, she unknowingly visited Yata's room.
Yata, who screamed, closed the door saying, "Wait two minutes, wait a minute!", but she couldn't wait quietly in the hallway of the men's dorm, they might discover her in the first place.
If he had a fever and was trying to get rid of her, it was outrageous. It wasn't a joke, so she pushes the door aside...
Then, the "superhuman strength" activated well, and when she opened the door, she pushed Yata, who stood with a bright red face, into the room and it was worth taking care of him.
The school festival was only two weeks away.
In order to enjoy the preparation together, they had to be cured as soon as possible.
"What? Christmas party?"
"Yes. I wonder if the red club will do anything for Christmas."
Yata and Kamamoto looked at each other when she said that while closing their PDA.
The school festival was the most enjoyable, including the preparation period. It was too much fun.
Preparing for a class show and preparing a position at the red club. She was very busy at the same time, she wasn't saying she wasn't in trouble, but even now, she remembered having fun. Not only her, everyone smiled and had fun.
Yes, she smiled herself, although the case of being trapped in the warehouse was not solved.
She was afraid to think that malicious intent was hidden somewhere. She couldn't help but be afraid, but Yata was there.
She was sometimes too busy to find the criminal, but thank you all, she thought it was not so much.
When it came to festivals, the red part was still going strong. The post was a great success. On the first day, the prepared quantity ran out early. She significantly increased the number from the next day, but they were all sold out.
After the school festival, it was grandly opened at the "HOMRA" bar.
It was fun.
However, after having fun, the "student book" always arrives.
The scope of the final test had been announced and the preparation period began.
As usual, if they got a red point, they would be banned, so this time too, the red club will work as one to pass the test. By the way, they were heading to the library.
"Let's go quickly, Konohana-san."
"Eh? Yes? I heard from Kukuri-chan that the Christmas party is organized by the Silver Club, right?"
"Oh, that's right. Is that what they're doing at the Himmelreich?"
"Yes. That's right. Would you like to go with me? You were surprised. The Silver club has an airship. Every year, we have a Christmas party in that airship."
"Oh. At the moment, the organizer is supposed to be the Silver club that owns Himmelreich, but the student council and the Blue club are really in charge. The participants are the Silver club and the Blue club, the student council, students. generals invited by its members and general students who won the lottery. Some teachers. It's a lot of people and it seems to be great every year. The food is amazing and luxurious."
Perhaps Kamamoto's interest was at the end, because he was so strong.
"Last year we had a Christmas party."
"Oh, after all? That's true. You said you had a Halloween party too."
"I see. Then let's reject it.", she thought. It was a bit disappointing, but she would like to participate in the Red club area.
When she said that, Kamamoto frowned, "Okay?"
"…? It's okay?"
"You can't do it with the intention of participating, I think you'd be an ant going there, right?"
"Eh? Aren't you exaggerating? I haven't decided yet or something. Okay, but I'd like to participate with the Red club."
"That would be nice. I see. It's Christmas. We'll be there. So, I should avoid the red dot anyway. I can't be a hub."
"That's right. Good luck. Christmas without you would be boring."
"That's right. Let's do our best, Yata-san."
Kamamoto looked at Yata.
But Yata didn't answer that... that is, didn't he ask? While he was thinking of something, he coughed, "Yes. Christmas. Let's do that at Christmas."
She and Kamamoto looked at each other with raised eyebrows.
"What?! What is it?"
What was that line?
"I'm thinking about it. What's wrong with you?"
"Hmmm, nothing!"
Yata shook his head with the feeling that it was all "yes".
When that happened, she was irritated.
When she looks at Yata, she smiled.
"Well then. What are we going to do at Christmas?"
"What?! I don't understand! I don't know anything!"
"Yes. I agree. So, tell us what you were thinking now."
"Yes. I understand that. That's why I'm translating ..."
"Konohana-san, please forgive me in that area..."
Kamamoto sighed and put his hand on her shoulder.
And in that moment…
"Check it out..."
A secret voice crept into her ears.
She suddenly stopped and looked around her as if that voice invited her.
Down the hall. The boys who were listening shook their shoulders and ran off the moment their gazes met.
When he turned his neck, Kamamoto coughed, "Now...".
"Do you know them?"
"A little. It's bad. I remembered what I was doing."
Kamamoto took out the PDA.
"Yata-san. I'll be back first."
"Konohana-san. See you later."
"Huh? Oh, yeah. See you later."
When she waved her hand, Kamamoto also turned around and ran back the way he came from.
She turned her eyebrows and looked back at Yata.
"What happened?"
"Let's go."
Yata turned around.
"Mainly, I'll find it."
Some days after. She checks it out when she to see Totsuka at the Purchasing Department at noon. So after all, it looked like there would be a Christmas party at the Red club this year too.
"There is also Konohana-san. There is no reason not to."
"Uh, I'm happy! Great!"
When she laughed and clapped her hands, Totsuka patted her head and said "Okay."
"At that time, I think I can give you good news. I look forward to it."
(Good news? What will it be? And did he say it now?), she thought, but interpreted it as a small Christmas present.
With excitement in her chest, she gave Totsuka a big smile again.
"Yes! I'm looking forward to it!"
Bar "HOMRA".
The interior, which was always elegant and calm, was decorated in Christmas colors and was very beautiful.
The Christmas lily, which was large enough to look up, was pure white. The hanging ornaments were all white. However, only the large tied ribbon was crimson. It was terribly vivid to the eyes.
The lively Christmas song was playing in the store.
Kusanagi made a lot of English-style Christmas cookies, and they all got together.
This was her first time, but unlike Japanese cookies, English cookies had decoration on both sides. And the one with the middle cylinder was the winner. He had a paper crown, various items, and a sheet of paper with Christmas cards and jokes.
They played with it while saying something, enjoying the Christmas food from Kusanagi's hands, they played, talked, laughed and talked more.
Of course, no one was out of place with a red dot.
The Red club always tries its best to play. She thought they all worked hard to play.
She felt that he was appreciating the time he could spend with her friends and she liked seeing them all like this. She was glad to be a part of it.
What was a bit concerning is that Yata was a bit quiet. He was always at the center of the confusion.
He seemed like he was not eating well.
But when she said that to Kamamoto, he said, "Okay. Don't worry. No, pretend you don't know. He's nervous."
"Saya-chan, are you eating?"
"Yes! I ate a lot! The meatloaf was too tasty! Kusanagi-san's food is too tasty. I can't doubt it. Oh, I'm getting fat..."
"Yes. We're going to get a little fat."
"What the heck! I absolutely hate it!"
"Ah! Do you want to go home for the New Year’s holidays? Are you coming to eat osechi and ozoni? The store itself is closed, but hey, these guys are definitely coming."
"Of course. I will come."
"It doesn't matter what you cry. Do it right."
Kusanagi laughed and hit her with a pop.
"What? Are you making Konohana-san cry, Kusanagi-san?"
Totsuka smiled and sat down next to her.
"That is correct. It is a tremendous temptation."
"Eh? Don't be bad. Kusanagi-san."
"As a man, it is natural to persuade a pretty girl. There is no reason to complain."
Kusanagi laughed like a bad boy and left.
After saying goodbye with a smile, Totsuka squeezed his face.
"You know what? Konohana-san. About that matter…"
"That matter?"
"You were harassed before the school festival. You were trapped in the warehouse, right? We found the criminal."
She gasped at the unexpected words that she didn't expect.
She yelled a bit and looked at Totsuka seriously.
"Eh? The criminal?"
"Yes. Kamamoto noticed and contacted me. So, with the help of Fushimi, the email they sent you was rescued from the broken PDA at a later date. We also found out that it was sent from a PC."
"I questioned the boy and confirmed everyone involved in the mischief."
"Who was he?"
But before he answered that question, Totsuka put his index finger to his lips and sealed them. When he opened his eyes, Totsuka smiled and shook his head.
"I'll come back to that later. At the moment, you got a lot of attention from the Red club."
"For that? It's a reason."
Totsuka smiled like he was in a little trouble.
"Because it's a red dot in the red part."
The unexpected words surprised her.
The only red dot of the Red club, then?
"You said you wanted to join the club, but you couldn't. You didn't choose. You were very sad, you wanted to join a club, you wanted to get closer to the members, but that didn't come true. You didn't. We didn't have a female member, so he was convinced you couldn't get in because you were a woman until spring. But you got in. The first female member of all time. Surrounded by longing and sheltered people. He was jealous, frustrated, so, he talks to his friends, and it seems like they were getting excited."
"He didn't mean to hurt you. He wanted to annoy you a bit. That's all. He was shocked when an ambulance came. He said he was sorry. But he was jealous."
"Kamamoto remembered. Last year, the boy wanted to join the Red club in addition to himself. So the other day when I saw the boy's eyes on Konohana-san, I thought maybe that was it."
"So you were correct?"
"Yes. I also saw his face and remembered. It is true that he wanted to join the club last year, but he couldn't take King's hand."
In the spring, Totsuka said it was a rite of passage.
She remembered the hand he showed her, shining Homura's flame.
"Is that all? He thought it was unreasonable. He seemed to interpret that he was rejected because he was pointed out that he could not do it. So I thought, 'he was not chosen'. But no, we do not do that. Kamamoto also said to the boy: 'But Konohana-san didn't even doubt it'."
Totsuka laughed.
"Yes. That was the decisive thing that differentiated Konohana-san from him. It didn't matter if Konohana-san was a Strain or something. Konohana-san trusted us. That made the difference."
"You will finally ask a question."
After Totsuka looked at her, he softened his eyes from her.
"Do you want to know about that child? If you want to know, I will tell you the class and the name. Will he also be punished? If Konohana-san wants, he will be punished."
"What punishment?"
When she took a breath at the harsh words, Totsuka simply said, "It's natural."
"He hurt you."
"At least I think Konohana-san and Fushimi have the right to punish him."
But that was...
Reflectively, she shook her head.
No, it wasn't right. She understood that what Totsuka said was also correct, but...
"It bothers you?"
Totsuka's words were very important.
"I don't like it. It's not about having rights or anything like that."
"You don't want to punish him? Did you have that goal?"
"Yes, but..."
She really understood that person's feeling of envy.
Totsuka smiled at the words.
"I think I can do anything if you don't want to lose this place. No. I can do it."
That was why this was an irreplaceable place for her.
"This place is the 'best' to spend time with my friends."
Thus, she could understand the feelings that he painfully yearned for.
With a pong, one hand rested on her head.
Looking back, Kusanagi's mischievous smile was there.
Everyone laughed as she looked around her.
Suoh was also looking at her sideways.
And the moment her eyes met, Yata showed an awkward smile.
His dedicated, straight line of sight was unbreakable.
Her chest warmed.
That was all. She had a "miracle". She couldn't help but be a little jealous. Rather it could be natural. Because actually, this place is the "best" to spend time with friends.
She smiled a little and looked back at Totsuka.
"I don't have to know the class or the name. I don't want any punishment. If he won't do it anymore, that's fine. That's enough."
"Yes, then I will tell him."
Totsuka laughed softly.
She, too, smiled back at him with a warm feeling.
Outside the window, pure white snow flew in the indigo sky.
"It's okay?"
"It's okay!"
Yata replied with a loud voice that made the volume adjustment stupid.
She instinctively looked at the choked attitude he had when he was on the red side.
A night road with white snow.
As expected, Christmas had arrived. The illuminations were gorgeous and there was still no sign of sleeping in the city.
The way home from the party. Two people were walking down the path to the bedroom.
"Eh? Kamamoto-kun? Oh, Kamamoto-kun stayed at the bar because he helped clean it up."
"He told you to help him too, right? There, he was forced to chase you, saying, "It's okay because it's okay"."
After leaving the store, Yata kept quiet and looked more serious than during the party, and when she was worried about it she asked, "Are you okay?"
Well, if he could make such a strong voice, it would be really fine.
(But what happened? He was really weird today, right? Is there something that worries him? Oh, but Kamamoto-kun said he was nervous, right? Something... Oh! Maybe's the new headmaster of the red club? Will Totsuka announce it at the beginning of the year? Is that it?), thinking about that, she was walking at the time.
Yata stopped suddenly.
When he looked back, wondering, Yata looked at her for a moment and then fell silent, then opened his mouth as if he had decided something.
"I'll only say it once!"
"Eh? Oh, yeah."
She wondered what it was.
As she bowed his head, she was still searching and obediently waiting for Yata's words. This was also the "only time" that he did not come easily.
He could make his face turn bright red and scratch his head, or he could swim his eyes blazing, or suddenly pass out in agony. Just do that or nothing.
(Oh, Yata-kun? Is it snowing? It's really cold though.), she thought.
But somehow she couldn't say "make it faster" so she silently waited for the words.
How long should she wait? When it was colder and harder to stand silently, Yata finally looked directly at her. It was like a challenge.
His eyes with hot flames caught her.
"I like you...!"
A shaky and hazy voice seemed to have been desperately squeezed out.
But it pierced her heart more vividly than any word she had ever heard.
She involuntarily held her mouth with her hand.
She got those words from Yata, who was extremely shy... she got it... There was no question.
It was inspiring and so hot her chest ached. Of course, her face was almost on fire. She could no longer feel the cold. That margin had vanished somewhere.
The tears were overflowing.
And it was Yata who was scared. When he yelled, "Wow!", her eyes shed tears.
"Wow, too bad! I made you cry..."
"It's different. Not bad. I'm sorry..."
She had no more words.
She knew he was misunderstood, but she couldn't hold back the tears and covered her face with both hands.
She was very happy.
It was a miracle to her, she was a "monster" a year ago.
The more painful it was, the hotter her chest became. The joy that filled her took her breath away. She was going to drown. She was so happy that it made her want to scream.
It's not that he was anxious, overprotective, and unreliable, but that he was compassionate, masculine, direct, big, and kind.
He always ran to her first, or he would walk away in shame.
Yata, who ran in front of everyone, was the coolest and most trusted. But he couldn't speak well to girls, and he would soon turn bright red and get embarrassed.
With Yata everything was fun, interesting, warm and very comfortable.
His carefree smile was nice, but she also loved to see him laugh in a complicated and awkward way.
Since the spring, Yata was in everyone's memory of her.
(Oh, that's right. I can understand a little about the feeling of wanting to harass. If Yata-kun was stolen from me, I might even harass him. Because I don't want to leave him, or this place where everyone is.), she thought.
"Well don't cry. Don't cry. I wonder..."
Yata's voice that seemed to be in trouble made her laugh.
"What? Hey..."
"Ah... it's true..."
He didn't even know why she was crying. She also liked that side of Yata.
She wiped away her tears, laughed and said it.
Just a few words, but they were important words.
"I like you too!"
"I understand that I am so happy and crying..."
At that moment, he hugged her so tightly that she couldn't breathe.
"Ah! I'm so happy, I will die of happiness...!"
"That's my line, Yata-kun."
She was too happy, she was scared, because she had more than a "miracle".
Was it really good? She could be happy.
She thought so, but she could no longer put that happiness aside.
She couldn't even imagine a life without Yata.
She silently felt Yata's body temperature, with great happiness.
However, for a time, he took such a bold action. Yata seemed to have returned to himself immediately, and the next moment, he screamed again and released her.
He apologized for a while saying "Wow, too bad!", but she didn't want him to apologize for that.
It was brief, which is why she found it disappointing.
Although she frowned, Yata's carefree and innocent smile couldn't be followed by a grumpy face, she relaxed and laughed.
Yata held his fist with a bright smile before her.
"It was the best Christmas present!"
Yata's words suddenly exploded.
(But that's my line. A gift that's more than a "miracle", thank you!), she thought.
"First visit of the year to a shrine. Come on."
"Let's go to HOMRA to eat New Year's dishes."
"There are no special events in January, but let's play a lot with everyone."
Yata stepped forward holding her hand. The answer was short, she was nervous.
But that was enough to warm her heart.
She laughed and looked up at the indigo sky with white snow.
"If it stacks up, I want to have a snowball fight."
"Ok, let's go."
He takes out the PDA and check the time.
"I guess they got mad."
Yata sighed.
The time for the bedroom curfew was past, Yata sighed, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry.
She was very happy about it. Because it was Christmas, and she still wanted to be with him.
When she laughed, she felt terribly happy and held Yata's hand.
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afinepricklypear · 5 years
Compare and Contrast: K Project vs. Bungou Stray Dogs - Part 3
**Disclaimer: I love both K Project and Bungou Stray Dogs. I highly recommend watching both of them. This series of Compare and Contrast posts I’m doing is merely for my own sake, to get these thoughts out of my head. If you are a fan of one show and not the other, please don’t read, or if you do, save your bashing comments for like-minded antis elsewhere. If you have not seen both, there are a lot of Spoilers ahead, please don’t read. I am heavily critical of both shows, so if you are someone who cannot handle negative things being said (I try not to outright bash and just provide reasonable evidence from the material to back my stances) about your favorite fandom or characters please don’t read. Thank you! ***
Read Part 1, Part 2
Both Bungo Stray Dogs and K feature ensemble casts, with large numbers of characters. That being said, the shows have vastly different approaches for how they handle those characters and those approaches impact the way they come across for the viewer.
One of the things that K does a hell of a lot better than BSD, is fleshing out and managing of its characters. This may in part be due to the fact, K doesn’t attempt to give all of its characters a starring space in the story. It’s comfortable letting some characters fall into the background, allocating them to the role of side characters. There are only a few members of each of our main clans (Silver, Red, Blue, and later, Green) that are given attention and the rest of the clansmen (Red and Blue are the only clans shown to have notable clans members who regularly show up and are given names and little else outside of our mains) fall to the background. For some people, this may be frustrating, as we don’t learn a whole lot about the rest of Scepter 4 or HOMRA in the anime, but narratively, I’m comfortable with it because I’m not asked by the show to care about those characters, and the characters that I’m meant to care about are given adequate screen time to develop them into someone who’s story I am invested in. That being said, K does have moments that utterly flop. Scepter 4, for me, beyond Fushimi, is an absolute failure in presenting itself as a likeable or, even, relatable organization of individuals (Full disclosure, I hate Munakata, and while Awashima has potential, she’s treated by the series as little more than a miniskirt and bad boob job obsessed with Munakata). They seem to be there only to be obnoxious. I get the sense they were originally intended to be viewed as villains, but they became so popular following the first season, that the creators tried to treat them more as heroes in the movie and second season. However, it was painfully obvious in the final episode of K: Seven Stories – Nameless Circle, as the surviving members of the Green, Red, Silver, and good Colorless clan members (Yukari and Kuroh) enjoyed their final farewells with their fallen clansmen (I dare you not to cry when Mikoto and Totsuka pour Kusanagi a glass and Yata takes Anna’s hand in the background), that Scepter 4 staring up at Munakata’s lost Sword of Damocles was the least humanized of the Clans. They lost nothing, they felt nothing, their presence in Nameless Circle was nearly pointless beyond fan service. Likewise, K heavily drops the ball in Season 1 with its primary antagonist, the Evil Colorless King, who’s back history, motivations, and even his (her?) name remain a mystery to date.
BSD starts out with an already large cast, and while Atsushi and Dazai might arguably be the “main” characters of the show, starring roles in various arcs and episodes are given to the other characters, as well. Most of those episodes, however, can easily be relegated to the “filler” pile. On top of this, BSD continually introduces increasing numbers of characters, it also likes to bump characters up from side character to more main character type roles, which only serves to take limited screen time from the initial cast of characters and ultimately fails to give itself enough space to flesh out the cast. Time constraints, of course, doesn’t always mean a character can’t be adequately developed (see the first ten minutes of Pixar’s Up for how it’s done right), but possibly, because of this limitation, BSD has a tendency to fall back on telling instead of showing. It also feels like many of its characters were not fully developed in the creator’s minds (this appears to have been confirmed in several interviews with the creators) when they started their story, so that when those backgrounds are revealed, especially in those far too often instances where characters that have interacted in past episodes and given no indication of a history between them are newly revealed to have a connections to one another. It feels tacked on and last minute, and consistency of characterizations is lost. As previously discussed in a past post for this Review Series, this may also be due to the fact that K was envisioned as a self-contained story, and BSD seems to have been developed as an ongoing serial without a predetermined ending.
For these next several posts, I want to do more individualized character analyses, but to keep things simple, I will only focus on the characters of K that are given focus in the story and I’ll try to reference only its anime (just to be fair, because I’ve read all of K’s extra materials, and have not for BSD because I lack access in my country). Likewise, I’m only going to talk about BSD’s characters from the Armed Detective Agency and the Port Mafia, as well as, a few key villains like Shibusawa, Fitzgerald, and Fyodor. Once again, I will attempt to keep to only what’s been revealed in the anime.
A reasonable starting point on character analysis for these two shows would be our sort-of main protagonists. Although, BSD and K are both ensemble anime, they do each feature a character that may ostensibly be considered the “main” character, in the sense that they kick off our main events and are positioned as integral to all subsequent storylines. For BSD, that character is Nakajima Atsushi, and for K, that character is Yashiro “Shiro” Isana. Interestingly (maybe), these characters share a similar aesthetic. Both are young males, with white hair and light-colored eyes, they are also both small, waif-like, bishounen that might be better suited to a shojo or even yaoi anime, rather than leads on a seinen series.
At the start of both series, Atsushi and Shiro, respectively, find themselves thrust into a world of supernatural powered people in which they are targeted for reasons to be revealed throughout the story. The greatest similarity between these two, however, is that they are both weak characters. Neither one proves interesting enough to shoulder the responsibilities as main character of the show. You would be hard pressed in either fandom to find someone who would name Atsushi or Shiro as their favorite character. I’m not saying these fans don’t exist, because they do, they are just few and far between.
Shiro spends the first half of the first season trying to avoid being killed by the Red Clan, who believes he killed their Clansman, Tatara Totsuka, at the same time, he is trying to convince his reluctant ally and potential executioner, Kuroh, that he isn’t the Evil Colorless King responsible for Totsuka’s death. Atsushi’s story, on the other hand, begins with him finding out he’s an ability user that shapeshifts into a white tiger, and, subsequently, being rescued and recruited into the Armed Detective Agency by Dazai. Then the Port Mafia begins hunting him because a bounty has been placed on his head, conveniently only after he’s learned that he is the white tiger that he believed had been hunting him his entire life, he’s joined the ADA, and Dazai has the chance to warn him with a picture of Akutagawa “beware of this bad boy” mere hours before Akutagawa attacks him.
The initial drawback with both of these characters is that they are merely victims of the plot and not helping to drive the plot forward in anyway. Shiro only becomes invested in determining why there’s video footage of him murdering Totsuka because Kuroh demands he provide evidence that he’s not the Evil Colorless King or he’ll face justice at the end of Kuroh’s blade. When Atsushi learns about the bounty on his head that Port Mafia is pursuing, rather than show interest in why anyone would want to capture him (alive, to boot), he “nobly” decides to run away, in his naivete believing that it would spare the ADA war with Port Mafia.
Throughout the K story, we do see real change in Shiro’s investment in his own mystery when it’s revealed that his memories, and the memories his classmates have of him, are not real, but fabricated and imposed upon him and those in close proximity by the cat girl that’s obsessed with him, Neko, AKA Official Provider of Fanservice #1.  This provides a further explanation for why he’s so lackluster about pursuing the truth, she’s been bending his reality and his perception of it from the start. It isn’t until her ability and how she’s been using it is revealed, and she runs off in humiliation and panic, that Shiro begins to actively pursue the truth. Even before this, however, Shiro is shown to be a wily and clever character who is quite self-sufficient. In his first meeting with Kuroh, he’s able to escape Kuroh’s justice by lying and manipulating the swordsman. He later throws off the Red Clansmen pursuing him by appearing just as Kuroh is facing off against a very annoyed Yata and calling out to Kuroh as though they are allies. This falls in line nicely with the big reveal of Shiro’s true identity as the Silver King, Adolf K. Weissman. In flashbacks to an unnamed great war (FYI, people speculate this was WWII, which, fun fact, would make Adolf a Nazi, but because this story takes place in an alternate history of the world, it’s equally possible Nazis never existed), we see that Adolf was originally researching the Dresden Slate, a mysterious artifact capable of granting people mysterious powers.
As Adolf, Shiro is shown to be a light-hearted, goofy man with no place in war or battle (consistent with what we’ve already seen in the show). Nothing of his character feels last minute retconned, and no previously unheard of connections are revealed to other existing characters in the show that haven’t been heavily hinted at or already explained. He believes that his research will be helpful in granting people their wishes throughout the world, yet when his sister is killed during an air raid, he runs away, leaving his research and the Slate with his friend, a Japanese military officer who becomes the Gold King and curator of the artifact. This turn of events does grant Shiro greater weight as a main character, and an importance in the plot that doesn’t feel contrived or heavy handed. Hints exist early on that Shiro is not who he thinks he is, starting with his high school classmate, Kukuri noting in introductory scene that she feels like he’ll disappear if she takes her eyes off of him. After all, one of the things that K is often praised for is its mastery of foreshadowing, this comes from having a very clear idea of the entire story its creators hoped to tell and a firm grasp of the connections between all of its characters.
That said, Shiro still remains throughout the story as relatively uninteresting, serving more as a plot device rather than a character. After the Blue Clan, the Silver Clan is the second least relatable and their scenes in Nameless Circle also remain a bit ‘meh’ as the “losses” the Silver Clan experienced throughout the anime were far removed from the actual plot. They didn’t resonate. We see, in Nameless Circle, Adolf’s sister and the younger version of his lost friend, the Gold King, enjoying breakfast with the Silver Clan every morning on repeat. Yet, Adolf’s sister was never developed beyond “here’s a tragic thing that happened in Adolf’s past”, so it’s hard to really feel her loss. She isn’t a person but a plot device, used to reveal more of Adolf/Shiro’s character rather than having anything of her own. As for the Gold King, he suffers the same fate as Adolf’s sister, but also, he lived a long life, and died of old age, so his death isn’t any kind of tragedy in the same sense as Mikoto, Totsuka, or Nagare’s deaths. There’s certainly a melancholy to these scenes, Adolf misses his friends, but it doesn’t pull at the heart strings, quite the way the Red and Green Clans losses do.
The real reason that Atsushi is being pursued at the start of the manga is yet to be resolved. We’re given a loose explanation, a foreign organization known as the Guild put the bounty on his head because allegedly his ability is the key to finding some powerful book that can manipulate reality. When the main antagonist of the Guild, Fitzerald, is defeated, this explanation and Atsushi’s importance becomes all but forgotten in subsequent arcs featuring new villain, Fyodor Dostoevsky. Atsushi himself can best be described as whiny and severely underdeveloped. He continues to be a victim of the plot just dragging him along, but worse, he quickly becomes one note with the constant flashback to his Orphanage’s director telling him he’s useless and doesn’t belong anywhere. There are entire scenes dedicated to this refrain causing him to full-scale breakdown into bouts of self-doubt. All I can say is he was eighteen when he was “kicked out” of the orphanage, he had zero work experience, and when we find him at the start of the story, he’s only been on his own a couple weeks and is already considering turning to assault and thievery to survive. Considering that Dazai and Chuuya were sixteen when they became Executives in the Port Mafia, Kunikida is only twenty-two and has already had a successful career as a teacher before becoming a detective with the ADA, Kenji is fourteen when we find him at the ADA and a former hard-working farmhand, Kyouka is a capable fourteen year old assassin before joining the ADA, Lucy is eighteen and comes from a similar abusive background and is already busting her ass to work for the Guild and then the ADA’s favorite Coffee Shop (jobs she got herself, thank you very much, for spending anytime looking for her like you promised, Atsushi, you jerk), and so on…I’m inclined to side with the orphanage director: Atsushi is useless. It’s a good thing they kicked him out, or he’d probably still be a bum surviving off social welfare the rest of his life.
I also can’t help but agree with Akutagawa, Atsushi has practically had everything handed to him and yet still manages to pull a pity party routine on the regular. It isn’t long after getting kicked out of the orphanage that he’s taken under Dazai’s wing and handed a job with the ADA. This wouldn’t be so terrible if he didn’t constantly squander it, and consistently prove that he doesn’t earn it. It’s hard to like him, especially when the author seems to be bending the story over backwards to give him some semblance of importance in the plot to the point it hurts the narrative. This is best exemplified in Dead Apple. Throughout the entire movie, we see every other character acting to bring the plot forward, meanwhile, Atsushi spends the entire time whining that they need to find Dazai, because Dazai will know what to do. Bitch, Dazai is busy trying to outsmart two super smart bad guys; he doesn’t have time to also prop you up on your own damn feet. It gets so bad that even Kyouka becomes fed up and leaves him. It really says something that the majority of comments for the movie on CrunchyRoll are complaining about how whiny Atsushi is throughout the movie.
While some people are quick to defend Atsushi by pointing to his abusive childhood to excuse his behavior, it is worth noting, he is not the only character that has an abusive past and he is far from being the character who has suffered the most abuse, and that’s including the odd growth on the side of Dead Apple’s plot that is the inexplicable, unnecessary, and might I add, ridiculous connection that was made between him and Shibusawa at the last minute that only raised more questions than answers and created huge plot holes. Atsushi’s travel companions in Dead Apple, Kyouka and Akutagawa, both have their own history of being abused. Just to underline Akutagawa’s complaint that Atsushi has everything and manages to forsake it all, Akutagawa was abused by Dazai, whereas, Atsushi is saved, fawned over, and praised by Dazai seemingly only for the sake of further tormenting Akutagawa. This continues to contribute to making Atsushi a weak character that I find difficult to really like all that much or see as having anything more than a forced relevance to the plot.
Atsushi does have redeemable moments in his interactions with Kyouka and Lucy. With the aforementioned Dead Apple aside, Atsushi is often at his best when he is with Kyouka. She sees him as her savior, and it reflects in the way that he treats her, being seen that way helps to boost him from pitiful status to someone that may actually have potential as a hero. As for Lucy, because she has a similar life history as Atsushi (abused orphan with matching burn marks), he can’t get away with the same woe is me lines that he throws at every one else. She’s got the same kind of past and manages to stand on her own two feet, forcing him to also rise up to meet her. Both of these girls have tragic histories, but seek to lift themselves up from those histories and stand their own ground, which serves to lift Atsushi as well, unlike with other characters that only patronize, validate, or outright feed into his insecurities leaving me playing on my phone hoping his scenes end quickly. More interactions between Atsushi and Kyouka, Atsushi and Lucy, or all three together would be a welcome addition in Season 4. These babies build each other up, and it’s beautiful to see.
At the end of the day, Shiro and Atsushi are prime examples of the “perfectly innocent protagonist whose only flaw is their own self-doubt” and exemplify why this type of a character is always, ultimately a failure.  They’re bright eyed, they’re kind, without internal debate they always make the right choice, everyone is drawn to them because they are light and goodness, I guess, and even when they are clearly the weakest in a fight, they always come out on top without working towards bettering themselves in anyway beyond putting in some old-fashioned good guy gumption. This is so painstakingly evident in Atsushi, who receives zero training upon joining the ADA, and is expected to battle (and is successful) against exceedingly powerful bad guys on the regular. Contrast this against Akutagawa, who we see underwent harsh training from the Port Mafia, yet still manages to always lose in his battles against the untrained Atsushi. Proving yet again, that you don’t need hard work to become the best, when you got the power of good on your side. Self-doubt exhibited by these types of characters never rings true, because we see them always get their way, everything turns out fine for them in the end, they never encounter lasting consequences for their choices (at one point in BSD, Akutagawa mocks Atsushi that everyone around him dies, but we have yet to see anyone he cares about die – the only person’s death that we see him have to deal with is his Orphanage Director that was coming to visit him with flowers and probably apologize for being a jerk, and his struggle there is with whether he’s allowed to still hate the guy or not, I mean, come on), and everyone around them that matters respects and dotes on them even before them being shown to truly do anything that should earn that respect and affection. I still don’t fully understand what compelled Kuroh to swear loyalty to Shiro, if I’m being perfectly honest, when Shiro is a lay-about, coward and liar, that ditches his clan in the end to soul search in his airship. Though, I will note, Shiro does demonstrate this character type a mite less than Atsushi. He’s not often shown to come out on top in battles, he doesn’t actually engage in any physical battle himself (his fight with Nagare at the end of Missing Kings, not withstanding, because he’s really just blocking that whole time waiting for Kuroh to show up and do the heavy lifting), he typically needs to rely on the strength and intelligence of others, and is more often than not shown running away. Also, Shiro is never really put into a position where he needs to make any hard, moral choices which has its own drawbacks for a main character in a show where a lot of hard, gray moral choices are being made around him.
I have seen it commented in defense of these characters’ weaknesses that the main character of a shonen/seinen story are always weak. This is not true, and I will point to one of my all-time favorite characters from any anime, as example: Edward Elric of Fullmetal Alchemist (both versions of the anime). Ed is badass, he earns his name as Fullmetal, and he earns his title as the youngest State Alchemist. We see him earn it as we watch him and his brother, Alphonse’s journey to become stronger, yet he also makes mistakes. It is his own arrogance that kicks off the entire anime when, in the Elric brother’s attempt to bring their mother back to life using forbidden Alchemy, Ed loses his arm and then his leg to save his brother who has lost his entire body. Their journey to find the philosopher stone for Ed is entirely about restoring his brother, he doesn’t care about his own body and, in fact, views his missing limbs as his own deserved punishment for challenging God, and throughout we see how their moral failing in the past effects all of their choices going forward. We know why Ed makes the choices he does; it isn’t merely because he is the “perfectly innocent protagonist that exudes light and good”; it is because he has learned from his mistakes. His naivete is not shown as a benefit, but as something to overcome. Ed is always acting on his own motives, while the plot is being driven forward by other characters around him, he is not merely a victim of the plot or being dragged along by it, his own actions and goals also help to forward the story and eventually brings him in direct conflict with the big bad. He struggles under the weight of the choices he’s made, he bears the burden of those he couldn’t save, he doesn’t leave the heavy lifting of gray moral decisions to the other characters, he’s seen to struggle and even lose in the anime, and in those instances, we watch him work to better himself so that he can come back stronger. We know where his power comes from – he trained and studied for it; it was never handed to him. Throughout the anime he is shown to literally and figuratively grow and develop into a powerful hero that we can believe is capable of overcoming our main antagonist, Father, in the end, but not without losses and struggle. This is a protagonist done right. Compared against Ed, the failings of both Shiro and Atsushi is glaring.
That is all I have to say about those two. Next up will be the Black Dog of the Silver Clan versus the Black Dog of Port Mafia.
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happythexceed · 6 years
Summary of K SEVEN STORIES  “The Idol K”
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I had compiled all 6 episodes of roughly 4 minutes of content (2 minutes for the ED song). 4 minutes x 6 episodes = 24 minutes = 1 anime episode. 
Spoilers ahead. Sorry for any discrepancy (sequence and details etc). I tried to put in whatever I remembered I watched once and I’m not so good in remembering details.  Some of the sub feels a bit vague.
The setting was the same as K Project except that the characters are idols under Kokujouji Daikaku’s jurisdiction. The Silver Record was having a meeting about rice. Shiro decided to organise a charity event. Kuroh reminded him that they knew nothing about rice and agriculture and THEY ARE IDOLS. They are not suppose to deal with that. Shiro responded with “can’t they do that?” much to Kuroh’s dismay. Worse still, it was not kept among the Silver Record. Shiro wanted to involve the other entertainment companies much to Kuroh’s horror. Shiro would approach HOMRA Entertainment first and Kuroh warned him it would be very difficult to get them to agree to collaborate with them considering their passion. Neko claimed to be close with Anna (she would be easier to talk to). Kuroh highlighted that Anna and Totsuka Tatara were exception but it would be difficult to get the other HOMRA idols such as the one who just returned from America and that he is a walking furnace (hottest looking with his hair down) and an idol who was calculative (can’t remember the actual word used to describe Kusanagi).
But still since Shiro had decided, Kuroh would lend him a land and the scene ended with the three of them leaving for HOMRA.
The Silver Trio headed to Bar HOMRA to talk them into joining them in their charity effort. Neko was as usual excited to see Anna. Mikoto is sleeping as usual (he is the hottest looking man in the room. Girls in cinema swoon over him when the scene was zoomed into his sleeping face). Totsuka was practicing his guitar. (This was the first time Shiro met Totsuka in person).
Kusanagi has received an email from Shiro about the collaboration. In terms of profit is a NO especially with Tatara and Anna commanding a fees of 100 million yens! Shiro showed his sincerity by paying them with… hmm… onigiri!! Well, Kusanagi was probably going to reject them BUT… in the nick of time someone commented that it tasted good. The sleeping boss had accepted the payment. He ate the onigiri. Totsuka and Anna followed suit as they were hungry after practicing so hard. Kusanagi sighed in defeat knowing that Shiro had used their weaknesses to his advantage. He would have rejected outright if he came with an air as the Boss of Silver Record. Since things come to this, they might as well do them this favour.
With that the silver trio would be heading to Promotion Scepter 4 next. They knew they would be a harder nut to crack but still they are going anyway.
Awashima, Doumyouji and Hidaka were rehearsing a play. This is where the chibi characters were presented as a flat piece of paper as they turned their bodies. In the script, Awashima was torn between choosing Doumyouji or Hidaka as her “love” partner when the Silver Trio paid their visit.
Neko was able to parrot Awashima’s dialogue. It was said that their Captain was out and asked them to rehearse till he comes back. It was their culture to call their boss as “Captain”. Awashima had read their email and noted that Shiro wanted them to collaborate for a “rice” charity event. She was sorry that she had to reject as Shiro presented the origiri as the payment to them when Munakata stepped in. He accepted the offer immediately much to everybody’s dismay. Munakata explained that Isana-shi (he addressed him that way) had the benefits stated clearly in his email to them and why they should help. Kuroh then realised Shiro used different ways to deal with different company: Homra Entertainment with “feeling” and Promotion Scepter 4 with logic. Next, Shiro is going to Jungle Pro which doesn’t work with “feeling” and “logic”. Even so, Shiro was not going to leave them out (acknowledging their ability).
Hisui, Sukuna, Iwa and Yukari were debating whether Isana Yashiro will drop by to visit them. Only Hisui feels that he would come. Hisui feels troubled. Because he feels that Isana Yashiro and himself are birds of a feather. Indeed, The Silver Trio came to their underground hideout.
Shiro came to talk them into joining them for the rice charity event. They discussed why JUNGLE chose to operate underground. They disagreed that only certain chosen people can become idols and Hisui had a dream to give all people a chance to become idols. Yukari claimed that he could shine better with JUNGLE and mentioned about Ichigen which pissed Kuroh off as he had no right to talk about Ichigen-sama. Kuroh decided he would follow Shiro’s teaching. Iwa noted that Shiro was retrospective person. They talked some things in the past with Kokujouji Daikaku and it’s a high level conversation. Hisui would like to shoot a music video with Ameno Miyabi as he finds her similar and Neko would only follow Shiro and no one else.
Shiro presented his onigiri and Hisui stared at them for some time. He would agree to help if JUNGLE is able to get undivided attention and Shiro agreed to it. Hence JUNGLE joined them in for the event.
The Silver Trio is done with the the three entertainment companies and Shiro decided to pay a visit to the most popular duo in the industry next, Fushimi Saruhiko and Yata Misaki.
PS: Out of the 4, Iwa as the Grey King, had a different uniform.
The Silver Record Trio headed to the school island to pay the duo a visit. Kuroh wondered why they need to pay them a visit when their entertainment companies had agreed to help them. Shiro mentioned they were just going to tell them to “Please support them”. The school island had the sceneries suitable for filming.
The duo were filming special effect for a kid show where one is an ally of justice and the other is a devil who kills all people. Yeah, Yata is a hero and he gets a cape on screen on The Idol K finally. The two of them had a healthy rivalry relationship Shiro hoped Kuroh can have with Yukari.
Yata and Fushimi should have been over (the betrayal) as Yata is talking to Fushimi and getting along very well with him. During their break, Fushimi was grumbling about how lousy the script is written and Yata said he enjoyed it. Shiro greeted them and hope to get their support. They had both heard from their company about the charity event. Yata had no complaint if Kusanagi had agreed. Fushimi will just do his job.
Shiro presented them with the onigiri as the reward. Fushimi stared at it and Shiro replied that there’s only salt as filling. Yata teased that Shiro have even make the effort to research on Fushimi’s preference. They are going to have a wonderful performance.
It is finally the day of the rice charity event and everybody gather at Hirasaka Building. Shiro is looking up to the sky. Kuroh and Neko came to the rooftop to search for him. They can’t start without him.
Kuroh talked to Shiro as initially he thought Shiro came up with this in a whim but he realized that he had carefully planned for this. His intention is more than just having the charity event. Despite being similar to Hisui Nagare, they are very different altogether. While Hisui will like to let everyone become an idol, Shiro only asked each of them for just one little something which is to put a smile on others’ faces. The idols are only restricted to the work by their individual company. By gathering all entertainment companies together, not just pleases all the fans, it makes the idols happy too.
Yata is seen fired up. Mikoto have not felt excitement for a very long time glancing at Munakata’s direction. Munakata is getting his members ready. Awashima declared that they will not lose, Fushimi will do what he do as usual. Sukuna decided he would not lose out.
Back to the Silver Trio, Kuroh noted Shiro had been carrying the origiri all the time and wondered if he had not finished distributing them. Nope he had carefully counted and there are onlt three left. As the event is going to take a long time, they are to eat up so they will have the energy till the end of the event.
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izanagi-zenso-blog · 7 years
LIGHT Novel!!!! by the wannabe author
World Blessed With Sorcery and Arcana’s
Volume 1: Life within the Boundaries?!?
Long ass Prologue.
Chapter 1:  The 11th Count!? = Soon
Chapter 1.5: Final Count and Fresh start!! = With Chapter 1
Info: no exact info yet but i will think of it..
The Unknown Tragedy.
Kid walking in a distance, The name is Shin Akiyama. A Brave but stubborn boy. born with the power of a unknown deity,
[Shin: Hmm…. I Wonder what will happen today… oh yeah. Akane has something to show me..]
As he walks in the streets, where villagers lived, He encountered a Girl, an Innocent girl that he trusted for 3 years, Her name is Momo. A Girl so Pure and Kind-hearted.
[Shin: Hey Momo, What’s up]
[Momo: Just Hanging around, can i tag along or something?]
[Shin: Sure.]
[Momo: So.. where are we going?]
[Shin: There!]
Shin pointed a nearby hill, that is covered with trees, Villager’s know that the hill shin’s pointing at. is the hill where the Great White Mage died just to save the world..
[Momo: You’re kidding right?]
[Shin: Nope.]
[Momo: Since you’re not kidding, I guess we’ll go up there]
They started to walk to the direction where the hill was.. They talk about some stuff and showed each other’s new magic spells.. and they arrived at the foot of the hill..
[Momo: Woah.. This Hill is so big, and it’s covered with trees like i don’t know]
[Shin: Momo, Chill. It’s only the beginning of the adventure you know?]
[Momo: Sorry man..]
They started to climb the hill. First of all, they go inside the forest filled with hybrid non hostile creatures.. and they started to talk again..
[Momo: Shin.. What are we supposed to do in the top?]
[Shin: Akane’s waiting for me]
[Momo: Oh.. okay, wait how did she get there]
[Shin: I don’t know]
Then they finally climbed the hill.. The Top doesn’t look like some destroyed land but What they saw is filled of Honey Plumed Orchids. an Hybrid Flower due to the old incident. then they saw Akane. sitting and smelling the orchids. sounds like she’s having fun just by smelling the orchids.. 
[Shin: Akane!!]
then he waves
Despite the fact that Akane pretended to hear Shin just to continue smelling the Orchids.. She actually waved too.. Shin Started to run to encounter akane close by.
[Shin: *pant* Akane.. Where’s the suprise?]
[Akane: I never imagined how you will come here. so yeah. as promised here is the reward, better be suprised sweety,]
Then Shin smiled at Akane and waited to see the suprise.. Akane chanted a spell that Shin will regret..
I Beseech thee Creation and Death, Convert thy strength to thy power. Thy Fool would never stand thy strength, AME-NO-MIHASHIRA, IZANAMI-NO-MIKOTO.
Akane showed something horrible that could kill anything..
[Shin: What?]
[Momo: Shin, run now!]
[Shin: Where?]
[Momo: Somewhere safe]
Then Akane Chanted another spell.
I Beseech thee, The Spear of Heaven’s, Slay thy Corrupted Sorrows, Unleash thy form! Ame-no-nuboko!
Then a Spear Appeared
[Momo: Shin! RUN!!]
[Shin: No.. I will handle this]
[Momo: Don’t play dumb Shin]
[Shin: Please, just this once]
[Momo: Okay.. Please be safe!]
[Shin: I will]
Momo ran to a place where she will be safe during the fight.
Shin raised his arm and said,
Then a card appeared in his hand 
[Shin: Akane, I don’t want to do this but. you’ve messed with the wrong person]
[Akane: Is it because you have an Tarot Card to defeat me?] 
 [Shin: No, I will subordinate this card to be fair to you. I promise that i will never used an arcana to fight you]
Shin Chanted a 12 line spell.
“Life and Death, Good and Evil, Beginning and The End, Gods and Goddesses watching over the heavens”
Akane Throwed a Spear directly at Shin
Chrono Spasia!
Shin Deflected the Spear with a clock like shield..
[Akane: Tch!]
“Seeker’s beseech thy power of thy deities, nor life will end, nor death will come, Devastate thy evil presence of thy side”
[Akane: Rain upon them, Rulai!]
Akane summoned a barrage of poison arrows, Good thing Shin didn’t deactivated his shield.
“Protect me o Gods, I beseech thee power of the fallen, Over thy world i summoned, Nothing will hold thy back”
Conquer thy battlefield, Izanagi-no-mikoto!
Then his normal form turned into a deity which is the former husband of the deity Akane used, 
[Akane: That’s ridiculous, 12 line deity spell, That’s would be weak] 
 [Shin: Let’s just see] 
 Shin Chanted a spell,
“I beseech thee, Totsuka-no-Tsurugi” 
Blade appeared out of ashes.. 
[Akane: so.. you want to play it like that huh?] 
[Shin: yea.. I’m gonna finish this now.] 
They clashed until the hill was devastated, Shin was left tired. Akane, still in good shape. 
[Akane: Just give up, Shin!] 
he pointed his hand at Akane, Shin chanted quietly to ambush Akane, 
“I beseech thee, God’s Anger, upon the world driven by darkness, Divine Fire!”
 Then a fireball came out of his hand, and the fire scattered, It hit Akane and she fell down burning, but she recovered quickly
 [Akane: You’ll pay for this] 
 Then Akane immediately chanted a spell, 
 “I beseech, Sagittarius, Pierce thy evil within a blink of an eye, Sagittarius’ Destiny!” 
Then Portals appeared, and shoots countless arrows directly on Shin 
[Momo: SHIN!!]
Then Shin whispered Momo,
[Shin: What a time to live..]
[Momo: Don't give up on me Shin!]
Momo chanted a 2 line support spell, strong enough to deflect the arrows,
"I call upon the Shield of Perseus, Use thy force to protect upon the wickedness snares, AEGIS!"
Then Perseus appeared out of nowhere to protect Shin,
Then Momo chanted another spell to heal Shin,
"I beseech thy power of Asclepius, Heal those who are sick, ASCLEPIUS' MERCY!"
Then a God (Asclepius) Appeared to heal Shin,
[Shin: Thank you Momo,]
[Momo: *pants* You’re welcome, finish this once and for all]
[Shin: Okay!]
Shin Chanted another spell to stop this madness,
"I call upon the weapons of Gods and Goddesses, Rain upon the unmerciful, I beseech thee!"
"Deities Rain!"
Then a Magic Circle appeared within the area, 
Shin and Momo are shielded due to Allies’ Blessing, Then the Magic Circle starts to drop weapons of Gods and Goddesses, It hit Akane a couple times but still left unwounded, 
[Akane: Still no effect, what a waste of mana, seems like your mana will run out, I think i should leave..] 
Then Akane blink to some place,
[Momo: Shin are you okay?]
[Shin: *pants* I’m okay, *coughs blood]
[Momo: Shin! return to your normal form right now, you’re coughing blood]
[Shin: Don’t worry, I’m still in good shape *coughs blood again*]
[Momo: Shin! Please!]
[Shin: Okay-okay,]
Shin regains his normal form, but his body is filled with wounds,
[Momo: Oh God! Shin, you’re bleeding like crazy!]
[Shin: Heh, That’s what they call Scar’s of the Triumphant, Heh ]
Shin pass out.leaving him bleeding eternally.
[Momo: Shin! Don’t you dare give up on me, Shin!, Shin! God i need help,]
God please bring me the help i need!
After Momo saying that, Momo cried, afterwards a Portal appeared out of nowhere next to them,
[??: God, Son wake up!]
the mysterious man checks his pulse,
[??: He’s still in good shape]
[Momo: Huh?!]
[??: Momo-chan bring him to his mother right now!]
[Momo: Who are yo-]
[??: There’s no time, use a teleport spell right now!]
[Momo: Okay..]
Aria, Bring me a way to seek freedom, Teleport!
In a blink of an eye, they arrived at Shin’s house, 
Momo ran towards the door and knocked, Shin is now conscious and tries to speak,  but Momo can’t hear him, one more try he does, he called Momo.
[Shin: Momo! *coughs blood*]
Momo ran to Shin and Grabs his hands
[Momo: Shin! Everything’s going to be fine,]
Momo cried,
[Shin: Momo, I-i want you to do m-e a fa-favor.]
[Momo: Say anything you like. but promise me everythings going to be fine and we’ll hangout when you’re fine]
[Shin: O-o-okay, I w-want you-u to wa-ait 12 ye-ears,]
[Momo: 12 years?]
[Shin: In 12 year-s, We-e *coughs blood* will go to the-e sa-same university, we would study there wi-wi-without harm from anybody,]
[Momo: Yes....]
[Shin: I-i-i’ll be a shut in for 12 ye-ye-years, before the 12 year count is a-a-about to be finish, tell the others, w-w-what Akane done to me]
[Momo: Yes!]
[Shin: Fulfill contract?]
Shin lifted his arm and stick his pinky out,
[Momo: Fulfill Contract,]
Then Momo grabs his pinky with her pinky.
Door opening,
[Shin’s Mom: Oh God, Shin! What happened to him!]
[Momo: We got attacked by someone]
[Shin’s Mom: Help me bring him in, His Dad is preparing something important]
[Momo: Okay..]
Momo and Shin’s Mom lifted Shin and putted him in a bed, His Mother healed him and putted some bandages and rested for a bit, on the other hand, Momo discussed what happened,
[Shin’s Mom: I see, so that Akane girl did this to my son]
[Momo: Yeah, It was a terrible incident]
[Shin’s Mom: How could’ve have ever thank you, Momo, Without you my son would be probably dead by now. I will never forgive that girl,]
[Momo: well, I have one more thing to tell you ma’am]
[Shin’s Mom: Yes??]
[Momo: Shin gave me a favor, that in 12 year’s, Me, Shin and the Others would go to the same university,]
[Shin’s Mom: Really? I would probably make that favor a wish, cause i’m a director at the nearby University. tell me more about his favor]
[Momo: Well, in the 11th year, I’ll tell the others about what happened to him, he wanted it i guess, clearly I can’t see any suspicion about that but yeah, I approved]
[Shin’s Mom: If that’s what he wanted then, Oh dear, I guess i should prepare dinner now. Want to stay till dinner?]
[Momo: If my mom wouldn’t mind to stay]
[Shin’s Mom: Shin’s Dad called you’re mom, She approved]
[Momo: Okay. I hope that you don’t mind having me around ma’am]
[Shin’s Mom: Oh Momo, Of course i wouldn’t mind, you’re the perfect girl for my son you know and cute too]
Momo flustered
[Momo: You’re embarrasing me]
[Shin’s Mom: Even that makes you even more cuter]
Momo flustered, Then Shin wakes up,
[Shin: *gasp!*]
[Momo: Shin! are you okay?]
[Shin: I’m fine, still in good shape]
[Momo: Thank god]
[Shin: so the favor.]
[Momo: Yeah. I promised to fulfill the wish you’ve wanted]
[Shin: hm.. okay.]
[Shin’s Mom: Dinner’s Ready,] 
Then She saw Shin awake,
[Oh god Shin! You’ve wouldn’t survived if it’s wasn’t for my future daughter in law]
[Momo: What!?]
Momo is now a rose that’s about to bloom
[Shin’s Mom: Oh, Momo, You know i was just teasing you]
[Momo: Oh, okay.]
[Shin’s Mom: Tonight we’ll be having Grilled Perfect Lamb Chops]
[Shin: Let’s go Momo]
[Momo: Let’s go]
Momo smiled then they went to the table to eat Dinner, afterwards they said their last goodbye for 12 years, Momo went back home guarded by Shin’s Mom, and Shin went to his room and locked the door
So, i just noticed that there is a lot of problems within the prologue, so i thought.. wtf the girls don’t act girly enough so i fixed it and i probably gonna separate the 11th count and the final count cuz i want to, \(#w#)/ so basically i want to thank you for reading this hell of a novel, despite the fact my back hurts, but i would survive through this volume then i’ll put another volume in 2 weeks after. Thank you so much for reading this, I Appreciate it :)
Pm me if there’s any wrong grammar and stuff, 
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evvazi · 8 years
K Fantasy AU
I’ve been thinking about this one for a while now, but since I’m probably never gonna write it, I just thought I’d share some hcs with you guys~
Basic premise stuff:
there’s two super powerful magic objects located in the same mountain that control the flow of the magic in the surrounding area, a crystal hidden deep in the caves under the mountain and a flame burning on top of it
each has a people to protect it who they give magic powers to, obviously Scepter 4 and Homra respectively
for Homra powers, you put your hand into the flame when you’re twelve if you dare to and then you get your own specialized fire (like Mikoto’s makes things burn way more easily than usual fire would, Totsuka’ is weak but can take all sorts of shapes etc.) and a nice tattoo, if you prove a worthy and capable warrior you’re allowed to put your hand in again next year, your powers get stronger and you get more tattooes
also once you have the powers you can always feel the direction the flame is in like a compass that’s calling you home
for Scepter 4 powers, you just touch the crystal once (though you have to find your way through a maze first), and then you have to learn how to properly use it, technically you can do almost anything with it that doesn’t involve creating something out of nothingness
once every hundred years, the spirits of the artifacts (Kuroh and Neko) leave them so they can adjust their powers to the changes in the environments, which leaves them defenseless and their protectors powerless, 12 hours each, Homra during the day and Scepter 4 at night
so while they usually don’t interact, it’s tradition they protect each other during those times
but there’s a third artifact a little further away (and probably more but nobody cares), it’s a giant tree, and it goes through its cycle a little earlier, and spirit Shiro is a bit too talkative and tells Nagare when the other two are due, so he plans to attack, destroy Homra’s flame and then take Scepter 4′s crystal for himself so everyone can become a magic user or something instead of having it be limited to the people born into the clans protecting the artifacts
-->Homra and Scepter 4 gotta fight together despite all their differences, yay~
Sarumi stuff:
Fushimi wasn’t born into either clan, Niki just thought it’d be fun to abandon his monkey in the woods and see if he can find the way home (he’s like 8, maybe)
instead Fushimi walks straight into the opposite direction
he meets kid Yata at the bottom of the mountain, he went exploring on his own again even tho he’s not supposed to, everyone is surprised when he brings back a human, but they take him in anyway seeing as he has nowhere else to go
it’s a really cool mountain with lots of canyons and steep walls and spiky rocks and Homra just built a few wooden structures where they had to, some look very unstable and there’s no rails anywhere, Fushimi has a very hard time getting used to that, meanwhile Yata just runs and jumps anywhere without a care in the world but he never falls
they reach into the flame together when they’re 12 and get their tattoes in the same place, but Fushimi gets flames that can cut things like knives would, while Yata gets the same powers as Mikoto
which he is very happy about, village chief Mikoto is their strongest warrior with tattoes all over his body and Yata idolizes him, Fushimi is of course jealous
it gets worse when it turns out Yata can handle the flames super well and will probably be allowed to receive more power right next year, while Fushimi is struggling with his, he can use them fine, but if he tries to make them too strong he gets scared (due to Niki always burning his shit)
Fushimi isolates himself a lot over the next year while Yata makes friends with all the other warriors, and Fushimi really feels like he never belonged here at all
soon after that second ceremony, Munakata becomes new chief and goes to introduce himself to Homra as per the custom, Fushimi is very intrigued by him and his magic that can do more than just destroy and leaves with him, of course breaking things off with Yata as badly as he can
they only meet again years later when Homra and S4 gotta work together and protect each other, Fushimi is suddenly seen as very valuable because he can fight both day and night and also he’s super skilled with the crystal’s magic
he totally exhausts himself tho, fighting all through the Jungle attack and Yata has to come save him
they’ve both grown a lot so they can make up, and it’s just in their favour that everyone decides that Homra and Scepter 4 should be permanent allies and trade stuff so they can see each other more often and properly fall in love
Other stuff:
all the alphabet boys get to work as the guards of their respective clans
Bandou has really flashy fire that does absolutely nothing
Munakata’s most powerful magic turns people into puzzles and if you get hit even lightly afterwards you just fall apart, so people are pretty scared of him
Doumyoji uses his crystal powers to make fire, which is admittedly helpful in dark caves but it annoys Fushimi nonetheless
Neko jumps out of the flame completely naked and gives Yata the shock of his life
Awashima and Kusanagi totally hit it off too during the attack and annoy everyone with their constant flirting
Totsuka dies at the beginning of the Jungle attack because of course he does
Mikoto dies because he wants to kill Nagare himself and uses up all of his magic power in one burst so he can make it before sunrise, where Munakata would get his powers back and come help him
Anna gets to be next chief, because she was connected to the flame from birth and she has the coolest fire wings
Kusuhara dies too because he jumped in front of an attack directed at Munakata right before they get their powers back
Anyone feel free to come talk to me about this or add your own ideas! ^-^
17 notes · View notes
rose-and-the-crow · 7 years
Momorial of a life time. (Everyone Exept Allisan and Tatara but they come in spirit later.) MERRY CHIRSTMAS BTB
Yata had been dreading this day since the day they both happened. The deaths of Tatara Totsuka and Allisan Sheer where to much for him to take in and too much to handle even now that another year had past for both incidents. Both at midnight on December 8th. Anna’s birthday no frigging doubt. Could things get any worse? Two years had passed for Tatara already and only one for Alli. Their memories still burned in the back of his mind though. The laughing and then the light hearted teasing and flirting that would go on between Yata and Alli.
Yata couldn’t help but feel a pang of sadness as he stood up on a chair and tried to  dust the rafters in the bar. He wanted everyone to be there.... this was a huge deal. Anna was turning 10. She was coming out of the single digits and into the double. Allisan and Totsuka had talked about wanting to be there when it happened.
Yata was so focused on that and he wasn’t focused on how far the chair was leaning over that he toppled and fell with a harsh bang.
“Ouch.“ he seethed with no emotion at all as he looked up to the rafter and sighed.
“Thinkin‘ about Rose again, huh?” Kusanagi asked him and he quickly turned and blushed. Yata only nodded and sighed. He hadn’t really talked to anyone since Allisan died and it had started when Totsuka died. 
“They wouldn’t want us to be sad now. Red said so herself one day. She didn’t want us to mourn for to long or else she would be pissed.” Kusanagi reminded him.
“Seems that she stole those words from Totsuka too.” Shohei said as he stood up from his stool in the bar.
Allisan watched everyone in the bar as they got ready for the day. She felt someone else come up beside her and she looked to find that it was Tatara.
“I wish we could show them that we where ok somehow.” she said to him as she shook her head and looked out into the bar again and her eyes set on the Wild Crow himself.
“I feel the same way. We have to remember that these things happen for a reason. We can’t get involved.” Totsuka reminded her.
Alli sighed in disgust at the situation but didn’t say anything else.
Yata stiffened a little as he felt the air around him change, as if something was watching him. He couldn’t explain it but he didn’t want to say anything either and sound weird.
Alli was aware that she could be making him feel weird but she didn’t care. She still very deeply wanted to make sure that they knew she was ok some how.
"Totsuka.... what if we came to them all in dreams somehow and told them that way?" She asked as she looked at him with bright eyes.
Totsuka only looked at her in annoyance, something he never did to anyone. “That’s crazy!” he told her as he shook his head and turned away.
“Kusanagi and the others would like it better if we did that. Even Yata.” Allisan told him.
“You know that’s nuts, Alli. It’s been too long now for both of us anyway.”
“It’s never to long.” Allisan said firmly as she held him back and forced Totsuka to look at her.
Totsuka couldn’t turn down The Rose of Homra but he knew what would happen if they showed up in everyone's dreams. The people left wouldn’t let it go and they would want to start seeming the two of them on a regular basis.
“I’m sorry, Alli. But my answer is no.” Totsuka told her as he turned away and pulled away from her.
“At least I care more for them than you do.” Allisan accused him and that caused Totsuka to snap, and not in a good way.
“Don’t you DARE tell me that I don’t care for them. I’m only keeping them safe like I would have any other time.” Totsuka told her, staring down at her due to difference in height.
Yata shivered as the air tightened around him. Was he getting sick? Was the thermostat broken? What was going on?
“Hey, Kusanagi? You want to make sure the thermostat isn’t broken?” he  asked as he looked at the bartender.
“I had it looked at this morning. I don’t think anything’s wrong.” the young bartender told him. “Are you sure you’re feeling alright, Yata?” Kusanagi asked.
Yata only made a face of confusion but he shook his head. He needed to snap out of this before he went nuts.
“I’m gunna try it and you can come if you want to.” Allisan said as she turned away from Totsuka.
“You try it and things are not going to be easy for you from there on out” Totsuka warned.
Allisan only stared at him and shook her head. “You sound like you speak from experience.” she told him.
"Only because I have tried it before and I don't want you to get hurt mentally because of it." Tatara turned around and snapped at her, his eyes flaring as he grabbed the girls arms with his own. Alli could only stare at him. She had never seen this side of him before.
“And.... you never came to me? After all of it I was what? The least of your concern?” Alli asked as she glared at him.
“I knew that your heart wouldn’t be able to handle it, let alone your emotions.” Totsuka told her. “I was only looking out for you.”
“By keeping me in the dark?” Allisan demanded as her blazing eyes searched his.
The two only stared at each other for a moment before Totsuka turned away again.
“Hey... Kusanagi.... I think I’m gunna go lay down for a while.” Yata said as he braced himself on the bar.
“Alright. Hey, don’t barf on the bar.” he said. Yata only snickered as he turned away from the bar to go up stairs to his room to hopefully nap this off.
Allisan saw her chance and she was going to seize it. Following Yata up to his room she waited patiently for him to fall asleep and slipped into his slumber.
Yata could only stare at the white around him as it then faded to black.
“Homra’s own Crow is sick?!” A familiar voice rang in his ears and he was quick to turn and find Allisan standing there.
“Rose-!” he exclaimed and he had a quick thought. “Is Totsuka with you?” he asked.
“I’m afraid not. I had asked him if he wanted to come but then we got into an argument about what it would do to all of you if I came to you in your dreams.”
“Sounds like him though.” Yata told her.
That caused the red head girl, to snicker and smile at him.
“How have you two been?” Yata then asked.
Allisan sighed as she looked at him and her face fell. “That’s what I have come to talk to you about. Your worrying about us is killing you, Yata. You need to stop. Totsuka and I are fine.” she told him.
“How can I do th-”
“Let go, Yata. You don’t have to worry about us.” Allisan told him with a soft shake of her sweet head, her hair gently swishing her face.
“You two aren’t supposed to be gone just yet. You two had such a full life ahead of you still.” Yata told her.
“I know.” Allisan said firmly as she  looked at him, her eyes somehow boaring into him. Yata had never been so scared of her as he was now.
“I think that hanging out with Tatara and I has rubbed off on you too much.” she said quietly.
“I want you back, Red. All of us do, even little Anna.” Yata told her quietly.
“Tell them what I told you then.” Alli told him. “Tell them that their Wild Rose is keeping an eye on them from above.”
“That’s what I told them when you died, Rose. They won’t fall for it again.”
“You fell for it again already, admit it.” Allisan pressed.
Yata opened his mouth to protest but soon closed it again as he realized there was no arguing with her.
0 notes
ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
Title: Lovely, Dark and Warm (12/15)
Fandom: K Project
External: AO3
Pairings: Sarumi
Ratings/Warnings: M
Summary: Totsuka Tatara was dead, Homra was certain of that. But rumors persisted, that he had been seen wandering the alleys of Shizume, with blood on his shirt and a mouth hanging open.
In retrospect, that was how every zombie apocalypse started, after all.
Notes: It’s just cliffhangers all the way out from here :D
Akiyama couldn’t help the feeling of hopelessness that washed over him as he watched Munakata approach.
“Sir!” He saluted and then wavered, not sure what to say. Benzai had radioed ahead and explained the situation to Awashima, and Akiyama was certain Munakata already knew.
“Where is he?” Munakata gestured at him to relax and Akiyama felt a strange sense of calm come over him. It was true that things were looking bad, but if anyone could solve this it would be the Blue King.
“In a holding cell near the north exit.” They’d returned using that route precisely for that reason, because it was the only one with direct access to a cell. “Hidaka is with him.”
“I see. Well done, returning so quickly. I will handle things from here.” Munakata put a hand on his shoulder and Akiyama gave a shaky nod in response.
Munakata made his way through the corridors of the underground hideout towards the exit door Akiyama had indicated. Their current office space was rather cruder than the one they had been forced to retreat from but it had its benefits as well, including the addition of various places where one could secure an enemy captive if need be.
An enemy captive, or an infected ally.
Hidaka was standing outside the door to the holding cell, as Akiyama had said. He was pacing back and forth, clearly agitated, but he still managed a messy salute as Munakata approached.
“What is the current situation?” Ideally he would have liked to say a few words to calm Hidaka down first but Munakata was keenly aware of what little time they had.
“He won’t say anything except that he’s fine.” Hidaka stepped nervously from side to side, and his face was pale. “Sir…”
“You may take a break, Hidaka-kun. I will handle this.”
“But—“ Hidaka’s face was wretched, glancing towards Munakata’s sword without even meaning to, and Munakata gave him a confident smile that he didn’t entirely feel.
“Return to your duties for now, Hidaka-kun. We will both be there shortly.”
That ‘both’ seemed to bolster his mood enough that Hidaka nodded and took his leave. Munakata watched until he was out of sight and then unlocked the door and stepped inside.
The ‘holding cell’ was more like a small office, with four bland walls and a small table and chair in the middle of the room. A figure was hunched on the cot near the back wall, and there was a trail of blood along the floor.
Fushimi looked up as Munakata approached, his face grim. One hand held onto his other arm, which was a mess of blood-soaked bandages.
“Captain.” There was a death’s head grin on Fushimi’s face that made Munakata scowl. “So you’re going to do it after all? I told Akiyama not to bother bringing me here.”
“I am unsure of your meaning,” Munakata said coolly, sitting down beside him. Fushimi seemed surprised by that and shifted as if to move away. Munakata reached out and grasped Fushimi’s injured arm, undoing the bandages. Fushimi’s entire arm was shaking but Munakata’s hands remained steady.
“Don’t be an idiot.” Fushimi spat out the words. “I’ve been bitten, Captain. We both know what that means.”
“And yet you made it here. Curious.” There was a slight blue glow underneath the bandages and Munakata found himself smiling despite the gravity of the situation. It was good that Akiyama was fastidious about following orders, even ones he didn’t understand.
“It doesn’t matter. Once you’ve been bitten, that’s it, right? Just kill me and make it quick, Captain.” There was acid in his words but Munakata could hear the slightest shake underneath. He pressed a hand to the jagged edges of the bite wound and looked up to meet Fushimi’s eyes, trying to keep his attention.
“Have I mentioned it to you at all yet, Fushimi-kun, this theory of mine regarding the undead outbreak?”
“I don’t think this is the time,” Fushimi said coldly and Munakata laughed.
“Indulge me. You are aware at least, I imagine, that I consider this likely the work of the Colorless King.”
“That’s obvious,” Fushimi snorted. His eyes were slightly dilated and Munakata kept his hand over the wound.
“Additionally, the Dresden Slate has been acting oddly ever since that night the Silver King’s airship crashed into Mihashira Tower. I expect even Suoh was able to feel that much. That feeling has only grown stronger over time. As a King, I am at all times at least somewhat connected to the Slate and its power. Therefore I feel such changes more keenly than perhaps a normal clansman would.”
“Do you have a point, Captain?” Fushimi asked wryly.
“Of course. My theory is that this plague of the undead — ‘zombies,’ as I believe Doumyouji-kun calls them — is indeed akin to something of a virus. We do not know what power this Colorless King holds, as the Colorless King is always a joker amongst Kings, and his power changes with each King who holds that throne. It is possible then that the power of this Colorless King may include some ability to ‘spread’ and ‘overcome.’ A virus, as I said. Something which, when it enters a body that is dead, can take over that body and make it move as if alive again. And which, when allowed to enter the body of one who is living, can control that body, perhaps even to the extent of physically choosing to stop the heart of the one who has been infected.”
“Am I supposed to clap now?” Fushimi’s voice was dry and Munakata grinned. His subordinate was certainly feeling better if he had strength enough to make such a comment.
“I have not completed my explanation, so if you could hold off on that, Fushimi-kun.” Munakata’s hands were glowing blue brightly now and Fushimi’s eyes were drawn to the light. “In that case, what if something were to act as, shall we say, an antiviral? Something which could block the portion of this foreign King’s power, and keep it from exerting its control? There.”
“Captain…” Munakata removed his hands and Fushimi stared down at his arm. Blue power ringed the wound.
“How does it feel?” Munakata asked quietly.
“….Better. Still…there. But breathing is…easier.” Fushimi sounded skeptical, even as he experimentally moved his arm up and down.
“Then we shall see what we shall see.” Munakata gave a little flourish with the bandages as he re-wrapped the wound. “For now, Fushimi-kun, return to your quarters and take a rest. I will debrief the rest of your mission afterward.”
He stood and motioned for Fushimi to do the same, but Fushimi remained sitting.
“Is this a good idea, Captain? You don’t know if this will work.”
“Let us say…I am willing to chance it.”
Fushimi went silent at that. Munakata moved toward the door anyway, giving him time to process what had happened.
“Captain.” Fushimi’s voice made him pause at the door and look back. “You think this is because of a King’s power, right?”
“That is correct.” Perhaps more than one, but he didn’t intend to share that yet, when his theory was still so unproven.
“Then what do you think would happen, if a King was bitten? Could they withstand it?”
Munakata found himself momentarily taken aback by those words and immediately he found himself thinking of red light seen far off through the haze that surrounded the upper windows of Mihashira Tower, and the Red throne which remained filled still even though Suoh Mikoto had been missing for months now. Munakata shook his head and then smiled thinly, reaching for the door. His reply was soft but floated back to Fushimi nonetheless.
Rain poured down from the dark sky as a cluster of figures approached the glowing tower.
“Ma’am…is it all right?” Hidaka looked nervously towards Lieutenant Awashima as she brushed her rain-soaked bangs away from her eyes. “We can’t see very well in this rain.”
“It’s fine,” Awashima said, her eyes not leaving the building. “They won’t be able to see us as well either. This will be to our advantage.”
“Couldn’t have planned it better yourself, huh, Seri-chan?” Beside her, Kusanagi took a long drag of his cigarette. Awashima raised an eyebrow at him.
“Are you sure you can handle this?”
“My leg’s feeling well enough now, thanks to your tender care,” Kusanagi said smoothly. Awashima glared and placed a warning hand on her saber. “Anyway, we couldn’t sit this out. Our King’s involved in this too.” He exchanged a cool nod with Kamamoto, who was standing behind them, his white clothes standing out like a sore thumb in the middle of the sea of blue uniforms. Behind them were more figures in casual clothing, holding baseball bats and golf clubs, brass knuckles and hammers, whatever they could find, standing side by side with Scepter 4’s remaining troops. The Red clan was not defeated yet, and Kusanagi’s call had not gone unanswered. “Besides, I need to get revenge for my bar.”
“Is that so?” Awashima smiled briefly. “When this is over I expect to stop by for a drink, if possible.”
“My pleasure, Seri-chan.” Kusanagi gave a mock bow. “Looks like we have company.”
Against the glowing backdrop of Mihashira Tower, figures were beginning to emerge. The line of clansmen behind them stirred restlessly.
“Hold your formation!” Awashima barked. “Let them come to us.”
“Looks like it’s time for the party to start, huh?” Kusanagi held his cigarette close to his mouth. “I suppose I should add some light.” He took a deep drag on the cigarette and then blew out the smoke. The end of the cigarette began to glow and Kusanagi smiled.
Flames shot into the air, illuminating the zombies approaching from the building.
“Draw your swords!” Awashima’s voice carried clearly even over the sound of rain and wind. Behind her the line of soldiers stirred nervously for a moment and she tensed.
“Akiyama, draw!”
“Benzai, draw!”
“Kamo, draw!”
Awashima relaxed slightly as one by one the voices of the Special Forces squad filled the air. Soon others joined them, the sound of steel clanging as sword upon sword was drawn. The full remaining force of Scepter 4 readied for battle.
And in between the sound of swords being drawn, there came stamping feet.
“No blood! No bone! No ash!”
Kusanagi smiled grimly, cigarette still dangling from the corner of his mouth.
“Captain,” Awashima said quietly under her breath. “Good luck.”
The enemy approached, and together the Red and Blue clans stepped forward to meet them.
“Is this really all right?” Shiro asked nervously, barely able to hear himself over the sound of his feet splashing through the shallow river of water that lined the floor of the underground tunnel. “Didn’t you say last time someone attacked the building it didn’t go well…?”
“I have full confidence in Awashima-kun,” Munakata said calmly from ahead of him. “As long as we are successful in our mission, she will have no issue in fulfilling her part of the plan.”
“I’m bored,” Neko whimpered quietly, clinging to one of Shiro’s arms. “The water stinks.”
“Not much longer now,” Shiro reassured her, patting her head.
They were walking through a large underground sewer tunnel. Fushimi was in the lead, the glowing light from his PDA the only thing illuminating the dim tunnels. Behind him was the Blue King, calm and stately. Kuroh came after him, keeping close to Shiro and with a ready hand on his sword, while Neko stayed as close to Shiro as she could manage in the cramped tunnel. Yata walked sulkily in the rear, his new baseball bat dragging along the wet floor.
“Che.” Yata snorted from behind them. “The stupid monkey’s probably gotten us lost already.”
“I don’t need to hear that from people who couldn’t be of any use at all,” Fushimi said without even turning around. “Shouldn’t you be off with Kusanagi-san and the others, being bait? You should be good at that.”
“Who are you calling bait?!” Yata snapped.
“Enough!” Kuroh said sharply. “Do you want to draw attention to our presence with this pointless arguing?”
“Hmmph.” Yata crossed his arms and snorted.
Fushimi clicked his tongue quietly from ahead of them. They had just come to a spot where the tunnel branched into two directions. He glanced down at his PDA.
“This way.” Fushimi headed down the rightmost tunnel without looking back and the others followed.
“Stupid monkey,” Yata muttered quietly from his spot at the rear of the group.The truth was, he felt like he should be above, with Kamamoto and Kusanagi and the remnants of Homra. If not there he could have been back at Scepter 4’s headquarters, guarding Anna in case the Colorless King figured out their plan and decided to attack the most vulnerable while the majority of the fighting force was occupied. Even so, he’d volunteered to come on the infiltration mission.
Mikoto could be here, after all. And if so, it was Yata’s job as a member of Homra to find him and bring him back. He couldn’t abandon his King, not again.
“We should be nearly there,” Munakata stated. “The map Kushina Anna made for us seems to be accurate thus far. Everyone, please be on your guard. It is uncertain what we will find once we reach Mihashira Tower. Or rather, the current sanctuary of the Colorless King.”
Kuroh’s eyes narrowed and his hand seemed to clench tighter on Kotowari’s hilt. Shiro and Neko exchanged a nervous glance.
“Here.” Fushimi stopped at the foot of a rusting metal ladder. Above them dim light filtered through a heavy grate. Fushimi glanced over at Munakata. “It won’t open from this side. Well, Captain?”
“Allow me, Fushimi-kun.” Munakata smiled and climbed the ladder. He pressed a hand against the grate and it glowed Blue. A moment later it seemed to compress in on itself and then fell to the ground. Munakata peered carefully through the newly-made entrance before gesturing for the others to follow him.
They climbed out into what looked like a boiler room. It seemed to be in a state of minor disrepair, largely covered in a thin layer of dust save for the clear marks of footprints in the ground.
“The Gold King’s men wear sneakers?” Shiro said curiously, bending down to look at the prints.
“Unlikely.” Munakata looked back at Yata. “I believe this is the room where you once made your escape.”
“It…is?” Yata stared upwards. “I don’t remember this place.”
“I imagine it is possible you were pushed back this way while fighting a former member of the Gold clan, who managed to wipe your memories — perhaps in anticipation of turning you into an undead as well,” Munakata said thoughtfully, running a finger along one of the metal pipes. “However, judging by only this single set of footprints you were not followed upon entering and managed to escape through the sewers before regaining your senses.”
“Does that mean the Colorless King is not aware of this room?” Kuroh wondered.
“Or he couldn’t be bothered with it,” Fushimi said with a shrug. He was investigating a circuit breaker on the wall. “The maintenance staff who normally deals with this kind of thing probably got killed and turned to zombies ages ago.”
“Have you found anything, Fushimi-kun?” Munakata came up behind him.
“Tch. It’s just for the power,” Fushimi said, turning away from the wall. “We need to find somewhere I can access the mainframe.”
“Will you be able to get through?”
“Would you have brought me along if you didn’t think I could?”
“I have absolute faith in you, Fushimi-kun,” Munakata said with a smile. Fushimi clicked his tongue again and looked away.
“What should we do now?” Kuroh looked towards Munakata.
“We must be cautious,” Munakata said. “Though Awashima-kun and the others should be keeping most of the Colorless King’s forces busy outside there will doubtless be some remaining in the building. Here is our course of action. We will attempt first to find a console which Fushimi-kun can use to retrieve the schematics of this building. Once that is achieved, we will take the shortest route to the room where the Dresden Slate resides. I expect it is there we will find the Colorless King.”
“And what of the Gold King?” Kuroh asked. “Do you believe he is deceased?”
“That is something we will have to find out as we go,” Munakata said, his face thoughtful.
“Um…” Shiro raised a hand nervously. “So…why am I here, again?”
“Oh? You are a fellow King, are you not?” Munakata said, amused. “I have some theories about the whereabouts of the Silver King’s true body. If they prove true, I believe you will be needed.”
Shiro looked at him curiously but Munakata didn’t seem to feel the need to elaborate further, only smiling mysteriously to himself. Neko tugged nervously on the tail of Shiro’s shirt and he gave her a quick smile and a pat on the head.
Fushimi stepped forward again, pulling out his PDA and glancing over the map Munakata and Anna had made. A small red dot glowed to represent the room they currently occupied and he quietly muttered to himself as he led the group along the far wall to another metal door. Fushimi put one hand on the latch and stood there for a moment, considering.
“What, is it locked?” Yata scoffed, impatient. “Gimme a sec and I’ll take care of—”
“And summon every zombie in the building, getting us all killed? Brilliant plan, Misaki.” Fushimi clicked his tongue as Yata silently seethed. “Captain?”
Munakata stepped forward beside him, leaning against the door for a moment before nodding.
“Neko-kun, if you could please come here.” He beckoned her with a finger. Neko hesitated, looking between Shiro and Munakata and back, and Shiro gave her a light nudge forward. Without a word Kuroh moved forward as well, flanking her, but if Munakata noticed the gesture he said nothing. “Are you able to interfere with the perception abilities of those you cannot see as well, or do you require line of sight application?”
“…Nya?” Neko cocked her head, totally lost, and Shiro raised a hand again.
“Her powers don’t really work until there’s someone for her to aim them at. Once she’s started using them though the power keeps working as long as we’re within a certain range.”
“I see. It is not ideal, but it seems we will have to make do. Fushimi-kun, if you would?”
Fushimi didn’t waste time responding, putting pressure on the door and pushing it open carefully. The door was heavy and the hinges creaked as it swung open, enough to make Shiro visibly wince.
In the small space between door and doorway they could just make out a semblance of a hallway. The lights were dim, as if the Colorless King hadn’t seen the point in lighting rooms that no longer contained the living, but in the silence they could all hear the quiet shuffling of corpses.
“Well, Captain?”
“Proceed. Garasu-kun, if you could move to the vanguard with Fushimi-kun. Yatogami-kun, please guard our rear.”
Yata opened his mouth, clearly ready to advance an objection, and was silenced by a combined glare from Fushimi, Shiro and Kuroh. Instead he sighed and muttered under his breath, moving to position himself at Fushimi’s flank.
“Who the hell does your King think he is, Saruhiko?”
“Hmmph. Don’t think I like this position either, Misaki.” With another soft tongue click Fushimi pushed the door open again, carefully, until the crack was large enough for them to slip through one at a time. Yata followed after him, with Munakata behind. Neko and Shiro were close after, with Kuroh coming last of all, one hand on the hilt of his sword.
“It’s quiet.” Kuroh’s words were laced with warning and Munakata nodded.
“Indeed. We will proceed cautiously.” He held out a hand and the map appeared in his palm, a dim blue light shining in the darkness. “Given the layout we were provided by Kushina-kun, I believe the most likely position for the computer room would be…here.” He touched a hand to a square area in the center of the first floor. “I expect the room will be guarded, of course.”
“No problem!” Yata punched a fist into his open palm. “If we see any of those stupid zombies I’ll just kick their asses.”
“Idiot.” Fushimi’s cool voice was like a bucket of water thrown over an open flame. “Caution, Misaki. Does your idiot mind think of anything besides fighting?”
“Say that again you asshole—”
“Silence!” Kuroh’s hissed voice cut him off. “We do not have time for this. I believe it would be best to avoid confrontation if at all possible.” He glanced at Munakata. “Am I correct?”
“From what we have observed, it appears the Colorless King has the ability to ‘see’ through the eyes of every corpse that his power has reanimated. That being the case, it is likely that should we be spotted on the lower floors we will lose our element of surprise. Therefore it is best we avoid detection at all costs. Fushimi-kun, if you could again take the lead.”
Fushimi nodded, moving forward down the hall with a swiftness that made Yata scowl.
Since when was that guy so reliable, doing everything he’s told to?
“Fushimi-kun is remarkably perceptive.” Yata jumped slightly as Munakata stepped beside him, answering the question Yata was certain he hadn’t spoken out loud. “When given proper support and assigned a specific task he will complete it without fail. Was it not so in Homra?”
“W-well…that’s got nothing to do you with you,” Yata grumbled, suddenly nervous and unable to meet Munakata’s eyes. Even so he could feel Munakata’s smile and it irritated him more than anything.
“There are few people in this world who are suited for two powers. Does it displease you, that Fushimi-kun may have found somewhere that suits him better than the Red clan, where his talents may finally be put to use?”
Yata didn’t give an answer and Munakata didn’t wait for one, moving on to follow Fushimi. Yata clenched his fist and hurried after, moving fast enough to overtake Munakata without a word as he tried to catch up to Saruhiko.
Saruhiko…your King really pisses me off!
They carefully made their way through the winding hallways of Mihashira Tower, the pace feeling almost infuriatingly slow to Yata. He was well aware that outside the tower the rest of what remained of Homra were fighting, and that so far there hadn’t even been the smallest hint as to what had become of Mikoto. Every nerve in his body was yelling to hit something, to be of use to someone, and instead he was being held back constantly by Saruhiko’s barbed taunts and Kuroh’s firm reprimands.
The first floor was, thankfully, not nearly as treacherous as Fushimi had feared, though that alone made him even more on edge. They passed some Rabbits, clothes torn and moving wobbily from side to side like NPCs in a video game, clearly no longer alive. For the most part the floor was made up of various winding hallways and Munakata had already memorized the layout with a single look, making it a simple task to reroute their efforts if they appeared about to cross paths with a zombie. Twice they had made use of Neko’s powers while crossing an open floor with no cover, moving silently with baited breath as they passed by several zombies who stiffened momentarily at their presence and then relaxed upon failing to spot any enemy.
In no time they were near the computer room. Several Rabbits milled around outside of it and Munakata made a motion to Fushimi, who looked over at Neko. She stared blankly back, clinging to Shiro, and Fushimi sighed.
“Come on.” He reached for her arm and she ducked back behind Shiro, sticking out her tongue.
“Don’t want to!”
“Listen you…” Fushimi’s fingers twitched and Shiro waved his hands in a calming motion, patting Neko’s head again.
“Go on, Neko.”
“It’ll be fine. Right?” He looked over at Fushimi, who sighed heavily but nodded.
“No harm will come to her,” Munakata assured them. “But I’m afraid we must impose. Her talents are necessary for this.”
“…All right.” Neko still looked nervous but moved to stand beside Fushimi. Kuroh and Shiro both gave her an encouraging look and she smiled softly.
Together Fushimi and Neko crept towards the door. One of the Rabbits began to stir and Fushimi immediately took a step back as Neko hissed. There was the sound of a bell ringing and cat’s meow and then the Rabbit relaxed, walking in a slow wavering march around the computer room with the cadence of a toy robot that couldn’t do anything more beyond this simple program. Fushimi watched it for a moment to be sure they were being ignored before crossing the rest of the way to the computer room, pushing the door lightly. It opened easily and he slipped inside, with Neko following.
“Sparkly!” Neko immediately jumped towards a bright red light blinking on a console.
“Don’t touch anything!”
Fushimi’s rough shout was enough to get her to fall back, making a disappointed noise. Fushimi gave her a cold glare as he waded between the blinking consoles, taking in the layout of the room.
“Stay over there by the door and don’t move, or else I’ll make you stay there.” Fushimi held up one hand, letting a knife dangle there suggestively for a moment before focusing all his attention on the largest console in the middle of the room. “This won’t take long.” He pulled out his PDA as he slid into the chair in front of the console and began to work.
“Shiro…” Neko murmured to herself as she sat by the wall, rocking her body back and forth as she tried to find something to distract herself. The shiny lights on the computers were tempting but the moment she crept closer to one Fushimi immediately looked up and glared, and she fell back on her hands and knees with a pout. This room wasn’t any fun at all and it smelled like old blood everywhere, enough to make her wrinkle her nose.
Along the far wall there was a line of remote TV screens set up and she found her attention drawn to them. Most of the screens were blank, either cracked and broken or showing nothing but gray static and black lines. There were a couple though that seemed to be mostly working, switching between different rooms constantly, some clearer than others. Neko cocked her head as she climbed over to look at one, poking the screen. The video quickly jumped from an image of an empty conference room to a strange wide dark room, with a large spot of light in the distance. Neko squinted her eyes and leaned forward, almost able to make out the form of someone — or something — lying on the ground in the center of the room before the camera feed jumped again. Neko sighed and poked at it again, the video feed cycling through static image after static image.
The camera suddenly became jumpy, gray lines marring the images as it showed what looked like a ransacked room. The image jumped to a hallway with a large sheet metal door that had come down to block one entrance, as if to stop a fire from spreading, except there was a large hole in the very center of the door. Neko made a soft meowing noise as she tried to get a closer look. The image switched again, to a pack of cigarettes lying on the floor amongst the remains of old scattered food, and then another empty room. In the corner Neko thought she saw a flash of something red.
“Come on.” Fushimi’s voice made her jump and whirl, hissing, and Fushimi rolled his eyes. “We have what we need. Let’s go.”
Neko glanced back at the monitor but the screen had gone dark again, and there was no sign of the red thing she had seen before.Well, if Mean Glasses was going to be so impatient like this there wasn’t a reason to mention it anyway.
“So this is the elevator we seek?” Munakata and Fushimi sat facing each other, Fushimi’s PDA between them showing a detailed image of Mihashira Tower side by side with the map Anna had made. Shiro sat awkwardly to one side of them with Neko, watching, while Kuroh and Yata remained by the mouth of the hallway they were currently stationed at, watching for any movements in the dark. “I see.”
Shiro waited a moment to see if either one would elaborate before speaking up.
“What’s the problem?” Munakata and Fushimi both glanced over at him as if they’d forgotten his presence entirely until just that moment and Shiro gave them a nervous smile. Fushimi clicked his tongue and turned back to the map.
“Hell if I know.”
“It appears there is some damage on this upper floor.” The light from the two maps reflected off Munakata’s glasses, obscuring his expression, though his voice was thoughtful. “We will need to switch to a secondary elevator two floors up.”
“I don’t like it,” Fushimi said plainly.
“Nor do I. But it seems we have little choice in the matter. Unless you wish to take the stairs a hundred floors up?” Fushimi grimaced, paler than normal with the blue light reflecting off his skin, and Munakata chuckled lightly.
“Let’s go then. That elevator better be working.” Fushimi huffed under his breath as he switched the map view on his PDA to their floor.
“Hmmph. Can’t handle a little walk, monkey?” Yata couldn’t help but smirk as Fushimi walked by. Fushimi clicked his tongue softly in response.
“We aren’t all made of only muscles and no brains, Misaki.”
“Enough.” Kuroh’s sharp voice broke between them before Yata could respond. “This mission is serious. Are you two not able to put your differences aside for the sake of a common goal? Perhaps I could enlighten you with one of Master Ichigen’s poems, noting the importance of friendship—”
Fushimi brushed past him without a word, Yata following quickly after. Kuroh sighed, putting his recorder back into his pocket, and Shiro put a hand on his shoulder.
“You tried, Kuroh.”
“Yes, well…” Kuroh eyed Shiro seriously. “What are your feelings on this situation, Shiro? It seems we are at the whim of the Blue King, currently.”
“His plan seems good enough?” Shiro bit his lip. “I still don’t remember anything. Even if I am this ‘Silver King’…it looks like I’m just regular Isana Yashiro, right now. So in that case, it’s better to follow the people that know what they’re doing, right?”
“I suppose so.” Kuroh put a hand on his sword. “This building gives me a bad feeling. As if we’re overlooking something…”
“I’m sure we’ll figure it out.” Shiro smiled lightly. “We’d better go before we’re left behind.”
Kuroh nodded and they moved forward together, Neko hurrying back to Shiro’s side as soon as they caught up to the rest of the group. Following Fushimi’s map they eventually arrived at the elevator, which looked as though it hadn’t been touched in months. Fushimi plugged his PDA into the computer panel on the wall beside the door and swiftly pressed a few buttons, and after a moment there was the soft screech of metal as the doors slowly opened. Neko made a displeased noise and put her hands over her ears.
“…Come on.” Fushimi hesitated for only a moment before he entered the elevator, and Yata couldn’t help but notice the pause. He suddenly remembered a dark closet and Fushimi’s shaky breathing and he found himself jumping in after Fushimi, standing close to his side. Fushimi wasn’t looking at him, focused on his PDA as the others joined them. There was another high-pitched screech as the doors closed again, and they slowly began to move upwards. The elevator motion was sluggish and jerky, and they seemed to be swaying slightly the higher they climbed.
“Um…is this safe?” Shiro asked quietly as the elevator made its way upward.
Fushimi didn’t answer, staring fixedly at the doors, and Yata responded instead, voice way too casual.
“I bet it’s fine! We’ll be out of here any moment, right Saruhiko? Just give it a little while.”
This time Fushimi did respond with the softest click of his tongue. His gaze hadn’t moved at all but Yata had the sense that he’d relaxed slightly.
“It sounds like it could crash at any moment though…?” Shiro said hesitantly and Yata stiffened. He hadn’t thought about that.
“There is nothing to fear.” Munakata’s voice was calm and unruffled, as if he was about to sit down and have tea right there. “Should the elevator fall I am certain that I will be able to keep you all alive via my powers.”
“Aren’t those being unreliable lately…?” Fushimi grumbled under his breath and Yata stared at him with wide eyes. He was about to say something when the elevator swayed heavily again and then shook so hard Neko and Shiro both lost their footing and fell back against Kuroh. The lights in the elevator car flickered and then went out, leaving them all in darkness.
“Ah, it seems we have reached our floor.” Munakata sounded more amused than he had any right to be and Fushimi rolled his eyes in the dark, trying to ignore the sudden prickling feeling between his shoulder blades, his fingers twitching for a knife as if expecting an attack. “Fushimi-kun, if you would open the door?”
“Right, right. Misaki, come here and be useful for once.” His voice was ragged but still tinged with a taunting lilt.
“Saruhiko, you—”
“I need a light, you idiot. Unless you want to test it and see if Captain really can keep us all alive when this thing loses power and goes crashing to the ground?”
Yata made a growling noise but he raised a hand anyway, summoning his Red power. The light cast a dim red glow around the room and Fushimi leaned in close as he pulled out his PDA, flipping up the button panel on the wall and plugging his PDA into the console behind it. This close Yata couldn’t help but lean over to watch, head spinning as Fushimi’s fingers flew over the keyboard of his PDA. Fushimi’s eyes looked slightly dilated but he was nonetheless focused completely on what he was doing, even as his body was obviously reacting to the situation they were in.
This guy…he’s still pretty amazing sometimes, I guess. Yata couldn’t stop a small rueful smile from crossing his face. Fushimi suddenly looked up and Yata coughed, awkward.
“You can stop that now.” Fushimi’s voice was bland and emotionless and Yata quickly extinguished the light, looking away. The elevator door creaked and then began to open. The doors stuttered and stuck halfway, and Kuroh leaned forward to nudge them aside with his sword as he pulled Neko and Shiro over the threshold onto the floor outside. Munakata followed at his own leisurely pace, seemingly untouched by the situation. Yata started to move and then glanced back at Fushimi, who was standing with his hand on the wall next to where his PDA was plugged into the console.
“Once I take this out the doors will close. Go on, Misaki.”
“Wait, you’re not—!”
“There should be enough time to jump through before that happens. Don’t tell me you’re worried about me, Misaki?” Fushimi grinned, crooked and cracked. “I thought it was easy for you to leave me behind.”
A dark cellar flashed through Yata’s mind and he froze. Fushimi looked away and Yata suddenly reached out and took hold of his arm. Fushimi immediately tried to pull back, eyes wide.
“Let me go, Misa—”
“Hey, Kuroh! Hold the doors, okay?” Yata yelled and then without even waiting for a reply he reached over and pulled the plug roughly from the wall. The elevator lurched and Yata’s grip tightened on Fushimi’s arm as he hurled Fushimi through the gap in the doors before diving through himself. He hit the ground hard and rolled into a crouch, coughing from the dust churned up by their escape. Behind him Kuroh relaxed and lowered his arms, the disembodied hands that were the Colorless powers he’d been granted by Miwa Ichigen allowing the elevator doors to close with a loud screeching of metal. There was the sound of something straining and then a long squeal and a crash, as if the elevator had just fallen back down the shaft.
“…I guess that’s it for the element of surprise?” Shiro murmured into the silence and even Munakata couldn’t help a small sigh.
“I suppose it could not be helped.”
“Yeah, no kidding.” Yata coughed again and sat up, pulling his beanie closer over his head. “You okay, Saruhiko?”
Fushimi still lay on the ground a few inches away, propped up on his elbows and shaking slightly.
“Misaki…” Fushimi gave him an acidic glare. “What the hell did you think you were doing, idiot?”
“Eh?” Yata strode over to him, face twisting. “I was saving your life, dumbass! Maybe a thank you would be nice!”
“I didn’t ask you to save me!” Fushimi snapped, fingers clenching against the carpet.
“Yeah, well, maybe that’s your problem, Saruhiko. You never ask for anything! If you want someone to save you then you need to say it out loud, or else no one’s ever going to know!” Yata leaned down so they were face to face. Fushimi’s glasses were slightly askew, hanging off one ear, and he looked suddenly disheveled and worn, like an old sweater coming undone. “I’m not gonna apologize for deciding to save you. Even if you’re an asshole, I’m not gonna leave you behind again.”
With that he straightened, coughing slightly to cover his sudden awkwardness as he realized everyone was staring at him. There was a small smile on Munakata’s face that made Yata feel like he suddenly really wanted to punch that expression right off the Blue King's face, and Yata turned on his heel and headed towards the nearest doorway instead.
“Come on. We can’t go back now, right?”
“It seems we cannot.” The amusement was clear in Munakata’s voice even without Yata needing to look at him. “Let us move on.”
The floor they were on looked to be made up mostly of what had once been offices, door after door lined upon wide open hallways. The further they went through the floor the worse the condition of the area became, furniture and discarded documents scattered everywhere. Moldy food and crumpled fast food wrappers covered the floor and there were distinct scorch marks upon the walls. Munakata paused, touching a hand to one.
“Was there a fire?” Shiro wondered, coming up alongside him. Munakata gave him a mysterious look and then turned away.
“Perhaps. Let us all remain close together.”
“Shiro…” Neko tugged at Shiro’s sleeve. “It feels yucky here.”
“I feel the same.” Kuroh’s quiet voice came from his other side. “It feels…as if there is something here with us. Like…an animal, perhaps? It knows we are here.”
“Munakata-san should definitely feel that too though, right?” Shiro asked softly. “He doesn’t seem nervous. If there was danger he would know, wouldn’t he?”
“I would expect so.” Kuroh’s eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “Shiro. Do not leave my side.”
They continued forward until they finally reached the stairwell. The door was knocked off its hinges and dangling loosely to one side, and the stairs themselves were cracked and uneven. Munakata moved forward without hesitating, so quick and sure that even Fushimi nearly fell behind. When they reached the stairwell of the next floor the stairs continuing upward were missing. From where they stood the remaining part of the staircase — if there was one still — couldn’t even be seen. Munakata sighed softly.
“There’s another stairwell on the opposite side of this floor that leads straight to the elevator,” Fushimi said from behind him and Munakata nodded.
“It would be unwise to use my powers to take us up when we do not know how far we would need to go. I suppose this is something we cannot avoid after all.” Without elaborating Munakata stepped out of the stairwell onto the adjoining floor.
The air was noticeably stuffier the moment they exited the stairwell, sweltering as if someone had forgotten to turn the heat down. Fushimi scowled, visibly uncomfortable, and Yata put a hand to his chest as if in sudden pain.
“Are you all right?” Kuroh glanced at him and Yata waved a hand quickly.
“Y-yeah, yeah, I’m fine. Just for a sec it felt like…”
“We have no time to delay here.” Munakata’s sharp voice broke through the haze. “Come, quickly.”
Without waiting for a response he set off, the others exchanging confused glances and then following. Munakata’s steps were precise and sure despite his hurry, as if he had already memorized the layout of the floor. The others stumbled along behind him, Yata nearly tripping over a downed chair. Something white caught his eye and he paused to look. It looked almost like a pack of cigarettes, hidden underneath a pile of rubble, and Yata felt something shiver inside him.
“Come on, idiot.” Fushimi’s emotionless voice beside him made him jump, and Yata scowled as he hurried on after Fushimi.
“I’m coming, I’m coming! What’s with your King, Saruhiko? We haven’t seen any zombies on this floor at all, so what’s the hurry?”
Fushimi gave him an inscrutable look and Yata could feel that shiver again, like his fingers had just brushed up against the knob of a door he didn’t want to open.
“You haven’t figured it out, huh.” That was all Fushimi said before moving past him, and there was no time to try and decipher what he meant. Yata hurried after without looking back.
“There is the stairwell.” Munakata slowed as they neared the door. By this time even Kuroh looked out of breath and Fushimi was visibly paler than usual.
“That was easy enough…” Yata trailed off with a sudden cry of pain, clutching at his chest. Something was burning, so hot he could barely find the words to say it, and he was only dimly aware of Fushimi suddenly at his side, pulling at the collar of his shirt.
His Homra mark was glowing red.
“Ah…” Yata tried to speak but the mark still felt too hot, as if it was being branded into his skin, and Fushimi was still there beside him half holding him up.
“Captain?” There was an odd note in Fushimi’s voice and Yata was in too much pain to figure out what it was.
“It seems…this is where we must part.” Munakata turned, giving them all a rueful smile. “Fushimi-kun. Please take things from here. Isana-kun…no, Adolf K. Weissman. Let us meet again in better circumstances.”
“Wait, what do you mean?” Shiro’s voice was shaky and nervous. “Don’t we need a King to face off against the Colorless King?”
“As I said before, you are a fellow King, are you not?” Munakata turned away, hand on the hilt of his sword. “I’m afraid this is a duty I must do. Fushimi-kun?”
“Tch.” Fushimi clicked his tongue, shifting from one foot to the other as he half dragged Yata towards the stairwell. “Don’t do anything stupid, Captain.”
“I would not dream of inconveniencing you, Fushimi-kun.”
Fushimi clicked his tongue again, pulling Yata into the stairwell with Kuroh, Shiro and Neko following after. As the door swung closed behind them Fushimi found himself unable to look away from Munakata’s face with that stupid calm smile until it was finally out of sight.
Munakata waited until the stairwell door had closed before finally allowing the smile to drop from his face, turning towards the open doorway in front of him. There was an oppressive sense of ‘weight’ ahead of him, as if some large predator was approaching, and Munakata’s face remained set and determined.
“Suoh. There is no need to play such games anymore. I am here.”
Soft footsteps answered him and a figure appeared, leaning against the doorway, a lit cigarette in hand. There was old blood staining the white shirt and the skin of the man’s arms was gray and cracking, dark lines trailing up them like poisonous vines. Even so, that man’s face was just as Munakata remembered, with an easy smile as he blew smoke into the air.
“Hey, Munakata.”
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ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
1/2 - Yata becomes the Colorless King in his desperation to save Saru. Maybe because of a Jungle mission or had to do with his father. Regardless none of the other clans are around to help. After his awakening he makes Saru his clansmen & they leave home to live together. For years it's only the two of them & they stay under the radar of the other clans. S1 events never happen because that Colorless King and Shiro never existed, so Mikoto and Totsuka are still alive & there's no Silver clan.
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Fushimi would be so jealous of Yata having more clansmen though XD Say in this AU for whatever reason Ichigen doesn't awaken as Colorless King and instead Yata does. Like maybe during the whole jungle surprise party Mikoto happens to be out of town and isn't able to come save Fushimi. Fushimi ends up getting in real danger, like Hisui doesn't just tell people to launch party poppers at him but maybe they're supposed to actually drag him off and throw him off a bridge or something. Yata tries to save him but he's too weak to do anything, Yata's just trying to fight through the crowd and Fushimi ends up getting knocked out in all the fuss. He's lying there on the street bleeding and some of the jungle members pick him up and start dragging him and Yata thinks that Fushimi's really going to die and there's nothing he'll be able to do about it. He makes one last run at the mob, determined to save Saruhiko even if he gets injured himself, and that's when he awakens as Colorless King.
In the aftermath Fushimi is saved and he and Yata have like a moment where Yata admits that he kinda doesn't get entirely what happened but it seems like he's a 'King' now. Yata holds out a hand to a slightly dizzy Fushimi and asks Fushimi to stay with him, Fushimi reaches for Yata's hand and Yata pulls him a little closer, transferring power to him and Fushimi becomes his first clansman. They're pretty much able to figure out from this that the 'Red Monster' must be a King and likely that 'superior person of jungle' as well. I imagine Kokujouji would invite Yata to Mihashira to discuss his new position but Yata's basically like screw that, he didn't become a King just to be penned in by the rules of stupid adults. He and Fushimi move out together and basically just enjoy being in their little bubble, they don't see the need to expand their territory or bother with looking for other clansmen because they're fine as just the two of them (though I could see them doing little behind the scenes things just to show that they can, like actually fighting back against jungle a little because Fushimi is pissed at losing and Yata's right there with him wanting to show everyone what they can do but on their own terms).
So then years pass and eventually jungle decides to make a move. Maybe Kokujouji still dies in this timeline (since old age is old age) and seeing as the Silver King has no interest in anything involving the world below Hisui decides that it's time to attack. Munakata intends to take control of the Slate but even he's aware that dealing with the Greens alone will be difficult with just himself. Hisui probably still tries at least something against Homra, wanting to get the Red King out of the way, and that's enough to get Homra to agree to something of an alliance. They can use all the King help they can get and everyone's considering possible new allies – word is sent to the Silver King but he never replies, and the Gold clan are remaining basically neutral. That's when Munakata recalls that there is a Colorless King, who is considered something of a hermit. Everyone probably expects like an old man or something and so they're surprised when the big multi-clan alliance meeting starts up and there's this short teenage-looking kid and his single gloomy clansman.
Fushimi I think would want to be practical, even though he dislikes jungle he also feels like this isn't their fight and why should Misaki risk himself for other people. Yata though is a lot more justice-minded (and also he thinks the Red King is maybe kinda cool) so he wants to help out, like it'll be almost as if they're superheroes. Fushimi clicks his tongue and makes his displeasure clear but he also doesn't want to back down and look like a coward either. From Fushimi's standpoint he would prefer to remain Yata's only clansman ('Misaki only needs me' basically) but he can also understand the need for more, like Yata notices how many clansmen Mikoto and Munakata had and he's a little intimidated. Fushimi has to admit that they're in a fundamentally weaker position negotiating wise and that having at least a few more clansmen would help put them on slightly more even footing.
The problem is that Homra and Scepter 4's numbers are so overwhelming in comparison that they need some big guns in order to compete. Oh say in this AU maybe they already know Kuroh and Neko, like Kuroh was still taken in and raised by Ichigen he just didn't get clansman powers. Ichigen sends Kuroh to Ashinaka for nebulous future reasons and while there Kuroh adopts tiny pink kitten Neko who turns out to be a powerful Strain. Yata and Fushimi run across them at some point prior to the whole alliance against jungle thing, like maybe Scepter 4 comes looking for Neko and they end up discovering about the whole world of Kings and such, they briefly end up visiting Fushimi and Yata to ask for like asylum in neutral territory until Scepter 4 gives up. Fushimi thinks they're annoying but Yata got along pretty well with Kuroh and they've kept in touch. Neko's powers and Kuroh's skill are tempting additions to the clan and Fushimi reluctantly suggests they become Yata's new clansmen (though he's not thrilled because Neko irritates him and makes him sneeze, and Kuroh is friendly to Misaki and makes food with vegetables). Kuroh is surprised when Yata calls him and Neko over, Fushimi curtly explaining the situation. It's a lot to take in but Kuroh also feels he owes a debt from the help they received previously and so he and Neko agree and now they're dragged into the world of Kings as well.
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itsuki-minamy · 4 years
“R:B” CHAPTER 8 (Part 2)
* Chapter 1 * Chapter 2 * Chapter 3: Part 1 / Part 2 * Chapter 4: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 * Chapter 5 * Chapter 6: Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 * Chapter 7 * Chapter 8: Part 1 
Yata and Fushimi are overwhelming in individual battles. The abilities of the two captains there appear to be close to those of the two, but there was still a distinct "power" difference between the two.
However, “Scepter 4” has a deft movement as a unit, blocking Yata and Fushimi's fighting power.
They do not get impatient, they do not rest and they maintain a certain average. It was a splendid "group battle" that seemed to make him feel like he was watching from the side. This type of fight is a trick that is almost impossible with "Homura", where each member has a strong personality.
However, if Kusanagi participates here, there is no doubt that the situation of the battle can be reversed in the blink of an eye.
Kusanagi is number 2 of "Homura". Not only because he is a counselor, but also because he has the strongest "power" alongside Suoh.
Additionally, Kusanagi's "power" can be applied over a wide area and remotely, like the multiple fireballs that were launched the first time.
Adding in here the extraordinary melee power of Yata and Fushimi, it's not impossible to defeat this formidable unit. On the contrary, if he feels like it, it could last "a year".
But that is not good.
That's because if he is so serious, he will end up with a real "act of combat" with no excuses. Kusanagi doesn't want to risk a full-scale war with the Blue Clan at this stage.
Of course, even though the kings are fighting, he can't help but think of nothing. However, Kusanagi distrusted the "Golden King" more than "Scepter 4". Daikaku Kokujoji and his clan "Tokijikuin" are organizations that dominate the country without speaking before. He is also the ally of "Accord 120", which establishes discipline between clans. At that time, even if Suoh said "Oh.", He couldn't help it, but he didn't want to imitate what might be taken as "opening the battle with "Scepter 4" as the consensus of the red clan."
Even for the "Golden King", they must leave "space" that can be discussed openly later.
Therefore, he wanted to keep "this" in the "fight" category. Even if he makes a mistake, he should avoid a "war dead" situation.
In that case, it would be nice to fight again as the first move, but this time, Yata and Fushimi's degree of devotion becomes an issue.
Especially Yata. He must have been exhausted, but since he realized that Suoh had started fighting, he was even more excited and struggling because he couldn't make a fool of "Homura". It has done. That is why Kusanagi was only able to provide careful support so as not to cause an "unfortunate accident".
"Oh, why is this so troublesome...?"
It was "Scepter 4" that entered. How long are they now in the Blue King process? However, if by any chance it is the "Blue King" who is fighting Suoh now, it is difficult to think that this situation that is currently unfolding is the way he wanted. Of course, there may be some purpose behind this, but even so, the scoop should be too big.
Isn't this a "no one wants" situation?
And, as he can see by unraveling the story, many of the wars, even if there is enough ground up front, start with a sudden misfortune and expand unabated. Nobody wants that.
"This has to be a joke."
No matter how bad he thinks too much. Even if that is said, bad feelings never go away. And what's worse, he doesn’t feel like retiring first while thinking so much.
This is a "fight". It is a "fight" that was sold. He had to find the end point, and it was not his intention to turn down some commitments, but he thinks it is natural to buy it because the fight was sold.
No, he has decided without thinking about it. He knows he can avoid the worst if he raises his hand, give up, and walk away, but he doesn’t buy it.
No matter how rational or cautious he is, Kusanagi is a member of Suoh's clan.
Hard to say at all.
"No way."
If the battle of exhaustion continues further, even if he survives in this place, he will not be able to cope with the situation after that. There is no choice but to force clean.
Kusanagi tightened his expression and looked at the battlefield with a cold gaze. He carefully controlled the "power" and lowered the target. However…
About to attack, Kusanagi stopped at the voice he heard.
If he looks at him, he rushes towards him desperately. Also, there are two strange guys behind him.
Kusanagi looked over and was fed up and frowned. He can see it even if it is far away. There were many annoying smells. It is as if he is holding a sign that says "bad news".
"Totsuka! Did you go looking for Yamata? I don't know why; I'll take you two too."
"These two are related to Yamata! King brought them when they were chasing him."
"Eh? Ah, no, what is Yamata's location?"
"I lost him!"
He thinks he's been running. When Totsuka reached Kusanagi's side, he seemed to sit up and was on the edge.
Fushimi noticed that they called him "Totsuka-san", and Yata looked back and made his face glow. The Blues that kept fighting also showed a terrifying appearance. On top of that, he thinks they thought "Homura's" reinforcements had rushed in.
However, Totsuka is insignificant as a force, and above all, for the current Kusanagi, it is not a story of reinforcements.
"It's harder than that, listen, Kusanagi-san!"
"Damn! Tell me I'm wrong! Totsuka, I'm giving 10,000 yen, so please tell me that idiot Mikoto isn't fighting the Blue King!"
"It's an exceptional request for Kusanagi-san, but unfortunately it's true! Besides, the blood is rushing to his head like never before!"
"Oh, really? Just like I thought. No, but the 'Sword of Damocles' hasn't come out yet. That idiot is also keeping the slightest restraint."
"I think it's just a matter of time."
"It's not a lie?"
He's sure that inside it was by the Strains. According to Totsuka's explanation, Suoh joined Totsuka and later met the "Blue King". Kicking Munakata's request, he refuses to hand over Yamata. It seems that the snow fell in the battle as it was. It was almost like Kusanagi's bad imagination.
"That is, Mikoto is still fighting, and the other units of “Scepter 4” are chasing the lost Yamata."
"King should call everyone."
"No. Is it a full-scale war?"
"But, Kusanagi-san. To be honest, it's a trivial matter now."
Kusanagi is speechless at Totsuka's words. As with the dialogue, his serious expression prevented Kusanagi's tongue from moving.
"Now it's about King. If he doesn't stop, it'll be really bad."
When Totsuka stated that...
As if to test Totsuka's words, a red aura escaped like a pillar of light in the sky over there.
Kusanagi's eyes go to that before he realizes it. The light was fierce and divine, and then it spread into the atmosphere.
And, after the light diffuses, a huge sword appears in the evening sky.
Even at such a distance, its vastness and hidden strength was transmitted. At the same time, it was found that the "power" that dwells within them pulses to resonate with that.
The red "Sword of Damocles".
What is there is not just a sword-shaped body of energy. That is Suoh's intention. The will to fight, which can never be forgiven.
Furthermore, Suoh was not the only one who showed his intention to heaven.
A pillar of blue light stands right next to the "Sword of Damocles" in the evening sky. After the beautiful cool light, another sword appeared.
Similar to Suoh, but more elegant and different in color.
The blue "Sword of Damocles".
Red and blue, one sword to another, it was pulled from its sheath and thrown into the sky.
Kusanagi pursed his lips, not losing sight of the "Sword of Damocles." The battle that had turned into an exhaustive battle has ceased, and everyone is staring at the sky even in Yata.
"It is bad..."
Totsuka gave him a slightly haunted face. Kusanagi feels the same.
Suddenly one night, when he had a meeting in "HOMRA", Suoh's last line was fascinating.
At that moment…
Did Suoh say "then" at that time? A full-scale war with the "Blue King" and the Blue Clan. The two kings, who were in the same place, showed their intention to fight together. It will be impossible to avoid it anymore.
Even so...
Even if the two kings crossed the sword, the ruin has yet to be confirmed.
There have been many battles, such as the appearance of the "Sword of Damocles". It is the first time that the kings have fought each other, but it should not happen immediately after the fight.
The question is, why do he go so far?
However, once they get to that point, it is no longer a story they can make on their own. All they have to do is believe in Suoh, their own king.
Kusanagi decided to prepare.
"Totsuka. Summon the members. However, fighting is forbidden. I don't know how it will end, but believe in that fool and wait."
The first time he saw him was when he was still at school.
It was at the time when he was facing a bad group and only one person was desperately resisting. They crushed him many times and he thought he was going to die several times. There was nowhere to stay and he was walking around a corner of the city to avoid the gaze of the public. That was the moment. By chance he saw "them" in a corner of Shizume-cho.
Happy and proud.
Men who calmly cut the wind with their shoulders and conquer the city without any fault to themselves.
"They" were in the limelight of those around them, no matter what they did. Or it may have been revulsion, fear or hatred, but at least no one neglected "them". Everyone in town recognized them and "they" were naturally proud to walk in the dark.
His body trembled just looking at him.
He doesn’t think he are breathing in the same space. There was a brilliant life there that was totally different from his.
The thoughts that were etched in his heart at that moment were of longing and admiration.
It wasn't long before he saw them in town that he learned that they were a group called "Homura". The reputation of "them" was as diverse as the legend of the city, and those who were enthusiastic about the school were half-confident or shook their heads. Some ridiculed that it was a bunch of crazy clowns.
On the other hand, the evil of the city and the collapse of the Yakuza did not mention his name in the detour. The crazier the so-called insane, the more terrifying or overwhelming they were. Incredible rumors and real legends rooted in the city. He was engrossed in gathering information and trying to find them in town.
When he realized it, he began to dream of conquering the city along with the line of "them".
Men who have opened up to the freedom of living in the city only with their own strength and talent. He stood next to "them" and slapped himself. That imagination was the food to survive the difficult days and the light for the dark future.
When he had that beautiful flame in his hands, he thought he finally had it.
A new world. A new life.
A new me that seems strong and firm.
"There is no point being 'Homura'. They are right."
The place he points to, the world he yearns for, was not bad.
If so, when did it go in a different direction? Why did he set foot on a different path?
"Oh, I found him!"
The moment he heard the scream, Daichi Yamata was lost.
The inside of his head is already a mess. They beat him there, they shook him here and he was chased by Totsuka and those who were following them. So the moment the voice he encountered echoed, he was engrossed in running away from the voice.
He was alone. And that voice still haunted him.
"Shit! I'm careless, persistent, I think of you."
He was being chased by a member of the Blues, "Scepter 4". He was younger than him and he was like a high school student.
It appears that he is in contact with other members over the communicator, and there was a scene where he was almost caught and shot.
However, it seems that they do not know the geography of the place, and managed to escape their hands by hiding every time it became dangerous.
Except for the first young member who has found him.
Even if he hid and jumped into the alley many times, he immediately finds and chases him. He's hideously clever. The physical ability is clearly superior to his. Even if the "power" is the same, probably stronger than him. That is why Yamata keeps running away.
"Hey! Give it up! Can't you run away? It's disgusting!"
Although he clings to Yamata, who is running at full speed, he appears to be out of breath and there are no signs of pain in his screams. On the other hand, he is already on edge. His breathing is turbulent, his heart won't stop beating, and his leg muscles are about to pull. Even though they were both members of the clan, there was a miserable difference.
"No matter how hard the sand is hardened by someone else's blood, it will collapse for a moment."
Suoh's words simply echoed in his head. The ironic sermon resounds.
The blood is trampled on again. Miserably, mercilessly, worthless, like an insect.
"Come on…"
Does not like.
Sorry for that. He has "power", he is different from his old self. He chews on his back teeth and runs desperately. When he realizes, he went out into an open space. A spacious intersection where three lanes intersect in one direction. Perhaps "Scepter 4" was blocking the area, there was no moving vehicle and, at first glance, it was not populated.
Backstage, he yelled, "Yes!" Here he could use his "power" without worrying about his surroundings. He is willing to attack and stop him. He doesn't care if Yamata cries or screams. Regardless of Yamata's intention. He is going to capture him and carry him in a very workable way, handling the luggage as a matter of course.
He feels like stomping on it like a stone.
"Come on…"
He just said that.
Could he forgive him?!
He stopped and looked back. He turned outrage into "power" and burned the flame immediately.
The young man in blue clothes who was chasing him is shocked and scared. That's it, it's not a thing. It is not just an object that can be moved freely at someone's convenience. He has a temperament; he has a heart.
Even if it doesn't match, it won't let the burning "fire" in Daichi Yamata be treated as a thing.
"Do not miss it!"
He radiates the flame with all his might. The blue clothing hurriedly flew to the side. While avoiding it ...
Swing the sword that has been drawn. A blue aura flashed, piercing Yamata's flames with a single sword. All of Yamata's blows scattered as he was parried with the sword.
When the blue clothing lands on the street, he smiles and turns the tip of the sword.
"Did you finally get hungry? Ok? Let's go."
He looked directly into Yamata's eyes and happily said that. Yamata breathed on his shoulder and couldn't even answer.
However, there was a small, satisfying sensation at the back of his chest.
A Clansman, who is superior to himself, looks at him steadily now. Acknowledge its existence and try to fight.
Suoh said that he respected himself.
He thought that was the reason why he couldn't be trampled on by others.
Is different.
True self-esteem cannot be broken even if he is trampled on by others.
He has almost exhausted his "power" in the previous hit. Still, Yamata squeezed his energy and put a flame in his fist.
He can't win, but what happened? The result does not change. However, the way the results are received is different.
It will.
Yamata screamed as loud as he could and hit the face of the “Scepter 4” member, who seems to have an out of tune expression.
When the blue clothing enveloped his sword in blue light, he caught Yamata's fist from the front.
Then, after fully accepting the "power" and momentum, he shook his feet and rolled Yamata onto the tarmac.
While smearing the scratches, Yamata lies on his back and says "Gah?" The tip of the sword hits the tip of his nose.
The sun slid over the blade and reflected a bloody glow.
"Checkmate... I heard that the red clan is a strong enemy, you were persistent, not bad."
The words of the young man in blue clothes did not include malice or contempt.
However, he couldn't ignore the casual line of satisfaction that was like the bud in Yamata.
He stands up by himself and grabs the tip of the sword with which he was struck.
Of course with bare hands. he doesn’t even have flames anymore. His palm was cut and blood was dripping, and he felt a burning pain. The pain was so painful that he even cried. However, Yamata burned the pain with anger and further burned his own fire.
"Oh, hey!"
He laughs at the surprised blue clothes and clenches his fist tighter.
"Oh, yeah... I'm persistent, I..."
The blue clothes approached trying to draw the sword. If he pulls it out hard now, it will cut off his finger. It is a stepping stone to do so much damage.
"Stupid. Let it go. It doesn't make sense."
"How loud, stupid... If you don't like it, get out..."
He is stubborn and puts his strength in his fists. Worthless. As the blue clothes say, it doesn't mean anything.
Also, when the blue clothes had a cold face, the blade would have a blue light again. Then the hand he was holding turned around so that it was pushed from the inside.
The sword is surrounded by "power" crystals like a barrier. He can no longer touch it.
Well that's correct.
Not an opponent.
Still, there is something you can do.
For example, how about getting up? Yamata stepped closer and twisted his body. Scared to get up.
As it is, it puts effort into its entire body, clenches its teeth, and stands up.
There was no interference for some reason. When he looks at him, the blue clothes are looking at him as he carries the sword on his shoulder. There wasn't any kind of evil or contempt in that line of sight. Just waiting for Yamata to stand up.
What a weird boy.
Yamata smiled unknowingly and stood firmly.
When he got up, the young man in blue repositioned his sword again. There…
"Was over!"
Some new members of “Scepter 4” appeared from the street where Yamata and his opponent had just arrived. Each one takes their sword and runs towards Yamata. "Oh, wait!" Said the young man in the blue suit in front of him, but the members were nowhere in sight except for Yamata.
Yamata snorted and then took a deep breath.
He will be trampled on from now on.
If what remains is self-esteem, he is no longer afraid. And he keeps looking forward until the last moment to "go away" even after being trampled on.
At that moment, Yamata's eyesight turned red.
The "mosquito" that should have accumulated came out suddenly. When he looks at it, "power" fills it, as if steaming. Yamata was stunned and sporting flames. It was a new "power" that he had never felt before.
When they realized that, all the members who were trying to run stopped, and the blue-clad young man to the side walked away in an instant. And, as it engulfed Yamata, the entire area was filled with a red aura.
It is the territory of the king that elevates the "power" of the clan member. He looks up as if flipped over, a huge red sword hanging in the sky like a flag showing its land.
The "Red King" approached the crossroads, walking proud in the middle of an unpopular road, with a beautiful but fierce flame.
Not controlled by anything.
Only by his own will.
The sight he saw that day, it's hard to think about that.
In the blink of an eye, the long-awaited and missed shot was stronger than any flame in the world and burned the depths of Yamata's chest.
He wanted to be a man who could be on that side.
Will it still be on time? Can he start over?
Yamata silently stares at the noble king, object of admiration, with teary eyes.
Suoh protects Yamata.
"You decided?"
It was a question about how Yamata would proceed. Yamata replied to Suoh: "Yes."
"Then the details will come later. Go away."
With that said, he passed Yamata's side and went straight down the street. Conquering the city.
When he turned around, a figure was approaching from across the street. A holy tremor that resembled a warrior's tremor ran through his body.
The Blue King.
That blue clothed youth cheered proudly like a child, saying, "Captain!" Behind the king is the female member he saw earlier.
The Blue King entered the wide intersection with the same calm steps as Suoh.
The two sides behind the glasses are like blocks of high-density ice without impurities, and their line of sight is fixed directly to Suoh. And the blue light explodes without the pretext of exchanging words. A blue aura spread around the Blue King.
The aura rises to the sky while dancing and dancing. Then, they were gathered together with Suoh's sword and compressed to form a "shape".
A huge divine sword that is as good as Suoh's sword.
The blue "Sword of Damocles".
The swords of the kings are lined up over the intersection.
Yamata, not only him, but all the vassals who were there, gasped alike and looked at their king.
The air in the place is so dense that it is difficult to breathe. Two shrines collide, space sways.
Two young kings with extraordinary power clash.
It is like a mythical sight.
"This is the end."
The Blue King declared.
"Suoh Mikoto. Get ready."
"That is a bad face."
The Red King answered and said...
"Get lost, Munakata."
The Blue King no longer moved his face. Just he said…
“We, Scepter 4, carry out our duties as swordsmen. Do not allow it to spread into the sanctuary, and do not allow it to be invaded into the world of dust. Control the sword with a sword. There is no cloudiness in our cause."
So, the king put his hand on his waist and drew his sword with that statement.
"Munakata, batto."
* Chapter 9 * Chapter 10
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 years
What if Colorless didn't kill Tatara? But instead, they disobeyed Nagare's orders and killed all the more younger clansman? Like they killed Anna in her sleep? They killed Sukuna when he is distracted? They killed Domyouji as he tried to defend for himself? And they killed Neko while protecting Shiro from it? And what if his original plan was to end all the Kings in one place, literally? Without Nagare knowing?
I’m not sure Colorless was smart enough to set all that up honestly, he didn’t seem to be thinking very far ahead beyond ‘whee I’m gonna kill all the Kings and become the only King yolo’ and all that. Hisui seemed to be keeping a pretty close eye on him through Kotosaka as well, so it would be hard for Colorless to get around him. Ooh but maybe AU where Colorless was only pretending to be stupid chaotic evil but was actually like secretly this mastermind who was using the appearance of chaotic evil as a cover, like he figures this is the easiest way to make sure he can carry out his plan without being bothered. Maybe he only acts like he’s planning to kill Totsuka – or he even goes so far as to actually shoot Totsuka but not fatally, as a distraction, and then he abandons Hieda’s body for a bit to jump not into Weismann’s body but Totsuka’s, playing the part of the wounded and barely conscious Totsuka Tatara. Due to the gunshot wounds Colorless has trouble controlling the body at first but that’s part of his plan, because with the clouded consciousness it’s impossible for even Anna to realize that it isn’t Totsuka’s mind in control of that body. Then when she’s left alone in 'Totsuka’s’ hospital room while the others go hunting down Colorless he wakes up and kills her before she can realize, like at the last moment her eyes go wide and she realizes that this isn’t Totsuka. Then Colorless hops bodies into the nearest nurse and heads off, leaving Homra to find their princess dead with no idea who committed the deed.
Afterward Colorless returns to Hieda’s body, trying to make sure Hisui is none the wiser about what he was doing after shooting Totsuka. He talks with Hisui through Kotosaka and then whenever the opportunity presents itself he hops from body to body following Kotosaka when he flies off, trying to find out more about this mysterious Green King who’s been assisting him from the shadows. Of course Colorless figures that even if Hisui’s being hands off about the whole thing obviously the Green King won’t be into letting Colorless get rid of all the Kings since that would include Green, and Colorless needs some leverage. He ends up spotting Sukuna talking to Kotosaka and figures out that this kid must also be one of the Green clan. He follows Sukuna to like an arcade where Sukuna stopped to play some games, then hops into the body of like an innocent kid and stabs Sukuna while he’s distracted, Sukuna doesn’t even get a good look at the person who attacked him before collapsing. Colorless jumps bodies again to escape and Kotosaka witnesses it, meaning that now Hisui knows what Colorless did and I think he would be very Not Happy at this point.
So we now have both the Greens and the Reds (and technically Grey too, since Iwa-san wouldn’t be pleased at losing Sukuna either) going after Colorless, who’s moved on to sneaking into Scepter 4 via random nameless bishounen clansmen and is basically biding his time deciding who to stab next. I like to imagine that he tries to kill Fushimi first instead of Doumyouji but Fushimi proves to be too on his guard, like every time Colorless gets close Fushimi turns and Colorless has to jump bodies in order to avoid being attacked himself. He manages to get Doumyouji alone and Doumyouji actually almost avoids him too, having much better senses than Colorless gives him credit for, but in the end he’s killed as well. After that Colorless probably goes back to his canon actions of trying to catch up to Weismann, this being his next King to attack and he ends up taking Weismann’s body and everything. I wonder though at this point if we’d get a very strange alliance, because I could see Hisui deciding that by going after Sukuna Colorless has broken the rules of the game that Hisui allowed him to set and now punishment must be administered, even if that means the Green King actually offering to ally with the Red and Blue (and eventually Silver) in order to take down the rogue King who intends to end them all and we get this whole tense enemy of my enemy is my friend situation going down.
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ridiasfangirlings · 7 years
What things would change with Anna being the Red King as opposed to how Mikoto ran things?
Chapter one ofCountdown laid out the differences between them pretty well I think –Anna’s ‘I will not burn anything that does not have to be burnt,’that where Mikoto tended to just burn through obstacles withouthesitating I think Anna is a bit more sedate with her power, lookingat the situation and using only the amount of power that she needs tokeep herself and her people safe rather than just straight up burningwithout hesitating. The way Yata puts things in the same chapter Ithink points out another of the differences, he talks about how hewanted to 'work under’ Mikoto, like Mikoto’s the gang boss and Yatawanted to be one of his underlings and fight for him, whereas withAnna Yata wants to support and protect her – it’s kinda like withMikoto they fought for him whereas with Anna they fight besideher, like the rest of Homra considered themselves as backup to Mikotobut with Anna they’re more like her retainers who fight by her side(and to be fair I think some of that isn’t just because of who Annais as a person but the simple difference between your King being thisstrong scary grown man versus a kind and quiet little girl, Annacan’t command the way Mikoto does because she doesn’t have the samepresence and she knows it). I think Anna’s approach as makes Homra alittle less insular as a gang, like I feel as if Anna is more likelyto listen to outside people when it comes to Homra’s affairs whilestill putting Homra’s good at the forefront. Like in ROK I think aHomra led by Mikoto wouldn’t have allied themselves so easily withthe Silvers because Mikoto would have had more reservations about thewhole thing – I think he might have consulted with Kusanagi on thatone and probably gone with whatever recommendation Kusanagi gave him,but he’d have some concerns about working with the Blues and Iactually kinda feel like he wouldn’t have trusted Shiro, or at leastbeen more wary about him than Anna is. I feel like Anna’s a lot morelikely to form strong bonds with other people and due to her powersshe tends to be more empathetic to others than Mikoto was (which isnot to say Mikoto didn’t have empathy for other people, just thatAnna has a lot more understanding of the way other people feel thanmost people do in general), so it’s easier for her to work with theother clans and to become friendly with them. I feel like under AnnaHomra’s probably a lot less reckless and somewhat less violent andchaotic, Anna’s way of Kingship just isn’t the type where she wantsher people to burn indiscriminately. Weirdly what it makes me thinkof is Totsuka’s powers, how he didn’t have strong or destructive redpowers but could use them in ways that the others couldn’t, makingflame butterflies or picking locks – a way that may seem weak tooutsiders but has its own beauty and its own usefulness, and eventhough it’s not the same as the Homra Mikoto led it’s still Homra atits core.
(Also on that noteI tend to headcanon that’s why Homra seems so much smaller in ROK –from the novels I kinda get the impression that Mikoto gave power towhoever asked and there were a lot of people who were members ofHomra who really were just in it for the power and the prestige, forbragging about being 'Homra’ and watching other people be in awe ofthem, or afraid of them. There’s the bit in the prologue of Kingdomof Red where when Anna becomes King Kusanagi feels an unspokenquestion of 'will you accept this King as your King’ and I imagineall members feeling that same thing – including Fushimi which Iwrote a drabble-thingy about a while back because I love the idea ofthat happening – and that only a handful answered 'yes,’ thateveryone else was more attached to the power and danger of Mikotothan the real heart of Homra itself and that’s where Anna’s clan isdifferent, that it’s not just this giant sprawling gang but a smallclose knit family of people who know what they’ve lost and want toprotect what they have left. And that’s why most of those randomunnamed Homra guys from the end of K S1 are nowhere to be seen inROK, because they answered the Slate’s question with a 'no’.)
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