#im too shy to Post these on my main .
lillazyboithings · 5 months
You are the ceo and the asks accs are like coo’s or shareholders or something
Idk how business work
For the people who dont want to see my rambling just have this doodle from months ago-
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shitty explanation below:
Okay if we're translating these to business terms, Michie is the stock, and tbh I wouldn't be the CEO, i feel like it would be @/im-not-a-l0ser since they're the one I look to sometimes for Michie hc shit.
A COO wouldn't be necessary but if there were, it would be @/24-guy and I, xe would be overseeing one half of the Michie and I the other half that xe wouldn't want to interact with.
All creatives who have contributed to the Michie stock would be shareholders
and accounts who have interacted with said Michie posts would be the consumers, and their form of payment would be the likes and reblogs that the post has received.
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sockem-rockem · 1 year
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man ... man .... 
PLS .. pls , no kin tags for bingo or socks if you rb!!! kin tags okay fr muffin and bluey tho!
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dearestxiao · 6 months
my very self-indulgent personal headcanon for how modern au xiao looks like is early 2000s grunge garage band member
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toastdahost · 10 months
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a self insert art<3
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ew tumblr ruined the quality
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pepsicoughdrops · 5 months
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where’s that 1 post that’s like ‘you would never understand the type of transgender sex im having. its like 2 dogs trying to kill each other.’
(click for better quality)
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gildedstarbaker · 1 year
doing the witch queen campaign again on my titan and seeing fynch with the corpse of his hive guardian next to him at all times got me thinking like, how many non hive ghosts are there who just decided not to revive their guardian anymore? not because they couldn't but because they just chose not to do so anymore.
it's a pretty scary thought like you're so used to coming back from each death but then one time you just don't anymore because your ghost just left! and what if something like this happened while the person was in a fireteam, what would the other guardians or ghosts think or how would they react!! because as far as in aware another ghost cannot revive the body of someone else so would they try to force the ghost to stay or would they just let it go?
it makes me wonder if this has been explored in some lore book somewhere, the only thing that i can kind of think that is similar is i think in one of the ghost stories lore books(?) it tells of a ghost who's guardian got somehow permanently trapped in some part of the almighty and wasn't able to be revived but that doesn't exactly match the idea i'm trying to get at.
let me know if there's like a lore book or something about this!
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averageboyenjoyer · 1 year
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littlestpetship · 1 year
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last year i made jeff the killer on animal jam so i feel like posting it... animal jam and creepypasta are my biggest special interests so i like to combine them :)
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donghuamuqing · 1 year
If u saw me reblog my post here to my main no you did not!!!
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shirakodai · 2 years
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do it for the vine
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animalinvestigator · 2 years
Safety dance came on the radio on the way to work. Safety Sunday came early?
every day is safety sunday...you just have to believe and all your dreams come true......thanks for thinking of me anonymous : ) have a happy friday
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fisherofmercy · 3 days
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I wanted to do some expressions from an expression meme with my rat !! shes based off my wol from ffxiv hence the hair and spotting patterns :] im still newish to gw2 but im enjoying it a lot
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dandyshucks · 5 months
forgive me it is late at night and i am tired but i wanna stand up on my tiptoes and give guz a little kiss on the cheek and then he laughs and gets a little flustered abt it ,,,, :[
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sensenotsense · 7 months
if anyone wants to know about my ocs my ask box is always open :0 or draw requests or oc memes
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It is a good day when I have an excuse to write/type walls of words about my OCs
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medicasino · 8 months
forever crying and screaming because i couldn't make it to the Jhariah, Pinkshift and Pollyanna concert happening IN MY STATE 😭
#affie txt#I WANTED TO GO SO FUCKING BADLY#I REALLY REALLY DID#but a number of things ended up getting in the way of me going :(#namely it being on a day my mom is working#me not having a phone#me not wanting to go w/ my mom#and not being able to drive#just. augh i like watching the clips jhariah posts of the tour it looks so FUN and i want to BE THERE but. it wasnt meant to be this time#😭😭😭😭#I REALLY WANT TO GO TO A JHARIAH CONCERT SOMEDAY THOUGH... hopefully one day i'll have a phone and friends to go with#the worst part is I ACTUALLY HAD ENOUGH MONEY TO AFFORD TICKETS...#just. PAIN#i want to go to concerts with friends but i dont. have . irl friends. im bad at meeting people irl. how do u do that#like i mainly meet people online by sheer luck or because i followed them or met them on toyhouse or met them through another friend#how do i make irl friends . my main interests are ocs and casinos . how do i translate that into IRL Friendly Interests#i like drawing and art in all its forms so i usually have made friends that way in the past but... im shy /lh#SORRY SORRY OFF TOPIC but. im never recovering from missing jhariah and pinkshift and pollyanna tour .#i would KILL to see jhariah perform RISK RISK RISK! live and honestly i would IMPLODE if i heard flight of the crows or pressure bomb#SPLIT! too i would SCREAM#honestly i'd also die if i heard a lesson in dramatics live but... considering it's a collab between jhariah and save face#idk if that'll happen#jhariahposting
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