#im stressed about a few patients that i wanna go check up on after maybe an hour of sleep bc im too stressed to sleep
kirishwima · 2 years
hm. hmm
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saltymongoose · 2 years
Request (sent via messages): Hi! {im new here ¡~¡} I read the self-aware au {is that what its called?} and i would like to request! So I wanna see the guys (main 4) reaction to player if they were a actual doctor/medic? And they would be with 2b all the time, thanks!~ love the au btw! - @ineedtostopsimping
Hello! This is a cool idea, thanks for requesting it! Hope you like these hcs :D (Also, formatting on this is different again because it's super long and the post editor didn't like that, so I hope it looks alright. 😅)
Their Reaction to a Doctor!Player ft. Deimos, Sanford, Hank, & 2BDamned
(TW: Yandere, Obsessive Behavior, Manipulation, Slight Masochism, brief descriptions of injuries.)
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- [DEIMOS] -
Deimos was actually the first to find out that you were a skilled doctor since he'd also been your first "patient" in their group. You’d been looking over the boys for a brief moment after another mission when you noticed the slight tinge of pain on his face and the way he was favoring his left side. Upon asking him about it, he told you that he happened to get slashed by one of the Agents you’d been fighting a few days ago. Nothing big. 
(Or at least that’s what he said, trying to act all cool in front of you as the edge of his mouth pulled back in a strained grin. His pain medication had worn off a while ago, but how could you see him as dependable when this was all it took to weaken him? Hank could walk around just fine with swords sticking out of him, why shouldn’t he be able to handle a little cut?)
He expected you to try and pull him to one of the medkits and check on his bandages, maybe take a closer look before trying to get you guys back to Doc to examine it for real. Or perhaps you’d just choose to try and heal it yourself with your “mod” (whatever that was). Anything other than you pulling back the patchwork of bloodied bandages and medical tape to redo them yourself after gasping at how bad they were.
(“...Is this dental floss?” you asked, giving him a worried look as he inhaled sharply under your touch, jolting as your fingers tenderly brushed over the edge of his wound. You thought his sudden redness was a result of exertion and the pain, but it was also due to having your hands on his bare skin. A part of him felt happy, even though he wished the contact was at a better time.)
He and the others watched your every move as you took a medkit from Sanford and replaced the semi-torn stitches with your own neat ones, distracting him from the pain with your explanation of why you could do such a thing to begin with. (“...and afterward I got my certification. The exam was really stressful, but I can’t say I regret it – Sanford, could you pass me the scissors? Thanks. So anyway-”). Turns out you were a real doctor back in your world, at least before you quit to start streaming instead; you had a full MD and everything!
After finding this out, Deimos was quick to start going to you for getting patched up instead of Doc. I mean, it’s not like anyone would blame him for preferring someone who clearly had more experience with this, right? (He also did it just because he wanted to feel your touch again, but he never admits it openly. Even if the glares from the other three make it perfectly clear that they know, especially when they see the way he lights up when you agree.)
He plays up almost every injury or cold he gets just to have more of your attention on him. To you, it’s almost like a kid faking a worse illness just to get out of going to school, only it’s a fully grown man slumping over you while moaning about how awful he feels from a sore throat and coughing loudly into his elbow. (He pouts when you suggest that his cigarettes are the cause of it, but it switches to a smile when you laugh at his mock-annoyance.)
However, he actually gets injured a lot in reality, with little cuts, burns, and damage from electrical shocks when he’s fiddling with his electronics or tinkering with some other machinery. They’re small wounds that heal quickly and he’s used to just bandaging them himself the moment they happen. Honestly, they’re such an afterthought that he didn’t even think about going to you for them, the idea just completely slipped his mind. 
Then you get curious about it when you hear him curse under his breath and watch him whip his hand away from the circut board he was soldering for the 7th time that day. He was surprised when you quickly came up to him and clasped his wrist to get a good look at what happened, so much so that he started stammering out assurances that he was “just fine” and that “it happens all the time”. But as you gently hush him and bring his hand closer to you to inspect his fingers, you miss the silent look of contemplation that washes over him before he grins to himself. (Sanford doesn’t though, giving him a scathing look from his own place across the room. It’s almost like he can see the sudden realization that occurs when Deimos realizes that ‘Oh right, I can use this too’.)
Despite the great lengths he goes to just to get your attention this way, he can be very fidgety when you finally tend to him. He squirms when your hands run over a tender spot and he drums his fingers on the table when you have your face close to him to get a better look at what you’re doing. (You’re so focused that you miss the small shiver he does when your breaths brush against his skin. You’re just so close, he can’t handle it!)
You just assume it’s from nerves since it’s pretty normal to have some patients who get anxious during medical treatments, but that’s not the case. He just gets overwhelmed a little bit (a lot) when you focus all your attention on him like this, how can he not be when the person he’s been crushing on for months is looking at him all softly while tracing their fingers over his wounds, ending his pain and making sure that he’s okay?
Out of all the grunts, though, Sanford is actually your best patient, well, the best behaved anyway. After hearing you talk about the sheer amount of work you had to do to even become a practicing doctor he’s extremely impressed, almost in awe at how skilled of a person you are. He’s never met anyone who’s as experienced in the medical field as you, and he really respects you as a professional. Honestly it just makes him more starstruck when in your presence.
Unlike the others, Sanford won’t balk when Doc treats his injuries; he knows your time is valuable and he doesn’t want to stop you from doing what you need to do. While he’s admittedly a little disappointed when you instruct 2B on how to properly fix him up instead of doing it yourself, he still finds some way to appreciate it. Just the change in the way he’s bandaged and the more precise treatments he’s given are proof enough of your influence there. 
(Though you do notice how he seems to get a little huffy when you show Hank and Deimos more attention, so you’ll make the first move to bring him in for some “extra precautionary examinations". The genuine surprise and bashful reaction you get from him is well worth the time it takes to make up something believable. Plus, the way he blushes when you show a sudden interest in him is really cute, not going to lie.)
It’s also because of his respect for you that he won’t try to burden you with his own injuries if he can help it (and also because he wants you to see him as reliable, and it’s not like you can lean on someone who needs help with every little wound, right?). Unfortunately, though, this also extends to some occasions where he could really use your assistance. Like those many stray gashes he’s received from debris or the shotgun slugs that’ve managed to bury their way into his torso. Gruesome wounds that he believes he can handle on his own with only basic first aid training.
You know better than anyone just how dangerous wounds like this can be, and that’s not to mention the additional risk that infections can pose. So you have to keep an eye on him to make sure he’s actually doing as well as he says he is. And you don’t exactly understand why he tries to hide his wounds from you either; you can tell that he enjoys spending time with you when you treat him and it helps both of you when you do it (him for his injuries and you for your own worry), so why go to such lengths?
It honestly really flusters him whenever you drag him into the medbay to treat him. It serves as a reminder of how much you genuinely care about him and he can feel his heart flutter when you look at him with concern and carefully tend to the varying wounds he’s gotten. Sometimes you’ll chide him for not coming to you sooner, rendering him speechless by outright telling him that you care for him too much for him to let himself suffer like this.
(“Sanford, I know you don’t want to bother me –and I appreciate the sentiment, don’t get me wrong– but you can’t keep doing this to yourself. It worries me when you get hurt, you know, and I hate seeing you in pain. It’s really cheesy so I hate saying it like this, but seeing you like this hurts me too, you know. I’m your Player, you can come to me for anything and I’d help you without question,” you paused from your rant to look him in the face, “I really care about you, so please lean on me when you need to, okay?” He only nods slowly in response, his face beet red. He hadn’t expected you to say that you were his, nor for you to be so…blatant with your affection.)
Other than this, he’s honestly a model patient for you, allowing you to do whatever you like without too much questioning on his part. Since he isn’t as unwilling to have Doc treat him, you include him a lot in your teaching sessions to act as an example as well. He’s happy about it, even if he has to fight to keep the completely lovesick look off his face in front of Doc.
(Although 2BDamned is less than pleased about this, glaring at the other grunt whenever you end up touching him for too long whilst showing him what to do.  If you wanted an example so badly you could’ve just demonstrated on him, you know.)
After finding out about your skills, Hank is like Deimos in that he’ll deliberately use his injuries to get your attention. However, instead of playing up the ones he has (since he knows it would probably be uncharacteristic of him to show much of a reaction to his wounds), he’ll just try to get more of them. He’ll slow his own reaction time when you aren’t looking, allowing his enemies to riddle him with a few bullets and slices before taking them out, perhaps even putting himself out in the open more just to get maimed.
He doesn’t care for the damage that they could do, he’s happy to bare more pain if it gets you to fix him yourself. In fact, he’ll also refuse any anesthesia you or Doc try to give him since he wants to be fully awake and aware of you working on him. He wants to feel the way your fingers brush over his skin as you stitch him back together and every little shift of your tools as they pull debris from his flesh. It doesn’t matter if it hurts, if anything the adrenaline rush from it just makes him more aware of your movements. Besides, he can take it, trust him.
(He’s even tried inflicting the wounds himself at times, but he never makes any mentions of where they came from. You had your suspicions, though, since the angles on some of the injuries he had were quite odd. One time he’d gotten a deep stab wound in his thigh, but to you it appeared like someone had to have been pressed right up against him to cause it, far closer than he’d usually let someone get. Curious.)
However, he won’t sit quietly whenever you try to have Doc fix him up instead. He didn’t want 2B to touch him, not when he had you to put him back together. Who cares if the other grunt’s trying to use it as a “teaching moment”? He spends all the time that he wants around you anyway, so Hank sees absolutely no reason to let him steal these private moments between you too. Besides, Doc didn’t have a license or anything like you did, so he’s just being sensible. (He disregards the fact that 2B has treated him for years and brought him back to life numerous times. It’s not good enough for him anymore, and besides, he trusts that you would bring him back if needed too.)
He’ll roughly shove past Doc whenever he tries to treat him, sometimes even threatening him to make him let up. It doesn’t matter if the wound is big or small, he only wants your eyes on him for this. Honestly, he won’t even let the other man figure out the full extent of his injuries or give him the smallest of examinations. He savors every time he gets injured to the fullest regardless of how much damage waiting for you might cause.
(Doc looked up from where he was working with you, currently busy passing you supplies as you soothed a balm over a burn that Sanford had received. He finds Hank leaning on the wall across from him, left hand braced across his side as blood pours from between his fingers onto the floor and is that a machete impaling him?! 2B shifts in his seat, making a move to get up.
“Hank, you’re bleeding.” He says it as more of an observation that anything. But Hank didn’t even turn his head to acknowledge his words, still leering at Sanford from where he was sitting on your examination table. “Hank.”
He tilted his head slightly. “I know.” His tone was condescending, and it annoyed Doc beyond belief. He could already feel another headache coming on as he rose and crossed the room to force him to comply with treatment. (He didn’t want you to have to deal with the cleanup, since Hank was so inconsiderate of your time.) Yet when he tried to pull his hand away from his side to inspect the damage, Hank shoved it away with a hiss, bristling at the attempt. “Don’t fucking touch me.”)
This is in stark contrast to how cooperative he is with you, of course. He’s happy to help you pull off his coat when you notice crimson darkening the fabric, even purring and leaning into you as you poke around to find the source of the blood. Given the large height difference between you, he’ll also maneuver himself to make it easier to access his wounds, sometimes even picking you up to view his face.
(“Hank, what are you-oh,” you stammer as you place your hands on his shoulders to steady yourself, carefully wrapping your legs around his torso as he looks up at you questioningly. Or at least you try to since he’s so big. “Um okay…this is probably unnecessary, but it works. Could you turn a little bit, I need to get more light.” And he does, of course, ever obedient for you and you only. You smile as you lift his goggles and pull his mask down, glad to see that he isn’t hiding any injuries underneath. “Thanks, big guy.” He only purrs louder in response and affectionately nips at the tips of your fingers. You giggle and rub a thumb over his cheek and he leans his head into your palm.)
(He also notices the glares that Doc is sending him from his desk and huffs a silent laugh when he sees the snapped pencil in his grasp. Sucks to be him.)
- [2BDAMNED] -
Speaking of 2BDamned, as the only other real “medic” in the group he’s very grateful for your knowledge. Not only does it make his job a hundred times easier, but it also provides a very good opportunity for him to spend more time around you. Even though he’s referred to as “Doc”, he’s never actually had any official training on how to take care of wounds, so he’s happy to spend as much time as he can learning everything directly from you. You are an experienced professional, after all.
He delights in the times he can pull you away from the others to sit at his side and teach him, listening with rapt attention as you explain the many procedures and examinations you know how to do. It doesn’t matter if you’ve gone over it already either, he enjoys the sound of your voice immensely so he’ll let you ramble on for hours if you’d like, gazing at you with a warm look all the while. Besides, the longer you take explaining things to him, the longer the time is that you spend together.
He’s actually quite studious, jotting down notes on everything you say and following your every instruction to a T. He also assists you by jumping up to get you whatever you need, whether it be tools or another cup of coffee. It’s genuinely helpful to you and he gets a sense of fulfillment every time he sees your look of surprise at his gestures. He just wants to make sure that you never regret your decision to teach him. Plus, if he makes sure that you enjoy being close to him at all times then you won’t think of seeking out anyone else to stay with, at least in his mind.
You also discuss the anatomy of grunts as well, since if you’re going to be treating them it’s something you should be familiar with. He’ll search for books and medical guides to help you with this, and he even finds a bookcase where you can store them all at their base. He’s very considerate with it, and if anything he’s also proud that you’d take such a deep interest in grunts. He’s aware that you could probably just have them fix themselves up (since that’s what they did before you came to Nevada), or even use your abilities, but the fact that you wanted to treat them yourself made him feel oddly happy.
He’ll be the first to offer himself up for a quick look-over if you want to get a feel for how they’re different from humans, like letting you examine his hands to inspect his claws, for instance. He even lets you remove his mask to look over his face if you want, just to figure out what to look for, of course. It’s a privilege that you don’t take lightly since you know how private he is about this.
(The extensive scars that marred his cheeks made him pretty anxious about it the first time. The last thing he wanted to do was disgust you with his appearance. Although he wasn’t surprised when your curiosity made way for fondness and slight worry. You were careful when you lightly touched the uneven, discolored skin. It was a painfully tender moment, he felt his breath hitch when you moved to cup both of his cheeks in your hands, suddenly realizing that he was purring almost embarrassingly loud (for him, anyway) and that his face was burning under your fingers. “Does it hurt, Doc?” you murmur and he melts into your touch just a little more. The small shake of his head is the only reply you need.)
You’re really happy with the arrangement you’ve managed to work out with Doc. Learning more about how to take care of your vessels was one of your main priorities now that you entered Nevada, and you were worried that your expertise wouldn’t carry over that much. However, your little lessons with 2B assured you that this wasn’t entirely correct, so you didn’t have very much to worry about. Knowing what to do with the grunts when they got injured removed a lot of nervousness you felt about it, so you were glad you had the chance to know more.
Although the others don’t share this opinion. While Sanford is willing to put up with your closeness with Doc (if only because it allows him to get more time with you by association), he still gets jealous of the amount of time you spend with him. And he has a right to since you spend most of your day with him unless you’re out on missions. But how else could you learn about grunts if you weren’t being taught by someone who had a little experience with treating them?
Hank and Deimos tend to be the most disruptive when it comes to your “school sessions”, always entering the office to get your attention “expert medical opinion” on something or your help with an injury. Doc honestly can’t tell which one is more annoying, since they both take up your time in varying ways.
Deimos will be very dramatic most of the time, complaining about how he’s bruised himself really badly or how he thinks he has a heart murmur or something to that effect. Most of the time you know what he’s doing, but you humor him anyway for reasons Doc can’t understand. He finds his comments irritating, especially when he makes jabs his way.
(Deimos seemed elated when you easily agreed to dress the wounds on his hands, sitting back on your table before turning his head to Doc for a brief moment. “Teacher’s Pet,” he greeted with an irritating smirk, though it fell a bit when Doc raised his brow, silently communicating an “and?” (Cause he wasn’t exactly put off by the childish taunt especially since it was true.) But they both turned to you when you stifled a laugh, turning to give Deimos a look of slight admonishment as you walked back to them.
“Quit bullying my nurse, Dei,” you joked as you gestured for the grunt to lean forward, and 2B felt an odd stirring in his chest at your words. Ordinarily he’d hate such a term for him, but being your nurse didn’t sound too bad. Then again, he’d love to be yours in any capacity, so it made sense.)
Hank, on the other hand, is a lot more self-destructive in his strategies. This is where his penchant for self-injury tends to come in the most, though sometimes he’ll even choose to fake being sick if it steals you away from Doc for a few moments. What’s worse is that 2BDamned can’t even disprove his claims, since he has no idea what Hank’s like when he’s sick anyway.
(He watched with a frown as you fretted over the tall grunt, leaning up on your tip-toes to feel his forehead with your palm. Your worry only seemed to get worse when he leaned into you a lot more, almost like he was on the edge of passing out. But Doc knew better. He’d literally been fine three minutes ago, this sudden “fever” of his only taking hold when he noticed the close way you and 2B were sitting, with your thighs pressed together and his chin resting on your shoulder. Of course, when the merc barged into the room, you’d jolted out of your seat to greet him, and Doc was left feeling a lot colder at your absence.)
It’s moments like these where he’s more grateful for Sanford. Though a large part of him wishes that he wasn’t even with this team, to begin with. Perhaps you should take a trip with him back to Nevada Central? You’d mentioned wanting to meet Skinner, and it’d be the perfect excuse to get away from the others for a while. Maybe then he’d have you all to himself for a while longer, just like he’s always wanted.
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daddystevee · 5 years
Crashing Down
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(eventual steve harrington x hopper!reader)
Hah I’ve changed it to just being a Steve x reader fic 😅 Cuz Billy’s not really part of the picture anymore. Anyways hi I’m alive I just haven’t had the motivation to write. Idky. But uh this took me three days to write because I didn’t know how I wanted to write it. I also thought I was gonna be able to get more than one episode in here. I’ve also learned what a ‘slow burn’ fic is and this is indeed a slow burn fic. Anywho enjoy this chapter and I hope you guys enjoy ittt. And as always lmk if you wanna be tagged ;p also I’m sorry that there’s no keep reading mark im uploading from my phone at work and don’t know how to put it there. So I’ll just do it when I get home. Xx
catch up here
Warnings: none really?? Cursing?
Part 7/9?
Word count: 2.3k
Summary: Sometimes things just don’t go as planned and your world just come crashing down, but it’s a good thing that you have people in your life to be there to catch you when you fall.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm clock going off, signaling that it was time for you to go to work. Rolling over from your stomach you slam your hand down on the noise maker, turning it off.
Not really wanting to get up and go do anything, you lie there in bed for a few extra minutes with your eyes closed. Hoping and praying that today will be a good day.
The thought of working with Steve during your shift makes it a little easier to get out of bed. Finally after procrastinating for what felt like forever you climb out of bed and make your way out of your room.
Upon walking in the kitchen you notice that your dad isn’t asleep on the couch like normal. You walk over to his bedroom door and knock a few times calling out to him. When you receive no answer, you push upon the door to reveal an empty bedroom.
You hum to yourself in annoyance and go to ask the girls if they want breakfast or if they wanna ride to the mall when you head off to work. You’re once again met with silence, so you carry on with your morning.
When opening, Steve usually gets there a little bit early, so he can prep everything so before you get there so you aren’t so stressed out. But when you finally get there you notice that all of the lights are still out and the gate is still down, meaning Steve wasn’t there yet.
You lift the gate and go straight to the back to turn the lights on and get ready for the day. After an hour of working alone you start to wonder if Steve was ever going to show up.
‘Maybe he’s just running late..’ you say to yourself quietly and carry on with prepping.
Once it got closer to opening time, and Steve still wasn’t there you decided that it was probably time to give him a call and check on him.
The phone rings and rings and rings a few more times before you hang up and try again. After he doesn’t pick up the second time you call you decide to try Robin.
You call and the phone rings a few times and there’s no answer.
“What the hell?” you say aloud to yourself and you slam the phone back onto the receiver and go back out to the front.
After working almost your whole shift on your own you slowly begin to feel overwhelmed.
“I can’t do this all by myself!” you say rather loudly and a few customers turn to look at you but aren’t too bothered by your words.
It was almost closing time anyways, so you did what you needed to do.
You walk over to the window and turn off the ‘OPEN’ sign and go back into the back and start cleaning up while the few people in the store finish eating and leave. As the last customer leaves you run over to the front and pull the gate down before anyone else can wiggle their way into Scoops.
As you walk back into the back room, you start to feel tears form into your eyes due to all of the stress. You brushed them away with the back of your hand and continued cleaning up so you could hurry up and go home.
As you were headed to go locked the gate for the evening you thought about what El was up to since she or Max weren't home earlier that morning. You turn around walk back into the back to use the phone to call around and see where they might have ended up.
After a few phone calls you find out that all of the kids along with Nancy and Jonathan are at the Wheeler’s house. But are headed to the Holloway’s house. Instead of going straight home you decide to make an appearance at the Wheeler’s.
Just as you pull up to their house they were all walking out of the house and getting into Nancy’s car.
“Hey guys wait up!” you yell as you jog over to the car and climb into the back with Will and Mike.
“So why exactly are we going to the Holloway’s?” you ask as Nancy begins to drive trying to catch up.
“To figure out if Heather and her family are flayed like Billy.” Max says turning around to face you.
“Holy shit..” you say in response.
There you are standing in the exact same spot that you were standing in when you broke it off with Billy. You kind of feel bad knowing that the Billy you broke up with wasn’t ‘your’ Billy, but that doesn’t make up for how he had been treating you over the past few weeks.
You wait as Nancy rings the doorbell a few times, then when no one answers El uses her powers to unlock and open the door.
Upon walking in you notice how freezing cold it in and the insane smell of chemicals fills your nose.
“My god, what kind of shits been going on around here?” you ask but mostly to yourself.
You follow as everyone walks into the kitchen, but instead of staying you move on to the dining room.
“Guys!” you say as you notice how the dining room table still has food on it from the other night.
Everyone comes walking through the door and starts examining everything, but notice you crouched down looking at the carpet.
Nancy appears next to you and touches a spot on the carpet,
“Blood” she says softly and turns to look at you before turning to Jonathan.
“Yesterday, Tom had a bandage on his forehead.” Nancy says as you both look at the wine bottle with blood on it. “He was attacked.”
You all walk over to where it looks as if someone had been dragged away and follow the tracks out to the garage where you see the clear signs of someone being kidnapped. After some talking and brainstorming, you all head back out of the house and go to the hospital to somehow get Ms. Driscoll and ‘take her home’.
After trying to get everyone upstairs and failing you decide to let Nancy and Jonathan go up to the room and you stay downstairs with the kids.You start to get this feeling that something about being here isn’t right. So you try to figure out a way for you to get upstairs to check on them
It took you a little while, but you finally notice that there is a bathroom down the hall where the elevators are. So you get an idea, and decide to ask where the receptionist where the bathrooms are, you're then on your way upstairs.
As you stepped out of the elevator, you noticed that the hallway was rather empty and awfully quiet. You then saw that some of the lights on patients doors were still flashing red, meaning that there were people who needed to be tended to.
As you carried on down the hallway you heard the sound of running and a loud slam that sounded like someone had slammed a door shut. You sped up and rounded the corner , you saw a man in a white shirt and black pants walking towards the stairwell.
“Hey! Excuse me sir! Is everything okay-” you said but as soon as you started yelling Heather’s father stepped out of one of the rooms and stopped you dead in your tracks as the other man carried on down the stairs.
He had black veins on his forehead, very similar to the veins that covered Billy the previous night in the sauna.
“Oh shit.”
“Oh shit is right gorgeous” Tom says as he starts walking towards you in a quick manner.
You turn on your heels and run the other way, heading back to the elevators. You push the button to close the doors as much and as fast as you can as if that will make the doors close faster. Just as Tom comes into sight the doors finally close and you're headed down to the next floor.
The doors open and you step out to see a dead patient and doctor on the ground, soon after you see Jonathan and Nancy run by followed by the man in the white shirt.
You decide to stay put until you hear the elevator doors close and it starts to move. You followed after the three and heard Nancy calling for help coming from one way and loud bangs followed by groaning coming from the other way. You know that Nancy can handle herself well but decided that Jonathan might need some extra help in that moment.
As you slowly and quietly make your way down the hallway you finally come to the room where Jonathan and Tom were. You almost walked directly into the room but quickly slipped back out of the room and peered your head around the corner to watch.
Tom was standing looking over Jonathan before he picked him up and slammed him up against the wall, making him fall down in pain.
You moved back out of sight and covered your mouth with your hand to prevent yourself from gasping too loudly. Tears formed in your eyes and spilt over before you could even register what was happening. You cried quietly into your hand as you looked around the hall to see if there was anything useful.
‘What would Steve do?’ you thought to yourself.
Eyes darting around the hallway until you see one of the IV carriers and run over to it and pick up holding it upside down so the wheels are the point of contact.
“Yeah, this’ll do.”
You backed up against the wall and tightened your grip around the pole, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath in.
Just as you poked your head into the room Jonathan had his head slammed into the ground, knocking him out. Toms back was to you, so you took this as the opportunity to shoot your shot. You held up the IV pole and swung with all your might.
“Eat shit asshat” you spat at Tom.
He turned to look at you but was flung the other way by some force.
Just as you were getting ready to swing again, Jonathan had gotten up and grabbed the scissors that were on the floor and ran at Tom, stabbing him in the chest. His whole face turned black and because of the veins, and he fell to his knees and onto his chest.
Both you and Jonathan did nothing but look back and forth between each other and the now dead Tom on the floor. Just when you thought it was over, the lights started flashing and went out for a brief second. That never meant anything good.
Jonathan put his arm in front of you out of protection when Tom started moving around and his skin started.. Melting?
“Jonathan..” you felt tears form in your eyes as all of the melted skin started to move towards the door.
He turned and looked at you before slowly following it out the door and into the hallway. At the other end of the hallway you see that Nancy was dealing with the same situation. The two giant globs of human flesh met together in the middle of the hallway joining together to make one giant glob of flesh.
It grew bigger and bigger and started growing legs and making noises when suddenly the lights went out, and from the darkness came a loud screech. Tears were now flowing from your eyes from fear.
“Nancy!” you hear Jonathan scream, “Run!”
As Nancy tries running through a door, the boy next to you is trying to distract the ugly creature from devouring his girlfriend. Yelling and making as much noise as possible, but when that doesn’t work he takes off behind it.
You decide to stay put to make sure no other crazy shit sneaks up behind him. You look around and notice a phone on the wall. While keeping an eye on the direction Jonathan went, you run to the phone and call 911 and the phone rings endlessly.
When you had finally had enough of the phone you figure that it would be better to go downstairs and ask for help. You make a dash for the stairwell and run as fast as your feet can carry you. About a flight or two down you run into the kids who were coming up the stairs.
“Oh thank Jesus” you say as you turn back around and head up to where you just came from.
Running in front of the kids you made quick turns down multiple hallways to show the kids where Jonathan was busy trying to break down the window on a door. El walked up to the door and used her powers to send the door flying into the room.
“What the fu-” you hear both Mike and Max say simultaneously.
El and the monster have a little battle which ends up with the Monster being sent flying out the window and onto the ground outside.
You and the kids run back and down the stairs to go outside to see what was going to happen to the monster, while Jonathan went in the room to check on Nancy. Once you all got outside the glob was making its way to the sewer drain, before disappearing. You turned to look at the others,
“What in the actual fuck?”
What you did know was that this could only the beginning.
@ughhhitsfan @eleventhdoctorsangel @chloe-skywalker
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theforce · 4 years
presumptive horrible rotten case of corona: symptoms
presumptive bc i couldnt get a god damn test i live in new york and while there are testing sites all over the state and our state govt is doing what they can now, i don’t want to be the person taking away a test from someone else especially now that i am mostly better, most of this went down at the beginning of the month and i’m still dealing with the effects of it. 
there was a lot of confusion here even as recent as 2 weeks and we are the state that’s testing more than the rest of the entire country so here is my account of what went down w me, and honestly, what might go down with you or someone you know as soon as this reaches your state
1) i threw up all night long, thought it was a stomach virus, had a lot of stomach issues for like 24 hours, very strange i haven’t had a stomach virus in YEARS since i was a literal child, anyways right before i started puking up my life i developed this weird cough, it felt like it was from my throat, like i was trying to clear it? but it was often and annoying 
2) after my 24 hours of hell i felt feverish and exhausted but i chalked it up to being on the floor of the bathroom all night, exerting my esophagus and body to throw up the devil himself, i tried to sleep it off, i woke up a few hours later in a fog, i was shivering but i was also burning up, i couldn’t tell left from right, up from down, my fever was 100.3, at this point i had my mom call my doctor and make an appointment, she made it for me w the receptionist, everything was fine until 20 minutes later i got a call back from my actual doctor not the receptionist who was like, oh no not you’re not coming here with those symptoms baby and i was like ?? ok cool thanks, she said to keep watching my symptoms, slam some tylenol and if i felt shortness of breath to call or text her personal cell phone and she would get me set up at the nearest hospital i said ok sounds fucked up i mean i didn’t say that bc i was too fucked up to even speak, she also gave my mom instructions to keep me in my room, to not go near me, to give me a designated bathroom, to have food and water delivered to my door, my mom was like u dont gotta tell me twice (she has lupus) during this time my cough become dry and horrible, i could feel my lungs rattle, i would cough so hard and for so long i’d wake from my feverish coma to kneel over my bed and just let loose on the world, it felt like i was drowning, i couldn’t get enough air everything hurt, everything was sore 
3) things continued on like this for 5 straight days, i was literally in and out of consciousness, my fever got up to 102 and my mom said that if it raised at all from there we were going to the fuckin hospital and i was like listen la rona i know u wanna take me out but i havent even ever eaten a krispy kreme donut, please let me survive this i can’t leave this way, in that moment i literally had a fever dream of god herself, i said take this from me and i’ll stop being such a cunt in life. i started slamming hot toddy’s, i’d drink as much water as possible in between the time i wasnt literally trying to expel my lungs by way of my mouth
4) woke up from that whole ordeal drenched in SWEAT from my feet to my head i was soaked, it was gross, at that point i still had a sense of smell so let me tell you my last and final symptom should have kicked in a bit earlier but i checked my temp and it was normal! i didn’t feel like my head was going to explode! but i had new things going on i had a new stuffy/runny nose, my cough was producing some liquid which i proceeded to throw up into a mcdonalds cup i took a shower, i brushed my teeth, i felt like a brand new woman, i had cold like symptoms but i can live with cold like symptoms, i had an appetite for the first time in a week, felt like i could eat my whole family out of house and home given the opportunity, i’d lost 20 pounds in less than 2 weeks and ya girl was honestly, looking good but THAT’S A BAD WAY OF THINKING disregard please thank you, at this point i went into my doctor with a full on mask, gloves, hair pulled back, she gave me every test you can think of, most importantly a flu test which is all she could do since getting a test was impossible at this pint, which of course came back negative 
5) things continued like this for weeks, up until right now actually, exhaustion was gone, fever gone, cough still here and there but not like how it was, i’ve put on makeup in my room, i’ve watched every season of law and order svu, i’ve gone on drives in my car just to drive, i’ve tried to keep myself as busy as possible, 3 days ago the strangest, most inexplicable and hopefully last symptom arrived, a complete loss of smell and bc of that taste, i’ve tried smelling candles, essential oils, laundry detergent, canned meat, my brother lit a match with my back turned and asked me what the smell was, i ate extra hot cheetos, raw onions, shot of vinegar, there’s nothing there, i just hope it comes back 
during this time i haven’t been even close to my mother, who has lupus or my sister, who has asthma, i stayed in my room, i’m still in my room actually 14 full days out from the last time i left the house, one month since this whole thing started, i eat in my room, i use a different bathroom than my whole family, everyone talks to me from my door frame besides my little brother who also was sick but recovered super fast, he bleaches the bathroom after i use it, he puts all my food on single use plates, he brings me jugs of water and reminds me of what it’s like to at least talk to another person. 
on a more serious note, i haven’t touched another person in 20 days nobody has even been within 6 feet of me besides my doctor who was administering the only tests she could administer, fully decked out in a hazmat suit, she was scared for me, i could tell, she was trying to put on a brave face and downplay the severity of my symptoms but thank god for her, she’s checked up on me, she’s tried everything, she’s put in calls, she’s made herself as available as possible even though she’s probably going through the same thing with countless other patients, i worry for her, i’ve worried for my family, i’ve stressed beyond the point of no return which has for sure slowed my recovery and i was one of the lucky ones! all of this and my case was considered mild because i never really had trouble breathing beyond being choked by my own coughing. 
people have been there for me during all of this, in ways that are further reaching than touch, i have been very vocal about not liking when people touch me but i do look forward to the day i can hug my mom, where i can tell my friend to take a sip of my drink to see if she likes it, to have someone pat me on the shoulder and tell me to keep my head up or whatever 
hopefully im on the other side of this, my more at risk family members are about to be 14 days from the last time any of them were near me or my brother, they’re at the end of a long tunnel and i’m just so happy that maybe soon we’ll all see the light 
take care of yourselves
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thekingsparty · 5 years
//so, we’ve been back home for a bit but had to eat and blah and i got mom into bed after a very long, v stressful day. i’m gonna ramble on angrily under the cut for those who wanna read, otherwise quick summary. mom’s not really been helped, we gotta make sure to bring her in if her hands gets any more numb and she will have to stay there until ...well, idk. a while. i’m dead tired and just doodling around making icons while watching markiplier. i had to reschedule teaching to tomorrow, thursday is regular and then friday is class. im defs gonna try getting some sleep tonight for once. 
so, mom is v stubborn and doesn’t usually go see doctors. we all know now where i got that from lol, tho for me it’s mostly the fear of interacting with humans lol. so we got her to the doc today but they wouldn’t see her bc it was crowded and so they sent her off to the hospital bc she can’t wait until the 15th when their next open maybe-appointment is. she has been in pain since november and constant pain since new year. my mom is a fckn iceblock when it comes to pain usually, so for her to be unable to think due to pain ... i really don’t wanna imagine how bad it really is. her hand started going numb yday, which is the main reason she agreed to get help finally. 
we got to the hospital she used to feel safe in and promptly got her opinion changed. nurse lady was so, so horrible. she basically subtly called mom out for going there when she didn’t “just fall today” and made her out to be like a hypochondriac when she was basically crying in front of the lady in pain. i kept her on her feet but (and mom usually is like.. she’s got a bigger mouth than any other person on the world with excessive self esteem lol) she was so out of it after the lady spat at her the way she did, she barely got any words out, she forgot to mention her allergies and lady also didn’t even check if mom was taking any meds before offering all kinds of pain meds. like wtf. she then sent us back to the waiting room with the warning that we would have to wait very, very long bc mom isn’t really sick ofc. >_< 
so we waited for almost 6h, then finally got in. doc was young and v cold at first, which didn’t go over well with mom bc she almost collapsed on the floor after sitting for so long and i had to fckn carry her into the room. there were nurses and staff all around who saw her and nobody gave a fckn shit a potential patient clawed her way along the wall towards the room at the end of the corridor. ugh. anyway, he didn’t introduce himself or anything at first but i think he noticed how bad mom was doing and he softened up a little. still kinda cold but ... less so. he did a few tests and blah. so he’s p sure  one or more of the ver...tebral discs uhhh well, between neck and shoulder did a thing. her worst pain (it starts between shoulder blade and spine basically and vibrates/throbs into her fingers) is located a bit too ...high or low, but he still thinks so. he did some slapping on her neck lol and she like: i mean.... you’re hitting me so yea it hurts. XD 
anyway, he wants her to get an mri asap, but it’s not bad enough for them to do anything about it other than give her different pain meds. she’s using v strong ones (they dun help but attack the stomach) so he’s given her 2 days worth of strong ibu (you only get a dose of 400mg here, stronger is a doc thing) but given that doc won’t see her until like .. the end of next week if lucky... great day, really. if her hand gets any number and she can’t grip anything anymore, we gotta bring her in immediately. *sigh* i just want the pain to stop for her. she’s so done i can see it but there’s nothing i can do. she wants to rest tomorrow bc she’s v unstable emotionally rn and today like, finished her off, but i’m gonna gently poke for her to call anyway and maybe poke my student’s mom about seeing if mom’s ordinary doc (blood pressure etc) can get her the papers for an mri despite another doc having to look at them later on. student’s mom works at our doc’s place. 
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geekofmanyforms · 5 years
New Beginning Chapter Two
***Thanks goes to my new Beta Casey and her amazing polishing skills. She is doing a wonderful job of helping me fix this story up. If you guys wanna leave her some thank you comments, im sure she would be grateful. Reviews would be greatly appreciated. I will upload more of this fic if I receive requests to do so. Currently, I have 23 chapters written, so there is plenty to come.***
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I watched as Stefan drove his car into the garage of the Boarding House. He, of course, hadn’t changed a bit since the last time I’d seen him. One of the perks of being a vampire, I guess.
After he went inside, I sat in my car and scoped out the place. I knew Damon was here too, I could sense it. I had very few memories of him, mostly just flashes; I assume they were amongst the memories I had yet to unlock.
My phone went off, causing me to jump out of my skin. ‘Barbie Girl’ played as Caroline’s name was displayed on the screen. I smiled as I remembered how angry it made her when I chose that as her ringtone.
“Hello Care, how can I help you?” I asked.
Her high pitched, pissed off voice filled my ears, “Where the hell are you, El?”
I pulled the phone away from my ear and snapped at her, “Whoa Care, you’re gonna bust my eardrum! I’m doing something personal,” I said with a huff.
“You were supposed to meet us at the Grill, remember?!”
I sighed into the phone. I completely forgot the plans Caroline had made on my behalf.
“Sorry Care, I can’t make it. I’ll totally make it up to you later, ok?”
I hoped this would smooth things over — the last thing I needed was an angry Caroline.
“You better call me and explain yourself later. None of this personal crap. Got it?” she said firmly.
I laughed lightly, agreeing with her, and hung up the phone. I’d have to come up with some kind of story that would satisfy her; otherwise, I’d be in the doghouse.
I took a few deep breaths, preparing myself for what would definitely be an awkward meeting. I pulled my car into the driveway of the vampire Boarding house. I shut off the engine and checked my reflection in the rearview mirror, fixing my untidy red hair. I slipped out of the car, quickly making my way to the front door. My white knuckles stood out brightly against the dark wood as I knocked. I could feel my heart pounded against my ribs and tried to slow my heart rate by breathing deeply. I knew they’d be able to hear me. I ran my sweaty hands down my jeans, then fidgeted with the frayed sleeves of my jacket as my nerves started coming to the surface.
I heard voices on the other side of the door, and I lowered my head, successfully hiding my face behind my hair. I wasn’t sure if they would answer the door if they saw who I was. Then again, I scolded myself, they have been alive for centuries now, who’s to say they would even remember me? Maybe I didn’t mean as much to them as I thought I did? The handle jiggled, and my heart leaped into my throat as Stefan opened the door to greet me. There was no way he couldn’t hear my pounding heartbeat; it sounded like I had jogged the whole way here. I kept my face turned away, hiding behind my hair as his voice lilted towards me. Its familiar rhythm sending jolts of memories through my mind.
“Hello, can I help you?” He asked, curiously.
My pulse jumped in my neck, no doubt enticing the vampire as I fought with my cowardly self. Patiently, Stefan waited as I took a few gulps of air and pulled at my sleeves anxiously before I finally lifted my face to meet his.
It was like stepping into my own dreams and memories; almost nothing about him had changed. Knowing he was a vampire, I should have expected as much, but for some reason, I was still a bit surprised. The only difference apart from his clothes, of course, was his hair. His dark brown hair was styled differently than I remembered but still framed his face flatteringly. I liked this new hairstyle better now, actually — I thought it suited him better. I tried to smile, but couldn’t as his pale face contorted in horror. His forest green eyes widened in disbelief as he took in my features, several emotions fought for dominance on his face.
“Hello, Stefan,” I said, simply.
I wasn’t sure what the proper greeting was when you haven’t seen someone for centuries, but I probably could’ve said something more worldly than 'Hello.’
“El…Elandra?” He stuttered.
Elandra. I hadn’t heard that name for ages. In fact, I had only ever been given that name twice in my entire existence. Once in their time, and the other in my own. It was my real name.
I smiled at his nervous expression.
“It’s Elara now, Stefan. May I come in?” I asked, pointing at the door.
His jaw slackened, but his expression stayed in place as he stepped aside to allow me inside. I stepped past him, looking around in awe. Everything was so beautiful. I wasn’t new to elegance or riches, but I had been taught to appreciate beauty. I had been poor as many times as I had been rich, so I never took anything for granted. Although I had to say, I liked this home much better than their first.
Stefan led me to the sitting room. I took a seat on the nearest couch, sinking down into the soft material. I giggled softly and smiled up at Stefan standing in front of me, still staring as if I was a ghost. Did he expect me to disappear into a wisp of smoke?
“Would you like a drink?” He offered.
He pointed behind him, towards the bar where a decanter full of gleaming red liquid sat. I looked over at the bar and bit my bottom lip. They had one crystal decanter of blood sitting out next to the Bourbon — they really shouldn’t have that in such plain view. I couldn’t help but laugh at his offer. He frowned at my reaction, confused.
“We have animal blood too,” he kindly offered.
I stood and walked over to the small bar. I made myself a glass of Bourbon, shaking my head as I eyed the red substance.
“Stefan, I’m human. Well…sorta,” I said, shrugging.
His face froze, brow raised as he ran his hands over his face slowly, his posture stiff. Feeling pity for the poor immortal, I gestured towards the couch.
“Why don’t we sit down? let me explain.”
He watched me take my drink back to my seat and cross my ankles before he joined me. He leaned against the back of the couch and sighed deeply. I took a large swig of the amber liquid in my hand and closed my eyes. I enjoyed the warm burn as it slid down my throat. When I was ready, I turned my body toward him, placing a gentle hand on his thigh. I took a deep breath and decided to delve into what I could. Having only minimal information myself at this point, I was only able to tell Stefan what my own memories allowed. I had only unlocked so much. So far I knew that I was a Reincarnate, someone who is reborn over and over again, never truly dying. I tried to explain everything to him, only leaving out the Mikaelsons and a few other details. I wasn’t ready to discuss certain things. Hell, I was still working on some of it myself. To Stefan’s credit, throughout my long tale, he didn’t interrupt once. When I was done, Stefan took a deep breath and sighed loudly.
“Well, that’s a lot. So you’re a Reincarnate then?”
I nodded. “As of right now, I have no clue how, but yes.”
He ran his hand through his brown hair ruffling it as he did.
“Elandra, there’s something I have always wanted to say to you.”
Stefan placed his hand on my own and looked into my eyes. I smiled at him, guessing what he wanted to apologize for. Same old Stefan Salvatore, always repenting.
“I’m so sorry for what happened to you. I should have been there.”
I gave him a hug, and his shoulders slumped in defeat. Finally, he was able to let go of the guilt he held onto for centuries.
“Stefan, what happened to me wasn’t your fault. It’s only the fault of those evil bastards who hurt me. Besides, it was centuries ago,”
I tried to ignore the memory of that terrible night. It was something I never wanted to relive. We heard a commotion upstairs as a voice filled the awkward silence.
“Stefan, who the hell was at the door?”
I recognized the voice immediately and stood, turning around my back facing the stairs.
I had no clue why I was so nervous, but I was. My stomach fluttered as footsteps approached us. Stefan stood as well and stepped closer to me whispering encouraging words. I barely heard him.
“Ah, we have company. Who’s this?”
The cocky voice sent shivers down my spine. I stayed put, unable to turn around. My whole body went rigid with stress, and I couldn’t tell if I was breathing.
“Damon, we need to talk,” Stefan said, walking away from me.
“Why? Who is she?” he asked, clearly annoyed.
I could hear footsteps on the carpet behind me, but I remained where I was. I tilted my head to the side, looking at him from behind my hair. From my shield of red, I could see Stefan standing in front of him one arm on his shoulder. He was leaning into him, trying to keep him where he was. Damon was pushing against him, moving towards me, obviously thinking I was someone Stefan intended to use against him. I heard Stefan trying to lead him into another room, but Damon had other plans. I heard a quick rustling of shoes on the carpet before I felt someone touch my arm, spinning me around. I dropped the crystal glass I had been holding, and my green eyes met his blue. I’d forgotten how absolutely gorgeous he was. His raven black hair was shorter than it was the last time I’d seen him. Of course, that was when he was still human, and long hair was the fashion. His blue eyes widened, and he dropped my arm as if I had burned his flesh. He backed away from me, his eyes moving over my face. If I had thought Stefan was surprised by my sudden appearance, it was nothing compared to Damon. His face scrunched up in pain.
“Elandra?” he whispered my name as if it were a prayer.
Hearing him speak my name was all it took. Suddenly, memories were flooding into my mind. I tried to speak, but I couldn’t get the words past the barricade of pain. Seeing him had triggered the memory of every moment he and I had ever shared together.
I fell to my knees, my head held tightly in my hands. Voices were calling out to me, but I couldn’t see past the pain, nor the swirling memories that fled past my eyes one after another. It was like I was a bystander, observing myself live through events I was only now learning I had lived through. I saw myself in Damon’s arms, kissing him and laughing with him. I felt warm tears cascading down my cheeks as I remembered how I had loved him before he went to war. I watched my past self-cry as she handed Damon a picture of her painting in a garden as he prepared to leave. He promised he’d return to her, promised he would never love another. I saw Stefan hold her as they watched him wave goodbye.
The memories shifted, and I was suddenly by her side as she trained with Emily Bennett and Katherine Pierce. Then, I saw as her whole world crumbled when she realized that Damon had returned from the war without telling her, having fallen in love with Katherine. As she listened to Katherine talking about her relationship with both brothers, the memories began to fade. My senses were returning to me, but the pain in my head was fiery reminder of every single memory. It was like someone was breaking my heart and pushing hot coals into my mind all at the same time.
“Elandra, please tell me what’s wrong,”
I heard Damon’s voice in my ear. I lifted my head, finally coherent enough to realize I was in his arms. My head laid against his hard chest, his shirt was soft against my cheek. Stefan was beside us, face pale and lined with worry.
“It’s ok, I’m fine. It’s just the memories, it’s painful when they all rush back like that,” I said, pushing myself out of Damon’s arms and standing.
It was too hard being so close to him. The pain of what had happened between us was still too fresh in my mind. Damon held my arm as I rocked back and forth on my heels.
“How are you here?” he asked suspiciously.
I made my way to the couch and lifted my hand in the air, ushering for Stefan to explain everything to him, my head was still throbbing. Not to mention the confusion I was feeling. I was in no mood to play twenty questions with Elara. I sensed someone standing in front of me and looked up, smiling at the glass dangling above my head. The condensation glistened in the light falling from the window beside me. I took the drink gratefully. I drank small sips as I rubbed my temples. As I rubbed my aching head, I felt something on my upper lip and frowned, lifting my fingers to my nose. Looking down, I noticed the bright red smeared on my fingertips, with a sigh, I took a tissue from my pocket and wiped the blood from my nose and fingers. The eyes of both vampires shot towards me. I shook my head, continuing to wipe my nose. I looked away from them and watched the amber liquid in my glass swirl as I tilted the crystal back and forth. The pain was starting to dull. I felt the couch sag as someone sat down beside me. I lifted my head and looked into Damon’s blue eyes.
“So your Elena’s sister in this life?” he asked softly.
I watched his expression shift as he said her name. It was almost pained reverence. I remembered what Beka told me of what Katherine had done to the brothers after my death.
“Yes, and you’re a vampire now, huh?” I laughed.
He gave me his signature smirk. “Yeah, lucky me, right?”
I could sense being a vampire was something he never wanted. His smirk faded to a frown.
“I’m so sorry, El, I should have been there,” he whispered.
Deep down, part of me wanted to hurt him. Part of me wanted to come out and say, “Yes, you should have been. You should have chosen me. Loved me.” But I couldn’t. I still cared about him, despite how things had transpired between us. I wrapped my arm around him, taking in his familiar scent.
“It’s not your fault,” I told him.
He stood, pulling me onto my feet. I wobbled, feeling my legs shake with the effort it took to remain upright, but Damon held me tightly against his side. He brushed my hair gently from my face.
“You’re just as I remember you. How old are you?” Damon asked.
He walked a circle around me, observing me up and down. I started laughing; I felt like his prey.
“I just turned 17. Or did you forget my birthday?” I joked.
His face fell for a moment, eyes clouding over in memory.
“No, I visit your grave every year. I just came back from my visit. August 10th, last month.”
I was surprised by his revelation. He visits my grave? I don’t even visit myself. The thought of him grieving me, after all this time, broke my heart.
“Oh, Damon, I’m so sorry,” I cried.
Tears clouded my vision, but I could see his eyes never left mine. My phone rang, breaking through the aching sadness. Damon’s eyebrow lifted at the ringtone. I shifted uncomfortably. No one understood why I’d chosen it yet. I have an odd sense of humor. 'Werewolves of London’ ended as I answered the phone.
“Hey, Tyler. What’s up?”
Damon’s eyes narrowed as he listened to me speak.
“Hey, Ellie. Have you heard from Vick today?” Tyler asked, his voice stiff.
“No, can’t say I have, sorry.”
An irritated sigh came from the other end.
“Ok, if ya hear from her tell her to call me,” Tyler asked.
“Yeah, Ty, I’ll do that.”
I hung up and slid my phone in my back pocket after glancing at the time.
“Listen, Damon, I gotta go. It’s late,” I said.
I hated leaving after everything that had happened, but Jenna would be pissed if I came home late.
“Can’t you make something up and stay?” He asked, hopefully.
“No, I cant. I promise, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I pulled my phone from my pocket and outstretched it to him “here, put your number in my cell-”
He took my phone, and after a few seconds, I felt a slight breeze and then a heavy feeling in my back pocket. Damn vampire speed!
“Did you just fondle me, Mr. Salvatore?” I joked.
His face brightened at my familiar sense of humor. I could tell he was glad it hadn’t been lost.
“What if I did?” he asked, cockily.
I lightly slapped his face and enjoyed his genuinely shocked expression. He touched his cheek with a smirk.
“How dare you! I’m a lady, sir,” I flipped my hair and headed for the door.
He beat me there, opening the door for me.
“Thank you. I’ll see ya tomorrow. Tell Stefan I said bye,” I said, laughing when he rolled his eyes at the mention of his younger brother.
I walked to my car, and as I got in, I noticed he was still standing in the doorway, watching me. I waved, shifted the car into reverse, and pulled out of the driveway.
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swiftedbethy13 · 7 years
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I’m now going to tell you about the most magical and amazing experience I’ve ever had and ever will have. This post is SO long so go grab some popcorn 🍿
So on October 2nd I was working a nightshift. It was little to do and just went in and checked my emails. I saw two emails from twitter saying Taylor Nation had sent me a DM!! I panicked so bad and went on my twitter to check if it was real. And on my twitter I have two DMs from Taylor fucking Nation. I stared shaking so bad and could barely breathe. The message said *CONFIDENTIAL MESSAGE* and that they have a secret, special event they would like to talk to me about, and to send my full name, phone number and best time to contact me. Have you ever tried typing in details like that while your hands are shaking so bad like you’re on drugs?! ITS HARD MAN! I obviously gave them my details (duh), and told them my lips are sealed and it sounds so exciting! Then I panicked cos I thought my reply was too late, and had to ask if I was too late, and then I apologised for sending them so many messages 😂 They said “haha you’re all good, thanks doll”. Then I was supposed to take care of newborns and their moms and stay calm at the same time. IT WAS SUCH A STRUGGLE! I had to go to the bathroom to try and breathe.
We were not supposed to tell ANYONE, but I just had to send my friend Lyndsay a message saying it’s important to check you DMs on twitter often. And she replied “I know, you too…” and I just KNEW she had gotten a message too. If she replied with something different I wouldn’t have told her anything. We started freaking out together and it was beautiful.
I didn’t know when to expect a phone call, all I knew was that I need to have my phone on sound at all times. Like you can’t miss the most important phone call of your life! I had an evening shift the next day and told work I just have to have my phone on sound cos I’m waiting for a very important phone call. Every time my phone rang I just immediately panicked 😂. I can’t remember the time but I was at work and in a patients room when my phone started ringing. I quickly said “sorry I have to take this” and ran out of the room. I look at my phone and it’s calling from New York 😱 I die and start shaking and answer. It was Ali calling from Taylor Nation!! She confirmed it was the right person she was talking too and gave me some more details. It was going to be a secret special event in London on Friday the 13th of October from 4pm-11pm. She asked if I was going to be able to make travel arrangements and I was like “duh YAS OF COURSE”. She told me I could bring a plus’s one, and since I knew that Lyndsay was already going, I gave them my friend Alex’s details. She told me again that this was confidential and I couldn’t speak about it to anyone except my parents, guardian and boss at work. I was going to get more information early the week following. I probably sounded like the most bored person cos I was IN SHOCK, like I was just “yeah” “uhu”, “yes”, and didn’t show any excitement at all 😂. She hung up and continuing work was the hardest thing EVER!
I made travel arrangements and sorted hotels with my friends. I was already going to London on the Sunday till Wednesday before the event on Friday, so I knew the week would go quick anyways. On Sunday evening I out of the blue get an email. I was at the hotel with my mom having a pamper evening, and I was SO THROWN OFF COS I THOUGHT I WOULD GET IT ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY. My mom filmed my reaction to getting this email and it shows how Taylor Swift makes me feel nearly 24/7 😂. The email again said that it was confidential and not to post anything about it or tell anyone. They gave us an address for a Holiday In hotel where we were going to meet up. They said not to bring too much personal belongings cos this was going to be taken off us as well as our phones. AT THIS POINT I STARTED TO BE MORE CERTAIN THAT I WAS GOING TO A SECRET SESSION. Hence my reaction to getting the email lol. I still tried to not get my hopes up, and tried to tell myself that maybe I’ll get to hear a new song and have a swiftie party. Good thing I was in London and could get myself an outfit. OMG IVE NEVER BEEN MORE STRESSED ABOUT FINDING AN GOOD OUTFIT EVER!! I did find it by the help of my really good friend!
THIS STORY IS GETTING SO LONG, sorry 😂 Well done for getting this far. I’m going to skip forward to Friday now (aka the best day of my life).
So, FRIDAY THE 13TH. I get up at 4am to catch my flight to London. My stomach is doing backflips trying to catch butterflies cos I was so excited and nervous and anxious at the same time. I couldn’t listen to any Taylor music cos I would just start to cry, so I ended up listening to P!nks new album (which is amazing btw). When I get to London I meet up with Lyndsay, Megan and Alex. We head to the hotel where we are going to stay and to meet up. Here we get dressed and as I was to put my makeup on I realise that I’ve forgotten all my make up and I go in a full on panic. IM SUCH AN IDIOT! Luckily Megan had makeup I could borrow. After we got ready we headed down to outside the hotel. There were loads of girls with red lipstick and dresses so we knew we were in the right place 😍. We qued up outside, they were running late, think we stood outside for 40 minuets maybe. We then got to the front of the line and inside (finally cos I was freezing my ass of). Taylor Nation was there ready to sign us in!! We signed a confidentiality contract and showed our ID and GOT OUR WRISTBAND!!! (KANDJFJRJDJ)!! It said United Kingdom on it, written in reputation font!!! SO EXCITING! We then went down the stairs to a room with lots of chairs in. There were refreshments, and hot drinks (yay for cold me!) for us while we waited for further instructions.
Then we were told to leave our stuff behind, including phone, and the first 25 people went on a bus. Me and Alex got on the second bus. Now I stared getting SO nervous, it’s ridiculous. Before we went on we where scanned by security. Then the bus took off! We drove a title while and was driving through the most posh neighbourhood EVER, like I WANNA LIVE THERE! The bus stopped and we were told to be quiet while we went off. I realised we were at a house, and you could only guess I was thinking we were at TAYLORS HOUSE!! There were lots of security while we were taken in a back entrance of the house and in through the basement. I had to knock on the door 😂 (so I could say I knocked on Taylor Swifts door, I know I’m extra 😂). We got scanned by security again before we were taken up to the kitchen. GUYS, THIS HOUSE IS AMAZING!! ITS SO HUGE. We still haven’t by this point been told where we are, but duh 🙄. I KNEW we were at Taylor’s house. Her kitchen is beautiful! She has 4 ovens!! There were lots of snack on the counters. Homemade chicken nuggets, fruit, cheese and fizzy drinks. There were also REP cookies!! And REP m&ms! SO COOL! Andrea and Scott was also in the kitchen talking to other fans. Me and Alex just hung around and talked to a few people. Then Lyndsay and Megan arrived, we hugged each other cos they also realised where we were. We then ended up talking to Scott. He has never been to Norway!! And I told him he neeeeeds to come here.
Her house smells AMAZING. I obviously had to see which candles she was burning so I could by them 😂. We were then told to get in a line as we were going to a different room. This was after everyone had arrived and had some food. Me, Alex, lyndsay and Megan were quite up front as we were taken to a living room. There were cushions on the floor and we sat down. I sat down not even thinking about where. Me and Alex chose a high cushion and shared it. A 100 people was going to fit in this room and it got really tight! When everyone had found a spot there was some whispering and the door opened a little. THEN THE QUEEN THAT IS TAYLOR SWIFT WALKS INTO THE FUCKING ROOM AND IM SCREAMING. We were so loud! I FUCKING LOVE HER SO MUCH 😭😭 Like I couldn’t believe she was like right there in the same room as me. As I was having difficulties breathing she sat down like 2 meters away from me and Alex, we had such a good view of her like OMG. Then she said we were going to hear the whole FUCKING ALBUM AND WE DIED. We now knew this was A FUCKING SECRET SESSIONS PEOPLE! SHE ALSO SAID SHE HANDPICKED EVERYONE! I FUCKING DIED! TAYLOR HAS LURKED ME FOR A YEAR WITHOUT ME KNOWING 😭😭 I’ve never had a like or a follow, and I don’t have many followers on any social media. STILL SHE FOUND ME! I’m got eye contact with her so many times during the listening 😭😭😍! SHE IS SO HAPPY TOO!! I JUST LOVE HER SO MUCH! AND IM TELLING YOU GUYS THIS ALBUM IS BLODDY AMAZING. (If you think you are stupid enough that I’m going to tell anything about the album, you are being funny, don’t bother asking 😉)
After she had pledged the album we got to look through the magazines!!! THEY ARE AMAZING AND IM SO HAPPY I WILL BE ABLE TO BUY ONE WHEN THEY COME OUT!! Then we waited to meet her JENFBDJSSHHSHDB 😭. I was getting so nervous by this point. Like I was going to meet the one person who has been there for me for so many years and I get to tell her how much I love her. We were one of the earlier ones to be sent in to meet her. Megan and Lyndsay were in front of us and a free they finished it was our turn.
I RAN OVER TO HER AND HUGGED HER AND SHE DIDNT LET GO UNTIL I DID 😭😭 I just couldn’t believe what was happening. She then hugged Alex and told me SHE FUCKING LOVE MY OUTFIT! She said “I love this whole outfit situation going on” I died. I told her that it’s not something I wear a lot and she said “you should definitely do!” IM OBVIOUSLY NEVER TAKING THIS OUTFIT OFF. Alex then said he wanted to wear the same outfit but we couldn’t match so he said I could wear it, and she laughed 😂 I love how we had a sarcastic conversation with Taylor Swift 😂 She then laughed at Alex’s apology for his bored resting face. I’m SO PROUD OF HIM SPEAKING TO TALOR, you have no idea! ❤️❤️ Then we were told to move to the side a bit cos they were going to open up the front door (so no one could see she was living there). This gave us more time with her and I’m so grateful! I then asked her about anxiety with singing and she gave me tips on singing and performing in front of people. TAYLOR FUCKING SWIFT GAVE ME ADVISE ON SINGING AND PERFORMING!! JJDNDJDJFJRJD. Alex then thanked her for giving him the best friends ever and she hugged us both again 😍 Then it was time for picture. We didn’t plan a pose, we just took one. SHE RESTED HER HEAD ON ME AND I SISNT NOTICED BEFORE I SAW THE PIC! It’s so adorable 😍 There were so much more I wanted to tell her, wish I had a few more minutes but I guess she had ALOT of other people to meet.
We then went out in the hallway and ended up talking to Andrea. She reminds me so much of my mom!! She is also a bit similar! I told her about my mom and that she was worried I was sleeping in the airport by my self the following night. We then talked about how happy Taylor is and she was tearing up 😭 It was so beautiful to see how happy her parents were for her 😍😍 We gave her a biiiiig hug and then walked down to the basement again. There we stood trying to comprehend what just happened. I still don’t believe it, don’t know if I ever will? We then got merch!!! We got a REP tote bag, pop socket, t-shirt, a sticker, a cap and the best thing ever, a exclusive keychain that only us on the secret sessions London got. IT WAS SO NICE OF THEM! We were then sent on the bus back to the hotel. There we spoke to Ali about confidentially again and what we could talk about and not. She is so sweet!! Megan and Lyndsay old us TAYLOR KNEW WE WERE IN NASHVILLE TOGETHER 😭😭 OMG!!
When we came back to the hotel I called my mom and SOBBED. I couldn’t even talk to her cos I was crying too much. Then I posted online on my social media about what happened and my phone wouldn’t stop buzzing.
I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR TALOR SWIFT. THANK YOU SO SO SO MUCH FOR THIS!! And thank you to Taylor Nation for giving us this opportunity, it means so much to us ❤️ The picture ended up perfect and I’m going to hang it on my wall so I can stare at it everyday 😍 I’ve been crying since Sunday cos this has been so so emotional to me. I can’t even tell people what happened without crying.
I’m sorry this story is a mile long 😂
Thank you so much @taylorswift and @taylornation
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undeservedfavor · 4 years
Update Varies
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The Bucketlist
Mini-Series of Short Stories
St. Valentines Day [EN]: Chapter 4
Two months has passed as they continued to work together until they finish the movie and gained so much awards and credit.
"Woohoo!!! Guys! Let's party! We all deserve it for all the hard work!" Director said.
"I think you guys need to talk about something. I don't know but while working with the both of you, we all feel sexual tension in the air." The celebrity Catherine said to Gisela when she noticed that Dorian is eyeing her from afar.
"H-he thinks he's so hot that he can get everyone. Though he told me he had indecent proposals in the past, 3 SMS, 4 Calls, 6 DMs, and 2 missed calls... He's not that hot." Gisela told the actress.
"Woah, so updated, are we?" Catherine gave Gisela a knowing look and a knowing smile.
"Can we talk?" After the Dorian's invitation, he and Gisela went to the nearest park.
"Whenever, I see that sand box, I remember Plage Solitaire. The most peaceful beach on the planet." Gisela just nodded to what Dorian said.
"I-im sorry." They both said in unison.
Then, they laughed a bit with embarrassment.
"L-listen-..." They said again in chorus.
"You go first." Dorian said.
"No. You should go first." Gisela said.
"Uhm, here you go... C-can we be together?" Dorian asked Gisela who shed tears immediately with the question.
"You don't understand. You don't wanna be with someone so-called 'Damaged Good'. I don't want you to regret it. You don't wanna be with me. You don't need to due to pity. You don't-..." Gisela's anxiety is overwhelmingly obvious.
"We do not know those things yet. Those are 'What ifs', you're far from a 'Damaged Good'. For me, you're a beautiful 'Work-in-progress' and hell, despite the controversies I had, I'm still in good condition, whatever you're going through, I will go through it with you. Whatever you're thinking, I'll help you overcome it. If there's someone who can try and understand you, that's me. For me, this isn't the time to waste time and fool around, this is not like the roles I play, this is real. You are real. I don't care how hard it is but no matter what, I wanna be a part of something so beautiful... A part of your plans in the future. Please. For old times' sake, let me be with you all the way." Gisela, lost for words nodded crying as Dorian also shed tears.
"Gisela, thank you. I love you..." Dorian whispered to Gisela as he caress the woman's hair, embracing her long and tight enough to make her feel safe.
"Let me drive you home." Dorian told Gisela.
They both started living under one roof at Dorian's condominium unit.
One morning, as they're lying on the bed, Dorian hesitantly asked about Gisela's list...
"Dear Piggy... A-are you still gonna continue with that list?" She showed him the list seeing number '6' crossed out.
"Back in the beach, I haven't really finished the list yet. Now, it's done. I actually skipped on number '6' and went straight to number 7, 8, 9 and 10. 'Cause you're not just any random guy... Technically you're my little Dino, but... You're the one." Dorian checked the list out due to his curiosity.
1. Earn a lot for the future. ✓
2. Quit the medical industry. ✓
3. Spend more time with the only family - Merian. ✓
4. Finish writing my novels and posting it to my writing/social platforms. ✓
5. Buy a house in Plage Solitaire at a chosen paradise to 'live and die' for. ✓
6. Have virginity taken by a random guy and leave him clueless afterwards. *Skip this part.* ✗✗
7. Get a writing job. ✔
8. Take care and fully pay insurance. ✅
9. Have the one closest to my heart, help me choose a casket and designs for the tomb.
Plus, choose a church for the blessing and perfect spot in the graveyard/cemetery.
10. Chose a great necrological service speaker. I want a great Eulogy.
Dorian just looked carefully at Gisela's face and embraced her tightly.
Then, she spoke...
"I know. I'm a weirdo." Gisela told Dorian.
"Piggy... You're kinda like scaring me with these things but if this is the way I can be with you, I'll understand, process and digest every single bit of it. I'm not even gonna ask you why you made this list in the first place but if you're ready to not give up on life, I'm gonna go with you if you decided to get yourself checked." Dorian said.
"I'll tell you when the time comes..." Gisela said.
The couple decided to go shopping.
No ordinary shopping but he's only doing it for Gisela even if he doesn't wanna consider the thought.
"You know what? I think this one will be okay. Ah! I know! Maybe I can also have a reservation my own. Same color as I've chosen for you. So when the time comes... We're still gonna go as a couple. Even if it's the after-life." Dorian joked a bit.
"Don't. Even though, couple shirts, couple rings and other couple stuff might be cute, I don't want you to think about a couple casket. You're a born villain. And villains don't die unless it's passed hundreds of years already. Plus, they don't even age. Time flies for them gracefully like a bloodline of a vampire." Gisela joked him back.
The next stop is to the cemetery.
They're choosing tomb designs.
"This is perfect, 'In loving memories of...-" Gisela was cut of.
"We can choose the designs Piggy but it's good to personalize those messages." Dorian said as he wrote things down on a paper.
You have lived a life full of love.
Soon, we'll meet and love again up above.
To the place where there is never-ending peace.
Your Dorian
Gisela smiled at Dorian and they went to the cemetery.
Gisela insisted to choose a spot.
"This spot is nice. The one near the tree." She said.
"I would already reserve those two spots next to each other. So that I can lie down with you forever when the time comes..." Dorian said Gisela shed tears and hugged Dorian.
"I don't wanna take you in this journey with me. You're not welcome this early to where I'm heading. Sorry for being so difficult but thank you for having number 9 checked off my list." Gisela said as she embraces her boyfriend.
A day after Dorian's shoot, he went home to Gisela and the house was empty.
Their things are scattered all over the floor.
The entire house was messy.
There are no traces of Gisela everywhere.
She's missing.
"My dearest, why end up dodging the bullet once more? Running away and hiding again on me like that." Dorian whispered.
He searched everywhere for her and in a place he thought Gisela would go to.
"She's not here. She went through a deep trauma after she saw her parents died in the car accident. I know my cousin can be a handful, but please, don't give up on her." Merian said.
Dorian just nodded and headed off.
Dorian did not bring his car along to find Gisela in the hardest and most hidden places in the city.
As he was walking along the subway...
He found a cying woman.
With hands on her head and her hair covering her face.
Her hairs are tangled and all over the place.
Her skin's full of dirt.
When Dorian tried to look at the woman's face, he was shocked.
It was Gisela.
He brought the woman home and cleaned her up.
She fell asleep crying.
As soon as the woman woke up, she said she's gonna use the toilet.
"You sure you can stand?" Dorian asked. The woman just mindlessly nodded.
Dorian thought to check on Gisela when she's taking too long.
He did not lose hope until this sight.
He found Gisela lying unconsciously on the bathroom floor.
"Gisela!!!" He lifted the woman and brought her to the nearest hospital.
Dorian waited for hours for a doctor to come up to him and say that Gisela's okay.
"A-are you with her?" Dorian nodded as the doctor approached him.
"I'm doctor Ariel James Devant, Psychologist." The doctor introduced himself.
"We did not ask for a Psychologist, we need a Physician to have Gisela checked!!!" Dorian almost lost it.
"She's not physically sick. Not until now. We have pulled up a few counselling records of Gisela. In fact, I was her batchmate in Med-school, she quit and did not finish Med-school. So she just continued being a nurse. Because of her parent's car crash, her parents died in front of her in a car accident. She then became my first patient. I have checked on Gisela a few times and she never went back to the clinic afterwards. She's so indenial that something's physically wrong with her and insistent that she's nearing death, that she shuts down people who wanna have her checked by a professional or by any doctor. She has been diagnosed with constant fear of death that it lead to a severe case of anxiety." Doctor James said.
Dorian was not able to process what's happening and could not speak.
"People who has Thanatophobia, would not like to talk about death for it has caused them depression. On her case, it's different. For that's the only thing she wanna focus and talk about out of fear. Like her whole entire world revolves on the thought that she might, oh sorry, that she 'WILL' die. She already decided that for herself. Anxiety took a toll on her that her brain was mentally pausing because of too much stress, overwhelming worry, overthinking and unshown worry, sometimes this can cause nausea and problems with balancing." The same doctor continued talking.
"Maybe this is the reason why she 'slipped' in the bathroom. She lost consciouness in the bathroom because she might have hit her head on the floor. Now, there's internal bleeding, we need to have an operation ASAP to prevent brain mass. You have to prepare because the operation is risky, after that, she may go under a few days, weeks or even months in coma. Worst case is never to wake up." Another doctor spoke.
"My apologies, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is doctor Jessie Ulysis Voltaire. Neurologist and Physicist." He introduced.
After that, they all worked on Gisela's operation.
They spent hours to finish it and what they said was true...
Gisela fell into a coma for weeks now and counting.
Dorian held the woman's hand in his...
He got a Pig and a Dinosaur stuffed-toy that he put on the hospital bed beside her.
"Do you remember this Dear Piggy? You're Dinosaur's here to wake you up. You're my nurse. You shouldn't be lying there for a long time, at that bed. You're supposed to be the one who's taking care of me." Dorian said.
The woman was just unresponsive.
She was still deep asleep.
"You should have told me what you're going through. I should have understand. A-are you punishing me for loving you so much?" He said, sheding tears as he kissed the back of Gisela's hand.
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swearronchanel · 8 years
I apologize in advance: this will be lengthy  LONG AF, as it’ll be part-my thoughts watching live & part-post comments to certain thoughts
ALSO** DISCLAIMER** I SHOULD’VE SAID THIS A WHILE AGO BUT I’LL SAY IT NOW that I type my thoughts VERBATIM, which is why it’s never in essay format because eh, it’s not me. IT ALSO MEANS I CURSE A LOT IM SORRY IT JUST COMES OUT, I’M NOT ELOQUENT ENOUGH TO MAKE MY POINT WITH BETTER WORDS .. Anyway I shall begin, feel free to comment on anything *just don’t come @ me for literally just thinking something* 
Ready @flyingnonny, @marialujan22
Cute little community, alright let’s see what’s going down
Chinese laundry a little stereotypical but I get it
“dear Patrick!” Laura is so adorable I can’t
The smiles in the mirror!! *shit after I think about it, more parallels. Shelagh’s looked in the mirror in so many of her great scenes. Series 1! & 2! & was that 4 with the nurse’s uniform the first time! Ah my bby growing up 😭
Lol sister Ursula’s annoying ass still here .. not for LONG THOUGH😊
dead @ Patrick’s reaction, someone gif it
Her mother in law looks mean as hell
Is Lucy mixed?
ah yep called it. Damn deported? Too relevant today..
I just get so excited now I love her
Lmao remember when I legit didn’t like her because of her comments to Shelagh before she came back to nursing. DONT WORRY IM OVER THAT
Shelagh looks so pretty!! More of her in cute outfits with the hair down pls 😍
Here for her 1962 wardrobe
Lol lullaby type music what’s she pulling out
“Tempting fate” stop! No bby everything will be okay if not I’m losing my shit
Sister J & Shelagh moments are precious ** Ah you guys reminded me of again another parallel I’m so here for it.
But like if she’s almost halfway as sister j says, has she told everyone already? we shall see, or maybe it’ll be implied
Shelagh saying “WHAT?” is most of my internal monologue in just about all my classes
Phyllis’s hand raise tryna avoid actually saying “no offense” to Dr Turner is gold
I will bet all my the cash in my wallet (prob $30 at most) we’ll see a soft side to her and Ima still be like “adios puta”
Shelagh’s like “we have a game plan” aw she is pure gold, protect her at all costs what the hell!¡💖
Also if no one at nonnatus knows this could’ve been a perfect chance to tell them, or someone could’ve been eyeing her walking around the table and suspecting? Like Phyllis would notice, she knows everything
Shelagh looking at Patrick literally like “is this bitch serious??”
This isn’t Downton Abbey, I never hated a ‘main character’ (don’t come @ me I hated a few characters but still loved the show)
Yo did sister Julienne really not slide Shelagh a new uniform? She’s in a cute outfit but c'mon
Lol this lady knows she’s pregnant
Fred angrily spinning the wheel, I feel
20 min visits, “OK”.
Oh no. I sense a sad story coming
Phyllis’s little run, precious
Sister Julienne spilling the tea, but again I don’t care about sister Ursula’s feelings or backstory
WAIT WHO CALLED A THREAT OF GETTING SHUT DOWN THOUGH? IT WASN’T ME BUT I REMEMBER READING IT? Lol score for u because I didn’t see this coming (even though I know damn well they’re not shutting down, like the show would be over)
she’s my hero anyway, no disappointment
Angela is precious
Tim trying be funny lol but we actually hate sister Ursula
HA NO SQUIRRELS , WAIT so today literally a squirrel ran across the feet and I freaked out. My campus is full of squirrels but like I’m from NYC I don’t fuck with them.
Ok, A) Shelagh’s shoes kinda don’t match but I’ll let it go & 2) is it implied everyone @ nonnatus knows? Like how has she not had a checkup this whole time. I guess Patrick could but that’s doesn’t seem likely
Toad in the hole??  que eso?
I think I said the other day I think she’s watching tv somewhere
The table: *collective gasps* me: *LOUDER GASP*
Why is babs taking it to heart? Like she sucks anyway
I love Phyllis damn it, not in a way I love Trixie and Shelagh though, it’s different I can’t explain it
I need Phyllis to encourage me to stay in university PLS (some one meet Linda Basset & send me a video of it)
Ah “delightful” screams. This show terrifies me to think about being pregnant one day lol. Like I thought my mother’s stories were bad enough but nah
Shelagh: *is frustrated* me: *gets frustrated* RELAX BBY
Also someone get her a new uniform she’s going to dirty her nice clothes
When did scrubs become a thing ?? my mother has like a zillion pairs & I can’t imagine her working in a dress all day. Omg I gotta find a picture one day from when she graduated nursing school she had such a similar style uniform to the nonnutans, I love it 😂
Patrick needs to put his damn finger down im tired of that shit. If he ever does it again with Shelagh I’ll flip a lid
Did she not want a girl?? @ in law
“no, a girls very special” aw
“She wouldn’t appreciate the term Elderly primigravida” ha true man, remember she said that last series
lol I wanna see her reaction if they ever label her again
get the fuck outta here, let them send sister MJ away I will revolt
Saw this scene haha, hope Ursula falls off
Damn came at Lucy, what’s wrong with Linda haha, that’s my gram’s name
She’s so chill about that, me? I wouldn’t let that go. I’m also so damn extra & annoying
Not the same as Phyllis saying “Hells teeth” but that’s catchy
Also Patrick can’t type that’s funny
“mending your dress” FIRST OF ALL PATRICK, SHUT UP
“Cool, calm, collected & professional” love her
You guys don’t understand, i need to screenshot a conversation with one of my friends. Her and I only ever use CtM screenshots for message reactions it’s so funny but also weird in a way😂 sometimes their cringes are better than basic memes
But to be honest they really have never fought? Lmao that moment could’ve been a little argument but they got over it too quick, bc/ how do they ALWAYS agree/get on? (Excluding the adoption issue but whatever)
Lol why did she have to get up, you get up Patrick
Her outfit is so cute !! My bby
AW!, they’re cute, I’ll forgive him
former nun sitting on a mans lap I love it!¡ without context it sounds funnier
“We’ll pull through, we always do” better be some foreshadow for something good!
I don’t think she has postpartum though
*SUCKS TEETH* UMM BABS not checking the baby is prob a bad move
Shelagh definitely has a baby bump at that angle, DOES EVERYONE KNOW or not WTF?
Bby you feel pain that’s not good u know this !
seriously does Barbara not see it
“Have you all been speculating?” HAHH
“Well I don’t approve of gambling on the premises” SHELAGH YOU ARE A GEM
seriously protect her at all costs, I know it’s coming but I don’t know when or how
shit they screaming, calm down ladies
lol Patrick trying to play it all off like he’s calm, cool and collected
no one asked u to be honest keep it pushing
Also it’s 31 MINS IN & TRIXIE IS NOT HERE YET? like when is she coming? I’m less hopeful of her saving the day the more time goes bye :/
“how can you [maternity home] compete with that [hospital]?”
Don’t blame yourself Barbara :/
Again Shelagh’s having pain, it’s going to be soon isn’t it?
This better not be the heart to heart Laura mentioned ** ah we’re good it’s not
Shelagh is going to the bathroom OMG SHES GONNA BLEED NOW RIGHT
she’s so scared, I cry for her
“Hello nurse Crane, it’s Shelagh..” *omg she rarely introduces herself & even less as Shelagh & I feel no one calls her that but Sister J & Patrick?
why St Cuthberts vs the London?
Phyllis being a badass simply walking down the hall
I hope this baby lives omg
I mean baby Lin, baby Turner will happen
Shelagh in the hospital bed is breaking my heart I swear I don’t have
I wanted it to be Trixie but IM NOT MAD LETS GET IT PHYLLIS
ugh pls save the maternity home
my poor girl looking so sad **** also how did she get all her things on the table?
Give Laura Main every damn award this series, I don’t care if we’re only 3 episodes in.
Her bump looks more visible in the hospital gown? do you think it’s a pillow or something lol
SHIT ITS SO SAD omg, I’m cryin
AW babs we all feel
Phyllis protecting Barbara aw
There’s not been as much Trixie as I had hoped 💔
But she’s back bitches and I’m happy I missed her
So Barbara smokes for real now, but Trixie doesn’t share her black cigarettes haha
Take your weak apology and go
they put a bench out for her how sweet
Sister MJ saying “silence” then “shh it’s starting” is me every week watching this damn show
It hurts that I am so invested in this show
How did it happen I don’t know but I love it so much 
Barbara’s ring is pretty
All is well & everything is almost back to normal and lovely *for now*
Sister Julienne is so faithful, like I really would struggle to be so compassionate
Sister Ursula is upset and I’m awful because I do not care
I knew they’d show her vulnerable side so we’d change our minds but I can’t
Sister Julienne you’re so great
It wasn’t a leak??
“I’m going to the mother house” *squees* YES ENJOY, THANK YOU FOR THE DISTRESS, PLEASE BE ON YOUR WAY
Sister Julienne don’t ask her to reconsider
This was a sweet moment but still don’t like Sister Ursula
she’s so pure, protect her!
Nice leaving the door open Sister Ursula
Phyllis driving her is only right
Trixie’s concerned, WHERE IS SISTER MARY CYNTHIA?? ** I really thought Trixie was going to play a bigger role in this episode & I thought this was going to be a longer scene but there’s 5 more episodes, I won’t complain I’ll just be patient. LOL JK UM when is Trixie going to get some time to shine
Oh Shelagh 💔
Aw the Chen’s
OKAY THEY’RE CELEBRATING & EVERYONE’S HAPPY BUT DO THEY NOT KNOW ABOUT SHELAGH? ** **I’m still not sure if they even know she’s expecting but why was Sister Julienne not told she was in the hospital? I know it happened fast but there was time. I don’t like how this played out like it seemed pushed aside but I guess that’s what next episode will address (I hope)
Otherwise, excellent as always
“We are all traveling through one another’s countries but it is no matter if we meet as strangers, for we can join forces and learn to love..” ah this so applies today ugh the world is insane
New midwife = Valerie’s coming back which is cool but also she’s going to be problematic so *hmm* maybe not
Fred and Violet are cute but still cringing & laughing about them in episode 1
finding out Tom’s past will be interesting, I’m thinking his mom almost gave him away but then didn’t? probably was raised with out a dad maybe? We’ll see
“We were happy enough before and we’ll be happy again, whatever happens” I don’t freaking know if this is Patrick comforting or breaking but I’m going to BAWL NEXT WEEK. Shelagh’s face omg💔 I can’t take this like she’s been through so much! They’ve been through so much heartache, what more can they take. UGH WTF I feel like they never get to enjoy anything, & I know “that’s life” & “it’s a drama” or whatever you say but damn. I love this poor character so much (why?¿!) & she’s usually sad in every series !!
The End.🙃 it’s 1:52am, I should go to bed.
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