#imagine whatever makes your heart happiest the sky's the limit
liftys-favorite · 1 month
you 🫵 think about your f/o wearing something they wouldn't usually wear and getting all blushy and nervous and asking if you like it
proshippers/comshippers/any variants do not interact.
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vintagegoddess12 · 3 years
5 Times Agatha Pushed the Limits and the 1 She Shouldn’t Have (5)
A/N: We’re nearing the endgame now. Last 1 chapter for this prequel left afjhjksghklsjh
Relationship: Young!Agatha Harkness x Reader
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First Time
Second Time
Third Time
Fourth Time
That One Time (Part 6)
Fifth  Time
You grew up with your mother telling you, “always follow the rules, dear.”
She says it will lead you to do good things and the right things. And you did follow most, if not all, of it. You go home before the curfew. You practice spells appropriate for your age and station. You stay away from bad people and bad magic. Rules were your guide for everything. Then there’s Agatha .
She’s the kind of person who believes rules should be challenged, pushed to their limit. She wants knowledge to be available to everyone. She’s headstrong. She’s fierce. She’s strategic. Intelligent. Funny. Adventurous. She’s um- she’s Agatha. And she makes you want to break rules for her - with her - it doesn’t really matter.
There’s a certain spark in her eyes when she gets away with breaking rules. The blues in her eyes get lighter, like the cerulean sky. The first time you saw it you knew that you wanted to see it again. So you allowed her to be naughty at times just so you can see it again. And again. And again. But you haven’t seen those eyes for a long time. Not since your announcement in the Forbidden Forest.
You stare at the crystallized pool of water in your chambers. Your reflection is an image of a bride. Innocent and pure. You took in the fabric and stitches holding the dress together. This should be the happiest day of your life. Your wedding day. You looked at your face. A frown is present where a smile should be. You tried to move your lips and make a smile, which looks more of a grimace.
Something’s wrong about all of this.
The thought ran in your head but you can’t determine why. A Mother marries. That’s the rule. And your groom, Eli, was a good guy. A powerful wizard who can make powerful offspring. You took a deep breath and told yourself everything is fine.
You heard a knock on your door and you told them to come in. An all-too-familiar figure walked in, basket in her hand. Suddenly, you feel a smile forming on your face. Unable to hide the excitement of seeing her.
Agatha walked in, expecting you to be surrounded by Maidens gushing about your special day. Instead, she sees you standing in the middle of the room in your wedding dress. Ethereal as a bride. She views your lips and your smile, silently making her melt.
She didn’t know what to tell you after your announcement. The idea of you walking down the aisle and promising forever to someone else is so foreign to her. She never imagined you being that close to someone else that isn’t her. Forever is a long time, after all. She always thought that you and she would be an inseparable pair.
“Agatha,” her name sounds so sweet in your voice. She continues walking until she reaches the table. She sets down the basket she’s holding before speaking.
“I wanted to see you before you…” the Maiden trailed off but you knew what she was meaning. “So, I brought you this.”
“A basket of apples?” You grabbed a ripe one, putting all your attention to it.
“Yes,” Agatha trained her gaze on you, wanting to remember everything about you. “It’s from that tree when we were kids.”
You looked up to her before replying, “I remember.” You let out a small chuckle as you put the ripe red fruit back in its basket. The memory of good, old times made your eyes water just a little. You were happy back then. Happy with her
Silence enveloped the room, neither witch wanted to break their stares nor the tension. Agatha glanced at your eyes then your lips. You tried to keep your breathing under control, ignoring the warm feeling spreading all over your chest. The childhood friends wished this moment could stretch out until forever ends.  
Agatha bit her lip before breaking the silence, “do you need any help?” You avert your eyes and face your boudoir.
“I uhm, need to put on the necklace so they can remove it during the ceremony,” you reached for it as you continue, “can you help me put it on?” Agatha offered a weak smile before getting the necklace from your hands. Her fingers lingered in your palm, which sent shivers down your spine.
You move your hair aside as your friend places the necklace. You can see the concentration in her face from the crystallized water. The scenery in front of you felt so right. You and her, with no space in between. Her breaths hot against your nape. Fingers lingering against your skin.
Once again, your eyes locked in your reflection in the water. Everything was still, except for the frantic beating of your heart. Agatha’s hands travel down to the ribbons in your dress. “Do you want to marry him?”
You reached inside yourself, trying to find the right response, “I don’t know how to answer that,” almost a whisper. A secret shared only by the two of you. Her hands now untying the ribbons of your dress, she pulls herself closer to you.
“Do you want me to stop? ” she whispers in your ear before she starts nibbling it. The shock was immediately replaced by pleasure. You close your eyes and drown in all the sensations she’s causing you. Not hearing an answer, she continues planting soft kisses in your nape. You bit your lip, purely feeling ecstasy when she made you face her.
In a swift motion, Agatha had you pinned against the boudoir. One hand on your hip and the other in your hair, she angled your head and planted a chaste kiss on your lips.
Heaven. This is what it must feel like.
Chaste is not enough for you, neither for her. So you pulled her closer and met her lips once more.
Harder .
You let out a moan that reverberated against Agatha’s spine, heat pooling down in her core. She continued removing the strings of your corset as she gave attention to your neck and any exposed skin. Wet, sloppy kisses covered your chest but you don’t care. No rules say you can’t kiss the witch you’re completely enamored with.
You feel yourself being lifted up in your boudoir, your legs wrapping around Agatha. Her hands trailing up your thighs, painfully slow. She brought her lips back to meet yours, not minding suppressing the noises you were making.
You opened your eyes to appreciate the witch in front of you when you saw the one person you shouldn’t be seeing in times like this. Evanora . She instantly transported out of the room when you saw her. Your breath hitched and you feel like cold water was dumped all over you.
“Wait,” you pushed Agatha off. “We can’t do this.”
You removed yourself under her, to give some sense of distance. Agatha’s baby blues looked at you, confusion etched in her face.
Agatha looked at you. Dress out in place. Flushed cheeks. Markings all over your chest. She can’t help but feel proud. She did that. She had that effect on you. That’s why she can’t understand why you would stop all of it.
“We can’t do this,” she heard you say, sounding more of a question rather than a statement. “I have to marry him.” She frowned at that remark, refusing to accept that there is no other choice. “Once you ascend as a Mother,” you took a breath before you continued, “you will have to marry too.”
She let the information settle in her brain before reacting. She tried to see herself as a Mother. Walking down the aisle and marrying. Suddenly, the insides of her mouth taste sour. For the first time in Agatha’s life, she knew what she wanted. She wanted none of those. “That’s not what I want.”
“Well then, what do you want?” You asked.
Without missing a beat she replied, “you.” Agatha watched as every feature on your face went soft. She thought this is it. The moment you say you feel the same thing about her. “I want the necklaces and rings. I want forever.” She lets out all in one breath because subtlety is not a characteristic she knows. Not yet. “I want all of those with you.”
Tears threaten to fall in [y/n]’s face as she replies, “we can’t.” The Maiden can hear her own heart break with those two words. They were supposed to be in sync. Together.
Agatha Harkness is a lot of things, good and bad. The headstrong can be hot-headed. The fierce can be impatient. The strategic can be sharp-tongued.
“We can,” she says sharply, “but you just won’t.”
You tried to fix yourself when you felt her walking out. Something about this scene makes it feel like it’s final.
“Why does this feel like farewell?” You asked in between tears. She faces you again, her face unreadable even to you. “Because it is.”
You stepped towards her. Close but not enough to reach for her. “It doesn’t have to be,” you try to reason - to hold on to whatever is left between the two of you, “I’m not leaving you.”
“You are!” You flinched at the sudden rise of her voice. “And There’s no reason for me to stay here.”
You took one more step closer. “Am I not,” your words breaking just as your heart is, “reason enough?”
Agatha looked at you one last time, one new feature showing on her face. Stone-cold. You whispered please, over and over again. Trying to bring her back to your side. But she just looked...and left.
Once alone, you allowed yourself to feel every emotion you’ve been trying to suppress. The realization that you don’t love your groom. The tingling sensations Agatha’s finger brought you. The fear that you already lost her - way before you knew exactly what you felt for her. The uncertainty of what all of this could do in your future. The prophecy .
You wiped the tears and fixed yourself, used your sapphire blue magic to tighten the ribbons, and touch up the rouge. You told yourself everything is fine; that rules are rules, and nothing can break your heart anymore.
Not realizing that the night has barely begun
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datheetjoella · 4 years
Fantober 2020, Day 20: Proposal
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Author: DatHeetJoella Fandom: Free! Pairing: MakoHaru Rating: T Part: 20/31 (read the full collection here) Word count: 1,999 Tags: Canonverse, Established Relationship, Fluff, Marriage Proposals, Lovers to Fiancés Read at: AO3, FFn, or right here!
The cliff overlooking the sea, the starlit sky bursting with fireworks while pretty lanterns floated on the surface of the water behind them. The perfect backdrop for a meaningful, memorable moment. That was where it would happen; that was where Makoto was going to ask Haruka to marry him.
For as long as he could remember, Makoto had known he wanted to spend his whole life with Haruka. But it wasn't until they moved to Tokyo and started dating that this concept turned more feasible in his mind. Ever since it was possible, he wanted to marry Haruka, to be tied to him officially, together in every sense of the word. There were so many things that occupied their busy lives, though, that he didn't want to jump the gun and rush into marriage right away, while they were still in college. No, a wedding to celebrate their love deserved their undivided attention, therefore he chose to wait until the right time rolled around.
And that time had finally come: Haruka was thinking of retiring from swimming, they had their own place in Tokyo and their finances were in order. All that was left now was to propose to Haruka and then nothing would stand in their way - unless Haruka said no, but that wasn't even a possibility.
The instant he decided this was the summer for it to happen, the plan formed in his head. They were heading back to Iwatobi for Obon and what would be a better place to get engaged at than the cliff, that was not only beautiful, but had also seen both highs and lows? They'd watch the firework show there like they did every year and if Makoto timed what he prepared to say just right, the fireworks would explode behind them during their first kiss as fiancés.
On paper, it was a flawless plan, but there was one tiny part Makoto had overlooked: he was nervous beyond belief.
It started last night, as he tossed and turned in bed, unable to fall asleep. Throughout the day, he was jittery and could barely get a bite of food down his throat, which Haruka must've found suspicious because he otherwise had an appetite for ten, especially on festival days. And the ring he bought, a simple silver band with a small stone in the center, had been burning a hole in his pocket since he put the box in there this morning.
There was no way Haruka hadn't noticed his strange behaviour, but thankfully, he hadn't brought it up. If he had, Makoto would've cracked and proposed to him on the spot, plans be damned. That meant Haruka saw through him and knew what Makoto was going to ask him soon - which wasn't odd considering how in tune they were with each other - but let Makoto go through with whatever he had in mind. While he would've preferred if this would come as a complete surprise, he could never hide something as big as this from Haruka. So now, he hoped that the way he proposed and the things he'd say would be able to impress Haruka at least a little.
For the first time in twenty-five years, Makoto couldn't enjoy the festival like he usually did. As they strolled between the hoard of people, he kept practicing what he was going to say, afraid he'd forget something vital. Meanwhile, he did try his best to act like his natural self and guide Haruka over from one stall to the next. He bought some yakisoba for them to share like he usually did, but that didn't help clear the tension in his muscles either. Haruka was more quiet than normal too, so he probably noticed Makoto's predicament and left him to sort out his thoughts. That brought some comfort to his troubled mind. As always, Haruka was immensely considerate and if there were any doubts about his answer before, then they had vanished now.
When it was almost time for the fireworks to start, Makoto's heartbeat spiked. He took a deep breath to calm down, then he looked at Haruka. With a somewhat strained smile, he said, "Shall we go to the cliff to watch the fireworks?"
Haruka nodded and averted his head almost shyly, like they were teenagers on their first date. It did correspond to the giddiness Makoto felt because, in a way, he was about to confess his feelings to Haruka, though it was nothing he didn't know already. So he took Haruka's hand in his and led him through the crowd, up the steps towards their special place.
To Makoto's relief, no one in town had shared the idea to come here and they were alone. After all, this moment was designated for just the two of them.
"The view from here never ceases to amaze me," Makoto said as he leaned against the railing, "The ocean's already pretty, but the lanterns really are a sight to behold, huh?"
The nerves were taking over, making him spew nonsense and causing his hands to shake. He clenched his fingers around the railing. Although he wasn't quite sure what time it was and how much longer it took until the fireworks were lit, if Makoto waited any longer, he was going to combust.
"Haru, I-"
Simultaneously, they spoke and immediately shut their mouths again.
"Sorry, did you want to say something?" Makoto asked.
Haruka shook his head. "You go first."
Makoto nodded. Although he was curious as to what Haruka was going to say considering he hadn't spoken much yet, he was glad Haruka allowed him to talk first.
"I-um, you know. We've been coming here since we were little and…" Damn. Why couldn't he remember what he rehearsed? He took another deep breath in the hope the words would resurface. This was Haruka, so there was no reason to be this nervous. "Back then, I already knew that I wanted to be with you. I didn't know what exactly that meant, but I did know I was the happiest when you were by my side and after all these years, that hasn't changed a bit."
Feeling bold, Makoto turned to face Haruka and reclaimed his hold on his hands. Haruka's lips were parted ever so slightly with a sharp intake of breath, but he couldn't stop now. He had to lay his heart bare.
"There are many things that are uncertain in life, but there is one thing I know for sure. I want to be with you for every day of my life, to wake up next to you and to fall asleep in your arms. Because I love you so much, Haru. I've loved you since the moment we first met and that feeling has only grown stronger during each day we spent together. Even when I think the limit has been reached and I can't possibly love you any more, you somehow manage to exceed even that." When he noticed he was talking faster and faster, Makoto paused briefly. "We've shared pretty much everything and I can't imagine not sharing the rest of my life with you too. So will you allow me to stay by your side forever?"
Makoto grabbed the box from his pocket and leaned down on one knee. Haruka's eyes were as wide as saucers and his jaw nearly touched the floor, so at least this part of the surprise wasn't spoiled yet. Contentment flooded Makoto as he opened the box and asked,
"Haruka, will you marry me?"
For a second, Haruka remained frozen like he was unable to process the question. Then, he began to laugh. Loud, joyous, stomach-clutching laughter left his lips, echoing throughout the quiet area and although the sound was music to Makoto's ears, it left him completely baffled.
It wasn't like he expected Haruka to cry, but he certainly hadn't expected this reaction either. The number of times he'd heard Haruka laugh like this could be counted on one hand and unlike then, Makoto didn't see the humour in it now. Had he said something weird? Was his fly undone? Did he have smears of sauce on his face from the yakisoba?
By the time his giggles passed, Haruka was wiping tears from his eyes. Before Makoto had the chance to ask him what was so funny, he reached into his own pocket and pulled an identical box out of it.
"Only if you'll marry me too."
As if on cue, the fireworks went off, painting colourful flowers in the dark night sky and this time, it was Makoto's turn to be left dumbfounded by Haruka's words.
When the reality of the situation got through to him, Makoto laughed too. He jumped up from his knee and Haruka fell into his arms. They had always been on the same wavelength regarding most things, but who would've guessed they'd be this much in harmony? Perhaps Kisumi was right and their hearts truly were connected.
Their lips met in a clumsy kiss, for they were both smiling too widely to put more finesse in the gesture, but that didn't make it any less loving.
"I can't believe this," Makoto said as they parted, but he kept his arms firmly around Haruka's back. "How long have you been planning this?"
"A couple of months," Haruka said, "And judging by that look, so have you."
"Tonight seemed like the perfect night to ask you, but apparently you had the same in mind," Makoto chuckled and Haruka smiled along. "Did you have any idea that I was planning this?"
"Not a clue. I did think you'd been acting weird since last night, but I thought it was because you were onto me and tried not to ruin what I had planned."
"I thought so too!" Makoto said, "You were so quiet today, I was sure you saw right through me."
"I was kind of nervous," Haruka admitted as he averted his eyes, and Makoto's words rang true once more; he had never loved Haruka more than he did in this very moment.
"Sorry to steal your thunder. What were you planning to say?"
"The same thing you said," Haruka said, looking back at Makoto through his eyelashes, cheeks tinged pink. "That I want to be with you forever because there's no one I love more than you."
"I love you too, I love you so much!" Makoto nuzzled their noses together for a second, then captured Haruka's lips in another kiss; their first proper kiss as fiancés. When he realised he hadn't responded yet, he pulled back. "I will."
Haruka frowned. "You will, what?"
"I will marry you," Makoto said, beaming. "That means you'll marry me too, right?"
"Always," Haruka said, then he released his grip on Makoto and took the ring out of the box. "Then this is for you."
"Thank you," Makoto said as he held out his hand and Haruka slipped the ring around his finger. To make matters even crazier, it was eerily similar to the ring he got for Haruka, except this band was a smidge wider and had three small brilliants instead of one. "It's beautiful. I hope you like yours, too."
"I do," Haruka said when Makoto put his ring in place. "It's perfect, thank you."
"Ah, I can't believe we're getting married!" Makoto said as he wrapped his arms tightly around Haruka's waist and lifted him off the ground.
"Makoto!" Haruka blurted as he latched onto Makoto's neck, but when Makoto only flashed him an enormous grin, he smiled back at him.
"I love you so much, Haru!"
In response, Haruka hooked his ankles at the small of Makoto's back, leaned down and kissed him deeply and tenderly.
There were so many things they would need to organise for their upcoming wedding and Makoto was boundlessly excited about it. But for now, he wanted to revel in this moment with Haruka at this gorgeous place, during this unforgettable night; their first night as fiancés.
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Warning: Death of a major character, pregnancy mention (not all facts, mostly just fiction), pure angst.
The gravel pavement cracked underneath the soles of both your shoes with every step as you shudder at the chilly wind blowing through your hair signaling the onset of winter. The other tinier set of feet enclosed in bright red converse shoes trailed a few steps behind you. You chuckled as you remembered the smiling face of YOUR woman at the sight of said brand. She adored it so much that she insisted on owning all colors of their signature hightops and every limited edition item. There’s not a day that went by when you didn’t think about her. At the very beginning, those thoughts were melancholic and sad but as time passed by, you could smile when you thought about your time with her. Although there was a tinge of pain that entailed every memory, you were happy thinking of her. Your mind took a trip down memory lane every time you were left alone with your thoughts. They don’t haunt you anymore though; not as much as it used to anyway. Your entire relationship played out before you like a movie and you watched it all from the sidelines with a third-person perspective and felt a storm of emotions church within you. You still remember the stuttering and apologetic mess she was when she dropped her cup of steaming hot coffee on you muttering “Sorry” over and over again scrunching her eyebrows in genuine concern despite you assuring her that you were truly fine. That was the first time you met. Although at the time you were mad at her for ruining your favorite outfit along with your mood for the day, you wore a happy smile for the week after when she insisted to treat you to lunch as an apology. You remember every aspect of your relationship like it was yesterday. You remember the fights, the arguments, the spontaneous decisions like when one night while the both of you were lying on the bare hardwood floor talking, you noticed that the ceiling was too plain and decided to paint your own night sky on it right then at 2am in your pajamas. You also remember vividly the silly future plans you talked about; some of which came true and others which would always remain as plans. The day of your wedding easily became the happiest day of your life. The image of her dressed in the most stunning white dress resembling an angel adorned in the finest jewelry holding onto a bouquet of petunias was possibly the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. She walked slowly with an impeccable amount of grace you could never even imagine trying to mimic. She looked up from the flowers, into your eyes and you couldn’t help but break into a broad smile looking at the most beautiful being on the planet and felt like it was all unreal; that it was just one long beautiful dream you’d wake up from soon. But it was real; She was real and she was yours. Exchanging your vows, you kissed her and held her for dear life and just like your vows promised to never let go. Lying in bed that night, you remember having her head on your chest, feeling her breath against your skin, listening to her slight snores of being exhausted after a long day and felt like the happiest woman on the planet. You did everything that you dreamt of doing with her; visiting exotic places, eating weird food, backpacking through places, staying in dingy motels and laughing at the insanity of the situation you were in and ending up sleeping in the car. The decision to find a donor to fuse with one or both of your eggs but only one of you to carry was a hard decision to make considering the amount of responsibility that went into having children. But both of you loved and trusted the other enough to have a child to share all your love with. It was a decision both of you took after a long discussion about whose womb the egg would be planted in. Although looking back, you regretted it for the longest time. You thought of what could’ve happened if they were implanted in your womb rather than hers. All the what-ifs came rushing back. Holding her hands as she was wheeled into the operation theatre for the implantation, was the first time in your life you felt unimaginable fear and thought of everything that could go wrong. You sat on the floor by the operation room trying to calm your nerves and breathe easier which was getting harder by each minute. The relief you felt when you saw her again was indescribable. The following months wherein her stomach grew a little every day, you took extremely good care of her. You watched her waddle around the house, hands on her hips, complaining every few hours about the most menial things. Although it annoyed you just a bit at the beginning, you were more than happy to indulge in her tantrums and soothe her when the tears came rolling in followed by episodes of anger signaling the mood fluctuations. You always had backup food and healthy substituents for her cravings and made sure to attend to her every need. When her water broke while the both of you were winding down rewatching your favorite movies, she panicked, You were scared too but you prepared for that day for the last 9 months. You helped her into the car and drove her to the hospital all the while holding her hand trying to calm her screams. You thought you knew exactly how that day would play out. You thought you knew what you would feel. You thought you knew every single detail of that day as you imagined….waited for it for months. Little did you know that not both lives would be spared that day. When you heard that only one heart would beat after that night, you fell on your knees right there in the middle of the hospital hallways and screamed and sobbed. You wailed so loud that you thought your throat was going to give out. You felt hot angry tears fall to the ground and banged your fists into the marble floors leaving blood-red patterns. You thought you could never be happy again. But life has it’s own way of proving you wrong every single time. You were convinced that your world would stop spinning that day; that your entire existence was for naught. Little did you know that the boy trailing behind you wrapped in scarves and a padded jacket would keep your world spinning. You didn’t know that the moment you saw her blue eyes in him and traces of her laugh in his, you’d find hope. You thought your life ended that day. But it had just begun. When you carried the hour old baby in your arms still sobbing about your beloved, you felt a bittersweet and rising hurricane of conflicting emotions within you. As soon as you heard him chuckle, you couldn’t help but laugh; tears still dripping down your face. You made a promise to yourself that no matter what happens, you wouldn’t let anything harm the only evidence left behind by the love of your life. Your heart ached and cracked for her but somehow began to heal itself little by little every time you looked at him. You held him close to your heart a few days later; dressed in black watching the people file in and out of the home house you once shared with her. After everyone left, you stared at her picture and whispered that you’ll never let anything happen to the life she gifted you with by selflessly sacrificing herself. You clung onto the photo frame and let your tears land on its smooth surface. That was exactly 4 years ago. Snapping back to reality, you heard the wind howl and pick up speed. You turn around to make sure his scarf was in place and smiled at how adorable he looked sniffing through his red nose, squinting his eyes at the wind. You knelt down to fix his jacket when he pecks your cheek and asks you how much longer you had to walk. You assured him that it was just a few minutes away and continued walking; clasping his tiny hands in yours. The overgrown grass tickled your calves as you walked toward the mildew patch of land littered with daisies and roses grown tall; still damp with the morning dew. You set down the petunias you were carrying as it was a bittersweet reminder of how she entered your life in what felt like a second. You shut your eyes as you felt warm tears seep through your eyelashes. You discretely wiped it away wary of your baby boy noticing. You talked to the tombstone imagining her ghost standing on beside it listening intently at you ramble on about the son she gifted you with and how his existence is the only thing keeping you from leaving behind the land of the living to reunite with her. But alas, now you have another life to take care of. You owed it to her. So you took care of him like your life depended on it. Sitting beside you on the grass, he watched your words dissipate into thin air and wore a questioning look. You took his hand and explained that his mother was in a better place now; a kinder world where she’d always be happy. He asked you when he could meet her which was met with tears spilling down your cheeks. He looked worried and scrambled to find ways to calm you down. Cupping his face in the palm of your hands, you told him that you’d both meet her when the time comes. Placing your cold fingers on his chest, you assured him that for now, she’d always live inside your hearts where she belonged bathing in all your love. You hugged him and envisioned her looking down on the both of you with a bittersweet smile. Still nuzzling to whatever higher power that existed and begged it to not let any harm come over him.
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Heist (Loki x Reader) Pt. IV
Missed the first part?  Read the first part here!
Author’s Note: Wow we’re this far in already?!  I wanted to give y’all this a little early.  I wanted to write more, but I know you’ve been waiting impatiently for the big reunion.  Let’s jump right in, shall we? 
Also, if you want anything special done with Loki, send me an ask!  I love writing requests, and I get to them ASAP!  
@angelofasgard16 @it-jinxed-us @dark-night-sky-99 @pyrowolfgirl1408 @heartsxhoney @twhgirl @xavierwoodsxkofikingston @panda-duuu @nonsensicalobsessions @marisayouass
Flying through the quantum realm was a trip you never thought you'd get to say.  It flew by quickly, but it was like going at G-Force.  Considering how small you were at the time, you may have been going at the speed of light.  It made you sick to your stomach, no doubt about that.  You were grateful to land in the dungeons of Asgard.  
Arriving shortly after you was Rocket and Thor.  They collapsed on the ground next to you.  Clearly, they had similar thoughts about the quantum realm.  You weren't excited about having to go through that all over again.  If you could, you'd rather wait the 10 years to get back.  
Unfortunately, that's not how this can work.  "Alright, Y/N, I'm sure you know the way to Loki's cell.  We'll follow you and move past to get the Aether.  I can unlock the barrier for a short time if you want to do that and meet up with us in about an hour."  Thor stated.  You nodded and started making your way through the dungeon.
It was so dark in the dungeon that you felt like you were blind, and the brick didn't help the temperature.  It'd feel great on a hot, summer day, but now was not the time to think about that.  Now, you had to see Loki.  10 years without seeing him killed you, to say the least.  You missed him dearly.  
Rocket started running for it when you made it to his cell.  Thor quickly passed by after taking down the barrier using a special control panel.  It was Asgardian, so you had no idea how it worked.  Either way, as a scientist, you wanted to know how that was possible for a land without electricity.  
You slowly made your way to the barrier, peering in.  There he was, tossing a cup in the air over and over again.  He looked so much younger than you now, even for only 10 years.  He looked exactly how you remembered him.  Long, black, curly hair, his high cheekbones, and his emerald green eyes.  You were happy to know that your brain hadn't forgotten a single detail about him.
The barrier slowly came down temporarily and you walked inside slowly.  Loki noticed the sudden movement and turned to see you.  He was shocked and quickly sat up.  It had been a couple of weeks since he had last seen you.  "Y/N where have you been, I've been waiting for-" The god stopped abruptly.
You weren't surprised by it.  As he got a closer look, he could notice your aging.  Your hair was cut slightly shorter than it was before, you had barely noticeable wrinkles by your eyes, and you looked maturer.  "You're not Y/N, are you?  Who are you?" He asked.
"Well," You started off, "I'm technically Y/N, but I'm not going to bother trying to trick you.  I'm sure you can tell already that I look a lot older."
Even your voice sounded defeated.  Loki's heart was slowly breaking at the sight of you.  You didn't need to say anything, he knew that whatever happened, it wasn't good.  You looked weaker than before, and your eyes spoke everything.  Something happened that broke that spark you used to have.  The joy and happiness he'd see every time you came to visit was gone.  He couldn't imagine hearing your laugh coming from you at this point.  
"What happened?" He asked quietly, studying your eyes carefully.
"I'm not from this time, as you can tell.  In fact, I'm from 10 years into the future." His eyes widened when you said that.  While 10 years was nothing for him, he knew it was somewhere around a tenth of a human's life span.  
"What has the future done to you, my love?"  Loki walked up to you carefully.  He was worried it was a trick of some sort.  He lifted his hand up to your cheek carefully.  As if it were an instinct, you leaned into his touch.  His touch was so much better than you anticipated.  
"More than I have time to tell you, probably," You smiled slightly.  Loki couldn't shake off the feeling that it wasn't you though.  He knew something bad would be coming soon, but he didn't know what.  He drew his hand back and you almost frowned at the action.
"How do I know it's really you?  What if you're a Skrull or someone who's coming to invade Asgard?" Loki stepped back slightly.  
You were unsure of how you could prove it to him.  It suddenly popped into your head as to what could work.  You pulled the necklace out from under your top.  The stone was shining brightly under the light.  "Remember when you gave me this?  I still remember the day like it was yesterday.  It was in my book with Shakespeare plays.  You placed it on the page with Romeo and Juliet."  
Loki was silent as he looked at the necklace and then back up to you.  He wasn't sure why, but he trusted it.  Especially because the necklace looked exactly like it did when he last saw it on you.  Every time after he gave you the necklace, he'd see it on the next visit.  Maybe you would put it on right before going to see him, but he didn't mind either way.  He loved seeing you wearing it.
"What are you doing here so far from your present?" He asked softly.  He walked up to you until he was only a few inches from you.  He was tempted to pull you into his embrace. "What happens that takes the light from your eyes?"
"I don't know how much I'll change with telling you the future, but at this point, maybe it's not a bad thing."  You said, trying to debate quickly what to do.  Before you could say anything else, you felt his arms snake around your waist and bring you up against him.  
All that did was bring you to tears.  You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck and leaned your head onto his shoulder, breathing in his scent.   Everything about him brought back memories.  You couldn't help crying.  You missed this so much.  
Loki wasn't sure of what was going on.  He didn't know, nor did he care.  He knew this was still his Y/N.  He knew that this was still the woman he loved.   His hand moved up to your hair and he ran his fingers through it lightly in a comforting manner.  
When your tears subsided shortly after, you decided to tell him limited details about what happens in the future.  You couldn't mess up the timeline, even though you had been told it'd be alright.  "Loki, I probably shouldn't tell you anything about it, but we've probably already messed up the timeline anyway." You realized that he had moved you both to the bed while you were crying.
"We?" He asked.  "There are more with you?"
"Thor, and a raccoon, it's a very long story," You brushed it off quickly.  Loki was confused by the raccoon part, but he didn't question it.  "I know you know Thanos quite well."
He froze up at the thought of the titan.  "Yes, I know too much about him.  What happens?"
"In five years, he gets all of the infinity stones in the process of one week.  Asgard is destroyed because of your sister, Thanos gets the stones, and he takes out half of all populations in the universe," You dodged telling him that he died.  Loki rubbed your back in comforting circles.
"So, you and Thor are alright in the end?"  He asked.  That's all that mattered to him.  He didn't care what happened as long as you and his brother were okay.
"I don't know if you'd say we're alright, but we're alive.  We lost a lot of people though."  
"Including me?"
You stopped for a moment and continued to look at the floor.   You hadn't seen him in ten years and all you wanted was to be able to see him, but you couldn't bear to look him in the eye and tell him the answer to his question.  It'd break your heart all over again, and how would he react?
The Norse God reacted to it better than you expected.  He was calm and collected about it.  "How?  Where?"
"I only know as much as Thor would tell me.  He said you gave up the Tesseract.  You tried to pretend that you would pledge allegiance to him.  When you went to strike him, he stopped you with the infinity stone.  He-" You had to stop yourself for a second.  It was getting to be too much.  "He snapped your neck.  Thor believes that you did it to delay Thanos from going to Earth, so it'd give Bruce time to warn the others."
He was quiet for a single moment, contemplating your words.  "Bruce?  As in the Hulk, you talk so much about?"  
You laughed a little at his question.  "Everything I've said, and that's what you get from it all?"
"If it makes you laugh, love, then that will be the first thing I take from it all," He said, knowing that his question would make you laugh.  At least, it would make his present Y/N, so he was hoping it would work on you as well.  
"I missed you so much," You quietly muttered.  Loki sadly smiled at you.
"When do you have to go back?"
"Whenever Thor and Rocket come back with the Aether."  He assumed when you mentioned Rocket you meant whatever a raccoon is.  
"Could that be a while?"
"Knowing those two?  They're going to take forever to simply figure out what their plan is."
"Then let's make the most of our time."  Before you could ask him what he meant by that he was kissing you gently.  
Your heart nearly stopped at the action.  It may be cheesy to say that sparks would fly, but that's how it was when you'd kiss him.  Loki was always gentle, in fear of driving you away by going any harder.  
Once the shock wore off you kissed him back.  You were rougher than he was, rushed because you didn't realize how touch-starved you were after all of these years.  All you wanted at this point was him.  
Instinctively you had started tangling your fingers in his hair.  You could feel his arms around your waist bring you closer to him.  It was probably the happiest moment in the past five years.  Even if it wasn't in your timeline, even if you were ruining someone else's timeline, you didn't care.  You were selfish when it came to him.
You and Loki broke apart when you needed oxygen.  It may have been only minutes, but you could've sworn it was hours.  "If you keep doing stuff like that Loki, I'm not going to want to go back," You laughed breathlessly.  
"I'm afraid I can't allow you to stay.  You have your own present to go back to.  Maybe I'll be around in your present now, now that you've told me this."
"It doesn't work that way though.  Time travel works in a strange way.  What I'm doing, if you don't do the same actions you did in my timeline, it will create a new timeline."
"Unless this was how it was supposed to be from the start," He said, absentmindedly grabbing one of your hands.  
"What do you mean?"
"Do you doubt my motives, darling?  I've tricked my oath of a brother plenty of times into thinking I died.  I don't believe I could forget how to do that of all things," He grinned.
"If that's the case, I'm going to kill you in 2023, I'm warning you now," You fired back.
Loki chuckled, happy to see you acting like this.  You definitely needed it.  You didn't realize how badly you needed him.  
"I'm counting on it," He said.
"At least, in 2018, write me a letter, alright?  Let me know you're still around," You smiled slightly.  He promised.
Before you could say anything more, you saw Thor out of the corner your eye.  Rocket was running closely behind him with the Aether in hand, or paw, for that matter.  "Hate to break it up, but we gotta go!"  Rocket yelled.
"Thor?  What happened to you?"  Loki was astonished to see his brother in the state he was.  It looked like he had been crying before.  With Mjolnir in hand, he opened the barrier, allowing you to be able to walk through again.  
Thor didn't reply and instead waited for you to come through.  Before you left the room, you hugged Loki tightly again, leaving a peck on his cheek.  He smiled at you, and let you go, not before whispering one final thing to you.  "I assure you, Y/N, the sun will shine on us again."
You slowly made your way down to Thor and Rocket.  Thor took one final glance at his brother before tapping the button on his GPS.  You and Rocket did the same motions, changing back into your suits.  "Let's go reverse what that giant purple bastard did," You said.  Rocket looked at you, pleased and amused with your nickname for Thanos.  You all clicked your button at the same time, bringing you back the present.  
The last thing you saw before going back was Loki watching you curiously from his cell.  You wouldn't forget a single detail about this anytime soon.  
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wunderlass · 7 years
Smoke & Mirrors: Epilogue
His captors think him defeated, but even Odin doesn’t know the secrets Loki holds. Before long, he’ll be free, events set in motion by Frigga’s best intentions and Loki’s worst instincts. He’s seen his future, and nothing is going to stop him from stealing it. Loki/Darcy, M rated
You can also read on AO3 or FFNet.
A/N: There's a tense change here. That's because I wrote this at a time most things I was writing were in the present tense and it was hard to switch back, even though I was trying to get this written while the hot flash of inspiration struck. I hope you'll forgive me, as I think it works if you view this section as us catching up with Loki and Darcy in the present moment, with the rest of the story serving to tell you how they got here.
Laughter peels through the air, a sound as sweet as the honey which is stuck in strands of Darcy's hair. It glints as the breeze catches it, drawing Loki's attention. Though his attention is never far from her—it can usually only be diverted by the toddler who put the honey there.
Said toddler is being enticed towards his uncle with a piece of candy, tottering on uneven feet across the grass with outstretched, grabby hands. Thor encourages him on with a fond smile and nonsense words, which results in giggles even when the little boy stumbles and has to right himself.
Never mind that Loki's son has had plenty to eat already, the staff at the old palace on Vanaheim putting together a feast when they asked for a picnic. Even Thor hasn't been able to make much of a dent in it—instead, Frigga will ensure it is distributed later to the people who need it more.
The trees lining the meadow rustle in the breeze, the cornucopia of their colored blossoms shedding onto the grass. Spring on Vanaheim is a bright, warm affair, and so the family gathers from their respective realms to enjoy a few days at Frigga's childhood home. She has retreated here to live out her time as dowager, except for when one of her sons needs her council.
It is the ideal home for her, brimming with pleasant memories from her own childhood and from Loki's, and also has its own portal which allows swift journeys between realms. Its safety and neutrality also makes it the ideal place for her grandson to spend his own childhood, while Frigga gathers as many memories as she can with the family members she will outlive.
Frigga herself has not aged, not to Loki's eyes. Darcy likes to tease him about his nonexistent gray hairs, but he cannot deny the passage of time on his face—lines he had not expected to wear for centuries. Yet his mother weathers the passing years much as she always has done. She sits as regally as anyone can on a picnic blanket, her silk dress somehow unmarred by sticky hands even though she indulges in as many cuddles as she can entice from her grandson. She is calm, content, freed from the pressures of her own throne and devoted instead to doting on the little boy.
Thor is freed of those responsibilities himself, if only for a few days. He can ride, and spar with his brother, and make an idiot of himself to entertain his nephew as much as his heart desires. Loki is pleased he is playing to his strengths. And yet, there is a calmness to him here, a carefree attitude that Loki rarely sees in him anymore. Much as it pains him to admit, he misses it, and mourns what his brother has lost in gaining the throne. Thor has confided that the spring days they spend in Vanaheim—which come around quickly due to the short solar cycle of the realm—are the happiest of his current life.
Behind Thor, Jane pulls faces at the little boy, eliciting more giggles. Jane adores him: the closest she will get to children of her own. Her chosen legacy will be science, and her love for Thor, when she is dust and he lives on. It doesn't make her sad—not as sad as the thought of Thor raising and losing children with a human lifespan. Instead, he is under firm instruction to live and love again once she is gone, and raise his heirs then.
The little boy is aging slowly, though. It's a positive sign that he may outlive his grandmother, rather than the other way around. There may be a throne in his future, but Loki has other hopes for him, no matter how long he lives. He knows Darcy feels the same.
He cannot count Jane as a friend—she will likely never trust him—but he values her sharp mind and the loyalty she has shown Darcy through everything. He wishes his brother could have eternity with her, if only for the happiness it would bring to Thor, but these things are not meant to be.
They make the most of it, their little extended family. Hela is on lying in the grass, soaking in the sun, though she will never tan. She could lie on a blanket, but she refuses, enjoying all the sensations Vanaheim has to offer. Even the allergies. When the itching becomes too much, she will rise to play with her little brother.
Loki suspects sometimes that the Hela he sees one day is not the Hela he has seen on the previous, even if she still arrives in her teenage guise. One day, they have a girl with more naivety than the daughter of Death has any right to, and the next it is gone, all used up and replaced with a haunted edge. Perhaps she returns often to her mortal family whenever they become too much a part of the past, so she never really has to lose them. Today Hela is naive, experiencing this all for the first time.
She's a strange creature, his first born, yet there is more of him in her than he would care to admit. She is often withdrawn, living in a world of her own imagination, prone to sulking and plotting revenge over trivial slights. But for all that, she delights in the sun, and in the warmth their family provides. And the older she grows, the more her uncanny resemblance to him does as well. Even though he never expected to have the fortitude to deal with a teenager—let alone one who can be a different age from one day to the next—he understands her, and that makes it easier.
As for his son—well, whatever physical resemblance he may have to his father, his sweet nature all comes from his mother. He does not brood, or hold grudges—though time will tell on that score—and he laughs far more than he ever cries. He delights in everything: case in point, the explosion of glitter Loki summons to tempt the boy away from Thor.
His brother feigns a pout of dismay as Loki's son comes running, staring up at him like he's the most wondrous person in the universe.
Loki's heart turns over in his chest. It takes a beat for him to recognize that this is happiness, a moment of pure joy, and a very particular moment at that.
It passes, a fleeting thing which cannot be kept hold of, so strange to be inside it rather than witnessing it. But this slice of happiness, the simple joy of spending time together in the old palace gardens, spurred so much into existence.
Loki catches Darcy's eye: she too has realized what has just passed them by. She wears her own happiness like a shawl, always draped around her and only momentarily set aside when she must.
He brushes the hair away from their son's face and hands him one of the candies. He looks so much like her, and the way Loki feels about the pair of them is a devotion so fierce he couldn't have imagined it, those many years ago as he stared at this scene in the mirror. Darcy has taught him patience, and gentleness, and trust, and forced him to earn her trust until it is unbreakable. She also showed him how to accept, even love, Hela. She has molded him into a different being, a better man, and shown him that a mortal life span does not mean it will be any less fulfilling. He would be grateful to her for the son she graced him with, but even alone she took his existence from bearable to blissful.
All the prices he has paid to be with her are worth it, and he still finds himself scrambling to remain worthy of her love. He is not an easy person to be with—he knows this, even as he refuses to "get some therapy" as she so often suggests. The throne of Jotunheim wears on him, even as he searches for a wise heir amongst the other claimants to the crown. His dreams are often little better than night terrors, black ghouls come to steal any semblance of peace he might hope for. And this is not the future he believed he was striving for when he first saw this moment in his mother's mirror, but it is better. Infinitely better. He would not change any detail of it.
Hela has dabbled with her grandmother's talent for mirror magic, but Darcy refuses to look at the visions her step-daughter captures in glass. Too much of her life became caught up around one moment, and even if all of them were as happy as this one, it wouldn't do to spend her time waiting for them to arrive. Loki agrees. They have limited time before they must pass into Death's realm permanently. It is better to enjoy each and every moment of sunlight while they can, just as Hela does. Instead, Frigga has learned to capture these memories in her mirrors.
Hela gives an excited yell. A butterfly has landed on her outstretched hand. It is calmly basking on her cool skin while she stares with awe, and her brother toddles towards it with a giggle. Loki pauses his progress, unwilling to spoil the moment, and he does not complain, happy to wave and babble at his sister while she studies her tiny visitor.
"It's so fragile," she breathes. "Beautiful, but fragile."
"I once thought the same of your Mama," Loki says quietly, and Darcy tuts at his obvious flattery. "But I was wrong."
"Watch it, buddy," Darcy mutters.
"She's beautiful, yes," he hurriedly corrects. "But not fragile. She's the strongest person I've ever known. Strong enough to put up with me."
Darcy smiles at him, twining their fingers together.
"They don't live long at all, though," Hela says with a pout. "All that beauty, gone so quickly."
"Then make the most of it while you can," says Frigga, as the butterfly alights from Hela's finger and vanishes into the sky.
Here we are. 130,000 words and four years later - it's done. This is the longest piece of fiction I've written (thus far) so bear with me while I take that in.
Yeah, it took longer (FAR longer) than anticipated to write. It's flawed, in ways all serialised stories are bound to be, and in other ways too. But I am mostly happy with it and I hope you all are too - whether you joined me at the beginning of the journey or somewhere along the way. Thank you for cheering me along and I apologise for being so consistently pants at responding to your comments.
Thanks also go to all the people who beta'd along the way or who acted as sounding boards in other ways. The story wouldn't exist without your help!
Here's to the rest of the stories...
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thechurchreport · 7 years
Disneyland Isn’t Just For Kids
Every child’s dream is to go to Disneyland and have the adventure of a lifetime. Imagine going to a theme park as vibrant, colorful and exciting as Disney. It probably is the definition of heaven in the eyes of a child. But nobody can blame them. Even adults also get starstruck once they step inside Disneyland. The memories you have of this place will stay in your mind throughout your lifetime. While there is no need to stay specifically at the hotels on the property (others are available), it can make things easier. Despite the years it has logged, Disneyland remains to be the ultimate theme park destination for people of all ages and walks of life. Over the years, they have opened up in different key cities all over the world and added attractions in line with new movie releases.
It’s safe to say that almost everyone has this big Disneyland dream and who can blame us, really. Even just by looking at pictures, we can see just how amazing this happiest place on earth is. For a few hours or days (depending on which Disneyland you’ll visit), you can get lost in the magic and awaken the child in you as you try one ride to another and shout like there’s no tomorrow with every twist and turn of these popular attractions. There are rides that are especially suited for kids, some for adults, and the rest that both young and old can enjoy. You certainly won’t get disappointed from the moment you step in until you go out later in the day. Worth every dollar you paid for it, indeed.
Guests flocking to Disneyland’s slew of exciting new attractions in the coming years will soon be able to book entirely new accommodations on property as well.
Disney shared details this week about a previously announced hotel addition coming to Disneyland Resort in 2021.
The 700-room Four Diamond location is the first new hotel to open at Disneyland in nearly 20 years, and will take root on the west end of the Downtown Disney District, a promenade of restaurants and shops between Disneyland and Disney California Adventure.
According to Disney’s Editorial Content Director Erin Glover on the Disney Parks Blog, the sophisticated new hotel will be a complete dining, entertainment and hotel destination for guests.
(Via: http://www.travelandleisure.com/trip-ideas/disney-vacations/disneyland-new-hotel-2021)
Progress means to keep moving forward. You can see how much growth there is with the countless improvements that the company has undertaken to ensure that the magic lives on and people won’t get tired of visiting these magical places on earth. And considering how the world’s population keeps on exploding, it is but imperative for most Disney resorts and theme parks to make upgrades in order to accommodate the potential influx of people, especially during peak seasons. And by adding new attractions, it gives the public more reasons to visit Disneyland if they haven’t yet or come back if they already did.
During this limited time event, some of the beloved stories from Pixar Animation Studios will come to life in new ways at both Disneyland and Disney California Adventure Parks, with characters and experiences from films such as Disney•Pixar's "Toy Story," "Monsters, Inc.," "Finding Nemo" and "Up." Guests will join the fun as they experience a new fireworks spectacular, the return of two favorite parades with fresh new Pixar surprises, new décor, atmosphere entertainment, creatively themed food and beverage and exclusive event merchandise.
A new fireworks show, "Together Forever – A Pixar Nighttime Spectacular," will celebrate Pixar stories through the decades as it lights up the sky over Disneyland, connecting guests with characters they've come to know and love. Along with dazzling pyrotechnics and memorable music, a heartwarming story celebrates the theme of friendship, an ever-present concept in Pixar animation. Guests are invited to embark on an emotional journey that begins with the meeting of unlikely Pixar pals and follows their adventures as they overcome obstacles and forge everlasting friendships. "Together Forever" comes to life through projections on iconic park locations.
(Via: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/pixar-fest-the-biggest-theme-park-celebration-of-stories-and-characters-from-pixar-animation-studios-opens-at-the-disneyland-resort-april-13-2018-300544221.html)
All-year-round, the various Disney theme parks have activities to capture everyone’s interests. Whatever the season or the occasion is, there is always a reason to have some magic in your life. There are events that young boys will like, some for girls, but most of them can be appreciated by both young and old regardless of your gender as they are mainly feel-good and captivating performances or activities that are meant to warm everyone’s heart, so everyone leaves the place happier than when they first came in. If you live somewhere where there is a Disneyland nearby or if you can afford to go to one, don’t miss out on the chance to experience the magic of Disney that most people has probably grown up watching.
The blog article Disneyland Isn’t Just For Kids is republished from The Church Report
from https://www.thechurchreport.com/disneyland-isnt-just-for-kids/
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