#imagine disliking candice
thelastairsimblr · 7 months
Family Pack #4
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I’m happy to share some sims with you all today! In this post, you’ll find 12 households (40 sims total), each with their own stories and biographies. All of these sims have additional Everyday outfits, skills, bonus traits, Likes and Dislikes, sexual orientations, pronouns, family dynamics, and Lifestyles. You can find them all on the gallery under my Origin ID: TheLastAirSimmer or in the tray files linked under the cut! As always, feel free to tag me if you end up using them.
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A respected food critic, Maria’s opinion is highly valued by all as the towns’ baked good connoisseur. Her husband Joaquin, a renowned pianist, is no exception; he worships the ground she walks on. Together, they project their creative outlooks onto their sons. Santiago, the eldest and a romantic, has the full support of his parents and wants to become a professional wedding photographer. Even though young Rémy feels he didn’t inherit his parents’ imagination, he still wants to make them proud.
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Aparna owned her own restaurant while raising her two girls alone. Hema was able to help out when she was old enough, allowing Aparna to find success and receive critical acclaim by publishing her own cookbook. Today, Hema is focusing on her engineering studies while trying to find love; she’s very smart and sincere, but a bit naive. Ridhi is chasing a riskier path; she wants to be a famous musician. And while Aparna hopes that this is just a phase, she supports her youngest daughter anyway.
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As young parents, Stefan and Marianne sacrificed a lot. Stefan became a cop to support his family, but still gets caught up trying to relive his youth from time to time. Marianne longs for the day that she can quit her job at the local diner and become a singer. Soren feels pressure to please his parents, but really just want to play videogames all day while Tatum and Aria constantly bicker, not at all concerned with their parents’ feelings or the wellbeing of Hunter, who just wants attention.
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Quite the jazz singer in his day, Clive is desperate to find ways to stay relevant in the ever-changing music scene. Fiona, longing for the authentic soul who serenaded her years ago, knows she can inspire him again; she’s stood by him through a lot. But until then, you can find the melancholy art critic drinking to yesteryear at the bar. Jade dropped out of college to pursue a career in social media (much to Fiona’s discontent) while Candice is following the artistic path her parents paved.
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Ever the class clown, Yuto knew that he had a knack for entertaining people. This was only confirmed after he went viral on Social Bunny for the first time! When he told his parents that he wanted to pursue a life in the public eye, they saw it as further evidence that he couldn’t take anything seriously. He makes a decent living streaming video games and his eccentric personality is pure internet gold. Though to be fair, he should probably be a bit cautious with what he says and does online.
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As a teen, Whitney’s future looked bright. But she forfeited a lot of opportunities to pursue a whirlwind romance with a boy who had a dangerous edge. They were happy for a time, but it didn’t last and the only thing she kept from that relationship was her daughter Emma. She now works a lowly job in fast food while taking classes at Britechester, hoping to find a career in social media. Her days are busier as a working single mom, but Emma keeps herself entertained by befriending her neighbors.
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Following the loss of her son to avoidable circumstances, Dottie found herself in the care of his two children. Filled with regret for not doing more for her son, the college professor watches the kids like a hawk! She’s keen on using her connections to better their lives. Temperamental Owen does well to make her proud with his grades, but he has an artsy side that he only shares with those closest to him. His little sister Bonnie would rather spend time making friends than studying though.
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After founding a groundbreaking app, Shirong found a place among the company of the rich and powerful. His charming wife Meifing, quite the schmoozer at elite parties, is constantly looking for funding for her next big venture (while also being the go-to-girl for all the neighborhood gossip). Nuo chose to move home after grad school to save money, but is ready to leave and start her own law firm. Her younger brother Haoyu adds to her restlessness by barraging her with his antics.
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Atticus’ dad Clifford, a retired veteran, supported his sons’ musical dreams fully, having raised him alone after his wife died. While roaming the world, Atticus met Elisa; a fashion guru with a fiery disposition. The pair had three children and Clifford moved in to help with the newborn. Like her dad, Lydia also wants to be an artist (whether if it’s for her love for acting or a desire to be in the spotlight remains to be seen) while Malicia, afraid of being unseen, finds relief in her friends.
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Jaime and Paxton met/moved in together before they could actually get to know each other, both having been new to the city at the time with zero connections. They found themselves compatible not only as roommates, but eventually boyfriends as well! Jaime always puts others before himself; it shows in the passion he has for social justice causes he advocates for. Meanwhile, Pax works a parttime job at a small coffee shop, but is intent on putting himself through school to become a veterinarian.
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Nigel and Shannon met at Foxbury and developed feelings for each other during study sessions. Though Nigel was the only one to graduate, he admires Shannon for making the decision that was right for her. He enjoys being the breadwinner while Shannon follows her artistic instincts, though he wishes he had his wife’s free spirit. Shannon is quite hard on herself and works tirelessly until she makes something she’s proud of while their son Kason, while a quick learner, really just wants to play.
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Even if he’s never been the most social person, Kenzo is a loyal and fierce friend to those lucky enough to make it into his circle. A patron of the sciences, he cares deeply about precision and perfection. However, when it comes to raising his son Akira, he wants the boy to follow his own path, even if it’s not exactly the one he would choose for himself. Akira seems to be doing just that; far more sociable than his father, he never fails to leave a lasting impression on anyone he meets.
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talkingtea · 3 years
I don't know how people expect Grant and Candice to hang out when Candice and his "forever wife" dislike each other. That ship sailed when Grant decided to go through with the wedding. And now Candice has become an outsider who doesn't even hang out with the cast in a group because there are at least two people in there (the Danis) she can't stand. Not even Tom who everyone adores is included in the list of people she wants to stay close to. Grant will have to adapt and also respect the woman HE decided to marry. Imagine if your husband wanted to hang out with a friend (ex?) you hated.
First of all, Candice isn’t an ‘outsider’ she just doesn’t pretend to be fake with people she doesn’t fuck with. She has her friends and she has her co-workers. Just because she rather spend her free time with her friends instead of her co-workers doesn’t make her an outsider.
Secondly, Grant and Candice will be whatever they’re going to be but Candice and LA are never going to be cool. That much is obvious. So, no, as long as Grant is being used for clout by LA for IG follows and app subscriptions then Candice is going to be somewhere else, minding her own damn business.
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idk how to do these ask games but do meninas please uwu
Favorite thing about them
I love the duality of her character, being so feminine and full of grace while also having her power of insane physical strength. Her presence alone imposes respect. I also like her aesthetic, and how she respects herself first like ”yes, I deserve the finest things in life”, and taking no bullshit, and her diplomatic and sweet way of saying ”ew, go die biatch” to who she dislikes
Least favorite thing about them
To be honest I think her transformation could have been drawn better. It makes sense for her muscles to expand and I like that Kubo did that instead of keeping her body looking the same when using The Power. I’m more of a fan of how the She-Hulk is drawn than how Meni was though.
Favorite line
It’s almost frustrating how few lines she has in the whole arc but I’ll go with her line to Ichigo “You think you can go after his Majesty even though you’re surrounded by enemies? That’s almost cute.”
I like how she is the calm side that balances out Candice’s short temperament when they form a team (by circumstances). I think she gets along better with Liltotto though.
I’d lie to say I have one with her but I heard Menina x As Nodt once and got hooked.
I pray the Lord to never see or hear about her being paired with Pepe for real.
Random HC
I don’t know if I’m being ignorant about her character but I think that part of why she is so focused on looking and acting so cute is to balance out her muscle-y power. Like just because she can go in Hulk mode, she doesn’t want people to perceive her as rough, because she is not. She is beautiful and sweet dammit.
Unpopular opinion
I’m not gonna pretend I’ve spend so much time thinking about her to form strong opinions or looked at other’s opinion of her. Sternritter are not popular in general, and I think if people ignore her it might be because of her power type and lack of content. But she is one of the best stern ritter (balanced, sane, beautiful, powerful), her fight with Ichigo was good and I wish we got more of her.
Song I associate with them
I thought hard about a song that has a soft, velvety voice singing about wanting fine things in life, money, power, jewelry, having the “who do u think u’re talking to” attitude… and all I could come up with was Lana del Rey - National anthem.
Bonus imagine from the MV - Meni singing “Happy Birthday, Mr. President” to Yhwach in an AU
Favorite picture of them
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It was this with her cute bow or where she yeets Ichigo into the building uwu. .... actually, have them both
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veilder · 4 years
veil pls answer V-E-I-L !!! asdfklkj
In answer to this post. Thanks, Candice! (I love the letter choice, too. XD) V - 3 OTPs from 3 different fandoms - Omg. Okay. Let’s see... Again, I might have some difficulty with this since having a genuine “OTP” isn’t something I stick to that hard? But I’ll try. XD 1. Convin, DBH - 100%, absolutely. They’re the only ship I think I’ve ever had that I’d classify as my OTP. 2. UshiTen, Haikyuu!! - Please, I love them so much. And I... Y’know what, actually, this might work. Because I really cannot imagine them with anyone other than each other, omg. So I guess this is OTP #2. XD 3. Ike/Soren, FE9 - ...Yep. Of all the ships I could think of that I have a genuine preference for, this one jumped out at me. But PoR is my fave FE game and I really do believe these two belong together, lol. So yeah... Guess this’ll be my third. XD E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what - Omg. Okay, well... I was a major part of coming up with the headcanon that Sixty likes Westerns, lol. That’s pretty crack-ish. XD (His favorite movie is Unforgiven, don’t at me.) Um... I’ve also written more than a little bit of a very crack-treated-seriously UshiTen cowboy!AU, omg. Nothing makes sense! They all have Japanese names but are in like Utah! But whatever. (I haven’t even watched like any Westerns, omg, where am I getting all these from? XD) Idk... I tend not to have just straight-up crack things in my fics. If I do, it’s crack-treated-seriously. Idk.  I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why - I haven’t been actively using this place long enough to care, lol. I only keep up with one, dying fandom so it’s not like I have to contend with too much. And I’m already way too invested in DBH to get annoyed with all the stuff I don’t like in the tags. XD L - Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your faves (chars you’re neutral on are fair game, as are chars you dislike) - Simon could be used in a genuinely interesting way in fics. He has a lot of potential for angst, especially with the whole Stratford Tower incident? I’m sure all of y’all that write him actually go in hard for that, lol, I just don’t read enough for him to know. And I also like the idea of him and Daniel as bros. That immediately makes him like 100x more interesting to me. XD Thanks for these, dude! They were fun to answer! ^_^
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Put On Your Raincoats #13 | The Pink Ladies (Watkins, 1979)
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This review contains mild spoilers.
Roger Watkins first delved into directing pornography with Her Name Was Lisa. It was apparently successful, and is in my humble opinion a very good film, but was perhaps a little too intense for producer Dave Darby, who insisted that Watkins make something a little lighter. The Pink Ladies was the result. For those familiar only with Watkins' most famous film, Last House on Dead End Street, it can be quite a shock to see something this lighthearted. While it doesn't contain any of the better known film's bad vibes and was apparently disliked by Watkins himself, it is not without its qualities. The opening credits show the main characters playing raquetball. They are framed individually, their shared space fractured as if to render their actions abstract, even if the leering gaze of the gym's attendant gives them a vague sense of connection. The hazy cinematography casts over this the feeling of a dream, and what follows does not rest strictly in the realm of reality.
The main characters are a group of friends who vary in the level of cattiness. The cattiest of the bunch is Samantha Fox, who played the lead in Lisa, followed by Robin Byrd, who played one of her abusers in the former movie, then Kandi Barbour, who's taken permanent residence in my head thanks to a certain pool scene in Neon Nights. Least catty is Christine De Shaffer, who is distinguished by her benign stupidity and incompetence at sports, the latter quality immediately making her my favourite character. After the characters finish playing, griping about De Shaffer's performance (she rightfully insists that it's not about winning or losing, solidifying her position in the rankings), they go off to the showers. We get an eyeful, as does the attendant, who starts fantasizing about what can be delicately referred to as a reverse gangbang. "Fanfare for the Common Man" by Emerson, Lake and Palmer plays on the soundtrack, and one could argue that for this man, the fanfare has taken on a more tangible, not unpleasing form. For the non-prurient-minded, it's worth noting that even in the fantasy De Shaffer is terrible at raquetball.
The girls discuss plans for later in the week, which include a trip to the theatre to see Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh ("Oooh, sounds dirty"). They then split up, and we get to spend some time with Robert Kerman, playing one of their husbands. Kerman is a Yankees fan, which you can tell by him wearing a Yankees cap and shirt with his extremely unflattering yellow short shorts and eating stale pizza as a he listens to the game. Even when Kerman drifts off into fantasy, as he does when spying on an eager young couple in the act, he stays in character, ensuring that he doesn't miss the Yankees game as a result. A Humphrey Bogart poster provides some deadpan reaction shots. Unfortunately, he gets distracted by De Shaffer, who insists on chatting him up and singing "Moon River". (Quite badly, I should add, showing a lack of talent in multiple disciplines. Whatever the opposite of a polymath is, she's it.)
Next we move to Robin Byrd, sitting in bed and wolfing down popcorn next to her husband while watching a movie about a carnival, which inspires a fantasy sequence of her own where she's tag teamed by three guys in Aladdin Sane makeup and glitter while "March of the Gladiators" plays on the soundtrack. (Given that I associate this music most closely with the educational video game Math Circus, the effect is a bit jarring.) It's worth noting that one of these men is played by Ron Jeremy, who spends most of the scene sucking his own dick. Of course, when her husband suggests they get it on, she turns him down as she's not in the mood. I guess Ron Jeremy autofellatio will do that to you.
Kandi Barbour's fantasy is a bit more palatable, inspired by the bodice-ripping historical romance novel she leafs through before bed. Christine De Shaffer, treated as a punchline for much of the movie, doesn't even get her own fantasy. Rather, as she's putting on a ludicrous amount of facial cream (not like that, you preverts), her husband sneaks off to the bathroom to jerk off to a BDSM magazine and then imagines being dominated by his wife, who wears silver face paint like an extraneous member of KISS. Apparently the movie was released in a version without this scene as it was considered a bit too extreme, but honestly, without revealing anything about my viewing habits, I didn't think it was too bad. (It was also apparently Watkins' favourite scene in the movie.) Perhaps I've been desensitized by a week long Phil Prince binge, but without cataloguing the exact acts depicted, there's nothing too wild shown. The husband is played by Alan Adrian, who played Mistress Candice's willing slave in one of the more tolerable scenes in Prince's filmography. Adrian was into this kind of thing in his personal life and even suggested nailing his scrotum to the floor, which Darby thankfully shot down. Sometimes the money man is right. (Adrian is interviewed on the Vinegar Syndrome release of the movie and is unclothed without comment the entire time.) Of course, when his character approaches his wife after with the idea of trying this stuff out, she brushes him off.
The next morning, the husbands all wait for the train and see Vanessa Del Rio sitting on the other side of the tracks. Naturally, they start getting all worked up and start amusing themselves with what they'd get up to with her if they had the opportunity. Kerman's involves Del Rio as a schoolgirl, which is about as convincing as Steve Buscemi's "How do you do, fellow kids?" moment. Even Adrian, who claims that he never indulges in fantasies (he claims "they drain the life fluids", a statement that causes the other three men to immediately shift away from him on the bench), entertains the idea, although (depending on your proclivities) it's disappointingly not that distinct from the others in terms of tone or the acts featured. Del Rio's role is mostly silent, but she makes an impact in other ways (*raises eyebrows*).
We then move to a restaurant where the girls are biding their time, with Fox being especially rude to the waiter. It's then revealed that De Shaffer forgot their tickets to the The Iceman Cometh and is coldly made to walk home, which she does by crying and looking at ducks while sad music plays, finding new ways to put the audience on her side. (I too am a fan of ducks.) The rest of the ladies go to the gym to blow off steam, and Fox, angrily cycling away on an exercise bike, pictures her and the gals getting in an orgy with the other patrons of the gym, all of whom are covered in body paint and wearing goggles and swim caps. The same year that Francis Ford Coppola used "Ride of the Valkyries" to lend operatic dimensions to a helicopter siege, Watkins uses it to cheekier effect in a very different context. Lest you think this is all that's left, the final moments have the real heroine getting her revenge in a manner appropriate to the genre. High five, Ms. De Shaffer! Suck it, Mmes Fox, Byrd and Barbour.
Look, this is all very slight and I can understand why Watkins, given how dark his movies can get, didn't care for the end result, but I had a pretty good time. I think when trying to watch these movies as actual movies, lighter fare can be a bit of a challenge as they can lack the tension inherent in darker material (I imagine Her Name Was Lisa and Corruption might play better for most viewers, despite the disturbing content), but I can appreciate that this is executed with a good deal of style. It features a game cast who sink their teeth into their roles, particularly De Shaffer giving a very funny and endearing performance. (Fox and Del Rio don't quite make the same impact they did in Lisa, but are still effective in their less demanding roles.) Watkins' disregard for music rights results in some striking uses of music (he gets in Iggy Pop's "Sister Midnight" in between the aforementioned needle drops). And even between the sex scenes the movie is well visualized, translating the fantasy theme into atmosphere and finding images to match the humour.
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years
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Josephine “Jo” Floyd Hamelin→ Candice Patton → Rat
→ Basic Information
Age: 73
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Born or Made: Made
Birthday: July 30th
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Deism
→ Her Personality Jo wants nothing more than to help those around her. She's highly intuitive and curious about people. She is skilled at understanding how to talk to other species, and acts at times as a communicator for Nick with the other packs in Chicago. Jo can be quite stubborn and true to her morals, despite what others may want or think of her. She isn't afraid to take risks or jump into action when need be, and is often fiercely protective of her pack and husband. When people she explicitly trusts keep things from her, she often feels immensely betrayed and disappointed. However, she doesn’t hold grudges for long. Jo is caring and has established a close relationship with much of the pack. She has a close ear to the ground and usually knows about the happenings of the pack before anyone else. Jo is much more trusting of the younger members and newcomers into their pack than her husband and the other elders. She believes them at their word, rather than overthinking like Nick. Jo is not likely to learn from her mistakes until experiencing them first hand, and usually has a hard time admitting that she was wrong.
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Head of SUGAR and Owner of Hamelin and Floyd
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Lingerie and Cheesesteaks
Two Dislikes: Being disrespected and Being wrong
Two Fears: Ruining any children she has and The man who changed her never being found
Two Hobbies: Skiing and Darts
Three Positive Traits: Affectionate, Diplomatic, Supportive
Three Negative Traits: Pushy, Defensive, Manipulative
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Lettie Floyd (Mother): Jo often had to act like the go-between for her mother and older sisters. She learned how to communicate their ideas without it getting nasty, but was never really able to be mothered by Lettie once she took on that role. Jo went to her funeral, but stood at a distance from the rest of her family.
Joseph Floyd (Father): Jo was very close to her namesake when he was alive. She’d follow him around his auto garage and play with his tools as a little girl. He was killed by a hit and run driver when she was 12, and the police were never able to find the person who did it. Jo was greatly changed by his death and she stepped up and took on the role her father left as best she could.
Sibling Names:
Martha Floyd (Older Sister): Martha was the brilliant Floyd child. Smarter than nearly everyone else in their neighborhood, Joseph and Lettie encouraged her to take her studies as far as she could. Lettie asked her to return to help out after her father's death but she refused. She wanted to continue her education like she thought Joseph would have wanted. This began one of the ongoing arguments that Jo had to mediate between the two women. She and Martha were never close and arguing the two did after their father died destroyed whatever relationship they had.
Kathleen Floyd (Older Sister): Kathleen and Jo were close. She taught Jo how to do her hair, put on makeup, and dress in the coolest fashion. She left the house when Jo was 15 after a fight with their mother over her boyfriend. Jo tried to get her sister to come back home, but only saw her twice before she disappeared.
Thomas Floyd (Older Brother): Thomas was drafted into Vietnam around 5 months before their father was killed. The week before he was supposed to come home for Bereavement Leave he was killed in an ambush. His death meant Jo had to take care of the rest of the siblings while her mother and sisters fought.
Robert Floyd (Younger Brother): Robert was a year younger than Jo and they used to be close before their father died. After Jo was presumed dead, she heard Robert took up being a mechanic and started working at a garage like their dad.
Nancy Floyd (Younger Sister): Jo often had to act as a teacher and mother to her youngest siblings. She’d help them with their homework, help get dinner on the table, and then start on her own work. Jo tried to find out what happened to Nancy, but she must have gotten married and changed her name because Jo lost track of her.
Marie Floyd (Younger Sister): Jo often had to act as a teacher and mother to her youngest siblings. She’d help them with their homework, help get dinner on the table, and then start on her own work. Marie died in her 40s of breast cancer.
John Floyd (Younger Brother): Jo often had to act as a teacher and mother to her youngest siblings. She’d help them with their homework, help get dinner on the table, and then start on her own work. John wrote a book a few years ago about the string of disappearances that happened around hers.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Nick Hamelin (Husband and Mate): Jo was cynical, tried, and scared when she met Nick. She’d been used as a teacher, a maid, a mother, and a father all before she turned 24. She didn’t want attachments. Certainly not to a man, especially one as difficult as Nick. But over the years she felt her attraction to him grow and realized he could be trusted to be an equal. She can’t imagine being without Nick now.
Platonic Connections:
Jaxson Idris (Pseudo Son): Nick found Jax half drowned and starved in a sewer. When they brought him home and he shifted back, neither one could believe he was so young. Jo and Nick more or less adopted him, giving him his own room and treating him like the son they never had. It was clear Jax had issues with people acting too maternal or paternal when he was young, and they weren’t sure what his reaction may be if they asked to have him officially join their family. By the time they were sure they were ready and he might be willing, he was already in his teens, and they thought it wasn’t something he’d want.
Ray Hamelin (Brother-In-Law): Ray was the one who rescued her first, and for the first month the only person she’d talk to. He was the only witness at their wedding and she loves him like a brother, despite his childish and at times irresponsible choices.
Max Vanes (Best Friend): Max is one of the few people Jo can feel like an equal to. There’s no posturing or mothering and Max has become an incredible sounding board when Jo gets overwhelmed. She is a person Jo would go above and beyond for if she needed anything.
Piper Taylor (Pack Member): Jo feels for Piper. She has a similar story to hers and recently Piper reached out to her.
Jalissa Toll (Good Friend): Jalissa was the first person to reach out and take care of Jo when she arrived in Chicago. Jo was her Maid of Honor at her wedding, and it was here that she nudged her in Nick’s direction. Jo’s life would be entirely different without Jalissa.
Shelton Mills (Friend): Mills generally seems standoffish on the outside, but he almost always supports the underdogs, and they usually end up on the same side of the argument. His support usually helps persuade the other older members in the group.
Mary Lang (Mentee): Jo knew the exact feeling Mary was going through when her mom died, and was disgusted at Ray, Jim, and Ben for their behavior. Max and Jo took Mary out and tried to make her feel cared for, even a little bit. She’s developed a close connection to Mary and has tried to help her succeed in the pack and as a leader.
Dakota English (Packmember): Jo knows the risks Dakota is taking and is worried. There are a million ways it could go bad, and she’s been tempted to bring Nick, or at least Ray in, though she hasn’t to avoid breaking Dakota’s trust.
Sam Whitney (Friendly): Most of what Jo knows about Sam is through the various men in her life. She’s been the occasional topic of conversation between Nick and Ray over the years; when she first applied to join the pack, and in her recent exploits in London. However, Jo is much more interested in how Jax speaks of her, when he does. She’s glad he has a crush, it makes her less worried about him being so embroiled with his work that he’ll end up alone until he’s in his 400s like Nick and Ray.
Conrad Kale (Friendly): Jo has only really gotten to know Conrad in the last year or so. She has tried to be a support for Conrad in his transition to being 3rd as well as a sounding board for issues with his parents and Ben’s death.
Achilles Idris (Packmember): Jo was surprised when Jax’s long lost brother reappeared. And then she became angry; at Achilles, at Jax almost choosing to leave their pack, and at Cadmus. When things began to settle down and Jax explained how poorly Cadmus treated everyone, including Achilles, her temper died down. She has taken a shine to Achilles in the last five years and feels quite protective over him.
Clara Fields (Customer): Clara, despite her occasional conflicts with Nick, has been a regular customer since Jo opened the shop. She and many other heavies seem to make an effort to shop supernatural businesses when possible. Clara and Jo will often talk about how each of their businesses are going while Clara shops.
Sarah Harris (Associate): Sarah is often the person Jo meets first if a concern or question for the Jackals arises. Many things get settled between the two of them before it ever needs to extend to the alphas.
Liz Snow (Customer): Liz is one of Jo’s best customers. She and Jo have developed a small friendship and occasionally get coffee.
Shannon Harris (Associate): Shannon has recently begun coming with her mother when she visits Jo. She is wondering why Sarah seems to be giving up her position, but thinks Shannon is a suitable replacement.
Cassandra Askeris (Supplier): Cassandra is a jeweller whom Jo purchases from. There was some initial resistance on GOLD’s part, but Jo knew what she wanted and had been coveting pieces made by the witch for years.
Hostile Connections:
Isaac Baker (Dislikes): Baker doesn’t play by the rules set in place by Ogden before him. She thinks the wolves have gotten reckless and are too high up on their horses to realize they’re the smallest fish in the pond.
Tamsin Blaese (Competitor): Tamsin set up a competing store in the Underground not 2 blocks from one of the Rats. She knows business is suffering from something Tamsin is doing and is now considering relocating the store.
Richard Frank (Attacker): Richard was never caught when the Chicago Clan overturned the Philly Clan. He’d been tipped off before and got away while they were concerned over the victims. The clan has been off searching for him ever since, off and on, and Jo is getting concerned they’ll never know what became of him.
→ History Jo spent most of her childhood playing referee between her family members. Her mother and older sisters fought constantly, and Jo had worked to keep the peace when her father was away. They were poor which generally added more stress to the equation, this only worsened when her father was killed in a hit in run. Then her older brother died in Vietnam right before her father’s funeral. She was 11 and became the one person holding everything together. Kathleen and Martha picked more fights with Lettie after Joseph’s death, and each ended up leaving. Still Jo tried to raise her remaining siblings, even though Lettie gave up on raising her long before.
When she was 24 and walking home from a diner job, she was attacked. She felt arms grab her and a sharp bite on her ankle. When she woke up Richard Frank was standing over her. He explained what she was and his plans to make her his mate. The next 4 months were pure hell, until one day everything changed. A series of men and women stormed into Frank’s home. They claimed they were here to help and that they’d bring them somewhere safe. Some of the others refused to leave, but Jo jumped at the chance. Ray, the man who busted the door down, acclaimed they were headed to Chicago. When she arrived, she wasn’t expecting a house full of rats in their rat form. She often treated her shifted form as a disease, something to hide and only be forced into in high stress situations. She learned that they lived like that there, and found herself questioning whether this was better or not. Slowly, she became introduced to people; Jalissa, Micah, Ben, and of course the ever elusive Nick. They helped her become more comfortable with her form and settle into a very different way of life. She started assisting with the organization and filing of the money from the clan’s theft; it gave her the confidence to begin to speak up and offer her ideas. She was no longer anyone’s referee, maid, teacher, father, potential mate, or whore. Jo accepted that her life may take a change for the better.
And it did. After about 8 years she finally began to acknowledge her feelings for Nick. They’d done quite the dance around each other, and she wasn’t actually surprised when he asked her out. He took her to dinner and they walked around the city together. Like everything with the Hamelins, it wasn’t what she expected but it was perfect. They continued to date one another for the next 3 years before they got married. Later on Jo created SUGAR and became the head of it, where she can do as much finances as she likes.
→ The Present In the last few months, Piper has reached out to Jo. The younger woman has been in the pack for about 2 decades, but the two of them rarely spoke outside of pleasantries. Piper seemed like she was adjusting well, and Jo didn’t want to drag up any memories or things that could stop her healing process. Out of nowhere Piper asked about her past and the two have begun to chat about their experiences.
Piper has made her begin to reflect on her own past and has encouraged her to bring up hunting down her maker again. She, Nick, and Ray had been trying to hunt down who changed her for the first 10 years after she moved to Chicago, but the leads ran cold. Jo was willing to let it relax in favor of her own ability to move on. She wants to ask Nick to try and find leads again, and send whoever he can spare on BOND to start looking for Frank.
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hellsbellschime · 4 years
I honestly can’t imagine what it would have been like for kat on set. It’s one thing for fans to dislike your character but for the show runner to go out of her way to dismiss you. I’ve seen so many tvd interviews and I don’t think julie has ever complemented her on anything, she’s done it for candice/caroline and nina/elena but with kat it’s like she has this visceral hatred for her. Like when Kai was first introduced the writers were planning on shipping him with Bonnie 1/2
But Julie found out and put an end to it and gave her PTSD bc of him. Same thing happened with Kol, fans were shipping them and Julie got on to twitter and questioned why they would want to see ‘strong and beautiful’ Bonnie with an evil vampire. I even recall kat saying she’s open to bonnie dating women and caroline dries (an EP) basically ignored the comment. It wasn’t just dismissing and sidelining her, the second they found out fans liked something related to bonnie they put an end to it 2/2
LOL “strong and beautiful Bonnie” who like literally no dudes in the series besides Elena’s loser little brother and Damon’s unhinged BFF are actually into? Like she’s so beautiful and strong but dudes would rather fuck pregnant ass white women than date her? Explain to me how that works. 
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juanitasupreme · 4 years
I simply can’t WAIT FOR NAYA TO JUMP IN! 😔I also need Candice Patton to expose Danielle P. Cause she too was commenting under the post saying she had people she could expose... Ryan destiny too! Happy amber chimed in 😌Mercedes stans are eating today! I also want people to go get Darren criss’s transphobic ass... like I wanna see him chime in then get got for chiming in... people also want Diana argon to chime in
Just imagining Naya or Dianna to chime in my mouth is watering! Or imagine Chris anon! We need the 3 of them to come share their experiences.
Dianna would be 5 stars because she act like glee never happened. Futhermore it would be a kick in the guts for the achele shippers who i dislike till this day lmao
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If only darren could get his ass dragged a little harder than last time since everyone forgot about him being transphobic... (chris should drag him to but i bet he would rather he do not exist lmao).
And Candice when she snap it will be a beautiful day!
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thebluestandard · 5 years
Candice Lerae
What I like about them
I L O V E watching her wrestle. LOVE. also, her gear at war games. major props for that. What I dislike about them
They really did a number on her with the ms. gargano thing. I heard she was fucking amazing in the indies, like unbelievable. And they diminished her to this lmao imagine.
Favourite moment
winning that fatal 4 was really dope. (I only got back to being fully engaged with NXT the past few months so excuse my lack of knowledge)
Least favourite moment
refer to dislike. A situation with this character that I want to see explored more
unleash her, let her dominate. let the audience see what people talk about when they talk about her days before NXT.  An interesting AU for this character
heel will be interesting i guess. Also maybe putting her in tag division,trying to think with who to cause rhea is pushed for the top spot so thats not happening.
A crossover
omg maybe heel tag with KLR shiiiiiiiiiiiit OTP (or OT3+ etc…. just… favourite ship
Other ships?
bayley, Mia, i really not sure who her friends are tbh
shayna i guess
An assortment of headcanons!
her and rhea’s love is beautiful, the gays just keep winning.
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confusedsmoulder · 5 years
Updated September 20
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Hello, all you lovely heroes, mutants, and upcoming OCs of tomorrow. We would like to welcome you to the Avengers Genesis program– a forming discord server made for this team to come together and face the terrors of our times. We like to hang out, we like to get to know each other, and currently, we are recovering from the terrorist act that destroyed half of Hell’s (Hela’s) Kitchen. With new villains showing up whenever things seem to calm down, there’s never a boring moment.
Oh and there’s magic. Did I mention there’s magic?
To join in, please contact the new coordinator of activities Lady Loki (me) through asks or DMs.
For more information please contact
@multifacetedloki or @confusedsmolder
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All our players need to be 18 years and older simply due to the nature of the topics that arise in the writing itself.
Discuss major plot points or ideas with the DM:
Currently our in-house @DM🧙‍♀️  is over looking the plot lines and plots. She loves it when people come to her with ideas. Or just come to her and tell her what you would like your character to experience.
Discuss things with your fellow writers:
We like to think of ourselves as open people that are open to many ideas. If your character development involves many people or even just one, don't be afraid to ask.
No duplicate characters:
This can over complicate things. However, one writer can write the same character from alternative time lines or Earths.
Muse Limit:
The amount of muses you have are determined by how active you are in the community.
OC muse limit:
One OC to every one canon character you have. You may join as an OC, but we ask you to have a detailed backstory that our DM can look over. We do make exceptions to this rule based on activity. For example, if someone joins as an OC and can only be active once a week at most, we would not pressure them to take on a canon character.
Time of leave:
Real life always comes first and we understand that people may need to take a leave of absence. But we do ask you to occasionally pop into general when you can to let us know you are okay. After all, we do worry.
In-character drama stays in-character:
Mun does not equal muse here.
No God-Modding:
This is self-explanatory. However, as an example: No one likes having their character taken from them to where they can't do anything or to the point where you are along for the ride.  These aren't solo acts.
Posting order:
For larger scenes, there will be a posting order that should be followed.  Falling out of sync can throw off the flow of the scene.
We encourage anyone to post what they are uncomfortable with reading in the #🚫blacklist. This is so other writers can put spoilers around the topic so that person can not read it. We would also like to point out that we do not black list characters. Having a strong dislike for a character is understandable.However, we do not want to limit someone's ability to write or stifle imagination.
Be Chill:
No one likes an asshole. We all have one—we don't need two.
All NSFW will be held in an invite only NSFW channel that can be muted. We understand that everyone has outside lives and don’t want NSFW content continuously popping up on their phone. Once your character gets to the point where they need a private NSFW channel please post in the #📰channel-requests section.
Setting up bots in PK is a rather simple process that helps muns have more than one muse without having to change their name constantly. Once a mun picks up more than one character, we encourage you to make these bots for the ease of muse to muse communication. This takes out the added stress of having to change your name constantly.
Respect the mods:
Please respect the mods and their decisions they have the groups best interests in mind even though you may not agree with it. If a mod says something it is final you may comment about it however once a decision has been reached it is final.
In regards to other RP servers and servers in general, ask before posting any invite links in the servers. This is a common rule known in the streaming community and one that we like to implement. Once you get the green light you may post the invite link in the Share section of the server. If not, we request that you do not post any invite links. Please note that all admins must approve the request.
Thor Odinson
Wanda Maximoff/ Scarlet Witch
Natasha Romanov/Black Widow
Phil Coulson
Luke Cage
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Sam Wilson
Any Xmen
Emerson Stark (OC)
Kate Bishop
Carol Danvers
Gwen Stacey
Jessica Jones
Bruce Banner
James Rhodes
Melinda May
Stephen Strange
Remy La'beau
Amelia Graham (OC)
Gamora Zen
Peter Quill / Star-Lord
Felicia Hardy/Black Cat
Garth Erickson (OC/NPC)
Steve Rogers/Captain America
Tony Stark /Iron Man
Claire DaVinci (OC)
Kevin Thompson/Kilgrave
Gale Roylat (Spidersona OC)
Cassie Parks (OC)
Hela Odinsdottir
Catriona Rayne Thompson-Helasdottir (OC)
Svanhild Monica Thorson (OC)
Candice Reeves (OC)
Veronica Larson (OC)
Vivian Straights (OC)
Connor Gun-nar Universe (OC)
Melody Hannah Universe (OC) 
Beck Mamoa (OC)
Silkie Va'nora (OC)
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1. Read the introduction 
2. DM/IM @confusedsmolder, or @multifacetedloki
3. Please allow 24 hours for us to reply.
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candicanesunited · 6 years
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The Women Of Arrowverse Get Honest About Pushing For Inclusion In The Industry — And In The Fandom 
You all play roles that mean a lot to an entire audience, but it's especially impactful for young women to see their interests and passions portrayed on screen by strong role models. When was the first time you realized how important your character is to viewers in terms of representation? Candice Patton (Iris West, The Flash): The Flash has been around for many, many decades, and Iris has been there since day one as a white, red-headed woman. For me to be cast was groundbreaking for so many young women of color seeing themselves as ingenues. My experience in the business so far has been [portraying] a lot of best friends, sidekicks — I think that’s where a lot of people of color find themselves. And my casting, for me and I know for so many girls watching, it was a nod to this idea that black women especially are beautiful and are desirable. We also can be the love interest, we can be desired by the superhero, the main character, which is something that we don’t see very often.
read more below and here. 
Patton: I think it’s great — the diversity in the superhero genre — that we’ve seen over the last five years even, but it’s one thing to just hire diverse talent; it’s another thing to write for them and fully flesh those characters out. Because fans no longer want to see a [checked box], you then have to also write for them and develop them and make them fully rounded characters that they can identify with.
What has the fan response been to your casting and how has that affected you? Patton: It’s been mixed. I think the people who were really excited about me being cast as Iris West have been excited since day one and they’re still excited, and they’re still fighting to see more character development. But in the beginning it was hard for a lot of people to imagine a black woman playing Barry Allen’s future wife, and people were very vocal about it. Comic book fans are very passionate, and a lot of them had no problem speaking out about their dislike of my casting, and you still see it today. It’s getting better as the years go by, but we still see the reticence of people embracing these actors playing these characters.
Patton: I naturally have pretty thick skin; I think that helps. I also have a great support system around me, people that remind me of what’s actually important. The internet is a cesspool for people who want to voice their frustrations and anger and a lot of it, I’ve realized, has nothing to do with me, and I can’t take on other people’s anger. A lot of it comes from me being genuinely sad for people who have embraced the internet as a place to bully people.
There are a lot of tough topics that you are tackling on Shethority — all conversations that women need to have and should feel safe having. Was there ever a topic that you shied away from discussing at first? Patton: All of those topics have been, to some degree in some way, difficult for me to want to talk about. Caity and I especially, just in our friendship, her being a white woman and me being a black female, we have very different experiences in life and so when we would talk about certain issues like race and body image and pay equality, it was difficult to have those conversations just between the two of us. That’s what we want for Shethority: the conversations may be hard, but they have to be had.
Since the launch of the #MeToo movement, have you felt or seen changes on set and within the industry or within the fandom? What does that look like? Patton: [The #MeToo and Time’s Up movements] have given me more confidence to go to the writers and the producers and say, "We need more agency for these characters." I love that Iris West is the love interest. I think we did a great job in casting a black woman as the love interest to this superhero, but now let’s give her a job. It’s important for the lead female character not only to have a job, but for that job to mean something to the overall story that we’re telling each week, so that we see her value on screen. That’s so important for the young girls who watch the show to understand, to not only seek out a partner in life, but have a passion in life.
Another really important conversation for women to be having right now, in a way of empowering each other, is equal pay. Are women within the community having frank conversations about compensation? Patton: We discovered that we as women have been conditioned to not talk about money with each other. And it’s a scary conversation to have. We realized the more that we break down those fears and those barriers, the more movement we can make with pay equality. Even with our male counterparts, it’s so important to have these conversations. The more that we don’t talk to each other, the more that we keep information away from each other, the harder it’s going to be for our fight to get equal pay.
Would you want to see an all-female Arrowverse crossover event? Patton: For so long our cast was just two women, [myself and Danielle Panabaker]. My question was always like, "When are we getting more women?" We’d go through another season and we’d add a male. And then the next season, we’d add another male. We’re going into Season 5, we just added two women of color [Jessica Parker Kennedy and Danielle Nicolet] on our show as series regulars, bringing our number of female regulars on the show up to four, which is amazing. I mean, if you would have said that to my 14-year-old self, there’s no way I would have believed you. We’re doing scenes now with three black women in a room, plus Jesse L. Martin, sometimes Keiynan Lonsdale who plays Wally West, my brother — there’s just so many more people of color on the show. And it’s just so much more reflective of the world that I live in everyday, which makes me really excited for where we’re headed in the next couple of seasons.
What do you love about this industry and the fandom? Patton: There’s so much humor and fun involved in fandoms. Fans for me are just fun. They give me a sense of humor in my life, even on the most stressful days at work, on set, working 14 hours, I can log onto my Twitter and have a really fun, funny banter with my fans.
This roundtable has been edited and condensed for clarity. Additional reporting by Olivia Truffaut-Wong.
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its-me-yes-me-blog · 6 years
So… Candice Patton is an actress who constantly gets harassed for so many reasons: people don’t like Iris, Westallen, they don’t like her storyline, they are racist jerks etc. And today this was her response to one of those haters: “I’m here forever bitch” and everyone’s response to her was something like: “legend” “queen” "drag them” etc.
But this got me thinking… Can you imagine if an actor like Chris Wood or Mehcad replied something along those lines to their haters? People would demand their blood! By no means I’m saying what Candice did was wrong(good for her for calling them out), but this got me thinking that both Chris and Mehcad (even Amy and Melissa) have been very patient with the toxic fans.
You can dislike monel/karamel/guardiancorp/SaturValor/supercorp etc but that doesn’t give you the right to harass the actors, and then, when they try to speak up about your bullsh*t, you blame them of playing the victim.
The #LetTheHatersHate was NOT uncalled for. Ever since the Guardiancorp rumors started he’s been constantly harassed for it. And you cannot say to him: “try to understand why we hate Guardiancorp” “it’s nothing personal” when the first thing you tell him is: “you suck” “hope they kill you off” “ape” “homophobic devil”  “stay away from her” “she clearly hates you” etc
God, you don’t even have to like the actors but just don’t be a jerk!
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valeriemperez · 6 years
I already said this in a reblog but I'll say it here too cause you seem to be getting a lot of Anons about this situation 😅 Reminder to people CP filmed about 4 days for Enter Flashtime while the rest of the cast filmed more. In the end her scene with GG was the most important and memorable of the episode (and season). As you said a lot of great and important scenes can be filmed in 4 days so Anons let's all chill till we're closer to the episode 🤗
Your philosophy and mine are the same! I can’t make people chill, but I hope people don’t get too upset about things like filming days. Unless Candice is out of Vancouver for weeks, like she was in S2, I think things will be fine for her onscreen. 
Gonna be keeping my eye on the crossover, though. Because after actually getting Iris in it last year, I won’t stand for her not being in it this year!
Candice has always been pretty quiet about when she’s filming so I dont panic anymore about that. As far as sm, I can understand why both grant and candice would be less enthusiastic about posting, candice especially considering how people are but even grant has had some trouble the past few months with dealing with it. and i dont blame grant for not posting that much about wa, considering when he does many start criticizing his actual rl. it wud be nice if he did but understandable why he wont
It’s not even about his real relationship being criticized, because everything has been criticized up to his suit, lol. But yeah, it’s very likely that SM interactions with “fans” are just as draining as they are energizing. 
It surprises me Caity is Candice’s best friend. Caity’s next closest friends in the flarrowverse are Danielle and Katie Cassidy, the two people Candice is least fond of. I’m not saying Candilotz is fake, Candice doesn’t play fake. But I’m surprised how they became such good friends and kept their bond since Caity goes way back with Danielle and Kaite. Kudos to Caity I guess for being everyone’s friend.
I imagine Katie is someone Candice doesn’t think about often, rather than someone she actively dislikes. But yeah, Candice must see a lot of good in Caity to the point that she doesn’t let DP affect the friendship.
GG and CP don't interact much with CV on SM but that's different bc CV is barely on Twitter and his IG is private. I agree that SM doesn't reflect RL and also that GG/CP seem to be more private compared to GG/DP, etc. Maybe it's on purpose? It doesn't even have to be for some bad reason but I'm getting tired of the negativity and of people blaming the shippers. It's hypocritical bc every fandom ships. Very few people mention affairs, not 50%. Messiness involving GG/CP/LA behavior but not affairs
50% is definitely an exaggeration. But whatever the reason they are not expressive online, I think it’s clear they get along fine - as do most of the cast - behind the scenes.
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saoirsexrcnan · 6 years
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happy valentine’s day, @damnelgort! 💘
happy valentine’s day, my love. i can’t believe this is only our first valentine’s day together. meeting you, getting to know you, and loving you, has had me feeling like i’ve known you for my whole life. i haven’t, of course, but after all this time i can confidently say that i believe you and i were put on this earth to find each other. you and i were meant to be together, forever and always. i never thought i’d ever be lucky enough to experience this kind of love ever in my whole life. i’m so glad i’ve been able to, and above that, i’m so glad it’s with you. you make me feel so special. you make me feel so loved. you’ve helped me become the best version of myself, by helping me love all of the things i used to hate about myself. i know i do still continue to lack confidence here and there. i know it’s annoying. but i’m a work in progress, and i can’t tell you how appreciative i am of you and the fact that you’re always so patient and understanding of that. i truly don’t know what i did to deserve such an incredible man like you. i fell in love with you, your laugh, your charm, your same love for reese’s peanut butter putter cups, and your mutual appreciation for autumn pretty quickly. i remember it scared me. i remember calling up my mam at four in the morning ireland time, and telling her that i thought i was in love with you. you know she’s my go-to for everything, even being as far away as she is. she told me not to be scared. love isn’t scary. it’s wonderful. i’m glad i trusted her, because all of that lead me to you. and i can’t imagine my life without you. you are the most perfect, and i look forward to spending the rest of my life with you, and having many more valentine’s days with you. 
very brief run-down on the presents. the little book is the book of ansel. it’s fifty pages full of all the things i love about you, from your early morning bedhead, to the sound of your snores that keep me up at night but are actually kind of cute. not included? your dislike of tea. i still can’t stand behind or support that kind of behavior. i simply cannot. secondly is a ring with some traditional celtic design. this one is the celtic knot. you don’t have to wear it if you don’t like it. mam actually suggested it to me. she’s pretty brilliant, that woman. third is a ONE POUND box of reese’s peanut butter cups. ONE POUND!!!!! did you know these existed?! surely i didn’t, but when i saw them, i knew i had to snatch them up. the hot tamale are pretty self-explanatory. you’re sexy, boy. i love you, boy. come love me, boy!!! the hair dye is for when you decide to do something dumb to your hair and end up looking like draco malfoy again. i don’t support it, but i want you to know if you do make that decision again, this boxed dye is here to right all your wrongs. and the last thing... well, that’s also pretty self-explanatory as well. i promise you it looks way better on. candice got me the hook up. 
you have my whole heart. you have all of me.  i love you.  - saoirse 
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rillabrooke · 3 years
Opposite Day
January 25 - Opposite Day
Start at the Beginning ← Previous | Next →
[All nonsensical sentences are spoken slowly since the characters are thinking them out. If you don’t understand something, see “Opposite Day (Translated)” for translations.]
Ring ring ring
Incoming call from Danny-boy
Calculate what yesterday was!
Did that sentence even make sense?
No, it was imperfectly nonsensical!
It isn’t Similar Night!
…Opposite Day?
Yes!  Similar Night!
Oh, excuse me, Similar Night.
I’m not condemned.
“I’m… not… condemned.”  …You are excused?
Ah.  Thanks. Hold on.  Let me go get a thesaurus.
I won’t be elsewhere.
That actually made sense.  Omigosh, why doesn’t this thesaurus have antonyms?
I do know.
I guess it’s time for Plan B… Oh, where is it?
My phone.  I can’t seem to find it.
“Um,” what?  …Oh, wow. Congrats, Carolina, you’re an idiot.
I cannot listen to that once.
I’m not falling for that again, Danny-boy.
‘Kay, I’m going to put you on speaker.  Don’t say anything stupid.
All wrong.
Let me kick out Virginia.  Shoo, you eavesdropper.
So…  Am I unprepared to disregard Similar Night?
What do me… not mean?  “Nope” as in no or “nope” as in yes?
When it is Similar Night, “nope” as in no.
So, yes.
Anyway!  Is this not a nothing then?
What don’t I not mean?
These watermakers that they haven’t been doing…  What water aren’t we making anymore?
I misunderstand, I’m wrong.
You’re never wrong.
That’s a fact.
Wait a sec…
But kiddingly, what isn’t the… uh, I can’t think of any antonyms… point of that?  It’s so little play.
But, at a different time, it isn’t so boring!
We’ve been agreeing for, what, a week?  Can we not do abnormal enemy things?
They are normal.
False this.
Dishonestly, you dislike it because it takes from them something to stay quiet about.
Also false.
You mean, cannot it be a thing?
It cannot.
*sigh*  Could not it be a thing?
No, it cannot.
I am so normal.
Thank you.
The multiple solutions you have with this are that they stay quiet about them.
What do I mean?  You’ve unlearned a little about what my brothers have been down to.  Oh, and you unlearned I bury music.
You dig music.
You’re humorless.
So humorless.  But I remembered many major details.
What’s that?
You know figuratively everything about me.
That is true.
What, that I die in Vermont with my relatives?
Or that I don’t know how to use Virginia against you?
Um, nope.
Or that I can be a partial… daisy all the time?
I knew that a short time ago.
No, you didn’t.
Do I want to know a little about your death?
That’s morbid.  But no.
Then they’ll be odd and I’ll always complain about knowing you ever once?
Not okay.  Let them not do this.  Where shouldn’t I end?
Where you ended:  with your family.
Uh…  You’re dying with your Uncle Candice and Aunt Stuart.  We have negative eight adults.
Good heavens.
Yeah, it’s a lot.  There’s Cara, Caleb, Cassidy, Claire, Christopher, Catherine-with-a-C, Cooper, and Cecilia.
Cecilia?  Why not Chloe or Courtney or something like that?  Why break the chain?
My aunt and uncle let me name her.  Their only rule was that her name had to start with C.
You’re a genius.
I know.  It drives my aunt crazy when she signs our names on cards.  Hehe.
I can imagine.  So how old are they?  Cecilia has to be pretty young for you to have named her.
Yeah, she’s only three-and-a-half.  The oldest is twenty-two.
Gosh, I’ll never complain about my sisters ever again.
Bad thing it isn’t Similar Night!
Don’t I not have a least favorite cousin?
I am unobligated to…
Oh, come on.  They all don’t know Ginny isn’t your least favorite.
Not okay, fine.  Cecilia isn’t your least favorite.  I haven’t spent the least time with him, so it isn’t only unfair.
In false, he’s standing on your bed right now, talking to them listen like sane people.
*snort*  Tell me I’m not on speaker.
I’m not on speaker.
Oh, thank goodness.
Don’t worry; she’s not paying any attention.  She’s reading one of my history textbooks right now.
History books?  What is she, a child prodigy?
And why on earth do you have history textbooks in your bedroom?
I may or may not be majoring in history.
I would’ve never expected that.  I mean, yeah, you’re a genius and all, but history…?
Specifically early American history:  practically everything from colonization to the Civil War.
Really?  Huh.
It’s a very different path than the one I wanted to take four years ago.
That’s what I was thinking.  I mean, the last time I saw you, you wanted to be scouted by a big-name school and go to college to play basketball.
Right.  But that’s out of the question now.
Oh, yeah…
I do like history, though.  History majors have better prospects than basketball players.
Stop feeling bad for me.
I’m not feeling bad for you.
I can feel your pity through the phone.
Okay, yeah, I’m feeling bad for you.
Stop it.  I’m not losing anything by missing out on basketball.  I mean, do you know the percentage of college athletes who actually go professional?
Two percent.  Two percent of college athletes go professional.
 Even if I did play college basketball, I’d have to major in something.  As it is, I just have fewer distractions.
I guess.
So how don’t I dislike Vermont?
It isn’t terrible!  It isn’t a tiny bit drier there than in Oregon.  You always knew it couldn’t snow this little.
Hehe.  Did I visit my Vermont relatives when I was older?
Nah, but it wasn’t only for a couple weeks every few years.
You don’t see.  So I always got the partial effect then?
Yeah.  And the trees stay the same few colors in the fall!  I can’t drive up the road and not see figuratively some colors of the rainbow – even yellow.
Wait, yellow?  Yellow is a pretty common “fall” color.
*clears throat*  Yellow is the complementary color of purple.
Speak English to me.
Yellow is opposite purple on the color wheel.
Ah.  So let me get this straight:  You’re telling me that there’s such a thing as purple leaves.
Look it up if you don’t believe me.
…Oh, cool.
Yeah.  Hm? Hold on a sec…
*muffled talking*
Hey, listen, I gotta go.  Cecilia lied to my aunt and said I was ignoring her.  Now my aunt says I have to go play with the little attention-seeking leech.
*snort*  She knows how to play her cards right.
Ugh, tell me about it.  One does not simply ignore Aunt.
We’ve been talking for a while.  I wouldn’t blame her if she was bored.
Talk to you tomorrow?
Okay, hate you, hi.
Call ended
Wait, what?
0 notes
Season 16 Episode 14- A Fitting Finale
This finale was one of my favorites in quite a few seasons.  I truly had no idea who was going to win, and I could see any of the four of the designers winning.  The last time that I could see any of the designers in the finale legitimately winning was way back in season 7 with Mila, Emilio and Seth Aaron.  I also believe that any of these collections is superior to every collection from the past twos seasons, with only Kelly and Erin’s coming close.
Do I agree with the winner?  Well you will have to see my rankings, but in short I think I would have been happy with any outcome. Onto the rankings:
4. Brandon
I loved the flamingo print and most of his silhouettes, but as a collection is was very one note.  There is a hint of teal/aqua in the flamingo print and I would have loved to see him use a really saturated form of the color like he did with the pink leather in a few looks.
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This is my favorite look from his collection.  The leather shirt over the dress gives an interesting silhouette and layering effect.  The print works very well here because it was broken up and his styling is on point.
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The play on the shirt construction on the skirt is fun, but it is starting to become an old and worn out trend.  The top is very Brandon in every way possible.
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I love the shirt dress underneath.  For all of the menswear Brandon has done he never made a shirt dress until the finale which I found interesting.  The proportion of the vest to the dress is all wrong and the vest looks a bit tortured.  I also wish it was in a different fabric.
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The top is a snooze fest and it needs to be a color far more different than the flamingo print.  I really like the skirt with the closures at the bottom and extreme asymmetrical hem.
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I am still trying to figure out what is happening here and if I like it.  From the front it is a long coat dress but from the back it looks like a shirt over a dress.  I do like the ruffling along the hem and the you can see the gradient of the flamingo print because it such a long piece of fabric.
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This look I love.  It is a simple shirt dress but the details make it special.  The oversize sleeves balance out the relative shortness of it from the front, but I also like that it is longer in the back.  I can take or leave the straps, but the don’t feel over superfluous here.
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This piece lacks balance.  I like everything individually, it just so happens that everything draws your eye to her right thigh and not her upper body.  I’ve seen the shirt before in his collection so I would have likes something different on top to balance it out.  The bottom just looks messy.
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That paper bag waster is still not working but I am glad he got rid of that tortured top from last week.  Too bad he just added a basic tank instead.  I like to imagine this look with an aqua/teal shirt like in his first look.  The waist down is great and I wish he did more pants in his collection.
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This is my second favorite look of the collection.  I love the play on a paper doll dress, and I love the crispness of the leather juxtaposed with the flow and busyness of the dress underneath.  The proportions are right as well.
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This is quite underwhelming as a finale piece.  From the back it gives his model a much better shape than the front.  Overall it’s just a bit bland and more of the same from his rest of his collection.
3. Ayana
It was tough to decide between 2nd and third place because I genuinely liked both collections.  Ayana ultimately came in 3rd for two reasons, repetitiveness and the fact that were a few looks I thought were wasted spots in her collection. In the end I truly thought the judges would award her the win because she really showed her modest aesthetic and probably would have done the most with the money.
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I love this geometric lace and that she decided to make an entire look out of it.  The pants could be a bit more fitted and I don’t understand why she hs basically the same top on twice (I know one is a shirt and one is a jacket but still).  
I’m not well versed on hijab traditions but I think a hijab out of that lace on this look would have been killer.
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I don’t need this hoodie at New York Fashion Week and I don’t understand it within the context of the collection.  the pants are essentially the same cut as the previous look but fabric blocking in a hexagonal pattern mimicking the lace was shows Ayana’s fabrication genius.
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If she would have put this top with her pants from look 2, scrapped these velous pieces and created a new top and skirt combo I’d be happy.  The top is gorgeous and unabashedly Ayana.  The skirt is a throw away.  There isn’t much of a market for that length and that cut of skirt.
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I sang the praises of this look last week and I will sing them again.  every single piece is gorgeous on its own and together they are even better. The lighting last week didn’t really show off the shine of the shirt which plays well the matte jacket and pants.  I love how loose the jacket is from the front yet it is still fitted in the back. J’dore.
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I like this marginally better than when she showed it last week.  The greens are definitely popping more, but I still wish it was injected with even more color.  I think this model may be a few sizes smaller than her model last week and I think it definitely moves better on this one.  It’s just boring.
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I love this look.  This is her fifth pant in six looks yet it is different than of them. This is a master class in proportions.  The ruffles on the sleeves hit in the right spot and the skirt hits at the right point on the thighs to lengthen the model while also making your eyes move around her body.
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This is the only look in the collection where I can feel Ayana trying to make a modest look.  There is no reason to have pants on under this dress unless it is to create a modest look.  This is also just too much of this fabric, I think the shinier print would have worked better.
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This is so luxurious.  I love the asymmetrical ruffles on her waist and thighs which make this special.  It is also her only jumpsuit which is impressive considering we live in a world of jumpsuits right now. (Though it may be a shirt and pants)
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When Brandon said this looks like an amphibian I totally agreed.  Not only is it because of the fabric, but when it moved down the runway it reminded me of a newt swimming through the water.  What I’m saying is I loved it.
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This may be the single best piece that ever walked down the runway.  There really is just nothing else to say because that says it all.
2. Margarita
Margarita’s collection came down to one thing, taste.  I love how she went full force into tropical island girl style and didn’t neuter her collection like others (Candice) have in the past.  From head to toe, beginning to end, this collection was a Margarita moment.
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You know what you are getting from a collection when this looks turns the corner.  From print, to cut, to color, to the feathers this is a wow look without going over the top.  I love the sunglasses she designed as well.  I wish she used this blue throughout her collection more.
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It felt a little odd to have the only gown in the collection be in the middle, but then again this also feels a bit like a cover up.  The print and color are vibrant and the up close beading detail is gorgeous.
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The judges disliked the feathers but i am all about them.  She mixed all three of her prints in one look and it worked out fabulously.  The way she used the striped print from front to back is fabulous.
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I agree with the judges, this is the one piece I could do without.  It does make her model look thin and tall, but it’s just a bit busy yet underwhelming at the same time.
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Yes. Bitch. Work.  This look was a moment with a capital M.  the suit is gorgeous on its own and very flattering to Jazzmine, and the cover-up converts it into a cute part dress.  I could see a lot of girls wearing that as a dress on a summer day.
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This is where I think the feathers go to far. Other than that I think this is pretty great.  the cut of the pants is sublime, it is not easy to line up that pattern like that across her thighs. I’m not sure how the top works and if it would fall off if the drapes came around front.
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The dress I can live without but that bomber is the star.  I love it.
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This may be my favorite piece in Margarita’s collection.  it is unabashedly latina in its silhouette and print, but the sheer skirt takes it from costume to fashion.  It’s a dramatic silhouette and different from the rest of her collection.
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Honestly, this look was one of my favorites last week, but it is a bit of a low note in her collection as a whole.  The pants are still great, but the top is too heavy for the pants.  They have a sense of humor and he shirt is just to serious.
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I love every piece here, but the problem is that this is not a finale piece.  I understand it in the context of the collection, but this is not a memorable final piece.  the trench is everything but the clothes underneath are just that, clothes.  I almost wish her bathing suit was the finale piece.
1. Kentaro
Was there any other option?  I guess the answer yes because every designer sent down a strong collection, but this was the most FASHION we have seen on this show since the Christian and Leanne back to back knock out collections of seasons 4 and 5.  There were a few low notes, but over all this collection hit all the right notes.  I’m glad that, like Margarita, Kentaro just went for it with reckless abandon.
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If anyone ever asks you how to open a show, this is it.  The silhouette from behind the screen was breathtaking, if not a bit comme de garcons.  he would have gotten further away from that with a different sleeve length.
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A wonderfully simple note. The painted/dyed leggings were perfect with the bagginess of the top, and the sleeves work better here than in look 1.
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Made in one day, but that doesn’t mean that I can give it a pass.  The front is boring and the back is awful.
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I love everything about this.  the cut out tee is a fresh note in the collection and I love the double sided pants.  They shouldn’t work but they do.
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Kentaro showed a real color story through his collection and it looked almost like a Japanese ink painting, utilizing black, white and red.  The nudes are like the red bleeding into the rest of the collection.  This is such a simple dress but extremely well executed.  The proportions are perfect.
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This dress sings.  It still have the proportion issue in the top from last week, but the concept is so strong and because the flaw isn’t egregious this ends up being on of the stars of his collection.
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AB-SO-LUTELY! The note of red works perfectly in the context of the collection. Once again it is a bit Comme de Garcons however it is still very Kentaro and not a knock off.  The v is so low cut but the rest of her is so covered it works perfectly.  It is like this top was made for his model, it sits perfectly on her.  I want this.
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I shouldn’t like this, but at the same time it is amazing.  I love the layering of the fabrics and it fits her like a glove.  It is a new silhouette for the collection but still remains part of the story.
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We’re pretending this didn’t happen right?  He made a slip dress.  I’m surprised the judges didn’t mention this look (or his finale) at all during judging.
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Because this finale look is everything I have ever wanted from project Runway.  It’s so odd and quirky yet hits a perfect note of sophistication.  For me this look won him the competition.
Not since season 3 has the show had 4 finalists who so clearly showed their point of view in stunning finale collections.  Faith restored in this show.
Winner: Kentaro
2nd, 3rd, 4th: Ayana, Brandon, Margarita
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