#imagine if it didn't take me a year to sort of finish things that'd be wild.
edithdraws · 2 years
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I'm normal about them. You should listen to my spotify playlist(s) btw <3
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chaidrivenwhore · 9 months
this is a product of my inability to stop imagining and a lot of brain beating because college isn't going easy on me.
inspired by a prompt on instagram that had me feral with the possibilities.
also yes, i'm putting it up in parts bc it's more fun that way. this is a cleaned up, edited ver. of what i've posted on IG.
happy reading <3 (under the cut)
"I haven't seen him in a few days, but that's like, normal for him, it's not a big deal, he'll show up when he wants to," said the hero's love interest, as she tucked her hair behind her ears and looked at her lover in confusion. "He does this all the time, right?"
The hero hummed in agreement. "I should've known that he's gonna pull something like this. Let's hope the idiot resurfaces with his dumb jokes sooner than later."
The comic relief hasn't been meeting his friends for a week now. If you ask, the hero would tell you that comic was pretty unpredictable and he goes off grid for days on end. Hero's love interest would tell you that despite being best friends, Comic and Hero didn't exactly meet each other often (is it because Hero never really had time for his friend? Is it because Comic never really felt appreciated by Hero? We'd never know, but Hero's lover had her doubts).
The last time Hero and his lover had seen him was on their two year anniversary. Comic had helped Hero organise a little picnic and a pillow-fort-movie date after. That afternoon, Comic had bid goodbye to the couple and told them that he'd be busy the entire next week because apparently 'the education system is a conman and we're all being scammed'.
Hero hadn't thought much about Comic's inactivity, seemingly used to it, but as texts from his best friend were also far and few in between, he grew worried. His lover took great pains to assuage his fears but the only thing that really helped with the stress was fighting Villain.
Villain was an enigma. His motives were virtually unknown, considering the man always kept spewing bullshit about how he loves a little touch of public nuisance because it's fun. Hero's main vendetta against Villain was due to the latter's penchant for being an annoyance to society. Villain had once set fire to all the staff rooms of the city's schools at night, forcing the institutes to shut down for a week for a renovation. The media uproar was insane and Hero was hounded by journalists for weeks because of his late arrival to the scene of crime (not his fault- he had assignments to finish. Post-graduate studies aren't easy. Real life sucks).
Time went on and so did Villain's terror- and in a bid to protect the city from him, Hero devoted more time and resources to attempt capturing him. Somewhere, even Hero forgot that he hadn't heard from Comic in over a month.
That evening, after his latest stunt (minor bank robbery, because the manager had challenged every criminal in the city by bragging about his brand new security measures and Villain loves taking annoying people down a notch), he returned to his lair, feeling hopelessly empty, of sorts. Of course, the fight with Hero was everything he needed to scratch the itch that'd been taunting him for days, but something was missing.
He pulled up the news coverage of that day's mayhem. Something.... something is missing. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit.
His thoughts screeched to a halt when he noticed the lack of someone's presence. Almost in a frenzy, he began opening tabs of footage and media coverage of his fights with the hero of the past month. He's - Comic- what? Where's Comic? What?!
Villain would be the first to admit that apart from the occasional lawlessness and laying waste to the city (because property damage is infinitely more satisfying than bodily harm), his main source of childlike joy was seeing Hero gawp like a fool when his friend, the comic relief exchanged beautiful quips with Villain. He also wouldn't exactly tell you this, but the sheer glee of meeting someone who gives as good as he gets is unparalleled.
Like this one time, amidst a cute little Italian bistro that was then in ruins after the initial scuffle, Villain was delivering his prepared monologue because Hero actually gives him time to speak (which, personally, he thinks is fucking stupid). He'd just finished making a powerful statement about serving real justice when Comic had blinked, and giggled (the cute guy giggled) then said, "The only thing you're serving right now is spaghetti with a side of bloodied shoulder. I don't see how that's a good look on you."
Hero had then tried to shush his friend, a horrified look on his face, but Comic gave him a face that suggested that he's taking none of that and then proceeded to stare into Villain's soul, a goofy smirk gracing his face.
That was it. Villain was falling in love.
Not a day goes by where Villain hopes that he could ask the cute funny guy out on a cute little date without the whole 'i'm a bad guy and you're the good guy's best friend-slash-comic-relief' situation.
But fact remained that Comic hadn't been seen for over a month and as far as Villain was concerned, that's a month too long. He growled to one of his men, "Get me the city's surveillance footage of the past month."
The henchman was confounded. "But sir, I don't see why-"
"I don't pay you to question me, boy, do what I said. Now!" he barked, his displeasure and confusion shining through. The henchman (his name is Steve) slowly backed away and was leaving with a frown.
Maybe I was too harsh. With this thought in his head, Villain called out, "Steve, my good man, forgive me for snapping at you."
Steve bowed his head almost reverentially and smiled. "Don't ask for forgiveness sir, I respect you immensely. I will get you the footage you require."
"Thank you, Steve. If you could hurry."
Villain sighed, not knowing what to think or expect. He understands the impasse he's at - his rival's best friend is missing, but Hero seemingly doesn't give a shit, or he's unaware (debatable). The only one who was mildly concerned was Hero's girl and Villain's sure that even she'd given up. He doubts that Hero has any other friends, making it weirder that he's not turning the city upside down looking for his best friend.
It's almost like he's the only one who is trying to do something about all this, albeit late.
Steve came back with a tablet with the footage and handed it to Villain. "Do you need me to get you anything else, sir?"
"A cup of tea, no sugar, please."
"Yes sir, right away."
Villain settled down to examine the footage. It was gonna be a long night.
this was part one, lmk what you think (ꈍ⁠ᴗ⁠ꈍ⁠)
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lumilasi · 1 year
27 & 28 for the writer asks!
ohh these are pretty interesting ones as you can kind of understand/approach them from many different angles I feel like!
27. Who is the most stressful character you’ve ever written? Why?
There's couple of ways I can interpret this question; either who's a stressful one in nature, or which character was stressful to write in some way. I'm suspecting the first one is the more accurate take, so I'll go with that:
The character I tend to struggle a lot with when it comes to BNHA (current main writing fandom), is Deku/Izuku Midoriya. It's got a lot to do with the whole "protagonist syndrome" thing where he still somewhat suffers from it IMO, and it makes him kind of an uninteresting character to me personally. Sure he's a good kid and generally likable, but...that's kinda it. he lacks that something that'd personally make him truly intriguing to me. Which is common with protagonists to be fair, hence "Protagonist syndrome" rather than a problem specific to Izuku. His main interest point and reason I use him in fics a lot at all, is because of the dynamics he can have with Tomura thanks to their parallels alone. (In fact a looot of characters in the series only become interesting to me once connected to Tomura somehow lmao) As a result, often times I really struggle with scenes/parts where story focuses on him primarily, and can get a little bored/ frustrated. I still do/did it though because his connection with Tomura can be very fun to explore (Note, I specifically mean friendship/siblings type of thing)
In case of Bleach (my secondary fandom I do still write couple things for), writing anything with the Quincy is a struggle, because they suffer from similar "not that interesting" issue to Izuku, but honestly far worse case for me. Not only did I never really get into their characters and found them uninteresting as individuals, I honestly felt like they were just a bit of a repeat of the Espada/Arrancar, just less interesting versions. Literally the only quincy that stuck to my brain as somewhat memorable was the imagination guy that Kenpachi fought. Everyone else, can't remember at all. (I still remember all/majority of the Arrancar despite it being years since I last read the manga.) By the end of the story I also found their leader/main baddie just....confusing, and didn't really get why he was doing anything he did. Other than the story needed a villain I guess? (Side note; Guess this is Spoilers territory as the anime only recently came back to finish the manga's story, though I'm not really giving anything in particular away) (Also to be fair, Aizen had the same issue by the end imho, but he had more charisma than the Quincy head, and I don't even LIKE Aizen's character to begin with; I still find him better written lmao) So, anytime I choose to use them as the main villains (like with a current, still ongoing story) writing ANYTHING focused on them is a struggle.
28. Who is the most Delightful character you’ve ever written? Why?
FS Hisashi and Stringmaster AFO. They're both very fun sort of character building practices; neither is even close to being like canonical AFO, though latter is slightly closer. For Hisashi, he especially was sort of built from the ground up almost, just taking some key aspects of the canonical character and then taking them to a different direction for a "What if" version. It was a good exercise in trying to keep things consistent, and feel like things made sense for the character to do and say based on their persona. (Side note: Canon AFO works fine for his role in the story, I wouldn't want to change him in canon like this lol) Based on the feedback I've gotten on his character in FS, I managed to do a fairly good job there!
Stringmaster AFO, I feel like, is closer to what people seemed to assume AFO was like with Tomura in the beginning? Before it became obvious to the vast majority he's an abusive piece of shit. (The signs were there from the start, but not everyone will pick up on these things, that's just how it is, I don't fault people for that; there were even things I didn't really connect the dots with, until seeing people's metas about it) Although, he's still less villainous/monstrous than canon AFO, given the very different story and setting/role I gave the characters in this story.
(For Bleach as a honorable mention, of course, Grimmjow. I love that bastard cat very much, he's such a fun character to write/watch on screen. Also, perhaps ironically, given what I said about protagonists in the previous section, Ichigo. Ichigo is one of those cases where the actual protagonist of the series manages to be more interesting than usual to me. I'd assume its because he doesn't feel too "perfect person" to me, or too "generally likable." He has some edges like you'd expect an average person have.)
Either way, I gotta enjoy OP dads terrorizing assholes who hurt his kid or are just generally kind of shitty people. In fact I like this character type so much I have a few of my own lmao
Weird Questions for Writers
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impaladolan · 4 years
Capture - Grayson Dolan [2/-]
summary: after an unsuccessful attempt to escape, Y/N is in for more than she bargained..
warnings: lil bit of smut, swearing, and bdsm undertones
a/n: this is part TWO of this little series! check out part one before reading this!
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Your senses slowly began to settle back into you, and you finally realized just what kind of mess you were in..
Right after his bold exit, your exhaustion caught up to you and your eyes became as heavy a dumbbells. But when you awoke for the second time that evening, the situation truly hit you right in the noggin.
You were in a foreign place, that you were incredibly scared to even attempt an escape out of. The foggy memory of the stunning man that had entered the room, was becoming a false reality. Had you dreamt of him? Was he just a twisted piece of your imagination?
Surely not.
It seemed so utterly real that the nameless man had to be an actual human. And even that thought scared the absolute shit out of you. If he were to barge right through the same door, you wouldn't know how to even address him, let alone look at him. So you stayed hidden beneath the large comforter, softly shaking with fear as your eyes began to water. You were starting to miss things you never thought you could miss. Like the pumpkin-apple candle that you'd light from time to time, or your piano you love to play, to wake you up in the mornings and settle you down in the evenings. Hell, you were even beginning to miss your refrigerator that held all your favorite foods and drinks, and your spacious bathroom that you regularly took a soaking bubble bath in.
Oh god, a bathroom. Just at the mere thought, your bladder revolted and signaled it's everlasting need to be freed. But you were too scared. Though, you couldn't last much longer without accidentally pissing yourself, but that'd just make this dreadful day even worse. So with your fears in mind and the shaking of your body reminding you, you pushed back the covers and lifted yourself from the cushiony mattress, your toes curling at the frigid touch of the marble floors. You oddly looked left and right, in search of what could possibly be a hidden camera or worse— a person, but came short with nothing of the sort. You began your tip-toeing steps towards an open door that unmistakably led to the sacred toilet you were literally yearning for, and ever so softly shut the door, for at least a little privacy. It was an expensive looking bathroom with even more expensive looking appliances.
But without further examining you rush to the porcelain bowl and pull down your undergarment, quickly seating yourself and letting all the filtered tension go. A relieved sigh escaped your lips, but your asscheeks sure did feel sore.
Maybe it wasn't a dream..
You let your thoughts roam as you emptied your bladder and tore a piece of toilet paper from its roll and wiped, finishing with the click of the flushing button and directing yourself towards the sink. The women in the mirror caught your eye, though she looked oddly untouched. You thought you'd at least have a bruise or two fluttered across your arms or your face, but it appeared as though you were as good as new and unbothered. Whoever had kidnapped you didn't fully intend harm, but rather some other premeditated plan that you weren't truly sure of.
Though you felt somewhat at ease, your frightened thoughts lingered and you washed your hands quickly and tip-toed back to your aclaimed warm bed that you slightly missed the absence of. You could've gone for round three of sleeping that day, but yet again, to your dismay, the familiar sound of a door opening and closing kept your eyes open, and an unfamiliar scent glided into your nostrils and made your stomach growl profusely.
"Hungry, darling?" The same voice from your dreams questioned the air around you and just as before, you couldn't refrain from laying your eyes on him. He was undoubtably real, except this time he was fully clothed in a tucked white dress shirt and pants, a belt tightly wrapped around his waist. He was even dreamier than before with his hair all done up and his fingers clad with shiny rings that hadn't caught your eyes before. You drew your attention away and slowly nodded, bringing the large blanket up to shield yourself from his eyes. He set the platter down on the nightstand with what looked to be a sweet smile and grabbed a little portable table to set just above your thighs. He neatly settled the prepared food onto it and seated himself at the end of the bed, motioning his hand for you to begin.
You were hesitant to eat anything he could've made at first, but you were more scared of him becoming mad, so you gladly picked up your spoon and began to chew on the nice noodle soup, it's brothy flavor feeling nice on your throat. You almost whimpered at the taste when you finished your very first bite, your eyelids shutting and your head titled back in sensation. "Good?" His deep, softened voice brought you back to reality and your head was nodding before you could detest anything of it. "For how mouthy you were this morning, you sure haven't said much at all." His words struck true as you thought back to the prior events, his seething words and your snooty comments that arises the anger in him.
"Well, I'm sorry to inform you, but you had caught me in a moment of weakness and I will forever regret it. I was taken against my own free will, without the ability to even fight for my freedom, and you think it's fair to treat me like a whore who "deserves to be punished" and was in quite a drowsy state of mind. You're a sick bastard whether you've been told that or not." You seemingly growled at him, but he didn't seem to be angered, let alone offended. With all the stillness and subtleness in the world, he answered;
"Yes, it may have been a moment of weakness, Ms.
Y/L/N, but when was the last time that that pretty pussy of yours was touched, hm? How long has it been since you've came by someone else's hand, or cock perhaps? Darling, I may be a stranger to you, but you're no stranger to me." And with that, he left you stunned (and regrettably horny), all alone in the same room you've been trapped in for who knows how long? Ugh, it was so angering the way he could flip what you say into something far from being similar to anything you were trying to argue.
But he was right..
Yes, it's been a rough couple years in the dating life for you. Though, it never had to do with "supply of men" because here and there, you'd get a little flustered by a handsome man wondering if you'd like to get coffee sometime. But you'd always sweetly decline and carry on with your day. You were a focused, driven person that had their mind set on nothing else but your arising business endeavors. You simply didn't want to begin a relationship because you weren't fully ready to give so much attention to one thing while you were too focused on another.
And being honest, men are very clingy. And mysterious..
His final little statement about "You're no stranger to me" really confused you. Had you met him before? Was he from your hometown? It was truly a mystery. Who's to say he wasn't some sort of stalker whose been following you for the past five years? But that sounds absurd. Why would such a handsome, dreamy, sexy— a'hem, man want to have anything to do with you? Whatever it is, you weren't exactly mad about it. Because just like earlier, when you were hazy and half asleep, you felt the same tingling and flutters right down to your core. He was so smooth with his words, it's hard not to fall to your knees and become his beckon call. Fuck, anytime you laid eyes on him, your body begins to writhe with shudders, creating that pooling sensation where your core throbbed the worst. A large part of you couldn’t wait to see him tomorrow, throw some sly comments at him or even try escaping, anything to catch his attention.
So before drifting asleep, your mind raced with loose plans and tactics for tomorrow, when you’d awake in the same room for presumably the third or fourth time.
Go time.
Initially, you had planned to sneak out only to anger him, but now that you were thinking about it, why not at least try to escape the clutches of the room and run away, hopefully home if you could.
You were missing it so much already, though you’ve only been gone for approximately thirty-two hours (maybe). But you were becoming bored with the view of absolutely nothing except gray walls and the one large painting on the wall. It looked like a countryside, a barn with a red roof-top and white siding while trees decorated the entire area around it. It was an odd picture to be put in this room, it didn’t really match the minimalist vibe the entire rest of the proximity put off. But anyway, it felt weird getting out of bed and twisting the handle on the door, and to your satisfaction, it opened with a faint click and you were finally able to be freed of this room.
The even more so frigid air smacked you straight between the eyes the moment you fully opened the door, it made your eyes water slightly. Taking the very first step out of the room, you notice that the walls in the long hallway are a powder color, which brought a weird grin to your face.
Those gray walls just weren’t doing the trick.
You slowly begin to tip-toe to the right of the entryway, looking in every direction possible. You didn’t really know if he lives alone or with others, but you were banking on the possibilities that there were others in the nice, freezing home.
Why the fuck does he keep it so cold?
You continued your slow, padding steps until you came across another door-less room; the kitchen. Thankfully there was no one in the huge kitchen, and your stomach jolted to the smell of just another soup, you just couldn’t recognize it. You almost scavengered for a spoon, but the faint sound of shallow footsteps corrupted your hearing and you b-lined straight to a cabinet, that happened to be a pantry once you were enclosed inside. Before entering, the pairs of footsteps let out a few hoarse chuckles and cackles, ultimately placing them as men. From what you could see in the tiny, barely visible crack, you could for sure make out who was standing directly left to the cabinet you were stuck in; the panty-dropping hottie from earlier.
You were just praying to God that he wouldn’t find you.
You took every breath as carefully and slowly as possible, not moving a muscle as the two men conversed, though it was muffled and incomprehensible. After what seemed like hours, you swore you heard a few goodbyes and a loud door shut. You wanted to sprint out of the damn tight-knit cabinet and run for your dear life, but you slowly opened the door and breathed in a large breath once you were finally free of your slight claustrophobic fears.
“Better run, sweetheart.” His deep, distasteful voice scared the wits out of you, which made your instincts ignite the moment he took a step closer to you. Before you knew it, your feet were pacing back and forth in long strides as your arms pumped up and down, though your blanked mind came to a loss on the directions out of the house.
This was it.
There was no way you’d make it out of here. He was obviously much faster and actually knew the layout of his own house, while you, on the other hand, had no damn clue where the front door is. So your heart sank deep in your chest when you felt his warm, muscular arms wrap around the entirety of your waist before you hand could even grasp an unknown handle that you were violently reaching for.
“Think you’re fucking smart, princess?” He whispers in your ear, carrying you away, presumably to your prior settings while you helplessly let him. You didn’t even thrash against him, or even attempt a kick to his groin.
You just.. let him.
“Fuckin’ lucky I don’t tie you up and spank your ass until it’s numb again.” He murmurs to himself, dropping you off on the same bed you’ve been sleeping and awakening in whilst he shuts and locks the door too. Just his little comment to himself made your mouth water and your pussy clench. It was hard enough being in such a close proximity with him.
Once testing the door to see if it was locked properly, he turned back to look at you with a cold, lustful stare that had you aching all over yet again. For someone that you don’t even know their formal name, you sure did have the ‘hots’ for him. In a flash, his shirt was off and his pants were unbuckled, the heat arising in your cheeks as he strode over to you in his nakedness. “Knees. Now.” He points to the floor below him, watching with demanding eyes. You, of course, reacted before thinking. You were on your knees in seconds and had your hands wrapped around his increasingly large girth. You really hadn’t looked at it before, you were honestly terrified to. But now that it was right in front of you and your fist was slowly pumping it, you craved it.
“Since you haven’t been very nice to Daddy, you’re gonna have to give him a little sweet treat..” He caressed the top of your head, looking down upon the sight of you stroking him made his cock jump slightly. With your own eyes in him, you ran your tongue along the protruding, red vein of his cock, suctioning off his tip like it was a straw. He threw his head back with a pleasured sigh as your warm and thick muscle made his erection grow. With a few internal encouragements in your head, you let your mouth intake more, slowly edging its way to his public bone. What you hardly couldn’t fit, you let your fingers glide over. His sharp intakes of breaths and groans had your own self a mess, and you almost wanted to creep your own two ‘flimsy’ fingers down there and relieve it.
You let your hands travel to his constricting balls, fondling them with the slightest of touches. He squinted his eyes and held himself back from coming right then, but it was too late. For his thick, hot ribbons of cum released all the way down your throat and to your chin.
He didn’t last long..
It unusually tasted sweet, compared to others who seemed to be sour and gummy. Though he was done and physically drained, you continued slow motions, only quickening them by the second. Overstimulating has and will always be one of your favorite kinks. To see someone shaking and aching from their own sensitivity made you all the more horny and sexually-frustrated. But the overstrung man put an end to the real quick, pulling you to your feet and shoving you back onto the cushiony bed where your comfy gown rose and his intense stare darkened.
“Don’t you make one fucking sound..”
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Fortune Favors the Kind (John Wick x Reader)
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This is like a Mentor!John x Young!Reader, requested by @depressed-comics
You never thought you'd be stuck under the thumb of the Russian Mafia, but your father made some pretty bad decisions, and had used you as collateral to try to spare his own life. So they took you when you were young, and had been training you ever since, trying to make you an assassin that could rival that of the Baba Yaga. They took everything from you, you had no semblance of a normal life, you were stripped of your empathy and emotions for others. The only things you could ever think about were death and destruction.
Those who had trained you in combat, weapons, and espionage had deemed you fit to start. It was only fitting that your first mission began on your eighteenth birthday. Most eighteen year olds would be hanging out with their friends, maybe getting a tattoo, not using the guise of an escort to assassinate a high profile drug lord with debts to the Mafia. Once you had gotten him alone in his room and put a bullet in his head, something clicked as you watched the life drain from his eyes. Your training failed you as you lingered rather than flee the scene. You had never killed anyone before. All of those years of being told to not feel anything, you couldn't help but let emotion wash over you as his blood began to seep into the bedsheets. Shock gripped you as a tear rolled down your check and you gasped as you heard the door crash behind you, before you could react two burly guards grabbed you roughly. You were still in a haze as you began to struggle meekly against the guards, with one swift motion one of them hit you in the temple with his pistol and your consciousness faded.
You awoke hours later, your head was pounding and you could feel that you were tied down to a chair. There was duct tape covering your mouth. You slowly opened your eyes, blinking to adjust them to the light. There was a single bulb above you, illuminating your figure. You could see the rough outlines of men that loomed just out of the light. Your training kicked in as you began counting silhouettes and formulating a plan to get out. One of the men stepped forward, you were confused as you realized he was one of the higher-ups in the Mafia's chain. Viggo's eldest son.
He shook his head softly as he approached you, "Oh little белладонна, you had so much promise..." He ran his hand down your face, before gripping your jaw hard, "But you showed weakness, you know my father will not be happy." He said, his tone still soft. "You will be punished."
You cursed inwardly, this must have been some test, and you had failed. Your mind was racing, you meant nothing to these people, so your punishment would most likely be torture or death. Or both. You inhaled sharply as another figure came out of the shadows and slapped you harshly across the face, and another came with a knife to slash you across your collarbone. You dug your nails into the wood of the chair as you saw the brother pull out a revolver, you were sure this was the end. But before he could raise the gun to you, you saw the door to the room fly open as a tall looming man came in, using the body of a guard as a human shield as he began mowing down the men in the room. Within an instant you recognized him, the Baba Yaga himself. Your heart was beating a mile a minute as you heard the sounds of bullets flying above you. You began trying to free yourself from your bonds as you prayed he wouldn't kill you too.
When John was infiltrating the safe house Iosef was being kept in, he did not expect to find a young girl strapped down to a chair being interrogated by one of the Tarasov children. He began taking down the men in the room, he didn't have time to reload as he was being approached by more guards, so he threw his weapon, smacking a man right between his eyes and sending him to the ground. He began fighting hand to hand. He observed his opponents and his surroundings. He was slightly outnumbered, there were still four men and the brother, and he had already been worn out. He was reminded by the dull pain in his lower abdomen as he began deflecting punches and flipping men on their backs.
He kept this on for a while, but he felt he was getting into a nasty situation, as he was being pinned to the ground with a knife dangerously close to him. Before he even realized what was happening, the scared little girl from before came back into action. You let out a yell as you jumped up, flipping both you and the chair back onto one of the guards, shattering the wood and freeing your limbs. Lightning fast after you had pulled that maneuver, you had grabbed a gun from the ground. The man who had John pinned looked behind him could only see the barrel of your pistol before you shot him. You slowly stood up and kicked the man's body off of John's.
John sat up and looked at you, then back to the corpse that had been a threat to his life just moments earlier. He looked back up at you, and just stared for a moment. You were so young, he definitely pegged you as a hostage of some sort, let alone someone with training. The thought of it made him angry, you were just a kid. No child should have to live the life of an assassin. John wordlessly stood up and brushed the dirt off of himself. "We should get out of here." He stated simply, and began walking towards the door. "I'm John, by the way." He grunted.
You followed. "(Y/N)." You said softly, still a bit in awe that you were spared by the greatest assassin you'd ever heard of. You knew you should fear him, but you trusted him. After all, without him you'd probably be dead in a ditch. You took the lead in guiding you and John out of the safehouse after he had killed Iosef. You knew the layout of the building incredibly well, as this was where most of your training took place.
You were sitting in the passenger seat of John's car now, you started silently ahead as he put the car into gear and began driving. Before long, he was the first to break the silence. "Why were you down there?" He asked, his voice gravely and rough but his tone was soft and inquisitive.
You looked at him before looking back down at your feet. "They were training me to be the perfect assassin, but when they sent me out on a mission I showed emotion and didn't live up to their expectations." You explained, your voice barely above a whisper as you stared out of the window.
John gripped the steering wheel, "You're just a child." He said, his voice becoming more strained, "Why were you down there, before that mission?" He looked at you, besides the large gash on your chest, you looked like an average teenage girl. He couldn't imagine how you had gotten ties to one of the deepest rings of the Mafia. The same one he was in before he had went into retirement.
You began to shake as you thought of your despicable excuse for a father, tears clouding up your vision. "My father, he..." you paused, taking a deep breath to steady yourself, "He has his debts, and instead of fixing them himself he decided to pawn my life to save his own. But they just killed him anyways." You let out a dry laugh, running your fingers through your hair.
John felt even more angry than before, how could anyone give away their own flesh and blood? Let alone give them right into the hands of a ruthless crime organization. "It sounds like he deserved it." John mumbled, looking out at the road ahead of him. His mind began to wander as you didn't speak up again. He thought of Helen, his heart sank as he imagined her smiling face. They had always talked about having children together, and she had always wanted a little girl. He couldn't imagine just throwing away something like that. John pulled up to his home, and put the car into park.
He got out and opened your door for you, "Let's get you cleaned up."
You winced as John gingerly dabbed antiseptic onto the large gash across your chest. It was strange seeing this man who had a reputation for being incredibly deadly and focused be so gentle and kind. "I'm sorry, I know it hurts." He said, continuing to clean the wound.
You looked around, seeing the empty dog crate and all of the photos of John and Helen together, but yet the house was eerily quiet. You had heard of John leaving the business, and about his wife. You looked back down at him as his eyes were focused on your wounds, you felt so bad that everything had been taken from him. His voice broke your train of thought, "(Y/N), do you have any other family?" He asked as he stood up, finished with your first aid.
He knew the answer before you even said it, no. He knew looking at you that you were like him, no more family, everyone who loved you was long gone by now. He knew what he had to do, what Helen would've wanted him to do. "You can stay with me, if you'd like." He offered.
You were stunned, you had never been treated with as much kindness as John was giving you right now. "Seriously?" You asked meekly, and he nodded. You couldn't help but smile, "That'd be really kind, thank you John." You said.
John smiled and nodded. He never thought he'd be anyone's mentor, or father, or anything of the sort. But he knew he had to help you, he didn't want to world to keep screwing innocent people over. He was going to help you, and take you under his wing, whether it be trying his best to give you a normal life, or teaching you everything he knows about life as an underground assassin. He would do it, he finally had a chance to create something positive out of all the shitty things fate had thrown at him. To do something that would make Helen proud.
Fortune may favor the bold, fortune may favor the brave, but it also occasionally favors the kind.
Part 2: https://iwoulddieforkeanureeves.tumblr.com/post/185667051574/after-john-finished-up-his-business-with-the
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Ava & James
Ava: So, campus bars Ava: Avoid entirely or cheap enough to make the cringe worth it? 🤔🤔 James: use your student loans wisely enough that cheap is avoided entirely Ava: Ugh 😏 I thought you'd give real advice if I got you off the clock James: go with your gut, option 1 James: you're not striking me as someone to base their social life around KCLSU's quiz night Ava: I love trivia like I love cheap white wine spritzers and school spirit James: knew you'd fit right in Ava: Can I put that resounding endorsement on my application then, James? James: it'll carry more weight if you accidentally add the I when you write my name James: but I didn't say that James: slip of the pen, that's all Ava: My lips are sealed Ava: There's plenty of time to meet him and double up on kudos James: I hear the girl's hazing rituals are savage James: stand you in good stead that will Ava: No one is scarier than a high school girl Ava: Nor as petty and sadistic Ava: I think I'll survive James: they've toned it down since that girl had a mental episode post head shave James: sure you will Ava: Very chic Ava: Do you wait 'til the UCAS app has gone through to drop the horror stories usually or are you really bad at this whole recruitment thing on purpose? James: it's my 1st time playing tour guide James: potentially I'm less than cut out for it Ava: I won't lodge a formal complaint Ava: Unless you're turning over DMs as feedback, in which case, awkward James: I won't be, some girls think I have more sway than I really do James: awkward indeed Ava: God Ava: Not even my first choice Ava: Though makes you wonder how effective attaching nudes to your cover letter would be James: they'd have to take that on a case by case basis Ava: 🤞 that you don't get the one token woman on the panel James: not your 1st choice, no need to cross anything Ava: Hypothetically, James II Ava: Why was it yours, then? Ava: Student life evidently not being it James: it was my only James: it's gonna end up being Teddy's too Ava: He hasn't turned up to business studies in time Ava: But slip of the pen, I get you James: my older sister got all the brains and none of the sense of fun Ava: Know the sort Ava: Bet I still likes you better though James: I wouldn't go that far Ava: Too far for a taster sesh Ava: Understood Ava: Don't suppose you'll point me in the direction of where you actually hang now then? James: I suppose I could Ava: Please Ava: Bored is an understatement Ava: I'll still show up all present and correct for the debrief thing tomorrow James: it's such a good thing here isn't your 1st choice Ava: You should give me the real tour Ava: I'll keep my lips sealed James: can't I get another please before you do? Ava: Please do not invite your brother Ava: He got us kicked out of Mahiki last month it was so tragic James: he's a disgrace Ava: Most of them are James: I don't associate with anyone who still goes to Mahiki regularly Ava: It's pretty played out James: if they'll let Teddy in they're getting desperate Ava: 😂 awh James: you ready now? Ava: Already out Ava: Figured you better pick me up from The Vault Ava: Consider it a mini hazing of my own James: keep your lips sealed that I'm going within 100 yards of the place and sure Ava: Don't worry Ava: The others are at the cinema or something equally as lame the school put on for our 'overnight entertainment' Ava: I'm sick Ava: No selfies James: the hangover'll make it look & feel convincing Ava: That's a promise you can put your wallet behind Ava: I am a guest James: you don't want put your fake ID on the line either Ava: Bold of you to assume I've ever needed to buy my own drinks 😏 Ava: I didn't bring it alright, shut up James: you don't need it, I'm only playing Ava: 😾 James: how many drinks has my brother bought you? Of course I need to 1 up him Ava: Total? Ava: Not as much as he'd like but lots Ava: Not trying to milk this sibling rivalry or anything, have known him ages Ava: Well before Mahiki would let him in, like James: hardly a rivalry, you know him well enough to realise Ava: True Ava: You do what feels right and I'll let you know by the end of the night then James: very straightforward James: I like it Ava: You don't know me well enough yet but that's par for the course James: I knew your brother for years & I didn't know him James: we'd need more than an evening Ava: I'm as comparable to my brother as you are to yours Ava: Probably James: show me, I'll show you Ava: Deal Ava: But we will need more than an evening Ava: to make it fair James: you can have until you're bored Ava: You'll want longer when you aren't anymore James: I'm used to things not lasting as long as I want Ava: I'm not your average Ava: You'll see James: bold of you to assume I've ever settled for average Ava: I didn't say THE average James: I heard you say my average Ava: No need to be offended by better, is there? James: bemused at most Ava: You're welcome Ava: but you are meant to be entertaining me, not the other way 'round James: you brought up fairness James: & it's a good point Ava: How do you propose we make it fair then? James: I entertain you tonight, you entertain me whenever you've thought of your own tour worth taking me on Ava: That's actually a good idea Ava: and entirely fair James: Teddy'll cost my dad more to secure his place than I did, I've got some brains on board Ava: No doubt Ava: Gave his name to the right kid, clearly James: My sister was undoubtedly relieved James: though Diana has its own pitfalls Ava: 😬 The jokes write themselves James: they do Ava: Perks of having a relatively untouched name James: it does suit her, she's very much a martyr Ava: Did you do an English degree? Ava: You're good at painting a picture with words Ava: See 👸 so clearly James: sadly not James: maybe I'll go back & do it if I ever finish the current one Ava: Student forever vibes Ava: Fuck real life James: then again, being the kind of dad who drops their kid off for classes & pulls up his own chair at the table doesn't sound like a great idea Ava: Just make sure its not their first choice, yeah? James: oldest's already smarter than me James: won't be a problem Ava: There you go then James: where's yours? Ava: Currently undecided Ava: It's more a case of sorting the 2-5 James: & how's that going? James: this place being a solid 5th Ava: Its been a solid mix of fun and boring working it out Ava: Better than another night in Mahiki at any rate Ava: I'll have to decide eventually but even my mum can't demand I do quite yet James: don't over complicate it James: they're not all that different James: I've got friends studying all over the map and they're still basically doing the same things I am Ava: See, that's what I figured Ava: But try telling that to a woman who was Cambridge or bust Ava: It's more about the vibe of the place, the people, the ethos and the lecturers not being the worst stereotypes of boring/creep Ava: again, if I tell her vibe is on my criteria she'd actually kill me before I could apply anywhere so 🤷 James: your secret's safe with me James: even if our mothers were friends, mine is currently not speaking to me Ava: How's that? James: it's something I'm fairly used to James: she's not a big talker James: more of a fan of a dismissive hand gesture Ava: Gotcha Ava: Not a whole lot to miss James: she's got lots to say about my parenting style but who hasn't Ava: Shame you don't talk to my brother now James: I don't suppose he sees it as a shame Ava: Probably not Ava: He's not one for regrets James: me either James: it's why we started out friends Ava: Feels like ages ago Ava: Since he still lived here James: it kind of is James: he left before he left Ava: It's complicated James: it's not my business Ava: Not mine either so Ava: Whatever James: car's here James: are you going to make me get out for you? Ava: You're meant to come in here Ava: Don't you trust I can keep my lips sealed? James: I don't trust it to be entertaining in there James: hence it's not part of the tour Ava: Please James: Oh Ava James: [but does come in we all know he would] Ava: [clearly making him stay for a drink and play pool or something in this student ass bar] James: [when you're whipped for someone you're not even dating lol] Ava: [When Chloe is your missus] James: [to be a fly on the wall in their relationship tbh literally imagine] Ava: [oh lordy how you have not been missed girl] James: [at least the new kid is young enough she can dress it up still and it can't talk back so she can pretend she gives a shit and isn't blowing his phone up rn] Ava: [in full show-off-to-all-my-friends mode still, somehow still has some lol] James: [lord when you don't even like and comment on pics of your own child anymore though bye do not approve of your aesthetic choices Chlo] Ava: [so awkward, when you only get a look in for the boring/hard bits] James: [basically just get to parent Jay cos she's well over that] Ava: [poor James tbh] James: [have your fun now lad I don't blame you even though everyone else will] Ava: [lord people gonna be SO mad] James: [how far we gonna take this during the tour cos obvs flirty vibes been flying about but like he can't just jump her cos married and she's younger] Ava: [she fully initiated this whole thing lbr but maybe don't sleep with him yet babe as you are aware he's married and has kids so like, some thought even though you young and reckless that, he could always stop it at a makeout 'cos then how embarrassing for her and she'd have to leave it for a bit like what was I doing, angst etc] James: [I vibe with that cos they are gonna be drinking a lot as the night goes on so that'd make both of them give less of a shit about the consequences but because the night is going on eventually chlo is gonna be like are you coming home ever because I like to think he hasn't cheated since she got pregnant with this kid and has actually been trying even though he's miserable af clearly] James: [like maybe it was really bad before and he was actually gonna leave her so she was like simply must trap him and did] Ava: [v much a her move I support it] James: [yeah cos she's invested this much time into him she's not just gonna let him go easily] Ava: [when you have no idea what you've signed yourself up for here babe] James: [I'm rooting for them rn cos nobody else is and I'm 100% that bitch, must not get invested yet when we've only just begun] Ava: [same tho so whoops] James: [he'd be so into it though too we all know that makeout would be 💣🔥] Ava: [hence breaking it off would be hard af, Chloe gotta be blowing his shit up to the degree he thinks maybe one of the kids is hurt lol] James: [literally Chloe is the teenage girl in this situation, girl chill out] Ava: [I'd feel bad if you hadn't also cheated loads and trapped him in this sham life soooo, grant you idk how much Ava knows of that rn but she'd clearly have a rep] James: [yeah I feel like Ava would be knowing some shit cos same circles and Chlo ain't slick plus like he's gonna eventually tell her cos god knows he needs someone to talk to] Ava: [we will get there boy] James: [at least it'll be less awks for her cos it'll be obvious that he didn't wanna break shit off and how hard it was to do] Ava: [there was obvs a vibe to pursue in the first place, still tomorrow morning lmao] James: [he'd so go too hard pretending she doesn't exist like nobody's picked up on the vibe and it ain't obvious okay boy] Ava: [I hope there's some other drama gone down on this little excursion so yous can fly under the radar, someone hold hands at the cinema lol] James: [shit like that always happens don't worry you two] Ava: [thank God for teenage shenanigans when you out here homewrecking on the low] James: [you should do some Chlo texts at me for the lols even if I don't reply cos busy lol]
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Rio & Buster
Rio: [a box of stuff of his that got messed up in with Nancy's in the move 'cos your sister ain't talking to you either] Rio: [just like there you go] Buster: [thrilled about it] Buster: [takes it upstairs to the flat over said pub because he's staying there in protest fuck all of y'all] Rio: Lucky they've not got lodgers Buster: What can I say? Charmed life Rio: No doubt Rio: 'cos spare bedroom at theirs ain't so spare now Buster: Unlucky them Rio: Not really where my pity's going Rio: sure they'll find space for the punching bag Buster: No doubt Buster: It's as much a member of the fam as any of us at this point Rio: Sod Nance then Rio: stay on the sofa 'til Uni, like Buster: Not like she'd put up a fight Rio: Not like anyone's gonna bring another one to her Buster: Yeah that's the point Rio: Is it? Buster: Here 'cause she's down & out now Buster: Spent fucking ages on the ropes like Buster: No stamina left, is there? Rio: Sooo kick her whilst she's down/kick her out of the spare room Rio: Interesting idea Buster: Necessary more like Buster: But whatever Rio: Your solution Rio: Reckon it'll toughen her up Buster: Probably too late for that but when the alternative becomes walking on eggshells for the foreseeable future Buster: Have to try Rio: It's summer Rio: everyone's having a break, yeah Buster: So I should give her one, yeah? Buster: Way ahead of you Rio: Not just you Buster: If everyone else gives her any more of one we can just call this her party Rio: Nah Rio: she'd hate that Rio: heaven forbid Buster: Yeah well Buster: [back & hitting up the 18 year old hot barmaid like Rio: [when you're rolling your eyes so hard they gonna get stuck at the back of your head] Rio: be useful and get him another drink Buster: [When the girl loves it tho] Buster: Do you want one? Rio: Are you offering Buster: What was that just then if not? Rio: No telling Rio: go on then Buster: How many have you already had if you can't tell what 'do you want a drink' means? Buster: & Am I meant to guess what, like? Rio: It don't matter if it's wet and alcoholic Buster: 😂 Buster: Alright, brandy it is then Rio: See Rio: this is why I can't tell Rio: pisstake Buster: I'm always serious about getting pissed at fam functions Buster: You know that Rio: then don't get me fucking brandy or I've got no chance Buster: Then tell me what you want & stop trying to make me mind read Rio: You mean you can't? Rio: Disappointing Buster: You mean you want me to? Buster: Alright Rio: Don't take your time Rio: know what he's like if he actually finishes one before having the next lined up Buster: [Brings her the exact right drink obvs cos ofc he knows] Rio: [does cheers motion when she takes it] Buster: [& we back on our barmaid bullshit again cos gonna take her outside or upstairs at some point & need to put in that work] Rio: Does she know you're a child, like Buster: Firstly, I ain't & secondly, mind your own Rio: You are and how Rio: your attempts are blatant Buster: Care more about the birthday boy or my sister the other guest of honour Buster: That'd do for a start Rio: Take your own advice Buster: My distraction is sorted, cheers Buster: You're the one asking me how to get one Rio: I'm not, I'm asking if she knows she's down for some kiddie fiddling or what Buster: Ask her if you're so concerned, like Rio: Ha don't dare me Buster: We can play if you want Buster: Been a while Rio: Your distraction is sorted Buster: Not if you ruin it Rio: What I do best Buster: Yeah Rio: She's not going to fuck her employers grandson Rio: get a grip Buster: You wish she wouldn't Rio: You're dellusional Rio: at least if I do it you'll have someone to blame Buster: Nah, it's a summer job & summer ain't lasting much longer Buster: Her words not mine Rio: I asked for her life story less than you did Buster: Gotta get your fun while you can, babe Rio: That's what she's counting fucking a virgin kid Rio: you reckon Dublin's a smalltown but it ain't that small Buster: I'm not a virgin or a kid Buster: Try again Rio: You're both Buster: Not for ages now Buster: The past's gone, stop living there Rio: 😂 Rio: the big boy act is not convincing Rio: let's hope she is noncy or you have 0 chance Buster: ���� Buster: I'd have sent you more frequent updates if I'd known you were this invested Rio: No need Rio: can see the show from here Buster: & I can see the colour of your eyes from here Buster: If it makes you this jealous, don't watch, babe Rio: Not meant to be looking Rio: or at least pretending you ain't Rio: remember Buster: Take your own advice Rio: I don't have to Rio: you said you would Buster: Ain't that the world's biggest cop out Buster: But fine Rio: I didn't want to stop Rio: it was for your benefit so act like it Buster: Get a grip Buster: I haven't done anything but act like it Rio: Keep it up Buster: You're the one watching me reap the benefits Rio: You could call it that Buster: I just did Rio: I thought you was trying to sound mature here Rio: probably calm down Buster: I don't have to try Buster: At anything Rio: 😂 Rio: don't lead with that whatever you do Rio: napoleon complex got you sounded younger than you are, kiddo Buster: I don't need your advice, you already did me a really big favour, like Rio: You need so much more help than I'm willing to give Rio: not got that samaritans gig yet Buster: That's the thing, I don't 'cause I fucked a girl when you left & haven't wanted to stop since Buster: Haven't needed to either so like I said, cheers Rio: [audibly lols] Rio: yep, bragging on numbers Rio: PEAK mature big boy moves Rio: Oh my God, McKenna Rio: [walking away from view once she's downed what's left of her drink] Buster: That is how it normally goes, yeah. Could almost be a direct quote Rio: I'm as impressed as they are, I guarantee it Buster: Nah, but you don't get to be Buster: Have to keep to my word Rio: Hardly Rio: at best you're on a promise here Rio: aren't married Rio: unless you're really committed to pretending you're grown Rio: very first school, it's sweet Buster: 😂 Rio: Still dramatic Buster: Says you Rio: Yeah Rio: focus Rio: know it's like a dream but keep up Buster: Talking to you ain't that much of a nightmare, don't do yourself down, babe Buster: & Well done for not openly crying or begging, like Buster: Maybe you do possess some self control in spite of everything Rio: Night's still young Rio: but nah, keep dreaming Rio: if there was anyone else here Buster: I will Buster: & If there was nobody else here, yeah? Rio: Exactly Buster: Exactly Rio: Exactly Rio: what are we talking about Buster: You're about to analyze my dreams, aren't you? Rio: Can Rio: so easy but hit me with it Buster: Only easy when you're in 'em babe, but that is often Rio: Good one Buster: They are good, yeah Rio: You're welcome for all the inspiration Buster: You don't get to take credit for my imagination Rio: Yeah I do Rio: you're a boy, it's a well-known fact you have none Buster: Bullshit Rio: It's true! Rio: they've done studies and everything Buster: Not on me Rio: Special, are you Buster: You know it Rio: You're funny Buster: & Imaginative Buster: Everything fun we ever did was my idea Rio: Bullshit 😂 Buster: True you mean Rio: Nope, definitely not Buster: Name one thing you thought of Rio: Getting drunk was my idea Rio: as was calling the adults when you when green literal so you owe me your life, actually Buster: Nah, you just agreed with me Buster: & that don't count as fun Rio: No way Rio: don't misremember Rio: woulda been if you did it right Buster: Don't you Buster: Just 'cause it suits you now Rio: I ain't Rio: cheek Buster: You are Rio: You aren't the only one who has fun, or can, I'm not gonna say that Buster: Don't then Rio: Don't say I ain't fun Rio: you know I am Buster: No I don't Buster: I told you, that kid's dead & buried Rio: You know I am now Rio: whoever you are Buster: Again, no I don't Rio: Shut up Buster: Maybe if I asked Miles he'd vouch for you, but we don't talk Rio: Still? Buster: What, there's meant to be a time limit on it? Buster: I beat him up & he ain't over it Buster: I can't say I'm gutted Rio: Worse than girls Rio: well, not at your school, obviously Buster: Whatever you say, babe Rio: What, you reckon you ain't? Buster: I don't care enough to reckon about it Rio: You are Rio: listen to me, no need to wonder Buster: Like I said, whatever you say Rio: You're so cute Buster: Yeah, I know Buster: But shut up Rio: Make me Buster: You wish Rio: Yawn Buster: Big surprise, you're bored & boring Buster: Again Rio: That's your bit Buster: Where? Buster: When? Rio: Here and now, baby Buster: Nah Rio: Mhmm Buster: Have another drink, you're bound to change your mind Rio: Jesus you sound like your dad Rio: that makes sense Rio: the whole act Buster: Glad you reckon you've made sense of something Buster: Must be a relief Rio: Not really but what can you do Rio: nothing, apparently Buster: You'll get over it Rio: You wish Buster: Not really, but what can you do Rio: Plenty Rio: if you'd let me Buster: Come on then Buster: Do something Rio: [Comes up and gets a drink from barmaid and is like come on then, to Buster, not her lmao] Buster: [Gives her an amused look but doesn't move yet cos not making it that easy] Rio: [is like 'how am I meant to do anything here?'] Buster: ['You're not meant to do anything, full stop. Figure it out'] Rio: [just a look like 'why not?' and then chatting to the barmaid in a way she can 'cos friendly bitch and making her come dance with her 'cos power move] Buster: [a look back that means you know why not but then a lol at the antics that he lets happen before cutting in & kissing the barmaid cos of course] Rio: [probably not a good idea boy your fam gon cockblock now] Buster: [better take her away quick before they realize, off you go outside you two, gods speed] Rio: Fuck you Buster: You can't Rio: Fuck you Buster: Fuck you just as hard, babe Rio: Yeah right Buster: Yeah right Rio: I'm going Buster: Alright Buster: See you around, Cavante Rio: No Buster: Like or not, I'm here for a while Buster: So probably Rio: Fuck off Rio: seriously Rio: stay to yourself like you want to Buster: Feel free to convince my parents I should Buster: Been there, tried it myself Rio: Feel free to drop dead Rio: not doing anything for you Buster: You should've let me if you feel that strongly Rio: That boys already dead and burried Rio: how many times have you dramatically spewed that Buster: Maybe two Rio: Enough you don't need to chat it now Buster: I'm not, you are Rio: Yeah you are Buster: Nah, I'm saying, I bet you wish you didn't save me back then Buster: If only you could see the future, yeah? Rio: You wish Rio: You want everyone to hate you so bad Rio: have to wait 'til you're grown to fuck off and leave everyone behind Buster: Nah, Nance has fucked off already, that's one down Buster: My odds are good on not having to wait Rio: make you feel better when they forced you on the plane yeah Rio: diddums Rio: how 'bout you fuck her and get onto smack Rio: that's it, or death Buster: All the better for seeing you, obviously Buster: Very inconsiderate of her to turn out gay, like Buster: I'll have to kill myself, I guess Rio: Yeah you'd never Buster: Why not? Rio: Love yourself too much Rio: sadly Buster: All the more reason to do it myself, make it worthy of me Buster: & Really dramatic, of course Rio: You're all chat Rio: and you'd stay alive just to spite me Rio: twat Buster: You ain't that special, remember? Rio: Neither are you but doesn't stop you reckoning Rio: so leave it out Rio: you're a shit liar for someone who does it all the time Buster: So are you Rio: I'm not lying Rio: you 2 for 2 now Buster: Tell me again how I'm not special or you hate me Buster: It's a lie Rio: I do hate you right now Rio: and you aren't special I just fucking Rio: I don't know Rio: it's a me issue, you've said it enough Rio: it's not about you Buster: You do know & it is about me Rio: Why are you doing this now Buster: Why are you? Rio: Because I fucking wanted to Rio: you don't so stop Buster: I'm giving you exactly what I said I would Buster: What you asked me to Rio: How is that what I asked Buster: You said stop this Rio: I said come on Rio: and now you're fucking taunting me 'cos why Rio: it's fun Rio: you want me to hate you Buster: You wanna hate me Rio: Bullshit Buster: Every time you say it, I can feel you fucking hoping it'll cancel out how much you want me Buster: Well, now you don't want me anymore Buster: You're welcome Rio: You're an idiot Buster: I'm too sober for your stupidity is what I am Rio: Don't you dare Buster: I do dare, deal with it Rio: Again Rio: 2 for 2 so no you fucking don't Buster: Again, whatever you say babe Rio: It's known Rio: was right Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yep Rio: pussy Buster: You ain't been right about anything other than how shit our kiss was Buster: I learned my lesson then, that's all Rio: You're full of shit Rio: why keep talking Rio: I don't believe you or anything you say Buster: Then we finally agree about something 'cause that's exactly how I've felt about you since you ruined my birthday Rio: Yeah, why would I make myself look insane just to be lying Rio: Fucking good one Sherlock Rio: you're gonna be a shit lawyer with that intuition Buster: All I need is the ability to bullshit & I have that Rio: You don't even need that Rio: plenty of second-rate rich boys playing dress up Rio: swap the badge for a robe, yeah Buster: Good thing too, at least it'll take you a while to be done fucking them all Buster: You're already so bored, like Rio: Oh my God, you still care about that Rio: like I ain't been whoring around my own postcode for a year since then Buster: Such a dramatic pussy so obviously Buster: You fucking hurt me Rio: I know Rio: You hurt me right back Rio: and still are Buster: What did you expect? Rio: Not you to keep this up forever Buster: All I've kept up is the distance you all but fucking begged me for Rio: I don't want it Buster: You think I want it? Rio: yeah Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Don't Buster: Fuck you Rio: what Buster: You can say what you want, fucking throw yourself at me in there & I can't tell you what you already know Rio: I don't know that at all Rio: and even if I accept it now and try and believe you, you'll take it back later and Buster: Don't ask me to & I won't Rio: Okay Rio: promise Rio: don't need to cut our palms but I swear Buster: I ain't fucking doing that my dad's scar is really ugly from when he & Joe did & for what? Rio: 😂 Rio: I said we don't need to Rio: can still be a hand model if you want, not gonna take that from you Buster: Cheers Rio: alright but is that a deal or no Buster: It sounds like you want blood to me babe Buster: Hold on, I'll break this glass, like Rio: Do not Rio: and I don't want you to kill yourself either Rio: or die just in general Rio: btw Buster: I don't want you to whore around your postcode, but things happen Rio: Mixed messages because you definitely told me to but Buster: You told me to drop dead Buster: At least I gave you an easier one Rio: Well alright, if we're changing our minds here Rio: though rude that's the only thing you wanna take back, just saying Buster: I never said that Rio: you said I should go whore round, now you're saying nah so Rio: yeah Buster: What I mean is, there's loads of shit I wanna take back Buster: Not just that Rio: Oh Rio: me too Buster: But I can't & neither can you Buster: Only thing I can't do, but still Rio: Sure you can Rio: people do and say shit all the time and take it back Rio: easy Rio: what's hard is not doing and saying it again Buster: Yeah Buster: Alright Rio: I'll expect it in writing Rio: take your time Buster: Fuck off Buster: Just 'cause I'm capable of an essay unlike my sister, don't mean you're getting one Rio: Just adding to your workload here Rio: be nice whilst you're Rio: not ahead Buster: Fuck that it's summer Buster: Give me a break Rio: Then see me Rio: have fun with me Rio: you're stuck here anyway Buster: Rio don't Rio: Why not Buster: Come on Buster: You're gonna make it even harder for me, really? Rio: I just Rio: I really don't want to hate you, okay Rio: don't make me, that's hard Buster: It's easier than not Buster: Harder to be around each other if we don't Rio: Barely Rio: I nearly just bottled you Rio: how is that better Buster: That pain is piss easy to handle compared to what you could do Rio: It don't feel any easier to me Rio: feels the same Buster: 'Cause I can't bottle you Rio: well, I can't actually you, to be fair Rio: or random girls just 'cos Buster: 'Course you could Buster: You'd have to stretch if you wanna get me over the head, like Rio: 😂 Rio: Shh Rio: it's very much illegal, even when you're asking for it Buster: Or stand on a barstool Buster: Or the bar itself Rio: not that you're thinking about it Rio: weirdo 😜 Buster: I think about you loads, get over it Rio: don't wanna Buster: If I have to, then you do Rio: I never said you have to Buster: I'm saying it, I have too much shit to do to be distracted by you constantly Rio: okay but Rio: little bit Rio: all work no play Rio: come on Buster: I play as hard and you know it Buster: Even when you are there trying to fuck everything up Rio: Exactly Rio: so don't try saying you've got no time for me Buster: I never said none, I said not as much as how often I think about you & then my thoughts want me to give you Rio: I know Rio: I get it too, I mean Buster: Of course, I got really hot Buster: I was a cute kid but Rio: Alright Rio: 😏 Buster: Alright what? Rio: We don't need to talk about how hot you are Buster: It won't be a two way convo, just tell me Rio: You know already shh Buster: Come on Rio: You're gonna be mean Rio: I can feel it Buster: Just say it for me once Buster: You never got me a birthday present Rio: Fine but if you're really annoying about it you're getting muted okay Buster: Or bottled Rio: Yeah you really are wishing now Rio: but you're hot Rio: really hot Rio: you know you are Buster: Fuck Buster: I know you are Rio: ha Rio: I've thought about you saying that loads Buster: What else do I say? Rio: Lots of things Rio: but don't waste loads of time talking, wouldn't be very true to character would it Buster: 😂 Buster: Obviously not Rio: Jesus Rio: I'm glad I left Buster: I'm not Rio: You left too Buster: Well, I ain't proud of that, am I Rio: Yeah Rio: it is what it is Buster: Nah Buster: It ain't that passive, it's what I made it into, deliberately Rio: I know Rio: I mean, obviously within your rights to do it Rio: shitty or otherwise Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Yeah Rio: thanks Rio: it's alright Rio: well it weren't but apology accepted, basically Buster: Where are you? Rio: Omw home Rio: nearly back Buster: Well, that deserves another apology Buster: Nearly Rio: it's okay Rio: gave him his present so won't be as gutted, like Buster: You can still be 👑 Buster: Thank Christ Rio: Honestly Rio: can ruin my night but not my rep, like Buster: I'm being sent home. Home home, not holiday home so no danger to your rep, just mine Rio: Why Rio: I mean Rio: you've been on worst behaviour all round, apparently but what was the final straw Buster: Mum's on one about the barmaid Rio: How mad will you be if I say told you so Rio: just wondering Buster: How mad would you be if I tell you I told her it was worth it Rio: you've actually got a death wish Rio: you know that's gonna make her mad, that kind of thing Buster: Why else do you think I announced it at perfect everybody overhear this volume? Rio: Why are you so mad at them? Buster: How far back do you want me to go? Rio: Alright Rio: over Nancy moving then Buster: They're letting her, ain't that enough? Rio: You'll miss her Buster: I won't Rio: What then Rio: isn't it a good thing for you, you won't have to worry about people talking shit on her, having to smack lads for her Buster: Don't mean I'm not angry she gets to move countries but I can't stay home alone, 'cause that's bullshit when I can take care of myself & she can't Rio: She's living with nan and granddad Rio: they're not just leaving her to do what she wants, like Buster: As good as Buster: How long before she's at ours, I'm calling it Rio: Nah Rio: they'll be more involved than your parents are, no offense Rio: so you still come off better Buster: We'll see Rio: You can be angry still Rio: and miss her, even a bit Buster: Cheers for the permission, like Rio: Any time Buster: How do these parties get more shit with every passing year, have a word Granddad, fuck's sake Rio: 'cos we get older but still get treated like kids Rio: and you're moodier, somehow Buster: You were calling me a kid not long ago, now you're gonna call 'em out for doing it, yeah? Rio: Not saying they shouldn't or that you ain't Rio: just why it's shit Buster: Very diplomatic Rio: mhmm Rio: you don't deserve me being mean about it, soz Buster: So you're only gonna be nice from now? Rio: Diplomatic Rio: you don't wanna be friends Buster: I don't wanna disfigure my hand with a blade Buster: If you wanna make me a better offer Rio: Did that too Rio: but seriously Rio: it was weird not talking for all that time Rio: barely talking anyway Buster: Yeah Rio: just don't stay away that hard yeah Buster: How hard then? Rio: as hard as you wanna Rio: but actually Rio: don't pretend Buster: What if I actually don't wanna? Rio: then don't Rio: it's just talking Rio: nothing wrong with that Buster: Okay Rio: Good Rio: I missed you Rio: sometimes Buster: Only when you were awake Rio: 😂 Rio: not dreaming about you, no? Rio: basically #humble for you Buster: That's what I was saying, those hours when you can't dream about me must have been the absolute worst, babe Rio: Oh god Rio: keep chatting, might cure me 😏 Buster: You know what the cure is Rio: Yeah? Buster: Eat cheese before you go to bed & have nightmares instead Buster: That or drink brandy til you can't dream Buster: Might die but Rio: 😂 Rio: I'm sure we don't have any of that filth Rio: 'less you can cook with it, hmm Rio: I'll see Buster: You can Rio: Get you Buster: Crêpes Suzette being the classic Rio: You're funny Rio: don't think I'm gonna go to that trouble when I could just stay up Buster: I'll come make them for you, call it a peace offering Rio: Party's gone that downhill 'cos I left, yeah? Buster: To be honest Rio: Guess your friend left when you embarrassed her along with your ma? Buster: She's not my friend Buster: But obviously Rio: well you know what I mean Rio: at least its a summer job Buster: I wouldn't have gone there otherwise, don't need to run into her every time I get dragged back here Rio: 🙄 Rio: how you getting 'round that at home then Buster: By being upfront about it Buster: No big words though Rio: Brilliant Buster: It does work brilliantly, yeah Rio: even if we're friends, not one of your mates, boy Rio: don't be bragging Buster: You asked & I answered Rio: Mhmm Buster: Not like I was offering you a spreadsheet with the figures Rio: Shh are you coming or not Buster: Do you want me to? Rio: Yes Rio: I'm hungry Buster: Then yeah Rio: Good Buster: I won't say a word about how much faster it'd be for you to just feed yourself Rio: Better not Rio: know you have hired help Buster: Not a cook Rio: you offered Rio: I'll be grateful Buster: When you've tasted it, you'll be more than grateful Buster: But I gotta get there first Rio: You can do it Rio: I believe in you Buster: Don't run out of compliments before this cab has even set off Rio: Better to do it now Rio: less risky Buster: No risk, no reward, babe Rio: I'm paying for crepes in compliments, am I Rio: sure that's what you want? Buster: The more praise I get the better I perform, it's up to you how good you want this meal, like Rio: That doesn't surprise me even a little, babe Rio: keep it in mind Buster: Why should it? It's true of everyone Buster: I also happen to thrive against the odds too but I'm just that good Buster: Keep that in mind Rio: Most people, even more most blokes Rio: What odds? You're gonna have that kitchen all to yourself Rio: and all the fancy ingredients you need Buster: Are you trying to bullshit me that you don't love encouragement as much as anyone, don't make me laugh Buster: The odds that the smell of brandy could make me wanna puke, for one thing Rio: I dunno Rio: can be a bit much Rio: depends Rio: I'll hold your nose for you Buster: In the wrong hands, anything can be a bit much Buster: You just wanna use yours to hurt me Buster: If I leave with a broken nose, we ain't friends no more Rio: Yeah, exactly Rio: that's why I'm done with schoolboys Rio: Promise Rio: you're too pretty Buster: I ain't leaving school for you, my mum would do more than break my nose Rio: 😂 Rio: Enough of a reason not to Rio: Maybe Buster: Until you give me a more worthwhile reason to do it Rio: Like I need to Buster: Like you want to Rio: You still reckon it's me stopping us Buster: I'm stopping us 'cause you asked me to, so technically yeah Rio: Ugh Buster: Tell me not to Buster: Take it all back Rio: You already said I can't Buster: When I said that, I was angry Rio: so was I Rio: and a whole clusterfuck of other emotions Rio: when I did it and all the shit I've said since Rio: including when I told you to stop and leave Buster: And now? What do you feel like Rio: Happy that we're talking Rio: that's all I know Buster: I've missed you, do miss you Rio: I know we never saw each other loads but Rio: not being able to talk to you was Rio: shit Rio: and knowing if I did you'd just say I was drunk or desperate or whatever the fuck Buster: I know I ain't easy to talk to Buster: So I'm happy too, that you wanna Rio: You aren't that bad Rio: give it a good shot, like but you know Buster: Come on Buster: I'm as much of a cunt as I can be Rio: Yeah well I'm tough Rio: don't take it personal Rio: sure loads of people hate you, babe Buster: Nah, they love me Rio: 😂 Rio: Okay Rio: you're an idiot Buster: I'm serious, being a cunt in Chelsea is like being a pub owner in Dublin Buster: Well loved Rio: Whatever works Buster: Like I said, it all does, brilliantly Rio: On them Rio: but that's not what really matters, like Buster: Of course on them, this is where I live & these are my people Buster: That's what matters, there's no point thriving in Dublin for the few weeks I'm there & not being able to hack it here Rio: Not what I mean either, really Rio: but least it makes sense Buster: What do you mean then? Rio: What about you, is what I mean Rio: not just playing to whatever crowd you have to Buster: What about me? That's what success is Rio: and that makes you happy Buster: It makes me successful Rio: What's that then Rio: if not happiness Rio: and money, obviously Buster: It's an assurance that whatever passing bullshit, happy, sad, pissed off, whatever I've got going on, I'll still be at the top of my game Rio: Hmm Rio: okay Rio: I get it Buster: It ain't a difficult concept Buster: Obviously you understand it Rio: Nah Rio: I just don't understand how everything you think is success brings that Rio: actual, definitely Rio: but surrounding yourself with cunts so you can be top cunt? Rio: that's just bullshit init Buster: If you can adapt & endure you'll thrive. Anywhere, under any circumstances, over any cunt Rio: Suppose that's true Buster: It don't matter who I'm surrounded by, I'll be top Buster: These are just the present cunts Rio: What about really nice people Rio: I know you ain't going that hard the other way Buster: Nice people don't run the world, babe Buster: They get shit on by it Rio: Nah Buster: Ask Nance Rio: That's not nice Rio: that's insecure and not able to stand up for yourself Rio: no offense, Nance Buster: You're the one who called her the nice twin Buster: I could happily slag her off all day Rio: Mostly to highlight your evilness Rio: but not gonna sit here and call her a bitch, obvs Buster: 😈 Rio: 😏 Rio: I wish Buster: What are you wasting a wish for? Rio: when you're such an 😇 wishes grow on trees Buster: Nah Rio: Which part of that are you doubting? Buster: The part that gives you a halo Rio: Oh, so you were being that rude Buster: Being that honest more like Buster: I know you Rio: Earlier I was no fun and now I'm hellbound Rio: which is it to be, babe? Buster: Depends Rio: On you Buster: On you Buster: I told you before, I ain't gonna be your scapegoat Rio: I just know that if I end up in hell, I'm blaming you Rio: 🤷 Buster: If you wanna go to hell, I'll take you there, babe Buster: But I could just as easy take you to heaven Rio: You are such a tease, McKenna Buster: That depends too Rio: Nah Rio: but that's okay Rio: I don't not like it Buster: I know Rio: Partially Rio: I don't think you know just how much I really don't not like it Buster: You reckon? Rio: All you've got is that famous imagination of yours Buster: Give me more then Buster: If you think you can Rio: I know I could Rio: question is should I Buster: I already said yes Rio: Not exactly asking nicely but Rio: like that too Buster: That I really do know Rio: It's pretty obvious Rio: why I like you Buster: Tell me something that isn't Rio: Alright Rio: Hmm Buster: & If its gonna take you this long, let me in Rio: you can't let yourself in? Rio: talk about poor service Buster: You invited me, let me in Rio: Fine, fine Rio: coming Buster: [when you just standing there at the door looking fresh to death] Rio: [when you're obviously admiring but playing it cool like kitchen this way] Buster: [when you 'brush past' her to get there not cos you wanna get there 1st but cos you want your bodies to touch] Rio: [when you've got all bowls and shit out like a nerd] Buster: [when you sit her on the counter so she can watch this masterpiece come together & you shamelessly wanna touch her as much as you can] Rio: [just dying slowly over here and 😳 but you can pretend it's hot in kitchen 'cos always is] Buster: [okay but teasing her with the brandy cos big mood so they have to basically playfight about not smelling/drinking it] Rio: [so innocent but the tension lawd] Buster: [when the only reason you don't kiss is because sauce on the stove about to burn or whatever & reminds you what you're meant to be doing] Rio: [#seriouschef] Buster: [gotta impress the bae which is why you also swig some brandy from the bottle like look] Rio: ['if you're sick it's really gonna put me off all the effort you've put in, like'] Buster: [is 😏 cos cocky bitch getting back to serious chef-ing] Rio: ['I'm gonna go get changed' 'cos still in party tings and just giving that mental image to him tah] Buster: [helps her down not cos he needs to but cos he wants to & the eye contact as he do because] Rio: [now you get to be 😏 but go 'cos we cockblocking you chef boy] Buster: [when you watching her go & then thinking about those mental images so hard that its a miracle the kitchen isn't on fire] Rio: [ha awkward like soz cali] Buster: [when you tell her to hurry back & you can pretend its cos this don't take long cos it don't but also we know] Rio: [pretend there are 'fit options here 'cos even your comfies are hot that's just the life she's forever living] Rio: 1 or 2 Buster: If you reckoned 1 was good enough you wouldn't have shown me 2 Rio: Numbers were randomized but 2 it is Rio: One sec Buster: You don't leave anything to chance Rio: Gotta go out there and make shit happen or it never will Rio: yeah Buster: Yeah Rio: anyway, was accounting for your bad taste rearing its head 😉 Buster: Expensive taste is only bad taste if you're poor & jealous Rio: and I'm neither Buster: So you've got nothing to worry about Rio: doesn't mean you don't have to sell me on this meal still Buster: It'll sell itself Buster: One taste Rio: Let's see Rio: [coming back down] Buster: [Such a LOOK at her] Rio: [Sitting back on the counter 'cos mood always casually maintaining eye contact forever oh you two] Buster: [Asks her if she wants to do the bit when you light the brandy at the end cos literally asking if she wants to play with fire the SYMBOLISM bye] Rio: ['Obviously' cos] Buster: [hands her a match cos what a fucking mood] Rio: [when you're just having a moment over the flames like] Buster: [and then its time to serve this shit so he'd do all the gentlemanly shit of pulling her chair out etc] Rio: [when you're loling but also loving it and just open your mouth like ok feed me] Buster: [when you know he will & does] Rio: [casual food porn happening here lmao] Buster: [probably don't come back that exact second cali fam] Rio: [caleb so sad like food is MY love language] Buster: [when you're waiting for a review tho] Rio: [when you've been making noises to not even be a tease about it so you're like 'okay, it's good'] Buster: [smug af but also so into her everything rn] Rio: [holding out a forkful like you want some] Buster: [a look cos we both know what he wants some of lol 'yeah'] Rio: [just feeding each other, getting this out the way or whoever walks in would KNOW honey] Buster: [sharing a chair because he weren't sitting down to have any & CLOSENESS] Rio: [y'all gonna jump a foot in the air when the fam roll in, at least a screaming child would give you chance to get off each other] Buster: [literally she's gonna be on his lap if they don't hurry up] Rio: [when you're like 'you've got some there' as a blatant excuse for more touching] Buster: [kill me now tbh] Rio: [gotta bring 'em in, so mad, never mind how mad y'all are gonna be] Buster: [how is it not obvs to cali how turned on these two are rn like hello I know you've got your hands full but] Rio: [also know she's fuming 'cos usually a helpful bitch but she's just there like hell no, also looking at him like what you gonna do] Buster: [when you just leave cos there's no way to explain gotta use the chaos to your advantage & make her answer questions if they get asked such a prick move] Rio: 😒 Buster: That better not be directed at me Rio: Nah Rio: stick it in the family groupchat but might be a bit blatant Buster: More blatant than what they walked in on? Buster: Unlikely Rio: They aren't all that observant Rio: well, 'less they wanna be but should be fine Rio: didn't say anything, still haven't so Buster: Good Rio: Yeah Rio: I think so Rio: still 😒 Buster: At least you ain't gotta catch a plane tomorrow with a 'disappointed' dad Buster: I did him the favour of not having to unpack all my sister's shit but instead of thanking me, it's a lecture I'll get Rio: That'll be fun Rio: 'least it ain't a long flight Buster: Just enough time to say don't fuck 18 year olds til you're at least 16 Rio: Probably doesn't warrant the whole flight but you know Rio: 6/10 parenting Buster: Gotta factor in all the time spent in silence before & after though Rio: You're too alike Buster: Shut up Buster: I'm younger, hotter & better Rio: Save it for your rebuttal Buster: It packs more of a punch if I hit him with a fresh take, he's been aware of all that for years Rio: Lemme know when you come up with a zinger, like Buster: 'Course Rio: I'd help but gotta silently come for my own now, obviously so Buster: I don't need any, don't worry Buster: Besides, it'd piss him off more if I hadn't learned my lesson so I'll probably just join the mile high club Rio: 😂 Yeah unless there's a closeted horny businessman doing his commute too, I highly doubt that Rio: that flight's a glorified bus trip Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 🙄 Buster: 😏 Rio: Shut up Buster: Make me Rio: That was the plan Rio: more or less Buster: So make a new one Rio: You should've stayed Rio: could've Rio: they're busy they never notice what I'm doing Buster: If I was thinking, yeah Buster: I would've Rio: Annoyed at you Rio: might bust out the face, actually Buster: It's your own fault Buster: Be annoyed at yourself, like Rio: You're not annoyed about that Buster: Annoyed ain't the word, you're right Rio: Got lots of time and brainpower to think of the word now, ain't ya Buster: Yeah Rio: you back home yet? Buster: Nearly Rio: Shame Buster: It doesn't have to be Rio: How? Rio: You're going back tomorrow Buster: I'm here now Buster: I know I've got more imagination but use yours Buster: What do you wanna do? Rio: Finish what we started Buster: So come on Buster: Take me through it, how would it have gone? Rio: Well I was about to sit on your lap Rio: and you were about to feel how much I wasn't ready for you to go Buster: You'd have felt how ready to go I was Buster: Shame I had to leave instead Rio: It really is Rio: Still one last mouthful I wanted you to feed me Buster: I know Rio: and really could've put the worktop to more use Buster: & the table, barely used that Rio: Well now I'm gonna be thinking about you tomorrow morning when I'm getting breakfast too Buster: You're welcome Rio: It's not fair Buster: I told you, I don't play fair Buster: Just hard Rio: I'll just have to make sure you're thinking about me too Buster: How will you ever compete with my family's riveting breakfast conversation though? Buster: We're all so chatty, like Rio: Didn't know if you were on the first flight out in disgrace Rio: got your own plans then, like Buster: I don't reckon we sit down for breakfast at the same time as your lot Buster: Somehow Rio: how else you gonna fit in brunch and high tea Buster: 😂 Rio: you reckon imma get up for you Buster: Yeah Buster: Even if you also stayed up all night for me Rio: You're so fucking Rio: cocky Buster: Is that meant to insult me? Confident in a bold way, yeah, I am Buster: 'Cause I can be Rio: No Rio: just facts Rio: I've not said how I feel about it Buster: You don't need to Buster: You're so obvious Rio: So? Rio: You think you ain't Rio: I wanna be Buster: It's not a bad thing either Buster: I ain't saying it is Rio: You've said it is before Buster: So? Buster: We're both said worse before Rio: Yeah but did you mean that or do you mean this Buster: You really need to ask? Rio: Yeah Rio: this don't need to be a headfuck does it Rio: that's the whole point Buster: Making it known what you want is only bullshit if you then don't go after it Buster: Be as obvious as you want if that ain't all you do Rio: or when I go after one of your mates, obviously Buster: Shut up Rio: What Buster: Not a headfuck you just said Rio: It ain't Buster: Don't Buster: That's not what I wanna be thinking about Rio: Me either Buster: Then stop Rio: Alright Rio: I'm not thinking about it Buster: Good Rio: do you really have to go tomorrow Rio: can't you just behave Buster: It don't matter if I do, what's done is already done Rio: I know Rio: 😒 Buster: They gotta lay the law down while they still can, time's running out for it Rio: Know the feeling Rio: you made a mess Rio: guess who's gotta clean it up Rio: washing up is definitely what I wanna be doing rn Buster: I know you'd rather I made more mess & cleaned it up but that'll have to wait Buster: You can shower without me later though, I won't be that mad about it Rio: 😩 ugh Rio: please come back, won't complain about the washing up once if you just Buster: Come here Buster: It's your turn Rio: have you gone back to the pub Buster: The flat yeah Rio: I can't just show up at the party again can I Buster: Why not? Rio: 'cos they'll be expecting me to stay not race up to the flat to see you Buster: I'll come down, I didn't get changed, just you Rio: but I wanna sit on your lap again Buster: There's places we can go to do that Rio: Fuck it Rio: alright Buster: Hurry up Rio: there's a bus in 10 minutes so Rio: faster than getting back here Buster: Anything's faster than getting to yours Buster: It's a pisstake Rio: I know, I have to live there Rio: need to drive asap Buster: I reckon you could, if you work out a way to reach the pedals, like Rio: Piss off 😂 Rio: just 'cos I'm not gonna look like I'm in a clown car don't be salty Buster: I ain't getting a smart car, I'll be fine Rio: Neither am I Rio: but sadly you'd be waiting 2 years over the 20 this'll take so deal and have a drink waiting for me yeah Buster: You can have a tall glass of brandy if you don't behave Rio: 🤢 stop Rio: you just want an excuse to not go near me Rio: I see you Buster: I wanna be near you Rio: Yeah but how near Buster: You'll see Rio: if there's brandy I know you don't wanna go that far Buster: Do you? Rio: You know I wanna go all the way Rio: or what's the point starting Buster: The point is not being able to stop Buster: You think we'll just do this once? Rio: How are we gonna know if we don't try Rio: why not, because we're not meant to? Buster: I already know I'm that good Rio: then find out how good I am Rio: I'm not going to fall in love with you like calm down, it's fine Buster: You already did Buster: Glad you're finally over it now, babe Rio: 🙄 Boy please Rio: I was not Rio: we were kids you aren't even capable Buster: Tell it to my parents Rio: If I get drunk enough, I might Rio: though they're already pissed at you, might actually murder me Buster: You're not here to get drunk Rio: You're hot when you're serious Buster: I'm always hot Rio: 😏 Buster: You never told me that thing, you know, you just let me in Rio: Oh Rio: I forgot Rio: who knows why Buster: So come on, I'm waiting Buster: Tell me Rio: Something you don't know? Buster: Yeah Rio: Trouble is, I think you know as much as you wanna know Rio: you're not trying to know any more than that Buster: Bullshit, when have I wanted less than everything since you've known me Rio: You gonna give me everything in return? Buster: You can have it all, you just have to want it Rio: What's wrong with us Rio: do you reckon Buster: Depends who you ask Buster: If you're asking me, nothing Buster: You're flawless & I obviously am Rio: It's not our fault we're hot Rio: I bet loads of people think it but just don't do anything about it, right Rio: they just lie to save face, don't wanna put it out there to have it shot down Buster: Exactly Rio: Yeah Rio: we just ain't afraid to take what we want Buster: My parents didn't give a fuck & neither do I Buster: They have their uses Rio: really good excuse if we got caught Rio: but we won't, obviously Buster: Not that I've thought about it loads or anything Buster: Obviously Rio: Yeah right Rio: start thinking then boy you've got a lot of catching up to do Buster: Keep up with my sarcasm, babe Rio: I am, babe Rio: but I can't be thinking about you thinking about me right now Rio: this bus is kinda packed Buster: What happened to not afraid? Rio: I'm not afraid, that's the issue, I'm too turned on to be not with you right now Buster: It's not an issue & there's no such thing as too turned on, not when you're on your way to see me Rio: sadly the rest of the fam is gonna be there too but that's life Buster: Nah, I'm getting you alone as soon as you get here Buster: They don't need to even know you are Rio: let's try Rio: I am hard to miss Buster: Yeah but I'm at the bus stop Buster: None of them are Rio: Really Buster: Why would I wait for you in there instead of here? Rio: Always thinking Rio: I can't right now, your fault Buster: But you are, about me Rio: yes Rio: a lot Buster: I'm thinking about you too Rio: Good Rio: I want to do exactly what you're thinking about so make it good Buster: It's always good Rio: It better be Rio: still gonna top it Buster: You better Rio: bet on it Buster: High stakes, babe Buster: Good thing you ain't afraid Rio: What other stakes are there? Rio: no guts no glory Buster: You could be bluffing Rio: You want proof? Rio: That is risky Buster: I like risk Buster: Don't you? Rio: [as sexy a selfie you're gonna manage on a bus lbr it's mostly about the 'fit and facial expression here] Buster: Good answer Rio: Thanks 😏 Buster: [As sexy a selfie as you can manage alone at a bus stop, which is very when you don't give a fuck anyway] Buster: You're welcome Rio: JESUS Buster: Like I said, heaven's as easy as hell Rio: is it Rio: I feel like I'll never get there now but I don't even care Rio: fuck Buster: I'll get you there Rio: Please Buster: It's been ages since you tried politeness on me, I thought you'd given up Rio: I said, I wanna do whatever you want Rio: politeness included Buster: Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do Rio: How did you know Buster: Like I said, being obvious ain't a bad thing Rio: Why don't most other lads get it then Buster: They don't care what you want Rio: Hmm Rio: probably true Buster: They want what they want, that's it Rio: but if that's me they should do it right Buster: They probably think they are Buster: Or they don't care as long as it's right for them Rio: 😒 schoolboys, I'm telling you Buster: Excuse you Rio: be the exception Rio: giving you a chance to show me otherwise Buster: I am Buster: You think you're the first girl to issue that to me Rio: 🙄 alright Buster: Your eyes will be rolling back in your head by the time we're done, yeah Rio: believe it when it happens Rio: happy to be proven wrong Buster: Happy ain't the word Rio: Have you thought of the word yet? Buster: I'm thinking you might as well go back to begging 'cause that's what's gonna be coming most naturally to you, like Buster: Please is as good a word as any for you right now Rio: Buster Buster: Rio Rio: You cannot say my name after saying all that I'm Buster: I could say sorry but I'm not Rio: don't say sorry Rio: not for this Rio: ever, alright Buster: I won't Buster: But you're gonna need to if you keep making me wait Rio: Trust, I've never been more sorry Rio: I hate the fucking bus Buster: How far away are you? Rio: 3 stops Rio: not that I'm counting Buster: Jesus Rio: I know Rio: why do you think I'm so fucking desperate Buster: I know why, but tell me how desperate you are since we've got so much time to kill Rio: I just keep looking at your picture Rio: It's really hard to keep my hands to myself Buster: [sends her an even better one cos just that bitch] Rio: You're only going to touch me once and I'm going to explode Buster: Yeah but then I get to do it all again Rio: How many times can we fit in before you go Buster: How much stamina do you have? Rio: Buster, I want you for as long as you're here Rio: fuck that, I want you longer but I need that Buster: Fuck Buster: Okay Rio: It's been too long Buster: Yeah Rio: I've wanted this for so long Rio: you know Buster: Me too Rio: I know Rio: we just need to cross the line Buster: We need to fucking erase it Buster: No going back Rio: I want that too Buster: I need that Rio: There's so much I wanna tell you Rio: show you Buster: Do it Rio: Maybe I'm a bit scared Rio: about that Buster: Don't be Rio: Do my best Buster: Seriously, you can trust me Rio: Yeah Rio: more worried about myself Rio: but I can see you, finally Rio: [so maybe a kiss is unavoidable but one of the kids should come out 'cos they're young enough to be highkey and annoying maybe pablo or janis 'cos they'd like buster and if one of the adults is like oh he's outside somewhere] Buster: Yeah? How do I look? Rio: Better than you did earlier, and your pictures Rio: somehow Buster: You can have some credit Rio: [getting off the bus like 😏 'say that again'] Buster: [does obvs oh the eye contact oh the tension] Rio: [not gonna be able to leave it long 'fore initiating this like been building forever so enjoy the view bus people] Buster: [literally tho] Rio: [don't enjoy the view hopefully janis eek] Buster: [when there's nothing chaste about this kiss so good luck styling that out if she does] Rio: [ahh the trust issues begin, 'cos Rio is this fam's star child still lmao okay] Buster: [this fam makes me die] Rio: [when you've got to come back in the party now you can't just bolt like] Rio: fuck Buster: Go Rio: I can't Buster: You fucking have to Rio: I will as soon as I can Rio: how is she being Rio: does she seem normal Buster: I don't know Rio: Jesus Buster: What do you want me to do? Rio: Just be your normal self Buster: Who the fuck is that? Buster: Christ Rio: Yeah, like that Rio: I don't know Rio: she couldn't have seen Rio: she would be Buster: You don't know that Rio: No I don't but Rio: can't ask her, can we Rio: we have to run with best possible outcome or we could fuck it needlessly Buster: You have to say something Rio: What can I say? Rio: how do I explain that away Buster: It's about what she can say Rio: she's only 8 Rio: they'll probably think she's making it up or that it was just like a goodbye kiss or Rio: something Buster: Fuck that Rio: She won't say anything Rio: I'll make sure if I have to Buster: Make sure then Rio: Not unless I have to Buster: You do have to Rio: just stop Rio: I need to go Rio: think or puke or both Buster: You need to prioritise Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Don't have a go at me when you're not offering or are going to do ANYTHING about it alright Buster: What the hell can I do? I barely know her Rio: what can I do Rio: no one's so close to their younger siblings they can just chat about shit like this Rio: it's not a normal situation Buster: Threaten, bribe, whatever the fuck Rio: I'm thinking Rio: that was so stupid we're so fucking stupid Buster: I'll do it if you won't Rio: I'll do it Rio: like you said, you don't know her Buster: Don't wait too long Rio: I'm not going to Rio: trust me, she is not that kid Rio: she wouldn't just drop it now Rio: I'll work out what she saw Rio: then what she wants Buster: I'm gonna have to trust you, aren't I Buster: Not like I have a load of other options Rio: we don't have any Rio: that's what it is Buster: Shut up & delete everything Buster: It's her word against ours if it needs to be Rio: Right Rio: she can't use this, even if she wanted Rio: if she even kept going, I'll say I'm blackout, or you, everyone saw us both drinking Buster: Everyone saw me in your kitchen too Rio: not everyone Rio: she wasn't there, I'm 100% she stayed Rio: they were just bringing back the two little ones and then mum was going back Buster: I can't fucking remember Rio: I can Rio: I know who was there Rio: I had to talk to them after you bolted Rio: I know she wasn't Buster: Alright Buster: & Nance can back up how it was when we last saw each other Rio: Yeah Rio: as far as everyone knows we still just tolerate each other at functions Rio: if my parents want a reason why you came over, we can think of one, easy Buster: Yeah Buster: & I'm going home in the morning Rio: Right Rio: out of sight out of mind Buster: School starts soon, I won't be dragged back for months Buster: I can do loads more bad shit than this in that time Buster: Deflect Rio: you already have today Rio: everyone would think it was a joke Buster: Exactly Buster: I can pull hot older women, why would I bother with you Rio: Okay Buster: Okay then Rio: Don't delete everything Rio: that will look weird Rio: tolerate each other or not there can't be nothing Buster: I'll keep you saying you hate me Rio: Bit intense Buster: Still believable Buster: Ask Nance Rio: I ain't her Buster: I can be as mean to you as I am to her Buster: Easy Rio: Again, too much Rio: this is how we got here Rio: ambivalence Buster: Calm down Buster: I can do that too Buster: As easily Rio: Sure Buster: Worry about yourself Rio: I am, don't worry Buster: I ain't, you've got more to lose than me Buster: You'll keep it together Rio: No one's losing anything Buster: Just Janis & her innocence Rio: Don't joke Rio: omg Buster: I'm not Rio: Then shut up Buster: Fine Buster: We're done anyway Rio: just delete the messages after Rio: don't lie Buster: I'm not lying either Buster: What else is there to say? Rio: Seriously Buster: Seriously Rio: Fine Buster: Don't lie Rio: What else is there for me to say? Buster: You tell me Buster: There's clearly something else you wanna Rio: I told you, there was loads I wanted to say Rio: and you said I could trust you Rio: shit's gotta change but now you ain't saying nothing and you don't trust me Buster: You also said we wouldn't get caught Buster: Shit has changed Rio: And you don't even know if we did Buster: Don't be stupid Rio: Fine then Buster: Get a grip, Cavante Buster: For your own sake Rio: Fuck off Rio: you're freaking out here Buster: Fuck you Buster: It was a kiss, we've been there before Rio: Exactly Rio: you want me to make it into this whole huge thing Buster: I want you to stop being a pussy & handle it Rio: Worry 'bout yourself Rio: if you're so concerned, you do something about it Buster: Alright, I will Rio: Cool Buster: [when you bribe Janis with boxing related shit like lessons or something idk] Rio: [hitting the drink] Buster: Don't Rio: I'm not an idiot, Buster Rio: I'm not gonna get wasted and spill all Buster: Says you Buster: Using my name's too intimate for what we're supposed to be, don't you reckon Rio: What else would you like me to call you Buster: Use your imagination Rio: I have Buster: Good Rio: Are you done lecturing me Buster: [does a cheers at her with his drink] Rio: [does it back and downs it] Buster: [downs his too] Rio: [just on your phone hitting up new options 'cos gotta go] Buster: [likewise sexting some girl cos need the distraction but if you bring her to the flat your mum will actually kill you] Rio: [when the other kids keep trying to hit you up and you're like nah] Buster: [getting them nudes you don't really want] Rio: [when you hear that boy racer pulling up before she's even out, when your mum is like umm but you gone] Buster: [when you have to pretend you don't notice/care]
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Rio & Buster
Rio: 😞 Rio: Well, Indie was so fucked she didn't even remember you being there.. soz you were so unforgettable, babe Rio: You get home alright? Buster: Always am, babe 😏 Even if it's the one time I'd rather be without the -un Buster: Course Rio: Ugh, trust you to run with a typo! 😂 Rio: I clued her in but she is not feeling adequately sorry for it, like Rio: didn't clue her in THAT hard, fuck but you know 😒 Buster: Trust you to make it Buster: Both of you missing me that bad already, yeah? Rio: She is, making me wanna slap her if she weren't so clueless what's she's saying 🙄 Bless Rio: and my fingers slipped, what of it boy Buster: At least you don't need to be jealous of her Buster: Hot as that'd be Buster: UNsurprised, you make a habit of that around me, like 😏 Rio: Apparently, I am, like 🤷 Rio: Full of it, she is Rio: too alike, you two, never work Rio: Oh, did she bite you, btw? She's got a loose tooth, how, I ask you... Buster: Well she's your lil mate, so again, unsurprised all around Buster: But nah, bite mark free Buster: Keep sleuthing that one Rio: Not even gonna argue Rio: more of a mini-me than any of my other sibs 😚 Rio: I daren't ask around tbh, we've secured she ain't knocked up, I'll take that so we'll just book the dentist appointment and forget all about it, I reckon Buster: Yeah, she's cockblocked me too now Buster: Thank Christ nobody could've said THAT kid's mine Buster: Don't need another coming Rio: I'm not on team cockblock anymore! Rio: Trust, no one's madder than me Rio: Don't even play that is literally the LAST thing I need on top of everything else Rio: Can you imagine? No wonder Nan had a coronary, if Indie was about to be a Ma...Lawd o mercy Buster: Maybe the dentist'll sort her head out Buster: Nobody's having fun there Buster: Not saying payback for ruining the mood but I'll still take it, cheers Rio: Harsh but Rio: feeling it 😂 Rio: even Mums get to be bitches, yeah? Buster: They're the best at it Buster: Have you met mine? Rio: Not saying you deserve it but Rio: 😉 Buster: Fuck off Buster: You know I deserved last night and that didn't happen Rio: I know Rio: Universe just upping the stakes Rio: Only means I've gotta make it up to you harder when it finally happens Buster: You better Buster: When I come back, clear the fucking schedule Rio: Duh Rio: You best come for AT LEAST a weekend Buster: You'll have to give yourself a week to recover even then Rio: 😏 Rio: Big talk but that's yet to be seen Buster: Trust me, it ain't Rio: Don't tease me when you've only just left Rio: When do you next have an excuse to be back? Buster: Not even trying to it's just Buster: Fuck Buster: Already working on it. Get thinking too, family this big there's gotta be something soon, like Rio: Check the schedule 'fore I clear it, no probs Rio: but I know Rio: I promise I feel it too Rio: [Sends photographic evidence] Buster: What happened to no teasing when I've only just left? Rio: You started it Buster: Doesn't mean you have to finish me off Rio: That's EXACTLY what it means Rio: Hope you're actually back and not still on the plane 😂 Don't mile high without me Buster: Not trying to almost crash a plane and a car in such a short space of time Buster: Bit rude to take the plane down with how desperate you are to go down on me Rio: Gotta gain some self-control boy Rio: getting dangerous now Buster: Don't Buster: Self control is the ultimate cockblock Buster: No going back Rio: You reckon? Buster: Yeah Rio: Had to see Chlo yet? Buster: She's been trying to sext me Buster: So nah Rio: 😬 Rio: Oh honey, no Buster: If she had any game that'd be one thing but she ain't Rio: I can only imagine the levels of vanilla Buster: And don't bother 'cause whatever you reckon it's worse Rio: Ick, yeah I'll save my daydreaming for better, tah Rio: aren't you glad to be back in London town? 😂 Buster: Yeah 'course Buster: Fuck Dublin. Nothing there like Rio: Just decent craic and people, like Rio: but nah, the eye, cracking stuff that Rio: Please 😜 Buster: 😂 Buster: You not planning to visit then? Fine Rio: Can't really, can I Rio: Oh hi guys, just passing Rio: Plus, clearly need to keep a better eye on Indie Buster: Who knows who she might make a move on next Rio: She ain't even shamed, it's terrible 😂 she asked if you were into it Rio: took the liberty of saying no on your behalf so you can't say nothing Buster: Cheers Buster: I'd usually call you out but it's Indie like Rio: 😒 yeah, fight me on that one and we're gonna have trouble Buster: Hot as you are when you're angry, nah Rio: You say that now Rio: Wanna put it to the test? 🥊 Buster: Not yet Rio: Softie Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I ain't when I'm around you Buster: Can't say you've forgotten last night like Indie has Rio: I wish Rio: Can't stop remembering it, like Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: Then I remember how it ended, or didn't Rio: and I'm back to square one Buster: So much for the bathroom memories Buster: Holding Indie's hair back wasn't the one, like Rio: 🤢 Rio: boner killer if ever there was Rio: not, according to her but our vibe was DOA Buster: What? She got form at that has she? Nice Buster: Not my kink like but Rio: Coulda been in your mouth appaz Rio: Lucky you're tall Buster: Fucking hell Buster: Glad I left when I did Buster: Also not, you know but Rio: Yeah Rio: Probably could've left 'em at it and carried on Rio: but even my captivating charm has got limits Rio: 16 year old lads on one is not ideally how I want this going down Buster: Now you tell me Buster: Same though, unsurprisingly Rio: Just saying Rio: She'd never have known, messy bitch Rio: Too old for that shit, huh dad? Buster: Fuck off Buster: I ain't marrying you like Buster: The honeymoon would be worth it but couldn't hack the rest Rio: 😏 Whatever, you got the spawn to prove it Rio: Protest all you like Buster: The attitude's all yours though, ma Rio: Shut up Rio: Just 'cos you were too turned on to deal with the situation effectively Rio: 2nd time btw Rio: not that I'm counting Buster: Not my fault you're such a MILF Rio: 😂 that is so not my category Rio: friggin' cheek Buster: And it's not like you weren't, there was just nothing to prove how turned on you were to Indie and the lads Rio: Your word against mine, babe 😉 Buster: Yeah? Buster: I'll make you say it, trust me Rio: Wish you would Buster: Wish I could right now Rio: Fucking real life getting in the way Buster: Nothing but Chlo looming over me could stop me Buster: Trust her to be descending on my pad Rio: Big enough to hide Rio: just no seek Buster: My dad told her my flight info. Fucking traitor Buster: Can't even pretend I'm not back Rio: Awkward Rio: Feel that shotgun barrel between your shoulder blades? Rio: Meant to be her 'rents, not yours Buster: Don't Buster: Like yeah she said it was an emergency and she had to know, but how clueless is he Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Clearly your Ma ain't as psycho as she seems Rio: Chlo's a special breed Buster: Christ. She really is Rio: Don't envy you at all Rio: my ex's antics seem ridiculously tame in comparison Buster: Have you heard from the latest? Rio: Oh yeah Rio: my own fault for repeating but truly opened the floodgates there Buster: Third time's the charm, ain't that what they say Rio: He's gonna magically get better, is he? Rio: I doubt that Rio: Indie reckons I gotta diversify anyway, hit that target demographic Buster: You could teach him Buster: Proper ma moves Rio: Some shit can't be taught, McKenna Rio: like not being a total twat Buster: Is he giving you grief? Buster: I'll sort it if he is Rio: Love a bit of chivalry, don't you Rio: Nah, he just is one, its nothing personal Buster: I mean it, Rio. Anyone is. Tell me and they won't Rio: You're cute Rio: I can handle myself though, you don't need to worry Buster: I ain't worried, just saying Rio: Shh Buster: You gonna make me? Rio: Such hard work, boy Rio: Give it my best shot across like Buster: You love it Buster: Always working like Rio: Got bills to pay 'til Indie can herself Buster: Keep the hustle going, babe Buster: I gotta run, Chlo's here Rio: Enjoy Rio: Tell her I said hiya Buster: Hey Rio: You're alive then Rio: How was it? Buster: Course Buster: Take more than her to kill my vibe Buster: How are you? Rather hear that Rio: You sure Rio: No shame in it Rio: She's...a lot Rio: I'm cool, getting ready for a shift Buster: It's my own fault, can't be crying over it, can I? Rio: 'Course you can Rio: Mixed reviews of judgment and lack of sympathy with the rest but I ain't gonna come at you with either Rio: better to rant here than to her, init Buster: Yeah Buster: Not like she'd listen but I'd know what I said Rio: So, still acting like she deaf blind n dumb then? Buster: About me and her at least Buster: I can't make it clearer Buster: Might have to fuck you in front of her, sorry like Rio: Steady on, like Rio: How has she got this far in life being so delusional? I blame the parents Rio: does she legit think she can gaslight you into a relationship like babe Rio: what's the idea here Buster: They don't stock brains in YSL Buster: I can't keep at this with her Rio: Its shit Rio: and you thought I played games Rio: got to find her breaking point with wanting you, but you can't go so far that she will try and withhold the kid from you as punishment Rio: gotta find the line before you can toe it like Buster: Yeah Buster: Never calling you a tryhard again, babe Rio: Definitely won't stick to that but Rio: happily let her take the title and crown Rio: maybe when her hormones quiet down she'll be better? ehh, comforting lie anyone? Buster: Maybe Buster: They better, I'm done with this shit Rio: Not long to go now Buster: All I do is wait now Buster: Sick of it Rio: I know Rio: Gotta let the kid finish cooking though, then you'll have Uni too Rio: it'll all pay off Buster: I know Rio: Try and enjoy your last summer of freedom, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: No pressure Rio: Gotta get used to it Rio: May as well be now Buster: Cheers Buster: Feel so much better now like Rio: You want me to bullshit you? Rio: That's the life you want, right? Pressure is your rocket fuel, like Buster: I'm just playing Rio: Oh, then that's the spirit Buster: 😏 Rio: Such a headfuck Buster: Says you, babe Rio: I'm not having a kid, like Rio: we all almost made it to adulthood Buster: There's always one fucking it up for the rest Buster: Why not me? Rio: Why not Rio: probably fucked up some bets, won others Buster: I'll take that Rio: Defending my honour and taking the first bullet Rio: What a doll Buster: Like you said, chivalry's my thing Rio: If it works for ya Rio: Not complaining Buster: You're not complaining cause it works for you too Rio: Maybe Buster: Can't deny it, babe Rio: Can and will Buster: Not for much longer Rio: Promises, promises, McKenna Buster: You know I'll keep 'em Rio: You've gotta at this point Rio: Can't not happen Buster: Understatement Rio: even if its just once Buster: Can you handle that? Rio: If I have to Rio: try and be a good girl about it Buster: You've got as much chance of that as you have of ignoring me ever Rio: I reckon that's just a cover for how little faith you've got in yourself on that one Rio: 🤷 Buster: My word against yours, babe Rio: We both know the truth, though Buster: Yeah? Buster: What do you reckon Rio: I reckon we both know once ain't gon' be enough Buster: Especially if we do it right Rio: Dunno how else to do it, babe Buster: Good Rio: Why is it you always see the people you don't wanna out, like Rio: catch me 'changing the barrel' multiple times Buster: Which cunt is it tonight like? Rio: Every cunt Rio: Told you off for dissing but genuinely sick of Dubo atm Rio: every punter's a comedian, or reckons they know where Edie is but then gives fuck all useful information actually Buster: Come here Buster: I know you don't wanna leave her but we can still keep tabs the same Rio: I know you're right, what use am I actually being, like Rio: but Rio: Idk, it don't matter Buster: Tell me Rio: Well, I know she didn't mean it how she said it, 'cos she took it back straight away Rio: but Indie says I'm only sticking around 'cos I'm guilty, and when I feel better, I'll fuck off Rio: and I don't want her to think I don't feel guilty Rio: or that I'm leaving her Buster: Fuck Buster: It's shit that you had to hear it though Rio: I'd rather she said it than silently thought it but Rio: yeah Buster: You've got nothing to feel guilty about, you know that, yeah? Rio: Don't lie Buster: I'm not Rio: Right Rio: Well, stop being nice then Buster: Say it first Buster: You've done nothing wrong Rio: I can't, Buster Buster: You won't. Different thing Buster: You can Rio: I don't wanna lie Rio: in general but especially just so I kid myself Rio: what's the point Buster: It ain't a lie, babe Buster: I promise you Rio: Certainly didn't help the situation did it Rio: what I do, fuck shit up for the rest 'cos I can't keep my knickers up Buster: Shut up Buster: That's the lie there Buster: They'd be fucked without you and you know it Rio: Or I'd be fucked without them Rio: am fucked, let's face it Buster: Bullshit Buster: You're perfect, remember? Rio: Only when we're playing Buster: You know that ain't true Rio: S'alright Rio: I've had my bathroom breakdown, mascara barely touched, we're good to go Buster: One of these days you're gonna believe me Rio: Never Rio: but its fun pretending with you Buster: I've told you before, you're real Buster: And how good you look is too real Rio: Why can't you be a dick to me Rio: I'd know how to deal with that Buster: I don't want to Rio: Selfish Buster: Not when it proper counts Rio: Humble brag Rio: thanks for the heads up or this would be really awkward and disappointing Buster: Thrive under pressure, remember? Buster: No worries Rio: You ain't worried, I know Rio: Know you're no scared virgin with it Buster: Nor you Rio: One thing I ain't scared of Buster: Rio Buster: You can tell me whatever, you know Rio: Yeah? Rio: that part of the deal now? Buster: If you want Rio: I dunno, you'll have to handle the paperwork Rio: wanna distract you from the pressure, not add more Buster: Why not? Thrive on it Buster: And I ain't scared of nothing so Rio: Fine line, babe Buster: I can walk it Rio: You're so sure, huh? Buster: Yeah Rio: Shouldn't be surprised Rio: cocky bastard Buster: No arguments here Rio: Only 'cos you're Mr. Nice Guy all of a sudden Rio: don't be TOO nice, yeah? Buster: You wanna fight, babe 🥊 Go on Rio: Not exactly what I had in mind Rio: submission is more than willing, like Buster: It's not gonna be that easy Rio: Why not? You don't wanna give me what I deserve? Buster: I don't wanna just give you anything Buster: Where's the fun in that Rio: 🤤 Rio: that's the Buster I want Buster: How bad Rio: You still gotta ask? Rio: I do need to work harder to show you Buster: I don't have to Buster: Just want to Rio: I get it Rio: I'm nowhere near tired of hearing it either Rio: tired of it being all chat though fr 😒 Buster: I feel that too Buster: Soon, I swear Rio: Promise? Rio: To the point I don't even fucking care, if people keep getting in the way then they only got themselves to blame Buster: Yeah Buster: We've held back long enough Buster: Too fucking long Rio: Practically a saint over here Rio: and a nun Buster: You better not be Rio: Yeah, found Jesus in the time it took yas Rio: and he's a top ride, like Buster: 😂
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