#im very sad abojt this
alterousuggestion · 9 months
hey fellas is it gay if the friend you’ve been having Feelings of the ???? Kind says to you, “my wife is soft and i like her”. the wife in referral is me because i joked about me being her wife 2s before she said that.
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intertexts · 8 months
ok you asked about my sad fish boy i hope u know how much of a mistake that is. holy shit. dude jrwi is so fucking good. if u need a new dnd podcast may i please recommend jrwi..theyre pirates. ohhh my god theyre pirates .
so. uhm. fish boy. his name is gillion tidestrider (champion of the undersea, hero of the deep, etc etc about a billion more titles that he just keeps aquiring as the campaign goes on) and hes a paladin with ohhhhh so much of a hero complex. oh my god. dude. hes so . everything to me . (played by charlie slimecicle btw. that guy is so fucking good at balancing silly goofy moments with heartwrenching voice acting. in one of the most recent episodes he is literally. hanging from a hook through his hands missing chunks of skin on 1hp literally only alive because he happened to cast death ward on himself. and hes wearing those goddamn trout fish sandals that u see on facebook ads or whatever.)
uhm. so. holy shit. where do i even start. he is the chosen one of a prophecy that says its his duty to one day choose who will survive between the undersea (triton, underwater creatures, where he grew up) and the oversea (basically. land.) and the other will be destroyed. so when he was very young (i want to say maybe like..5 or 6? i dont remember im actually searching for that info rn for the thing im writing) he was taken away from his family to begin training with the Elders (basically the. rulers of the undersea) . my boy he was raised to be a weapon. he was raised to be a tool (<< real canon words out of his own mouth). my favorite little child soldier. he wore armor that was too big for him and carried swords that were taller than he was. he was raised to put protecting others over his own safety so he rushes out into danger without even thinking about how it might affect him. he is so passively suicidal and ready to sacrifice himself at any minor inconvenience that when this information is eventually put in front of him his response is "what? no, thats what im Supposed to do." a very important phrase for him in early episodes was "whats one more burden?"
also he has a pet frogtopus (frog + octopus) her name is pretzel and she rides around in a little orb on his belt and also on his shoulders sometimes. i love her
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(<- official art. shes so perfect in every way)
I THINK I MIGHT BE RUNNING OUT OF SPACE SOON BUT HE ALSO HAS AN OLDER SISTER AND SHES EVERYTHING TO ME OHMYGOD . her name is Edyn and shes so. uaghghhh if i think about her for too long i start crying. im writing a fic from her pov as we speak. she was the only one who would visit him during his training as a kid she was his best friend she wanted to protect him but she was also just a kid so she couldnt do anything but try her best to comfort him. shes the one who gave him pretzel. ohhh my god. i lvoe you edyn tidestrider youre everything to me. giving you a freshly written unedited at all snippet from the fic im writing because it describes how i feel about their dynamic so much better than i could possibly type out in a tumblr ask::::
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uhnmmm what else. im so insane about the tidestrider siblings forever. do not get me wrong the other PCs in this campaign are also excellent and i love them (Jay is the daughter of a navy captain who defected to join a pirate crew to figure out what caused the death of her older sister. Chip is. oh boy. orphan who was taken in by a pirate crew when he was 7. pirate crew in question was swallowed by some sort of magic force that corrupted literally a fourth of the globe. but he somehow survived and is now trying to find out if his old family is still alive. jay and chip are like adopted siblings to me. chip and gillion had to roll a performance check for a kiss one time and they both got nat 20s and its all gone downhill from there for them. i love jay and chip dearly but something abojt gillion just scratches a very specific itch in my brain i love him so much and its only partially because hes a fish and im the fish guy.) ALSO I FORGOT TO MENTION GILLION IS CANONICALLY ASEXUAL and this is a fact that actually has come up within canon and is not just a word of god twitter mention fact. no. my boy is actively asexual and it makes me soooooo happy forever.
uh. sorry for the wall of text. infodump over. im forever crying abojt pirates and fish people . thank u i love u
OUSUGHFGHFJHH................... I LIKE UR FISH BOY MAC. IM A BIG FAN OF UR FISH BOY. i heard paladin with a hero complex & it was immediately a direct hit thats so... ouuhgh. child soldier character type of guy makes me go bonkers!!!! this whole paragraph is like five critical hits in a row... im so curious now.... also ive seen SO much art for these guys jay also looks so cool? her art is always so compelling 2 me... anyway OUHG. i'm currently working my way through friends at the table twilight mirage (meticulously crafted post-utopian cyberpunk/science fiction about mechs and gods and mech gods and more specifically Dead mech gods & living in their husks & humanity & nonhumanity & empire, etc) + tryna catch up on critrole but... hgghhbh. we'll see. we'll see what happens...
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erebugs · 5 years
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Might nein tattoos p1 !!
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faggotswag · 2 years
okay i’m gushing under the cut abojt gay shit just to get it out lolol u can read it if u want to tho the cut is just bc i’m gay not for like secrecy or anything shdhs
okay so i’m just like thinking abt it & i really love like being the “found family” for a lot of my friends like ☹️🥺 & it feels weird talking abt it bc the things they do make me so happy!!! but like ik that at the same time it’s obv very sad that their familial situations are bad enough to like..need that found family type shit. so like idk i guess i just struggle with like the moral dilemma of being like “omgggg yes literally join our family pls i love it yayayayyyy!!!” when like they wouldn’t have to join our fam if it weren’t for their own family struggles ya know?? (also like obv ppl can have basically a second family in their best friends without meaning that they struggle with their own but like, in all of my cases, it is mainly bc they have struggles with their own) but basically even tho there’s all that i really just love it when my friends truly are an extra sibling like it literally makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside knowing that abby got my dad a birthday card (& painted a watercolor hummingbird bc he loves birdwatching 🥹) & father’s day card even tho they didn’t even give their own dad any (which again is where the dilemma comes in bc im like eee omg i feel so special 🥰🥰🥰 when it’s like idk kinda tone deaf? but i guess if i’m acknowledging the harsh parts of it, it’s like not really?? idk :/) & the fact that we (being my sisters & i & abby) all made my dad a collage that he spent $300 framing bc he loved it sm 🥺 & like the fact that annie is literally in the sibling group chat. like it started as just me & my sisters but then she randomly got added and my sisters & i never started a new one bc she literally just is a sibling. & like the fact that in high school my mom would buy extra hot pockets bc she knew annie always ate them for breakfast before school (annie was a neighbor so she was over before school everyday), & extra chicken nuggets for kendall bc they were her fav & she’d always eat them when she was over. & the fact that she still buys a quart of milk any time me & kayla tell her we’re coming over bc kayla loves milk (ik ik she’s cray) like idk i just love like genuinely being other peoples family when they need their own but unfortunately can’t have that, like idk there’s just smth rly fulfilling about the way our old house & our parents were always a safe haven for any & all of our friends omg okay i’m gonna start crying okay im done 🥺🥹🥺🥹
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concealed-ashes · 5 years
Pls I’m begging you, reblog my art
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