#im still working on those requests in my inbox i just got distracted okay
velveteen-vampire · 2 years
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we will join hands and never let anyone sever us again!!!
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
hello, i love your writin'!! seriously, it's so cool to read and im just ajdhsish and this is the first thing- second thing, would you be comfortable with writin' albedo x gn reader (headcanons are cool yknow!) who dislikes goin' outside alone? like, they worry that somethin' bad will happen to them or are a bit scared of doin' things that might go wrong around people, so they prefer goin' outside with someone? (they also want to get rid of their fears but have no ideas how) i will understand if you don't want to so dw!! 👉👈
First thing, thank you so much for requesting! This took a while, I'm so sorryy! This was supposed to come out yesterday but I got sick and barely had the brainpower to even stand :(( feels better now tho so yey? And yess ahhh thank you for your kind words, you guys have been wonderful too, give yourself some credit too!
This is the last Albedo request in the inbox and woohoo, we ended this streak in one of the hard prompts I've come by so far ahaha
I'm not sure if I interpreted anon right but this shall be a fic as originally requested? I'm apologizing in advance because I don't think I've captured this scenario well enough hehe,,, but I hope you still enjoy this!
Keep Me Intertwined
Albedo with a gn!reader that's scared of going out alone (Mild Social Phobia?)
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Albedo is a genuis, everybody knows that, even beyond the walls of Mondstadt. Praised and sought out by scholars to ask for his wisdom and a majority of the time they receive their desired enlightenment.
Indeed, the Kreideprinz is a genuis even if he says otherwise, but he's a genuis in the art of Kemia. And only that. Truth be told there are a lot of things he lacks when it comes to knowledge, as his focus is only in the science he wants to explore. Beyond that, he comes close to a child's understanding of the world.
When he bumped into you when he was strolling through the stalls during a market fair of travelling merchants, he'd thought it would be something he can shrug off easily, but as he moves his head to look at the perpetrator he'd hear a squeak of a "sorry" and a running figure. What?
Albedo silently pats himself down as he continues to watch as the silhouette disappears farther, with a calculating gaze to memorize all their features for... future references.
After he made sure it wasn't a thief that bumped to him to pickpocket, he immediately moves on without another thought.
"Ah, you're the one from the marketplace yesterday." In all honesty, your second meeting was quicker to come than he expected, and at the most curious location of all places. In the Knights of Favonius HQ. How had he not heard or seen of you before?
Your shoulders tense at the sound before you even closed the door of which you came from. This was a room he's never seen anyone use, he realized. Was this where you've been residing all this time? What an oversight on his part but it seems that you two share the common practice of barely leaving your quarters.
When you turned around, behind those surprised eyes lies a gentleness of relief he has not seen a mixture of in the ones he'd observed before. "O-Oh, Chief Alchemist! I'm really sorry about that, I was- I'm really sorry!" He hums in contemplation before shaking his head, assuring you it was a matter that caused no harm.
There was more to it, but his thoughts are distracted with his current task at hand, and with a short goodbye he made his way out down the hall where the stairs resides.
His heavy boots clap on the carpeted floor...
Paired with shuffling light ones to try and match his stride.
Huh? "Are you perhaps going outside?" He confirms with a soft yes as he continues his walk. What are you implying? "Is it okay if I join your company? I uhm also need to get some stuff from outside." He just nods, not one for small talk or questioning. It's nothing much to think about really—
Your loose and subtle grip around the chains hanging by his coat seem to ground him from his musings as you two traverse through Mondstadt in a normal gait. He tries not to think about it too much, but the way you look around with unease when you near other people or your desperate strides to stay a respectable distance to him were things he observed during the walk. Albedo was no man of science focusing on human personality and it bothers him.
It was like a game of cat and mouse between you two running errands, he'll detour to the side and you'll follow him, and if you need to drop by to a building then he'll have to follow you.
And he doesn't know why. Is it because of his mannerism towards taking care of Klee? Or his feeling of responsibility for bringing you along?
During this whole ordeal the Chief Alchemist has brought himself a bright idea (it is not) and went into his scientific mode. He watches you talk to one of the citizens about a commission you had finished yesterday and after confirming your undivided attention, he quietly slips away from the area to visit the Alchemy stall where Timaeus would surely be working on.
It took about an hour before he was allowed to use the table, because Timaeus took so long working on his forgery. Goodness that man needs to work on his studies more.
Ah, speaking of— Albedo realized he'd just up and left you for an hour. Without a second thought he retraced his steps to where he had last seen you. Surely you would have gone off to do your own thing, probably finished up your errands by now and had gone back to the Knights headquarters.
An unmoving force made him tumble forward as his coat seemed to have been caught. If you were there, it would be a sight to see, a rare moment of the Kreideprinz so uncomposed and shocked as he catches himself with a sputter. What the hell? His head snaps to look over his shoulder at such incredible speed, you'd thought it really would have snapped—
The clutch on his chain accessory tightens. With your head down low he couldn't see what expression you were, but your tense shoulders shake with a tremor similar to that of an on-going earthquake. His guilt was more obvious as your knuckles turn white from the deadly grip.
"Albedo-!" You exclaimed in what seems to be a cross between a whine and a whimper. "You disappeared, I couldn't- I couldn't leave..."
He hides a sigh as you refuse to look up to show your face. And in a comforting manner he has 'mastered' with a certain someone, he gently pries off your tight grip (with some urging pats to get you to loosen) before interlocking your fingers with his gloved ones. And he smiles as genuinely as he can, "I'm sorry, I won't do it again. Are you done here? It's almost night, we should get moving."
Your nod of agreement was a breath of fresh air to him.
Days after that were pretty much as uneventful as uneventful it could be for Albedo's lifestyle.
Holed up in his laboratory for days without rest like the madman he is. Master's alembic and grounds of scarlet quartz able to keep his mind occupied to not wonder. Hyperfocused, no one has seen him out, only Sucrose dropping by with an 'assistant pass' despite the experiment on-going sign hanging by his doorknob.
When he finally stepped out to the hallway, three days already passed. The door behind him clicks as it locks, a sound that echoed with the door four rooms apart to his.
Kaeya looks up from your doorknob when he noticed the approaching silhouette. "Oh, Chief Alchemist? Finally came out of your cave." He quipped as he leans his shoulder against your room's door, visible eyebrow raising slightly after noticing the fleeting gaze Albedo passed at the door.
"Cavalry Captain, good evening. What were you doing there?" Straight to the point.
The taller man's eyebrow rose higher before he composed his amusement. "I didn't expect you to be into rumors, Albedo." The Alchemist's brows furrows in response. "No harm done, worry not. I just accompanied them on their trip outside before retreating for the night."
Humming to himself, Albedo's eyes wonder back to your doorknob before it was protectively shielded by the man's... white fur cloak?
"I also heard you left them alone when you two were out. I didn't expect you to be such a cruel man, amping up their fear after the progress they've made." Fear? Progress? More questions swirled within the genius' mind the more he talked with this.
Kaeya had noticed his faraway look and pieced together the context. Finally, he offered to explain the background of the issue and Albedo was ecstatic to listen in, a first with the blunette.
"Do you understand it now?"
"Then I'll leave them to your care, I'm sure your genius mind can come up with something."
And thus you find yourself standing at the bottom steps of the Ordo Favonius HQ the next morning, hand in hand with the Chief Alchemist you've last seen four days ago. Doesn't he have better things to do? No, he reasoned the solution he worked on will take two days to formulate the desired sediment, and so he has that timeframe free for the taking.
You would have been confused and wary he'd abandon you again—
Were you not forced to listen to the two dummies talk about YOU right outside your ROOM.
"You uhm, you don't have to hold my hand during this whole trip, Master Albedo."
"Albedo." He corrected. "And this is necessary, much more convenient and predictable than pulling on my chains really." A touch of a blush framed your cheeks with embarrassment.
"I have nothing in my itinerary today, so feel free to tug me along. It is, after all, the most I can do for what happened."
Despite the rough texture from the long use, the leathered hand in yours brought about more comfort than you would have thought.
The solar isotoma sparkled in pure golden beauty in front of you, but it didn't prevent the anxiety bubbling inside as you watch Albedo hop over the ledge with the help of his geo construct. "What- what are you doing?"
"Experiment. I'll be up in the roof looking over you so you'll know I'm still here, if it makes a difference if your company is far from arms length or not." He replied as he casually hopped over to the roof of a housing unit.
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I didn't get to capture all the aspects of the request that I wanted to focus on ahhhhh, I got so conscious of the length I had to stop it! Still ack I hope I captured his personality and context well— and I'm sorry if I amped up the fear more than you gave, I'm not really sure how bad it was supposed to be skskskks
But hey, this being the last Albedo req in my inbox, I am now free from this man *happy sigh* //:Albedo smut leading the leaderboard for the followers event looms over from behind:// *sweats*
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every1studio · 5 years
REQUESTED: “a secret within a secret” [ateez: seonghwa ft woosan]
(do not read if you are UNCOMFORTABLE with this type of content)
genre: SMUT
ficstyle: bulletpoints + series  [PART 1] [PART 2] [SPECIAL]
request: “ ARE YOU GONNA MAKE A PART THREE FOR THAT WOOSAN SMUT it’s ok if u don’t im just curious but wHEN I TELL YOU I LITERALLY C A C K L E D SO FUCKING LOUD BECAUSE I WAS NOT EXPECTING THE END LMFAOOOOO I WAS LIKE WHAT THE FUCKKKKK FJDJSBAJDNKSKAKS i was so surprised but it was so good !!! i rly rly enjoy that fic, i wasnt expecting a part two hhhdhdb “
note: THIS IS ALL A WORK OF FICTION AND ISN’T MEANT TO BE PORTRAYED IN ANY OTHER WAY + THIS WAS HIGHLY REQUESTED SO I THOUGHT I WOULD INCLUDE IT AS A SPECIAL + I’ll try to get to the requests in my inbox as soon as I can more ideas for them!!! 
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you didn’t know how to enter into your classroom the next day 
was it because you couldn’t look at your teacher’s desk knowing what you did San and Wooyoung?
or was it because your young and hot teacher found out that you were fucking with other guys on HIS desk?
all of the above; would be the right answer 
you were usually the first one in class but you couldn’t be alone in the same room with your teacher after what he told you yesterday 
you stood outside the classroom waiting for more of your classmates to walk into class before entering 
San and Wooyoung cocked a smile when they saw you
“hey there, kitten”
“hey there, baby girl”
they both said at the same time, causing them to look at one another 
“kitten fits her better!”
“Y/N told me that she likes baby girl better than kitten!”
they started to yell; causing everyone to look outside to where you were, including your teacher, Mr. Seonghwa Park
you tried to quiet them down before your teacher could step outside your classroom
Mr. Park placed his hands on their shoulders, “I’m sure you don’t want the whole school knowing what you call Ms. Y/N, right? you should get to your class on time~”
the boys rubbed the back of their necks in embarrassment
San pinches your cheek before leaving, “see you after school~”
Wooyoung had to 1-UP San so he pecked you on the cheek before dragging San by the arm
“polyamory relationship, Ms. Y/N? you don’t strike me as the type..” your teacher speaks softly only for you to hear as he shoos your classmates back into class 
“I’m not in a relationship...” you murmured; it was said out loud but you weren’t expecting your teacher to be so interested in your love life
Mr. Park turns to cock a brow at you, “interesting..”
and with that, he started class and you had to push any unnecessary thoughts aside to focus on school 
every time that your mind was clear from all distractions, you would catch your teacher staring at you
you nervously look away when he would lick his lips as he kept eye contact with you; he’d pull out his chapstick so other students wouldn’t suspect any reason for him to constantly lick or bite his lips other than having “dry, irritated” lips 
it was like you were ready for that bell to ring for lunch; the moment you heard it you tried to bolt out of your seat and out the door
“Ms. Y/N, please come meet me in my office please,” Mr. Park announced 
you furrowed your brows as you sighed in compliance 
Mr. Park’s office was on the third floor at the end of the hall
you had 60 minutes of lunch; it took less than 2 minutes to get there 
you felt chills sent down your spine as you heard your teacher lock the door behind him
his room was dim from the curtains that shield the place from the light outside; it was fairly organized
“so, Ms. Y/N, what will you do for me?” he asked as he grazed his hands on his desk 
“I-I’m not sure what you mean, Mr. Park..” you lied
your teacher waves his phone in your face, “you know exactly what I mean..”
you tried to take it from him but he raises his phone over his head, way to high for you to reach without getting on the table 
“we shouldn’t even be doing this.. you’re my teacher...” you couldn’t hold eye contact with your teacher 
true; it was extremely good-looking and you weren’t the only one who had secret fantasies with him 
but he was a well-respected teacher; one of the youngest teachers in the country; he was at most only a couple years older than you 
he leans forward so that he’s face to face with you, “so are you saying that you’d be okay with it if you weren’t my student?” 
you couldn’t help but keep silent 
“I guess I’ll just turn it in to the board then..” he shoves his phone in his pocket before walking to the door 
you grabbed onto his sleeve with teary eyes, you were scared, “please don’t..”
Mr. Park sighed before turning to you, “maybe I’m just being selfish.. I grew up too fast, excelled in academics without living through school for the experiences.. so when I saw those heartbreaking troublemakers take you away from me, I just got jealous....”
you couldn’t believe what you just heard, “take me away from you?”
your teacher kept his eyes on you as he cleared his throat, “I’ve always noticed you..I was the one to notice you first.. but you always saw me as a teacher and only a teacher..and you know..”
he closes in the distance between you and the wall behind you, “I’m not that much older than you.. and if any of this really bothered you, you would’ve made a scene against me..”
he tips your chin up to look at him, “can I show you how much I’ve wanted to be with you?”
you didn’t know what to say or do; you started to tremble with confusing fear
“I never want to make you uncomfortable, I just let my jealously cloud my-” you interrupted him by pulling his lips onto yours by his tie 
he was quick to return the action by pushing his tongue into your mouth 
neither of you frantically wrestled to take off any clothes that were in the way 
your teacher peppered a constellations of kisses from your lips down to your faint love marks from Wooyoung as he took the time to unbutton your uniform
“M-Mr. Park-”
“Seonghwa,” he said, returning his lips onto yours, “call me Seonghwa..”
“Seonghwa,” you mewled, “ we don’t have a lot of time-”
Seonghwa smirks at what you were trying to get at, “I bet I can finished what I started.. if not, I still have all the time in the world after school~”
he picks you up and places you, back flat, onto his desk
he pushes you skirt up, leans into your pulsing heat
at this point you were impatient for any attention for pleasure, you were sure that he was going to rip off your panties and dive his tongue right into your pussy 
but he catches you by surprise
you could see his bare his teeth to nip your panties
you could hear him take a big whiff of your essence as he pulls off your panties, by the teeth 
he lets the panties fall from his mouth and shoves it into your mouth 
“you’re gonna have to try to be quiet if you don’t wanna get caught,” he leans in next to your ear; not taking the time to warn you that he’s going to shove his fingers into you at a rapid pace
your sounds were kept to a muffle because of your makeshift gag
your hands held onto his wrist to at least slow him down, but he wouldn’t budge by your touch 
his fingers were scissoring into you as he uses his thumb to apply pressure to your clit 
the moment Seonghwa catches you throw your head back and clench around his fingers, he pulled away
you started to tear up from the dissatisfaction of not being able to cum 
Seonghwa licks your tears off of your face, “you’ll get there, I promise you..”
he looks up at the clock, “I got more than enough time to get you there..” he sucks on his fingers that were covered with your wetness, “okay?”
you nodded, but you were still impatient, so you pulled him into you by wrapping your legs around his waist 
Seonghwa unbuckles his belt and leans forward to tighten it around your wrist, “I know how much you love to act like you’re in control, but that’s not what I’m gonna let you do today. you’ve been quiet a tease, kitten.. or should I call you baby girl?”
you shivered at your pet names as Seonghwa pulled out his cock
if it weren’t for your gag, your drool would’ve been escaping the corner of your mouth 
it was a heavenly combination of San AND Wooyoung’s cock combined; long, thick and veiny 
you could feel your eyes roll back as he pushed his way into you 
“I should call you a slut for all those guys that you used for pleasure, huh?” he grunted as he gained speed, filling the room with repetitive, lewd sounds   
Seonghwa didn’t give you time adjust as he began rut in and outside of you 
he didn’t even falter when you began to clench around him
it caused to you cum before he did; your body shook as waves of orgasm hit you and rippled through every nerve of your body 
but Seonghwa didn’t stop, causing you to wring by overstimulation 
he saw that, he truly didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable, so he leans into the crevice of your neck as he continued to jackhammer into you
“ju-just hang in there.. I’m almost-” as if he couldn’t go fast and harder, hitting your g-spot every. single. time, he went past that point you thought was his limit 
you clenched around him once again; felt him bring you over to another round of cumming 
Seonghwa pulls your panties from your mouth and latching his lips onto you, “you’re so perfect, princess.. you’re everything a man ever needs-”
you tear up from cumming quickly for the second time
Seonghwa was so distracted by pumping his overflowing cum into you to realized that until he opened his eyes 
he slows down his heavy breath as he rides out his orgasm; smirking as he sees the damage he’s done on you, “you want to tell me, princess, could San or Wooyoung satisfy you like I do?”
you bit your lower, swollen lip as you shook your head, no
“so,” he pulls you up so that you’re sitting upright; he’s still inside of you, “what do you want?” 
you drew small circles on his chest, not being able to look up at him, “I don’t know..”
Seonghwa scoffs
“how about this,” he pulls out of you and walks to the drawers of his desk, pulls out a pair of panties, “you wear this, since your other ones are completely soaked, and tell me what you want after school, in the classroom?”
you compliantly put it on; you felt like there was something different about the panties but you didn’t think about it 
Seonghwa helps tidy you up; making you look like the perfect student everyone thought you were 
“I’ll see you in class, Ms. Y/N..”
and you were right
the moment Seonghwa returned back to the classroom after lunch, you felt volts of vibrations coming from your panties
you had to lean on one side of your chair to keep it from vibrating against the chair 
Seonghwa had his left hand in his pocket for the whole duration of class; fluctuating the levels between low and high, keeping deprived of a release 
you would look up at him with desperate, teary eyes but he wouldn’t even take a glance at you 
you looked up at the clock and cursed under your breath, “you’ve got to be kidding me..”
somehow you managed to pull through to the end of the day without getting any sort of release      
“see you later, Y/N! hope you feel better!” your classmates waved good-bye as they knew they had to leave you to do classroom duties 
that was when the vibrations stopped; you were finally able to catch your breath 
“kitten~ did Seonghwa-hyung play with you too roughly?”
your eyes widened, you knew that voice 
you looked up to see Wooyoung sit in the seat right in front of you, “I knew I chose the right toy to use on her, Seonghwa-hyung..”
you shook from fear as you looked up at Seonghwa, “wh-what’s going on?”
Seonghwa tosses the remote to San, who turned it up the a relatively high level, “Seonghwa-hyung caught us fucking you on his table over there and got jealous~”
“and so we told him that, we’ll share you..” Wooyoung wipes the drool coming from your lips
“even though I saw you first,” Seonghwa announced as he wrapped his arm around you 
“okay but we fucked her first!” Wooyoung snapped back
“w-wait ho-how did you all-”
San turns up the level up to the highest setting, as he smirks at Wooyoung and Seonghwa
“you wouldn’t know this but.. we’re all brothers,” Wooyoung’s lips traces over yours
“we’re okay with sharing you, but are you alright with being with all three of us, kitten?” San holds you hand and starts to kiss each and every finger
Wooyoung pulls away to glare at San, “she likes baby girl!”
Seonghwa furrows his brows at the younger kids, “she’s a princess and that’s that!”
you were irritated that all of their attention wasn’t on pleasuring you 
you pouted as you spoke up, “you guys talk too much...”
they took that as a cue that you were willing to be shared as long as you were satisfied
[ masterlist + guidelines ]
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starboyholland · 7 years
Messy Drunk pt 3
Rating: PG-13 for language
Summary: you and Fionn pine over eachother for far too long and are reaping no benefits until Fionn finally snaps.
Requested: yes!!
It was 2:37 a.m. and you had been trying to sleep for hours now. You'd tossed and turned, adjusted your blankets, and flipped your pillows to the cool side so often that there was no longer any sides left to offer cool relief to your face. You reached for your phone blindly, wrapping your fingers around the familiar shape and squinting as the light bore shamelessly into your eyes. You sat up, beginning to scroll through your notifications.
There was nothing from Fionn. Usually, Fionn messaged you at least a few times a day. Since the morning after Harry's party, all you'd received was dead, heavy silence.
You couldn't help but wonder what you had done to deserve the silent treatment. You weren't the one that had confessed you wanted more than a friendship and then acted like it never happened. You didn't know what you could possibly text to bridge the widening gap between you. Not knowing what came over you, all your inhibitions suddenly fled your body, and you pressed the familiar call button that was next to Fionn's name in his contact.
The phone rang agonizingly slow, the tone seeming to mock you before suddenly the line connected and you felt your breath catch in your throat when Fionn's voice wafted from your phone speakers to your ears. "Heyy, YN, 'm s' glad ya called- thought you weren't goin' t' talk to me for a long time, because of what I said the other night- when I said I wanted to make love to ya-" He was drunk. You didn't know why you heart sank at the realization you weren't going to be able to have a normal conversation. You figured it had something to do with the fact that over the time you'd spent not talking to Fionn, you'd had time to reflect and realize that you probably (definitely) liked your friend as more than a friend. The phone was snatched away from Fionn before you had a chance to say anything at all, now Harry's voice filled the void, straining to talk over the loud background noises, country music and loud talking, the sound of shuffling feet and glasses clinking all at once like a chaotic symphony. "Hi, love," "Hey, Harry, you guys partying hard?" You were teasing but part of you was a little tender at not being invited out like you normally were. "He dragged us out to some shit country bar, and now he's drunk off his ass. He's been miserable, YN, the only thing he's consumed since he dropped you off at home is vodka-" "Excuse me, I've been doing shots, Har, don't make me sound effeminate," you could hear Fionn yelling in the background and some fumbling over the phone, Harry scolding Fionn and refusing to let him embarrass himself on the phone. Harry said something else about how alcohol had no tie to how masculine anyone was, and you had to smile at your friend, glad he was there to look after your friend- well, friend and crush, and love interest, you figured.
"He's out here makin' a fool 'f 'himself, says 'e can't go home 'cause everything there reminds 'im of ya," You sighed. "Why won't he just tell me how he feels, or at least what he's thinking, then? Until now I had no idea he even remembered hitting on me drunk at that party, or if he really felt that way," Harry paused, you could hear him telling Fionn to get off of something or other before he got hurt and you could only imagine the shenanigans that he was getting into. Maybe he was flirting with other girls just like he'd flirted with you. You tried to banish the thought because even thinking about Fionn hitting on other girls when you were just starting to think of him as more than a friend made you queasy. "Love, he's crying again, do you want to talk to him? I can't get him to come down from the table and the bartenders here are getting rather annoyed with him," you agreed quietly, and heard a brief moment with no voices, before Fionns voice flooded your senses. "Harry says I've got to get down, I don't want to get down- I just want to be high," with that your friend giggled and you hated to have to be the voice of reason that would shut down his drunken fun. You could hear in his voice that he had indeed been crying at least a little bit and you hated the thought of your best friend crying on your account. "Are you okay, Finn?" He replied quickly with no inhibitions:
"I like it when you call me Finn, makes me feel special, I like it when you call me love, too, you only call me nice names like that when we're drunk, though," he spoke into the phone, you could hear Harry coaxing him to do something in the background. "Alright, love, just listen to Harry and let him get you home safe, okay?" He whined your name and you could nearly see him throwing his head back, always one for the dramatics. "But I want to sleep with you again, my bed feels like shit without you, that's why I'm out s' late, I can't sleep anymore, and I look like a damn lightweight out 'ere b'cause I can't eat and I can't talk t' ye because I'm too nervous around you when 'm sober nowadays," his long, run-on sentence had you feeling slightly jarred, yet warm at the same time. "Finn, you don't mean that you're just drunk, let Harry get you a snack when you get home and you'll sleep like a baby-" "No, YN, you're not listenin' t' me! I fucking love you, YN, and I can't even talk t' you anymore because I can't keep secrets from you and all I do is mope around and I'm only happy after I've had some shots and I can stop pretending not to be in love with you-"
You could hear his voice growing slightly frantic and you rushed to calm him down in a soothing voice. "Finn, can you please tell me this when you're sober, I think I like you but-" "Ya think? YN I just told ye that I'm in goddamn love with ye- and ya can't even tell me ye flat out like me?" The line went completely dead before you could even get a syllable out of your mouth, the monotone noise haunting your ears.
Unable to sleep, Fionn raced through your mind faster than ever before, his broken voice, his drunken giggles, his confession of being in love with you and his heartbroken tone after you tried to tell him how you felt. You tried and tried to send him a text that would convey how you felt but nothing you typed felt good enough so you settled for texting Harry, who you correctly assumed was with Fionn still. You asked how he was and Harry replied that your mutual friend would be fine besides a hangover and bruised pride. You got up the nerve to ask if Harry believed Fionn's feelings were genuine, or if he was just allowing the alcohol to create an illusion. Harry replied that he thought you should trust your feelings, and that things really couldn't get much worse then they were now. Harry then reported that Fionn had now locked himself in Harry's bathroom to cry. The two of you agreed over text to call it a night and you found yourself finally falling asleep as the sun was coming up. When you finally awoke it was mid-day and you only had a few texts, thankfully among those in your inbox sat one from Harry, as well as one from Fionn. +Fionn: so I guess we should probably talk about whatever this is before I get alcohol poisoning +Harry: TALK TO HIM!!!!!!! HE LIKES YOU!!!!!!!! JUST TELL HIM HOW YOU FEEL!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!
You responded an eye rolling emoji to Harry's, knowing it was definitely the easier of the two messages to answer. You then shuffled around your phone to text Finn back. You created and deleted multiple drafts before finally sending one. +YN: yeah that might be good, the doctors will not view your drinking habits as kindly as a bartender... +Fionn: sorry for hanging up on you last night all of a sudden I guess I'm just turning into more and more of a messy drunk, as you say +YN: it's okay, are you free today? We could talk over hangover food? +Fionn: that sounds amazing, I'll be over with drive thru food if you want to get take-out delivered to yours?? +YN: I'll see you soon then, drive safe!!! +Fionn: anything for you, see you soon YN You'd thought you were ready for Fionn to walk through your door, you'd never cared how you looked in front of Fionn before and you couldn't fathom why all of a sudden you would care even slightly more now. You put on a cute pair of sweats and made yourself look as though you'd slept soundly though the previous night even though both you and Fionn knew neither of you had. Fionn had had a key to your apartment for as long as you'd had one, he almost contemplated moving in with you but had decided against it at the time. Now thinking back on it you wondered if he'd had feelings for you way back then. You shouldn't have jumped in surprise when your door gently swung open with the rustling of plastic bags, you were used to Fionn coming in this way, it happened at least once a week when Fionn wasn't out working on some project. Fionn noticed and cringed slightly, but pretended he didn't, looking down to take off his shoes while trying to balance the weight of the plastic shopping bags on his arms. "Oh, here, let me help, I can grab some-"
You hopped up quickly from the couch and over the back of it to get to Fionn. The second your hand touched his arm, you both suddenly stopped what you were doing for just a millisecond, distracted by the obvious feelings you both got from being in contact, a product of the long time apart paired with the tension between you. The pause wasn't long, just long enough for Fionn's voice to halt in the middle of his sentence. "Oh no I've got-" He trailed off. You both looked up at each other from what you were doing, and Fionn hung his head, lifting up one arm with the least amount of groceries and using his hand to comb back his hair firmly. He continued to talk, your arms falling limply at your sides. "I've really fucked things up, 'aven't I?" He exhaled heavily and you were quick to insist that he hadn't, but you knew your voice sounded weak and you weren't even sure of your own words. You didn't believe Fionn had ruined everything, but you knew things couldn't go back to being just the way they were before and for a moment that terrified you before you reminded yourself that you wanted things to change. Fionn had made you aware of your feelings for him unknowingly, and now you had to find the courage to tell him. "No, I mean things are different now- we're being all weird, trying to act like I didn't tell you that I loved you last night drunk over the phone, and that a few nights before I didn't hit on you, fuck, YN, I'm sorry-" You tried to catch a break in his words to speak your mind but Fionn shook his head desperately. "No, YN, please let me say this while I have the nerve. I know you don't feel the same way, I just got a little sore over it for some reason and you know me, I can't keep anything in for shit with you- especially not when I'm drunk. You have every right not to want to be friends anymore, you don't have to have me over and I can give you back my key and-" "Finn, shut up," you couldn't help but see him for a moment the way that you did before any of the events leading to this moment had even begun. You saw your friend looking tired and defeated and you hated it. You didn't know how to possibly make it better instantly so you just hugged him, your arms wrapping around his neck. The two of you were no strangers to this position and it felt more natural than anything else between the two of you in the last few days. "Love, just stop for a minuet, okay," you spoke softly Fionn was terrified that this was some kind of goodbye. Within a second, all of the bags were on the floor and Fionn's arms were wrapped around you. "You only call me that when-" He started to speak but you only hugged him tighter, it was effective in getting him to halt his seemingly constant stream of words. "Finn, I've been wanting to call you love when we were both sober for longer than I even knew. I'm not mad, I don't want you to leave," "But last night-" "Fuck last night, I would have told you how I felt, I was just scared it was the drinks talking again but I talked to Harry and I thought about it and damn it, Finn, I think I love you," Fionn had never, ever thought he'd hear those beautiful words fall from your mouth, at least not directed at him. He felt as though he was in some sort of fever dream and even if he was, he'd rather sleep forever than ever leave this moment. Now things were moving at lightning speed and neither of you seemed to care.
"Finn, I don't want you to give me the key back, I want you to stay as long as you can because I've missed you like crazy," And with that Fionn released you slightly from his grip, his hands hanging on your hips, your own remaining around his neck. "Can I kiss you? Is it too soon, you can say n-" and with that you brought your hands to either sides of his face and you kissed him. It took him no time at all to respond and neither of you pulled away until you were in need of air with butterflies in your stomachs and your lips feeling purely electric.
"I love you, YN, I have for such a long time, told Harry that last night while I was cryin' like a baby, he told me I'd better tell you that, I'm so fuckin' glad I did," "Me too, my love," And that was that. The two of you broke apart and began to set up your evening as always, but this time it felt better than ever. Little did either of you know, Harry figured this had happened and was doing a victory lap around his apartment at his success as matchmaker.
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