#imma need them in hd
plmp0 · 1 month
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a-very-fond-farewell · 3 months
as I wait for artms to feed us crumbs, I guess it’s gonna be a ‘sweet crazy love’ on repeat until I pass out kind of writing session 😔🙄💅🏻
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iovetecchou · 10 months
If bsd comes out with another wan! Featuring the hd's, imma lose it!! They'll be so cuteeee and squishyyyy especially Tetcho and Jouno
same here!! i mean look at them… they’re so adorable… we need more hd chibis!!
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 2
Since I'm in a bad mood for whatever fucking reason, also Tumblr won't let me post Princess's ask, that's an actual cold hard truth, Imma do this instead 😁
And we already sound crazy already. So, let's drag this pretentious slut again, shall we..? Oh, and special thanks to 👸 for being bored, and once again bringing me stuff to fucking destroy this bitch with 🫶
So, remember when the timeline they made didn't make sense? Yeah, it'll continue to do so. Because her fan page posted this, four days ago.
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Now, I don't really care what this bitch does, as long as she doesn't make Chris look bad, in which case... LEMME AT HER!!! But if this is July 2020... Chris ain't there with her at all. Considering he was with Lily James in London! Remember that? Seemed like forever ago 😅
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So, if they're claiming something about the timeline in July 2020... They're fucking lying 🙄 again
Let's travel a little forward in time to yesterday 😁
So, we all saw Albitch rocking the dullest and most cheap ass ring you've ever seen, right? It gets worse much worse.
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Justin LD(lyme diseased) posted a shit ton of pics with Albitch. And that ring honestly looks even duller and pathetic in those, more than anything.
And we all know Albitch and Chris have zero chemistry whatsoever, props goes to the top comment on the post because it's so true, and sparked my belief that the bitch is sleeping with Justin 🤭
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And I honestly agree with the commenter at the top. They do look good together.
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They both look equally perfectly AWFUL on the red carpet 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
WTF is with the head tilt?! It stopped being cute 3000 articles ago, Albitch! And this isn't a prom! Why do those two look like they're taking prom pics?!
And bonus, if you look at this photo of LD story, Albitch looks like a horror movie ghost who does the jumpscares
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I see no difference 🤭🫣
Let's go back to the ring.
Someone posted on here a few weeks to months ago, that Chris was engaged during August...
See the problem with that timeline is that Albitch posted more pics with LD, and she was most definitely not wearing a ring then 👀
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Jump back to the present.
Imma go back to her solo pics again. We've all seen them, no need to reiterate, see the thing is, for some reason, another fan page of hers got a more HD and clear photo of the ring...
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How in the hell did they get that?! But not her Agency 👀
This is the part where I call two rings, and she used Photoshop again!
And can y'all stop saying that her ring is gold, it clearly fucking isn't!!! Unless y'all are colorblind that's white gold or silver!
Now, as for the two rings the one in the picture we saw is definitely not that one.
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That ring still looks silver or white gold, but has a round stone with nothing surrounding it, and is dull compared to everything else she's wearing. Meanwhile the new pic, square stone, with stones on the band...
This is where I call BULLSHIT
Those two pictures look as different as Chris does in the Lisbon old-new photos! So, in conclusion, somebody photoshopped it in, and chose a completely different equally cheap ring, and made it shiny 😒
Seriously, this is getting tired, and I'm sorry but Albitch and her entourage of wannabe influencers should just quit.
No one will believe her because she's been lying from the get go. Aside from that, if she and Chris are real, it means she's been openly cheating on him since before they were ever official. And Chris flirts with women, and tells the whole world he's single, and looking for a serious partner.
Again, at this point, Dodger and the kids are the only innocents. Who need to be protected from all this. Because another bomb will drop, and we will lose more of the Fandom than we did when NYCC happened. 😞
Albitch Ring Rant Post Part 1
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solarwynd · 2 months
The PR strategies all weird cause whoever leaked a video of jk with woman in his house but few days later the guy came and told everyone bes got no gf? I mean he could leave it at that yet he cleared cause he was getting comments but heyy he didn't talk about video and we all know there's too many coincidences happening in that video to say he's not jk, that is him with his dog nd a woman in his apartment Period.
The RM one was Funny for me cause it was Clearly intentional there was no "accident" there. He posted because he wanted to, he deleted because people saw it and the job was done. I remember he also posted a pic where you can visibly see a cigarette 🚬 burn mark on his pant and armys caught it right away at that time so no one was surprised he smoked. Jk's cigarette scene wasn't surprising for me but armys are stupid to think it was invasion of privacy i mean to a point it was but he also knew what he was doing. They could have done more with dating rumours like click a pic of him where it's only him and the woman in the frame if they actually wanted to make a pr stunt with that rather than whatever they did. That is only if it was pr stunt otherwise we don't condemn any privacy breach. Always hoping it's the members that reveal their partners on their own than all this drama.
About the jk doing lives after live and singing all of jimin's new releases that was something else.....i wasn't surprised that he used to sing jm's songs but it was unexpected given "jikook" were no where to be seen, but the first live that he did and watched all of jimin's content was actually surprising for me. Idk what anyone else belives tho but from whatever i have seen over the years one thing i belive is jungkook loves jimin as an artist. He admires jm alot. You ask him about other members' songs he might not know it but if you ask him about jimin's songs he'll know all of it with lyrics and choreo at good level. He always watch jm when jm is rehearsing like he's always there sitting infront of jm watching him when he's performing. I mean who wouldn't that's jimin who's performing. But of course this mfkr will never admit that like he'll do for RM. I was actually expecting him to be more vocal for taehyung's album too but he was inactive a whole month when tae's album Dropped and i even saw tkkrs throwing tantrums that he never supported tae the way he did for jm etc. I mean technically tkkrs would help him for so you'd expect more for jk also given they were together the whole yr. But even when Taennie paris video came he went live few days later and was simply enjoying his lives it was when Angel pt1 was released and he was singing it, doing tiktok choreo for his betsies' songs and all. Tkkrs were disappointed then too but they always find a reason to cope so they did. He Infact that way actually showed more support towards jm than other members During his drunk live era lol. As you said it could be that he wanted fruits from both ships but then Shippers are either way going to support him, infact tkkrs needed more as tae's paris video was circulating. But we don't like it when others say jk was promoting jm cause we all know it's armys watching his lives so I'm hesitating to belive he did that for support from Shippers.
At the end i would say if jm ever does such dating rumours pr he can simply drop the hd pics and we'll be happy. He either way doens't have too many crazy y/n like the other two, and we'll get rid of shippers too. Imma throw those pics on Shippers' faces.
Them Dora bangs he had were real bad. And even with as grainy as the vid was you could still see the shape of them clear as anything so it was him lol.
Joon doing what he did honestly felt like he wanted to join in on the other member’s revealing they smoked cause he felt left out, but atp it was no longer a novelty. (for BTS)
Jk’s relationship with Jimin is difficult to decipher because it’s no doubt they’re on good terms with each other and I do agree with him holding some type of admiration for him but it’s not really akin to how he is with hobi or joon. I’d always dread when he’d go live because I knew there was always a chance he’d mention jimin in someway and that would be all it took for jimin’s report page to start posting R&Bs like rapid fire. And it’s crazy because he would be the one initiating it but jimin would still get hated on.
TH doing all that cheerleading for JK, going to his live show just for him to ghost him for his debut was 🥴 but nowadays I’ve felt like their relationship is symbiotic on that end. Like they know when to dial it up with each other to get what they want for themselves so probably didn’t mean anything to him that he didn’t.
If Jimin wants to reveal his S/O down the line he will. He’s very private so I doubt he’d make it a spectacle. Unless he gets married then there’s no way that’s not getting publicized in some way.
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iamthunderhearmehowl · 7 months
BG3 Headcannons: Halsin's Daughter PT3 (Love Interests)
Hey hi, I'm back again for my nightly post! I dunno man, there's just something so therapeutic about writing out my ideas and stories and sharing them ❤️
✨️ Original post and related posts can be found here
So please note; all love interests are adults. I know some of these characters in the game are kids right now - this is like 10 years (ish. add more years if you like) after the events of BG3.
ALSO: I dont have a name for her yet - so imma just call her HD for right now. I would appreciate any suggestions for names.
Mol and Halsin's daughter would be the most chaotic power couple ever.
Double trouble and extremely mischeivious
Would probably accidently set the city on fire
Mol would be like "Oops. Well shit, thats my que to go" while running and dragging HD along
HD would probably be hysterically crying and exclaiming that she didn't think knocking over one small candle would set the whole city ablaze
10/10 would do a horribly planned bank heist; HD is definitely one to steal from the rich/evil and give to the poor. Also - she just can't help that she does like nice things.
Again: she's sweet but is definitely an asshole if you're deserving of it; don't be a dick and don't get on her bad side
They would be a couple that would like witty banter and insults - it's VERY flirtatious tho
The sweet book nerd couple
They would love to cuddle up next to the fireplace together and read
Arrabella would definitely be the more responsible one in the relationship
Likes to kiss each other's noses
Love language is giving each other small thoughtful gifts
They leave each other little love notes in their bags
Mol + Arabella (the polycule):
The balanced power team
They keep each other in check and out of trouble
Arabella is 100% the mom of the group; always prepared, always shooting down HD and Mol's dumb implusive plans
Mol is the captain of the dumb plans; HD follows
HD is the glue that binds them together
Cuddle piles <3
Every night is the best girl's night; it's like having a sleep over all the time
HD shows them love via making the best meals for them; always making sure that they have snacks in their bags
Example of convos:
M: I mean. . .it's a little crispy but they'll be okay.
M: Well. I thought throwing down grease would slow down the guards and klutz over there knocked over a candle
HD: It was an accident I swear! 😭
M: Dude you slipped in the grease and then grabbed onto the candle stand to try to save yourself; fell anways and kept slipping multiple times
Dammon: (Okay this is probably my favorite one. )
Met him when she went to Last Light Inn; he was there for his monthly visit to sell his wares
She was looking for a quiet place to hide and clean some of her cuts; not wanting to make her father worry about her losing control in wild shape. She's crying and freaking out a little bit - she just brutally tore apart a deer. It didn't need to die that way. She has no idea what came over her
Dammon had just come back from grabbing food in the Inn - when he could hear cryng in one of the animal stalls.
He finds here there, surprised. He nose and her cheeks are red from crying, tears are still welling up in her doe eyes. He notices she's covered in blood AND scars from her life in the underdark.
He grabs a warm damp rag and gently wipes her tears and the blood on her face. She begs him not to tell Halsin . He doesn't.
He grabs a blanket and wraps it around her. He sits next to her and tells her he's there to listen if she wants to talk
Normally she wouldn't speak of her problems to strangers, but something about Dammon's gentle tone and facial expression makes her spill her heart
From then on out; she makes sure to bring him his meals to his little forge; he works so hard that sometimes he forgets to eat
They get really close and their first kiss was very tender and sweet.
She playfully grabs one of his tools; he tells her to give it back but she giggles and runs behind his work table. He chases her around the table and catches her by the waist and places her on the table. (In my head, she's actually really small and petite, but her wildshapes are monsterous)
He hesitates a little bit but everything about her is just so damn cute. Not to mention she is absolutely beautiful. Her skin is perfect, a pale blue that makes her cheeks look bright and rosy when she blushes. She's batting her long eyelashes and looking at him with her doe eyes - the color of caramel. Her silver hair is half up but small pieces are perfectly framing her face.
Dammon swears she could be a drow princess. She's perfection.
He goes for it; even though he may get a threat or two from Halsin
How does Halsin feel about her and her possible love interests:
I aint gonna lie the man is probably super over protective of her
She may be an adult (an old lady even) in human years; but is essentially still considered a young and naive child to elves.
He more than likely is this protective because he feels like he's failed her; He wasn't there for most of her life and because of that she was subjected to the worst tortues and abuse
His blood boils when he thinks about her mother selling HD's body for political gain and favors
If they were ever out and about and someone was eyeing her or getting a little too flirtatious, they would recieve a death glare from him
He refuses to let anyone ever take advantage of her again
Okkkaaay. That's all I have for tonight! I hope you guys enjoyed this! Feel free to add other possible love interests to this <3 I love interacting with ya'll!
Also again: please send name suggestions otherwise she may just be called HD lmaaaoo
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hime-memes · 1 year
                         • Into The Spider Verse Soundtrack Starters • 
I was re-watching this movie the other night & remembered how good the soundtrack was. Here we are today, with a set of lyric starters ! Enjoy ! 
                   - Click the Song Titles to be redirected to a youtube™ video of them. –       As always: These have been modified for cohesive and sensical use for the general RPC. Feel free to change anything within these that you see fit to make it work for the receiver’s muse !     Recommended For: Any Muses/Plots/Timelines.
Trigger Warnings For: Violence & some mild language
‘ Elevate ‘ “ I had to get out all alone. “  " I’ll figure it out on my own. “ “ I know what I really want now. “ “ ... And now I see clear in HD ! “ “ I ain't got time to waste. “ “ They wanna fight ? I'm just gon' let 'em hate. “ “ You better choose a side -- ! “ “ You gotta choose a side ! “  “ You better do what's right, or you’re gonna lose the fight ! “ “ This is my arena ! “ “ I'm the black widow with a bad stinger -- “  “ I'll make you scream like a bad singer. “ “ I'm everything that you wanna be, plus more ! “ “ ... Since there's no heroes anymore ... “ “ Who’s the bad man that a man gotta bash on ? “ “ They will slander me -- I just plan to be somethin' powerful for my family. “ “ I tried to balance life and my sanity. “ “ How can I possibly act right ? “ “ I know you heard 'bout my last fight ! “ “ ‘ Cause I win, over and over again ! “ “ Fightin' my demons; I'm nice for a reason. “ “ My strength and my honor is trusted by children. “ “ I'm ready and willing to fight all these villains ... “ “ No chaos or killings -- my style is so brilliant ! “  “ I may have lost the battle, but I will not lose the war ! “  “ And, I did everything that I did on my own. “ “ Better talk to me nice; better watch your tone ! “  ‘ Way Up ‘ “ I went from boy to a man. “  “ My opposition had to stand down. “ “ ... And I had to make a perfect plan. “ “ I had to fight for the city. “ “ I had to fight for the people ! “ “ You gotta do what all leaders do ... “ “ Everyone here ? We believe in you ! “ “ We know you can be a hero, 'cause we’ve seen you do it ! “ “ Now, there's no villains allowed. “ “ The competition was lethal ! “ “ Honestly, it's no biggie. “ “ I had to do what all leaders do. “ ‘ Familia ‘ “ Father, father, unforgivable -- “ “ This is my house; you made it personal. “ “ It's always trouble when they go too far -- “ “ Nobody mention my familia. “ “ Father, father, could you bless his soul ? “ “ He’s talking crazy, I may lose control ! “ “ La lealtad vale más que el dinero ! “ // “ Loyalty is worth more than money ! “  “ Y yo me vo' a morir leal y nunca como un traicionero ... “ // “ And I'm going to die loyal and never as a treacherous ... “ “ Yo hasta doy la vida por mi familia ! “ // “ I’ll even give my life for my family ! “ “ ... Y que en paz descansen los que se mueren de envidia ... “ // “ ... And may those who die of envy, rest in peace ... “ “ Y en la familia no se falla, pero si te traicionan ... “ // “ and in the family you don't fail, but if they betray you ... “ “ No les das la espalda, tú lo ayuda' y perdona'. “ // “ You don't turn your back on them, you help him, ' and forgive '. “ La familia primero. ” // “ Family First. “ “ No lo compra el dinero ! “ // “ Money don't buy it ! “ “ Real hasta la muerte -- ! “ // “ Real until death ! “ “ Yo nunca vo' a traicionarte ... “ // “ I will never betray you ... “ “ Y si tú te cae yo mismo vo' a levantarte. “ // “ And if you fall ? I myself will get up ... “ ” Nobody pop off; nobody get murked ! “ “ Nobody scream, it'll prolly get worse ... “ “ Now I'm the curse -- this is my terse. “ “ Before I kill 'em, Imma torture them first ! “ " You about to need a prayer from a preacher. “ “ Eye of the tiger, faster than a cheetah -- ! “ “ Hop out the spider, then it's hasta la vista ! “ “ Now you’re a dead man for real. “ ‘ Hide ‘ ” Need a drink ? “ “ Really think I found my home -- Shorty make me feel at home. “ “ She made me leave the thrills at home & I'm fine with it ... “ “ She really made me lose control. “ “ Imma let my love unfold. “ “ We're just two lost souls, but we're fine with it. “ “ There's love at my front door ... short notice ! “ “ You're not like the same girls, I notice. “ “ Think I met my soul mate, and yeah -- I know it. “  “ When it gets dark outside; In you I confide. “ “ You help me face my demons. “ “ I won't hide ... “ “ Girls like you are hard to find ! “  “ I hope you don't mind, If I give you the time of your life ! “  “ Life is not the same -- “ “ Now that you're here ? I want nothing to change ! “  “ You pick me up when I'm down, look - I need you around. “ “ You’ve seen me through my darkest times ... “ “ You brought meaning to my life ! “ “ All because of you, I do right. “ “ Because of you, I have a purpose ! “ “ I fight for the world, because you're worth it. “ ‘ Scared of the Dark ‘ ” I'm not scared of the dark. “ “ No, I'm not afraid of the fall ... “ “ I'm not scared, not at all !  “  “ Why would a star ever be afraid of the dark ? “  “ I ain't never scared & I ain't never horrified. “ “ I just looked down at my Rolex, it said it's the darkest times. “ “ I ain't never terrified, I ain't never petrified. “  “ You know I see dead people, I just tell 'em, ‘ Get a life ‘ ! " “ Let me testify. “ “ I have never testified. “ “  I'm married to my pride. “  “ I got eyes like marbles; if I cry -- they sparkle ! “ “ You know I can read your mind like I'm the author. “ “ Take a deep sigh, it’s a sayōnara, I ain't afraid to die ... “ ” Okay, put my heart to the side. “ “ In my feelings, hey - let's ride. “ “ ‘ That’s my baby ! ‘, Boy, you crazy ! “  “ If only you count the tears I've cried ... “ “ A million times, I swear I've died ! “ “ I'm trying, but it's still not right -- “ ‘ Memories ‘ “ My memories came back in the form of someone else. “ “ I know this feelin', yes, I know this very well ! “  “ Why won't you love me now ? “ “ It's gon' take some gettin' used to. “ “ You feel the pain when it hits you. “ “ Don't you ever let them fool you ! “ “ ' Cause I know, that you know, that it ain't true. “ “ I learned the hard way about trust ... about us. “ “ We're not so stable anymore. “ “ What's left if I give you my all ? “ “ You stepped over me like a sidewalk. “ “ That's your loss ! “  “ You self-destruct and I watch. “ “ I can't deal with ya. “ “ I finally had enough. “
‘ Home ‘ “ I'm at war with their enforcement. “ “ Tryna fight for what's right and got sidetracked ... “ “ Where is your mind at ? ... ( Never mind that ! ) “  “ I stay with my brethren & pay for protection. “ “ I'm doing what's right and not askin' no questions. “ " I'm ready and waitin' for my day of salvation. “ “ I’m right where I belong now. “ “ They're looking for saviors. “ “ I'm looking for safety. “ “ I'm never gon' beg or plead. “ “ Say it out loud: Are you ready for war ? “ ‘ Start a Riot ‘ ” Who in here tryna start a riot ? “ “ That ain't no flyin' saucer ... “ “ You better just fix your posture ! “ “ And every hero needs his theme song, so -- “ “ You ain't got a chance, boy ... “ “ I thrown in everything but the kitchen sink ! “ “ I try to be friendly in the neighborhood. “ “ ... And here you come, all bargin' in ! “ “ ... All ugly like a brown fur cardigan ... “  “ I'm comin' through with my crew to make 'em pay ! “  “ I don't need no super suit, I'm feelin' brave ! “  “ Don't be a hero -- turn around & walk away ... “  “ Every day is like a sticky situation, when evil's lookin' for a chance ... “   “ We got the power in our hands ! “  ‘ Invincible ‘ “ I wanna feel like I can't come down ! “  “ I got a dream so I can't stop now. “  “ I gotta stop feeling invisible -- and start feeling invincible ! “  “ The hardest thing is believing in your dreams ... “  “ I feel like a stranger to myself, and sometimes that feels dangerous. “ “ ... But, I'll bet you'll see me for who I truly am. “  “ Some days I look in mirrors, and I wonder who's that man ... “  ” When your fear's near, you don't wanna get closer ! “  ‘ Let Go ‘  ” Sometimes I don't really know myself. “ “ Devil’s on my back, pray for me -- I need help. “ “ An angel’s in the front tryna guide my steps. “  “ Who do you call when you need some help ? “ “ Who do you call when you by yourself ? “ “ Who do you call when you feel down low ? “ “ I just wanna scream -- I just wanna explode ! “  “ I got a devil on my left & a angel on my right. “ “ I'm just tryna live my life; You know I'm just hangin' in the fight. “  “ Violence in the streets: I just wanna calm the beast ! “  “ All these problems I'm just fightin' with myself are enemies. “  “ I'm looking for my happiness now. “ ‘ Sunflower ‘ ” Needless to say; I keep her in check ! “  “ Callin' it quits now ? Baby, I'm a wreck ... “  “ Crash at my place -- Baby, you're a wreck. “ “ Someone took a big ‘ L ‘; Don't know how that felt ! “  “ Lookin' at you sideways, party on tilt ... “  “ Some things you just can't refuse. “ “ She wanna ride me like a cruise & I'm not tryna lose ! “ “ ... Then, you're left in the dust. “  “ I think your love would be too much. “  “ You don't make it easy -- no. “ “ Wish I could be there for you ! “  “ Every time I'm walkin' out, I can hear you tellin' me to turn around ... “ “ Fightin' for my trust & you won't back down ... “ “ Even if we gotta risk it all right now ? “ “ I know you're scared of the unknown & you don't wanna be alone ... “ “ I know I always come and go ... but, it's out of my control. “ ‘ What’s Up Danger ‘ ” Two-thousand surroundin' us. “  “ You’d travel two-thousand kilometers to hang out with us ?! “  “ What's up, danger ? “ “ Ayy, gettin' old; they doubted us ! ( Makes it that more marvelous. ) “ “' Cause I like high chances that I might lose. “ “ I'm insane, but on my toes -- I could keep the world balanced on my nose. “ “ I had a slumber party wit' all my foes. “  “ Now, I wear 'em like a badge of honor on all my clothes. “ “ If I'm crazy, I'm on my own. “ “ If I'm waitin', it's on my throne. “ “ If I sound lazy; just ignore my tone ! “ “ Mama was always askin', ‘ Where did I go wrong ’ ?! " “ I like it when trouble brews, I won't dare change ! “ “ I like it when there's turbulence on my airplanes. “  “ I like it when I sense things that I can't see yet ... “ ‘ Save the Day ‘ “ I pull up and save the day. “  “ How could I forget ? “  “ It takes some courage to bet. “ “ That must be why you’re in debt. “ “ You take the bait and get caught in the net ! “  “ Evil will never prevail, suckers ! “  “ What is real will never fail to prosper. “ “ All of these people sayin' that they want the treasure ? “ “ Careful of the wishes you make up on your blessings. “ “ Because the devil in you is plottin' against you ... “ “ ... And you'll find that your worst enemy is within you. “ “ It's me & my friends & I know that they got me ! “ “ Got no fear in my heart 'cause I know that I'm brave. “ “ Never gave up, kept my head in the game ! “ “ If you ever get lost, then I'll come back and find you ! “ “ On a bad day, a villain can't defeat me -- “ “ Everybody gotta fear when there's combat. “
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I was scrolling down the PS Online Store to buy a new game because my hands are kinda itching to play something.
And i end up seeing the Pre-Order for Crisis Core- FFVII-Reunion.
And i am like.
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Look at him.
Just look at him.
My perfection right there.
*takes Zack my beloved and keep it close to my chest*
Needless to say, i bought the pre-order because Zack , along with Vincent,was my bebe, the equivalent of what Jacob is to me in AC, (hilariously enough, Ranian's design inspired Dottie's, i will share it sometimes, if anyone wants to see it) SO, OF COURSE I WILL GO THROUGH THE WHOLE ORDEAL AGAIN.
I will be wallowing a lot tho, so lemme go and grab the tissues. Imma need them.
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sara-joseph · 2 years
Yet to come in Busan.
The 2030 Busan World expo ambassadors, guys.
Just *chef's kiss*
Just BTS being themselves, and making us fall for them AGAIN (who's complaining, happenes 100 times everyday)
biggest mistake to start off with mic drop, and hit us all over again with Run BTS.
The ever so emo spring day, and butterfly.
The stage was literally legit. What do they mean when they go all out on a stage, without ticket fare? I mean, yeah they're multi-millionares, obvi.
Run BTS 's choreooo. I'm sobbing. I'm not lying, every imp time stamp where something hot happened during Run BTS, I went "gahhhhhhh". Yes i did. I'm not hiding it.
All of this, along with each of them being so fucking hot.
Just Joon being the ever so handsome and hot leader. Leading everything, being so coordinated, so fucking hot( ik I've called him hot before, but imma do it, bitch) HOT HOT HOT HOT HOT.
Jin announcing KSJ1. A solo album?!. Remember when he flew to the states for solo schedule? A Collab maybe?. Idk. His vocals? His outfits? His hair? His buff body? His visuals? His attitude? His body language? Him behaving so "hyung-like"? Like AAHHHHHHHHHHHH. FUCK MY LIFE.
Min Yoongi, humans. His man-bun during rehearsals? His verse in Run BTS? Iconic. PERIODT. Why did he have to be so nice to ARMY'S after the concert? Nobody asked, fuckers, he did it cause he loves us.
Our Hobi, isn't so sunshine-ish after JITB(JHS1). Like, wdym? How the fuck can someone be so fucking hot? The hair?! The verse in Run BTS? Unbelievable. Just imagine, being hot enough to get someone on their knees with one look, and also being cute enough to melt hearts. Like his cute smile when he sang for Jimin?
Jiminie. The cutie he is. Imagine being able to wreck 90 million+ people just by one smile. And that smile was cause your family was singing you a "Happy Birthday" song?! His orange-brown hair? I love this man, mom. I FUCKING LOVE HIM.
Imma just go ahead and file a lawsuit that says "user THV has to be accused of attempted murder". I mean, what the hell??!!! Why would he, for all the things holy and sane in this world would he take off his goddamn shirt? (During rehearsals, btw. So even if Hybe plans on dropping a hd version of the concert, THIS CLIP WILL NOT BE THERE. so this is it, just a grainy video footage, taken by an ARMY (god I can't express how much I love them for taking the clip) and nothing more, like no HD? Why is my life so messed up, Jesus! )
Jungkook. The golden maknae. The hip thrust right before the second chorus in Run BTS. (Shouldn't have put that right up, but I have my priorities) Dudee, why this man. Like why??! him just being everything we need(along with his hyungs, obvi). The fucking Audacity.
BTS went all out this time. Their energy levels are just amazing. I love that they are fulfilling their duties as the ambassadors. This might be their possible last concert before the enlistment. Joon said that things will be clear later. And I trust him and trust all of them. So I'll wait. But untill then, hope I don't die alone with 90 million+ people.
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hiddensarang · 1 year
1. (edited) sksks guess who got the download. imma start ranting more often cause i found that shit like 10 minutes later. anywho time for gifs of my dumb corporate kids  2. project vate is complete; will it survive? meh but (it’s public, everything is HD and should be downloadable)  but the vault (aka the ones unlisted under their names in korean) will serve as a back up 
3. there is not a doubt in my mind vate will crash and burn. lmao, between nate being shady with audra. i just know she gonna double time his ass. vate will definitely be humbled in the worst of ways-  however imma watch tho. the way the chemistry is chemistrying between SD/AH have me in a chokehold; it’s so natural and y’all know i love when ships behave domestic and they do; real bad (kdramas have conditioned me far too well)   4. i absolutely love the trope of the cold hearted bitch falling in love. it’s always gonna do it for me. however, vate’s dynamic is problematic af because usually one person needs to have a conscience (for them in business) to talk the other back from the brink of self-destruction but nate is very much on board to use/be used and that will only equal mutal assured destruction. if he still has a job there at the end of this i’ll be so surprised lolol 
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orpiner · 2 years
Dreams and nightmares lyrics
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Meek mill dreams and nightmares lyrics hd lyricsmusiconair. Meek Mill Dreams And Nightmares Lyrics Hd dream is the founder of the dream smp, the server's owner, and its first member. for the mexican counterpart, see mexican dream. for the canon protector counterpart, see dreamxd smp. for the smp that the dream team and their friends play on, see dream smp. for the r who plays this character, see dream. This page is about the character from the dream smp. don't make me turn yo baby to a hostage, boy. the white done turned my niggas into nazis, lord. i just give em' yo address and go to sleep. it really hurt me when they killed shawty, i was locked up in ma cell, when i had to read about it and, when they killed dd, left from out of philly, we was young and getting money man we used to run the city, we was rockin all the shows and f*cking all them hoes and when they killed barrel. (baby i can see you in my dreams) baby imma let it all out let it sing, one on one you shine a beam i don't ever need to see you, when i close my eyes i see you in my dreams ‎ baby (baby) can.ĭreams & nightmares lyrics. catch me down in mia, at that heat game on wood. when you touchdown in my hood, no that tour life ain't good. if you diss me in yo' raps, i'll get your pussy ass stuck up. If you ain't about that murder game then pussy nigga shut up. Ain't this what they've been waiting for? you ready? i used to pray for times like this, to rhyme like this so i had to grind like that to shine like this in a matter of time i spent on some locked up shit in the back of the paddy wagon, cuffs locked on wrists see my dreams unfold, nightmares come true it was time to marry the game and i said. Boy, i slide down on your block (block), bike on 12 o'clock (rah) and they be throwin' deuces on the same nigga they watch (meek milly) and i'm the king of my city 'cause i'm still callin' them. See my dreams unfold, nightmares come true it was time to marry the game and i said, "yeah, i do" if you want it you gotta see it with a clear eyed view got a shorty, she tryna bless me like i said, "achoo" like a nigga sneezed, nigga please before them triggers squeeze i'm gettin' cream, never let them hoes get in between.
you have to make your search to receive your free quote hope you are okay have a nice day. Support your author by means of purchasing the first character Dream Nightmares Lyrics Dreamcop therefore the creator can provide the most beneficial about along with keep on operating Here at looking for perform all kinds of residential and commercial work. The actual article Dream Nightmares Lyrics Dreamcop should be only for beautiful demo if you such as the articles remember to purchase the first about. We get good plenty of Beautiful images Dream Nightmares Lyrics Dreamcop beautiful image but we all merely display the article that people think are the ideal about. Here's an index of reading Dream Nightmares Lyrics Dreamcop best By just placing syntax we possibly can one piece of content to as much completely Readable versions as you may like we inform and show Creating stories is a rewarding experience for your requirements. BILARASA.COM - View nightmares quotyeah quotachooquot want with let a true you sneezed was my like got doquot the game in squeeze nigga i gettin39 them tryna a i bless gotta cream time she come and it eyed hoes i39m dreams clear shorty See before nigga unfold i between- a you said to triggers please it marry me them get if like see it never said
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ladyotakukiut · 5 years
me @ my sister & bro-in-law: I need to build a better pc with the highest graphic card available!!
Them: what you need pricy build pc for?? You’re just playing games....
Them: ???????
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ingeniousmindoftune · 2 years
The Sextape, Part Five.
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Words: 2K.
Warning(s); mentions of bodily fluids, aggressive sex, implied murder plot
Since this is so successful, part of me is contemplating on turning it into a story, But I am not sure and don’t think I forgot about too much to drink.
All gifs are not mine, I found them on pinterest/google search, so if they are yours all credit to you. I need to make my own gifs man someone tell me how I can get scenes from an entire episode! Please and how I can make HD gifs. Comment below. Thank you.
Let’s get to it.
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“Are you willing to die for this girl, man? Not that any of us would let that happen. I certainly won’t but you just need to ask yourself- Is she worth all of this?” Angel asks, looking down at me as I was fixing my bike. I will give Rio some credit, he was stupid enough to walk in the club house alone but next time, he won’t be walking out. I stopped what I was doing, rag in hand. “Of course.” I answered, shaking my head. “I don’t need you fighting my battles, Angel. I can handle Rio myself.”
Angel shook his head, “I just think you’re making a mistake. I mean, he was bold enough to show up here- I do know one thing- She has a type.”
“And what’s that?” I laugh softly, shaking my head, “She likes criminals. She likes the thrill of two men pinning themselves against each other- It's a thrill for her. She wants to feel wanted. You two made her feel that way,” Deep down, I knew he was right but at the same time. None of that matters to me because I loved her. I knew her. I hated that I was in this situation but I told myself if I ever saw her again, I wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to be with her. I slightly brushed the side of my face. “It’s my decision.” I looked back at him. He was about to speak when a car pulled up, I looked up to see who it was, I slightly frowned because I didn’t recognize the vehicle. “You expecting someone?” He asked me. Shaking my head no. “I was about to ask you that.”
He placed his hand in his waist band to get his gun, I stood up to get mine only to freeze when I saw who got out. “Whoa, whoa, put that away.”
“You know her?” He questioned. I forgot he’s never actually met her, I nod my head. “It’s Y/n.” He raised an eyebrow, “Damn, I see why you not letting up.” I laugh playfully shoving him, he chuckled leaning against his bike, she strolled up the driveway, pushing her shades off her eyes, using it to push her hair back. She smiled softly at me and glanced at Angel, slightly waving. “Hi, is this a bad time?” She asks me. “Hey.” Angel nods. “If you ever get tired of him, I’ll be more then happy to rock your world.”Angel janks. She raised an eyebrow than laughed. “I’m good, thanks for the offer though.” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t sweat him. That’s my brother Angel, the one I was telling you about.” He chuckled, “Imma leave you two love birds, I got business anyways, talk to you later.” We hugged, he hopped on his bike and left along with the rest of the crew. “Hop on.” I told her, getting on the bike handing her my helmet. “Um, what?” I knew she always had this big fear of motorcycles, her uncle was killed on one and she just never looked at one to ride. She admired them, but was terrified. “I’m not getting on that thing, Ez.” I sighed looking at her. “You trust me?” She nods. “Of course I do.” I patted the back. “Let’s go to my trailer, we can talk freely there. And no one knows where its at so you don’t have to worry about Rio. You can leave your car here. Just hold on to me and know that I won’t do anything that’ll endanger your life.”
She looked at me with trusting eyes, nodding as she got on. Once I was sure her helmet was on, I started up the bike, She snaked her arms around me tight earning a low chuckle. “I got you,” I assured her.
The sounds of the roaming and roaring of my bike was all we could hear. She held onto me so tight, at first but soon she loosened her grip, I looked back at her then back at the road. “You okay?” She nodded her head, “I am. I’m just trying to not be so scared.” She answers. “Its okay, I understand your fear.” Not too long after we pulled up to my trailer, I unlocked the door and went inside, taking her hand, I helped her inside. We walked over and sat down. “It’s small but its home, for now.” Sitting on the couch, I pulled her down on my lap. She took in the place. “You like?” I question, tucking her hair behind ear. “Alot cleaner than I expected,” I burst out laughing. “You thought I was a junkie?” She laughs. “No, but I mean when you said trailer, I just assumed.”
“You should know by now baby, assumptions are never good.”
She nods. “You bring all your women here or?” I shook my head no. “No, not that there are any other women but you’re the only i’ve brought here. You knew that though, you was just curious and wondering if I was with another woman, you know you can just come out and ask me.” She traced my patch on my vest. “Okay, are you seeing another woman?” Looking her in the eyes, I shook my head no. “No. I’m not. Barely have the time.” She hit my chest, I laughed. “But what’s the matter, Y/N? You never come down to the club.” She played with her freshly manicured nails. I took them in mine. “You come and try to break this off again?”
“I have to, Ez, Rio wants your head and he wants you dead. And If this doesn’t stop you’ll end up in a body bag.”
I laughed. “You really think I’m going to let that happen? Nah’. I’m not going to let that happen, hear me? I’m not worried about Rio. I’ll deal with him if he comes my way.” She shook her head. “No this just needs to end, this has been going on long enough.” Running my hand down my face, I looked her over. “Is that what you really want?” She looked me in the eyes, even I could see she didn’t want this to stop. “Y-yes. It has to.” I lifted her chin. “Does it?” She smacked her lip. “Stop doing that, Ez. You making it so hard right now, you knew this wasn’t supposed to go like this. It was just supposed to have been a one time thing. You and I have two different lives now. I’m married, and you deserve to be happy.”
“Okay,” I simply nodded. I knew this wasn’t what she wanted but if she told me enough was enough I wasn’t about to stand in the way of that, but did I want this to end? No, but at the same time, I knew she wasn’t done with me. “Okay? That’s all you have to say? No, smart remark or anything?” I shrugged, “I mean, you tried to leave before- It didn’t work out so what makes me think this is any different. Yeah, I know that you fear for my safety but is this really what you want? Yeah, this might have started out as a revenge trip- But now we both know this is something more. You and I always had something special.”
She shook her head, “That was in the past, Ezekiel. You and I are two entirely different people now. I’m not some young girl anymore and you’re not the same young boy fresh out of prison.”
“That’s true. But do me a favor?” She nods looking at me. “Anything.” Gazing into her beautiful Y/E/C eyes. I planted a kiss on her lips. “One last time, huh?” She nodded her head already knowing what I wanted, I grinned lifting her up taking her towards my bed, lying her down on it, I stripped out of my vest and white tee. Leaving me in nothing but my pants and boots, she leaned up starting to unbutton her blouse, I kissed her lips again, tasting the strawberry flavored lip balm, once her blouse was completely unbuttoned, I tossed it somewhere in the room after practically prying it off of her body. She didn’t break our kisses not once, raising her arm as I reached around and uncupped her bra, our tongues wrestled for dominance, lying her flat on her back . I hovered over her kissing on her neck earning some moans.
Lifting her skirt, I placed my hands inside her black lace thongs. She knew what she was doing when she came here dressed the way she did. She knew she wanted me just as much as I wanted her and sure for her it might just be the sex, but for me it was far more. She bit down on my bottom lip softly, I pulled away looking down at her. “You wanna play?” I smirked down, rubbing her pussy with my hands, rubbing the folds and her clit until she started to get wet, once she was wet enough. I slipped my middle finger in, then the index, just watching her facial expressions was a whole other level of turn ons for me.
Just when I thought she couldn’t turn me on anymore, she licked her juices off my fingers whilst looking me in the eyes. “I want you now,” She whispered, “No foreplay. I just want you inside me.”
I didn’t hesitate on her request, dropping my pants and boxers to the floor after kicking off my boots, she laid on her stomach with her ass up and face buried in the pillow below her head, pulling her back, I reached over grabbing a condom to slip on. “Fuck the condom, your pull out game strong, I need you in me… NOW!” I bit my lip, tossing the condom I slipped deep inside her ass first, giving her long deep thrusts, she moaned. “Mmm shit.” I grunted with each thrust. Each stroke I gave her the more cream came out her ass, speeding up my rhythmn, I grinded in and out of her pulling her hair in my hands. “Ah yes! Fuck. Just like that.” She threw her ass back on me sending me in a frenzy, I grunted throwing my head back starting the beat her ass up the way she liked it, For a soft spoken, sweet girl- She loved intense, hot, steamy and occasionally rough sex. She always has since the first time we fucked years ago. Pulling her head back, I placed a sloppy wet kiss on her lips. “You like that baby? You like the way I’m fucking you and beating down your walls right now?”
“Oh God, fuck yes! Give it to me just like thatt.” She moaned louder as her body shook. “Shit.”
I pulled out her ass, slipping in her pussy rubbing her asshole with my thumb sticking it deep inside her ass as it throbs. “Fuck meeee,” She moaned. “Yes, daddy!” Speeding up, she earned moans, “Fuck you so wet baby, and tight shit.” She reaches her arm around spreading her ass cheeks so I can deeper inside. “Mmm, I wanna feel you in my guts, Shit.”
Pulling out, she got up just in time, taking all of my juices in her mouth the best that she could. Spreading her lips apart, I placed my dick in her mouth giving her slow strokes, speeding up. I reached down, rubbing her clip and folds with my fingers. She moaned against my dick sending vibrations. “Just like that.” I moaned, I hissed. “Ah shiiiiit.” Releasing all over her face again, she smiled up at me licking it al up like the freak she was. Wiping her face and licking the rest of my cum, she laid back on her back, I pulled her down, watching as her legs were spread like a butterfly, rubbing her clit with my thumb, I watched how wet she was and how she was creaming on my dick. The most beautiful sight. “Look at that, somebody missed this dick huh?”
“Y-yes, fuck RIO!”
I stopped. She quickly covered her mouth, clenching my jawline. I pulled out and looked at her. “Fuck you just call me?”
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Fuck, what the hell just happened? I knew damn well I was not fucking Rio. It was a difference between each of their styles, rhythm and strokes like night and day so how could I fuck up and call him Rio? I didn’t catch myself in time.
“I’m so sorry, Ez.”
He looked at me, “Rio? Do I look like fucking Rio to you?” You sighed deeply, grabbing his arm. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” He smacked his lip, getting into the bed. “Lay back,” I did as he asked, pulling me down, he slipped back in me, his strokes became more passionate yet aggressive and deeper, he leaned down looking me in the eyes before whispering into my ear. “Don’t call me that name again, what’s my name?” The base and depth of his voice sent chills down my spine. You could hear the hurt, frustration and seduction in his voice, with each stroke he made sure to remind me he wasn’t Rio. Each whisper in my ear of sweet nothings, and kisses on my ear lope and neck that brought me to his mercy. “Mm, I’m sorry.” I moaned as he thrusted his hips, the more he did so, the deeper he was inside my stomach, He was driving my body and I was just along for the ride. “Whats my damn name?”
Opening my eyes, I looked around feeling for him but he was no where to be found, I couldn’t feel my lower legs. I groaned, leaning my head back. Shit. “Ezekiel!” I called out for him but had no response, I called for him again and about a good two minutes later he was entering the room, shirtless with a beer in his hand. “Sure, I’m not Rio?” He mutters. I sighed deeply. “You know I didn’t mean to call you his name. What time is it?” He looked at me for a good five minutes, crawling in bed with me, he pulled my legs down so I was closer to him, he leans down kissing my lips. “How are you feeling?”
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He groaned. “I’m sorry.” He kissed my jawline. “It’s okay, I’m sore in a good way,” i smirked a little, “I need to get home though,” I sat up slowly, He looked at me. “Mmm, spend the night.” I shook my head, “You and I both know that's a bad idea besides, I need to get home and soak in the tub, you gotta take me back to my car. You know me spending the night isn’t a good idea.” As much as I wanted to stay, I had to keep telling myself no. He nods helping me to my feet, wrapping his arms around my waist, “So, is this goodbye?”
“I think it is.”
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With her car in the shop for some minor repairs, She had to take my car and with that being said, I had tracked it to the clubhouse which only pissed me off even more. But, I would deal with all of that another day. I realized now she wouldn’t be satisfied until her lover ended up in a body bag, and I was about to make her wish come true. Shutting the front door and setting the alarm, I tossed my keys on the island. Noticing that my range was back out front again, walking up the stairs, I could smell her favorite scented candle and her favorite milk and honey scented bubble bath, Taking off my jacket, I rested it on the bed, walking towards the bathroom, seeing her in the tub drinking some red wine.
Leaning down planting a kiss on her lips, “You okay?”
“I am.” She pushes herself further into the water, I nod my head looking at her body over noticing the hickey on her shoulder blade, Clenching my jawline. “You went to see him?” She nodded her head. “And before you go with that threatening shit, you can cut it out- We ended things, plus you cant say shit when you not getting rid of your bitch. What if I killed her?” I shook my head, “You wouldn’t and I made it clear with her thats its just business, you feel free, you can come with me on the next meet.” She splashed the water slightly, “I don’t care at this point but stay the hell away from him RIo and I mean that. And instead of talking all of that shit just… fight for me.” Stripping out my clothes. I got in the tub, “Come here.”
She came over to my side, lying her head on my chest. I kissed her cheek and whispered in her ear, “I am, and that’s why I’m going to kill him.” I kissed her ear. She moved away from me. “I swear if you lay a hand on his head, I will never speak to you again. I swear I’ll divorce you, Rio and take your ass down so fucking fast! Where do you get off huh?? You have no right to be upset here.”
“I told you to stay away from him, didn’t I?”
Rolling her eyes. “You touch him, Rio and I swear. We are done.” Running my hand down my face. “You expect me to keep standing by and watching my wife sneak around with her ex? And it’s too late.” She looked at me, “W-What you mean, it’s too late?” He shook his head. “Don’t worry, he’s not dead. I just roughed him up a bit. He and I had a little tussle.” She looked at me for a long time. “How could you do that?”
“I warned you to stay away from him.”
Hurt plastered over her face. “The only reason I didn’t kill him is because of you. But let me make it clear, as of today. There will be no more Ezekiel. Don’t think about him, dream about him, talk about him. None of that, I spared him once because the love I have for you but that doesn’t mean I won’t take care of him for good. I’m not scared of his boys. And as far as Beth goes, she’s just business and you’re going to trust that. You can come to meets with me if you want, I don’t care. It’s business.”
“You’re not being fair.”
He shrugged. “I don’t care, I said what needed to be said. You wanted me to fight and make up for the hurt I caused you, you wanted to play even. Now we even. You hurt me back. Now can we hang up this childish ass game and get back to where we were?”
“We can’t.” She shook her head. “Not now.”
I sighed deeply. “So what you want from me?” She sighed deeply, looking away from me. “You shouldn’t of touched him. I had already called things off with him today, you shouldn’t have touched him.” I smacked my lips. “I told you next time I found out you were with him, things would be less civilized. If it makes you feel any better , he got licks in too. Let it be done here, it needs to end here so we both can move on.”
“I’m about to check on him. Don’t even think about following me.” She got out the tub
Yes, I’m aware his son name is Marcus and not Marco.
@rio-reid-sluttt @skyesthebomb @laylasbunbunny
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firemblem-fics · 4 years
every monastery student as out of context quotes i have from my friends
a/n | sorry i just can't write normally today i'm trying doe i'm doing this for inspo
also uh this is really just me showing y'all my funny quotes and i can just imagine this character with this quote kinda thing pls don't take it seriously
black eagles
edelgard: "i don't have time for body shots, [name], im a LESBIAN"
hubert: "why are you crying" "[edelgard] says she hates me"
bernadetta: "either i'm sweating or i peed myself" "you can't tell?" "i don't know man i'm trippin ASS"
linhardt: "bitch shut up!! no one is asleepin' "
caspar: "you wanna hear good music? listen to madonna. a classy bitch."
dorothea: "my tits enter the room before i do"
petra: "he's a big bear." "who's a big bitch?"
ferdinand: "women don't need rights because i fuck men"
blue lions
dimitri: "my clothes are baggy and layered to hide my horse dick"
annette: "ugh is he really still alive? in this economy?"
mercedes: "that's geraldine. i hated her. she's dead now."
felix: "i might be gay but these hands bisexual baby i'll fight anybody"
sylvain: "i take the morning after pill like it's a vitamin"
sylvain pt 2: "why are you here? the brothel's down the road."
ashe: "his dad adopted him from the clearance section" 
dedue: "im a giant. fe fi fo FUCK"
ingrid: "i had a filet mignon" "i don't eat fish."
golden deer
claude: "you never tell us how you feel." "... when's the last time you really looked at your butthole"
hilda: "FUCK HER imma put her in a nursing home and i hope nobody adopt her"
ignatz: "im simply THROBBING with knowledge."
raphael: "he's muscular but you can still tell that's not the arm he beats his schmeat with"
lorenz: "ah, children screaming. doesn't that make you happy?"
lysithea: "you think i'm a 12 year old virgin? WRONG, im a 16 year old virgin"
leonie: "im gonna date every man you like. even your dad. how are you gonna feel when i'm your new mom, huh?"
ashen wolves
yuri: "what goblin are you talking to?" "YOU MOTHERFUCKER"
balthus: "i don't know what the FUCK goin on here but my pp itches"
hapi: "you think you're the shit? wrong, you're just regular shit."
constance: "it's so weird to be outside. im in the sun, soakin up them HD rays"
male byleth: "you get detention for saying the f word" "bruh what the fuck"
female byleth: "we usually make fun of her but her dad just died so we can't right now"
rhea: "this isn't a democracy, fuck face."
shamir: "i'll just use my lunch money to buy a bottle of vodka instead"
catherine: "im the reason the block party turns into a glock party"
hanneman: "hey hey HEY don't touch your grandma like that"
flayn: "what grade are you in?" "i-i don't know"'
seteth: "only god makes mistakes"
manuela: "im a doctor. first name brief, last name case. dr briefcase"
jeritza: "i have no time to be snorting cocaine off of someone's dick."
i will tell y'all that 70% of these have come form my mouth if u wanna judge my character on that alone
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kalemakar · 4 years
@mysterystardust @mirroroferisedx @veerledejaegers @sander-klaas @lost-in-an-offbeat-rhythm @virisbitch @engelskeijers @annonnymannonym @zoesrobbe @sanderijzermans @bleachblondebitches @sanabakkoushd and so many more 💕shshsjjsk but also @snorbs you are so amazing ily💞
@mysterystardust i only followed you today but i must say your posts are -spicy- and i love your “ The opinion of a Skam fan on having a remake in their own country” post! its so well written and i loved reading it!!   💕
@mirroroferisedx your gifs? STUNNING!! i just--im always like wowowowow when i see them (especially the purple rain gifset). teach me your wayz bc omg they are soooo prettyyyyyyy 💕💕💕
@veerledejaegers how have you only been making gifs for 3 weeks?!! theyre soo amazing and the c o l o r s. i wish i could get on your level bc omg i love them alll. also youre so funny i love your texts posts sm 💕
@sander-klaas youre so mature and whenever the fandoms going through something you show up with this beautifully articulated post and i wish i had more than 5 braincells like you. but like youre also realllllly funny and youre photo edits are stunningggggg. ly btw💕💕
@lost-in-an-offbeat-rhythm tasfia was right youre so cool and even tho we havent talked that much you are still very nice to talk to. ilysm and if i ever need anyone to talk to about them bois i gotchuuuu 💕💕💕💕💕
@virisbitch imma just copy and paste the other one here {first off ly 💕and second youre so heckin and nice and funny and awesome and [inserts other synonyms here]! youre rankings are so funny and so accurate for some reason 😂. i look forward to seeing your interactions with anons and whatever you post :) you also helped me when i was really upset before so thank you. youre caring and so sweet. 🥺💕}
@engelkeijsers  we dont interact that mcuh but omg i love your oufit ranking for the skam characters!!! also your text posts are so relatable and funnyyyy 💕💕
@annonymannonym  youre art is so beuatful im in aweee!! your line drawings are sooo beautiful and flawless!!!! i love waiting for more of them 💕
@zoesrobbe youre gifs have me like 👁️👄👁️. they are soooo beautifullll. i love the coloring and they always looks so hd (like they are not grainy at alllllll hoooowww)
@sanderijzermans YOURE WRITING BRENNA I-- i love it sooooooo muuuch! i remember reading unattainable and ill admit i cried at some point (youre writing was just so beatiful how could i nOT) and im loving jij verliest btw 💕💕💕
ida  💕💕💕 💕💕💕 💕💕💕
ilyyyyyy and your gifs are amazing your art is amazing YOURE AMAZING! youre coloring for your gifs are just amazing! youre so fun to talk to and im so glad you popped into my dms and started talking with me. best day of my life on this hellsite. you deserve everything good bc youre so frickin amazing  💕💕💕 💕💕💕 💕💕💕 i simply cannot put into words how much ily
omg!!!! youre gifs of all the sana characters?? AMAZING!! the coloring and the ideas and how hd they look? its just amazing i love seeing them come up on my dash  💕💕💕 💕💕💕
iwdjoqweiforiujfuheifur who is she 
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*SPOILERS* for TGD 3x12 “Mutations” aka this is me typing from the dead because this episode gave me more then one heart attack 😭🙏🏼
Also I’m sorry this post got so long I’m just so excited/happy Jesus Christ like wow just wow
So I wasn’t initially going to watch this live because I have work at 5 in the morning 🙃 and because I wouldn’t be able to pause it while my hands try to keep up with my thoughts but it’s been so long since I’ve been able to do it and I missed it despite my hatred of commercials lol so wish me luck!
Also I’m very very excited for the melendaire content we’re getting tonight since they’re working together again and I’m freakin hoping at this prom they throw Melendez either does a double take at how nice Claire looks OOOOR we get him asking her dance 😭 just SOMETHING PLZZZ
I haven’t even started the ep yet and already can’t wait to see some of the moments in hd tomorrow once it comes on Hulu 😂
I can’t believe shaun is really gonna move out like I get where Carly is coming from but shaun is allowed to have female friends and after some theories from the last ep I’m worried shaun only told Carly he loved her so she wouldn’t leave him like “everyone else”
Aww adorable these two are so cute and Claire thinks they’re adorable as well and imma sue abc if one half of that couple dies or even worse BOTH
Melendaire group chat finally popping again 😭 although I don’t text back until break I love y’all tho 💕💕
So secret checkups with glassy and Morgan 👀 when are ppl gonna find out about her arthritis for the drama~~
Oh my god since when does Melendez go in there for MRIs it’s so just to see Claire oh my god Melendez being in love with Claire and her usual compassion
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Omg cuties joking about Claire going to therapy and it working well and talking about love and being happy
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Like why else have them interact like that omfgggg I can’t not even five minutes in and we were already getting melendaire content 😭 THEYRE SOULMATES
God damn it I knew it something was gonna happen to the girl since the guy is a okay
Well damn that medication Morgan is on for her arthritis is FUCKING her up smh 🤦🏻‍♀️
Aww all she wanted was one prom but we know Claire will make it happen for her
Aww them talking about prom and Melendez wanting Claire’s answer and her talking about her mom so freely and then going to see glassy together THE MELENDAIRE MOMENTS KEEP COMING 🙏🏼
The fact the writers were just like fuck park lmao he doesn’t even need to be in this scene with Melendez & Claire or instead of Claire 😂
I’m surprised Carly didn’t say anything about lea knowing their business again
Lmaoo Andrews calling Morgan out about sucking up and her owning it
Claire you are not sorry for overstepping don’t lie lol
Sharly working together professionally how adorable
Park is so annoying I’m v done with him he has no soul IM TIRED OF IT
I have missed Claire being pushy to help her patients
I’m glad Carly’s smarts and her being badass scenes are being extended past the lab
Oof Melendez being supportive of his boo and unsurprised of Claire wanting to make their patient happy (BECAUSE HE LOVES HER FOR IT AND IS GRATEFUL HE GETS TO WORK WITH HER REMEMBER) and wanting her to find a way around the mom 😭😭
God I love these two
Oof trouble with sharly has risen
Awww Carly and shaun getting each other and their ideas and finishing each other’s sentences l*mlendez could NEVER but melendaire could 😂 sorry cheap shot I know ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Glassy is gonna out Morgan on her arthritis soon I feel it
Wow a shaire moment when was the last time they shared a fucking scene like they’re supposed to be besties wtf happened writers?!!? Aaaand it’s over in like a minute
😭😭 Claire is such an angel she’s the freakin BEST
Carly using science to explain how she feels to shaun cute
Oh my god no you can’t use an Ed sheeran song with cancer patients 😭😭 that makes it 20x sadder
Melendez and Claire are totally staring at each other in awe omg
Omg Claire Melendez are chaperones park no where to be found y’all know what that MEANS and they’re the only other people there they better fucking dance together omg I can’t he just said Claire looked to be feeling idiotic happiness 😭
AND HOLY FUCKING SHIT I WAS RIGHT I FROZE AND COULDNT BREATHE BUT MELENDEZ REALLY DID ASK CLAIRE TO DANCE AND THEY DID HOLY SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE WE GOT THAT MELENDAIRE MOMENT I’VE BEEN DYING AND WAITING FOR SINCE I SAW THE BTS SCENE OF CLAIRE IN THAT OUTFIT AND FOUND OUT THIS EP WAS GONNA BE A PROM EP I had to type all that after the moment ended so I could really experience it since I can’t pause OR rewind but I was yelling oh my god so much my sister had to ask if I was okay 😂😭 I had a heart attack when he asked her if she wanted to dance ngl
Claire being inspirational and giving good speeches again I love her so much and am so glad she’s doing better
Carly you better not have changed your MEDICAL opinion because you wanted it to align with Shaun’s 🙄
Wow glassy you really had no other ideas nor could you jump in I hate him
The melendaire exchanging looks scenes are back in action
Wow that Carly and shaun moment was super adorable him calling her idea perfect and brilliant and her being brilliant and almost perfect 😭
Man they really said fuck park this ep huh he isn’t with Claire and Melendez again
But boy shit no she died 😩😩
Wtf why can’t Claire and her patients ever catch a BREAK like leave Claire ALONE and omg does Claire being heartbroken again mean we get another Melendez comforting Claire scene?! Becaus the way he stared after her after she ran off 👀👀 oof is NOT platonic lol
Aww sharly held hands to comfort and support each other
Holy shit I was right suck it katie @pinkobsessedfreak (I’m just kidding I love you 😂💕💕) for bringing the group chat down and shutting my theory down
BECAUSE GUESS WHAT WE SERIOUSLY GOT MELENDEZ GOING AFER CLAIRE WITH ANOTHER STAIRS AND BALCONY SCENE AND HIM COMFORTING HER AND MAKING HER FACE HER FEELINGS AND TELLING HER ITS OKAY TO BE ANGRY AT HER MOM (I was robbed of a hug but it’s okay I got everything else I fucking needed tonight) and now he has an idea for with something that makes him feel better
That fake out 😂😂
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don’t y’all love how lim was in this epcand yet we didn’t get a SINGLE l*’mlendez ep because I sure af do!!! Also park who?? Lmao he was hardly in this ep even tho he working the same patient with Melendez and Claire they really shoved him out to make these endless melendaire moments happen
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Also in other news shaun lost his v card and it looks like we’ll get some more Morgan angst with her mom possibly dying or some shit like that like man these writers really don’t want any of the residents and doctors to have good parents or alive ones for that matter lmao
Also some breznick moments which will be cute
We’ve really gotten Melendez comforting Claire not once not twice BUT THREE TIMES this season. This really is our season and people try to say Melendez treats all his residents like he does Claire or that he has done the same for others before YEAH FUCKING RIGHT
Okay I’m done I think freaking out at least on this post freak out about it in the comments with me tho or my ask or by reblogging just be happy with me okay 😂
P.S. check out my melendaire gifset that’s not showing up in the tags 🙃
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