#image mood: hell yah
reactionimagesdaily · 2 months
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[Image ID: A size chart showing silhouettes of several large buildings, with a letter ‘W’ at the highest point, making reference to the meme ‘Big W’ meaning ‘Big Win’. /End ID]
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kevlarcrack3d · 6 months
I'm gonna write headcanon pasts for the One Piece admirals! They're just so damn interesting and I love their mobster/rebel/yakuza theme! Kinda reminds me of the games lol.
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So, I looked at the childhood images of Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru and made what I could make out of what I can see in the images. No kid photos of Fujitora and Greenbull yet, do I used canon events as refs.
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Akainu (Sakazuki) 🐶:
He had a turbulent childhood in a crime-riddled place. His father was a crime boss who abused him for seeing Marines as his hero, because his dad knew more that the Marines and WG were corrupt and shit. After all, the dad was a criminal, while Akainu genuinely wanted to serve in the marines and stand for his "justice".
A Marine he idolized gave him the tattered cap shortly before he killed his father because that Marine brainwashed and gaslit him into believing in his twisted justice during his stay in that area while searching for pirates. Akainu saw the battle and was instantly INSPIRED. He would become like his hero and blow up his shithole hometown.
Akainu has seen crimes, vices, violence, and all sorts of moral decadence in his place, so it's not surprising his views on justice got fucked up. He learned street smarts and how to fight due to his environment. He met Aokiji after killing his dad (it's anime logic where the young kid can kill an adult with fighting experience) and both had a rocky, love-hate (yes, I used to ship these two) relationship while wandering and doing odd jobs before being taken in by the Marines.
Since both grew up in turbulent, violent environments, they had the physical and mental strength (and fuckedup-ness) to fight in the Marines, and it'd be a waste to just let them toil while doing household chores, right?
So, they were taken in and trained. All the time, even until they were admirals, Akainu and Aokiji were arguing, always. Their opposing views, personalities, and justices didn't help either. Sometimes, they'd even be petty, like, Aokiji just moves Akainu's bonsai vase a little and Akainu is in a real foul mood and then shit hits the fan. It's very hilarious to see, especially when they were kids, they always had to be disciplined because they were always fighting 😂.
Akainu always had to deal with Aokiji's apathy and laziness. Akainu was the kid always angry and serious, so he was a rather amazing student - always "upright" in the Marines' eyes. Aokiji was the lazy but smart one, as in, super lazy. During teamwork training, Aokiji was kind of a slacker at first and Akainu would fight him always. It kinda died down over time as they became adults, but Akainu is still pissed about it, as always 😂.
Soon, Akainu burned down his pirate and criminal infested hometown. Fuck the innocents and everything. There are criminals there and he will send them to hell. And he succeeded.
Akainu also had a rather romanticized view of the Marines as a child due to his circumstances. Anything about spreading justice, order, and punishing criminals, and he'll be pumped up. This is the shit for him, and he's quick to plan and act when it comes to these. Despite his angry, wild nature, ever since he was young, he was ever so PASSIONATE about being a ROUGH, STRONG Marine man. Hence, the rose of the fuckin' lady killer sheesh 🥵. Something here's burning hot and it's not just the lava!
Yah, yah, I just spent over half the year creating yakuza/boryokudan OCs and well, I guess the dashing underworld outlaw prince swept me off my feet 🤩🤩🤩...
Aokiji (Kuzan) 🐦: Aokiji had deadbeat parents who always let him get beat up. He lived in the same area as Akainu. Due to his family being deadbeat, he picked up vices and began to drink at an early age. He decided to wander away, doing odd jobs. Despite his apathy towards most of the world and anger towards criminals, helping people with chores kind of softened his heart. This has helped him develop a sense of compassion, unlike Akainu, who did these chores as a way to work towards being accepted by the Marines. Sometimes, Aokiji would be dog tired and sleep a lot in his free time.
Soon, he met Akainu and they accompanied each other. Being alone was boring, and besides, they were kids. They'd argue a lot, even while working, AND especially when sharing a sleeping space. Oh boy, they'd get violent when one starts pressing agains the other.
And that's the definition of true love according to what my shipper brain said
The Marines soon took them in and they began to train. Aokiji was rather apathetic to this at first, but then actually began to warm up a bit to his job. Sometimes, it was even entertaining, especially arguing with Akainu or simply bullshitting his fiery frienemy. But, as Aokiji became an adult, cracks began to show.
Aokiji began to see all the misery and corruption. The causes of poverty and crime, a lot caused by the WG. He saw innocent people hurt due to the WG. Soon, he fell back to his apathetic ways. But, despite being so jaded and weary, he still had that kind-hearted side for those with benevolent intentions, regardless of them being pirates or otherwise. Soon, he wanted to be free to do this and resign from the Marines. Deep down, he had a heart like the snow, cold, and yet beautiful.
Dagnabbit, I'm crying why the fuck do I do this to myself 😭😭😭?
Kizaru (Borsalino) 🙈: Kizaru's family was the type that placed all their hopes on him to achieve their broken dreams for them, so they encouraged him to learn and study. He was rather pressured sometimes, but he did truly enjoy his studies and reading. He'd happily skip to the library sometimes and told them his stories. A light to their world, if I must say. Aaaand the feels are back 🥲.
Kizaru then decided to join the Marines, a decision his parents supported, seeing he could finally give them an ego boost, like "HOLY SHIT MY SON IS A MARINE, NOW, CLAP, GUYS". Not really his dream or what he wanted, but he just went with the flow. He was an easygoing, cool, chill dude anyway.
Soon, he met Akainu and Aokiji in training. He ALWAYS had to be there to calm these two down if they started arguing. One mean look from Akainu to Aokiji or vice versa, "woah there, now stop my dudes" Kizaru was the pacifier between them. He was also the quiet, cool, but very smart kid who always was in the topnotchers. However, he was the type to suck up to the government's ideals and decisions of the majority of the top brass and whatever view a certain faction of theirs chooses as right. He was like a ship bobbing on the waves without someone to steer it.
Soon, he got to meet Vegapunk due to his knowledge on some certain machines thanks to his childhood of reading. He would keep a VERY CLOSE EYE ON THE SCIENTIST. That's what he was tasked to do. He had no problem with that anyway. Then, he met Sentomaru, Kuma, and Bonney, and maybe, just maybe, his nonchalant, neutral personality slipped away, having seen the innocence of a kid who viewed him as an uncle and the sweetness of a father and his daughter. He found himself having fun for the first time, but maybe, he just didn't know it. But the memory stuck.
To thisbday, Kizaru is still nonchalant as ever, but maybe, I hope, something might happen in Egghead arc now with him. Could be good development for someone so dull, yet so bright.
Dammit. Them 2D cartoon seamen making me cry.
Fujitora (Issho) 🐯: Oh God, this is a dark one. Fujitora was a very unfortunate lad. He had an, abusive, overpopulated family who hated him and beat him to near death. They saw he was durable when he fought back and decided to sell him to the Marines. It wasn't fair. But the world's not fair. Always, Fujitora saw poverty and very VILE bastards in his place. It was not surprising to him. But, his hell was just going to begin.
Fujitora had a strong moral compass (besides his gambling) and trained hard to spread justice in the Marines. But, as his rank got higher, the more horrible things he saw in the WG. Corruption, slavery, hatred, and all things unpleasant. Ugh, he wanted to leave. Why? Justice is for everyone, right? So, why can't he bring it to those above him, who abuse their power? That's right, it was the world being unfair.
All the shit he has witnessed made him sick to the stomach. Are these the people he was working with and working for? Yuck. He decided to resign last minute before a promotion.
But, before he left, Fujitora reflected on his life before being sold to the Marines and after being sold to the Marines. Just the same. It was just the same back there. It was just unfair, so unfair. Wherever he went, there were always bad people oppressing the lass fortunate like he once was. Fujitora was unable to take the gravity in that moment and cut his eyes. He decided to cancel his resignation and return to the Marines. That way, at least, he can rise up to a position where he can stand for fairness. But if any sign of humanity comes before him, Fujitora will be unable to see it clearly again, despite his kind heart. He may feel it, but never see it, so he can only partially feel it. A prize to pay for justice.
This one was sad. And when kindness did come to his heart genuinely in the form of Luffy, he couldn't see those kind eyes 😭.
Ryokugyu (Aramaki) 🐂: This dude seems to have sucked according to the fandom, but screw that.
So, since he's quite the simp for the WG, Aramakiwas bought as a baby by the Marines, so all he knew was the WG's ideals.
Though unruly and wild, he was valued because he was loyal, even when he did things outside anything approved, like not asking permission to deal with certain peeps. He was also very destructive as a child, so he needed lots of discipline, too. In fact, this wild boy has been chided more than anyone could count they stopped scolding him altogether 😂!
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deadpcnned · 4 years
the gamble of the heart | chapter 1 (r.l.)
chapter one: certain uncertainty 
series masterlist
pairing: remus lupin x potter!reader
chapter summary: remus reflects on when he lost the person he held closest to his heart. 
warnings: swearing 
wordcount: 2.2k
a/n: hi! this is a new remus series i’m working on. WARNING it’s going to be slowburn. hope you enjoy <33
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REMUS LUPIN was never one to rely on the idea of certainty. In his sixteen years of life, Remus had gathered that the way the world worked didn’t allow for anything to be certain. For example, he could have been certain that the only peculiar thing about him would have been that he was a wizard (and really this was only peculiar to unknowing muggles). However, at the age of four, his life went off track and he was suddenly a werewolf and had no understanding of what that meant. It wasn’t always bad, however. Sometimes life was uncertain in a good way. At one time Remus was certain that a life of isolation was a fate he would have to accept, but within his first day at Hogwarts, he was proven wrong. 
And so, Remus decided that it was okay that virtually nothing was certain. He had even begun enjoying the uncertainty of life at times. He enjoyed not knowing what crazy adventure his mates and him would journey through next and he even liked the uncertainty of what subjects he would have to tackle next in his favorite classes. Which is why he couldn’t understand why he was surprised by the events unfolding now. His relationship with Y/N hadn’t even been official, yet he was stuck pondering over her recent actions instead of the notes laid out in front of him. He knew he hadn’t imagined the feelings that had been growing between the two of them and he had the image of intimate touches ingrained in his mind as proof of that. So, why? Why had she stopped looking at Remus like he held the stars in his hands? Why had she trained her sight on that lousy Ravenclaw instead? Why was she holding his hands in the halls, when the two of them had never even been so publicly affectionate? But most importantly, why was he so surprised by the uncertainty of it all?
A part of Remus - the part that resonated with his younger self most - knew he shouldn’t have been surprised. He knew it was unlikely that any girl, especially a girl as captivating as Y/N, would have been interested in him for long. Not only was he singularly boring in his opinion, but he was a monster. The other part of Remus - the part he had spent years working on - couldn’t understand why she was suddenly acting like she forgot he existed. He knew they worked well together. He knew that he understood her in a way no one else had. He knew that he was perfect for her. Or at least he’d say he was. 
“What did that poor piece of parchment ever do to you, Moony?” A voice behind him pulled him out of his thoughts and Remus’ eyes flickered down to the notes in front of him. He had been holding his inked up quill to the paper for so long it had created a hole that was getting bigger from the severity of his hold. Dropping the quill, Remus looked up to see Peter stood in the doorway. 
“Uh, must’ve zoned out,” Remus muttered, sending Peter a lackadaisical smile. “What are you lot up to?” 
“Headed to Hogsmeade. You sure you don’t wanna join, mate? I’m sure you’re not gonna do much good just tearing through your notes. Literally.” Remus ignored Peter’s poor attempt at a pun and considered his options. He really wasn’t doing much good sitting at his desk and he needed to get his mind off certain things. No better way to do that than with the three most troublesome boys. 
“Alright, yah,” Remus nodded his head at Peter who was frowning. “You’re right, Pete. No point in tearing through my notes.” Content with Remus’ validation, Peter led the two out of their dorm and down to the common room.
“YES! Prongs, we’ve got Moony on board!” 
Being at Hogsmeade during the start of the year always felt odd. Remus would argue that it was one of those things that only made sense during the holidays. He had gotten into many heated debates with James about whether Hogsmeade could be considered fun this early in the school year. James would start by explaining September was the holidays and Remus would remind him that Christmas wasn’t for another few months. But he didn’t feel like striking that kind of conversation today. Normally, he’d have Y/N to back him up. 
Remus entered The Three Broomsticks with his spirits a lot higher than they had been a half-hour ago. As much as he renounced being too sure about anything, he was certain he could never be bored when he was with his friends. He prayed nothing would put a damper on his mood, but the world didn’t work the way he wanted. He had heard her before he saw her. The familiar laugh had him looking over his shoulder and following Y/N’s figure from the door.
The Y/H/C haired girl was walking hand in hand with Mason Tomlinson as they looked for a seat in the corner of the establishment. As though she felt eyes on her, she turned to the table the boys sat at and waved kindly. Remus wanted to roll his eyes at her gesture but thought better of it. 
“I don’t understand when that even happened,” Sirius mumbled, his eyes still trained on Y/N.
“Apparently they were paired up for a project,” James shook his head slightly before turning to look back at his friends. “You’d think she’d tell her bloody cousin she was seeing someone, wouldn’t you?” Y/N hadn’t been seen by the group of boys as often as they usually did in the past few weeks and Remus could tell it was rubbing James the wrong way. Actually, all of them seemed annoyed by her absence. 
“Two weeks… I swear that’s how long the two have known each other,” Peter commented. “Remus, did she ever say anything about him - OUCH!”
All three boys were now staring at Remus with guilty expressions on their faces (except Peter, who seemed to also be holding his leg in pain). Remus simply shook his head and gave him a shrug in response. 
“I’m sorry, Remus,” Sirius started and this time Remus didn’t stop his eyes from rolling. “I really did think the two of you were going to get together.” Remus froze, halting the way he was nervously pulling at his napkin under the table. He had expected pitying looks or impetus questions, but he hadn’t expected that. Remus hadn’t expected to be confronted with the exact thought that had been haunting him. When would he learn he really couldn’t expect shit? 
“No idea what you mean, mate,” Remus spoke, trying to appear much more nonchalant than he felt. “Haven’t even spoken to her in weeks. Why would we be together?” The three pairs of eyes lingered on him for a moment longer, before Sirius began to nod. 
“Right… Well, boys, I think it's time for some more butterbeer.” Remus’ friends continued with their night, but all Remus could do was stare at the manifestation of his nightmares. Y/N had her elbow resting on the table in front of her and was running her hand up and down the length of Mason’s arm. From what Remus could see Mason's other arm was placed against her hip and he was leaning closer. Within moments Remus’ stomach was lurching forward as he watched Y/N’s lips meet with Mason’s to kiss him passionately. If it had been any other person he would’ve been gagging at the crude disregard of their surroundings, but at the current moment, it was as though he was stuck. He couldn’t look away and he couldn’t vomit the sight away. He was stuck watching Y/N crush his heart into pieces without even lifting a finger. 
“Don’t stare, Remus,” James’ words could’ve been taken as a joke, but Remus knew why he was saying them. He didn’t want Remus hurting. 
“Merlin, I don’t understand what has gotten into her,” Sirius, seemingly not learning from his prior mistake, was looking at Y/N again. “That’s not like her, she doesn’t mouth fuck people in public.”
“Sirius!” James and Remus had yelled at the same time. 
“That’s so vulgar!”
“That’s my cousin!” 
“Oh please, Moony. Like you don’t have the mouth of a sailor. James, I do apologize for talking about your very innocent cousin that way, but there is no other way to explain whatever that is.” James smacked Sirius on the back of his head and the two began to argue amongst themselves, but Remus was too distracted to care about what they were saying.
Sirius was right. It wasn’t like Y/N to get into a relationship so fast and even more unlike her to be so publicly affectionate. But then again, he wondered how much of that was dependent on who was sitting beside her. Maybe she was only affectionate when it wasn’t him crowding the seat next to her. Did they even know Y/N? Did he know her? Remus thought back to the first time he had ever felt a sense of mutual understanding between the two. 
The Gryffindor common room was quieter than usual as a group of five 3rd years faced the welcoming fireplace. Remus, James, Sirius, Peter, and Y/N had opted to stay at Hogwarts instead of going to Hogsmeade that weekend and were glad they had. Other than his friend group, Remus noted that the common room was empty which meant they could do anything without prying eyes. They seized the opportunity by playing Wizard Chess and munching on some leftover candy Y/N had from a previous Hogsmeade trip. 
“Bloody hell,” Sirius whined, as he pushed the table in front of him. “How? Again?” Remus just shrugged as he motioned for Peter to take Sirius’ spot across from him. They had all agreed they would have a tournament of sorts and whoever won would get to be the one who executed their next prank. This prank was especially exciting because it was going to be affecting anyone who was innocently spending time in the Slytherin common room next Thursday. 
“No way,” Peter tutted, crossing his arms across his chest. “I’m not playing just to lose.”
“Peter, the rules were the winner plays the next contestant,” Remus argued. He knew he was undoubtedly the best at Wizarding Chess amongst the five of them and he took pride in any moments he could use that to his advantage. 
“Moons, just let me play Peter,” Sirius started. At Remus’ look of dissent, he continued, “Come on, do you even care about actually being the one that says the incantation?” Remus considered this. He didn’t actually care, but he did want to win. 
“No,” The voice came from the body next to him and Remus looked up to see Y/N shaking her head. “You can’t make the rules and then change them just because Remus is better than you.” 
“Shut up, you Hufflepuff,” James taunted. The Marauders had often told Y/N she would’ve been suitable for Hufflepuff because of how highly she valued fairness. Even if it was something as small as a game, she wanted to see the right thing done. Remus admired that. He figured if more people did that, the world would be a hell of a better place. 
“Eh, let ‘em play. They won’t let me hear the end of it once I win,” Remus uprooted from his spot on the floor and took a seat next to Y/N. The pair sat back as they watched their friends banter and laugh amongst themselves. Remus had only known the lot of them for three years, but he knew that moments like these would be life-altering for him. He had come a long way from the glum eleven-year-old who thought he deserved to be alone. He still battled with whether he deserved the love he received, but he was slowly learning he did. And the only reason he was ever able to get this far in that journey was because of the four smiling idiots around him. 
When James began to chase Peter around the common room, Remus turned his face to the side just as Y/N did and the two of them just smiled at each other. It was like they were both thinking the same things, but Remus had no way of knowing. Y/N and he had always been friends, but they rarely spent time alone the way he did with Sirius and the way she did with James. It wasn’t weird, it was just the dynamic of their group. But at that moment, as they laughed with each other, he felt like he had known her for years. He felt like she was agreeing with him on how much these people meant to both of them. He was probably projecting, but it made him feel warm with comfort. At the time he didn’t know that she would soon grow to be one of the closest friends he’d ever have, but he found solace in that random second of certain uncertainty.  
tiny little taglist: @kitkatkl​ 
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vintagedolan · 4 years
alone (egd)
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it’s not very often that you and ethan get the house to yourselves... and you’ll be damned if you don’t make the most of it
word count: 8k (holy shit haha)
warnings/tags: smutty smutty smut lets goooo, christening the house hehe,  ITS A WILD RIDE 
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
It was almost like watching a scene in a sappy romance movie, but instead of the typical girl in the sundress with the handsome man, it was two handsome 6 foot tall men standing outside the airport, staring at each other uncomfortably.
“Just make sure you text me when you land. You got your charger and everything?”
“Yeah E, I’ve got it. I’m gonna miss my plane man, I gotta go,” Grayson said, but he wasn’t moving, obviously unsure of what exactly to do.
“Bye Gray, have fun and be safe,” you decided to step in, giving him a goodbye hug. He squeezed you back, swaying a little bit back and forth.
“Keep him alive and fed for me, will yah?” Gray teased, ruffling your hair like he always did before letting you go.
“I think I can manage that for four days,” you teased, stepping back. There was an odd awkwardness in the air - the twins weren’t very experienced in saying goodbye.
You stood to the side, watching them hug. It was a genuine one, with just a hint of unease in it - the boys hadn’t spent this much time away from each other since they did their one week without each other video. 
When they were done, the two of you waved at Grayson until he was out of sight inside the terminal. And then you climbed back into the tesla, you in the passenger seat like usual.
And it was time for the real fun to begin.
Riding in the car with Ethan was one of your favorite little parts of your relationship. It was such a simple thing, to sit next to him in the passenger seat with the music playing. And his hand was always on you somehow - fingers intertwined, pressing kisses to the back of your hand. But it wasn’t often that you didn’t have Grayson in the back seat. This time was different.
As soon as he was merged back onto the highway, his hand was on your thigh, thumb rubbing over the bare skin left by your shorts. It was innocent enough to start, but his fingers trailed higher and higher with each mile he drove, and when you looked over he was chewing on his lip - one of his tells.
“Mind on the road,” you teased, but you opened your legs just barely anyways.
“Baby I drive a tesla. My mind can be anywhere,” he reminded you, a bit of his ego popping through.
“We’re five minutes from home,” you breathed as his hand moved further up, brushing over the zipper of your shorts. There was a nervous energy filling the car, and it reminded you of how you felt before you slept together for the first time. You felt giddy at the thought of having Ethan all to yourself, and the house empty except for the two of you, for four whole days. 
“Wanna make sure you’re ready,” he said, voice low and gruff. It sent chills across every inch of your skin. 
“Oh trust me, I am,” you sighed, squirming just barely as he rubbed over your skin. He knew exactly how to press your buttons and get you worked up in a matter of minutes.
“Shit,” he muttered under his breath, squeezing your thigh. He edged the speedometer up, wheels flying over payment in a desperate bid to get home even a few minutes earlier. 
“Hey, we can’t fuck if you crash before we get home,” you reminded him, messing with your nails. When you looked over at him, his pupils were blown wide, incredulous. The easiest way to get him worked up was with your words, and you used it sparingly, knowing if you always said all the dirty things in your mind that it wouldn’t hold the same effect when you decided to use it. It was the only way you could even the playing field - Ethan could have you in a puddle with one touch. 
He slowed down, but only a fraction, and you were itching to get home just as much as he was, maybe more. The gates at the end of the driveway felt like they took an eternity to open when Ethan punched in the code, and you had already undone your seatbelt before he even had smooth cat in park. 
You both jumped out of the car, giddy like unsupervised teenagers. He took your hand, lacing his fingers with yours as he started towards the house. To your surprise, he didn’t open the door immediately. Instead, he turned to you, catching your hips with his hands.
“I have a proposition.” 
“Oh do you now.”
“New house. All to ourselves for four days.” 
“Mhmmm.” Not sure why we’re not acting on that right about now, you wanted to say, but you held your tongue. 
“Christening.” The word hung in the night air for a moment, slowly disappearing into the song the crickets were making. Images flashed through your mind of all the furniture, the floor plan, the layout. Fuck.
“You bought a very large house, with a lot of rooms,” you started. His face fell just a fraction, and his lips parted as he started his rebuttal. You stopped him with a finger. 
“We better get started.” 
night one, 11pm, living room two
You’d never realized just how soft the purple sectional was; probably because this was the first time you were naked on it. Ethan had made quick work of everything you had on as he lead you in the door, past the small living room, through the kitchen and dining room, and into the small sunken living room two, as they called it.
“Odd first choice,” you mused, not really caring where you were. All you were worried about was the fact that Ethan was still fully clothed, which was wildly unfair in your opinion. 
“Well, we’ve already done our room and bathroom, so no need for repeats. Not gonna do Grayson’s room or bathroom, cause that’s just weird. Figured we could work our way across the house. Living room two, dining room, kitchen, living room one. Come back and get the office, guest bathroom, laundry room.” He listed off the rooms like he was reading from the floor plan as he shed his shirt and started to work on his belt.
“You’ve really got this planned out huh. Been daydreaming about having sex with me all over the house?” The smirk on your face was playful, and he just laughed, shaking his head as he shoved his Louis V pants down his legs along with his boxer briefs and stepped out of them.
“I’m always thinking about having sex with you. Duh.” He crawled over top of you, coaxing you to lay down flat on the couch. One of your favorite things about sex with Ethan was that it was always versatile, and not just in positions. You’d had every mood of sex in the book - playful, funny, dirty, kinky, angry. You were so comfortable around each other it wasn’t even funny.
So you weren’t surprised in the slightest that he nudged your hip with his knee and muttered ‘scootch’ so he could get himself comfortable above you. And you also weren’t surprised when you both realized that there was no way in hell that this position was going to work in any way, shape or form on that narrow ass couch.
“Floor?” He asked.
“Floor,” you confirmed, following him as he rolled off you and onto his back on the rug. Now you were hovering over him, straddled over his abs. His hands found the back of your thighs, pushing lightly.
“Come up here,” he grinned, and you knew exactly what he was asking for. You maneuvered your way up until you were hovering above his face. 
“Let the christening... begin,” he said in his most dramatic voice, smile wide on his face as his hands came up onto your thighs to pull you down closer to him.
“That’s the cheesiest shit you’ve eve- oh.”
“Mmmm, what was that?” He asked, pulled away from where he’d just been.
“Nothing! Nothing,” you squeaked, suddenly desperate for him to put his mouth back on you. He obliged, starting to work you over slowly. You shifted your weight onto your knees so you could get closer to him, hands going to his hair, which was finally getting just long enough for you to get a grip on. 
It didn’t take long for him to set a rhythm with his tongue that has your hips grinding, thighs shaking just barely at the tension of you holding yourself at just the right height. He’s always been so damn good with his mouth, even since the first time you slept together.
But it wasn’t until you bit down on your fist as you came that you hear him groan, and he’s tapping on your thigh, signaling you to dismount. You climbed off, catching your breath and relaxing your muscles, coming down. 
“What’d you bite your fist for?” He asked, sitting up and moving towards you like he had on the couch, coaxing you down onto your back again, his fingers ghosting over you.
“Didn’t do it on purpose.” You were still a bit breathless as he ducked down to kiss you.
“Well for once we don’t have to be quiet. Wanna hear you babe, while we can,” he said, more of a request than a demand. You nodded in response as he lifted up slightly, lining himself up. You let your legs fall open to the sides, giving him more room as he dipped down, grazing over your folds. 
You let out the breath you’d been holding as he pushed in, moving slow and easy. He held himself up on his hands, which were splayed on the floor above your shoulders to hold you in place. You bit down on your lip, a force of habit.
He grunted above you, moving down to his forearms, rolling his hips as he shifted his weight to one side so he could bring a thumb up, guiding your lip out from under your teeth.
“What’d I just say,” he groaned, a hint of dominance creeping into his tone. You just nodded, overwhelmed as he continued to stretch you out.
“Fuck E,” you moaned, hands coming up onto the skin of his back, nails dragging down. A tiny part of your brain realized it felt weird to be so loud, but the pleasure took over that as you felt everything start to tighten, an overwhelming feeling that you’d become familiar with.
“God, I can feel that,” Ethan breathed, speeding up the roll of his hips, somehow getting even deeper than he already was. “Shit baby, you feel so good.” 
“Don’t stop, please don’t stop,” you whined, pulling him as close as you could, lifting your hips up just barely to meet him. The new angle was electric, just the tiny shift making all the difference, and suddenly your thighs were shaking and you could feel him release, filling you up before he collapsed on top of you. 
“Holy shit,” he breathed, rolling off you smoothly. You were only on your back for a second before his arm wrapped around your shoulder, rolling you over onto him. 
“We’re gonna have to pace ourselves if we’re gonna make it through every room in the house,” you laughed, trying to catch your breath. He ran his fingers over your back, feather light over your spine. 
“Fuckin’ hell, you’re gonna wear me out,” he laughed with you, reaching his other hand up to run through his hair.
“Your fault, you bought a big ass house,” you grinned, squishing your cheek against him, smiling when you heard the rumble of his laughter in his chest.
Eventually, he somehow mustered the energy to get the two of you to your feet and back towards your room, the unspoken agreement that you were done for the night. 
“We should shower,” you mumbled.
“Oh yeah, for sure,” Ethan answered, crawling onto the sheets.
“E! We’re gross!” 
“Totally disgusting,” he agreed, curling up further into the bed. You thought for a moment about trying to drag him to the shower, but it was no use. If he didn’t wanna move, you couldn’t make him - you’d learned that lesson many times.
Instead, you gave in and crawled over to him, peppering kisses on his bare back. “You’re washing the sheets tomorrow.”
“Deal,” he sighed, twisting to wrap you up in his arms before you both fell asleep.
morning one, 9:42am, kitchen
As you did every morning, you headed into the kitchen alone. The wood was cold against your bare feet, sending goosebumps up your legs. You’d thrown on one of E’s shirts out of habit, but skipped the shorts when you remembered that the house was empty aside from a quietly snoring Ethan. 
You made yourself a cup of coffee and turned on the speakers, just loud enough that they might wake Ethan up. The playlist that was just a massive dump of every song the three of you liked started to roll through, and you danced along to it, deciding to make a more complicated breakfast than normal. If there was one thing you could cook, it was breakfast. 
The boys had started to branch out and find more vegan substitutes, so you were happy to find all the ingredients you needed to make vegan breakfast bagels - an egg substitute, vegan cheese, even veggie sausage that would work great. While everything cooked away, you cut up some fruit and sipped at your coffee, getting more and more into the music as it played, especially when your favorite Cudi song came on - the boys had gotten you hooked as soon as you moved in, said it was a ‘house rule’ that you stan Cudi.
Lost in your own little world as you scrambled the ‘eggs’, the poke to your hip made you squeal and almost drop the spatula. You turned and saw E, a goofy close lipped smile on his face.
“What’d you poke me for?” You grinned, getting up on your tiptoes to kiss him good morning. He answered by poking your cheek again, then squeezing it gently between his thumb and his index finger.
“Just makin’ sure you’re real, and that I’m not dreamin’,” he sighed, brushing some hair back from your face, proud of the blush he brought to your cheeks.
“You’re such a simp.” You turned back to the ‘eggs’, cutting off the burner, happy they were done so you could give him your full attention for a few minutes.
“Am not.”
“Are too,” you countered. “Okay maybe not a simp, but definitely a sap. Over here poking me to make sure I’m not a dream,” you teased, but you loved every second of it.
“But you are a dream,” he said in his most dramatic voice, hands going to your waist to guide you away from the stove. With one swift move he spun you around and lifted you up so you were suddenly sitting on the island, now just a hair taller than him.
“I wake up to you, cooking a damn good vegan breakfast in my kitchen, with Cudi on the speakers, in my shirt-” he reached for the hem, moving it slightly up from where it sat on your thighs, obviously expecting shorts. He groaned when he didn’t find any.
Immediately, his hand was coming around to the back of your head, fingers curling in your hair as he pulled you down towards him, lips on yours. Usually his kisses were a bit lazy in the morning, but right now he was more than awake, and you could tell. 
It wasn’t another minute before he was guiding you backwards and you were laying on the counter, cold marble setting all your nerve endings on fire as his fingers hooked into your panties and pulled them down in one swift motion.
He pressed kisses to your thighs, morning scruff tickling your skin as he made his way up, coaxing your legs to open for him. It was on odd sensation being out in the open like this, but you didn’t have the energy to care once his mouth was on you.
“Fucking shit,” you groaned, the sensitivity left from last night elevating things immediately. 
“All good?” He murmured, looking up to you for reassurance. He knew your body almost as well as you did by now, knew you’d be sensitive.
“Yeah, yeah keep going.” You were practically begging for it already and it had only been a few seconds. He started with long, flat tongue licks that he knew would have you squirming, even if he didn’t add a finger like he did.
“Jesus E, fuck,” you whimpered, fingers grasping at the smooth counter, desperate to find something to hold onto as he worked you over. He just hummed against you, satisfied that you were being vocal and adding to the sensation all at the same time. 
His tongue moved up to your clit and you gasped, sitting up slightly and grabbing at his head, fingers trying to find purchase in his short hair. It didn’t faze him in the slightest and he continued his work, knowing you were close.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fuck,” you squeaked, body tensing up and then relaxing all at once, causing you to collapse back onto the counter. You barely had enough left in you to make sure that your head didn’t hit the marble. 
“Well, kitchen can get checked off,” he breathed, pressing kisses to your skin as you tried to settle back down. After a few moments he helped you sit up, leaving you to relax while he picked up where you left off with breakfast as if nothing had just happened. That was one of your favorite things about Ethan - he was a giver, through and through, and he never did anything to get something in return.
But that didn’t mean you weren’t going to repay the favor.
“You are getting the best head of your life later, so prepare yourself.” You tried to stay serious, but your voice was still a bit breathless as you came up beside him. 
“Like I said. Absolute. Dream. My fuckin’ girl,” he smiled, reaching a hand around to cup your ass and pull you up against his side as he continued to cook. 
evening one, 6:33pm, the laundry room
You watched him put the blue liquid into the washer, filling up the little cap and putting it into the little container on the right side. You weren’t sure why, but watching Ethan do domestic shit was one of the hottest things to you. 
“Did you just put fabric softener in with the sheets?”
“Of course I did,” he responded with a smirk. 
“Absolute. Dream. My fuckin’ guy.” You quoted him from earlier with a smug grin, moving from where you were watching in the doorway to right beside him. The washer started to hum, filling up with water as you spun him around so his back was against it.
“Oh?” He quirked an eyebrow, looking at you in surprise - you weren’t usually the one to initiate things, not because you didn’t want to, but because Ethan usually beat you to the punch.
You didn’t answer. Instead, you pulled on the waistband of his shorts and briefs, reaching down to find his cock, which was already rising to your attention.
“Laundry huh? That’s what does it for you?” Ethan said, trying to seem unaffected, but his breath was already catching in his throat. He always got very overwhelmed when you took care of him like this - he was so used to being the giver, sometimes he wasn’t exactly sure what to do as the receiver. 
“Shhh, just relax. I told you to prepare for this, remember?” You teased, getting up on your tip toes to kiss him while you pushed his shorts and briefs down. They pooled around his feet and you followed them, sinking to your knees.
“Fucking shit.” He breathed it out, barely audible over the machinery behind him that he started to brace on as you took him in your mouth. 
You just hummed as you worked him over, knowing exactly where to get him weak in the knees. He liked slow, long strokes at first, but you surprised him by coming up to cup his balls, rolling them in your hand.
“Oh fuckkkk,” he whined, thigh twitching and hand coming down to your hair. His fingers tangled in it and you didn’t ease up at all, knowing you were about to get him right where you wanted him. 
You backed off for just a second, just to see his reaction as you looked up at him. His eyes had been closed for a bit, knuckles white as he gripped onto the washer. But with the loss of contact they flew open, just as you wanted them to.
With his eyes on you, you grabbed onto his hips, opening wide and taking him as far down your throat as you could. You fought the urge to gag, grinning a bit when his hips stuttered and his breath hitched. He even bent over slightly, body unsure of how to handle feeling so good. 
He wasn’t even forming words anymore when you started to suck again, paying special attention to the vein that ran along the side as he practically came undone.
When your hand came back up to his balls, he was done for. He came quickly, and you let it slide down your throat, leaving him in your mouth until he guided you off. 
You stood up proudly, wiping the corner of your mouth with your shirt while you waited for him to catch his breath. 
“You are incredible,” were the words he chose, boosting your ego and making you blush all at the same time. 
But you didn’t get a chance to respond, because suddenly he was bending down, your hips colliding with his shoulder as he scooped you up, grabbing onto your legs as he stood up.
“Ethan!” You squealed, bracing your hands on his lower back to hold yourself up. “Your ass is literally in my face.”
“You love it,” he teased, reaching up to give an easy slap to yours, making you  squeak as he headed to the next room.
evening one, 7:07pm, guest bathroom
He didn’t even sit you down - he just waltzed right into the shower, opening the glass door and turning on the water. 
“Cold, cold cold cold!” You gasped as the water ran over your back, hitting your shirt and soaking the fabric through. 
He didn’t react to the water - he only squatted down so he could put you on your feet, hands immediately going to your waist to push you up against the wall. The water was starting to warm up, but the tile was so cold that it still took your breath. 
It wasn’t helping that Ethan’s touch was making you feel like your skin was on fire, flushed and warm as he bent down slightly to catch your nipple in his mouth through your shirt. You moaned at that, back arching off the tiles when he nipped at it with his teeth. 
“Not supposed to shower with clothes on,” you whimpered, already overwhelmed by just his hands on you.
“Not gonna shower, don’t even have soap in here. Christening, remember?” He whispered it, barely audible over the sound of the water hitting the floor. You didn’t have to ask his plans - he showed you, one hand moving to cup your core. He groaned when he felt a different kind of wet.
“All this, just from sucking my cock huh? Don’t deserve you, truly,” he grinned, hand coming up to the waist of your panties and yanking. The fabric tore, making you gasp.
Somehow, Ethan was already impossibly hard again, ready for another round. He pinned your hips back against the wall, foot pushing your legs just a little wider so he could line himself up. He pushed up in one swift stroke, stretching you out yet again. Somehow, it was even better than the day before, and you were so lost in the bliss you barely felt him pull your shirt over your head, leaving you completely naked.
“Fuck E, feels so good,” you moaned, arms going around his neck as he started his rhythm, deliciously slow yet fast enough at the same time. Only he could fuck you like this, you were sure.
“Tell me how good baby, tell me how I make you feel,” he urged, hands moving to the tiles behind your head as he thrust into you, grunts and groans falling from his lips with every move.
“So good E, so fuckin’ good baby, you’re so deep, fuck,” you let the words tumble out, not thinking twice about them. When he leaned in to kiss you it made you clench all over and he hissed against your lips at the feeling.
“So tight for me baby girl, fuck, my fuckin’ pussy.” The mixture of his groans and the filth coming out of his mouth was enough for you to get yourself right to the edge.
He felt it, felt you lift up on your tiptoes, felt your walls tighten and start to flutter. He reached between you, fingers finding your clit just in time. He rubbed quickly, causing you to stop breathing as every muscle in your body tensed and then you were shaking, so hard your teeth chattered. If his dick wasn’t still inside you you probably would have sunk to the ground. 
He pulled out of you as soon as you were done, leaving you feeling entirely empty. You watched with hazy eyes as he turned off the water. 
He came back over to you, strong arms wrapping you up and lifting you with ease, even with your skin slick from the water. You let him do whatever he wanted, just relaxing into his shoulder as he carried you out of the shower with your legs wrapped around his waist.
“We’re gonna make a mess on the floor,” you mumbled, watching the water fall off his body and drip onto the wood.
“Shhh, it’s fine,” he reassured you, pressing a kiss to your shoulder as he started to walk towards your room. You couldn’t help but feel that he was still hard, practically throbbing below your entrance as he carried you. 
“Where we goin’?” You asked quietly, sitting up. 
“Our room.”
“No repeats, remember?” you mumbled. “Put me down.” 
He did as you asked, but there was already concern written all over his face. He kept a hand on you as you wobbled slightly, knees still a bit weak.
“Baby, you don’t have to-”
You just took his hand.
night two, 7:30pm, living room one
“Sit down,” you instructed him, pulling him towards the couch. He plopped down on the gray fabric - you knew there would be a wet patch there when you all were done, but you didn’t care. 
Before you could say anything else, he reached out, hand on your thigh, thumb rubbing over the skin.
“Sweetheart, it’s okay if you’re not up for it. Really, I mean it. The whole christening thing is just for fun.” His voice was so soft - he was obviously worried that you were overdoing it. After all, you did have a history of being too sensitive for so many rounds in a row; Ethan always took it as a compliment. 
But now, you were somehow still horny, and you knew he was painfully hard, especially since it was his second go round. So, you decided to prove to him that you were perfectly fine, leaning over, hands going to his thighs as you got in his face.
“Are you trying to convince me not to sit on your dick right now?” You said it slowly, drawing out your words. “Do you not want me to ride you?”
You actually watched him swallow, and he shook his head like a school boy being scolded. 
“That’s what I thought,” you grinned, climbing onto his lap.
You wasted no time, bracing yourself on his shoulder so you could lift up and sink down onto him. There was barely a stretch this time, and you were glad, because you could immediately start up the pace you wanted. You went to your knees so he’d stay deep inside as you started to roll your hips like you knew he loved.
“Shit,” he choked out, hands moving to your ass, squeezing the flesh there as you leaned forward, adding a bit of a bounce to your movements - having your tits in his face was just a bonus.
“Not gonna last, fuck baby, just like that.” The words disappeared into your skin as he buried his face in your neck while you kept moving. Wanting to see his face, you tugged on his hair until his head came back up and you could kiss him.
His hands were desperate, wandering all over your skin as he tried to keep it together, lips rough against yours. It took so much focus for you to keep your pace as your own orgasm started to build, especially when you felt Ethan rising up to meet you, trying to get impossibly deeper.
“C’mon baby, cum for me.” You didn’t care that it had only been a few minutes - you knew he was so close, you could feel it.
He groaned at your words, and you gasped as his hands came to your hips, actually lifting you slightly just so he could pound into you harder. And just that slight shift of angle was enough to build you up in just a few strokes, and suddenly you were cumming with him, seeing stars as your body tried to process the third major orgasm of the day.
“Holy shit,” was all Ethan could say once he caught his breath. You were still speechless, body totally spent as you just sat there, exhausted. “Three in one day, that’s a lot for you,” he praised, pressing kisses to your temple. “My pretty girl is all fucked out huh?”
“Mmmm,” was your only response, and even you didn’t know what it was supposed to mean. 
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said, moving so he could stand up. He shifted inside you, making you whimper until he was able to lift you off of him. He mumbled an apology, hands coming around to your ass to hold you up. You rested your cheek on his shoulder as he carried you back to your room. 
Ten minutes later and the bathtub was full with hot water, waiting for you as you rinsed off in the shower first, deciding your hair desperately needed washing. Ethan watched you through the glass door as he waited in the water for you, soft smile spreading across his face when you finished up and headed to join him, limbs heavy.
He sat up to help you step into the massive white tub, immediately wrapping his arms around you as you settled back against his chest.
“You remember how you said we needed to pace ourselves?” He murmured in your ear. “Well, we only have two rooms left. We’re beasts.”
“What’s gonna happen when we have our own house? We could do this every weekend,” You teased, twisting around so you could rest your cheek on his shoulder, pressing a few kisses to his neck and collarbone.
“Do you want our own place?” 
You thought on it for a moment, as much as your blissed out haze would let you. “Not for a while. I like living with Gray.”
“Wait. If we didn’t live with Gray, would you just walk around with no pants on all the time?” The seriousness of his tone made you giggle.
“Probably,” you shrugged.
“That’s it, we’re moving, I’m getting on Zillow right now-” he sat up slightly as if he was going to get out of the tub, making you laugh and cling onto him.
“Stop, you know you love living with your brother. You miss him already and it’s only been like a day.”
He sighed, chest rising below you. “You’ve kept me plenty distracted.” But you both knew that you were right.
morning three, 10am, office
Your second whole day at home alone was so... soft. There was no other way to put it. You’d woken up on your own time, thrown on some comfy clothes and went together to your favorite vegan bakery, getting lattes and the best banana bread.
E had driven you up to a lookout and you’d had breakfast together watching the waves crash on the coast. And when you got home, you spent the whole day just moseying around the house, dancing around to the music on the speakers, playing cards, cuddling on the couch and watching movies. 
“Can’t wait till this is us in our house with a few little mini you’s running around,” Ethan had said, pulling you closer to him on the couch.
“Mini me’s? Why not mini you’s?” 
“Oh god, I wouldn’t wish a mini me on anybody, just ask Li,” he’d teased back. And the night had devolved into the two of you talking about what you thought your lives would look like in the future - living either in Jersey or LA, but definitely with Grayson as a neighbor. Two or three kids running around, not too far apart in age. You could picture it all in your head so clearly, and it had even seeped into your dreams later that night when you fell asleep on Ethan’s chest.
So when you woke up on the third morning, you pouted a bit when you didn’t find Ethan beside you in bed. You climbed out from under the covers, rubbing the sleep from your eyes and going in search of him - you wanted to tell him about the little mini-him’s you’d dreamed about, and how cute they were. You checked each room as you went along, finally hearing his voice and peeking into the office. 
He was spinning slightly in the office chair, cell phone pressed to his ear.
“Yeah, I think that’s fine. If we restock in July, then we should have enough time to get enough surplus built up before the holidays.” He caught sight of you then, face lighting up. He waved you in, wanting you to join him. 
You could hear the voice on the other side of the line as you got closer, and recognized it as Nathan, one of the main product managers for Wakeheart. He’d made sure not to plan any meetings for the days you had the house to yourself, giving himself a ‘mini-vacation’, but you knew he couldn’t stay away from work that long. You didn’t mind - his ambition was one of your favorite things about him.
So you simply headed over to settle onto his lap, nuzzling up into his neck as you straddled one of his thighs and cuddled up. 
He pulled the phone away from his ear for just a moment, turning his head to kiss you good morning.
“Do you think we should make a holiday line? Grayson and I were talking about it, or we could just run some specific packaging deals, with mini’s or something.” He kept talking, spinning about 45 degrees in the chair and then back again, using his foot to move him.
What he didn’t realize was that just that movement was making your core shift on his wide thigh, and your thin panties weren’t doing anything to help the situation.
You still had a bit of residual sensitivity, but it didn’t hurt - now it just made it that much easier to get turned on. You tried to ignore it for a minute - Ethan always took his work so seriously, and you really didn’t want to interrupt. 
But soon it was too obvious - you knew that if he didn’t already feel the wetness on his skin, he was going to soon. Almost against your own will your hips started to move just slightly, desperate for any type of friction across your throbbing core. 
And of course, Ethan noticed. You sat up, trying to get a new angle and his eyes were blown wide, mouth actually hanging open slightly because holy shit, you were actually riding his thigh while he was on a business call. 
With a devious grin, he bounced his leg once, and you squeaked so loud that you had no doubt that Nathan heard it. Your hands immediately went up to cover your mouth, cheeks bright red in embarrassment. 
“Just my floor, sorry. What’d you say?” He played it off, pressing a finger to your lips and still smirking at you as you started to grind again, one hand going to his shoulder, the other bracing against his right thigh to give you leverage. 
“Yeah, we could do two separate mini bundles, with one set for enterlight and the other with the signatures, maybe spruce it up with some festive packaging.” His voice was devilishly calm, and somehow that only turned you on more. The fact that he could be so unaffected by you literally getting off just using his leg had your skin flushed and hot, a mixture of embarrassment and want. 
“We’ll have to run it past Gray once he’s back. Right now it’s just me and my girl at the house, Sterling isn’t even here, so it’s just us.” His eyes were on you, but you didn’t realize how intensely he was watching you until he brought his other hand up to grab your jaw, tilting your head back until you had no option but to stare directly at him. 
You bit down on your lip hard, fighting with yourself to stay quiet as you worked yourself up, moving fast, the chair starting to creak just barely with your movements. A few whimpers still slipped past your lips and you could actually see his pupils blow wide at the sound. 
“Yeah, uh, actually Nathan I think Y/N needs me for... something. Can we finish this up later?” There was a slight gruff to his voice now, the first real sign that any of this was getting to him. “Alright, talk soon. Bye.”
His phone hit the desk hard as he practically dropped it, both hands moving to your hips as his mood turned on a dime.
“God you drive me insane baby. Don’t know what’s gotten into you lately but I love it,” he groaned, gripping onto your hips as you continued to move, so lost in the feeling that you barely even heard his words.
“Fuck Ethan, I’m close, I’m so fuckin close,” you breathed, digging your nails into his shoulder hard enough to make him suck in a breath through his teeth.
“There you go baby girl, c’mon, get yourself off on my leg, c’mon, you’re almost there,” he encouraged you, starting to barely bounce his leg to give you that extra little bit of friction you needed.
“Fuck, fuck fuck fu-” your breath caught in your throat, cutting off your words as your whole body tensed up, thighs closing together to squeeze around his as your toes came off the ground and every muscle in your legs started to shake. It rolled through you in waves, keeping you tensed up for almost 30 seconds before you were finally able to breathe. You gulped down the air you’d been missing, collapsing forward onto Ethan’s chest as his arms wove around you. 
“Woah. That was a good one huh?” His voice is soft as he rubs up and down your back as you caught your breath. “If you needed me, all you had to do was ask.”  
“Was just comin’ to tell you about my dream,” you stood up, moving to close your legs and sit on his lap sideways instead, too sensitive to stay like you had been. 
“Oh yeah? And what did my girl dream about, hmm?”
You launched into the story, talking about how the two of you had a daughter and son, both with dark curls like Ethan’s that bounced around while they played in the treehouse that Grayson had built for their kids to share. 
“It really sent the baby fever into overdrive,” you sighed, tracing over his collarbone tattoo as you finished.
“You know,” he leaned down, getting closer to your ear. “If you want a baby, you gotta at least give me a chance to get my dick in you.” 
“Stopppp,” you blushed, burying your face in his neck. He just laughed.
“Oh so now you’re gonna get bashful on me huh? Just came in here and rode my thigh into oblivion while I was on a business call, but me mentioning putting a baby in you, oh no, that crosses the line.” 
You sat up and pouted at his teasing, but he just kissed it right off your lips with a laugh. “You know I love it, don’t be embarrassed.” 
afternoon four, 3:32pm, dining room
“Babe, c’mon, if we’re late Gray’s gonna be pissed,” you called out, grabbing Grayson’s water bottle from the counter and filling it up - you were always thirsty after a long flight, and you figured he’d appreciate the gesture.
Ethan came around the corner then, taking one look at you and immediately turning around with a groan, heading back to your room.
“You’re wearing that? You don’t even have a shred of mercy for me, do you?” He was exasperated as soon as he came back into the kitchen.
You looked down at yourself - you just had on a sundress, it was no big deal.
“What do you mean?!”
“I’m already trying to get over the fact that you’re gonna start wearing pants again all the time and you’re out here looking all... all tempty,” he pouted, and you couldn’t hold back your laugh.
“Tempty? That’s a new one. And hey, technically I still don’t have on pants,” you offered, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Is that supposed to be helpful right now?” He asked, making you realize that pointing out the fact that your were in a dress probably wasn’t helping the already growing bulge in his pants.
With devious eyes, he glanced over at the clock. You had a few minutes to spare before you absolutely had to leave to avoid being late, and he knew it too.
“Ethan... no. No,” you cautioned as he started to walk towards you, but you were laughing at the fact he looked like a cat on the prowl.
“C’mon, we never finished our christening! All we have left is the dining room! You know I hate giving up.” He was pouting again, even sticking his bottom lip out as he kept walking and you backed up until you bumped into the wooden table. 
“We’re gonna be late,” was your last possible defense, and even that was half assed. You were already wet god dammit, all he had to do was look at you.
“Please baby? We’ll be quick, I promise.” 
You answer by turning around, bending over and reaching back to flick your dress up over your ass. His knees almost give out at the sight.
“Absolute.” He leaned down and presses a kiss to your left asscheek. “Dream.” He kissed the other, making you laugh.
“Thought we were gonna be quick,” you teased, secretly loving all the attention. As excited as you were to see Grayson, you sure as hell were gonna miss this.
“So greedy,” he chuckled, moving up to catch your thong with his fingers and pull it down to your knees. You heard the rustle of him getting his shorts down, and a gentle tap at your slit with his tip was your only warning before he pushed himself in.
“Fuckin’ shit baby,” you croaked, hands balling into fists at the sensation. You weren’t sure how it felt so good to be stretched out so nicely - surely you’d get used to it eventually, but you secretly hoped you never did. 
“Hmm, feels nice huh? You feel so good every damn time,” he praised, hands squeezing at your ass as he pulled out to the tip before thrusting back in. “Always so soft for me.” He was lazily rolling his hips, giving you just enough to get you worked up but not enough to get you there.
“Fast Ethan. We’re going for fast,” you reminded him, a bit of sass creeping into your tone. You didn’t want to deal with a cranky post-travel Grayson if you were late.
He stilled his movement entirely, leaning forward to nip at your ear. 
“You asked for it.” 
And then he was moving, pulling your hips so he could slam into you fully, only letting go to reach around and rub at your clit, making your whole body tense up at the sudden change in pace.
“Fuck yes Ethan, fuck just like that, yes, yes yes yes,” you whimpered, a hand even coming to smack at the wood on the table as you tried to process all the sensation happening so quickly. 
“Already tightening up, look at you.” His breathing was already labored as he continued pounding into you, grunting with the force of it. Neither of you were going to last long, it felt too good. “C’mon baby, wanna feel it. Cum for me, I know you’re close.”
You brought one hand down over his, guiding him to just the right spot over your clit, the callouses on his finger giving you just the right friction that had you tumbling over the edge. 
You collapsed onto the table with the force of the orgasm, smiling when you felt Ethan chasing his own high and spilling into you only a few moment later, only your name falling from his lips. 
It took a few minutes for you to calm down, and then you were waddling off to the bathroom to clean yourself up quickly before pulling your panties back up. Ethan watched you with a smug smirk as you tried to walk normally, his ego bursting.
“Shut it,” you threatened, pointing a finger at him. “This is your fault.”
“I said nothing.” But his smirk was enough. “Better get that figured out before we get Grayson, or he’ll never let us live it down,” he grinned, offering you his arm as you rearranged your dress and let him lead you out to the car. 
40 minutes later and you were climbing out of the car, legs not giving too much away as you watched Ethan run around the car and engulf his twin in the biggest hug, both of them more than ecstatic to see each other.
“Missed you bro,” Grayson smiled, looking over at you. “Missed you too munch,” he said, throwing out the nickname that only he was allowed to call you. Once Ethan let him go he moved over to you, giving you the biggest bear hug and spinning you around. Ethan reacted before you did, reaching a hand out to keep your dress down in the wind.
“Woah, easy, that’s only for my eyes,” Ethan huffed, pulling you to his side once you were back on your feet.
“Righttt, I forgot. But hey, I’m home now, so you’re gonna have to start wearing pants around the house again. Sorry to ruin the no-pants party,” Grayson smirked, watching the blush spread across your cheeks as you whirled on Ethan.
“You told him?” You squeaked, embarrassment running through you from head to toe.
“Thanks bro, real fuckin’ nice,” Ethan said over your head before looking at you. “That’s the only thing I told him, I swear.” 
“You’re so dead,” you narrowed your eyes at him, and he knew he was in for it later.
“Ahh, so nice to be home,” Grayson grinned, wrapping you both up in a hug as he laughed.
SORRY this took so long guys. also if u love me u should message me which room was your favorite just for fun haha thank you for reading, ily guys!
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oohfluffy · 3 years
TIHM Ch.19 | BBH
Group: EXO
Member: Byun Baekhyun
Theme: Angst | Fluff | Rated M | University!AU | Football!AU
Word Count: 3,310
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chapter 19
You stared at him in disbelief.
Baekhyun tapped his cheek as if it would answer your incredulous question. You let out a chuckle, finding it silly that he would be this sly. You ignored the heat trying to spread across your cheeks.
"I think Mr. Byun could operate the piano without a kiss though—"
"You don't want to?" He mumbled as you looked at the piano keys, his eyes dimming while watching you tap on the surface. Actually, you already decided not to look at him as you find ways to drop the request— "I'd get it myself then. Excuse me."
"Excuse me?" You mumbled in confusion until—
Without any second wasted after he said that, you felt his warm lips on your cheek. His warmth seemed to transfer so much heat to your cheeks. Your eyes automatically widened at his action, and your whole body felt like it was too tense to move.
He even had the audacity to make a smooch sound as he pulled away from you.
"That would do for now, dear student." Baekhyun hummed happily as he moved closer to you. He enjoyed watching your blinking eyes as he started introducing the piano. "Let's start with the basics then."
You weren't even certain if you understood the things he said. The only thing that was on your mind was the replay of how his lips landed on yours before, and the one that landed on your cheek today.
What the hell.
"No, that's not how your fingers should spread out." Baekhyun huffed as he grabbed your hands before placing them gently on the keys. His slender ones guided your own, feeling the smoothness of your skin and your warmth. "Saejin-ah."
"O-Okay." You unconsciously responded as he looked back at you. You gulped while following his instructions. "I should get familiar with the keys, right? How do I do that? I suck at memorizing." You slightly frowned, now realizing how challenging it is to learn how to play an instrument.
"It will surely take time, but I'm here. I'll help you until you're as good as me." Baekhyun cheekily said with a grin. You chuckled at his incredulous claim, before blushing at his action. His fingers slowly intertwined with yours on top of the piano keys.
His hands are so pretty.
"Are they?" Baekhyun asked, surprising you. Your eyes went up to his, widening as he stared at his hand that was gently caressing yours. "It's not the first time I heard that, but it feels good when it comes from you." He smiled.
"D-Did I..." You inwardly cursed yourself as you cringed at what you directly said. Baekhyun laughed as he stole another kiss on your cheek. "Y-Yah!"
"You're too cute, I can't help it." His eyes crinkled as he gazed at you with a wide smile. "I like you so much."
That caught you off guard.
You opened your mouth to say something, but nothing came out. You blinked at him with blushing cheeks, trying to gain the control in the current situation. You almost said thank god when you heard the bell ringing, signalling the end of the lunch break.
"Ah, I still have a class this afternoon. I've got to go." You stood up quickly, grasping your bag that was on the floor. "You should attend your practice, okay? I heard that the last game before the break will be—"
"Let me drop you off—"
"No." You firmly said as you glared at him. You've been feeling guilty for keeping him away from his friends too much. Junmyeon will surely raise his eyebrows at you when he sees you around. "I'd be looking forward to your game, so do well." You smiled at him.
Baekhyun frowned as he tugged at your hand, pouting as he felt succumbing to your command. He feels so weak under your gaze along with your bright smile. How could he dare resist you?
"Hmm, alright." He whispered, moving closer to you while still sat on the piano bench. You were still standing with your bag on your side as he slid closely next to you. "I'll do my best then. Can't disappoint my princess."
As if he wanted to prove more of his shamelessness, his arms snaked around your waist while he leaned his head on your stomach. He looks like a child clinging onto his mother. Your mouth gaped at his audacity.
"B-Byun Baekhyun!" You exclaimed with reddening cheeks, hands going on top of his head. Baekhyun just snuggled more onto you, finding your touch comforting rather than dismissive. "Y-Yah, I'll really—"
"I won't see you later, so I want to take some of your scent with me. I'll be more motivated in practice later." He mumbled, slowly peeking up to you with his cute grin. You couldn't even form an appropriate reply as his gaze turned too soft and full of adoration towards you. "I just want to stay like this forever."
His arms aren't restraining. His touch held you with so much gentleness and care that you didn't mind him snuggling against you for a long time. He craved for your warmth and touch.
You craved for his. You craved for him.
"Baekhyun-ah." Your hand slowly swept his grayish hair back, lightly scratching his scalp. He hummed in delight as his eyes fluttered softly, gazing at you. "I—"
"I told you, you should have bought the strawberry one instead!" A loud irritated voice said, breaking the mood between the two of you. You were too slow to comprehend what was happening, but Baekhyun doesn't seem to like how the sudden noise interrupted you.
"Fuck." Baekhyun cursed so loud that the noise coming from the door halted. Your eyes widened as a few students came out behind the piano. They seemed to be coming back from lunch break. 
The break is over! I need to run, damn it!
"Ah shit." You cursed short after Baekhyun did, making him look back at you. You took your bag again and quickly tapped his arms that are around you. "I've got to go. Do well later, hmm?" You smiled at him as he slowly moved back. He just nodded, his lips pursed.
You took a swift look at the faces of the students, and got enough of their expressions. Some were plainly surprised, but most were as you expected. You looked away after slightly greeting them.
Most of them were seniors, so they probably recognized me.
You shook the thought away as you went out of the room with a sigh.
As soon as the door closed, the room was filled with silence. Baekhyun's bright expression fell as he felt the bench against his hand. Getting the atmosphere surrounding the senior, the students silently made their actions as quick as possible. They mumbled to themselves as they prepared for their class.
"Didn't you see the lights on earlier?"
Their movements seemed to stop as they heard him speak in a firm voice. They looked at each other in wonder. Baekhyun pressed a low key all of a sudden, making them shudder in surprise.
"Isn't it common courtesy to see if someone was occupying the room before barging in?" He mumbled, eyes dimming as he looked up at them. "Didn't I say so before?"
He chuckled darkly, seeing how they bit their lips in guilt. His lips turned into a fine line as quick as they lifted in a second.
"And I don't really like how you spoke about her in your whispers."
"I feel like I haven't seen you for so long, Jin-ah!"
You rolled your eyes at your friend's loud complaint as you entered your apartment. Jiwon was already cooking her midnight snack when you got home from work. You smiled at the smell of ramyeon as you placed your bag down on the couch.
"You've been busy with the cheerleading practices as well, right?" You said while trudging towards the fridge to get a bottle of water. "Whenever I get here, you're already sound asleep. Why the sudden snack?" You chuckled as she frowned at you.
"Speaking of practice, I got to see Baekhyun earlier in the field. You must have let him go today, right? Junmyeon was always all over the place whenever he's not there."
"I don't decide that for him, you know."
"Oh, you do. You have that strong hold of him." Jiwon wiggled her eyebrows as she looked at you with a smirk on her pretty face. "Don't even try to deny it."
It's not like I can stop him from going with me...
You felt yourself shaking your head.
You totally can. You just want him there too.
"Take it easy, Jin-ah." You looked back at Jiwon with a surprised expression, finding her voice more serious than usual. "I don't really want to taint Byun's image in your eyes, but it's really going to be tough to be by his side. I saw how girls around me tried to stay, but..." She shook her head in dismay as she turned off the stove. "...it's scary."
"Are you talking about the jealousy of the other girls? I know they can be a little bit dangerous and bold to hurt me—"
"A little bit?" Jiwon let out a huff as she fully turned her body to you. "Byun Baekhyun may be one of the most sought for men in the campus, but his power is beyond the gates of the university. These girls might be enchanted by his looks and influence, but some are aiming for his power."
"I only heard he is an heir to their company. Is it that big?" You pursed your lips as you leaned back on the counter. "Why would that be—"
"Aish, you don't get it." Jiwon scratched the back of her head as she took the pot on the counter. "He's the dangerous one, Saejin-ah. The girls can go through such lengths to gain his favor, and that might harm you in the process since you are currently the one he's after. I don't know what he would do if..."
Your gaze fell to your hands as Jiwon trailed off her statement.
Ah... almost forgot who I am in other people's eyes.
Your image was still of a murderer, someone who was responsible for a person's death.
If Baekhyun knew that he's been hanging around someone like that, you wondered what will become of you. Will you still be able to graduate with honors? Live like a normal individual?
Should I plan for an escape route? Where would I go if he does hunt me down?
"No one really knows about Byun Baekhyun, other than his close friends, EXO. He might be showing a façade of a very playful man, but we don't know who he is on the other side." Jiwon shrugged her shoulders as she carefully twirled the noodles around her chopsticks. "Just keep your eyes open. I know you can decide on your own. You're smarter than me."
You almost couldn't feel your lips as you've been placing so much pressure on them through your teeth. Taking a deep breath, you shook your head.
I've been letting my guard down for a long time around him. How can I trust him so much? Stupid.
"I understand your worry, Jiwon-ah. I appreciate it." You said with a forced smile, making her stop chomping on her snack. Of course, she knew it was fake. "But I think it's too late to back out now."
It is.
"D-Don't tell me..." Jiwon gaped as she stood up in shock, eyes widening while she followed your movements. "...you've fallen?"
You let out the longest and deepest sigh that you've ever let out as you sat on the seat across Jiwon. She sat back down in haste as she tapped the table impatiently.
"W-When did this happen?"
"I don't know, Jiwon-ah." You looked at the pot in front of your with a pained look. "I just...forget who I am whenever I'm with him. I forgot that he could be like those people who would laugh and ridicule me behind my back. I forgot that..."
...he might be not like I deemed him to be.
Seeing how your tone lowered, Jiwon felt her heart tightening at the thought of you being sad all over again. You finally found someone to dedicate your heart to after years, and now she's shattering that chance. She grasped onto her chopsticks tighter as she spoke.
"T-There's just a little possibility that he may be better than we think, Saejin-ah. Maybe he's serious about you. I mean, if he truly likes you, wouldn't he accept all of you including your sorrows from the past?"
A little possibility.
"Should I risk it?" You mumbled. "For that little possibility?"
Jiwon bit her lower lip as you looked at her in the eye.
"If ordinary people can't accept me fully, how can someone like him do so?" You let out a pained chuckle as you leaned on your chair. "I think I've been too careless. Jiwon-ah, what should I do?" Your voice stuttered while your eyes filled with tears.
"Is falling for him a mistake?"
With your unanswered question, the night ended in coldness and gloom.
As you silently read your book, you were unconsciously letting out lots of sighs that the table beside yours kept on looking back at you in irritation.
The library was quiet as usual, who would dare make a sound with a librarian as strict as the principal, and it was your second haven aside from the music department. It's quite obvious why you chose to be here on your break.
You're still afraid to face him with your feelings all over your face.
"After so many months to realize this, why just now, Lee Saejin?" You grunted as you furiously wrote a note on your book. "You sure you're a dean's lister? You—"
"What did that book do to you, baby?"
Before you could shriek, a smooth hand covered your mouth to save you from both the embarrassment and punishment from the librarian. Baekhyun swiftly sat beside your seat, silently giggling at your expression.
You felt yourself getting pale from the current situation.
"B-Baekhyun?" You whispered as you looked around the area. There are a few students hanging around, but none dared to look back. Your gaze went back to him, and found him already looking at your notes with his mischievous eyes. "Why are you here?"
"Didn't see you there."
There. It sounded like it's your common place already. You knew in an instant where 'there' was.
You gripped on your book tighter in tension, while he browsed through your notes. He was speaking loudly, in contrast to your whispering voice.
Doesn't he know we're in the library?
"Your handwriting is pretty, and everything's organized too." Baekhyun hummed as he smiled at your notebook. One would pay to be that lifeless notebook.
"Shouldn't you be eating your lunch? You have practice—"
"What about you? Have you eaten? You have work later too." He smoothly fired back his own questions at you while still gazing at your notes. You're not certain if you prefer him looking at you or at your notes.
Your heart's still beating so fast either way, just with his presence.
"I-I already did." You looked down at your lap, remembering why you're here.
You're supposed to be settling with your feelings alone, Saejin. Why are you keeping him here?
"Baekhyun, you should—"
"I missed you."
His fingers stopped browsing through your notes as he spoke. The mischievous glint in his eyes faded as he glanced at your face. You refrained from looking directly at his eyes, finding it hard to resist.
Why resist more when you've already fallen hard?
"Why do you have such a sullen expression, Saejin-ah? I don't like it." Baekhyun mumbled as he moved his seat closer to yours. You flinched at the sound of the chair scraping against the floor. The librarian would surely kill you both. "Did someone make you sad, hmm?"
You shook your head weakly as his hand gently caressed your cheek.
So weak.
"Tell me." His eyebrows scrunched in worry as he watched your lips part. His heart quivered at the sight of your eyes dimming. He bit his lip, uncertain of what he should say next to make you feel better but you beat him to it.
"I'm fine, Baekhyun-ah." You smiled as you nodded, patting his hand that was on your cheek. "I think you haven't eaten lunch yet. Let's go?" You placed your materials back in your bag, letting Baekhyun bring the thicker books as he insisted.
"Seriously, tell me if something or someone is bothering you, okay?" He pouted as he took your other hand in his. You looked down at your intertwined hands, while Baekhyun spoke. "I won't go easy on them."
Your lips curled into a smile as usual.
You looked up at him and said, "Alright, alright, Mr. Byun. I'll tell you."
Jiwon-ah, that little possibility...
Baekhyun grinned before leaning towards you. You welcomed him this time, making his eyes widen for a moment. You tiptoed a bit to reach him, and placed a swift kiss on his lips.
"W-Woah." He gaped as you chuckled. You tugged him like a puppy on a leash, while he stared at your back in amazement. "A-Amazing. What just happened? D-Did I just feel your lips on mine?"
"Dunno." You shrugged your shoulders with a giggle. Baekhyun blinked his eyes as he watched you smiling in front of him. "You probably daydreamed for a sec."
Before you could even move a step to walk around a corner, your vision blurred towards him. You felt his arms snaking around you as if they've found their prey. Your cheeks blushed as you felt his chest thumping against yours.
"You're the only one allowed to tease me like that, Jin-ah." He whispered as he pulled you closer. "I'm very very—"
With all the courage and face you have at the moment, you grabbed his neck with both hands and pulled his head down. You met with his warm lips as you closed your eyes, feeling him all over you.
...I think I'd give it a go.
Baekhyun's response was instant, as if he has been waiting for this moment all his life. His lips moved on their own as he let you lead him in a battle that he was willing to surrender on. He smiled against your lips as he felt the trembling of your knees. As if teasing you more, his tongue went out to seek for your own.
Holy sh—
Your cheeks are totally on fire as he gripped on your waist tighter while he does things to your mouth. You were running out of breath, but who the hell is complaining?!
Baekhyun must have felt you struggling as he slowly left your lips alone. Or not. His face still hovered over yours, lips pecking your cheeks, chin, and all over your face as you catch your breath.
Oh god. Did I just make out with Byun Baekhyun in broad daylight?! IN THE FREAKIN' HALLWAYS?!
"Oh my..." You let out an incredulous sigh as your eyes went behind Baekhyun. Although his broad shoulders covered most of the sight, you still saw that there were students around. "B-Baek!"
"Hmm." He hummed as he happily nuzzled his nose on your neck. "Hmm."
"G-Get off. Now." You tapped his shoulders where you slung your arms— "Oh shit. I can't believe this."
"I'm so happy." Baekhyun mumbled on your skin as he gently pecked your neck. You could feel his smile, his skin bumping on your yours.
"So happy."
With your red cheeks, your arms went limp as your gaze softened at his voice. Your hands rubbed on his shoulders as if saying...
I am too.
Tagging my loves: ❤
@nissybyun | @byuncock | @neogoturback​ | @jisungispilledmyuwus | @shesdreaminginoverdose | @precious-seungwooya | @junmyeonimissyou | @baekhyunsdangerouswoman | @jummyjammy​ | @itsbaekhyunsbutt | @lalalala-lav​ | @thoughtsofidk​ | @byuniieo | @feline-xiu | @banddits | @half-moon-x | @byunxo | @strawbaeri-s | @vishary15 | @hansolturnt | @jungkooksworld18 | @byunniebaekhyunnie | @kingkushdealer | @chloebarlin​ | @marovekian1 | @sehunnies-hunnie96 | @cam-peggio | @bbh-kji | @making-me-blush | @starrybbhx​ | @kpopseregi | @dobomiyeon | @lifewithsehun​
♫ Ch.20
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vkookjamz · 4 years
|| Prologue. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
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| 𝐽𝑢𝑛𝑔𝑘𝑜𝑜𝑘 𝑥 𝐶𝑎𝑡-𝐻𝑦𝑏𝑟𝑖𝑑 𝐹𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 |
"𝘉-𝘉𝘢𝘣𝘺 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭..?"
𝘑𝘶𝘯𝘨𝘬𝘰𝘰𝘬'𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘥𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘥 𝘭𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘢𝘵 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯. 𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘰𝘥𝘥𝘭𝘺 𝘦𝘯𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦..
Y/n's POV
You felt your knees become weak looking up into Jungkook's dark eyes that were looking right back at you.
"As I was saying baby girl, instead of Appa, you should really call me.. Daddy.."
His same dark look returned, now also wearing a mischievous smirk that was oh so intimidating.
You couldn't tell what emotion this was he had, all you knew was it flustered you with each glance and each word he spoke with his voice that somehow managed to get octaves lower.
"Well baby? can you be a good girl and call me daddy from now on when we're alone?" his hand moving up from its place on your hip, now slowly rubbing up and down along the side of your body.
You gulped. "I-I-... "
"Yah Jungkook-ah are you in there?! get out so she can change! we still have more outfits for her to try!"
You were at a loss for words- thank god Jin had shouted from outside of the changing room just as you were about to speak, or in your case let out a soft whimper due to the fact that's all your brain would let you do at that moment in time.
Jungkook let out a sigh raising his hand to rub against his temple. Pulling away from you he opened the door of the small space to exit, quickly poking his head back in to look at you.
"I want an answer when we get home kitten" he gave a wink before leaving you alone to ponder about the encounter, although as soon as the door closed you sank down to the floor as your heart was racing.
'Aish Jungkook.. what are you doing to me..?'
~Time Skippy~
It'd been awhile since you all finished shopping, but judging by the darkness beginning to coat the sky with the sun about to set. It was getting late. Dinner time late.
"YAH- I WANT PANDA EXPRESS!" Taehyung hollered wildly flailing as he walked, causing Jin to let out a groan and rub the top of his head. "TAEHYUNG-AH!- we aren't getting that! we have food at home!"
"That. Is a LIE" Taehyung hissed dramatically as he narrowed his gaze at the oldest male.
Jimin let his the corner of his lips peak into a tiny smile. "Caught in a li- "
Jin snapped his head in his direction pointing a finger, "Jimin you finish that sentence, I will physically grab you by the neck and shove you down the shower drain along with Tae"
"ANIYA. JIN-HYUNG I'M JUST TRYING TO LIGHTEN THE MOOD-" he whined throwing himself into his hyung.
Rolling your eyes you let your head shake with a smile at the threes bickering, there was always something happening with these seven. Even when they all were walking towards the exit of a place some new crisis would develop.
"Tae, Jin- how about we all just go out to eat? as in a sit down restaurant so that way you both can stop screaming in public?" Namjoon questioned.
Once he'd suggested that option everyone seemed to stop moving and look around at their current surroundings.
Jin and Taehyung were in the middle of the mall, both looking around to make sure no one was staring.
Jimin and Hoseok stood behind in the back still carrying numerous bags of your clothes that you had bought. And of course you, Jungkook, and Namjoon all looked at them from the side.
Meanwhile Yoongi was ahead of everyone holding the door open, becoming impatient from waiting for everyone. "Restaurant is fine now just please lets go already, my legs are tired"
Letting out a groan before walking out, causing Jimin and Hoseok to rush from the back to follow him eagerly before the door closed.
Then Jin, Taehyung and Namjoon followed leaving you and Jungkook alone to trail behind them all.
"Alone at last huh baby?" he wiggled his brows giving you a wide bunny smile followed by a chuckle.
You simply purred at the image nuzzling your head up underneath his chin to hide your slightly pink face into his neck.
This was perfect, if you thought being his pet cat was a great life before- now you were clearly mistaken. Although as you began to think about it, how did you become human- well- half human- in the first place?
Your brows furrowed together at your thoughts, pulling away from Jungkook slowly but still keeping close to his side.
He seemed to notice and gave an almost unnoticeable frown as he looked down at you, reading your body language. "What's wrong y/n?"
"Its just- how did I turn into this..? I don't remember much of anything before you.." Jungkook pursed his lips, holding your hand he led you out towards the exit following after the others.
"After dinner I'll talk to you in private alright? when we're all home- I don't trust talking about it when we're out in public"
You felt your heart sink, was he embarrassed of you? did he not want anyone to hear of him having some weird cat-girl in his life??
Letting out a silent sniffle you quickly blinked your watery eyes to keep from crying, it was strange how this new form suddenly caused you to feel so many emotions quickly after another-
"Aish what took you guys? you walk slower than Yoongi-hyung when he first wakes up" Jimin joked nodding over to the older.
"But he doesn't move at all when he first wakes up- he just kinda lays there.." Yoongi looked towards Namjoon and Jimin with a look of confusion at their statements.
"How the hell do you two know so much about my sleeping habits??" having an almost disgusted face at the assumptions he thought up.
Joon frowned, "Have you forgotten we've shared a room-"
"Ah- okay yes but what about you Jimin-ah?" Yoongi raised a brow and focused more on Jimin, as did everyone else.
Even Jin looked up into the rearview mirror to spot Jimin, who was now sitting quietly twirling his thumbs in his lap.
They all continued to talk chaotically, while you sat staring out the window at your place in the back seat, Jungkook and Tae at your left.
Drowning out all the sounds of their nonsense, you looked up into the dark sky that glittered with tiny stars and a crescent moon that seemed to shine brighter than ever.
Looking at the moon always seemed to put you in some sort of state, a mix between wanting to go ferral and some calming comfort.
I will awaken soon enough, but do not fear what you are. That's their job..
That is until just then..
A/n: I've gotten some ideas for this..
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fmdtaeyong · 3 years
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like a rockstar : taeyong marketing breakdown
a headcanon & playlist on how titan’s taeyong is marketed as a product and brand.
word count: 491 words, not counting the tvtropes quote.
a successful celebrity can’t exist without marketing. some celebrities are all marketing. ash, for one, wouldn’t be where he is today without bc entertainment’s well-oiled marketing machine painting him in a desirable light and smoothing out his rough edges into something shiny.
the image the name taeyong provokes now isn’t quite the one it would have provoked a few years ago. the role of maknae burdened ash’s image for years. a sense of brightness is expected of any idol, but the youngest of a group is expected to show it, even in a group like titan that has never been about bright concepts. whether that means being babied by the older members or having a certain underlying innocence to him.
when he went solo was when his image gravitated further away from being dictated by his place within a group. as he earned recognition for his own name (or rather, his own stage name) and got attention from a new crowd, he was able to pave a path that painted with the brush of an artist, a little less bound by preconceived notions about his role in titan. when the scandals stamped to his name went from fumbling over formalities and dating a well-loved actress to controversies less easily painted as endearing that came at the same time he began to present himself differently visually, bc had to bank on the leeway of an artist tinge to his image saving him.
ash has never been marketed as an ideal boyfriend. titan has that covered in the group already and an outed relationship before he’d begun to make a name for himself individually prevented that from being a rational path. some fans still fall into the trap of babying him, but overall, taeyong is now known as the more serious and reserved type. satisfactory fanservice is a non-starter, so they make their own fantasies out of his mystery and “edginess” and a brooding stage persona. bc has done damage control where they’ve had to and let his music and fan projections paint the rest.
out of all of the classic boy band member tropes, ash would solidly be considered a purveyor of the bad boy / rebel trope within titan and out of it for that matter. to quote tvtropes:
“the one with a rougher edge to him. he's the one wearing the black shirt and jeans or leather jacket in those videos where they're not all wearing matching clothes. if he's really edgy, he may also have a tattoo. put in to cater to those girls who want bad boys.”
 bc read the first two paragraphs of the tv tropes page for all girls want bad boys and said ‘yeah, this should work’. the bad boy / rebel angle tends to get played up within fandom a lot more than among more casual listeners to his music, who get a heavier dose of the ~artist~ part of his image since that’s meant to appeal to them more anyway.
ash has very purposefully been trying to lean more into the artist aspect of his image lately because he isn’t a fan of being painted as some kind of bad boy fantasy when he doesn’t consider that an accurate representation of him at all.
this playlist gives a semi-chronological cataloging of the image associated with taeyong since around 2016/2017. some parts of his image have remained consistent, while others have changed either by purposeful marketing, unavoidable consequences of media discussion around him, or simply altered fan narratives for him. some parts of this are less about how he’s marketed and more about very one-dimensional fan narratives crafted around him, but overall it gives an idea of the feeling associated with him as a product and brand. (some of these songs were used in image playlists on ash’s previous blog, but i made sure at least seven of these are new. i wanted to include ones i’d used before as well for a comprehensive look on his new blog since some aspects of his image have changed.)
this honestly also doubles as a list of the songs you’d find the most results for if you looked up taeyong fan edits.
i. death of a bachelor | i’m cutting my mind off, feels like my heart is going to burst / alone at a table for two, and i just wanna be served / and when you think of me, am i the best you've ever had?
ii. daydreamer | a jaw dropper / looks good when he walks / is the subject of their talk / he would be hard to chase / but good to catch / and he could change the world / with his hands behind his back, oh
iii. wildest dreams | he's so tall and handsome as hell / he's so bad, but he does it so well / i can see the end as it begins
iv. style | cause you got that james dean daydream look in your eye / and i got that red lip classic thing that you like / and when we go crashing down, we come back every time / cause we never go out of style, we never go out of style / you got that long hair, slicked back, white t-shirt / and i got that good girl faith and a tight little skirt
v. crazy beautiful | and he picks you up / and he sets you down / and that's the way / he thinks and he walks and he plays around downtown / but the truth is, he's still got a scar / as plain as others / to get his way to a scarlet heart
vi. ready for it...? | knew he was a killer first time that I saw him / wondered how many girls he had loved and left haunted / [...] / some boys are tryin' too hard, he don't try at all though / younger than my exes, but he act like such a man, so
vii. radio | now my life is sweet like cinnamon / like a fuckin' dream i'm livin' in / baby, love me 'cause i'm playing on the radio / how do you like me now?
viii. like i would | he, won't touch you like i do / he, won't love you like i would / he don't know your body / he don't do you right / he won't love you like i would / love you like i would, like i would
ix. i wanna be yours | secrets i have held in my heart / are harder to hide than i thought / maybe i just wanna be yours / i wanna be yours
x. strange love | they think i'm insane, they think my lover is strange / but i don't have to fucking tell them anything, anything / and i'm gonna write it all down, and i'm gonna sing it on stage / but i don't have to fucking tell you anything, anything
xi. my oh my | yeah, a little bit older, a black leather jacket / a bad reputation, insatiable habits / he was onto me, one look and i couldn't breathe, yeah / i said, if he kissed me, i might let it happen
xii. bad reputation | i don't give a damn 'bout my reputation / never been afraid of any deviation / and i don't really care if you think i'm strange / i ain't gonna change
xiii. starboy | i'm tryna put you in the worst mood, ah / p1 cleaner than your church shoes, ah / milli point two just to hurt you, ah / all red lamb' just to tease you, ah / none of these toys on lease too, ah / made your whole year in a week too, yah / main bitch out of your league too, ah / side bitch out of your league too, ah / [...] / look what you’ve done / i’m a motherfuckin' starboy
xiv. into it | i'm just fucking lucky i was born with it / a hundred million people couldn't deal with this
xv. like a rockstar | put me in designer then put me in the dirt / keep my legacy alive like a rockstar / lifestyle, on the edge, can be unforgiving / see i worship the dead, they worship the living, yeah
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chimswae · 3 years
BTS Caretaker CH36
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Summary: She may think she has Bangtan Sonyeondan wrapped around her fingers. She may think it is easy to love the members equally without hurting any soul. She may think the boys wont fall head over heels for her. She assumes it is okay to show a little love and affection towards the boys, what if she gets it all wrong? What if it only brings more complication to her already complicated life? Can she survive their charms? Will she be able to resist them? What if they just wont let her go?
- Pairing: BTS x Oc ( Yoongi x OC, Jungkook x OC)
- Genre: Fluff, Slight Angst, Romance, Idol!au
- Word Count: 4, 208
- Author Note: Purely yoongi and seul moment XD
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Chapter 36
Unexpected call from Mrs Hwang few minutes ago caused Yoongi to drop everything that he did right way. Seul’s life way more than important than his unfinished songs, when he left his studio in hurry Namjoon threw the older guy a questioning look.
“Hyung..where-“ “I will explain to you later” Yoongi disappeared into thin air giving him no time to process. Confused, the tall guy returned to his studio in complete silence. Yoongi is a man, he knew how to take care of himself and not to get into trouble. Namjoon assured himself with his little pep talk to ease the uneasiness in him.
Wandering cluelessly around the city was Yoongi, trying to figure out Seul’s whereabouts. Clutching onto his phone tight, this would be his 20th attempt to reach her yet it brought him to voice mail. This unspeakable worries that he had at the moment was killing him softly.
‘Seul, where are you’ he looked down into the dark street. Hearing Seul’s health history from her mother scared him to death, he couldn’t imagine what will happen to her if he delayed the search even for a minute.
After thirty minutes searching her neighbourhood, Yoongi received a text from what seemed to be from Mrs Hwang. His eyes glimmered with hope upon reading the text, ‘Okay, her favourite place to chill. Hill’ he blinked in dazed.
‘Wait, hill? Do they have hill here?’ Yoongi scanned the area, taking in every movement until his eyes noticed a small alley between two tall buildings which will lead him somewhere. At least, he’s one step closer in finding Seul. His main priority was to bring that girl back safe and sound without any scratches.
Even though Yoongi was sceptical by his own choice, however he followed his heart and walk through the dark alley without much thought. The small board near the bench with an arrow and “To Signal Hill” really saved the day. His smile found its way back on his sullen face and now all he had to do was to find any sign of Seul there.
Following the path, he made sure his steps were slow just in case Seul was somewhere around the area. He spent 15 more minutes to reach the peak, and to his utter astonishment he didn’t see even a strand of Seul’s hair. Yoongi refused to give up so he resumed his search until he saw the dead end. Considering there were no one around, it spooked him a little to know a lady like Seul could be roaming around this area alone.
His ears perked up at the sound of inaudible murmur few metres from him, therefore he picked up the pace anxious to see what awaits him. The voice resembled a whiny young lady brought his attention to a familiar figure that stood wobbly on the big rock, which seemed can fit one human legs but due to her small size she could fit both legs there. Yet, it was risky as hell.
The girl screamed at the top of her lungs and bended over as she tried to balance herself on top of the slippery rock. His eyes widened in pure horror “JI SEUL? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING” he sprinted towards her angrily, grabbing the girl’s waist causing her to squeal at the sudden movement.
Seul clung onto him for her dear life “What the-“she didn’t need to see the owner of the voice because Seul could smell his expensive cologne. It was Min Yoongi, there’s no doubt. He tightened his grip around her waist, carrying her bridal style and started walking away from the dangerous cliff to another side of the empty area.
Setting her down carefully, Yoongi flew into a rage “WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING? ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT IS NOT GOING TO SOLVE PROBLEM? WHY CAN’T YOU JUST GIVE ME A CALL, SO I CAN HELP YOU. MY GOODNESS YOU ARE AN IDIOT SEUL!” he pushed his face into hers so suddenly that she shrank back, hiding her head like a turtle, afraid by his outburst. It took her by surprise.
A muscle twitched under his eye and he grinded his teeth out of anger, his fiery eyes looked deadly dangerous. Not to mention, he was breathing heavily, and she could see a visible flush on his porcelain skin.
Yoongi straightened himself, rubbing the back of his hair angrily “I…” she gulped in fear. He glowered upon hearing Seul’s timid voice, she looked up at him with her eyes slightly enlarged as she continued “I don’t think I need your help to find my missing necklace. It is not a big deal. Why are you yelling at me?” Seul had a dumbfounded look on her face.
“Wait-what? You are looking for what?” he was slightly annoyed by the fact that he had jumped into conclusion before asking the frightened girl the truth. The image of Seul stood on the rock and was about to roll down the cliff clouded his judgement.  
Her forehead creased into a deep frown, “You are looking for your necklace so you’re not trying to jump off the cliff and commit suicide?” Yoongi eyed glued on her trying to find the lies beneath those innocent eyes.
“What?! Are you crazy? Why would I jump off the cliff?” she shrieked in disbelief.
“So you are not trying to kill yourself?” relieved by her answers, he steadied his breathing and let out a loud sigh.
“I don’t think a sane person would stand on those rock for a stupid necklace! You could get hurt!”
“I dropped it on the ground, but I couldn’t see it, so I assumed it might roll off somewhere down there. Goodness, you are overreacting Min Suga!” Seul rolled her eyes. “For your information, it is not just a stupid necklace, that is a present from Jiminie” to call the precious gift from Jimin stupid offended her.
Yoongi scoffed at the idea of a gift from Jimin way more important than her life. “Yah, since when Jimin’s present is more important than your own life? Now you go all way to sacrifice your life for him, way to go Ji Seul!” he noted sarcastically.
“I will go all length to take the bullet from him one day, so what?” defensive, she crossed her arms mentally judging the man before her. She wondered how he ended up there and making an unnecessary scene which could blow up the whole place.
He inhaled a sharp breath before inquiring Seul about her sudden disappearance, “Where were you? Your mother is looking for you” he raised one of his brows with threatening look.
“So, mother sends you as an errand boy to check me whether I am alive or not?”
“Ya! I am not your errand boy. You- Ugh… where did you go? Goddamit, stop talk back woman. Just answer my question, will you?” frustrated by Seul demeanour, he let out a small grunt indicating his dissatisfaction.
“Here and there. What else mother tells you?” she asked without even bother to put much emotion in it. If Yoongi is aware about her condition, that will complicate things between them. She didn’t want to appear weak in front of a guy that she liked.
Did she just that out loud? A guy that she likes.
“I am sure that still doesn’t answer my question. Where is here and there? And your mother tells me everything. Drop that attitude, we have a lot to talk about” Seul stomped her feet a little out of annoyance causing the latter to hold back his tongue from laughing at her cuteness.
Through her clenched teeth, she responded angrily “Here and there means away from nosy people like you! Argh, trust me I don’t have anything to say to you, just go” she told him to leave her alone but the small voice in her head said something else. She wanted him to stay, to savour his warmness around her, she needed someone she can trust by her side.
“I am not moving, so what are you going to do about it?” Yoongi was adamant that he’s not leaving Seul alone until they talk. “Didn’t I warn you to stop talk back? Or I will have no choice but to kiss you” a playful smirk could be seen across his lips.
“Min friggin Yoongi! You are not threatening me with your sloppy kiss! If you are not moving, then I will make my move now. Goodbye” she shot a nasty glare at his way and started to walk away. Though part of her was calling for Yoongi to go after her, she didn’t dare to say it aloud. Why was she fighting with the demon inside her?
“Fuck. This woman!” he groaned lowly.
Alarmed by Seul’s movement, he hurriedly catch up on her, grabbing her arms turning the furious lady to face him “Please…just this one.. Give me a chance, talk to me” his cockiness and stubbornness earlier disappeared instantly. He’s pleading with his genuine eyes, even Seul could feel his desperation through his touch.
Seul blinked and unsure with herself. It was no doubt that part of her wanted him to stay but why was it so difficult for her to say it aloud? She wanted to ask how far he knew about her condition? If her mother decided to open her mouth, it could be everything right? Judging by Yoongi’s bipolar mood, he seemed to know everything.
“It is better to be alone. I don’t need your help”
She averted her gaze “Because no one can hurt me that way. And, you will never understand the hell feel inside my head, Yoongi” sighing with deep regret, Seul didn’t feel like talking about her own pain. Opening her wounds would only make her weak.
“Seul.. allow me to help you, don’t close yourself. Even you refuse my help, I will not let you go” he moved his hand along her arms making her shudder under his soft touch. Interlacing their hand together, she looked down at their intertwined hand and a rush of sadness embraced her fragile heart.
Could Yoongi heal her?
Was his presence enough to wash away the sadness and worries in her?
There was an eerie silence between them, it just made Yoongi scared of what might come from Seul. She could be predictable sometimes but with this unstable emotion, he could easily be pushed away by her. Contrary to his assumption, he was surprised to see her moving her up and down weakly as giving her permission for Yoongi to help her.
Smiling warmly, he gave her a soft squish as an assurance “Lets go” he whispered.
“Where are we going?”
“To my studio. There is something that I want to show you” tugging Seul behind him, they walked hand in hand returning back to his studio.
Entering Suga’s Genius Lab it amused her to see the place for the first time. It was different from the one that Suga had back in their dorm, it looked massive here with more equipment. She saw a professional keyboard at the corner of the room, and the studio itself gave off Yoongi usual manly scent. The smell itself floated in the air tickled her heart.
Closing the door behind him, he made his way to his leather seat, taking a seat on the swivel chair. Seeing the swivel chair moved brought back the vivid memory that she had with Yoongi. Her face turned pink as she quickly cupped both of her cheeks to get rid of the evident. He glanced over his shoulder taking the image of nervous Seul in front of him then it dawned on him she was reminiscing the sexy night that they shared.
Pushing the thought out from his memory, it was still fresh and clear. He couldn’t simply forget their intimacy. Smirking teasingly, he took her hand in his “Something that triggers your memory?” Seul coughed softly easing the awkwardness between them.
“W..hat do you mean by that?” she stammered.
“You are bad at lying, come on let’s get this done. So where do you want to sit? On my lap or on the floor?” he teased.
“Floor” Seul answered without any hesitation though she was seen blushing madly at the idea of sitting on his lap again. The last time she did that, they ended up ravishing each other lips. No in a million ways she let that happen again. Well, for now since she hasn’t really decided after she made up her mind about Jungkook whether she should choose Yoongi.
Lifting his eyebrows in amusement, he gave her that mischievous grin he was known for. “Really? But I can’t dirty my floor, so I would rather have you on my lap” he whisked her into his arms, settling her onto his lap.
The girl froze for few seconds before struggling, but he had locked his arm around her waist “Stay still, you are rubbing me woman” for some reason, his remark got her body stopped functioning momentarily. Her whole body was overflowing with electricity.
“Yo-u per-vert!” she slapped his chest lightly earning a low chuckle from the latter.
“If you don’t want to find anything poking you from below, behave yourself” Seul gasped at his remarks leaving her no choice but to pout in her seat. She made a mental note to make herself felt at home and acted normal.
Yoongi held back his laugh, as he reached out to turn on his computer. Seul’s eye lit up in excitement watching the equipment worked in front of her, more like watching Yoongi’s arms stretched out with her in between doing his thing made him ten times hotter. She was admiring the visible vein popped out on his porcelain skin.
Chewing her lips to halt herself from squealing over the image, she blinked her eyes few times and gathered her thought together.  “Alright, I am working on this song. It is for my future mixtape. I want you to listen to it” his gruffy voice sounded hotter since his attention was on the list of the songs on the screen.
He licked his lower lips out of habit, plugging the headphone before putting it over her head. “Give this song a chance, just three minutes alright?” his faint whisper over the headphone was still clear even though it covered her ears completely.
A mere murmur, all she was capable of “Okay, since you are ready” he pushed the green button and a mixture of soft beat blasted through the headphones. Yoongi leaned back in his seat, as he stroked his thumb over Seul’s waist. Scrutinizing her face, he watched her distressed face faded away and it soon replaced by a calm smile evident at the corner of her lips.
For some reason, Yoongi felt proud of his masterpiece and by far one of the best songs that he produced this year. He was taken off guard when Seul started to hum to the melody, tapping her fingers on the table with her eyes close. She looked as calm and serene in comparison to an hour ago.
Her lips curled into a cute smile as he drowns himself into the breath-taking view in front of her. The melody started to fade away and followed by Yoongi’s deep voice. He had rapped the song with all his heart and basically filling the emptiness inside her through the emotions that he expressed from the song. The lyric was so meaningful as it defined his own struggle in life.
Opening her eyes slowly, she was surprised to see Yoongi’s face who few inches away from her. His hot breathing fanned her cold skin, giving Seul a hard time to breathe properly. Yoongi smiled genuinely, pressing his forehead against her as the tip of their nose brushed.
Her small hand was clutching onto his back shirt seeking for his warmth. Her heart pounded furiously against her chest, and it doubled when his eyes bore into hers “How was it?” Yoongi mumbled. Caressing her cheeks lovingly, she exhaled a soft sigh enjoying this rare moment that she had with him.
“Amazing as always. The lyrics and the melody comforted me, how did you do that?” his eyes turned into crescent moon as he broke into his usual gummy smile weakening the bones inside her body.
“Honesty. The recipe of the song is honesty. I am expressing my worries and problems via the lyric. It helps me to get over the weird thought circulating inside my brain, so I can remain positive and strong” his short and simple justification touched Seul’s heart.
He continued “When I was diagnosed with depression I thought it was the end of it. I couldn’t think straight, and everything seemed ambiguous. I doubted everything and people around me. For once I thought to put me out of this misery, I must disappear from this world. I was wrong Seul-ah. I was very concerned over my look, and it made me hate myself. I wanted to become happy and strong but why am I getting weaker? Where am I heading to? Yeah, I am heading to that one place, but I will end up here again. Then I inquired myself, is there an end to this maze? My head was a total mess, it was clouded with rage and hate” she flinched, absorbing Yoongi’s pain.
She studied his stoic profile anxiously. Even though his face was hard, he remained stoic, yet she felt his concern. Yoongi resumed, stroking Seul’s flush cheeks with the back of his hand “I sought help from people and I worked hard for my mixtape. I found a way to express my rage through song writing, and I was relieved to tell all the stories that were in my heart. That is how you suppose to channel your frustration and worries, not by keeping it to yourself. I know you have a lot of things in your mind right now Seul. I want you to know, you have your mother, Hoon, your friends, BTS and most importantly me” her eyes watered.
“If you give me a chance to help you through this difficult time, allow me to stay by your side Seul. That is all I wish for” she stared at him with mixed emotion. The tip of his nose rubbed against hers, as he savoured this moment with her.
She was swayed by his words, and she let him to steal her heart away. Everything that Yoongi said was too beautiful and he never failed to amaze her. The fact that she was healed previously because of the songs that he produced, Seul found herself was falling deeply with this man. Was she really?
“Yoongi…” she called out softly almost inaudible for him, but he managed to catch the phrase coming out from her clearly just because she’s Ji Seul. The queen of his heart.
“When I wake up the next morning, I don’t want to live in fear. I want to be free from this pain with you by my side” her small hand made its way to his cheek, tracing it ever so slowly.
That answer was enough to put colour to his dull heart, she gave her trust to him, hence he would guard it close to his heart. “I will be by your side for the next ten seconds, minutes, hours and if it is possible eternity” he kissed the tip of her nose.
“Thank you..for not giving up on me” caressing his jaw softly giving it a butterfly touch, she kissed the corner of his mouth. Her kisses trailed off to his lips, as she leaned down a little to properly latch her lips over his tenderly.
Though he’s surprised by her bold gesture, knowing Seul had never initiated the kiss first before, Yoongi brought her head down to him, deepening their butterfly kisses to a real one. This time he poured more emotion into his action.
Smiling between kisses, he stroked her hair and embraced the girl close to him. Gently holding onto each other, they stayed glue to each other in this way for some minutes. They savoured every moment in each other’s company.
 Yoongi and Seul were now laying on the couch face to face, having their heart-to-heart talk. Yoongi was a great listener as he listened attentively to Seul’s story even though he already got the slight idea about her past from Mrs Hwang. He was glad that Seul wanted to go into details and told him everything. It was the first step to heal herself.
During the conversation, his arms were wrapped securely around her torso, only leaving the small space for him to watch her pretty face while she did the talking. Yoongi didn’t want to trade this night with others and wished they could stay like this for as long as they wanted.
“You are a strong girl; do you realize that? Even though you can be annoyingly stubborn sometimes, but I can tame you. I have less worry on that” he pursed his lips into a small pout.
“Basically, you are saying no one can tame Ji Seul like Min Yoongi did?” she cringed at the cheesiness though it sounded lowkey good to her. Seul just couldn’t get over the cringey feeling that she obtained from this man.
“It doesn’t sound bad at all, I like me. I like us” Yoongi enveloped her into a tight hug, which almost suffocate the latter. However, she soon found herself liking the closeness and threw her arm around his waist, returning the same passion.
The sound of his heart beating was so calming, she was convinced that Yoongi’s presence brought happiness to her life. Why she only realized it now?  “You can be so cheesy sometimes and very bipolar. One second you are yelling at me and not long after that you turn into a total pervert. Then, look at you now, acting all romantic and cheesy” she scrunched her nose, feeling confused.
“I am not acting romantic. Because I am born to be romantic” he sassed.
“Be careful Yoongs, you sound like Jin”
“I am nowhere near him, don’t compare me to him!”
“Right. But, you are so full of yourself”
“I am being truthful with you, that is all matter. Which means you are special to me. Very special” he kissed the top of her head, humming a soft melody from one of his mixtape. Yes, out of the blue, but she noticed that habit of his ever since their intimate moment.
It was cute anyways, his rough and raspy voice made it extremely homey.
“About the song that you listened a moment ago. I wanted you to have it” Seul looked up to meet his gaze, finding some sort of confirmation to what she just heard a minute ago. His eyes were genuine with no hint of jokes.
“Yoongi, that song is amazing. You should include it in your future mixtape. I am sure it will get a lot of love from Armys” she shook her head in refusal. As much as she loved the song considering the comfort that she gained from it, Seul did not want Yoongi to put her above his career and Armys.
Yoongi pushed her slightly higher, to close the gap between them. He smiled “I want you to have it. The song is special as it helps me to curb my loneliness and settle some issues in me. So, I want to make it special. Only both of us have the access to it” her eyes were brimming with tears and within a second she let it fall startling the rapper.
“Why are you crying? I am sorry baby if you feel it is too much-“ a soft lips brushed against his that didn’t really give him time to process. She pulled away with a teary smile “You did nothing to apologize. Instead, I should apologize to you. I only receive but I don’t have the chance to give back. It makes me feel bad” said Seul bitterly.
“Don’t be nonsense. I want you to promise me that you will come straight to me if you have problems and stay by my side. Can you do that?” his smile was addictive. It lured you to explore the deepest core of his heart.
She sniffed a little and nuzzled their face together “I promise” he hummed happily. “But can you promise me one thing too?” amused, he nodded signalling her to continue her words.
“Urm...Can you stop smoking?” eyeing the girl with suspicious, he frowned.
“I only smoke when I am stressed out. You happen to run into me when I am having that moment”
Seul glowered “Smoking can kill. I don’t want you to smoke. If you are stress talk to me, please promise me that?” he heaved a deep sigh before nodded in agreement. She cheered happily, burying her face at the crook of his neck. “Thank you” her softness melted his heart.
“Seul, you are driving me insane. I don’t want to let you go ever” he muttered with determination. He’ll keep his words till the end.
  This work belongs to  Chimswae © 2021. All Rights Reserved
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exobyharu · 4 years
PCY - One Shot
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Image source to follow. I just Googled it like this
“You just freaking downgraded me!”
Summary: PCY knows that he’s being a five -year-old for treating you like a guy. But what’s a man to do when the girl he likes is taken? Here’s a friendly little back and forth with PCY a few days after you break up with your boyfriend.
⏰10:01 AM
🌏A deserted mall parking lot, but only because it’s not open yet
🌞The kind of sunny that makes PCY squint.
👥YN, Park Chanyeol, Byun Baekhyun (mentioned), YBN (your ex-boyfriend) (mentioned)
Notes: It’s been forever! But I’m still alive! There’s a little mention of implied violence, but it’s all just cute, really. Sorry I take too long! 
Words: ~2,100
“Or you can quit telling me how to live my life, Chanyeol,” you complain, putting your phone down because you finally spot Chanyeol getting down their company car in his glorious failure of a disguise – a white cap and facemask, worn under a hoodie with the word BALENCIAGA spelled in angry bold letters across his broad back. For an idol who has spent years in the limelight, you would think that the guy had grown wiser in his choice of outfits for public places like, this instance, a mall parking lot. Even that middle-aged woman raking leaves across the entrance gives him a second look.
Who wouldn’t?
Because there is no need to walk like that – with a slight upward tilt in his head, one hand pressing a phone to his ear and the other on his hip, strutting confidently with smooth, long strides. You make a mental note to remind him that the pavement is no catwalk. It’s almost mesmerising, watching a real-life supermodel approach you, looking fresh even when his eyes are squinting hard against the mid-morning sun.
About three meters away, his voice is distinctly Chanyeol, but just a bit huskier than usual as if he is dying to put on a show. Too bad there seems to be no one else watching but you.
“It’s real! You’re here!“ he calls out anyway, extending a clenched fist – a move that you recognise is reserved for his male friends. You stare at the fist bump that never happened, knowing well what he would say if you take his bait. Something along the lines of: For a man, your hands are small, or How’s my brother in a woman’s body? or That’s my little YN-niee! which is always followed by Yah! I really wish you were born a guy!
So you stare at his hand, not sharing the level of his excitement. Shit just happened. You have too little energy to deal with Chanyeol’s fantasies of you as his younger brother. When he notices your lack of enthusiasm, his outstretched hand goes for your head and attempts to mess your hair up instead. “You must be desperate to waste money. The mall does not open in an hour.”
Just desperate to get out of my head, really.
On a regular day, you would hate even the wind for ruining your hair. But this time, his hands are surprisingly gentle. You make an effort to ignore how it feels and snap back at him, anyway. “It’s called Retail Therapy. You just don’t understand the joy of buying yourself new clothes because you never have to.”
He proudly concurs with a smug raise of his brows. “That’s true. I never have to.” It’s that attitude of his that always earns him a slap to his arm. But his fingers are playfully combing through your hair now, and you do not exactly hate the feeling. So you just let him, hoping nobody with a camera on his person ever sees this happening.
“Meanwhile, may I comment that the whole look you went for this morning is aptly low profile,” you tell him for the sake of saying something.
But what you say makes him tug at his training pants reflexively. “These?”
When he removes his cap, pulls down his mask, and appraises his outfit, you realise that he had just overlooked your sarcasm.
“Uh-huh. It totally pleads Don’t Stalk Me, Dispatch. I'm Not Park Chanyeol, I Promise.”
He chuckles. “It’s protection,” he reasons, completely getting rid of the cap and mask.
“Protection? From what? The sun?”
This time, it is you, genuinely not picking up on the joke – or pun – either way, you know that he spends quite a lot of time with his good friend Baekhyun who gives equally horrible punch lines. You have met the guy a few times and you are sure that the baffled look you had on your face is the exact same one you’re giving Chanyeol at the moment.
He seems to enjoy it. It takes him a few seconds to explain. “It’s protection from you.”
From me?
“Excuse you, but I’m the one who needs protecting!” You argue and it makes him grin from ear to ear. You realise that you had just given him the reaction he was hoping to get.
“No, you don’t,” he insists, “Based on last night’s phone call, you’re upset over your boyfriend. And do you know what you do when you’re upset, in general?”
“What?” Frankly, you know that you do a lot of things.
“You flail your arms around and hit people!” Chanyeol exclaims, and then he stretches his arms out and flaps them, trying to imitate how you’re supposed to look. It’s ridiculous how he is making it appear worse than it actually is. “You and your little man paws! Hitting innocent people all because your boyfriend made you cry again! It’s about time–””
“Yah! For the final time, Chanyeol, I am not a man! Also, must I tell you, he’s not my boyfriend anymore!”
“Shut it! You are one of us so that makes you a – wait, you… He… What?” There’s a bit of a delay, but in a snap, his energy drops, his eyes grow wide and your first point is now obviously abandoned.
“It’s what I said,” you clarify reluctantly. “And, my main point right now, please stop treating me like a guy, already!”
Chanyeol’s not hearing any of what you just said. His eyes remain on yours, searching for any hint of a lie.
He does not find one. “You’re saying… That YBN is not?? …Anymore?”
Again, the same reaction. It’s the same words, the same tone, the same look of caution and concern – it’s always the same questions every time you tell somebody new. All the repetitive explaining is starting to become more painful than the breakup itself. You hate it more than you can express. It makes you lose it for a moment and yell at your friend with careless regard for your surroundings. “You understood the first time! Why does everyone want me to spell it out?!”
That is when you realise that he is right. Your hands have a mind of their own.
“Yah! Yah! That’s what I’m talking about!” Chanyeol whines, using his forearm to fend off a jab that you were about to give him. Just as he had predicted. “Watch out because people around here will know who you’re hitting. Do that a few more times and you’ll be exposed. My fans won’t like it!”
You roll your eyes at his sudden mood shift after confirming your breakup. There’s no way you’re missing Chanyeol’s smile that is starting to inch in. He never really liked YBN. Now that you’ve broken up with the guy, you can already hear the satisfaction dripping in his voice when he delivers his much anticipated I told you so because this time, he’s right. You grumble, exceptionally annoyed, because of how right he is.
“Anywaaaay, back to why I need protecting…  You’re right. He nearly hit me.”
And you wonder why Chanyeol’s pretty slow on the uptake this morning. He takes two seconds.
“What!?” Finally, his eyes nearly bug out of their sockets. He takes another second to shake his head from disbelief and then asks again. “He what?!”
This morning, Chanyeol’s a freaking cartoon. His aggravated expression seems out of place, given how much he has been confronting you about your now-ex-boyfriend’s alleged tendency towards violence. He saw it coming. Why is he so surprised? Your eyes roll.
“Relaaaaax. I’m more capable than I look. I started training for–”
“Stop that!” he interrupts, dismissing all humour from the situation. “He hit you?!” And he’s angry, possibly even more furious than your father had been. You certainly don’t remember doing anything that warranted any scolding. But here he is, getting all worked up while you stand your ground with hands in your pockets because you are starting to pick on your nails. Despite your nerves, you try to remain as calm as you could, and you are determined to make him realise that you’re not the enemy here.
“You’re not listening to me, Chanyeol! I said he nearly, and by nearly, I mean he missed. He punched the wall behind my face instead.”
You say it with a convincing smile, but Chanyeol still does not respond. He inhales sharply and looks up the sky, pulling his hair – what he does whenever he could not get his point across.
“But I’m kinda proud of myself, so thanks for asking twice,” you continue, still grinning at him and trying to keep it cool. You’re not about to just watch him blow up. Not now and certainly not here. An angry Chanyeol is not a fun Chanyeol. So you let the silence ensue as you watch him, whose eyes are still closed and is obviously putting in the effort, himself.  
He fails.
“Fucking hell. Who hits a woman!?” All of a sudden, he starts to furiously rub his face against his palms until his nose turns pink. “Does he know who he’s messing with? Have you seen how small he stands beside me? I could crush him with–”
“Park Chanyeol!” You yell at him this time, because it is the only way to snap him out of it. “He messed with me. Not you. And I’ll remind you that you’re my dad’s student, not my bodyguard!”
“But I am also your friend!”
That had done it. He yells even louder, causing a dog to bark in the distance. It brings him back to the present, as you notice him consciously steal a side glance at the parking entrance, making sure nobody has come to watch the show.
When he sees that nobody’s there, he grumbles something incoherent. I’m a special friend, it sounded very much like. But he shakes his head again and promptly rephrases that. “Look, I am your good friend, first of all! I can’t believe you just freaking downgraded me!”
That you did. But that’s only because you think he’s getting too involved in this. You’ve let it go.
Why couldn’t he?
“You see, this is why I didn’t get to join your family’s dinner last Friday. Also, this is why I didn’t tell you over the phone! Look at you!”
He does. He realises that his hands are now impulsively clenched into fists at his sides, and his feet, apart, and planted to the ground as if he is preparing for a fight. With you.
“Calm down a little? I had enough testosterone when I told my dad about it last night,” you explain. You’re not about to let yourself get another round of scolding. This morning is all about recovery. “I promise I’m okay and I’ll feel even better when I get to shop for things I like!”
Your false eagerness seems to exasperate him even more. “Again, that’s a waste of money. You’ll surely buy clothes you won’t wear again!”
“How am I supposed to… Give me alternatives then!” you demand. He’s got way too much opinions any way.
But Chanyeol accepts his chance and then he goes, “Hm,” full of scrutiny, as if he has something better in mind. It turns out that he actually does. And by better, he means better by his standards. “How about I teach you how to throw a proper punch?”
“You mean, boxing?”
He nods.
And you think hell no. You eye him suspiciously, peering at him from under his cap that he had just placed on your head. “If this about making me a man, I swear to–”
“Come on, just come on! I’ll make it fun!” His mood seems to shift for good this time. “We can tape his face on the punching bag and you can pretend to be hitting him!”
“Nice try, but that only hurts my hands. It’ll make no difference,” you tell him, even though a part of you considers the idea an entertaining way to get over yourself already.
“It will, I promise. I’ll fund your next shopping spree if I don’t convince you.”
The suggestion gets you thinking even more. It’s not a bad deal, is it? You bite the bullet and Chanyeol sees that he’s got the upper hand. You both smile. “Any more benefits?” you ask. And his response comes as a reflex. “That, and I’ll make sure your punches reach him through me.”
“Park Chanyeol!”
“Hahaha! I’m just kidding!” Chanyeol promises, playfully holding his fists out in front of you. You don’t quite miss that devious smirk. “Or am I?”
- end - 
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inkribbon796 · 4 years
Eye of the Beholder
Summary: Anti hates Dark, so he figured that the best way to get back at Dark is to target something Dark actually cares about. Things don’t quiet work out as planned.
This was a non-superhero fic I wanted to write. Pre-relationship.
Other parts of this series:
Part 2: Trouble in Paradise
Part 3: Antagonistic Acquaintances
    Anti was pissed.
    Scratch that, he was furious with Dark. He was so angry, he wanted to not just attack Dark. He wanted to hurt him. Which was a problem, because Dark couldn’t die. He rolled off attacks and pain like it couldn’t latch onto him. Anti could stab him and slit his throat, but Dark always rebounded back.
    Fortunately, Anti knew Dark was a creature of certain indulgences, like his little motley crew of egos . . . and more importantly: a crazed reporter that had as much of a penchant for murder and bloodshed as Anti did.
    It was comical, Anti had watched Dark tug Wilford around by his blood-soaked bowtie, chewing him out for dirtying his rug. The glitch demon knew that if one of Dark’s cronies had tried that, they would have ended as a bloody puddle on the ground and not a smiling mess of bad jokes and poor decisions.
    So Anti’s target was painfully obvious. After all, if Dark wanted a secret boyfriend, then he should do a better job at hiding him. It was finding Wilford that was the tricky part, but he found him in a disco club. Drinking and partying, not something uncommon from the madman.
    Anti smiled, immediately spotting him in the crowd. “Hey, Wilfy, Dark let ye off yer leash?”
    Wilford whirled around, a martini in hand and a wide, toothy grin on his face. “Ahh, Anti, how have you been? What are you up to, you rabscallion?”
    “Bored,” Anti smiled. “Wanted to join someone who knew how ta have a little bit of fun.”
    “Well,” Wil drawled, leaning in a bit. “You came to the right place.”
    Wil pulled Anti over to the bar and immediately started ordering something for him. The place wasn’t the best place for booze that Anti had ever been to, but he had to admit the place more than made up for it in charm.
    Anti got Wil talking, and after that he didn’t stop. Barely slowing down to breathe. He didn’t really seem to get too drunk either, just crazier. As if his madness was just consuming the alcohol for him.
    Despite Anti’s best efforts, the conversation inevitably turned back to Dark.
    Wilford shrugged, still smiling, “I just get a feeling sometimes, but hell if I know what it means. Dark makes things so clear.”
    Anti wanted to kick the guy. Even here, and half into a mad delirium he couldn’t stop talking about that pretentious asshole. It made Anti want to vomit with how disgusting it was. The glitch was pretty sure he was wasting his time with this. Yeah Wil had been flirty all night but he was flirty with anything that moved.
    So to shut the madman up, Anti kissed him, mostly because nothing else seemed to work. Wil kissed him back, holding Anti close as if they’d both planned for the night to go like this. Anti broke away, almost throwing Wil against a bar table.
    To the glitch the night was going great. All Anti needed to do was get Wil into bed, and then gloat about it to Dark’s face that his boyfriend as a piece of shit. There was just one problem: it was too easy. It shouldn’t be this easy. Wilford should be putting up some kind of resistance. Anti was Dark’s worst enemy. Wilford shouldn’t be flirting with him.
    As it turned out, the rest of the hour was spent in a physical fight, more than a metaphorical one. Anti’s plan changing more because of suspicion and because he needed more time to take Wil apart.
    The two left the bar, the place surprisingly intact thanks to Wilford’s abilities. But Anti stopped short as soon as the doors were open. There was someone standing about ten feet from the entrance. It was Dark.
    The Entity was right outside the bar, just looking at both of them as if they’d spilled wine on his suit, and Anti almost felt . . . he wasn’t sure how he felt. Or if he should try and put a name to it and make it real by extension.
    “Darkling,” Wilford smiled widely, walking up to him. Anti wasn’t sure if the madman was an idiot, or just even crazier than Anti thought he was.
    “Don’t, Dark slapped his hand away when he tried to reach out for him. “Just go, I’m sure you haven’t finished up half of the things you need to do at the station.”
    Wil pouted, rubbing at his hand even though Dark had barely tapped it. Then he smiled and walked past him, “Don’t stay up too late.”
    There seemed to be some context there that Anti was missing. But he had a bigger problem. Namely that Wilford had left him alone with Dark. Something that Anti was sure was about to turn ugly.
    Dark straightened out his suit, as if it had some invisible wrinkle or smudge to it. “I hope you’ve worked whatever grievance you have out of your system. Wil tends to have that effect on people.”
    “E’cuse yah?” Anti scoffed.
    “Don’t be a moron, Anti,” Dark snapped. “I’m not blind. Wilford is many things, great at self-control is not one of them.”
    “You think I slept with the fooker?” Anti scoffed, honestly feeling a little bit . . . he wasn’t going to say guilty because there was no way he could possibly feel that about Dark. But he felt something because he had been about to do that. Although, Anti would rather die than admit that he felt bad about it, even if he was just admitting it to himself.
    “I’m not an idiot,” Dark scoffed. “You pick a fight with me, and then I find you and Wilford together, both of you looking like you were rolling around on the ground. Why else would you track him down?”
    “Maybe ‘cause I didn’t want ta see yah,” Anti answered defensively. “Come on, I don’t care about ye or that bubblegum maniac. “Why would anyone want ta sleep with him?”
    Dark just stared at him, looking tired, “Who hasn’t he slept with?”
    That seemed almost like a slap in the face, he realized how old and tired Dark looked. As if Dark had watched Wil go off with his enemies before, and yet . . . Dark had still cleaned up his wounds and messes.
    “Ye just let him go?” Anti reminded.
    Dark’s back straightened. “I don’t need your pity. Wilford is an adult, and makes his own choices. He lives at the Manor, he’s not my husband. I’m not some weeping flower waiting for him to come home every night.”
    “Could he ‘a been?” Anti asked.
    Dark frowned, clearly getting defensive. “That is none of your business. My dealing with Wilford are matters of stress relief and because he is a nightmare if left to his own devices. I don’t care if you’re sleeping around with Wil, I only care if you’re going to waste my time being insufferable about it.”
    “Like I want yer toy,” Anti scoffed, immediately defensive, “I just wanted ta know why the hell Smiles wants anything ta do with yer sorry ass. Yer personality’s shit, an’ yer face looks like garbage.”
    “You’re a petulant child, and I’ve wasted enough time,” Dark sighed, and ripped a hole into the Void.
    Before Anti could respond or do anything other than glare at him, Dark left. He went back to his office, determined to get something done before he had to clean up after Wilford. He wasn’t in the mood to watch the reporter practice “interior decorating” again.
    Dark’s cat, the black kitten had been gift from Wilford he’d gotten his previous birthday walked in. Jumping on Dark’s desk and laying down on a clean space so Dark was less inclined to brush the feline off his work surface.
    Privately, Dark was glad for the silent company. It helped take his mind off what Wilford was probably doing.  As it turned out, no one died tonight, not that he caught wind of. Wilford did come back late, a huge smile on his face as he walked into the office.
    “Darky,” Wilford smiled, picking up the black cat up. The cat used to the rather rough but loving treatment Wil tended to give him. “There you are.”
    “Not in the mood, Wil,” Dark told him, trying to concentrate on the paperwork in front of him.
    Wilford sat on Dark’s desk, not moving when Dark glared at him. The crazed reporter just sat there, petting and talking to the cat. “Who’s a good boy Damien? Keeping ol’ Darky in line?”
    Dark felt his blue half chuckle a bit, and felt a bit of indignation from it.
    “Wil,” Dark growled.
    “You never come out drinking with me anymore,” Wil goaded, Damien the cat jumping out of his lap and walking towards Dark. “I miss you.”
    I don’t miss you kissing strangers in front of me! Dark growled internally, the urge to kill boiling inside of him. Calming himself down a bit by petting the cat on his desk. “I’m too busy, Wil, and I have no interest in getting my suit dirty when you get bored of the scenery.”
    “Nonsense,” Wil dismissed, brushing some papers out of the way to inch himself closer to Dark, playing a hand on top of Dark’s. “The night is still young, we could go somewhere. Do something?”
    “If you’re bored go find someone to occupy your time,” Dark knocked Wil’s hand away from him. “I am busy. I’m certain Anti would be more than willing to help.”
    With that, Dark turned his attention back to his papers. Wilford would leave and Dark would go back to normal. Even though the tattered remains of his heart wouldn’t stop. That cloying feeling that Wilford would realize what he was, that it would finally stick. That Damien and Celine were never coming back. And then Wil would be gone, disgusted and infuriated with Dark, and then he’d go off to be with someone more fun . . . someone who had a bit more chaos in his soul. He could almost see Wilford with Anti and his very being boiled from the mental image.
    Even Anti’s words had too much bite to them. “Yer personality’s shite, an’ yer face looks like garbage” and it ate at Dark in his worst and most possessive moments. After all:
    It wasn’t like Dark could hold Wil’s attention anyways.
    There was nothing Dark could offer the reporter to make him stay. His broken body often felt — to Dark at least — more like a consolation prize rather than a dashing gent or a stunningly, clever woman. Dark was an amalgam of the two, stitched together like a monster with their voices echoing around in his head. Half of the time Dark didn’t know if it was pity or boredom that made Wil come back and it—
    “Dark?” Wilford called out, brushing Dark’s hair back. “You still in there?”
    Dark startled, he hadn’t even realized Wil was still there. “Oh, Wil, you’re still here.”
    Wil’s smile slipped for a bit, then he smiled again, “Of course I am, where else would I go?”
    A name curdled on Dark’s tongue, a snide face stuck in his mind. He looked away. “I really have to get back to work.”
    The reporter smiled, “Try and take care of yourself, I’ll be back to check on you.”
    Dark tried to hide how touched he felt, how Wilford always made some part of the chimeric being feel better, even if it was a different part each time. He was an eye to the storm in Dark’s life.
    “Thank you, Wil,” Dark told him.
    With that the reporter left, leaving Dark a little calmer than when he’d walked in.
    Anti was wandering around rooftops, draining power from anything he could touch and generally being a nuisance.
    Still Wilford coming to find him was a surprise.
    “Anti,” Wilford called out.
    “Hey dipshit, how’s the boyfriend?” Anti goaded. But when he looked at Wilford there was something different about him. Something less crazy.
    And that terrified Anti a bit more than it should have.
    Wil shrugged, closing the gap between them. Anti held his ground. “Darky won’t admit it, but he doesn’t want me playing with you. Shame.”
    Rolling his eyes, Anti tore some wires out of an electrical box, “Dark’s annoyin’ and I don’t get how you can stand to be around him.”
    “He’s quite the charmer when he wants to be,” Wilford defended.
    “Yeah, well ye an’ Prince Eyestrain can go be adorable an’ pathetic away from me, an’ maybe make him less annoying,” Anti rebutted.
    “Dark is quite dashing,” Wilford agreed.
    Looking away, Anti remember Dark confronting him in the bar. “Hey, maybe ye shouldn’t go around with every shumck that comes askin’, just sayin’. Maybe that might put ‘im in a better mood.”
    Anti wasn’t sure if it was because Wilford was less crazy at the moment, or if by some horrid twist of fate he was the only one who said anything about it, but there was a flash of recognition in Wil’s eyes.
    “Huh, Dark never seemed to have a problem with it before,” Wil mused, twitching his mustache a little. Then he was gone.
    Anti groaned. Knowing that the two of them were going to be the death of him.
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monstaxsthetics · 5 years
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Ch. 2
Genre: Angst/Romance/Action
Warnings: Harsh Language/Violence
Characters: Wonho/Lee Hoseok x OC x Monsta X
Word Count: 1.5k
Synopsis: Nara and Hoseok split ways six years ago. She was not a top trauma nurse who couldn’t be happier with her life and Hoseok was head of her father’s security detail. When her father is kidnapped and her life is put in danger, Hoseok and Nara are reunited. What will come of the reunion and will they find her father before it’s too late?
A/N: I’m sorry this chapter is so short, but I need it to be set up like this. I hope you enjoy. Thanks for reading!
Ch.1 Ch.3
“Calm down Nara, you’re getting flustered”, his tone was laced with concern.  
He didn’t want to do this. He didn’t want to teach her how to fight, or how to defend herself. He didn’t want her to need to defend herself.
“I’m not flustered. I’m frustrated and you’re holding back, so don’t.”
If she was being honest, she was flustered, and because she was flustered she was also frustrated. She needed to focus on what Hoseok was trying to teach her, but she just couldn’t concentrate, couldn’t focus on anything but their close proximity, his hands guiding her movements through the various techniques, and the heady scent of his sweat and cologne mixing, all of which were making her head spin.
Nara couldn’t believe she was letting herself get worked up like this. She couldn’t fathom how being near him could still affect her this much. Regardless of the six years spent since they last saw each other and the manner in which they split up, none of it seemed to matter in this moment. Hoseok could still make her feel faint with one look, and knees weak with the smallest, most innocent touch.
She was supposed to hate him, she should hate him, but to her utmost discontent, she still loved him; but she sure as shit wasn’t going to tell him that. Especially since the asshole didn’t seem at all affected by her which just added salt to a six year old festering wound. So in return, his concern was met with dismissal, attitude and excuses.
“Nara please, just listen to me. It’s going to be–”
She threw a right hook, aiming for his shoulder - even though she’d rather it be his face - and surprised herself when she actually made contact, cutting off his sentence, and making him stumble back in perplexity. Damn if that didn’t feel good, she thought. She hit him again, and again, and again, efficiently countering his attempts to block her blows.
“Stop, okay? Just stop!” 
Her knee jammed into his side; she was on a roll now. 
“Stop with the pep talks and the lectures.” 
She managed to match Hoseok’s speed and agility, successfully carrying out all of the techniques she had learned.
“We both know damn well that everything isn’t going to be ‘okay’, so stop!” 
Her barrage of kicks and punches didn’t let up and neither did her words, as she laid into Hoseok.
“And stop treating me like a damn wounded bird.” 
Crouching down she spun quickly with her leg out, tripping him, sending his legs flying from underneath him and landing him on his back, head hitting the mat and the breath pushed forcefully from his lungs.
She hastily pinned him beneath her frame like he’d taught her. 
“So j—just help me, okay?”
“I don’t think you need my help anymore. Whatever you were thinking of just now, channel that and use it. If you fight like that every time, with a bit more practice, you’ll be ready.”
‘Oh great’, she thought. All she had to do was channel her annoyingly unwavering love for him coupled with their sexual tension and frustration and use it every time she had to fight. No big deal, right?
It was quiet at the loft today. Hoseok and Hyunwoo had taken Nara to one of the rings to finesse her fighting skills. An attack could happen at any minute and they needed her to be ready. None of the guys were planning to let anything happen to her while they were around, but some things are unforeseen and in those cases, Nara will need to be able to defend herself against an assailant.
Changkyun was god knows where, doing god only knows what. Something Hyungwon probably shouldn’t think about too much lest he drive himself into an early grave. Honeypup were off on their own somewhere sucking face. Another thing Hyungwon definitely didn’t want to think about. Honeypup was the pet name he gave Jooheon and Minhyuk. The latter thought it was cute but it ruffled Jooheon’s feathers as he thought it ruined their images.
This left Hyungwon and Kihyun alone in the loft. Hyungwon was reading on the living room recliner. Well, half reading, half napping to be completely honest. Kihyun was researching something online. Hyungwon was half-tempted to ask if he was looking at porn, but decided against the idea, opening and closing his mouth silently, much like a fish.
No one could get under each other’s skin quite like these two. When it came down to it, each would take a bullet for the other and considered one another as family, but neither of them would be caught dead admitting to that fact (even though everyone around them knows). Instead they chose to torment one another. In this moment however, Hyungwon decided he wasn’t in the mood for what was sure to be a melodramatic reaction to his joke and so he left it alone.
The rest of the afternoon went on like that, in silence. Well, what would be considered silence to anyone else. Anyone but Hyungwon. 
“Stop that!”
“Stop what?”
“That annoying ass sound you’re making.”
“Yep that’s the one. Could you knock it off maybe?”
“Oh excuse the hell out of me! My breathing offends you? You want me to stop breathing when I’m near you now?”
“Could you? That would be perfect. Thanks, you’re a doll.”
Kihyun tried for a few seconds to tamp down his temper, but it wasn’t working. Rising from his spot in front of the coffee table, he slowly made his way to Hyungwon who had by now forgone his attempts at reading and resorted to full on napping.
He stood behind the recliner gave it one good shove forward tilting the chair on its hinges and dumping Hyungwon smack onto the concrete floor of the loft.
“Rise and shine, dick!”
Kihyun took advantage of Hyungwon’s confusion and pounced. Quickly he was able to tackle him and put him in a headlock, breathing his hot breath onto his face.
“Hwaaa hwaaa am I breathing too loud?”, he asked. “Hwaaaaaa! How about now? Is it still too loud?”
“God, you’re disgusting and your breath is foul. What the hell did you eat?” Hyungwon lamented.
“Wouldn’t you like to know? Hwaaaaa hwaaaaa! Is this better?” Kihyun continued.
“Get the fuck off of me Kihyun, I swear to god!” Hyungwon managed to utter, trying to wriggle out of Kihyun’s choke hold.
This was the scene Hoseok, Nara, and Hyunwoo walked in on when they returned from the gym. None of them were surprised, already used to these two’s antics, instead deciding to simply stand back and let nature take its course. I mean hey who doesn’t love some free entertainment right?
Kihyun was momentarily distracted when the trio walked in, loosening his hold on Hyungwon who used this opportunity to shift and wiggle his way out of Kihyun’s grasp and make a beeline for the kitchen. Kihyun was much shorter than Hyungwon, but he made up for it in speed meeting Hyungwon in the kitchen at almost the exact same time. Hyungwon grabbed a cake off of the kitchen counter raising it above his head.
This wasn’t just any cake. This was “the” cake. The one that Kihyun had spent several painstaking hours decorating for Jooheon’s birthday dinner that night. They may be on the cusp of an all out mob war, but he’d be damned if he was going to let that stop him from celebrating one of his closest friend’s birthdays.
“Don’t you dare, string bean. I swear I’ll kill you!” 
“What’s the matter shrimp? Can’t you reach?” 
Hyungwon continued to taunt the shorter man, raising the cake up and down. Just then, Hyunwoo swooped in behind him, disarming him of the cake and setting it on the counter safely, but not before swiping a finger through the icing on the side.
“Yah! Hyunwoo-yah!” Kihyun shouted, utterly exasperated with his friends.
“What? Haven’t you ever heard of quality control?” Hyunwoo just giggled, licking the icing from his finger.
At that both Hoseok and Nara who were still playing the role of idle spectators, couldn’t contain their laughter earning a quick snap of the head in their direction and a hiss from Kihyun, which only served to make them laugh more.
Eventually their laughter ended and they found themselves awkwardly stepping back from one another as they realized they had been holding on to each other to keep steady amidst their outburst. While they were laughing, it seems that Nara forgot she was supposed to hate Hoseok and he momentarily forgot the overwhelming guilt he’d felt for the past six years over hurting her.
Nara excused herself to go wash up before Jooheon’s dinner party. As she began to walk away she could hear Hyunwoo and Hyungwon horseplaying around the kitchen island while a pissed off Kihyun worked on fixing the cake and grumbled something about ‘getting no respect’ and Hoseok---well Hoseok just stood there, staring longingly as she ascended the stairs to her room. She tried not to linger on the look in his eyes. A look that was portraying a thousand different emotions. She knew he was sorry for what he had done all those years ago, but she wasn’t ready to forgive him just yet.
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reactionimagesdaily · 15 days
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141 notes · View notes
“I made a mistake...” | knj
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Word Count: 1.1k+
Genre: Some good ‘ole comedy
Warning: None
A/n: Tbh I don’t even know what this really is, so hopefully it’s good lol
You had only knocked on the dorm door once before it was swung open by Jimin. He stood there with a cheesy smile, letting you inside away from the freezing rain. Your coat was off, hung on the hook on the wall, your shoes sitting neatly by the front door.
Giving Jimin a weird look, you timidly questioned his mood, “Uh...why are you looking at me like that?” He just continued to stare at you, making you extremely nervous. Sure, he usually was just smiling, but he usually always answered when question. “Uh...I’m..just gonna go see Namjoon,” you lamely pointed towards the general direction to Namjoon’s room. Muttering under your breath, you walked into the living room so you could go down the hall that held the bedrooms, but you were stopped by Taehyung.
“Y/n! Glad you could join us!” he gave you a smile similar to that of Jimin’s. You became even more suspicious when you saw everyone but your boyfriend sitting on the couches.
Jungkook pulled you to sit by him, putting his arm around your shoulder, “You came just in time!” He gave you a bunny smile as Taehyung sat on your other side, Jimin on his left. You looked all around at their expressions, trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Yoongi looked bored, but you could tell he was entertained at what was occurring. Hoseok had a gigantic smile on his face, his hand covering his mouth as he tried to hold in his laughter. Last was Jin, who looked like he was done with their bullshit and he even looked...horrified? You wonder what he could be horrified by.
“Okay, what the fuck is going on?” you spoke, thoroughly confused and, maybe, even a little intrigued. No one answered you and you started to feel agitated. Why weren’t they answering? And why were they still looking at you like that…
“Fuck!” a loud, frustrated cry came from inside the kitchen. Looking over at the kitchen door in curiosity, you made to get up but were stopped by Jungkook tightening his arm around you. How long has his arm even been there? Never have you been so confused in your life than you were now. More curses came from the kitchen and you could finally figure out it was Namjoon in there.
Looking back at the members you were amused at the different reactions they all had. Taehyung, Jimin, Hoseok, and Jungkook were all letting out loud laughs and holding their stomachs. Yoongi had a gummy smile and a few chuckles escaping. Jin, now Jin had the most hilarious reaction out of the six of them. There he was, sitting on the edge of the couch, his head in his hands, groaning in what you believed to be despair. You joined in on all the laughter. What made everyone laugh harder, was the image of your boyfriend walking in with flour all over him. There was even an egg cracked on his chest. How the fuck…
“Jagiya! Can you pleaseee come help me?” he gave you a cute pout, a pout that made you want to oblige, but you were stopped by Yoongi.
“Yah, she can’t help! This is your punishment so you have to do it alone!” Yoongi yelled out, laughter being heard behind his words. Namjoon huffed before stomping back into the kitchen. Sounds of cooking and angry muttering being heard a few moments later.
You shook your head, chuckling, “Why is he being forced to cook?” You couldn’t understand why they would want him to cook for them. He was the worst cook out of the seven of them. Actually...wasn’t he banned from the kitchen?
“He lost rock, paper, scissors. So he has to make a cake for us,” Hoseok got out through his laughter. The seven of you made conversation as Namjoon could still be heard trying to bake. Honestly, you knew he wasn’t going to make it right. Even if he had carefully read through a recipe. He was bound to fuck something up and you couldn’t wait.
Not even five minutes after you had thought that you heard Namjoon freaking out, “Y/n? Can you come here for a minute!” Thinking he had hurt himself, you excused yourself and hurried to where Namjoon was. Walking in you saw him leaning over a counter, a bowl of ingredients right next to him. He was all tense as you stepped behind him. Putting your arms around him, giving him a back hug, you could feel him slowly relax his muscles.
“What’s wrong baby?” you murmured whilst giving him a kiss on the back of his neck.
He shivered a little, pulled you to be in front of him, and whispered, “I made a mistake…” Confused as to what he meant you asked him to elaborate. “Well, I maayyy have put chili powder in instead of cinnamon?” You let go of him and looked up at his face, completely baffled at what you had just heard.
“How the fuck do you even manage to do that?” you spoke, looking from his eyes to the bowl next to you, glancing at all the bottles next to it.
Namjoon rubbed his neck nervously, “Well, you see, I uh might have accidentally put in chili powder. I thought I had grabbed the cinnamon powder, but I guess it was chili?” He chuckled tensely, not wanting you to be mad at him
“Oh,” you got out of his embrace. Namjoon’s face fell as he thought you were angry at him for messing something so easy up. He wouldn’t blame you. What he didn’t expect you to do, however was to take the bottle of chili powder and dump more in.
His eyes widened as he gazed at you in shock and spoke, “What are you doing?”
“I mean, it’s their fault for trusting you in baking them a cake. So, this is their punishment. Especially because they wouldn’t let me help. They know I love baking!” you finished pouring in a good amount and put the container down. Next, you finished baking the cake. You winked at Namjoon as you put a finger to your lips and walked back to the others.
Jin looked at you, nerves present on his face, “What did he want? Is the cake okay?” You honestly tried your hardest not to laugh, but a few laughs escaped anyways giving Jin the answer he didn’t want. He groaned and threw his head back rubbing his temple roughly.
An hour later you were all sat around the table with a slice of cake on a plate in front of everyone. You and Namjoon watched with mirth in your eyes as the members coughed and spit out their cake. Complaining could be heard from them as you and your boyfriend laughed. Besides, it was their fault for thinking he could make a good cake...
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xforeverweareyoungx · 6 years
Please Don’t Go
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Genre: Angst | Bad Boy!AU
Word Count: 8174
Request: Could you write a Jungkook angst scenario inspired by I need U mv (like Jimin - I need u scenario) please? Thanks *-*
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He was definitely a bad and cold blooded guy. Being alone since he was a little kid, Jungkook learned to deal with life in a kind of different way. For him, violence was the only way to survive in life. Punching people and seeing them suffer made him feel at ease. He never believed in happiness. How could somebody be happy in this cruel world? He was sure that even the people that assumed to be happy were suffering in reality. From little on, he learned that he couldn’t reach anything with fear in life. Therefore he learned to be fearless. Burying his feelings deep within himself, he faced the world without trusting and accepting anyone in his life. Not again. So he had nothing to lose in life. 
Well, that was until he met you..
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It was one of those nights where Jungkook’s thoughts were filled with her yet again. Her eyes, her nose, her mouth and most importantly, her smile. Whenever Jungkook saw her smile, he felt like the whole world turned from hell to heaven. He could swear that whenever he had looked into her eyes, he could see pure love and happiness in them. Right when he thought that he found the right person in his life that could make him happy for the first time, she stabbed him in the back, leaving him without even a proper explanation. Little did she know that she took his trust and love with her?
Lost in his thoughts, Jungkook was walking down the abandoned street. When he looked up, he saw two men beating up a homeless man who was lying lifelessly on the ground, by now. Ignoring them, Jungkook buried his cold hands in the pockets of his sweater and continued walking. After all, this was nothing new to him. Like mentioned before, he even enjoyed it when he saw people suffering. Trying to walk past the scene in front of him, he stumbled a little bit when he came in contact with one of the men.
Without looking up, he continued to walk. He was not in the mood to fight with anybody today. Jungkook rolled his eyes the minute he heard the man shout with a confident voice. “Yah! Watch where you are going!“
Standing still, Jungkook turned around with a smirk plastered on his face. “And what if I don’t?“
The two men raised their eyebrows and scoffed. “Do you want to be beaten?“
A satisfied smile formed on Jungkook’s face. That was exactly what he wanted. Opening his arms widely, Jungkook shouted loudly. “Come and beat me. Make me forget her.“
The next thing Jungkook felt were hard punches all over his body. He could’ve punched them back. Heck, he could’ve even killed them. But he wanted to feel those hard punches. He wanted to get punched for his stupidness. He wanted to get punched because he loved her. How could he be so stupid? How could he believe her?
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The minute siren sounds echoed through the whole street, the two men shoved Jungkook against a wall and started running away as fast as they could. Jungkook leaned his head back on the wall and and closed his eyes. Suddenly, he heard a whisper. “Pshh! Hey! Are they gone?“
Jungkook opened his eyes immediately and searched for the voice. When he saw the scene in front of him, a little smirk formed on his lips which later turned into a wide smile.
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Hiding behind a wall was standing a girl, one hand holding her phone that she was holding in a container, playing the siren sound on replay and making it echo through the whole street.
He watched how the girl reached her head out and looked curiously from side to side, making sure that the two men run away before she stepped out from behind the wall and walked toward him.
“Hey, are you okay? Do you have to go to the hospital? Should I call-“
Before she could end his sentence, Jungkook grabbed her by her arms and slammed her against the wall, hand tightly wrapped around her neck. “Why did you do that?“, he asked through his gritted teeth.
Confused, the girl blinked at him. “Because they were beating you up. You needed help.“
Tightening his hand around her neck, he hissed. “Who said I needed help?“
“Did you want to die? Are you stupid or something?“
Placing his other hand on her mouth, Jungkook glared at her. “Watch your mouth, you little bitch! You don’t even know what I can do to you, don’t you? Believe me, it would take me just 5 minutes to get rid of your dead body.“
One thing that Jungkook noticed since he trapped the girl between him and the wall was that there wasn’t even one bit of fear in her eyes. In contrast, she was pretty.. calm.
When Jungkook didn’t get a reaction from her, he shoved her harder against the wall. “Can’t you hear me? I said I can kill you, aren’t you scared?“
Calmly, she reached out for his hand on her mouth and removed it. Looking deeply into his eyes, she tilted her head as much as she could with his hand still wrapped on her neck. “You’re a loner, right? And you have been hurt by someone pretty badly, right?“
Taken aback, Jungkook removed his hand around her neck and stumbled back. The girl, on the other hand, smiled sadly at him. “I can see it in your eyes. They’re hollow..”
Jungkook felt how his blood started to boil. “How dare you-“
Before he could end his sentence, he felt two arms around his body and a head leaning on his chest. “It’s okay.. everything is going to be okay..“
Leaning her head back a little bit, she smiled widely at him.
“My name is Y/N. From now on, I’m your new friend and I’ll make sure that you see not only the bad things but also the good things in life.“
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Jungkook looked at your smiling face. You definitely had a beautiful smile, he noticed. But he was far from being affected by it. Your tiny hands were holding onto his sweater like you were holding onto your dear life, the warmth that was radiating from your body making Jungkook realize that this was the first time -after a long time- he was wrapped in someone’s embrace since she had left him.
He studied your face carefully, without missing any corner. Your doe and shiny eyes were looking into his doe ones, your long lashes almost touching your eyebrows whenever you blinked with your eyes. Your cheeks were tinted with a natural looking rosy color, which matched your soft lips. Averting his eyes from your mouth, Jungkook noticed the little dimple on your right cheek which added a cute smile to your already welcoming one.
Whenever the cold wind blew, strands of your hair fell in front of your eyes, which you tried to remove by shaking your head from side to side without removing your hands from his waist.
Without thinking, Jungkook lifted his hands, took the strands of hair and tucked it behind your ears. The moment he saw your wide eyes, he noticed what he had done. Out of reflex, he took your now freezing hands and removed them from his waist harshly, which made you stumble back and fall on the ground. Without turning around, Jungkook started walking away from your hurting body and ignored your shouts. “Hey, wait!“
Quickening his pace a little bit more, Jungkook cursed at his stupid movements. For a little moment, he imagined looking into her eyes, being in her comforting hug and touching her soft hair. After all the things she had done to him, he still imagined her like a stupid, desperate man.
Right when he thought that he was rid of you, he heard your faint shouts and footsteps. “Yah, Grumpy! Can you please walk a little bit slower?“
Jungkook stopped walking and turned around. When he saw you limp slowly toward him, he took big steps toward you and before he reached you, he took his gun out of his belt and pointed it to you. Giving you the most deathly glare, he hissed through gritted teeth. “I think you didn’t understand what I said earlier! Believe me, I mean it! I could kill you right here, at this moment and no one would notice that you’ve disappeared!“
Not even flinching one bit, you took a big step toward him and started clapping with your hands excitedly, while flashing him your wide smile. “Wow, bad boy image, I like that!“
Confused, Jungkook looked at your face. Was she insane?
“Are you crazy? I said I could kill you! Why aren’t you scared?“
Rolling your eyes, your grabbed his wrist and started walking while you were dragging him with you. “Why should I be scared? Eventually, I will die one day. It doesn’t matter whether you’ll be the one killing me or me dying by myself.“
Jungkook removed his wrist from your grip and stopped walking. “What do you want?“
You, too, stopped walking. Turning to him, you looked into his eyes. “I want you to enjoy life. Stop being this grumpy grown up man and open your eyes. Life is too short to waste it like you’re doing right now. Let’s make a deal. Give me one day to prove you that life isn’t as bad as you think it is. If I can’t make it, I’ll leave you alone, I swear.“
Jungkook raised his eyebrows. “You sound like you only have one month left to live.“
A little smile formed on your lips and you averted your eyes. Taking a deep breath you reached out for his hand and started to drag him along with you. “Now come. It’s freezing cold and I don’t want us to get sick. After all, I have a mission to accomplish!“
And this time, Jungkook let you drag him along with you.
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Jungkook was seated on your comfortable sofa, one hand holding a cup of tea and the other placed on a pillow that was placed on your thigh, ready to get treated by you. It has been already half an hour since Jungkook was in your apartment but he still felt like a lost puppy in a big crowd. The stiffness of his body and the unusual feeling of having someone beside him that took care of him made him uncomfortable. He hated to relay on other people. He believed that he could do everything by himself and till now, he did.
“Your hand looks like it has been run over by a car.“ you said, not removing your eyes from his bruises.
Without realizing, a faint chuckle left Jungkook’s mouth. Looking up, he saw your widened eyes and a big smile plastered on your face. Confused, he looked at you. “What?“
Pointing at him, you answered with a surprised tone. “You chuckled! And I saw a dimple, right here!“ 
Reaching out for his cheek, you tapped the spot where his dimple appeared seconds ago. Leaning his head back, Jungkook shoved your hand away. “Don’t touch me!“
When you finished taking care of his hand, you leaned back on the sofa and looked up at your ceiling. Copying your movements, Jungkook did the same and closed his eyes. After a long time, he had a place to sleep in without freezing and a comfortable sofa other than the hard asphalt.
Right when he was ready to be engulfed by the darkness, he heard your comforting voice. “Hey, Grumpy. What do you desire?“
Rolling his eyes without opening them (is that even possible??), Jungkook took a deep breath. “Nothing.“
“Eyy, there must be something that your heart desires.“
“My heart desires nothing. Now shut up. I want to sleep.“
Ignoring his words, you shifted a little bit. “Yah, how can that be? Every heart desires something!“
“You think you know everything, don’t you? Then tell me what my heart desires.“
“Do you want to know it?“
“Yes, whatever.“ Jungkook answered with an annoyed voice.
“Your heart desires one thing.. That it doesn’t hurt anymore..“
The moment Jungkook heard your words, his head shot up and he looked at you with an unreadable look. You, on the other hand, smiled sadly at him and patted his shoulder. “Good night, grumpy new friend. Sleep well..“
Standing up from the sofa, you walked toward your bedroom but stopped when you heard a faint whisper. “It’s Jungkook.“
Turning around, you looked at him with a confused look. “What?“
Looking into your eyes with his doe ones for the first time, he mumbled weakly. “My name.. It’s Jungkook..“
Replacing the confused look on your face with a happy smile, you nodded your head once. “Good night, Jungkook.“
Only when Jungkook saw that you closed your bedroom door after you left the living room, did he whisper a faint “Good night, Y/N..“ back. Closing his heavy eyelids, he allowed the darkness to engulf him.
After all, tomorrow was going to be be a tiring day for the both of you.
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“Yah, sleepyhead! Wake up, we have to get ready and leave as soon as possible.”
Bidding the darkness a goodbye, Jungkook slowly opened his sleepy eyes. He realized that it felt different to wake up in a warm place without the sound of the busy streets and the cold breeze that came along with the winter morning.
From little on, he was used to the feeling of waking up alone and the judging glances of the strangers that passed by him every morning in order to get to work. He never had the need to know how it felt like to wake up to a morning that was accompanied by an other person beside himself. He never understood what people found so special about it. Well, that was until he met her. With her, Jungkook learned what it felt like to be at home for the first time. It was her that made him aware of the fact that not every morning was as cold as he thought it would be, since her snuggles were as comforting and warm as the sun. It was her that made him realize that it wasn’t as bad as he thought it would be to have someone by his side every morning. With her, he felt at home. Because for him, she was his home.
“Yah, Jungkook! Are you even listening to me?”
Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts when he saw you standing in front of him, one hand holding a sandwich and the other a cup of tea. You were already dressed in your jacket and boots, ready to leave as soon as possible. “Where are you going-”
Before Jungkook could end his question, you stuffed the sandwich in his mouth and started tugging at his arm. “We need to leave, right now!”
Yanking his arm away, Jungkook glared at you. “Are you crazy?! What are you doing?! I think you forgot what I’m capable of! I could kill you-”
Rolling your eyes, you reached out for his arm for the second time and started tugging him toward the door. “ Yeah, yeah you can kill me! But we need to hurry now! I want to show you something!”
“Yah, are you stupid? It’s still dark outside! The sun has not even appeared.”
Tugging harder this time, you whispered under your breath. “That’s why we have to hurry, stupid!”
When you told Jungkook that you would show him the good things in life, he didn’t imagine that you would tug him around like a little kid would tug their toys around wherever they would go. Following your running, and slightly limping form in the freezing weather, Jungkook glanced to his side to observe your worried face. Every now and then, you would check the time as if you were in a hurry to not miss something really important that meant a lot to you. He could tell that you were out of breath and really tired the moment you stopped running. Only when you turned your body toward him and smiled brightly at him, did he realize that you both were standing on a high hill where you could almost see the whole city. “We made it!”
He watched how you clapped around with your hands, a wide smile plastered on your face which made him wonder how even a little thing like this could make you this happy. “And why are we here?”
Ignoring his words, he saw you checking the time again. “Yah! I asked you somethin-”
“Close your eyes!”
Bewildered, Jungkook looked at you. He was definitely not doing something like that. “What? Why should I?”
“Hurry, Jungkook, close them! Now!”
“No! I’m not closing my eyes-”
“Aish!” Before Jungkook could end his sentence, he felt your soft hands on his eyes and your soothing voice near his ear. “3, 2, 1.”
The minute you removed your tiny hands from his eyes, his breath hitched when he saw the scenery in front of him.
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The whole city looked like it was floating over the clouds while the first beams of the sun reflected on the buildings.
“It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”
When he heard your voice, he looked at you and again, observing your amazed face. “It is..”
“This scenery only happens for a few seconds. I was so worried that I wouldn’t be able to show you this beautiful moment. But I’m proud and happy that we made it!”
Only when you turned your head to him and said ‘Oh, the dimple appeared again!’, while touching it, did he realize that he was smiling the whole time he was standing next to you.
Yet that didn’t stop him from slapping your hand away and hissing. “Do not touch my face.“
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You looked at the big ferris wheel in front of you and turned to Jungkook while shaking your head. “No! Never! We can ride everything, but not this one!”
You watched how a smirk formed on his face. “Why? Are you scared?”
Averting your eyes, you mumbled. “I.. don’t like them.”
Shrugging his shoulder, he dragged you toward the empty wagon and pushed you in. “Well, now you do. Besides, you were the one who wanted to come here.”
Unwillingly, you sat down in front of him. You could already feel how tiny droplets of cold sweat was forming on your forehead. Right before your wagon reached the top, your whole body started shaking. Not wanting Jungkook to realize this, you gripped your knees and closed your eyes.
“Hey, are you okay?”
Biting your lips in order to avoid your heavy breathing, you nodded with your head.
“Yah, why are you shaking, what’s wrong?”
“C-can you give me your h-hand?“
Furrowing his eyebrows, Jungkook blinked a few times. “What do you need my hand for-“
Before he could end his question, you lunged forward and grabbed his hand, holding it tightly as you mumbled to yourself. “Calm down, Y/N.. Calm down..“
Still confused by everything that was happening, Jungkook observed your now pale looking face. You eyes were tightly shut as your other hand was covering your ear as if you were trying to block all the sounds of the world in that moment. Were you scared of heights? What was he supposed to do? How was he supposed to help?
Jungkook realized that breathing was a task that was getting harder for you as seconds went by, the sun that was shining into the wagon reflecting the tear strokes on your paler face. Slowly but hesitantly, he lifted his arm in order to wrap it around your shaking body, the hand that was being held by yours stroking your soft skin reassuringly. “Shh. Calm down. Everything is okay. There is no need for you to be scared.“
When was the last time he had hugged someone? Or more importantly, when was the last time he had comforted someone? Since when was he able to do such a thing? He wasn’t even able to comfort himself, then why were you in his arms, seeking his comfort like a lost little kid?
“Don’t let me go, please..“
Hearing your shaky voice, Jungkook snapped out of his thoughts. You were still mumbling with your eyes closed, your grip around his hand getting tighter with each word.
“Shh. I’m here, you’re not alone.“
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“I-I’m sorry for what happened earlier. And thank you for helping me..”
You were walking around in the amusement park, when suddenly Jungkook stopped walking. Looking up, you saw how his whole body tensed and he looked like he saw a ghost just seconds ago. Worried, you shook his arm. “Jungkook? Hey, what’s wrong?”
Not reacting to your calls, you watched how his face got paler as seconds went by. “Jungkook, you’re scaring me. What’s wrong?”
Shaking his arm again, you tried to meet his gaze. “Hey, wait here. I’ll grab some water. You don’t look good.”
Right when you took a step away from him, you felt a strong grip on your wrist and the next thing you know, you were only mere inches away from his face. “Kiss me.“
“W-What?!“ Was he insane? What was he talking about?
As you were trying to remove his grip from your wrist, you felt him hiss again. “Kiss me. Now.“
You observed his face yet again as he was hissing the same words to you over and over again. One thing you had noticed was that his eyes were focused on something else which was standing behind you, the look in his eyes reflecting so many emotions in that exact moment that it was hard for you to decipher what he was exactly feeling.
“Jungkook, let go of me- Hmpf.“
Jungkook interrupted your words in one swift movement, his lips tracing yours as you tried to push him away the second you realized what he was doing. Still fighting in his grip, you tried to catch his eyes with your glaring ones but noticed that his eyes were still fixed on the thing or, in this case, on the person that was standing behind you.
Only when Jungkook heard her voice, did he remove his rosy lips from your burning ones. Intervening his fingers with yours, he turned your body around, making you stand face to face with a beautiful looking woman and a man standing beside her. Turning your head to your side, you studied Jungkook’s face yet again and most importantly his eyes. The emotions you were having a hard time to pick out slowly came to the surface the more you observed his brown orbs. Jealousy, betrayal, anger, a little bit of hate and the one that was shining the most, hurt.
“Looks like you found someone else.“ you heard him whisper with venom in his voice.
The woman averted her eyes, her gaze focused on your intervened hands. “I did.“, she mumbled with a slight hitch to her breath.
“You look happy though.“ Jungkook mumbled this time, as he tightened his grip around your hand even more, making your veins beg for freedom.
A small smile graced the beautiful woman’s lips as she looked at the man that was standing beside her. “I.. I am..“
Jungkook chuckled sarcastically and averted his eyes to the man. “Be aware, buddy. She might leave you one night without you even realizing it. That’s the best she can do.“
With that, he yanked you forward, dragging you out of the amusement park. In that moment, you had realized one more thing about Jungkook.
He was definitely not as invulnerable and strong as he tried to convey it.
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“Are you okay?“
One question, multiple ways to answer. One of them; silence.
“Jungkook, you need to spit out your anger. The longer you hold it in, the more you’re going to get hurt.“
A sarcastic chuckle followed by a small hiss. “I am not angry, nor am I hurt.“
Looking down at your hands, you asked with a knowing voice. “Then why are you still gripping my hand so tightly?“
Hearing your question, Jungkook immediately let go of your hand, his hands fiercely tugging at his hair. “How can she?! How can she run away like that and find someone else as if she never loved me?! Am I that easy to forget?! Was our relationship so invaluable to her?! I gave her my everything! I gave her my heart, my trust, my everything! How can she be so cruel and leave me in that darkness even though she knew what I went through my whole life?! Am I that unlovable, Y/N?! Why is everyone leaving me alone?! Why is everyone abandoning me?!“
“No, you are lovable. You just weren’t able to find the right person to receive love from..“
Jungkook was wounded. He had many wounds and scars which he hoped would heal as time went by. He was determined that he himself would be enough to heal those damages all by himself, even though he knew deep down that he was hoping for the impossible. Being alone was never easy. He was just too stubborn to admit that to himself. He only needed someone’s hand, someone’s support. Someone who can pull him out of the darkness and bring him to the light.
Because unless we share someone else’s pain, we can never relieve ourselves of pain.
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Finding Jungkook on the balcony of your little apartment turned kind of into a routine. It has already been a week since the day at the amusement park and Jungkook refused to talk about anything that reminded him of that certain day. He seemed like he enjoyed being around you since he haven’t left that day and you were more than grateful to have someone that was accompanying you in your cute, little apartment.
“Good morning, Jungkook.“
“Got up early?“
“Haven’t slept at all..“
You turned your head to him and studied his beautiful face which was being lightened up by the sun that was peeking through the winter clouds. “Why, what’s bothering you?“
He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “My past.“
“Do you want to talk about it?“
Looking up at the clouds, he mumbled hesitantly. “I don’t know if I’m ready to relive all those things again..“
Placing your hand on his shoulder reassuringly, you spoke up. “You have to face your fears in order to turn your open wounds into scars, Jungkook. Avoiding them will only make it worse..“
“You can talk to me whenever you feel ready, okay? I’m here to listen if you want..“ you said before patting his back slightly, taking a step back in order to make breakfast.
But before you could even step out of the balcony, you heard his voice. “The last time I saw my family was when I was ten years old..“
Turning around, you lead against the frame of your glass door, watching his back silently. “My mother died in a car accident and my father.. well, I don’t know what happened to my father. Being a ten year old kid, I was more than scared when I found out that I had nobody to rely on. My whole family disowned me after my mother’s death as if I was a piece of trash and I was left alone to live by myself. Day and night, I searched for a home, for a place where I could be able to continue my life. But the only thing I was able to find was the dark streets and my own loneliness. I ate out of the trash and slept in public bathrooms. As a ten year old, it was frightening to be alone, but I taught myself to be fearless. I had to learn it the hard way that I couldn’t reach anything with fear in life. I got used to living on the streets and begging for money, until one day, her mother found me. She brought me to her home, offered me food and a place to sleep in. Then I met her. She was everything I had ever dreamed of. Her whole family offered me love and affection, something I was seeking for more than I could imagine. For the first time in my life, I felt like I belonged to someone, I felt like I had a family who loved me the way I am, with all my wounds and scars..“
Walking up to him from the back, you wrapped your arms around his tense frame. Not expecting your touch, he froze for a few seconds but relaxed when he felt the comfort he was longing for a while in your arms. “I lived with them for 8 years. I went to school, I learned how to drive a car and most importantly, I learned how to love. That girl you saw a week ago, she was the one who thought me how to love, Y/N. She accepted me and made me fall in love for 8 years and left me in one night. Without any explanation. That night, I realized that love was cruel, just like the life that I am living..“
Grabbing his hands as a support, you started stoking them slowly, making sure to not overstep any boundaries. “Throughout my life, I wasn’t able to prevent the things that I desired and loved from slipping away out of my hands. I couldn’t, I still can’t. I can’t hold on to them, Y/N.. What am I doing wrong?“
Turning him around in your embrace, you reached up for his face and cupped his face with your now cold, red hands. “To feel safe, first the fears have to go. The fear of being abandoned, of being left alone.. You have carried this fear with you all your life, Jungkook. This burden is falling on all your relationships, especially your love life. So you want to leave others before they can leave you. You want to say bye before they can say bye. Because you never want to face that pain again. I know that what you’ve went through wasn’t easy at all, and I also know that you think I’m some crazy girl who is talking gibberish but why don’t you just try to forget or maybe even forgive your past? As a child it is hard to understand all this but now, as an adult you can at least try. Don’t let the past blackmail your present to ruin a beautiful present, hm? I know that you can do it. And I promise, we will fight through it together, okay?“
The the vulnerable yet genuine smile that was plastered on the young man’s face was worth to die for. For the first time in a long while, he was able to smile thanks to the young woman that was standing in front of him, the emotions he was witnessing more than different when he was with her.
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‘In order to let go of your past, you have to face your fears.‘
Those words echoed in Jungkook’s head the minute he had opened the door of your apartment only to be greeted by her. What was she doing here? How did she find out where you lived? Why weren’t you at home even though it was past midnight?
Jungkook’s thoughts were interrupted the moment he heard her shaking voice. “H-Hello, Jungkook..“
Immediately, Jungkook tried to shut the door into her face. “No! Jungkook, please wait!“
“Go before I do something that I won’t regret.“ Jungkook hissed trough his gritted teeth, his blood already boiling uncontrollably.
“I want to talk to you, Jungkook! Please! Please let me in!“
“There is nothing to talk about. I don’t want to see your face nor do I want to hear the reasons why you left me even though you promised me you wouldn’t leave me. Now go before I kill you with my own hands.“
“I’m here because Y/N wanted me to talk to you..“
Hearing those words, Jungkook immediately stopped pushing the door, his head shooting spat the mention of your name. “What?“
He observed how the women who carried his heart for 8 years took a deep breath as she averted her eyes. “I came across her last week.. She.. she told me that you were having a hard time and asked me to talk to you about your.. about our past..“
Jungkook felt his whole body freeze in that moment. How could you? How could you do that even though you knew how hard it was for him to even think about his past. Was this your way of helping him out of the darkness? By stabbing him in the back?
“Why would you listen to her?“, he asked with his venom filled voice.
“Because I want to help you.. Just like she does.“
“I don’t need your help just like I don’t need hers. Next time you see her, tell her that she shouldn’t get involved in my life. Because if she does it one more time, I’m going to kill her with my bare hands.“
The women looked at him with pity in her eyes. Why was he doing this to himself? Was she really the reason why he refused to live a peaceful life? Looking down at her ring finger, she observed her diamond ring carefully.
“I couldn’t breathe..“ she said with her soft yet shaky voice.
The only thing Jungkook could do was listen to her words as he focused his eyes on her ring. She continued. “In order to be able to breathe, I had to let go of you.. You were suffocating me with your love.. It was too much.. I.. I tried so hard to return i the way you did  but I couldn’t.. your love was too strong for me..“
A sarcastic chuckle left the young man’s mouth. “So you decided to leave me without even saying a single word. That’s really brave of you.“
“No, that wasn’t brave of me.. but I was scared. I was scared that I would fall in love with you even more.. you were so generous and loving that you didn’t even except anything in return but I knew that no matter how much I loved you, your love would always be the one winning. Our relationship felt like a competition, Jungkook. I always felt like I had to prove my love to you and that was wrong. It was a mistake, Jungkook..“
Jungkook felt like he was being punched by an invisible fist. Growing up, he didn’t receive much love from his family, maybe that was the reason why he didn’t know how to love right. The fear of losing someone yet again turned him into this clingy, desperate boy who was seeking for affection and love wherever he went. Maybe that was the reason why everyone decided to leave him. Because he didn’t know how to love in the first place..
“Does he know how to love you right?“ he asked as he tried to avoid the lump in his throat.
Her lips lifted into that soft, little smile he used to admire in the past days. “He does.. because he knows how to love himself.. You need to love yourself in order to be able to love someone else..“
“Do you love yourself, Jungkook?“
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To somebody, love is like a medal or a trophy, the result of a victory that they can boast of. To somebody, love is a truthful and sincere course of waiting endlessly for their loved one. To that man, love is a secret that he can’t allow himself to find out. Not again. Because that man becomes nervous when he is too happy. To that man, happiness is like a child’s game of blowing bubbles. The moment he touches the bubbles that float around him carrying the lights of the rainbow, they burst. In front of happiness, that man always gives up before he even reaches out his hand.
You realize this about Jungkook the next morning when you see him walking toward you with those anger filled eyes, his hand engulfing your neck the minute he is standing in front of you. Slamming you against the wall, he hisses as he clenches his jaw. “How dare you?! How dare you get involved in my life without my permission?! Who do you think you are?!“
“I’m assuming she asked you the question you were avoiding since you were a little kid?“ you said with much effort since it was hard for you to form sentences with his fingers wrapped around your neck.
After those words, you felt him grip your neck harder. “I’m going to kill you!“, he hissed yet again.
“Then do it, what are you waiting for?“ you asked with a calm voice.
Jungkook looked into your eyes for a few seconds. How could you be so strong? Why weren’t you scared of him? And why were insisting to help him? Who were you really?
Snapping out off his thoughts, Jungkook slammed you for the last time against the wall walked towards your sofa, sitting on it as he was running his fingers trough his hair angrily. “My life is none of your business! It’s my life for a reason! I can decide whether I want to do anything about it or not! You are just a stranger!
With those words being said, you walked up to him and hissed. “But there is still something you weren’t able to solve.”
Grabbing his jacket forcefully, you yanked him up from the sofa and started shouting. “That kid has grown up! That kid no longer exists! He is gone, Jungkook! Leave that kid alone! Leave yourself alone too! Don’t take the burdens you won’t be able to carry on your shoulders anymore!”
Anger was controlling your whole body and at this point, you were shaking him furiously as he looked at you with a shocked face.
“People die! Good loses, bad wins! Love ends! You can’t change it! Don’t put those things you won't be able to change in the center of your life! You can’t live on like that! Do you want to get lost in your own sorrow?! What do you want?! Do you want to hide behind the back of those people who are pitying you?! Is that what you want?! Do you want to keep living this hollow, meaningless life?! Say it! Say it, Jungkook!”
“I-I don’t k-know.”
“You don’t know! You don’t know anything! It’s easier for you to hold on to your past and your wounds rather than fighting for a change!”
Shoving him away forcefully, you threw your hands up. “Okay, don’t fight then. Live on like this! I tried to do everything, Jungkook! Do you know how many sleepless nights I had because I was searching for her everywhere since I hoped that talking to her would be helpful for you! I tried get your mind off of your past and your dark thoughts because I hoped it would make you happy even just a little bit! I did everything just to be able to see that little dimple on your cheek because I love seeing it to death, Jungkook! Do you know how concerned I was whenever I saw you playing with your gun at night while you were lying on the sofa because the worst thing that came to my mind was you shooting yourself in front of my eyes?! You don’t, Jungkook! You don’t know anything! Just like you don’t know how much you mean to me!“
“W-What do you mean?“ he asked with his tiny voice.
Shaking your head from side to side, you took a few steps away from him. “Open your eyes, Jungkook.. Open your eyes and allow yourself to see the reality.. Rather than hiding so much, try to find your true self and start fighting for yourself..“
“Because at this point, I stopped fighting for you too, Jungkook.“
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To that man, a wound is like falling into deep water. The onlookers, who don’t know how deep those wounds are, simply wonders why he can’t swim out of it. There are so many people who belittle others’ wounds. To that man, swimming is a task he refuses to do after so many tries. Because drowning gets much more easier as time goes by, his body already being used to the feeling of numbness. That man realizes that fighting is much harder than giving up, but he still tries to do it. Not only for himself but for you.
That man realizes his mistakes after being away from you for two months, the desire to see your face and feel your warm touch getting more and more as time flies by. Since when was he so attached to you, the young man questions himself every other day. Since when were you playing such a big part in his life?But just like every other question, this one stays unanswered too.
Apart from remembering your beautiful smile and the way your soft hands caressed him with such adoration and care, he remembered one conversation you both had as if it happened two days ago. 
“Do you think it's harder for the one who leaves his partner or the one who stays behind?” you had asked one night as you both were observing the stars.
Jungkook huffed. “It’s harder for the one who stays behind.”
“I think its harder for the one who leaves..” you said as you tilted your head slightly.
A sarcastic chuckle left the young man’s mouth. “You don't know anything. Its harder for the one who stays behind. Because that person lives his life as if it’s incomplete. Think about it, everything is the same, but you know that something is missing. The one who is left behind has to deal with the absence of his loved one. And the only thing that stays behind with him is the emptiness in his heart.”
“That doesn’t mean that it’s easier for the one who leaves. Because they too, are having a hard time in their own way. They are carrying the heaviness of leaving the person they love, or once loved in their heart. Some are drowning in their own sorrow and some are regretting the choices the have made. The one who stays behind develops hate and decides to move one. The one who leaves, on the other hand, still beats himself up for his stupidness..”
You were the one who had left him behind. Were you beating yourself up? Were you carrying the heaviness of leaving him behind? Were you, too, regretting your choices you have made? 
Those questions were flying in that young man’s mind ever since you didn't show up that night. At first, he thought that you were staying somewhere else, maybe at your friend’s house because you wanted to cool off and get your mind off of the fight you both had. But minutes turned into hours and hours turned into days. Slowly but surely, worry started engulfing his whole body. So, the young man started to search for you. Day and night, he called for you, looked for you, hell, he even cried for you.
But you were gone, just like everyone else.
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After searching for you for almost two months, that man realizes that living this life was nothing more than a torment for him. No matter how much he tries to deny it, he has managed to get attached to you without even realizing it. But now that you weren’t here, he had nothing to do with his life, nor someone he could show his achievements with a proud smile plastered on his face. So; that man decides to end his life without even questioning it for a second time. It’s one of those nights were his thoughts are filled with too many things. But this time, they are not about her, but you. 
About your eyes, your nose, your mouth and most importantly, your smile. He had never imagined thinking about someone else other than her would ever be possible. But then he met you, this beautiful, fearless young woman who was filled with joy and happiness. The woman who promised him to be his friend and show him the world that was indeed, filled with positive things. 
But one thing that young man realized was that the positive things that he was witnessing and experiencing were only happening whenever you were by his side. His once snarls and huffs turned into little smirks and those smirks were replaced by little smiles. And without even realizing, he would start laughing at whatever you had said, making him realize that he too, was still able to laugh after all those things he went trough. But that was only possible because it was you. You were the source of his happiness. 
Jungkook observed the cars carefully and smiled a little. He never imagined that this would be the way how he would leave this world, let alone at such a young age. But he had no reason to live anymore. You were gone and took everything with you. He was nothing more than a soulless body walking around, being nothing more than a burden to everyone he had met in his life. 
So, slowly but surely, he strode towards the street with his heavy steps when he saw a black van nearing, his cold hands tucked into his sweatshirts pockets. 
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Carelessly, he took a big step in front of the car and turned his head when he saw the lights shining bright on his figure. 
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After that, the only thing he heard was the screeching sound of the wheels and the shriek of the person sitting inside the car. 
And it was none other than yours.
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“You look like you have something to say.“, you said as you carefully observed his face.
He looked down and started fiddling with his fingers. “I do.. I just don’t know how to put it into words..“
Hearing his broken voice, your expression softened. “You’re okay, that’s what matters..”
Ashamed, he still refused to look up, to look into those eyes which were filled with disappointment and hurt.
“There is no point in pushing sometimes, Jungkook. If a person feels like being stuck in a marsh, he should probably quit trying.. The more you try, the more you are drowning.. Sometimes you just have to accept everything as it is..” you tried to smile at him, but failed no mater how hard you tried.
“If..”, you took a deep breath, trying to avoid the big lump that was forming in your thoat. “If you came you came to this situation because I wanted to heal you... if you’re confused because of that.. I’m really sorry, Jungkook. I just wanted to help you..”, you whispered the last words as you let the tears roll down your face.
Looking up from his hands, Jungkook connected his eyes with yours. “I would drown without you, Y/N..”
As if being punched in the chest, you closed your eyes and tried to calm your heart. 
“I wasn’t good for you, Jungkook..”, another tear was added to the other ones. “Just like you weren't good for me..“ 
And there was the first lie.
Scared to look at his face, you averted your eyes does to your hands. “You should be resting now. Even though you aren't hurt, your body needs to rest. You can go to my house if you want..”
“I’m in love with you, Y/N.” 
And another punch into your chest. 
“What if I told you that I was in love with you, that I always loved you? If I apologize for everything that I've done to you up till now, for everything I couldn’t do, and apologize for the things I made you go through? Hm?”
Slowly, you looked up at him. “Your wounds are wounding me, Jungkook. I always thought I could embrace you with all your wounds and scars but.. I was wrong..“
Jungkook’s heart stopped right there.
“I don't have the strength to build us up again, Jungkook..“ 
“Can’t you allow me to build us up?“ Jungkook asked with hope coating his voice. “Without relying on you,”, he reached up to hold your hands. “by giving you my shoulder to rely on.. Please.. Please don't give up on us, Y/N..”
Wrapping his arms around your body, he nuzzled his head in he crook of your neck. “Please don't go, Y/N.. Don't leave me like all the other ones did..”
Each word broke your heart more and more, the broken pieces causing a heavy feeling on your chest. “I’m scared, Jungkook..”
Immediately, Jungkook’s grip tightened. “Don’t be. I will always be by your side. Can’t you be by my side as well?“
“I.. can.. because I love you too..“
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littlebitoffanfic · 6 years
Complete - Family
Fandom: The Hills Have Eyes Characters: Lizard, Hades, Grabber, Papa, others mentioned Relationship: Lizard/reader Request: The reader gets taken by hades clan for breeding. Lizard and her get into a big fight before she was abducted and feels its his fault that she got taken so he goes to rescue her. Can it be in the same set up as complete but not including next time? AN: An: part 1: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/155592661619/complete part 2: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/156456610004/complete-part-2 part 3: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/162564408954/complete-part-3 Part 4: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/163535128554/complete-part-4-tease Part 5: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/163535225904/complete-part-5-needed Part 6: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/171498361714/alone-time Part 7: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/174733043749/complete-part-7-saviours-reward Part 8: http://littlebitoffanfic.tumblr.com/post/178830963804/teacher You groaned as the bag on your back became heavier and heavier with each passing step. It didn’t help that you could barley see where you were going because it was pitch black tonight and cloudy so you didn’t even have the moons light to guide your way. You knew where you were going though. In fact, you knew this journey like the back of your hand by now, it was just the odd stone or rock that had moved which meant you tripped or stubbed your toe. There had been a group of 4. They had stopped for fuel and you managed to persuade them to take your shortcut. From what you could tell, it was two brothers and their girlfriends. Of course, the family made short work of them but they had come through just before sunset and by the time they had been caught and killed, it was dark. You didn’t like walking in the dark, and radioed saying you were just going to sleep at the gas station. But then you heard one of the many creaky panels and signs and decided you would rather be at home with Lizard. No matter what had happened today. He had been in a bad mood all day because him and Papa had butted heads again. Unfortunately, he had taken it out on you. Leading to you storming out. “maybe I’ll just go to the shop and stay there tonight.” You growl as you stuffed clothes and a blanket into a bag. “Nah, you wont. You’ll get scared and I’ll have to come get you like normal.” Lizard hissed. “Oh, if im such an inconvenience to you, don’t bother coming at all then.” You sneered at him. “I wont ask for your help again.” With that, you walked out of the door and slammed it shut behind you. There was a slight breeze tonight which normally wouldn’t be a problem, but it whistled through the valleys of the hills and made it hard to hear anything but your own breathing. Whenever it was dark, Lizard had come to meet you at the gas station and walked you home. Stopping, you gave into your fears and grabbed your radio off your belt. “Can someone come meet me?” You called, hoping Lizard or Goggle were close by. “Where are yeh?” Lizard called back almost instantly. You couldn’t help but smile, knowing he must be waiting by the door for you to get home. “Just in the valley where-“ You were cut off when a hand clamped itself over your mouth. You let out a started scream as you panicked. “[y/n]!” lizard called down the radio, and he wasn’t the only one. You heard Goggle asking what happened and Papa as well. You kept your finger down on the button to speak, trying to twist your head around to see your attacker. Your heart dropped into your stomach. “Hades!” You screamed in his hand. You had been warned about him. Papas brother. More violent than Lizard and less family-driven than Papa. He grinned down at you, droll seeming to spill from his mouth. He towered over you, like a troll than a human. You could hear the voices of your family calling for you. They could hear you muffled screams. You had to tell them who it was, although you knew Lizard probably knew. Opening your mouth, you bit down hard on the fresh of his fat palm, hard enough that you tasted the blood running into your mouth as he let out a howl off pain and pulled his hand away from your mouth. “H-Hades! Its Ha-“ You screamed into the radio before you felt something hit the back of your head hard. You cried out but the pain made your knees weak and you dropped to the ground. You didn’t know if he had hit you with a rock or with his fist, but you knew it was enough to knock you out. Especially if he was angry. The second your body hit the ground, you felt dizzy. Clutching your head with your hands, you were unaware of the kick coming for you until it collided with your stomach, sending a fresh rocket of pain through your body. “You fuckin’ touch her again you fuck-“ You heard Lizard snarling over the radio which had fallen beside you. “Hades! You leave her alone! Shes Lizards mate. Doesn’t belong to yah!” Papa growled. His voice coming through with an authority you had only ever heard once in your life, when Goggle had nearly got Ruby killed as kids. Your ears filled with ringing as you opened your eyes and saw the same had you bit (that was now covered in blood) grab the radio off the ground. You followed it as he raised it to his lips, his beady eyes sparkling wickedly at you. “Our female now. He can find another.” His voice sent a chill through your spine. But before any of your family could reply, he dropped the radio to the ground and brought his food crashing down on it, breaking it in to pieces in front of your eyes. You let out a strangled scream before the same boot that had just crushed your radio collided with your face and knocked you out. -----------------------time skip -------------------- Your mind woke before your body did. For a moment, you thought it might have all been a dream. You were going to open your eyes and see Lizard passed out beside you. But you knew it wasn’t true. The smell that filled your nostril wasn’t one from home. It wasn’t even the worse smelling place in the village, which was the slaughter house. It was musky, and smelled like decay, dirt and damp. Before you could become too preoccupied on the smell, the pain seemed to strike you like lightning. It pulsed through your body, making you wince and bit your inner lip to stop you from screaming. Finally, you knew you had to open your eyes. When you did, the first thing you noticed was your eyelashes of your left eye sticking together as they opened, a dry red substance on them. Probably your blood. Your upper lip tasted of blood and you felt it had dried under your nose. You twitched your nose and mouth slightly, feeling a sting but you knew your nose wasn’t broken at least, it had just been bleeding. Your hands were tied over your head to something (probably a bedpost or headboard) but your ankles were free. You were on some sort of bed, but you could feel the springs digging into your back, painfully. The bed somehow felt grotty. Then you remembered why you were here. Looking down, you let out a sign of relief. You had thrown on skinny jeans to go to the shop and they were still on you. They looked intact and, as you moved your hips and legs a little, didn’t have any holes in the crotch area of them. This meant you hadn’t been violated in your ‘sleep’. He wouldn’t carefully take off the jean then put them back on. No, they would have been ripped off you. One thing y ou did see was that you were covered in scrapes and blood. Hades had probably dragged you back here and it showed. You could feel the fresh wounds in your back and along your sides. Your legs were bad as well, a number of small holes that were now covered with blood up and down your body. It seemed any area not covered with blood was dirty. you wondered just how long you had been here. There was no window in the little room but there was a little lamp attached to the wall on. Dimly, yes, but enough you could glance around you and make sure you were alone. You knew Lizard would come for you. That much you knew. He would tear through every one of Hades clan to find you. So would Papa. Goggle, Pluto and Cyst would come for you too. All the men except Big brain. Mama would probably be comforting little Ruby, who would have heard your abduction over the radio she had just got 2 weeks ago and was attached to her. Depending on where Mama had been, so might Mercury and Venus if she had been in the nursery with them, putting them to sleep. No, mama would stay with the children, her arms tightly around them all. She might even go to Big Brain for the company and for support when every one was gone. And Big Brain would be livid, cursing Hades to hell while Mama hissed at him to think of the children as she covered their ears. The image, which was probably very accurate, made you smile. You would be home soon. But how soon was soon? You couldn’t tell. One thing you did know was you couldn’t just wait around. Regardless of if Lizard was on his way, Hades would probably be heading for you. If he couldn’t keep you, he would damn well make sure that Lizard knows hes had you. You had to get out of here, keep low. There was no point trying to get out the mines which they called home. Every entrance and exit was rigged with elaborate traps to keep victims from escaping. No, you had to find some way to stay just out of reach of the clan for long enough for your family to get to you. Taking a deep breath, you looked up at your restraints. Rough rope tied your hands together, making your wrists bleed. You couldn’t just wriggle out of it, he would have thought of that. “Don’t think like a victim” you told yourself. If you took the obvious route, they would know and be anticipating your every move. No, you had to think like them. Lizard had once told you that rope isn’t great for restraining victims because they can cut through it. Cut. You looked around the room for anything you could use, until you remembered when Papa had been teaching Ruby self defence. You had mended some of her clothes and were dropping them off to her when you heard he had said something about using her shoe laces. This was before Ruby had abandoned shoes all together. But you hadn’t. You were wearing some slightly wore but comfy trainers, with laces. grinning, you managed to manoeuvre yourself so your arms were twisted over each other but you were sitting up facing your confined hands with your feet. You considered just kicking your legs and staying on your back. Many years of sex with Lizard had lead you to be rather bendy in that way, but then you thought if Hades came in. no, this way, you weren’t as exposed. you had been right about being tied to a bed post. A metal frame with rust all over it. Moving each foot in turn to your fingers, you untied both laces before slipping one lace through an outer bit of rope. You then tied one lace of one foot to the other lace that was looped under the rope. Once secure, you leaned back, ignoring the pain in your wrists. Moving your feet up and down like you were riding a bike, your laces worked like a knife, slowly cutting through the rope because of the tension. Sooner than you thought, you heard a snap and felt the rope loosen around your wrists. You managed to unwrap the rope and you were free. Quickly doing your laces ack up (you didn’t want to trip over them or get them caught in something), you got off the bed and rubbed your bleeding wrists while looking around. no weapons anywhere. In fact, the room only consisted of the bed and wall lamp. Going to the door, you stopped for a moment before going back and grabbing the rope. Yes it was cut, but it was at least 2 feet long and could just get you the upper hand in a fight if you get it round someones neck. or to quieten someone. you pushed it into your jeans pocket. The item plunge out but it left your hands free. Going up to the lamp, you turned it off before feeling your way along the wall. If the room is the only one lit, when you open the door, it might cause someone to notice from the excess light. darkness was better. Opening the door, you felt your way along the wall, keeping close and as small as possible. You had been right. The hallway outside the room was pitch black. The walls were flat, like the walls of your home than mine walls. But once you got to the hallway that this one lead off of and you could feel the walls change to the gritty, rock that made up the mines. You needed to get close to an entrance or exit. Maybe if you see your family first, they can help you escape. For what felt like a lifetime, you wondered around the miles, your heart hammering. Occasionally you came into light from small holes in the roof and walls, but most of the times it was little miner lamps that sat in corners. This place was like a maze. You thought you were making progress until you felt the wall change into a flat wall. Shit. You had circled back on yourself. But that wasn’t the only thing. The room had a light under the doorway and there was a shadow moving around. You heard grunt and then a animistic roar as something as thrown across the room. Probably the bed. This meant he was in there. This means he knew you were gone. His means he would be coming after you. Run. It was your first instinct. But if you ran, you were more likely to trip up, to make a mistake or to run into someone. Looking up, you could see the ceiling was high, really high. And the hallway was very narrow. Pushing your back against one wall and your feet against the other side, you were able to push yourself up until you felt the top of the ceiling. You were at least 15 feet off the ground. If you fell, you were sure to break your neck, but the dim light from that room wouldn’t be enough to see right up here. And sure enough, the door was flung open. “Shes escaped!” hades roared to his clan, his voice nearly shaking the walls themselves. You felt your legs going weak at that voice out of fear. You were weak from what had happened to you, but you had one driving force. Lizard. He needed you. Sure, so did the family. But he was different. If he found out you were dead, that Hades had had you and then killed you, or worse, bred you, you didn’t know what he would do. If you went back to him pregnant, you knew he would never harm you, but the baby? That wasn’t even his? You didn’t know. Lizard was stupid at the best of times. Not as in dumb. No, reckless. But that wasn’t as back because he knew he had you. He had something to live for. And what if lizard did try to kill Hades? He was papas brother. You were lizards ‘mate’ but hades was family. Papa had made it clear no one was to hurt his brother, no matter how much he didn’t get alone. They might fight, and hurt each other. Tears welled in your eyes as you thought of your family tearing each other apart just for you. Because of you. no, this wasn’t a war to start right now. he had to find you alive and you could work from there. Hades didn’t even notice you as he stormed under you and turned left, screaming for someone called Stabber and grabber. Within seconds, they appeared. You had seen Stabber once before, and knew him as one of Hades sons. However, you had heard about Grabber. He was blind, but had amazing hearing. “Get her!” Hades growled. Stabber grunted and turned, darting down the way you had went. “Told you it aint a good idea. Shes Lizards. Aint no good gonna come from this.” Grabber hissed to Hades. He wasn’t a son, you knew that much, but you didn’t know how he related to the family. “hes had her long enough and no kids. Aint a reason for a female if they aint bred.” Hades growled, obviously annoyed at being challenged. But Grabber looked older than Hades, and didn’t step down. “Don’t matter. She aint a breeder to them. You know shes like family-“ Grabber said but was interrupted. “Shes an outsider!” Roared Hades but Grabber continued with out flinching. “Don’t matter to them. Yer gonna cause a war. Over a girl?” Grabber seemed to look at Hades over his thick glasses. “I wanted her.” Hades growled, his voice low and dangerous. “Don’t matter to them what you want, Hades. You hurt her, you wont just have one less breeder. You’ll have a war. And you aint treated everyone here good enough for them to fight for you-“ Grabber was interrupted when Hades raised his fist and slammed it into his face, knocking him against the wall hard. His glasses came flying off but seemed thick enough to survive the fall. But Grabber didn’t do anything other than take it. “I. Want. Her.” Hades growled once again before turning and storming down the hallway before disappearing to the left. You had to hold one hand over your mouth as you looked at the poor man who was pushing himself to his feet. If someone disagreed with Papa, they talked it out. Papa would never lay a finger on any of his family, not like this. But it seemed to be a regular occurrence. “If shes smart,” Grabber started to speak once Hades was out of earshot and feeling for his glasses. “she’ll head left then follow the trail till she sees light in a door marked Hansel. And keeps up high.” You heart jumped. Did he know you were up here? Dropping down to the ground as silently as you could, you saw his reach into his pocket and pull out a small pocket knife and placing it on the ground as he searched in vain for his glasses. You saw them and grabbed them up. Quickly, you grabbed the knife and replaced it with the glasses. Sure enough, he reached out and picked up his glasses, feeling for any cracks. “Thank you.” You whispered, before fleeing. Following Grabbers ‘instructions’, you found the door marked Hansel. You had seen it before but hadn’t went into because there was a light inside. Slowly opening the door, you held the knife close to you so you could move quickly if needed. The room was filled with old things. They were sorted into piles, some stacked so high they reached the ceiling. Instantly, you saw a thousand ways and places to hid. You heard heavy footsteps approaching fast. You noticed a desk, which had a number of prams, buggies and baby carriers in front of it. Moving a couple, you managed to crawl under neither and move them back into place when the door opened. Stabber came storming through, with Hazel following him, ringing his hands together (another of Hades sons). “They nearly fuckin’ here. We cant find her before they get here, we’re all dead.” Stabber growled, seeming scared somehow. You frowned a little. While were they together. Surely, if they were looking for you, they should have split up. They all had the upper hand because they knew this place like the back of their hand. Why search in a group? Hansel nodded in agreement, his demeanour reminding you a little of pluto. Somewhat simple but with kind eyes. “She aint like the other breeders. She knows this shit. Shes one step ahead of us. Just gotta hope they find her before they find us.” Stabber glanced in your direction but didn’t see you as the two quickly left. They were frighten of Papa. Of Jupiter and his clan. You clamped your hand over your mouth. They weren’t looking for you to give to Hades. They were like Grabber. They just wanted rid of you to avoid a war. You were so lose in though, you nearly missed the scream that echoed through the mines. It didn’t sound too far away, but you couldn’t tell. You debated weather to investigate when you thought maybe it was your family. What if they had split up and Hades had got his hands on Goggle? Of all of them, Goggle was the smallest and not use to fight. Scrambling out of the hiding place, you bolted to the door and left, following the sound of the scream. Rounding a corner, you saw a body on its face covered in blood. Holding your breath, you approached it and turned it over before letting out a sign of relief. It wasn’t one of your family. From the looks of it, the mutant had been attacked. A open wound in its neck was bleeding heavily and the blood still hot. They must be here and not to far. That was when you heard it. His voice. “Where is she?!” Lizards voice was rough, desperate and angry. But close. Flying in the direction, you didn’t care if you were seen anymore. He was here, somewhere, looking for you. “Dead.” Hades voice seemed to leer, making you stop to check and makes ure he wasn’t behind you. “I killed her.” Instantly, you knew what he was doing. Making Lizard mad. Everyone knew Lizard had two fight modes. His first was flawless and unbeatable. He was quick and strong, easily able to overpower even Hades if he needed to. The other was different. It was desperate fight. He didn’t care about getting hurt but about doing as much damage as he could. He would be easily beatable if he was worked up enough because he didn’t think about his own weaknesses. Your only thought was to run to him. If you shouted, it might be a trap. If hades kills you before you get to Lizard, it would make his angrier to see your lifeless body. Sprinting, you ran as hard and fast as you could, tears stinging in your eyes. “You fuckin’ liar.” Lizards voice bounced off the walls and a wail of angst came from Pluto. “I fucked her before I killer her. She wasn’t that good. Don’t know why you so attached.” Hades smeared, making your cheeks burn red with anger and slight embarrassment. “Shut up!” Goggles voice snapped and you could imagine him holding his hands over his ears. “I’ll fucking kill you” Lizard roared and you turned the corner to see Hades standing in a rather open area with is back to you. Lizard, Goggle, Pluto, Papa and Cyst were there, but it was dark, the only light being from a small crack in the wall letting sunlight in. All four of them were armed to the teeth and were glaring at Hades. Even papa. You had never seen his so angry. He wasn’t standing in front of Lizard, trying to keep him back. He stood behind him. but then Lizards eyes found you. His anger dropped away, his whole body seeming to relax as his eyes met yours. You couldn’t help but smile as you started to run to him, not caring about Hades. Lizard moved towards you, seeming to have forgot about Hades as well. But then Hades turned, saw you were there, and grabbed something off his belt. A knife. The glint gave it away. He raised it above his head just as Lizard was about to pass him. He was going to stab it into his neck, you knew it. “NO!” You screamed in horror, your world shaking as you saw the knife begin to come down until there was a loud BANG. Hades let out a howl of pain as the knife dropped to the floor, with several fingers. lizard stopped to see what happened, jumping away from Hades a little. You looked up and saw Papa holding a smoking gun, pointed at where Hades hand had been. Hades twisted on the floor in agony, clutching his hand to his chest as it bled out. Lizard was frozen in his spot as you came to stand at Hades head. When he looked up at you, you raised your foot and slammed it into his face, making sure you heard the crack of his nose and maybe some teeth if you were lucky. Before you could admire your work, you were lifted up into strong arms. “you alright? Did he touch yah? You hurt?” Lizard rattled off questions in your ear as he held you close. You smiled, cuddling into him as inhaling his scent. “Im fine. I got out before he could lay a finger on me.” You smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck. He was shaking, terribly, and you felt hot wet droplets on your neck. “Im safe now you’re here.” You whisper to him, letting your own tears run free. You had almost forgot about the others until you felt someone rub your upper arm. Looking over, you saw Goggle smiling at you. Lizard let go of you, subtly wiping his tears away in the process as the other came over to you, ignoring Hades. Their eyes went to your bloody appearance. “I think it looks worse than it is.” You tried to reassure then but no one looked convicted. Pluto reached out and grabbed on of your hands, seemingly presenting it to Papa. “You’ve looked better.” Goggle said from your side and you let out a laugh. You couldn’t help it. “Thanks.” You turned to him, but your laughter settled them. “What happened?” Papa asked, his eyes on his brother. You knew you had to tell all the basics here and now. While Hades was weak. Lizard wrapped his arm around your waist, seeming to notice your legs getting weak. “Well, when I radioed you, he grabbed me and put his hand over my mouth I bit it and he punched me in the head. I fell to the ground and he spoke to you, and then crushed the radio then kicked me in the stomach and head. I woke up tied to a bed.” This part earned all 5 of them to growl as they looked at Hades. But you continued. “But I managed to break the ropes around my wrist by using my laces. I went out and circled back on myself when Hades found out I was gone. I managed to climb up the wall and hid while he spoke to Stabber and Grabber. Once they were gone, I hid in a room with loads of stuff when I heard a scream. I thought it might have been one of you so I followed it and found one of Hades clan. Then I heard Lizard and here I am.” You smiled, signalling to the floor as if you were recounting how you escaped a maze farm. “And the others?” papa asked. You understood he meant the rest of Hades clan. “I over heard some. They all said it was a bad idea me being here. That it would cause a war.” You were carful not to give too much detail in front of Hades. If he found out Grabber helped you, there would be hell to pay. You couldn’t help but lean against Lizard a little more as you tried to keep yourself going. The adrenalin was wearing off and you could feel yourself being sore and tired as the seconds passed. Lizard leaned down and swept you off your feet, picking you up bridal style. You let out a giggle as you cuddled into his neck, wrapping your arms back around him. You quickly began to drift off as Lizard walked toward the exit. He obviously knew where he was going but Pluto and Goggle kept to either side of you. You glanced back when you noticed Papa and Cyst hadn’t followed as you saw them speak before walking up to Hades. Papa raised the gun once more, aimed it at Hades’ crotch, and fired. You were pulled back by Lizards low voice, speaking quietly to you as he slowed his pace so the others walked slightly ahead of you. “am sorry.” His voice was shaking. “Shoulda come got yah.” You saw in his eyes was a deep resentment for himself and for what had happened to you. “Its not your fault.” You tried to sooth him but he snapped. “If I’da been there, Hades wouldntda-“ You quickly interrupted him. “You don’t know that. He might still have. Or done it another time. But its over now. You came for me, just like I knew you would. You’ve showed me again that regardless of what happens, you wont stop fighting for me. And that’s the only thing that kept me going.” You smiled, cupping his cheek with one of your hand. “Ah do love yah.” He looked at you. “I’da killed every fucker here if he’d laid a finger on you.” “I know.” You smiled, seeing in his eyes he was telling the truth before you returned the vow of love. -----------------time skip------------------ By the time you got back, you had been asleep in Lizards arms most of the journey. The bright light of day didn’t faze you, until you heard an earth shattering scream. Jolting awake, you saw you were back in the village and Mama standing at the door of Big brain house. She held her hands over her mouth as she rushed over but Lizard said you were just sleepy. You were carried into the house and placed on a sofa. Mama fussed over your wounds as Ruby appeared above you and pressed a kiss to your temple before using a wet cloth to clean the blood from your face. You were given a dressing grown that everyone but Lizard turned away for you to change into. He helped you. It meant they could get your legs and torso while hiding your modesty with some blankets as well. It felt good to get out of your dirty clothes and jean. Papa told Big Brain what happened, and Ruby and Mama gasped when required. They left your side to get clean water and rags and Mercury and Venus appeared beside you. Venus held out a small pushy bunny that you had made her when she was a baby. You took it with a smile with Mercury tried to lick his hand to clean a spot of blood on your neck. You were rather glad Mama and Ruby came back then and moved the kids away to play again. You drifted in and out of sleep, but one thing stayed the same. You could always see Lizard when you woke. He stepped back as mama and ruby saw ot your cuts but when he could, he sat down in front of the sofa, like he was guarding you. Every now and then, you reached out and placed your hand on his shoulder, making sure he was still there. For the day, the family stayed all together, something which hadn’t happened in a long time. It was nice. Big Brain let the kids put the TV on while mama and Ruby kept making sure you were okay. Goggle ended up sitting on the arm rest of the sofa by your feet and Ruby and Pluto sat down next to Lizard while Cyst sat in a armchair at the side of the sofa. At some point, you managed to persuade Lizard the sofa wasn’t soft enough and he moved up to sit in the end so you could lay your head on his lap. His hands instantly found themselves in your hair, gently working the tugs out that ruby had missed. Mama sat in a rocking chair by Big brain and that’s just how it was. Your family. Your perfect family.
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babyboyoonie · 6 years
hello 💖 thank you so much for writing my request for yoonseokook!! I have another request... Can you write babyboy!Yoongi for the boys, please? I think he will be so soft and fluffy... And BTS will probably so whipped bc he will be their precious babyboy and they will love him so much ❤
hi darling!! it was my pleasure ♥♥ n you’re right, Yoongi’s the fluffiest and the boys are WHIPPED for him ((; 
hope you enjoy!!
So. Yoongi doing basically anything is a…it’s a thing. Jin doesn’t know when he started paying attention to the little one’s every move, but here he is, staring. Yoongi’s not even doing anything remotely interesting…? He’s…He’s cutting some vegetables for Jin, that’s it. But his lips are pouting in concentration, cat-like eyes fixed on the slow movements of his hands and probably unaware of the things happening around him.
That’s good, Jin thinks, heart immensely soft. At least Yoongi wouldn’t be creeped out by Jin’s attention and slight, slight obsession, let’s be honest. He’s not as forward as others members are, but that doesn’t mean his feelings aren’t here. Doesn’t mean his heart doesn’t melt at Yoongi’s adorableness. Yoongi just breathing and actually being the fucking cutest boy on earth.
He’s so caught up in his starring, the bottle of vinegar in his hands just kind of…kind of drops in the plate. Opening on the way, of course.
Jin stares at it in silent mourning. And finally, finally, Yoongi looks up.
He mutters a little “oh?” mouth parted prettily and narrow eyes wide open. It’s unlike his usual low voice. It’s an “oh?” of surprise, sweet as honey, a mix of concern and amusement. “Hyung,” the man says, grins with amusement dancing in his eyes as he walks hurriedly on Jin’s side. “hyung, are you okay?”
Jin presses his lips together, giving off a strained smile. Yoongi’s amused, and his eyes are twinkling like pretty stars, and Jin’s finding it hard to keep his cool. He just wants to…wants to hold the little one. Hug him, coo at him, whisper he’s the prettiest boy ever and that Seokjin wants to call him his. Wants to call him his, and be at ease, holding him forever. Free of the happy moods he doesn’t always want to portray, free to be just him and stare at Yoongi for hours to no end in pure silence. Jin wants. Instead, “I was just distracted,” he says, eyes finding Yoongi’s.
The younger boy hums. Dubious. It’s funny because Jin was actually distracted. By him, and his tendency to be adorable just by…by breathing. “Fine,” Yoongi relents, though he pokes Jin gently on his arm, gaze soft like heaven. “If you want to talk, though, I’m here.”
He’s darling, a complete darling. Jin wants to lift him and cuddle him close to his chest and, and rock him like a little baby and sing about how adorable he is.
Yoongi’s too cute by barely doing anything, and Jin’s gonna get gray hair before he even hits thirty.
So. Clothes. Hoseok hadn’t expected for it to be their thing but life was surprising like that. Helping Yoongi dancing? Learning new choreographies? Talking producing or going out to eat ice-cream? Yeah, that would be more like it. But no, clothes. A day spent inside, locked in a room to do nothing all day together and—and yeah, clothes.
Hoseok thought, after a while, that it would be fun. Actually, everything with Yoongi was fun, period. They could just—they could lay there and do nothing for hours and Hoseok would surely have a blast anyway. Yoongi was poker-face exploding in a second in the prettiest expression, eyes crinkling and wide smile and literal stars around him. Yoongi was all about doing the silliest things when nobody expected and coming out of it cuter than ever. Which shouldn’t have been possible. But here they were.
Here Hoseok was, sitting on the edges of the bed with his feet firmly planted down. Perhaps to keep himself grounded, to stop the urgent need to get to Yoongi and cuddle the hell out of him. This need was growing larger by the second, Hoseok’s throat was constructed with the urge to babble about—about how cute Yoongi was. To tell him, just like last time, that he looked like a flower. Tell him pretty things until he looked away in evident shyness, a little smile on his lips to try and pretend he wasn’t flustered.
Yoongi pokes his head out of the closet. Then his whole body, and he makes a show of twirling for Hoseok—because it’s just the two of them, and he’s at ease doing those kinds of things in front of Hoseok. When nobody’s looking but his soul partner, when there’s no camera to picture another of his soft moments. Yoongi makes a show of twirling and sweetly chuckling, and Hoseok, oh Hoseok hides his lower face in his hand because he’s most probably blushing like hell.
There’s something like a lullaby in Yoongi’s eyes, in his voice when he mutters, teasing and cheery, “Hoseokie, hey, Seok-Seok, do you like it?” perhaps it has something to do with the wide, brilliant grin on his lips or, or the gentle flush on his cheeks and the way those cute pins gently push his air backward, in the prettiest picture.
He doesn’t know what it is—liar, liar, you know, it’s just Yoongi being Yoongi—but it, it releases the knots in his throat and makes him grip his own thighs. As to not grab Yoongi and never let him go for days. They’re sweaty, and he wipes them against the dark material of his jeans, chuckling breathlessly. “Yeah,” he says, eyes racking up and down the too-big outfit on Yoongi. It was his, the one he wore some days ago to the airport as they flew to Japan. The one Yoongi has told him made him look like a university teacher in one of those epic movies. He’s all dressed up, and it’s too big, just like the beautiful grin he throws at Hoseok at his answer. “Yeah, hyung, you’re, you’re the prettiest.”
Yoongi flushes. Oh so prettily, and Hosoeks gone gone gone.
So. Yoongi’s cute. Like, this isn’t rocket science or anything new but—but Namjoon’s still surprised every day. His hyung’s really cute, as in little gifts spread here and there he denies with a pout having given. Cute, as in encouragements always ready for anyone that needs them. Cute in a fluffy, cloud-like amazement when they start a new activity. It’s a quiet process most of the time—slowly blinking eyes that widen, mouth shaped in a pretty ‘o’ easing in a smile before he settles down. It’s rarely exploding fireworks and childish amazement, it’s him, and it’s soft, still baby-like in the best way possible.
Namjoon rocks on his feet and watches him quietly. Listens to everything around them with an ear, attentive, always, but attention wholly turned toward his hyung even if it doesn’t really look like it. Namjoon’s looking out for him silently, discreet, but Yoongi catches him anyway. Smiles cheekily at him, eyes glinting in something Namjoon reads like—“yah, we’ve basically been married for eight years now, you really thought you could fool me?” And, and okay, it might be a bit creepy to guess that with just a glance but—Namjoon just knows Yoongi like that.
Knows he’s the babiest of them all, under the coat of the grandpa he was given the nickname of in the beginning. Namjoon draws a mood board in his head, for him. He pictures a frame of his little hyung laying in the sun, soaking it like a blooming flower. Places just aside, then, a bunch of roses and marguerites and pretty bluebells. Adds in lovely tunes on the sky; a peculiar way of eating, little attentions that never get unappreciated, and finally, a bouquet of surprising actions just—silly and utterly adorable.
Yoongi decides to act upon the last image, it seems. As if he had read his mind. He waddled toward him, little smile a tad bit mischievous, very much boyish and more than loveable. He places his hands on Namjoon’s shoulders, and kind of just jumps, and Namjoon of course—Namjoon catches him. Namjoon catches him and laughs and relishes in the butterflies exploding in his stomach at the adorable display of affection.
His little hyung clings to him all day like a koala, and Namjoon’s heart sings baby, baby, baby.
They create poetry. Taehyung and Yoongi. Feet dangling in the air just in front of the beach, safe and sound in the shade protecting them of the harsh sun. They create poetry. The thing is, Taehyung can’t wait to get started on the poem he wants to write about Yoongi. They had thought—had thought of just hanging out, side by side, tease each other in their mother dialect and reminiscing about the place they were from. That had been that, and then it became about literature, and poems and they started reading—ended up writing.
The thing is, Taehyung wants to write about Yoongi. Wants to write about how utterly soft he is under the way he appears sometimes. Wants to write and sing and scream about his smooth edges and his big heart. The heart he wears on his sleeve, tries to hide because he’s just that fragile and—and could be broken if someone wasn’t careful enough. His hyung was all tough and dry sarcasm, but he was more than that, so much more.
He’s…he’s small. Really fucking small, and should be held with caution. It’s fine to tease him, he likes it, teases back. But not too much, because he’s sensible, sensible and fragile and terribly good at hiding his weaknesses. It’s scary because his little hyung has been hurt before—has been hurt countless of times, and they barely saw anything, had barely been able to help him. He’s really small, tiny, and everything he shows—it’s real, but there’s more he’s hiding, more of the things that make him seem like he was made of glass, the childishness he only showed from time to time.
Yoongi falls on his side, and Taehyung immediately tucks him under his arm. Cooes, inaudible and in awe, at how tiny his hyung looked under him, how utterly soft—how sweet. His strong, tough hyung folded like a kitten in his side and nearly purring in delight.
Taehyung’s—Taehyung’s gonna write about him, Taehyung’s going to breathe flowers and compliments on his darling little hyung; whisper odes to his heavenly being.
Yoongi sleeps like an angel. It’s…It’s a fact. People look—they look normal while they sleep, okay. Neutral or peaceful or, or just, you know, the sleeping face. Jimin fumbles with his thoughts, bites his lower lip and inches a bit closer to his hyung. He’s really—he really looks an angel. Utter peace crowns his expression, from the delicate tilt of his nose to the butterfly-like movement of his eyelashes and the rosy bow of his lips. He’s gorgeous, angelic, a delicate set of everything that is pretty and more than tempting. Jimin’s always at war. Tugged between the desire to express just how cute his hyung is, alongside with the need to—to tease the hell out of him until he mutters—
“Yah, Park Jimin—”
In the most drowsy, delectable way. Yoongi’s voice is laced with heavy sleepiness, his words slurred, and the tone of his voice adorably low. He hadn’t cursed at him today. Which was sad, Yoongi cursing at him wasn’t offensive at all—just another expression of how, of…of how darling he was.
Still, still. Jimin’s satisfied. Can’t stop himself from cooing and reaching over to poke at Yoongi’s puffy cheeks. They redden slowly, as Yoongi blinks, furrows his eyebrows and tries weakly to get away. It doesn’t work. His fingers kind of, just, clenches the sheet underneath him as he curls up a little bit more inward himself. Body a little cotton, with the way his legs are folded, as if he wanted to make himself as small as possible.
Such a cute, delightful baby.
Jimin reaches out again. This time, lets his hand glide on his hyung’s neck, caressing the soft skin, ripping kittenish noises from the little one who bats at his hands in displeasure. It’s—it’s really fucking adorable, and Jimin could never have enough. Naps with the older man as much as possible to wake up to this face. Puffed up and angelic and soft soft soft.
He rocks Yoongi back to sleep with little “baby hyung,” muttered in his ear, and Yoongi whines, but he ends up falling asleep again shortly after.
Jimin melts into a puddle of never-ending adoration.
Jungkook isn’t sure if anyone else noticed it. He entertains the thought and realizes that—that no, they couldn’t. Because Yoongi-hyung’s pretty discreet about it, because it’s mostly said so softly they don’t think about it twice, don’t look further on it. Jungkook thinks…Jungkook thinks Yoongi has some sort of, of praise kink. It makes his cheeks redden immediately, renders him impossible to look at his little hyung in the eyes before he calmed down, but he’s sure on it. Had started thinking about it at the fan-sign in Japan. When—when in the middle of nowhere, Namjoon-hyung had complimented Yoongi-hyung’s eyes. And, and his reaction had been adorable? Adorable and…and he had asked again, soft, “are they shining?” as if he wanted Namjoon to repeat it, to assure him that yes, yes, his eyes were pretty.
He thinks about it then, and can’t stop looking further into the matter. Can’t stop remembering all those times, of his hyung making sure that they were really complimenting him. Asking for attention, sometimes boldly, sometimes in those cute little gestures of his.
In the way he’d whine quietly, hands waving in the air and tapping softly whatever surface under him to call their attention. He didn’t shout. Couldn’t. Never raised his voice, ever. He was all about little noises and whines and a low voice asking for attention and pouting when he wasn’t receiving it.
Sometimes people asked Yoongi to act cute, and Jungkook was baffled because his hyung was already the cutest.
When they finish their piano lesson, Jungkook says—“hyung, hyung you’re so talented, thank you for teaching me. You’re so good,” and Yoongi, oh, his charming little hyung looks away. Bashful, pretty pale cheeks taking the pink color of the roses at dawn.
“Do you,” Yoongi mutters, plays with his hands before stilling and flushing harder. “do you really think so?”
Jungkook doesn’t have half the self-control of his hyungs. Leans close to the little man, and presses their lips together in a sweet kiss. It leaves Yoongi brighter than ever, eyelashes fluttering, and so goddamn cute. “yeah. You’re a good boy, hyung,”
The stars in Yoongi’s eyes shine just as brightly as the little specks of beauty in his delighted expression.
His hyung—his hyung’s a baby boy. The prettiest, sweetest of them all.
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