#image created with AI
ingrydapenas · 8 months
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image created with AI
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lynayru · 3 months
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kimolisai · 4 months
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Using Bing Create with the prompt of a whimsical black woman tinkering on a robot in a cluttered workshop
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comic-art-showcase · 3 months
hello fellow comic art fans.
i am the goblin who runs this here blog. otherwise known as @jondoe297
i am extremely bummed that when i do come out and adress the followers of this blog directly it will be with this news. well. here goes:
Comic Art Showcase will indefinitely stop sharing our favorite artists' works until further notice due to the deal tumblr's owner is making with A.I. companies to sell data,enabling the theft of the works of the platform's users to scrape to train their A.I.
and here is a good article about what's going on
while for the over 5 years(!!) now that i have run this page and shared the love of comic art i am so passionate about,through ups and downs,i have kept this page strictly for doing so. not presenting any topics or ideas or even showing my own personality or linking my personal blog(even though i have been flirting with the idea recently. well i guess now is as good a time as any) i feel that if nothing else i have to use this specific platform i have,as it is,to address this topic as it is intrinsic and intertwined with this page's theme or activity. and i will not have it be an open buffet for these greedy corporations to scrape for data to feed the A.I. with which they seek to replace the very artists that i love and admire! even though it may be too late as we don't really know how long they've been doing this. well the inevitable came. and if this page is not deleted it will at least not be posted on for the time being. while we figure out what to do next.
in the meantime we can and have to all do what we can to fight for artists' and creatives' rights. if nothing else by not being a part of the theft and exploitation of them an their work. please do not use any generative A.I. programs for images or text. they work by scraping from databases of artists' and creatives' works without any permission,credit or compensation.
for now we can at least 'opt out' of having our content be shared with the A.I. companies in the settings.
keep in mind this seems to be only available on the web version and not on the app for now!
go to your blog settings from the corner here
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ID/image description: a screenshot of the tumblr blog with a red arrow pointed at the options button. end description.
then go to 'blog settings'
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ID/image description: a screenshot of tumblr blog settings with a red arrow pointing at the 'blog settings' option. end description.
then go to visibility. and turn ON the 'prevent third-party sharing' option. make sure to turn it ON not off.
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ID/image description: screenshot of tumblr's visibility settings with the 'prevent third-party sharing' option turned on. end description.
and you have to do this for each blog and sideblog individually so make sure to do that!
and artists make sure to use Nightshade and Glaze to protect your artwork and images!!!!
here's a link to Nightshade
here's a link to Glaze
the best combination is to use Nightshade first then Glaze on your images.
Glaze creates a protective layer on the image to prevent A.I. from copying it. while Nightshade poisons the A.I. sotfware.
stay safe friends an i will see you around❤
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ink-the-artist · 9 months
so somehow it’s the first time I’ve seen your Dogs illustration from May. it’s very very cool and strongly reminds me of AI-generated art — did you use AI to inspire the shapes? or otherwise influence the piece somehow? interested in your process! very cool.
yes! some more directly reference ai images id generated than others lol
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pacific-chrome · 2 months
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The baddies of the High Town
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gentil-minou · 8 months
This is the dumbest argument I've ever heard
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I can't think of any hobby more wallet friendly than picking up a pencil and paper. Like this is just plain stupid.
Also, I'm not an artist and I don't have drawings skills, but sometimes I paint little watercolors for myself and I have fun even though they look awful, and that's the entire point.
Also also, since I can't draw and I still want to share my ideas, I write. And yeah it takes practice but THATS THE POINT. There's so many genuine ways you can share your ideas with the world.
Hell, model with clay, act out a dumb video, draw stick figures, do whatever. I promise all of that is a better rendition than a program that isn't actually intelligent and is just giving you results based on keywords like a glorified search engine
Just say you want recognition for something you stole and didn't care enough to put the effort in and shut up
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jondoe297 · 11 months
i am so tired of this. we are so tired of this. between Bob Iger's garbage comments,that one executive straight out sayin they'll wait out the strikes till people start losin their homes an now this. how long do they think they can keep treating the creatives they get rich off while doin nothin themselves like this? till when will they do an say whatever they want an keep gettin away with it? not long now.. not long. not anymore.
also Karla Ortiz keeps kickin butt❤
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here's a link to the Have I Been Trained website for you to click
ALSO! use Glaze to protect the images of your work you post!
here's a link to that as well for you
it basically creates a protective layer on the image that prevents AI from stealin it. Very important. all the info is on the site.
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amalasdraws · 1 year
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Ai generated images need to be controlled and regulated!
The music industry has shown that this is possible and that music, musicians and copyright can be protected! We need this for visual art too!  The database scraps all art they can find on the internet! Artists didn’t give their permission and there is no way to opt out! Even medical reports and photos that are classified are being fed into those ai machines! It’s unethical and criminal and they weasel they way around legal terms!
Stand with artists! Support them! Regulate AI!
Edit: no I don’t want the art world to be like the music industry! This was just an example to show that with support and lobby some kind of moderation is possible! But no one fucking cares for artists!
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ingrydapenas · 2 months
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imaginal-ai · 2 months
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"Flower Boy in Cut-Offs" (0002)
(More of The Beach Bum Series)
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kimolisai · 4 months
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Using Bing Create with the prompt: an african american woman with a red afro with sunglasses painting, in the style of dark turquoise and dark orange, acidic and luminous colors, radiant colors, warm tones, karol bak, patterns
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beautifulaigirl · 4 months
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AI beautiful Athletic
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pacific-chrome · 2 months
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nerdherderette · 7 months
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The sun and sand, some tasty waves, and a salt-filled breeze are all Derek needs.
Somehow, Stiles works his way into the equation.
[excerpt]: Stiles looks out toward the water. The sun's rays catch him at an angle that makes his eyes look golden, and Derek can see the individual grains of sand that dust his face. "You know the worst thing about it all?" Stiles asks softly. "It's that I'm going to be known forever as the goofy sidekick on a kid's show. Like, that's my legacy." Derek takes a deep breath. He can relate. He was once considered a prodigy in the surfing world: touted as the next Kelly Slater after he'd won several local competitions right out of high school and then the Billabong Pipeline Masters at twenty, followed by a second-place finish at qualifiers for the US Open of Surfing. The recognition was heady; the groupies and sponsors, more so. And then there was Kate, who had entered Derek's life as hot and quick as wildfire before razing his world to the ground.
Part of the @sterekreversechallenges Sterek Reverse Bang 2023. Based on @wolfspurr 's beautiful, summery mood board prompt.
*The events in the news clipping take place right before the epilogue in the story.
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jondoe297 · 5 months
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