#im thriving <3
royalarchivist · 8 months
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Luzu: Thanks gurl 🌸
Tallulah: slay 💅
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deoidesign · 2 months
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"what do hands mean about a character?"
Their hands mean they love eachother
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mrsketchydude · 11 months
Cool detail I noticed about Tristamp's Vash's shoes/boots (+ the opening/intro animation)
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we can clearly see here that the footprints we see before we see the anime's logo is the same sole pattern matching Vash's shoes, right? (I had picked up on this a while back but decided against posting it cause I figured people already picked up on this) It has a pretty unique/distinct look, right? So I was listening to the Trigun OST and was looking at this iconic album cover and realized something...
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I was like "oh those boots have the same little two divets at the top like Tristamp Vash... wait-" THAT'S THE SAME FUCKING OUTSOLE He even has the weird gray thing on the bottom as well! You can even make out the circle divets in the center of the sole but its kind of hard to see on this album cover. I'M FLABBERGASTED??? Like DAMN I knew Orange did their homework but this is fucking crazy to me 😭
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avocado62524 · 2 days
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Rewatching Gravity Falls for the who-knows-what thousandth time and I. I have. A thought.
The website that alluded to (not confirmed, as far as I know) of a season three. And this is a big deal.
Since it's pretty much a given that if this does end up happening, Bill WILL be a part of it and they'll need some way to stop him. So I figured, since Mabel destroyed the memory eraser and Bill would probably not have fallen for the same thing twice anyway, the obvious choice is the zodiac wheel again.
What if instead of it all being the same person in the same spot as they were in the finale, why not have their positions switched around a bit. The obvious examples being Wendy as pine tree since she and Dipper swapped hats and Soos since he took over as owner of the Mystery Shack and also Stan's iconic hat. I *may* try to plot out who would go where and share the rest of that stuff on here, but I think this idea would work really well when you contextualize it with the concept that even though time has passed and people have grown and changed and are no longer the same as they once were, they're still just as strong and still care for each other and their bond will never be broken.
Much like the people who loved this show.
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moffnat · 1 year
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Do you know how hard it's been for me to contain myself?
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agardenofideas · 8 months
qtubbo is a someone born from the love of the universe, ya know the end poem with the 2 'gods' talking? blue and green. tubbos eyes? blue and green. how the gods see the world? very different from those who live in it- how tubbo sees the world? very different from how those 2 gods saw the world but so much more than what other islanders or even the federation see-
tubbos seemingly weather related powers? its how his reality related powers manifest with emotions, but he can bend reality as needs be, need to get through this wall? grab a bike and cycle through- why needs the bike? why do gods need offerings or things that 'hold' or 'guide' their power? cuz it works, just like all the bad luck stuff, power runs on weird rules ok? and tubbo being unseen by anyone but etoiles was slip of control in powers which was unexpected, he got stronger
basically, tubbo is a godling and he can and will break reality because he sees reality as a tangible and mutable thing to a larger extent than anyone around him can (fed keep an eye on him so they can do 'reality checks' or at least they try)
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druidberries · 1 year
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Meet Fiora "Dot/Dottie" Button - a sim for the guild amakiir tryouts from @potionio
Fiora is a 21-year-old, shy, music-obsessed satyr, trying to learn to get out of her shell.
a bit of her backstory under the cut
Fiora is from a small village in the feywild consisting of only satyrs. When she was just 5 years old her village got attacked and, in the midst of everything, she lost her family. She didn't know what to do and did the only thing she could think, run.
After running for what felt like forever, she stumbled across a hobbit-like village consisting of gnomes and halflings. The people saw this poor child and gladly took her in, teaching her everything she knows.
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louroth · 1 year
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last name reveal for IDREN//IDA + their moodboard character sheet
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oh im so Stoked - i got myself a little home hyacinth Kit! she's growing! look at her! Wow!
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stealingyourbones · 6 months
It’s so fun seeing peoples comments who’ve seen ninjago vs me and my twins absolutely unexistent knowledge of this show. We quite literally had absolutely no idea this show existed besides it’s name until a friend introduced it to us. Y’all are Saints for not spoilering us and watching our ramblings saying that animators for this show need their ass ate. Ty.
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japhan2024 · 3 months
IANMANTHONY aka the trio we need but don't deserve??? This is the best day of my year 😭😭😭🙏🙏🙏💖💖💖
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mxthtea · 8 months
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this is huge !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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neonfretra · 4 days
i realize keeping fish is not very universal so here are some fish behaviors that i think are funny ^_^
when they figure out the feeding schedule and start swimming around the surface around meal time
when they get in a fight for a single flake of food and chase each other around and snatch it out of each others mouth. while another flake sinks. right next to them. little stupid <3
when they see me outside of the expected feeding time and scatter. fake fans :(
in the exact opposite direction, when they see me and come out because they know i have food :)
when they swim weird and give me a heart attack but theyre just trying to eat algae off the tank decor
or food that sinks
used to have bigger fish that liked to dig and scare me with the areas they would hide in. but it was cute :) had one that had this little hole he would slide in and out of by going horizontal . i didnt know they could do that .
when they hide and peek their head out a little bit! hello there i dont see you!
when there are active fish! most similar to people watching IMO. old man (albino cory catfish) moves up and down a lot this is normal behavior ^_^ im serious hes healthy hes just doing exercise in the park
you can see more active behavior in territorial fish too BUT they will require a bigger tank (and other things..! depends on the species) . for the territory you see .they chase each other sometimes . usually when they are establishing territories and dominance when there are new fish or a water change/redeccorration from knocking stuff over and putting it back up . they had different favorites!
when they school ^_^ its really pretty to watch them i <3 schooling fish
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orgasming-caterpillar · 3 months
how are you learning spanish, like what methods u using
i want to start french sooooo
tips pls :)
So for spanish I'm currently using my own horrid method that works best for myself
1st day I do 30 minutes of grammar in spanish (I mean a thirty minute class completely, sometimes it takes me extra time to understand some things but I try to get most of it down in one day)
2nd day I do 20 minutes of vocabulary (twenty minutes of a vocabulary class and revisiting all that after a few hours so I remember them)
After doing this in repeat for a few days when I had a good enough vocabulary and basic grammar understanding I added this:
3rd day i read a poem or a short story in spanish and write down the new words I learnt and the quotes I liked, and then I revise what I learnt in the last two days
And this on repeat and also Sundays are rest days for the mind I just sit down for like 15 minutes and try to form as many sentences as I can based on what I already know without the help of Google or a textbook or my notebook
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burinazar · 6 months
Oh, wait, wait, ok, I can tell tumblr my news now.
I was accepted into the JET Program and will be moving to Japan for one year starting in late summer to teach English. : )
I don't know how many other applicants have ever had either of my specific application 'angles'. I think they were both pretty weird, but also very, very me, and I'm pleasantly surprised that they seemed to have worked, going off both by the acceptance and the very positive and warm reactions I got during the interview I had. These were:
Science/scicomm/museum background + implying mutual interest in and love of like insects and sea life could be an avenue of intercultural connection and exchange
India and Japan have always struck me as weirdly similar in ways nobody seems to discuss, especially in both being simultaneously hurtling into modernity and deeply traditional/conservative in many ways and places
So. Is this a silly idea considering most people in this program are fresh college grads, and people my age are expected to maybe be getting more settled rather than hopping continents? Is this a scary idea, considering I'll have to uproot all my shit and go exist in a foreign country whose language I really don't know beyond miniscule smatterings? I mean, hmm, yes on both counts, but I'm very excited. On count one, I'd only get older in the future and demonstrably *don't* already have a settled life and career here to disrupt (lol), and on count two...guys, I'm so so tired of letting fear and inertia make my life decisions.
Time to pack up and store most of my shit and end my lease and. Yeah. Also I haven't actually been to India in five years and will probably try to visit my relatives there in the coming months since idk if i'd had an opportunity for a prolonged visit in the future during the one year (at least) in jp. I'll also be probably selling, trading, or giving away a lot more of my hobby shit (that was sort of an ongoing project already but since I'll be unable to use most of it for a year plus it's another reason to do so), so uh, if you've ever wished I would sell any of my dolls now might be time to commit BJD Hobby Taboo and ask me lol. And, obviously, I'll be studying more Japanese, because mine is incredibly へたくそ at the moment. So much to do. But I'm really excited. And thank you to all of y'all that have been encouraging to me about anything related to this matter <3
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