#im trying my best with color theory
akanemnon · 3 months
Last question before I once again leave you to rest and recuperate for the rest of the hiatus.
Do you know color theory by any chance?
(And if so, can you teach me some techniques…? /nf)
Your most recently posted piece is so amazing that I can’t even put it into words. It’s cool how you can switch between styles like that. However, I hope you’re taking of yourself in the process!
If there’s anything to learn from the anon attacks, it’s that even though some people unfortunately don’t see it, being an online influencer of any sort is more of a sacrifice than it looks, and it can the tiring to the creator when others don’t understand. Im not half as popular as you are and I too am starting to feel the effects of posting almost everyday for the sake of the fans.
You’re probably the first online artist I’ve been a BIG FAN of. Not just because of your AU, but because now I’m know I’m not the only easily anxious artist out there. You’ve really inspired me, and lots of other people too, but to keep up the good work, you have to make sure you’re also okay.
Take care!
- The Kogetai Kiddo.
I know some color theory in terms of creating designs. For painting, not so much. It's a pretty complicated subject to explain, so that might take quite a bit to get into...
And no worries, I am taking care of myself and take plenty of breaks in between when I'm getting too frustrated. As for the style thing; I like to try different things once in a while to prevent stagnation. I can switch between styles thanks to practice, but changing mediums does take some getting used to. Digital painting is not exactly something I'm that good at because I don't do it that often. It takes a lot of time and energy. But it's a good challenge.
Honestly, I don't want to be titled as an "influencer" or "content creator". I'm just some person who likes sharing their work and comics that people seem to like them a lot. I'm no authority figure and I don't like seeing myself as something greater than others just because of some numbers. Numbers don't mean anything. It's the person that matters. I just wanna make art, and if it happens to make people happy, I'm happy too. Still anxiety and internal pressure can make things hard. There IS that underlying feeling of having to perform and do well. Because those are your own standards. In the end, you are your own worst critic. Anxiety is the worst, and it's an endless struggle against it. But it's possible to live with it. At some point, taking a step back and realizing you need a break is the right call.
Hoping the best for you and all the other anxious artists out there!
And with that'll be off on my last few days of break. Asks are closed now. See you back on Sunday!
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(Little teaser from the next page for good measure)
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seiishindraws · 2 years
Hey seiishin, I'm a beginner artist and i was hoping you could give a full tutorial on how you color?
hello! this is a bit of a hard question to answer since i dont think giving a tutorial of how i colour without learning any foundational colour concepts first would be very beneficial, so i'll try to give you some basic tips on picking colours instead since this is a very VERY expansive topic and im simply not the kind of person that can pass on that knowledge very well especially since im not the best at it lol
when im picking colours for my drawings, i try my best to "unify" the colour pallet so that it seems more cohesive, this tip from ggdg sums it up pretty well i think
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other than that, i usually try to pick colours that generally look good together based on different colour harmony concepts, like these!
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i'll try and show you an example with something i'm working on right now. you'll notice i didn't colour pick tinkaton's colours from its art and went for a warmer pink and saturated the blues of the hammer a little.
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you'll also notice the canvases i draw on are NEVER pure white. this isnt to say pure white is something that can never be used but white is a colour that usually influenced by surrounding colours, so pure white in most pallets just wont look right. so its not usually a colour i would use as a backdrop if youre trying to pick good colours for your art. but again, there's always exceptions and this isnt a hard rule. here's pure white compared to the colour my canvases usually start with
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another thing i should touch on briefly is colour relativity and the importance of value and saturation.
value is SUPER SUPER important for making sure all the colours in your art stand out from each other and read clearly. as you can see here, most of the values here stand apart from each other, and i can see that i probably need to adjust the darkness of the light blue in comparison to the pink hair tips, though the lineart separates them well enough already i think. this is also a good way tocheck you havent made any dark skinned characters too light. values are important guys!
hot tip: put a layer of pure black on top of your art and set that layer to "colour" and BOOM! you can see the values of your art in grayscale.
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and i'll also briefly touch on colour relativity. because we percieve colours relative to each other, we usually read a colour as something its not when its surrounded by certain other colours. let's take a look at my background drawings in the cover i did for the shuichi saihara zine:
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though i only used a bunch of different purples, when all of them are perceived in relation to each other, a warmer purple can look like blonde hair amongst all the other purples!
as for the brushes i use while colouring, i like textured brushes! i bought these so i cant share them for free but im sure there are many free alternatives out there
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anyway, sorry if this isnt exactly what you wanted, but there are TONS of people out there that have worded this better than i ever could, i would suggest looking up some youtube vids on colour theory, but i hope these little tips are useful enough!
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shygirl4991 · 6 months
Mario's Mysteries (Cause im weak)
So it begins ready everyone its show time and i think we are the main characters. Spoilers Theory (at end) and thought of episode
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The first show is here and our stars is SMG4 and Mario while i love the idea of tarot cards movie/TV posters work.
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seems that whatever the Adware is doing is increasing negative traits of our heroes, I mean we know how scary SMG4 can be when mad but what gets me is the font color i could be over thinking it but usually when Four is feeling intense emotions his text isn't so dark
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another show on how this program is increasing SMG4 aggression mostly at Mario, we know that they are best friends but even so Mario can be a bit much making the crew feel irritated at him. This episode seems to really make Four want Mario dead even tho we know if Mario dies the world ends.
Hell yeah its TV time lets dance as puzzle vision isnt brainwashing us at all! You can see at the end of the song Meggy, Tari, clench, and SMG3 are in the void screaming with Bob missing. Given we dont see bob in the weird TV break maybe bob is the next actor for our line up?
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THIS BITCH LOOKED AT US HE KNOWS WE ARE TRYING TO FIGURE HIS SHIT OUT!! Guys i have many emotions from this the adware knows we are watching it makes me wonder if the movie will have to do with us, since he is doing it for the entertainment and he was the one that gave us control of wotfi 2023 from the looks of the room we were in at the end. Im just screaming
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we are still in the basement we never left we are still there arent we? Is Puzzle vision making the crew see themself in a show but in fact they are being puppets to put on a show for our entertainment?
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so we get a link and are able to rate the episode every go check it out and rate this might be important like wotfi lets just hope its not a trap from the adware. I put the link on the photo if you guys haven't left a rating! Alright everyone i now take my break im thinking of taking a week off so i might be back for next episode idk but i will see you guys next time later!!!
Theory The adware knows we are watching it makes me wonder if the movie will have to do with us, since he is doing it for the entertainment and he was the one that gave us control of wotfi 2023 from the looks of the room we were in at the end. So it makes me wonder if he is using us to power up with the rating system and shit since he is TV and his power is all about entertainment what if us giving the love makes Four loose his channel at the end and Four learns that losing his channel he still has his friends and together can beat the adware that be good growth for four and helps three see that the two of them are equals and are friends since he has doubts given how famous four is. Another thought also what if the only way to beat puzzle vision is THE PERFECT VIDEO!!! it has three and four meme powers in it and it wasn't touched by the adware and it's still there in the hole with peach castle. What if the final fight takes them there and three finds it or four. what if the channel then becomes SMG3 and 4 channel and they together run it! another thought im thinking smg3 has to be the one to break free he has been main focus and not to mention three doesn't belong here, he is the king of the graveyard he was never meant to be a character here but we the viewers broke that rule by getting the good ending maybe by getting that good ending we gave the crew a better fighting chance given Three is a stronger guardian since its shown how three uses his powers so causal without a second thought
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everybody stay with me im shifting back into speculation & analyzing mode, this time about everybody's favorite pair of besties. ill put this under the cut for everyone's sakes
and please, take all of this with a Hefty grain of salt.
so ive been... thinking about a thing. a maybe-possibility. which if this has some merit, the part of me that loves characters having a good time and feeling good feels is screaming in fear. but the louder part of me that loves angst and hurting characters is rubbing its little fly hands together.
short version: i think Barnaby is going to emotionally distance from Wally, if not outright grow to resent him. maybe temporarily, maybe not.
full version: *cracks knuckles* strap in folks. so.
first of all, an entire chunk of Barnaby's bio is dedicated to his character relation to Wally. everyone else only has one-off lines dedicated to their relationships to other neighbors - even Frank & Julie just have single sentences about each other (note that they're described as "partnered with" and "depicted with" respectively. more on that soon). even Wally's bio has his Barnaby mention tacked onto the end of his first paragraph instead of being its own dedicated section
and then there's their character designs - their bios explicitly point out that they share characteristics; color schemes, hearts on their soles, similar outfits.
they were made to be best friends. literally. this quote is what made me start turning this theory over in my mind (sourced from @ /theneighborhoodwatch's collected & absolutely fascinating livestream trivia)
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it appears that Barnaby literally did not have a say in whether or not he and Wally are friends. their bios even say "illustrated pages note that they were best friends multiple times." they have to be best friends.
which brings us back to Frank & Julie. they briefly reference each other in their bios, but they aren't described as best friends. it's incredibly likely that they were meant to be a romantic couple - i briefly covered that theory in this post (dont read the first one i was going insane) but they managed to avoid that. Frank and Julie defied the script and chose to be best friends instead.
and then in the trivia document a few more character relationships are briefly touched on, like how Howdy considers Barnaby a close friend, and Sally considers either Barnaby or Poppy as her closest friend, etc.
everyone else seems to be choosing who they're close with. they're forming their own opinions and dynamics and relationships. & its interesting that Barnaby is stated for both of these - as if implying that he may return the friendship feelings, or at the very least he's developed enough of a relationship with them to earn their affection
Barnaby and Wally... i doubt they ever got that. they were best friends from the start, no development, no choice. it's written into them.
and then there's how their relationship has been portrayed so far. i believe i saw an ask where Clown stated that Barnaby is very polite to Wally, which struck me as odd. have you ever had a polite relationship to your best friend? have you ever seen best friends be polite? i'd be surprised!
best friends mess with each other! they tease and rib and roast! what is a best friend for if not mutual tomfuckery?! jesting around? playfully pushing boundaries? a Polite best friendship... that's a straight up oxymoron. no such thing. that sounds boring and exhausting.
not only that, but the fact that Barnaby is often used for Wally's painting segments, and is the go-to guy for teaching Wally something new, is kind of concerning. it gives me the vibe that a big part of Barnaby's literal reason for existing is to be Wally's friend & guide.
which would make the fact of him being described as polite to Wally make sense. of course he's not going to push their relationship or try to deepen it - he's forming his own dynamics with the other neighbors. with Wally... it's already established. that is how they are with each other. that is what they are to each other.
and it's not like Wally can be the one to introduce nuances. i don't mean that as a slight or anything - he's just the way he's been described and the things stated about him that make me think that he wouldn't really... know how to? it just wouldn't occur to him. he probably thinks his and Barnaby's relationship is what a best friendship is and is how it should be.
but they have to hang out. they have to refer to each other as best friends. and while i believe that Wally does wholeheartedly think that they're best friends, close as can be... i doubt Barnaby feels the same. like - yes, he probably does care about Wally. everybody likes Wally.
but it's gotta be frustrating for Barnaby, especially as time goes on and he becomes more himself as a person over just being a character playing a part. it probably stunts his relationship growth with others, since his ~best friend spot~ is already taken and who would want to encroach on that? especially since its taken by Wally mcfuckin Darling?
their friendship might become less of a role and more of a responsibility. Barnaby might grow to feel obligated to stick with Wally as his "best friend". someone invites Barnaby to hang out and/or help with something? sorry, he has to pose for Wally's painting. Barnaby is trying to do his own thing? sorry, Wally is knocking on the door and asking for help with something.
i wonder if Barnaby ever hopes that Wally will go to someone else, or feels relief when he does. and then does he feel irritation/guilt over that denied hope or that granted relief? then does he get angry at himself for those emotions?
how would this effect how he treats Wally and acts around him? this confusing muddle of emotions and this strange growing resentment for his painfully earnest friend who only ever means well, if he means at all.
it makes me curious whether or not this theory has merit. and how this could come to a head. what would Barnaby, in this situation, do if/when he discovers that they're puppets on a set, and he's literally written to be Wally's bestie while everyone else changed their scripts and chose their own relationships.
personally, i don't think he'd be happy, and i doubt he'd handle it well.
#holy Shit this was tough to translate from my brain#i literally wrote it all out in my head while in the shower#and then i went to get it down on 'paper' and it was Tangled To Hell And Back#*taking a break from art*#brain: soooooo we're bored now. lets overthink and share these thinkings#welcome home theory#welcome home speculation#SERIOUSLY THOUGH IM SCARED FOR BARNABY AND WALLY#mainly for wally bc Ouch it would hurt him to have their relationship sour#barnaby getting resentful and wally not understanding why his best friend is acting differently towards him#and PLEASE keep in mind that im mostly talking outta my ass here#but like.... ugh#barnaby looking at wally walking over one day and feeling the urge to turn away or groan in irritation/exasperation#him posing for a painting and wishing he were anywhere else.#him wanting to be closer with other puppets but unable to bring himself to try bc of the Guilt#everywhere he turns hes called 'wallys best friend' and asked 'wheres wally? hes usually with you' when hes alone#and hearing 'if you want to find wally/barnaby go look for barnaby/wally. if you see one the other isnt far away'#that has GOT to get on his nerves over time#this constant stagnation of their relationship while everyone else is evolving and growing. hes Stuck.#even julie & frank who were written to be together find a way to circumvent that and add so much depth and uniqueness to their relationship#if you want a happy side of this. it could lead to barnaby & wally being really truly besties#barnaby could have an arc about thinking 'holy shit it was all fabricated. Fuck that and Fuck you[wally]'#and then going 'holy shit i Do actually love and care about him[wally] and i want us to develop a real meaningful friendship'#BUT WHO KNOWS who knows not me!#also it must be tiring to constantly have to explain his jokes and so many other things#bc wally Is a curious guy! he wants to learn!#but maybe barnaby just wants to have an uninterrupted conversation but he Cant bc wallys just built different#not said as a bad thing At All.#just... people are complicated. sometimes we have mean thoughts/emotions that conflict with what we really think/feel and our morals#we're only human. everyone is mean sometimes if only in our heads.& yeah theyre technically Puppets but lets not get caught up on semantics
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davidchiemcore · 1 month
its kagepro day so im gonna try to assign lyrics to each drdt character! some of these are more stretches than others but i went through all of the music route songs to find what i felt were the best fits
teruko: "She, however, had disappeared. Her warm words, repeated over and over, easily turned to hatred in my brain" Dead and Seek
xander: "So what do you think of this heat, and our values that just so happen to meet? 'Not so bad, is it?' When we open our eyes, and clasp our hands…" Children Record
charles: "With a hardened heart, I resign to loneliness, living out my days seeing only 'things'" Imagination Forest
ace: "Just as it came to my ears, I heard; 'you want to survive, yes?' Waving over the wriggling world, the skyscrapers seemed to tremble, this voice seemed unmistakable; it was my own, which I tired of hearing" Headphone Actor
arei: "'I'm so lonely' although I said it, I won't ever change. I'm so disgusted by myself, that I can't help but sneer" Yobanashi Decieve
rose: "The meanings and dreams and circumstances cobbled together make a head sunk in endless thoughts" Konoha's State of the World
hu: "With fear in their eyes, they cry 'I'm just a monster' So I tell them, 'That's not true at all, red is the color of a hero, so there's no need to be afraid'" Ayano's Theory of Happiness
eden: "Boys and girls, face forwards, finding hope in only the shimmering heat. Recall, and bring to words, your miraculous encounters and farewells…" Children Record
levi: "The alarm that starts ringing says to the lonely me: 'you're a cold hearted fool'" Transparent Answer
arturo: "The dogwood in the garden was so beautiful I couldn't help but look at it enviously. In contrast, I'm such a hopeless case" Never Lost Word
min: "If you're asking about my results, well, they're fine, I guess. On the recycled paper was a perfect 100% score. While grinning shyly, you sat down on the chair next to me, you, the one with the low grade" Transparent Answer
david: "It's like torture, but i cant say so- I'm drowned in cheering, but... 'Am I really that good?' I'm just a bore - I don't get it!" Kisaragi Attention
veronika: "A lifetime of anxiety awaits you tomorrow 'Now, now, this can't really be it?' If you, swaying, etch the beat into your mind you'll see that this isn't so bad" Mekakushi Code
j: "My face is like an open book, for some reason I get so nervous that even my voice squeaked! What's wrong with me?! This is pissing me off! I'm such a fool" Yuukei Yesterday
whit: "If I'm wishing for a dream that can't come true. then I'll embrace this blurry past" Lost Time Memory
nico: "There was a puppy, rain-soaked like me and i begged it to understand me. I embraced it and said 'you wont bully me right? Let's become friends without words' " Shounen Brave
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weksey · 4 months
Whats your art process??? Its so lovely and appealing and the colors are so perfect im really curious how you do all of it. Ik its kinda hard for most people to describe their process and thinking and stuff but itd be awesome to see just a speed paint if description is hard!! i love ur stuffs its so nice…
thank you! to be honest i have a completely insane process that involves a lot of trial and error. unless you are a potential employer looking to hire - in which case disregard the previous, my process is 100% intentional, consistent, and i definitely know what i'm doing at all times.
i will try my best to explain!
i usually have a good sense of what i want the final piece to communicate, so my initial scribble is just to get the rhythm down.
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readability > accuracy here. i'll usually sketch a few thumbnails because redraws cost basically nothing at this stage.
then i'll follow it up with a colour sketch, to crack down on palette and composition. sometimes it's quick, but other times i can spend a while experimenting lol. this is easily the part that can take longest just because of how much i redraw and move things around.
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i like bold colours and restricting my palette for a graphic look (like maybe 4 main colours) - i pretty much just choose colours on instinct (unless, again, you are an employer reading this, in which case that was a lie and my choices are definitely informed by robust colour theory).
when i'm happy with that, i'll redraw the whole thing properly. this is just blocking shapes over my sketch at 10% opacity, and painting details on top. i like drawing whole silhouettes on a single layer, to help keep my shapes strong and legible.
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sometimes i'll split things into a few parts for ease of editing, but will keep them in large chunks for the above reason (it also helps because i dislike having to switch layers all the time).
then it's just a matter of finessing! this is my favourite part because i get to switch my brain off and watch panel shows in the background.
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that's it, really! sometimes i might add a bit of texture at the end. if you like, this is a really lovely resource: link
hopefully this answered your question, or at least was somewhat interesting! thank you for the kind words <3 i'm always flattered when people are curious about my process, even though i feel just as clueless about it sometimes (employers - you didn't hear that)
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hdra77 · 4 months
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Woe, fan art be upon ye!
In all seriousness, I made this drawing to say and ask:
Your art is amazing, I aspire to become an artist like you!!!
A few questions... How do you usually shade and light? And what's the best way possible to draw backgrounds effectively? I hope you don't mind these questions!
On another note... I hope you have a good day
AAAAAAAAA THIS LOOKS AMAZING <3333 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!! This means so much to me THANK YOU 😭💕💕💕💕 you'll achieve that dream someday!! so keep up the good work!! and never stop the grinding 💪💪 ! as for how i usually render..i'm not the best when it comes to explaining things but i'll try to! when i do shading i usually just mix and play around with the colors! blending them is super fun to do
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i like to experiment around with the color wheel and not limiting myself with just one color! i tend to use different colors to make them pop out more
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this also adds more depth into my pieces! notice how similar but different the colors looked yet they all appear to compliment well with each other? that also applies to lighting! i mostly just winged them and do whatever that feels right
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i think its already common knowledge about studying the light sources so i don't need to dwell into that! theres plenty of tutorials out there explaining better than i do and as you can see i tend to just..scribble around and call it a day
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this ones one of my best example in lighting! light affects the surroundings so they have these soft little 'glow' on them it's all about the details really now as for the backgrounds: values and composition! darker colors + light colors add some depth!
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you'll notice how the choice of value affects the depth in this one!
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im not exactly sure how to explain the compositions that well but if you study how i draw you'll notice how a composition can change the mood of the environment!
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i hope this explains everything! i'm really bad with explaining how i do art but if you need more references just search more about color theories, values,symmetry and composition!
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abstract-crossverse · 11 months
can you do a halt x reader x rush (from doors)
*cracks knuckles* a two in one I see. Back to work for me!
Designs for these may take a while, Rush will be quick since yall have seen my design for him multiple times, just not in full color. Halt however is what Im most certain I'll have a time with, so many concepts for them, dress, cape, hood, I cant choose!
This is going to be extra long I know it
Btw, I'll be using they/them for Halt, Theyre both king and queen, best of both things ;] /ref
Halt x Reader x Rush [headcanons/fic, fluff]
-> alr so honestly, the two are a very balanced duo if you put in theory, but in practice its a 50/50 if it works
-> hype energy bf and calm/no energy partner, pick your poison *you take both*
-> let's get on with how you meet before I forget my ideas
-> you met Rush first, of course you did, he's the first dude you meet unless your unlucky enough to meet Screech or Ambush before Rush can get the first sweep of the place *shudders at Ambush on door 2*
-> you're either really scared of him or thinks he's a mild inconvenience at best, though you'd rather have him charging at you than Ambush any day
-> you once lost the company of another Player to him, left you shook... In fact, that you you got that "Betrayal" badge thats hooked to your keychain.. you dont know how they get there, you didnt even have anything hooked to you when you woke up here, it was just a metal loop attached to your pocket, you're thankful theyre made of felt and embroidery, otherwise Figure would always know where you stood
-> you could kinda consider yourself a veteran here, you've been here before the Hotel got a rework, which threw you off significantly, when you saw the little note on the Lobby letting you and other Player's know of the update you didnt think they changed much
-> though you were surprised when they even had new entities around, took you a moment to get used to the new changes... Rush even more so, you'd often see him faceplant into walls sometimes or accidently knock over things as he ran because he wasnt used to the new changes either
-> it was often endearing to watch from the closet, sometimes he'd even stop for a moment, trying to figure out how to run through a room , thankfully he would be gone before Hide got mad mad at you
-> but comes the day both yours and his luck runs out
-> you saw the lights flicker and speed walked your way to a closet, you waited until you heard him screaming and breaking lights before walking into the closet
-> he got half way through the room before a bookshelf suddenly fell on top of him. You heard the screaming stop, replaced by a loud yell and profanities that made you double take, where you hearing this right?... Could Rush speak? You usually didnt come across other Players on the whim and you were traversing the hotel again alone
-> the voice you heard was glitchy, deep and loud, but hoarse and scratchy at the same time, he is always screaming after all, but how he can still be loud as he is puzzles you, you can even hear a boston accent in his voice
-> you snapped back from your thoughts as you say the bold black and red letters "GET OUT" flashy before your eyes, but you were too late to get your body to move, Hide pushed you out and you fell with a rough thump, the wooden floor wasnt too pleasant to fall on. The carped falling just short enough it wouldn't cushion your fall, you groaned in pain
-> Rush stared at you from his spot, falling silent as you regained your ground, he honestly didnt think there was anyone in the closet- he never does, thats the whole purpose of hiding. Honestly he thought you were quite good looking but nevermind that! He's fuckin' STUCK and he feels HUMILIATED dont look his way please dont witness him please ple- aw fuck you're looking at him, just lovely...
You stared down the bigger entity stuck under the book shelf and it's books, trying to understand why he had arms... Pretty strong looking ones too, hands dressed in black gloves. You blinked once, twice, you were clearly confused out of your mind, you came back to reality when you hear a deep groan coming from the entity
"ya got a starin' problem, pipsqueak?? Ya gonna help or what?" He scoffed, you double take'd, did he just call you pipsqueak??
"the fuck did you just call me?" You weren't mad, the situation was just really... Surreal? This place is surreal, thats not the word... Just, strange in general, you never thought you'd get to talk at all with these entities, specially like this
Rush deadpanned "pipsqueak, I called you pipsqueak, ya deaf or somethin'?" You stammered "n- no!- I just- I'm really taken a back right now is all-" you waved your hands as you denied, you slowly walked up to him after a moment of hesitation
"do you... Want- help?" You offered, he looked so offended "n- no! Im completely fine, I can get out by myself thank you very much!" He struggled to pull himself out, that shelf was really heavy what the hell ".... You don't- look fine." You added, a small grin starting to form on your face as you watched the entity barely move from where he was
He sighed dramatically, glaring at you with empty eye sockets "YOU don't look fine." "I'm not, I've been stuck here for months, maybe it's already been a year, I can't tell. Of course I'm not fine." He looked surprised, that was the most painfully honest answer he's heard about your situation, others would either say they're completely fine or just- not engage anymore
He stared at you for an... Uncomfortably long time before you approached him, analyzing the bookshelf over him in search of a way to get him out without having to try and shove it, if even this... Large.... Entity, couldn't raise it himself, what's to think you could? But you're not leaving him there to possibly have him holding grudges against you because you left him there. Rush was still staring at you, waiting for what you would do next
You hummed, placing your hands on your hips as you thought for a moment, "alright, listen, I'll need you to cooperate if you wanna get out of there, 'kay? I'm gonna try to push the shelf up so you'll have less weight on you and you try to pull yourself out." You explained as he nodded, you placed your hands on the edge of the shelf, counting down from three before you used all your strength to push it up even if just a bit
Rush pulled himself out with a bit of struggle, but at least he was out, you dropped the shelf as soon as he took his distance from you and the shelf, it fell with a harsh thump, shaking the ground under you enough you lost your ballance. You yelped and braced for impact with the ground, shutting your eyes, but instead you felt two large hands holding you by your back, they felt... Fuzzy.. like what you'd think static feels like but also not at the same time, warm, it was also warm
You opened your eyes, trailing them up to the entity holding you, you stared into each other's eyes for what felt like hours, before he spoke
"... You are SO tiny, holy shit-" Rush spoke with a laugh slipping through his words, you deadpanned "nah I'm not tiny, you're just fucking huge." You stated, you stared at each other for a bit longer, you taking in the fact the entity that seemed like a giant furball with a smiley face now had one hunk of a body to match, while Rush analysed you curiously, your clothes, your hair, your eyes, little visual details you have about yourself that people wouldnt exactly see if they didnt pay attention.
He had quite the toned figure it seemed, he styled a grey-ish purple button-down with its sleeves rolled up above his elbows and black tie, a dark grey vest with thin, light grey stripes going down the vest and dress pants in the same style- wait when did he get legs- he had a shadowy ghost tail just now- oh fuck it he's an entity beyond your comprehension, of course he can probably shapeshift. Looking back at his face you noted all the little withers and cracks on his face, you wandered if it was always like that or if he go through something to get like that, the shadowy, fluffy looking mass that you normally saw engulfed his entire body seemed to work like hair- or the rest of his head since his face did remind you of a mask of sorts... He had a grin on his face as he looked at you, his eye sockets seemed to distort and move as if they were eyelids, one of the eye sockets seemed to be half-lidded now as the other stayed open, you think he just lifted a brow at you
"take a picture, good-lookin', it'll last longer." His grin widened as you widened your eyes, growing embarrassed as you finally realized you were staring too long, not like he blamed you though, he'd be staring too if he were in your shoes. He chuckled at the red overtaking your cheeks, you looked aside with a small click of your tongue, you both feel silent as it dawned on you that he could just kill you right now, he had you in his hands
"... Are you going to kill me?" You asked in a mutter, his grin fell for a second, he looked at the door ahead of you both before looking back "I kinda owe ya for helpin' me, e~ven though I could've gotten out on my own!" He grinned as you deadpanned, he's that prideful huh, "so let's settle that right now, I let ya live and won't bother ya for... Say... The next 10 rooms?" You thought for a second, a hand on your face, completely forgetting he was still holding you as if in mid dip
".. 20 rooms." You argued "15.", "18, take it or leave it." You grinned, thinking you had the upper hand, but what made you think you could argue like that with a creature that can kill you right now? "15 and final, or would you rather give that up for your life?" He argued with a shit-eating grin on his face, you glared at him, you hated that he was right, you can't just throw away a chance like that, "fine. Deal." You extended a hand for him to shake, you felt one of his hands leave your back and took your hand in his, almost enveloping your entire hand as you shook hands
He pulled you back on your feet and you immediately stepped away from him, putting a decent distance between you, that made him laugh. "Still scared of me, Pipsqueak? I don't bite!... Not for now at least~" he sang, his body envoloped in shadows again as he dashed down the halls again in a matter of seconds, screaming again. You winced, having forgotten how loud he is for a moment, the sudden wind made by him messed up your clothes a bit.
Sighing, you corrected you clothes and walked along the next rooms, which for your "joy", were all dark rooms.... Fuck.
-> after that Rush kinda... seemed to linger in the room a few times when he decided to run by, which was annoying if Hide was especially mad at you. It confused you as well, was he looking for something?
-> But for now lets divert our attention to the blue specter youve just had the luck to get yoinked by- like you know how they basically kinda pull you into their corridor and you have to do the back and forth to get out? thats what I mean
-> Halt heard of you from Rush, the couple of times they actually talked at least, Halt is very reserved and it's not often they talk with the more... loud entities, Rush, Figure, Ambush. They don't talk with them a lot due to their liking to silence better, other entities like Seek, Hide, Eyes know them better as they're more quite.
-> However, Halt and Rush bump into each other from time to time and make small talk until Halt decided thats enough socializing for the hour. Rush told them about them a when they bumped into each other again, saying how a "cute lil' player helped him when he got himself stuck under a heavy ass bookshelf", it made Halt curious, especially when Rush would mention you didn't seem all that scared of him
-> Of course he got a description from the bigger entity and soon when on his search, he was far too curious of this... player who put their own 'run' at risk by helping one of them, so for the past month Halt pulled people into their hall more often than not, but not having the luck of finding you until about a month later
-> And to their luck, you were the backwards walk kind of player when they appeared in front of you
-> They analyzed your appearance, and found you were a direct match from what Rush told them, so for once, they stopped their pattern, chasing after you until your back hit the locked door you entered through
-> You grew confused and a bit scared, this wasnt the usual pattern, you couldnt escape, what the hell!
-> You felt a shiver down your spine, the corridor suddenly felt so much colder than before. The ghostly figure loomed over you with their glowing blue eyes staring you down. Suddenly only their eyes filled your vision, similar to how they'd tell you to turn around before the hotel got it's renovation, making you flinch and blink hard
-> Next thing you knew, a tall, slender figure was in front of you, so all of the entities can have a humanoid body? Not the time to question that now, what the fuck is going on
-> The figure wore a long dark blue-ish cloak, it was slightly torn on the edges(probably because of time, you'd guess) and had a shiny 4 pointed, light blue star pendent keeping it together near the hood. The cloak obscured the rest of its body, and the gloominess of the room didn't help in the slightest, you could see it wore black boots though; It's face was covered by a veil like fabric, similar to how Halt looked earlier, it's bright blue eyes staring dead into your soul, it intimidated you, especially with how close it was
-> You tried to keep yourself from showing fear, though you struggled to do so, this situation was really weird, they cornered you right at the start of the hall and arent moving away, just staring you down
-> Your heart threatened to jump out of your chest with how it was beating, you really wanted to stop staring at them, avert your eyes and brace for the worse but something kept you from it, giving you only moments to glance away in discomfort, you heard a reverberated hum before it turned around
-> "Rush was right." They mumbled lowly, before walking away and disappearing into the floor, the aura in the room dimmed, meaning they werent there anymore as you finally let out a breath you didnt know you were holding. Seriously what the fuck was that??? Whatever, you can think about that later, right now just focus on running out of this claustrophobic ass hall
→ After that weird encounter you felt like Halt would always show up in almost every run you had, and more than once. Eventually you grew fed up, what was their deal? Did they need something?
→ So the next time he pulled you into their corridor, you stood your ground and asked what they wanted in an annoyed tone. Surprising to say it took Halt off guard that you decided to confront them instead of running away
→ So they stood in place, not getting closer nor teleporting behind you, and its whatever if they kill you now, this run was a very unlucky one regardless...
"Okay, what's your deal, man? What do you want, either Im going insane or you're tormenting me far more often than usual." You complained, crossing your arms as you glared at the veiled entity in front of you, they stood, unmoving aside the light floating of their clothes from the chilly wind that somehow flowed through the closed hall
You raised a brow as their eyes seemed to move ever so slightly, seeming to scan your face for anything, perhaps were they trying to feel even a twinge of fear from you? Even if they did it would be overly covered by annoyance and frustration, their hall is very annoying to get through
They lowered their head a bit to look at the ground momentarily as they thought about how to articulate an answer, soon enough, they came up with something to say
"you are... Interesting... You helped one of my comrades when he was in distress... You confuse me..." They spoke, their voice echoing through the hall, it was breathy and soft, and quite monotone too. Hearing them surprised you a bit
"... Could you elaborate?" Your expression softened from the sneer you held before, they looked aside a bit again before looking back at you, staring dead into your eyes as if they tried to get a look into your soul
"no humans help us, none of them ever have, if one of us ends up getting stuck they either mock, run away or just stare in confusion... But you, you were kind— or pitiful —enough to help Rush from under the heavy bookshelf... That confuses me..." He paused briefly, raising his hand to snap his clawed fingers, surprisingly they weren't as sharp as the ones Rush has "Rush could snap you in half faster than I can snap my fingers... Why did you decide to help him?"
You were stunned at their words for a moment, standing still as you mind processed what they said before you unsurely shrug as you shook you head lightly "cause and consequence I guess? I mean, I'd be mad if someone mocked me while I was stuck under a bookshelf too, and given how... Murderous... He is- I didn't want to get an extra painful death because he'd be in a bad mood afterwards..." You rambled, gripping your arms as you did
Halt listened intently, nodding as you finished talking, you heard a hum coming from them as they glided closer, at least you figured they glided as you only heard a wind whistle instead of footsteps, but when you looked back up they were inches from your face, you nearly jumped in a scare, letting you a choked yelp as you stepped back for some distance
"May you answer some more questions? Curiosity is eating at me, I promise to let you leave unharmed afterwards." They said, not moving from their spot in mid air, they didn't seem to like moving too much. You nodded after a moment of hesitation "but.. how can I really trust you?"
"Im an entity of word. Besides, are you really willing to let this opportunity to learn more about this place go? I know you humans are oh-so curious about this facility." They tilted their head at you, you took a moment before nodding, they were right after all, again, not everyday you get to talk to an entity like this.
And so you both sat down.
→ You two talked for a long while, last time you check the clock outside the hall it was at least 3pm. It sure felt like an eternity inside the hall, and eventually you both drifted from the initial questions to other topics, like how the other entities acted, or things you remember about your own life, and even some gossip that had you both giggling and laughing
→ Just don't tell anyone you got this info from Halt, if anyone asks, you know nothing ;]
→ After a while, Halt grew tired sounding and quiet, letting you do most of the talking until you caught onto the fact they were tired now. You suggested you wrap up the night, but said you really enjoyed talking with them
→ They seemed to hum happily as you got up from your spots, saying the same to you and leading you to the end of the corridor. You felt a cold hand on your shoulder before you left, a reminder of your new found friend as you shivered at the sudden warm air hitting you cold form, you grew used to Halts cold room to the point where the normal air from the hotel nearly felt like a punch to the face
→ And so that was your routine fron then on, watch from a closet as Rush lingered around the room whenever he came by, talk to Half for a couple of hours and then move on with your run
→ Eventually, Rush lingered a little bit too long, and Hide was especially impatient tonight so you can guess what happened. You got shoved out as Rush was still looking around the room
→ You yelled as you were shoved out, but before you hit the floor you felt those familiar hands grab your shirt and lift you up, and in a matter of seconds, you were face to face with the Static creature again. Your eyes widen as he glared at you with empty eyes and a grin before realizing it was you
-> "Pipsqueak! It's you! I've been lookin' for ya!" He said with a laugh, placing you down and patting your shoulder, you couldn't even process when his body shifted to it's humanoid form, just taking a moment to absorb the situation
-> But Rush kept talking. "I really wanted to meet with ya again, Halt said y'all met?" He questioned, tugging you along as he walked to the next room, as he knew the next room at least had a couch you two could sit at
-> You stammered as confirmation, almost tripping over your feet as you walked with him. He let go of you as you got to the couch and dropped himself on one side of it, it creaked under his weight as he crossed his legs, patting the spot next to him after you were left standing for a few moments more
-> You sat down awkwardly as the entity next to you occupied a lot of the couch, what being 8 feet tall does to a motherfucker, anyway. He didn't seem to mind how you were still processing what was going on, and still asked you a lot of things, which you reluctantly answered because... Did you really have a choice on the matter? Though you did notice he gave off a warmth as you sat close to him
-> After a while you did ease into the conversation, which seemed to please him. He joked and told you funny stories about things he's done, be it with other players or other entities. It made him laugh as he told you the stories, you laughed along, his laugh was quite the contagious one
-> Once he seemed to run out of stories to tell you, you spoke up. "Why.. are you telling me this? And why were you looking for me?"
-> "Huh?-" he looked down at you for a moment, before processing your questions properly "Oh! Well, Halt mentioned how they were talkin' to you so often and how you were so nice to talk to n' blah blah blah. So I wanted to hear it for myself, and they were right! You are real nice t' talk to."
-> You blinked "they talk about me?" Rush jerked his head aside "eeeh not really??.. just when I bump into them at least, I usually ask how yer doin' given I can never find ya 'round." He dismissed quickly, you almost saw a darker shade of grey on his withered face. You'll never know he lied a bit, Halt mentioned you've been chatting often, but they didn't really share much of how you behaved, he'd never admit it but he felt a little bit jealous that Halt got to talk to you more than he did, he met and saw you first! He wants to talk to you too!! Why do you think he's been searching for you?
-> "A~nyway... I did like talkin' to ya, even if I did most of the talkin', I get I can be a lil' too fast for people to catch up with." He scratched the back of his head, you couldn't help but giggle a tiny bit "it was nice to chat with you too, Rush."
-> He said you should talk more, and you said sure, as long as he doesn't kill you if he comes running in, that made he laugh as he agreed
-> So, new routine again, talk with Rush as you two walk through the rooms a bit and then talk with Halt for a few hours, wether you get to the final elevator didnt really matter as much anymore
-> Eventually you finally got the two in the same room, Halt finally decided to come out of his corridor for once because you wanted to show him a cool plant in the Greenhouse
-> And oh what a coincidence! It was a room Rush was running to! What a silly coincidence!! He totally didn't bribe Screech to spy on you both and Halt was getting a little too close nope not at all :]]]]
You shined your flashlight at the Peace Lily that was blooming in one of the pots
"It's so cool that it grew in these conditions!" You gushed at the flower, Halt hummed, "certainly, I haven't seen a flower grow in a long while..." Their voice echoed around the room "I used to love these... It's also quite ironic a Peace Lily is growing here of all places"
You chuckled "yep, peace is not something to happen here, at least not to often..-" you got cut off by the sound of a particularly strong gush of wind hitting against the window and making it shake in its hinges, it startled you for a moment as you shivered at the remnants of a breeze managed to slip through the small gaps in the frame
"hmm... Seems like the storm is picking up, that hasn't happened in a while..." They turned their attention to the window before looking down at you, it took them a moment to realize you were cold before they fumbled with the broche on their cloak, they couldn't feel any more cold than they already were so its a bit hard to tell change in temperature
"oh forgive me, I didn't know it was cold, here-" they enveloped you in their large coat before you could say anything, you expected it to be cold just like they are, but you were quickly proven wrong as warmth took over your body, the quick change in temperature made you hair stand
"o-oh!- th-thanks-" you stuttered, noticing that Halt wore a pearly white, ruffled shirt with a cyan vest over it and a black puffy ascot around their neck, it seemed like many of the entities sported the same style of clothing, suits or vests... Was it a dress code they went by?
"it is no problem-" this time, Halt was interrupted by the loud static noise of Rush zooming near, Halt stared at the door you came through and immediately pulled you behind them, for whatever reason, they knew you talked to Rush already, why did they pull you back?
As soon as Rush entered the room and saw Halt, he stopped and took his usual humanoid form
"Oh! Halt! Buddy there you are! You dont usually leave your hall what's got ya all the way over here?-" he questioned, though his tone sounded a bit fake, like he already knew why Halt was here
Halt took a moment before responding, mumbling a hello as they slightly lowered their head, why did they seem so... Apprehensive? Annoyed maybe? It's hard to read this guy. Rush finally saw you and made a gesture by opening his arms
"Pipsqueak! There you are! What'cha doin' here with Halt? Y'all doin' anythin' fun?" He pried, and finally noticed you had Halt's cloak "... And uh, why do ya have their cloak?" His tone sounded a bit more strained now, his usual casual grin seemed a bit more forced
"I-" you started, unsure of what to say before Halt cut you off "they were cold, so I lended them my cloak. I may be one of the coldest entities here but my cloak is quite the blanket." They stated, staring up at Rush
"oh really? Well if they're cold they could've come look for me! Some say I'm quite the heat pack, y'know?" The taller entity laughed, his voice booming around the room "Plus, ya know very well these rooms aren't the safest." His voice fell serious, though still with a playful undertone, you grew confused, the fuck was this interaction
Halt scoffed "I am aware, Rush. However, they wanted to show me this lovely flower, I couldn't say No to such an interesting offer." They gestured to the Lily near you both "It's been a while since I've seen an actual flower, after all, the other only living plant here is...." Halt gently moved your hand to shine your flashlight at the snare on the floor, waiting for its next victim to trap
Rush was silent for a couple moment after looking at the snare, he turned himself to the Lily again, humming in thought "Well... that is a pretty nice flower.... the hell has he been doin'?..." he mumbled, shaking his head as he turned back to the conversation
"Nevermind that! C'mon, Pipsqueak, let's get outta here before ya get yourself hurt. An' Halt uuh... ya-.. ya can go back to ya room, I guess, ya never stay out for long anyway..." Rush mumbled, walking around Halt and put a hand on your back, leading you with him to the previous door slowly to keep up with you. But for some reason, the room felt colder than before, you shivered in discomfort, Halt heard it.
"And what is that supposed to mean?" Halt questioned, their voice sounding stronger and passive-aggressive "Do speak your mind, Rush, you were never one to hold you thoughts to yourself anyway." they tilted their head at Rush as the room grew colder with every word, you felt Rush start to tense as you looked back at the ghostly entity
"OOOOkay!-" Rush laughed, you could hear a hit of forcefulness on his voice as he turned to Halt, putting his hands on his hips as he cackled "THOSE are some fightin' words, Buddy. Ya REALLY wanna go down that path?" He looked down at Halt, still being taller than them by a foot
"You started it, but If The Boot Fits I don't mind an altercation." You shuddered at Halt's tone, and at the cold getting so much worse that the windows have started to frost, you could see a small confused looking face staring from the other side, Sally was here
You got between the two, pushing them apart was they were glaring at each other "ENOUGH you both! There's someone else here, and Halt- you're fr-freezing the room." you shivered as you looked up at Halt and motioned at the half frosted window, the two looked over at the window and Sally quickly hid away from view with a small, echo-y gasp
Halt looked away to take some deep breaths and calm down, as Rush walked over to the window to talk to Sally a bit, it sounded like a bit of a lecture but you didn't care to process what he was blabbing about, focusing more on Halt and gently patting their arm to help, they looked back at you
"My apologies for my behavior.... I did not- mean to grow so upset..." they gently put their hand over yours on their arm, you shook your head "it's okay, you don't have to apologize, I'd be mad too. Just because you like being by yourself doesn't mean they get to just dismiss you like that." Their eyes seemed to soften their glow as you spoke, they hummed "usually I don't mind, I enjoy being given the assurance that I can leave if I wish to, but... this was just insulting..."
You nodded, they turned to you after a moment of silence, this time now holding both your hands, which caught you a bit by surprise
"[Name]... I know this may not be an appropriate place for such a thing, but I can no longer keep this to myself. It has been a delight to interact with you when you come around, I treasure every second we spend together and you're simply just..... an amazing person to be around, you bring me a warmth I've never had or felt before.... I was... wondering if....." they seemed to struggle a bit, which was odd since they always spoke so flawlessly, though you didn't mind it one bit. If this monologue was going in the direction you think it is then interrupting isn't an option
"my apologies, words are hard at the moment-" they mumbled "ah.... if-... you'd like to... be my partner...?" their eyes shifted, looking nervous and worried for your reaction as their hands got colder against yours
You were stunned for a moment, blinking dumbfoundedly, attempting to stammer some reply out but to no avail
Then Rush put an arm around you
"HEYYYY WHAT YALL TALKIN' ABOUT OVER HERE??" He loudly questioned, pulling you closer to his side, Halt seemed to deadpan at him, huffing annoyedly "Rush, you are ruining our moment."
"Moment? What moment?" Rush feigned cluelessness, then pulled you away from Halt, talking about how you had to get out of the greenhouse because it wasnt safe, or something, you didnt really listen as you looked over his arm at Halt, they seemed to still be holding their hands in the same position they were when holding yours but slightly reaching outat you
You mouthed a sorry back at him as Rush got you out the door.
→ good lord I got carried away, anyway
→ after that Rush seemed to always find you before you even managed to get in a closet, well, not find you but run into the room before you could get in
-> Hide mightve had a hand in it but you dont know that, they just want Rush to stop bugging them about it
-> Rush would tackle you to the floor and pretend hewas gonna bite you, then he'd laugh a bit before pulling you back to your feet, much to your annoyance he keeps on teasing you about being a little flinchy around him
-> He cant blame you though! He's killed you before when you first got here and he's unpredictable
-> But now you get to be the listener in a conversation again so thats something, he talks non stop, excited to talk to you
-> He drags you around to find a comfy place to sit down and chat while he talks. He constantly moves, some times after sitting on the couch for too long he gets up and paces around while he talks, sometimes sits on the ground in front or next to you.
-> Though his topics are interesting to talk about sometimes you end up even falling asleep while he talks
-> Another thing is that ever since that day, he's taken so much of your time and energy you havent gotten to talk to Halt at all, until they came to you after you and Rush were done talking
-> you shuddered as that familiar cold embraced your form again, smiling a bit at the quiet in the hallway, taking a few steps away from the door as Halt showed up.
-> you greeted them, and though they didnt respond, you explained how Rush was talking to you so often, how draining it was by the end of your conversations. You looked tired, they could tell
-> they didnt say a word as they hovered to you and wrapped their arms around you along with their cloak, you were surprised but melted into their cold form, wrapping your own arms around them
-> they guided you to the usual spot you two would sit down at, without letting you go, you leaned your head against their shoulder with a sigh as they held you with an arm, holding one of your hands with the other
-> You were dozing off, closing your eyes as you curled up to their side, you felt them adjust their cloak around you again
-> You heard a whisper from them, sounded like something along the lines of "I love you"? You werent sure, you could've misheard it, the memories of that night at the greenhouse came back briefly, you hummed softly as you snuggled to them, gently squeezing their hand mumbling the same back to them as you fell asleep
-> Next time you saw Rush, he was actually not running this time, standing in the middle of one of the rooms with Halt, they seemed to be arguing about something. The room was cold
-> You shivered as you walked in, Halt noticed you first and greeted you with a nod before Rush greeted you by saying your name happily, you waved
-> Rush requested you put an end to their argument and choose for them, which one is better in terms of their work
-> And well, given theyre both the easiest to avoid, Rush is deadlier with his strenght and Speed but Halt is harmful for his confusing rules that makes Players have to turn around and walk back and forth until theyre out of the hall. Your answer was that theyre both the best in their own different ways
-> They seemed satified enough, Halt more than Rush, though Rush got another idea and smirked, asking you who you liked better
-> That confused and flustered you, you stammered, claiming not knowing what he meant. So he repeated in better detail, who you like better to hang out
-> Of course you said both are nice to hang out with in their own ways, but that didnt satisfy Rush, he just kept pushing even as Halt attempted to stop him from doing so
"So? I'm still waitin' for an answer!" Rush crossed his arms with a smirk on his face "Rush, that's enough, dont you think?" Halt questioned
"No! I want a definate answer from them. Who do you like best??" It got to the point you didnt know how to answer anymore, you gave them your true answer what else does he want?
"Why are does it matter so much? I gave you the only answer I have" you shrugged "Because we're in love with you and you gotta choose onna us, wasn't it obvious?" Rush stated calmly
The way he said it so calmly, as if it was obvious information gave you a hard whiplash, your face flushing red as Halt smacked the back of Rush's head harshly
"Way to blow it, Rush. They'll hate us now!" For once, Halt raised their voice, even if slightly, the two began to argue again "Naw they won't! Plus, you already confessed that day at the Greenhouse and they don't seem to hate you for it!"
You tuned them out as you thought about what he just said, you've been catching feeling for them for a while, the two were charming in their own ways, it would be hard to choose one of them, but guess what! You have Two Hands!
-> And thats what you told them, they were stunned for a moment, a deeper shade of grey floded Rush's cheeks while Halt seemed to glow brighter
-> they agreed to your offer, so you were now officially a polyamory couple
-> they did tell you the dangers of the entity the other players named Jack, and that he's not to know youre dating them
-> theyre both lovely and attentive to you, and incredible cuddlers too, Rush is very warm to cuddle with on colder nights and Halt is lovely to cuddle on hotter nights
-> Rush takes you on rides around the hotel sometimes on his back, and Halt shows you the quiet spots he hangs out on if he needs to detress
-> They still argue a bunch and youre usually the mediator, until the argument's with you-
-> They love you very much, they couldnt be happier every since you agreed to be theirs
FUCK THIS TOOK SO LONG IM SO SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG TO WRITE THIS, life got in the way and hyperfixations changed, but I really want to get back to writing and now that this is done, I can write other things in my inbox.
Never ask me to do duos again before Ive done their intro fics lmao /hj/lh
I did enjoy writing this though dw
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dballzposting · 8 months
OK so long story short the other day I was abusing the computers at my job to look up dragon ball characters and I came across THIS IMAGE of GOTEN that I found out was from DRAGON BALL AF which is a fan-made thing and idk . Dont worry about the details.
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I thought it was soooo cool like put my chin in my hands and sigh lovingly. But also it was more of a rant-and-rave kind of adoration. Becasue I couodt beleieve how cool it was. Becasue here is why
Im super bad at deisgns or redesigns and sometimes I have epic ideas but if I don't then I don't. I think it would be stellar if we had a design for Goten & Trunks when they're older than GT and running the sword dojo. And I've tried to cook some up. But it vexes me for two reasons. First of all Dragon Ball deisgns when colored are gaudy and stupid looking. But also sometimes they use neutral colors. And they're eccentric and unique. And I try to mix all of these factors and the result Does Not Work. Becasue despite the plentiful love that I have for colors, I Do Not Understand Color Theory. Definitely not enough to push it to its limits like dragon ball does. My second problem is the actual clothes themselves. There is something wrong with me that makes it so that i eschew research like my life depends on it. I'm sure it's totally possible to gather a minimal understanding of what sorts of clothing / eras / disciplines certain dragon ball styles are based on, and to cross-reference that with what is actually depicted in dragonball, and come up with an outfit that gels. But I cannot do that. So yeah
This outfit featured here is so familiar yet unique enough to turn my head a bit. For an example. The yellow above his shoes. What is that. Don't answer that. I'm in love either way
THEY JUST ... PICKED TWO COLORS? That's it? THAT'S ALLOWED ????? Just TWO COLORS and only ONE of them isn't a dead-tone-neutral-non-color. Well I guess it's four colors, and still, only one (yellow) isn't a non-color (grey and white and black). I'M SO IMPRESSED !?!??!?!!??
The only idea that I had for post-GT Goten was FOR SOME REASON the visual flair of something long and sharply flowing off of him. Like a scarf, or a long sash, or a Dr Drakken style rattail. But I can't do all three. Becasue that's too much. But I like all three. So IDK what to do.
YEAH THEY WENT ON AHEAD AND GAVE HIM THIS SASH ON HIS HEAD. Sure. Go on ahead. Throw it on there. Looks good. Good contrast against his black hair. Makes it to you can draw his eyebrows over it and so he can emote clearly. SO GENIUS. So simple. I'm gobsmacked
HE'S COLORED LIKE A BUMBLE BEE ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!??!?!
My conclusion is that this is the best non-canon design of adult Goten that has ever been and we should all adopt it immediately from Dragon Ball AF. I am so stunned and impressed by the fact that he is wearing just grey and yellow. I have tried to break down all of Goten's canon outfits to find a pattern in the color schemes but I could not find one. But I can tell when it works for him or not and I don't understand how or why. I have at various points tried to design new outfits for him. I have experimented with yellow, teal, pink... Never really red because red only appears on two of his outfits in a minor way. More astutely because red is not really Him (like it is for Bura or Videl).
Definitely the most promising color I've found for him is Yellow. It's a sunshine-soulchild color. But I still haven't figured out how to practically incorporate it. For example, is it a predominate color or one of several? I've seen dragon ball outfits go either way. I definitely prefer the former becasue that's how I'm used to seeing it in my silly little western cartoons - every character has a color, don't they? And that's Their color. But this is dragon ball.
If you pull a warm yellow or pair it with orange, you are reminded of kid Goten and his orange gi. If you keep it colder or pair it with green, you get something reminding you of his EOZ "Goten Son" shirt. But what if you want something new? The next step in the evolution of Son Goten, but still unmistakably him? You would want to stay away from yellow and orange, becasue Trunks wears a lot of that himself. What about yellow and not a green bice, but a forest green? What about muddy non-colors? Dragon ball colors tend to be warm-shifted becasue it was the 90s, but you can work within that color range. But exactly HOW? What about yellow and pink? Teal? Aqua?? You can't use lavender (Trunks's color). And to be fair I have experimented with grey before, since he wears grey pants in DBS:SH. But I always tried to find other colors to shoehorn in there because I thought I had to. And what's really left...?
DRAGON BALL AF has the answers.
Yellow and GREY.
....THAT;S IT!!!!!!!!!!!
A mature grey. NO OTHER FLUFF.Just straight up. Yelloew and grey.
And he looks like a bumble bee. I love bumble bees. You love bumble bees. He loves bumble bees. We all love bumble bees.
I will close with a quote:
"Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see." (Arthur Schopenhauer, 1788-1860).
Thank You ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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petruchio · 2 months
PLEASE share your midnights Matty softlaunch theory, it’s such an odd and (to me at least lol) fascinating album
ok so. im going to go into insane detail track by track, but i think midnights makes sense (almost) if we read it as a journey through deciding to leave joe and we read mastermind as being a matty song — so the album is mostly her wondering if this thing she feels with matty is real or in her head, and then wondering, if it is real, if it’s worth it to make the jump. and i think she was ready to do it, and midnights would’ve been basically the matty “announcement,” but then she and joe made up and the 3am tracks are kind of damage control to confuse the narrative and make it less obvious. but we have to do a bit of digging. so let’s dive in.
(obvi we don’t know what happened for real. but it’s just fun to speculate!!!)
we open with lavender haze. and here we see taylor desperate to stay in the happy, peaceful relationship she’s in — she doesn’t WANT to get married, she doesn’t WANT to be talked about, she doesn’t WANT anything more. she just wants this. it’s enough for her. …or is it?
because immediately, we move to maroon. we go from a pastel purple color to various shades of red, changing the image and flipping back through memories. and these memories call back to a lot of 1989 era imagery — we get the wine stain from clean, the rosy cheeks from wildest dreams, new york… that’s a real fucking legacy to leave. something triggered this little trip down memory lane. maybe they hung out, or someone said something, who knows. but i think this is where the cracks in the lavender haze begin.
and so after all that she takes us to anti-hero. it’s me, hi, i’m the problem. i think this is probably the precursor to guilty as sin? — it’s saying, oh no. i’m the problem, fantasizing about my ex again (i dream of cracking locks, throwing my life to the wolves/i wake up screaming from dreaming) and acknowledges that joe is going to leave her when he finds out (one day i‘ll watch as you’re leaving)
but she can’t stop. the fantasy continues to grow in snow on the beach. this song is filled a bunch of space/sky imagery — “a few moons ago,” “stars by the pocketful,” “your eyes are flying saucers from another planet.” let’s keep track of that imagery. (we’ll return to the all space stuff in a big way in down bad, but don’t worry, it’ll reappear on midnights.)
and then there’s the realization of you’re on your own kid. that’s right — you’re on your own, and you always have been. i think this is her deciding to separate her sense of identity from joe. and the first verse brings up a lot of images we see come back on ttpd: “summer went away, still the yearning stays” -> “another summer/rolling thunder/he don’t understand me” and “it’s okay we’re the best of friends” -> “but tell me who else is gonna know you?” and “you’re smoking with your boys” -> “you needed drugs more.” it’s tempting to interpret the first verse as a retrospective on her teenage years, but it could just as easily be about falling for matty while they were “just friends” and she was still with joe. but i think in yoyok she’s still trying to convince herself it’s not real: “just to learn that you never cared.” matty doesn’t want her, she thinks. but she has her songs. maybe that’s all she ever needed?
this triggers an even larger dive into the past: midnight rain. now she’s wondering if the reason she’s so resistant to marry joe is just a repeat of old patterns, so she dives into the past looking for answers. i maintain that midnight rain is about the muse of debut and i think it’s her looking over her own past and trying to make sense of what’s happening now. am i the problem? was i always the problem? am i incapable of marriage or is it just with this guy?
so now she has to know. she has to get answers. is this fantasy about matty her just replaying old patterns of leaving when things get serious? or is this thing she feels with matty something real? basically, can i ask you a question…? we don’t even need to dive any deeper into the 1989 era of it all. this song is pretty obvious. note that we return to the space imagery though: “does it feel like everything is just like second best after that meteor strike?”
i don’t feel like talking about vigilante shit because it’s a bad song but suffice to say i think it’s just her being admitting she’s okay sometimes being the villain. other than that it’s not really relevant to the matty narrative.
so then we get bejeweled. which was strange when it came out and hasn’t gotten less strange, but it’s kind of another step in deciding to leave joe behind. she can’t marry him, because she’s not sure matty isn’t actually the one for her. “when i meet the band, they ask do you have a man, i can still say i don’t.” is the band… perhaps… the 1975? and this is when she leaves. “what’s a girl gonna do? a diamond’s gotta shine.” she sets herself free. you can try to change her mind, but you can’t. she polished up real nice.
and then we get labyrinth. which to me only makes sense as a post-joe song. “it only hurts this much right now.” “i’ll be getting over you my whole life.” “break up break free break through break down.” but what saves her? the person who comes in right at the last second: matty. he turns the plane around. remember all the space imagery? my flight was awful thanks for asking? well, here he is. uh oh, i’m falling in love again.
and actually… she loves it. it feels like karma. (or maybe destiny.) for all her work, all her struggle, all her pain, she gets the guy in the end: the years of pining and coded songs all add up to this.
but she can’t hate joe. she could never hate him. she might have wanted to leave, but it wasn’t because he treated her badly. he never wanted anything from her. just sweet nothing. i don’t think sweet nothing is a breakup song; it was probably even written as a love song. but its placement on the tracklist makes it feel like a goodbye. “they said the end is coming,” she says. but she needed someone who saw her that way. it’s an i will always love you song. it’s a thank you.
and so we close: mastermind. the planets and all the stars aligned from snow on the beach and question. we’re up in space now. she’s been planting these seeds since back in 2014… and now she has him. matty. she did it. all the wisest women had to do it this way. doesn’t that sound like fucking politics and gender roles? the liquor in the cocktails that she’s always drunk on when she’s around him? but he knew the entire time. she’s a mastermind.
okay so that’s the standard edition. the bonus track being hits different makes sense if it’s the joe breakup — “it hits different this time.” she’s left people before, but never like this. she’s SAD! she’s waiting for his key in the door but it never comes. she might have been the one that left, but it still hurt like never before.
but the 3am tracks are the last bit of the puzzle. and here’s where i think we can take taylor’s word for them as sort of “vault tracks” because they don’t fit in the narrative of midnights, but they tell a story in themselves. and that story is of her and joe getting back together after all this.
the first one she tacks on is the great war, a song about making up after a fight. so she puts that one to first, to reassure that they actually made it through. then i think we get the “cutting room floor” tracks — that is, they’re out of order but all part of the larger story. we get another heartwrenching goodbye in bigger than the whole sky, a return to the delusional lavender haze and staring at the ceiling in paris, a song about cheating in high infidelity. all thematically relevant, but not perfectly fitting into the narrative of the original record.
then we get glitch, which imo is also a matty song. “depending on what kind of situationship im in” read: if joe and i are off or on. “2190 days of our love blackout” read: six years since the 1989 era where they dated originally. “nights are so starry” brings us back to the space imagery, the glitch video on spotify glitching to the 1989 tv of wildest dreams… “it must be counterfeit” will come back too, in loml when she says “something counterfeit is dead.” but here… it’s only getting started.
would’ve could’ve should’ve again sees her examining her patterns with toxic men, and begins a lot of the religious theming we’ll see return on ttpd. and then we close with dear reader, a song about self-loathing, and begging the listener not to take her advice because she’s not really a good person. she admits it: she cheats, she lies, joe has left her alone in the house (not a home, cause nobody’s there.) “you should find another guiding light,” she tells us. but she shines so bright…
anyway yeah. that’s my extended theory. i think it was supposed to be the goodbye to joe and mastermind was introducing matty, but then when they patched it up, the narrative changed and 3am tracks got added on and changed the direction. (it makes sense if those tracks were added on late, since they weren’t available physically for a long time after the record was released. hits different, the song about breaking up with a long term partner… was.) we could deep dive into every song and analyze the lyrical parallels with 1989, folkmore, and ttpd too (don’t get me started on the 1 and cardigan) but we’ll save that for another time.
and of course, we all know what happened next. but we wouldn’t be here without the chaos that was midnights. without it, we might never have gotten an answer to that one, burning question…?
now we have the answer. the only thing that’s left… is the manuscript.
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doberbutts · 9 months
Hi - asking in good faith here, but I am also relatively new to active anti-racism (im white, grew up in all white areas, and didn't encounter anti racist perspectives until college). In the last few years I've done a LOT of reading about anti-black racism, black feminist theory, womanism, etc, and I'm beginning to understand why the bastardization and appropriation of aave is so harmful. I don't want to put my friends of color on the spot about this or make them feel pressured to answer a certain way, though, and I DO want an answer that's grounded in theory and thoughtfulness about these things (two traits my circle of 18-20 year olds sometimes lacks, understandably). I know that that might put a lot of pressure on you as well but please know that while I do respect your opinion, I know you're just one Black person with one opinion - and of course if an irl Black friend ever came to me and told me to stop I would.
My question is, if I am making sure to attribute it correctly as AAVE, being careful to make sure I'm using it appropriately, and of course listening in case I hear I've misused it - is it still harmful for me as a white person to use aave? Is it possible to use aave non-harmfully as a white person, among Black friends? Or would it be better for me to do my best to remove those words and phrases and grammatical structures from the way I speak entirely?
A lot of these things, I pick up FROM my friends, and they haven't, idk, made faces or suggested I should stop or anything like that. But of course it's hard to sort out what I pick up from my friends, what I pick up from Black literature (im a terrible parrot from my books unfortunately 😬), and what comes from the intern*t lol. So there's obviously the potential to misuse or disrespect aave, especially if I ever stop being thoughtful about what I say and where I first hear it. And while I have tried to read up on the appropriation of AAVE and develop my own opinion, this really does seem like one of those things where as a white person my opinion is always going to be a little out of touch - and I REALLY don't want to hurt and alienate my friends and accidentally advance racism in my community because I felt qualified to comment on this.
I don't know. I grew up in a very white enclave in a very white area of a very white state, and I AM trying to catch up and think critically about what I do say and think, but honestly, I am very new to these things. So if this is a dumb question or I am inadvertently ignorant/inappropriate, I'm really sorry about that and please know that I AM trying to do better. (And I will never say no to specific resource recommendations. I've read everything you usually read in an intro to Africana studies course lol but there is so much out there!!)
Thanks, either way. I appreciate you taking the time to read this extremely long winded ask lol. And I appreciate the way you blog about these things and how you make it clear where and from what you develop your opinions - that's super helpful!!!
Well as you said I am one person and I do not know you or talk to you really so I can't really say yes or no on your specific case. But also I would challenge you to ask yourself why you felt you needed the permission of a black stranger rather than actually sit down and talk to your friends about it.
I have said in other posts that it is less about needing to be black to speak AAVE and more about respect. I am all for cultural sharing and appreciation and I do not think that culture requires specifically only blood ties. I'm a mixed race person, after all, and one who has a quite large mixed race extended and found family. I think that blood is not the only thing that defines us.
But I also think that one must go into these sorts of conversations with respect. My white (passing) mother can understand my black family speaking AAVE, despite the fact that there was a single black kid in her neighborhood and school system when she grew up. This is because she treated my dad and his family with respect, and so they are comfortable speaking this way in front of her, and she is comfortable asking for clarification if she needs it, which is quite rare nowadays considering she's been married to my dad for 35 years and in a relationship with him for 42 and has thus had a lot of practice.
But she also doesn't use AAVE herself. To her, it would be disrespectful. She did not grow up in it. It is not her culture. It is shared with her due to proximity to said culture with her husband and father of her children. But for her, she chooses to continue to use the Pennsylvania Dutch-influenced dialect she grew up in, which is a very white Appalachian specific-to-Pennsylvania dialect and culture. I myself switch back and forth between the two, depending on who I'm talking to. Sometimes in the same conversation, if I'm talking to my mom vs my dad in the same room.
I don't think any of my black family would be offended if she did use AAVE, though again with her personality and the way she has approached this over the last several decades I think they'd be surprised if she suddenly did it like tomorrow or something. But she herself does not think it would be respectful of the culture, the dialect, or of her husband and inlaws for it to come out of her mouth. And I am sort of inclined to agree. Outside of a few slang words that have become so distant from their roots that it is difficult to say they are *purely* AAVE anymore, similar with many historically-Yiddish slang words, I do not personally think she could hold a conversation in AAVE and do it respectfully enough to not be offensive. It's just not really hers to do that with.
On the other hand, when I worked in a mostly-black store in an area that was significantly more black-populated, where I rarely had to code switch and mostly used AAVE all the timewith clients and customers, there were nonblack people who also used and understood AAVE. I had no problem with this, even with the white people doing it, because that was just how everyone in that area spoke. And, mot for nothing, but I found those white people to be as a general rule significantly less racist in their treatment of me and of other people of color, and racial mixing was significantly more common. Again, it's about respect. Even if it's not really a concious thing.
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mugzymiik · 9 months
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["Hey Cubic! Long time no see!"]
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["Yeah, the last time the Pink Corruption came was when Cube and I were kids."]
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[No text]
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[No text]
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spagheddiesquash · 8 months
hi hello!! im not the greatest with theories, BUUUUT……
figured id throw my hat into the ring!!! basically for the past two days ive been mapping out a little… i honestly dont even know the term for it. ive called it a “theory web kind of thing, of sorts” for monkey wrench!! (however i feel as though that may not be the correct term to use, i dunno, it just doesnt sound right)
it is very big and convoluted, and also difficult to read in the screenshot of the full thing because of how massive it is, so i figured id walk you guys through it maybe?? FAIR WARNINGS: THIS POST WILL PROBABLY CONTAIN MONKEY WRENCH SPOILERS AND IT WILL MOST DEFINITELY BE RIDICULOUSLY LONG. THIS IS THE ONLY WARNING. CAPISCE? ALRIGHTY LETS GET INTO IT.
some of this kinda piggybacks off of theories and stuff that ive seen from other users of this site, most notably @toastraccoon and @awwkie-dot-jar (sorry for the @’s, wanted to give credit and figured that would be the best way to do so since the @’s redirect to the respective blogs). both of them were actually what inspired me to put this together in the first place!!! go check their blogs out theyre amazing btw
the rest of the post is below the cut!!
anyway, without further ado:
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for simplicity i have dubbed it “monkey spaghetti” because if you look at it from a glance it looks like a nice, hot bowl of unconventionally-colored pasta noodles, i think.
first and foremost, in order to understand my bullshit i made a helpful handy-dandy little key, pictured below.
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i had to move the key so that’s why the square is out of place. i simply directed to its proper location on the key with an arrow :^)
anyway, i’ll start with walking you guys through the bigger blob first, that being this one:
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so first of all:
(i dont think you can really see if very well so i will say it here, the screenshotted post of the giant statue of the primaries in the second image is from awwkie-dot-jar)
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*yeah, in hindsight i feel like i exaggerated a fair amount, but the point still stands regardless. i tacked on the “like, at ALL” just because i didn’t wanna completely state the obvious. i should go back and edit it i think.
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as well as:
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NOTE: my screenshots loop back to things i have previously shown for continuity reasons!!! so you dont get confused trying to read the whole web all chopped up like this :^D
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before i do that, i will reiterate:
i do NOT know what im doing
im not sure whether i have everything correct
because i have never done this before
i mean i hope i have everything right but like
take everything with a grain of salt
considering i have kind of poor memory sometimes
and also how many spitball ideas i put into this shit
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Weekly tag Wednesday !!
Thank u for the tags @spookygingerr and @especially-fuk-u !!
Name: dean :D
Age: 18
Your time zone: EST
What do you do for work: I’m in school right now so nothing, but this summer (probably in a couple weeks) I’m working at a pool store and maybe an ice cream shop
Do you have any pets?: yes!! I have a calico cat named Salem, she’s my best friend and so cute I love her so much
What first drew you to the fandom: I kept seeing clips of shameless on TikTok, I finally caved and started watching it over the summer, and I got hooked ever since (averaged a season and a half in a day), lurked around the fandom for a while but then started majorly interacting. I’ve never been normal about anything I’ve ever consumed, this is no exception (autism goes brrrr)
Morning person or night owl?: night owl baby!! Earliest you’ll get me up is 10am, I’ll go to sleep around 3-4 am (I also have insomnia)
What are your hobbies?: any type of art or craft, I paint, sew, draw, bookbind and just random miscellaneous stuff, my last art project was making spikes for my jacket from soda cans. I also read, like, a lot, mainly fanfiction bc special interest, but also I love non fiction (essays, memoirs, political theory) and some fiction (I love love love horror), I’m a major Jack of all trades, just constantly looking for something new to try
How tall are you?: 5’6” baby!
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?: anywhere warm and with a beach, I love summer and I’m built for it, I’ve considered New Orleans a lot for some reason, maybe California but I also hate west coast culture so um there’s that
Favorite color: yellow !! My and my siblings were color coded to prevent fights, and yellow was my color as a kid and it’s just stayed my favorite, and people always unanimously agree yellow is a color that Suits Me, saying i have yellow and sunshine energy, it also just best on me compared to other colors
Favorite book: this is such a hard choice, im going to say the perks of being a wallflower I think, ultimate comfort book really, but I also love to talk and think about Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison
Favorite movie?: it’s a horror movie called the empty man, it’s SO weird and SO fucked up with the most normal and sane horror protagonist
Favorite fic: I could never choose, one I’ve been thinking about A Lot is the origins of girldadism, but I also love meanest hunk of woman and enemy lines I’ll recommend them till the day I die
Favorite musical artist: I love love love Green Day i could talk abt them forever I’m going to see them in concert this summer and I’m SO freaking excited, honorable mentions are Noah kahan and old dominion
What is your average screen time so far this week?: 8 hours and 10 minutes. Higher than I was expecting considering all I’ve been doing is studying
What’s the first app you open in the morning: Spotify! I need music all the time ever, it helps me get going in the morning on weekdays, and on weekends either tumblr, discord, or Instagram depending on who’s texted me
How long have you been on tumblr: I think this summer will be 6 years?
finally (and i know this one is hard) tell me a fun fact about yourself: I’m learning my third language (Ukrainian) and planning a fourth (French, probably in college (I’m so done with Spanish bffr)) I also make my own recycled paper! I think that’s always fun to mention
I’m tagging:
@mickeym4ndy @astaraels @em-harlsnow @mickittotheman @transmickey
@atthedugouts @jademickian @liza420
And anyone else who wants to !! Ur welcome to do so !! And no pressure, you can otherwise consider this a friendly hello, fist bump, dap, and/or an “I’m thinking of you”
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enanan-ami · 2 months
i HIGHLY doubt muu being forgiven in t3 if anything happens to haruka.
shes stated shes going to let him because thats what he wants to do.
this is an entire analysis, not just what i think will happen in t3. this is me analyzing muu and putting my own opinion into what might have happened in the beginning, as well as adding the t3 theory.
M: Ah, but if you don’t forgive me, Haruka-kun will die, so I think it’d be best to not do that.
E: So you’ve heard about that nonsense too?
M: Yeah. Haruka-kun told me. So I could rest easy, according to him. That made me happy… It made me really feel our friendship!
E: You know about it and you’re not trying to stop him? Haruka, that is?
M: Why would I? Haruka-kun says he wants to do it, so there’s nothing I can do, right?
the way she words it, the way she says things. she sees him as another pawn, or worker bee, as shown in INMF.
and before anyone says im trying to make her look bad. no. im not. i feel like she does care and does want to help him, but shes so caught up in fear of what happened to her last time that she resorts to practically manipulating him. i think everything that happened to her messed her up so badly that she is resorting to making herself the one on top, because even though it looks bad to others, thats what seems right to her in order to protect herself.
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if the colors in the three closest to muus hair represent her previous friends having colors in matching hues, and the pink is because of bees being attracted to that color, what does the blue in her hair mean ?
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what if the blue represents haruka.
what if the blue represents how she feels close to haruka, but is afraid to have him turn on her. hes heavily codependent, and she basically has him wrapped around her finger because that is what she wants in order to protect herself.
M: Haruka-kun, I brought you some food. Are you alive? You haven't grown mold or anything?
H: .....Oh, thank you very much. Muu-san, I'm sorry, that ..... I..
M: Don't shut yourself up in that cell forever! You have to eat properly too, you know? I understand if you feel this way though, the recent atmosphere has been feeling bad lately.
H: Um, I said it's okay..... I, thought of what I should do, a little. What do I do, what do I do, to keep... My promise. For Muu-san's sake....
she. does. care. about. him. shes afraid to give too much into a relationship.
i think shes letting him do it if he wants to because the fact that he would basically sacrifice himself for her gives her a feeling of this is what is supposed to happen and friends would do anything for each other, because what if the reason she ended up bullying people in the first place is because she was forced to then her friends turned on her because she took it too far. they are who enabled her behavior.
why do i think muu killed rei ? because she was tired of rei manipulating her.
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Q: Do you have apologetic feelings for who you killed?
A: The person who did the wrong thing first should apologize.
i think she could have been dependent on rei, so now she is growing into who rei was.
can i also point out the after pain lyrics ?
"If I was gone, If I had just disappeared. I overheard, I found out how much I’m not needed"
simply stating, she was the one being used before. remember these songs are coming from the prisoners hearts. SHE CANT LIE IN THE SONG AND I AM TIRED OF HEARING THAT.
"Why won’t you stop hurt-hurt-hurting me? My heart is all dried up. My sorry spells must be wearing off. But I guess some of it is my fault. Maybe it’s ok as it is. I want to feel “alive”, is it ok if I breathe?"
her friends manipulating her. i think this was her subconscious telling her that. and then also bringing her to fault for it, maybe for choosing the wrong friends.
plus, after going back through the interrogation questions.
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Q: Do you regret it?
A: Mmh, I should have chosen my friends better.
"“I’m sorry” won’t reach anyone (I hope it will someday)"
"I was miserable, someone please help me"
"If you’re going to make me the villain it’s ok to ignore me"
i believe this plays onto her not having the original idea to bully people.
"its not my fault" could be because IT IS LITERALLY NOT HER FAULT. instead of being what you expect and it having a different meaning, she is saying it outright because its what you dont expect. she acts how she does because that is what she learned.
i think that muu trying to suppress and mask NPD could have been what caused her to react the way she does in the end. believing its all okay what she was taught.
back to the beginning point of this, muu likely being unforgiven if haruka gets killed off.
think of kotoko. im sure there were a LOT of people who voted kotoko guilty just because she almost killed mahiru and badly injured fuuta.
if haruka gets hurt or killed off, its expected that people will treat muu similar.
i also think that if anything happens to haruka, muu will be given some kind of talk from fuuta, whether its yelling, or a talk about how he could have been saved.
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Q: Which prisoner do you get along with the most?
A: I'm not anyone's happy friend. Well Haruka's younger, so I take care of him.
F: Hey, listen. Is he okay? He's been holed up and hasn't come out at all.
M: Haruka-kun? Hmm. Yeah, probably. Muu has been taking food to him, so he should be fine. Isn't Muu amazing?
F: Huh? Do you have to say it yourself, seriously… Oh, well. I guess I can understand a bit now. When you're feeling down, it's nice to have someone to rely on, someone who accepts you. We might not fully understand from our perspective, but if you're the "salvation" for Haruka, well, that's something.
M: Salvation…? I don't really get it. Futa-kun, you've started saying strange things. Did you hit your head or something? Oh, you did. Hahaha. Oh, by the way, it's Muu's birthday today.
F: —Hey, are you really okay with that? If you come with me, you might also be saved you know……Haruka.
H: Yeah……since I already made a decision. I, have something that I must do.
F: Ahh, is that so…… Hey, Haruka, you truly are an idiot. If that’s the case, you won’t be able to be saved.
H: Yeah, thank you. Fuuta, I’m happy that you called out to me. Um, I’m happy that you were so kind to me. I mean it. But, this is the only way I can do this. I’m sorry......
fuuta clearly cares a lot about haruka. as much as he pretended not to in the beginning, he does. and hes grown a connection to him. while by now he is trapped under amanes mindset, he still has spoken that he cares about him a lot, checking on him and trying to find his salvation and a way to save him.
if haruka is hurt or worse, i dont think muu will escape a talking to from fuuta.
if haruka is unsuccessful but gets hurt, i do think that his relationship with muu will suffer. though i think either way muu might realize that she helped him to continue his plan in a sense. i also think that fuuta will try to drag him away from shidou and take haruka under his and amanes care. i think mikoto could also play into this. haruka is the only person to have initiated conversation with mikoto throughout the timelines of trial 2. i think that mikoto would want to do what he can to help haruka, not only because he appreciates it, though that could be his ending motivation. and if orekoto were to switch in during that time and notice the situation, theres a chance of getting more rationality out of ore and having him be seen in a better light, adding for there to be less people afraid of mikoto.
muus mental state will likely suffer, and not only will the unforgiven verdict start that spiral, but again, everything going on with haruka will make her worse.
i wouldnt be surprised if muu also attempts in trial 3.
muu in a potentially terrible mental state and already building herself off of what she sees, having a need for attention and losing it because of everything going on with haruka, plus the likelyhood of her having been suicidal previously.
in the end, trial 3 is going to be hell and there is no changing it. and muu is much more than a manipulative bully as people characterize her to be.
i have only read two muu theories. one showing the imagery of her likelyhood of being suicidal (I HAVE BEEN LOOKING FOR 30 MINUTES AND CANNOT FIND IT AGAIN I AM SO SORRY.) and this one which has the thing about the the hair color hues.
my thoughts may not be perfectly in order because i was thinking of all this as i typed it. if theres anything i missed, tell me. i want to understand muu better.
-Ena 🎨
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4lphwcdesign · 10 months
You don't need to reply if you want, but how do you come up with fur patterns for your designs? Thanks!
I will be honest IDK
But, I will try my best to responds.
I usually use references from other artist design as an inspiration, they are good for idea and learning new way to design fur patterns and sometime looks at real cats for refrences.
And i also took inspiration from other animal pelts like leopard, tiger or even birds.
But, what matter most is that you will have to know the basic idea of the character you want to design. For example im gonna slap a random character named russetfur
now russet fur is a character that will be known as aggressive and dangerous, russetfur is fierce, ambitious and cruel and from there i would always think about color first. Because, personally if i dont have a color in hand i would be lost on what i want my character would look like visually.
so now i write out bunch of color that could represent russetfur and i think, red to represent russet fierceness and reactive nature and black to represent russet cruel demeanor. then there we have a color palette.
ofc you might have to learn color theory 4 this first
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then heres the fun part, this is where i think about shapes, in here is where i would usually think about how i would shape fur pattern. Now what represent best for russetfur i think. Then i decide that triangle and sharp stroke is what would shape russet as a character visually and what best pattern represent those great sharp strokes? Tiger stripes and striped hyena pattern
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now after i think about that thats where i would start desiging the character.
heres a result of my mindmapping for russetfur btw bc im extra
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but ofc, dpnt always choose stripe when it came to a character personality! Something about character designing that i've always tried to be againts with is that! Do you see that bubbly, warm and sweet character? fuck it give them spiky jagged stripes and you see that terrible awful depraved cat? yeah nahh lets give them like a watery flowy stripe that should do it.
what matter is that those stripe is going to visually convey how you want your character to be interpreted by people, if you want people to think they are hot make them hot, if you want people to think that character is sweet even if they are not then make it sweet.
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