#ima weeb
bullet-prooflove · 1 year
Burn It Down: Alexander 'Tig' Trager x Reader
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Tagging: @mortal--soul @yourwinchesterbros @buddinglinguist @spookyboogyuniverse @nessamc @ritasantosworld @bl4ckt00thgr1n @anime-weeb-4-life @redpoodlern @ravencrow83 @iinky-baby @nu1freakshow @oureternalbond  @rubes2323
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It’s late when Tig gets the call, his hand reaches out for you as and he’s surprised to find that the bed is empty. You didn’t come home last night, you always come home. There’s a bad feeling stirring in his gut, he stares at your vacant pillow, and it makes something tighten in chest.
“Yea?” He growls into his cellphone, his fingertips rubbing at the space between his eyes.  
His brain stumbles over the sentences as Chibs speaks, catching on the words, before he jerks himself out of bed, clambering for the jeans he’s left tossed on the floor.
“There’s been a fire laddie, at Cara Cara. The whole place has been burned to the ground.”
He knows you were working late; he’d dropped in before eleven to check in and ended up spreading you out on your desk, tongue fucking you until you came on his face.
“You work too hard baby,” he’d whispered into your ear, his stubble grazing along the line of your jaw as his fingertips trailed along the inner seam of your jeans. “Let me take care of you for a minute, the stress isn’t good for you.”
You’d promised to return the favour when you got in, you just needed to finish up some of the rough cuts you were been working on. You’d slipped your panties in the front pocket of his jeans in case he couldn’t wait. He’s wrapped them around his cock and jerked off when he’d got back from the clubhouse, leaving the debauched fabric in the laundry hamper.
You’d been busy since Luann’s death, throwing your grief into maintaining the business that she had created, making it flourish. It had been a surprise to them all, including you, that she’d chosen you as her successor. It made sense when Tig thought about it. The two of you had been tight, you were there when she needed someone to keep all of those plates spinning, and she’s picked up the pieces and put you back together in the aftermath of the Ghanezi brothers.
You were dedicated, putting in the same time and the effort as she had. You made sure Otto still received his dues, visited him in prison and kept him up to date with the comings and goings of the outside world. The Sons still turned a legit profit, more so now that no one was skimming off the top. You’d made a couple of changes, Ima was gone, Lyla now a director, you’d moved some of the servers off site because you didn’t like having all of your eggs in one basket. At this point in time, you were all making bank.
The fire’s still blazing by the time he gets there. Charming Fire Department are valiantly trying to put it out but he already knows it’s too late. He can feel the heat from where he’s standing, the smoke curling up towards the sky. It’s an inferno, violent and merciless, devouring everything in it’s path. The stench of burning plastic is in his nostrils, it leaves a bitter taste on his tongue as something inside of him breaks. Chibs is talking to him but it’s just noise, he can’t pick out the words over the roaring in his ears. Agony rips through him, shredding his insides, it feels like he can’t fucking breathe. He launches himself towards the flames, because he saw your car in the parking lot on the way in, he knows you’re in there.
There’s a frenzied wailing in his head, it’s a hoarse scream that makes him feel like he’s channelling a fucking banshee as someone grabs him and tries to haul him back. He fights them, he’s fucking feral, throwing punches, kicking anywhere he fucking can, teeth snapping together because if you’re in there, he wants to be too. He wants the fire to fucking consume him, he wants it to guzzle down his bones and leave nothing but a pile of ashes to be scattered along with yours in Charming Gardens, underneath the blossom tree, the two of you had made love under.
The world fucking tilts and he finds himself hurtling through space and time before he impacts the ground. The air rushes out of his lungs, stunning him as the gravel digs into his back.
“Stop fucking fighting me, ya mad bastard.” Chibs snarls, his gloved hand gripping Tig’s chin so he can focus the other man’s attention. “Stop fighting me and fucking look.”
Tig swears his heart stops beating.
You’re seated on the steps of an ambulance behind the fire truck, an oxygen mask pressed to your mouth and nose as an EMT talks to you. There’s dirt and soot streaked across your face, some of your hair is singed but otherwise you seem intact.
When Chibs releases him he’s already in motion, boots scrambling in the earth as he bolts towards you. His eyes are fucking stinging by the time he gets to you, his hands tremble as he reaches for you, thumbs smoothing over the blush of your cheeks as he presses his forehead against yours.
“I was so fucking scared.” He whispers as you draw the oxygen mask down. “Shit I thought I’d lost you.”
“Chuckie saved me.” Your voice is a rasp, rough and chesty, like a smoker whose only salvation is forty a day. You gesture at the EMT, wrapping Chuckie’s hands in fresh gauze a few meters away in the back of the ambulance. “I had my headphones on, I didn’t even hear them come in. If he hadn’t…”
You trail off and Tig feels his knees go weak as the adrenaline surges out of his system.
If he hadn’t you would have burned to death. He owes Chuck big time.
You cough, it’s a wretched noise that causes your chest to heave at the exertion of it. It scares the living shit out of him. He remembers reading somewhere that more people die of smoke inhalation than the actual fire itself.
“This is going back on.” He says, grasping the plastic oxygen mask and guiding it back over your mouth and nose. You inhale deeply, he watches as your chest expands and contracts before it relaxes once more into a natural rhythm.
He drops down onto the steps of the ambulance alongside of you, his arm wrapping around your shoulders as he draws you as close as humanly possible.  The tension ebbs out of your body as you press your cheek to his chest and listen to the sound of his heartbeat through the fabric of his shirt.
“You’re alright.” He reassures you, his lips brushing over your hairline. “I promise you sweetheart, everything’s gonna be alright.”
Love Tig? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
Like My Work? - Why Not Buy Me A Coffee
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alola-reblogging · 3 months
Hi idk if requests are open? I was wondering If you could do a request for what the alola crews addictions are? I Hope this makes sense! Thanks have a wonderful day/night 😊
Hi yes requests are OPEN! Though...I wasn't sure who you meant by Alola crew so I chose who to write for if that's okay? Re-request with someone specific if you like :) also not sure if you mean like addiction or addicted as in obsession?
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I mean...its gotta be malasadas right? If you thought the answer was anything different then that's on you, my friend ♡
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Ima say Monster true emo kid bc I imagine he had a lot of long nights out training silvally, especially since they could only train at night. He needed the extra energy to stay awake. Not to mention all of the late night jobs he probs had to do for Team Skull as well. He also totally collects the cans with cool designs and keeps them displayed in his motel room, theyre all neatly stacked like its 2006 again
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Judging by the manga...I'd say medicine! Moons a pharmacist in the manga so I'd say her obsession is plants/poison types, anything that can improve medicine or be studied.
As for in game Moon obviously people can kinda make her how they want too since she's a protag, but I think pokemon battles are a safe bet!
Also cannon that she's a masked royal fan! So I guess she could be addicted to battle royals too!
Thou since I'm a big fan of lonashipping ima throw Gladion as an obsession into the mix too hehe
Professor Kukui
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Pokemon battles for sure, but specifically the moves. Like we know he basically uses himself as a test subject for his Pokemon to test their moves against so I guess he's a move addict? I mean let's not forget that one line in sumo about my body is ready! Woo!
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Weed. Like really....let's face it...Team Skull are definitely all pot heads. I mean one bro tried to steel a bus stop??? If that MF wasn't high then Pikachu is a dragon type.
Plus he probs smokes up to forget all of his childhood trauma stuff.
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Cat man. This guy is addicted to Meowths. I mean it's literally cannon, every conversation you have with him in game that isn't a cutscene he's legit talking about meowth. Man sees a random meowth outside, just chilling? He's taking it home fr
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It's cannon she loves the stars and astrology, so ima go with that! I know she loves fashion and sewing but I'd say the cosmos has been a more life long addiction...
Also loves plushies
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Coding & hacking !! This guy could hack into any bank and deposit 10 billion pokedollars into your bank account if he wanted ~ but he's a good boy so he won't!!
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Weeb. Big phat weeb! His addiction is anime & video games, Molayne's secret dream is to one day become so advanced with computer science he can bring his waifu to life.
Also what is this gif I love it xD
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I mean....it gotta be ultra beasts...she was crazy for them afterall....like anime lusamine doesn't exist in my book....even ULTRA sumo Lusamine don't exist....that first expirence playing sun left me fucked up fr....those poor frozen pokemon 😢
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How would Wally aus react to a Sun s/o from solarballs???
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Tw: Cursing, name calling, Y/N being Bipolar? Idk.
Note: Now I think that Y/N will be called sun as a middle name or nickname idk, but your still the MC.
Also, I do not own any of the Wally's I just wanted to write headcanons nowadays as I'm still a Welcome Home weeb.
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Wally Darling 🍎
•I honestly feel like he may be confused by your sudden change of attitude, one second your happy, next second your mad?
•He will laugh at your jokes, or just not laugh at them, he thinks you and Barnaby get along very well.
"Wally why do you think people want me to take autographs!?"
"I don't know neighbor, why?"
"Because I'm a star HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA!!!"
•He thinks you and Sally are related as you both are almost the same, Sally shines bright like the sun and so do you, but the only difference between you and Sally is that one is dramatic and one is a lunatic.
•I can see you throwing solar flares around, sometimes hitting home with them, Wally would be cautious with it, you almost burned his hair one time.
•Wally has a full ass list on how to not make you angry, because let's say, Wally accidentally poured a bit of paint over your perfect white shoes, and let's say, that he was surprised to see how red you got, he was traumatized, he dosent want to make you mad ever again.
•Feelings for you??? Hahaha you must be crazy for thinking he will like a crazy puppet like you...
•But fr, he did gain some feelings for you, especially when you stick around with him most of the time.
•In winter I'm sure he would be happily clinging onto you, I mean who could not? You were so warm, you were just as warm as the sun.
•I think Julie may be helping wally trying to get you and him get on a date.
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Opposite Wally 🍏
•This bitch will be annoyed by you, you are so loud, obnoxious, and annoying, this hoe probably hates your entire living being.
•He will trash talk your jokes, he dosent care if your mad at him...
•He changed his mind after you began shooting solar flares around
"God you're so annoying, your jokes are trash, your a emotional freak, and you are sooo clingy!"
"... I am WHAT!?"
"You heard me! Your're so annoying Barnaby makes better jokes than you!"
•Bro almost shit his pants as he saw you throw solar flares around, everyone in the neighborhood was hiding inside their house to prevent your wrath, Opposite had made it home in time.
•I'm 100% sure that he will do his best to not make you angry again.
•Now is he crushing on you? Of course a -00000000000.1% he is crushing on you.
•This man is afraid to be alone with you after what he witnessed the last few days.
•He will tolerate you in the future, probably will fall head over heels for you or who knows?
•You torment him in his dreams.
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•I think he would rather be amused by you?
•I'm sure he would also be annoyed by your constant jokes, but after seeing your papers, I'm sure he has listen on not making you laugh.
•He has seen you sneeze and accidentally burn someone with your solar flares.
•He wants to experiment on you, he wants to see of you have anything related to the Sun, because fr your middle name is Sun.
•The possibility that he may fall for you is very low, as well you falling for him, as you have eyes for a certain someone called Mercury, he's one of the employees around the factory, you always stick to that man like gum.
•But mercury probably dies and so there may be a high chance Walden gains feelings for you and you for him.
•Walden thinks you're a lunatic person as you laugh at everything and get mad at anything.
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•This bitch does not care, he loves you, he loves you and he loves you.
•He thinks your jokes are like music to his ears, well he doaent care but still he won't complain as he loves hearing your voice.
•Man will cling on you like a koala because you are so warm.
•He will never do anything to make you mad, he lives you so much to do so.
•He has seen you throw solar flares at home, maybe because home dosent let you inside, but you don't care and take risk.
•You are mostly toxic, but not that toxic, you don't beat up LS but you do threaten him, if he dosent laugh at your jokes that is.
•You once sent a solar flares towards wally, burned his hand, but he forgives yo,u how come he not forgive his ray of sunshine?
•After seeing what your capable of he puts a mussel on your mouth to prevent you from throwing solar flares, he lives you so much.
"I wonder how it would be if we get married, i wonder how our future kids would look like"
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•I think for him meeting you, you would have to be a new background character.
•I'm sure Reboot would be the last to meet you.
•He thinks your jokes are somewhat ok? But he sometimes gets annoyed when you don't let him talk and you just keep joking.
•He once made you mad, so you threw solar flares at him and almost burnt his hair, I'm sure he wouldn't dare do the same mistake again.
•He loves you 100% but his heart breaks when he sees you hanging out with another male puppet named Mercury...
•But he soon learns that Mercury is already dating someone(Ahem venus...)
•And he is happy that you're still available
•You are hsi knight 8n shining armor, for throwing a solar flares at his obsessive Fangirl Monday.
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Character Focus Blogs
If you are looking for blogs to follow that focus on a particular character or region this is the list!
@ama-the-weeb - Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Hongkong
@aphfroghat - Iceland, Hongkong, Norway
@astrophilic-soul - India, America, China, Russia
@bates--boy - Sealand
@betty-bourgeoisie - Iceland, America
@bitterpaskel - Iceland, Nordics
@cawe-sama Robul, Lietpol, Moldova Eastern Europe
@council-of-beetroot - Poland, Prussia, Lithuania, Eastern Europe
@darcymariaphoster Nordics
@germanyskrazythiccass - Germany
@hoasens Vietnam
@hws-lceland - Nordics, Baltics, Romano, Norway
@icelandsgirl - iceland
@irithnova - Mongolia
@jackaroo-06 Oceania
@j-ellyfish - Austria, Italy, Prussia, Western Europe
@kimetsunozushi69 Persia, Rome, India, China, Ancient Greece
@losnordiquitos - Sweden, Nordics
@madam-of-lithuania Canliet, Canada, Lithuania
@maplequeen94 Canada, Ukraine, CanUkr, NA Bros
@molossophone Baltics, Benelux, Micronations
@nordickies - Nordics
@sakotisssss - Eastern Europe
@sere-ness-ima - Poland, Central Europe
@serica-e Rome
@someone-you-do-not-know - Spamano,
@starsmadeinheaven Spamano, Itabros, Spain, Greece, Mediterranean
@tianshiisdead - China
List will be updated frequently if you want to be added just put in tags approximately 3 to 4 characters/ or one to two ships/ or a specific region
Check out these character ask blogs too!
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princesscallyie · 1 year
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I have no idea what to draw, seems like ima a little bored with what I usually do so I was like… you know what… I’m gonna draw my characters for once lol. Maybe share my thoughts on them as well.
Anyway, here’s the baddest bitch I’ve ever created. I really liked how Delta was a cold serious person in public but in private she’s a magical girl weeb. So this where this pic comes from. I was thinking when she changes into her supervillain costume, she actually has some technology that makes her transform.
Some extra information I thought of while drawing her. Besides magical girl franchises, I feel like she would 100% be a Sanrio fan. I can see Cinnamonroll being her fav. Then I also think she’s knows a lot about Japanese culture and has been there tons of times (to get the latest merch of course).
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I just wanted to ask you Why do you like Meg so much? What made her stick out to yo more than any other female artist and let you know can trust whatever she says?
Well, I like Meg for more than her music I feel like I can relate to her personality and I love that she’s full of life despite what she’s been through. I don’t know her personally to take every word she’s said to heart but I believe her and that’s all ima say on that lol. I love how she raps with confidence and carries herself with confidence. She’s beautiful and natural and she doesn’t need nor want to conform to the beauty standards nowadays. She’s educated and very smart. She’s a weeb like me and that’s cool. I’m assuming you don’t like her very much which is okay lol but I like her and I’m a fan so that’s all that matters to me ❤️
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Fuck It,I’m Rewriting The Finale. Ima Have Felix Make 2 Senti’s. One that just stops the nightmares from nightormentor as he breaks into the adrigami ward, and a kyubey sentimonster that lets em be Magical Girls like Adrien’s inner weeb wants. Thats all I’m gonna say, aside from making it a 3 parter to include the stuff from the original and have one of the things I wanted from this season’s finale.
A lot better already
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niconiconwo · 2 months
You know damn well that if anime existed in ancient rome they would have been the weeb empire. Nero would have reposted r18 doujin edits, and would have been a imas and love live fan. Octavian probably would have liked Berserk and Goblin Slayer. Caligula would be into weird sadgirl shit and secretly like Death Note while pretending to be a shounen loser. Trajan would like slice of life, Caracalla would be a moeblob enjoyer.
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elisedonut · 2 months
i wear an idolmaster pin at work because we are allowed to wear one pin and i own alot of imas pins
but its funny because while anime as a whole has very much reached mainstream status um idolmaster is very much not in america
like you cant even watch the original anime legally because it never got a dvd release and its already off of Crunchyroll
and legit only two games have ever been translated and they were a port of a psp game for iphone that bandai wanted to charge physical game prices for and one ps game that was just a vrlive simulation for CG
and uh yeah
most American anime fans are not going to know what it is
but it's still funny every time to me
like i was checking out this mom and son duo and the son had a juju kaisen? i dont know to spell because ive never seen it shirt and his mom sees my pin and goes
!! oh anime! my son loves anime what is that one from
and I'm like I don't think he's going to know what it is but its idolmaster
and she looks at him and he's just like no i have idea what that is
which is valid because like why would he you have to be either like a music person really into idols or a complete weeb to have any knowledge of it
anyway this kind of event happen once every few weeks now and its always funny to me
another stand out was that one time a guy asked me who it was and i told him and he immediately responded with "It would be better if it was Saya??from something i dont remember" and im just like "nooo i love my idol anime girly"
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jaeshoney · 3 months
incel mad ima weeb and a baddie
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rextexx · 7 years
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mom got me a totoro onesie *w*
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namithenerd · 7 years
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“͉͈͇̙̩̺̗̹̗ͪ̌͗̒̅̀͘Ģ͍͎̳͕͓̦͎͇̈́ͭ͝E̷̡̝̪͒̄͌͢T̳̼̺̗̱̱͋ͬͨ͆̀͟S̤̬͎̼̓ͦ͢U̯̝̰̻̦͈͙̟ͩͪ̍̾ͅG̢̬͓͔̼̎̈́̒̋͑̓̆͝A̹ͯ͛́̏͑͑̒ ͔̘̥̣̖̾ͨ͗̐ͩ͘Tͮ̆ͤ̾͏̥͉̣͈̯͉̹͇̱Ę̷̺̯̦͔̫̑̈́ͩ̃N̡̥͚͕͖͛͂͐S̬ͪ̇͊̈͌̉͡H̘̣̭̤̋̆̆͘Ö̴̪͎̝̻͈͕̘́͐ͤ̋̀!̛͓ͣ̋̆̌͊̐͠"̶̰̩̮ͯ̄̌ͮ͐͡
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leafy--bab · 3 years
*Soaks my arm in smi hot water*
Aw yis pain soupie my favorite
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This is the temporary list until i get enough people sufficient for a master list i decided i will @ the first 50 people
ama-the-weeb - Norway, Iceland, Denmark, Hongkong
aphfroghat- Iceland, Hongkong, Norway
astrophilic-soul - India, America, China, Russia
bates--boy - Sealand
betty-bourgeoisie- Iceland, America
darcymariaphoster- Nordics
germanyskrazythiccass - Germany
hws-lceland- Nordics, Baltics, Romano, Norway
icelandsgirl- iceland
irithnova - Mongolia
j-ellyfish- Austria, Italy, Prussia, Western Europe
losnordiquitos - Sweden, Nordics
maplequeen94 - Canada, CanUkr, NA Bros
nordickies- Nordics
sakotisssss - Eastern Europe
sere-ness-ima - Poland, Central Europe
someone-you-do-not-know- Spamano, Denmark
tianshiisdead - China
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secretmajimasimp · 4 years
Dude one of my favorite things about yakuza is the names which is kinda weird I know but like I get so excited about it
You know how dogs get excited when they hear/see fellow dogs on the screen? It's basically that for me lmao. Everything else is straight gibberish but I can at the very least understand the names and like it's so rad to me
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anomi · 4 years
Cute rika I did
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