ipervrani0 · 3 years
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a foggy day
the sun rises parallel to the moon,bright in the quite breezy sky,on a early spring day. everything is locked up in a peculiar atmosphere ,full of soft colours and side dishes that seems an ethereal painting of an unknown epoch. the fog become an infinite ocean, that covers all around her, a graceful lady that caress the warm suface of her mother,the Heart. the threes, still dry cause of the past winter, seem a myriad of tiny and dark isles and the fields acquire the semblances of a mysterious realm,at the limit of human perception of reality. the world change faces to remind how beautiful is observing the landscapes and being dragged by your most intimate and deep dreams, on a foggy clear day at the beginning of the rebirth, spring.
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ipervrani0 · 3 years
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but sometimes those funny feelings are just a dream,an illusion painted in blue.but sometimes those funny feelings are just a dream,an illusion painted in blue. the colours starts degrading on my sad face such as the memory of you. my head is empty. I hear the echo of my tears falling down reminding that memory of me, the day I tried to end myself it doesn't count,, nothing count in a world where you suffocate yourself with you own emotions. that voice keep saying "you're a useless piece of shit, your existence it's just the wrongest thing in this world full of love devotion. no commotion,,, for a weirdo just like you ." and you stand there, petrified, your heart covered by a shield of indestructible ice that no one can dissolve at all. as lovers wait the moment they can see eachother you constantly wait the spring to melt your under-zero heart. there's no place for you that isn't your vortex of self-destructive thoughts and memories. collapsing in this loop of shadow will silently and slowly take you to your ending. suicide.
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ipervrani0 · 3 years
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I've been dreaming for years a middle-summer night,while I observe the sweet waning of the sun at the sunshine; sky melts with sea,the evening breeze cutter and the moon rising,so shining and melancholic. the image of it all is printed in my mind, waiting for its arrival. next to me there's someone,he smile and cares me gently; I lean on his shoulder and, spontaneously, tears start coming down on my cheeks. I try to hold his hand,I need to feel his heat,,,I touch the sand. my heavy hand make a furrow in the ground. I turn around and there's nobody, the shore has disappeared, and my body seems welcomed by something soft who holds my back. I open my eyes. my pillow is stained and my eyes shiny. my body is immobile, petrified. I feel again that feeling of emptiness, more intensivly,on my chest.
it's always like that. with dying of the sun and birth of the moon everything becomes more true,sad and cold.i think it's a beautiful feeling being invaded, even for a while, by such a complicated feeling, so vivid, so real.
dreams mirror the deeper wishes in the shadow of our soul. dreams are warm memories of a future or a past we don't know. dreams are places where you can completely welcome your feelings, where you feel free,loved, and even they exist only for a moment,they can generate entire lifes in worlds only we are aware of. even if we don't fully understand them we are sure that we are safe there, we are protected,we are simply,,alive.
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ipervrani0 · 3 years
my sweet demon
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you remember me the past me.
The little dreamer that loved to see other people happy despite he was marginalized by all.
The little child who was excited to spend time only with his best friend role-playing for hours.
The me who believed in soulmate and "charming prince" who,one day, is supposed to make you happy.
That's why our time ended.
I can't stand a little me, my past is something who helped me to grow but also something who damaged me. For some reason you made me relive that. I felt like stripped by my solid shield of  introvertedness. I felt vulnerable.
I made you suffer so now I'm paying consequences. I'm reliving againg my past, I see the little me in everything I do. I feel like a child who broke his own toy. I feel finally loved but also rejected by myself.
That's not your fault, so that's not mine. I'm going to get over that, one day,,,now I'm still growing as a person. And you? Are you still trapped in yourself or are you free? Are you still holding on that old feeling destroyed by a lie or did you really get over it? you are just lying to yourself. I see tears of anger in your eyes. I feel that, on my own skin. Vengeance, pain, fear, remorse,, I'm too young to understand that,they say, but I get it completely. Humans are made for suffer, didn't them? Even we're not crying our souls are drowning in their own tears. Good night my sweet demon, hope you accept that one day,,
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ipervrani0 · 3 years
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i’m curious of how it will be if you gently hold my hands,cares my cheeks with your delicate and soft touch and walk through feelings. Running towards unexplored places that only our heart know. Live happily, without anxiety because of work, school or people. Just live, being togheter, even for a while, in complete peace. An infinite moment. Pipe dream.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
"You can treat your body like a temple of Dionysus, it's fine!"
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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when you're alone and,listening the wind,you hear a sweet song that envelops you, it's when your ghosts come to get you lost in your melancholy.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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just a ghost who's reading his life, too short to be fully lived.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
fucking usless
waste of oxygen
disgusting bitch
why don't you just die already?
you are useless
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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behind a beautiful and innocent face there is always a creepy and deep side that can destroy your heart, like fire makes everything ash.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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the World is full of "dead people" who live their life as a long and monotonous nightmare.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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I'm stuck in my head like my heart in my bones.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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the World becomes unique when submerged by sweet clouds that cares your most intimate feelings of Love.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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somebody calls it Heaven...I think it's only an illusion of the life you never lived.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
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locked in cages of regrets like birds without the freedom to fly.
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ipervrani0 · 4 years
I feel like a spirit that wanders through  houses,through places,to find a  purpose or something to rely on; with his transparent and indecipherable air, his invisible passage but at the same time observed by all, with his nostalgic and lost sense that makes the life like a labyrinth of emotions from which it is difficult to get out and find direction, so the meaning. An enigmatic ghost, with a vague look , who floats,quietly, between the doors of his mind to find the key of all.
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