#im talking about bills
maybankiara · 2 years
I truly believe I am the main character but not because my life is so exciting. Unfortunately I am the main character because whenever I am scared of a very specific thing, people tell me it's nothing to worry about and I won't even have to deal with it, and then something goes wrong and I end up having to deal with it
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arkred · 2 years
No estoy enojada ni decepcionada,
Solo quiero mandar todo a la chingada.
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maggot-baggage · 2 months
Methinks its time to move back home actually
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itsscottiesstark · 5 months
It's been 175 days. 175 days and one moment (out of many) I haven't been able to get off my head ever since the very first time I watched it was this look.
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His eyes looking at Crowley leave and then darting off to stare into the void while he quickly processes everything
The hand going up to his lips shaking
The deep breath
The look of utter despair
I am not okay and quite frankly I don't think I'll ever be okay again
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bamsara · 10 months
Also why did July become of the most busiest, hottest and most expensive month of my life
I need August to become boring as shit. No more shit happening to me, no more emergencies, no weddings, no birthdays, no health scares, no more heatwave, no more social obligations, no nothing I just want to stay home, make stickers for my life blood aka patreons and write fanfiction in an air-conditioned space PLEASE
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detectivekonan · 22 days
can anyone get me protein powder and hygiene products off my wishlist pleaaaasee
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olliecoded · 10 months
okay i unironically think it's time we start talking more about the orgy scene. i KNOW we all ignore it because it is wildly graphic and uncomfortable, which is understandable, but in the end it is still a part of the novel. and the problem with refusing to discuss such an essential part of the book is that it doesn't actually erase the scene from our consciousness; it just means that we're thinking about it in a manner that's completely uninformed by analysis of the text, which is never ever a good thing. because it leads to utterly shitbrained takes that would be refuted with two seconds of serious thought, like the idea that bev raped eddie, which is not only wrong but reductive to her entire character.
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quietwingsinthesky · 19 days
people are saying he « led her on » because he did. the fact that he kissed her in the first episode set the tone for the rest of the season and if you can’t perceive the flirting I’m sorry but how?? he didn’t make anything clear he sent the craziest mixed signals in the world. there’s nothing revolutionary about claiming that Martha was being pushy toward someone who was clearly not interested it’s 1) weird to claim in what it suggests about her 2) factually not true.
I wasn’t gonna respond to this at first because the top half of this ask is pretty much just individual interpretation and I don’t really care about it. Like, no, to me, the Doctor doesn’t seem especially flirty towards Martha. He’s just sort of Like That. That’s his damage, you know, Mr. I need to traumadump on anyone who tolerates being around me for more than five minutes. Mr. If I don’t develop an intensely codependent emotional bond with the companion I have currently I’ll die. It doesn’t read to me as him trying to lead her on because that bit’s honest, and he does it with damn near every companion he’s ever had.
And if nothing else, because we do see Ten when he tries to flirt intentionally and he’s a fuckin dork about it. Kind of guy who looked up romance in the dictionary and took notes. Kinda guy who draws diagrams to maximize kissing potential. It would have been obvious even to me (<- romance-blind as all fuck) if he was flirting with Martha on purpose because he’s not smooth at all; he flirts like he’s gotten lines in a play and he’s super excited to be the main star.
But anyway, as I was saying, that’s just how I see it. And if you see it different, no skin off my back, I just disagree.
But I take umbrage with you putting words in my mouth. I never said Martha was pushy towards him. Because yeah, she’s not. If I implied that she was, then it was a result of poor phrasing on my part. Martha’s not at fault for what she feels, for wanting there to come something of it. No more at fault than the Doctor is for not returning those feelings. It’s a bit weird that you’re assuming that I think one of them has to be the bad guy here when that was the opposite of what I was saying. My point was: When it comes to their romantic subtext of their relationship, it’s weird to pretend like either of them are to blame for them not being in a relationship at the end of s3, and even weirder to assert that as part of why Martha supposedly wouldn’t like the Doctor afterwards when they’re. friends. they continue to be friends into s4.
Martha’s not pushy. She has a crush on her friend. It happens. He doesn’t return it. This also happens. Both of these facts are pushed to the extreme because he’s a time-traveling alien with poor emotional skills and she’s put herself in the position of needing to help him from minute one of meeting each other. That’s why it’s fun to watch, because the Doctor is both so open and so unavailable in turns, because Martha’s feelings for him grow and change as she knows more about her Doctor until she decides to step back.
I don’t know, man. You seem to be coming at this as if one of them has to be The Problem™️. I don’t think either of them is, not so definitively. I think boiling their relationship down to that is reductive and an insult to the way they both grow over s3, to Martha’s choice to continue to be his friend while also establishing her own boundaries, to the fact that the Doctor is able to let her go without immediately trying to kill himself afterwards when she’s not there to catch him.
#the thing about the doctor is that if you want to tell me that he’s Extra Special Flirty With This Companion.#i dunno. feels like something that requires a lot of proof lmao. because the doctor is a freak who latches onto people like a barnacle and#gets way too invested way too quick and holds on like he’ll die if he even thinks of letting go. he’s just like that. he’s just like that.#he’s like that with rose he’s like that with martha he’s like that with donna amy clara bill!!!! these relationships are all different but#the common core is that the doctor is a freak! the doctor clings on too tight!!! the doctor will fuck you up he loves you so much!!!#idk! is it more leading on for the doctor to kiss martha to pull off a plan than it is for him to reshape amy’s life around him on accident#and then show up when she’s an adult to finally whisk her away. or to let clara do emotional infidelity with him for months while#insisting that he’s not her boyfriend. i don’t think ever he is. i think he’s just like gravity. mavity. you’re gonna orbit him because he’s#something cosmic and unknowable. and he’s also your best friend. he’s always too much and too tangible all at once.#am i making any sense here.#ask#martha jones#the doctor#tenth doctor#doctor who#idk man its like 7 in the morning where i am im not awake enough to talk martha/ten semantics. personally i think they should have made out#on screen even more without ever clarifying the nature of their relationship so that they had even weirder and more complicated feelings#about each other.
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ofswordsandpens · 5 months
watching episode 4 and oh Sally what have they done to you...
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trashvampiree · 1 year
Marko is SUCH a dumpster diver but...not really...more of the type to rip through trash on someones front porch. Shredding through someones garbage and the porch light flips on, old guy inside yells "DAGNABBIT, LINDA, THE GADDAMN RACOONS ARE IN THE TRASH AGAIN!" and his wife is like "WELL GO GET THE BROOM, RON!" and they start fighting while Marko is skittering away with Ron's lost wedding ring (he hasn't told Linda yet but I bet you she's noticed.)
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lonelysa1lor · 5 months
You know how some people say that the tale of Icarus was about him falling inlove with the sun? And how he wished to be close to something so dangerous and even with the warnings he was given, he flew too close. The sun couldn't save him or maybe it just wouldn't. yeah well there's this guy called Stanford Pines--
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hyperiionvii · 5 months
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junior illustration final: the seven deadly sins
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i keep making animations with bipper...
help please
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apocalyptic-byler · 5 months
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kraviolis · 11 months
*clings onto any and all characters who show both subtle or explicit signs of plurality from all of my various interests and hyperfixations consistently throughout my entire life* no no its all a coincidence im just fascinated with the concept i certainly dont relate to it haha
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