#im talking about yamamoto and gokudera
averageobserver · 2 months
When the ship is practically canon but they're still not by the end of the story
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rebo-chan · 4 months
I've been thinking about KHR's bonds. (When am I not?) And I've thought about the way that Amano likes to write bonds. You'd be pressed in this fandom to find people who don't care about at least one area of it whether that's the Vongola kids, Varia, the Arcobaleno, Kokuyo, etc. After a conversation with my best friend, I realized it's kinda interesting how Amano has somehow successfully created so many realistic bonds for such a diverse cast. Like we see so little of them, but you'd be pressed to convince the KHR fans that the funeral wreaths don't adore Byakuran.
So there's the thing right? Katekyo hitman reborn is the shonen that is 100% about the power of friendship. Like yes other shounens use it and its a meme for a reason, but they also have other stuff going on. Other motivations. Other theming. Meanwhile Tsuna growing up and becoming a better person for his friends /is/ the theme of Reborn. That is the entire motivation for the series. There's no grandiose scheme where Tsuna will save the Mafia world and be the chosen one, though the series tries to put Tsuna in this position to his chagrin.
As evidenced by the scene in Future arc, where Tsuna is unable to light his ring because he is so stressed about sending everyone back to the future and fighting this unknown powerful enemy. And so Reborn walks up and tells him "You're not a hero. Stop trying to be. It's not like you. What were you thinking about when you first lit your flame?" And he responded with "I just..wanted to protect Kyoko." Reborn satisfied with that answer then asks, "And who do you want to protect now?" And Tsuna answers with "Everyone." And then his ring lit up. That's the core to the series!! Right there!! All it ever was 403 chapters worth of these characters just wanting to protect each other.
So, in talking to my best friend, he pointed out that outside of daily life arc, these characters don't really have moments of vulnerability towards each other. Frankly, it seems the cast of KHR is allergic to being vulnerable. There aren't that many scenes of "you guys are important to me. I love you guys." Y'know stuff that tells the audience yeah these guys are close. And when Tsuna TRIES to have these moments, like with Reborn, Reborn pretends like he's asleep and doesn't hear Tsuna say that he's going to save him. Yet somehow, we all understand that these characters love each other so deeply.
And that made me realize it's all in the dialogue and actions, rather than inherent bonding moments. It's Reborn clenching his fist when Tsuna is getting gravely injured by Daemon. It's Yamamoto and Gokudera having a fight about Gokudera not being worthy of being Tsunas right hand man as Gokudera doesn't care for the other members of their family. And Gokudera never addressing this again, there's no verbal indication that Gokudera even heard Yamamotos criticism. Yet later during Merone invasion, Gokudera reaches a hand out to catch Yamamoto when they're getting separated. And later, he protects Ryoheis unconscious body as he is fighting Gamma to the death. It's Byakuran saving the funeral wreaths from their miserable lives and them protecting him even when he begins to strike them down. It's the way Mukuro runs to assist Chrome when she is in danger, or swears up and down that he is not allied with Tsuna but also feeds the Vongola information about Byakuran. It's the way Squalo refuses to cut his hair for his vow to Xanxus, or Mammon's gratitude towards Xanxus's willingness to fight for them. It's Ken ensuring that Chrome is always fed by giving her the snacks and candy they bought. These characters don't need bonding moments, their love for each other shines through their every breath and finger twitch.
And I think that's a fascinating way to write a connection on Amanos behalf. And it was done so well we can't even argue that these characters all love each other.
The way I summarized it is most characters love each other because they spend time together and improve together. KHR characters spend time together and get better together because they love each other
Anyway that's it for this one. Please let me know any dialogue/actions that drive you guys mad about these characters 👀 I know this series is full of them.
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khrmutual · 3 years
Hi, it's the uni anon here! I also like discussing general khr stuff too and im so glad to see an active tumblr to this day! I've been following it since i was a kid and sometimes it leaves me to hop on different fandoms but i always periodically get hit with khr loving hours
General khr stuff i love to point out:
1. Ryohei was a punk who loved fighting so much that kyoko got hurt in the past bc of it. Boxing was violence in a controlled environment. Im sure hes really smitten with the sportsmanship, but i just love that hes also a fighting freak on par with hibari.
2. It didnt really hit me until his fight in the shimon arc for me to really get tyl!lambo's characterization. But the fact that he just wants to enjoy and party and is also a crybaby coward but gathers the resolve to fight from the people who surrounded him in his childhood??? Love that so much. Hes obnoxious in a 15-year old way for the same 5-year old traits.
3. Gokudera's introduction episode/chapter was a total subversion of the typical shonen rival character. If yamamoto was the shonen mc, hed definitely be the typical shonen rival. But no, hes the enthusiatic bodyguard friend of the shonen mc who finds out hes a shonen mc and went NOPE.
4. Gokudera gripes at yamamoto not taking things seriously bc he keeps talking about the mafia as a game, but for someone who thought the mafia as a game, yamamoto actually takes the "game" so damn seriously.
Im sure theres more, but thats all i can think of to blurt out for now.
KHR is kind of like that, it may go dormant as an interest for a while, but it always seems to rear its head again eventually :? something about it is just really appealing if you're into action manga.
To address the points you've brought up, Ryohei is a fascinating character who really got piss poor treatment. With an ever-expanding cast and a revolving door of villains, sometimes characters get downsized to fit the story or change focus to another point/arc. Ryohei is just like, a guy who likes to fight. Single mindedly, he likes fighting, being Good Pals with people, and provoking Hibari. I appreciate characters who are bull headed about their passions, and Ryohei is no different. I wish Kyoko and Ryohei's sibling dynamic was explored more, as the constant contention between Ryohei's fighting habits gets a little dull sometime within 400 chapters. Lambo has a really interesting position as a primarily comic relief character, in that he's got schrodinger's perfect characterization of childish-ness: he is both an incredibly accurate depiction of what a childish character FEELS like, and also exaggerated to the point of comedy. Amano took that one bratty trait and ran to the moon and back with it. I really enjoyed the subtle differences between 5 year old Lambo, 15 year old Lambo, and 25 year old Lambo. He was handled pretty well in that respect, all things considered! Right!!!!! You know I don't see many people bring that up at all, now that I think about it. Gokudera is really refreshing in that respect, and I think that may play a major role in what I enjoy about his character!!! I do wish we got to see that friendship develop a little more, though!!! Yams is so funny because he's just like. ok with killing. he treats it kinda like baseball, as long as everyone else plays by the book he'll do the same, but as soon as that understanding is broken all bets are off. He's a team player in all meanings of the word. I love him. King of having flexible morals <3 Thank you for the ask anon, feel free to drop your thoughts in my inbox whenever o/
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cheshiresense · 5 years
And here’s the other thing I wrote on discord. Still a ramble but shorter.
AU where Tsuna listened to his intuition more (even with his Flames sealed, his intuition was powerful enough that it helped him avoid bullies or just gave him a nudge whenever Hibari was headed his way or there was a quicker route to wherever he was going; he's learned to rely on it even if he didn't know what 'it' was before Reborn showed up) and was also a little more proactive post-Kokuyo arc.
I still headcanon that Tsuna and Mukuro formed a Flame/Guardian bond after their battle. So after one too many times of Reborn scolding him for sympathizing with an enemy or flat-out telling him that they'll probably be locked up in Vendicare forever whenever Tsuna asks what's going to happen to Mukuro and co., he decides to try and figure it out on his own. Locked up forever isn't a good enough answer for him.
Shamal is generally an unreliable pervert in Tsuna's opinion, but he's also a professional assassin with years of mafia experience under his belt (Tsuna can't believe his life has reached the point where he can say this stuff with a straight face), so he stammers and nags an answer out of the distracted doctor when Reborn isn't around under the guise of needing to learn more about the mafia, and Shamal, who's a little more helpful when Tsuna isn't asking him for a cure, grudgingly delivers. Tsuna finds out Vendicare procedures - what crimes are too much even in the mafia world, under what circumstances the Vindice would cut in, even their trade policy - and by the time they part ways, Tsuna feels ready to throw up but also knows how to contact the Vindice and even a vague idea of what he's going to have to do to get Mukuro released into his custody.
(Some part of him can't believe he's doing this at all. But the sliver of Flame that's always flickered like a candle at the back of his mind and in the depths of his chest drives him on with more fervour than Tsuna's ever felt for anything, and even just the thought of Mukuro spending the rest of his life in the horrors of Vendicare that Shamal painted for him makes him feel sick to his stomach. He can't just not do anything.)
So basically Tsuna rings up the Vindice and is all like whattup im the future vongola decimo (because his word needs weight) and that's my guardian you have in your custody (because invisible spiritual connections made of soul fire apparently mean a lot in the mafia world), what can i do to get him and his minions back.
And the Vindice are like we'll trade you criminal for criminal, and they pull out their Most Wanted list and be like Do You Have So And So like the world's most illegal game of Go Fish.
And I just want Tsuna to go out there and kill someone for Mukuro. Like, he obviously doesn't have anybody on the Vindice's list, the only people he's fought so far are the ones Reborn forced him to fight. But the Vindice gives him names of criminals hiding in Japan, people even they haven't been able to find, but Tsuna with his Intuition can. He just needs to get his hands dirty.
But he does it. He accepts the deal the Vindice offers him - two of the world's worst criminals in exchange for Mukuro and both Ken and Chikusa. Preferably alive but dead is fine. He won't even have to lug the bodies all the way to Italy. The Vindice needs proof but they'll go to him when he calls.
Tsuna disappears for two weeks. In the end, it's not that hard. Reborn's stopped following him every minute of every day now that he has Gokudera and Yamamoto constantly hovering around him, but it's easy enough to ditch them both when they get into another one of their shouting-laughing arguments at school. He has some money and food, and he has his gloves but they won't do him much good without one of Reborn's bullets so he also pickpocketed a silencer from Reborn's bafflingly large arsenal. That turns out to be pretty easy too because Reborn's been trying to teach him how to assemble and fire various weapons for weeks.
(Half his friends flip the fuck out when they finally realize he's missing. Hibari is mostly just irritated because one of Namimori's students is skipping school. Reborn retraces Tsuna's steps with all the ruthless determination of a hurricane and within three days tracks down Shamal and gets him to spill everything he unknowingly told Tsuna about the Vindice. The only problem left is they don't know who Tsuna is hunting down for the Vindice, and not even Reborn is quite ready to dial them up to demand answers. Reborn would be impressed with Tsuna's new display of a spine if he wasn't doing it for Rokudo Mukuro what even is his obsession with that Mist honestly, did Mukuro do something to him in their fight??)
Fast-forward a couple weeks and Tsuna's done it. Sure, he almost got killed once or twice, but the truth is his targets have been keeping their heads down for years, and they've grown complacent, confident in their ability to evade the Vindice and go about their lives without constantly looking over their shoulders.
They still dabble though, from time to time. The Vindice were helpful enough to give Tsuna everything they had on them. The first has a partiality for baby-faced teenagers. Tsuna is exactly his type, and it's not hard to walk past the guy's shop a few times before luring him down a dark alley one afternoon. He doesn't even realize he's been shot until Tsuna's put a hole in his head ("Headshots are your safest bet for a fast kill, Dame-Tsuna, are you paying attention?"). Tsuna also spends the next two minutes heaving up the contents of his stomach. He's not that bothered by the blood, if he's honest; he's seen his own blood often enough that he's more or less desensitized to it. But he's just killed someone, and he's never done that before, and for a moment he regrets - fiercely - what he's set out to do, for a boy who might as well be a stranger and probably won't ever thank him for this.
(But Mukuro isn't a stranger, is he? Somehow, even though he hangs out with Gokudera and Yamamoto practically every day, even though he lives with Lambo and I-Pin and Bianchi and Reborn, even though he interacts with Hibari and Ryouhei, Tsuna still feels like it's Mukuro he understands best. His motives, his goals, his reason for living and fighting and killing, his hatred and his anger and his fears - somehow, when it comes to Mukuro, he knows it all.)
So he keeps at it. The regret fades, his resolve surges, and he's pale but steady when he calls the Vindice for them to pick up the body. And then it's on to the next target.
The second criminal - a black widow responsible for slaughtering three whole Famiglia down to the last child after marrying into them - gives him more trouble, mostly because Tsuna misses his first shot and alerts her to Tsuna's presence. They end up cat-and-mousing halfway across the country, clashing in a warehouse and resulting in Tsuna finally lighting his Flames all on his own out of sheer desperation after the woman shatters two of his ribs and has her hands around his throat and a wild gleam in her eyes before Tsuna bursts into Sky Flames that consume her before she can scramble away.
She screams and screams as Tsuna's Flames devour her, hot and hungry and relentless, and Tsuna doesn't think he's ever going to get the smell of overcooked meat out of his nose again.
By the time he figures out how to put it out, the woman is very dead, but at least she's also still recognizable. Tsuna doesn't throw up this time, mostly just numb and cold and fucking exhausted. Everything hurts, he's bleeding from a head wound, and he's pretty sure he won't be able to talk without sounding like he's been gargling gravel.
Still, he might as well finish this, so he calls the Vindice, and he gets the distinct impression that they're actually impressed with him, which is just fucked up, nobody should be impressed by murder, especially when Tsuna is committing it. It's not like he even did it well. Reborn would probably sneer at the shoddy execution. Tsuna's a mess and about to keel over, and he really just wants to go home and sleep for a week or possibly forever.
He does end up falling unconscious, so he misses the Vindice cleaning up the evidence of a murder before leaving through their portal, only to come back with a truly confuzzled Mukuro and minions. They give him the bare bones of it - they're free but under Tsuna's custody because Tsuna was the one who traded for them; if they break one of their laws again, even the future Vongola Decimo won't be able to save them. And then they leave.
Mukuro is left with a baffled Ken and Chikusa and an unconscious bleeding mess of a boy who was his enemy and now his saviour, and...
He should just go. He's free, and Tsuna's in no state to even try and stop him, let alone succeed. He should take Ken and Chikusa and book it out the door while he still has the chance. Who knows, Tsuna might even bleed out without medical attention soon, and that won't even be on Mukuro.
But something in him rebels at the very idea of taking even one step away from this stupid boy. He hates to admit it but fighting Tsuna - and perhaps even the way he lost to him and all that glorious burning resolve - gave him more than a decent idea of the kind of person Tsuna is. And he hates it because he wants to think Vongola Decimo and associate it with evil, with the trash of society, with Estraneo, except he can't, because this is Sawada Tsunayoshi, who fought for his friends even though half of them didn't give a damn about him when he was growing up alone, who even then - beaten and bruised - protested when the Vindice came to take Mukuro away, who freed him and very obviously doesn't expect anything in return, and apparently Mukuro isn't completely heartless after all.
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Rewatching KHR eps 27-33 and I have things to say
WARNING: Spoilers for literally the entire series. These are my first immediate thoughts. Can’t remember if there’s explanations for these things coming up, idk. In that case I will be pleasantly surprised when I get to those eps again.
·         Hibari chooses his own grade? How old is this kid
·         Has defo cherry blossom PTSD
·         Like it puts him off now
·         Shame baby
·         For how dumb Tsuna is, hes the only one who can discern Reborn’s disguises
·         Where would Enma we during this time  
·         My baby did not deserve this
·         MY baby needs screen time
·         They literally made an episode about Tsuna having to hide a body
·         And everyone’s so nonchalant about the corpse
·         Like wtf they’re 14 arent they?
·         Yamamoto: Calm down, you don’t remember anything, right? ;)
·         Gokudera: let me bomb the corpse just to make sure
·         Reborn: a doctor can help revive this guy defo
·         XD
·         Reborn: invites Hibari over because he’s the got-to body disposer
·         This brings up so many questions
·         But actually not
·         Tsuna puts him in a closet
·         A closet he’s luckily out of
·         Very important question: What does Lambo and I-Pin do when they get switched to the future???
·         Like, do Lambo and I-Pin actually know about whats happening in the future in real time?
·         Hana needs more screen time
·         Cant remember, but I think she joined vongolo later??
·         But Teen Hana likes Adult Lambo, and Baby I-Pin likes Teen Hibari
·         What a series
·         Adult Lambo still has a cow onesie confirmed
·         Adult Lambo in Baby Lambo’s body is the most disturbing thing about him
·         I need to know what happened
·         What did he do
·         What did Vongolo do
·         Was like Spanner and everyone there like where are we in the timeline?
·         Did he fight in the future?
·         Did he meet his boxed animal?
·         Guys seriously
·         ‘Lambo was returned to the Bovino family’
·         Im sorry what
·         I-Pin and Bianci having their own empowering female squad is what I live for
·         Reborn inviting Nana to Mafialand is so sweet tbh
·         So is maggot ‘kura’? ‘Coora’, ‘cura’? I know Japanese doesn’t work like that but asking for a friend
·         Reborn: ‘We were born and raised in the same place’
·         What an interesting way to state it
·         “Former member of the Italian naval sub attack force comsubin”
·         “Tsuna’s my toy – I mean, student”
·         “WARNING, ENEMY ATTACKING” Yamamoto: “Is an event starting?”
·         The arcobaleno are my adopted kids yall
·         Skull is the Stig confirmed
·         Skull is a dog for his famiglia, Karkassa
·         Karkassa sounds like carcass
·         Appropriate  
·         Tsuna cant swim
·         SHameeee
·         Actually, lets not talk about the pool episode
·         That whole thing was a nightmare
·         And after the ‘pool’ episode, was the mandatory ‘beach’ episode
·         The senior lifegaurds deserve death
·         They’re also literally wearing speedos
·         Quite flat I’d say
·         LeTs SwIm ArOuNd ThE iSlAnD
·         I swear that was in Assasination Classroom too
·         They legit tried to drown Gokudera
·         I swear this series
·         Actually, I swear Reborn just pays everyone to be a dick to Tsuna
·         Hibari just wants the $$$
·         “Bananas or death” – Gokudera. Beautiful reference
·         When does this fighting in his underwear thing finally stop???
·         Please
·         Hibari has a soft spot for I-Pin
·         And that concludes s1
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queenharumiura · 4 years
|・ω・`) sixthscorpse
Send me |・ω・`) + a URL and I’ll talk about this blog! ||Accepting||
Alrighties then, I think, we first met like roughly 6-8 months ago. It was around the time when I decided to actually open the blog for interactions. I did make the blog on a spur of the moment thing, but then I decided to reread the manga before actually starting. 
It... it took a while;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Essentially... there are certain arcs in the series that irk me and thus it takes me a while to get through it. Especially the final arc. That probably took me the longest because I just---- my heart wasn’t in it, y’all. Just knowing that Gokudera, Yamamoto, and Ryohei will have such a small window of screentime-- just... //fist clench. 
By that time, you knew me as ‘An-chan’. I don’t think you followed me on Haru until AFTER the alternate mun name reveal. I’m pretty sure when we met, Cady and Pocky were around. I do remember that you did disappear for a while after that. 
Will admit that I did my usual panicky: Ah, did I mess up. Did I make people mad? Ahhhhhhh... I probably did. Wonder what I did. 
Skip forward months later and it was like oh-- suddenly a lot of KHR blogs are back. What happened? You came back and talked to me and I was like ‘okay--- so--- maybe I didn’t do something wrong... //squint squints’. [Paranoia decrease by 25%]
So I do recall we did send a few memes to and fro, which was fun. Uhhhh--- you followed me on Haru... and you followed me with other blogs---
-- and then you confused me that one time with Giotto, which now gave me a new random habit(?). There wasn’t a rules page that I could find so I sent a message like where is your rules page and it was basically like, don’t worry about it. 
“You know who I am.” 
You in discord: It’s me. 
I cannot forgib this transgression of tomfoolery (i’m jk). Anyways, from thereafter, any time I find a blog that suddenly follows me and I can’t find their rules page easily-- “Is this Rikku”. 
#tru story. 
Idk, it makes me happy that when you make new blogs you’ll follow me with said blogs. Like omgosh, i’m valued enough to be followed with multiple blogs. The fact that you were willing to follow and interact with Haru was very !!!!!!!! to me. Pretty sure I talked to you about it via discord before, but I have a lot of emotional baggage when it comes to the KHR fandom. I don’t have high expectations for the fandom and honestly don’t expect many blogs to interact or pay attention to Haru. 
So it’s always a pleasant surprise to be proven wrong. We’ve talked a number of times on discord and we do have some similar points of views on things.
I don’t want to call them arguments, since they weren’t really arguments? We did have a few moments of tension though. Primarily just emotionally charged things caused by misunderstandings or just words being confused. 
After that, there was a period of silence for a while, and I was a lil nervous. I also just had a lot going on with life in general so there was a time when I was really everywhere in regards to my schedule. So, I hope you don’t think I was avoiding you during that time. I was just-- everywhere. 
Anyways, I think after a while, we kinda started talking more again. Primarily through dash or im. 
I’ll say this for just in case it is a worry: I’m not angry, nor do I hate you. I know that you didn’t mean to hurt me and I moved past that. So hopefully, if this is a worry, will help you know that I’m over it, and you can approach me more if you want. I do remember saying it before, but I am sorry. 
I can be sensitive at times, and I take things very literally. So I take words very seriously, so when they are written in a certain way, I’ll interpret it a certain way. So sometimes, I may end up misunderstanding what you meant to say because of it. I am aware that you have trouble conveying your thoughts, and so I try really hard to understand, but sometimes I can’t-- and so I ask. 
I honestly feel so bad any time I have to do that, because it’s not your fault. I just am dumb, and can’t understand. I try not to ask too much because I worry that I’ll hurt your feelings, or make you feel inadequate, which you aren’t. 
I say this sincerely, but I truly do value you as a friend. Whenever you can, you have sent in memes, or you’ve replied/liked my ooc posts. It goes to show that even if we left off on a rough/sad patch, you still care. It’s the little things like that, that show that you care. 
You have moments of feeling down (from what I see in your ooc posts) and because of that, I want to take this moment: 
You are a very well-intentioned person. Maybe sometimes it may not come out the correct way, but the good intention doesn’t disappear. It can be scary to continue to try, and it may seem hopeless, but I can promise you that it isn’t. 
You are very caring towards others, and you’re open-minded. Open to try out things, and to have fun. You enjoy to make jokes and have fun with others. It’s easy to see that you care a lot for other people, and that’s a GOOD thing. Sometimes, it seems that you care for other people more than yourself. I say that, because I can be the same way. If the option was between me being happy and making another person happy, I’d choose to make the other person happy. 
I get the feel that you and I may share that quality in ourselves. It’s always nice to see how generally caring you are towards those that you like-- ie your friends. You are mindful of other people and their feelings, and you do your best to keep people around you happy. Even if it may hurt you in the process. That’s how it looks to me, and I can relate to that to a degree, which is why I say this. 
You deserve to be happy too, and you should remember that you too are a good person. Your worth is not determined by the times you’ve hurt people by accident. A worth is determined by what you do with that. I know people who KNOW that they normally hurt people because of misunderstandings. They actively choose not to do something about it. 
You don’t do that. You do try to fix things, or from what I’ve seen in some ooc posts, you try to hold back because you’re worried you’ll hurt someone again. Ultimately though, I do believe you’ll ask about it because you do worry about people a lot. I think, that is the quality that should be focused on. 
Now, I don’t say this just to be like ‘I’m trying to cheer you up.’ No, these sorts of memes are a time for me to be honest and talk about myself. 
I’m a very insecure kind of person and I’m very lonely, even if it may not seem that way. I can come off as detached, because I’m just wary of being hurt again. I’m just tired. Still, it’s been comforting to know that there is a person who still cares. 
Even if they are a bit scared, they still care. Perhaps you may not realize how much that can mean to a person, but it means so much to me. To know that occasionally if i’m upset, or even if i’m not, you do still look at my ooc posts and will interact with it (reply/like). If we talk via im at random, you do ask about how me or my family is doing, because you’re concerned. 
You remember i’ve been concerned about it, so you worry. It’s not a very common thing to find someone who actively worries and cares for other people. It’s normal for people to care in the moment, but not a lot of people (from personal experience) continue to care outside of that moment. Like, even if we hadn’t talked for a while, you still cared enough to worry about me. It’s clear with the way you asked me ‘are you okay?’. 
I didn’t post an ooc post saying that I was upset, so I was confused initially, but you did say you were worried bc the last we talked, I was worried about my family. That’s telling to how much you care for other people. I hope you don’t feel ashamed or anything about that quality of yours. It’s a good one. 
I tend to worry a lot for other people to, but I’m very worried about boundaries and over-stepping, so I don’t often brave asking outright if people are okay. It does take bravery to do such a thing. 
Pretty much, I just want to say thank you for being a friend, and for caring. It really means a lot to me. It helps me remember that there are people who care about me, for some reason. Even though I personally don’t think that I’m worth much, or that I personally do not believe i’m a good person (bc quite frankly, i’m not), but it’s so comforting to know that someone cares. 
Will openly admit that I cried a bit while writing this lol. Just hope that this helps somehow. Sorry, and thanks. 
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oneunicornaway · 6 years
Hey so do you guys remember when I was constantly rebloging BNHA stuff, and the thing about me being obsessed with KHReborn? No? Because I do, and im still obsessed. You can pry Reborn from my cold, dead hands
Anyway, here’s a thing I wrote a while ago about Izuku being Tsuna’s cousin.
Its poorly written, but I might pick it up at some point and edit it, so tell me what you think?
News of his father’s death are… well, surprising, mostly. When they get the letter, his mother cries herself hoarse, while he tries to help her and take care her of her while she grieves. He doesn’t know what to think. It’s not that he didn’t love the man, because he did, but the memories he has of his father playing with him and sharing moments with him are distant and dim. It’s not that he doesn’t love his father, it’s just that this love is the one most people would have for a distant relative, rarely seen and barely known. His death saddens Izuku, really, but it doesn’t affect his day-to-day life in the least, and he is left with the realization that Midoryia Renji had only a very small place in his life.
His mom grieves. She cries, and she hugs him fiercely. She stays nearly catatonic when comes the question of the funerals, and then she freezes. She looks like a hollowed husk of herself, and Izuku misses her more than he ever did his father.
Then, as she picks herself up, pieces by pieces, she decides to work more. She goes back to work after nearly fifteen years, and keeps long and tiring days to try and keep them afloat. Renji’s life insurance helps, but it’s not enough, and soon, Izuku and his mother barely see each other anymore. By the time their life seems to have found some semblance of balance, Izuku’s final year of middle school is nearly over, and he has to accept he probably won’t manage to get into Yuuei. Besides, he is thinking about finding a part-time job, because even though his mom is doing the best she can, he can see she’s having a bit of a hard time providing for them both, and helping her by getting a bit of money himself surely wouldn’t hurt.
He’s so caught up in helping his mother he doesn’t except her own action to get them in a better place. He’s surprised enough that he doesn’t protest when she tells him that they need to talk.
“I want you to try the exam entrance for another high school.” She says.
Izuku’s eyebrows shot up. This is not at all what he excepted.
“This isn’t about your grades.” Inko smiles, with pride in her eyes. “I know you have very good grades, so you won’t have a problem entering the high school you want. I think you even have a chance with Yuuei’s general course. This is not about that.”
She pauses, long enough that Izuku think he might have to ask her to clarify herself, but then, she continues, with a halted voice.
“Since your father died… things have not been easy, you know that, right?” Izuku nods, and she goes on, with a sad little smile. “I’m sure you have noticed, but the money I make is not quite as much as what we had when he was still alive, and I haven’t had lot of time for you recently. Which is why I would like for us to get closer to your aunt next year. You probably don’t remember her very much, I know, but we’ve been in contact since Renji died, and she offered me to help us a bit several times… and I want to accept.” Izuku wants to protest, but she forges on. “I know it’s hard to move so suddenly, and if you get into Yuuei, we will find a way for you to stay around, but otherwise, I think we should better go to Namimori. Your cousin is only a few years older, and Nana tells me he has lots of friends, and I’m sure you’ll find some too.”
Izuku wants to protest, but his mother looks determined and tired, and the words die on his tongue.
“You should go there for the summer, to begin to get acclimated, and I want you to take the exam entrance to their high school. You’ll have time to find your mark before I can sell the house and find a new job around Namimori, alright?”
There’s about a million protests in Izuku’s throat, but in the end, he nods, and says nothing.
 His cousin kind of looked like him, Izuku decided, stealing glances at the older boy. Sawada ‘just call me Tsuna’ Tsunayoshi, shared his wide eyes, and his hair were certainly as fluffy as Izuku’s own. Izuku didn’t remember his father having any kind of fluffy hair, and Nana’s hair were as flat as his mom’s, but it seemed the tendency to have gravity-defying strands was running in this side of his family. Tsuna was nice and awkward, as far as Izuku could tell, and he even had caught him muttering to himself once already. It did seem like they were related after all.
Nana had been cheerful – almost frighteningly so – at the idea of hosting a barely known family member in her house. Izuku had been surprised, but not for long, as it seemed Sawada Nana was in fact happy to host half of Tsuna’s friends on a regular basis. Those friends – and maybe Izuku should just stop excepting anything normal altogether – seemed to be, in part, young children, and it seemed that among the Sawada household’s permanent residents, there were Lambo, eight years old and constantly playing with worryingly realistic grenades, and Reborn, five years old and never to be seen without a perfectly fitted suit or a weird costume on.
The Sawada family, Izuku had determined, after no more than thirty minutes into their house, was weird.
Soon enough, once Izuku had been ushered into his room for the duration of his stay – Nana had cheerfully explained that the house had been renovated and made bigger to accommodate the new guests (and again, didn’t those kids have parents with a house of their own?) – the woman had sent them all out of the house while she was making dinner – to get ice-cream.
Never in Izuku’s life getting ice-cream had been such an ordeal. He didn’t mind, exactly, because in the past, those kinds of event had only been shared with his mom (ang in a distant past, with Kacchan), but the sheer number of Tsuna’s friends made the whole experience pretty confusing. They met in a park nearby, and Tsuna quickly introduced him as the son of his mother’s brother (weirdly convoluted when he could have just said cousin, but at this point Izuku had stopped trying to understand the Sawadas) to his group of friends. And they were a group. There were already three of them waiting for Tsuna and him to arrive, five if you counted the two children already with them, and then they just kept coming.
Izuku was introduced to all of them, while quietly trying not to hyperventilate. First, a silver-haired teen with European feature introduced himself, managing to seem both wary and politely welcoming when he shook Izuku’s.
“It is an honor to meet the Tenth’s cousin.” He said, which… Tenth? Tenth of what? There was a sigh coming from the side Tsuna was on that sounded somewhat reproachful.
“Ahah, Gokudera, no need to be so formal” A tall boy with a cheerful smile on patted the previous teen on the back with enough force to break the other boy’s pose. “I’m Yamamoto” he made a small sailor salute, “nice to meet you.”
“What the fuck, baseball freak!” Gokudera suddenly rounded on him, instantly losing any calm he had seemed to have. Yamamoto only laughed heartily, even as he avoided a punch to the guts.
“I’m Chrome. Nice to meet you.” Izuku jumped slightly as a soft voice addressed him to his left. It belonged to a girl with an eyepatch and a blue ponytail.
“Ah, hello. I’m Izuku.”
She nodded, as if they had reached some sort of agreement, and said nothing more. Then Izuku waited with them for a handful of minutes, standing awkwardly by their side. Tsuna glanced his way from time to time, but he mostly stayed concentrated on Lambo and Chrome, chatting with them about ice-cream flavor and the toys Lambo wanted for his apparently upcoming birthday. Gokudera had stopped listening to them and was berating at Yamamoto, who didn’t seem to mind, and actually looked like he sort of enjoyed being yelled at by the shorter teenager. The other child, Reborn, was somehow perched on a nearby tree, and was observing the scene while petting his lizard.
Nervously, Izuku tried to make a tentative guess at the members of the group’s quirk. The subject hadn’t come up, but he couldn’t help but be nervous about the usual question of “what’s your quirk?” that always cut short his attempt at finding friends. Gokudera’s quirk was actually pretty easy to guess, since he seemed to be using it to make himself more intimidating as he berated Yamamoto. The silver-haired teenager wore a chain with a ring on his neck, and as he was talking, the metal link rose a bit into the air, seemingly immune by gravity. The hothead probably had the same kind of quirk as his mother: the ability to telepathically move small objects. It seemed more potent than his mother’s though, and Izuku wondered if Gokudera had trained himself to reinforce his quirk. Maybe he was a training hero? With his temper, that probably would not be an easy task but it’s not like it had stopped Kacchan… Something that felt like a stone fell down his stomach, heavy and cold. He hadn’t even told Kacchan he was moving away. He hadn’t been able to deal with the mixture of relief and shame that came with getting away from his former friend. Here, Kacchan couldn’t get to him, and he hadn’t had to do anything. Kacchan couldn’t hurt him and he couldn’t see him, and the turmoil of emotions this created was something Izuku could not yet bring himself to face.
Izuku tried to distract himself by trying to deduce the others’ quirk, but to no avail. None of his interaction with the rest of Tsuna’s friends betrayed any kind of quirk that he could identify. Maybe Chrome used something to make herself more discrete, which would explain why he hadn’t heard her before, but that could also have just been him being distracted, or her just not making much noise in the first place. Despite being slightly overwhelmed, he welcomed gratefully the arrivals of the rest of Tsuna’s friends, which forced him to stop thinking about a certain blond.
He was introduced to them as well. There were two girls: Haru, an energetic dark-haired girl, and Kyoko, with a nice smile, and red hair. Kyoko came with her big brother, apparently called Ryohei, and who was, to use his own word… “extreme”. It seemed that with them all of the friends Tsuna was waiting for had arrived, and they all took off towards the little ice-cream parlor.
“So,” began the dark-haired girl – Haru – as they walked side to side “I didn’t know Tsuna had a cousin. Where are you from?”
They began discussing about minor things, sometimes interrupted by Kyoko who divided her attention between their conversation, and talking to Tsuna about a cake she had apparently eaten recently with a girl named Hana. Izuku found that he rather enjoyed himself, and that Haru really was nice and interesting, up until a dreaded question came up.
“So you’re going to high school next year, right? What do you want to do later on?”
“Err…” Izuku hesitated a bit, rubbing the latest burn mark Kacchan had left him under his sleeved hoodie. “I don’t really know… I wanted to be a hero when I was a kid, but now I think it might not be for me…” Some kind of stillness seemed to fall on the group, and Izuku imagined he had seen Tsuna going very tense before them. In a fit of blind panic, he desperately tried to reroute the conversation.
“What about you?” And maybe the word were a bit wobbly, but Izuku was proud of himself for having uttered them anyway. Besides, Haru seemed to roll with it with no problem, so it had worked the way he had intended it to.
“Hahi? Me? Ah, it’s true that we only have one year of high school left…”, she smiled wide and bright. “I’m going to study economics, to help Tsu-kun take over the world!”
Tsuna, this time, choked on air, while Yamamoto laughed high and bright, gently patting him on the back, and Ryohei launched in a “extreme” moment. Gokudera immediately reacted as well, gunning for the girl.
“What did you just say, idiot woman?! The Tenth asked for discretion, do you even know what that is??”
“Don’t call me that, you macho Italian jerk!” retorted Haru, pouting in an angry way.
“Ahah, there’s no need to be so serious, Gokudera! This was just a joke!” Yamamoto grabbed the other boy, putting an arm around his shoulders, and effectively keeping him from trying to strangle Haru. Gokudera struggled and spit angry curses at Yamamoto, though he didn’t seem to actually be making any headway out of the taller teen’s arms. Haru huffed and Kyoko giggled, and all the while, Izuku stood, confused but happy that the derailed conversation had completely distracted anyone from asking more about his abilities – or lack thereof.
“Aah sorry about that” Tsuna had turned toward him, looking at the group still divided between anger, dramatically unnecessary enthusiasm, and fits of laughing with a tired but fond expression. “they like to tease me about stuff.” He was scratching at the back of his head in a quite obvious show of nervousness. “I hope you’re not feeling too left out…”
A bit, wanted to say Izuku. But this was actually the first time he was brought into a group of persons who didn’t seem to feel disdain toward him, so he hardly felt the need to complain.
“It’s okay.” He ended up saying, and Tsuna smiled at him, shy but bright like a sun.
They got ice-cream, and they learnt to know each other. Somehow, without Izuku knowing how or why, the subject of quirk wasn’t breached the whole time, as he learnt that Tsuna and Yamamoto didn’t know what to do after high school, that Gokudera didn’t want to go to university, but that there was no doubt in anyone minds that he would anyway because Tsuna insisted that he shouldn’t waste his obvious talent and taste for studies on his behalf. It also became obvious really quickly, that even though they all seemed to be interesting and wonderfully weird in their own right, they all gravitated around Tsuna. Haru and Gokudera were the most obvious one, as they constantly referenced his opinions on various subject, but there was the way Yamamoto kept including him, the way Kyoko looked at him, with a hint of fondness and pride, and the fact that Chrome and Ryohei interacted with him even when they mostly didn’t with the rest of their crew. Even Reborn, the suspicious child that definitely didn’t act as if he was five years old, stuck pretty close to Tsuna, and talked to him, sometimes, in too quiet a voice for Izuku to hear. It seemed as if Tsuna shone a private light, something only his friends were privy to. Not to say that Izuku didn’t understand the pull, as well. His cousin, despite his awkwardness, seemed to degage some sort of tranquil benevolence, and his smiles somehow seemed to make the surrounding brighter and kinder.
 They are getting back, Lambo asleep and carried into Tsuna’s arms, and Reborn nowhere in sight (“he will be back” Izuku’s cousin had said, without further explanation), when the older boy speaks up.
“Why did you give up on becoming a hero?”
Izuku blinked, taken aback for a second.
“I just… don’t really have the capacities for it, I guess…”
Tsuna hummed, still looking straight ahead.
“You seem smart, though… And determined too. I’m sure you could do it.”
Izuku didn’t respond. He didn’t know what to say, and besides, it sounded like the advice of someone who didn’t know anything about him, not even that he didn’t have a quirk.
Tsuna went on, softly, still looking right ahead instead of at Izuku.
“A few years ago, I didn’t have any friends… Everyone called me Dame-Tsuna.”
He looks pensive for a moment, and then looked at Izuku, bright smile and all.
“Things change.”
Izuku staid stunned for a moment, not really knowing what to say. Fortunately, Tsuna didn’t seem to expect him to, and turned back towards the road. They were in fact nearing the house and the younger teen was grateful for an opportunity to escape the conversation with his cousin. Inexplicably, Reborn, the five years old, was waiting for them at the door, and tried to kick Tsuna in the ankles, muttering something that was too low for Izuku to understand. Tsuna easily avoided him, answering in the murmur of what sounded like a foreign language.
 Days like these went on and neither Tsuna nor Nana ever asked to know his quirk, to his relief. During the day, Izuku would accompany Tsuna on his errands and on meetings with friends or stay at home. He had come to appreciate Haru and Yamamoto a lot, even if they didn’t always make much sense, but Gokudera reminded him too much of Kacchan, and he tried to avoid the boy when they met. With time, he had come to notice some kind of pattern in Tsuna’s friends. Apart from Gokudera, who would make small objects around him levitate whenever he got angry with Yamamoto (which tended to happen fairly often, as far as Izuku could tell), none of Tsuna’s friends boasted their quirk, nor talked about them, which was a new and strange experience for Izuku. Even Tsuna, Nana, Lambo and Reborn’s quirks remained a mystery even after a full week living with them.
What had ticked Izuku’s curiosity was also the hushed conversation some of them had sometimes, in what was obviously a foreign language. During a conversation, Izuku had gathered the fact that Gokudera had been born in Italy, and it seemed most likely he spoke Italian, but the fact that most of his friend seemed to understand his alien sounding curses, and that Tsuna and Chrome at least seemed able to hold a conversation in italian seemed a tad strange to Izuku. And if that had been the only thing odd about the group he might have let it go, but Tsuna’s friends shared more strange features. They had an eerie way of moving, for example: not only did they seem to follow Tsuna most of the time, but even when they didn’t, they seemed to always fall back on a kind of loose formation, most of the time with Izuku, or Kyoko at the center of the group of friends. It was so organic to the way they moved that Izuku might not even have noticed it were it not for Gokudera and Yamamoto. Because as much as they bickered (if one could call it that), they mostly stayed close to one another at all time (or maybe it was Yamamoto that stayed close? It was honestly hard to tell), and if Gokudera wasn’t around Yamamoto, he was glued to Tsuna’s side. So the one time Izuku had realized the Italian boy wasn’t kicking Yamomoto’s ankles or gushing around Tsuna, his curiosity had been picked, and he had realized they formed a sort of triangular formation around him. They were just getting some food for Nana to prepare the next meal, but Tsuna was at Izuku’s right, Gokudera at his left, and Yamamoto behind them three.
And the rings. A ring that calm, nice, gentle Tsuna wore on his middle finger like some kind of rebellious kid. A ring that constantly floated out of Gokudera’s shirt, reverently wore on a chain when the boy had four or five others on his hands at all time. A ring that adorned Chrome’s thumb. Even Yamamoto wore one, on a chain on his pants, and Izuku was pretty sure he had seen the glitter of another in Lambo’s hair. They all matched, with the same form and the same ornaments (maybe Tsuna’s was slightly bigger?), and they were all carefully worn, not flaunted for anyone to see. Even Izuku, who could be said to be fairly observant, had took several meetings and a few hours to realize their existence, and their similarity. And supposing all of Tsuna’s friends had one, he had yet to see Ryohei’s, Kyoko’s and Haru’s.
Tsuna himself was rather suspicious. On the days he did not spend with Izuku, he almost inevitably came back home with at least some bruises and cuts, and a faint smell of burned tissue. Most people would probably have missed the smell, but Izuku had been friend with Kacchan, then had been tormented by him, sometimes on a physical level. He knew exactly what smoke smelled like, even the faintest hints of it.
His running hypothesis was that Tsuna and his friend were some kind of gangsters. He would even have believed it, too, if his cousin and his friends weren’t so nice.
If you’re wondering, this is an universe fusion, so basically, the mafia still exists, along with rings and stuff, but Tsuna and co also have quirks, if you wanna make guesses. ;D
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mininecro · 7 years
Current Hibari characterization is butchered by the tyranny of the masses. Will you adapt? Or will you perish like a dog? *read more link* *10k meta essay*
how to write hibari????? I can't seem to grasp his character so any tips? 
show me the hibari meta. im ready 
i hate all of you
Entry level: 
Hibari's tendency towards animal metaphors isn’t ever made clear - he obviously considers them animal metaphors, considering his ‘bite you to death’ and how he frames crowds as herds, but their actual extent is up in the air.
However, what we do know about it is that Hibari uses the “herbivore” moniker specifically for cowards. If he hates someone who isn’t a coward, he gives them a title or nickname (like with Yamamoto, Reborn, and Gokudera, who he refers to by their most identifiable traits, Dino, who he gives a sarcastic nickname, or Xanxus, who he just straight-up insults). If he respects someone, he refers to them by their name. He does this to Yamamoto later in the story, and his future self does this for Tsuna. 
At no point does he ever refer to someone as a “carnivore”, because he respects brave warriors, and if someone is brave and strong enough to earn his good favour, they earn the privilege of being taken seriously, by being referred to as their given name.
Hibari currently refers to Yamamoto by his full name and Kusakabe Tetsuya by just his name. He might be taken to referring to Reborn and Shouichi by their names if endeared to them. It’s unclear how he’d refer to Gokudera. He’d never refer to Xanxus by his name because their desires are fundamentally at odds.
There’s a notable exception in Tsuna, who Hibari doesn’t really respect, but understands enough about his strength that he’s unwilling to call him a herbivore. Tsuna’s ingenuity and raw power outranks his “cowardice”, so Hibari would prefer to call him a Small Animal. Hibari also loves small animals and wants to care for them, so this is also pretty gay
I haven’t reread the series in a while so I’m missing a few details. But you know
Intermediate Level: 
He is just as much of a theatric edgelord as Mukuro is and thats why they can never get along. They both eat that “mortal enemies who cannot stop until the other is defeated” except they fundamentally misunderstand what the other considers a “mortal enemy” - Hibari’s objective is to Win, while Mukuro’s objective is to control, and both of them just misunderstand each other to be on the same page. If Hibari Won, he’d completely blow Mukuro off, because his mental dramatic character arc has been completed. Hibari and Mukuro are the edgy version of the Gokudera/Yamamoto dynamic and it’s a greatly underutilized comedy routine. How dare Amano reduce it to 1 panel in the Rainbow arc, like a coward
ANYWAY, Hibari is a fucking chuunibyou and since no one believes me I’m back with receipts
Volume 2, chapter 16:
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Hibari talks a lot. He has something to say every time he’s prompted. It’s incredibly important to him that he’s the most important thing in the room and he has the respect of everyone around him, and having a dominant personality is key to that image. The difference between him and a Fucking Chuunibyou is theoretically nothing, but in execution it’s more that he makes good on his threats. 
But they’re still theatrics, because immediately after asserting dominance, he does this: 
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His goal was just to dominate everyone with the minimum possible effort. Tsuna got smacked, so he’s been Adequately Dominated, but the other two fought back, so they needed to be knocked out. Since knocking out is dangerous, though, he’s made sure to take care of them afterwards.
Hibari isn’t a wild animal or anything. He meticulously cares for anyone he “bites”. If they’re fine, like Tsuna ends up being, he’s like “yeah, just sit on the couch for a second and rest for a little bit”. It’s only after Tsuna crosses him again that he goes back to violence. 
Hibari isn’t a rampaging delinquent, he’s a selfish asshole who associates violence with control, and that’s why he’s an abuse survivor in all my shitty AUs
But back to the theatrics and him being a chuuni fuck
Volume 6, Chapter 43: 
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Hibari just, clearly likes peaceful time alone? Looking at the trees? There’s no reason for a human being to say shit like this without blinking unless they think it sounds cool. Hibari curates his self-image meticulously. 
Before I move on to exaggerate the point, here’s some other micrometas:
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hibari is attractive enough to be sexually harassed by Hetscum, King Of The Restraining Orders, making him one of the only few characters explicitly handsome, which is important because Amano draws everyone hot and I need some sort of justification for the cold sweat I broke into when I saw 10YL Hibari for the first time
(also he looks like a pretentious nerd in these early chapters so its worth noting in general)
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Hibari’s entire character arc is literally the fact that he has the exact same problem. It’s possible that the reason Dino pisses him off so much is because he feels embarrassed at the implication of hypocrisy. 
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The fact these 2 expressions happen in abrupt sequence is so fucking funny I love him (also, proof again that he isn’t a wild violent animal intent on abusing others - being contradicted doesn’t anger him, he just assumes Winning will solve the problem, because, I’m sorry to say, Hibari is not a thinker, which I’ll get to later)
Volume 5, Chapter 38: 
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And then he doesn’t do anything to Tsuna.
I don’t even have to comment on this. Hibari’s just a weirdo
Volume 34, Chapter 330:
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Hibari has, at this point, witnessed Tsuna recover from a snapped neck and kill god. He saw this with his own two eyes. Tsuna asserted dominance over the closest this series has to the literal devil, eater of dimensions, and he only a few chapters earlier explicitly told Tsuna that he respects him so much that to defeat him in battle is a grand ambition of his and complimented him on his ingenuity and specialized power.
Hibari is lying here. He is lying through his teeth. He has finally entered tsun territory. He knows this conflict is important to Tsuna and is affording it to him, but because he painstakingly maintains self-image, he has to make it out to seem like he’s doing this for entirely selfish motives. “Wait for you to be killed”? What could that possibly afford him? Nothing, but it sounds cool, so that’s what he goes with.
it’s worth nothing that he’s functionally identical to Mukuro in this respect, except while Hibari communicates that he cares for Tsuna through Manly Warrior Affordances, Mukuro straight-out attacks Tsuna and compensates for his feelings with constant hostility. Both are funny but Hibari’s is full of more warmth and companionship so that one’s the best.
Anyway, god I forgot how cluttered and ugly the paneling had gotten during this arc
Chapter 335:
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It’s not as if he’s giving Tsuna special treatment, either, because he does the exact same “I could...BUT I WON’T” half-hearted dismissal when he comes upon a somewhat exhausted Mukuro. Everyone knows that Hibari hates Mukuro and wants to fight him, but Mukuro has just defeated the enemy as an ally, so he chucks a tonfa at him and says “reaction time is shit, get some sleep”. Hibari was slighted by being defeated, but he has garnered respect for Mukuro, but he can’t tolerate having these opinions concurrently, because he’s incredibly straight-forward and it doesn’t mesh with his “character”
Look at his dumb face. He’s entered Full Tsun.
Expert level: 
Hibari is super fucking Autistic and loves his friends
I mentioned before that he’s not a thinker. It’s not as if he doesn’t try - his observational skills are actually pretty good, and he composes a lot of reasonable conclusions based on the evidence he’s provided. For example, after fighting Daisy:
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But he often falls into logical stopgaps, and his method of resolving these are...less than ideal.
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Situation: Hibari meets with a conflict to his worldview, image, or judgement
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He hits it until it stops being a problem.
Hibari is like a Sims character that will scream at the wall that used to hold the door they were about to walk through for 30 minutes instead of rerouting. He doesn’t care about being crossed, because he can easily understand it and control that variable, but he is hideously offended by contradiction. If his worldview is challenged, he gets pissed off.
This is the primary reason he and Dino struggle to get along - the entire basis of teaching Hibari is the assumption that Hibari isn’t already right about everything. Dino has to challenge everything about Hibari’s preexisting notions, and Hibari hates him for it. Dino’s lessons excel the most when he feeds into Hibari’s view of things, which is why the 2 things that got through to him by the end is “anger is power” and “flexibility is strength”.
Hibari’s forthright, carefully maintained image also affects how he communicates with people. He talks a lot, sure, but it’s usually to talk at people about how fucking cool and above them he is. He rarely actually communicates his interest in others, which is why him talking to Tsuna about what he likes about him is so important.
It’s also why this tiny panel-and-a-half is one of the best Hibari moments in the series:
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Since when?? Have you respected Yamamoto?? He’s given zero indication of being fond of him until now. There’s absolutely no basis for this immense respect he’s solemnly presenting. He’s been mostly scornful of Yamamoto during the Daily Life arc. Hibari says this with such assuredness that he definitely thinks that liking Yamamoto Takeshi is in line with his character, unlike with Tsuna or Mukuro, who he also secretly grew fond of but is unwilling to admit as much, but Hibari just flies this like a fact.
Hibari Kyouya is fully capable of being friendly with others, but he struggles to operate outside of camaraderie. He definitely cares for Kusakabe, and they grew close over the years, but the first thing he says when he sees Kusakabe (10YL) “herding” up with a bunch of unconscious teenagers is “you’re fired”. 
Again, great basis for my AU fanfic where he’s an abuse survivor, especially when Mukuro, a canonical abuse survivor, has the same problem (with a different way of coping), but it also says a lot from the perspective of someone with Autism - he wants to become close to others, but communicating basic ideas like that is entirely beyond him. Hibari only operates in his comfort areas, and is hostile to being forced out of them. 
And yet Dino, who is the only character besides Kusakabe who has spent a significant amount of time around him, described Hibari to be similar to his ancestor, and when he gives reasons for that conclusion, he also mentions...
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And this is observable! Because Hibari's reactions are missing from scenes he has no engagement in, like this one:
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We can actually pick out scenes where he mentally checks off people as “worthy”, like this one:
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This is also where it’s more apparent that Hibari respects strength/bravery. Shouichi is obviously a cowardly mess of a person, but when he says “we are WINNING”, Hibari makes note of him.
Anyway in conclusion Hibari is a gay autistic chuuni and I love him. Here’s Hibari getting mad at Squalo for being around without permission, something he previously expected of his friends
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
That cheating thing killed me! Can you do a continuation scenario of that for tsuna, mukuro and gokudera with them trying to win the s/o back? The poor things :(
Drawing in a quick breath, Tsuna reached for the door. He had been wanting to do this for some time, but had been unable to pluck up the courage. How long had it been since he had strayed away and taken another woman to bed?
“Not long enough,” he mumbled. It was now it never. Turning the doorknob and pushing the door open, he allowed himself in. Passing through the hallways he made his way to the kitchen until finally he could your voice.
Inside the kitchen you had been talking to Yamamoto. As one of Tsuna’s closest friends, he had been kind enough to try to talk you into giving the Vongola leader a second chance, but to no avail. When you saw Tsuna standing in the doorway, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes.
It was Tsuna who spoke first. “Yamamoto, please leave us alone.” His Rain Guardian obeyed, brushing past Tsuna and giving him a quick pat on the shoulder. Once he was out of earshot, the Vongola boss began to talk. “[Name] I want…”
“You know Tsuna?” You interrupted him. “When I first met you, you were so different. You didn’t ask for anything. If fact, you insisted on giving. But lately all you’ve ever done is just ask for things. Things that are already clearly given to you. Yet you insist on enforcing some kind of make believe law that everything is for you and only you.”
“The hell are you going on about?” He knew he was in the wrong, but found himself unable to control his anger.
“What I’m saying is that even if you do something wrong, you think that just because you’re the leader of the Vongola and the most powerful mafioso, you can just get away with what you want.”
Tsuna gritted his teeth. “I didn’t come here to hear a lecture [Name].”
You glanced away, unable to look at his face any longer. “I know why you’re here. Because you think that with a few sweet words you’ll be able to charm me back into loving you.”
The mafioso leaned forward, almost as if to attain a begging position. “Please, dear, I know what I did was wrong, but just give me a second chance. I swear I won’t make you regret it. Can’t we just move on?”
The tiles on the kitchen floor had started to blur, and you knew it was because you were on the brink of tears. Before all you had ever done was cry and regret having gotten involved with a mafia leader. Your strength been depleted every time he threw a charismatic smile, and your only thought was, Maybe this really is the last time.
But now was different. You finally turned and looked Tsuna in the eye. “Sorry, dear. But I won’t be another one of your many flings. Im through with this.” With that, you pushed past Tsuna and headed out the door. However, you were unable to stop yourself from hearing his shout coming from behind you.
“I will get you back [Name]! You’re mine and only mine.”
Leave! I never want to see you in my life ever again!
Your yells had been preceded by a slap, and Gokudera had no idea what had stung the most. No, of course I know. Your leaving had been what hurt him the most. Even now, while sitting on your front porch in the pouring rain, waiting for you to return home from work, he could still remember the hurt look on your face.
“Why the hell did I do it?” He grunted in anger. What could he gain from breaking your heart? Bringing a fist up to his forehead, he squeezed his eyes shut. It didn’t matter. Your image was still very much burning in his mind.
He snapped his head up. Through the water that blurred his vision, he could just barely make out your silhouette. He hadn’t heard when you had arrived. Gokudera stood up, knowing he must look ridiculous in his soaked clothes.
You held an umbrella, but found yourself unable to offer him any comfort under it. Instead you asked blankly, “What are you doing here?”
He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it in a pause. He seemed to be getting his thoughts in order. When he finally spoke, it was in a strained whisper. “[Name], I came to ask for your forgiveness.”
“Again?” Seeing Gokudera in front of you brought bad memories of when he had cheated on you, and forgiving him wasn’t in you plans any time soon.
Your ex sighed. “Yes, again,” he mumbled. He looked to be struggling, clearly not knowing what to say. “Please just hear me out.”
“I know I’ve hurt you in a way I can’t repair. I destroyed any future we had to look forward to. But I want to let you know that I am truly sorry for what I’ve done. And I won’t stop trying to win back your love, [Name].”
Your first instinct was to tell him to leave. You understandably hadn’t been the most civil when you’d kicked him out of your home. Yet you felt you should at least hear him talk, if only to make up for your lack of restraint back then. Giving him a nod, you permitted him to speak.
Standing under the safety of the umbrella, while he suffered the harsh cold of the rain, reminded you of the countless times he had protected you. All those times he had whispered sweet nothings. The times when he rushed home to ask if you were alright. Had those actions been sincere? There was no way to tell. However…
“Because I really do love you.”
The words broke through your train of thoughts. Love? Could it exist even after all he’d done? You stared at the ground, having turned from a light gray to an almost dark brown, and spoke. “You never stopped being sweet huh?”
You held out the umbrella. “Maybe there’s still a chance for you. Maybe there’s still a chance for us.”
A soft smile appeared on Gokudera’s face. You were willing to try again. So you let him under your umbrella.
“Kufufufu, I thought you wouldn’t show your face around here anymore [Name]?”
The man in front of you, Mukuro, still had the guts to talk to you in such a teasing way. After he had cheated on you.
You took a deep breath and decided to get everything over with. “I came to return these.” You took out a small bag containing several letters. Valentine’s Day letters, Christmas letters, birthday letters. Any holiday or special occasion one could think of, there was bound to be a letter for it. Each one had been written by Mukuro to you whenever he had been out on business. Each one claimed to miss you. Each one held countless memories of countless years. Now each one no longer held any sentiment. 
Mukuro retrieved the bag, eyeing it suspiciously. When he appeared to remember what it contained, he quickly turned to you. “[Name]…”
You shook your head. “I don’t care what you have to say, Mukuro. I just wanted you to have them back. I don’t want anything that remind me of you in my home.” You sighed. “I guess in the end, I was just another one of your many illusions. Something you took for granted.” You quickly turned to leave, but were stopped by his voice.
“Will you at least let me say something before you step out?” You didn’t turn around. Instead you stayed still. He doesn’t even deserve to be looked at, you thought. He continued to speak. “I know you’re hurt, but won’t you at least allow me a second chance? A chance to fix everything. You won't…”
“Regret it?” You angrily turned to look at him. Your attempt to try and hold a cool and calm composure was shattered. No longer did you care if you looked like the villain. Your wounds would not be easily healed by his lame excuses. “Stop being so cliche Mukuro. Can’t you man up for once and just admit that you were wrong? You act as though this is something so carefree, something that was carelessly done.”
For a moment it seemed as though Mukuro was gonna let you leave without saying anything else. But when a troublesome smile appeared on his face, you knew there was no way he would let you have the last word. “As usual, you’re quite the stubborn person.” He held up the bag of letters. “If you want to leave, then leave. But I would watch my back if I were you. Because I will always be following you. Don’t think I’ll be letting you go so easily. Because I will never let you go.” With those words, he retreated back into his home, the door shutting quietly.
Did I do the right thing? The thought invaded your mind, but you had no time to ponder over it. You quickly started to head back to your car. Only time would tell after all. 
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codedredalert · 7 years
hey red! im a huuuuge fan of your hibagoku fic and had a question about a certain scene that i was hoping you could answer for me if thats not too much of a bother! in the scene where dino and gokudera get suuuper angry at each other dino implies that gokudera used a certain method that the 10th wouldnt like to get to his position. what did gokudera do?
aaaaaaaaaa thank you!!! hi @spicyoongi it’s always nice to meet readers and i’m so glad you like my fic! i hope you dont mind i answer this publicly!
gokudera basically is/was very insecure that tsuna wants him around because of his past experiences, so he’s constantly working himself to death to prove that he’s useful. before tsuna gave him the cigarette case and publicly announced that he was right hand man, gokudera was basically self-declaring he had the position and working extremely hard to fill expectations so no one could say otherwise. then he got hospitalised for a while and yamamoto, the biggest threat to the position of right hand man, had a successful mission and to gokudera it seemed like everyone was making a big deal about it. he panicked and dragged himself back to work and through a complicated and secretive bunch of methods he basically set yamamoto up for an extremely difficult mission that nearly got yamamoto killed. rumour is that he tried to take out a fellow guardian.
tsuna knows about this and they talked it out. tsuna was like i know what you did (hyper intuition) and gokudera was like i only wanted to hinder him a little by making sure he failed i didnt mean for it to go this badly etc. then tsuna gave gokudera  assurances that he’s not gong to be replaced the moment he’s not useful 24/7 and gokudera promised he’d never do something like that again. gokudera’s really ashamed of it and he’s very defensive when this incident is brought up. while this looks weird, it was the most effective way of ensuring gokudera’s loyalty without depriving vongola of his excellent work bc you take away his motivation to ever do something like that 
it’s been a while and the whole thing was hushed up. yamamoto is chill with gokudera and gokudera is finally chill w yamamoto. nowadays gokudera is all i will proteCT THIS FAMILY WITH MY LIFE by which he means tsuna first, guardians second, vongola third (and himself last :’D)  
but dino hears things uwu
so of course dino was being downright nasty by bringing it up but from dino’s perspective its like -- he tried to kill a fellow family member and instead of getting punished he got promoted?????? tsuna why????? tsuna no???????? tsuna, bad example????????????? (dino actually approves of the cover up) 
also my take on dino is that his natural reaction is a very selfish one. he’s mostly grown out of it but when you’re tired and everything sucks sometimes people slip up and are mean and childish 
he meant it when he apologised 
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ao3feed-khr · 6 years
Tsuna Explains the Mafia in Under Thirty Minutes
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2I4sra1
by grainjew
(and, considering that it took long enough to just get past the whole thing where a cursed baby with a gun showed up in his living room, he really doesn't get very far)
The day after Tsuna's final fight with Bermuda, Kyoko wants to know what all the bustle was about. Hana is invited along, because Kyoko thinks it's time to stop keeping secrets. Tsuna is really, really tired.
  “Um, cursed?” said Hana flatly. “I thought we were talking about the mafia, not” she waved an arm, “fairy tales or something.” “When you get shot in the head by a baby and don’t die you kind of stop questioning things,” said Sawada in perfect seriousness. “Don’t worry, you get used to it.”
Words: 3563, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Katekyou Hitman Reborn!
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Kurokawa Hana, Sasagawa Kyouko, Sawada Tsunayoshi, Hibari Kyouya
Relationships: Sasagawa Kyouko & Sawada Tsunayoshi, Kurokawa Hana & Sasagawa Kyouko
Additional Tags: gokudera and yamamoto are in here too but for like a grand total of three lines so they dont count, Identity Reveal, Things Get Explained To Hana, POV Outsider, ehhh kinda it doesnt really count but like., fun fact!!! tsuna is terrified of bermuda and he somehow only just noticed, this whole fic is really dumb and im very fond of it, tsuna has seen SO much weird shit in the past year or two
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2I4sra1
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