#imagine fighting over a man
Hi! I came across your page and I love your fanfics of HOTD and I was wondering if you could make a fanfic with Daemon Targaryen and a Velaryon/Targaryen reader who is the daughter of King Viserys and his first wife who was Lord Corlys unnamed sister🤭.
I want her to have a close relationship with her half sister rhaenrya at first then as the years slowly go by that love for her sister deteriorates seeing what her sister has become 👀 a little angst never hurt anybody 😝
I want the reader to be a combination of Visenya and Rhaenys ( aegon the conquers sister wives )
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Wish I Was Her
Daemon Targaryen x Targaryen!Reader
Summary: Daemon was your sun, your moon, your earth, your sky. He was all you ever wanted to be like growing up... all you ever learned to want when you came of age. But true to his nature, he liked things difficult, he liked things messy, he liked to hurt, and so he made you watch his admirations toward your sister.
Word Count: 3k+
Warnings: Canon and additional Targaryen incest bonk 🤠 as per request, Daemon x Rhaenyra, fem!reader, made up characters, some descriptions of reader as per request, pining, fluff, angst, typos, etc.
A/N: this was a TALL order and I stared at this ask endlessly wondering what I could possibly do for it asdf;asf;asf which is why it took so long. I hope you like it my love. It really be your own sister, amirite YUCK. Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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"Pretty," I note, reaching out to the necklace on my sister's neck.
Rhaenyra turns to what my hand touched and smiled to herself as I smiled back at her, "who gifted it?"
"Uncle," she says with an excited tone.
The smile on my face begins to fade as hers sparkle. She chuckles, caressing the jewelry on her neck, "he must have known how I eye the endless gifts you get from suitors far and wide."
I snort before breaking into a laugh. Seems like something he would do.
"If you wanted to wear them," I turn and grab her arm as we continue walking through the gardens, "you should have made it known to me. You know I care little for them. They hold the same value as rocks to me."
Rhaenyra leans into my touch, sharing a laugh with me, "you truly are a heartbreaker, sister."
"You'll understand soon enough," I huff, pulling away from her to grab her face, "you are only 5 and 10. Once you are my age of 20, you will have had much more suitors than I ever will."
Rhaenyra places her hands on mine as I tuck her straight hair behind her ears. She mimics me, brushing my curly hair back, as I smile at her.
"That is impossible," she notes with a soft smile, "there is no man that is immune to your charms."
I roll my eyes, "do you want a bet?"
She huffs as we continue walking off, "I am not in the business of betting on things that I know I will lose."
We both break into a laugh as we make our way to the tree where Alicent was waiting for us. Well, Alicent and-
"Uncle," Rhaenyra beams, pulling away from me to rush over to Daemon.
Daemon smirks, turning to my sister just as Alicent does beside him. He nods, "princess," then at me, "princess."
I nod back, "uncle," I turn to the auburn haired lady, "Alicent."
Alicent smiles back at me as Rhaenyra mutters, "what are you doing here?"
Daemon shifts in his spot, "I came to see if you were wearing the necklace I gifted you," he lightly touches the center of the necklace, "now that I have," he turns to me, "I will not hold you ladies any further."
Alicent looks between us. I push past Daemon once he strides off, and get the hands of the two girls. "Now, that that's over with," I look between them. Alicent watches Rhaenyra, who looks off to the distance. I clench my jaw and shake her hand, "Rhaenyra."
"Yes?" she pipes up turning to me.
Alicent watches her. I diffuse the atmosphere by breaking into a chuckle, "a true dragon rider-- head stuck in the clouds."
Later that day, we found ourselves in the hall, as it seems I found myself another caller.
"It is apparent to me that you either have a wicked sense of humor, my lord," I coo as I rock the small cat in my hand, "or you are genuinely clueless that felines do not take kindly to dragons," I turn to the lord in front of me. His smile begins to fade as I continue, "and vice versa."
I chuckle as I stroke the creature's soft fur, impressed by how docile she was. I steal a glance at my sister's amused expression, as well as Alicent's, before turning to my father, who was sat beside me. I raise the cat towards him and he recoils on his iron throne.
I break into giggles as I pull the cat away, "it seems even the king himself is repelled."
Viserys says my name breathily.
"Perhaps I shall keep this one," I turn to Rhaenyra, "what say you, sister?"
"A splendid idea, sister," she responds.
"Oh, bugger off, the lot of you," our father chides, releasing a breath as we laugh once again.
It seems the man before me finds his spirits again in our familial bickering. I press my lips, hoping to crush it in my palm, "now, where are your gifts for my sisters, Lord Baratheon?"
The man a little older than I knits his dark brows, shaking his head, making his dark hair bounce.
"Surely, Christopher," I step forward, narrowing my eyes, "may I call you that?"
"You may address me however you like, princess."
I chuckle, "surely, boy-"
Viserys chuckles.
"-you wish to set yourself apart from the other endless suitors," I turn to Rhaenyra, "as my sister puts it-"
She purses her lips, holding back a laugh.
"-by offering tidings to my sisters as well."
Christopher Baratheon is once again rendered speechless.
"And by sisters, I mean, by blood, Rhaenyra, and by choice of companionship, Alicient."
The sisters turn to each other and share a chuckle at the sentiment.
I tilt my head to the man, "so?"
"I-" he starts, but does not continue.
I smile then shuffle the cat in my arms, "then," I hand the feline to him, "I shall, in fact, not keep this-"
"Aw," Rhaenyra sounds.
"-much to my sister's disappointment," I offer her a look as the lord gets the cat from me.
The look upon his face makes me feel utterly empowered.
"That will be all then," my father calls from behind.
I cannot help but snort as I turn to the impatient look on the King's face. I turn back to Lord Christopher and offer him fake hope, "if you find something you can give all three of us at the feast later tonight, you know where to find me."
The man perks up.
Alicent could not conceal her laughter, which makes everyone turn to her. Rhaenyra and I chuckle at the sight of her growing red cheeks.
"That will be all then," I repeat, offering him one last smile, before turning to my father, "I will be off on dragon back if you need me."
He promptly nods and I walk past Lord Baratheon.
"Take me with you!" Rhaenyra calls as I near.
"You," I start, rubbing her jaw with my thumb once I am close enough. I nearly freeze when I catch sight her necklace. I force a small smile on my face, "have classes to attend to."
She grabs my arm, "please."
I shake my head and lean down to whisper, "if I had to suffer through them, so do you."
I smirk at her as I pull away. She gives me a scornful look.
It is apparent that I was not the only one who thought to take advantage of the clear weather and take to the skies today.
"Uncle," I call as I make my way into the dragon pit. Both him and his ride turn to me when I near them. I extend my hand out carefully, "Caraxes."
Daemon watches as I caress his dragon's snout. He side steps closer to me, up until his hand is on my own. His other pulls me close to him by my waist, "princess."
Caraxes leans into us. I take this as a reason to mask my need to pull away. I ignore how my body reacts to him. I ignore how I feel annoyed by the image of my sister's neck that flashes in my mind.
I step away from him and pull a smile, turning to the dragon keeper behind him to ask that he release my dragon as well.
Daemon watches my hair flutter as Caraxes huffs, "will you be joining us today?"
I link my hands together, "as you've noticed, I prefer the hemispheres opposite to the ones you and Caraxes do."
"Hmm," he steps closer to me, "I oft wondered whether it was by sheer preference, or out of spite."
My face is blank as he smirks down at me, "why would I spite you, uncle?"
"Why would you?" he repeats, "you grew up wishing to be me when you were a child." He pulls away from his dragon as to lead him off once he hears my own stirring from the back of the place, "you told me you wanted to be a man-"
"Because I understood what it meant to be a woman," I retort as I follow him to the side, "how your worth is equal how many heirs your birth. How both mine and Rhaenyra's mothers were rendered worthless because of their... incapabilities."
I turn away from Daemon as I see my dragon get lead out, "they both died for it-- for nothing."
Daemon watches as I make my way to my dragon.
I am surprised that his own hand darts to my beloved creature's face the same time mine does.
I turn to him in surprise. I feel my pulse quicken even more when he fiddles with the large gems on my ears, "there was once a time where you did not allow anyone to dress you in skirts. I would have laughed at the notion of you wearing jewelry."
He pulls away from me and my dragon, "now you parade even your boyish exploits on your skin."
I scoff at him as his tone, "except these were my mother's."
Daemon stills. I find annoyance and ridicule rise up my throat when he looks as though he was not expecting that.
"Between the two of us, uncle," I walk away from him, readying to ride my mount, "it is only you who is clearly still caught up in their childishness."
Daemon could only watch and move away as I command my dragon to exit the chamber
Later that night, I am ensnared in dance after dance after dance, with men whose names I no longer kept track of.
Rhaenyra, the devil she was, kept agreeing on dances on my behalf, and at some point, I managed to trick the idiots with dancing with her first, as a condition to dance with me.
Currently, I was watching her spin with this unsightly Lord while she offered me the most disdainful expression yet. I snorted about it with our father.
"You must be kinder to your sister, child," he says after releasing a chuckle.
The two of us could not hold back on our laughter when the man steps on her foot and profusely breaks out in apologies.
Viserys hides his laugh in his hand when his second daughter shoots him a dirty look. I, however, openly ridicule her and even point a finger, "oh let me enjoy it, father. I have to dance with him after torturing my sister."
He releases an amused snort. He leans against his seat, "you do know that she only wishes to be more like you."
I avert my attention to him, not expecting the solemn words amidst this current atmosphere.
"Why would she want to be me when she is her?"
"She looks up to you, as any sibling would their elder," the king speaks, finally turning to me.
In that moment, my eyes instinctively find Daemon in the room. It is easy, plain like breathing. I watch how he watches Rhaenyra, how his lips curve at the sight of her. I turn away and mutter, "I don't suppose you fooled yourself into believing the same of uncle."
Viserys snorts, throwing his arms around me, "my, my daughter has grown to have a silver tongue to pair her silver hair."
I chuckle once then I lean against him affectionately.
In the next instant, Rhaenyra is upon me, eyes dark, lips curved in a grin, "your turn, sister."
I watch her come up to me as the man she was dancing with looks upon me eagerly. By the time Rhaenyra takes her seat on my own, shoving me with her hip, giving me no choice but to stand, I dramatically place my hand on my forehead and huff, "actually, I am feeling quite faint."
Both my father and sister turns to me when I say this. The former turns back, unfazed, and the latter gives me a dirty look.
My sister's most recent dance partner, who was none the wiser, flashes a look of concern as I say, "I should go outside and get some fresh air."
"I should accompany you, princess."
"Oh, no need. I will come back for our dance soon enough, my lord," I lie with my teeth, "you needn't worry."
Rhaenyra cannot stop me as I walk away. I manage to catch her annoyed look when she mouths, 'bitch' to me. I grin at her and throw a flying kiss at her direction.
I release a huff once I am free. I find comfort in the silence outside the hall.
Whatever peace I found, however, is interrupted by the person who comes up next to me.
I turn to my shoulder and find myself pulling a soft smile, "Cregan."
Cregan Stark says my name and nods in regard.
"I did not know you answered to your invitation."
"And why wouldn't I take the opportunity to bask in your fierce beauty," he smiles, eyes darting down, "did you not receive the necklaces I sent?"
I involuntarily bring my hand up to my bare collarbones as he explains, "I did not know what color you preferred, so I sent all that I could think of."
I shake my head. Against myself, I begin to think of Rhaenyra again. I think of her own gifted necklace, and think it was not nearly as ornate as the ones Cregan sent me. I envy her. I envy her still.
"I did, my lord," I straighten up, "but I could not bare to offend my many suitors by favoring one over the other."
Cregan huffs in amusement.
I smirk at him, "not when I clearly do not favor one over the other."
"You wound me, princess," he narrows his eyes as his lips quirk upward, "I thought we had something."
I snort, "then you might like my uncle, Stark," I state with a hint of venom, "he feels he is just as entitled to my attentions as you are."
"You would slander me to an outsider, niece?"
We both turn to the smirking Daemon as he walks over to us. I do not greet him like Cregan does, I do not nod at him or say his title in regard. Instead I turn to the dark haired man when I reply to his words, "he is hardly a stranger when he has come to my side bearing gifts in exchange for my time more than once."
I watch as Cregan's eyes twinkle at the acknowledgement where Daemon's jaw tightens.
"Will you allow my niece and I some privacy," Daemon asks, though it is not really question.
I stare at the prince idly.
Both of us turn to Cregan when he does not move a muscle.
"I should only leave at the command of the princess, my prince," Cregan nods at me.
I cannot hold back my chuckle.
Daemon does not take kindly to it and makes it clear when he turns to the large Stark.
I huff at his bravado, "it is alright, Cregan. We may continue our conversation inside after I talk to my uncle."
Without another word, Cregan nods at me and walks away.
Daemon watches him with contempt. His eyes dart to me, "Cregan?"
"Well, that is his name, is it not?" I raise my brows and cross my arms.
"And you are familiar with the wolf-boy?"
I scoff, rolling my eyes, "I do not see how that concerns you, uncle."
"It concerns me," he steps forward, "because it's you."
My hands fall to the side as he presses forward.
He leans his face close to mine, "I know everything about you. I know your first word, your wildest dreams, your worst nightmares," he grabs my chin, "the way you sound when you're heartbroken," he leans his forehead down on mine, "and when you lie to me."
My pulse quickens when his hands land on my shoulders. They make their way down, leaving goosebumps on their trail. He brushes his nose against my cheek as he sucks in a deep breath, "the way you smell," his hands pull me against him by my waist.
Daemon lifts his face. I cannot bare to look at him so I close my eyes. He closes his own before he presses his lips on the object of his desire.
I hold in my breath when he kisses me. He feels juxtaposed to his ruggedness. He is soft against me and it makes me burn. I can hold my breath no longer. I breathe heavily when he pulls away.
"The way you taste."
I jolt away from him when I hear quick footsteps. They were running away from us. My heart drops when I catch a flash of blonde hair along with a color of a dress, same as mine.
"Rhaenyra!" I call, pushing Daemon away from me.
I am halted when he grabs my wrist. I don't have time for him. I shove him away.
I pick up my skirt as I run down the hallway, ignoring everyone and everything, only to get to my sister. I catch her just before we both enter the hall again entirely.
"Rhaenyra," I gasp as I catch her arm just by the entrance, relatively safe from the view of others.
She swats me away, the same way I just did our uncle. But unlike me, she turns to give me a hurt look. My feelings eat at me when I see the tears in her eyes, "Rhaenyra."
"Must you have him as well?!"
I recoil at the harshness of her voice. It is foreign to my ears. She has never addressed me like this before. She never looked at me like this either.
"You," she steps forward, "can have anyone, anything, and yet you still want him?"
"Rhaenyra," I whisper helplessly.
"You know of my feelings!" she whisper-yells, "you are as cunning as you are astute, or do you simply choose to turn a blind eye to it out of your own want?"
I move to grab her cheeks, "he is not what you think he is, my love. Daemon is-"
"I DON'T CARE!" she quips, pulling away from me. She begins to heave exactly as though she just stabbed my beating heart, "I have watched as you wanted him, as he wanted you-"
I knit my brows at the sight of her.
"-and now your tricks have finally bored him."
My jaw slacks at her words.
"There is no man that is immune to your charms," Rhaenyra recites, clenching her jaw tightly as she evens her breath, "I want him, because he no longer wants you."
A chill runs down my spine.
I could not believe what I was hearing.
I turn to my side, catching sight of the bored look on my father's face, as his words from earlier echo in my mind. She wants to be like me?
I release a breath as I turn back to Rhaenyra. I feel my own tears threaten to spill, "if you think you can keep his attention," I scoff, "if you think he truly wants you," I chuckle darkly, "then you can have him, sister."
Rhaenyra was like him in this sense. She liked the burn of the flames. Perhaps this was what drew them to each other.
Perhaps they deserves each other.
In that moment, Daemon walks in, shoving past the doors in haste. He stills when he sees us.
I spare neither of them my attention when I pull away. I immediately put on appearances as the man who had been waiting for me to dance with him comes up to me.
Rhaenyra walks over to Daemon as he nears. Daemon all but ignores her. He does not see her. He is hot o my trail.
I watched this play out in real time. My chest contricts at the sight of my sister. I furrow my brows deeply in thought. I clench my jaw tightly as I am spun around by this stranger.
When I am facing him again, my façade is broken.
"Is everything alright, princess?" he asks me in concern.
I turn to him and cannot find it in myself to fake a response, "I feel going outside did not help me at all."
He does not get to sympathize.
The next thing I know, our dance is quickly ended when I am pulled out of the man's arms. This, of course, not only alerts my partner, but everyone who was dancing, and everyone who was watching the dancing; everyone was alerted.
I turn to the man who had my wrist in his grip, I look at Daemon. I look at my sister not too far off in the background.
I hear him call my name. I release a sigh.
"What is happening?" Viserys calls from the end of the room.
I give Daemon a hard expression as I pull away. I force myself to smile as I call, "it is nothing, father," I turn to him, "though I think I will retire for the night."
I ignore Daemon as he watches me turn to my dance partner, "would you like to accompany me on my way to my chambers? I feel I am too faint to walk on my own."
"The honor would be mine, my princess," he readily responds, offering me his hand.
I watch Rhaenyra as I exit the room. I watch her watch Daemon-- Daemon, who was watching me.
I release a breath as I turn to the man on my side, "thank you for your kindness."
"You are welcome, your grace."
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ganondoodle · 3 months
should surprise absolutely no one that i much much much prefer radahn when hes older (and not mindless! or mindcontrolled!)
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(doesnt look amused about what malenia just did in that ol trailer- and possibly even moreso about what she said)
that (and base game) version of him is the only one to meeeeeeeee
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jeeaark · 6 months
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final showdown pt2.
This was one of those battles where I survived it without a single reload. So. This entire scene? Accurate. Embarrassingly Accurate. (except the healy dealy. that's Greygold flair)
Wanted to get to the crown as fast as possible, but had to fly by Emps. Literally stopped next to bud to personally yell/reassure the fool I was gonna save their ass and then risked the opportunity attack.
(which. I forgot to bring my dex 18 gloves and discovered illithidism had shit dex, so....IS FINE. GG IS ALL FOR STARTING A NEW COLLECTION OF FRIENDSHIP SCARS)
BUT SQUID BUDDY MISSED. so. I like to think Enthralled Emps had put some effort into jumping through some rather large logic hoops to miss. Unlike Greygold who put JACK effort into dodging.
I originally intended to leave Emps completely alone, risk the attacks. But. Brain tentacle surprise happened. Right next to the squid. Emps rolled high in initiative.... But not as high as Lae'zel. Game-wise, ✨I panicked✨. Story-wise? I don't think this could have been any more in-character. Albeit, I found myself quadruple checking to make sure knockout mode was ABSOLUTELY on
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prettymediocrewizard · 3 months
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I am physically incapable of going longer than a week without drawing them.
h. help. .
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fatedroses · 1 month
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He can't have shit in this family.
#ffxiv#zenos yae galvus#adventurer zenos#ocs#atticus and his ~100y/o wisdom#knowing this poor man is stuck looking like his old man or his --old-- man#and at least for my adven!zenos he has no problem looking like young solus personally#its primarily for atticus and in part for meteor- luckily his height mitigates it for atticus- meteor is just stuck seeing emet regardless#other than that I just wanted to draw his hair short and the proper(?) outfit I have for him right now#aka what I imagine him wearing when he's not lounging in a turtleneck or his light sleeveless gear#also this is tank zenos so he fights unarmed- buuut he also just has like three knives strapped on him just in case LOL#I also just enjoy showing him being proud of his apperance#I just find it a neat- even if possibly unintentional- character quirk that he seems to be very particular of his appearance#and also might not actually want to show any scars he might have? I always found it interesting that#he always has gloves or armor particularly covering his right hand and the one time he doesnt is when its elidibus#which yeah- I also wouldnt want to have to look at the constant reminder that youre being biologically nerfed so much#-that you have to resort to sticking radioactive magical crystal straight through your hand just to do a single technique-#my mad little blorbo#fascinating giant of a man who is very fun to write#but yee- that is why I draw him covering the void arm or using his blindfold as a scarf for his neck sometimes#also#the next time I draw this outfit on him- i need to remember to put the sun pin back over his heart again like it was for EW#that also lives in my head rent free v-v
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fighting-these-demons · 5 months
Divorce Saga Domon - A Haunted Honk Prequel
Hello Internet Stranger looking up G Gundam on Tumblr dot com!
This is an idea for a fic set in an Alternate Universe involving Queer Non-Canon Relationships between the characters of the series.
If you are not looking for this content please scroll on.
If you ARE looking for this content - and you're ok with reading my and other's Headcanons for this Alternate Universe I've haphazardly spun up -
Then go ahead and feel free to:
Check The Tags Of This Post For The Pairings
and click the Read More below!
Ended up outlining a completely different fic as a Segway for an explanation instead of making progress on the Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU's Clown Motel Fic like I wanted to but uh....
For y'all's review for the AU: A Prequel Outline - Divorce Saga Domon
Hey real quick - I'm thinking of maybe changing the timeline to 2 years post canon as opposed to 3 years and change post canon.
The reason being: I had a thought that this scene could either be part if the fic or if it's getting to big then it could be a stand alone tie-in prequel fic as part of this AU but - like
Immediately Post Divorce Domon Needs Space and runs off. As one does. And he runs to Earth because he just wants to Get Lost for a while.
He has Argo smuggle him out to avoid detection.
Argo has Andrew help stow Domon in a storage hanger of a Neo Canadian supply ship that's returning to the US - they have trade often enough and share agricultural resources - which leads to Domon ending up in New York when he hits Earthside pavement.
He's privately worked on his English the last couple of months and after being dropped in New York with a different hairstyle, outfit, and accent he's unrecognizable. 
He considers making his way west to get some solitude in the wilderness, but something about that initial plan feels off now that he's on the ground.
Chibodee is also Earthside for a special series of prize fights aimed at raising charitable appeal for the US in the eyes of Neo Americans.
Domon decides to hit up Chibodee for a fight on a day between matches hoping it'll clear his head and give him the clarity to decide on a course of action. What ends up happening is an unexpected heart to heart via blows and a breakdown.
Domon is happy for Rain and Kyoji, and he knows it's not true; but he feels like he lost a piece of himself when his relationship with Rain fell apart.
Domon's instinct is to run after that but Chibodee knows this city and Domon doesn't hide out for long before Chibodee drags him back to his place to stay and just "Chill out and breathe. You don't have to be anyone but yourself here. You can take as long as you need to find out what everything changing means for you." Friends and teammates stick together.
So Domon spends a few weeks with Chibodee sparring and hanging out in New York. Chibodee does a frankly awesome job at containing his feelings because he's focusing on Domons feelings and being a good friend first and foremost. Whatever he's feeling can wait until after Domon is done going though it.
There's a bit of a twinge in Domon's heart as he leaves that he can't really place.
After he returns to Neo Japan and gets settled back into life with his family, The Dreams start.
They're mainly set in New York. Small things first like noticing Chibodee's smile and his eyes. Then sparring sessions that begin to turn lurid.
He thought these kinds of dreams would stop after he was married.... he doesn't know what to do about this.
I just figure it gives more clarity and sense of time for the journey from Comphet Marriage Dissolution to Feelings to Confession. Idk.
But I got stuck on a bit and then had this thought and needed to get it down before I lost it and it was so long it made sense to make it its own post as opposed to several replies.
The Maize and Clown Motel will probably still be 3 years and change post canon for clarification.
@thedragonchilde @amplexadversary @youreaclownnow
#Domon Kasshu/Chibodee Crocket#Royal Flush#Chibodee Crocket/Domon Kasshu#Royal Flush Haunted Honk AU#mobile fighter g gundam#I imagine he hasn't had time for a Big Gay Crisis yet but the time is absolutely now#Kyoji absolutely helps him through this crisis because he had a normal environment and university to figure his own shit out.#Kyoji has to figure out WHY Domon is imploding and explosive and avoiding everyone a second time though.#This doesn't seem related to the Divorce but it doesn't seem immediately obvious either. 🤔#Cue Schwarz FINALLY getting a fucking break and immediately coming to stay with Rain and Kyoji at their place.#Domon was aware that they had been living together in Neo Japan briefly before Schwarz was called back to Neo Germany for questioning#Once his rank was stripped of him he was back with Kyoji for a short period before the Divorce as part of Kyoji and Dr. Kasshu's study of#DG Cells. Once they had a breakthrough - Schwarz was sent abroad with a small military group and Doctors Without Borders group to assist#With immediate infection cases on behalf of Neo Japan as part of reparations. So Domon hadn't seen him in quite some time.#Domon certainly wasn't expecting to see him in the garden when he rounded the corner of the Mikamura residence#Leaned over Kyoji who appears to have been working outside on his laptop. Fingers intertwined a hand on Kyojis jaw and locked in a kiss.#Which ends pretty much instantly as they sense Domon and break apart. It occurs to Kyoji and Schwarz that Kyoji never#Got the chance to actually tell Domon much about himself and the man he'd grown into while Domon was training in Hong Kong with Master Asia#This might be a pretty significant shock to him.#I can't decide between Domon running from his Gay Revelation or IMMEDIATELY Losing His Shit at the thought of Rain's SECOND marriage ending#And knowing for sure now the reason why his and Rain's marriage didn't work out. He really does prefer men.#Bu HOW DARE Kyoji do this to her!!! She's been through enough!!!! This will HURT her SO BADLY!!! (Projection of guiiillllttt)#Back to square 1 fir a moment like damn#And once he starts fighting Kyoji about it (Thank God the ressurection gave them the option to make Kyojis new build similar to Schwarz's)#It comes out that Rain cant go through this AGAIN and he won't let him do this to her! Her honor means something to Domon#And it should mean something to Kyoji too as HER HUSBAND#Kyoji and Schwarz catch on the Again bit and Kyoji makes it clear that Rain has known about his situation with Schwarz since they returned#That they're quite literally inseparable and that Rain married him knowing this. She's fully aware and an active participant.#Domon takes a leg sweep and doesn't quite make his recovery as Schwarz steps in#Pinning his arms and one leg in place so he can't run from Kyojis question. Kyoji grabs Domon's hair to turn his head and asks
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umbra-borealis · 2 months
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MAAAANY years ago, one of my first ever OCs was a Sly Cooper OC called Rico. I don't have art of the little fiend anymore (it's THAT old) but he was a comfort blorbo, so I'm dusting him off! Here's a quick concept doodle~
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hirayaea · 3 months
who is shin’s jp va I need to know ITS SO GOOD
he’s not my type — I want seiya to crush his ass if he kidnaps me — but gosh this pv is bangin’
the jp youtubers guess is katsuyuki konishi — reiji from diabolik lovers? I didn’t play but I guess we’ll find out soon
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dykedvonte · 6 months
Benny was like Yes-Man’s world and you have to think about how, even if he gladly helps and never objects, he feels about helping the Courier on a deeper level. Especially a Courier that killed Benny.
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butwhatifidothis · 1 year
What gets me about GW defenders saying that "Claude siding with Edelgard shows how far he's willing to go to get what he wants, he'll use anyone to further his goals" is that, even if that were accurate to his character... that's not what he does in GW. At all.
Which one of Claude's goals are ever progressed once he sides with Edelgard? And how does siding with Edelgard, specifically, accomplish said goal?
Maybe... killing Rhea? But all of the reasons he says he wants her gone in this game are either completely unproven or blatantly incorrect - there's no proof of the Church forcing arranged marriages, Crests do not force obligations onto those that have them (which Claude himself literally proves), and the Church is helping Dimitri restore Duscur - a foreign nation - meaning they are actively willing to help fulfill Claude's main goal that he came to the officer's academy to achieve.
And... that's it! That is the only possible thing that even POTENTIALLY helps Claude's dreams, and taking a five-second look at it shows that it actually does nothing at all to help anything. But in the meantime? Claude weakens Faerghus through agitating Sreng and invading it himself, forcing Dimitri to fight a three front war; he actively helps Edelgard get herself out of a messy situation, even though not helping her and letting her die would have actually helped him and would have actually been him using her like people keep saying he's trying to do; he and Holst even admit that by the end of the war Edelgard is going to make a vassal state of Leicester after taking the lion's share of Faerghus' territory for themselves, which Leicester can't do anything about because of Adrestia's far stronger military. He is the one saying that! He is the one pointing out that that is going to happen! And yet he just keeps going anyway!
He is the one getting used. Very blatantly, and very extensively. Claude walked himself into a trap and lied to himself into thinking he's the one with the upper hand, which somehow managed to convince a large portion of the fanbase too. There's no gray morality here, there's no cunning being showcased, Claude is just an evil stupid tool
#clyde discourse#doing a read over for what i have for the GW rewrite and just. man.#like. it's hard to even like Clyde as a villain because he is just so incomprehensively incompetent in literally everything he does#once Part 2 hits#like imagine if he helped EdeckyWecky up to the point where she'd ACTUALLY die without his help... and he doesn't give it#he lets her die and lets the Empire crumble without leadership#but Dimitri can't take advantage of that because he still has to deal with Sreng and the Alliance#meanwhile Clyde is sneaking in more and more Almyran forces through Nader manipulating Mr. King of Almyra#until he has enough to take on the weakened Kingdom and force it under submission through the constant pressure he's forcing it under#not through brute force but just through wearing them down to the point where they just can't keep going#and in his zeal to conquer Fodlan he fails to recognize that he's just become Shahid; someone who wants to become king no matter the cost#like imagine it's never said outright but that THIS is how power corrupts once genuinely good people#they're so focused on getting to the end point that they gradually care less and less about how red their path to that end point is#until oops everyone is either dead; too scared/unable to fight back; or are also swept up in the mindset of By Any Means Necessary#THAT'D BE A NEAT VILLAIN. even if it's not *Claude* at all that is a villain i could get behind!#but people keep insisting that 1) Clyde isn't a villain (he is) that 2) he's doing the right thing (he's not)#and that 3) he's in any way compelling (he's just brown Eddy Geddy but stupid)
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ratatatastic · 22 days
thinking a lot about ekky organising a fishing trip (the sturgeon tagging trip if you will) for some of the boys back in like february-ish* and with the knowledge that ekky has taken forsy out deepsea fishing this season do you know what its like going oh so he took him lakefishing in BC...oh okay
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and also we got this shot of ekky manning a rod while forsy stands behind him like thats not- okay
#the sturgeon tagging trip haunts me in ways you dont understand#like oh so its ekky forsy and benny on one boat while mikksy monty and bobby are on the other?#like oh youve orchestrated this so youd be on boat stranded with the gems youre madly in love with#smooth ekky real smooth#taking your husband on a lake fishing trip to appease him and smooth over your deepsea superiority campaign...yeah#LIKE I THINK A LOT ABOUT BENNY EKKY AND FORSY ON THE SAME BOAT????#the m²bobby boat is just mikksy peacefully fishing while monty is fighting for his life trying to reel up a sturgeon#and bobby just stands there looking pretty#meanwhile ekky is trying his damndest to not act like a 12 year old boy while being stranded on a boat with 2 hot bitches he cannot handle#i also very much think about how the playersonly cast was teasing forsy if ekky asks him to reel up fish for him since hes so strong#and he was like no he doesnt he has an electric rigger :(#so you can imagine how happy forsy is at the prospect to being put to work during the sturgeon trip (reeling in big fish for ekky)#i could write so much prose of the homoeroticism of leaning over a mans shoulder#to pin him between your body and the rod. grunting in his ear all the while as you help him reel in a big one.#theres a lot here and im not nearly enough of a scholar to put it all to words#yeah i think forsblad flirt through fishing. dont you?#*also february-ish because the timeline here is murky because it the earliest this was posted about was feb 17#and on that day they were playing against the bolts on the road. and before that they were playing against the pens and sabres.#and theres like that stretch at home before that. and byeweek. and yeah. februaryish i suppose
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termagax · 2 months
altho we all know how i feel abt the idea of like de-radiationing rat and hog i do think really really fondly that one of the details they felt neccessary to illustrate that theyre like, healthier and not starving in the radioactive desert anymore is giving hog more fat. literally makes me tear up my beautiful wifeeeee auauauauauauauauauauaghhh
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mishy-mashy · 3 months
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#LOOK AT HIMMMM#i feel like im the only person going rabid over this guy#look at him hes so cute#hes so cute but also really hot too#look at that lip. THAT SMILE. HES CUTEE#the most normal guy on the vestige lineup bc everyone who wields ofa is crazy somewhere in them#meanwhile bruce could actually have been collateral damage with kudos OFA time#figuring out how it works? bruce come here. pass it back and forth. oops. you got your factor absorbed into this one#tho bruce did pass it on so really. even tho hes collateral he did end up holding it at the end#everyone with ofa can have some screws loose but bruce is just a normal guy#[my common sense] vs [Leader's rabid willpower and ideas] became [the last thing Leader left and entrusted to me before his death]#and its the embodiment of yoichis will. now its yoichi and kudos combined will#spoilers#bnha#boku no hero academia#my hero academia#mha#bruce#meme#bruce is normal but also crazy in some places too. he just acts and looks normal and we didnt get to see him enough to have it visible#bc bruce had immovable will himself and acted suicidal whenever kudo got involved#[Oh im gonna fight AFO in this closed sewer when i know i have no chance bc Leader is shocked and too close]#mister [Leader and the rest of the resistance is dead. i must fight AFO myself]#sir im pretty sure there was some suicidal feelings involved in that decision#man kills your friends so you pass on what Leader left you so you can go find that guy and try fighting him too?#SHINOMORI ADMITTED HE KNEW THE MOMENT HE GOT THE FACTOR HE STOOD NO CHANCE. IMAGINE BRUCE WITH HIS WEAKER VERSION OF OFA#AND HE STILL RAN OUT TO FIGHT THE STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD WITH MAYBE 2 FRIENDS#HE WAS CRYING THEN. BRUCE HAD TO HAVE BEEN SOME BROKEN MAN OR SOMETHING#he was the probably the last one to survive in the resistance. imagine being him. id feel suicidal too#maybe bruce was just out with the last members and AFO found them in search of the Factor. or while erasing everything kudo left behind
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batsplat · 3 months
Pecco and Pedro are probably the people who more than anyone else want to beat Marc. Pecco because he is forced to do it for a matter of survival, his bet next year is to be able to win against Marc with the same bike. Pedro wants to win the first world championship with Marc in MotoGP, even better if he wins it against him, because of course that’s what he wants. I MotoGP your teammate is your first enemy, as surreal as it is, it would be more likely to see Pecco and Pedro helping each other (which would be unlikely anyway because they aren’t the type of people who do that) than one of them helping their teammate , especially if it's Marc. If anything Marc and Pecco have to be intelligent enough to at least not take each other out Portimao style, because in that case there will be someone behind them ready to bite
so I'm going to jump in right away by saying, I know this ask acknowledges it's unlikely but, yeah, pedro and pecco will not be helping each other in any meaningful sense - because they are both serious challengers to each other and they know it. sometimes, riders can be known to help non-team members in fairly small low-key ways (see in this post valentino accusing marc of deliberately towing ducati riders to get them ahead of his actual rivals in brno 2014). for both pecco and pedro, marc is definitely the bigger focus, but they are both perfectly aware of the danger the other poses, and will not be inclined to treat each other as anything other than an active threat
that being said! of course pecco has already nicely demonstrated this season that he does approach his marc fights differently than he does those with other riders (which is broadly the correct and smart thing to do, even if the specifics can be critiqued). portimao even gave us the direct comparison between pecco/pedro and pecco/marc! part of it, yes, will just be an element of self-preservation - marc is now back to being a major roadblock for winning any future championships, and he'll be in pecco's house so will of course require... extra attention. apart from that, it absolutely would be the most meaningful way pecco could win a championship, by beating the famous marc marquez on equal machinery... nobody has done that before, and it would instantly dispel any remaining doubts about pecco's ability and cement his legacy as one of the greats of the sport. he wants to beat marc so badly because marc is one of the two riders he's always been chasing... and marc's absence has left all the young pretenders in this odd place where they've taken the crown but don't quite believe it's theirs yet. (just to say this again, I personally don't share the view that marc's absence diminishes those titles in any way, but it is of course interesting when the riders themselves have these insecurities.) there was that interview from early-ish last year where pecco talked about some of his personal limitations and how he views his own status in the sport:
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fascinating, isn't it? of course, I'm sure a second title will have helped to some extent in making him feel a little more entitled to that status in the sport - but this is not the kind of thing valentino or casey or jorge or marc ever would have said. there's a self-consciousness to pecco, an awareness of his uncertain, shaky journey to the top of the sport, how he's fully cognisant of how different he is to those names... which can be a problem at times - delusion is an athlete's life blood, and while the level headed insight pecco expresses here is arguably admirable, it is not necessarily helpful for him as a champion. on the other hand, sometimes lacking a little in the delusion department can be a good thing if it allows you to deliberately improve yourself, pushed on by the knowledge that you still have a long way to go... pecco's biggest self-inflicted wounds have tended to come when he's at his most comfortable - you can theorise about why this happens, but maybe that striver mindset is exactly what he needs to keep him going. it's still quite the admission to describe his 2022 season as more incomplete than either valentino or marc's title runs. (mind you, it's arguably even less complete a season than some of their misses - of course with valentino you have the obvious ones, but did you know that marc scored an average of 13.44 points in 2015 vs pecco's average of 13.25 in 2022? obvious caveat that in 2015 there were considerably fewer competitive bikes and barely any capable of regularly challenging for race wins.) the need to prove himself is always there with pecco... it keeps peaking through with him, and it absolutely peaks through in his approach to marc. yes, yes, acosta is the future, jorge martin has been his title rival more recently... but of course, beating marc would be special. do you think pecco ever dreamed that of it? do you think he really believed that he could before he was already premier class champion? with most champions, you would say it's likely. with pecco, I'm not quite so sure
as for pedro, yeah, obviously, that's just the cycle continuing lol. deeply curious what those two regularly competing at the sharp end of races looks like. pedro has kinda kept his distance, isn't that much of a marc fan himself... when he talks inspirations he tends to bring up schwantz, stoner, pedrosa, and of course rossi
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schwantz is far from an unusual pick amongst riders, though as the years pass perhaps gradually more so - it certainly reveals an appreciation for the history of the sport. as do the other choices, in a way... let's not forget that acosta was eight years old when casey retired. of course back in the day casey and dani themselves got plenty of criticism for how 'boring' they were - that's just how these things go! nobody's ever nostalgic for the present etc etc
pedro did also talk last year about how the public wants celebrations and rivalries, critiquing how friendly riders are nowadays and saying people want battles like jorge/dani, valentino/marc, and so on (full clip here)
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heartwarming: global number of people who still care about the valentino/sete rivalry is now confirmed at 2 (two)
obviously, you can't just go out and manufacture feuds because you're feeling like it, and pedro's had a pretty quiet rookie season in that sense. but once he feels like he's settled in and can challenge the infamous marc marquez in an actual title fight? on the basis of this rhetoric, you'd at least hope he's not going to be too shy in taking on the challenge. of course he too wants to beat marc more than anyone else... again, it's a question of legacy, how pedro clearly situates himself within the same lineage as both valentino and marc - even if personally he aspires to be more of a successor to the former than the latter. always better to take the crown for yourself, right? this is a kid who's clearly into the history of the sport and is already determined to make himself a big part of that story... weaving himself into that narrative by taking on a legend of the past, taking on the task of disposing with that legend himself. plus, given pedro is so aware of that history - he knows that what people remember are the rivalries. he wants some of that for himself! it'll be interesting to see how proactive he'll be in making that happen, certainly seems like an enterprising young lad
anyhow, yes, plenty of potential for both of those dynamics. and yes, they do very much want to beat marc - but if we're talking about who wants to beat him the most, jorge martin probably deserves a mention right around now. does have to be said that something dumb like the portimao thing is costing pecco and marc this year. it's kind of gone under given the sheer bucketloads of points all the title contenders are throwing away, but pecco would be eight not eighteen points behind in the standings if he had settled for sixth in portimao, and for marc it would be twenty four rather than thirty five points if he'd backed out of the move and had another go on the next lap. relatively unlikely to make a difference at the end of the season... though for mr title decider pecco bagnaia, it sure might be! I did joke about making the pecco/marc portimao thing tradition, but generally speaking two top riders crashing each other out isn't that common a thing, and it's pretty..? rare? that it's the same two riders on multiple occasions? I'm drawing a bit of a blank here, to be honest... then again, title contenders do seem to crash rather more than they used to (admittedly they also have a lot of opportunities now) - so maybe this is going to become a more regular occurrence. but what is more likely to happen is that when you have two competitive riders on the same bike, they do run the risk of taking turns stealing points from each other at the circuits where their bike is at its best. I think pecco and marc can probably minimise this given what a good all-round bike the ducati is across a range of different circuits, and also given that as individual riders they do at least seem to be reasonably distinct in what their strongest and weakest tracks are. all in all, I kind of doubt they'll cost each other like that next year... though admittedly if portimao is anything to go by I may be tempting fate
#still think marc's gonna WIN that fight and it could easily be one sided but I do *hope* it'll be interesting at least#pedro citing casey and schwantz together... actually wonder how casey feels about schwantz these days#brr brr#batsplat responds#//#i think my favourite moment of 'man you people really will not help each other' was late 2017#where you did kinda look at jorge/vale and go. guys marc's about to take a SIXTH title. those are YOUR numbers he's surpassing/threatening#and valentino was the one who mathematically killed his teammate's chance of beating marc by finishing right ahead of him at pi#whereas jorge... well. you know#it's quite funny because the whole time during pi '17 i did have a bit of my brain go 'oh god what if valentino makes marc crash'#because that was some HARD racing and can you IMAGINE what the discourse would've been??#so many people would've assumed he did it on purpose to try and stop marc from winning another title. and it could've done just that!!#kind of ironic? funny? tragic? fitting? that their actual next conflict ended up being over something so incredibly deeply pointless#another miss from my side was having a bit of a feeling about catalunya 2019 given it felt marc had been kinda terse all weekend#bit too close to valentino a bit too often!!#though i suppose it wasn't as much a 'miss' as it was 'jorge what the fuck was that'. i still think i was onto something with that race#wow this is a bit of a tangent... anyway idk always healthy to correct for how self centred these blokes are#not just in the sense of being selfish but also in that they're just thinking about themselves#that being said if you put motegi 2010 and phillip island 2017 side by side it is kind of interesting...#current tag
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elijahmiles · 10 months
thinking about how basimloki has deeply held trauma about himself and his children being imprisoned. and then how basim loses his mind when hytham is captured in the golden city that he risks his life, the mission, and the integrity of the brotherhood itself to get him back
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i know that when carlo suddenly decided that he needs to marry guy made a whole list in his head n like had a deadlines n shit. like it was some kind of a task he needed to do
#whole fkin campaign. idk still not sure how it was but man was in his peacock era for sure#n it's like i need to find a wife i need to make it in 2 (or whatever) months etc etc#but its like a bg task n he didn't speak bout it w others. like he just said that he needs to marry#also idk if i mentioned this but i wrote lauretta/carlo first meet long ago n she was w her fiance#i just listened to “pretty music” again sorry. i like that uh governor or tf this character is#changes his behaviour from one woman to another so real. n that fkin “but im a lucky guy who gets to dance w u”#and “since u know what i need i'll even take your lead” <- fr like im sure lauretta screwed him for several times#just to see if he's really serious good old manipulations w men nothing new nothing superstitious#upd. he probably made a mind budget for this (i mean finding a wife)#n bout lauretta screwing carlo its like in this ukranian song Ти ж мене пiдманула ти ж мене пiдвела#but since he's a strategist he's patient (like i wanted to accent this quality sm i wrote#that carlo started thinkin bout taking moretti's place back in 1932)#anyway. “Challenge accepted” situation and idk fr for some reason when it's carlo eddie lauretta it's always bout playing#so lauretta started playing n he entered this play too. i don't even think he was exactly mad (maybe only for the 1st time)#at this point i have a clear image of how they met n their first dates (cringe word) n how he proposed#ie how it started how it ended. ending was fast i believe (deadline is approaching 🤯)#what was in between i don't exactly know but i wondered just now if he also screwed lauretta (i think yes)#bc i don't knooowwww frrr all this is so bout playing to me#but bout ending its like. boss fight (<- sex) game credits (<- marriage) ((speedrun))#also i was thinkin if he even ever met lauretta's parents (i always thought that no but idk)#can imagine lauretta calling carlo a good friend. i also hm ok#i started to write a comic like a month ago just bout falcone polycule n it starts w#carlo who says that he finally needs to get married n lauretta's mother askin (in a pushing way) why#her n her fiance still aren't married like girl tf. she jinxed it i guess#upd. carlo/lauretta is funny in my head bc right before marriage he did fell in love lauretta didn't but guy's profitable we'll take him👍#she did only after marriage i think bc it was the time when u can finally relief bc it's over#u don't need to think bout no yes no no yes yes will it work or won't etc#woman was able to fucking chill at last. she got the money sorry i mean the man#he's not runnin away let's finally look who the fuck is even this man. why he won't shut up bout astronomy can i get a divorce <- jk#but yeah “я тобi брехала” is so lauretta right after marriage to me (“i dont even know the color of ur hair”)
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